Nw 31294 9 ошибка на ps4

Истекло время ожидания соединения из-за нестабильности беспроводной сети.

Возможно, у вас проблемы с подключением к локальной сети. Сделайте следующее:
  1. Проверьте интернет-соединение в меню Настройки > Сеть > Проверить соединение с Интернетом и убедитесь, что вы можете подключиться к Интернету. 
  2. Выключите питание модема и/или маршрутизатора и снова попробуйте подключиться через 5 минут. Обновите встроенное программное обеспечение маршрутизатора. Если необходимо, обратитесь за помощью к производителю маршрутизатора или поставщику интернет-услуг. Отключите другие устройства, подключенные к сети.  
  3. Попробуйте подключиться к другой сети. 

Код ошибки NW-31294-9 появляется в случаях, когда PlayStation 4 так и не получает ответ от сервера за отведённое время. Это может указывать на нестабильное или низкоскоростное подключение к сети. После восстановления нормального подключения к сети ошибка NW-31294-9 появляться перестанет.

Как исправить ошибку?

Чтобы устранить проблему, следует последовательно выполнить такие действия:

  1. Проверить наличие подключения к сети. Для этого в разделе настроек под названием «Сеть» есть функция «Проверить соединение с Интернетом». По результату работу функции можно определить наличие доступа к сети. Если она показала положительный результат, проблема не в отсутствии интернета, а в нестабильности подключения.
  2. Выполнить сброс настроек роутера или модема. Устройство для раздачи интернета следует полностью выключить на 5 минут и затем включить его. Большинство маршрутизаторов поддерживают ручную настройку подключения, получая данные от DHCP-сервера. Скорее всего настройки восстановятся и выход в интернет появится.
  3. Обновить прошивку маршрутизатора. В интернете полно инструкций по перепрошиванию роутера под все популярные модели роутеров. У каждого производителя и модели способы прошивки несколько отличаются. Если нет уверенности в собственных действиях, лучше выполнить обновление ПО по инструкции из интернета.
  4. Отключить от сети остальные устройства, которые потребляют слишком большое количество пропускной способности.
  5. Если есть возможность доступа к другой сети, стоит подключиться к ней.

Единственный случай, когда перечисленные способы не помогут – проблемы на стороне поставщика интернет-услуг. В этом случае стоит обратиться в техническую поддержку провайдера.

PS4 gamers sometimes get the annoying error message that the console cannot connect to the internet, along with the error code NW-31294-9. They either can’t get online at all or have usually been waiting a long time to connect to a lobby or service, only for this error message to pop up.

This error message usually means that the wireless connection has timed out because the connection is weak or unstable. Put simply, your PS4 can’t get a reliable or consistent Wi-Fi signal from your router so the connection has dropped out.

The most common way to solve the NW-31294-9 error code is to either improve the wireless connection by resetting your devices, or moving closer to the router, or switching to a wired ethernet connection instead. If this doesn’t work, try entering Safe Mode and running a System Software Update for the PS4 (Option 4).

Playstation’s own page on this error code is surprisingly short and shallow on real options to actually sort this error out more permanently. Let’s gather together all the different ways we can properly fix this problem and get a better connection for your PS4 online.

Quick Tips For Solving This Error Message

Here are some of the more quickfire things you can try to see if you can either restore your wifi connection or get a better signal so this error message doesn’t pop up.

  • Do a connection test to make sure your PS4 can connect to the internet. Go to Settings….Network….Test Internet Connection to see if you can get a signal.
  • Try quick resetting your router and PS4
  • Try hard resetting your router and PS4, powering them off and fully unplugging for 5 minutes before plugging them back in.
  • Try moving the router and console closer together.
  • Try connecting to another wireless network if available.
  • Check with others in your home, can they also connect? This can isolate whether the weak Wi-Fi is a problem more specific to just your PS4, or a more general problem with the network and router in your home.
  • Check with your ISP to see if they are having problems with the internet in your area.
  • Preferably, it is best not to be on wifi at all for online gaming. Wired connections are much better. See the section further below for more on this.

Make Sure Your PS4 is Fully Updated

One of the first things to check on your console if you get this error is that the system software is fully up to date. Sometimes the PS4 doesn’t actually tell you there is an update available, so you carry on using it, not realizing there is a more up to date system patch available that still needs installing.

You can do this by going to Settings….System Software Update on your PS4. However, it is generally considered better to do system updates in Safe Mode. Here are the steps to do this:

  • Power your console off then power it back on in Safe Mode. To do this, press and hold the power button on the PS4 for 7 seconds. It will then boot in Safe Mode.
  • Once in Safe Mode, choose the Update System Software option and click Update via Internet. If the wifi still doesn’t work then connect direct to your router with ethernet.
  • A system update should download. Once complete, reboot in normal mode.
  • This update fixes the problem for a lot of users. If it doesn’t then there are other things you can try, which we will go into more detail about below.

Move Onto a Wired Connection If Possible

One of the first things to do with games consoles in general to give them the best possible connection online is to use wired ethernet instead of Wi-Fi, since wired connections always give a more solid and consistent connection than Wi-Fi. See our article explaining this in full detail.

Having a wired connection is really essential for anyone looking to game online, stream videos or download large amounts of data. Wired connections provide the most bandwidth and the lowest ping or latency, compared to Wi-Fi which can be temperamental and unreliable and drop out at regular intervals, leading to error codes like this.

However, if you are only using Wi-Fi in the first place because you are too far from the router to run an ethernet cable directly, then a powerline adapter is an excellent next best solution which allows you to get on a wired connection without having to run long cables through the house.

Powerline adapters consist of a pair of adapter plugs, one of which is plugged and and connected to your router, the other of which is plugged in and connected to your device. The two adapters then communicate through the electrical wiring to deliver a strong, wired internet connection to your PS4, bypassing the need for using Wi-Fi.

If the wiring in your house is in good enough condition, they are great solution allowing you to have a wired connection to your router without any need for DIY, complex setup, long cables, or using unreliable Wi-Fi. They are an ideal gaming solution if you are currently on Wi-Fi and a long way from the router.

You can find links to the TP Link Nano Powerline adapter, plus more advanced models, on our Powerline Adapters page.

Use Quality Of Service To Manage Traffic On Your Home Network

Another potential cause of this error is simply that the Wi-Fi network in your home is too busy and congested to properly manage all the traffic, so the weak keeps dropping out as too much combined bandwidth is being used by all the people in the house.

There is a way around this sometimes, which is to implement Quality of Service or QoS on your router to manage traffic. This tells your router to process gaming traffic first, so your console get it’s data dealt with first, hopefully reducing lag when others are also using the internet.

Here are the general steps for configuring Quality of Service settings:

  • Make a note of the IP and MAC address of your games console. They can easily be found in the Connection Status/Settings menus of your console.
  • Login to the router using it’s IP address and password, IP commonly (or or
  • Go to Quality of Service or QoS settings, often under “Advanced” settings or similar.
  • You should see a list of devices on the home network. You should be able to identify yours by the MAC and IP address you noted down earlier. Your device might need to be on for the router to recognise it.
  • Set your games console to “Highest” or “Maximum” priority and make sure any non latency essential devices are set to a lower priority. Streaming devices should still be given a high priority if not quite as high as gaming devices.
  • Apply or save settings and exit the router. You should now have Quality of Service enabled for your games console!
  • Unfortunately, QoS is not available on all routers.

Other Options to Solve This Error Message

Here are some additional options to try if eveything above is either not possible or hasn’t worked. These options are less likely to work, but may help you out in some limited cases if nothing else solves the error code, or are last resort options.

  • Some users have solved this problem by connecting another third party router to their main ISP supplied router, and then connecting their PS4 to this new wifi network, not the one from their main router. May be worth a try if you have a spare router lying around.
  • Use DMZ settings to get the most open connection to the internet possible. See our article on DMZ for more on this. Here are the very quick steps:
          • Get the MAC address of your PS4 (Connection Settings/Status).
          • Log into your router by typing it’s IP address in any browser (often or and the password.
          • Find DMZ Settings under Security or Advanced or similar.
          • Enter or select your PS4’s MAC address and to place it in the DMZ.
          • Save settings and close.
  • Let the PS4 rebuild the database. Available under Initialization options; a kind of weak reformat that doesn’t take as long as a full reformat. See the Safe Mode video embedded above.
  • Hard full reformat your PS4 back to factory settings (obviously a last ditch option if nothing else works). Again this is done in Safe Mode as instructed in the video above.
  • Send your wireless router in for repair or replacement if the Wi-Fi signal is weak for everyone in the home.
  • Send your PS4 in for repair or replacement.

See also:

  • Solving PS4 Weak Wifi Error Code NW-31295-0

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Error NW-31294-9, no fix?

My PS4 has worked perfectly forever, and then my roommate recently reset our router completely, and now whenever I attempt to connect to the WIFI I get this error. I can connect with wired and have updated, but prefer to play wireless due to router placement. I have tried moving it next to the router and doing a manual configuration with the and things and nothing still. My router doesn’t have any MAC filters and I don’t think any settings are doing anything. Connection test fails at obtaining IP address


PS4 error NW-31294-9 is a connection time-out error that usually occurs when the wireless modem is experiencing instability.

for instance, What does NW 31456 9 mean on PS4?

Connection error. The system can’t connect to either PlayStation Network (PSN) or the game server. Check that PSN services are available. If there are no issues with PSN services, check the official website for the game you are trying to play to find out if there is any maintenance or high traffic issues.

significantly, Why does my PS4 fail to obtain IP address?

“CE-33984-7 PS4 error” may occur when your PS4 has a static IP address. The IP address set to your PS4 could be in use, that is why your PS4 could not obtain an IP from the modem router. Please set it to automatic or set it Manual then increment the last three digits of the IP address.

also What does instable mean on PS4?

Network connection is unstable or too weak to reach the PSN server.

What do I do when my PS4 goes into safe mode? Safe Mode allows you to start your PlayStation console with only the most basic functions active. The Safe Mode options are designed to help you solve issues by rebuilding the console storage database, changing your resolution or “hard” resetting the console to its factory settings.

Why is NAT type failing on PS4?

The error “PS4 NAT Type Failed” usually gets triggered because of incorrect network settings, or the network firewall causing the problem. Changing the type of NAT is one of the effective solutions to solve this behavior.

What is proxy server for PS4?

proxy server ps4 meaning. Proxy server stands between a user and the information from a source it wants to access. Proxy server Ps4 means offering this service to Ps4 users so that the gaming experience continues to function without any connection lags.

What does it mean when it says PlayStation network might be temporarily busy?

There might have been a problem in connecting to the network, or PlayStation™Network or the server of the service provider might be temporarily busy. Check the connection status of the PlayStation 4 in Settings > Network > Test Internet Connection.

Can’t connect to network PS4?

How to Fix It When Your PS4 Won’t Connect to Wi-Fi

  1. Check the status of the PlayStation Network. …
  2. Restart the modem and router. …
  3. Restart the PlayStation 4. …
  4. Confirm your Wi-Fi password is correct. …
  5. Move your PS4 closer to the wireless router. …
  6. Change the Wi-Fi network’s channel number. …
  7. Change the DNS settings on the PS4.

How do you fix Cannot connect to the Wi-Fi network within the time limit?

How to Fix PS4 ‘Cannot Connect to the Wi-Fi Network Within the Time Limit’ Errors

  1. Check your internet connection. …
  2. Use a wired internet connection. …
  3. Check the PlayStation Network status. …
  4. Perform an internet connection test. …
  5. Reboot your devices. …
  6. Upgrade the router firmware. …
  7. Connect to another channel.

What does can’t obtain IP address mean?

The “Failed to obtain IP address” error usually shows up when accessing a Wi-Fi network, whether it is new or one you have saved on your device. This error message means the router can’t assign an IP address to your device. As long as the issue persists, the user can’t access the internet using that Wi-Fi network.

How do I fix DNS error on PS4?

How can I fix the PS4 DNS server errors?

  1. Power on your PS4 and go to Settings.
  2. Navigate to Network and choose Set Up Internet Connection.
  3. Choose an internet connection type between Wi-Fi and LAN.
  4. Connect your router or ethernet cable.
  5. Click on Custom setup.
  6. Change the IP Address Settings to Automatic.

How can I improve my PlayStation network connection?

The best ways to improve the download speed of your PS4 are:

  1. Pay for a faster internet serivce thus getting an increase in PS4 download speeds.
  2. Use a wired conenction instead of Wi-Fi to maximise your PS4’s download speed.
  3. Move your PS4 closer to your Wi-Fi router to get fasted download speed from your Wi-Fi router.

Is PlayStation network temporarily busy?

There might have been a problem in connecting to the network, or PlayStation™Network or the server of the service provider might be temporarily busy. Check the connection status of the PlayStation 4 in Settings > Network > Test Internet Connection.

What is Blue Light of Death PS4?

What is the PS4 Blue Light of Death? It’s a general fault error indicated by a pulsing blue light from the console. When this happens, typically there’s no video or audio output from the Ps4. You may also observe that the PS4 turns on then off.

Does rebuilding PS4 database delete everything?

Before you rebuild your PS4’s database, rest assured that the process doesn’t delete any of your saved data, it simply reorganizes and freshens up your system’s files. … Select the “Rebuild Database” option, making sure you don’t accidentally select the “Initialize PS4” option since that will erase all your data.

How do you fix corrupted data on PS4?

How to Fix Corrupted Data on PS4

  1. Delete the game and reinstall it. …
  2. Delete corrupted downloads. …
  3. Clean the game disc. …
  4. Update the software. …
  5. Restore your PS4 software licenses. …
  6. Start the PS4 in safe mode and rebuild the database. …
  7. Initialize your PS4. …
  8. Hard reset your PS4.

What is NAT Type 2 on PS4?

Type 2 (Moderate): Your PS4 connects to the Internet with a router. Compared with the Open type, you will have higher lag and slower connection. But you can still connect to most of the players out there. Type 3 (Strict): This is the strictest type.

What is NAT Type 2?

Moderate NAT (Type 2) – your gaming console will be able to connect to other players, but some functions will be limited. When connecting to the Internet through a router that is configured properly, you’ll get this NAT type. … Other players on a moderate or strict NAT will not be able to join your hosted games.

What is the port number for PS4?

The port numbers used to connect with the PlayStation™Network servers via the Internet are: TCP: 80, 443, 465, 993, 3478, 3479, 3480, 5223, 8080. UDP: 3478, 3479.

How do you fix PlayStation Network busy?

To fix the “PlayStation Network is currently busy” error, users should:

  1. Check the PlayStation Network service status. Users can access the Network Service Status website to directly see which services are having issues. …
  2. Check your internet connection. …
  3. Reboot your system. …
  4. Wait for an hour or two.

How do you connect to PlayStation Network?

To sign in to PlayStation™Network, select

(Settings) > [Account Management]

> [Sign In to PlayStation Network].

Sign In to PlayStation Network

  1. PlayStation™Network is available only in certain countries and regions, and in certain languages. …
  2. After you sign in, you remain signed in until you manually sign out.

Why am I signed out of PlayStation network PS3?

In the settings under network, disable Media Server and disable Auto Sign-in as well and see if that makes a difference. If that does not work at all for you, it could be that the IP address on your PS3 is wrong.

How do I unblock my PS4 from my router?


  1. Firstly navigate to the settings menu on your PS4 ​ …
  2. Next select Network.
  3. You want to select set up internet connection.
  4. You want to select custom​
  5. You now need to select the method in which your PS4 connects to the internet.
  6. Make sure to set your IP address to automatic.

How do you connect to PlayStation Network on PS4?

To sign in to PlayStation™Network, select

(Settings) > [Account Management]

> [Sign In to PlayStation Network].

Sign In to PlayStation Network

  1. PlayStation™Network is available only in certain countries and regions, and in certain languages. …
  2. After you sign in, you remain signed in until you manually sign out.

  • Reference 1
  • Reference 2
  • Reference 3
  • Reference 4

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