Ошибка hd1 cannot get c h s values

Ok, I know there are many questions about this topic, but I can’t found a convince answer (fixing the problem or not).

Recently I bought an SSD drive and installed in main SATA (hd0), I’ve replaced my cd/dvd drive with old hdd drive, using a caddy adapter.

Now I’ve installed Ubuntu on SSD and windows 10 on hdd.

The problem is on the boot, when I select windows in grub menu I’m faced with this error: cannot get C/H/S values.

I can’t set hdd boot on BIOS because it’s expected a ODD driver.

I have a Dell Inspiron 14R-5437.

Is there a workaround for this?

asked Aug 23, 2015 at 3:45

Johnny Willer's user avatar

Johnny WillerJohnny Willer

1011 gold badge2 silver badges9 bronze badges


Same configuration here and same error got.

My workaround was booting from the HDD instead of the SSD.
In my case, I can select the booting device on every computer start-up pressing F11 (so, I just select the HDD when I want to boot Windows).
Otherwise, you might change the boot order on the BIOS setup depending on which system you want to boot up.

answered Mar 16, 2017 at 19:39

Akronix's user avatar


1,2232 gold badges16 silver badges29 bronze badges


Have you tried this, and enter bios and set to legacy boot, and then from boot enter command line, and enter this:

test hd1
badram hd1
dump hd1

and then use

set secondary=hd1

and it might work fine this way.

answered Feb 5, 2016 at 11:54

Michael's user avatar


2,4295 gold badges19 silver badges24 bronze badges




Возможна ли загрузка через grub с девайса, с которого биос не позволяет загружаться?

На ноутбуке стоит SSD в том месте где когда-то стоял винт. Винт теперь стоит там где когда-то был сидюк. С него загрузка через биос почему-то не доступна (в биосе никаких опций на этот счёт нет), соотв. ни одну ОСь с него загрузить невозможно.

В grub.cfg на SSD следующее (для загрузки ОС с винта):

menuentry 'Windows 8 (loader) (on /dev/sdb2)' --class windows --class os $menuentry_id_option 'osprober-chain-DE502CE6502CC6DD' {
	insmod part_msdos 
	insmod ntfs
	set root='hd1,msdos2'
	if [ x$feature_platform_search_hint = xy ]; then
	  search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root --hint-bios=hd1,msdos2 --hint-efi=hd1,msdos2 --hint-baremetal=ahci1,msdos2  DE502CE6502CC6DD
	  search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root DE502CE6502CC6DD
	drivemap -s (hd0) ${root}
	chainloader +1

Конфиг сгенерился автоматом через `grub-mkconfig >/boot/grub/grub.cfg`. При загрузке пишет:

cannot get c/h/s values

Вопрос: вообще возможно загрузиться с такого винта, или бесполезно даже пробовать?

Небольшое дополнение: винда тоже не хотела ставится на винт, для этого пришлось временно вместо SSD поставить винт, установить винду, а потом вернуть всё на свои места. Но грузиться оно от этого не стало.

На всякий случай `blkid`:

/dev/sda1: PARTLABEL="BIOS boot partition" PARTUUID="ac347407-2e7a-4522-8a69-9c21337722b2" 
/dev/sda2: UUID="0c744f5f-59d2-406a-bb5f-ad3dd144bf2e" TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="Linux filesystem" PARTUUID="6714775f-1ea7-478b-bd03-d3bcdf92def9" 
/dev/sda3: UUID="HdQBff-ysyK-Z3uh-Zj8p-0TxH-BSAQ-oNPXoy" TYPE="LVM2_member" PARTLABEL="Linux LVM" PARTUUID="398ad012-ad69-4d6f-87f9-b0ed50dc141b" 
/dev/sdb1: PARTUUID="01152183-01" 
/dev/sdb2: UUID="DE502CE6502CC6DD" TYPE="ntfs" PARTUUID="01152183-02" 
/dev/sdb3: UUID="aKgxfi-0HM0-0OqQ-nKPX-SehJ-1P9k-ZzFx9L" TYPE="LVM2_member" PARTUUID="01152183-03" 
/dev/mapper/MySSD-root: UUID="40b63ef7-1cb0-44c9-85ed-e3b61a180963" TYPE="crypto_LUKS" 
/dev/mapper/MySSD-home: UUID="ddc31faa-6e09-4ab4-8d0b-ab696d56ebeb" TYPE="crypto_LUKS" 
/dev/mapper/MySSD-data: UUID="3096044b-96e6-4bfd-803a-a324d004d583" TYPE="ext4" 
/dev/mapper/MyBackup-backup: UUID="bbb8f928-64d8-4a79-a505-a2630235d62a" TYPE="crypto_LUKS" 
/dev/mapper/MyBackup-media: UUID="4787960e-0ce2-442d-815d-ab263f9bf020" TYPE="xfs" 
/dev/mapper/root: UUID="d9d2200c-310d-4bb8-8623-e8abea36c257" TYPE="ext4" 
/dev/mapper/home: UUID="58f914ea-fc41-4777-9caf-78b3ce7b5ec7" TYPE="ext4

I had a hd0(SSD, GPT), installed Ubuntu.
Now I wanted to install Windows 7 on hd1(HDD, MBR), the 4th primary partition(labeled boot flag).

I tried to install with the original Windows 7 iso. It failed and said,

Windows cannot be installed to this disk. This computer's hardware may not support booting to this disk. Ensure the disk's controller is enabled.

I have no idea, but I tried every approach and failed. My SATA option can’t switch to compatible, but AHCI.

Then I tried to install with Symantec ghost. Went with no error.
I booted into ubuntu and update-grub2.
It created an Windows 7 entry for me.

I rebooted. Failed to boot into hd1.
I got the error message

no such device: 000C6CBB000AE8A8

hd1 cannot get C/H/S values.

When I tried:
grub> ls
Only hd0 appeared, but no hd1.
Even when I stick in my USB stick, grub can identify it. But it can’t identify my HDD.

And I use legacy BIOS.

Here’s the output of fdisk /dev/sdb

Disk /dev/sdb: 465.8 GiB, 500107862016 bytes, 976773168 sectors
Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 4096 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 4096 bytes / 4096 bytes
Disklabel type: dos
Disk identifier: 0xb45b41fe

Device     Boot     Start       End   Sectors   Size Id Type
/dev/sdb2          718848   7010303   6291456     3G  c W95 FAT32 (LBA)
/dev/sdb3  *    680951808 976766975 295815168 141.1G  7 HPFS/NTFS/exFAT
/dev/sdb4         7012350 680951807 673939458 321.4G  5 Extended
/dev/sdb5        85528576 672557055 587028480 279.9G 83 Linux
/dev/sdb6         7012352  85526527  78514176  37.4G 83 Linux
/dev/sdb7       672559104 680951807   8392704     4G 82 Linux swap / Solaris

Partition 4 does not start on physical sector boundary.
Partition table entries are not in disk order.

sdb3 is where I would install Windows7 on


Having a dual boot PC with Windows 10 / Linux Mint 19.3 and using on that PC also a Mint 20.2 external disk, I ran into the problem of not being able to boot the external disk any more (to which I had already transferred important data from the Mint 19.3.)

During my normal startup GRUB let me chose whether I wanted to boot either Windows 10 or Linux Mint 19.3 or Linux Mint 20.2 on the external disk. This does not work any more. I can only boot either Windows 10 or Linux Mint 19.3 but n o t Linux Mint 20.2 on the external disk although it is shown on the startup GRUB screen.

Trying to apply the standard boot repair procedure did not work out. Booting from ATA (whatever that means, but recommended by the boot repair app) was not possible. I ended up with the Linux Mint recovery mode and got the error message: «hd1 cannot get C/H/S values, no such device, you have to start the kernel first».

Hoping that somebody can help me out, I would like to show the current system:

user@user-ThinkPad-T510:~$ sudo fdisk -l
[sudo] Passwort für user:
Festplatte /dev/loop0: 2 GiB, 2147483648 Bytes, 4194304 Sektoren
Einheiten: Sektoren von 1 * 512 = 512 Bytes
Sektorgröße (logisch/physikalisch): 512 Bytes / 512 Bytes
E/A-Größe (minimal/optimal): 512 Bytes / 512 Bytes

Festplatte /dev/loop1: 290,1 MiB, 304140288 Bytes, 594024 Sektoren
Einheiten: Sektoren von 1 * 512 = 512 Bytes
Sektorgröße (logisch/physikalisch): 512 Bytes / 512 Bytes
E/A-Größe (minimal/optimal): 512 Bytes / 512 Bytes

Festplatte /dev/loop2: 219 MiB, 229638144 Bytes, 448512 Sektoren
Einheiten: Sektoren von 1 * 512 = 512 Bytes
Sektorgröße (logisch/physikalisch): 512 Bytes / 512 Bytes
E/A-Größe (minimal/optimal): 512 Bytes / 512 Bytes

Festplatte /dev/loop3: 164,8 MiB, 172761088 Bytes, 337424 Sektoren
Einheiten: Sektoren von 1 * 512 = 512 Bytes
Sektorgröße (logisch/physikalisch): 512 Bytes / 512 Bytes
E/A-Größe (minimal/optimal): 512 Bytes / 512 Bytes

Festplatte /dev/loop4: 55,4 MiB, 58114048 Bytes, 113504 Sektoren
Einheiten: Sektoren von 1 * 512 = 512 Bytes
Sektorgröße (logisch/physikalisch): 512 Bytes / 512 Bytes
E/A-Größe (minimal/optimal): 512 Bytes / 512 Bytes

Festplatte /dev/loop5: 135,4 MiB, 142016512 Bytes, 277376 Sektoren
Einheiten: Sektoren von 1 * 512 = 512 Bytes
Sektorgröße (logisch/physikalisch): 512 Bytes / 512 Bytes
E/A-Größe (minimal/optimal): 512 Bytes / 512 Bytes

Festplatte /dev/loop6: 139,1 MiB, 145883136 Bytes, 284928 Sektoren
Einheiten: Sektoren von 1 * 512 = 512 Bytes
Sektorgröße (logisch/physikalisch): 512 Bytes / 512 Bytes
E/A-Größe (minimal/optimal): 512 Bytes / 512 Bytes

Festplatte /dev/loop7: 65,1 MiB, 68259840 Bytes, 133320 Sektoren
Einheiten: Sektoren von 1 * 512 = 512 Bytes
Sektorgröße (logisch/physikalisch): 512 Bytes / 512 Bytes
E/A-Größe (minimal/optimal): 512 Bytes / 512 Bytes

Festplatte /dev/mmcblk0: 119,1 GiB, 127865454592 Bytes, 249737216 Sektoren
Einheiten: Sektoren von 1 * 512 = 512 Bytes
Sektorgröße (logisch/physikalisch): 512 Bytes / 512 Bytes
E/A-Größe (minimal/optimal): 512 Bytes / 512 Bytes
Festplattenbezeichnungstyp: dos
Festplattenbezeichner: 0xddf664c4

Gerät Boot Anfang Ende Sektoren Größe Kn Typ
/dev/mmcblk0p1 2048 249737215 249735168 119,1G 83 Linux

Festplatte /dev/sda: 465,8 GiB, 500107862016 Bytes, 976773168 Sektoren
Einheiten: Sektoren von 1 * 512 = 512 Bytes
Sektorgröße (logisch/physikalisch): 512 Bytes / 512 Bytes
E/A-Größe (minimal/optimal): 512 Bytes / 512 Bytes
Festplattenbezeichnungstyp: dos
Festplattenbezeichner: 0x801c4ce0

Gerät Boot Anfang Ende Sektoren Größe Kn Typ
/dev/sda1 2048 1187839 1185792 579M 7 HPFS/NTFS/exFAT
/dev/sda2 1187840 442849279 441661440 210,6G 7 HPFS/NTFS/exFAT
/dev/sda4 442849280 976771071 533921792 254,6G f W95 Erw. (LBA)
/dev/sda5 * 442851328 976771071 533919744 254,6G 83 Linux

Festplatte /dev/sdb: 3,7 TiB, 4000787029504 Bytes, 7814037167 Sektoren
Einheiten: Sektoren von 1 * 512 = 512 Bytes
Sektorgröße (logisch/physikalisch): 512 Bytes / 4096 Bytes
E/A-Größe (minimal/optimal): 4096 Bytes / 4096 Bytes
Festplattenbezeichnungstyp: gpt
Festplattenbezeichner: C331BC8A-3620-42E8-A240-8EB9F2CC180F

Gerät Anfang Ende Sektoren Größe Typ
/dev/sdb2 2048 2097029119 2097027072 1000G BIOS boot
/dev/sdb3 2097416192 3940616191 1843200000 878,9G Microsoft Basisdaten
/dev/sdb4 3940616192 5789960191 1849344000 881,9G Microsoft Basisdaten
/dev/sdb5 5789960192 7641352191 1851392000 882,8G Microsoft Basisdaten
/dev/sdb6 7641352192 7743752191 102400000 48,8G Microsoft Basisdaten

Festplatte /dev/mapper/cryptswap1: 2 GiB, 2146959360 Bytes, 4193280 Sektoren
Einheiten: Sektoren von 1 * 512 = 512 Bytes
Sektorgröße (logisch/physikalisch): 512 Bytes / 512 Bytes
E/A-Größe (minimal/optimal): 512 Bytes / 512 Bytes

Festplatte /dev/loop8: 99,4 MiB, 104202240 Bytes, 203520 Sektoren
Einheiten: Sektoren von 1 * 512 = 512 Bytes
Sektorgröße (logisch/physikalisch): 512 Bytes / 512 Bytes
E/A-Größe (minimal/optimal): 512 Bytes / 512 Bytes

Festplatte /dev/loop9: 99,4 MiB, 104210432 Bytes, 203536 Sektoren
Einheiten: Sektoren von 1 * 512 = 512 Bytes
Sektorgröße (logisch/physikalisch): 512 Bytes / 512 Bytes
E/A-Größe (minimal/optimal): 512 Bytes / 512 Bytes

Festplatte /dev/loop10: 290,1 MiB, 304140288 Bytes, 594024 Sektoren
Einheiten: Sektoren von 1 * 512 = 512 Bytes
Sektorgröße (logisch/physikalisch): 512 Bytes / 512 Bytes
E/A-Größe (minimal/optimal): 512 Bytes / 512 Bytes

Festplatte /dev/loop11: 95,7 MiB, 100352000 Bytes, 196000 Sektoren
Einheiten: Sektoren von 1 * 512 = 512 Bytes
Sektorgröße (logisch/physikalisch): 512 Bytes / 512 Bytes
E/A-Größe (minimal/optimal): 512 Bytes / 512 Bytes

Festplatte /dev/loop12: 219 MiB, 229629952 Bytes, 448496 Sektoren
Einheiten: Sektoren von 1 * 512 = 512 Bytes
Sektorgröße (logisch/physikalisch): 512 Bytes / 512 Bytes
E/A-Größe (minimal/optimal): 512 Bytes / 512 Bytes

Festplatte /dev/loop13: 64,8 MiB, 67915776 Bytes, 132648 Sektoren
Einheiten: Sektoren von 1 * 512 = 512 Bytes
Sektorgröße (logisch/physikalisch): 512 Bytes / 512 Bytes
E/A-Größe (minimal/optimal): 512 Bytes / 512 Bytes

Festplatte /dev/loop14: 162,9 MiB, 170778624 Bytes, 333552 Sektoren
Einheiten: Sektoren von 1 * 512 = 512 Bytes
Sektorgröße (logisch/physikalisch): 512 Bytes / 512 Bytes
E/A-Größe (minimal/optimal): 512 Bytes / 512 Bytes

Festplatte /dev/loop15: 95,7 MiB, 100356096 Bytes, 196008 Sektoren
Einheiten: Sektoren von 1 * 512 = 512 Bytes
Sektorgröße (logisch/physikalisch): 512 Bytes / 512 Bytes
E/A-Größe (minimal/optimal): 512 Bytes / 512 Bytes

Festplatte /dev/loop16: 55,5 MiB, 58134528 Bytes, 113544 Sektoren
Einheiten: Sektoren von 1 * 512 = 512 Bytes
Sektorgröße (logisch/physikalisch): 512 Bytes / 512 Bytes
E/A-Größe (minimal/optimal): 512 Bytes / 512 Bytes

Festplatte /dev/sdc: 14,9 GiB, 15938355200 Bytes, 31129600 Sektoren
Einheiten: Sektoren von 1 * 512 = 512 Bytes
Sektorgröße (logisch/physikalisch): 512 Bytes / 512 Bytes
E/A-Größe (minimal/optimal): 512 Bytes / 512 Bytes
Festplattenbezeichnungstyp: dos
Festplattenbezeichner: 0xc3072e18

Gerät Boot Anfang Ende Sektoren Größe Kn Typ
/dev/sdc1 240 31129599 31129360 14,9G c W95 FAT32 (LBA)
user@user-ThinkPad-T510:~$ sudo lsblk
loop0 7:0 0 2G 0 loop
└─cryptswap1 253:0 0 2G 0 crypt [SWAP]
loop1 7:1 0 290,1M 1 loop /snap/vault/1958
loop2 7:2 0 219M 1 loop /snap/gnome-3-34-1804/72
loop3 7:3 0 164,8M 1 loop /snap/gnome-3-28-1804/161
loop4 7:4 0 55,4M 1 loop /snap/core18/2066
loop5 7:5 0 135,4M 1 loop /snap/skype/176
loop6 7:6 0 139,1M 1 loop /snap/skype/177
loop7 7:7 0 65,1M 1 loop /snap/gtk-common-themes/1515
loop8 7:8 0 99,4M 1 loop /snap/core/11316
loop9 7:9 0 99,4M 1 loop /snap/core/11420
loop10 7:10 0 290,1M 1 loop /snap/vault/1930
loop11 7:11 0 95,7M 1 loop /snap/poedit/29
loop12 7:12 0 219M 1 loop /snap/gnome-3-34-1804/66
loop13 7:13 0 64,8M 1 loop /snap/gtk-common-themes/1514
loop14 7:14 0 162,9M 1 loop /snap/gnome-3-28-1804/145
loop15 7:15 0 95,7M 1 loop /snap/poedit/30
loop16 7:16 0 55,5M 1 loop /snap/core18/2074
sda 8:0 0 465,8G 0 disk
├─sda1 8:1 0 579M 0 part
├─sda2 8:2 0 210,6G 0 part
├─sda4 8:4 0 1K 0 part
└─sda5 8:5 0 254,6G 0 part /
sdb 8:16 0 3,7T 0 disk
├─sdb2 8:18 0 1000G 0 part
├─sdb3 8:19 0 878,9G 0 part /media/user/A58B-5CA7
├─sdb4 8:20 0 881,9G 0 part /media/user/AF1D-CA10
├─sdb5 8:21 0 882,8G 0 part /media/user/B738-1BEE
└─sdb6 8:22 0 48,8G 0 part /media/user/Home Data 4
sdc 8:32 1 14,9G 0 disk
└─sdc1 8:33 1 14,9G 0 part /media/user/USB DISK
sr0 11:0 1 1024M 0 rom
mmcblk0 179:0 0 119,1G 0 disk
└─mmcblk0p1 179:1 0 119,1G 0 part /media/user/USB STICK

My Linux Mint 20.2 system was created big enough to satisfy my future needs and is located on sdb2.
Your assistance to solve the boot problem with my external disk system is very much appreciated.

I wanted to setup a dual boot for Windows 7 and CentOS 7

I had a Windows 7 machine with 500GB disk. I shrank the Windows partition to provide space for CentOS 7 (roughly 230GB). I created a USB CentOS 7 netinstall stick and booted from that. I ran the install configured as best I knew to install CentOS 7 into the free space (rather than over the whole disk). I did the net install and all seemed to go well but when it rebooted I was back into Windows and can’t get into CentOS.

I’ve rebooted from the USB and tried to fix the situation (carefully) using cfdisk, e.g. selecting what I believe is the CentOS boot partition but it reports «missing operating system.» Also cfdisk says it can’t reread the partition table when I write it with CentOS boot but starting cfdisk again seems to show the flag has been set.

Currently the USB CentOS 7 netinstall shows me the following partitions on the disk:

## DATA  
/home 168GB centos-home  

/boot 500MB sda3  
/ 51GB centos-root  
swap 3.85GB centos-swap  

The «other» Windows partitions are:

ntfs 100MB sda1  
ntfs 253GB sda2

This looks ok BUT when I go into CentOS 7 Installation again it is telling me I have to create mount points for the root partition. I didn’t do this originally as I thought it would be done automatically when I clicked «Click here to create them automatically» for the disk setup the first time I installed.

And the partition table accessed using cfdisk from «Rescue a CentOS system…» looks like this:

Unusable 1MB  
sda1 Primary ntfs 105MB    
sda2 Primary ntfs 265GB  
sda3 Boot Primary xfs 525MB    
sda5 NC Logical LVM2_member 235GB  
Logical Free space 0.03MB

As mentioned, when I try to boot with this configuration I get «missing operating system.» If I change the boot flag back to sda1 then it boots into Windows 7 fine.


I (re)installed grub2 using grub2-install from netinstall on /dev/sda and now when I boot from the disk I get the grub prompt. I can using it to chain load into Windows. However, when I try to boot into CentOS 7 I get some sort of trace/dump.

I used:

linux  (hd0,msdos3)/vmlinuz-3... root=/dev/sda3
initrd (hd0,msdos3/initrd-plymouth...

NOTE: I believe linux is the primary boot partition for CentOS

Trying the above just crashes.


I installed NTFS-3G and NTFSPROGS using yum from the EPEL repository.

I ran grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg and then rebooted to find Windows 7 (Loader) in the boot menu. But when I choose it I get:

error: no such device 978778...
error: hd1 cannot get C/H/S values....

which doesn’t sound very good at all, but at least some progress.

I should also say that I now have CentOS 7 only on the internal drive and I’m working on this drive as an external USB drive (hence /dev/sdb).

Can someone please help me to get Windows to boot?

I have a Unix background but mostly use Mac OS X. I always come unstuck on setting up Windows and Linux dual boot.

Finally, I have CentOS 6.5 system running fine on another machine, as well as my Mac.

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