Ошибка ics ipv6 при настройке стека ipv6

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  • Hello,

    I have developed a small utility for providing WiFi hotspot connectivity.

    The utility uses Wlan API to perform the hotspot functions. The utility is working alright and when I start the hotspot using this utility, I am able to use the hotspot alright.

    However, when I start or stop the hotspot using this utility, then a event with Event ID 34001 is logged in windows Event viewer (Event Viewer -> Windows Logs -> System). Source of event is «SharedAccess_NAT» and the description of event
    is «The ICS_IPV6 failed to configure IPv6 stack».

    This event is logged each time the hotspot connection is started and stopped. I am sure that I am using the Wlan API methods correctly as I double-checked them for any specific IPV6 related configurations.

    Can anybody shed some light to the reason behind this Event? Any help would be appreciated.



    PS: I am pasting the event details below:

    ############# Event Details Start ################

    Log Name:      System
    Source:        Microsoft-Windows-SharedAccess_NAT
    Date:          12/5/2014 1:52:33 PM
    Event ID:      34001
    Task Category: None
    Level:         Error
    Keywords:      Classic
    User:          N/A
    Computer:      MH-Dev
    The ICS_IPV6 failed to configure IPv6 stack.
    Event Xml:
    <Event xmlns=»http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event»>
        <Provider Name=»Microsoft-Windows-SharedAccess_NAT» Guid=»{A6F32731-9A38-4159-A220-3D9B7FC5FE5D}» EventSourceName=»ipnathlp» />
        <EventID Qualifiers=»0″>34001</EventID>
        <TimeCreated SystemTime=»2014-12-05T04:52:33.000000000Z» />
        <Correlation />
        <Execution ProcessID=»0″ ThreadID=»0″ />
        <Security />

    ############# Event Details End ################


  • Dear Roger hello,

    As per my findings posted by me on 17-Dec, for now, I would take the answer as toggling the following registry key to circumvent this problem:

    Path: HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesTCPIP6Parameters

    Key: EnableICSIPv6

    Value: 1 (Enabled, by default), 0 (disabled)

    However, I am sure that this event is caused by a normal functionality of ICS.


    Rajesh Nath

    • Marked as answer by

      Tuesday, January 20, 2015 9:20 AM

    • Edited by
      Rajesh Nath
      Tuesday, January 20, 2015 9:21 AM
      Typo correction

Извините что перестал отвечать,отсутствие сигнала (шутки провайдера).
1)Система Windows 7х64 Максимальная Service Pack 1 (если я правильно понял Ваш вопрос).

Итак что я имею как и было подмечено выше 1 сбойный блок на ЖД,при попытке вылечить(восстановить) из под Dos (хвалёнными в интернете) программами  
HDAT2,MHDD,Victoria не справились (хотя может это я глупый  :help:  ), решила мою проблему только программа DRevitalize 1.2 ,она правда работала в 10 раз медленнее остальных(я так понял именно физически починился сектор),но мне повезло что сектор оказался в начале ЖД.

2)На радостях снова полез в журнал событий и наткнулся на такое:

Источник: Application Error

Имя сбойного приложения: mqsvc.exe, версия: 6.1.7600.16385, отметка времени: 0x4a5bd099

Имя сбойного модуля: MQQM.dll, версия: 6.1.7601.17514, отметка времени 0x4ce7c7a8

Код исключения: 0xc0000005

Смещение ошибки: 0x00000000000fc3a4

Идентификатор сбойного процесса: 0xa8c

Время запуска сбойного приложения: 0x01d47df5b99e6f29

Путь сбойного приложения: C:Windowssystem32mqsvc.exe

Путь сбойного модуля: C:Windowssystem32MQQM.dll

Код отчета: f7bf9d76-e9e8-11e8-84f2-00241d8d9eae





      [ Name] Application Error


EventID 1000

      [ Qualifiers] 0


Level 2       Task 100       Keywords 0x80000000000000     TimeCreated

      [ SystemTime] 2018-11-16T21:45:44.000000000Z


EventRecordID 78970       Channel Application       Computer Rock-ПК       Security


      mqsvc.exe       6.1.7600.16385       4a5bd099       MQQM.dll       6.1.7601.17514       4ce7c7a8       c0000005       00000000000fc3a4       a8c       01d47df5b99e6f29       C:Windowssystem32mqsvc.exe       C:Windowssystem32MQQM.dll       f7bf9d76-e9e8-11e8-84f2-00241d8d9eae

И на такое: Источник:WMI

Event filter with query «SELECT * FROM __InstanceModificationEvent WITHIN 60 WHERE TargetInstance ISA «Win32_Processor» AND TargetInstance.LoadPercentage > 99″ could not be reactivated in namespace «//./root/CIMV2» because of error 0x80041003. Events cannot be delivered through this filter until the problem is corrected.




      [ Name] Microsoft-Windows-WMI       [ Guid] {1edeee53-0afe-4609-b846-d8c0b2075b1f}       [ EventSourceName] WinMgmt


EventID 10

      [ Qualifiers] 49152


Version 0       Level 2       Task 0       Opcode 0       Keywords 0x80000000000000     TimeCreated

      [ SystemTime] 2018-11-16T21:45:12.000000000Z


EventRecordID 78969       Correlation     Execution

      [ ProcessID] 0       [ ThreadID] 0


Channel Application       Computer Rock-ПК       Security


      //./root/CIMV2       SELECT * FROM __InstanceModificationEvent WITHIN 60 WHERE TargetInstance ISA «Win32_Processor» AND TargetInstance.LoadPercentage > 99       0x80041003

Сразу извиняюсь,если это совсем глупые ошибки (разобраться в них ещё сам не успел «по-гуглить  :rolleyes: » ),помогите кто чем может люди  :santa:

П.С. Также внизу прилагаю скрины (мне кажется так проще понять)!




На чтение 2 мин. Просмотров 93 Опубликовано 15.12.2019

Отключение адаптера и повторное включение зависает.

В событиях нашел следующие ошибки:

1) Агенту DNS-прокси не удалось выделить 0 байтов памяти. Эта ошибка может означать, что системе не хватает виртуальной памяти, или что произошла внутренняя ошибка диспетчера памяти;

2) Ошибка ICS_IPV6 при настройке стека IPv6.

Проблема с пк
Обновил крч я такой свой пк Irbis x23, с проца e2200 пересел на зион x5450, и выходит такая проблема
При сидении в нете выходит BSOD с ошибкой 0x08e и ссылается на win32k.sys
Х-ки пк до обновы
Мать P4M900T-M2
Проц Intel Dual core cpu e2200
Память 2 gb ddr2 666 (667)
Остальное в принципе не важно

Дубликаты не найдены

Я вижу, я слышу. пользователя менять нужно.

Другого без логов сказать не смогу

Остальное в принципе не важно 🙂

Главное же есть

ни версии винды

ни скриншота BSODa

ни логов ошибки..

Ванга! тебя зовем! приди!

а что мало О_о два ядра ,два гига,игровая видео карта 😉

а так материнка так себе для 4 ядерники даного

да и винду наверняка не заменил

Судя по сайту EliteGroup Systems, самый лютый ЦП, который умеет эта плата, жрёт 95 Вт (квад 6700). х5450 жрёт 120. Дороги на плате пожечь не страшно?

Получено следующее предупреждение о неустранимой ошибке: 40.
Получено следующее предупреждение о неустранимой ошибке: 70.
Превышение времени ожидания (30000 мс) при ожидании подключения службы «NVIDIA Streamer Network Service».

Сбой при загрузке драйвера(ов) перезагрузки или запуска системы:

ICS_IPV6 не удалось выделить байтов памяти. Эта ошибка может означать, что системе не хватает виртуальной памяти, или что произошла внутренняя ошибка диспетчера памяти
Система перезагрузилась, не завершив полностью работу. Эта ошибка может быть результатом того, что система перестала отвечать, произошел критический сбой, или неожиданно отключилось питание.

Вот это все ошибки за день

Ну что я могу сказать, ребята — Винду не ставил, разрядность не менял пока.
А теперь поподробнее что именно вам нужно? Лог самый основной который вылазит 0x08e

Версия — Windows 7 32bit Максималка
С логами уж подскажите, да с журналом тоже.

  • IP address conflict: this is the system event log: ___The ICS_IPV6 failed to configure IPv6 stack. _ < the provider name = Guid «Microsoft-Windows-SharedAccess_NAT» = «{A6F32731-9A38-4159-A220-3D9B7FC5FE5D}» EventSourceName = «ipnathlp» / > _

    I have a problem of IP stack.  I get an error message that says that my IP address is used by more than one computer on my home network.  My host that is connected to the modem and the router is a windows vista running IE8.  My remote computers XP with IE7.  I also have a Wii running Opera.  I noticed that when one of the XP computers is online, then no other remote computers can connect to the network.  Please help, the event with the description of the error log is highest in the detailed description

    Hi captdexter,

    Welcome to the Microsoft Answers Forum!

    I suggest you follow the steps to resolve the problem that you are experiencing below:

    Step 1:

    Reset TCPIP [Transmission Control Protocol of ProtocolInternet]:

    To reset the stack TCP/IP go to this article and either click on «Fix it for me» or follow the instructions to fix it yourself:


    Step 2:

    Disable the IP helpdesk:

    1 hold the Windows key and type R, type «services.msc» (without the quotes) and press enter

    2. scroll down to the IP assistance service, right-click on it and select Properties.

    3. in the drop-down list box that says «Automatic» or «Manual», set it to disabled and then click ‘apply ‘.

    4. then click on «Stop» to stop the service from running in the current session

    5. click on OK to exit the dialog box

    Disable IPv6:

    Try to uninstall IPv6 on all interfaces, the removal of virtual cards of IPv6 and reset the TCP/IP stack.  To remove the IPv6, go to the properties for each network adapter, and deselect the check box next to the Protocol «Internet Protocol version 6 (TCP/IPv6), which will turn off, or select it and click on uninstall, which withdraw power off the computer.»  Then go into Device Manager and remove any 4to6 adapters, adapters miniport WUN or tunnel adapters.

    NOTE: You should do this for each network connection.

    Disable the DHCP Broadcast Flag:

    Link: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx/kb/928233

    Important: This section, method, or task contains steps that tell you how to modify the registry. However, serious problems can occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. Therefore, make sure that you proceed with caution. For added protection, back up the registry before you edit it. Then you can restore the registry if a problem occurs. For more information about how to back up and restore the registry, click on the number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

    322756 (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/322756 ) how to back up and restore the registry in Windows

    Step 3:

    Windows Vista cannot obtain an IP address from certain routers or some non Microsoft DHCP servers:

    To resolve this issue, disable the DHCP BROADCAST flag in Windows Vista. To do this, follow these steps:

    1. Click Start, type regedit in the search box, and then click regedit in the list programs.

    2. If you are prompted for an administrator password or for confirmation, type your password, or click on continue.

    3. Locate and then click the following registry subkey:

    4 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesTcpipParametersInterfaces {GUID}

    5. in this registry path, click the (GUID) subkey that corresponds to the network adapter that is connected to the network.

    6. on the Edit menu, point to new, and then click DWORD (32-bit) value.

    7. in the new area #1, type DhcpConnEnableBcastFlagToggle and press ENTER.

    8. right click on DhcpConnEnableBcastFlagToggle, then click on modify.

    9. in the value data box, type 1 and then click OK.

    10. close the registry editor.

    By setting this registry key to 1, Windows Vista’s trying to get an IP address using the BROADCAST flag in DHCP Discover packets. If that fails, he will try to obtain an IP address without using the BROADCAST flag in DHCP Discover packets.

    Step 4:

    To clear the DNS cache:

    1. Click Start, type cmd in the search box, and then click cmd in the list programs.

    2. If you are prompted for an administrator password or for confirmation, type your password, or click on continue.

    3. once at the command prompt, type ipconfig/flushdns

    Let us know if the information above helps you.

    Kind regards

    Manasa P-Microsoft Support.

  • My Windows 7 computer has office in the Temp folder! It is wrong and what should I do?

    I had a hard drive because of all the files copied several times (a virus) crash? Restored the my documents, my music and my image folders to the new hard drive of the computer and manually delete the duplicate files.

    New computer works fine but I noticed the structure will computer > disc Local (c) > users > temp > and then Temp are all folders like desktop, downloads, My Documents, my music, etc..

    Is this normal, should I do something? I also have a folder named Temp in the Windows folder, which seems more the usual thing…

    Thank you!

    I’m afraid the old drive crashed due to a virus and is perhaps still LURKING in the new hard drive somehow.

    It seems that if the ‘Temp’ folder is the folder of the user profile of the account named «Temp». Open (Control Panel) user accounts and check if there is a username called «Temp». If so, do not delete this folder.

    Or, click Start, type cmd /k net users (press ENTER) to see the list of user accounts in the system.

  • Shuts off and won’t come back on iPad. Just shows the Apple logo. Does that mean and what should I do now?

    When I woke up yesterday morning after charging my ipad I just couldn’t turn my ipad until I plugged in the laptop… worked well

    Yet once, I woke up this morning it’s the same thing, but now all I see is a dim apple logo and it will turn back not… do not update AFAIK.

    Does that mean and what should I do?

    Try a forced reboot and see if that fixes it. Hold on the sleep and home buttons at the same time for about 10 seconds until the Apple logo appears on the screen.

  • Five of the six updates have been installed correctly, KB2698365 failed with error code 80070570. What should I do to install this important update

    Five of the six updates have been installed correctly, KB2698365 failed with error code 80070570. What should I do to install this important update successfully. I’m not a pc expert and don’t have no knowledge will take it the word of experts from the pc. KB2698365 is ‘important’, so I tried to install it several times, but always failing with error code 80070570. I’ve been on a boring treasure hunt for to install this ‘important’ update, it seems to find no will to give helpful advice anywhere. I would appreciate help installation of this major update, and talk about normal advice, how to install it successfully without failure of the error code 80070570. What is the error code 80070570.? I use windows vista Home premium, service pack 2, 32-bit operating system. I’m using the essentials of security. Thank you for the consideration of this issue. NIC

    Hi, Grizzly7659,

    Follow the instructions given by Taurian & guenoun



  • An error keeps coming back that there is a problem starting werconcpl.dll — the specified module could not be found. What should I do?

    An error keeps coming back that there is a problem starting werconcpl.dll — the specified module could not be found.  What should I do?


    ·         Since when are you facing this problem?

    ·         Were there recent changes made on the computer before the show?

    Follow these methods and check if that helps:

    Method 1:

    This file is a Microsoft Windows System. If you receive the warning on the file, I suggest you to run the latest Microsoft security on your computer Scanner and check if that helps:


    Note: the data files that are infected must be cleaned only by removing the file completely, which means there is a risk of data loss.

    Method 2: Run scan files (SFC) system auditor

    It will scan your computer to check the integrity of files on your system.

    The System File Checker (SFC) utility allows administrators to perform an analysis of all protected resources to make sure they are the correct version. Whether SFC should find all incorrect versions in one of these protected resources, SFC will be replaced by the correct versions.

    SFC follow the steps in the article to run a scan:

    Description of Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 System File Checker (Sfc.exe)


  • My errased sticker product key and I can’t read all the text to reactivate my windows visa. What should I do now?

    My errased sticker product key and I can’t read all the text to reactivate my windows visa. What should I do now?


    You mean the sticker on the case of the Vista operating system pre-installed from Dell, HP, Acer, Toshiba, etc.) ?

    If you do, you can contact your computer manufacturer and ask them to send you a set of recovery disks.

    They should do this for a small fee.

    To reinstall Vista using their recovery disk/s, you start from the 1st recovery disk they provide and follow the manufacturer’s instructions to reinstall:

    You need to change the Boot order to make the DVD/CD drive 1st in the boot order:

    How to change the Boot order in BIOS:


    «How to replace Microsoft software or hardware, order service packs and replace product manuals.


    And if you have never received a recovery disk when you bought your computer, there should be a recovery Partition on the hard drive to reinstall Vista on how you purchased your computer.

    The recovery process can be started by pressing a particular combination of the key or keys at startup. (Power on / start)

    Maybe it’s F10, F11, Alt + F10, etc., depending on the manufacturer.

    Ask them to the proper key sequence.

    And if you do not score a manufacturer of recovery on your hard drive, you should be able to make your own recovery from her disks to reinstall the operating system.

    Go to programs > name of the manufacturer of your computer > then their system or recovery tools software topics for them, depending on how it is formulated.

    If you can’t find any reference to it, contact the manufacturer for advice on how to make these recovery disks.

    The methods above resettlement generally do not require allows you to provide a product key during Installation, the recovery process uses the Installation product key factory to activate automatically during the resettlement process.

    See you soon.

  • Hello, is it possible to use the creative cloud on a chromebook? And how should I «install»? Thank you!

    Hello, is it possible to use the creative cloud on a chromebook? And how should I «install»? Thank you!

    No…. Mac or Windows only

    Well well, with the exception of a few mobile applications which I don’t use

  • After I check what software purchased for download, the only option I get is for Spanish, what should I do?

    After I check what software purchased for download, the only option I get is for Spanish, what should I do?

    If you mean Adobe Acrobat XI, and if you went to download Acrobat products | Standard, Pro | DC, XI, X

    and if you saw the link beside «Spanish» Please include link is to all listed languages, not only for the Spanish.

  • «Most Visited» is missing on personal bar and I can do this by using the suggested corrections, even in safe mode. What should I do?

    «Most Visited» is missing on personal bar and I can do this by using the suggested corrections, even in safe mode. What should I do?

    You didn’t say what you tried. This link shows how to restore — https://support.mozilla.com/kb/Restore+the+default+Smart+Bookmarks+Folders

  • So I recently found my game Age of Mythology. The disc is very good and works, but I have not the case with the number of products to this topic. What should I do?

    So I recently found my game Age of Mythology. The disc is very good and works, but I have not the case with the number of products to this topic. What should I do?

    Hi GuyT6,

    ·         What version of the operating system is installed on the computer?

    I suggest you contact the customer assistance form help and more information.

    How and when to contact Microsoft and support Customer Service




    Quote your full version of Windows (for example, WinXP SP3;) Vista 64 — bit SP2; Win7 RC. Win7) when you post in a forum or a newsgroup. Please do it in your next reply.

    How to fix Windows Update, Microsoft Update and Windows Server Update Services installation issues:

    1. see the «need help?» Tell us what problem you are having»section of http://support.microsoft.com/ph/6527

    2. you cannot install some programs or updates

    3. check your WindowsUpdate.log (% windir%WindowsUpdate.log) to find errors associated with the download/install.

    How to read the WindowsUpdate.log file

    3 b. errors compared to those listed here: http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/blogs/mowgreen/index.php?showentry=1122 or go tohttp://windowsupdate.microsoft.com > click on help and Support link in the left pane > solve problems on your own.


    How to reset the Windows Update settings?


    Visit the Microsoft Solution Center and antivirus security for resources and tools to keep your PC safe and healthy. If you have problems with the installation of the update itself, visit the Microsoft Update Support for resources and tools to keep your PC updated with the latest updates.

    ~ Robear Dyer (PA Bear) ~ MS MVP (that is to say, mail, security, Windows & Update Services) since 2002 ~ WARNING: MS MVPs represent or work for Microsoft

  • Startup Repair:-using Skype, can I use the method of selection for me starts better what should I suggest? Thank you pp

    Startup Repair:-using Skype, can I use the method of selection for me starts better what should I suggest? Thank you pp


    Welcome to Microsoft Vista Forum community!

    Please answer the following questions to help you better about it
    ·         What is the edition of Vista installed on the computer?
    ·         You try to make the Windows Vista startup repair?
    ·         How long have you used Skype for?
    ·         Are you facing problems starting with windows after downloading Skype?

    If you encounter problems with Windows startup after downloading Skype, then you can try to disable the startup of Skype at Windows startup. (For example, in MSN, go to tools > Options > General > do not start when Windows starts.)

    For more information, you can consult the help of Skype: https://support.skype.com/

    Hope this information is useful.
    Let me know if it worked.
    All the best!


    Jeremy K
    Microsoft Answers Support Engineer
    Visit our Microsoft answers feedback Forum and let us know what you think.

  • Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 installation with the 4th vista disc does not work. What should I do?

    Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 installation with the 4th vista disc does not work.  What should I do?


    You get no matter what error code or error message?

    There seems to be a problem with the file missing in the rear disc system. I suggest you to refer to the following Microsoft article and check if it helps.

    Flight Simulator 2004: known video issues: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/823628

    If the steps in the Microsoft article mentioned above do not help, then it would be best to ask your question in the Microsoft Game support forum.

    Microsoft Flight Simulator Games Forum: http://www.fsinsider.com/

    Or contact support for Microsoft Flight Simulator game: http://www.microsoft.com/Products/Games/FSInsider/tips/Pages/default.aspx

    Hope the information is useful.

  • EVERY time my computer from a friend (win7 OS), the following message STARTS opened in Notepad opens, what should I do?

    EVERY time my computer from a friend (win7 OS), the following message STARTS opened in Notepad opens, what should I do?

    the msg in Notepad startup is


    [. ShellClassInfo]



    How can I help him solve/fix for this problem?

    Run msconfig and check in the Startup tab to view all the items being preloaded. There will be a lot but look for those related to Notepad or in a .txt file, uncheck the box it and restart to see if the problem is corrected.

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