- TechPowerUp Announces MemTest64 — Test Memory from Within Windows
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- Ошибки памяти в Memtest
- Elasticsearch process memory locking failed
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TechPowerUp Announces MemTest64 — Test Memory from Within Windows
- Runs on Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10. 64-bit OS only
- Supports all modern processors, including Intel Core and AMD Ryzen
- No reboot or DOS-mode required
- You can control how much memory to test, to reduce operational impact
- Memory is tested using various detection algorithms
- Errors will be detected automatically
- Does not require Administrator privileges
- No installation or registry modifications required.
DeathtoGnomes@W1zzard Will you be adding the ability to temporarily change memory timings and test them to this?:)
Very good 😀
A 32-bit version would be nice too 🙂
EDIT: I tried it on my desktop on default settings (maximum memory allocation) and my computer almost crashed, 100% memory usage, SSD paging like a crazy and the screen flashed black (because DWM crashed)
I will try lowering the memory setting
EDIT2: Now I get Memory locking failed (might be reserved by other apps/kernel)
Derek12Very good 😀
But a 32-bit version would be nice too 🙂
EDIT: I run it on my desktop and my computer almost crashed, 100% memory usage, SSD paging like a crazy and the screen flashed black (because DWM crashed)
32-bit version isn’t possible because it wouldn’t be able to allocate enough memory for testing. Everybody uses 64-bit nowadays.
«Maximum» might slow down your system indeed, you did get the message about your system «appearing hung», right ? Windows 10 or Windows 7?
W1zzard32-bit version isn’t possibly because it wouldn’t be able to allocate enough memory for testing. Everybody uses 64-bit nowadays.
«Maximum» might slow down your system indeed, you did get the message about your system «appearing hung», right ? Windows 10 or Windows 7?
Windows 10.
There are currently lots of 32-bit systems out there (including my recently acquired 2-in-1) but yes, this tool is more focused to enthusiasts who have 64-bit systems
I didn’t get any message but yes, the desktop started to lag badly and the screen turned black for a while, then memtest closed, and a event about DWM crashing appeared 🙁
I finally get it running by allocating 8 GB and after a few tries with the locking error. That means the rest of the RAM (4 GB) is not being tested right?
Module 0:
DDR3, 8192 MB, 64-bit, 1333 MHz
DIMM_A1 BANK 0 Kingston 99U5471-057.A00LF
Module 1:
DDR3, 4096 MB, 64-bit, 1333 MHz
DIMM_B1 BANK 2 Kingston 99U5474-016.A00LF
0.000: Detecting usable memory (12232 MB theoretical max).
12.125: 11648 MB Test starting on 4 CPUs.
12.141: Allocating memory.
20.656: Starting loop 1
20.672: Stuck Address Test.
26.625: Random Data Test.
32.687: Move Data Test.
35.094: Bitpattern Test.
59.656: Test finished with no errors detected
0.000: Detecting usable memory (12232 MB theoretical max).
2.703: Test finished with no errors detected
0.000: 8192 MB Test starting on 4 CPUs.
0.015: Allocating memory.
3.265: Memory locking failed (might be reserved by other apps/kernel)
3.640: Test finished with no errors detected
0.000: 8192 MB Test starting on 4 CPUs.
0.000: Allocating memory.
7.391: Memory locking failed (might be reserved by other apps/kernel)
7.906: Test finished with no errors detected
0.000: 8192 MB Test starting on 4 CPUs.
0.000: Allocating memory.
6.547: Memory locking failed (might be reserved by other apps/kernel)
7.094: Test finished with no errors detected
0.000: 8192 MB Test starting on 4 CPUs.
0.000: Allocating memory.
7.000: Starting loop 1
7.000: Stuck Address Test.
11.078: Random Data Test.
15.219: Move Data Test.
16.672: Bitpattern Test.
140.953: Starting loop 2
140.953: Stuck Address Test.
144.984: Random Data Test.
149.078: Move Data Test.
150.531: Bitpattern Test.
274.766: Starting loop 3
274.766: Stuck Address Test.
278.875: Random Data Test.
285.094: Move Data Test.
286.547: Bitpattern Test.
410.609: Starting loop 4
410.609: Stuck Address Test.
414.734: Random Data Test.
418.844: Move Data Test.
420.312: Bitpattern Test.
453.641: Test finished with no errors detected
Derek12That means the rest of the RAM (4 GB) is not being tested right?
It is not a linear allocation. The allocated 8 GB are not contiguous and tested memory pages can be located in any ram stick in your system.
The 11648 MB test is the one that crashed DWM? What if you select the next smaller test size?
I am very excited about this announcement and will definitely put this into my USB toolkit at work.
Thank you so much.
Derek12Very good 😀
A 32-bit version would be nice too 🙂
EDIT: I tried it on my desktop on default settings (maximum memory allocation) and my computer almost crashed, 100% memory usage, SSD paging like a crazy and the screen flashed black (because DWM crashed)
I will try lowering the memory setting
EDIT2: Now I get Memory locking failed (might be reserved by other apps/kernel)
Memory locking failed (might be reserved by other apps/kernel)
I got this but just waited a second and tried again and it was fine.
OctopussLooks like complicated software. Do you code stuff for living then? I don’t suppose TPU can generate enough money to live off?
I don’t think Secure boot has any effect.
The locking error happens when you ask it to test more memory than Windows thinks it can free up for testing.
I already have a purchased hci-memtest deluxe (that’s the non memtest86+ version, the one running from windows), so will be comparing the two.
I asked it in the original thread, but received no reply, so let me try here again 🙂
Do number of cores have any bearing on the test process or results thereof? For example hci advises a minimum of 16 tests running parallel for me (one per core), RAM equally divided between them.
W1zzardIt is not a linear allocation. The allocated 8 GB are not contiguous and tested memory pages can be located in any ram stick in your system.
The 11648 MB test is the one that crashed DWM? What if you select the next smaller test size?
Yes, it is when DWM crashed! anyway seemed to happen only once
The next smaller size (11264) worked fine 🙂
Ooh a new toy, can’t wait to try it
AenraDo number of cores have any bearing on the test process or results thereof?
FrickThat right there is about the only legit reason to stay on Windows 7.
Good tool. Here are some of my suggestions.
30GB RAM for my 128GB RAM. I hoped it can test close to the limit at least.
2. Reports RAM speed at 2933 while they run at 3000
3. Can’t run with Windows task manager open
Ошибки памяти в Memtest
Купил комп с 4мя планками памяти, часть была битой, повез назад, в сервис центре проверили и заменили 2 из 4, я вернулся домой начал переустанавливать всё, но потом ХОП, и опять смотрю БСОД душит, плюнул, решил опять проверить память, по одной планке пихаю и чекаю, хлоп 2 с ошибками:
— на одной 8 ошибок
— на второй 140+
но вот любопытный момент, когда я начал перепроверять те что с ошибками, та что была с 8ю больше ошибок не выдавала(в разных слотах! считая тот в котором была ошибка), та что была с овер 140 осталась с ошибками.
Что это значит?
Добавлено через 4 часа 35 минут
Охренеть, спустя 5 часов, протер все планки, вставил их все вместе и запустил тест, и ошибок не нашлось. Что за хрень?!
тест памяти прогой memtest+4.10 выдал ошибки и не могу загрузиться
тест памяти прогой memtest+4.10 выдал ошибки и не могу загрузиться даже в биос материнка со.
Ошибки Memtest с нулевого теста
Memtest86+ v 1.70 МП: GA-8S661GXMP (видео на борту откусывает часть памяти) Память: hynix.
Память ocz3soe10662g, ошибки в memtest
Всем добрый день! Имеется в наличии: 1. материнка asrock m3a790gxh/128m 2. проц phenom II x.
Оценить результат memtest (тест памяти)
в Виндовс 8 постоянно выскакивают экраны смерти, проверил память мемтестом, который выдал вот.
Проблема никуда не делась, БСОД как душил, так и душит, только ошибки иные, теперь вылетела
До этого была
Как бы проблема оказалась не только в оперативке.
Протирал я без спирта, тупо салфеткой.
Добавлено через 13 минут
Словил еще один БСОД, теперь при установке обновлений на винду
Crown ATX CMC-SM161 450W
Intel Core i7-4771 (Haswell, Socket 1150)
Gigabyte GA-B85M-DS3H Soc-1150 B85 4*DDR, mATX SATA3
DDR3 8192Mb 1600Mhz — 4планки
128GB BX100 SATA3, SSD винт
Gigabyte PCI-E NV GV-N650OC-4GI GTX650 4096MB DDR5 128bit
И только что словил новую ошибку просто при запуске винды
Stop 0x0000001e
Что касается драйверов, я ничего не ставил толком:
установил только систему, потом драва видео(последние с оффсайта geforce), драйвера на сетевую карту и на USB3.0. + установил игру Archeage и Glyph под нее.
Добавлено через 5 минут
Компу пришла полнаz писта, после попытки обновить винду, словил следом вот такой БСОД
Stop 0x000000D1
Добавлено через 29 минут
Теперь ловлю БСОД при любой нагрузке, решаю восстановить систему, если не поможет, буду переустанавливать другой дистрибутив, а дальше тока везти в саппорт.
Elasticsearch process memory locking failed
I have set boostrap.memory_lock=true Updated /etc/security/limits.conf added memlock unlimited for elastic search user
My elastic search was running fine for many months. Suddenly it failed 1 day back. In logs I can see below error and process never starts
ERROR: bootstrap checks failed memory locking requested for elasticsearch process but memory is not locked
I hit ulimit -as and I can see max locked memory set to unlimited. What is going wrong here? I have been trying for hours but all in vain. Please help.
OS is RHEL 7.2 Elasticsearch 5.1.2
ulimit -as output
8 Answers 8
Here is what I have done to lock the memory on my ES nodes on RedHat/Centos 7 (it will work on other distributions if they use systemd).
You must make the change in 4 different places:
1) /etc/sysconfig/elasticsearch
On sysconfig: /etc/sysconfig/elasticsearch you should have:
(replace 4g with HALF your available RAM as recommended here)
2) /etc/security/limits.conf
On security limits config: /etc/security/limits.conf you should have
3) /usr/lib/systemd/system/elasticsearch.service
On the service script: /usr/lib/systemd/system/elasticsearch.service you should uncomment:
you should do systemctl daemon-reload after changing the service script
4) /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml
On elasticsearch config finally: /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml you should add:
Thats it, restart your node and the RAM will be locked, you should notice a major performance improvement.
Ошибки распределения памяти могут быть вызваны медленным ростом файла страницы
В этой статье предусмотрен обход ошибок, которые возникают при частом выделении памяти приложениями.
Применяется к: Windows 10 — все выпуски
Исходный номер КБ: 4055223
Приложения, которые часто выделяют память, могут испытывать случайные ошибки из памяти. Такие ошибки могут привести к другим ошибкам или неожиданному поведению в затронутых приложениях.
Сбои в распределении памяти могут возникать из-за задержки, связанные с ростом размера файла страницы для поддержки дополнительных требований к памяти в системе. Возможной причиной этих сбоев является настройка размера файла страницы в качестве «автоматического». Автоматический размер файла страницы начинается с небольшого файла страницы и автоматически растет по мере необходимости.
Система IO состоит из многих компонентов, включая фильтры файловой системы, файловые системы, фильтры громкости, фильтры хранения и т. д. Определенные компоненты в данной системе могут привести к вариативности в росте файлов страниц.
Обходной путь
Чтобы решить эту проблему, необходимо вручную настроить размер файла страницы. Для этого выполните следующие действия:
- Нажмите клавишу Windows + клавишу Pause/Break, чтобы открыть System Properties.
- Выберите параметры расширенных систем и Параметры в разделе Производительность на вкладке Advanced.
- Выберите вкладку Advanced и выберите Изменение в разделе Виртуальная память.
- Очистить автоматически управляемый размер файла для всех дисков.
- Выберите настраиваемый размер, а затем установите значения «Начальный размер» и «Максимальный размер» для файла paging. Рекомендуется установить начальный размер в 1,5 раза больше оперативной памяти в системе.
- Выберите ОК, чтобы применить параметры, а затем перезапустить систему. Если вы продолжаете получать сообщения об ошибках из памяти, увеличите «начальный размер» файла страницы.
Корпорация Майкрософт подтвердила, что это проблема в Windows 10.
Дополнительная информация
При использовании компиляторов Microsoft Visual C++ (cl.exe) могут возникнуть такие ошибки сборки, как следующие:
- Роковая ошибка C1076: ограничение компиляторов: достигнута внутренняя куча; использование /Zm для указания более высокого ограничения
- Роковая ошибка C1083: не удается opentypefile: «файл»: сообщение
- Роковая ошибка C1090: вызов API PDB не удалось, код ошибки «код»: «сообщение»
- Ошибка компиляторов C3859: превышен диапазон виртуальной памяти для PCH; пожалуйста, перекомпактуйте с параметром командной строки ‘-ZmXXX’ или больше
Дополнительные сведения об ошибках компиляторов Visual C++ и о том, как их обойти, см. в материале Precompiled Header (PCH) issues and recommendations.
[SOLVED] Display randomly shows ‘No Signal’ when I overclock RAM sticks
Thread starterjackal990
Start dateAug 25, 2021
You should upgrade or use an alternative browser.
Then I started tinkering with RAM voltage, at A-XMP profile, I first increased the voltage to 1.38v and did custom Prime95 test (range 448k to 4096k, 70% of RAM size, ‘in-place’ unchecked, this test is said to test RAM stability), the system crashed in first 3 minutes. Then I increased the voltage to 1.42, Prime95 test went smooth for nearly two hours then I closed it. I thought I’ve solved the issue, so I tried decompressing 25gb file (original size=110gb), the system crashed again.
After crashes, quite often the CPU led of motherboard lights up. Does CPU led indicate RAMs are incompatible with the CPU? What should I do next?
- Nov 7, 2011
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Do you have the latest BIOS? Are modules in slots two and four away from the CPU? With A-XMP enabled, manually set to DDR4-2933 to see if you can pass decompressing. If it can, check CPU SoC Voltage, you may need to boost this to stabilize the CPU internal memory controller.
I think I found the problem. The new memory stick I bought 3 days ago through Amazon is faulty. My older RAM went through both Hitman 2 benchmarks (Miami/Mumbai), tested it on OCCT and memtest64 for 15 minutes each and no error or crash. The new RAM crashed on Hitman benchmark, crashed on OCCT in less than 2 minutes. During first attempt of memtest64 it showed «memory locking failed (might be reserved by other apps/kernel)» and stopped, on second run it just crashed without showing any error. It’s heatsink is also loose. Earlier I thought this RAM was okay since it passed memtest86+, which I ran for 2 hours. It’s still within 7 days replacement/return warranty, gonna go for replacement.
It’s a pleasant surprise to see support from your side. Can you please clarify on one thing? My older RAM which I bought in 2019 is also f4-3200c16s-16gtzr but it’s manufactured by Hynix and the new RAM was made by Samsung. If after replacement I again get Samsung made chip, will there be compatibility issue while pairing it with Hynix RAM? And yes, the BIOS is up to date and there are only two RAM slots in the motherboard (MSI b450m pro-m2 max).
- Oct 6, 2014
- 20,483
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I think I found the problem. The new memory stick I bought 3 days ago through Amazon is faulty. My older RAM went through both Hitman 2 benchmarks (Miami/Mumbai), tested it on OCCT and memtest64 for 15 minutes each and no error or crash. The new RAM crashed on Hitman benchmark, crashed on OCCT in less than 2 minutes. During first attempt of memtest64 it showed «memory locking failed (might be reserved by other apps/kernel)» and stopped, on second run it just crashed without showing any error. It’s heatsink is also loose. Earlier I thought this RAM was okay since it passed memtest86+, which I ran for 2 hours. It’s still within 7 days replacement/return warranty, gonna go for replacement.It’s a pleasant surprise to see support from your side. Can you please clarify on one thing? My older RAM which I bought in 2019 is also f4-3200c16s-16gtzr but it’s manufactured by Hynix and the new RAM was made by Samsung. If after replacement I again get Samsung made chip, will there be compatibility issue while pairing it with Hynix RAM? And yes, the BIOS is up to date and there are only two RAM slots in the motherboard (MSI b450m pro-m2 max).
This is why memory is sold in matched sets.
They use what is available.
People see the same part number and think it’s the exact memory but the part number doesn’t say that. It’s the part number for the brand, style, speed, and cas nothing to do with using the same parts.
This is why memory is sold in matched sets.
They use what is available.People see the same part number and think it’s the exact memory but the part number doesn’t say that. It’s the part number for the brand, style, speed, and cas nothing to do with using the same parts.
I did check on Thaiphoon. Part Number (under DRAM components) and manufacturer are different, everything else from frequency, latency, voltage, architecture etc. was exactly the same
- Jan 13, 2014
- 2,243
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Mixing ram is interesting, let’s say. It can work, it might not. I ran 1 kit of Hynix and 1 kit of Samsung (4 total sticks) for a year, both same timings and speed, 3000 Mhz, CL15. Took me a while to get it stable at XMP-values, had to go in manually and edit timings. Mostly I didn’t want to bother so I ran em at 2800 Mhz. I had played with overclocking the Hynix kit for 6-12 months so I knew what it was capable of. So that was an upperhand. The Samsung kit was disappointing, probably worse than the Hynix kit.
Were you able to get both of them to run at 3000mhz or did you just stick to 2800? I’m not really mixing RAMs though, both are same modules: f4-3200c16s-16gtzr, one is manufactured by Hynix, other by Samsung. Thing is, you can’t tell it’s manufactured by which company until you open up the packing
- Aug 24, 2012
- 15,515
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- 85,740
Unless all of the sticks came from the factory, together, packed in the same package, they are NOT the same and may very well not work together. Memory timings are much tighter than they were a generation or so ago and what worked then may well not work today.
Well that sucks. Guess I will only find out when replacement RAM comes. I would like to point out though, I’m not looking to overclock it. Meaning I don’t intend to go beyond 3200mhz, could there be issue even then?
- Jan 13, 2014
- 2,243
- 175
- 20,940
Were you able to get both of them to run at 3000mhz or did you just stick to 2800? I’m not really mixing RAMs though, both are same modules: f4-3200c16s-16gtzr, one is manufactured by Hynix, other by Samsung. Thing is, you can’t tell it’s manufactured by which company until you open up the packing
Yes, 3000 Mhz eventually ran. And you are mixing RAM. Just as I was.
In terms of overclocking, XMP is technically overclocking, just that you have a profile for it, made by the RAM «packagers». It might work at 3200 Mhz, you might have to drop to 3000 Mhz.
I had no problems at 2800 Mhz. XMP Timings at 3000 Mhz were 15-17-17 so when I ran 2800 Mhz I dropped all of them by one. 14-16-16. I highly recommend you run a memory tester, Testmem5 Anta or 1usmus-config, Memtest, HCI Memtest etc, pick one. You don’t want a corrupt OS.
Yes, 3000 Mhz eventually ran. And you are mixing RAM. Just as I was.
In terms of overclocking, XMP is technically overclocking, just that you have a profile for it, made by the RAM «packagers». It might work at 3200 Mhz, you might have to drop to 3000 Mhz.
I had no problems at 2800 Mhz. XMP Timings at 3000 Mhz were 15-17-17 so when I ran 2800 Mhz I dropped all of them by one. 14-16-16. I highly recommend you run a memory tester, Testmem5 Anta or 1usmus-config, Memtest, HCI Memtest etc, pick one. You don’t want a corrupt OS.
Stabilizing RAM overclock has been nightmarish so far due to repeated system crashes. But that was probably because of faulty RAM. I’ll give the new RAM decent try, if they don’t work, I’ll just sell them and get a compatible kit
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Looks like no one’s replied in a while. To start the conversation again, simply
ask a new question.
I’ve just ran memtest for some new RAM on my iMac. In the logs i got this:
«ERROR: Memory lock failed — reason unknown.»
What does this mean? And Is it bad?
Mac OS X (10.6.4)
Posted on Sep 21, 2010 7:04 PM
2 replies
Sep 22, 2010 2:19 AM in response to freddoongo
Hi fred,
This question is asked in the rember support page at the bottom and the answer is there as well.
Whilst technical yes, bad no.
Memtest Memory lock failed