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- Error: «You have failed to connect»…
I updated BF2:SF and the patch 1.12. I also updated ASE with the new info. And now I get a
«You have failed to connect. Please check your network connection(s). Reset and try again.»
Anyone have this problem? Any fixes to this?
I had this problem, but just once. I rebooted the pc, tried again and it was fine after that
i have that too! and i have rebooted the pc 3 times after that (turning it fully of for the day and for two «errors») and i stil have that problem!
I have this problem frequently. Think it’s my DSL connection getting all flaky. Don’t think it’s a game bug, but the game does seem to hang up if you don’t have a clean and solid connection while joining a server.
bgthigfist wrote:
I have this problem frequently. Think it’s my DSL connection getting all flaky. Don’t think it’s a game bug, but the game does seem to hang up if you don’t have a clean and solid connection while joining a server.
I have cable… i don’t think that shoud make problems! It’s so strange! you get an error on bf that your connection is not there, but you still sitt on the internett and msn that needs the connetion… WTF?? Could it be a bug that came with the update?
i rebooted my pc again, and started the game right after, but this message is still there!
wow i thought i was alone in dis problem.
i donno if im rite but dat message only appears in red-font server names rite???
so anyone solved dis problem yet..?
if the server name is in red then im fairly certain this means they are running a difrent version than you are.
possibly a re install …patches and all?
i know when i run bf2 and then quit i HAVE to reboot before i can play again because i get an error when i try to run it.
these are things that ive become used to when it comes to EA games ( actually the bf series in general)
I have this problem when i try to retrieve my multiplayer account or create a new one!!!! I have BF2 patched to 1.4 and special forces too, but it still comes up and i’ve done everything! Can anyone help???
Last edited by [-NowYouSeeMe-] (2007-04-13 20:56:55)
Hyper wrote:
if the server name is in red then im fairly certain this means they are running a difrent version than you are.
possibly a re install …patches and all?i know when i run bf2 and then quit i HAVE to reboot before i can play again because i get an error when i try to run it.
these are things that ive become used to when it comes to EA games ( actually the bf series in general)
On my kids pc I have to reboot everytime I quit the game too. I don’t have to do this on my pc, so it can’t be a connection problem, since they both run off the same. Must be be the computer it’s self.
As far as the retrieving the multi players I would say reinstall everything then reinstall 1.4, get a new download of it too. I found the first download of 1.4 buggy. Haven’t had a problem since.
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- Error: «You have failed to connect»…
Hello everyone. I started playing bf2 again after like 10 years so i downloaded bf2hub and there i found the servers you own. Now i have a brand new account and tried to connect for first time but it keeps saying im banned. I have no clue how this is possible, since i just moved to this house and have had like 10 different ips in the past. So i want to ask you kindly if i can please be unbanned or if someone can explain to me how i got this ban? thank you for reading |
Can you share the exact error message that you get upon joining? Staff Officer |
Can you share the exact error message that you get upon joining? Staff Officer |
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All my contacts, social media and more!
I will let you know when i get home |
«You have been banned by a sever admin or because of excessive teamkilling» i get that message without ever joining. and this happens in many servers….. i have only acces too 2 or 3 servers in the whole bf2 list |
Can you tell me if — when you search our servers in the server list inside the game — you see our servers’ information? And what ping value do you see when you click on our servers inside the game? Finally, how did you install the game? Did you use a license key that you have found online?? Staff Officer |
Can you tell me if — when you search our servers in the server list inside the game — you see our servers’ information? And what ping value do you see when you click on our servers inside the game? Finally, how did you install the game? Did you use a license key that you have found online?? Staff Officer |
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All my contacts, social media and more!
The ping is about 40-60. |
I hope to get unbanned since i have been trough all this troubles to get playing bf2 again |
We did not ban you, most likely though you are using a license key that is shared between hundreds of players and that — of course — has been banned already from most of the servers online. I would suggest you to uninstall your game completely, uninstall the BF2 Hub Client, reboot your PC, get an actual clean copy of the game by requesting it here and reinstalling it again fresh. In the end install the BF2 Hub Client again, to patch the game in order to play online, and see how it goes. Staff Officer |
We did not ban you, most likely though you are using a license key that is shared between hundreds of players and that — of course — has been banned already from most of the servers online. I would suggest you to uninstall your game completely, uninstall the BF2 Hub Client, reboot your PC, get an actual clean copy of the game by requesting it here and reinstalling it again fresh. In the end install the BF2 Hub Client again, to patch the game in order to play online, and see how it goes. Staff Officer |
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All my contacts, social media and more!
Hello, I’m having the same problem and error message excessive team killing when I logged in the server example weekend wake island. In my case I own a original copy of Battlefield 2. Can someone please assist. Thank you |
ryuken626 wrote: Can someone please assist.
Kindly refer to the message above you, Staff Officer |
ryuken626 wrote: Can someone please assist.
Kindly refer to the message above you, Staff Officer |
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Обновлено: 12.06.2023
6 апр. 2013 в 9:22
У кого не конектит к серверам — все сюда, тут решение!!
; 6 апр. 2013 в 9:23
+ 1, если у вас игра с DVD диска (как у меня) и не может соединиться ни с одним сервером, то достаточно просто скачать PunkBuster, добавить туда Bad Company 2 (add game) и обновить клиент (update).
6 апр. 2013 в 11:32
у кого до сих пор проблемы!
кстати, зараза, до сих пор такая херь кажд час. приходится скачивать снова и снова
; 6 апр. 2013 в 11:33
6 апр. 2013 в 11:46
Не помогло, как не коннектило, так и щас . Вывод: БФ нужно в орижине покупать. А в стиме — это деньги на ветер
6 апр. 2013 в 11:47
ха. а какая разница? ключ то 1 что там что там и сервера теже.
хотя немного полазав в ориджине на сайте да в википедии , посмотрел, BC именно такой нет в ориджине, так делюкс какая то 500р. Видать права на эту игруху тока у стима. 3 и 4ю не дадут в стим.
; 6 апр. 2013 в 12:26
6 апр. 2013 в 12:24
6 апр. 2013 в 12:24
6 апр. 2013 в 12:32
Не помогло, как не коннектило, так и щас . Вывод: БФ нужно в орижине покупать. А в стиме — это деньги на ветер
6 апр. 2013 в 12:33
6 апр. 2013 в 12:36
Стим только запускает игру, а EA держит логин сервер игры.
6 апр. 2013 в 12:40
да и хер ними
Мы выяснили одно, это у многих у всех даже вроде, что кто купил со скидкой — играть не могут в мультике! и ничего не помогает
6 апр. 2013 в 12:43
вот опять не пускает на сервера. что за ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. автообновления нет или что. приходится что то вручную обнавлять. бред
6 апр. 2013 в 12:49
6 апр. 2013 в 13:34
да и хер ними
Мы выяснили одно, это у многих у всех даже вроде, что кто купил со скидкой — играть не могут в мультике! и ничего не помогает
Причем тут скидка? У меня игра куплена в 2010 году, я тоже играть не могу, все не могут! Это проблемы на EA серверах!
А все, что ты тут написал про удаление, обновление это полный бред!
Помогает обновить PunkBuster, но, блин, перед каждым запуском игры приходится это делать заново, иначе опять пишет «Unable to connect».
Ну и баг с отсутствием оружия конечно же задолбал (похоже, что он бывает в первой игре после запуска таким способом, если сменить сервер, то всё нормально)
Помогите!! захожу на сервер выкидывает.
Помогите срочняк. Играю Играю и вдруг выкидывает. Пишет «You have been disconnected by Punkbuster. The reason follows in English below.MD5Tool MisMatch: BF2.exe (len=2048)
» Как решить траблу? Вдроге панкбастер обновлён. А хз в чём дело.
Давайте играть в бф2 по инету. А то у меня пиратка, и меня кикают. Го форумчане играть! Моя аська 497758026. Могу создать серв если надо))) Правда у меня скорость для хоста маленькая) Вы лагать будете) А я не буду))))
karw1zer проверь систему срочно Антивирусом. и переустанови БФ2, как переустановишь на всей папке сделай атрибут «Только для чтения» это в свойствах самой папки, где установлен твой БФ2! Будет все ок. И если будешь видеть предупреждения на неверный MD5, то делай тоже самое сразу.
А то будет тебе бан, если лицензия, с предупреждением на неверный хэш MD5TOOL. Вот такой вот плохой этот случай.
You have failed to connect battlefield 2 что делать
Battlefield 2
26 янв. 2016 в 14:52
This happens when I try to log on to my online account. I assume this is normal, seeing as how the servers have been shut down? So, it’s just SP now?
27 янв. 2016 в 12:02
Gamespy, the official network was shutdown in 2014.
The community has created it’s own network to continue the online multiplayer aspect of BF2.
There will be instructions to get you into online action.
28 янв. 2016 в 17:44
Gamespy, the official network was shutdown in 2014.
The community has created it’s own network to continue the online multiplayer aspect of BF2.
There will be instructions to get you into online action.
28 янв. 2016 в 19:09
Gamespy, the official network was shutdown in 2014.
The community has created it’s own network to continue the online multiplayer aspect of BF2.
You have failed to connect battlefield 2 что делать
Не запускается игра. Что делать?
тут может быть несколько причин. В игру были внесены какие-либо изменения, например, измененный bf2.exe (nodvd), установленный мод для ботов и тд. Лучше всего переустановить игру. Так же рекомендуется установить последние драйвера для видеокарты и обновить DirectX. Проблема так же может заключаться в неверных настройках игры. Следует удалить содержимое папки:C:Documents and Settings%User%Мои документыBattlefield 2 и восстановить аккаунт.
После установки патча игра не работает.
Бывает. Рекомендуется удалить Microsoft visual c++
2 способ
В руской винде папка с личными файлами называется «Мои документы» так вот походу патч ее просто не воспринимает, так как там лежат все настройки и сейвы игры.
Я просто вжал правой кнопой на «Мои документы» затем свойства и там указал имя папки «My Documents»
Все установилось.
За что даются анлоки ?
Анлок (читается как [unlock], иными словами дополнительное оружие) даются при получении каждого следующего звания, начиная с Lance Corporal ( 500 очков), а также за получение бейджей ветеранов классов (Engineer Combat Badge, Sniper Combat Badge, Medic Combat Badge, Spec Ops Combat Badge, Assault Combat Badge, Anti-tank Combat Badge, Support Combat Badge).
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You have been disconnected by PunkBuster:
To play on our server you may need to enable PunkBuster. If you were kicked from server with this error message, that means you havent installed it, or its not enabled in your game.
To get PunkBuster installer please navigate to our Downloads page and grab the PunkBuster version that we provide. If you are trying get PB from some other source – that may cause version mismatch and you may get kicked out again.
1) Delete «pb» folder from location where your game is installed.
2) Get PunkBuster installation from our Downloads page and unpack the archive.
3) Right click mouse on setup file and select “run as administrator”.
4) Finish the setup and you must be good to go.
To make sure that PunkBuster is enabled, check your multiplayer menu in game. You will find a little checkbox for PunkBuster at the bottom of your screen. Just make sure its enabled.
Your CD-Key is not valid:
Our server is using CD-Key verification, so every player must have unique key. If you get this error that means someone on server is playing with key like yours. To solve this issue please use KeyChanger from our Downloads page.
1) Get the file and open it with administrator privileges by clicking on it with right mouse button and select “Run as Administrator”.
2) Now when software is opened hit couple times on “Random” button and you will see the keys are generated. One for Battlefield2 and the other for Special Forces mod. Dont worry if you dont have SF installed – the key for BF2 should work fine.
3) Now hit the “Apply” button. The key should be changed and you should be ready to play.
And remember do not share your key with anyone , this key should be unique for each player !!!
Check your network connection: — some reasons why this error may pop out:
Our Server is running on game version 1.5, if your client version do not match with server — you get this error. So to solve this problem you need to patch your game till correct version. Download and install patches from>here<
If you do not know which version of game you have, check these:
1.When u join the game in main page, in lower right corner there are orange numbers :
if its : 1.1. ….. it means you have version 1.0 & if its: 1.5. ….. it means you have version 1.5
2.In multiplayer page, when u click on server name, it should be white . if you see its red, it means you do not have version 1.5 . -
Look carefully at your nickname when you join the GameRangers room — if its typed like «Italic Style» this means you have some problems with GameRangers port 16000 UDP. Firstly you can try restart all your network devices like router, modem and PC. If this dose not help, then try disable firewall or make port forwarding in your router. (Port forwarding may prevent you to play on GR servers if you have multiple PC’s on your network with GameRanger client on them) Thats why its even better if you can enable UPnP protocol on your router. That will automatically forward ports for all your network devices who use GameRanger in your local network.
You have played on Revive or Hub network before. In this case please exit from their launcher and replace your bf2.exe with the one we provide as Weapon from our Downloads page.
Please insert install disk and retry:
This error usually pops out if you have game v1.4. To solve this you need to patch your game with Patch 1.5. Some guys reporting that they have patched game till v1.5, but they still have this error — in this case please try replace your bf2.exe with the one we provide on downloads page called «Weapon Unlocks».
Black screen and crash to desktop: This may happen for many reasons. But before you brake your keyboard over monitor try this simple setups.
You try launch the game, screen goes blank and you get kicked back to desktop? In this case you can:
First of all open location where your game is installed and look for bf2.exe file. Open properties for bf2.exe and navigate to «Compatibility» tab. Mark checkbox to «Run this program as Administrator» Apply and Close.
try add CD-Key for your game (Sometimes players not even know, that normally the CD-Key must be installed with game). Actually this is very common issue for many players, but its very easy to check is this the real reason for crash — simply try launch your game in singleplayer mode (without GameRanger) and see is it starting or not. If the game is working fine in singleplayer, but crashing only when you try launch it in multiplayer or via GameRanger — that means you dont have CD-key in your pc registries) So to fix this crash simply follow instructions from above about «Your CD-Key is not valid».
your game is crashing back to desktop even if you try launch it in singleplayer. Check the lowest avaiable resolution for your display and refresh rate(Hz) in your windows «advanced display settings». Put same values in your …DocumentsBattlefield 2ProfilesDefault — Video.con file. For example>»VideoSettings.setResolution 1366×768@60Hz»
try launch your game in windowed mode. This will help you understand reason of crash, atleast it will show you some error message and you can start look for some fixes. (Search on Google how to launch BF2 in windowed mode)
try use Weapon unlocks archived file (the one we provide on Downloads page).
try install DirectX (this one usually helps for Win10 users)
try set compatibility mode for your BF2.exe (this one usually helps for Win10 users)
try update your graphic card driver.
Server crashed – this may happen from time to time, but dont worry – admins will restart server as soon as possible. (We will be thankful if you give us some msg to our Discord server)
GameRanger error – simply try restart your GR.
Crash to desktop without any reason while you are playing. If your PC/Laptop is on multicore CPU you can try set BF2 to use only one core for BF2 process.
>Turn on game
>Hit Alt+Tab
>open Task Manager
>Select “Processes” tab
>Find and right click BF2.exe
>Select “Set Affinity”
>Chose which core will be used for BF2.exe
>Close Task Manager
In most cases when your game dont work as it should be – deleting “Battlefield 2” folder from your “My Documents” folder, can help. This will clear your game profile to default. Before you do it make sure that there is no favorite demo or some screenshot in it :)
You can’t create multiplayer account and Log In:
Yes, you can’t create multiplayer account because GameSpy account servers were shutdown long time ago. But thanks to GameRanger platform we are still able to play this great game online. Normally GameRanger automatically creates account for you with same nickname you have on GameRanger.
If its first time you are trying play on GameRanger and you stuck on Login screen, then here is the things you must do to fix this issue:
> Navigate to our Downloads page and download file named «Weapon Unlocks»
> Replace your existing bf2.exe with file from «Weapon Unlocks» archive.
> Open properties for bf2.exe file and navigate to «Compatibility» tab.
> Mark checkbox to «Run this program as Administrator»
> Apply and Close.
> Delete Battlefield2 folder from your MyDocuments (thats just to make sure nothing interrupts GameRanger to create new account).
> Try join to our server again.
You played via GameRanger before, but you accidentlly loged out from your in game profile and cant login back, because of password is required?
>So default password for GameRanger automatically created accounts is simple small: » x «
This server allows players with unmodified content to join:
This error usually pops out on map loading process. If your BF2-client loads the map faster than the BF2-server, you will be kicked from the server
This is what BF2mld is for: it provides a more reliable and comfortable way of artificially delaying the map load so that players do not get kicked. BF2mld is designed to run in the background, even if the BF2-client is not running. As soon as the BF2-client is started, BF2mld will watch for map changes and delay them according to the configuration. BF2mld was alpha-tested by a few people but it’s still possible that it contains bugs. BF2mld does not need an internet-connection (works in LAN as well), probably works for mods too (not tested) and does not alter any BF2-files (thus does not influence the stability of BF2).
Get BF2mld from our Downloads page.
Watch video tutorial how to set it up >>>
Also this error may pop out if you are using some language addons like Russians usualy are trying using «Rusifikator»to translate their game. Please remove any language addons and use default English version.
Some other tips might be handy:
You have lost Sound or Mouse control in game: In this case you need to delete Battlefield2 folder from your MyDocuments. This folder contains all your in game profile settings. By deleting it, you will restore your profile to defaults. (WARNING: before deleting it make sure you backup your favorite screens or some demos, this folder contains)
You want make some Screenshots from game: Open location ….DocumentsBattlefield 2 on your pc and create New Folder. Rename it to «Screenshots». Congratulations — now all your screenshots from game will be stored in this folder
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JaM, совсем недавно возникла проблема такого характера, не могу через сеть подключиться к серверу (, не могу смотреть мониторинг через тот же айпи. через интернет захожу всё норм ( через нет заходит а через лакалку — фиг
что сделать? может мне маршрут какой прописать нужно?
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eti-avel, возникла проблема, как я понимаю, именно вчера. АГ регулярно падает, вот и всех делов
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Да, такая проблема наблюдалась, например, в ДП на прошлой неделе. До сих пор, наверное, ситуация не изменилась.
Battlefield 2 You have failed to connect.
You have failed to connect. Please check your network connection and try again
Как решить эту траблу?Вообще-то у нас есть тема Проблемы с BF2. Перенесено.
меломан- Регистрация:
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Проверь соединение и пробуй снова
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Заблокирован- Регистрация:
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переустановил винду и забыл пароль для своего прежнего ника… как его вспомнить?
Активный участник- Регистрация:
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В окошке выбора аккаунта тыркнуть «ретрив аккаунт», там на выбор восстановление по паролю(в данном случае не годится) и по почте, которая была указана при регистрации учетки. Прописать ник и почту — аккаунт восстановится. Вроде так
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Просьба к администрации, нельзя ли подчистить паку со скриншотами панк бустера на сервере, их стало так много что у меня либо не грузится либо, приходится ждать довольна долго, да и поиск какого либо скриншота затруднён из за их количества.
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По дням не много было: с 26 июня. Почистил маленько
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хм,а у меня пока что быстро грузилось,я думаю папку стоит чистить раз в 2-3 недели.
Местный- Регистрация:
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Ну дело в том что ты через локалку смотришь, а я пока что не могу через локалку к серверу подключатся, захожу через интернет. Через интернет зайти посмотреть вообще не реально
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Чёт какая то непонятка с подключением к серверу по локалке у меня уже недели 2 не подключается, так теперь уже вот по этому адресу при включённом интернете не грузит страничку сервера —, зайти на страничку можно только лишь по этому адресу Вопрос почему так? Может ли быть в браузере проблема?
Активный участник- Регистрация:
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- Провайдер:
- Несколько
Обнаружилась такая фигня-играя за МЕС или PLA не удается зайти в сквад,при чем не только у меня не получается,но и у других игроков.
Активный участник- Регистрация:
- 14 мар 2009
- Сообщения:
- 579
- Симпатии:
- 96
- Провайдер:
- Мультинекс
МЕТЕОР- Регистрация:
- 8 окт 2008
- Сообщения:
- 179
- Симпатии:
- 160
- Провайдер:
- Спарк
Да, есть такая фигня, сеня играл под пивом думал у меня в голове очередной баг, оказалось нет, значит живаем)
Местный- Регистрация:
- 7 дек 2007
- Сообщения:
- 1.119
- Симпатии:
- 230
- Провайдер:
- Мультинекс
Да, действительно сквад не создаётся, на джалалабаде сквад был а на смок скрине уже ни как
над бы по чаще перезагружать сервер для профилактики…
Активный участник- Регистрация:
- 14 мар 2009
- Сообщения:
- 579
- Симпатии:
- 96
- Провайдер:
- Мультинекс
У китайцев и MEC сквад не создается, У европейцев не обратил внимания! А за америку все ок !
Активный участник- Регистрация:
- 2 апр 2007
- Сообщения:
- 219
- Симпатии:
- 64
- Провайдер:
- Энлинк
На лицо дискриминация, господа)
Новичок- Регистрация:
- 6 май 2010
- Сообщения:
- 24
- Симпатии:
- 11
- Провайдер:
- Другой
У меня, наверно, глупый вопрос, но всё же:
Я играю с лицензии, статистика на вашем сервере влияет или не влияет на статистику нетовскую?
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