Найди ошибки the wood is the most dark place

1. The wood is the darkest place. (Лес — самое тёмное место.) — превосходная степень. 2. Summer is sunnier than autumn. (Лето более солнечное, чем осень.) — сравнительная степень. 3. Owls are more clever than pigeons. (Owls are cleverer than pigeons.) (Совы умнее, чем голуби.) -сравнительная степень. 4. He is the most curious boy in our class. (Он самый любознательный мальчик в нашем классе.) — превосходная степень. 5. My marks are better than John’s. (Мои марки лучше, чем марки Джона.) — сравнительная степень. 

Найди ошибки.the wood is the most dark place.summer is sunnyer than autumn.owls are clever than pigeons. He is the curiousest boy in our class.my marks are gooder than johns

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Найди ошибки.the wood is the most dark place.summer is sunnyer than autumn.owls are clever than pigeons. He is the curiousest boy in our class.my marks are gooder than johns

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The wood is the darkest place. Summer is more sunny than Autumn. Owls are clever than pigeons. He is the most curious boy in our class. My marks are better than Johns.

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Найдите ошибки:
a. The wood is the most dark place
b. Summer is sunnyer than autumn.
c. Owls are clever than pigeons.
d. He is the curiousest boy in our class.
e. My Marks are gooder than John’s

1 ответ:



A. The darkest (вместо the most dark)
B. More sunny than…
C. More clever
D. The most curious
E . are better than…

Читайте также

Do you know him? He always tells lies.
What is he doing here? — He’s waiting for his friend.
When I came yesterday, I saw that my brother was doing his lesson.
Where is Nick? — He is playing tennis. — He plays tennis well.
My wife is in her room now. She is sitting in the armchair and is reading an interesting book. I want to read this book, too.
Where was she yesterday? — She visited her friend. They were playing chess the whole evening.
What were they doing the whole day last Sunday? — They were spending the whole day in the country.
When I looked out of the window, I saw that it was snowing and everything was covered with snow.
Is somebody talking in the next room? — No, nobody’s talking. My son is watching television now.
Why didn’t he go to school yesterday? — He was ill. He was staying in bed the whole day.
Were you working, when I phoned you last night? — Yest, I was working.
Why are they sitting here now? — They are waiting for their doctor. The doctor is late.
Did he ask you to work late last Tuesday? — No, He didn’t ask. I decided to work late myself.
Yesterday was a typical summer day, the sun beat down, the sky was cloudless.
Yesterday, when he opened the door, he understood that he did it with a wrong key.
Every day she returns home, has dinner and rests. But yesterday she didn’t rest after dinner, she was working at her report the whole evening


The English mathematician and engineer Charles Babbage (1791-1871) is one of the most significant figures in the backstory of computer computing. He is rightly called the father of computing. The analytical machine, invented by him in 1834, had all the essential logical capabilities of today’s universal PCs.

Comfortable buses
popular  places
traditional <span>festivals
</span>musical<span> concerts
</span>thrilling <span>exhibitions
</span>famous <span>sporting events
</span>,fantastic.<span> trip</span>

2) Has he been painting?
3) Has she been working?
4) Has he been running?
5) Has he been fighting?
6) Has he been fixing something?

P.s. :33 I have no confidence

Finishing 9th grade, students are faced with a choice: to continue to learn until the 11th or go to college? Which option is better, which will open in the future more opportunities to build a successful career? Many people think that the answer is obvious — get a full school education, and then go to college. But in fact, both options have their «pros» and «cons».Pluses of college:1) Employment;2) shall provide the practice;3) If the university is working with the college — you can immediately enroll for 3-4 courses;4) Preparing for the specifics of training in high school.Lows in college:1) There is a possibility to stay in the special education and never get higher;2) When choosing a high school, did not cooperate with the College, will have to study for 1 year longer;3) No deferment from military service at the time of follow-up training in high school;4) You may have to fight stereotypes and prove that you are — capable person.Pros learning:1) In the presence of the military department at the university — without conferring of the title of service;2) With the diploma of higher education institution, you can get a second degree, degree or be trained about the program business education;Cons study at the university:1) Lack of labor practices;2) If you are disappointed in their chosen profession, it can only be retrained charge.
Thus, there are pros and cons of any decision, however, when choosing a good college, the pros still outweigh. That’s what they say themselves applicants:To do without examination to college — this is a good chance to get your dream job. After all, the profession after the 9th grade are available without exception. The main thing — to choose the right direction. Then, after finishing college, you can enter a university without examination as well, and even in the short period of training. According to the results of the exam, after school, go to a decent university chosen is much more difficult.<span>After graduating from college, you can get a job in their specialty and to combine it with training in high school. This means that after graduation will be a few years time and it is in their chosen field, which certainly increases the chances of a good job</span>

Найди ошибки.

Пожалуйста напишите уже правильные предложения.

The wood is the most dark place.

He is the curiousest boy in our class.

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