Object of type int has no len python ошибка

It sounds like you have a mixed list of integers and strings and want to sort by length of the strings. If that is the case, convert the entire list to like types — strings — before sorting.


>>> li=[1,999,'a','bbbb',0,-3]

You can do:

>>> sorted(map(str, li), key=len)   
['1', 'a', '0', '-3', '999', 'bbbb']

If you want a two key sort by length then ascibetible, you can do:

>>> sorted(map(str, li), key=lambda e: (len(e), e))
['0', '1', 'a', '-3', '999', 'bbbb']

You can sort without changing the object type by adding str to the key function:

>>> sorted(li, key=lambda e: (len(str(e)), str(e)))
[0, 1, 'a', -3, 999, 'bbbb']

In Python, we have a len() function that returns the total number of characters and items present in an iterable object such as string, tuple, dictionary and set. And when we try to perform the len() operation on an integer number, Python raises the error

«TypeError: object of type ‘int’ has no len()».

In this Python tutorial, we will discuss the reason behind this error and learn how to solve it. This Python tutorial also discusses a typical example scenario that demonstrates the

«TypeError: object of type ‘int’ has no len()»

error and its solution, so you could solve the one raising in your Python program. Let’s get started with the Problem statement

The len() is an inbuilt Python function that can accept an iterable object and return an integer number representing the total number of items present in that iterable object.


>>> x = [20, 30, 40, 50]
>>> len(x) #items present in the x

But if we try to pass an integer value as an argument to the len() function we receive the Error  »

TypeError: object of type ‘int’ has no len()



#integer number
num = 300

length = len(num)



Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "main.py", line 4, in 
    length = len(num)
TypeError: object of type 'int' has no len()

In the above example, we are receiving the error because we are passing the


as an argument value to the len() function. And len() function return the error when an integer object or value is passed to it. The error statement has two sub statements separated with colon :

  1. TypeError
  2. object of type ‘int’ has no len()

1. TypeError

The TypeError is a standard Python exception. It is raised in a Python program when we try to perform an invalid operation on a Python object or when we pass an invalid data type to a function. In the above example, Python is raising the TypeError because the


function expecting an iterable object data type and it received an int.

2. object of type ‘int’ has no len()

The statement »

object of type 'int' has no len()

» is the error message, that tag along with the TypeError exception. This message is putting the fact that the length function does not support the int value as an argument. This simply means we can not compute the length of an integer value using len() function.

Common Example Scenario

Many new Python learners are unaware of the fact that len() function can not operate on the int data type. And often they perform it on the integer object to get the total length or number of digits and encounter the error.


Suppose we need to write

a program

that asks the user to enter a 4 digit number for the passcode. And we need to check if the entered number contains 4 digits or not.

passcode = int(input("Enter a 4 Digit Number: "))

#length of the passcode
length = len(passcode)

if length == 4:
    print("Your Entered Passcode is", passcode)
    print("Please only enter a 4 digit passcode")


Enter a 4 Digit Number: 2342
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "main.py", line 4, in 
    length = len(passcode)
TypeError: object of type 'int' has no len()

Break the code

In this example, we are getting the error with

length = len(passcode)

statement. This is because the


is an integer value, and len() function does not support int data values as an argument.


In the above example, our objective is to find the number of digits entered by the user. That can be found by the total length of the entered number. To solve the above problem we need to ensure that we are not passing the int value to the len() function. The input function accepts the entered passcode as a string, and we need to find the length for that entered string value. After getting the length we can convert that value to the int type.

passcode = input("Enter a 4 Digit Number: ")

#length of the passcode
length = len(passcode)

#covert the passcode into int
passcode = int(passcode)

if length == 4:
    print("Your Entered Passcode is", passcode)
    print("Please only enter a 4 digit passcode")


Enter a 4 Digit Number: 4524
Your Entered Passcode is 4524
Now our code run successfully



» TypeError: object of type ‘int’ has no len()»

is a common error that many Python learners encounter when they accidentally pass an integer number to the len() function. To solve this problem we need to take care of the len() function and make sure that we are only passing an iterable object to it not a specific integer number.

In this article, we have discussed this error in detail and also solve a common example.

If you still getting this error in your Python program, please share your code and query in the comment section. We will try to help you in debugging.

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When running Python code, one error that you might encounter is:

TypeError: object of type 'int' has no len()

This error occurs when you call the len() function and pass an int type object as its argument.

Let’s see an example that causes this error and how to fix it.

How to reproduce this error

Suppose you assigned an int value to a variable as follows:

Next, you try to find the length of the x variable above using the len() function:

The call to the len() function causes an error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "main.py", line 3, in <module>
TypeError: object of type 'int' has no len()

This error occurs because an int object doesn’t have the __len__ attribute, which is the value returned by Python when you call the len() function.

In Python, only sequences like Strings, Lists, Tuples, .etc can be used as an argument of the len() function

How to fix this error

To resolve this error, you need to make sure that you don’t pass an int object to the len() function

You can check the tipe of the object first by calling the isinstance() function as follows:

x = 7

if isinstance(x, int):
    print("Variable is an integer")

By putting the len() function inside the else block, it won’t be called when the x variable is an int object.

You might want to call the len() function on a list or a string, so you need to check the type of the variable first using the type() function:

x = 7
y = [1, 2, 3]
z = "Hello!"

print(type(x))  # <class 'int'>
print(type(y))  # <class 'list'>
print(type(z))  # <class 'str'>

If you have an int object when you should have another type (like a list) then you might have assigned the wrong value somewhere in your code.

For example, the list.pop() method returns the removed item. If the list contains int objects, then an int will be returned:

y = [12, 13, 14]

item = y.pop(1) # returns 13

print(len(item))  # 13

When you called len() on the return value of the pop() method, you’re calling the function on an int object. This causes the error.

If you only want to remove items from your list and then get the lenght of the list, call the len() function on the list object as follows:

y = [12, 13, 14]


print(len(y))  # 2

You don’t need to save the value returned by the pop() method, and just call len() on the same list object.

You need to carefully review your code and change the variable assignment as necessary to fix this error.

I hope this tutorial helps. Happy coding! 🙌

Are you trying to find the length of an integer value 🤔 and getting the “TypeError: an object of type ‘int’ has no len” error when developing in Python?

In the Python programming language, we can only find the length of iterable objects such as lists, strings, tuples, etc. but not individual integer values because we can iterate through iterable objects, whereas an individual integer value isn’t iterable. So we cannot find the length of an integer. Otherwise, we’ll get the “TypeError: the object of type ‘int’ has no len” error in Python.

In this article, we’ll discuss what is “TypeError: the object of type ‘int’ has no len” error in Python, why it occurs, and how to fix it. So let’s deep down into the topic.

Table of Contents
  1. What is the “TypeError: Object of Type ‘Int’ Has No Len()” Error in Python?
  2. How to Fix the “TypeError: Object of Type ‘Int’ Has No Len()” Error in Python?
  3. Use Exception Handling to Fix the “TypeError: Object of Type ‘Int’ Has No Len()” in Python

What is the “TypeError: Object of Type ‘Int’ Has No Len()” Error in Python?

Do you need clarification about what causes the TypeError: object of type ‘int’ has no len in Python? But before discussing the solution, first, let’s see a demonstration of the error.


x = 4

print(f"The Type of {x} is {type(x)}" )



"TypeError: Object of Type 'Int' Has no Len" error in Python

As you can see in the above example, the type of x is int; it is not iterable to clearly understand it; let’s see does an integer value support len() function or not.


x = 4

print(f"The Type of {x} is {type(x)}" )



How to Fix "TypeError: Object of Type 'Int' Has no Len" in Python?

As you can see in the above code example, there isn’t any len() for integer objects.

To fix the TypeError: an object of Type ‘int’ has no len in Python, we can convert the integer value into a string to find its length.


x = 4

print("Dir int")

print(f"The Type of {x} is {type(x)} n" )


# type casting int to string

str_x = str(x)

print("nnDir string")

print(f"The Type of {str_x} is {type(str_x)}")

print(f"The length of {str_x} is {len(str_x)}n")



TypeError: object of Type 'int' has no len in Python

You can see 👀 in the above code example the integer value isn’t supporting the int(), but when we type cast x to a string, it supports len().

Let’s use the len() function with some iterables like lists, tuples, and strings.


# create list

billionaires = ["Elon", "Mark", "Jeff", "Bill"]

print(f"This length of {billionaires} is {len(billionaires)}n")

# lets loop thorught the iterable 'list'

for i in range(len(billionaires)):

print(f"{i}) {billionaires[i]}")


This lenght of ['Elon', 'Mark', 'Jeff', 'Bill'] is 4

0) Elon

1) Mark

2) Jeff

3) Bill

As we know that lists are iterable objects, we can find their length using the len() function and loop through it to access individual elements of it, as shown in the above example. Similarly, for any iterable, we can iterate by using a for loop.

Use Exception Handling to Fix the “TypeError: Object of Type ‘Int’ Has No Len()” in Python

Exception handling is a proactive strategy for error and exception handling in computer programming that helps in handling the errors before they crash the computer program. It is one of the most useful techniques in computer programming; let’s see how it assists us in handling the TypeError: an object of Type ‘int’ has no len before crashing our program.



x = 4


except TypeError:

# customzie the error message

print('You cannot find the length of an integer using len()')

print("The good thing is the program isn't crashed yetnisn’t this amazing?")


You cannot find the lenght of an integer using len()

The good thing is the program isn't crashed yet

isn't this amazing?

As you can see in the above ☝️ code example, we’ve demonstrated how exception handling saves your program from crashing but instead gives you warnings and alerts that the program has some error in the form of a customized message.


To summarize the article on how to Fix the TypeError: the object of type ‘int’ has no len() in Python, we’ve discussed why it occurs and how to get rid of it. Furthermore, we’ve seen how to typecast an integer to a string to find its length using len() function.

In addition, we’ve discussed how to find the length of iterable like lists to loop through it, and at the end, we’ve used exception handling to handle the exceptions before crashing our Python program.

Let’s have a quick recap of the topics discussed in this article.

  1. Why does the TypeError: the object of Type ‘int’ has no len occurs?
  2. How to Fix the TypeError: Type’ int’ object has no len in Python?
  3. How to type cast an integer?
  4. How to loop through an iterable?
  5. How to use exception handling to handle exceptions in Python?

If you have found this article helpful, don’t forget to share it with friends and the coding 🧑‍💻 community!

Zeeshan is a detail-oriented software engineer and technical content writer with a Bachelor’s in Computer Software Engineering and certifications in SEO and content writing. Thus, he has a passion for creating high-quality, SEO-optimized technical content to help companies and individuals document ideas to make their lives easier with software solutions. With over 150 published articles in various niches, including computer sciences and programming languages such as C++, Java, Python, HTML, CSS, and Ruby, he has a proven track record of delivering well-researched and engaging technical content.

In this article, we will learn about the TypeError: object of type ‘int’ has no len.

What is TypeError: object of type ‘int’ has no len?

This error is generated when we try to calculate the length of an integer value. But integer don’t have any length. Thus the error is raised.

TypeError: object of type 'int' has no len()

Zeeshan is a detail-oriented software engineer and technical content writer with a Bachelor’s in Computer Software Engineering and certifications in SEO and content writing. Thus, he has a passion for creating high-quality, SEO-optimized technical content to help companies and individuals document ideas to make their lives easier with software solutions. With over 150 published articles in various niches, including computer sciences and programming languages such as C++, Java, Python, HTML, CSS, and Ruby, he has a proven track record of delivering well-researched and engaging technical content.

In this article, we will learn about the TypeError: object of type ‘int’ has no len.

What is TypeError: object of type ‘int’ has no len?

This error is generated when we try to calculate the length of an integer value. But integer don’t have any length. Thus the error is raised.

TypeError: object of type 'int' has no len()

Let us understand it more with the help of an example.


# Importing random module
import random 

# Using randit function of random module
var = random.randint(0, 20)

# Printing Random value
print("Random value: ",var)

# Printing length of variable
print("Length of variable: ",len(var))


Random value:  18
  File "len.py", line 12, in <module>
    print("Length of variable: ",len(var))
TypeError: object of type 'int' has no len()


In the above example, we imported the random module of python. There are various function available in random module of python. In this particular code, we used the randint() function. This function returns any random integer within the specified parameter value.

After generating the random integer we stored it in the variable ‘var’. And printed it in the next line. There’s no error encountered until now. But when we try to try to calculate the length of the variable var’ in line-12 of the code. An error is encountered. This TypeError is raised because we were trying to calculate the length of an integer. And we know integers don’t have any length.


# Importing random module
import random 

# Using randit(start,end) function of random module
var = random.randint(0, 20)

# Printing Random value
print("Random value: ",var)

# Printing length of variable
print("Length of variable: ",len(str(var))) 


Random value:  2
Length of variable:  1


As discussed earlier we can not calculate the length of an integer. But we can calculate the length of the string. So what we can do is, change the integer value to the string. And then calculate the length of that string.

Here we used a built-in function str() to change varto string.


This TypeError is raised when we try to calculate the length of an integer using len(). To work around this error we can convert the integer value to string. And then calculate the length of the string.

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