Mary watches hardly ever tv исправить ошибки

1) Our friends must write a test.
Our friends must also write a test.
2) I was joking.
I was only joking.
3) Did you enjoy the flight?
Did you both enjoy the flight?
4) Mary watches TV.
Mary hardly ever watches TV.
5) He drives his car.
He drives his car carefully.
6) The children play football.
The children play football in the garden.
7) We went to the cinema.
We went to the cinema yesterday.
8) John fell off the bike.
John almost fell off the bike.
9) Her boyfriend will buy her some flowers.
Her boyfriend will probably buy her some flowers.
10) My uncle is moving to Stockholm soon.
My uncle is definitely moving to Stockholm soon.

This entry was posted on February 22, 2009 at 12:18 pm and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.
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September 2021

Correct the mistakes. Write the full correct sentences.
1) I was joking only.
2)We went yesterday to the cinema.
3)Ann is going to Paris definitely soon.
Срочно. Дам 20 баллов.

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Ответ: I was only joking. We went to the cinema yesterday. Ann is definitely going to Paris soon.


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July 2022 | 0 Ответы

reshite uravnenie 19 12h39837h srochno dam 35 ballov



July 2022 | 0 Ответы




July 2022 | 0 Ответы

Correct the mistakes. Write the full variant. 1. How often do she goes to partie…


1) Our friends must write a test.
Our friends must also write a test.
2) I was joking.
I was only joking.
3) Did you enjoy the flight?
Did you both enjoy the flight?
4) Mary watches TV.
Mary hardly ever watches TV.
5) He drives his car.
He drives his car carefully.
6) The children play football.
The children play football in the garden.
7) We went to the cinema.
We went to the cinema yesterday.
8) John fell off the bike.
John almost fell off the bike.
9) Her boyfriend will buy her some flowers.
Her boyfriend will probably buy her some flowers.
10) My uncle is moving to Stockholm soon.
My uncle is definitely moving to Stockholm soon.

This entry was posted on February 22, 2009 at 12:18 pm and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.
You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

Position of adverbs – Exercise

Task No. 1049

Rewrite the complete sentence using the adverb in brackets in its usual position.

Show example


I play tennis. (on Mondays)


I play tennis on Mondays.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

просто пошутил

просто шутил

всего лишь пошутил

просто шутит

просто шучу

была всего лишь шутка

была шутка

только шутил

I respect you… and I was only joking.

and then says, «I was only joking

He’s a blunt instrument, and he WAS only joking.

Он умом никогда не отличался, но сейчас он просто шутил.

But of course, I was only joking.

Of course, he was only joking with his friend.

However, he later stated that he was only joking.

I told him I was only joking.

Due to an overwhelming response from the media out there… and just due to there not wanting to be any confusion — I was only joking.

В связи с огромным количеством новостей в СМИ и во избежание путаницы сообщаю: я просто пошутил.

As it turns out, Franklin was only joking.

It turned out that Nikolic was only joking.

Come on! I was only joking! — Joking?

Now don’t get excited, I was only joking.

i was only joking, but seriously.

And I was only joking about the local soviet.

I think Tom was only joking.

Sorry, was only joking with you.

Take no account of what he said, he was only joking.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 65. Точных совпадений: 65. Затраченное время: 55 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

I’m only joking.

Я шучу. Наоборот,это так трогательно.

I was only joking.

Я шучу.

— Sorry, I was only joking.

-Да я шучу.

I was only joking.

Понятно, я шучу.

I was only joking.

Я шучу…

Показать ещё примеры для «я шучу»…

Professor, I was only joking, just repeating what I heard.

Профессор, я пошутил. Я лишь повторил слова людей, а сам я никогда…

Aladdin, I was only joking!

Аладдин, я пошутил!

I was only joking

Нет, я пошутил.

I was only joking.

Я пошутил.

Come on, I’m only joking.

Бросьте, я пошутил!

Показать ещё примеры для «я пошутил»…

I respect you… and I was only joking.

Я тебя уважаю… я просто пошутил.

-Keep it, I’m only joking.

— Забудь, я просто пошутил.

No, I’m only joking.

Нет, я просто пошутил.

I was only joking with you.

Он и вправду несложный. Я просто пошутил.

I’m only joking.

Я просто пошутил.

Показать ещё примеры для «я просто пошутил»…

I don’t recall the circumstances, but if it’s true, it was only a joke.

Я не помню обстоятельств, но если это правда, это была всего лишь шутка.

It was only a joke — a Jewess and an Arab.

Это была всего лишь шутка — еврейка и араб.

I was only joking, I was testing you.

Это была всего лишь шутка. Я проверял тебя на прочность.

I was only joking.

Это была всего лишь шутка.

It was only a joke.

Это была всего лишь шутка.

Показать ещё примеры для «это была всего лишь шутка»…

It was only a joke, Pinkie.

Это была просто шутка, Пинки.

It was.. It was only a joke.

Это была просто шутка.

No, it was only a joke.

Нет, это была просто шутка.

It was only a joke.

Это была просто шутка.

Shit! Please! It was only a joke.

Пожалуйста, это была просто шутка!

Показать ещё примеры для «это была просто шутка»…

Oh, no, I’m only joking.

Да я просто шучу.

Hey, I was only joking, Erik.

Эй, я просто шучу, Эрик.

I’m only joking.

Я просто шучу.

Alright, take it easy I’m only joking!

— Ладно, расслабься, я просто шучу!

Oh, Jesus, I’m only joking.

Боже, я просто шучу.

Показать ещё примеры для «я просто шучу»…

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пж помогитеее срочнооо Rewrite the sentences and put the adverbs in correctly.
I have been to London. (often) → I have often been to London.
I have often been to London. →
Have you been to Boston? (ever) →
He plays golf on Sundays. (sometimes) →
The weather is bad in November. (always) →
It rains in California. (never) →
We have fish for dinner. (seldom) →
She will see him. (rarely) →
Peter doesn’t get up before seven. (usually) →
They do not play tennis on Sundays. (always) →
Mary watches TV. (hardly / ever) →


B) Mary hardly ever watches TV.


‘В предложении с простым глагольным сказуемым (состоящим только из смыслового глагола, без вспомогательного) наречие стоит между подлежащим и сказуемым’.

Почитайте, если хотите, статью «Наречие, знай свое место!» от Skyeng (сайт ссылки не позволяет вставлять) или другую статью о том, где стоят наречия в предложениях.

Adverbs of Frequency

Rewrite the sentences and put the adverbs in correctly.

  1. I have been to London. (often) →
  2. Have you been to Boston? (ever) →
  3. He plays golf on Sundays. (sometimes) →
  4. The weather is bad in November. (always) →
  5. It rains in California. (never) →
  6. We have fish for dinner. (seldom) →
  7. She will see him. (rarely) →
  8. Peter doesn’t get up before seven. (usually) →
  9. They do not play tennis on Sundays. (always) →
  10. Mary watches TV. (hardly / ever) →
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