Ошибка 2022 hikvision при сбросе пароля

Ошибка SADP 2022 появляется при попытке сбросить пароль устройства Hikvision (камеры, видеорегистратора, видеорегистратора) с помощью XML-файла. Когда вы импортируете файл сброса (XML-файл, созданный службой поддержки Hikvision), SADP отобразит ошибку 2022, которая не позволяет сбросить пароль.

В некоторых других случаях тот же тип ошибки может отображаться как “Файл не экспортируется”, “Отказано в устройстве”, “Сбой сброса”, “Ошибка 2022 сбой”, “Ошибка 2015”, все эти ошибки связаны с одним и тем же.

Ошибка 2022 возникает, когда файл сброса XML становится недействительным, поскольку устройство перезагрузилось (с момента создания начального файла сброса), файл не содержит правильной информации или прошло очень много времени с момента создания файла.

XML-файл генерируется SADP, а затем этот файл передается в службу поддержки Hikvision и используется ими для создания определенного файла сброса, который работает только для этого устройства.

Этот файл создается на основе серийного номера устройства, MAC-адреса, метки времени, прошивки и т.д. Если устройство находится в состоянии, отличном от того, в котором был создан файл, вы увидите, что появляются ошибки такого рода.

Чтобы исправить эту ошибку, вам потребуется восстановить файл заново. Это означает повторный экспорт XML-файла и пересылку его вашему дилеру / службе поддержки Hikvision, и они повторно отправят новый (и действительный) XML-файл.

Кроме того, есть еще несколько вещей, которые вы можете попробовать, прежде чем просить Hikvision восстановить файл. Попробуйте приведенные ниже предложения и посмотрите, подходят ли они для вашего случая.

Как исправить ошибку SADP 2022

Убедитесь, что файл сброса XML по-прежнему действителен

Как мы уже говорили, файл сброса XML, отправленный Hikvision, действителен только при определенных условиях. Файл станет недействительным, если камера или видеорегистратор (и видеорегистратор) были включены циклически после создания файла сброса XML. Итак, если вы перезагрузили устройство после экспорта файла, то сброшенный XML-файл больше не будет работать.

Кроме того, файл сброса XML действителен в течение 24 часов, и это время прошло с момента создания. Как только вы свяжетесь с Hikvision, вам нужно дождаться их электронного письма и применить файл сброса как можно скорее.

Если прошло более 24 часов, вам необходимо повторно экспортировать новый файл из SADP и отправить его в службу поддержки Hikvision.

Еще одна вещь, которую следует учитывать, файл сброса XML может не работать, если IP-адрес компьютера был изменен, когда SADP был открыт. Инструмент SADP загружает стек TCP / IP Windows только один раз при начальной загрузке, поэтому, если IP-адрес компьютера указан в течение этого времени, SADP не распознает изменения.

Запустите SADP tool от имени администратора

Прежде чем просить Hikvison повторно создать файл, вы можете попробовать запустить инструмент SADP от имени администратора. Сообщалось, что файл сброса не проходит, если не будут развернуты права администратора.

Полностью выключите SADP, а затем щелкните правой кнопкой мыши на его значке и нажмите “Запуск от имени администратора”. Затем повторите попытку применить файл rest к устройству, на котором был утерян пароль. Хотя этот метод не всегда работает, он может сработать для вас!

Отключите антивирусную защиту и брандмауэр

В некоторых других случаях антивирусное программное обеспечение на вашем ноутбуке / компьютере может помешать SADP применить файл сброса в устройстве.

Закройте инструмент SADP, а затем перейдите в свое антивирусное приложение, временно отключите его (скажем, на 30 минут). Затем запустите (от имени администратора) инструмент SADP и посмотрите, проходит ли файл сброса.

Кроме того, вы также можете попробовать защиту брандмауэром в своей сети. Перейдите в настройки брандмауэра и временно отключите его. Затем повторите попытку сброса настроек.

Проверьте сеть

Камеры (или DVR / NVR) должны находиться в той же подсети / диапазоне, что и SADP (или наоборот). По сути, IP-адрес ноутбука (на котором установлен инструмент SADP) находится в том же диапазоне, что и IP-адрес устройства, которое сбрасывается (IP-камера, DVR, NVR).

Допустим, IP-адрес ноутбука равен, тогда IP-адрес устройства должен быть в том же формате и диапазоне (например,

Если вы не можете изменить IP-адрес камеры через SADP, то вы можете изменить IP-адрес ноутбука, чтобы он соответствовал IP-адресу устройства. Как только вы это сделаете, вы можете еще раз попробовать применить файл сброса.

Используйте последнюю версию SADP

Вы должны использовать последнюю версию SADP. Многие пользователи устанавливают более старые версии SADP, которые несовместимы с XML-файлами, созданными командой Hikvision. Вы можете загрузить последнюю версию SADP с официального сайта. Удалите старую версию, установите последнюю версию, а затем повторите попытку применить файл.

Если это все еще не работает, вы можете повторно экспортировать файл с помощью новейшего инструмента SADP и переслать файл технической команде Hikvision (или местному дилеру), который будет использоваться для создания нового (и рабочего) файла).


Ошибка SADP 2022 указывает, что SADP не может использовать файл сброса для связи с камерами. Это может быть вызвано тем, что файл сброса недействителен, был создан давно или условия устройства были изменены.

Вам нужно повторно экспортировать файл и использовать его, как только вы его получите. Кроме того, вы можете попробовать использовать SADP в качестве администратора и убедиться, что используете последнюю версию программного обеспечения. Если вы все еще застряли, вы можете обратиться за поддержкой к местному дилеру Hikvision.

SADP error 2022 shows up when you try to reset the password of a Hikvision unit (camera, NVR, DVR) using the XML file. When you import the reset file (XML file generated by Hikvision support), the SADP will display an error 2022 which prevents you from resetting the password.

In some other cases, the same error type may show up as “File Not Exporting”, “Device Denied”, “Reset Fail”, “Error 2022 Fail”, “Error 2015”, all these errors are related to the same thing.

The error 2022 occurs when the XML reset file becomes invalid because the device has rebooted (since the seed reset file was generated), the file does not contain the correct information, or it has been a very long time since the file was generated.

Hikvision SADP Error 2022

The XML file is generated by SADP and then this file is forwarded to Hikvision support and used by them to generate a specific reset file that works only for that unit.

This file is generated based on the device’s serial number, MAC address, timestamp, firmware, etc. If the unit is in a different condition from when the file was generated, then you will see these kinds of errors popping out.

To fix this error, you will need to have the file regenerated. This means, re-exporting the XML file and forwarding it to your Hikvision dealer/support and they will resend the new (and valid) XML file.

Additionally, there are a few more things that you can try before asking Hikvision to regenerate the file. Try the suggestions below and see if they work for your case.

Ensure the XML reset file is still valid

As we said, the XML reset file sent out by Hikvision is valid only under certain conditions. The file will become invalid if the camera or NVR (and DVR) has been powered cycled after the XML reset file was generated. So, if you have rebooted the unit after exporting the file, then the reset XML file will no longer work.

Additionally, the XML reset file is valid for 24 hours and the time has passed since generation. Once you get in contact with Hikvision, you need to wait for their email and apply the reset file as soon as possible.

If it’s more than 24 hours, you need to re-export e new file from SADP and submit it to the Hikvision support team.

Another thing to consider, the reset XML file may not work if the IP address of the PC was changed while SADP was open. The SADP tool will only load the windows TCP/IP stack once on the initial load, so if the IP address of the computer is during this time, SADP will not recognize the changes.

Run SADP tool as Administrator

Before asking Hikvison to regenerate the file, you may try to run the SADP tool as administrator. It has been reported that the reset file doesn’t go through unless the Admin privileges are deployed.

Completely turn off the SADP and then right-click on its icon and hit “Run as Administrator”. Then try again to apply the rest file on the unit that has the lost password. While this method doesn’t always work, it may work for you!

Turn off Anti-Virus protection and Firewall

In some other cases, the anti-virus software on your laptop/computer may prevent the SADP from applying the reset file in the unit.

Close off the SADP tool and then go to your antivirus application, temporarily disable it (let’s say for 30 minutes). Then run (as administrator) the SADP tool and see if the reset file goes through.

Additionally, you may also try Firewall protection in your network. Go to the Firewall settings and have it temporarily disabled. Then try the reset process again.

Check the network

The cameras (or DVR/NVR) need to be in the same subnet/range as the SADP (or vice versa). Basically, the IP address of the laptop (where the SADP tool) is installed is in the same range as the IP address of the unit that is being reset (IP camera, DVR, NVR).

Let’s say the IP address of the laptop is, then the IP address of the unit must be in the same format and range (for example

If you can’t change the IP address of the camera via the SADP, then you can modify the IP address of the laptop to match that of the unit. Once you do that, you may try again to apply the reset file.

Use the latest version of SADP

You must use the latest version of the SADP. Many users install older versions of SADP that are not compatible with XML files generated by the Hikvision team. You can download the latest SADP from the official website (or from here). Uninstall the old version, install the latest version and then try again to apply the file.

If it still doesn’t work, then you can re-export the file using the latest SADP tool and forward the file to Hikvision technical team (or the local dealer) which will be used to generate a new (and working) file).


SADP error 2022 indicates that the SADP can’t use the reset file to communicate with the cameras. This may be caused by the reset file being invalid, being generated a long time ago, or the unit’s conditions having been changed.

You need to re-export the file and use it as soon as you get it. Additionally you may try to use the SADP as an administrator and ensure that you’re using the latest version of the software. If you’re still stuck, you may contact your local Hikvision dealer for support.

  • #1

I have several new HiKvision DVRS that I bought recently from an authorized dealer locally. I believe one got hacked because one day I found I could no longer access the streams remotely and the password that I’m 100% certain is the password I set is no longer accepted.

These are the OCB-7208HQHI-K1 models.

So, I downloaded the SADP tool from Hikvision and created the XML file as directed then emailed that to my local distributor.

He then sent the file to Hikvision and soon I received the response file.
However, the reset failed with code 2022 (I have no clue what that means)

The unit was never powered down, but no one at any time told me I had to leave the ethernet cable connected. But also, our network (like everyone elses) gets TONS of malicious traffic from China and other places so we block


Chinese IP addresses. So if this process requires allowing some place in China to connect to the DVR, that ain’t happening. Not even sure if that occurs?
But as far as connections, I was only told not to «power the unit down» until I get the XML file back and uploaded it.

So, it’s been over a week now and the very reason I bought these (home security) has been thwarted by the unit getting hacked, then not being able to reset the password. I travel a lot and need to be able to view the cameras remotely.

Does anyone know specifically if it is essential to not only leave the unit powered, but also connected to the internet all the while until the reset XML file is received and uploaded?

I guess all I can do is try again.

All these hoops to jump through for the end user and the unit was still hacked.

Is all this really necessary?
I’m sure anyone’s who been through this charade can feel my pain haha

PS. Love the DVR’s otherwise.

Last edited: Dec 11, 2018


  • #2

Is all this really necessary?

It sounds like the DVR firmware, unlike the NVR firmware, does not have the several ‘self-service password reset’ facilities.
Is there a ‘forgot password’ link at the web GUI login page that triggers a ‘Security Questions Q&A’ dialogue?

  • #3

Ok, I had to use the SADP tool to create the XML file to send to the distributor I bought the DVR from.

They then sent the file to HikVision China (NOT USA)

China HikVision then sent them an XML file which they forwarded to me.

I used the HikVision SADP tool to upload the file China sent…..but it FAILED

So then I created another (fresh) XML file and sent that to the distributor where I purchased my DVRs

They then sent that file to China again

The next day the distributor sent me another XML file and this time it worked and the password was successfully reset.


The distributor had advised me to NOT POWER DOWN the DVR until I got the XML file from China (which I did not to my knowledge)

However, after the failure of the first attempt, I not only left the DVR powered, but also left the network connection to the network.
(Previously I had disconnected the network cable after creating the first XML file)
Note: it’s possible that at some point during the first attempt the power to the DVR dropped momentarily because it was over a weekend so 4 days passed from the time I made the first XML export file until I got the reset XML file from China. On the second attempt, I did it during the week so it was only overnight. The network connection may have had noting to do with the process.

  • #4

Overall, I’m not 100% sure why HikVision has put up this much obstruction to resetting the password.

Is it to keep the DVRs from being hacked (they had a severe issue with a firmware flaw that allowed many of their DVRs to get hacked I read)

Is it to prevent someone from stealing your DVR and then using it?

In any event, it can be quite an inconvenience if for ANY reason you forget your password or the password is not accepted for ANY reason.

Suppose this happened the night before I had to leave town for an extended business trip. I would not have been able to view live streams not get any alerts from the DVr in question.
To me, this FAR outweighs Hikvisions reasons. Suppose a business is burglarized or robbed during the period of trying to reset the password. The interested parties may be deprived of potentially life saving and property saving real time intel.

  • #5

It sounds like the DVR firmware, unlike the NVR firmware, does not have the several ‘self-service password reset’ facilities.
Is there a ‘forgot password’ link at the web GUI login page that triggers a ‘Security Questions Q&A’ dialogue?

Not that I have seen or am aware of.


  • #6

So then I created another (fresh) XML file and sent that to the distributor where I purchased my DVRs
They then sent that file to China again

Your distributor has provided pretty good customer service.

  • #7

Your distributor has provided pretty good customer service.

Yes, they did their best. I’m sure this is all an extra PITA they don’t need as well.
But my point was the Hikvision process, actually.

  • #8

ReRun SADP tool as administrator , then request new XML files, . wait for reply from support, then use the new XMLs to reset thepassword. Worked for me.

  • #9

had the same issue… first had 2015, then 2023 and then finally 2022 which it won’t stop giving me…. the first two I worked through. The third one I can’t get to stop….. Is requesting a new file the only solution? Also, how long are those reset files you get back from Hikvision good for? One place said 24 hours and others are telling me they are only good for 30 minutes. Any help would be appreciated..

  • #10

Couple of days ago I had the same issue (same error). It was solved by temporarily disabling antivirus software (in this case 360 total security) during the file import.
Other clue: On the PC running SADP software use wired connection (instead of wi-fi). Sometimes this also helps.

Modified on: Tue, 29 Nov, 2022 at 4:49 PM


What does error code 2022 mean when I am resetting my password?


When resetting a password using the SADP tool and the error code 2022  populates the xml files are corrupted or no longer useable. Regenerate the xml files using the SADP, reply to the email sent by the Hikvision analyst explaining the error code and re-attach the newly generated xml files. If the error persists contact technical support with a computer that is connected to the network and has internet connectivity as a remote session may be required 

Hi folks

I am facing password reset issue for hikvision IP camera

Actually i tried to sent my camera XML file to hikvision support team they sent it to me encrypted XML files but I did try import files via sadp tool to my camera but getting failed to reset password Popup

What I did:

Removed my connectivity (pc to cam) after sending mail to hikvision support team 

After got my key just reconnected my cam device to laptop and import that encrypted key 

Is this affect for resetting password???

Note: my laptop IP range is same network




Camera side


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