Не показывает ошибки в pycharm

I have a problem with PyCharm v2.7.
it does not show me errors.
I have configured it to show them as here
but nothing.
here a screenshot of what I see (no error displayed)
enter image description here

if I run code analysis it shows the errors marked as INVALID in the window but it does not highlight the code.
any idea?

Neuron's user avatar


5,0525 gold badges38 silver badges58 bronze badges

asked Dec 18, 2013 at 16:36

EsseTi's user avatar


I had this issue recently on PyCharm 2020.3.3 Community Edition.

What I’ve found is in the top right corner of the editor there is a Reader Mode button.
If you click it you turn the Reader Mode off and then you can see your errors.

enter image description here

You can re-enable it by clicking the book icon
Enter Reader Mode

answered Mar 5, 2021 at 12:44

Jerzy Kiler's user avatar

Jerzy KilerJerzy Kiler

2,6854 gold badges18 silver badges12 bronze badges


I found. i’ve enabled by chance the «power safe mode» that avoid error checking. it can be re-enabled by clicking on the little man on bottom right corner.

answered Jan 26, 2017 at 20:06

EsseTi's user avatar


4,0605 gold badges36 silver badges62 bronze badges


In my case, I had some ticks disabled in the Python Inspections menu in Settings > Editor > Inspections > Python. I have ticked everything and applied, and now it is working.

Settings > Editor > Inspections > Python

I don’t really understand why this happened as the problem arose from one day to another. I had even re-installed the whole PyCharm, trying older versions, and deleted the .pycharm configuration folder from home.

answered Mar 12, 2021 at 11:57

josepdecid's user avatar


1,72714 silver badges25 bronze badges

I had the same issue with PyCharm Community Edition, v.2016.3.2. To fix,
go to Preferences... from the PyCharm menu, and open Editor/Colors & Fonts/General

Now go to Errors and Warnings/Error under your current schema.

I also had to set my Project Interpreter under Preferences/Project:<name>/Project Interpreter.

See screenshot.

enter image description here

answered Jan 26, 2017 at 20:04

radtek's user avatar


33.8k11 gold badges144 silver badges111 bronze badges

None of the previous answers worked for me when I ran into this issue, but I was able to fix it by doing a hard reset on my PyCharm settings:

From the main menu, select File | Manage IDE Settings | Restore Default Settings.

You will lose all your custom settings this way of course, but this was the only thing that worked for me.

Saeed's user avatar


3,1765 gold badges35 silver badges51 bronze badges

answered Dec 28, 2021 at 1:05

Drew Pesall's user avatar

Drew PesallDrew Pesall

1793 silver badges12 bronze badges

I have tried many things, but only Invalidate Caches did the trick, after that I could hover the green arrow (top right side) and change Highlight to All Problemsenter image description here

answered Feb 10, 2022 at 12:56

shlomiLan's user avatar


6501 gold badge9 silver badges31 bronze badges

Nothing of this worked for me.

My problem was a single warning: «unreachable code» which blocked all errors from being highlighted.

I removed this line of code (+ the warning) and all errors showed up again.

answered Nov 29, 2022 at 16:22

SaPropper's user avatar


4633 silver badges11 bronze badges


I needed to «Add content root» under «Project Structure» in Preferences. I had no content root.

answered Oct 2, 2022 at 22:44

user1689987's user avatar


8521 gold badge7 silver badges22 bronze badges

For me, this problem was a symptom of having created the file in the wrong place without realising. Before taking any drastic actions, check your project structure

answered Dec 22, 2022 at 1:40

MatthewWestMK's user avatar

Some inspections may report problems that you currently do not want to see. In this case, you can disable or suppress them.

Disable inspections

When you disable an inspection, you turn it off. It means that the code analysis engine stops searching project files for the problem that this inspection is designed to detect. Note that when you disable an inspection, you disable it in the current inspection profile; it remains enabled in other profiles.

To partly disable an inspection for particular types of files, use the scope settings.

Most inspections in PyCharm can be disabled. However, some inspections will keep highlighting your code regardless of the settings. For example, syntax errors are always highlighted.

Disable an inspection in the settings

  1. Press Ctrl+Alt+S to open the IDE settings and select .

  2. Locate the inspection you want to disable, and clear the checkbox next to it.

  3. Apply the changes and close the dialog.

You can quickly disable a triggered inspection directly in the editor.

Disable an inspection in the editor

  1. Place the caret at the highlighted line and press Alt+Enter (or click the Intention action icon to use the intention action).

  2. Click the arrow next to the inspection you want to disable, and select Disable inspection.

Disabling inspections in the Problems tool window

  1. In the Inspection Results tool window (after running code analysis), right-click the inspection you want to disable and select Disable inspection.

  2. Click the Filter resolved items icon to hide the disabled inspection alerts.

Re-enable inspections

  1. Press Ctrl+Alt+S to open the IDE settings and select .

    You can also press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+H and select Configure Inspections.

  2. Locate the disabled inspection in the list and select the checkbox next to it.

    Modified inspections are written in blue. You can also click the Filter Inspection button and select Show Only Modified Inspections to display only the inspections with changed settings.

  3. Click OK to apply the changes.

Suppress inspections

When you suppress an inspection, the code analysis engine doesn’t highlight the problem found by this inspection in the specific piece of code (class, method, field, or statement). You can also suppress all inspections in the current class.

Most inspections in PyCharm can be suppressed. However, some inspections do not have this option. For example, syntax errors are always highlighted in the editor regardless of the settings.

Suppress an inspection in the editor

  1. Click the arrow next to the inspection you want to suppress, and select the necessary suppress action.

    Suppressing an inspection in the editor

  2. PyCharm adds a special comment for the corresponding piece of code.

    Suppressing comment

    See more noinspection comments.

    Alternatively, you can use noqa comments to suppress individual inspections.

    NOQA suppressing comment

    In the comment line, you can specify flake8 error codes and pycodestyle.py error codes.

Suppress an inspection in the Inspection Results tool window

  • In the Inspection Results tool window (after running code analysis), right-click the inspection you want to suppress and select the necessary suppress action.

    Suppressing inspection in the Inspection Results tool window

    The reported problems are grouped by type, so you can evaluate and suppress all inspections of the same type.

Disable highlighting, but keep the fix

Inspections have severities according to which they highlight code problems in the editor. You can quickly disable code highlighting for an inspection without opening the settings. In this case, the inspection remains enabled and provides a fix, but the severity changes to No highlighting (fix available).

  1. Place the caret at a code element highlighted by an inspection in the editor and press Alt+Enter.

    A list with available fixes and context actions opens. Locate the inspection fix that is marked with Intention action icon.

  2. Click the right arrow App general chevron right next to the fix to open the inspection’s options and select Disable highlighting, keep fix.

    Disable highlighting, keep the fix

The name of the inspection for which you are changing the severity is written above the inspection’s options.

If you want to restore the highlighting, press Ctrl+Alt+S to open the IDE settings and select . Find the necessary inspection in the list and change its severity as you like. For more information, refer to Change inspection severity in all scopes.

Change the highlighting level for a file

  • By default, PyCharm highlights all detected code problems. Hover the mouse over the widget in top-right corner of the editor and select another level from the Highlight list:

    • None: turn highlighting off.

    • Syntax: highlight syntax problems only.

    • All Problems: (default) highlight syntax problems and problems found by inspections.

    Changing highlighting level for a file

  • You can also change the highlighting level from the main menu. Select .

  • # noinspection DuplicatedCode

  • # noinspection PyAbstractClass

  • # noinspection PyArgumentEqualDefault

  • # noinspection PyArgumentList

  • # noinspection PyAssignmentToLoopOrWithParameter

  • # noinspection PyAsyncCall

  • # noinspection PyAttributeOutsideInit

  • # noinspection PyAugmentAssignment

  • # noinspection PyBroadException

  • # noinspection PyByteLiteral

  • # noinspection PyCallByClass

  • # noinspection PyChainedComparisons

  • # noinspection PyClassHasNoInit

  • # noinspection PyClassicStyleClass

  • # noinspection PyComparisonWithNone

  • # noinspection PyCompatibility

  • # noinspection PyDecorator

  • # noinspection PyDefaultArgument

  • # noinspection PyDictCreation

  • # noinspection PyDictDuplicateKeys

  • # noinspection PyDocstringTypes

  • # noinspection PyExceptClausesOrder

  • # noinspection PyExceptionInheritance

  • # noinspection PyFromFutureImport

  • # noinspection PyGlobalUndefined

  • # noinspection PyIncorrectDocstring

  • # noinspection PyInitNewSignature

  • # noinspection PyInterpreter

  • # noinspection PyListCreation

  • # noinspection PyMandatoryEncoding

  • # noinspection PyMethodFirstArgAssignment

  • # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic

  • # noinspection PyMethodOverriding

  • # noinspection PyMethodParameters

  • # noinspection PyMissingConstructor

  • # noinspection PyMissingOrEmptyDocstring

  • # noinspection PyNestedDecorators

  • # noinspection PyNoneFunctionAssignment

  • # noinspection PyOldStyleClasses

  • # noinspection PyPackageRequirements

  • # noinspection PyPep8

  • # noinspection PyPep8Naming

  • # noinspection PyPropertyAccess

  • # noinspection PyPropertyDefinition

  • # noinspection PyProtectedMember

  • # noinspection PyRaisingNewStyleClass

  • # noinspection PyRedeclaration

  • # noinspection PyRedundantParentheses

  • # noinspection PySetFunctionToLiteral

  • # noinspection PyShadowingNames

  • # noinspection PySimplifyBooleanCheck

  • # noinspection PySingleQuotedDocstring

  • # noinspection PyStatementEffect

  • # noinspection PyStringException

  • # noinspection PyStringFormat

  • # noinspection PySuperArguments

  • # noinspection PyTestParametrized

  • # noinspection PythonAsciiChar

  • # noinspection PyTrailingSemicolon

  • # noinspection PyTupleAssignmentBalance

  • # noinspection PyTupleItemAssignment

  • # noinspection PyTypeChecker

  • # noinspection PyUnboundLocalVariable

  • # noinspection PyUnnecessaryBackslash

  • # noinspection PyUnreachableCode

  • # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences

  • # noinspection PyUnusedLocal

  • # noinspection ReturnValueFromInit

  • # noinspection SpellCheckingInspection

Last modified: 22 March 2023

I have several files with python errors in them (unresolved references, if that matters), so I ran Inspect code in order to get a list of all the errors. Unfortunately, it looks like they don’t show up:

inspection results

The errors definitely do exist, because when I open a python file with errors in it, they are shown:

file error analysis example

Am I missing some hidden option, or this this a bug?

asked Dec 29, 2016 at 16:59

flaviut's user avatar

Theoretically on your default settings code inspection and current file analysis should work on the same inspection profile.

For current file analysis you can check profile by typing ctrl+alt+Shift+H and clicking Configure inspections link.

enter image description here

For code inspection you set profile after selecting Inspect Code from Code menu element.

enter image description here

My observations

After changing inspection rules for current file analysis I don’t see any impact on Severity. I tried to restart IDE but nothing helped. It looks like a bug.

However, if I turn on/off the rule with a checkbox, it makes changes either on current file analysis or code inspection (they are running in the same inspection profile). It is ok, so the problem is only with severity.

enter image description here

Good news is that changing inspection rules works for code inspection. You can try to make code inspection similar to current file analysis (but not vice versa and that’s a bug).

enter image description here

Notice that unresolved references by default are just warning, so code inspection works well.

PS My IDE version is 2016.3.2.

answered Dec 30, 2016 at 20:37

Piotr Dawidiuk's user avatar

Piotr DawidiukPiotr Dawidiuk

2,9611 gold badge23 silver badges33 bronze badges

My issue was I needed to «Add content root» under «Project Structure» in Preferences. I had no content root.

answered Oct 2, 2022 at 22:43

user1689987's user avatar


8521 gold badge7 silver badges22 bronze badges

У меня проблема с PyCharm v2.7. это не показывает мне ошибки. я настроил его, чтобы показать их здесь, но ничего. вот скриншот того, что я вижу (ошибка отображается)

Изображение 333636

если я запускаю анализ кода, он показывает ошибки, помеченные как INVALID в окне, но не выделяет код. Есть идеи?

18 дек. 2013, в 17:47



2 ответа

Я нашел. Я случайно включил режим энергосбережения, который предотвращает проверку ошибок. его можно снова включить, щелкнув маленького человека в нижнем правом углу.

26 янв. 2017, в 19:04


У меня была такая же проблема с PyCharm Community Edition, v.2016.3.2. Чтобы исправить, перейдите в » Preferences... из меню PyCharm и откройте » Editor/Colors & Fonts/General

Теперь перейдите к » Errors and Warnings/Error в вашей текущей схеме.

Я также должен был установить своего Project Interpreter разделе » Preferences/Project:<name>/Project Interpreter.

См. Снимок экрана.

Изображение 534912

26 янв. 2017, в 18:08


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Сообщество Overcoder

У меня проблема с PyCharm v2.7. это не показывает мне ошибки. Я настроил это, чтобы показать их как здесь, но ничего. вот скриншот того, что я вижу (ошибки не отображаются)

если я запускаю анализ кода, он показывает ошибки, помеченные как НЕВЕРНЫЕ в окне, но не выделяет код. любая идея?

2013-12-18 16:36



Я нашел. Я случайно включил «безопасный режим питания», который позволяет избежать проверки ошибок. его можно включить, нажав на человечка в правом нижнем углу.

2017-01-26 20:06

Недавно у меня была эта проблема в PyCharm 2020.3.3 Community Edition.

Что я нашел, так это то, что в правом верхнем углу редактора есть кнопка
Reader Modeкнопка. Если вы нажмете на нее, вы отключите режим чтения, и тогда вы сможете увидеть свои ошибки.

Вы можете снова включить его, щелкнув значок книги

2021-03-05 12:44

В моем случае у меня были отключены некоторые галочки в меню Python Inspections в
Settings > Editor > Inspections > Python. Я поставил все галочки и применил, и теперь это работает.

Я действительно не понимаю, почему это произошло, поскольку проблема возникла изо дня в день. Я даже переустановил весь PyCharm, попробовав более старые версии, и удалил папку конфигурации .pycharm из дома .

2021-03-12 11:57

Ни один из предыдущих ответов не помог мне, когда я столкнулся с этой проблемой, но я смог исправить ее, выполнив полный сброс настроек PyCharm:

В главном меню выберите File| Manage IDE Settings| Restore Default Settings.

Конечно, таким образом вы потеряете все свои пользовательские настройки, но это было единственное, что сработало для меня.

2021-12-28 01:05

У меня была такая же проблема с PyCharm Community Edition, v.2016.3.2. Чтобы исправить, перейдите к Preferences... из меню PyCharm и откройте Editor/Colors & Fonts/General

Теперь иди в Errors and Warnings/Error под вашей текущей схемой.

Я также должен был установить мой Project Interpreter под Preferences/Project:<name>/Project Interpreter,

Смотрите скриншот.

введите описание изображения здесь

2017-01-26 20:04

Я пробовал много вещей, но только
Invalidate Cachesсделал свое дело, после этого я мог навести зеленую стрелку (вверху справа) и изменить
All Problems

2022-02-10 12:56

Для меня эта проблема была симптомом того, что я создал файл в неправильном месте, не осознавая этого. Прежде чем предпринимать какие-либо радикальные действия, проверьте структуру вашего проекта.

2022-12-22 01:40

Ничего из этого не работало для меня.

Моя проблема заключалась в одном предупреждении: «недостижимый код», который блокировал выделение всех ошибок.

Я удалил эту строку кода (+ предупреждение), и все ошибки снова появились.

2022-11-29 16:22

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