Ошибка cs0106 модификатор public недопустим для этого элемента

namespace WcfService1
    // NOTE: You can use the "Rename" command on the "Refactor" menu to change the interface name "IService1" in both code and config file together.
    public interface HelloWorldService
        [WebGet(UriTemplate = "")]

        public string HelloWorld() //here
            return "Hello world!";

I get this error:

Error   1   The modifier 'public' is not valid for this item

This is what I have in my svc.cs file

public class Service1 : HelloWorldService
    public string HelloWorld()
        return string.Format("Hello World!");

This is actually from a tutorial from my uni:

Unlike last week, where we created interfaces for our services first, we are simply going to create WCF service objects in this first example. This is to save on time within the tutorial. Best practice means that we should be creating interfaces for all our services, which relates to the defined service contract. First of all create a new project within Visual Studio 2008 (remember to add the System.ServiceModel and System.ServiceModel.Web references, and the using declaration for both of these namespaces), and add the following class definition:

public class HelloWorldService
public string HelloWorld()
return "Hello world!";

You should be familiar with the basic structure of this WCF service from last week’s tutorial. The difference lies in the extra attribute we have added to the method:
This attribute states that the service receives HTTP GET messages (the WebGet part), and that the rest of the URL is not relevant to the service end point (this will become clearer after the later examples). To host this service, we require the following main application:


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Compiler Error CS0106

Compiler Error CS0106





Compiler Error CS0106

The modifier ‘modifier’ is not valid for this item

A class or interface member was marked with an invalid access modifier. The following examples describe some of these invalid modifiers:

  • The static modifier is not permitted on a local function. The static local function feature is supported starting with C# 8.0. A compiler that doesn’t support C# 8.0 produces CS0106 when you try to use this feature. However, a compiler that supports C# 8.0 but the set language version is prior to C# 8.0 will produce a diagnostic suggesting that you use C# 8.0 or later.

  • The public keyword is not allowed on an explicit interface declaration. In this case, remove the public keyword from the explicit interface declaration.

  • The abstract keyword is not allowed on an explicit interface declaration because an explicit interface implementation can never be overridden.

  • Access modifiers are not allowed on a local function. Local functions are always private.

In prior releases of Visual Studio, the static modifier was not permitted on a class, but static classes are allowed starting with Visual Studio 2005.

For more information, see Interfaces.


The following sample generates CS0106:

// CS0106.cs
namespace MyNamespace
   interface I
      void M();

   public class MyClass : I
      public void I.M() {}   // CS0106
      public static void Main() {}

AssetsGameControl2D.cs(25,10): error CS0106: The modifier ‘public’ is not valid for this item

This error is happening why? Please anyone let me help it to figure out.

using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using UnityEngine;
public class GameControl2D : MonoBehaviour
    public static GameControl2D instance;
    public GameObject gameOverText;
    public bool gameOver = false;

    void Awake ()
        if (instance == null)
            instance = this;
        else if (instance != this)
            Destroy (gameObject);

    void Update ()
         public void BirdDied()
            GameOverText.SetActive (true);
            gameOver = true;

asked Jan 16, 2022 at 9:59

Tahrim's user avatar


You have a nested/local method BirdDied, that can’t have access modifiers. It’s accessible only from the method body of Update anyway. So this compiles:

void Update ()
    void BirdDied()
        GameOverText.SetActive (true);
        gameOver = true;

But since you don’t use it in your code, i doubt that it’s what you want.

answered Jan 16, 2022 at 10:04

Tim Schmelter's user avatar

Tim SchmelterTim Schmelter

447k72 gold badges684 silver badges935 bronze badges

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class Bird2D : MonoBehaviour
    public float upForce = 200f;
    private bool isDead = false;
    private Rigidbody2D rb2d;

    private Animator anim;

    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        rb2d = GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>();
        anim = GetComponent<Animator>();

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (isDead == false)
            if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
                rb2d.velocity = Vector2.zero;
                rb2d.AddForce(new Vector2(0, upForce));
    void OnCollisionEnter2D()
        isDead = true;

This is the Bird2D.cs file i already remove public from birdDied method but the error is same

answered Jan 16, 2022 at 10:07

Tahrim's user avatar


public static void main (Args _args)
TmpFrmVirtual tmpFrmVirtualVend;
PurchFormLetter_Invoice purchFormLetter;
VendPackingSlipJour vendPackingSlipJour;
SysQueryRun chooseLinesQuery;
SysQueryRun chooseLinesPendingInvoiceQuery;
container conTmpFrmVirtual;
List selectedList = new List(Types::Record);
PurchId purchId = «PO00001» ; //Purchase order number
PackingSlipId packingSlipId = «PCK0001»; //Product receipt number

select firstonly vendPackingSlipJour
where vendPackingSlipJour.PurchId == purchId
&& vendPackingSlipJour.PackingSlipId == packingSlipId;

if (vendPackingSlipJour)
tmpFrmVirtualVend.TableNum = vendPackingSlipJour.TableId;
tmpFrmVirtualVend.RecordNo = vendPackingSlipJour.RecId;
tmpFrmVirtualVend.NoYes = NoYes::Yes;
tmpFrmVirtualVend.Id = vendPackingSlipJour.PurchId;

chooseLinesQuery = new SysQueryRun(queryStr(PurchUpdate));

// chooseLinesPendingInvoiceQuery needs to be initialized, although it will not be used
chooseLinesPendingInvoiceQuery = new SysQueryRun(queryStr(PurchUpdatePendingInvoice));

purchFormLetter = PurchFormLetter::construct(DocumentStatus::Invoice);
purchFormLetter.chooseLinesQuery (chooseLinesQuery);
purchFormLetter.purchTable (PurchTable::find(PurchId));
purchFormLetter.transDate (systemDateGet());
purchFormLetter.parmParmTableNum (strFmt(«%1»,packingSlipId)); //This is invoice number
purchFormLetter.printFormLetter (NoYes::No);
purchFormLetter.sumBy (AccountOrder::Auto);
purchFormLetter.specQty (PurchUpdate::PackingSlip);

while select tmpFrmVirtualVend
conTmpFrmVirtual = selectedList.pack();

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When using explicit implementation of an interface, the members are forced to something more restricted than private in the class itself. And when the access modifier is forced, you may not add one.

Likewise, in the interface itself, all members are public. If you try to add a modifier inside an interface you will get a similar error.

Why are explicit members (very) private? Consider:

interface I1 { void M(); }
interface I2 { void M(); }

class C : I1, I2
    void I1.M() { ... }
    void I2.M() { ... }

C c = new C();
c.M();         // Error, otherwise: which one?
(c as I1).M(); // Ok, no ambiguity. 

If those methods were public, you would have a name-clash that cannot be resolved by the normal overload rules.

For the same reason you cannot even call M() from inside a class C member. You will have to cast this to a specific interface first to avoid the same ambiguity.

class C : I1, I2
   void X() 
     M();             // error, which one? 
     ((I1)this).M();  // OK 

As said in comments, you have placed public constructor to the OpenExe method. That is just wrong construct and that is the reason why your code does not compile.
Move that constructor out of the OpenExe, as well as ‘SplashStart’.
Note that you already have another public default constructor, delete that one first.
You might also want to call that constructor from the other one, as this one is showing your splashscreen and doing some initalization.

public Form1(ApplicationControl appControl, MenuStrip, ...) :this()
    // your other initialization code

And another piece of advice, if you allow, do some serious refactoring here.
A method (or constructor) should not have more then seven parameters.
Consider to extract some objects, grouping similar elements, like ToolStripMenuItem, for example.

Also, creating a separate thread in the form constructor and putting constructor body to sleep might not be the best practice as well.
Create your form, just don’t show it. You can, for example, show splashscreen, initialize a timer. Once 5 seconds is over, hide splashscreen, show your main form.
Also, t.Abort(); is not recommended as well.
Good luck. Hope this helps you a bit.

As said in comments, you have placed public constructor to the OpenExe method. That is just wrong construct and that is the reason why your code does not compile.
Move that constructor out of the OpenExe, as well as ‘SplashStart’.
Note that you already have another public default constructor, delete that one first.
You might also want to call that constructor from the other one, as this one is showing your splashscreen and doing some initalization.

public Form1(ApplicationControl appControl, MenuStrip, ...) :this()
    // your other initialization code

And another piece of advice, if you allow, do some serious refactoring here.
A method (or constructor) should not have more then seven parameters.
Consider to extract some objects, grouping similar elements, like ToolStripMenuItem, for example.

Also, creating a separate thread in the form constructor and putting constructor body to sleep might not be the best practice as well.
Create your form, just don’t show it. You can, for example, show splashscreen, initialize a timer. Once 5 seconds is over, hide splashscreen, show your main form.
Also, t.Abort(); is not recommended as well.
Good luck. Hope this helps you a bit.


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Compiler Error CS0106

Compiler Error CS0106





Compiler Error CS0106

The modifier ‘modifier’ is not valid for this item

A class or interface member was marked with an invalid access modifier. The following examples describe some of these invalid modifiers:

  • The static modifier is not permitted on a local function. The static local function feature is supported starting with C# 8.0. A compiler that doesn’t support C# 8.0 produces CS0106 when you try to use this feature. However, a compiler that supports C# 8.0 but the set language version is prior to C# 8.0 will produce a diagnostic suggesting that you use C# 8.0 or later.

  • The public keyword is not allowed on an explicit interface declaration. In this case, remove the public keyword from the explicit interface declaration.

  • The abstract keyword is not allowed on an explicit interface declaration because an explicit interface implementation can never be overridden.

  • Access modifiers are not allowed on a local function. Local functions are always private.

In prior releases of Visual Studio, the static modifier was not permitted on a class, but static classes are allowed starting with Visual Studio 2005.

For more information, see Interfaces.


The following sample generates CS0106:

// CS0106.cs
namespace MyNamespace
   interface I
      void M();

   public class MyClass : I
      public void I.M() {}   // CS0106
      public static void Main() {}


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Compiler Error CS0106

Compiler Error CS0106





Compiler Error CS0106

The modifier ‘modifier’ is not valid for this item

A class or interface member was marked with an invalid access modifier. The following examples describe some of these invalid modifiers:

  • The static modifier is not permitted on a local function. The static local function feature is supported starting with C# 8.0. A compiler that doesn’t support C# 8.0 produces CS0106 when you try to use this feature. However, a compiler that supports C# 8.0 but the set language version is prior to C# 8.0 will produce a diagnostic suggesting that you use C# 8.0 or later.

  • The public keyword is not allowed on an explicit interface declaration. In this case, remove the public keyword from the explicit interface declaration.

  • The abstract keyword is not allowed on an explicit interface declaration because an explicit interface implementation can never be overridden.

  • Access modifiers are not allowed on a local function. Local functions are always private.

In prior releases of Visual Studio, the static modifier was not permitted on a class, but static classes are allowed starting with Visual Studio 2005.

For more information, see Interfaces.


The following sample generates CS0106:

// CS0106.cs
namespace MyNamespace
   interface I
      void M();

   public class MyClass : I
      public void I.M() {}   // CS0106
      public static void Main() {}

При использовании явной реализации интерфейса члены в принудительном порядке вынуждены использовать что-то более ограниченное, чем private. И когда модификатор доступа принудительно, вы можете его не добавлять.

Аналогично, в самом интерфейсе все члены public. Если вы попытаетесь добавить модификатор внутри интерфейса, вы получите аналогичную ошибку.

Почему явные члены (очень) частные? Рассмотрим:

interface I1 { void M(); }
interface I2 { void M(); }

class C : I1, I2
    void I1.M() { ... }
    void I2.M() { ... }

C c = new C();
c.M();         // Error, otherwise: which one?
(c as I1).M(); // Ok, no ambiguity. 

Если эти методы были общедоступными, у вас будет столкновение имен, которое не может быть разрешено нормальными правилами перегрузки.

По той же причине вы даже не можете вызвать M() изнутри члена class C. Перед тем, как избежать одной и той же двусмысленности, вам придется отбрасывать this на определенный интерфейс.

class C : I1, I2
   void X() 
     M();             // error, which one? 
     ((I1)this).M();  // OK 

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