1. Прочитайте текст
Mark Twain.
Mark Twain was a famous American writer. His name was Samuel Clemens. “Mark Twain” was his pen-name. Samuel Clemens was born in a small town on the Missouri – river in the USA. The boy had many friends at school and when he became a writer, he wrote about them in his stories. When Samuel was twelve, his father died and the boy began to work. He learned the profession of a printer. But Samuel wanted to be a sailor and when he was twenty, he found work on a ship. After some time he left the ship and went to live in California. Here he began to write short stories under the pen-name of “Mark Twain”. He sent them to newspapers. The readers liked his stories. The many professions, which he knew, helped him to show life and people. In 1876 he published his best novel “The Adventure of Tom Sawyer”, which boys and girls in many countries know and like very much.
2. Выполните задания к тексту
1. Finish the sentences:
1. M. Twain was born……….
2. His real name was ……….
3. He began to work ……….
4. His first profession was…..
5. The readers liked………….
6. ………he published his best novel.
7. Many children like ……….
2. Answer the questions:
1. What was the real name of Mark Twain?
2. When and where was he born?
3. Why did he begin to work very early at 12?
4. Where did he begin to write short stories?
5. What is his best novel?
3. Найдите 3 прилагательных и образуйте их степени сравнения.
Помогите. СРОЧНО
Надо выбрать вариант из предложенных
Mark Twain is/was a famous American writer. He has written/wrote many books for children. A Connecticut Yankee in the Court of King Arthur is/was written in 1889. The book tells/told us about the adventures of a young American man Hank Morgan. Hank has/had an accident and trevells/travelling in time. He makes/make a journey from America of 19th century to Great Britain of the 6th century. Hank was surprised/surprising that ancient people don’t/doesn’t know many simple things and had/have very few comforts in life
Если можно,то пожалуйста с объяснением
1. Прочитайте текст
Mark Twain.
Mark Twain was a famous American writer. His name was Samuel Clemens. “Mark Twain” was his pen-name. Samuel Clemens was born in a small town on the Missouri – river in the USA. The boy had many friends at school and when he became a writer, he wrote about them in his stories. When Samuel was twelve, his father died and the boy began to work. He learned the profession of a printer. But Samuel wanted to be a sailor and when he was twenty, he found work on a ship. After some time he left the ship and went to live in California. Here he began to write short stories under the pen-name of “Mark Twain”. He sent them to newspapers. The readers liked his stories. The many professions, which he knew, helped him to show life and people. In 1876 he published his best novel “The Adventure of Tom Sawyer”, which boys and girls in many countries know and like very much.
2. Выполните задания к тексту
1. Finish the sentences:
1. M. Twain was born……….
2. His real name was ……….
3. He began to work ……….
4. His first profession was…..
5. The readers liked………….
6. ………he published his best novel.
7. Many children like ……….
2. Answer the questions:
1. What was the real name of Mark Twain?
2. When and where was he born?
3. Why did he begin to work very early at 12?
4. Where did he begin to write short stories?
5. What is his best novel?
3. Найдите 3 прилагательных и образуйте их степени сравнения.
- 0
Complete the sentences with the correct from of the word in brackets.
1 Mark Twain is a famous American ……. (write)
2 Did you know that Samuel Marshak was a good …….? (Translate)
3 Would you like to be a ……. for famous people? (Drive)
4 He has become a famous …… (travel)
5 Tha best ….. will appear in theperforemance tomorrow (dance)
6 What do you do?-I am a …… (library)
Комментариев (0)
- 0
Тут просто из этих слов надо професси сделать:
1) writer
2) translater
3) driver
Комментариев (0)
Марк Твен, известный американский писатель, был известен как лектор. Литературные клубы часто приглашали его говорить. Перед одной из его лекций член клуба приехал к нему и сказал:
«Г-н Твен, люди говорят, что Вы можете рассказать очень забавные истории. 1 надежда, что во время Вашей лекции Вы расскажете историю, которая заставит моего дядю смеяться. Он не смеялся в течение десяти лет.»
«Я приложу все усилия. » Марк Твен сказал.
Когда он начал свою лекцию, Марк Твен заметил члена клуба. Он сидел перед ним со стариком, у которого было очень печальное лицо.
Марк Твен начал говорить шутки, один за другим. «Я сказал шутки легкого и короткие шутки, новые шутки и старые шутки,» сказал Марк Твен его друзьям. «Я сказал каждой шутке, что знал, и скоро все смеялись. Все — но не старик. Он смотрел на меня с холодом, голубыми глазами. Я не мог заставить его смеяться, и я попробовал еще раз и снова. Но ничто не помогло…»
После лекции член клуба приехал к Марку Твену и сказал, «Спасибо, г-н Твен. Я никогда не слышал столько забавных историй», «Они не были достаточно забавны для Вашего дяди. » Марк Твен ответил. «Он даже не улыбался.»
знайте, что» человек сказал. «Он не смеялся в течение десяти лет. Но P не говорил Вам, что он ничего не слышал в течение десяти лет. Он глухой. Перевод был взят с сайта spishy-online.ru
Mark Twain, the famous American writer, was well-known as a lecturer. Literary clubs often invited him to speak. Before one of his lectures a club member came to him and said:
«Mr Twain, people say that you can tell very funny stories. 1 hope that during your lecture you will tell a story that will make my uncle laugh. He hasn’t laughed for ten years.»
«I will do my best.» Mark Twain said.
When he began his lecture, Mark Twain noticed the club member. He was sitting in front of him with an old man who had a very sad face.
Mark Twain began to tell jokes, one after another. «I told lung jokes and short jokes, new jokes and old jokes,» Mark Twain told his friends. «I told every joke I knew and soon everybody was laughing. Everybody — but not the old man. He was looking at me with cold, blue eyes. I couldn’t make him laugh, and I tried again and again. But nothing helped…»
After the lecture, the club member came to Mark Twain and said, «Thank you, Mr Twain. I have never heard so many funny stories» «They weren’t funny enough for your uncle.» Mark Twain answered. «He didn’t even smile.»
know» the man said. «He hasn’t laughed for ten years. But P didn’t tell you that he hadn’t heard anything for ten years. He is deaf.
Преобразуйте, если это необходимо, слово INCLUDE так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.
Born in 1835 as Samuel Clemens, Twain lived through the Civil War and joined the Confederate Army. His various
careers __________________ riverboat pilot, prospector, and newspaper agent.
Mark Twain
Mark Twain is one of the most well-known American writers. He was the 19__________________ great literary voice in America. He recorded the history and culture of America in his writing and brought to life all sorts of characters based on people he knew and met. Born in 1835 as Samuel Clemens, Twain lived through the Civil War and joined the Confederate Army. His various
careers 20__________________ riverboat pilot, prospector, and newspaper agent. Mark Twain achieved fame by writing humorous fiction, and his work is still enjoyed by 21__________________ and grownups today.
His most famous works include The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Both of them are modeled on his childhood in Missouri. He also wrote The prince and the Pauper where the way people treat the poor and disadvantaged 22__________________ .
Преобразуйте, если это необходимо, слово «ONE» так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.
Mark Twain
Mark Twain is one of the most well-known American writers. He was the __________________ great literary voice in America. He recorded the history and culture of America in his writing and brought to life all sorts of characters based on people he knew and met.
Преобразуйте, если это необходимо, слово CHILD так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.
Mark Twain achieved fame by writing humorous fiction, and his work is still enjoyed by __________________ and grownups today.
Преобразуйте, если это необходимо, слово CRITICIZE так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.
His most famous works include The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Both of them are modeled on his childhood in Missouri. He also wrote The prince and the Pauper where the way people treat the poor and disadvantaged __________________ .
Спрятать пояснение
Временных указаний в предложении нет, но повествование ведется в прошедшем времени (in 1835), поэтому требуется глагол в Past Simple.
Ответ: included.
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Mark Twain In France
Mark Twain was a famous American writer. Once he was going by train to Dijon. He was tired so he asked the conductor to wake him up when they arrived to Dijon. The writer explained that he was a very heavy-sleeper and he warned the conductor that he would probably refuse to wake up when the conductor tried to arose him. Twain asked the conductor not to pay attention to it and put him off the train anyway. Then Mark Twain went to sleep. He woke up at nighttime and the train was in Paris already. The writer realised that the conductor had forgotten to wake him up at Dijon. He became very angry. He ran up to the conductor and began to shout at him. He sad that he had never been so angry in all his life. The conductor looked at him calmly and said that Mark was not so angry as American whom he had put off the train at Dijon.
для всего мира
Once Mark Twain, the famous American writer, was travelling in France. He was going by train. That afternoon Mark Twain was very tired and wanted to sleep. He asked a conductor to wake him up at Dijon. Mark Twain explained that he was a very heavy sleeper and insisted to be put off the train anyway.
Then the writer went to sleep. Later, when Mark Twain woke up, the train was in Paris already and he realised at once that the conductor had forgotten to wake him up at Dijon. Mark Twain ran to the conductor and said that he had never been so angry in his whole life. The conductor looked at him calmly and said that Mark Twain wasn’t half as angry as the American he had put off the train at Dijon.
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[Mark Twain in France]
Mark Twain is a famous American writer. He was traveling to France. Once he was going by train to Dijon. That afternoon he was very tired and he wanted to sleep badly. Mark Twain asked the conductor to wake him up when the train came to Dijon.
Mark explained that he was a very heavy-sleeper. Mark Twain warned the conductor that he would probably protest when the conductor tried to wake him up. Twain recommended the conductor not to take any notice of it and put him off the train anyway. Then Mark Twain went to sleep. He woke up at nighttime and the train was in Paris already. Mark realised that the conductor had forgotten to wake him up at Dijon. He was very angry. He ran up to the conductor and began to shout at him. Mark exclaimed that he had never been so angry in all his life. The conductor looked at him calmly and said that Mark was not so angry as American whom he had put off the train at Dijon…
для всего мира
Mark Twain
Mark Twain is a famous American writer. He was traveling to France by train. That afternoon Mark Twain was very tired . He asked a conductor to wake him up at Dijon. Mark Twain explained that he was a heavy sleeper and insisted to be put off the train anyway. When the main character woke up , the train was already in Paris. He was very angry because he realized that the conductor had forgotten to wake him up at Dijon. He ran to the conductor and said that he had never been so angry. The conductor spoke to him calmly because he was sure that the passenger he had put off the train was angrier than Mark Twain.
для всего мира
Mark Twain, a famous American writer, was traveling in France. Once he was going by train to Dijon. That afternoon he was very tired and wanted to sleep. He asked the conductor to wake him up when they came to Dijon. But first he explained that he was a very heavy-sleeper. Mark Twain warned the conductor that he would probably protest loudly when the conductor tried to wake him up. Twain recommended not to take any notice of it and put him off the train anyway. Then Mark Twain went to sleep. When he woke up, it was nighttime and the train was in Paris already. Mark realised that the conductor had forgotten to wake him up at Dijon. He was very angry. He ran up to the conductor and began to shout at him. Mark exclaimed that he had never been so angry in all his life. The conductor looked at him calmly and said that Mark was not half so angry as American whom he had put off the train at Dijon.
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скриншоты о занятиях в MOODL во время пар
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Mark Twain in France
I have just listened the story about a famous American writer Mark Twain. When he was travelling in France, he was going to Dijon by train. He wanted to sleep so he asked a conductor to wake him up when they came to Dijon. He explained that he was a heavy sleeper. He said to the conductor that he would protest loudly when he tried to wake him up. He asked the conductor to put him off the train anyway. Then Mark Twain went to sleep, when he woke up the train was in Paris already. He realized that the conductor had forgotten to wake him up at Dijon. He was very angry with the conductor and began to shout at him. He said that he had never been so angry in all his life. The conductor looked at him calmly and said that Mark Twain wasn’t so angry as an another American whom the conductor had put off the train at Dijon.
I don’t like this story because the conductor made а mistake and didn’t еven say sorry.
Mark Twain was invited to the opera. He accepted the invitation. The
box where he had a seat belonged to a very rich man. The rich man and
his wife were very proud because all their friends saw the famous
writer in their own box. During the performance the man and his wife
talked all the time. They talked loudly and so much that it was often
impossible for Mark Twain to listen to the opera.
Twain was very much annoyed. He liked music and always enjoyed
listening to the opera.
realized that neither the rich man nor his wife understood music and
they came to the opera just to show that the famous writer was a
friend of theirs.
Twain was very sorry he had accepted their invitation. That was very
foolish of him. Still there was no way out. He had to wait until the
the end of the performance the rich lady turned to Mark Twain and
smiled. She was quite sure that the famous writer had enjoyed the
opera. So she invited Mark Twain to listen to another opera. She
told him that she and her husband ‘would be happy to see him in their
box the following Friday. She added that «Carmen» would be
great writer expressed his gratitude for the invitation and said:
be fine. I haven’t heard you in «Carmen yet».
box — ложа
performance — представление
to be annoyed — быть
to accept the invitation –
Вариант IV
Переведите следующие причастия на
английский язык:
горящий – сгоревший выбранный –
падающий – упавший растущий – выросший
оставляющий – оставленный теряющий –
Переведите предложения на русский язык.
Participle I и
Some people don’t like plays taken from novels as they believe
that a novel can seldom be made into a successful play.
All the engineers working at the Ministry of Foreign Trade must know
foreign languages.
My grandmother sometimes went to sleep while knitting.
Задайте вопросы к выделенным словам.
Registering the letters the
secretary was
sending them
down to be posted. (2)
On entering the room he
introduced himself to all those present. (1)
Not knowing
his address,
I couldn’t visit him. (1)
Замените придаточные предложения
причастным оборотом.
As I was
very hungry,
I couldn’t
get asleep.
2. What’s
the name of the doctor
who’s examining that patient?
3. They live in a town
which was
built not long ago.
V. Переведите
Ответьте письменно
на вопрос:
did the rich American leave the picture on the wall as it was?»
He Was Not Sure About It
rich American went to Paris and bought a picture by a modern
artist. He had paid a lot of money for the picture, so he thought the
picture was very good. He came to the hotel where he was staying and
wanted to hang the picture. To his surprise he could not say what was
the top and what was the bottom.
he thought of a plan. He hung the picture in the dining-room and
invited the artist to dinner. When the artist came, the American did
not tell him anything about the picture. When they began to eat their
soup, the artist looked at the picture many times. When they began
to eat their fish, he put on his glasses and looked at the picture
again. When fruit was served, the artist got up and approached the
picture to look at it more closely. When they began to drink
their coffee, the artist told the American that this picture was
upside down.
American was surprised and wondered why the artist had not told it to
him at once.
The artist had to admit that he himself had not been sure about it at
first. So the rich American left the picture on the wall as it was.
He thought that nobody would notice that it was upside down.
to his surprised – к
upside down — «вверх
– вынужден был признать
top — (зд.)
— (зд.)
нижняя часть картины
Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]
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В настоящее время самым эффективным способом контроля является тест. Он позволяет за короткое время проверить усвоенные знания всех учащихся одновременно. Учащиеся, готовясь к сдаче ГИА и ЕГЭ, выполняют много тренировочных упражнений. Я предлагаю ниже тестовый контроль по чтению, который отличается от привычных вариантов ГИА и ЕГЭ, который учащимся также будет интересно выполнить. Тест рассчитан на учащихся 8-9 классов.
He Didn`t Laugh.
Mark Twain, the famous American writer, was well-known as a lecturer. Literary clubs often invited him to speak. Before one of his lectures a club member came to him and said:
“Twain, people say that you can tell very funny stories. I hope that during your lecture you will tell a story that will make my uncle laugh. He hasn`t laughed for ten years.”
“I`ll do my best.” Mark Twain said.
When he began his lecture, Mark Twain noticed the club member. He was sitting in front of him with an old man who had a very sad face.
Mark Twain began to tell jokes, one after another. “I told long jokes and short jokes, new jokes and old jokes,” Mark Twain told his friends. “I told every joke I knew and soon everybody was laughing. Everybody- but not the old man. He was looking at me with cold, blue eyes. I couldn`t make him laugh, and I tried again and again. But nothing helped…”
After the lecture, the club member came to Mark Twain and said, “Thank you, Mr. Twain .I have never heard so many funny stories.” “They weren`t funny enough for your uncle,” Mark Twain answered. “He didn`t even smile.”
I know, the man said. He hasn`t laughed for ten years. But I didn`t tell you that he hadn`t heard anything for ten years. He is deaf.
- Закончите предложение в соответствии с содержанием прочитанного текста.
From the story we learn about…
- The life of an old man.
- Mark Twain`s books.
- Mark Twain`s childhood.
- A funny incident from Mark Twain`s life.
- Уточните.
Being a famous writer Mark Twain was also a …
- Good doctor.
- Great story-teller.
- Congressman.
- Nice sportsman.
- Выберите неверное утверждение.
- Mark Twain was known as a lecturer.
- Mark Twain didn`t like to be invited to different clubs.
- The man at the lecture was quite old.
- Everybody but the old man laughed at Mark Twain`s lecture.
- Дайте характеристику писателя, которую можно найти в тексте.
Mark Twain had…
- A sense of humor.
- A lot of difficulties in his life.
- Much money.
- Many children.
- Найдите правильный ответ.
Why didn`t the old man laugh?
- He didn`t like Mark Twain`s stories.
- Mark Twain`s stories were not funny.
- He couldn`t hear.
- He sat far from the stage.
- Определите, какое из предложений отражает основную идею рассказа.
- People must work hard to earn their money.
- If you are ill you should see a doctor.
- It isn`t enough to listen, it is necessary to hear.
- People must be friendly to each other.
Read the story. Transform all the phrases in direct speech into reported speech.
Use: told, asked, thought, explained, added, answered.
Mark Twain, a famous American writer, made a lecture tour of cities and towns. One day, he came to a small town. In the afternoon he went to a shop to buy some paper. The shopkeeper was a talkative man. So he asked Mark Twain when he had come to the town.
“Yes, I came to the town yesterday. I’m here for the first time. I haven’t walked around the city yet. However, I see it is lovely and green,” Mark Twain answered.
“Yes, our town is nice. And you’ve chosen a good time to come,” the shopkeeper said. Mark Twain gave the shopkeeper a questioning look.
“Mark Twain, a famous writer, is going to give a lecture at the writer’s club this evening. You simply must visit his lecture,” said the shopkeeper. Mark Twain smiled.
“But all the tickets for his lecture are sold out. So you will have to stand,” the shopkeeper continued.
“I always have to stand whenever that fellow gives a lecture!” said Mark Twain with a laugh.
Английский язык ENJOY ENGLISH Английский с удовольствием 8 класс Биболетова. SECTION 7. He Said that. Номер №95
Перевод задания
Прочитайте историю. Преобразуйте все фразы прямой речи в косвенную речь.
Используйте: рассказал, спросил, подумал, объяснил, добавил, ответил.
Марк Твен, известный американский писатель, совершил поездку по городам с лекциями. Однажды он приехал в небольшой город. Днем он пошел в магазин, чтобы купить бумаги. Лавочник был разговорчивым человеком. Поэтому он спросил Марка Твена, когда тот приехал в город.
«Да, вчера я приехал в город. Я здесь впервые. По городу еще не гулял. Однако я вижу, что он красивый и зеленый,» − ответил Марк Твен.
«Да, у нас хороший город. И вы выбрали подходящее время,» − сказал продавец. Марк Твен вопросительно посмотрел на продавца.
«Знаменитый писатель Марк Твен сегодня вечером прочтет лекцию в писательском клубе. Вы просто обязаны посетить его лекцию,» − сказал продавец. Марк Твен улыбнулся.
«Но все билеты на его лекцию распроданы. Так что тебе придется стоять,» − продолжил продавец.
«Я всегда должен стоять, когда этот парень читает лекцию!» сказал Марк Твен со смехом.
1. Mark Twain answered that he had come to the town the day before. He also said that he was here for the first time and hadn’t walked around the city yet. But he noticed that it was lovely and green.
2. The shopkeeper agreed that their town was nice. And he also said that Mark Twain had chosen a good time to come.
3. The shopkeeper explained that Mark Twain, a famous writer, was going to give a lecture at the writer’s club that evening. And he advised the man to visit his lecture.
4. The shopkeeper added that all the tickets for his lecture were sold out and he would have to stand.
5. Mark Twain answered with a laugh that he always had to stand whenever that fellow gave a lecture.
Перевод ответа
1. Марк Твен ответил, что он приехал в город накануне. Он также сказал, что он здесь впервые и еще не ходил по городу. Но он заметил, что он прекрасный и зеленый.
2. Продавец согласился, что их город хорош. И он также сказал, что Марк Твен выбрал хорошее время, чтобы приехать.
3. Продавец пояснил, что Марк Твен, известный писатель, собирается дать лекцию в клубе писателя в этот вечер. И он посоветовал человеку посетить его лекцию.
4. Продавец добавил, что все билеты на его лекцию распроданы, и ему придется стоять.
5. Марк Твен ответил со смехом, что ему всегда приходится стоять всякий раз, когда этот парень дает лекцию.
Преобразуйте, если это необходимо, слово INCLUDE так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.
Born in 1835 as Samuel Clemens, Twain lived through the Civil War and joined the Confederate Army. His various
careers __________________ riverboat pilot, prospector, and newspaper agent.
Mark Twain
Mark Twain is one of the most well-known American writers. He was the 19__________________ great literary voice in America. He recorded the history and culture of America in his writing and brought to life all sorts of characters based on people he knew and met. Born in 1835 as Samuel Clemens, Twain lived through the Civil War and joined the Confederate Army. His various
careers 20__________________ riverboat pilot, prospector, and newspaper agent. Mark Twain achieved fame by writing humorous fiction, and his work is still enjoyed by 21__________________ and grownups today.
His most famous works include The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Both of them are modeled on his childhood in Missouri. He also wrote The prince and the Pauper where the way people treat the poor and disadvantaged 22__________________ .
Преобразуйте, если это необходимо, слово «ONE» так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.
Mark Twain
Mark Twain is one of the most well-known American writers. He was the __________________ great literary voice in America. He recorded the history and culture of America in his writing and brought to life all sorts of characters based on people he knew and met.
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Mark Twain achieved fame by writing humorous fiction, and his work is still enjoyed by __________________ and grownups today.
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His most famous works include The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Both of them are modeled on his childhood in Missouri. He also wrote The prince and the Pauper where the way people treat the poor and disadvantaged __________________ .
Спрятать пояснение
Временных указаний в предложении нет, но повествование ведется в прошедшем времени (in 1835), поэтому требуется глагол в Past Simple.
Ответ: included.
Mark Twain was invited to the opera. He accepted the invitation. The
box where he had a seat belonged to a very rich man. The rich man and
his wife were very proud because all their friends saw the famous
writer in their own box. During the performance the man and his wife
talked all the time. They talked loudly and so much that it was often
impossible for Mark Twain to listen to the opera.
Twain was very much annoyed. He liked music and always enjoyed
listening to the opera.
realized that neither the rich man nor his wife understood music and
they came to the opera just to show that the famous writer was a
friend of theirs.
Twain was very sorry he had accepted their invitation. That was very
foolish of him. Still there was no way out. He had to wait until the
the end of the performance the rich lady turned to Mark Twain and
smiled. She was quite sure that the famous writer had enjoyed the
opera. So she invited Mark Twain to listen to another opera. She
told him that she and her husband ‘would be happy to see him in their
box the following Friday. She added that «Carmen» would be
great writer expressed his gratitude for the invitation and said:
be fine. I haven’t heard you in «Carmen yet».
box — ложа
performance — представление
to be annoyed — быть
to accept the invitation –
Вариант IV
Переведите следующие причастия на
английский язык:
горящий – сгоревший выбранный –
падающий – упавший растущий – выросший
оставляющий – оставленный теряющий –
Переведите предложения на русский язык.
Participle I и
Some people don’t like plays taken from novels as they believe
that a novel can seldom be made into a successful play.
All the engineers working at the Ministry of Foreign Trade must know
foreign languages.
My grandmother sometimes went to sleep while knitting.
Задайте вопросы к выделенным словам.
Registering the letters the
secretary was
sending them
down to be posted. (2)
On entering the room he
introduced himself to all those present. (1)
Not knowing
his address,
I couldn’t visit him. (1)
Замените придаточные предложения
причастным оборотом.
As I was
very hungry,
I couldn’t
get asleep.
2. What’s
the name of the doctor
who’s examining that patient?
3. They live in a town
which was
built not long ago.
V. Переведите
Ответьте письменно
на вопрос:
did the rich American leave the picture on the wall as it was?»
He Was Not Sure About It
rich American went to Paris and bought a picture by a modern
artist. He had paid a lot of money for the picture, so he thought the
picture was very good. He came to the hotel where he was staying and
wanted to hang the picture. To his surprise he could not say what was
the top and what was the bottom.
he thought of a plan. He hung the picture in the dining-room and
invited the artist to dinner. When the artist came, the American did
not tell him anything about the picture. When they began to eat their
soup, the artist looked at the picture many times. When they began
to eat their fish, he put on his glasses and looked at the picture
again. When fruit was served, the artist got up and approached the
picture to look at it more closely. When they began to drink
their coffee, the artist told the American that this picture was
upside down.
American was surprised and wondered why the artist had not told it to
him at once.
The artist had to admit that he himself had not been sure about it at
first. So the rich American left the picture on the wall as it was.
He thought that nobody would notice that it was upside down.
to his surprised – к
upside down — «вверх
– вынужден был признать
top — (зд.)
— (зд.)
нижняя часть картины
Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]
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Все категории
- Фотография и видеосъемка
- Знания
- Другое
- Гороскопы, магия, гадания
- Общество и политика
- Образование
- Путешествия и туризм
- Искусство и культура
- Города и страны
- Строительство и ремонт
- Работа и карьера
- Спорт
- Стиль и красота
- Юридическая консультация
- Компьютеры и интернет
- Товары и услуги
- Темы для взрослых
- Семья и дом
- Животные и растения
- Еда и кулинария
- Здоровье и медицина
- Авто и мото
- Бизнес и финансы
- Философия, непознанное
- Досуг и развлечения
- Знакомства, любовь, отношения
- Наука и техника
Choose the correct word and complete the text.
Mark Twain (is/was) a famous American writer. He ( has written/
wrote) many books for children. A Connecticut Yankee in the Court
of King Arthur (is/was )written in 1889 . The book (tells/told) us about
the adventures of a young American man Hank Morgan. Hank (has/
had) an accident and (travells/travelling) in time. He (makesmake a journey )
from America of the 19th century to Great Britain of the 6th
century. Hank was (surprised/surprising) that ancient people (don`t/
doesn’t know) many simple things and (had/have) very few comforts
in life.
1 ответ:
Was; wrote;was;tells;has; travells;makes; surprised;don’t;have.
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She usually has lunch at 12.30 but yesterday she HAD it at 14.30.
Good Luck!
1.What season do you like?
I like summer. And what is your favourite season?
I like winter.
2.What is the weather like in winter?
It is usually cold in Russia in winter.
Is it hot in summer?
Yes, it is.
3.What do you do when it is raining?
When it is raining I usually take my ambrella. And you?
I take my umbrella too.
Я думаю что так.
И кстати тут есть кнопка такая «Спасибо» если тебе ответ понравится нажми её пожалуйста!
decoration — это оформление
decorate — это украшать.
- 0
Complete the sentences with the correct from of the word in brackets.
1 Mark Twain is a famous American ……. (write)
2 Did you know that Samuel Marshak was a good …….? (Translate)
3 Would you like to be a ……. for famous people? (Drive)
4 He has become a famous …… (travel)
5 Tha best ….. will appear in theperforemance tomorrow (dance)
6 What do you do?-I am a …… (library)
Комментариев (0)
- 0
Тут просто из этих слов надо професси сделать:
1) writer
2) translater
3) driver
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