Ошибка dracut initqueue timeout в centos 7

Ошибка dracut initqueue timeout CentOS 7 может встретиться вам при установке последних версий CentOS с флешки или ISO-образа. Сначала может показаться, что образ системы неверно загружен с интернета. Но это не так, с образом всё в порядке. Проблема кроется в методе записи образа на съемный носитель.

Если вы используете специальную утилиту для записи, то проблемы может и не быть, но при обычной распаковке файлов образа на флешку она очень часто встречается. В этой статье мы рассмотрим, как исправить ошибку centos dracut initqueue timeout и успешно установить CentOS.

Ошибка выглядит следующим образом. Сначала система очень долго грузится:

Если отключить заставку и перейти в текстовый режим, то вы увидите надпись «starting dracut initqueue hook», такая надпись будет показываться несколько минут:

А затем на экран будет выведено очень много строк с надписью «dracut initqueue timeout starting timeout scripts» и система перейдёт в режим восстановления:

Эта ошибка возникает потому, что загрузочный скрипт не может найти основные файлы системы и соответственно не может ничего загрузить. В конфигурационном файле grub нашего образа указано место, где надо искать эти файлы:


И если бы флешка была записана программой, то она бы имела метку CentOSx207x20x86_64, и тогда бы всё работало.

Чтобы исправить ошибку, можно записать образ на флешку с помощью любой из программ записи образов, например Etcher, или исправить метку в загрузчике. Второй способ сложнее, но он позволяет решить проблему, даже не загружая основную операционную систему.

В режиме восстановления, который открылся после возникновения ошибки, наберите blkid:


Здесь мы видим, что у раздела /dev/sdd1, на который записана CentOS, метка DATA. Эту метку надо запомнить. Теперь перезагружаем систему:


В меню выбора варианта загрузки Grub нажмите на первом пункте клавишу E:

В строке запуска ядра найдите опцию inst.stage2=hd:LABEL=CentOSx207x20x86_64 и замените метку CentOSx207x20x86_64 на DATA:

Затем нажмите F10 или Ctrl+X для продолжения загрузки. Теперь система запустится нормально, и вы сможете продолжить установку:


В этой небольшой статье мы разобрали, как исправить ошибку «dracut initqueue timeout» CentOS 7, как видите, проблема вполне решаема. Если у вас остались вопросы, спрашивайте в комментариях.

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Основатель и администратор сайта losst.ru, увлекаюсь открытым программным обеспечением и операционной системой Linux. В качестве основной ОС сейчас использую Ubuntu. Кроме Linux, интересуюсь всем, что связано с информационными технологиями и современной наукой.


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Change VM — ‘Warning: dracut-initqueue timeout’ at startup

Hello everyone,

I have CentOS 7 installed with VMWare, and I would like to change the VM to VirtualBox. I have done so, however CentOS7 refuses to boot successfully.
Clean install of the OS is not an option as it contains days of works setting it up.

When I start my VM under Virtual Box, instead of booting successfully to Gnome as expected and configured, it fails with the following error:

dracut-initqueue[259]: Warning: dracut-initqueue timeout
Warning: /dev/centos/root does not exist
Warning: /dev/centos/swap does not exist
Warning: /dev/mapper/centos-root does not exist

To be more exact:

boot.PNG (34.17 KiB) Viewed 168779 times

Here is what I tried:

  1. Boot from CentOS 7 installation ISO disk
  2. Hit Escape to get to the «Boot:» command, and executed: «linux rescue» command
  3. Wait until it loads, and then pick Option 1 (Continue) to get to the shell.
    s1.PNG (27.16 KiB) Viewed 168779 times
  4. Executed the following set of commands

    Code: Select all

    mount --bind /proc /mnt/sysimage/proc
    mount --bind /dev /mnt/sysimage/dev
    mount --bind /sys /mnt/sysimage/sys
    chroot /mnt/sysimage
    dracut -f 
    cd /
    telinit 6

    This sadly had no affect.

    It must be noted that everything seems to be executed successfully, beside «dracut -f» where I am getting:

    Kernel version 3.10.0-514.e17.x86_64 has no module directory /lib/modules/3.10.0-514.e17x86_64
    Failed to install module vmxnet3

My assumption is that ‘vmxnet3’ is a VMWare driver and that is screwing it up with the startup. Is this correct? And, if that is the case how do I remove it?

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Основатель и администратор сайта losst.ru, увлекаюсь открытым программным обеспечением и операционной системой Linux. В качестве основной ОС сейчас использую Ubuntu. Кроме Linux, интересуюсь всем, что связано с информационными технологиями и современной наукой.


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Change VM — ‘Warning: dracut-initqueue timeout’ at startup

Hello everyone,

I have CentOS 7 installed with VMWare, and I would like to change the VM to VirtualBox. I have done so, however CentOS7 refuses to boot successfully.
Clean install of the OS is not an option as it contains days of works setting it up.

When I start my VM under Virtual Box, instead of booting successfully to Gnome as expected and configured, it fails with the following error:

dracut-initqueue[259]: Warning: dracut-initqueue timeout
Warning: /dev/centos/root does not exist
Warning: /dev/centos/swap does not exist
Warning: /dev/mapper/centos-root does not exist

To be more exact:

boot.PNG (34.17 KiB) Viewed 168779 times

Here is what I tried:

  1. Boot from CentOS 7 installation ISO disk
  2. Hit Escape to get to the «Boot:» command, and executed: «linux rescue» command
  3. Wait until it loads, and then pick Option 1 (Continue) to get to the shell.
    s1.PNG (27.16 KiB) Viewed 168779 times
  4. Executed the following set of commands

    Code: Select all

    mount --bind /proc /mnt/sysimage/proc
    mount --bind /dev /mnt/sysimage/dev
    mount --bind /sys /mnt/sysimage/sys
    chroot /mnt/sysimage
    dracut -f 
    cd /
    telinit 6

    This sadly had no affect.

    It must be noted that everything seems to be executed successfully, beside «dracut -f» where I am getting:

    Kernel version 3.10.0-514.e17.x86_64 has no module directory /lib/modules/3.10.0-514.e17x86_64
    Failed to install module vmxnet3

My assumption is that ‘vmxnet3’ is a VMWare driver and that is screwing it up with the startup. Is this correct? And, if that is the case how do I remove it?


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Re: Change VM — ‘Warning: dracut-initqueue timeout’ at startup


by TrevorH » 2017/09/04 21:25:30

Did you try booting the «rescue» kernel from your installed system? Your problem is that the initramfs file for your current kernel only contains suport for the hardware that was present on your old VM. There should also be a «rescue» kernel listed in grub that was installed by the original installer and that should have support for most if not all hardware. You can boot that and then use dracut -f to rebuild the initramfs for the newest kernel and if you do that it will build a new initramfs containing support for the current VM «hardware».


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Re: Change VM — ‘Warning: dracut-initqueue timeout’ at startup


by GoodBytes » 2017/09/05 05:06:32

Hmm… sorry, you lost me a bit, how do I boot to rescue?

This is what I have:

boot_menu.PNG (25.24 KiB) Viewed 168734 times

I tried doing Ctrl+e on the selected item above (default) adding «rescue» (without quotes, of course), and run it (Ctrl+x), but I just get that it can’t find rescue. I think I am not understanding you. :?

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Re: Change VM — ‘Warning: dracut-initqueue timeout’ at startup


by TrevorH » 2017/09/05 06:12:24

It’s the bottom kernel on your list there — the one with «rescue» in its name ;-) Scroll down to that, hit enter.


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Re: Change VM — ‘Warning: dracut-initqueue timeout’ at startup


by GoodBytes » 2017/09/05 13:43:44

Wow.. I was indeed tired for not catching this. :)

Ok, interesting results:
1- Ran it first time, did something and quickly rebooted to the boot selection screen. Starting the OS normally, lead to the same issue.
2- Decided to try again to see if I can catch an error or something, but this time it did some what it looked like a disk scan (but correct me if I am wrong), thinking it would now work, I waited out (should have taken a screenshot for documentation purposes…. now I regret it). It rebooted, and starting the OS normally, once again lead to the same issue.
3- Ran it a third time to see what the scan was about, thinking it would redo it… but nope, now it worked! Logged in successfully, restarted normally, and now the normal option boots the OS perfectly fine.

Interesting set of event I wished I paid closer attention to know what exactly what was going on for self educational purposes. :/

But now everything works! :D

Thank you so much!
I really appreciate it!


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Re: Change VM — ‘Warning: dracut-initqueue timeout’ at startup


by GoodBytes » 2017/09/08 13:56:23

So, this is interesting. I am trying to move the VM from VMWare to Hyper-V (under Windows 10 if that matters) now, and I am getting different experience then above.
Basically, rescue boot option works, it successfully loads CentOS 7, but normal boot, it gets jam at:

Code: Select all

[    OK    ] Reached target Basic System

for a while, and then dracut timeout errors («Warning: dracut-initqueue timeout — starting timeout script» appears a bunch of time), and then get and gets stuck (waited over 20min):

Code: Select all

[   OK   ] Started dracut initqueue hook.
[   OK   ] Reached target Remote File System (Pre).
[   OK   ] Reached target Remote File System.
[****     ] A start job is runnin for dev-mapp...oot.device (15min 40sec / no limit)

It must be noted, that when I boot in recovery mode. If I open a Terminal in Gnome, and type sudo dracut -f
I get the same error with dracut mentioned on my previous post «Failed to install module vmxnet3».

Any suggestions?

The reason why I want to move it to Hyper-V, is to have it running on the back with the system as it startups, and just SSH to it (I got this part working in a clean install of CentOS 7. But I need to port/use the setup and configured one.)

Last edited by GoodBytes on 2017/09/08 14:16:45, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Change VM — ‘Warning: dracut-initqueue timeout’ at startup


by TrevorH » 2017/09/08 14:16:03

When you boot the rescue kernel it will use a different version number so you need to be explicit to dracut about which file to write and for what version. Don’t just run `dracut -f` as it will build for the _running_ kernel version.


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Re: Change VM — ‘Warning: dracut-initqueue timeout’ at startup


by GoodBytes » 2017/09/08 15:43:27

Hmm.. I think I am not understanding the documentation of dracut.
I tried, under rescue mode > terminal:

Code: Select all

sudo dracut kernel-3.10.0-514.26.2.e17.x86_64.img -f

That didn’t help.
I also tried

Code: Select all

sudo dracut kernel-3.10.0-514.26.2.e17.x86_64.img -f --omit-drivers "vmxnet3"


Code: Select all

sudo dracut kernel-3.10.0-514.26.2.e17.x86_64.img -o "vmxnet3"

And in all cases, dracut returns:

Kernel version 3.10.0-123.e17.x86_64 has no module directory /lib/modules/3.10.0-123e17.x86_64
dracut: Failed to install module wmxnet3

and of course, doesn’t help when booting in normal mode.

If you wonder:

I get:


From the dracut error, it seems to ignore the image name, so I think that is my problem, but I can’t see in the doc what I am doing wrong. I am definitely missing an argument it feels.


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Re: Change VM — ‘Warning: dracut-initqueue timeout’ at startup


by hunter86_bg » 2017/09/08 16:02:05

I usually use an installation DVD.
You have to boot the DVD, then select to rescue/repair (or whatever was called).
Then it will ask you whether you want to mount your file systems.
Once the file systems are mounted use

Code: Select all

mount -o rbind /proc /your-mounted-root-dpartition/proc

Repeat for ‘/sys’ and ‘/dev’ too.
Verify that your boot partition is mounted, if not mount it under your-mounted-root.
Then use

Code: Select all

chroot /your-mounted-root-partition

Last rebuild the initramfs, exit, dismount and reboot again.

It never failed me down.

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Re: Change VM — ‘Warning: dracut-initqueue timeout’ at startup


by TrevorH » 2017/09/08 16:08:32

All of the things you tried will not work. You need something like dracut -f /boot/initramfs-3.10.0-514.26.2.e17.x86_64.img 3.10.0-514.26.2.e17.x86_64

Pretty sure the message about vmxnet3 is a warning only and will not affect the outcome. That module is specific to a VMWare VM and won’t be present anywhere else.

I installed centos7 on Ubuntu 16.04 KVM with qcow2 disk format.

To deploy my centos maschine I need it in vhdx disk format to support Microsoft’s Hyper-V. I used qemu-image to convert it from qcow2 file format to vhdx.

qemu-img convert -O vhdx centos.qcow2 centos.vhdx

When I create in Microsoft’s Hyper-V a new generation 1 vm with the centos.vhdx disk file I get an error like

dracut-initqueue[220]: Warning dracut-initqueue timeout - starting timeout scripts

See my bootscren: Bootscreen

How I can fix this issue?

Lætitia's user avatar


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asked Jun 9, 2017 at 12:22

Volker Raschek's user avatar

Volker RaschekVolker Raschek

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Download the Centos7 DVD, boot from the DVD and rescue a centos system.

Follow this:

Be sure to skip to «to build it for a specific kernel version»

I have had the same going from Virtualbox to Hyper-V.

Dave M's user avatar

Dave M

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answered Jun 10, 2017 at 8:55

Robert Needs's user avatar


Run this in the VM before you clone it:

dracut --force --no-hostonly

After you clone the VM, boot it and run:

dracut --force

If you’ve already cloned the VM, you can connect the virtual disk to IDE to boot it (as noted by others) and run the first command. Make sure you shutdown the VM and re-attach the disk to the correct controller before running the second command.

The first command rebuilds the initramfs with all drivers available. The second command rebuilds the initramfs with only the drivers needed by the current system (default). Tested by going from Hyper-V to ESXi 6.5 w/ PVSCSI.

From: https://fedoramagazine.org/initramfs-dracut-and-the-dracut-emergency-shell/

answered May 6, 2021 at 19:44

ky41083's user avatar


511 silver badge2 bronze badges


I just had the same issue trying to complete a fresh CentoOS 7 install on a Dell Laptop. Found the answer here:

After the timeout error message finishes, you are entered to dracut
commandline just type


Find the LABEL = ***** associated with the device you are trying to boot from and then reboot.
In the selection
page choose to edit or press whichever key it is to edit and then
delete the name that is on there next to LABEL and add what you got
from the blkid. don’t change anything else.

should fix it. if not try might a different usb creator.

Community's user avatar

answered Apr 6, 2018 at 1:38

kkron's user avatar


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Instead of converting the QCOW2 image to VHDX I have converted it to VMDK. Then
reformatted the VMDK and successfully brought it up in ESXi 5.5, but the I’m unable to bring it up in ESxi 6.5.

With 6.5 ESXi I’m getting the error /dev/disk/by-uuid/xxxxxxxxxxxx does not exist

error screenshot

Then I’ve found a workaround for ESxi 6.5. In the VM settings if we change the Virtual Device Node from SCSI Controller to IDE master it will fix the issue.

Lætitia's user avatar


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answered Apr 24, 2019 at 10:27

srujan kumar's user avatar


In my case, I was working with a virtual appliance builtin with CentOS, created to be running on VMware in a format OVA. After to import in VirtualBox, I had the same issue «dracut-initqueue» after same time appears the message about the timeout.
Someone had commented that start to works after change the controller device from Iscsi to IDE, I did that, and works. Now my appliance is running on CentOS.

answered Aug 26, 2020 at 1:50

Eduardo Barbosa's user avatar

My issue was importing a VMWare ESXi generated ova to VirtualBox. There was no rescue kernel image to boot so I wasn’t able to rebuild the initramfs. Turns out I didn’t need to… simply changing the VirtualBox appliance settings (controller type: PIIX4, Hard Disk: IDE Primary Master) fixed my boot issue.

answered Feb 11, 2021 at 16:50

B Green's user avatar

During boot, my CentOS 7 box yields a bunch of messages like [ 202.161851] myhost dracut-initqueue[381]: Warning: dracut-initqueue timeout - starting timeout scripts and then drops me to a prompt. I wait a few minutes for my storage to finish loading and then type exit and the boot completes.

How do I change the timeout so instead of giving me a prompt after a couple minutes it actually waits for the storage to load and boots automatically? I initiate most reboots remotely and it is really annoying to have to jump on the console every time I reboot just to type exit.

asked Feb 8, 2018 at 9:12

Pascal's user avatar

when you see install CentOS screen, move the arrow up to «install CentOS 7»
then press tab,
It will show the parameter it is passing.
remove the line until hd: and add «sr0»
then press enter.

I think that will do it.

if didn’t work, try to find the device name of the cdrom or USB mounted to install,
Try ll /dev/disk/by-id/ you will get an idea which drive is device to append to hd: as mentioned.

answered Feb 20, 2018 at 13:23

Anil Thomas's user avatar

Try to boot in rescue. If you can, then you should regenerate initramfs. For example,

dracut -f /boot/initramfs-3.10.0-693.21.1.el7.x86_64.img 3.10.0-693.21.1.el7.x86_64

The OS will be able to boot up normally afterwards.

Thanks TrevorH for this solution: https://www.centos.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=63988

Re: Change VM — ‘Warning: dracut-initqueue timeout’ at startup Post
by TrevorH » 2017/09/08 16:08:32

All of the things you tried will not work. You need something like
dracut -f /boot/initramfs-3.10.0-514.26.2.e17.x86_64.img

answered May 30, 2019 at 9:43

yongsheng's user avatar


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Может встретиться при установке CentOS с флешки или ISO-образа

перед ошибков зависает надпись «Starting dracut initqueue hook…»

а затем на экран будет выведено очень много строк с надписью «dracut initqueue timeout — starting timeout scripts» и система перейдёт в режим восстановления:

ошибка возникает в следствии того, что загрузочный скрипт не может найти основные файлы системы и не может загрузить его

по умолчанию образ имеет наименование: CentOSx207x20x86_64, а при ошибке наименование отличается

что бы узнать наименование образа в режиме восстановления набираем

# blkid

будет выведен список подключенных устройств (флешки, диски и т.д.)

находим нужный нам образ и смотрим наименование (в моем случае при записи образа в windows наименование флешки сократилось до CentOSx207x20x8 записываем или запоминаем)

используем команду

# reboot

в меню выбора варианта загрузки Grub нажмите на первом пункте клавишу E:

в строке запуска ядра найти inst.stage2=hd:LABEL=CentOSx207x20x86_64 и заменить CentOSx207x20x86_64 на то значение которое в установочном диске (в моем случае CentOSx207x20x8):

нажимаем F10 или Ctrl+X для продолжения загрузки

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