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На форуме с
23 мая 06
И так теперь приступим к её устранению.
A. Отключаем антивирус и Брандмауэр.(Здесь возможно будут проблемы, некоторые антивирусы в отключенном режиме все равно сохраняют свой процесс и подгружают карантин, «такие антивирусы как AVG,AVAST ит.д порой требуется полное удаление и перезапуск ПК)
B. Переходим в папку DayzStandalone удаляем dayzlauncher.ini
C. Запускаем DayZ Launcher.exe из папки с игрой от имени администратора.
D. Ставим галочки согласно картинки ниже
1.Отключаем UAC (чтобы не было в дальнейшим проблем)
2.Автоматически обновлять игру ставим галочку как у меня.
3.Оставляем как есть
4.Вы можете установить кол-во ядер процессора которые будет использовать игра.
5.Кол-во потоков которые будет занимать игра.(вы можете посмотреть это в Мой компьютер > правой кнопкой мыши> свойства).
6.Обьём оперативной памяти которые будет занимать игра (вы можете посмотреть это в Мой компьютер > правой кнопкой мыши> свойства).
7.Обьём оперативной памяти видео адаптера выделенный приложению Dayz (можно посмотреть в свойствах видео карты вызвав командой в меню пуск «mmc devmgmt.msc» без ковычек)
8.Для пользователей WinXP ставим галочку. (Остальные операционные системы оставляем по умолчанию)
9.Обязательно ставим галочку напротив @cars. (как у меня)
Нажимаем Сохранить и перезапускаем компьютер!
Если ошибка повторяется, дело в вашем антивирусе!
Видео гайд устранения данной проблемы http://youtu.be/_yU92doopl0
I have a question about starting the ctest. As I can understand that ctest uses CTestTestfile.cmake for the beginning of the unit test. What is the executable file? Why does ctest find it as *.exe if it is a CTestTestfile.cmake? What is wrong in my actions?
I have a folder Prj:
and folder /build
with cmake output (CTestTestfile.cmake is here) as well as all ctest,cmake, etc. programs with their dll (is it right?).
Here is the text of CMakeLists.txt file:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
project(MyTest C)
set(SOURCE_EXE simple_test.c)
### The most simple test
add_executable(simple_test ${SOURCE_EXE})
target_link_libraries(simple_test "./src")
add_test(NAME simple_test COMMAND simple_test)
I have received the result in Windows cmd:
It’s common for developers to encounter the «Executable file not found in $PATH» error when running applications or using command line tools. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the troubleshooting process to resolve this issue quickly and effectively. We’ll also answer some frequently asked questions related to the error.
Table of Contents
- Understanding the $PATH variable
- Step-by-step troubleshooting guide
- Step 1: Verify the command and file location
- Step 2: Check the $PATH variable
- Step 3: Modify the $PATH variable
- Step 4: Make the file executable
- FAQs
Understanding the $PATH variable
The $PATH variable is an environment variable that lists the directories where executable files and scripts are located. When you run a command, the shell searches for the corresponding executable file in the directories listed in the $PATH variable. If the file isn’t found in any of them, the «Executable file not found in $PATH» error occurs.
The $PATH variable is essential to the proper functioning of your system, as it allows you to run commands without specifying the full path to the executable file.
Step-by-step troubleshooting guide
Follow these steps to resolve the «Executable file not found in $PATH» error:
Step 1: Verify the command and file location
Before troubleshooting the $PATH variable, make sure you’re using the correct command and the file is located in the correct directory.
- Double-check the command you’re using
- Verify the location of the executable file
- If necessary, move the file to the appropriate directory or adjust the command
Step 2: Check the $PATH variable
Inspect the $PATH variable to ensure it includes the directory containing the executable file. To view the current $PATH variable, use the following command:
For Linux and macOS:
echo $PATH
For Windows (Command Prompt):
echo %PATH%
For Windows (PowerShell):
echo $env:PATH
Ensure the directory containing the executable file is listed in the $PATH variable. If not, proceed to the next step.
Step 3: Modify the $PATH variable
Add the directory containing the executable file to the $PATH variable using the following commands:
For Linux and macOS:
export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/directory
For Windows (Command Prompt):
setx PATH "%PATH%;C:pathtodirectory"
For Windows (PowerShell):
$env:PATH += ";C:pathtodirectory"
Once you’ve added the directory to the $PATH variable, try running the command again. If the error persists, proceed to the next step.
Step 4: Make the file executable
Ensure the file has executable permissions by running the following command:
For Linux and macOS:
chmod +x /path/to/file
For Windows, right-click the file, select «Properties,» and check the «Read» and «Execute» permissions under the «Security» tab.
Try running the command again. If the error still occurs, double-check the previous steps and consult the application’s documentation for further guidance.
Why does the «Executable file not found in $PATH» error occur?
This error occurs when the shell cannot find the specified executable file in the directories listed in the $PATH variable. It could be due to an incorrect command, the file not being in the expected directory, or the directory not being included in the $PATH variable.
How do I permanently add a directory to the $PATH variable?
To permanently add a directory to the $PATH variable, modify the appropriate configuration file for your shell. For example, add the export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/directory
command to the .bashrc
or .bash_profile
file if you’re using Bash on Linux or macOS. For Windows, use the «Environment Variables» editor in the «System Properties» dialog.
Can I have multiple directories in the $PATH variable?
Yes, you can have multiple directories in the $PATH variable, separated by colons (:) on Linux and macOS or semicolons (;) on Windows.
Can I use relative paths in the $PATH variable?
It’s not recommended to use relative paths in the $PATH variable, as it can lead to unexpected behavior. Always use absolute paths to ensure the shell can find the executable files.
What’s the difference between the $PATH variable and the working directory?
The $PATH variable lists the directories where the shell searches for executable files, while the working directory is the current directory the shell is operating in. The working directory can be changed using the cd
command, whereas the $PATH variable is typically modified through configuration files or environment variable editors.
- Understanding Linux Environment Variables
- Environment Variables in Windows
- Application’s Documentation
Lately, I’ve been having this problem where Windows was informing me that a file did not exist. For example, if I were to open up my-image.png
from explorer, it would tell me that it wasn’t found. Now, Picasa Photo Viewer had taken over the extensions, which is what I wanted when I installed it. So, I went to Picasa’s Program Files Directory, and tried opening the viewer manually. This time, I was told that the app could not be found, even though I’d just double-clicked it.
Over time, more EXE files started doing it. I found that if I rename the EXE, it works. But the second I change it back, it «can’t find» it again.
I don’t have any viruses on my PC, everything else is performing fantastically.
Edit — This is happening with RAD Studio now as well.
Here’s a snapshot of the error with bds.exe
Edit 2 — Also, I have checked the exefile
and .exe
associations in the registry, and those are fine (set correctly).
It’s just weird that most apps open, but BDS does not. Command line can’t open it either.
The window "Cannot find xxxx.exe" pops up when the vs editor is debugging and running. It is really uncomfortable. It doesn't work if you reopen it. Uninstalling and reinstalling can't solve this problem. Finally, I found a solution, which is the previous installation of vs. The version is not deleted cleanly. . . The most stupid thing is that the open console, which is the black window, is not closed. .
1.vs is not completely deleted
download link:
After downloading and decompressing, the interface is as follows, run the .exe file marked in red as an administrator
After running, select "Y" and wait for the entire deletion process. It's really cool, it's all about vs deletion. .
2. The console (black window) is not closed after execution
In other words, the console window was not closed after the last compile and run, which caused this problem to occur, just recompile and run after closing.