Найти ошибку в sql запросе онлайн

SQL queries are easy to learn and reuse.

The difficulty of reading and understanding current SQL queries is known as query interpretation. It’s frequently as difficult as Query Composition, which entails writing a new query.

SQL Syntax Checker validates and marks any errors in your SQL queries.

Common Causes of Syntax Errors

  • Mismatched number of open and close parentheses
  • Improper query language used 
  • The data required for the query is missing
  • Typos
  • Syntax errors such as misspelling
  • Use of Reserved words
  • An old version of the keyword is used
  • Misspelling a keyword or function name

How to Validate Syntax and Disable Statement Execution

Before executing SQL on your production database server, you can run a SQL syntax check without connecting to the database server and look for syntax issues.
The following are supported by the database: Oracle (PLSQL), SQL Server, MySQL, DB2, and Access are all examples of database management systems.
When you’re debugging and come across any syntax that’s part of a long query and wants to validate it, all you have to do is use Syntax.

SQL is the Language used to Communicate with Databases

SQL, SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, and so on. You want to learn SQL, but you’re intimidated by the number of keywords and don’t know where to begin. Let’s go over the definitions for each of these terms.

A database is a type of computer program that stores and processes vast volumes of information. Database vendors come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Database products from different vendors include PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, and SQL Server. The programming language SQL is used to communicate with these databases, and each database product has its SQL variant. These variations are referred to as SQL dialects.

Using SQL Queries to Create Visualizations

Many individuals have tried but failed to create a successful parser due to the intricacy of the SQL grammar and dialicts. Our parser reduces the problems of deciphering SQL grammar. The parsing logic generates an abstract syntax tree (AST) containing «raw» or optionally qualified table and column IDs.

AST Tree Algorithm

The parsing stage entails breaking down the components of a SQL statement into a data structure that may be processed by subsequent algorithms. The database only parses a statement when the application tells it to. Therefore only the application, not the database, may reduce the number of parses. Various utility function analyze the AST tree to identify the components:

  1. what tables appear in the query?
  2. what columns appear in the query, per clause?
  3. what is the table/column lineage of a query?
  4. what sets of columns does a query compare for equality?

By using AI2sql SQL syntax checker;

You can quickly and easily resolve any issues in your code, improve efficiency, and increase the accuracy of your SQL scripts. This ensures that your database runs smoothly and efficiently, saving you time and preventing costly errors.

Checking for syntax errors

Highlighting problematic areas

Providing suggestions for resolving issues

Ensuring accuracy of SQL code


Аватар пользователя Данила Коротынский

select docs(
doc.[NAZN] : refDoc
, doc.[ACC_DT] : docNum
, doc.SUM : docSum
doc%id = id_doc;



Аватар пользователя Maksim Litvinov

Чтобы проверить SQL запрос онлайн, можно воспользоваться SQL песочницей. Например, по этой ссылке. В ней можно выбрать базу данных, с которой вы хотите работать и её версию. Просто запишите запрос в окне и нажмите Run, чтобы выполнить его



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На этом курсе вы изучите основы языка структурированных запросов SQL

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Создание баз данных для приложений, организация архитектуры хранения данных, работа с таблицами, модификация и удаление данных

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