Ошибка gameinfo txt doesn t exist


16 апреля 2011

Помогитееее!!!! У меня Half-Life2, при включении ошибка выходит!
«Setup file ‘gameinfo.txt’ doesn’t exist in subdirectory ‘hl2’.
Check your -game paramet or VCONFIG setting.» В переводе «»gameinfo.txt» установки файл не существует в подкаталоге «hl2».
Проверьте вашу игру параметрического или VCONFIG настройки.» Чё делать???

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19.04.2007, 15:48

При запуске выдает ошибку gameinfo.txt doesn’t exist in cprogram filessteamsteamappsakkaynthalf-life 2hl2

Кстати я слышал что перед 1 запуском Хаммера его надо настраивать?
з.ы я на стар-стиме

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19.04.2007, 15:57

Щелкни «Refresh SDK content» (вроде так) и перезапусти его.

[url=svn://forum.csmania.ru/andreil]Репозиторий с моими проектами[/url]

Занимаюсь переносом всех своих библиотек на С++, а так же созданием их кроссплатформенных версий.

В команду переводчиков манги «Ah! My Goddess!» требуются переводчики с английского и тайперы (последних можем обучить, главное — желание).

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19.04.2007, 16:08

Пробовал, то же самое.
Кстати перед ошибкой он еще пишет
the configuration information for the game you’re trying to edit is invalid or missing…
Может попробовать reset game configurtions?

добавлено спустя 3 минуты:

Хе! нажал и хаммер пошел. Так как его нужно настраивать?(в виде для нубов :oops: )?

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20.04.2007, 01:45

не надо просто запустить игру в которую собираешься играть, там стим распакует некоторые фаилики среди них и будет gameinfo.txt, а пото нажми

andreil писал(а):Щелкни «Refresh SDK content» (вроде так) и перезапусти его.

Спасибо Господу Богу что в данный момент смотрел в другую сторону.
Спасибо алфавиту за любезно предоставленные буквы.

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20.04.2007, 22:38

О! поперло! спасибо qwertymap1)))


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22.04.2007, 12:18

вощето хаммер сам все ето делать умеет
там когда он грузитса перед стартом он настраиваетса… н оиногда ето опдвисает и наджо ресет конфигуреишн юзать…
а особо его настраивать надо для мод маппинга тоесть моды хаммер наити не может поетому ему там надо указывать аппки с текстурами мода с его моделями и остальным хламом ….

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Сотрудник VALVe
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22.04.2007, 19:30

Не, у меня с HL2 gameinfo тоже были проблемы :P

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20.05.2007, 00:51

Не я запустил его он ВКЛ а че дальше делать та ??

Изображение Изображение

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18.06.2007, 13:16

source-inside.ru !!! :o



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03.11.2007, 00:37

Люди хелп
Создаю карту, и что бы исправить недоработки заранее компилирую и тестю. Но вот незадача: доделав карту до конца… …он выдаёт мне карту с предыдущей компиляции. Попробовал удалить нах скомпилированный файл карты- так хаммер в конце компиляции жалуется что не может найти (по идеи то, что он создаёт) BSP файл карты?! И всем кто пытается скомпилировать мою карту хаммер выдаёт туже фигню.
Умные люди посоветовали удалить строку steampatch, не помогло.
Вы моя последняя надежда.

The following is a list of errors and problems that can occur while using Vtex.

When listing a new error here, please follow the established format.


  • 1 Local Steam Service is not running
  • 2 Problem figuring out outputdir
  • 3 «Unable to find gameinfo.txt»
  • 4 Setup file gameinfo.txt doesn’t exist
  • 5 TGA is bogus
  • 6 «Warning: falling back to auto detection of vconfig» (Windows Vista)
  • 7 See also

Local Steam Service is not running

Vtex will give the following error:

SteamStartup() failed: SteamStartup(0xf,0x0012F0E4) failed with error 108: The local Steam Service is not running

Steam must run while Vtex is run. Start Steam to fix this.

Problem figuring out outputdir

Vtex will give the following error:

Problem figuring out outputdir for <path>

As a first step, check that the texture to convert is really in the sourcesdk_contentgamedirmaterialsrc folder, where gamedir is the game folder (cstrike/dod/hl2/hl2mp).

If the texture is in the correct folder, the error might instead be caused by a complication with the environment variables. Primarily, this should be able to be eliminated by using VConfig and ensuring the selected mod has been run at least once. However, there are cases where this doesn’t solve the problem.

One solution is to remove the instance of the VProject Environment variable. In Windows XP this can be accomplished by the following:

  1. Right-click on My computer and click on Properties.
  2. Select the Advanced tab.
  3. Click on Environment Variables near the bottom of the window.
  4. In the System variables section scroll down and highlight the line VProject.
  5. Click the Delete button.
  6. Click OK twice to exit.

However, this solution will create the Unable to find gameinfo.txt error instead. To do: Delete this non-functioning solution alternative?

Alternative Solution

vtex.exe cannot understand spaces in the input file. One solution is to create a folder directly on the C:/ drive with the same name as the original one the vtex shortcut was pointing at. For example, create C:/tf instead of C:Program FilesSteamsteamapps<account_name>team fortress 2tf. Update the vtex.exe shortcut to point to this new folder. In this folder, put the gameinfo.txt from the original folder, as well as an empty materialsrc and materials folder. Place your file to be converted in the new materialsrc folder. Now drag-and-drop the file onto the vtex shortcut, and the output will be in the new materials folder.

«Unable to find gameinfo.txt»

Vtex will give the following error and instructions:

Unable to find gameinfo.txt. Solutions:

1. Read http://www.valve-erc.com/srcsdk/faq.html#NoGameDir
2. Run vconfig to specify which game you're working on.
3. Add -game <path> on the command line where <path> is the directory that gameinfo.txt is in.

This error will occur after VProject has been removed using the steps above.

Open Source SDK and change the Current Game.

Note.png Note: The link at step 1 won’t provide a solution. (The page is really old.)

The Nov 7th, 2007 SDK release includes Orange Box with TF2 and trying to use vtex in this new SDK update to create a vtf file for Team Fortress 2 results in the following error message:

"Setup file 'gameinfo.txt' doesn't exist in subdirectory 'C:Program FilesSteamsteamappsplayer namesourcesdkbinorangeboxbinvconfig'. check your -game parameter or VCONFIG setting.".

Assuming that this is the same error as «Unable to find gameinfo.txt» above, then trying to run vconfig.exe results in this error:

"This application has failed to start because Steam.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem."


  1. Create a shortcut to vtex.exe which is located in «C:Program FilesSteamsteamappsplayer_namesourcesdkbinorangeboxbinvtex.exe» and select Properties.
  2. At the end of the Target text add -game «C:Program FilesSteamsteamappsplayer_nameteam fortress 2tf» -nop4

Valve intends to fix the problem with requirement of a -nop4 argument to be added to the target.

TGA is bogus

Vtex will give the following error:

TGA <path> is bogus!

The texture image you are trying to convert is not recognized as a valid targa (.tga) file. Make sure that it is, and that it is either 24 bit/pixel or 32 bit/pixel. (16 bit/pixel is not recognized.)

«Warning: falling back to auto detection of vconfig» (Windows Vista)

Vtex will give the following error:

To do: Please provide an exact quote of the error.

Make a shortcut for vtex.exe and add -game [path to game directory]

Example: -game c:/steam/steamapps/sourcemods/Awakening

If there are spaces in any of the folders in your path use »

Example: -game «c:/program files/steam/steamapps/sourcemods/insurgency»

See also

  • Vtex
  1. Привет всем)
    У меня возникла проблема при запуске Доты 2, ошибка setup file gameinfo.txt doesn’t exist in subdirectory hl2.
    Что это за ошибка и как её исправить? Кто может подскажите!
    1-Переустанавливать не получилась!
    2-Проверка Кеша тоже не помогла!
    3-В яндексе тоже не нашёл!

  2. Проверь кеш, Если не докачает файлы вставь внутрь твоего файла в деректорию это:

    game «DOTA 2»
    gamelogo 1
    type multiplayer_only
    nomodels 1
    nohimodel 1
    nocrosshair 0
    GameData «dota.fgd»
    SupportsDX8 0

    SteamAppId 816 // This will mount all the GCFs we need (240=CS:S, 220=HL2).
    ToolsAppId 211 // Tools will load this (ie: source SDK caches) to get things like materialsdebug, materialseditor, etc.

    // The code that loads this file automatically does a few things here:
    // 1. For each «Game» search path, it adds a «GameBin» path, in <dir>bin
    // 2. For each «Game» search path, it adds another «Game» path in front of it with _<langage> at the end.
    // For example: c:hl2cstrike on a french machine would get a c:hl2cstrike_french path added to it.
    // 3. For the first «Game» search path, it adds a search path called «MOD».
    // 4. For the first «Game» search path, it adds a search path called «DEFAULT_WRITE_PATH».

    // Search paths are relative to the base directory, which is where hl2.exe is found.
    // |gameinfo_path| points at the directory where gameinfo.txt is.
    // We always want to mount that directory relative to gameinfo.txt, so
    // people can mount stuff in c:mymod, and the main game resources are in
    // someplace like c:program filesvalvesteamsteamapps<username>half-life 2.
    Game |gameinfo_path|.
    Game platform

  3. Всё сделал как ты сказал,но тока не вышло все ровно он это выдаёт!
    Setup file gameinfo.txt doesn’t exist in subdirectory hl2
    Check your-game parameter or VCONFIG setting.
    Вот всё ошибка!
    И еще Дота 2 Тест запускается!

  4. такая же ошибка :(

  5. http://vk.com/vsiraem_mid заходим и подписываемся (если не педики )

  6. стим — настройки — бета тестирование — выбири стим бета апдейт, может поможет

  7. В ксс такая проблема сейчас была сразу начал искать в яндекса и наткнулся на ваш сайт…
    Скорее всего это у меня случилось из-за того, что я папку cstrike из старой контры перекинул т.к. у меня там все моды и карт на 8гб. Так вот проверил кеш и мне сейчас докачивает 128 файлов… Скорее всего сейчас смогу зайти.

Everytime I launch TF2, I get the following message: Setup file ‘gameinfo.txt’ doesn’t exist in subdirectory ‘hl2’. Check your -game parameter or VCONFIG setting.
Things I’ve tried
-Fresh reinstall (twice)
-Fresh OS reinstall
-Update drivers etc.
-Find ‘gameinfo.txt’ in my tf folder, delete it, verify game cache, and launch again
-verify game cache
-restart PC
-wait for a while
-run as admin
Help would be appreciated!

Everytime I launch TF2, I get the following message: Setup file ‘gameinfo.txt’ doesn’t exist in subdirectory ‘hl2’. Check your -game parameter or VCONFIG setting.
Things I’ve tried
-Fresh reinstall (twice)
-Fresh OS reinstall
-Update drivers etc.
-Find ‘gameinfo.txt’ in my tf folder, delete it, verify game cache, and launch again
-verify game cache
-restart PC
-wait for a while
-run as admin
Help would be appreciated!

Have you tried replacing the gameinfo.txt with a new one? Here’s a link. Just place that in your tf folder and see if it works.

Have you tried replacing the gameinfo.txt with a new one? [url=https://www.dropbox.com/s/heyy925duvgapql/gameinfo.txt?dl=0]Here’s a link[/url]. Just place that in your tf folder and see if it works.

I’ve had this issue a few times in the last couple days. It was being caused by a bad desktop shortcut for tf2. Not sure if that’s the issue here. I fixed it by creating a new shortcut for tf2.

I’ve had this issue a few times in the last couple days. It was being caused by a bad desktop shortcut for tf2. Not sure if that’s the issue here. I fixed it by creating a new shortcut for tf2.

Just tried it, no dice, thanks though

CarnHave you tried replacing the gameinfo.txt with a new one? Here’s a link. Just place that in your tf folder and see if it works.

Just tried it, no dice, thanks though
[quote=Carn]Have you tried replacing the gameinfo.txt with a new one? [url=https://www.dropbox.com/s/heyy925duvgapql/gameinfo.txt?dl=0]Here’s a link[/url]. Just place that in your tf folder and see if it works.[/quote]

check the file itself? I remember a while back i had a fucky problem with it and for some reason the gameinfo was completely wrong, it was pointing the filesystem to some appid that wasn’t 440 (tf2’s). You can probably use the one you dl’d to crosscheck.

check the file itself? I remember a while back i had a fucky problem with it and for some reason the gameinfo was completely wrong, it was pointing the filesystem to some appid that wasn’t 440 (tf2’s). You can probably use the one you dl’d to crosscheck.

Crosschecked and looked it over. Issue still persists. Appreciate the help though

BuildBruhcheck the file itself? I remember a while back i had a fucky problem with it and for some reason the gameinfo was completely wrong, it was pointing the filesystem to some appid that wasn’t 440 (tf2’s). You can probably use the one you dl’d to crosscheck.

Crosschecked and looked it over. Issue still persists. Appreciate the help though
[quote=BuildBruh]check the file itself? I remember a while back i had a fucky problem with it and for some reason the gameinfo was completely wrong, it was pointing the filesystem to some appid that wasn’t 440 (tf2’s). You can probably use the one you dl’d to crosscheck.[/quote]

Did you ever find a solution?
I have replaced the gameinfo.txt from here, verified it at least it has 440 in the right place
I also replaced my desktop icon from within steam.
Any help please

Did you ever find a solution?
I have replaced the gameinfo.txt from here, verified it at least it has 440 in the right place
I also replaced my desktop icon from within steam.
Any help please

I have the same problem. Please help :(

I have the same problem. Please help :(

I have something similar to this. when i launch it through steam, it crashes on the startup loading screen. If i try to launch it through the tf2 folder, the error message opens. Send Help.

I have something similar to this. when i launch it through steam, it crashes on the startup loading screen. If i try to launch it through the tf2 folder, the error message opens. Send Help.

sorry for necroing

i’ve been battling this for the past week, nothing worked, did everything b0wl did, added him to see if he fixed it and said he just got a new pc

i got a match tomorrow and i can’t play anywhere else, please help

this is the error i get when i launch it normally

View post on imgur.com

this is the error i get when i launch it through hl2.exe (as administrator awell)

View post on imgur.com

fixed it, thanks wiethoofd and prsn for helping out!

sorry for necroing

i’ve been battling this for the past week, nothing worked, did everything b0wl did, added him to see if he fixed it and said he just got a new pc

i got a match tomorrow and i can’t play anywhere else, please help

this is the error i get when i launch it normally

this is the error i get when i launch it through hl2.exe (as administrator awell)

fixed it, thanks wiethoofd and prsn for helping out!

So, does anyone know an actual solution for this? Checking the app id (which is 440) and replacing gameinfo.txt didn’t work.

So, does anyone know an actual solution for this? Checking the app id (which is 440) and replacing gameinfo.txt didn’t work.

JackyLegssorry for necroing

i’ve been battling this for the past week, nothing worked, did everything b0wl did, added him to see if he fixed it and said he just got a new pc

i got a match tomorrow and i can’t play anywhere else, please help

this is the error i get when i launch it normally

this is the error i get when i launch it through hl2.exe (as administrator awell)

fixed it, thanks wiethoofd and prsn for helping out!

how did you fix it? i’m literally trying anything but still no results.
Thank you

[quote=JackyLegs]sorry for necroing

i’ve been battling this for the past week, nothing worked, did everything b0wl did, added him to see if he fixed it and said he just got a new pc

i got a match tomorrow and i can’t play anywhere else, please help

this is the error i get when i launch it normally

this is the error i get when i launch it through hl2.exe (as administrator awell)

fixed it, thanks wiethoofd and prsn for helping out![/quote]

how did you fix it? i’m literally trying anything but still no results.
Thank you

I’ve tried a couple of methods with wiethoofd and prsn which fixed it temporarily, I’ve taken all my launch options out and put -autoconfig in my launch options after restarting my pc, after a few tries it worked (try launching as administrator if it doesn’t work).

after a while it happened again, eventually, my pc died, my motherboard and graphics card were toast, had to replace them, after that it never happened again.

I’ve tried a couple of methods with wiethoofd and prsn which fixed it temporarily, I’ve taken all my launch options out and put -autoconfig in my launch options after restarting my pc, after a few tries it worked (try launching as administrator if it doesn’t work).

after a while it happened again, eventually, my pc died, my motherboard and graphics card were toast, had to replace them, after that it never happened again.

try puting the gameinfo.txt into the team fortress 2 folder then put in into the hl2 folder and run it???

try puting the gameinfo.txt into the team fortress 2 folder then put in into the hl2 folder and run it???

sign in through STEAM
to post a comment.

Due to connection problems, I istalled Portal 2 and the Hammer Editor by moving my Steam folder from my old computer to my new one. When I tried to launch Hammer, I got the following error:
«Setup file ‘Gaminfo.txt’ doesn’t exist in subdirectory ‘c:programfilessteamsteamappscommonportal 2portal2’. Check your -game parameter or VCONFIG setting.»
I used the search function on this forum and I also checked Google but I couldn’t find any fitting answer. I was told that I maybe should reinstall Portal 2 but as I said that this is impossible at the moment. Is there another way to get Hammer working correctly?
Of course the data does exist in the right directory.

Then I have another question in case my Hammer Editor can be fixed or something; it’s about the pits outside the testchambers. How do I create these foggy areas? You know, very deadly, extremly deadly… *Cough* Is there an entity or a brush or something like that? I’d try several things, but it never worked. It would be nice, if you could help me.

This problem was solved by copying my Steam folder into another directory. Thanks to everybody who tried to help me here! ^^


2,815 Posts

Soo much variables that can gone wrong:
1) Did you copy the whole steam folder?
If so: did you copy it from a 32-bits to a 64 bits computer?
64-bits computer install steam in c:/program files(x86)/steam/steamapps

c:programfiles seems strange to me too.
Where is your gameinfo.txt? is it in the steam/steammapps/common/portal 2/portal2?

Does your gameinfo.txt look like this?

Code: Select all
   game       "PORTAL 2"
   title       "PORTAL 2"
   GameData   "portal2.fgd"
   gamelogo    1

   SupportsDX8     0
   SupportsXbox360 1

      SteamAppId            620      // This will mount all the GCFs we need (240=CS:S, 220=HL2).
      ToolsAppId            211      // Tools will load this (ie: source SDK caches) to get things like materialsdebug, materialseditor, etc.

      // The code that loads this file automatically does a few things here:
      // 1. For each "Game" search path, it adds a "GameBin" path, in <dir>bin
      // 2. For each "Game" search path, it adds another "Game" path in front of it with _<langage> at the end.
      //    For example: c:hl2cstrike on a french machine would get a c:hl2cstrike_french path added to it.
      // 3. For the first "Game" search path, it adds a search path called "MOD".
      // 4. For the first "Game" search path, it adds a search path called "DEFAULT_WRITE_PATH".

      // Search paths are relative to the base directory, which is where hl2.exe is found.
      // |gameinfo_path| points at the directory where gameinfo.txt is.
      // We always want to mount that directory relative to gameinfo.txt, so
      // people can mount stuff in c:mymod, and the main game resources are in
      // someplace like c:program filesvalvesteamsteamappshalf-life 2.

         Game            |gameinfo_path|.

Just my few first thoughts, let us know if you tried some of this and/or if you have other information :)

The foggy area’s are created with a fog_controller; there are some pre-sets in global_ents.vmt, try and see which one fits the best?


2,815 Posts

Soo much variables that can gone wrong:
1) Did you copy the whole steam folder?
If so: did you copy it from a 32-bits to a 64 bits computer?
64-bits computer install steam in c:/program files(x86)/steam/steamapps

c:programfiles seems strange to me too.
Where is your gameinfo.txt? is it in the steam/steammapps/common/portal 2/portal2?

Does your gameinfo.txt look like this?

Code: Select all
   game       "PORTAL 2"
   title       "PORTAL 2"
   GameData   "portal2.fgd"
   gamelogo    1

   SupportsDX8     0
   SupportsXbox360 1

      SteamAppId            620      // This will mount all the GCFs we need (240=CS:S, 220=HL2).
      ToolsAppId            211      // Tools will load this (ie: source SDK caches) to get things like materialsdebug, materialseditor, etc.

      // The code that loads this file automatically does a few things here:
      // 1. For each "Game" search path, it adds a "GameBin" path, in <dir>bin
      // 2. For each "Game" search path, it adds another "Game" path in front of it with _<langage> at the end.
      //    For example: c:hl2cstrike on a french machine would get a c:hl2cstrike_french path added to it.
      // 3. For the first "Game" search path, it adds a search path called "MOD".
      // 4. For the first "Game" search path, it adds a search path called "DEFAULT_WRITE_PATH".

      // Search paths are relative to the base directory, which is where hl2.exe is found.
      // |gameinfo_path| points at the directory where gameinfo.txt is.
      // We always want to mount that directory relative to gameinfo.txt, so
      // people can mount stuff in c:mymod, and the main game resources are in
      // someplace like c:program filesvalvesteamsteamappshalf-life 2.

         Game            |gameinfo_path|.

Just my few first thoughts, let us know if you tried some of this and/or if you have other information :)

The foggy area’s are created with a fog_controller; there are some pre-sets in global_ents.vmt, try and see which one fits the best?


73 PostsTopic Author

This looks very helpful.

lpfreaky90 wrote:

Soo much variables that can gone wrong:
1) Did you copy the whole steam folder?
If so: did you copy it from a 32-bits to a 64 bits computer?
64-bits computer install steam in c:/program files(x86)/steam/steamapps

Oh, I forgot to mention it. My old computer was a 32-bits computer, my new one is a 64-bits computer.

lpfreaky90 wrote:

Where is your gameinfo.txt? is it in the steam/steammapps/common/portal 2/portal2?

Yes, it is.

lpfreaky90 wrote:

Does your gameinfo.txt look like this?

Code: Select all
   game       "PORTAL 2"
   title       "PORTAL 2"
   GameData   "portal2.fgd"
   gamelogo    1

   SupportsDX8     0
   SupportsXbox360 1

      SteamAppId            620      // This will mount all the GCFs we need (240=CS:S, 220=HL2).
      ToolsAppId            211      // Tools will load this (ie: source SDK caches) to get things like materialsdebug, materialseditor, etc.

      // The code that loads this file automatically does a few things here:
      // 1. For each "Game" search path, it adds a "GameBin" path, in <dir>bin
      // 2. For each "Game" search path, it adds another "Game" path in front of it with _<langage> at the end.
      //    For example: c:hl2cstrike on a french machine would get a c:hl2cstrike_french path added to it.
      // 3. For the first "Game" search path, it adds a search path called "MOD".
      // 4. For the first "Game" search path, it adds a search path called "DEFAULT_WRITE_PATH".

      // Search paths are relative to the base directory, which is where hl2.exe is found.
      // |gameinfo_path| points at the directory where gameinfo.txt is.
      // We always want to mount that directory relative to gameinfo.txt, so
      // people can mount stuff in c:mymod, and the main game resources are in
      // someplace like c:program filesvalvesteamsteamappshalf-life 2.

         Game            |gameinfo_path|.

Just my few first thoughts, let us know if you tried some of this and/or if you have other information :)

Yes, it does. Maybe there is something different. I am going to test it later by pasting your text in the file. (Of course, I made a backup)

lpfreaky90 wrote:

The foggy area’s are created with a fog_controller; there are some pre-sets in global_ents.vmt, try and see which one fits the best?

Thanks. ;)

About the path: You are right. It’s not «c:programfiles […]», it is «c:program files […]»
Sorry about that.


162 Posts

Community Contributors

Have you launched Portal 2 with your new computer yet?


162 Posts

Community Contributors

Have you launched Portal 2 with your new computer yet?


73 PostsTopic Author


296 Posts

Community Contributors

You confirmed you switched from 32-bit to 64-bit, but you didn’t mention where you moved the steam folder to. Make sure everything that steam uses (including the sdk files) is in /Program Files (x86)/ and not /Program Files/.

If that fails, I would recommend backing up just the things you know you need (VMF’s, prefabs, etc), and then completely reinstalling. Then put the files back in their corresponding folders once you know hammer is working right.

Hear the turret, for it is knell. It summons thee to heaven, or to hell.


296 Posts

Community Contributors

You confirmed you switched from 32-bit to 64-bit, but you didn’t mention where you moved the steam folder to. Make sure everything that steam uses (including the sdk files) is in /Program Files (x86)/ and not /Program Files/.

If that fails, I would recommend backing up just the things you know you need (VMF’s, prefabs, etc), and then completely reinstalling. Then put the files back in their corresponding folders once you know hammer is working right.

Hear the turret, for it is knell. It summons thee to heaven, or to hell.


73 PostsTopic Author

p0rtalplayer wrote:

(including the sdk files) is in /Program Files (x86)/ and not /Program Files/.

I installed Steam normally by downloading it. Then, I replaced the folder. That means, Steam is already in /Program Files (x86)/.

p0rtalplayer wrote:

If that fails, I would recommend backing up just the things you know you need (VMF’s, prefabs, etc), and then completely reinstalling. Then put the files back in their corresponding folders once you know hammer is working right.

I already reinstalled Hammer once.


2,815 Posts

the problem is that the gameinfo.txt is from portal 2 ;) not from hammer :(


2,815 Posts

the problem is that the gameinfo.txt is from portal 2 ;) not from hammer :(


73 PostsTopic Author

I see. Is there anything else I can do or will I have to reinstall Portal 2?

Big, big edit. The thing about the program files gave me an idea. Make more- err, copying my whole Steam-folder into the normal program files. After doing that, I could launch Hammer normally.
Thanks for all the help, everybody. ;)


1 Post


watch my Tutorial 2013 of how to fix hammer errors like

— gameinfo.txt missing
— visual elements missing
— fps lagg

can be found here


Helped alot of people out allready:)

The errors are getting caused by the new steam update. sinds the new steam update got released, the games installation paths got changed, and Valve haven’t changed that in source sdk yet, so if you get the errors it simply means that the path you try to run Hammer from doesn’t exist.

Follow the simple steps in my tutorial of how to fix this, and you’re hammer will work perfectly =) :thumbup:


Форум Dota 2

  1. Привет всем)
    У меня возникла проблема при запуске Доты 2, ошибка setup file gameinfo.txt doesn’t exist in subdirectory hl2.
    Что это за ошибка и как её исправить? Кто может подскажите!
    1-Переустанавливать не получилась!
    2-Проверка Кеша тоже не помогла!
    3-В яндексе тоже не нашёл!

  2. Проверь кеш, Если не докачает файлы вставь внутрь твоего файла в деректорию это:

    game «DOTA 2»
    gamelogo 1
    type multiplayer_only
    nomodels 1
    nohimodel 1
    nocrosshair 0
    GameData «dota.fgd»
    SupportsDX8 0

    SteamAppId 816 // This will mount all the GCFs we need (240=CS:S, 220=HL2).
    ToolsAppId 211 // Tools will load this (ie: source SDK caches) to get things like materialsdebug, materialseditor, etc.

    // The code that loads this file automatically does a few things here:
    // 1. For each «Game» search path, it adds a «GameBin» path, in <dir>bin
    // 2. For each «Game» search path, it adds another «Game» path in front of it with _<langage> at the end.
    // For example: c:hl2cstrike on a french machine would get a c:hl2cstrike_french path added to it.
    // 3. For the first «Game» search path, it adds a search path called «MOD».
    // 4. For the first «Game» search path, it adds a search path called «DEFAULT_WRITE_PATH».

    // Search paths are relative to the base directory, which is where hl2.exe is found.
    // |gameinfo_path| points at the directory where gameinfo.txt is.
    // We always want to mount that directory relative to gameinfo.txt, so
    // people can mount stuff in c:mymod, and the main game resources are in
    // someplace like c:program filesvalvesteamsteamapps<username>half-life 2.
    Game |gameinfo_path|.
    Game platform

  3. Всё сделал как ты сказал,но тока не вышло все ровно он это выдаёт!
    Setup file gameinfo.txt doesn’t exist in subdirectory hl2
    Check your-game parameter or VCONFIG setting.
    Вот всё ошибка!
    И еще Дота 2 Тест запускается!

  4. такая же ошибка :(

  5. http://vk.com/vsiraem_mid заходим и подписываемся (если не педики )

  6. стим — настройки — бета тестирование — выбири стим бета апдейт, может поможет

  7. В ксс такая проблема сейчас была сразу начал искать в яндекса и наткнулся на ваш сайт…
    Скорее всего это у меня случилось из-за того, что я папку cstrike из старой контры перекинул т.к. у меня там все моды и карт на 8гб. Так вот проверил кеш и мне сейчас докачивает 128 файлов… Скорее всего сейчас смогу зайти.


Everytime I launch TF2, I get the following message: Setup file ‘gameinfo.txt’ doesn’t exist in subdirectory ‘hl2’. Check your -game parameter or VCONFIG setting.
Things I’ve tried
-Fresh reinstall (twice)
-Fresh OS reinstall
-Update drivers etc.
-Find ‘gameinfo.txt’ in my tf folder, delete it, verify game cache, and launch again
-verify game cache
-restart PC
-wait for a while
-run as admin
Help would be appreciated!

Everytime I launch TF2, I get the following message: Setup file ‘gameinfo.txt’ doesn’t exist in subdirectory ‘hl2’. Check your -game parameter or VCONFIG setting.
Things I’ve tried
-Fresh reinstall (twice)
-Fresh OS reinstall
-Update drivers etc.
-Find ‘gameinfo.txt’ in my tf folder, delete it, verify game cache, and launch again
-verify game cache
-restart PC
-wait for a while
-run as admin
Help would be appreciated!

Have you tried replacing the gameinfo.txt with a new one? Here’s a link. Just place that in your tf folder and see if it works.

Have you tried replacing the gameinfo.txt with a new one? [url=https://www.dropbox.com/s/heyy925duvgapql/gameinfo.txt?dl=0]Here’s a link[/url]. Just place that in your tf folder and see if it works.

I’ve had this issue a few times in the last couple days. It was being caused by a bad desktop shortcut for tf2. Not sure if that’s the issue here. I fixed it by creating a new shortcut for tf2.

I’ve had this issue a few times in the last couple days. It was being caused by a bad desktop shortcut for tf2. Not sure if that’s the issue here. I fixed it by creating a new shortcut for tf2.

Just tried it, no dice, thanks though

CarnHave you tried replacing the gameinfo.txt with a new one? Here’s a link. Just place that in your tf folder and see if it works.

Just tried it, no dice, thanks though
[quote=Carn]Have you tried replacing the gameinfo.txt with a new one? [url=https://www.dropbox.com/s/heyy925duvgapql/gameinfo.txt?dl=0]Here’s a link[/url]. Just place that in your tf folder and see if it works.[/quote]

check the file itself? I remember a while back i had a fucky problem with it and for some reason the gameinfo was completely wrong, it was pointing the filesystem to some appid that wasn’t 440 (tf2’s). You can probably use the one you dl’d to crosscheck.

check the file itself? I remember a while back i had a fucky problem with it and for some reason the gameinfo was completely wrong, it was pointing the filesystem to some appid that wasn’t 440 (tf2’s). You can probably use the one you dl’d to crosscheck.

Crosschecked and looked it over. Issue still persists. Appreciate the help though

BuildBruhcheck the file itself? I remember a while back i had a fucky problem with it and for some reason the gameinfo was completely wrong, it was pointing the filesystem to some appid that wasn’t 440 (tf2’s). You can probably use the one you dl’d to crosscheck.

Crosschecked and looked it over. Issue still persists. Appreciate the help though
[quote=BuildBruh]check the file itself? I remember a while back i had a fucky problem with it and for some reason the gameinfo was completely wrong, it was pointing the filesystem to some appid that wasn’t 440 (tf2’s). You can probably use the one you dl’d to crosscheck.[/quote]

Did you ever find a solution?
I have replaced the gameinfo.txt from here, verified it at least it has 440 in the right place
I also replaced my desktop icon from within steam.
Any help please

Did you ever find a solution?
I have replaced the gameinfo.txt from here, verified it at least it has 440 in the right place
I also replaced my desktop icon from within steam.
Any help please

I have the same problem. Please help :(

I have the same problem. Please help :(

I have something similar to this. when i launch it through steam, it crashes on the startup loading screen. If i try to launch it through the tf2 folder, the error message opens. Send Help.

I have something similar to this. when i launch it through steam, it crashes on the startup loading screen. If i try to launch it through the tf2 folder, the error message opens. Send Help.

sorry for necroing

i’ve been battling this for the past week, nothing worked, did everything b0wl did, added him to see if he fixed it and said he just got a new pc

i got a match tomorrow and i can’t play anywhere else, please help

this is the error i get when i launch it normally

View post on imgur.com

this is the error i get when i launch it through hl2.exe (as administrator awell)

View post on imgur.com

fixed it, thanks wiethoofd and prsn for helping out!

sorry for necroing

i’ve been battling this for the past week, nothing worked, did everything b0wl did, added him to see if he fixed it and said he just got a new pc

i got a match tomorrow and i can’t play anywhere else, please help

this is the error i get when i launch it normally

this is the error i get when i launch it through hl2.exe (as administrator awell)

fixed it, thanks wiethoofd and prsn for helping out!

So, does anyone know an actual solution for this? Checking the app id (which is 440) and replacing gameinfo.txt didn’t work.

So, does anyone know an actual solution for this? Checking the app id (which is 440) and replacing gameinfo.txt didn’t work.

JackyLegssorry for necroing

i’ve been battling this for the past week, nothing worked, did everything b0wl did, added him to see if he fixed it and said he just got a new pc

i got a match tomorrow and i can’t play anywhere else, please help

this is the error i get when i launch it normally

this is the error i get when i launch it through hl2.exe (as administrator awell)

fixed it, thanks wiethoofd and prsn for helping out!

how did you fix it? i’m literally trying anything but still no results.
Thank you

[quote=JackyLegs]sorry for necroing

i’ve been battling this for the past week, nothing worked, did everything b0wl did, added him to see if he fixed it and said he just got a new pc

i got a match tomorrow and i can’t play anywhere else, please help

this is the error i get when i launch it normally

this is the error i get when i launch it through hl2.exe (as administrator awell)

fixed it, thanks wiethoofd and prsn for helping out![/quote]

how did you fix it? i’m literally trying anything but still no results.
Thank you

I’ve tried a couple of methods with wiethoofd and prsn which fixed it temporarily, I’ve taken all my launch options out and put -autoconfig in my launch options after restarting my pc, after a few tries it worked (try launching as administrator if it doesn’t work).

after a while it happened again, eventually, my pc died, my motherboard and graphics card were toast, had to replace them, after that it never happened again.

I’ve tried a couple of methods with wiethoofd and prsn which fixed it temporarily, I’ve taken all my launch options out and put -autoconfig in my launch options after restarting my pc, after a few tries it worked (try launching as administrator if it doesn’t work).

after a while it happened again, eventually, my pc died, my motherboard and graphics card were toast, had to replace them, after that it never happened again.

try puting the gameinfo.txt into the team fortress 2 folder then put in into the hl2 folder and run it???

try puting the gameinfo.txt into the team fortress 2 folder then put in into the hl2 folder and run it???

sign in through STEAM
to post a comment.

The following is a list of errors and problems that can occur while using Vtex.

When listing a new error here, please follow the established format.


  • 1 Local Steam Service is not running
  • 2 Problem figuring out outputdir
  • 3 «Unable to find gameinfo.txt»
  • 4 Setup file gameinfo.txt doesn’t exist
  • 5 TGA is bogus
  • 6 «Warning: falling back to auto detection of vconfig» (Windows Vista)
  • 7 See also

Local Steam Service is not running

Vtex will give the following error:

SteamStartup() failed: SteamStartup(0xf,0x0012F0E4) failed with error 108: The local Steam Service is not running

Steam must run while Vtex is run. Start Steam to fix this.

Problem figuring out outputdir

Vtex will give the following error:

Problem figuring out outputdir for <path>

As a first step, check that the texture to convert is really in the sourcesdk_contentgamedirmaterialsrc folder, where gamedir is the game folder (cstrike/dod/hl2/hl2mp).

If the texture is in the correct folder, the error might instead be caused by a complication with the environment variables. Primarily, this should be able to be eliminated by using VConfig and ensuring the selected mod has been run at least once. However, there are cases where this doesn’t solve the problem.

One solution is to remove the instance of the VProject Environment variable. In Windows XP this can be accomplished by the following:

  1. Right-click on My computer and click on Properties.
  2. Select the Advanced tab.
  3. Click on Environment Variables near the bottom of the window.
  4. In the System variables section scroll down and highlight the line VProject.
  5. Click the Delete button.
  6. Click OK twice to exit.

However, this solution will create the Unable to find gameinfo.txt error instead. To do: Delete this non-functioning solution alternative?

Alternative Solution

vtex.exe cannot understand spaces in the input file. One solution is to create a folder directly on the C:/ drive with the same name as the original one the vtex shortcut was pointing at. For example, create C:/tf instead of C:Program FilesSteamsteamapps<account_name>team fortress 2tf. Update the vtex.exe shortcut to point to this new folder. In this folder, put the gameinfo.txt from the original folder, as well as an empty materialsrc and materials folder. Place your file to be converted in the new materialsrc folder. Now drag-and-drop the file onto the vtex shortcut, and the output will be in the new materials folder.

«Unable to find gameinfo.txt»

Vtex will give the following error and instructions:

Unable to find gameinfo.txt. Solutions:

1. Read http://www.valve-erc.com/srcsdk/faq.html#NoGameDir
2. Run vconfig to specify which game you're working on.
3. Add -game <path> on the command line where <path> is the directory that gameinfo.txt is in.

This error will occur after VProject has been removed using the steps above.

Open Source SDK and change the Current Game.



1 Post


watch my Tutorial 2013 of how to fix hammer errors like

— gameinfo.txt missing
— visual elements missing
— fps lagg

can be found here


Helped alot of people out allready:)

The errors are getting caused by the new steam update. sinds the new steam update got released, the games installation paths got changed, and Valve haven’t changed that in source sdk yet, so if you get the errors it simply means that the path you try to run Hammer from doesn’t exist.

Follow the simple steps in my tutorial of how to fix this, and you’re hammer will work perfectly =) :thumbup:


Форум Dota 2

  1. Привет всем)
    У меня возникла проблема при запуске Доты 2, ошибка setup file gameinfo.txt doesn’t exist in subdirectory hl2.
    Что это за ошибка и как её исправить? Кто может подскажите!
    1-Переустанавливать не получилась!
    2-Проверка Кеша тоже не помогла!
    3-В яндексе тоже не нашёл!

  2. Проверь кеш, Если не докачает файлы вставь внутрь твоего файла в деректорию это:

    game «DOTA 2»
    gamelogo 1
    type multiplayer_only
    nomodels 1
    nohimodel 1
    nocrosshair 0
    GameData «dota.fgd»
    SupportsDX8 0

    SteamAppId 816 // This will mount all the GCFs we need (240=CS:S, 220=HL2).
    ToolsAppId 211 // Tools will load this (ie: source SDK caches) to get things like materialsdebug, materialseditor, etc.

    // The code that loads this file automatically does a few things here:
    // 1. For each «Game» search path, it adds a «GameBin» path, in <dir>bin
    // 2. For each «Game» search path, it adds another «Game» path in front of it with _<langage> at the end.
    // For example: c:hl2cstrike on a french machine would get a c:hl2cstrike_french path added to it.
    // 3. For the first «Game» search path, it adds a search path called «MOD».
    // 4. For the first «Game» search path, it adds a search path called «DEFAULT_WRITE_PATH».

    // Search paths are relative to the base directory, which is where hl2.exe is found.
    // |gameinfo_path| points at the directory where gameinfo.txt is.
    // We always want to mount that directory relative to gameinfo.txt, so
    // people can mount stuff in c:mymod, and the main game resources are in
    // someplace like c:program filesvalvesteamsteamapps<username>half-life 2.
    Game |gameinfo_path|.
    Game platform

  3. Всё сделал как ты сказал,но тока не вышло все ровно он это выдаёт!
    Setup file gameinfo.txt doesn’t exist in subdirectory hl2
    Check your-game parameter or VCONFIG setting.
    Вот всё ошибка!
    И еще Дота 2 Тест запускается!

  4. такая же ошибка :(

  5. http://vk.com/vsiraem_mid заходим и подписываемся (если не педики )

  6. стим — настройки — бета тестирование — выбири стим бета апдейт, может поможет

  7. В ксс такая проблема сейчас была сразу начал искать в яндекса и наткнулся на ваш сайт…
    Скорее всего это у меня случилось из-за того, что я папку cstrike из старой контры перекинул т.к. у меня там все моды и карт на 8гб. Так вот проверил кеш и мне сейчас докачивает 128 файлов… Скорее всего сейчас смогу зайти.


Everytime I launch TF2, I get the following message: Setup file ‘gameinfo.txt’ doesn’t exist in subdirectory ‘hl2’. Check your -game parameter or VCONFIG setting.
Things I’ve tried
-Fresh reinstall (twice)
-Fresh OS reinstall
-Update drivers etc.
-Find ‘gameinfo.txt’ in my tf folder, delete it, verify game cache, and launch again
-verify game cache
-restart PC
-wait for a while
-run as admin
Help would be appreciated!

Everytime I launch TF2, I get the following message: Setup file ‘gameinfo.txt’ doesn’t exist in subdirectory ‘hl2’. Check your -game parameter or VCONFIG setting.
Things I’ve tried
-Fresh reinstall (twice)
-Fresh OS reinstall
-Update drivers etc.
-Find ‘gameinfo.txt’ in my tf folder, delete it, verify game cache, and launch again
-verify game cache
-restart PC
-wait for a while
-run as admin
Help would be appreciated!

Have you tried replacing the gameinfo.txt with a new one? Here’s a link. Just place that in your tf folder and see if it works.

Have you tried replacing the gameinfo.txt with a new one? [url=https://www.dropbox.com/s/heyy925duvgapql/gameinfo.txt?dl=0]Here’s a link[/url]. Just place that in your tf folder and see if it works.

I’ve had this issue a few times in the last couple days. It was being caused by a bad desktop shortcut for tf2. Not sure if that’s the issue here. I fixed it by creating a new shortcut for tf2.

I’ve had this issue a few times in the last couple days. It was being caused by a bad desktop shortcut for tf2. Not sure if that’s the issue here. I fixed it by creating a new shortcut for tf2.

Just tried it, no dice, thanks though

CarnHave you tried replacing the gameinfo.txt with a new one? Here’s a link. Just place that in your tf folder and see if it works.

Just tried it, no dice, thanks though
[quote=Carn]Have you tried replacing the gameinfo.txt with a new one? [url=https://www.dropbox.com/s/heyy925duvgapql/gameinfo.txt?dl=0]Here’s a link[/url]. Just place that in your tf folder and see if it works.[/quote]

check the file itself? I remember a while back i had a fucky problem with it and for some reason the gameinfo was completely wrong, it was pointing the filesystem to some appid that wasn’t 440 (tf2’s). You can probably use the one you dl’d to crosscheck.

check the file itself? I remember a while back i had a fucky problem with it and for some reason the gameinfo was completely wrong, it was pointing the filesystem to some appid that wasn’t 440 (tf2’s). You can probably use the one you dl’d to crosscheck.

Crosschecked and looked it over. Issue still persists. Appreciate the help though

BuildBruhcheck the file itself? I remember a while back i had a fucky problem with it and for some reason the gameinfo was completely wrong, it was pointing the filesystem to some appid that wasn’t 440 (tf2’s). You can probably use the one you dl’d to crosscheck.

Crosschecked and looked it over. Issue still persists. Appreciate the help though
[quote=BuildBruh]check the file itself? I remember a while back i had a fucky problem with it and for some reason the gameinfo was completely wrong, it was pointing the filesystem to some appid that wasn’t 440 (tf2’s). You can probably use the one you dl’d to crosscheck.[/quote]

Did you ever find a solution?
I have replaced the gameinfo.txt from here, verified it at least it has 440 in the right place
I also replaced my desktop icon from within steam.
Any help please

Did you ever find a solution?
I have replaced the gameinfo.txt from here, verified it at least it has 440 in the right place
I also replaced my desktop icon from within steam.
Any help please

I have the same problem. Please help :(

I have the same problem. Please help :(

I have something similar to this. when i launch it through steam, it crashes on the startup loading screen. If i try to launch it through the tf2 folder, the error message opens. Send Help.

I have something similar to this. when i launch it through steam, it crashes on the startup loading screen. If i try to launch it through the tf2 folder, the error message opens. Send Help.

sorry for necroing

i’ve been battling this for the past week, nothing worked, did everything b0wl did, added him to see if he fixed it and said he just got a new pc

i got a match tomorrow and i can’t play anywhere else, please help

this is the error i get when i launch it normally

View post on imgur.com

this is the error i get when i launch it through hl2.exe (as administrator awell)

View post on imgur.com

fixed it, thanks wiethoofd and prsn for helping out!

sorry for necroing

i’ve been battling this for the past week, nothing worked, did everything b0wl did, added him to see if he fixed it and said he just got a new pc

i got a match tomorrow and i can’t play anywhere else, please help

this is the error i get when i launch it normally

this is the error i get when i launch it through hl2.exe (as administrator awell)

fixed it, thanks wiethoofd and prsn for helping out!

So, does anyone know an actual solution for this? Checking the app id (which is 440) and replacing gameinfo.txt didn’t work.

So, does anyone know an actual solution for this? Checking the app id (which is 440) and replacing gameinfo.txt didn’t work.

JackyLegssorry for necroing

i’ve been battling this for the past week, nothing worked, did everything b0wl did, added him to see if he fixed it and said he just got a new pc

i got a match tomorrow and i can’t play anywhere else, please help

this is the error i get when i launch it normally

this is the error i get when i launch it through hl2.exe (as administrator awell)

fixed it, thanks wiethoofd and prsn for helping out!

how did you fix it? i’m literally trying anything but still no results.
Thank you

[quote=JackyLegs]sorry for necroing

i’ve been battling this for the past week, nothing worked, did everything b0wl did, added him to see if he fixed it and said he just got a new pc

i got a match tomorrow and i can’t play anywhere else, please help

this is the error i get when i launch it normally

this is the error i get when i launch it through hl2.exe (as administrator awell)

fixed it, thanks wiethoofd and prsn for helping out![/quote]

how did you fix it? i’m literally trying anything but still no results.
Thank you

I’ve tried a couple of methods with wiethoofd and prsn which fixed it temporarily, I’ve taken all my launch options out and put -autoconfig in my launch options after restarting my pc, after a few tries it worked (try launching as administrator if it doesn’t work).

after a while it happened again, eventually, my pc died, my motherboard and graphics card were toast, had to replace them, after that it never happened again.

I’ve tried a couple of methods with wiethoofd and prsn which fixed it temporarily, I’ve taken all my launch options out and put -autoconfig in my launch options after restarting my pc, after a few tries it worked (try launching as administrator if it doesn’t work).

after a while it happened again, eventually, my pc died, my motherboard and graphics card were toast, had to replace them, after that it never happened again.

try puting the gameinfo.txt into the team fortress 2 folder then put in into the hl2 folder and run it???

try puting the gameinfo.txt into the team fortress 2 folder then put in into the hl2 folder and run it???

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to post a comment.

The following is a list of errors and problems that can occur while using Vtex.

When listing a new error here, please follow the established format.


  • 1 Local Steam Service is not running
  • 2 Problem figuring out outputdir
  • 3 «Unable to find gameinfo.txt»
  • 4 Setup file gameinfo.txt doesn’t exist
  • 5 TGA is bogus
  • 6 «Warning: falling back to auto detection of vconfig» (Windows Vista)
  • 7 See also

Local Steam Service is not running

Vtex will give the following error:

SteamStartup() failed: SteamStartup(0xf,0x0012F0E4) failed with error 108: The local Steam Service is not running

Steam must run while Vtex is run. Start Steam to fix this.

Problem figuring out outputdir

Vtex will give the following error:

Problem figuring out outputdir for <path>

As a first step, check that the texture to convert is really in the sourcesdk_contentgamedirmaterialsrc folder, where gamedir is the game folder (cstrike/dod/hl2/hl2mp).

If the texture is in the correct folder, the error might instead be caused by a complication with the environment variables. Primarily, this should be able to be eliminated by using VConfig and ensuring the selected mod has been run at least once. However, there are cases where this doesn’t solve the problem.

One solution is to remove the instance of the VProject Environment variable. In Windows XP this can be accomplished by the following:

  1. Right-click on My computer and click on Properties.
  2. Select the Advanced tab.
  3. Click on Environment Variables near the bottom of the window.
  4. In the System variables section scroll down and highlight the line VProject.
  5. Click the Delete button.
  6. Click OK twice to exit.

However, this solution will create the Unable to find gameinfo.txt error instead. To do: Delete this non-functioning solution alternative?

Alternative Solution

vtex.exe cannot understand spaces in the input file. One solution is to create a folder directly on the C:/ drive with the same name as the original one the vtex shortcut was pointing at. For example, create C:/tf instead of C:Program FilesSteamsteamapps<account_name>team fortress 2tf. Update the vtex.exe shortcut to point to this new folder. In this folder, put the gameinfo.txt from the original folder, as well as an empty materialsrc and materials folder. Place your file to be converted in the new materialsrc folder. Now drag-and-drop the file onto the vtex shortcut, and the output will be in the new materials folder.

«Unable to find gameinfo.txt»

Vtex will give the following error and instructions:

Unable to find gameinfo.txt. Solutions:

1. Read http://www.valve-erc.com/srcsdk/faq.html#NoGameDir
2. Run vconfig to specify which game you're working on.
3. Add -game <path> on the command line where <path> is the directory that gameinfo.txt is in.

This error will occur after VProject has been removed using the steps above.

Open Source SDK and change the Current Game.

Note.png Note: The link at step 1 won’t provide a solution. (The page is really old.)

Setup file gameinfo.txt doesn’t exist

The Nov 7th, 2007 SDK release includes Orange Box with TF2 and trying to use vtex in this new SDK update to create a vtf file for Team Fortress 2 results in the following error message:

"Setup file 'gameinfo.txt' doesn't exist in subdirectory 'C:Program FilesSteamsteamappsplayer namesourcesdkbinorangeboxbinvconfig'. check your -game parameter or VCONFIG setting.".

Assuming that this is the same error as «Unable to find gameinfo.txt» above, then trying to run vconfig.exe results in this error:

"This application has failed to start because Steam.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem."


  1. Create a shortcut to vtex.exe which is located in «C:Program FilesSteamsteamappsplayer_namesourcesdkbinorangeboxbinvtex.exe» and select Properties.
  2. At the end of the Target text add -game «C:Program FilesSteamsteamappsplayer_nameteam fortress 2tf» -nop4

Valve intends to fix the problem with requirement of a -nop4 argument to be added to the target.

TGA is bogus

Vtex will give the following error:

TGA <path> is bogus!

The texture image you are trying to convert is not recognized as a valid targa (.tga) file. Make sure that it is, and that it is either 24 bit/pixel or 32 bit/pixel. (16 bit/pixel is not recognized.)

«Warning: falling back to auto detection of vconfig» (Windows Vista)

Vtex will give the following error:

To do: Please provide an exact quote of the error.

Make a shortcut for vtex.exe and add -game [path to game directory]

Example: -game c:/steam/steamapps/sourcemods/Awakening

If there are spaces in any of the folders in your path use »

Example: -game «c:/program files/steam/steamapps/sourcemods/insurgency»

See also

  • Vtex

Эта страница попытка документировать общие проблемы с TF2 Classic и их решения.

Убедитесь, что вы полностью выполнили инструкции, приведенные на странице Установка, прежде чем искать решение проблему здесь.

Проблемы, связанные с TF2CDownloader

(Windows) SmartScreen заблокировал TF2CDownloader!

Он делает это для каждого неподписанного приложения. Подписать его будет стоить нам около $800 в год, поэтому мы этого не делаем. Во всплывающем окне SmartScreen нажмите «Подробнее», затем «Выполнить в любом случае».

(Windows) Пишет, что TF2CDownloader нахватает памяти!

Это происходит на Windows 7. Мы не поддерживаем и не можем поддерживать Windows 7, вы должны установить игру вручную.

(Linux) TF2CDownloader выдает «Error loading Python lib»!

Это происходит, когда приложение было собрано с версией glibc, более новой, чем та, которую поддерживает ваш дистрибутив. В настоящее время мы поддерживаем Ubuntu 20.04 и любой другой дистрибутив с glibc 2.31 или новее.

Почему при запуске TF2CDownloader возникает так много ошибок?

Это нормально. Выводимые данные чрезвычайно подробный. Первое, что делает TF2CDownloader, это проверяет, существует ли уже файл игры для проверки. Обычно он не существует, что заставляет его выдать «Checksum error». Затем, если какие-либо зеркала не работают, выходят из строя, отсутствуют или имеют другие проблемы, он также выдаст ошибку при попытке связаться с ними. Это not фатальные ошибки, и они ожидаются в процессе работы.

Я не могу найти папку, которую извлек TF2CDownloader!

Если вы не извлекаете файлы в исходные файлы (sourcemods), ваш каталог для извлечения — большая и загроможденная папка, «и» вы сортируете папки по дате изменения, вы, скорее всего, не сможете легко найти папку, которую он извлек. Вместо этого следует отсортировать папку в алфавитном порядке, а затем прокрутить ее, пока не найдете папку «tf2classic», чтобы переместить ее в папку sourcemods. Также может быть полезно нажать F5, чтобы обновить содержимое папки.

Проблемы с ручной установкой

Я получаю ошибку при попытке извлечь ZIP!

В Windows

Известно, что эта ошибка возникает при использовании встроенного ZIP-архиватор Проводника Windows. Для извлечения файлов игры необходимо использовать сторонние архиваторы (см. ниже).

Проверенные и поддерживаемые варианты включают 7-Zip, PeaZip, и WinZip (не бесплатный). WinRAR вероятно, также подойдет, однако его не рекомендуется использовать, поскольку в прошлом он был известен случайными ошибками при извлечении, а также тем, что является проприетарным.

В Linux

Эта проблема связана с тем, что старые версии libzip не поддерживают ZIP файлы, сжатые с помощью LZMA, что влияет на множество менеджеров архивов. Команда unzip не будет работать.

В дистрибутивах на базе KDE Plasma необходимо открыть Ark, нажать на «Settings» на панели инструментов, нажать «Configure Ark…», и в разделе «Plugins» окна конфигурации снять галочку с «Libzip plugin». Примените изменения и повторите попытку извлечения. Он должен вернуться к использованию бэкенда P7Zip, который будет работает нормально.

Как правило, следует установить 7-Zip и распаковать через CLI. На Ubuntu 22.04+ или Debian 12+ установите пакет «7zip». В Arch Linux или Manjaro установите «7-zip» из AUR. Затем выполните:

7zz x tf2classic-2.0.3.zip

И переместите извлеченную папку «tf2classic» в папку sourcemods.

Различные вопросы

Я не могу подключиться ни к одному серверу, и весь текст начинается с #TF!

Убедитесь в правильности структуры папок. Внутри вашей папки sourcemods, должна быть папка tf2classic, которая должна содержать файл gameinfo.txt. Если это не так, значит, вы извлекли файл неправильно. Если ваш путь выглядит как sourcemods/tf2classic-2.0.3/tf2classic или если все ваши файлы свободно сбрасываются в sourcemods, это приведет к такой проблеме.

Программа запуска сообщает мне, что SDK2013 не установлен, но он установлен!

Это может произойти, если Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer установлен на отдельный диск от клиента Steam. Правильный диск почти всегда будет C:. Любые другие диски кроме дисков C: приведут к проблемам. Вы можете переместить его, как показано ниже:


Для опытных пользователей есть возможность создать символическая ссылку из предполагаемого местоположения в общей папке на диске C: в реальное местоположение на другом диске. Смотрите инструкцию здесь о том, как создать такую ссылку.

Программа запуска говорит, что SDK2013 необходимо обновить, но это так!

Вам следует попробовать запустить SDK2013 из Steam. Даже если Steam утверждает, что он полностью установлен, он может требовать проверки или другой работы, которую Steam выполнит только при попытке его запуска. После запуска и повторного закрытия перезапустите программу запуска.

Лаунчер не работает!

Если у вас возникли какие-либо проблемы с лаунчером, вы можете полностью игнорировать её. Игра должна появиться в вашей библиотеке Steam, если она была установлена правильно, и вы можете запустить ее через неё.

Моя игра не отображается в моей библиотеке Steam!

Сначала полностью перезапустите Steam, если вы этого не сделали после установки игры. Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши по Steam в системном трее (стрелка вверх рядом с уведомлениями и панелью задач), затем нажмите «Выход» в появившемся меню. Или нажмите на кнопку Steam в левом верхнем углу окна и выберите «Выход» из выпадающего меню. Затем снова запустите Steam и посмотрите, появится ли он.

Если это не сработало, убедитесь, что структура папок правильная. Внутри вашей папки sourcemods, должна быть папка tf2classic, которая должна содержать файл gameinfo.txt. Если все это не так, значит, вы извлекли файл неправильно. Если ваш путь выглядит как sourcemods/tf2classic-2.0.3/tf2classic или если все ваши файлы свободно сбрасываются в sourcemods, это приведет к тому, что файл не будет обнаружен.

Эта проблема также может возникнуть, если Steam и TF2 Classic установлены на разных дисках (например, Steam на диске C:, а TF2 Classic на диске E:). Решение заключается в создании «символичной ссылки» — в папки с Steam, которая перенаправляет на папку во внешнем диске. Этапы для этого зависят от вашей системы.

Создание символичной ссылки в Windows

  1. Найдите свою папку sourcemods. Если вы не можете найти его, вы можете выполнить reg query HKCUSoftwareValveSteam /v SourceModInstallPath в Command Prompt, чтобы увидеть путь.
  2. Удалите папку sourcemods, иначе Символическая ссылка не сможет быть создана. Если какие-либо моды все еще находятся там, перенесите их в новое место.
  3. Откройте Командную строку от имени администратора.
  4. Введите эту команду: mklink /d /j "path to steam sourcemods" "path to your sourcemods"

Замените "path to steam sourcemods" на путь Steam sourcemods, например: "C:Program Files (x86)Steamsteamappssourcemods"

Замените "path to your sourcemods" на любой путь, который вам нужен, например: "D:Gamessourcemods"

Создание символичной ссылки в Linux

  1. Удалите папку Steam sourcemods, которая обычно находится по пути ~/.steam/steam/steamapps/sourcemods
  2. Откройте терминал и запустите ln -s /path/to/your/sourcemods ~/.steam/steam/steamapps/sourcemods

Как и в Windows, замените /path/to/your/sourcemods на полный путь к папке, которую вы хотите использовать на внешнем диске.

Обратите внимание, что любой внешний диск, используемый для запуска игр, «должен быть доступен для чтения и записи вашим пользователем, и у вас должны быть права на выполнение действий». Если это диск NTFS, следуйте руководству Valve по его подготовке: https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton/wiki/Using-a-NTFS-disk-with-Linux-and-Windows.

(Linux) Моя игра не может подключиться к серверам!/Мой внутриигровой оверлей не работает!

В Linux для правильной работы TF2C требуется специальный параметр запуска. Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши по игре в библиотеке Steam, нажмите «Свойства», затем вставьте это в поле «Параметры запуска»:

LD_PRELOAD="$HOME/.steam/steam/ubuntu12_32/gameoverlayrenderer.so" %command% -steam -steam

Это исправит оверлей и позволит вам подключаться к игровым серверам.

«На сервере, к которому вы пытаетесь подключиться, установлена старая версия игры».

Эта ошибка частично ложная. Чаще всего старая версия игры установлена не на сервере, а у вас. Если вы сами скачали старую версию игры, то при подключении к официальным серверам вы получите эту ошибку. Следовательно, вам необходимо переустановить игру из архива, используя последнюю версию игры.

Игроки невидимы в моей игре!

Обычно это происходит, если сеть ненадежна или игра тормозит. Можно выполнить команду, чтобы исправить это, хотя вам придется выполнять эту команду каждый раз, когда это будет происходить.

  1. Включите консоль разработчиков в настройках игры.
  2. Нажмите клавишу ~ (тильда, или Ё на русской раскладке) на клавиатуре, чтобы открыть консоль.
  3. Запустите record demo;stop

Игра застряла на «Получение информации о сервере», но я слышу внутриигровые звуки!

Эта проблема возникает, если вы запускаете игру с Intel Graphics вместо использования выделенного GPU.

Решением является снижение графических настроек до тех пор, пока проблема не исчезнет.

Смотрите также

  • Установка
  • Discord server (напишите в наш англоязычный дискорд сервер, в канал #technical-issues если ваш вопрос не удалось решить здесь)

When startup my TF2 server, I’m hit immediately with an error that says KEYVALUES Error: LoadingFromBuffer: missing <in file tf2/gameinfo.txt

[Image: 10f6z4m.jpg]

This error started to occur after I checked for updates with the HLDS updater. The shortcut was


C:SRCDSUpdaterHldsUpdateTool.exe -command update -game tf -verify_all -dir c:SRCDS

I then removed the -verify_all and tried to re-update, but it still gave me the same error.

The gameinfo.txt file I’m using now. I edited a line so that it would boot with MetaMod:Source. I used that to install Mani Admin mod for map voting.


    game    "Team Fortress 2"
    gamelogo 1
    type multiplayer_only
    nomodels 1
    nohimodel 1
    nocrosshair 0
        "test_speakers"        1
        "test_hardware"        1
    nodegraph 0

        SteamAppId                440        // This will mount all the GCFs we need (240=CS:S, 220=HL2).
        ToolsAppId                211        // Tools will load this (ie: source SDK caches) to get things like materialsdebug, materialseditor, etc.

        // The code that loads this file automatically does a few things here:
        // 1. For each "Game" search path, it adds a "GameBin" path, in <dir>bin
        // 2. For each "Game" search path, it adds another "Game" path in front of it with _<langage> at the end.
        //    For example: c:hl2cstrike on a french machine would get a c:hl2cstrike_french path added to it.
        // 3. For the first "Game" search path, it adds a search path called "MOD".
        // 4. For the first "Game" search path, it adds a search path called "DEFAULT_WRITE_PATH".

        // Search paths are relative to the base directory, which is where hl2.exe is found.
        // |gameinfo_path| points at the directory where gameinfo.txt is.
        // We always want to mount that directory relative to gameinfo.txt, so
        // people can mount stuff in c:mymod, and the main game resources are in
        // someplace like c:program filesvalvesteamsteamapps<username>half-life 2.
            GameBin                     |gameinfo_path|addons/metamod/bin
            Game                |gameinfo_path|.
            Game                tf
            Game                |all_source_engine_paths|hl2
            Game                |all_source_engine_paths|hl2

My server.cfg file in case it helps.


// this is your server name as shown in the server list
hostname "<server name>"
sv_password <password>
// your server password. a pair of double quotes means it is not set and anyone can join

// start rcon settings

rcon_password SPARTAN120
// your rcon password to log into the dev rcon console or HLSW rcon console
sv_rcon_banpenalty 5
// Number of minutes to ban users who fail rcon authentication
sv_rcon_maxfailures 10
// Max number of times a user can fail rcon authentication before being banned

// end rcon settings

// start cvars for balancing un-even teams

mp_autoteambalance 1
// 0 is off and 1 is on. if 1 then should be used in conjunction with the following 3 commands
mp_autoteambalance_delay 60
// Time (in seconds) after the teams become unbalanced to attempt to switch players
mp_autoteambalance_warning_delay 30
// Time (in seconds) after the teams become unbalanced to print a balance warning
mp_teams_unbalance_limit 1
// Teams are unbalanced when one team has this many more players than the other (0 disables)

// end cvars for balancing un-even teams

// start cvars for round and game times

mp_enableroundwaittime 1
// Enable or disable timers to wait between rounds. 0 is off 1 is on
mp_bonusroundtime 20
// Time after round win until round restarts (in seconds)
mp_restartround 20
// Time the current round will restart (in seconds)
mp_stalemate_timelimit 240
// Timelimit (in seconds) of the stalemate round
mp_timelimit 40
// game time per map in minutes
mp_stalemate_enable 1
// enables sudden death at the end of rounds

// end cvars for round and game times

// start cvars for win conditions


mp_maxrounds 6
// Max number of rounds to play before server changes maps
mp_winlimit 0
// Max number of rounds one team can win before a server changes maps

// end cvars for win conditions

// start client specific cvars

mp_forcecamera 1
// force dead clients to first person mode disabling freelook. 0 is off 1 is on
mp_allowspectators 1
// enable or disable spectators on the server. 0 is off 1 is on
mp_forcerespawn  1
// People auto-respawn after the cooldown time
mp_footsteps 1
// footsteps on or off. 0 is off and 1 is on
sv_cheats 0
// allow cheats to be used by the client. 0 is off 1 is on
sv_timeout 300
// the amount of time in seconds that a client is booted for no input
sv_consistency 1
// Force clients to pass a consistency check for critical files before joining server. 0 is off 1 is on
decalfrequency 30
// the pause in seconds between a decal being sprayed

// end client specific cvars

// start cvars for communication

sv_voiceenable 1
// allow players to use a microphone. 0 is off 1 is on
sv_alltalk 0
// toggles whether both teams can hear each others voice comms or not. 0 is off 1 is on. recommend it being off
mp_chattime 10
// players can chat for this amount of time (in seconds) after a game is over
// Set to 15 to fix BM map changes

// end cvars for communication

// start download cvars

sv_allowupload 0
// allow custom decals to be uploaded. 0 is off 1 is on
sv_allowdownload 1
// allow files to be downloaded from the server. 0 is off 1 is on
net_maxfilesize 75
// Max download file size. Default is 15
// This is set to 75 because custom maps are HUGE!
sv_downloadurl ""
//redirect download location

// end download cvars

// start bandwidth rates/settings

sv_minrate 5000
// Min bandwidth rate allowed on server, 0 = unlimited. Default: 0
sv_maxrate 72000
// Max bandwidth rate allowed on server, 0 = unlimited. Default: 0
sv_minupdaterate 10
// Minimum updates per second that the server will allow. Default: 10
sv_maxupdaterate 100
// Maximum updates per second that the server will allow. Default: 60
sv_mincmdrate 66
sv_maxcmdrate 100

// end bandwidth rates/settings

// start server logging

log on
// enable or disable server logging. on is on / off is off
sv_logbans 1
// Log server bans in the server logs
sv_logecho 1
// Echo log information to the console. 0 is off 1 is on
sv_logfile 1
// Log server information in the log file. 0 is off 1 is on
sv_log_onefile 1
// log everything in one file
// For stats

// end server logging

// start cvars for general operation

sv_lan 0
// is this an internet or LAN server. 0 is internet 1 is LAN
sv_region 1
// server location. -1 is the world, 0 is USA east coast, 1 is USA west coast, 2 south america, 3 europe, 4 asia, 5 australia, 6 middle east, 7 africa
sv_contact podtf2@gmail.com
// contact email for sysop
sv_pausable 0
// enables or disables whether the server can be paused. 0 is off 1 is on
sv_pure 0
// forces all clients on the server to use content that matches what is on the server. 0 is off 1 is on
sv_pure_kick_clients 0
// kicks clients that do not have content that matches what is on the server

// end cvars for general operation

// start execute ban files

exec banned_user.cfg
exec banned_ip.cfg

// end execute ban files

//respawn timers
mp_disable_respawn_times 1
mp_respawnwavetime 5
//end respawn timers


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