Ошибка 552 message size exceeds the limit

Users sending messages with attachments to recipients hosted in Exchange servers can end up receiving bounce mails due these attachments.

Our Support Engineers support hundreds of Exchange servers for web hosts, web designers and other online businesses.

In these servers, we’ve seen huge attachments or unsupported attachments formats causing email error 552.

The error message seen by the senders in the bounce mail in cases of huge attachment size limit would be error 552 – ‘5.3.4 Message size exceeds fixed maximum message size’.

If the bounce happens due to the content of the attachment, the error message would be similar to error 552 – ‘5.7.0 Our system detected an illegal attachment on your message.’

What is email error 552 ‘5.3.4 Message size exceeds fixed maximum message size’

Every mail server has custom settings for the size of mails users can send and receive through it. These limits can either be global or individual-account specific or both.

To limit bandwidth usage, this email size limit is often restricted to a few MBs in most servers. If the email size exceeds that limit, it will be rejected by the mail server.

Error 552 ‘5.3.4 Message size exceeds fixed maximum message size’ is an email error commonly seen in bounce messages that generate from recipients using Exchange mail server.

In an Exchange server, there are mainly 4 settings for message size limitations:

a. Global value for the mail server
b. Receive and Send Connectors setting
c. SMTP Virtual Server setting
d. Individual user mailbox restriction

If the message size in the email exceeds any of these limits that are allowed for a particular email user account, it will be rejected with this error 552 message.

To resolve a valid email bouncing with error 552, these attachment limits have to be increased or adjusted appropriately.

But before we get into the detailed steps on how to increase these limits to accept valid user mails with attachments, we’ll see how these message size limits are to be calculated.

[ Worry no more about web or mail errors. Get an experienced Support Engineer to manage your servers for as low as $12.99/hour. ]

How to determine the email message size limits?

In Exchange mail servers, content conversion happens for mails. Exchange server converts an internet/MIME message to MAPI/Exchange format, and vice versa for transmission.

After this content conversion process, the message size generally increases by about 30%. As a result, a message of 9 MB may fail to deliver to a server with size limit 10 MB.

Also, the precedence of the message size limits has to be noted before changing the settings. The maximum allowable message size for a server should be set as the organizational limit.

If the message is sent to or received to the server from a user on the Internet, this organizational limit will be applied to that mail.

But for internal users who send mail to each other after successful authentication, the user mailbox limit takes precedence over all other size restrictions.

So, for a server to accept messages from the internet with size around 15 MB, all the message limits should be set at 20 MB, considering the content conversion size.

How to fix error 552 ‘5.3.4 Message size exceeds fixed maximum message size’ in Exchange server

To accept mails of large sizes from valid senders, the message size settings have to be increased in the server. Here’s how to do it for each limit:

1. How to increase global message size settings

The global default message size limit for Exchange Servers 2007 to 2010 is 10 MB. To change this value, the steps are:

1. Open the Exchange Management Console.
2. Click on Organization Configuration -> Hub Transport.
3. Click on Global Settings -> Transport Settings.
4. On the Properties -> General tab, set the maximum send and receive size limits.

This is the organizational setting and would be applicable to all mails sent and received from that server over the internet.

error 552 exchange server limit

Increase global message size limits in Exchange server

2. How to change message size limits for Receive connector

Receive connectors are the gateways through which all inbound messages are received to a mail server.

The maximum message size limit for a mail that can be received on a receive connector can be set by:

1. Open the Exchange Management Console
2. Click on Server Configuration -> Hub Transport
3. Select a Hub Transport server
4. Click on Receive Connectors
5. Choose the receive connector and Click on Properties
6. Click on the General tab and set the maximum message size

Setting a limit on receive connector can further limit the message size based on the sender’s IP address or type.

3. How to change message size limits for Send connector

Send connectors are configured to change the email sending behavior in server. To change the maximum message size limit on send connectors, do these steps:

1. Open the Exchange Management Console
2. Click on Organization Configuration -> Hub Transport
3. Click on Send Connectors
4. Choose a send connector and Click on Properties
5. Click on the General tab and set the maximum message size.

This limit is used to limit the size of outgoing mails from a server.

[ Tired of repeated mail errors? Our Support Engineers can take care of your servers and support your customers 24/7. Click here to know more. ]

4. How to increase message size settings for individual mail accounts

The individual mailbox settings can be changed from Exchange Administration Center (EAC). Here’s how to do it:

1. In the EAC, go to Recipients > Mailboxes.

2. Select the mailbox that you want to change the message size limits for, and then click Edit.

3. On the mailbox Properties page, click Mailbox Features.

4. Under Message Size Restrictions, change the following message size limits:

5. Sent messages - sets the maximum size of message that can be sent by the user. The value has to be set in KBs.

6. Received messages  - give the maximum size of messages that can be received by this user account in KBs.

7. Click OK and Save the changes.

User mailbox settings are usually set to limit or override the default global size of email messages sent between users within the same server.

All these email settings should be verified one by one to ensure that mails to the recipients are delivered successfully without bouncing with the error 552 ‘5.3.4 Message size exceeds fixed maximum message size’.

In short..

552 email error due to message size limit can show up in other forms too, such as:

  • 552 5.2.3 Message exceeds local size limit.
  • 552 5.3.4 Message size exceeds fixed limit
  • 552 message size exceeds maximum message size
  • 552 size limit exceeded

The message size and attachment size for messages should be set to appropriate limits, for successful mail delivery to happen. But its not advisable to increase the message size unnecessarily, as it will end up overloading the server.

Other than editing the email limit settings, techniques such as email compression can also be used in specific cases. Also, straight-away making server setting changes is not recommended as it may tamper with its normal functioning.

Email error debugging involves examining the server logs, checking the bounce message, identifying the error-generating server and cross-checking the server settings.

If you’d like to know how to secure your mail server and prevent email bounce errors, we’d be happy to talk to you.

Обновлено Обновлено: 15.11.2021
Опубликовано Опубликовано: 18.05.2017

Почтовый агент Postfix позволяет задавать различные ограничения, таймауты и лимиты. В данной инструкции мы рассмотрим примеры, как это сделать. Используемые значения подойдут для средне статистического сервера, однако, в каждой среде необходимо наблюдение и приведение параметром к оптимальному виду.

Редактирование конфигурационного файла
Размер почтового ящика
Размер отправляемого сообщения
Количество сообщений
Очередь сообщений
Таймаут на отправку
Сообщения об ошибках
Ошибка message size exceeds fixed limit
Работа с конфигом postfix

Редактирование конфигурационного файла Postfix

Изменения делаем в конфигурационном файле:

vi /etc/postfix/main.cf

* для FreeBSD путь будет /usr/local/etc/postfix/main.cf.

После редактирования не забываем перечитывать изменения командой:

systemctl reload postfix

* для FreeBSD или старых систем на базе Linux вводим service postfix restart.

1. Размер почтового ящика

Для установки квоты на почтовые ящики редактируем следующее:

mailbox_size_limit = 209715200
virtual_mailbox_limit = 209715200

* значение указывается в байтах. В данном примере установлены квоты для почтовых ящиков и виртуальных почтовых ящиков в 200 мб. Для удобства, воспользуйтесь конвертером мегабайт.

Чтобы снять ограничения, можно выставить значения в 0:

mailbox_size_limit = 0
virtual_mailbox_limit = 0

2. Размер отправляемого сообщения

Открываем конфигурационный файл, находим и правим следующее (если строки нет, создаем):

message_size_limit = 73400320

*  в данном примере установлено ограничение на размер письма в 70 мб.

Необходимо, чтобы данный размер не превышал размер почтового ящика (mailbox_size_limit и virtual_mailbox_limit, которые по умолчанию имеют значения 51200000 или 50 мб), в противном случае, в логе мы увидим ошибку fatal: main.cf configuration error: mailbox_size_limit is smaller than message_size_limit.

Для этого можно либо задать значения равные (или больше) message_size_limit:

message_size_limit = 73400320
mailbox_size_limit = 73400320
virtual_mailbox_limit = 73400320

… либо отключить ограничения:

message_size_limit = 73400320
mailbox_size_limit = 0
virtual_mailbox_limit = 0

3. Количество сообщений и одновременных подключений

В конфигурационном файле добавляем такие строки:

anvil_rate_time_unit = 60s
smtpd_client_message_rate_limit = 200
smtpd_client_recipient_rate_limit = 60
smtpd_client_connection_count_limit = 20
smtpd_client_connection_rate_limit = 40

* в данном примере мы установили следующие ограничения на количество отправляемых писем: 

  • anvil_rate_time_unit — параметр расчетного времени. Именно от него будут вести отчет другие значения. По умолчанию также равен 60s.
  • smtpd_client_message_rate_limit — сколько клиенту можно отправлять сообщений за anvil_rate_time_unit. По умолчанию 0, то есть, ограничений нет.
  • smtpd_client_recipient_rate_limit — максимальное количество получателей за anvil_rate_time_unit. По умолчанию 0, то есть, ограничений нет.
  • smtpd_client_connection_count_limit — количество одновременно разрешенных подключений для клиента. По умолчанию 50.
  • smtpd_client_connection_rate_limit — максимальное количество коннектов, разрешенных для клиента за anvil_rate_time_unit. По умолчанию 0, то есть, ограничений нет.

4. Очередь сообщений

queue_run_delay = 5m
minimal_backoff_time = 10m
maximal_backoff_time = 15m
maximal_queue_lifetime = 1d

* где queue_run_delay задает время, как часто сообщения из очереди будут отправляться повторно; minimal_backoff_time устанавливает время, на которое будет отложена отправка сообщений, которые не были отправлены по причине временных неисправностей (например, принимающий сервер не отвечает или просит повторить запрос позже), но не позднее maximal_backoff_time; параметр maximal_queue_lifetime установит, через какой период перестать делать попытки при отправке сообщения и вернуть его отправителю с ошибкой.

5. Таймаут на отправку сообщений

smtp_data_done_timeout = 600s
smtp_data_init_timeout = 120s
smtp_data_xfer_timeout = 180s

* где smtp_data_done_timeout — ограничение времени для отправки сообщения; smtp_data_init_timeout — ограничение времени для отправки команды SMTP DATA и для получения ответа удаленного SMTP-сервера; smtp_data_xfer_timeout — ограничение времени для отправки содержимого сообщений.

6. Отправка сообщений об ошибках (4xx or 5xx)

smtpd_error_sleep_time = 3s
smtpd_soft_error_limit = 5
smtpd_hard_error_limit = 10

* где:

  • smtpd_error_sleep_time — задержка перед отправкой сообщения об ошибке (4xx or 5xx). По умолчанию 1s.
  • smtpd_soft_error_limit — количество ошибок, которые должны быть сделаны, прежде чем наш сервер начнет замедлять ответы. По умолчанию 10.
  • smtpd_hard_error_limit — максимальное количество ошибок, которые может сделать удаленный сервер SMTP. После с ним будет разорвана сессия. По умолчанию 20.

552 5.3.4 message size exceeds fixed limit

Если сталкиваемся с сообщением «552 5.3.4 message size exceeds fixed limit» (переводится как «Размер сообщения превышает установленные ограничения»), значит отправляемое письмо не вписывается в установленные лимиты. Чтобы исправить ситуацию, уменьшаем размер сообщения или редактируем лимиты (пункты 1 и 2).

То есть, размер message_size_limit не должен превышать mailbox_size_limit и virtual_mailbox_limit.

Работа с конфигом postfix

Неколько полезных консольных команд по работе с конфигурацией.

1. Посмотреть значение параметра по умолчанию:

postconf -d <Параметр>


postconf -d mailbox_size_limit

2. Посмотреть текущее значение параметра:

postconf -n <Параметр>


postconf -n message_size_limit

3. Изменить значение:

postconf -e «<Параметр = значение>»


postconf -e «virtual_mailbox_limit = 0»

Customers sending messages with associations with recipients worked within Exchange servers can end up getting ricochet sends due to these associations. Our Support Engineers support many Exchange servers for website-trained professionals and other electronic associations. In these servers, “552 Size Limit Exceeded Gmail, the Best Strategy to Fix It!”, we’ve seen colossal associations or unsupported association plans causing email error 552.

The screw-up message seen by the senders in the ricochet mail in cases of monstrous association size cutoff would be error 552 – ‘5.3.4 Message size outperforms fixed most outrageous message size’.

If the skip happens due to the substance of the association, “552 Size Limit Exceeded Gmail, the Best Strategy to Fix It!”, the bungle message would resemble error 552 – ‘5.7.0 Our system distinguished an unlawful association on your message.’

What is email error 552 ‘5.3.4 Message size outperforms fixed most noteworthy message size’

Each mail server has custom settings for the size of sends customers can send and traverse it. These cutoff focuses can either be worldwide or individual-account express or both. To limit move speed use, this email size limit is consistently bound to several MBs in numerous servers.

In case the email size outperforms that limit, “552 Size Limit Exceeded Gmail, the Best Strategy to Fix It!”, will be excused by the mail server. Mix-up 552 ‘5.3.4 Message size outperforms fixed most outrageous message size’ is an email error typically found in ricochet messages that produce by recipients using the Exchange mail server.

In an Exchange server, there are mostly 4 settings for message size imperatives:

  1. Overall motivator for the mail server
  2. Get and Send Connectors setting
  3. SMTP Virtual Server setting
  4. Individual customer letterbox constraint

If the message size in the email outperforms any of these limits that are viewed as a particular email customer account, it will be excused with this misstep of 552 messages.

To decide a generous email ricocheting with error 552, “552 Size Limit Exceeded Gmail, the Best Strategy to Fix It!”, these association limits should be extended or changed appropriately.

Nevertheless, before we get into the separated strides on the most ideal way of growing these cutoff focuses to recognize generous customer sends with associations, we’ll see how these message size limits are not set in stone.

People Also Ask

Question # 1: How do I fix the 552 size limit exceeded?

Answer: How to fix error 552 ‘5.3. 4 Message size exceeds fixed maximum message size’ in Exchange server

  1. Open the Exchange Management Console.
  2. Click on Organization Configuration -> Hub Transport.
  3. Click on Global Settings -> Transport Settings

Question # 2: What are the 552 quotas exceeded?

Answer: Error 552 usually shows up in the bounce mail that the sender receives while attempting to send mail to a recipient mail account. The error message indicates that the quota of the recipient account is full and mail could not be delivered to that account.

Question # 3: How do I fix a message size that exceeds the fixed maximum message size?

Answer: To resolve this error, you will need to adjust the settings on your MTA (Mail Transfer Agent) or Transport Hub. Microsoft Exchange users should see the Microsoft support article Message size limits in Exchange Server for assistance or contact your vendor.

Question # 4: Is there a size limit on Gmail emails?

Answer: You can send up to 25 MB in attachments. If you have more than one attachment, they can’t add up to more than 25 MB. If your file is greater than 25 MB, Gmail automatically adds a Google Drive link in the email instead of including it as an attachment.

Question # 5: Why can’t I send more than 25MB in an email?

Answer: For the time being, you can only send files up to 25MB. This is because sending larger files through email is not only unsafe, but it can take up unnecessary server space. This can lead to slower delivery of emails.

How do choose the email message size limits?

In Exchange mail servers, content change happens for sends. Exchange server changes over a web/MIME message to MAPI/Exchange arrangement, just as the opposite way around for transmission.

After this substance change process, the message size overall additions by around 30%. In this manner, “552 Size Limit Exceeded Gmail, the Best Strategy to Fix It!”, a message of 9 MB may disregard to pass on to a server with a size limit of 10 MB.

Furthermore, the need for the message size limits should be noted preceding changing the settings. The most outrageous acceptable message size for a waiter should be drawn as the various leveled line.

If the message is delivered off or gotten to the server from a customer on the Internet, this definitive limit will be applied to that mail. “552 Size Limit Exceeded Gmail, the Best Strategy to Fix It!”, In any case, for inside customers who send letters to each other after viable approval, the customer post box limit dominates any leftover size restrictions.

Thusly, for a server to recognize messages from the web with a size of around 15 MB, all quite far should be set at 20 MB, considering the substance change size.

Guidelines to fix error 552 ‘5.3.4 Message size outperforms fixed most outrageous message size’ in Exchange server

To recognize sends of tremendous sizes from considerable senders, the message size settings should be extended in the server. “552 Size Limit Exceeded Gmail, the Best Strategy to Fix It!”, Here is the way of doing it for every cutoff:

1. Bit by bit directions to augment overall message size settings

The overall default message size limit for Exchange Servers 2007 to 2010 is 10 MB. To change this value, the means are:

  1. Open the Exchange Management Console.
  2. Snap on Organization Configuration – > Hub Transport.
  3. Snap on Global Settings – > Transport Settings.
  4. On the Properties – > General tab set the most limit to send and get size limits.

This is the definitive setting and would be material to all sends sent and got from that server over the web.

2. The best technique to change message size limits for Receiving connector

Get connectors are the entryways through which all inbound messages are gotten to a mail server. “552 Size Limit Exceeded Gmail, the Best Strategy to Fix It!”, The most outrageous message size limit for a mail that can be gotten on a get connector can be set by:

  1. Open the Exchange Management Console
  2. Snap-on Server Configuration – > Hub Transport
  3. Select a Hub Transport server
  4. Snap-on Receive Connectors
  5. Pick the get connector and Click on Properties
  6. Snap on the General tab and set the best message size

Putting down a limit on getting a connector can moreover confine the message size subject to the sender’s IP address or type.

3. The best technique to change message size limits for the Send connector

Send connectors are intended to change the email sending conduct in the server. To change the most outrageous message size limit on send connectors, “552 Size Limit Exceeded Gmail, the Best Strategy to Fix It!”, do these methods:

  1. Open the Exchange Management Console
  2. Snap-on Organization Configuration – > Hub Transport
  3. Snap-on Send Connectors
  4. Pick a send connector and Click on Properties
  5. Snap on the General tab and set the most outrageous message size.

This limit is used to confine the size of dynamic sends from a server.

4. The best strategy to grow message size settings for individual mail accounts

The particular letterbox settings can be changed from Exchange Administration Center (EAC). Here are how to do it:

  1. In the EAC, go to Recipients > Mailboxes.
  2. Select the letter drop that you wanted to change the message size limits for, and a while later snap Edit.
  3. On the letter drop Properties page, click Mailbox Features.
  4. Under Message Size Restrictions, change the going with message size limits:
  5. Sent messages – sets the most outrageous size of the message that can be sent by the customer. The value should be set in KBs.
  6. Gotten messages – give the most outrageous size of messages that can be gotten by this customer account in KBs.
  7. Snap OK and Save the changes.

Customer letterbox settings are typically attracted to line or supplant the default overall size of email messages sent between customers inside a comparable server.

“552 Size Limit Exceeded Gmail, the Best Strategy to Fix It!”, All of these email settings should be affirm independently to ensure that ships off the recipients are passed on adequately without ricocheting with the misstep 552 '5.3.4 Message size outperforms fixed most noteworthy message size'.

Termination Result

552 email error due to message size cutoff can show up in various designs too, “552 Size Limit Exceeded Gmail, the Best Strategy to Fix It!”, for instance,

  • #552 5.2.3 Message outperforms close by size limit.
  • ##552 5.3.4 Message size outperforms fixed limit
  • 552 message size outperforms the most outrageous message size
  • _#552 size limit outperformed

The message size and association size for messages should be define to reasonable boundaries, “552 Size Limit Exceed Gmail, the Best Strategy to Fix It!”, for productive mail transport to happen. However, it’s not reasonable to assemble the message size pointlessly, as it will end up over-troubling the server.

Error Codes and Solutions for Bounce

Before proceeding with the error code and fixes. To be explicit, 5xx means hard bounce, and 4xx means soft bounce. In the world of SMTP, hard bounces are emails that can never be deliver. While soft bounces are emails that can be deliver after some time has pass.

1: Error 441 4.4.1

when sending an email Network is overload! An email sent to the recipient’s email provider failed to respond to the sender’s request, resulting in this error.

Solution: The sender’s email server will retry a few times before passing on more information to the sender’s server. If the sender is unable to deliver, the message is a lineup.

2: 452 4.2.2 Error

Mailbox Is Full Because the recipient’s inbox is full, an email was not deliver to the recipient’s MX server.

Solution: These emails can be resent, and they automatically send a note to the sender requesting that the recipient check or empty their inbox so that new emails can be deliver.

3: Network Connection Timed Out 421 4.4.2

The link between the sender and the receiver was lost before the emails were deliver, which cause the error.

Solution: Because these responses are instantaneous when network connections are lost, you can always attempt sending it again later.

4: 5.0.0 Unknown Issue Error

Message Not Delivered Reason: The email was not deliver, but the server has no idea why.

Solution: This error indicates that there may be issues with the email address, such as spelling errors or missing letters (symbols). As a result, using universal email regex, these emails can be filter away. You can try again after correcting the email addresses. Also, add the proper email address to your contact list. If the issue persists, contact your user via an alternative channel. Such as phone, message, or chat, to confirm the right email address.

5: 5.2.0 Undefined or other mailbox status Error

The email was not delivere to the recipient’s mailbox due to an unknown problem.

Solution: Because this is undefined or unknown to the email system, the solution is the same as the previous issue. It is preferable to check the email address syntax for any invalid characters or spelling errors. If the problem persists, consider contacting the user via alternative channels.

6: 554 5.2.2 Mailbox is overflowing

The recipient’s inbox is full and he or she is unable to receive additional emails.

Solution: Contact your recipient via various means and request that they delete any undesire emails so that space can be made available for future emails.

7: 5.3.1 – The email System is not empty

The sender was unable to transmit an email because the email system had run out of space and was unable to store additional messages.

Solution: Simply wait a few minutes before attempting to send the email again. If the problem persists, contact your receiver and request another method of communication.

8: Error 552 5.2.3 – Message Is Too Long Reason

The email sent exceeded the maximum length allowed by the recipient’s email system setup, preventing delivery.

Solution: Make sure the email body only contains the necessary information and attachments. If at all possible, split the emails into two or more. so that the emails are deliver successfully If the problem persists after reducing the email, get assistance from your email service provider.

9: Transaction 5.5.4 failed.

Error Reason: This error is a component of 5.5.1 and 5.5.2 in which the sender’s server used a command to send an email that was not recognize by the recipient’s email server.

Solution: Resend the message to see if the problem is a one-time occurrence. If the same thing happens again. Check the username and password for your SMTP account. If the problem persists, contact your ESP for assistance.

10: 5.5.5 – The protocol version is incorrect.

Error The reason for this is that the sender’s and receiver’s email programs are incompatible, preventing an email from being deliver.


Other than changing quite far settings, and procedures, for instance, email tension can moreover be use in unequivocal cases. Furthermore, “552 Size Limit Exceed Gmail, the Best Strategy to Fix It!”, straight-away making server setting changes isn’t recommend as it would screw with its commonplace working.

Email error investigating incorporates taking a gander at the server logs, checking the sway message, perceiving the bungle creating a server, and cross-truly investigating the server settings. In case you’d like to acknowledge how to get your mail server and hinder email ricochet goofs, “552 Size Limit Exceeded Gmail, the Best Strategy to Fix It!”, we’d be happy to speak with you.

A 552 email error is typically ecountered when there is a problem related to an attachement in your email. Either it has exceeded the size limits of the remote server, or the file-type isn’t allowed by the remote server. Some mail servers also seem to use this error code incorrectly when blocking a message due to triggering a filter such as a URL in the message being found in a domain black list.

You should receive a bounce-back message from the server with a variation of email error 552 in the subject, and the body should contain your original message that you attempted to deliver.

Example of a 552 bounce-back message

Return-path: <>
Envelope-to: [email protected]
Delivery-date: Mon, 22 Oct 2012 11:30:14 -0700
Received: from mailnull by biz24.inmotionhosting.com with local (Exim 4.77)
id 1TQMlS-0005G9-3e
for [email protected]; Mon, 22 Oct 2012 11:30:14 -0700
X-Failed-Recipients: [email protected]
Auto-Submitted: auto-replied
From: Mail Delivery System

To: [email protected]
Subject: Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender
Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2012 11:30:14 -0700

This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.

A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:

[email protected]
SMTP error from remote mail server after end of data:
host RemoteDomain.com []:
552 5.3.4 Message size exceeds fixed maximum message size

—— This is a copy of the message, including all the headers. ——
—— The body of the message is 10672605 characters long; only the first
—— 106496 or so are included here.

Return-path: <[email protected]>
Received: from comcast.net ([123.123.123]:33534 helo=Admin)
by biz24.inmotionhosting.com with esmtpsa (TLSv1:AES128-SHA:128)
(Exim 4.77)
(envelope-from <[email protected]>)
id 1TQMjz-0004Ug-Sz; Mon, 22 Oct 2012 11:29:42 -0700
From: Sender <[email protected]>
Subject: Annual report
Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2012 14:29:18 -0400
To: Recipient <[email protected]>

Common variations of the 552 email error

  • 552 5.2.2 mailbox quota exceeded for this recipient
  • 552 5.2.2 User mailstore exceeded quota limit
  • 552 5.2.3 Message exceeds local size limit.
  • 552 5.2.3 message size exceeds fixed maximum message size
  • 552 5.3.4 Message size exceeds fixed limit
  • 552 5.3.4 Message size exceeds fixed maximum message size
  • 552 5.3.4 message size limit exceeded at MAIL FROM
  • 552 Backend Replied [mxlogic.net]: 5.3.4 Message size exceeds fixed maximum
  • 552 mail size or count over quota.
  • 552 message size exceeds maximum message size
  • 552 size limit exceeded
  • 552 too many messages in this mail box.
  • 552 Transaction failed, remote said “550 failed: User does not exist.”
  • 552-Requested mail action aborted: exceeded storage allocationn
  • 552-5.2.2 The email account that you tried to reach is over quota.
  • 552-5.2.3 Your message exceeded Google’s message size limits. Please visitn
  • 552-5.7.0 Our system detected an illegal attachment on your message. Pleasen
  • 552 Virus found inside of the email
  • 552 5.2.0 Remote MTA An URL contained in this message is blacklisted by SURBL. See https://www.surbl.org

Resolving a 552 email error bounceback

The 552 series of errors can sometimes be a soft or hard bounce. For a more in-depth review of what a soft or hard bounce is, and general email bounceback reasons you can read why does email bounce, bounceback, or error?

In our example bounce-back error above the reason the message has failed is because the server for RemoteDomains.com has a fixed message size limit. The attempted message exceeded this limit so it was not accepted and generated this bounce-back error.

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While in the process of sending mail to a Microsoft Mail Server, the following message is received:
552 4.3.1 Message size exceeds fixed maximum message size.

The session between z/OS SMTP and the remote Mail Server is reset, inhibiting SMTP from sending the rest of the mail. SMTP then attempts to resend the mail, receives the 552 message again, the connection is reset, and the cycle is repeated.


When the Microsoft Mail Server detects that its maximum file size has been reached, it terminates the session before all the data is received and sends the 552 return code with text indicating message is too large.

Because the session has been terminated, SMTP treats the sending of the mail as a temporary error condition, effectively disregarding the 552 return code. This is because z/OS SMTP acts like a state machine according to the original design and RFC 821. It must finish sending the mail before accepting valid SMTP server replies. Replies received before mail has been sent will not be processed.

Because the receiving mail server is not processing large mail files properly (it is terminating when the mail size limit is reached), it causes the z/OS SMTP server to resend the mail. This triggers a loop condition.

What it should do is receive all the mail and discard the mail that exceeds its limit.

When the ending sequence of the message <CRLF>.<CRLF> is received, the receiving mail server should send the 552 return code to the sending site.

The sending site then will interpret the 552 correctly and process the mail as being undeliverable.

An SMTP trace will confirm this condition. Following is a sample which shows the condition.

Note the EZA5212 message prior to the 552. This indicates that SMTP was still in the process of sending the mail to the remote site when this message was received. The EZA5200I indicates the Foreign host (remote mail server) closed the connection. This will cause SMTP to retry sending the mail and this sequence will be repeated.

EZA5198I 2< 354 Start mail input; end with <CRLF>.<CRLF>
EZA5198I 1< 354 Start mail input; end with <CRLF>.<CRLF>
EZA5212I 2< Data arrived while Sending Mail Body:
EZA5214I 552 4.3.1 Message size exceeds fixed maximum message size
EZA5200I 2> Connection closed at IP: reason Foreign host
aborted the connection (8556)
EZA5212I 1< Data arrived while Sending Mail Body:
EZA5214I 552 4.3.1 Message size exceeds fixed maximum message size
EZA5200I 1> Connection closed at IP: reason Foreign host
aborted the connection (8556)

Resolving The Problem

  1. Implement a fix to the remote site to insure large mail files are properly handled.
  2. Raise the limit at the remote site for the size of mail file that it can receive.
  3. The following can be done though the local SMTP to limit the size of outbound mail but doing this would affect all outbound messages. Utilizing the following statements in the SMTP configuration file, some control can be achieved over the size of mail files that will be processed:
    • MAILFILEVOLUME specifies the volume on which temporary note files will be created. Based on the type of DASD device on which the volume resided, MAILFILEVOLUME will determine the number of bytes a block can contain.
    • CHECKSPOOLSIZE requests that if mail to be saved in the TEMP.NOTE file exceeds the primary allocation, it is to be truncated at that point. A shortened mail file WILL BE sent and a message will be appended to the end indicating that the data has been truncated.
    • Without this keyword, mail will continue to be written to the TEMP.NOTE file, secondary extents will be obtained until the secondary extent limit is reached or no space remains on the volume.

      CHECKSPOOLSIZE uses another statement, MAXMAILBYTES in the algorithm to determine space allocation.

      In general, the allocation used for the NOTE data sets is equivalent to specifying SPACE=(6144,(aaaaa,bbbb)),

      where aaaa=round((MAXMAILBYTES/4000)+1) and bbbb=round(aaaa/2).

      NOTE: The TEMP.NOTE file contains both the content of the note and commands needed to process it. A MAXMAILBYTES 1500000 will result in a SPACE=(6144,(377,188)) being used to allocate the file. Actual message data may exceed MAXMAILBYTES for outbound mail. However, this is not the case for inbound mail where MAXMAILBYTES is strictly adhered to.

      If you continue to receive the 552 message with the maximum message size being exceeded, lower the MAXMAILBYTES value until a value is reached where this message is no longer received.

[{«Product»:{«code»:»SSSN3L»,»label»:»z/OS Communications Server»},»Business Unit»:{«code»:»BU054″,»label»:»Systems w/TPS»},»Component»:»All»,»Platform»:[{«code»:»PF035″,»label»:»z/OS»}],»Version»:»1.8;1.9;1.10;1.11;1.12;1.13;2.1;2.2″,»Edition»:»All Editions»,»Line of Business»:{«code»:»LOB35″,»label»:»Mainframe SW»}}]

На чтение 4 мин. Просмотров 88 Опубликовано 15.12.2019


  1. Fixed limit
  2. 1. Размер почтового ящика
  3. 2. Размер отправляемого сообщения
  4. 3. Количество сообщений
  5. 4. Очередь сообщений
  6. 5. Таймаут на отправку сообщений
  7. 552 5.3.4 message size exceeds fixed limit
  8. Работа с конфигом postfix

Fixed limit

Автор Андрей задал вопрос в разделе Интернет

Что значит это сообщение? и получил лучший ответ

Ответ от Evgeny Talantsev[активный]
Написано же, размер отправляемого письма слишком велик!! ! Разбей на два архива, отправь по очереди.

En 1841 la loi française réglemente le temps de travail des

Тег , отвечает за вывод статей в

1. Размер почтового ящика

Открываем конфигурационный файл Postfix:

* для FreeBSD путь будет /usr/local/etc/postfix/main.cf.

Для установки квоты на почтовые ящики редактируем следующее:

mailbox_size_limit = 209715200
virtual_mailbox_limit = 209715200

* значение указывается в байтах. В данном примере установлены квоты для почтовых ящиков и виртуальных почтовых ящиков в 200 мб. Для удобства, воспользуйтесь конвертером мегабайт.

Чтобы снять ограничения, можно выставить значения в 0:

mailbox_size_limit = 0
virtual_mailbox_limit = 0

2. Размер отправляемого сообщения

Открываем конфигурационный файл, находим и правим следующее (если строки нет, создаем):

* в данном примере установлено ограничение на размер письма в 30 мб.

3. Количество сообщений

В конфигурационном файле добавляем такие строки:

anvil_rate_time_unit = 60s
smtpd_client_message_rate_limit = 100
smtpd_client_recipient_rate_limit = 30
smtpd_client_connection_rate_limit = 20

* в данном примере мы установили следующие ограничения на количество отправляемых писем: можно отправлять только 100 сообщений в минуту (60s), при этом количество получателей не должно превышать 30, а количество коннектов ограничено числом 20.

4. Очередь сообщений

queue_run_delay = 5m
minimal_backoff_time = 10m
maximal_backoff_time = 15m
maximal_queue_lifetime = 1d

* где queue_run_delay задает время, как часто сообщения из очереди будут отправляться повторно; minimal_backoff_time устанавливает время, на которое будет отложена отправка сообщений, которые не были отправлены по причине временных неисправностей (например, принимающий сервер не отвечает или просит повторить запрос позже), но не позднее maximal_backoff_time; параметр maximal_queue_lifetime установит, через какой период перестать делать попытки при отправке сообщения и вернуть его отправителю с ошибкой.

5. Таймаут на отправку сообщений

smtp_data_done_timeout = 600s
smtp_data_init_timeout = 120s
smtp_data_xfer_timeout = 180s

* где smtp_data_done_timeout — ограничение времени для отправки сообщения; smtp_data_init_timeout — ограничение времени для отправки команды SMTP DATA и для получения ответа удаленного SMTP-сервера; smtp_data_xfer_timeout — ограничение времени для отправки содержимого сообщений.

552 5.3.4 message size exceeds fixed limit

Если сталкиваемся с сообщением «552 5.3.4 message size exceeds fixed limit» (переводится как «Размер сообщения превышает установленные ограничения»), значит отправляемое письмо не вписывается в установленные лимиты. Чтобы исправить ситуацию, уменьшаем размер сообщения или редактируем лимиты (пункты 1 и 2).

Работа с конфигом postfix

Неколько полезных консольных команд по работе с конфигурацией:

Посмотреть значение параметра по умолчанию:

Мне кажется что моё сообщение не отправилось(это пришло в ответ)
This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.

A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:

SMTP error from remote mailer after MAIL FROM: SIZE=29050296:
host mailgate.rr.ru []: 552 5.2.3 Message size exceeds fixed maximum message size (20971520)

——This is a copy of the message, including all the headers. ——
——The body of the message is 28676035 characters long; only the first
——1024 or so are included here.

Received: from mail by f281.mail.ru with local
id 1Nd8dN-0003Np-00
for s.nikiforov@rr.ru; Thu, 04 Feb 2010 23:49:05 +0300
Received: from [] by win.mail.ru with HTTP;
Thu, 04 Feb 2010 23:49:05 +0300
From: =?koi8-r?Q?=E1=CE=C4=D2=C5=CA?=
To: s.nikiforov@rr.ru
Subject: =?koi8-r?Q?=F3=C5=D2=C7=C5=C0_=EE=C9=CB=C9=C6=CF=D2=CF=D7=D5_=F4=D2=C5=CB=C9_=C4=CC=D1_DFM_=CD=C1=CC=CF=C9=DA=D7=C5=D3=D4=CE=D9=C5.?=
Mime-Version: 1.0
X-Mailer: mPOP Web-Mail 2.19
X-Originating-IP: []
Date: Thu, 04 Feb 2010 23:49:05 +0300
X-Mru-Data: 1231:1:1:70:70:0
Reply-To: =?koi8-r?Q?=E1=CE=C4=D2=C5=CA?=
X-Files-Id: 7J86J5
Content-Type: multipart/mixed;

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=koi8-r
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

i’m trying to troubleshoot an issue where my users send large files and i want to increase the file size possible to get to the exchange mailbox but i’m not having success.  In a test internally from one exchange user to another i am able to send these
set of jpg files totalling 19mb.  But, when i send from the internet to the same user i get a failure.  Below are the details of the failure.  From my gmail accont to my exchange account.  Any advice on where to check or change settings? 
Further troubleshooting steps?

Also…i’m running Exchange 2010 and not 2013…the web page did not allow me to choose 2010 for some reason…

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Mail Delivery Subsystem <mailer-daemon@googlemail.com>
Date: Fri, Sep 6, 2013 at 3:49 PM
Subject: Delivery Status Notification (Failure)
To: aamato9072@gmail.com

Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:


Technical details of permanent failure:
Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the server for the recipient domain
salesmasterflooring.com by
mobile.salesmasterflooring.com. [].

The error that the other server returned was:
552 5.3.4 Message size exceeds fixed maximum message size

—— Original message ——

DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;
        d=gmail.com; s=20120113;

MIME-Version: 1.0
X-Received: by with SMTP id d4mr3849854vcv.9.1378496939474;
Fri, 06 Sep 2013 12:48:59 -0700 (PDT)
Received: by with HTTP; Fri, 6 Sep 2013 12:48:51 -0700 (PDT)
In-Reply-To: <CAJCo5u44AeoSqOUtqi-1XRT71D+Wu5CerRzEhLgaYcxubn6arw@mail.gmail.com>
References: <CAJCo5u44AeoSqOUtqi-1XRT71D+Wu5CerRzEhLgaYcxubn6arw@mail.gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 6 Sep 2013 15:48:51 -0400
Message-ID: <CAJCo5u4-zgp-Ni=Mi-mYQs=kY_ehjzrUd3UZqZ5KYC7iJ31W=Q@mail.gmail.com>

Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=047d7b34347c66fcfa04e5bc540a

Users sending messages with attachments to recipients hosted in Exchange servers can end up receiving bounce mails due these attachments.

Our Support Engineers support hundreds of Exchange servers for web hosts, web designers and other online businesses.

In these servers, we’ve seen huge attachments or unsupported attachments formats causing email error 552.

The error message seen by the senders in the bounce mail in cases of huge attachment size limit would be error 552 – ‘5.3.4 Message size exceeds fixed maximum message size’.

If the bounce happens due to the content of the attachment, the error message would be similar to error 552 – ‘5.7.0 Our system detected an illegal attachment on your message.’

What is email error 552 ‘5.3.4 Message size exceeds fixed maximum message size’

Every mail server has custom settings for the size of mails users can send and receive through it. These limits can either be global or individual-account specific or both.

To limit bandwidth usage, this email size limit is often restricted to a few MBs in most servers. If the email size exceeds that limit, it will be rejected by the mail server.

Error 552 ‘5.3.4 Message size exceeds fixed maximum message size’ is an email error commonly seen in bounce messages that generate from recipients using Exchange mail server.

In an Exchange server, there are mainly 4 settings for message size limitations:

a. Global value for the mail server
b. Receive and Send Connectors setting
c. SMTP Virtual Server setting
d. Individual user mailbox restriction

If the message size in the email exceeds any of these limits that are allowed for a particular email user account, it will be rejected with this error 552 message.

To resolve a valid email bouncing with error 552, these attachment limits have to be increased or adjusted appropriately.

But before we get into the detailed steps on how to increase these limits to accept valid user mails with attachments, we’ll see how these message size limits are to be calculated.

[ Worry no more about web or mail errors. Get an experienced Support Engineer to manage your servers for as low as $12.99/hour. ]

How to determine the email message size limits?

In Exchange mail servers, content conversion happens for mails. Exchange server converts an internet/MIME message to MAPI/Exchange format, and vice versa for transmission.

After this content conversion process, the message size generally increases by about 30%. As a result, a message of 9 MB may fail to deliver to a server with size limit 10 MB.

Also, the precedence of the message size limits has to be noted before changing the settings. The maximum allowable message size for a server should be set as the organizational limit.

If the message is sent to or received to the server from a user on the Internet, this organizational limit will be applied to that mail.

But for internal users who send mail to each other after successful authentication, the user mailbox limit takes precedence over all other size restrictions.

So, for a server to accept messages from the internet with size around 15 MB, all the message limits should be set at 20 MB, considering the content conversion size.

How to fix error 552 ‘5.3.4 Message size exceeds fixed maximum message size’ in Exchange server

To accept mails of large sizes from valid senders, the message size settings have to be increased in the server. Here’s how to do it for each limit:

1. How to increase global message size settings

The global default message size limit for Exchange Servers 2007 to 2010 is 10 MB. To change this value, the steps are:

1. Open the Exchange Management Console.
2. Click on Organization Configuration -> Hub Transport.
3. Click on Global Settings -> Transport Settings.
4. On the Properties -> General tab, set the maximum send and receive size limits.

This is the organizational setting and would be applicable to all mails sent and received from that server over the internet.

error 552 exchange server limit

Increase global message size limits in Exchange server

2. How to change message size limits for Receive connector

Receive connectors are the gateways through which all inbound messages are received to a mail server.

The maximum message size limit for a mail that can be received on a receive connector can be set by:

1. Open the Exchange Management Console
2. Click on Server Configuration -> Hub Transport
3. Select a Hub Transport server
4. Click on Receive Connectors
5. Choose the receive connector and Click on Properties
6. Click on the General tab and set the maximum message size

Setting a limit on receive connector can further limit the message size based on the sender’s IP address or type.

3. How to change message size limits for Send connector

Send connectors are configured to change the email sending behavior in server. To change the maximum message size limit on send connectors, do these steps:

1. Open the Exchange Management Console
2. Click on Organization Configuration -> Hub Transport
3. Click on Send Connectors
4. Choose a send connector and Click on Properties
5. Click on the General tab and set the maximum message size.

This limit is used to limit the size of outgoing mails from a server.

[ Tired of repeated mail errors? Our Support Engineers can take care of your servers and support your customers 24/7. Click here to know more. ]

4. How to increase message size settings for individual mail accounts

The individual mailbox settings can be changed from Exchange Administration Center (EAC). Here’s how to do it:

1. In the EAC, go to Recipients > Mailboxes.

2. Select the mailbox that you want to change the message size limits for, and then click Edit.

3. On the mailbox Properties page, click Mailbox Features.

4. Under Message Size Restrictions, change the following message size limits:

5. Sent messages - sets the maximum size of message that can be sent by the user. The value has to be set in KBs.

6. Received messages  - give the maximum size of messages that can be received by this user account in KBs.

7. Click OK and Save the changes.

User mailbox settings are usually set to limit or override the default global size of email messages sent between users within the same server.

All these email settings should be verified one by one to ensure that mails to the recipients are delivered successfully without bouncing with the error 552 ‘5.3.4 Message size exceeds fixed maximum message size’.

In short..

552 email error due to message size limit can show up in other forms too, such as:

  • 552 5.2.3 Message exceeds local size limit.
  • 552 5.3.4 Message size exceeds fixed limit
  • 552 message size exceeds maximum message size
  • 552 size limit exceeded

The message size and attachment size for messages should be set to appropriate limits, for successful mail delivery to happen. But its not advisable to increase the message size unnecessarily, as it will end up overloading the server.

Other than editing the email limit settings, techniques such as email compression can also be used in specific cases. Also, straight-away making server setting changes is not recommended as it may tamper with its normal functioning.

Email error debugging involves examining the server logs, checking the bounce message, identifying the error-generating server and cross-checking the server settings.

If you’d like to know how to secure your mail server and prevent email bounce errors, we’d be happy to talk to you.

Обновлено Обновлено: 15.11.2021
Опубликовано Опубликовано: 18.05.2017

Почтовый агент Postfix позволяет задавать различные ограничения, таймауты и лимиты. В данной инструкции мы рассмотрим примеры, как это сделать. Используемые значения подойдут для средне статистического сервера, однако, в каждой среде необходимо наблюдение и приведение параметром к оптимальному виду.

Редактирование конфигурационного файла
Размер почтового ящика
Размер отправляемого сообщения
Количество сообщений
Очередь сообщений
Таймаут на отправку
Сообщения об ошибках
Ошибка message size exceeds fixed limit
Работа с конфигом postfix

Редактирование конфигурационного файла Postfix

Изменения делаем в конфигурационном файле:

vi /etc/postfix/main.cf

* для FreeBSD путь будет /usr/local/etc/postfix/main.cf.

После редактирования не забываем перечитывать изменения командой:

systemctl reload postfix

* для FreeBSD или старых систем на базе Linux вводим service postfix restart.

1. Размер почтового ящика

Для установки квоты на почтовые ящики редактируем следующее:

mailbox_size_limit = 209715200
virtual_mailbox_limit = 209715200

* значение указывается в байтах. В данном примере установлены квоты для почтовых ящиков и виртуальных почтовых ящиков в 200 мб. Для удобства, воспользуйтесь конвертером мегабайт.

Чтобы снять ограничения, можно выставить значения в 0:

mailbox_size_limit = 0
virtual_mailbox_limit = 0

2. Размер отправляемого сообщения

Открываем конфигурационный файл, находим и правим следующее (если строки нет, создаем):

message_size_limit = 73400320

*  в данном примере установлено ограничение на размер письма в 70 мб.

Необходимо, чтобы данный размер не превышал размер почтового ящика (mailbox_size_limit и virtual_mailbox_limit, которые по умолчанию имеют значения 51200000 или 50 мб), в противном случае, в логе мы увидим ошибку fatal: main.cf configuration error: mailbox_size_limit is smaller than message_size_limit.

Для этого можно либо задать значения равные (или больше) message_size_limit:

message_size_limit = 73400320
mailbox_size_limit = 73400320
virtual_mailbox_limit = 73400320

… либо отключить ограничения:

message_size_limit = 73400320
mailbox_size_limit = 0
virtual_mailbox_limit = 0

3. Количество сообщений и одновременных подключений

В конфигурационном файле добавляем такие строки:

anvil_rate_time_unit = 60s
smtpd_client_message_rate_limit = 200
smtpd_client_recipient_rate_limit = 60
smtpd_client_connection_count_limit = 20
smtpd_client_connection_rate_limit = 40

* в данном примере мы установили следующие ограничения на количество отправляемых писем: 

  • anvil_rate_time_unit — параметр расчетного времени. Именно от него будут вести отчет другие значения. По умолчанию также равен 60s.
  • smtpd_client_message_rate_limit — сколько клиенту можно отправлять сообщений за anvil_rate_time_unit. По умолчанию 0, то есть, ограничений нет.
  • smtpd_client_recipient_rate_limit — максимальное количество получателей за anvil_rate_time_unit. По умолчанию 0, то есть, ограничений нет.
  • smtpd_client_connection_count_limit — количество одновременно разрешенных подключений для клиента. По умолчанию 50.
  • smtpd_client_connection_rate_limit — максимальное количество коннектов, разрешенных для клиента за anvil_rate_time_unit. По умолчанию 0, то есть, ограничений нет.

4. Очередь сообщений

queue_run_delay = 5m
minimal_backoff_time = 10m
maximal_backoff_time = 15m
maximal_queue_lifetime = 1d

* где queue_run_delay задает время, как часто сообщения из очереди будут отправляться повторно; minimal_backoff_time устанавливает время, на которое будет отложена отправка сообщений, которые не были отправлены по причине временных неисправностей (например, принимающий сервер не отвечает или просит повторить запрос позже), но не позднее maximal_backoff_time; параметр maximal_queue_lifetime установит, через какой период перестать делать попытки при отправке сообщения и вернуть его отправителю с ошибкой.

5. Таймаут на отправку сообщений

smtp_data_done_timeout = 600s
smtp_data_init_timeout = 120s
smtp_data_xfer_timeout = 180s

* где smtp_data_done_timeout — ограничение времени для отправки сообщения; smtp_data_init_timeout — ограничение времени для отправки команды SMTP DATA и для получения ответа удаленного SMTP-сервера; smtp_data_xfer_timeout — ограничение времени для отправки содержимого сообщений.

6. Отправка сообщений об ошибках (4xx or 5xx)

smtpd_error_sleep_time = 3s
smtpd_soft_error_limit = 5
smtpd_hard_error_limit = 10

* где:

  • smtpd_error_sleep_time — задержка перед отправкой сообщения об ошибке (4xx or 5xx). По умолчанию 1s.
  • smtpd_soft_error_limit — количество ошибок, которые должны быть сделаны, прежде чем наш сервер начнет замедлять ответы. По умолчанию 10.
  • smtpd_hard_error_limit — максимальное количество ошибок, которые может сделать удаленный сервер SMTP. После с ним будет разорвана сессия. По умолчанию 20.

552 5.3.4 message size exceeds fixed limit

Если сталкиваемся с сообщением «552 5.3.4 message size exceeds fixed limit» (переводится как «Размер сообщения превышает установленные ограничения»), значит отправляемое письмо не вписывается в установленные лимиты. Чтобы исправить ситуацию, уменьшаем размер сообщения или редактируем лимиты (пункты 1 и 2).

То есть, размер message_size_limit не должен превышать mailbox_size_limit и virtual_mailbox_limit.

Работа с конфигом postfix

Неколько полезных консольных команд по работе с конфигурацией.

1. Посмотреть значение параметра по умолчанию:

postconf -d <Параметр>


postconf -d mailbox_size_limit

2. Посмотреть текущее значение параметра:

postconf -n <Параметр>


postconf -n message_size_limit

3. Изменить значение:

postconf -e «<Параметр = значение>»


postconf -e «virtual_mailbox_limit = 0»

A 552 email error is typically ecountered when there is a problem related to an attachement in your email. Either it has exceeded the size limits of the remote server, or the file-type isn’t allowed by the remote server. Some mail servers also seem to use this error code incorrectly when blocking a message due to triggering a filter such as a URL in the message being found in a domain black list.

You should receive a bounce-back message from the server with a variation of email error 552 in the subject, and the body should contain your original message that you attempted to deliver.

Example of a 552 bounce-back message

Return-path: <>
Envelope-to: [email protected]
Delivery-date: Mon, 22 Oct 2012 11:30:14 -0700
Received: from mailnull by biz24.inmotionhosting.com with local (Exim 4.77)
id 1TQMlS-0005G9-3e
for [email protected]; Mon, 22 Oct 2012 11:30:14 -0700
X-Failed-Recipients: [email protected]
Auto-Submitted: auto-replied
From: Mail Delivery System

To: [email protected]
Subject: Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender
Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2012 11:30:14 -0700

This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.

A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:

[email protected]
SMTP error from remote mail server after end of data:
host RemoteDomain.com []:
552 5.3.4 Message size exceeds fixed maximum message size

—— This is a copy of the message, including all the headers. ——
—— The body of the message is 10672605 characters long; only the first
—— 106496 or so are included here.

Return-path: <[email protected]>
Received: from comcast.net ([123.123.123]:33534 helo=Admin)
by biz24.inmotionhosting.com with esmtpsa (TLSv1:AES128-SHA:128)
(Exim 4.77)
(envelope-from <[email protected]>)
id 1TQMjz-0004Ug-Sz; Mon, 22 Oct 2012 11:29:42 -0700
From: Sender <[email protected]>
Subject: Annual report
Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2012 14:29:18 -0400
To: Recipient <[email protected]>

Common variations of the 552 email error

  • 552 5.2.2 mailbox quota exceeded for this recipient
  • 552 5.2.2 User mailstore exceeded quota limit
  • 552 5.2.3 Message exceeds local size limit.
  • 552 5.2.3 message size exceeds fixed maximum message size
  • 552 5.3.4 Message size exceeds fixed limit
  • 552 5.3.4 Message size exceeds fixed maximum message size
  • 552 5.3.4 message size limit exceeded at MAIL FROM
  • 552 Backend Replied [mxlogic.net]: 5.3.4 Message size exceeds fixed maximum
  • 552 mail size or count over quota.
  • 552 message size exceeds maximum message size
  • 552 size limit exceeded
  • 552 too many messages in this mail box.
  • 552 Transaction failed, remote said “550 failed: User does not exist.”
  • 552-Requested mail action aborted: exceeded storage allocationn
  • 552-5.2.2 The email account that you tried to reach is over quota.
  • 552-5.2.3 Your message exceeded Google’s message size limits. Please visitn
  • 552-5.7.0 Our system detected an illegal attachment on your message. Pleasen
  • 552 Virus found inside of the email
  • 552 5.2.0 Remote MTA An URL contained in this message is blacklisted by SURBL. See https://www.surbl.org

Resolving a 552 email error bounceback

The 552 series of errors can sometimes be a soft or hard bounce. For a more in-depth review of what a soft or hard bounce is, and general email bounceback reasons you can read why does email bounce, bounceback, or error?

In our example bounce-back error above the reason the message has failed is because the server for RemoteDomains.com has a fixed message size limit. The attempted message exceeded this limit so it was not accepted and generated this bounce-back error.

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Customers sending messages with associations with recipients worked within Exchange servers can end up getting ricochet sends due to these associations. Our Support Engineers support many Exchange servers for website-trained professionals and other electronic associations. In these servers, “552 Size Limit Exceeded Gmail, the Best Strategy to Fix It!”, we’ve seen colossal associations or unsupported association plans causing email error 552.

The screw-up message seen by the senders in the ricochet mail in cases of monstrous association size cutoff would be error 552 – ‘5.3.4 Message size outperforms fixed most outrageous message size’.

If the skip happens due to the substance of the association, “552 Size Limit Exceeded Gmail, the Best Strategy to Fix It!”, the bungle message would resemble error 552 – ‘5.7.0 Our system distinguished an unlawful association on your message.’

What is email error 552 ‘5.3.4 Message size outperforms fixed most noteworthy message size’

Each mail server has custom settings for the size of sends customers can send and traverse it. These cutoff focuses can either be worldwide or individual-account express or both. To limit move speed use, this email size limit is consistently bound to several MBs in numerous servers.

In case the email size outperforms that limit, “552 Size Limit Exceeded Gmail, the Best Strategy to Fix It!”, will be excused by the mail server. Mix-up 552 ‘5.3.4 Message size outperforms fixed most outrageous message size’ is an email error typically found in ricochet messages that produce by recipients using the Exchange mail server.

In an Exchange server, there are mostly 4 settings for message size imperatives:

  1. Overall motivator for the mail server
  2. Get and Send Connectors setting
  3. SMTP Virtual Server setting
  4. Individual customer letterbox constraint

If the message size in the email outperforms any of these limits that are viewed as a particular email customer account, it will be excused with this misstep of 552 messages.

To decide a generous email ricocheting with error 552, “552 Size Limit Exceeded Gmail, the Best Strategy to Fix It!”, these association limits should be extended or changed appropriately.

Nevertheless, before we get into the separated strides on the most ideal way of growing these cutoff focuses to recognize generous customer sends with associations, we’ll see how these message size limits are not set in stone.

People Also Ask

Question # 1: How do I fix the 552 size limit exceeded?

Answer: How to fix error 552 ‘5.3. 4 Message size exceeds fixed maximum message size’ in Exchange server

  1. Open the Exchange Management Console.
  2. Click on Organization Configuration -> Hub Transport.
  3. Click on Global Settings -> Transport Settings

Question # 2: What are the 552 quotas exceeded?

Answer: Error 552 usually shows up in the bounce mail that the sender receives while attempting to send mail to a recipient mail account. The error message indicates that the quota of the recipient account is full and mail could not be delivered to that account.

Question # 3: How do I fix a message size that exceeds the fixed maximum message size?

Answer: To resolve this error, you will need to adjust the settings on your MTA (Mail Transfer Agent) or Transport Hub. Microsoft Exchange users should see the Microsoft support article Message size limits in Exchange Server for assistance or contact your vendor.

Question # 4: Is there a size limit on Gmail emails?

Answer: You can send up to 25 MB in attachments. If you have more than one attachment, they can’t add up to more than 25 MB. If your file is greater than 25 MB, Gmail automatically adds a Google Drive link in the email instead of including it as an attachment.

Question # 5: Why can’t I send more than 25MB in an email?

Answer: For the time being, you can only send files up to 25MB. This is because sending larger files through email is not only unsafe, but it can take up unnecessary server space. This can lead to slower delivery of emails.

How do choose the email message size limits?

In Exchange mail servers, content change happens for sends. Exchange server changes over a web/MIME message to MAPI/Exchange arrangement, just as the opposite way around for transmission.

After this substance change process, the message size overall additions by around 30%. In this manner, “552 Size Limit Exceeded Gmail, the Best Strategy to Fix It!”, a message of 9 MB may disregard to pass on to a server with a size limit of 10 MB.

Furthermore, the need for the message size limits should be noted preceding changing the settings. The most outrageous acceptable message size for a waiter should be drawn as the various leveled line.

If the message is delivered off or gotten to the server from a customer on the Internet, this definitive limit will be applied to that mail. “552 Size Limit Exceeded Gmail, the Best Strategy to Fix It!”, In any case, for inside customers who send letters to each other after viable approval, the customer post box limit dominates any leftover size restrictions.

Thusly, for a server to recognize messages from the web with a size of around 15 MB, all quite far should be set at 20 MB, considering the substance change size.

Guidelines to fix error 552 ‘5.3.4 Message size outperforms fixed most outrageous message size’ in Exchange server

To recognize sends of tremendous sizes from considerable senders, the message size settings should be extended in the server. “552 Size Limit Exceeded Gmail, the Best Strategy to Fix It!”, Here is the way of doing it for every cutoff:

1. Bit by bit directions to augment overall message size settings

The overall default message size limit for Exchange Servers 2007 to 2010 is 10 MB. To change this value, the means are:

  1. Open the Exchange Management Console.
  2. Snap on Organization Configuration – > Hub Transport.
  3. Snap on Global Settings – > Transport Settings.
  4. On the Properties – > General tab set the most limit to send and get size limits.

This is the definitive setting and would be material to all sends sent and got from that server over the web.

2. The best technique to change message size limits for Receiving connector

Get connectors are the entryways through which all inbound messages are gotten to a mail server. “552 Size Limit Exceeded Gmail, the Best Strategy to Fix It!”, The most outrageous message size limit for a mail that can be gotten on a get connector can be set by:

  1. Open the Exchange Management Console
  2. Snap-on Server Configuration – > Hub Transport
  3. Select a Hub Transport server
  4. Snap-on Receive Connectors
  5. Pick the get connector and Click on Properties
  6. Snap on the General tab and set the best message size

Putting down a limit on getting a connector can moreover confine the message size subject to the sender’s IP address or type.

3. The best technique to change message size limits for the Send connector

Send connectors are intended to change the email sending conduct in the server. To change the most outrageous message size limit on send connectors, “552 Size Limit Exceeded Gmail, the Best Strategy to Fix It!”, do these methods:

  1. Open the Exchange Management Console
  2. Snap-on Organization Configuration – > Hub Transport
  3. Snap-on Send Connectors
  4. Pick a send connector and Click on Properties
  5. Snap on the General tab and set the most outrageous message size.

This limit is used to confine the size of dynamic sends from a server.

4. The best strategy to grow message size settings for individual mail accounts

The particular letterbox settings can be changed from Exchange Administration Center (EAC). Here are how to do it:

  1. In the EAC, go to Recipients > Mailboxes.
  2. Select the letter drop that you wanted to change the message size limits for, and a while later snap Edit.
  3. On the letter drop Properties page, click Mailbox Features.
  4. Under Message Size Restrictions, change the going with message size limits:
  5. Sent messages – sets the most outrageous size of the message that can be sent by the customer. The value should be set in KBs.
  6. Gotten messages – give the most outrageous size of messages that can be gotten by this customer account in KBs.
  7. Snap OK and Save the changes.

Customer letterbox settings are typically attracted to line or supplant the default overall size of email messages sent between customers inside a comparable server.

“552 Size Limit Exceeded Gmail, the Best Strategy to Fix It!”, All of these email settings should be affirm independently to ensure that ships off the recipients are passed on adequately without ricocheting with the misstep 552 '5.3.4 Message size outperforms fixed most noteworthy message size'.

Termination Result

552 email error due to message size cutoff can show up in various designs too, “552 Size Limit Exceeded Gmail, the Best Strategy to Fix It!”, for instance,

  • #552 5.2.3 Message outperforms close by size limit.
  • ##552 5.3.4 Message size outperforms fixed limit
  • 552 message size outperforms the most outrageous message size
  • _#552 size limit outperformed

The message size and association size for messages should be define to reasonable boundaries, “552 Size Limit Exceed Gmail, the Best Strategy to Fix It!”, for productive mail transport to happen. However, it’s not reasonable to assemble the message size pointlessly, as it will end up over-troubling the server.

Error Codes and Solutions for Bounce

Before proceeding with the error code and fixes. To be explicit, 5xx means hard bounce, and 4xx means soft bounce. In the world of SMTP, hard bounces are emails that can never be deliver. While soft bounces are emails that can be deliver after some time has pass.

1: Error 441 4.4.1

when sending an email Network is overload! An email sent to the recipient’s email provider failed to respond to the sender’s request, resulting in this error.

Solution: The sender’s email server will retry a few times before passing on more information to the sender’s server. If the sender is unable to deliver, the message is a lineup.

2: 452 4.2.2 Error

Mailbox Is Full Because the recipient’s inbox is full, an email was not deliver to the recipient’s MX server.

Solution: These emails can be resent, and they automatically send a note to the sender requesting that the recipient check or empty their inbox so that new emails can be deliver.

3: Network Connection Timed Out 421 4.4.2

The link between the sender and the receiver was lost before the emails were deliver, which cause the error.

Solution: Because these responses are instantaneous when network connections are lost, you can always attempt sending it again later.

4: 5.0.0 Unknown Issue Error

Message Not Delivered Reason: The email was not deliver, but the server has no idea why.

Solution: This error indicates that there may be issues with the email address, such as spelling errors or missing letters (symbols). As a result, using universal email regex, these emails can be filter away. You can try again after correcting the email addresses. Also, add the proper email address to your contact list. If the issue persists, contact your user via an alternative channel. Such as phone, message, or chat, to confirm the right email address.

5: 5.2.0 Undefined or other mailbox status Error

The email was not delivere to the recipient’s mailbox due to an unknown problem.

Solution: Because this is undefined or unknown to the email system, the solution is the same as the previous issue. It is preferable to check the email address syntax for any invalid characters or spelling errors. If the problem persists, consider contacting the user via alternative channels.

6: 554 5.2.2 Mailbox is overflowing

The recipient’s inbox is full and he or she is unable to receive additional emails.

Solution: Contact your recipient via various means and request that they delete any undesire emails so that space can be made available for future emails.

7: 5.3.1 – The email System is not empty

The sender was unable to transmit an email because the email system had run out of space and was unable to store additional messages.

Solution: Simply wait a few minutes before attempting to send the email again. If the problem persists, contact your receiver and request another method of communication.

8: Error 552 5.2.3 – Message Is Too Long Reason

The email sent exceeded the maximum length allowed by the recipient’s email system setup, preventing delivery.

Solution: Make sure the email body only contains the necessary information and attachments. If at all possible, split the emails into two or more. so that the emails are deliver successfully If the problem persists after reducing the email, get assistance from your email service provider.

9: Transaction 5.5.4 failed.

Error Reason: This error is a component of 5.5.1 and 5.5.2 in which the sender’s server used a command to send an email that was not recognize by the recipient’s email server.

Solution: Resend the message to see if the problem is a one-time occurrence. If the same thing happens again. Check the username and password for your SMTP account. If the problem persists, contact your ESP for assistance.

10: 5.5.5 – The protocol version is incorrect.

Error The reason for this is that the sender’s and receiver’s email programs are incompatible, preventing an email from being deliver.


Other than changing quite far settings, and procedures, for instance, email tension can moreover be use in unequivocal cases. Furthermore, “552 Size Limit Exceed Gmail, the Best Strategy to Fix It!”, straight-away making server setting changes isn’t recommend as it would screw with its commonplace working.

Email error investigating incorporates taking a gander at the server logs, checking the sway message, perceiving the bungle creating a server, and cross-truly investigating the server settings. In case you’d like to acknowledge how to get your mail server and hinder email ricochet goofs, “552 Size Limit Exceeded Gmail, the Best Strategy to Fix It!”, we’d be happy to speak with you.

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