I have migrated a classic ASP site to a new server and am getting the following error, message.
I have tried different connection strings but none of them work.
I am not even sure if the connection string is the problem
The new server is a Windows 2012 Server, SQL Server 2008 R2 Express machine.
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80004005'
[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.
/scripts/dbcode.asp, line 31
Application("C2M_ConnectionString") = "Provider=SQLNCLI10;Server=(local);Database=mysite_live;Uid=mysitec_Live;Pwd=mypass;"
2,4171 gold badge22 silver badges34 bronze badges
asked Feb 28, 2013 at 2:52
If it is an Express instance, it is most likely not a default instance, but rather a named instance. So you probably meant:
... "Provider=SQLNCLI10;Server=.SQLEXPRESS; ...
--- instead of just (local) ---^^^^^^^^^^^^
Otherwise you’ll need to show us the server properties in SQL Server Configuration Manager on that machine in order for us to be able to tell you how to correct your connection string.
answered Feb 28, 2013 at 3:27
Aaron BertrandAaron Bertrand
271k36 gold badges465 silver badges486 bronze badges
As Aaron Bertrand mentioned it would be interesting to have a look at your connection properties (In Sql Server configuration check if the following are enabled Name Pipes and TCP/Ip).
Since you’re able to connect from SSMS i would ask to check if the Remote connection is allowed on that server Also can you tell is the Sql browser service is running?
here is a link that i keep close to me as a reminder or check list on probable connection issues on SQL Server.
Sql Connection Issues
And lastly can you try as provider «SQLNCLI» instead of «SQLNCLI10»
answered Mar 4, 2013 at 23:02
Raymond ARaymond A
7631 gold badge12 silver badges29 bronze badges
Step-1: Enabling TCP/IP Protocol
Start >> All Programs >> Microsoft SQL Server >> Configuration Tools >> SQL Server Configuration Manager >> SQL Server Network Configuration >> Protocols for MSSQLSERVER >> right click “TCP/IP” and select “Enable”.
Step-2: change specific machine name in Data Source attributes’value to (local) will resovle the problem ni SQL SERVER 2012.
answered Sep 28, 2014 at 16:31
Try pinging the server in your connection string. The server your application resides on should be able to communicate on the port you specify by credentials. If you are developing locally try specifying «localhost». If the server is clustered or you installed as an instance then you need to specify that instance. Also make sure the server is configured for mixed-mode authentication if using sql credentials.
OR Try
Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=DBNAME;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=MyUserName; Password=MyPassword;
answered Feb 28, 2013 at 3:00
Ross BushRoss Bush
14.6k2 gold badges31 silver badges55 bronze badges
It can be a permission issue , Please check is that server is connecting with same configuration detail from SQL management.
other is username / password is wrong.
answered Feb 28, 2013 at 12:00
Jinesh JainJinesh Jain
1,2329 silver badges22 bronze badges
Here is what I would do:
EDIT: Note that this SO post, a few down, has an interesting method for creating the correct connection string to use.
- Open SSMS (Sql Server Management Studio) and copy/paste the
username/password. Don’t type them, copy/paste. Verify there isn’t
an issue. - Fire up the code (this is next for me b/c this would be the next
easiest thing to do in my case) and step to line 31 to verify that
everything is setup properly. Here is some info on how to do
this. I understand that this may be impossible for you with this
being on production so you might skip this step. If at all possible
though, I’d set this up on my local machine and verify that there is
no issue connecting locally. If I get this error locally, then I
have a better chance at fixing it. - Verify that Provider=SQLNCLI10 is installed on the production
server. I would follow this SO post, probably the answer posted
by gbn. - You have other working websites? Are any of them classic asp? Even
if not, I’d compare the connection string in another site to the one
that you are using here. Make sure there are no obvious differences. - Fire up SQL Server Profiler and start tracing. Connect to the site
and cause the error then go to profiler and see if it gives you an
additional error information. - If all of that fails, I would start going through this.
Sorry I can’t just point to something and say, there’s the problem!
Good luck!
answered Mar 5, 2013 at 14:08
Mike C.Mike C.
3,0042 gold badges20 silver badges18 bronze badges
Have you ever tried SQL Server OLE DB driver connection string:
"Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=(local);Initial Catalog=mysite_live;User Id=mysitec_Live;Password=mypass;"
or ODBC driver:
"Driver={SQL Server};Server=SERVERNAME;Trusted_Connection=no;Database=mysite_live;Uid=mysitec_Live;Pwd=mypass;"
At least this is what I would do if nothing helps. Maybe you will be able to get more useful error information.
answered Mar 8, 2013 at 0:23
1,0555 silver badges11 bronze badges
Have you tried to use the server IP address instead of the «(local)»?
Something like «Server=;» (clearly you need to use the real IP address of your server)
In case you try to use the server IP address, check in the «SQL-Server configurator» that SQL Server is listening on the IP address you use in your connection. (SQL Server Configurator screenshot)
Other useful thing to check / try:
- And check also if the DB is in the default SQL Server instance, or if it is in a named instance.
- Do you have checked if the firewall have the TCP/IP rule for opening the port of you SQL Server?
- Have you tried to connect to SQL Server using other software that use the TCP/IP connection?
answered Mar 9, 2013 at 17:56
7,3882 gold badges26 silver badges32 bronze badges
The SQL Server Browser service is disabled by default on installation. I’d recommend that you enable and start it. For more information, see this link and the section titled «Using SQL Server Browser» for an explanation of why this might be your problem.
If you don’t wish to enable the service, you can enable TCP/IP protocol (it’s disabled by default), specify a static port number, and use 127.0.01,<port number> to identify the server.
answered Mar 10, 2013 at 16:41
Paul KeisterPaul Keister
12.8k5 gold badges45 silver badges75 bronze badges
In line 31:
cmd.ActiveConnection = Application("C2M_ConnectionString")
How are you instantiating cmd
Rather than the ConnectionString being wrong, maybe cmd
is acting differently in the new environment.
Edited to add:
I see that you’ve gone from IIS 7 to IIS 8. To run Classic ASP sites on IIS 7 required manual changes to server defaults, such as «allow parent paths.» Is it possible that some of the needed tweaks didn’t get migrated over?
If you’re not running with Option Strict On, you should try that — it often reveals the source of subtle problems like this. (Of course, first you’ll be forced to declare all your variables, which is very tedious with finished code.)
answered Mar 5, 2013 at 23:53
24.6k8 gold badges49 silver badges93 bronze badges
- Remove From My Forums
What does error code 0x80004005 mean?
It’s unclear from your post if you’re even using SQL Server or Integration Services. If you’re experiencing an issue with Norton, you should contact the vendor for assistance. This forum is for questions and issues on SQL Server Integration Services.
All replies
What are you trying to do? 0x80004005 could mean a variety of things from a failed login to an Access database that is exclusively locked by another process. Please provide additional details about your scenario.
At random places in my packages, I randomly (not always) get this general netwrok error (I am including the first line just to show the line right above the error line):
Information: 0x400490F4 at Data Flow Task — my task 1, Lookup — my lookup task 1 [234]: component «Lookup — my lookup task 1» (234) has cached 13312 rows.
Error: 0xC0202009 at Data Flow Task — my task 1, Lookup — my lookup task 1 [234]: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005
An OLE DB record is available. Source: «Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server» Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: «[DBNETLIB][ConnectionRead (WrapperRead()).]General network error. Check your network documentation.»
Error: 0xC020824E at Data Flow Task — my task 1, Lookup — my lookup task 1 [234]: OLE DB error occurred while populating internal cache. Check SQLCommand and SqlCommandParam properties.
Error: 0xC004701A at Data Flow Task — my task 1, DTS.Pipeline: component «Lookup — my lookup task 1» (234) failed the pre-execute phase and returned error code 0xC020824E.
FYI — I am using June CTP.
Nitesh -
i am trying to update my norton internet security antivirus
but it is unable to update
when i search for that one command is there to resolve when in run the command it is saying that code
the command is regsvr32 %windir%system32msxml3.dll
error is call to dllregisterserver is failed with erro code 0x80004005
It’s unclear from your post if you’re even using SQL Server or Integration Services. If you’re experiencing an issue with Norton, you should contact the vendor for assistance. This forum is for questions and issues on SQL Server Integration Services.
Hi David,
I am having a problem updating a fresh install of Windows XP SP2. I was successful in the fresh install and the subsequent update to XP3. Unfortunately I seem to be having issues now. The updates download with no problem. Unfortunately none are installed. It basically freezes at the attempt to install, when the dialogue box indicated initializating the install.
The information, screen shots and copy of windows update log are at this location for your perusal.
http://www.dslreports.com/forum/r20768460-XP-Pro-MS-Update-Not-InitializingAll to say that error code in the title is the error code I am seeing in the windows update log!!
Any suggestion or help you can give would be appreciated.
Have you solve your issue ? I’m facing the same problem with my Integration services job since i did the upgrade on Visual Studio 2010, on the lookup specially.
I have been searching for a while, but can’t find a solution.
На ИТС часто даются описания кодов ошибок, но они не всегда исчерпывающие. В этой статье мы будем пытаться продолжать «исчерпывать» 🙂
При эсклуатации баз данных 1С вы можете сталкнуться с такой ситуацией:
Сеанс работы завершен администратором.
по причине:
Соединение с сервером баз данных разорвано администратором
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server: Неопознанная ошибка
Признаки проблемы: нельзя выгрузить в dt
Внимание! Ошибок с кодом 80004005 уйма, более подробно классофикацию я описал здесь http://www.gilev.ru/1c/mssql/errsql.htm . Здесь же мы говорим именно о «неопознанной ошибке» 🙂
Сотрудники 1С рекомендуют решать проблему так:
1. Проверить конфигурацию на наличие некорректной информации (мусора). Для этого следует выполнить команду «Проверка конфигурации» с установленным флажком «Проверка логической целостности конфигурации». При выявлении проблем будет выдано сообщение. Некорректная информация при этом будет удалена автоматически, однако следует обеспечить доступность для изменения корневого объекта конфигурации (напимер, при работе с хранилищем его следует захватить).
2. Если Ваша конфигурация находится на поддержке, следует подобным образом проверить конфигурацию поставщика. Для этого в настройке поддержки следует сохранить конфигурацию поставщика в cf файл, загрузить его в новую базу и выполнить описанную в пункте 1 процедуру. В случае, если было получено сообщение об исправлении, значит конфигурация поставщика содержит некорректную информацию. В этом случае следует снять Вашу конфигурацию с поддержки и заново поставить путем объединения со свежим релизом конфигурации поставщика. В настоящее время все релизы выпускаемые 1С проходят проверку и выпускаются без данной проблемы.
3. Также с этой ситуацией пересекается следующая ситуация:
10007066 Запись данных, содержащих колонки типа ХранилищеЗначения
При использовании СУБД MS SQL SERVER при записи объекта базы данных, содержащего несколько колонок типа ХранилищеЗначения, данные для которых получены из файлов, может происходить ошибка
Ошибка СУБД:Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server: String data length mismatchHRESULT=80004005и аварийное завершение работы программы.
Дата публикации: 2008-11-13
Включив технологический журнал на время загрузки, можно определить таблицу, в которой содержатся такие хранилища. Найдите средствами MS SQL Server Query Analizer в этой таблице колонки типа image. Для каждой колонки типа image выполните запрос вида:
select top 10 DATALENGTH(_Fld4044)
from _InfoReg4038
order by DATALENGTH(_Fld4044) desc
Нюансы: обратите внимание, что «Стандартные проверки» платформой (chdbfl, в конфигураторе) упорно говорят, что с базой все ОК.
Суть проблемы: важно, что под это сообщение об ошибке могут подпадать разные причины, но у них есть общая часть для 1С — это не достаточно оперативной памяти. А еще точнее неэффектиное использование ресурсов памяти. Отсюда косвенные способы победить проблему: путем рестарта сервера (на некотрое время становиться больше доступной памяти) или перейти на 64-разрядный сервер приложений.
1С:Предприятие 8.2. Лицензия на сервер (x86-64)
По опыту проблема связана с хранением данных в реквизите хранилище значений либо наличием в таблице config двоичных данных БОЛЬШЕ 120 mb.
Обобщенные рекомендации, если рекомендации от 1С не помогли (проделать следующие действия в указанном порядке):
1. Выключить все фоновый задачи у всех баз
В 8.1.11 появился переключатель «запрет на фоновые задания» в
момент создания базы.
Готов пояснить, фоновые задания сами по себе не зло, но регламентные процедуры
с полнотекстовым поиском — вещь в себе — и память она может через какое время
съедать ресурсы rphost.exe, что на другие операции не останеться, и просто
базу блокировать
т.е. другими словами, после первого шага уже можно проверять — возможно проблема «уйдет».
2. Перезапустить сервер
Второй шаг является частным случаем для вашего случая и после него тоже
есть смысл проверять работоспособность. Однако поскольку существуют утечки памяти http://www.gilev.ru/1c/memleak, то через некоторое время после рестарта пролема может вернуться.
3) делаем бэкап средствами sql
Делать резервное копирование рекомендую при любых действиях, когда может потребоваться «возврат» к предыдущему состоянию данных
4) снимаем базу с поддержки, выгружаем cf
убиваем в менежмент консоли базе данных в таблице config запись более 120Мб, делаем «загрузить конфигурацию» (не объединение) убиваем в менежмент консоли базе данных в таблице config запись более 120Мб, делаем «загрузить конфигурацию» (не объединение)
вот пример работоспособности этого приема
1. Открыть конфигратор;
2. Снял конфигурацию с поддержки, ПРИ ЭТОМ КОНФИГУРАЦИЮ НЕ СОХРАНЯЛ!
3. Далее Сохранить конфигурацию в файл (не сохраняя измененной конфигурации);
4. В SQL для требуемой базы выполнил следующую команду:
DELETE FROM dbo.Config WHERE DataSize > 125829120
5. Загрузить сохраненную конфигурацию обратно.
Взято с http://www.forum.mista.ru/topic.php?id=465608
можно попробывать и более радикальный шаг здесь:
удаляем (в менежмент консоли) в базе данных таблицу «config»
DROP TABLE [dbo].[Config]
5) делаем «загрузить конфигурацию» (не объединение) из cf
после этого проверяем, проблема уходит.
Error Description:
microsoft ole db provider for sql server error 80004005
Open Database Connectivity, or ODBC, is a simple approach to construct dynamic website applications.
Web apps, on the other hand, can fail owing to ODBC database connection issues. They too report an microsoft ole db provider for sql server error 80004005
It can be difficult to figure out what’s causing the ODBC problem.
In this article, we’ll look at the top five causes of ODBC error 80004005.
The back-end of the great majority of websites on the internet is a database. The user information and linked data are stored in databases on these websites. We frequently utilize the ODBC approach to display these details on the website.
This ODBC approach, fortunately, is not affected by the website’s coding language. That is, it makes no difference whether your website is written in PHP or ASP.
The ODBC database drivers are responsible for storing the underlying database information and allowing users to connect to database systems. If this database connection fails for whatever reason, microsoft ole db provider for sql server error 80004005 ODBC occurs.
Such ODBC problems are common on websites that use Microsoft Access databases. These errors are generated by ASP websites when they are unable to access the database file. These 80004005 problems can also be found in the OLE DB Provider for ODBC or the Microsoft Jet Database Engine.
What is the reason of the ODBC error 80004005?
It’s now time to investigate the sources of error 80004005. Our Dedicated Engineers frequently face this message in numerous scenarios as a result of their experience managing websites.
1. Permissions are incorrect
Basically, Windows websites should be able to access database files with the extensions.mdb,.ldb, and so on. If any of the read or write permissions are lacking, we will not be able to continue.
2. A process is already under progress.
Multiple processes at once are difficult to manage in Microsoft Access databases. An ODBC connection error can occur if a process still has a file handle open to the database. This usually occurs when users do not properly close the connection. A incomplete upload of a database file via FTP client, for example, can leave an open connection.
3. SQL server constraints
Last but not least, ODBC error 80004005 can also be caused by SQL server security restrictions. When Integrated security is enabled in SQL Enterprise Manager, the windows account should be mapped to the database account. Otherwise, website issues will occur.
4.DSN settings that are incorrect
Data Space Name, or DSN, settings are another typical cause of ODBC issues. DSN, in general, contains information about the website-specific database to which the ODBC driver connects. Any incorrect information will create ODBC connection issues.
5. Customers may neglect to build a DSN or enter the database file’s location incorrectly. Again, DSN creation on servers with control panels may fail to create necessary files on the server. ODBC errors are also generated as a result of this.
6. Database corruption – Obviously, a corrupt database will always result in an error. And, in such cases, search query will not yield correct results and show up ODBC error 80004005.
How Do We Fix microsoft ole db provider for sql server error 80004005?
Normally we couldn’t connect to the database on the website app. The error message displayed on the website was:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005' [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified
- As a first step, we need to double check the database file permissions and ownership. If the files were properly permissioned under the IUSR account then go to next step.
- On the server we need to make sure an ODBC driver was also present.
- The DSN connection string was then examined. We need to check and correct that the database connection string in the .asa file was correctly setup. If wrongly set up then we need to change the settings and the website would be fault was resolved.
- Similarly, when ODBC problems occur as a result of open connections, we need recycle the website’s application pool, closing any open connections.
Modified on: Tue, 7 Apr, 2020 at 4:05 PM
Error Message:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error ‘80004005’
[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.
/test.asp, line 6
1. You have connected to a wrong MSSQL server
2. Your database username and password might be incorrect.
1. Make sure that the database connection is well defined with the correct MSSQL host,
port (if required, else optional), database username and password.
Additional Information:
1. If you are Windows 2003 hosting client, you may double check on your database information by :
a. Login into HELM control panel
b. Go to «Domains» >> select the domain name >> «Database Manager»
c. Click on the database name from the list
d. Refer «Connection Information» for MSSQL Server Host, database user is listed under the»Database Users» section.
e. You may manage the database user by click on the database user name or click on «Add New» to setup a new
database user
2. If you are Windows 2000 hosting client, please contact our System Engineer for further information as domain
hosted on Windows 2000 server has been migrated to Windows 2003 server.