Найдите и исправьте ошибки mary is pleasanter than jane

найдите и справте ошибки

1)marry is pleasanter  that Jane is

2)Janet is more politer than Chris is

3) You must be gentler!

4)My sister is carefuler than my brother is

5)Tim is handsomer than his brother is

6)Spain is dryer than Britain

7) Your work is best!

Светило науки — 24 ответа — 123 помощи

1)marry is

more pleasant

than Jane is

2)Janet is

more polite

than Chris is

3) You must be

more gentle!

4)My sister is

more careful

than my brother is

5)Tim is

more handsome

than his brother is

6)Spain is


than Britain

7) Your work is

the best


Вот так, исправления Я подчеркнул.

1. I’m CLEVERER than my brother.

2. New York is MORE MODERN than London.


than Jannet.

4. Jannet is POLITER than Mary.

5. They are BUSIER than we are.

6. My sentence is MORE CORRECT than yours.

7. This exercise is EASIER than that one.

8. You must be MORE CAREFULL.

9. I was MORE surprised than he was.

10. This machine is SIMPLER than the others.

11. He gets MORE STUPID every day.

12. Can you come EARLIER next time

13. I am MORE HANDSOME than my


14. Spain is DRIER than Britain.

TASK 1. Find possible mistakes and correct them.

1. Mary is pleasanter than Janet.

2. Jane is more polite than Alice.

3. They are busier than we are.

4. Please be quieter! .

5. My sentence is as correct than yours.

6. You must be more gentle!

7. This exercise is as easy than that one.

8. A lemon is more bitter than an orange.

9. You must be carefuler!

10. Why can’t you be more honest?

11. Can you be exacter?

12. This machine is simpler than the others.

13. This road is narrower than the others.

14. This issue is more urgent than that.

15 .He is getting more stupid every day.

16. Can you come more early next time?

17. I’m handsomer than my brother.

18. The weather is much more worse today.

19. I feel much better today then yesterday.

20. This is your worse mistake.

21. Nick looks elder than his older brother.

22. Flying is much fast than travelling by car.

23. We are going to travel by car. It’s much cheaper.

24. Einstein is one of intelligent scientists who ever lived.

25. You should be more serious when you talk to your partner.

26. Watermelons are much sweeter as lemons.

1.WRONG — more pleasant




5.WRONG — more correct


7.WRONG — easier


9. WRONG — more careful


11.WRONG — more exact





16. WRONG — earlier

17.WRONG — more handsome

18.WRONG — much worse

19. WRONG — than

20. WRONG — worst

21. WRONG — looks older than his elder brother

22. WRONG — much faster


24. WRONG — one of the most intelligent scientists


26. WRONG — much sweeter than

Все категории

  • Фотография и видеосъемка
  • Знания
  • Другое
  • Гороскопы, магия, гадания
  • Общество и политика
  • Образование
  • Путешествия и туризм
  • Искусство и культура
  • Города и страны
  • Строительство и ремонт
  • Работа и карьера
  • Спорт
  • Стиль и красота
  • Юридическая консультация
  • Компьютеры и интернет
  • Товары и услуги
  • Темы для взрослых
  • Семья и дом
  • Животные и растения
  • Еда и кулинария
  • Здоровье и медицина
  • Авто и мото
  • Бизнес и финансы
  • Философия, непознанное
  • Досуг и развлечения
  • Знакомства, любовь, отношения
  • Наука и техника


найдите и справте ошибки

1)marry is pleasanter that Jane is

2)Janet is more politer than Chris is

3) You must be gentler!

4)My sister is carefuler than my brother is

5)Tim is handsomer than his brother is

6)Spain is dryer than Britain

7) Your work is best!

1 ответ:



1)marry is <u>more pleasant</u> than Jane is

2)Janet is<u> more polite</u> than Chris is

3) You must be <u>more gentle!</u>

4)My sister is<u> more careful</u> than my brother is

5)Tim is <u>more handsome</u> than his brother is

6)Spain is <u>drier</u> than Britain

7) Your work is<u> the best</u>!

Вот так, исправления Я подчеркнул.

Читайте также

перевести? я мысли читать не умею))

4. play

5. are playing

6. are taking

7. are walking

8. watching

9. plays

10. wins

11. isn’t winning

12. is losing

He put on a new jacket and trousers
It was a picture of spiderman
The first lesson was Art
He was sad because he left his crayons at home
The girl with the red hair

If you make me strong coffee, and I’ll go and buy some milk.
If you leave us alone, we’ll call the police.
If your baby fall down, we won’t be able to catch him at once.
If the bags are not too havy I can help you to carry them.
If you take the map, otherwise we will get lost in the city.

Дом моей мечты

Я мечтаю о доме, светлом и теплом
Где не страшен ни дождь, ни гроза.
И где каждый сумеет найти свое место,
Ведь дом этот очень большой:
Мамина комната,
Комната папы,
Комната моя и моего брата Фрэда
И гостинная одна
Где мы собирались бы вместе
И в любую погоду чувствовали б себя хорошо

Вариант 2

1. Образуйте степени сравнения от прилагательных.

Unusual-more unusual-the most unusualMerry-merrier-the merriestLittle-less-leastBusy-busier-busiestStrong-stronger-strongestGood-better-bestFat-fatter-the fattiestImportant-more important-the most importantNear-nearer-the nearestDry-drier-driest

2. Найдите и исправьте ошибки.

  1. Mary is pleasanter than Jane.
  2. Janet is more politer than Chris.
  3. You must be more gentler!
  4. My sister is carefuler than my brother.
  5. Tim is handsomer than his brother.
  6. Spain is dryer than Britain.
  7. Your work is best!

3. Переведите на английский язык.

  1. 22 декабря — самый короткий день в году.
  2. Эти цветы ярче и крупнее.
  3. «Сникерс» вкуснее «Марса».
  4. Альберт старше Джона,
  5. Генри старший из всех братьев.
  6. Эверест — самая высокая гора в мире.
  7. Кто самый лучший ученик в классе?

1. On December 22, the shortest day of the year.

2. These flowers are bigger and brighter.

3. «Snickers» tastier «Mars».

4. Albert older John.

5. Henry,the eldest of all the brothers.

6. Everest is the highest mountain in the world.

7. Who is the best student in the class?
4. Составьте словосочетания с оборотом as as.

ugly grass
brave flower
nice monster
light sky
blue lion
green feather

5. Употребите прилагательные в нужной форме.

There are many big cities in the world. One of (large) in the world is Cairo in Egypt. However, Shanghai and Tokyo are (large). But Mexico is considered (считается) to be (populated) city in the world. Old cities and towns are (interesting) places to visit, than modern ones. But most modern cities are (comfortable) to live in, they are usually (dirty) than small towns #nd villages. But still my home city is (good) place for me.

6.Переведите на русский язык текст:

Big ben. The big clock on the tower of the Palace of Westminster in London is often called Big Ben. But Big Ben is really the bell of the clock. It is the biggest clock bell in Britain. It weighs 13.5 tons.
The clock tower is 318 feet high. You have to go up 374 steps to reach the top. So the clock looks small from the pavement below the tower.
But its face is 23 feet wide. It would only just fit into some classrooms.
The minute-hand is 14 feet long. Its weight is equal to that of two bags of coal. The hour-hand is 9 feet long.
The clock bell is called Big Ben after Sir Benjamin Hall. He had the job to see that the bell was put up.
Sir Benjamin was a big man. One day he said in Parliament, «Shall we call the bell St. Stephen’s?» St. Stephen’s is the name of the tower.
But someone said for a joke, «Why not call it Big Ben?» Now the bell is known all over the world by that name.


There are over 11,000 magazines and periodicals in the United States. More than 4,000 of them appear monthly, and over 1,300 are published each week. They cover all topics and interests, from art and architecture to tennis, from aviation and gardening to computers and literary criticism. Quite a few have international editions, are translated into other languages, or have «daughter» editions in other countries. Among the many internationals are National Geographic, Reader’s Digest, Cosmopolitan, Vogue, Time, Newsweek, Scientific American, and Psychology Today. The weekly newsmagazines — the best known are Time, Newsweek, and U.S. News & World Report — serve as a type of national press. They also have considerable international impact, above all Time. This newsmagazine appears each week in several international editions. There are some for various parts of the United States, for the Far East, for Australia, for Europe, and so on. Time claims that although the advertising changes in each edition, the content remains the same internationally. This is not quite true: in the U.S. editions, for instance, there is no section called «European Notes.» In any case, no other single news publication is read so widely by so many people internationally as is Time.
There are two other reasons why Time has such international influence. First, several other newsmagazines were modeled on Time. Among these are the leading newsmagazines in France, Germany, and Italy. Secondly, Time also sells news, news features, interviews, photographs, graphics, and charts to other publications throughout the world. Feature stories that first appear in Time are therefore echoed in many other publications in many other countries.The newsmagazines are all aimed at the average, educated reader. There are also many periodicals which treat serious educational, political, and cultural topics at length. The best known of these include The Atlantic Monthly, Harvard Educational Review, Saturday Review, The New Republic, National Review, Foreign Affairs, Smithsonian, and, of course, The New Yorker. Such widely read periodicals, along with the hundreds of professional journals, provide a broad and substantial forum for serious discussion. Again, a lot of what first appears in these publications is often reprint internationally or in book form. Many of the long The New Yorker essays, for example, have later appeared in shortened form in publications such as England’s The Observer Magazine or Germany’s Die Zeit.
There is a strong market for such serious publications. National Geographic has an average circulation of over 10 million, Consumer Reports some 3 million, Smithsonian (published by the Smithsonian Institution in Washington D.C.) over 2 million copies, Scientific American (U.S. edition) over 700,000, and Saturday Review- and The New Yorker over half a million each. More popular and less demanding publications, such as Family Circle, Woman’s Day, or National Enquirer, of course, have a huge readership and sell over 4.5 million copies of each issue. Altogether, there are about 60 magazines in the United States that sell over 1 million copies per issue each, and roughly the same number with more than 500,000 copies per issue.


Биг Бен. Большие часы на башне Вестминстерского дворца в Лондоне часто называют Биг Бен. But Big Ben is really the bell of the clock. Но Биг Бен действительно колокол часов. It is the biggest clock bell in Britain. Это большие часы- колокол в Британии. It weighs 13.5 tons. Он весит 13,5 тонн.
The clock tower is 318 feet high. Башня с часами высокой 318 футов. You have to go up 374 steps to reach the top. Вы должны подняться 374 шагов, чтобы достичь вершины. So the clock looks small from the pavement below the tower. Так часы выглядит маленьким от тротуара под башней.
But its face is 23 feet wide. Но его лицо широкое 23 футов. It would only just fit into some classrooms. Было бы только вписаться в некоторых классах.
The minute-hand is 14 feet long. Минутная стрелка длиной 14 футов. Its weight is equal to that of two bags of coal. Ее вес равен, что из двух мешков угля. The hour-hand is 9 feet long. Часовая стрелка длиной 9 футов.
The clock bell is called Big Ben after Sir Benjamin Hall. Часы колокол называется Биг-Бен в честь сэра Бенджамина Холла. He had the job to see that the bell was put up. Он имел работу, чтобы увидеть, что колокол был поднят.
Sir Benjamin was a big man. Сэр Бенджамин большой человек. One day he said in Parliament, «Shall we call the bell St. Stephen’s?» Однажды он заявил в парламенте, «мы назовем колокол Святого Стефана?» St. Stephen’s is the name of the tower. Святого Стефана название башни.
But someone said for a joke, «Why not call it Big Ben?» Но кто-то сказал в шутку, «Почему бы не назвать его Биг-Бен?» Now the bell is known all over the world by that name. Теперь колокол известен во всем мире по этому имени.

Magazines Журналы

There are over 11,000 magazines and periodicals in the United States. Есть более 11000 журналов и периодических изданий в Соединенных Штатах. More than 4,000 of them appear monthly, and over 1,300 are published each week. Более 4000 из них появляются ежемесячно, и более 1300 публикуются каждую неделю. They cover all topics and interests, from art and architecture to tennis, from aviation and gardening to computers and literary criticism. Они охватывают все темы и интересы, от искусства и архитектуры до тенниса, от авиации и садоводства на компьютерах и литературной критики. Quite a few have international editions, are translated into other languages, or have «daughter» editions in other countries. Довольно немногие из них имеют международные издания, переводятся на другие языки, или «дочерние» издания в других странах. Among the many internationals are National Geographic, Reader’s Digest, Cosmopolitan, Vogue, Time, Newsweek, Scientific American, and Psychology Today. Среди многих представителей зарубежных National Geographic, Ридерз Дайджест, Cosmopolitan, Vogue, Time, Newsweek, Scientific American, и современной психологии. The weekly newsmagazines — the best known are Time, Newsweek, and US News & World Report — serve as a type of national press. Еженедельные-политических журналов — наиболее известны Время, Newsweek, и US News & World Report — служить своего рода национальной прессы. They also have considerable international impact, above all Time. Они также имеют значительный международный резонанс, прежде всего Времени. This newsmagazine appears each week in several international editions. Это общественно-политический журнал появляется каждую неделю в нескольких международных изданиях. There are some for various parts of the United States, for the Far East, for Australia, for Europe, and so on. Есть некоторые для различных частях Соединенных Штатах, на Дальнем Востоке, в Австралии, для Европы, и так далее. Time claims that although the advertising changes in each edition, the content remains the same internationally. Время утверждает, что, хотя реклама меняет в каждом выпуске, содержание остается то же самое на международном уровне. This is not quite true: in the US editions, for instance, there is no section called «European Notes.» Это не совсем верно: в изданиях США, например, нет раздел под названием «Европейские Примечания». In any case, no other single news publication is read so widely by so many people internationally as is Time. В любом случае, ни одна другая публикация одного новостей не читается так широко так много людей на международном уровне как это время.
There are two other reasons why Time has such international influence. Есть два другие причины, почему время такое международное влияние. First, several other newsmagazines were modeled on Time. Во-первых, ряд других политических журналов были смоделированы на время. Among these are the leading newsmagazines in France, Germany, and Italy. Среди них ведущие политических журналов во Франции, Германии и Италии. Secondly, Time also sells news, news features, interviews, photographs, graphics, and charts to other publications throughout the world. Во-вторых, время также продает новости, новостей, интервью, фотографии, графики и диаграммы на другие публикации по всему миру. Feature stories that first appear in Time are therefore echoed in many other publications in many other countries.The newsmagazines are all aimed at the average, educated reader. Тематические статьи, которые впервые появляются в Time поэтому повторил во многих других изданиях во многих других countries.The-политических журналов все, направленных на среднем, образованный читатель. There are also many periodicals which treat serious educational, political, and cultural topics at length. Есть также много изданий, лечения серьезных образовательных, политических и культурных тем в длину. The best known of these include The Atlantic Monthly, Harvard Educational Review, Saturday Review, The New Republic, National Review, Foreign Affairs, Smithsonian, and, of course, The New Yorker. Самый известный из них включают Atlantic Monthly, Гарвардский Образовательное обзор, суббота обзор, Новая Республика, National Review, иностранных дел, Смитсоновский, и, конечно же, The New Yorker. Such widely read periodicals, along with the hundreds of professional journals, provide a broad and substantial forum for serious discussion. Такие читаемых периодических изданий, наряду с сотнями профессиональных журналов, представляют собой широкую и значительную форум для серьезного обсуждения. Again, a lot of what first appears in these publications is often reprint internationally or in book form. Опять же, многое из того, впервые появляется в этих публикациях часто перепечатать на международном уровне или в виде книги. Many of the long The New Yorker essays, for example, have later appeared in shortened form in publications such as England’s The Observer Magazine or Germany’s Die Zeit. Многие из длинных эссе Нью-Йорка, к примеру, позже появились в сокращенной форме в таких изданиях, как журнал наблюдателей Англии или Германии Die Zeit.
There is a strong market for such serious publications. Существует сильный рынок для таких серьезных изданий. National Geographic has an average circulation of over 10 million, Consumer Reports some 3 million, Smithsonian (published by the Smithsonian Institution in Washington DC) over 2 million copies, Scientific American (US edition) over 700,000, and Saturday Review- and The New Yorker over half a million each. National Geographic имеет средний тираж превышает 10 миллионов, Consumer Reports около 3 млн, Смитсоновский (опубликовано в Смитсоновском институте в Вашингтоне, округ Колумбия) более 2 миллионов копий, Scientific American (американское издание) более 700 000, и суббота Обзор-и Нью-Йорка более половины миллиона каждый. More popular and less demanding publications, such as Family Circle, Woman’s Day, or National Enquirer, of course, have a huge readership and sell over 4.5 million copies of each issue. Более популярные и менее требовательных такие публикации, как кругу семьи, Женский день, или National Enquirer, конечно, есть огромный читателей и продать более 4,5 млн копий каждого выпуска. Altogether, there are about 60 magazines in the United States that sell over 1 million copies per issue each, and roughly the same number with more than 500,000 copies per issue. Всего насчитывается около 60 журналов в Соединенных Штатах, которые продают более 1 млн копий в вопросе каждого, и примерно такое же количество с более чем 500 000 копий в каждом выпуске.

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