Not enough input arguments matlab ошибка

3,499 views (last 30 days)


Hi, I’m very new to MATLAB and I am having some trouble. Lots of people have had the same problem but nobody seems to be able to explain or solve it in plain English. Could somebody please explain what this error is and how to fix it?

I have a simple function:

function [r]=Mec134function(w,theta_deg)








It seems to give this error for line 3 but I’m not sure why.


Accepted Answer

Akiva Gordon

Your function defines 2 input arguments (w and theta_deg). When you run Mec134function, you must specify exactly two inputs, otherwise you will get the error «Not enough input arguments».

For example, if you run the Mec134function in the command window without specifying any arguments:

You get this error:

Not enough input arguments.

Error in Mec134function (line 3)


If you run the Mec134function and specify two input arguments, «w» and «theta_deg» (assuming «w» and «theta_deg» are defined), you do not get the error message:

>> Mec134function(w,theta_deg)

If you have the file «Mec134function.m» open in the Editor and you try to run the function by pressing the «Run» button or F5, MATLAB runs the Mec134function without any input arguments, and you get the error «Not enough input arguments». The «Run» button dropdown menu then opens prompting you to enter values for the missing input arguments.

Add the desired values and press enter. The values you enter are set as the default inputs when you click the «Run» button or F5 in the future.

To change the values, press the down arrow below the «Run» button and enter new values.

More Answers (17)


sorry the function is

function [r]=Mec134function(w,theta_deg)








if that’s clearer :-)


Thanks :-)

will have a look at the «getting started»

I have a simple function:

function [r]=Mec134function(w,theta_deg)








that seems to give this error for line 2 but I’m not sure why.

Brian Batson

I too am very new to Matlab, and tried to run the code above in .m (JP Donlon on Nov. 7th). However, I keep getting an error stating «Not enough input arguments.» I’m not sure what this means, because I have attempted to run other code by professors which works on other computers. Is it something with my preference settings?

Also, when I run the Code Analyzer, there are no issues…not sure what is going on.

Annie micheal

How to rectify this error

Error using DetectFace (line 68)

Not enough input arguments.

the code is given below


minFace = 20;

maxFace = 4000;

overlappingThreshold = 0.5;

numThreads = 24;

if nargin > 2 && ~isempty(options)

if isfield(options, ‘minFace’) && ~isempty(options.minFace)

minFace = options.minFace;


if isfield(options, ‘maxFace’) && ~isempty(options.maxFace)

maxFace = options.maxFace;


if isfield(options, ‘overlappingThreshold’) && ~isempty(options.overlappingThreshold)

overlappingThreshold = options.overlappingThreshold;


if isfield(options, ‘numThreads’) && ~isempty(options.numThreads)

numThreads = options.numThreads;



if ~ismatrix(I)

I = rgb2gray(I);


candi_rects = NPDScan(model, I, minFace, maxFace, numThreads);

if isempty(candi_rects)

rects = [];




clc; clear; close all;








N = 50;

U0= zeros(100,1);

x=xo; h = 0.1;


options = optimoptions(@fmincon,‘Algorithm’,‘sqp’);

U = fmincon(@cost1,U0,[],[],[],[],[],[],@confuneq,options);

for k =1:N

S1= F(x(k),U(k));




x(k+1) = x(k) + (1/6)* (S1+ 2*S2+ 2*S3 + S4)*h;

k = k + 1 ;



grid on

figure(); plot(x)

grid on

I new to matlab.Can anyone help me to fix the iisue here.

Its showing not enough input arguments.

vani shree

Hello sir,I am newer to matlab. I am getting error in this code like «preprocessing requries more input arugument to run». can you please to run this program. my project topic is recognition and matching fake logos using filters.

function img=preprocessing(I)

[x y o]=size(I);

if o==3








out7= imfilter(I, fspecial(‘average’));













figure,imshow(wei);title(‘WEINER FILTERED IMAGE’);





if val==1


disp(‘median have high psnr’);

elseif val==2


disp(‘mean have high psnr’);

elseif val==3


disp(‘gaussian have high psnr’);



disp(‘weiner have high psnr’);


Ganesh Petkar

I am getting error for below function as «Not enough input arguments. «

delayed_signal = mtapped_delay_fcn(input);


Hi I’m trying to run Dr. John Stockie’s matlab code but I am getting a «Not enough input argument» error. I’m not very well verse with Matlab, so I would appreciate any help…Thank you. I am pasting the code:

function C = ermak( x, y, z, H, Q, U, Wset, Wdep )

Umin = 0.0;

ay = 0.34; by = 0.82; az = 0.275; bz = 0.82;

sigmay = ay*abs(x).^by .* (x > 0);

sigmaz = az*abs(x).^bz .* (x > 0);

Kz = 0.5*az*bz*U*abs(x).^(bz-1) .* (x > 0);

if U < Umin,

C = 0 * z;


Wo = Wdep — 0.5*Wset;

C = Q ./ (2*pi*U*sigmay.*sigmaz) .* exp( -0.5*y.^2./sigmay.^2 ) .*

exp( -0.5*Wset*(z-H)./Kz — Wset^2*sigmaz.^2/8./Kz.^2 ) .*

( exp( -0.5*(z-H).^2./sigmaz.^2 ) +

exp( -0.5*(z+H).^2./sigmaz.^2 ) — sqrt(2*pi)*Wo*sigmaz./Kz .*

exp( Wo*(z+H)./Kz + 0.5*Wo^2*sigmaz.^2./Kz.^2 ) .*

erfc( Wo*sigmaz/sqrt(2)./Kz + (z+H)./sqrt(2)./sigmaz ) );

ii = find(isnan(C) | isinf(C));

C(ii) = 0;


and the error message refers to «sigmay» in line 31

aarthy reddy R

function test(num1, num2,small,s)

load (small, num1, num2)

s = sum(num1, num2)


this the code for this i’m getting these errors

Not enough input arguments.

Error in test (line 3)

load (small, num1, num2)


Hello. Am new in Matlab and I want to do my assignment with this function refraction_2layers and Matlab is saying error using refraction_2layers (line 18 and 25) Here is the whole program

function refraction_2layers(v1, v2, z, FIRST_ARRIVALS_ONLY);

if nargin < 4 FIRST_ARRIVALS_ONLY = 0; end

x = [0:5:300];

t1 = x./v1;

t2 = (2*z*sqrt(v2^2-v1^2)/(v1*v2))+x./v2;

xcrit = 2*z*v1/(sqrt(v2^2-v1^2));

if isreal(xcrit)

a = min(find(x>xcrit));


crossover = ((2*z*sqrt(v2^2-v1^2))/(v1*v2))/(1/v1-1/v2);

b = max(find(x<= crossover));


plot(x(1:b),t1(1:b)*1000, ‘.—‘)

hold on

if isreal(t2)

plot(x(b:end), t2(b:end)*1000, ‘r.—‘)



plot(x,t1*1000, ‘.—‘)

hold on

if isreal(t2)

plot(x(a:end), t2(a:end)*1000, ‘r.—‘)



xlabel(‘GEOPHONE OFFSET (m)’)

ylabel(‘TIME (ms)’)

grid on


title([‘z1 = ‘, num2str(z), ‘ m; v1 = ‘, num2str(v1), ‘ m/s; v2 = ‘, num2str(v2), ‘ m/s’])

axis ([0 300 0 300])

hold off

Josilyn Dostal

I am really struggling to figure out this «not enough input arguments» error in my code. Any help would be greatly appreciated! This is for a batch distillation problem, and the error is referring to the temp function near the bottom. The code and error are below:

P = 912;

L0 = 100;

A = [6.90565 6.95464]; B=[1211.033 1344.8]; C=[220.79 219.482];

xtspan = linspace(0.40,0.80,100);

[xt, L] = ode45(@Moles, xtspan, L0);

L = L(end);

fprintf(‘The amount of liquid remaining in the still when liquid mole fraction of toluene reaches 0.80 is %f moles’, L);

function Kt = EquilibriumRatio(Psatt)

Kt = Psatt/P;


function Psatt = VaporPressuret(T,A,B,C)

Psatt = 10^(A(2)-B(2)/(T+C(2)));


function Psatb = VaporPressureb(T,A,B,C)

Psatb = 10^(A(1)-B(1)/(T+C(1)));


function dLdx = Moles(xt,L)

T0 = 95.585;

options = optimset(‘Display’,‘off’,‘TolX’,1e-6);

T = fzero(@temp, T0, options);

Psatt = VaporPressuret(T);

Kt = EquilibriumRatio(Psatt);

dLdx = L/(xt*(Kt-1));


function Tempfun = temp(T,xt,P,A,B,C)

Psatt = VaporPressuret(T,A,B,C);

Psatb = VaporPressureb(T,A,B,C);

Tempfun = Psatt*xt + Psatb*(1-xt) — P;


>> project2

Error using fzero (line 306)

FZERO cannot continue because user-supplied function_handle ==> temp failed with the error below.

Not enough input arguments.

Error in project2>Moles (line 30)

T = fzero(@temp, T0, options);

Error in odearguments (line 90)

f0 = feval(ode,t0,y0,args{:});

Error in ode45 (line 115)

odearguments(FcnHandlesUsed, solver_name, ode, tspan, y0, options, varargin);

Error in project2 (line 7)

[xt, L] = ode45(@Moles, xtspan, L0);

Gurwinder pal singh Bhinder


I am new to matlab. i am getting error message «extract_features» requires more input arguments to run.

anderror in command window :

>> Extract_Features

Not enough input arguments.

Error in Extract_Features (line 2)

img1 = imread(filename);

code is written below:

function Extract_Features(filename,flag)

if ndims(img1) == 3; img1 = rgb2gray(img1); end

disp([‘Extracting features from ‘ filename ‘ …’]);



filename2=filename; filename2(end-1)=‘x’; filename2(end)=‘t’;


Muhammad Hadyan Utoro

Can someone help me please

envelope = sqrt(movmean(rec_EMG.^2), ‘window’);

I was trying to do get the RMS but it says:

Error using movmean Not enough input arguments.

I didn’t understand that, as I already use two arguments there.

Thanks fo ryour help

kumar maruthi srinivas chennu

Can any one help me this please

function u = Anti_Tv(g,my,gamma)

gHS = uint8(imadjust (g));

gGC = uint8(255.*((double(g)./255).^(gamma)));

g = double(g(:));

n = length(g);

b = zeros(2*n,1);

d = b;

u = g;

eer = 1;k = 1;

tol = 1e-3;

Lambda = 0.05

[B, Bt, BtB] = DiffOper(sqrt(n));

Not enough input arguments

sanjiv kumar

Dear Matlab experts, If anyone one of you would like to assist me running the below code i would be really greatfule to you.

The error i am getting.


Not enough input arguments.

Error in qardlecm (line 24)

nn = size(data,1);

The code i want to run


function[bigphia,bigpia,thett,distthett] = qardlecm(data,ppp,qqq,tau)

pd = makedist(‘normal’,‘mu’,0,‘sigma’,1);

hb(jj,1) = (4.5*normpdf(icdf(pd,tau(jj,1)))^4/(nn*(2*icdf(pd,tau(jj,1))^2+1)^2))^0.2;

hs(jj,1) = za^(2/3)*(1.5*normpdf(icdf(pd,tau(jj,1)))^2/(nn*(2*icdf(pd,tau(jj,1))^2+1)))^(1/3);

xx = data(:,2:size(data,2));

ee = xx(2:nn,:) — xx(1:(nn-1),:);

eei = zeros(nn-qqq,qqq*k0);

eei(:, ii+1+(jj-1)*qqq) = ee((qqq+1-ii):(nn-ii),jj);

yyi(:,ii) = yy((1+ppp-ii):(nn-ii),1);

X = [eei((size(eei,1)+1-size(yyi,1)):size(eei,1),:), xxi((size(xxi,1)+1-size(yyi,1)):size(xxi,1),:), yyi];

X = [eei, xxi, yyi((size(yyi,1)+1-size(xxi,1)):size(yyi,1),:)];

ONEX = [ones(size(X,1),1),X];

Y = yy((nn-size(X,1)+1):nn,1);

bt = zeros(size(ONEX,2),ss);

[bt1] = qregressMatlab(Y,ONEX,tau(jj,1));

fh(jj,1) = mean(normpdf(-uu(:,jj)/hb(jj,1)))/hb(jj,1);

barw = zeros(nn-1,qqq*k0);

barw(jj:(nn-1),(k0*(jj-1)+1):k0*jj) = ee(2:(nn-jj+1),:);

tw = [ones(nn-1,1), barw];

mm = (xx((qqq+1):nn,:)’*xx((qqq+1):nn,:) — xx((qqq+1):nn,:)’*tw(qqq:(nn-1),:)*inv(tw(qqq:(nn-1),:)’*tw(qqq:(nn-1),:))*tw(qqq:(nn-1),:)’*xx((qqq+1):nn,:))/(nn-qqq)^2;

bb(jj,1) = 1/((1-sum(bt(2+(qqq+1)*k0:1+(qqq+1)*k0+ppp,jj),1)’)*fh(jj,1));

qq(jj,ii) = (min(psu,[],1)’ — tau(jj,1)*tau(ii,1))*bb(jj,1)*bb(ii,1);

midbt(:,jj) = bt(2+qqq*k0:1+(qqq+1)*k0,jj)/(1-sum(bt(2+(qqq+1)*k0:1+(qqq+1)*k0+ppp,jj),1)’);

bigbt = reshape(midbt,[],1);

bigbtmm = kron(qq,inv(mm));

wwj = zeros(nn-ppp,qqq*k0);

yyj(:,jj) = yy((ppp+1-jj):(nn-jj),1);

wwj(:,jj+(ii-1)*qqq) = ee((ppp-jj+2):(nn-jj+1),ii);

kk = zeros(nn-ppp,ss*ppp);

ONEX = [ones(nn-ppp,1),xxj,wwj];

[bbt] = qregressMatlab(Y,ONEX,tau(ii,1));

kk(:,jj+(ii-1)*ppp) = kkk;

llla = (kka’*kka — kka’*tilw*inv(tilw’*tilw)*tilw’*kka)/(nn-ppp);

wwj = zeros(nn-qqq,qqq*k0);

yyj(:,jj) = yy((qqq+1-jj):(nn-jj),1);

wwj(:,jj+(ii-1)*qqq) = ee((qqq-jj+2):(nn-jj+1),ii);

kk = zeros(nn-qqq,ss*ppp);

ONEX = [ones(nn-qqq,1), xxj, wwj];

[bbt] = qregressMatlab(Y,ONEX,tau(jj,1));

kk(:,jj+(ii-1)*ppp) = kkk;

llla = (kka’*kka — kka’*tilw*inv(tilw’*tilw)*tilw’*kka)/(nn-qqq);

cc(jj,ii) = (min(psu,[],1)’ — tau(jj,1)*tau(ii,1))/(fh(ii,1)*fh(jj,1));

bigpia = zeros(ss*(ppp-1),ss*(ppp-1));

psu = inv(llla((jj-1)*(ppp-1)+1:jj*(ppp-1),(jj-1)*(ppp-1)+1:jj*(ppp-1)))*llla((jj-1)*(ppp-1)+1:jj*(ppp-1),(ii-1)*(ppp-1)+1:ii*(ppp-1))*inv(llla((ii-1)*(ppp-1)+1:ii*(ppp-1),(ii-1)*(ppp-1)+1:ii*(ppp-1)));

bigpia((jj-1)*(ppp-1)+1:jj*(ppp-1),(ii-1)*(ppp-1)+1:ii*(ppp-1)) = cc(jj,ii)*psu;

midphi(:,jj) = bt(2+(qqq+1)*k0:1+(qqq+1)*k0+ppp,jj);

bigphi = reshape(midphi,[],1);

bigphia = [bigphia1; bigphia2; bigphia3];

dg = [nn^(1/2),0,0; 0,nn^(1/2),0; 0,0,nn];

r2 = sum(tilwb,1)*(nn-2)^(-1);

r3 = sum(xx(3:nn,1),1)*(nn-2)^(-3/2);

rh9 = xx(3:nn,1)’*xx(3:nn,1);

QQQ = [r1, r2, r3 ; r4, r5, r6; r7, r8, r9];

psiu(rr,jj) = tau(jj,1)-1;

sigmma = psiu’*psiu*(1/(nn-2));

sigma1 = mean(psiu1.^(2));

sigma2 = mean(psiu2.^(2));

sigma3 = mean(psiu3.^(2));

distmt1 = nn*fh(1,1)^(-2)*sigmma(1,1)*inv(dg)*inv(QQQ)*inv(dg);

distmt2 = nn*fh(1,1)^(-1)*fh(2,1)^(-1)*sigmma(1,2)*inv(dg)*inv(QQQ)*inv(dg);

distmt3 = nn*fh(1,1)^(-1)*fh(3,1)^(-1)*sigmma(1,3)*inv(dg)*inv(QQQ)*inv(dg);

distmt4 = nn*fh(2,1)^(-1)*fh(1,1)^(-1)*sigmma(2,1)*inv(dg)*inv(QQQ)*inv(dg);

distmt5 = nn*fh(2,1)^(-2)*sigmma(2,2)*inv(dg)*inv(QQQ)*inv(dg);

distmt6 = nn*fh(2,1)^(-1)*fh(3,1)^(-1)*sigmma(2,3)*inv(dg)*inv(QQQ)*inv(dg);

distmt7 = nn*fh(3,1)^(-1)*fh(1,1)^(-1)*sigmma(3,1)*inv(dg)*inv(QQQ)*inv(dg);

distmt8 = nn*fh(3,1)^(-1)*fh(2,1)^(-1)*sigmma(3,2)*inv(dg)*inv(QQQ)*inv(dg);

distmt9 = nn*fh(3,1)^(-2)*sigmma(3,3)*inv(dg)*inv(QQQ)*inv(dg);

distcon1 = A11 + A12 + A13;

distcon2 = A21 + A22 + A23;

distcon3 = A31 + A32 + A33;

distcon4 = A41 + A42 + A43;

distcon5 = A51 + A52 + A53;

distcon6 = A61 + A62 + A63;

distcon7 = A71 + A72 + A73;

distcon8 = A81 + A82 + A83;

distcon9 = A91 + A92 + A93;

distthett = [distcon1, distcon2, distcon3 ; distcon4, distcon5, distcon6 ; distcon7, distcon8, distcon9];

thett1 = bt(2,1) + bt(3,1);

thett2 = bt(2,2) + bt(3,2);

thett3 = bt(2,3) + bt(3,3);

thett = [thett1 ; thett2 ; thett3];

Ibrahim alkaltham

Edited: DGM

on 22 Feb 2023

I get Unrecognized function or variable ‘theta’.

how to fix it

function hpol =polar_dB(theta,rho,rmin,rmax,rticks,line_style)

error(‘Requires 5 or 6 input arguments.’)

theta = th(:,ones(1,nr));

theta = th(:,ones(1,nr));

if isstr(theta) || isstr(rho)

error(‘Input arguments must be numeric.’);

if any(size(theta) ~= size(rho))

error(‘THETA and RHO must be the same size.’);

next = lower(get(cax,‘NextPlot’));

fAngle = get(cax, ‘DefaultTextFontAngle’);

fName = get(cax, ‘DefaultTextFontName’);

fSize = get(cax, ‘DefaultTextFontSize’);

fWeight = get(cax, ‘DefaultTextFontWeight’);

set(cax, ‘DefaultTextFontAngle’, get(cax, ‘FontAngle’),

‘DefaultTextFontName’, font_name,

‘DefaultTextFontSize’, font_size,

‘DefaultTextFontWeight’, get(cax, ‘FontWeight’) )

hhh=plot([0 max(theta(:))],[min(rho(:)) max(rho(:))]);

v = [get(cax,‘xlim’) get(cax,‘ylim’)];

ticks = length(get(cax,‘ytick’));

elseif rem(rticks,3) == 0

inds = 1:(length(th)-1)/4:length(th);

xunits(inds(2:2:4)) = zeros(2,1);

yunits(inds(1:2:5)) = zeros(3,1);

rinc = (rmax-rmin)/rticks;

for i=(rmin+rinc):rinc:rmax


text(0,is+rinc/20,[‘ ‘ num2str(i)],‘verticalalignment’,‘bottom’ );

cst = cos(th); snt = sin(th);


cst2 = cos(th2); snt2 = sin(th2);

cs2 = [(rmax-rmin-george)*cst2; (rmax-rmin)*cst2];

sn2 = [(rmax-rmin-george)*snt2; (rmax-rmin)*snt2];



text(rt*cst(i),rt*snt(i),int2str(abs(i*30-90)),‘horizontalalignment’,‘center’ );

loc = int2str(180-(i*30+90-180));

text(-rt*cst(i),-rt*snt(i),loc,‘horizontalalignment’,‘center’ );

axis((rmax-rmin)*[-1 1 -1.1 1.1]);

set(cax, ‘DefaultTextFontAngle’, fAngle ,

‘DefaultTextFontName’, font_name,

‘DefaultTextFontSize’, fSize,

‘DefaultTextFontWeight’, fWeight );

if theta(i)*180/pi >=0 && theta(i)*180/pi <=90

xx(i) = (rho(i)-rmin)*cos(pi/2-theta(i));

yy(i) = (rho(i)-rmin)*sin(pi/2-theta(i));

elseif theta(i)*180/pi >=90

xx(i) = (rho(i)-rmin)*cos(-theta(i)+pi/2);

yy(i) = (rho(i)-rmin)*sin(-theta(i)+pi/2);

elseif theta(i)*180/pi < 0

xx(i) = (rho(i)-rmin)*cos(abs(theta(i))+pi/2);

yy(i) = (rho(i)-rmin)*sin(abs(theta(i))+pi/2);

if strcmp(line_style,‘auto’)

q = plot(xx,yy,line_style);


if ~hold_state, set(cax,‘NextPlot’,next); end

Eirene Octavia

Dear Matlab expert, please help me. My Matlab is 2016a, I try to run a code but there is an error «Not enough input arguments.»

Error in astar (line 3)

ssNode = startNode;

function [ClosedList,cost,heuristic,func,iteration] = astar(source,target,weights,heuristics,startNode,goalNode)

[s,t,n,sNode,gNode] = refactor(source,target,weights,sNode,ggNode);

ClosedList = struct(‘Path’ ,sNode,‘Cost’,0,‘Heuristic’,heuristics(sNode),‘F’,heuristics(sNode));

OpenList = [OpenList ClosedList];

while(isGoalReached(OpenList,gNode)==0 && ~isempty(OpenList)) [minI,minP] = minPath(OpenList);

newPaths = getNewPaths(s,t,weights,heuristics,minP); OpenList = [OpenList newPaths];

[~,minP] = minPath(OpenList);

ClosedList = n(minP.Path);

heuristic = minP.Heuristic;

function [minIndex,ClosedList] = minPath(paths)

ClosedList = paths(minIndex);

if(paths(i).F < ClosedList.F)

ClosedList = paths(minIndex);

function isGoal = isGoalReached(paths,goalNode)

[~,minP] = minPath(paths);

if(minP.Path(length(minP.Path)) == goalNode)

function weight = getWeight(s,t,weights,nodeA,nodeB)

if(s(i)==nodeA && t(i)==nodeB)

function paths = getNewPaths(s,t,w,h,path)

uniqueNodes = getNodes(s,t);

currentNode = path.Path(length(path.Path)); childs = getChilds(s,t,currentNode);

if(isempty(find(path.Path==childs(i), 1)))

c = path.Cost + getWeight(s,t,w,currentNode,childs(i));

heur = h(uniqueNodes==childs(i));

p = struct(‘Path’,[path.Path childs(i)],‘Cost’,c,‘Heuristic’,heur,‘F’,f);

function childs = getChilds(source,target,node)

childs = sort(target(source==node));

function nodes = getNodes(s,t)

nodes = unique(horzcat(s,t));

function [s,t,n,sn,gn] = refactor(source,target,~,startNode,goalNode)

uNodes = unique(horzcat(source,target)); n = uNodes;

uNodes = unique(horzcat(source,target));

[~,sIndex] = ismember(source(i),uNodes);

[~,tIndex] = ismember(target(i),uNodes);

See Also


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An Error Occurred

Unable to complete the action because of changes made to the page. Reload the page to see its updated state.

It is a function (not an script) and it needs some input arguments to run (in this case A and x), so you cannot hit the run button and expect it to run.

The first way:

Instead you can use the command windows in MATLAB and enter the command:

A = rand(3,3); % define A here
x = ones(3,1); % define x here
test(A,x) % then run the function with its arguments

remember that A and x should be defined properly.

The second way is:

Also you can hit the little triangle besides the green run button (see the figure below), and it will show you another option, type command to run. And
there you can directly enter the same command test(A,x). After that, each time you just hit enter for this function and it runs this command instead of only the test command without any argument.

enter image description here

Matlab not enough input arguments

Introduction to Matlab not enough input arguments

Matlab provides the different functions to the user, in which that user can perform the different operations as per their requirement. We write the script or function in Matlab that takes in no input argument, and we try to run that script or function. At that time, Matlab showed an error message that there was not enough input argument because the function required the input argument that we write the script or function, and inside that function, we passed two matrices together. So this is not a valid way to write the script or function; in this case, we need to write a separate function or script. In this topic, we are going to learn about Matlab, not enough input arguments.


specified function name sample = add (argument name 1, argument name 2)
sample = argument name 1+ argument name 2;


In the above syntax, we use different parameters as follows.

specified function name: It is used to specify the function name with argument.

add: add is a function, and it is used to make the addition of two arguments that we pass inside the function.

In the above syntax, we created a function with a name sample, and we made the addition of two matrices that are argument name 1 and argument name 2, as shown in the above syntax.

How to solve Matlab’s not enough input arguments problem?

Now let’s see how to solve the not enough input argument problem in Matlab as follows.

Basically, there are two ways to solve this problem as follows.

1 By using the Command Prompt:

This is a very simple method to solve the not enough input argument error. In this method, we simply create the input whatever we require on the command prompt, and after that, we need to execute that input by using the function or script that we already write.

2 By using Matlab Editor:

Under the Run button, there is a dark arrow. In the event that you click on that arrow button, you can determine the variable you might want to get from the MATLAB workspace by composing the manner in which you need to call the capacity precisely, as you have found in technique 1. But, first, be certain that the variable you are indicating inside the function must exist in the MATLAB workspace.

Examples of Matlab not enough input arguments

Now let’s see the different examples of not enough input arguments in Matlab to better understand this problem as follows.

First, see how not enough input argument error occurs by using the following example as follows.

function Z = add(X, Y)
Z = X + Y;


In the above example, we created a simple function, in which we write the function definition for addition. Here we pass the two arguments X and Y as shown in the above function, but it shows the error message like not enough input argument error because here we try to make the addition of two matrices, and this is not possible by using the above syntax. The final output of this program we illustrated by using the following screenshot as follows.

Matlab not enough input arguments output 1

Now let’s see how we can avoid this error by using different methods as follows.

The simplest way is to pass the input argument in the command prompt, and after that, we need to run a function with new values. So let’s see the example of this type as follows.

Write the following code in the command prompt as follows.

X = rand (4, 4)
Y = rand (4, 4)
Z = add (4, 4)


In the above code, we use rand () to print the 4 by 4 arrays, and after that, we make the addition of X and Y arrays as shown in the above code. So in this way, we can avoid the not enough input argument error. The final output of this program we illustrated by using the following screenshot as follows.

Matlab not enough input arguments output 2

Now let’s see another way to avoid this error as follows.

In the second method, we need to click on the Run button, open the dropdown menu, and write down the input argument name that we need to run but be assured that the argument name must be present in the function. Let’s see some screenshots of this method as follows.

Matlab not enough input arguments output 3

In the above screen, we show the dropdown menu and write here the input argument that we need to execute. In this example, we pass X = rand (4,4) as shown in the below screenshot as follows.

output 4

After execution, the final result is shown below screenshot as follows.

output 5

How to avoid Matlab’s not enough input arguments problem?

Now let’s see how we can avoid not enough input argument problems in Matlab as follows.

First thing when we open a Matlab file in the editor, and we try to run that file, or we can say that function by using the Run button. At that time, Matlab runs that function without any argument; then, we will get an error message, not enough input argument. At that the same time drop-down menu is open through the Run button and enters the values for the missing argument for the function. So add different values as per our requirement, hit the enter now entered values map with the function, and click on the Run button. So in this way, we can avoid the not enough input argument problem.

Another way to avoid not enough input argument problems is that, suppose we created one function that is fun () and inside that we pass two arguments that A and B. At the same time, if we need to provide some more input arguments at that time, we need to use an anonymous function.

Now we have one more way to avoid the not enough input argument problem. We use the command line option when we execute the function at that same time; we need to pass the input argument for that function. By using this method, we can easily avoid this problem.


We hope from this article you learn Matlab, not enough input argument. From the above article, we have learned the basic syntax of not enough input argument, and we also see different examples of not enough input argument. From this article, we learned how and when we use Matlab not enough input argument.

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Often beginning MATLAB developers will use MATLAB’s editor to write and edit code, in particular custom functions with inputs and outputs. There is a Run button at the top that is available in recent versions of MATLAB:

enter image description here

Once the developer finishes with the code, they are often tempted to push the Run button. For some functions this will work fine, but for others they will receive a Not enough input arguments error and be puzzled about why the error occurs.

The reason why this error may not happen is because you wrote a MATLAB script or a function that takes in no input arguments. Using the Run button will run a test script or run a function assuming no input arguments. If your function requires input arguments, the Not enough input arguments error will occur as you have written a functions that expects inputs to go inside the function. Therefore, you cannot expect the function to run by simply pushing the Run button.

To demonstrate this issue, suppose we have a function mult that simply multiplies two matrices together:

function C = mult(A, B)
    C = A * B;

In recent versions of MATLAB, if you wrote this function and pushed the Run button, it will give you the error we expect:

>> mult
Not enough input arguments.

Error in mult (line 2)
    C = A * B;

There are two ways to resolve this issue:

Method #1 — Through the Command Prompt

Simply create the inputs you need in the Command Prompt, then run the function using those inputs you have created:

A = rand(5,5);
B = rand(5,5);
C = mult(A,B);

Method #2 — Interactively through the Editor

Underneath the Run button, there is a dark black arrow. If you click on that arrow, you can specify the variables you would like to get from the MATLAB workspace by typing the way you want to call the function exactly as how you have seen in method #1. Be sure that the variables you are specifying inside the function exist in the MATLAB workspace:

0 / 0 / 0

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05.03.2019, 19:29. Показов 17002. Ответов 2

Студворк — интернет-сервис помощи студентам

Всем привет. Я совсем новичок в матлабе. Есть функция, на вход которой подаётся структура const с заданными исходными данными, 4 массива 1х15. Нужно получить 15 массивов 7×2 (1 столбец абсциссы Х, 2 столбец ординаты Y), чтобы потом построить кучу графиков. На данном этапе основная проблема в том, что вылезает ошибка «Not enough input arguments.» на 6 строке, и незнание матлаба. Подскажите пожалуйста, что делать.

Matlab M
function [X, Y] = bild_LACH(const, l0, l1, ldg, lrp, ly)
    for i = 1:15
        X(1,1) = 0;
        X(2,1) = const.L;
        X(3,1) = l0(i);
        X(4,1) = lrp(i);
        X(5,1) = ldg(i);
        X(6,1) = ly(i);
        X(7,1) = ly(i) + 5*const.L1/6;
        Y(1,2) = 1*const.Kcc_log;
        Y(2,2) = const.Kcc_log;
        Y(3,2) = l0(i)./5 + Kcc_log;
        Y(4,2) = Y(3,2) - (lrp(i)-l0(i))./5;
        Y(5,2) = Y(4, 2) - 3*(ldg(i) - lrp(i))./5;
        Y(6,2) = Y(5, 2) - (ly(i)-ldg(i));
        Y(7,2) = -const.L1;


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