Найдите ошибку в каждом предложении и исправьте ее tomorrow

100. Найдите ошибку в каждом предложении и исправьте ее, (§ 1, S5 8-9) 1. Tomorrow we’ll visit this old beautiful town with his famous buildings. 2. Geologists are people who study the Earth’s structure and her history. 3. She dances better then any of us. 4. Each seasons has its own charm. 5. All children play chess, and every school have its chess club. 6. I could not take my eye away from her. 7. Have you ever met a friend of her? 8. I am an old friend of you. 9. Do you remember that car of our?​

100. Найдите ошибку в каждом предложении и исправьте ее, (§ 1, S5 8-9) 1. Tomorrow we’ll visit this old beautiful town with his famous buildings. 2. Geologists are people who study the Earth’s structure and her history. 3. She dances better then any of us. 4. Each seasons has its own charm. 5. All children play chess, and every school have its chess club. 6. I could not take my eye away from her. 7. Have you ever met a friend of her? 8. I am an old friend of you. 9. Do you remember that car of our?​

Найдите ошибку в каждом из следующих предложений и исправьте ее. 1. If water freezes, it has become a solid. 2. If they have a good sale, I would have stopped by on my way home. 3. If Mr Hunt is single, I could introduce him to my sister. 4. If I had more time, I would checked my paper again. 5. We wish that you will change your mind about leaving tomorrow. 6. » If Diana didn’t (kink so much coffee, she wouldn’t have been so nervous. 7. We will wait if you wanted to leave. 8. Jerry wishes that she is more interested in his work.

В каждом предложении найдите одну ошибку в подчёркнутых фрагментах:
41. Tomorrow (A) weather is promising (B) to be (C) fine (D).
42. None (A) of the two (B) girls have returned (C) the term papers to the instructor yet (D).
Переведите на английский язык фрагмент предложения, данный в скобках:
She used her umbrella (как) a weapon.
John gave me (очень хороший совет) about my coming interview.
You should try to be more sensitive to the needs of (других).
There is hardly any time left, (не так ли)?
В каждом предложении заполните пропуск словом, образованным от указанного в скобках:
His … was hurt when the younger man had been given the job above him. (proud)
He was sacked from his job on the grounds that he was absolutely … (competence)
Could you please … these pencils? We will need them for our lesson. (sharp)
Heavy frosts came so … at the beginning of November. (expect)

Автор: Гость


Найдите ошибку в каждом предложении и исправьте eе
1. What time do you usually went to the park?
2. He watches TV never
3. He doesn’t never drink Cola,
4. He never is late.
5. He reads novels or comics?
6. He doesn’t read comics, doesn’t he?
7. He wrote an essay, he didn’t wrote a dictation.
8. Who saw Oleg? — I saw.
9. Where did you saw Oleg?
10. I pay the bill yesterday,

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