The only causes of this issue (the sign being menyoo.asi core crashing with id 36 to 42) that I know are: -incompatible menyoo with game version
-incompatible update.rpf with game version
-broken menyoo.asi code
-broken modded addon vehicles (programmed by imbeciles)
-Corrupted menyoo spooner file
-Probably some modded vehicles beingc incompatible.
-Incorrect adddon vehicle .xml file (forgot it’s name but you can find it as custom.xml for addon vehicles)
If you really, really want to fix this issue, it’s worth rechecking all of these causes from 0 (reinstalling all mods, new and compatible menyoo from that link to that forum with asi fixes, updating update.rpf from OpenIV, or reinstall Gta 5. A crap tone to do, ik, but this is all I have left, I’m sorry…
Installation Help & Troubleshooting
Menyoo error
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When I modded something gta v suddenly stop I don’t what is going on but when I open again tat mod it gives an error
<scripthook, an exception occur while executing menyoo.asi id 36 > help I m in the middle of making mod. I don’t find a way
are you using the current version of menyoo?
i’m pretty sure it hasn’t been updated yet so you need to use the previous version
Do u have link of previous version
you only need to replace the .asi file, leave the menyoostuff folder as is
@welkominspace I have tat 1 installed which u provide link I do replace but again tat error come
were you clicking on the ground?
does it crash on startup or when you do certain things?it has it’s bugs but this is the best menyoo working right now.
i think you just need to wait till the update if it keeps happening.
Everything was ok until I save my made mod then it crashed, it has 950 something props but I do more than in 1000 in other tat was running. Is there any other way
Like changing script hook
@welkominspace when I load my mod then it give error when I load other mod xml it is running. Crashes on my mod
@Torreto612 are some (video) tutorials in there, you just gotta sift through 2000 comments maybe to find your specific solution.
lot of people are having problems, but also a lot of people there with usefull tips, so maybe you’ll have luck there.
just start from the latest comments up
This post is deleted!
Thanks for telling me it, somehow it work with previous version of menyoo but it load for sometime(5-10min) after tat game crashed tats ok at least I am able to see what I made but I can’t upload it on with dis bug. I think my file is corrupted
Well appreciate yr help
On 7/10/2021 at 1:14 PM, zyxle said:
try taking it out from ur files and replacing it… if that does not work try getting a newer version of menyoo and/or script hook
I did get a new version of menyoo but still same issue. I will see if I have the newist script hook or not.
On 7/4/2021 at 12:45 PM, ikt said:
Use the releases on GitHub:
Thanks for the link but still the same issue.
Edited July 13, 2021 by truffleshuffle03
MENYOO is a GUI trainer mod for the GTA 5 game. In this brief guide, you will get to know how to solve the issue of “MENYOO Not Working” for GTA V on PC.
As most of the people have downloaded Menyoo and are having problems with it. So here is the simple solution to fix this problem.
If you have not downloaded the menyoo, then first download it to your PC.
After downloading, open the file. Then open up the compressed file with a zip, 7-zip or WinRar.
These two files you need, menustuff and menyoo.asi. Many people had problems after they installed these two. The menyoo.asi starts to disappear once the game starts. So let’s see how to keep menu.asi inside of the game. When you start the game, you need to press F8 and the menu will pop up. Now open up your GTA V directory and take these two files menuStuff and menu.asi into this directory. Now you have these two files installed into your directory and now minimize this directory window.
Now open up the security software whichever you have in your PC.
Open PC security and click on real time scanning.
This little window will pop up and will do real time scanning, do not click the turn off button. Only thing you should press is excluding files.
Now add menu.asi into your excluded files. Once you click on excluded files it will open up then it will have an option to add file, click on add file and go to find your directory to get menu.asi file.
Once you click menu.asi go ahead and open this file, you will see your file there in the security wizard you have opened. It is quite simple just find your security system whichever you have then click on real time scanning and then click on excluded files go ahead and add the menu.asi file from GTA 5 directory.
Close all the windows and go to open the game to check everything we have done so far is working or not.
When the game loads, you have to press F8 twice, the first time you press it, you will hear a sound.
The second time you press it the menyoo will open up means you have it ready for you.
Now for the people who have troubles downloading the file to begin with. Those who are clicking the download button but the file is not downloading or downloaded have an empty zip.
You people have to go to your security system and turn your anti-virus wall off while you download the mod menyoo. Then you can install it and can then follow up all the steps shown above and then turn on the anti-virus security system, as that is the only way to get your file downloaded to your PC. as your anti-virus trying to protect your system from viruses but this is not a virus it actually has a Trojan inside that restricts or stopping it to work but anyways you have to turn your antivirus off in order to download it into your system.
Grand Theft Auto V, better known as GTA V, is the second most sold video game, with over 150 million units sold, as of May 2021. This game is known for its incredible graphics, elaborate storyline, enormous open world, and an even better online multiplayer element.
Though there are a huge number of amazing attributes added to this game by Rockstar Games, a lot of gamers like to insert custom scripts in their game files to customize the gameplay to their liking. A lot of them find the Script Hook V tool very useful.
However, this can cause a headache by showing you an error dialog box titled “Script Hook V Critical Error”. This article will help you fix the Script Hook V critical error on your Windows 10 application.
What is the Script Hook V app?
The Script Hook V is a Dynamic Link Library (dll) file that permits the inclusion of customized game modification .asi script native functions, into the game so that the gamer can enjoy the game in the way they want to.
This is one of the tools that can be used to add mods that are in the form of .asi plugins. This is a tool that does not allow users to use mods in a GTA Online session. If a user tries to join an online lobby the Script Hook V, ends the GTA V task, immediately.
This might sound like a lot of fun but Rockstar Games is not a big fan of this feature.
What does the Script Hook V critical error message mean in Grand Theft Auto V?
As mentioned above, Rockstar Games frowns upon this .dll file and considers using this on a game session cheating. Their anti-cheat system detects this file as a cheat and with every patch update, Rockstar removes this tool’s ability to latch on to the game and run custom scripts in-game.
To equalize this, AB Software Development, the developers of the Script Hook V tool, release a new update for this tool every time Rockstart pushes out a patch or DLC update. When the Script Hook V file is removed from the game and you try to run the game, you will see the Script Hool V Critical Error dialog box with the details of the error.
There are only two known methods to fix the Script Hook V critical error in GTA V.
- Download the latest version of the Script Hook app
- Go back to an older version of Script Hook
Follow these steps to fix the Script Hook application critical error in GTA V on your Microsoft Windows 10 computer.
Fixing the Script Hook V critical error in Grand Theft Auto V
Before getting into these workarounds, you will have to reboot your system and reset the network equipment, that is used to connect the device to the internet. You will need an internet connection to download the Script Hook V application’s zip files on your computer.
These are your solutions to resolve the Script Hook V critical error in your GTA V game.
Download the latest version of the Script Hook app
The first solution is to dissolve the Script Hook error on your computer by updating the Script Hook application on your system. Since this is not a usual .exe application, the steps to install this tool are slightly different.
Use this procedure to update the Script Hook application to the most recent version of this tool.
- Download the Script Hook app from a trusted website. We downloaded it from a mods website and it worked without any issues, till the next patch update was released for GTA V.
- The file will be downloaded as a zip file. Extract the downloaded zip file to any location.
- From the extracted files, go into the bin folder and select all the contents of this folder.
You should see these downloaded files – dinput8.dll, NativeTrainer.asi, and ScriptHookV.dll.
- Copy these files and paste them into the Grand Theft Auto V game installation folder. If you are a Steam user, your game can be found in this location:
C:Program Files (x86)Steamsteamappscommon
For Epic Games store users, this is your GTA V directory:
C:Program FilesEpic Games
If you have a cracked file, you can have any random game installation folder. You have to right-click on the game shortcut and choose the Open file location option from the context menu.
- The files might exist already, choose the Copy and Replace option from the Replace or Skip Files dialog box.
This will update the Script Hook app on your computer. Make sure that you download the correct version. Adding a banned version can cause the game to identify you as a cheater and cause launching errors.
Go back to an older version of Script Hook
If a newer version of the Script Hook V tool is not supported by the game, you can go back to a version of the application that was not blacklisted by the GTA V developers. This is your solution if there are no workaround updates of the Script Hool tool related to the latest patch update of the GTA V.
These are the steps to roll back the available version of the Script Hook V tool.
- Go to the GTA V game location directory.
- From the extracted files, copy and paste the GTAV and GTAVLauncher executable files into the game directory.
- Click on the Replace the file in the destination option.
The original executable files will be removed and replaced by the ones from the Script Hook zip file.
- Then, copy the Update.rpf file and paste it into the Update folder in the installation folder location.
- Choose the Replace the files in the Destination option and this file’s genuine namesake will be replaced by the one with the bin folder.
These steps will give you an older version of the game that does not cause any trouble for the newest version of the Script Hool tool. Though this is a valid workaround, the platform which hosts your GTA V game will search for available updates, every time the system is booted up or when the game is attempted to be launched.
- Now, download the No Launcher mod from any GTA V mod website and extract it to any location.
- Then, copy and paste the extracted files into the GTA V game installed directory.
- Run the No_GTAVLAUNCHER.exe application and the game will be launched, without any checking for updates.
The No_GTAVLAUNCHER is a very important aspect. This will prevent the GTA V game from searching for available updates. If an update is downloaded, you will not be able to use the Script Hook tool as a new patch update is most likely to prevent the game from launching, even in offline mode, when it detects the Script Hook files in the installation folder.
These are the two methods to fix the Script Hook V critical error in GTA V. We recommend that you be very careful. Replacing the wrong files can make the game crash and you might have to install the game again for it to be launched without any errors. Happy Gaming!
How do I fix Scripthook v critical error?
The Script Hook V critical error is inevitable when the GTA V game has a new patch update. It has to be updated to the latest version of the files or you will have to go back to an older version of the game to fix this error and avoid this error for a considerable amount of time. If you roll back the game, you will have to use the No GTA V launcher to run the game or your updates-free game will be updated and you will have to repeat the above steps.
How do I get rid of Scripthook V?
To get rid of the Script Hook V critical error on your computer, you will have to update the files or go back to a previously installed version of the game. You will need the No GTA V launcher tool to run the game if you revert back to an older version.
How do I fix script hook V error Menyoo?
To fix the Script Hook V error Menyoo.asi error, you will have to update the menu trainer or move back to an older version of it. You might need a no launcher mod to run the application without any errors.
How long does script hook take to update?
Updating the Script Hook tool involves extracting, copying, and pasting the application files into the game’s installed location from the bin folder. Since these files aren’t very big in size, the process of updating the Script hook file shouldn’t take more than five minutes, in total.