Найти ошибки в английском предложении упражнения

Correct mistakes if any

1. There are much cars in this street.

2. I had’t got a bike last year.

3. Sorry, I’m not understanding you!

4. Be carefull! It’s hotter than you think.

5. Kate watchs TV every day.

6. Browns’s dog is barking.

7. Do you be German?

8. I saw Jane in saturday.

9.  We don’t go to school in 1st January.

10. The advices she gave us were all wrong.

11. My father is liking basketball.

12. He is a best football player in his team.

13. Between all school subjects, I like English the best.

14. This is Tom’s and Ann’s room.

15. Have you my keys?

16. There is the pencil on the table.

17. I haven’t many moneys in my wallet.

18. Kate works as the hairdresser.

19. We usually spend our holidays at our grandmother.

20. I must buy some milk for breakfast.

21. Susan is a tall.

22. I never eat chocolate.

23.  Sam isn’t very tallest.

24. The Earth goes round the sun.

25. Did you be at home all day?

26. The baby is playing with it’s toy.

27. I don’t have got a cat.

28. Had you time to finish this exercise yesterday?

29. My brother don’t have a car.

30. I didn’t be in London, I was in New York.

31. They are smileing.

32. My room is bigger then yours.

33. I live in Brighton at the moment.

34. I want go abroad in next year.

35. He must to study harder.

36. Tim was wanting to buy a new computer, but his father refused to pay for it.

37. She don’t can swim.

38. Have you forgotten your pen? Don’t worry, I’ll lend you mine.

39. I have two advices for you: go to sleep early and don’t eat sweets after supper.

40. Theresa is an excellent singer, she sings beautifull.

41. Did you bought ice-cream yesterday?

42. I haven’t seen my uncle since two months.

43. Do you happy?

44. Have you to write this composition tonight?

45. She knows him for two years.

46. Had you a math test yesterday?

47. She want come, she’s ill.

48. Lucy is sitting among Elizabeth and Mary.

49. Do you can speak English?

50. Eve breaked his leg last month

В данной статье предлагаю вам попрактиковаться в заданиях вида «найти ошибку». Эти задания помогут вам подготовиться к пунктам 18 – 22 централизованного тестирования (ЦТ) по английскому языку.

Во-первых, стоит сказать, что в заданиях ЦТ 18 – 22 из года в год проверяется один и тот же набор правил. Зная эти правила, вам проще будет сориентироваться и найти фразу с ошибкой.

Вот эти правила:

  1. Возвратные местоимения (myself / himself / herself / etc) – читать правило.
  2. Степени сравнения имен прилагательных – читать правило.
  3. Лексические синонимы (lie / lay; rise / raise, borrow /lend, do / make)
  4. Количественные и порядковые числительные
  5. Притяжательный падеж – читать правило.
  6. Действительные и страдательные причастия (interested / intersting)
  7. Согласование подлежащего и сказуемого в числе. Число существительного. – читать правило.
  8. It / there

Обратите внимание, все правила пронумерованы, нумерация будет использована при объяснении ответов.

А теперь давайте перейдем к заданиям.

Упражнение 1. Прочитайте предложение. Укажите номер подчеркнутого фрагмента, в котором допущена ошибка.

  1. Las Vegas is in the middle of the desert (1) in Nevada, USA, but each year (2) over two millions couples (3) choose to get married (4)
  2. In a team (1) it is best (2) to be aware of (3) one’s another strengths (4) and weaknesses.
  3. It is (1) generally accepted that kids between ten and thirteen (2) are capable of (3) taking care of theirselves (4).
  4. Online news are frequently criticized (1) for being unreliable (2) and based on (3) very little evidence (4).
  5. On family holidays (1) we always used to go (2) to the same campsites (3) and laid on the same beach (4).
  6. Although (1) some student accommodation (2) offers good value for money it is (3) much more cheaper (4) for students to live with their parents
  7. Most people agree that talking loudly (1) about bored business (2) or family problems on a mobile phone (3) while on train or bus (4) is rude.
  8. We need a promise that (1) you will pay back (2) the money we borrow you (3) whether or not (4) the business is successful.
  9. You have to be very patient, but it’s incredible (1) to watch a turtle walk out of the sea (2) and lie her eggs (3) on the beach (4).
  10. When Jack first moved to London (1), some of the children (2) at school (3) used to do fun of his accent (4).
  11. Bees exist on every continent (1) except Antarctica (2) and there are (3) approximately twenty thousands known species (4).
  12. If you want to lose weight (1), eating much more smaller portions (2) of food is far less effective than (3) getting plenty of exercise (4).
  13. I hate going shopping (1) with Carlo because he is so choosy (2) and it takes hours (3) to find the clothes that suits him (4).
  14. Aristotle believed that the Earth was in the center (1) of the universe and this theory was widely held (2) until (3) the early seventeen century (4).
  15. There is not easy (1) to live on a tight budget (2) but that’s what (3) students have to do (4).
  16. In the sixteen century (1) it was thought (2) that a compass needle pointed north because of (3) some mysterious influence of the stars (4).
  17. And while there is still true (1) that the majority of people who (2) work as pilots (3) are men, more women are entering the field (4).
  18. Wikipedia, where (1) anyone can post or change an entry (2), has become a popular way (3) to make research (4).
  19. I certainly think that (1) being frightened (2) of someone’s else response (3) is an excuse to stay quiet (4).
  20. When the police is carrying out an investigation (1), it is required (2) that they examine all the evidence (3) carefully (4).
  21. It’s a sale on (1) at the department store (2) – you might manage to pick up a bargain (3) if you are lucky (4).
  22. Going to the gym (1) twice a week (2) will do a difference (3) to your fitness (4).

Ответы с указанием ошибочного фрагмента, исправлением ошибки и указанием номера правила, которое вам следует повторить.

1 -> Ошибка в фрагменте 3 — two millions couples -> two million couples (Правило 4)

2 -> Ошибка в фрагменте 4 — one’s another strengths -> one another’s strengths (Правило 5)

3 -> Ошибка в фрагменте 4 – theirselves -> themselves (Правило 1)

4 -> Ошибка в фрагменте 1 — news are frequently criticized -> news is frequently criticized (Правило 7)

5 -> Ошибка в фрагменте 4 — and laid on the same beach -> and lay on the same beach (Правило 3)

6 -> Ошибка в фрагменте 4 — much more cheaper -> much cheaper (Правило 2)

7 -> Ошибка в фрагменте 2 — bored business -> boring business (Правило 6)

8 -> Ошибка в фрагменте 3 — the money we borrow you -> the money we lend you -> (3) (Правило 3)

9 -> Ошибка в фрагменте 3 — and lie her eggs -> and lay her eggs (Правило 3)

10 -> Ошибка в фрагменте 4 — do fun of his accent -> make fun of his accent (Правило 3)

11 -> Ошибка в фрагменте 4 — twenty thousands known species -> twenty thousand known species (Правило 4)

12 -> Ошибка в фрагменте 2 — much more smaller portions -> much smaller portions (Правило 2)

13 -> Ошибка в фрагменте 4 — the clothes that suits him -> the clothes that suit him (Правило 7)

14 -> Ошибка в фрагменте 4 — the early seventeen century -> the early seventeenth century (Правило 4)

15 -> Ошибка в фрагменте 1 — There is not easy -> It is not easy (Правило 8)

16 -> Ошибка в фрагменте 1 — In the sixteen century -> In the sixteenth century (Правило 4)

17 -> Ошибка в фрагменте 1 — while there is still true -> while it is still true (Правило 8)

18 -> Ошибка в фрагменте 4 — to make research -> to do research (Правило 3)

19 -> Ошибка в фрагменте 3 — of someone’s else response -> — of someone else’s response (Правило 5)

20 -> Ошибка в фрагменте 1 — the police is carrying out an investigation -> the police are carrying out an investigation (Правило 7)

21 -> Ошибка в фрагменте 1 — It’s a sale on -> There is a sale on  (Правило 8)

22 -> Ошибка в фрагменте 3 — do a difference -> make a difference (Правило 3)

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Упр. 1

  1. Sarah and I am sisters.

  2. Ben and Tim is at school.

  3. Horses and cows is animals.

  4. England are a country.

  5. Tim are from America.

  6. Jane is an painter

  7. I have got an uniform.

  8. Helen is not at the home.

  9. The pyramids are in the Egypt.

  10. It is a hourglass.

  11. The Mark is a student.

  12. I have got a milk.

  13. It is an house.

  14. An earth is an planet.

  15. They have got a old car.

Упр. 2

  1. Mine room is big.

  2. The tail of the dog is long.

  3. The womens’ dresses are red.

  4. Are those pencils your?

  5. That is Mike’s and Helen’s house.

  6. Whose are these rackets? They’re their.

  7. This is hers book.

  8. Those are Rita and Jim’s bicycle.

  9. Is that Kates’ hat?

  10. The house’s windows are green.

  11. There is a elephant in the garden.

  12. That’s Bill’s car. It’s him.

  13. There are wolfs in the forest.

  14. There is a bread on the table.

  15. There is a money in my pocket.


  1. They go to the school every day.

  2. My bicycle has got two wheel.

  3. She’s got an book.

  4. We looking for a new flat.

  5. I am play tennis now.

  6. George and Mary is watching a film.

  7. What are you do?

  8. You isn’t listening to the teacher.

  9. He reading a magazine.

  10. Tim and Ann are my cousins. Them live in Germany.

  11. This is my jacket. Give it to I.

  12. Pass me the photos. I want to look at it.

  13. It’s Mike phoning. Him wants to talk to you.

  14. Are you going to the park? – Yes, come with I.

  15. Don’t opens the window.


  1. Have you got some sugar?

  2. There is any bread.

  3. There are some pie.

  4. Is there somebody in the room?

  5. We haven’t got some ham.

  6. There isn’t nobody in the garden.

  7. There isn’t no bacon.

  8. Have you got nothing in your bag?

  9. He don’t speak English.

  10. He is swimming every morning.

  11. Does you work in a bank?

  12. I have dinner now.

  13. Mark walk to school every day.

  14. Kate is liking pizza.

  15. The sun is rising in the east.

Упр 5.

  1. Susan and Joe lives in New York.

  2. We are needing some sugar.

  3. There is very few soup in the bowl.

  4. How much carrots are there in the fridge?

  5. Rita has got much money.

  6. There are a little people in the shop.

  7. Mike hasn’t got much friends.

  8. There is a few snow in the mountains.

  9. How much deer can you see in the picture?

  10. I have got little CDs but a lot of cassettes.

  11. There are much animals in the zoo.

  12. How many sugar is there in the bowl?

  13. I need to buy any things in the shop.

  14. Little people swim in the sea in winter.

  15. I haven’t got no time.

Упр 6.

  1. I want nothing nice to eat.

  2. I’m going swimming every week.

  3. The bus stops anywhere near the park.

  4. Let’s to go shopping.

  5. How much oranges are there in the bowl?

  6. He washes the dog at the moment.

  7. He’s got very few bread.

  8. Can I have a little strawberries?

  9. They are very clevers girls.

  10. We has got a new car.

  11. There are a few lion in the zoo.

  12. Peter always do his homework.

  13. Go you to bed now.

  14. There isn’t some sugar in my coffee.

  15. I lives with my parents and two little sisters.

Упр 7.

  1. Did Jim had a bath yesterday?

  2. There was a telephone call for me.

  3. Was your parents on holiday in June?

  4. Mary had not a party yesterday.

  5. There weren’t not any biscuits left in the tin.

  6. I have broke a vase yesterday.

  7. Were you be in Paris last year?

  8. Tom has ever eaten all the fruit.

  9. There were not no people at the bus stop.

  10. Alex already cut his finger yesterday.

  11. John hasn’t never phoned me yet.

  12. I have lived here since ten years.

  13. There isn’t somebody in the garden.

  14. We are going the party tonight?

  15. I do always my homework in the evenings.

Упр 8.

  1. We bought some new furnitures yesterday.

  2. Simon has already go to work.

  3. You will to pass your exams.

  4. Philip hasn’t got many free time today.

  5. I just have finished my breakfast.

  6. We have eaten chicken last evening.

  7. Tom usually is late for work.

  8. There aren’t much people in this office.

  9. Dad didn’t went to work yesterday.

  10. Philip didn’t wake up yet.

  11. I did saw your brother last week.

  12. Peter and Jenny go to the south next week.

  13. Did you laughed at the play?

  14. Sam hasn’t feed the cat yet.

  15. Pavel didn’t visit his granny yet.

Упр 9.

  1. Chris is more cleverer than Scott.

  2. Jill is prettier from Silvia.

  3. Chocolate ice-cream is more delicious of all.

  4. She is a very taller woman.

  5. The bus is longest than my car.

  6. A Fiat isn’t as more expensive as a Porsche.

  7. We have never read such a more interesting book.

  8. The film is better of all.

  9. Stella has never met such a friendlier teacher.

  10. Sweden is coldest country in Europe.

  11. Germany is biger than Great Britain.

  12. The dog runs fastier than the elephant.

  13. He is taller man in the world.

  14. I’m the youngest than my sister.

  15. The picture is good of all.

Упр 10.

  1. He has never travelled abroad, hasn’t she?

  2. Who did told you about Susan’s wedding?

  3. What car is yours: Opel or Fiat?

  4. How many money did you pay?

  5. He has lunch at home every day, hasn’t he?

  6. Don’t be late tonight, won’t you?

  7. What time you are flying tomorrow?

  8. I must having a bath.

  9. You can’t to go out tonight.

  10. Shall you water the flowers this afternoon?

  11. He must studies hard for his exams.

  12. She must helping her mother today.

  13. They needn’t to stay here any more.

  14. I can’t do puzzles when I was four years old.

  15. You may not go there. It’s forbidden.

Упр 11

  1. I would like going to America next year.

  2. He enjoys to dance.

  3. Why did you go to the library? – Borrowing a book.

  4. I must to wash my hair tonight.

  5. Do you know how skiing?

  6. She goes to run every Thursday evening.

  7. Have you got too time to come shopping with me?

  8. I’m too tall to reach the top cupboard.

  9. You are short enough to touch the ceiling.

  10. He will leaving school when he’s eighteen.

  11. I have got lots of friends. Neither of them has got blond hair.

  12. Steven has got two cars. All of them are red.

  13. My sister and I are short. Both of us is tall.

  14. There are seven people here. Both of them are women.

  15. Lucy has got two cars. All of them is black.

Упр 12.

  1. You must to try to be more patient.

  2. She is very old enough to travel alone.

  3. Susan hasn’t ever been to Turkey before.

  4. They enjoy playing the basketball.

  5. Irene is more friendlier then Kate.

  6. Helen often come to work late.

  7. I can’t find something I like.

  8. This is Alison jumper.

  9. You don’t like football, you do?

  10. They live in Moscow for ten years.

  11. Tom hasn’t enjoyed the party last night.

  12. He has a meeting now.

  13. Don’t play music – you wake up the baby.

  14. We go on holiday to Italy last year.

  15. I stay with my friends at the moment.

Список использованной литературы:

  1. J. Dooley, V. Evans. Grammarway 1.

  2. V. Evans. Roung Up 3.

Упражнение на исправление ошибок для 9 – 11 классов.

Совершенствование грамматических навыков предполагает свободное владение лексико-грамматическими формами и умение их правильного практического использования.

Correct the mistakes.

  1. It wasn’t snow yesterday.

  2. This train is always leaving at 5.

  3. You constantly take my things!

  4. He has done it before I came.

  5. Which of you cook borshch every day?

  6. When have you lost your key?

  7. There is no a bus stop near my house.

  8. Would you like any coffee?

  9. They danced when I came.

  10. He already learnt this English poem.

  11. You’d better to do it yourself.

  12. After that he asked her little questions.

  13. This pen is your, not my.

  14. That dog was more dirty than this one.

  15. He left Netherlands for USA.

  16. There were such many children in the yard.

  17. Let him to go home.

  18. You can do it by your own.

  19. The letter had sent yesterday.

  20. She is always late to the classes.


  1. It didn’t snow yesterday.

  2. This train always leaves at 5.

  3. You are constantly taking my things!

  4. He had done it before I came.

  5. Which of you cooks borshch every day?

  6. When did you lose your key?

  7. There is no bus-stop near my house.

  8. Would you like some coffee?

  9. They were dancing when I came.

  10. He has already learnt this English poem.

  11. You’d better do it yourself.

  12. After that he asked her few questions.

  13. This pen is yours, not mine.

  14. That dog was dirtier than that one.

  15. He left the Netherlands for the USA.

  16. There were so many children in the yard.

  17. Let him go home.

  18. You can do it on your own.

  19. The letter was sent yesterday.

  20. She is always late for the classes.

Задания составлены по материалам сборника тренировочных и проверочных заданий по английскому языку для 6-7 класса. Improve your language skills. — M.: «Интеллект-Центр», 2007. — 96 с. Автор: Хотунцева Е.А. и предназначены для учащихся 6-7 классов школ разного типа, учителей английс­кого языка и родителей, а также могут быть использованы в процессе организации повторения и промежуточного контроля изученного материала на уроках английского языка и индивиду­альных занятиях с учащимися.

Exercise 1. Cross the odd word out.

  1. I’ve got only much little money left, so I can’t buy that jacket.

  2. Was the film as more exciting as the book?

  3. He is travelling to Manchester by the train.

  4. This is the shop whose its alarm went off last night.

  5. Is this a your briefcase or his?

Exercise 2. Cross the odd word out.

  1. Could I have some an ice cubes in my drink, please?

  2. A brown bear is more bigger than a koala bear.

  3. The Rome is the capital of Italy.

  4. This is not my coat, mine one is hanging behind the door.

  5. The news are was so shocking!

Exercise 3. Cross the odd word out.

1. Give me some more little milk, please.

2; The Cooks are being looking for a new house at the moment.

  1. When was the last time you have visited your parents?

  2. You mustn’t to walk too close to the edge of the cliff.

  3. Tom is more, heavier than Bill.

Exercise 4. Cross out the unnecessary word.

  1. He is much more taller than his father.

  2. Did anybody man break into your house last night?

  3. The fog is been very thick, I can’t see anything.

  4. There is not much the milk left in the fridge.

  5. Nobody phoned yesterday. Nobody came also either.

Exercise 5. Cross out the unnecessary word.

  1. Becky is as much clever as Stella.

  2. There was no one people left at the party by 2 o’clock.

  3. Let me give you some an advice.

  4. How much the flour shall I buy?

  5. — I’ve got an idea! — Me also too.

Exercise 6. Cross out the unnecessary word.

  1. Why is are the clothes so wet?

  2. He has read that book last month.

  3. He was hungry so that he made a sandwich

  4. The man for whom that he works is German.

  5. She told to me a wonderful story.

Exercise 7. Cross out the unnecessary word.

  1. That’s the woman whose her house burnt down.

  2. May I give you a good advice? Spend more time in the open air.

  3. This car is not mine car. It’s Peter’s.

4. I have read this book last summer.

5. I usually go to school on the foot.

Exercise 8. Cross the odd word out.

1. They never work on at the weekend.

2. Is this dress as more beautiful as the blue one?

  1. The Browns are being traveling around Europe now

  2. Can you buy a some cat food when you go to the shops, please?

  3. The fog is very thick. I can’t to see anything.

Exercise 9. Cross the odd word out.

  1. What do you do in on Sunday afternoons?

  2. Today it is as more cold as yesterday.

  3. He is being traveling to Manchester by train now.

  4. Can I have a some ticket for the car park, please?

  5. I must to feed the dog now, it is hungry.

Exercise 10. Cross the odd word out.

  1. Where did Sally go on at Friday night?

  2. My sister Kate is as older than her friend Maria.

  3. You mustn’t to make that silly mistake again!

  4. There aren’t the any lemons, but there is some ice cream.

  5. I’ve got the a new mobile phone.

Exercise 11. Cross the odd word out.

1. This is a their house. They designed it themselves.

2. I couldn’t to find my bag nowhere.

  1. We stayed at the bad worst hotel in the whole city.

  2. Now 1 make fewer mistakes in English than the last year.

  3. It was midnight and there it were few people in the streets.

Exercise 12. Cross the odd word out.

  1. My parents are never go out.

  2. Could you pass to me this plate?

  3. Her hair looks better than yours hair.

  4. — Have you got many things? — No, just one the small bag.

  5. In this country February is the most coldest month of the year.

Exercise 13. Cross the odd word out.

  1. She didn’t say a no thing.

  2. Come here and look on at these photos.

  3. Hannah have left home three years ago.

  4. I’ve stopped reading newspapers. The news is are always bad.

  5. In 1970s, the Beatles were being the richest musicians in the world.

Exercise 14. Cross the odd word out.

1. These flowers are mine. Don’t to touch them!

2. I like to ski in winter very good much.

3. There were was a lot of interesting news on TV yesterday.

  1. This car isn’t as fast than as that one.

  2. I’ll get you a drink if you will like.

Exercise l5. Cross the odd word out.

1. I have received a letter from her an hour ago.

  1. Is he still at the same school yet?

  2. I’m sorry. I can’t talk to you now. I have had to help my mother.

  3. It is been raining. I think I’ll take my coat.

  4. If I will go to Spain, I will stay at his aunt’s.

Keys to the tests.

Exercise 1.

1. much 2. more 3. the 4. its 5. a

Exercise 2.

1. little 2. more 3. the 4. one 5. are

Exercise 3.

1. little 2. being 3. have 4. to 5. more

Exercise 4.

1. more 2. man 3. been 4. the 5. also

Exercise 5.

1. much 2. people 3. an 4. the 5. also

Exercise 6.

1. is 2. has 3. that 4. that 5. to

Exercise 7.

1. her 2. a 3. car 4. have 5. the

Exercise 8.

1. on 2. more 3. being 4. a 5. to

Exercise 9.

1. in 2. more 3. Being 4. some 5. to

Exercise 10.

1.at 2. as 3. to 4. the 5. the

Exercise 11.

1.a 2.to 3.bad 4.the 5.it

Exercise 12.

1. are 2. to 3. hair. 4. the 5. most

Exercise 13.


1. a 2. on 3. have 4. arc 5. being

Exercise 14.

1. to 2. good 3. Were 4.than 5. will

Exercise 15.

1. have 2. yet 3. had 4. been 5. will

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