Malfunction gearbox ecu ошибка ман

MAN TGX WMA21XZZ59M536581 на табло высвечивается такая же надпись, шестерня горит красным.

AS TRONIK коробка работает нормально. ошибок в бортовом компе нет ни активных ни пасивных, через комп. 

каждый блок чистый. в паре с прицепом не адекватно работает ABS (прицеп с другой машиной работает идеально)

Вопрос Где собака зарыта, кокой блок возмущается.


Сообщения: 201
Зарегистрирован: Пн дек 02, 2013 12:18 pm
Откуда: Вяземский



samodelkins » Пн янв 12, 2015 5:55 pm


Можно не орать? Вам нужен перевод или знание что случилось с коробкой? Дословный перевод: Неисправность компьютера коробки))) А если вам необходима помощь, то ошибки с табло и какой год у вашего пепелаца.

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Откуда: Украина, Харьков
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Artem » Пн янв 12, 2015 7:10 pm

samodelkins писал(а): Вам нужен перевод или знание что случилось с коробкой?

На мой взгляд это утверждение, поломалась коробка. То есть я теперь четко понимаю что у господина Роман Романова поломалась коробка передач. В городе Москва. Безусловно сочувствую и ожидаю детализированных жалоб.


Сообщения: 4030
Зарегистрирован: Вт июн 17, 2008 11:31 am
Откуда: Украина Яготин

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Зарегистрирован: Вт апр 01, 2008 7:39 pm
Откуда: Украина, Харьков
Контактная информация:



Artem » Пн янв 12, 2015 11:54 pm

А что сообщит многоуважаемый Роман Романов? Нашему коллективу небезразлична судьба невключаемой коробки.

cotm писал(а):Так сами приучили: без вина, без кодов ошибок, без модели и года даже, скоро даже марку указывать не будут :lol:

Методы Малахова в авторемонте никто не отменял.

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cotm » Вт янв 13, 2015 12:44 am

Подходим к машине и делаем так по всем направлениям: , в каком месте рожа покраснеет больше, там и обрыв провода! Проверенно! Кроме шуток…. Не, ну правда!

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Сообщения: 615
Зарегистрирован: Вт апр 01, 2008 7:39 pm
Откуда: Украина, Харьков
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Artem » Вт янв 13, 2015 12:52 am

cotm писал(а):Подходим к машине и делаем так по всем направлениям: , в каком месте рожа покраснеет больше, там и обрыв провода! Проверенно! Кроме шуток…. Не, ну правда!

Значит ждем результатов диагностики. Потом будем выдавать рекомендации где и как постукивать, потряхивать и поколачивать.Ну а если не получится — тогда традиционная замена предохранителей.



  • ↳   Обучение диагностике грузовых автомобилей, автобусов, прицепов
  • ↳   Техническая документация. Схемы.
  • ↳   Оборудование для диагностики грузовиков, автобусов, прицепов
  • ↳   Программное обеспечение для диагностики и чип-тюнинга
  • ↳   Системы управления двигателями EDC — Electronic Diesel Control
  • ↳   Топливные системы Common Rail
  • ↳   Топливные системы с насос-форсунками PLD, PDE
  • ↳   Топливные системы с ТНВД (рядными, ротационными)
  • ↳   Системы снижения токсичности AdBlue, Denoxtronic, SCR, Bluetec, EAS и др.
  • ↳   Система подготовки и подачи сжатого воздуха, ECAM, EAC, APM и др.
  • ↳   Пневматическая тормозная система
  • ↳   ABS/ASR — антиблокировочная и противобуксовочная системы
  • ↳   EBS/EPB — электронно-пневматическая тормозная система
  • ↳   Пневматическая подвеска
  • ↳   ECAS/ELC — электронно-пневматическая подвеска
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  • ↳   Управление КПП: EPS, AS-Tronic, Opticruise, Optidriver, I-Shift и др.
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  • ↳   Электронные системы управления техническим обслуживанием
  • ↳   Тахографы
  • ↳   Автономные отопители WEBASTO, EBERSPACHER
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Модератор: POIKO

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Ошибка gearbox malfunction

Доброго дня форумчане, сегодня загорелась на ходу ошибка gearbox malfunction, Scania R 420 2006 год, кто подскажет куда рыть, и можно ли останавливаться, а то вдруг больше не по едет))))))

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Откуда: Россия Матушка
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Re: Ошибка gearbox malfunction


POIKO » 16 янв 2020, 12:56

Питание на тахографе есть?

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Re: Ошибка gearbox malfunction


POIKO » 16 янв 2020, 13:08

Подключай диагностику.

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Re: Ошибка gearbox malfunction


Моня » 16 янв 2020, 13:09

Считай ошибки…Иваныч поможет..в форуме есть как это делать.. Похоже на отсутствие питания тахи или датчика скорости..всё с скоростью и тахографом.. если механика-симптом пропали ряды..низа нет. Или разъём датчика скорости-сгнил. Надо ошибки-коды.

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Re: Ошибка gearbox malfunction


Artem673 » 16 янв 2020, 13:15

Моня писал(а): ↑

16 янв 2020, 13:09

Считай ошибки…Иваныч поможет..в форуме есть как это делать.. Похоже на отсутствие питания тахи или датчика скорости..всё с скоростью и тахографом.. если механика-симптом пропали ряды..низа нет. Или разъём датчика скорости-сгнил. Надо ошибки-коды.

Она все едет,только переключать надо со сцеплением,начинает мигать передача нажимаешь сцепление

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Re: Ошибка gearbox malfunction


Artem673 » 17 янв 2020, 08:25

Сегодня написала такое. Выручайте, подскажите куда рыть? Один диагност в городе и тот на неделю уехал, офицалам веры нет((((

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Re: Ошибка gearbox malfunction


Artem673 » 17 янв 2020, 19:50

Полный тупик, симптомы на видео, не знаем что делать. Диагностика показывает ошибки по датчику скорости , по тахографу, и ещё какие то ….

У вас нет необходимых прав для просмотра вложений в этом сообщении.



Еще весной появилась неприятность — периодически на панели возникала желтая шестеренка и надпись «Gearbox malfunction: you can continue driving (limited functionality)» Что значит — ездить можно но писец скоро придет

Фото в бортжурнале Audi Q5 (1G)

Полный размер


Ездил я так ездил, но последнее время шестеренка стала появляться все чаще и чаще, к тому же вместе с надписью появилась потеря крутящего момента — то есть жмешь на газ, а обороты стоят на месте и машина не разгоняется. Длится это секунды 2-3, потом машина едет как обычно (надпись при этом пропадает).

Диагностика показала 2 ошибки по коробке:

Фото в бортжурнале Audi Q5 (1G)

Полный размер

По коробке 2 ошибки 7980 и 8040

7980 — Сигнал частоты вращения от блока управления двигателя. P0726 00 [104] — недостоверный сигнал

8040 или P17D8 00 (044) – ограничение величины момента из-за температуры муфты

Фото в бортжурнале Audi Q5 (1G)

Полный размер

Фото в бортжурнале Audi Q5 (1G)

Полный размер

Фото в бортжурнале Audi Q5 (1G)

Полный размер

Фото в бортжурнале Audi Q5 (1G)

Полный размер

Заехал в сервис, кто специализируется на ремонте АКПП и DSG — подключили сканер — давление по муфтам сцепления в норме, температура сцепления при которой возникает ошибка — около 33-47 С, что говорит о том, что перегрева как такового нет.
Проверили масло — на вид чистое, стружки нет, гари тоже, продуктов износа фрикционов также практически нет. Пробег масла около 30 тыс км.

Фото в бортжурнале Audi Q5 (1G)

Полный размер

Масло слитое с моего S-Tronic

В итоге приговорили платы мехатроника, причем можно поставить новые платы, по цене 30 тыс руб за комплект, а можно поставить б/у в 2 раза дешевле.
Есть еще вариант — купить новые но на али

Фото в бортжурнале Audi Q5 (1G)

34 0B5398009A Ремкомплект Пленка с токопроводящими дорожками для блока клапанов
Фото в бортжурнале Audi Q5 (1G)

Полный размер

Б/У мехатроник в сборе
Фото в бортжурнале Audi Q5 (1G)

Полный размер

Фото в бортжурнале Audi Q5 (1G)

Полный размер

Отсюда вопрос — у кого нибудь была подобная ситуация и меняли платы на б/у?

Цена вопроса: 1 000 ₽
Пробег: 155 400 км

MAN TGX WMA21XZZ59M536581 на табло высвечивается такая же надпись, шестерня горит красным.

AS TRONIK коробка работает нормально. ошибок в бортовом компе нет ни активных ни пасивных, через комп. 

каждый блок чистый. в паре с прицепом не адекватно работает ABS (прицеп с другой машиной работает идеально)

Вопрос Где собака зарыта, кокой блок возмущается.


Сообщения: 201
Зарегистрирован: Пн дек 02, 2013 12:18 pm
Откуда: Вяземский



samodelkins » Пн янв 12, 2015 5:55 pm


Можно не орать? Вам нужен перевод или знание что случилось с коробкой? Дословный перевод: Неисправность компьютера коробки))) А если вам необходима помощь, то ошибки с табло и какой год у вашего пепелаца.

Аватара пользователя


Сообщения: 615
Зарегистрирован: Вт апр 01, 2008 7:39 pm
Откуда: Украина, Харьков
Контактная информация:



Artem » Пн янв 12, 2015 7:10 pm

samodelkins писал(а): Вам нужен перевод или знание что случилось с коробкой?

На мой взгляд это утверждение, поломалась коробка. То есть я теперь четко понимаю что у господина Роман Романова поломалась коробка передач. В городе Москва. Безусловно сочувствую и ожидаю детализированных жалоб.


Сообщения: 4030
Зарегистрирован: Вт июн 17, 2008 11:31 am
Откуда: Украина Яготин

Аватара пользователя


Сообщения: 615
Зарегистрирован: Вт апр 01, 2008 7:39 pm
Откуда: Украина, Харьков
Контактная информация:



Artem » Пн янв 12, 2015 11:54 pm

А что сообщит многоуважаемый Роман Романов? Нашему коллективу небезразлична судьба невключаемой коробки.

cotm писал(а):Так сами приучили: без вина, без кодов ошибок, без модели и года даже, скоро даже марку указывать не будут :lol:

Методы Малахова в авторемонте никто не отменял.

Аватара пользователя


Сообщения: 3542
Зарегистрирован: Пн сен 05, 2011 1:46 am
Откуда: Россия, Москва

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Зарегистрирован: Вт фев 19, 2013 11:38 pm
Откуда: Рязань



cotm » Вт янв 13, 2015 12:44 am

Подходим к машине и делаем так по всем направлениям: , в каком месте рожа покраснеет больше, там и обрыв провода! Проверенно! Кроме шуток…. Не, ну правда!

Аватара пользователя


Сообщения: 615
Зарегистрирован: Вт апр 01, 2008 7:39 pm
Откуда: Украина, Харьков
Контактная информация:



Artem » Вт янв 13, 2015 12:52 am

cotm писал(а):Подходим к машине и делаем так по всем направлениям: , в каком месте рожа покраснеет больше, там и обрыв провода! Проверенно! Кроме шуток…. Не, ну правда!

Значит ждем результатов диагностики. Потом будем выдавать рекомендации где и как постукивать, потряхивать и поколачивать.Ну а если не получится — тогда традиционная замена предохранителей.



  • ↳   Обучение диагностике грузовых автомобилей, автобусов, прицепов
  • ↳   Техническая документация. Схемы.
  • ↳   Оборудование для диагностики грузовиков, автобусов, прицепов
  • ↳   Программное обеспечение для диагностики и чип-тюнинга
  • ↳   Системы управления двигателями EDC — Electronic Diesel Control
  • ↳   Топливные системы Common Rail
  • ↳   Топливные системы с насос-форсунками PLD, PDE
  • ↳   Топливные системы с ТНВД (рядными, ротационными)
  • ↳   Системы снижения токсичности AdBlue, Denoxtronic, SCR, Bluetec, EAS и др.
  • ↳   Система подготовки и подачи сжатого воздуха, ECAM, EAC, APM и др.
  • ↳   Пневматическая тормозная система
  • ↳   ABS/ASR — антиблокировочная и противобуксовочная системы
  • ↳   EBS/EPB — электронно-пневматическая тормозная система
  • ↳   Пневматическая подвеска
  • ↳   ECAS/ELC — электронно-пневматическая подвеска
  • ↳   Управление приводом сцепления
  • ↳   Управление КПП: EPS, AS-Tronic, Opticruise, Optidriver, I-Shift и др.
  • ↳   Бортовые компьютеры, координаторы: ZBR, VIC, FFR, COO и др.
  • ↳   Электронные системы управления техническим обслуживанием
  • ↳   Тахографы
  • ↳   Автономные отопители WEBASTO, EBERSPACHER
  • ↳   Диагностика и устранение неисправностей
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Модератор: POIKO

Аватара пользователя


Сообщения: 69
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Откуда: Киров
VIN: 9112957,4410477
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Ошибка gearbox malfunction

Доброго дня форумчане, сегодня загорелась на ходу ошибка gearbox malfunction, Scania R 420 2006 год, кто подскажет куда рыть, и можно ли останавливаться, а то вдруг больше не по едет))))))

У вас нет необходимых прав для просмотра вложений в этом сообщении.

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Откуда: Россия Матушка
Благодарил (а): 1125 раз
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Re: Ошибка gearbox malfunction


POIKO » 16 янв 2020, 12:56

Питание на тахографе есть?

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Откуда: Россия Матушка
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Re: Ошибка gearbox malfunction


POIKO » 16 янв 2020, 13:08

Подключай диагностику.

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Re: Ошибка gearbox malfunction


Моня » 16 янв 2020, 13:09

Считай ошибки…Иваныч поможет..в форуме есть как это делать.. Похоже на отсутствие питания тахи или датчика скорости..всё с скоростью и тахографом.. если механика-симптом пропали ряды..низа нет. Или разъём датчика скорости-сгнил. Надо ошибки-коды.

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Сообщения: 69
Зарегистрирован: 27 фев 2019, 11:44
Откуда: Киров
VIN: 9112957,4410477
Благодарил (а): 4 раза
Поблагодарили: 12 раз

Re: Ошибка gearbox malfunction


Artem673 » 16 янв 2020, 13:15

Моня писал(а): ↑

16 янв 2020, 13:09

Считай ошибки…Иваныч поможет..в форуме есть как это делать.. Похоже на отсутствие питания тахи или датчика скорости..всё с скоростью и тахографом.. если механика-симптом пропали ряды..низа нет. Или разъём датчика скорости-сгнил. Надо ошибки-коды.

Она все едет,только переключать надо со сцеплением,начинает мигать передача нажимаешь сцепление

Аватара пользователя


Сообщения: 69
Зарегистрирован: 27 фев 2019, 11:44
Откуда: Киров
VIN: 9112957,4410477
Благодарил (а): 4 раза
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Re: Ошибка gearbox malfunction


Artem673 » 17 янв 2020, 08:25

Сегодня написала такое. Выручайте, подскажите куда рыть? Один диагност в городе и тот на неделю уехал, офицалам веры нет((((

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Сообщения: 69
Зарегистрирован: 27 фев 2019, 11:44
Откуда: Киров
VIN: 9112957,4410477
Благодарил (а): 4 раза
Поблагодарили: 12 раз

Re: Ошибка gearbox malfunction


Artem673 » 17 янв 2020, 19:50

Полный тупик, симптомы на видео, не знаем что делать. Диагностика показывает ошибки по датчику скорости , по тахографу, и ещё какие то ….

У вас нет необходимых прав для просмотра вложений в этом сообщении.

Яндекс.Метрика — Авто Энциклопедия

Электронный блок управления АКПП или РКПП необходим для определения текущей нагрузки на трансмиссию с последующей подачей сигналов на исполнительные механизмы – именно ЭБУ определяет, когда и на какую передачу переключаться коробке-автомат. Сегодня мы разберем основные признаки и причины неисправности электронного блока управления.

Причины выхода из строя ЭБУ АКПП: что нужно знать?

Ресурс эксплуатации электронного блока АКПП практически неограничен – при правильном обслуживании трансмиссии данный агрегат свободно отработает до первого или даже второго капитального ремонта коробки передач. Однако при нарушении регламента ТО или в следствии агрессивной эксплуатации авто проблемы с ЭБУ могут возникнуть уже на пробеге от 80 000 км. Типовыми причинами неисправности электронного блока управления АКПП считаются:

  • Короткое замыкание или скачки напряжения в электропитании.
  • Увеличенная вибронагруженность трансмиссии.
  • Последствия механического удара или ремонта.
  • Перегрев трансмиссии или самого блока.
  • Программная ошибка в ПО или загрузка некорректной прошивки.

Наиболее популярными неисправностям ЭБУ АКПП считается выгорание контакта на плате или выход из строя конденсатора. Подобного рода проблемы могут быть устранены в квалифицированном автосервисе, однако процедура ремонта блока весьма трудоемка и требует наличия специализированного оборудования. При более серьезных проблемах ЭБУ: выгорание чипа ЦП или модуля памяти, критического окисления платы, модуль рациональнее заменить новым.

Как определить проблему с ЭБУ: коротко о главном

Определить проблему в работе электронного блока управления АКПП можно при помощи диагностики дилерским сканером или опираясь на косвенные признаки при эксплуатации автомобилем. Типовыми признаками наличия проблем в ЭБУ трансмиссии считаются:

  • Переключение АКПП в аварийный режим – коробка медленно набирает скорость, режимы «Спорт» или «Зимний» полностью отключены, в некоторых случаях невозможно переключение выше 3 передачи.
  • Загорание чека на приборной панели – Check Engine или Check АТ также может указывать на возможную проблему с ЭБУ. Помните, некорректная работа блока управления также возможна в результате отказа контрольных датчиков трансмиссии или двигателя, посылающих сигналы на ЭБУ.
  • Превышение рабочей температуры АКПП – прогрев трансмиссии выше 100 градусов одновременно может быть, как причиной, так и следствием проблемы с ЭБУ.
  • Нестабильная работы трансмиссии – переключение передач с рывками или ударами, появление постороннего звука в подкапотном пространстве или отказ передач и режимов АКПП также могут быть признаками неисправности блока управления.

В некоторых случаях проблемы с блоком управления АКПП могут начаться после установки нового программного обеспечения или замены электронных комплектующих трансмиссии или силового агрегата.

При проявлении любых признаков неисправности ЭБУ рекомендуется в оперативном порядке обратиться в квалифицированным автосервис для диагностики всей электроники автомобиля. Оперативное устранение причины неисправности позволит существенно сэкономить на ремонте трансмиссии и увеличит срок эксплуатации транспортного средства.

Если Вы заметили ошибку, неточность или хотите дополнить материал, напишите об этом в комментариях, и мы исправим статью!


MAN — пропали половинки

Признаки неисправности

Если при попытке переключения тумблера на рычаге коробки передач, присутствуют следующие

  • Не работает демультипликатор
  • Не включается делитель коробки
  • Не включается верхний ряд
  • Не включается передача
  • Не переключаются ряды

Проявлением этого, могут быть многие причины. Рассмотрим их ниже.

Причины неисправности

  • Неисправность датчика частоты вращения
  • Механическая поломка коробки переключения передач
  • Замыкание или обрыв электропроводки
  • Неисправность переключателя поломка электромагнитного клапана делителя
  • Не поступает воздух
  • Неисправность блока управления

Что можно предпринять самостоятельно

Если на Вашем автомобиле МАН возникла описываемая неисправность, Вы можете попробовать устранить ее своими силами. Выполните указанные ниже проверки:

  • Надежность соединения разъемов электрической проводки
  • Давление воздуха
  • Наличие ошибок на информационном дисплее

Если эти действия не помогли и неисправность не исчезла, дальнейшую работу по устранения дефекта лучше доверить мастерам.

Модельный ряд

Далее приводим перечень грузовиков МАН, по конкретной модели, для которых характерна данная неисправность:

Наши услуги

Мастера нашей фирмы, имеют значительный опыт в диагностике коробки переключения передач. Наш диагност, адекватно установит образовавшуюся неисправность. Далее будет произведен ремонт электрооборудования и электроники КПП, с заменой запчастей, программированием, — если это потребуется.

Из нашей практики

Диагностика КПП МАН

Вторая заявка приходит со стороны 107-й трассы. Там на трассе «встал» и не заводится МАН ТГА 2002 г. Не включаются половинки скоростей. Приезжаем — делаем диагностику, делаем заключение. На связь не выходят 3 блока. Двигатель, блок движения и блок коробки при наличии джойстика в кабине и коробке робот. Назначаем цену. Хозяину дорого. Берем за выезд и диагностику, по крайней мере, владелец уже знает причину своей неисправности. Едем дальше на выезд, на следующую заявку.


Неисправности ЭБУ АКПП: когда пора в сервис?

Электронный блок управления АКПП или РКПП необходим для определения текущей нагрузки на трансмиссию с последующей подачей сигналов на исполнительные механизмы – именно ЭБУ определяет, когда и на какую передачу переключаться коробке-автомат. Сегодня мы разберем основные признаки и причины неисправности электронного блока управления.

Причины выхода из строя ЭБУ АКПП: что нужно знать?

Ресурс эксплуатации электронного блока АКПП практически неограничен – при правильном обслуживании трансмиссии данный агрегат свободно отработает до первого или даже второго капитального ремонта коробки передач. Однако при нарушении регламента ТО или в следствии агрессивной эксплуатации авто проблемы с ЭБУ могут возникнуть уже на пробеге от 80 000 км. Типовыми причинами неисправности электронного блока управления АКПП считаются:

  • Короткое замыкание или скачки напряжения в электропитании.
  • Увеличенная вибронагруженность трансмиссии.
  • Последствия механического удара или ремонта.
  • Перегрев трансмиссии или самого блока.
  • Программная ошибка в ПО или загрузка некорректной прошивки.

Наиболее популярными неисправностям ЭБУ АКПП считается выгорание контакта на плате или выход из строя конденсатора. Подобного рода проблемы могут быть устранены в квалифицированном автосервисе, однако процедура ремонта блока весьма трудоемка и требует наличия специализированного оборудования. При более серьезных проблемах ЭБУ: выгорание чипа ЦП или модуля памяти, критического окисления платы, модуль рациональнее заменить новым.

Как определить проблему с ЭБУ: коротко о главном

Определить проблему в работе электронного блока управления АКПП можно при помощи диагностики дилерским сканером или опираясь на косвенные признаки при эксплуатации автомобилем. Типовыми признаками наличия проблем в ЭБУ трансмиссии считаются:

  • Переключение АКПП в аварийный режим – коробка медленно набирает скорость, режимы «Спорт» или «Зимний» полностью отключены, в некоторых случаях невозможно переключение выше 3 передачи.
  • Загорание чека на приборной панели – Check Engine или Check АТ также может указывать на возможную проблему с ЭБУ. Помните, некорректная работа блока управления также возможна в результате отказа контрольных датчиков трансмиссии или двигателя, посылающих сигналы на ЭБУ.
  • Превышение рабочей температуры АКПП – прогрев трансмиссии выше 100 градусов одновременно может быть, как причиной, так и следствием проблемы с ЭБУ.
  • Нестабильная работы трансмиссии – переключение передач с рывками или ударами, появление постороннего звука в подкапотном пространстве или отказ передач и режимов АКПП также могут быть признаками неисправности блока управления.

В некоторых случаях проблемы с блоком управления АКПП могут начаться после установки нового программного обеспечения или замены электронных комплектующих трансмиссии или силового агрегата.

При проявлении любых признаков неисправности ЭБУ рекомендуется в оперативном порядке обратиться в квалифицированным автосервис для диагностики всей электроники автомобиля. Оперативное устранение причины неисправности позволит существенно сэкономить на ремонте трансмиссии и увеличит срок эксплуатации транспортного средства.


Azize Laaraj

Azize Laaraj

3 месяца назад

المرجو منك ياأخي تحكي علا جميع الحساسات الموجودة في شاحنة

Ignacio Jose

Ignacio Jose

4 месяца назад

My MAN TRUCK,TGS 40,480 automatic always appear in the display»malfunction gearbox ECU when im igniting to start and eventhough i switch on to drive or reverse it doesnt work ,and still i let the air to full then i shutoff the engine and start again and quickly i shift to drive or reverse and that is only the time the gearbox will engage. That is everyday happening to my unit ,and i did the same procedure, is anyone knows what is the spareparts need to replace ln it?

Alfredo Olinio

Alfredo Olinio

9 месяцев назад

Sir how to reset automatic gear without a computer man truck 2016 model

Manley Brissett

Manley Brissett

10 месяцев назад

Hi everyone, I just bought a 2013 man tgx 26.440 and driving recently I saw the same notice on dash ,(Stop gear box malfunction, ecu,) is it the same fix as illustrated in the video, please help

Glads Mehlape

Glads Mehlape

11 месяцев назад

I do not see the comments..assist admin

Ratheesh Fujariah

Ratheesh Fujariah

1 год назад




1 год назад

Lot of issues with this gear box from 2014. 12 speed

Salfo Gnodogo

Salfo Gnodogo

1 год назад

Bonsoir comment aller je fais le même métier que vous s’il vous plaît je peux avoir votre contact pour plus information merci

Sifelani Leboho

Sifelani Leboho

1 год назад

What causes the truck to take long to change geqr

Guri singh

Guri singh

1 год назад

My friend solved this problem to watch this video..

aboshoog as

aboshoog as

1 год назад

ممكن رقم جوالك يااستاذ للضروره

ali hijazi

ali hijazi

2 года назад

What cause the to be on neutral and dont switch gear
While driving its shift to neutral by it self



2 года назад

Asalamu Alaykum Mohamed Kamal

Iulia Vasiloiu

Iulia Vasiloiu

2 года назад


vinod kumar

vinod kumar

2 года назад

Super sir same problem solved

ابراهيم حسين

ابراهيم حسين

4 года назад

ممكن رد

ابراهيم حسين

ابراهيم حسين

4 года назад

عندي سكانيه يطلع نفس العطل

Описание по всем кодам неисправностей

00001…..all except MTS……………………………Date, time, mileage in km
00001…..MTS………………………………………….Expansion module door 2
00002…..MTS………………………………………….Expansion module door 3
00002…..ZBRO………………………………………………………..Engine Speed
00003…..MTS………………………………………….Expansion module door 4
00003…..ZBRO……………………………………………………………Oil pressure
00004…..MTS………………………………………….Expansion module door 5
00004…..ZBRO…………………………….Reservoir pressure brake circuit 1
00005…..MTS…………………………………..Motor/door valve door 1 (front)
00005…..ZBRO…………………………….Reservoir pressure brake circuit 2
00006…..MTS……………………………………Motor/door valve door 1 (rear)
00006…..ZBRO………………………………….Brake pressure brake circuit 1
00007…..MTS…………………………………..Motor/door valve door 2 (front)
00007…..ZBRO………………………………….Brake pressure brake circuit 2
00008…..MTS……………………………………Motor/door valve door 1 (rear)
00008…..ZBRO………………………………………..Accelerator pedal position
00009…..MTS…………………………………..Motor/door valve door 3 (front)
00009…..ZBRO…………………………………………………….Preselected gear
00010…..MTS……………………………………Motor/door valve door 3 (rear)
00010…..ZBRO………………………………………………………..Engaged gear
00011…..MTS…………………………………..Motor/door valve door 4 (front)
00011…..ZBRO……………………………………….Cooling water temperature
00012…..MTS……………………………………Motor/door valve door 4 (rear)
00012…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Tank fill level
00013…..MTS…………………………………..Motor/door valve door 5 (front)
00013…..ZBRO…………………………….Reservoir pressure brake circuit 1
00014…..MTS……………………………………Motor/door valve door 5 (rear)
00014…..ZBRO…………………………….Reservoir pressure brake circuit 2
00015…..MTS………………………………………………….Entry lighting door 1
00015…..ZBRO……………………………………………………On-board voltage
00016…..MTS………………………………………………….Entry lighting door 2
00017…..MTS………………………………………………….Entry lighting door 3
00018…..MTS………………………………………………….Entry lighting door 4
00019…..MTS………………………………………………….Entry lighting door 5
00020…..MTS…………………………….Door closing warning device door 1
00021…..MTS…………………………….Door closing warning device door 2
00022…..MTS…………………………….Door closing warning device door 3
00023…..MTS…………………………….Door closing warning device door 4
00024…..MTS…………………………….Door closing warning device door 5
00025…..MTS……………………………………………..Ramp activation door 1
00026…..MTS……………………………………………..Ramp activation door 2
00027…..MTS……………………………………………..Ramp activation door 3
00028…..MTS……………………………………………..Ramp activation door 4
00029…..MTS……………………………………………..Ramp activation door 5
00030…..MTS……………………………………….Stop request display door 1
00031…..MTS……………………………………….Stop request display door 2
00032…..all except MTS………………………………………………Split position
00032…..MTS……………………………………….Stop request display door 3
00033…..all except MTS……………………………………Clutch travel sensor
00033…..MTS……………………………………….Stop request display door 4
00034…..MTS……………………………………….Stop request display door 5
00035…..MTS………………………………………..Door enable display door 1
00036…..MTS………………………………………..Door enable display door 2
00037…..MTS………………………………………..Door enable display door 3
00038…..all except MTS……………………………………………Fuel fill level 2
00038…..MTS………………………………………..Door enable display door 4
00039…..MTS………………………………………..Door enable display door 5
00040…..MTS…………………………………………….Workshop switch door 1
00041…..MTS…………………………………………….Workshop switch door 2
00042…..MTS…………………………………………….Workshop switch door 3
00043…..MTS…………………………………………….Workshop switch door 4
00044…..MTS…………………………………………….Workshop switch door 5
00045…..MTS………………………………………………..Pressure shaft door 1
00046…..EMOS………………………………….Cruise control nominal speed
00046…..MTS………………………………………………..Pressure shaft door 2
00047…..MTS………………………………………………..Pressure shaft door 3
00048…..MTS………………………………………………..Pressure shaft door 4
00049…..MTS………………………………………………..Pressure shaft door 5
00050…..MTS………………………………………..Stop request button door 1
00051…..CNG……………………………………………………….Throttle butterfly
00051…..MTS………………………………………..Stop request button door 2
00052…..MTS………………………………………..Stop request button door 3
00053…..MTS………………………………………..Stop request button door 4
00085…..MTS…………………………………………….Door sensor door 3 rear
00086…..all except MTS………………………….Road speed, cruise control
00086…..MTS……………………………………………Door sensor door 4 front
00087…..MTS…………………………………………….Door sensor door 4 rear
00088…..MTS……………………………………………Door sensor door 5 front
00089…..MTS…………………………………………….Door sensor door 5 rear
00090…..MTS…………………………………………………………………C3 signal
00091…..all except MTS……………………………Accelerator pedal position
00091…..MTS……………………………………Checklamp driver’s workplace
00092…..all except MTS……………….Current torque to maximum torque
00092…..MTS………………………………………………………..Pneumatic seal
00094…..EDC…………………………………………………Fuel supply pressure
00094…..MTS…………………………………………………….Red/green display
00095…..MTS……………………………………………….Depressurised buzzer
00096…..all except MTS……………………………………………Fuel fill level 1
00096…..MTS…………………………………………………………Bus-stop brake
00097…..MTS………………………………………..Stop request display driver
00098…..all except MTS…………………………………………..Engine oil level
00098…..MTS……………………………………….Baby carriage display driver
00100…..all…………………………………………………………………Oil pressure
00102…..all…………………………………………………………….Boost pressure
00105…..all…………………………………………………Charge air temperature
00107…..all………………………………………………………….Air filter pressure
00108…..all…………………………………………………….Barometric Pressure
00109…..all…………………………………………………Cooling water pressure
00110…..all…………………………………………………….Coolant temperature
00111…..all………………………………………………………………Coolant Level
00119…..RET………………………………………………………Housing pressure
00120…..DIW5…………………………..Temperature acquisition retarder oil
00132…..CNG………………………………………………………………….Air mass
00157…..EDC, Common Rail……………………………..Fuel pressure in rail
00157…..EDC6, not Common Rail……………………………….Fuel pressure
00158…..all……………………………..Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched
00159…..all……………………………………………………Gas Supply Pressure
00161…..all…………………………………………………….Gearbox input speed
00168…..all…………………………………………………………….Battery voltage
00171…..all…………………………………………………….Outside temperature
00173…..CNG………………………………………Exhaust temperature sensor
00173…..EDC………………..Exhaust temperature before particulate filter
00174…..all………………………………………………………….Fuel temperature
00175…..all………………………………………………….Engine oil temperature
00177…..all………………………………………Transmission fluid temperature
00190…..all………………………………………………………………Engine speed
00191…..all………………………………………………….Gearbox output speed
00228…..RAS………………………………….Speed speedometer and sensor
00245…..all……………………………………………………………Vehicle mileage
00359…..all…………………………………………………Kickdown switch signal
00512…..EMOS……………………………………………..Driver request torque
00513…..all………………………………………………………………Engine torque
00514…..CRT…………………………………………………………..Friction torque
00514…..EMOS………………………….’Engine friction loss moment’ signal
00518…..all……………………………………………………….Requested Torque
00520…..all…………………………………………………Current retarder torque
00521…..all………………………………………………………Brake pedal setting
00523…..all………………………………………………………………..Current gear
00525…..EMOS……………………………………………….Nominal gear signal
00544…..CRT…………………………………………Faulty engine speed signal
00556…..all…………………………………….Reference torque of the retarder
00558…..all…………………………………………Unladen driving switch signal
00560…..CRT…………………………………………………CAN message ETC 1
00561…..all……………………………………………..ASR engine check switch
00562…..all……………………………………………….ASR brake check switch
00563…..all…………………………………………………………ABS active signal
00572…..all……………………………………….Retarder switch shift assistant
00578…..all………………………………………………….Rear axle temperature
00582…..all…………………………………………………………………….Axle load
00595…..all……………………………………………Cruise control active signal
00597…..all………………………………………………………Brake switch signal
00598…..KSM………………………………………………….Clutch switch signal
00601…..all……………………………..Road speed governor resume switch
00603…..EBS………………………………………Pedal brake module switch 2
00609…..EBS…………………………………Central control unit — B-controller
00609…..EDC…………………………………………………………….Engine CAN
00617…..all…………………………………………………….Parking brake output
00620…..RAS………….Electrical power supply to steering angle sensors
00627…..EBS………..Monitoring of voltage supply on PIN X1/16 — X1/17
00627…..RAS………………………………………….Voltage supply terminal 30
00629…..all………………………………………No text! Specific to control unit
00637…..all……………………………………………………………..Timing Sensor
00638…..all……………………………………………………………..Rack Actuator
00639…..all…………………………………………………….Sae J1939 Data Link
00645…..EBS..External sequential fault: Time overrun or fault condition
in communication with tachograph on CAN (SA=0xEE)
00645…..RAS…………………………………………………..Speedometer signal
00647…..all…………………………………………………………………..Fan clutch
00651…..CNG………………………………………..Injection valve of cylinder 1
00651…..EDC…………………………………………………………Solenoid valve:
4-cylinder engine: Cyl. 1;
6-cylinder engine: Cyl. 1;
8-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 1, slave cyl. 5;
10-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 1, slave cyl. 6;
12-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 1, slave cyl. 12
00652…..CNG………………………………………..Injection valve of cylinder 2
00652…..EDC…………………………………………………………Solenoid valve:
4-cylinder engine: Cyl. 3;
6-cylinder engine: Cyl. 5;
8-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 2, slave cyl. 7;
10-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 5, slave cyl. 10;
12-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 5, slave cyl. 8
00653…..CNG………………………………………..Injection valve of cylinder 3
00653…..EDC…………………………………………………………Solenoid valve:
4-cylinder engine: Cyl. 4;
6-cylinder engine: Cyl. 3;
8-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 3, slave cyl. 6;
10-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 2, slave cyl. 7;
12-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 3, slave cyl. 10
00654…..CNG………………………………………..Injection valve of cylinder 4
00654…..EDC…………………………………………………………Solenoid valve:
4-cylinder engine: Cyl. 2;
6-cylinder engine: Cyl. 6;
8-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 4, slave cyl. 8;
10-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 3, slave cyl. 8;
12-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 6, slave cyl. 7
00655…..CNG………………………………………..Injection valve of cylinder 5
00655…..EDC…………………………………………………………Solenoid valve:
6-cylinder engine: Cyl. 2;
10-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 4, slave cyl. 9;
12-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 2, slave cyl. 11
00656…..CNG………………………………………..Injection valve of cylinder 6
00656…..EDC…………………………………………………………Solenoid valve:
6-cylinder engine: Cyl. 4;
12-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 4, slave cyl. 9
00697…..all……………………………………..Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal
00698…..all……………………………………..Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal
00699…..all…………………….Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal
00702…..KSM………………….Earth switch output, adjustable parameters
00703…..KSM…………Switch terminal 30 output, adjustable parameters
00704…..KSM………Switch 2 terminal 30 output, adjustable parameters
00705…..KSM………Switch 3 terminal 30 output, adjustable parameters
00706…..KSM………Switch 4 terminal 30 output, adjustable parameters
00707…..KSM………Switch 5 terminal 30 output, adjustable parameters
00708…..KSM……………….Earth switch 2 output, adjustable parameters
00709…..KSM……………….Earth switch 3 output, adjustable parameters
00711…..EDC………………………………………….Duration of main injection
00723…..all……………………………………….Auxiliary engine speed sensor
00731…..CNG………………………………………………………..Knock sensor 1
00734…..all…………………………………………………Solenoid valve circuit 1
00735…..all…………………………………………………Solenoid valve circuit 2
00736…..all…………………………………………………Solenoid valve circuit 3
00737…..all…………………………………………………Solenoid valve circuit 4
00738…..all………………………………….Solenoid valve pressure regulator
00739…..all………………………………………….Solenoid valve regeneration
00743…..RET………………………………………………………………On/off valve
00744…..RET……………………………………………………..Proportional valve
00746…..EBS……………….Differential lock valve (differential lock switch)
00748…..all………………………………………………………..Retarder actuated
00764…..RET………………………………Pressure sensor housing pressure
00767…..all………………………….Transmission Reverse Direction Switch
00770…..all………………………………………………………………………..Split H
00771…..all…………………………………………………………………………Split L
00773…..all…………………………………………………………………DNR switch
00780…..all………………………………………………Gearbox neutral indicator
00789…..EBS………………………………………………..Wheel sensor wheel 1
00790…..EBS………………………………………………..Wheel sensor wheel 2
00791…..EBS………………………………………………..Wheel sensor wheel 3
00792…..EBS………………………………………………..Wheel sensor wheel 4
00793…..EBS………………………………………………..Wheel sensor wheel 5
00794…..EBS………………………………………………..Wheel sensor wheel 6
00833…..all…………………………………………….Fuel Rack Position Sensor
00835…..RAS…………………………………………………………..Oil level signal
00876…..GKR………………………………………………..Compressor coupling
00877…..GKR………………………………….Evaporator temperature sensor
00898…..all……………………………………….Maximum speed limiter switch
00904…..all………………………………………………………….Front axle speed
00929…..TPM…………………………………………………………………Tyre data
00932…..EBS…………………….Pressure regulating valve left intake valve
00933…..EBS………………….Pressure regulating valve right intake valve
00938…..EBS………………….Pressure regulating valve left exhaust valve
00939…..EBS……………….Pressure regulating valve right exhaust valve
00944…..AB…………………………………………………Driver’s airbag (loop 1)
00944…..all except airbag…………………..No text! Specific to control unit
00946…..AB……………………………………………………………left BT (loop 2)
00946…..all except airbag…………………..No text! Specific to control unit
00948…..AB…………………………………………………………………..SRS lamp
00948…..all except airbag…………………..No text! Specific to control unit
00959…..all ……………………………………………………………………..Seconds
00960…..all ……………………………………………………………………… Minutes
00961…..all ………………………………………………………………………… Hours
00962…..all …………………………………………………………………………….Day
00963…..all …………………………………………………………………………Month
00964…..all ………………………………………………………………………….. Year
01131…..EDC……………………..Charge air temperature ahead of engine
01210…..all………………………………………No text! Specific to control unit
01213…..KSM…………………………………………………….Checklamp output
01231…..CRT……………………………………………………………..Engine CAN
01231…..EDC…………………………………………………………….Engine CAN
01235…..all……………………………………………………….J 1939 Network #3
01352…..CNG…………………………………………….Knock control cylinder 1
01353…..CNG…………………………………………….Knock control cylinder 2
01354…..CNG…………………………………………….Knock control cylinder 3
01355…..CNG…………………………………………….Knock control cylinder 4
01356…..CNG…………………………………………….Knock control cylinder 5
01357…..CNG…………………………………………….Knock control cylinder 6
01376…..all……………………………………………………….Tl. 30-1 connected
01485…..HDS……………………………………………..Main relay switched off
01542…..HDS……………………………………Voltage supply metering valve
01624…..all…………………………………………………………………Road speed
01669…..KSM…………………………………………………………..A-CAN busoff
01673…..ZBRO…………………………………………………Status body 3 CAN
01675…..EMOS………………………………………………..’Engine start’ signal
01676…..ZBR2…….No ‘Break light request’ signal in ERC_RX (timeout)
01761…..HDS……………………………………………………..Urea fill level tank
02000…..OBDU…………………………………No text! Specific to control unit
02001…..OBDU……………………………………………EDC slave not on CAN
02003…..OBDU……………………………………………….Gearbox not on CAN
02009…..OBDU………………….MAN Hydro Drive control unit not on CAN
02011…..OBDU………….EBS not on CAN (pneumatic backup operation)
02015…..OBDU…………………………………….Retarder engine not on CAN
02016…..OBDU…………………………………..Driveline retarder not on CAN
02023…..OBDU……………………………………..Instrumentation not on CAN
02037…..OBDU……………………………………….Radio module not on CAN
02039…..OBDU…………………………………………………….FFR not on CAN
02042…..OBDU…………………………………………………….ACC not on CAN
02047…..OBDU…………………………………………………..ECAS not on CAN
02048…..OBDU………………………………………………….ECAM not on CAN
02051…..OBDU………..Tyre pressure control system (TPM) not on CAN
02056…..OBDUControl unit of the steering rear axle (RAS) not on CAN
02061…..OBDU..Control unit of the exhaust post-treatment not on CAN
02062…..OBDU…………………………………………………….ESP not on CAN
02064…..OBDU………………………………………………..ECAS 2 not on CAN
02067…..OBDUTorque converter and clutch system (WSK) not on CAN
02114…..OBDU…………………………………………………….VSM not on CAN
02120…..OBDU…………………………………………………….ZFR not on CAN
02232…..OBDU………………………………..Lane guard system not on CAN
02238…..OBDU………………………………………….Tachograph not on CAN
02251…..OBDU……………………..Telematic onboard module not on CAN
02253…..OBDU…………………………………………………….KSM not on CAN
02987…..INST……………………….Parameter set in combination gauge or
chassis number in tachograph not adapted to the vehicle
02987…..STON……………………….Parameter set in instrument cluster or
in tachograph not adapted
02987…..ZBR2………..Parameter record in central on-board computer 2
or chassis number in tachograph not adapted to vehicle
02999…..ECO2…………………………………………….Retarder reduction if a
temperature threshold is exceeded
02999…..RET……………………………Power limit (temperature adaptation)
03000…..EBS…………………………………………………………………….No fault
03000…..EHLA……………………………Electronics error function computer
03000…..KSM……………….CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
VMC message ETC1.
03000…..SKG….. Temperature at outfeed of evaporator (KTT n. KTBV)
03000…..TBM………………………….An unexpected RESET has occurred
03000…..TPM…………………………………………………………..Tyre pressure
03000…..ZBR2……………………………………………………………ZBR system
03001…..ACC…………………………………………….Additional information 1
03001…..EBS………………..Control unit defective; unknown .C interrupt,
.C self-test, RAM or ROM test
03001…..ECAS………………………………………..Control unit (internal fault)
03001…..EDC…………………………Engine speed sensor, reverse polarity
03001…..EHLA………………………………..Electronic error safety computer
03001…..FFR……………………………………..Term. 30, continuous positive
03001…..GKR……………………………………Interior air temperature sensor
03001…..KSM……………….CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
VMC message ETC2.
03001…..RET……………………….Temperature sensor before engine (T1)
03001…..SFFR……………………………………………………….Driver’s request
03001…..SKG.Temperature at outfeed of ice accumulator (KTT n ESP)
03001…..TBM…………………………………………………Real-time clock TBM
03001….. TUER …………………………………………………………………. RESET
03001…..ZBR2………………………………………………….Wake up, computer
03001…..ZBRO………………………………………………External wake-up ZR
03002…..ACC…………………………………………….Additional information 2
03002…..AST…………………………………………………..Y2 valve splitter low
03002…..EBS………………………………………………..Control unit defective,
timeout in data exchange .C active – .C passive
03002…..EDC………………………………………………………..Segment speed
03002…..EHLA………………………………………….Digital output parameters
03002…..GKR………………………………….External air temperature sensor
03002…..KSM……………….CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
VMC message ETC3.
03002…..RET………………………….Temperature sensor after engine (T2)
03002…..SFFR……..Speed request ship vehicle management computer
03002…..TBM……………………………………………………..Fault in EEPROM
03002….. TUER ……………………………………….EE_CHECKSUM_ERROR
03002…..ZBRO…………………………………………….External wake-up1 ZR
03003…..ACC…………………………………………….Additional information 3
03003…..AST………………………………………………….Y3 valve splitter high
03003…..EBS….Control unit defective; redundancy fault .c input signal
03003…..EDC……………………………………………….Engine speed sensor/
auxiliary speed sensor swapped over
03003…..GKR…………………………………Blow-out air temperature sensor
03003…..KSM……………….CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
EBS message EBC1.
03003…..RET….Fault (watchdog drop-out / internal error in control unit)
03003…..SFFR…………………………………………………………….Terminal 15
03003…..SKG…………………………………………………………Motor / valve B
03003…..TBM……………………………………………………..Fault in RAM disk
03003…..TUER………………………………. SIDE_INFORMATION_ERROR
03003…..ZBRO…………………………………………….External wake-up2 ZR
03004…..ACC…………………………………………….Additional information 4
03004…..AST…………………………………………Y4 valve gate position 3 / 4
03004…..EBS………………………………………………..Control unit defective,
checksum data exchange .C active – .C passive
03004…..EDC…………………………………………………..EGR valve position
03004…..GKR………………………………..Bypass flap motor potentiometer
03004…..KSM……………….CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
EDC message CcVeh_speed.
03004…..LGS……………………………………………………………….Control unit
03004…..RET……………………………………….EEPROM (data record fault)
03004…..SFFR………………………………………………Voltage selector lever
03004…..SKG…………………………………………………………Motor / valve C
03004…..TBM………………………………………Operating temperature TBM
03004….. TUER ……………………………………………………ILLEGAL_STATE
03004…..ZBRO…………………………………….External wake-up ZR by IKN
03005…..AST…………………………………………Y5 valve gate position 1 / 2
03005…..EBS………………………….Control unit defective; EEPROM fault:
Checksum not correct
03005…..EDC……………………………………Timeout, message location 13
03005…..EHLA………………………………………..Proportional valve outputs
03005…..GKR…………………………………………………………..Heating valve
03005…..KSM……………….CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
EDC message EEC1.
03005…..RET…………………………………………ROM (checksum incorrect)
03005…..SFFR……………………………………….Voltage pedal value sensor
03005…..SKG………………………………………………………………Main pump
03005…..TBM…………………Overcurrent at digital power current outputs
03005…..TUER………………………………………………….. ILLEGAL_EVENT
03005…..ZBRO……………………………………………Status ZR fault number
03006…..AST…………………………………………Y6 valve shift position 1 / R
03006…..EDC………………………………………………………….Primary speed
03006…..GKR……………………………..Recirculation ventilation flap motor
03006…..KSM……………….CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
EDC message EEC2.
03006…..RET………………………………….CAN data bus, TSC1 — message
03006…..SKG…………………………………………………..Recirculating pump
03006…..TUER…………………………………………………Window lifter motor
03006…..ZBRO…………………………………………………..K3-CAN activation
03007…..AST…………………………………………Y3 valve shift position 2 / 3
03007…..EDC…………………………………………DM4 request, invalid PGN
03007…..GKR…………………………………………………….Bypass flap motor
03007…..KSM……………….CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
EDC message Eng_Temp.
03007…..RET…………………………………CAN data bus, EEC1 — message
03007…..SKG………………Communication control element – control unit
03007…..TUER…………………………………………..right/left switch (mirrors)
03007…..ZBRO…………………………………………………….T-CAN activation
03008…..AST……………………………….Y3 valve range-change group low
03008…..EBS………………………………………………..Control unit defective;
test transfer from .c to CAN trailer IC
03008…..EDC………………………..FFR3: Retarder oil temperature invalid
03008…..EHLA…………………………………………..Sensor supply, deviation
03008…..GKR……………………………………………….Blower control voltage
03008…..KSM……………….CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
EDC message EngFlui_LevPre.
03008…..RET…………………………………CAN data bus, TCO1 — message
03008…..SKG………………Filling/bleeding mode not completed correctly
03008…..TUER………………………………………………Window lifter shut-off
03008…..ZBRO……………………………………Central computer running on
03009…..AST………………………………Y3 valve range-change group high
03009…..EBS..Control unit defective; redundancy fault .c output signal
03009…..EDC ……………………………………………………………… Overspeed
03009…..EHLA………..Voltage supply switched on when vehicle moving
03009…..KSM………………………………………………………….CAN data bus:
Time overrun when receiving EDC message Amb_Cond.
03009…..RET…………………………………CAN data bus, ERC1 — message
03009…..SKG……………………………………………………….Controller mode
03009…..TUER……………………………………..Mirror adjust time exceeded
03010…..AST…………………………………………………………Y10 main valve
03010…..EBS………………………………………………..Control unit defective;
wheel diameter compensation value not correct
03010…..ECAS………………..Control unit (checksum ECU-specific data)
03010…..EDC………………………………….Control deviation, injection start
03010…..EHLA………………..Signature EOL parameter advance warning
03010…..FFR…………………….Torque and engine speed limiting system
03010…..KSM……………….CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
ECAM message ECAM1.
03010…..LGS…………………………………………………..Turn indicator signal
03010…..RET……………………………CAN data bus, start error monitoring
03010…..SKG…………………………………..On-board voltage (terminal 30)
03010…..TBM…………………………………………………………No GPS signal
03010…..TPM………………….Slight leakage: Slight pressure loss at min.
one tyre > approx. 20 mbar/h
03010…..TUER…………………………..incorrect CAN command, door lock
03011…..CNG……………………..Heating probe before catalytic converter
(output stage)
03011…..EBS………………………………………………..Control unit defective;
error in service brake valve characteristic
03011…..ECAS……………………………Control unit (checksum parameter)
03011…..EDC……………………………………………….Angle of injection start
03011…..EHLA…………………………………………Signature EOL parameter
03011…..FFR…………………………………………………EVB pressure sensor
03011…..KSM……………….CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
CBR message Aux_Stat_Zbr1.
03011…..LGS……………………………………………………….Left loudspeaker
03011…..TBM……………………………………………………GPS aerial current
03011…..TPM………………………………..Pressure in left outer tyre, axle 1
03011…..TUER……………………………………Central locking does not lock
03012…..EBS………………………………………………..Control unit defective;
incompatibility in data record version number
03012…..ECAS.Control unit (checksum calibration data travel sensors)
03012…..EDC…………………………………………………………….CAN module
03012…..EHLA……………………………………..Value range EOL parameter
03012…..KSM……………….CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
CBR message Time_Date.
03012…..LGS……………………………………………………..Right loudspeaker
03012…..RET………………………Pressure from cooler valve (brake lamp)
03012…..TPM………………………………..Pressure in left inner tyre, axle 1
03013…..EBS………………………………………………..Control unit defective;
characteristic in EEPROM not plausible
03013…..ECAS…………………………………………………………….Control unit
(checksum calibration data pressure sensors)
03013…..EDC……………………………………………………………..CAN bus off
03013…..EHLA………………………………………….Steering pressure sensor
03013…..KSM……………….CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
CBR message Veh_Dist.
03013…..RET……………………………………Axial thrust (outside tolerance)
03013…..TPM………………………………Pressure in right inner tyre, axle 1
03014…..EBS………………….Control unit electrical power supply (tl. 30a)
03014…..EDC……………………………………………………Main relay blocked
03014…..EHLA………………………………………………………Pressure supply
03014…..KSM………..CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving C34.
03014…..LGS……………………………………………..Camera module too hot
03014…..RET…………………………..Pressure sensor positioning pressure
03014…..TPM………………………………Pressure in right outer tyre, axle 1
03015…..EBS………………….Control unit electrical power supply (tl. 30b)
03015…..ECAS……………..Control unit (checksum permitted axle loads)
03015…..EDC……………………max. time after TERM. 15 OFF exceeded
03015…..EHLA…………………………………………..Pressure supply warning
03015…..KSM……………………………………………………Control unit (RAM)
03015…..LGS…………………………………Output driver’s seat vibration left
03015…..TBM……………………………………………………………GSM modem
03016…..EBS……………………Control unit electrical power supply (tl. 15)
03016…..ECAS…………………………………………………………….Control unit
(checksum calibration data acceleration sensors)
03016…..EDC…………FFR1: Bit error zero quantity due to engine brake
03016…..KSM……………………………………………………Control unit (ROM)
03016…..LGS……………………………….Output driver’s seat vibration right
03017…..AST…………………………………………………………Y1 clutch brake
03017…..EBS……………………………………..ECU supply (external supply)
03017…..EDC………………………………….FFR1: Bit error, nominal torque
03017…..KSM……………………………………………..Control unit (watchdog)
03018…..AST……………………………….Small valve for opening the clutch
03018…..EBS…………………….Control unit defective; brake switch 1 or 2
03018…..EDC…………FFR1: Bit error top-speed governor parameter ID
03018…..EHLA………………………………………………………..Oil level in tank
03018…..KSM……………………………..Control unit (EEPROM parameter)
03019…..AST…………………………………Small valve for closing the clutch
03019…..EBS……Setpoint sensing (accelerator to brake pedal position)
03019…..EDC………………..FFR1: EDR min. nominal value not reached
03019…..EHLA………………………………………………………Oil filter blocked
03019…..KSM…………………Control unit (internal relay voltage supply or
short-circuit terminal 30 — terminal 30 switched output
03020…..AST……………………………….Large valve for opening the clutch
03020…..EBS………….Faulty supply voltage (5 volts) for analog sensors
03020…..EDC……………………………FFR1: Bit error, EDR nominal value
03020…..FFR………………………………….Accelerator pedal, PWM1 signal
03020…..KSM………………………….Control unit (EEPROM fault memory)
03020…..SFFR………………………………………………………..Supply voltage
03020…..TBM…………………………………………………….Breakdown switch
03020…..TPM……………………….Medium leakage: Pressure loss at min.
one tyre approx. 80 mbar/h
03021…..AST…………………………………Large valve for closing the clutch
03021…..EBS……………Faulty pedal brake module potentiometer signal
03021…..EDC………………FFR1: Bit error intermediate speed governing
system parameter ID
03021…..EHLA………………………………………………CAN message ‘EEC1’
03021…..FFR………………………………….Accelerator pedal, PWM2 signal
03021…..KSM……………….CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
vehicle management computer message Fuel_Cons.
03021…..SFFR………………………………………………….Pedal value sensor
03021…..TBM…………………………………………………………….Alarm switch
03021…..TPM………………………………..Pressure in left outer tyre, axle 2
03022…..AST….Electrical power supply, speed sensor ASTronic output
03022…..EBS……………………………………………Faulty axle load sensor 1
03022…..EDC…………………………………………..FFR1: ISG nominal value
03022…..FFR…………………Accelerator pedal, PWM1 and PWM2 signal
03022…..KSM……………….CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
central on-board computer message Dash_Disp.
03022…..SFFR………………………………………………………….Selector lever
03022…..TBM……………………………………………………….Chassis number
03022…..TPM………………………………..Pressure in left inner tyre, axle 2
03023…..EBS……………………………………………Faulty axle load sensor 2
03023…..EDC………………….FFR1: Bit error request torque overrevving
03023…..KSM……………….CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
EBS/ECAS message Veh_Weight.
03023…..SFFR……………………………………….Idling speed harmonisation
03023…..TBM……………………………………………………..Geographic width
03023…..TPM………………………………Pressure in right inner tyre, axle 2
03024…..AST……………………….Current WSK retarder torque in percent
03024…..EBS….Brake pad wear: Incorrect tendency between the axles
03024…..EBS_K1……………………………….Dynamic pad trend fault axles
03024…..EDC…………………………FFR1: Bit error, request ramps off/out
03024…..EHLA…………………………………………………………….Engine revs
03024…..KSM……………….CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
vehicle management computer message Eng_Hour/Rev.
03024…..SFFR…………………………………………………..Default driving unit
03024…..TBM…………………………………………………….Geographic length
03024…..TPM………………………………Pressure in right outer tyre, axle 2
03025…..EBS…………………………….Brake pad wear: Incorrect tendency
between the wheels of axle 1
03025…..EBS_K1……………………….Dynamic pad trend fault front axles
03025…..EDC………………………………………FFR1: reserved Bits & Bytes
03025…..EHLA…………………..Cab position, impermissible change when
 vehicle moving
03025…..KSM……………….CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
tachograph message Veh_Ident.
03025…..SFFR……………………………………………………………Engine CAN
03025…..TBM…………………………………………………….GPS position data
03026…..AST………………………CAN data bus engine configuration from
the EDC, engine configuration
03026…..CNG………………….Vehicle management computer message 1
03026…..EBS…………………………….Brake pad wear: Incorrect tendency
between the wheels of axle 2
03026…..EBS_K1……………………….Dynamic pad trend fault rear axle 1
03026…..EDC…………………………………………………………FFR1: Timeout
03026…..EHLA……………..Cab position, vehicle moving when swivelling
03026…..EMOS…………………………Timeout of Engine_Config message
03026…..KSM……………….CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
vehicle management computer message Service.
03026…..SFFR……………………………………………………………MMDS CAN
03026…..TBM…………………………………………………..CPU TRAP register
03027…..AST………..CAN data bus engine configuration from the EDC,
engine configuration
03027…..EBS…………………………….Brake pad wear: Incorrect tendency
between the wheels of axle 3
03027…..EBS_K1……………………….Dynamic pad trend fault rear axle 2
03027…..EDC…………………………………………………FFR2: Driveline fault
03027…..EHLA……………………………………………………………Cab position
03027…..KSM……………….CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
tachograph message TCO1.
03027…..SFFR…………………Engine CAN: Time overrun when receiving
EDC message EDC1
03028…..AST….CAN data bus retarder check from secondary retarder,
ERC1_RD (current retarder torque)
03028…..EBS…………………………….Brake pad wear: Incorrect tendency
between the wheels of axle 4
03028…..EBS_K1………………….Dynamic pad trend fault additional axle
03028…..EDC……………………………FFR2: Nominal torque value too low
03028…..EHLA……………………Cab position, swivelling is taking too long
03028…..KSM……………….CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
vehicle management computer message ERC1_RX.
03028…..SFFR…………………Engine CAN: Time overrun when receiving
EDC message EDC2
03029…..AST………………………………CAN data bus retarder check from
secondary retarder, ERC1
(additional heating of the engine,
engine coolant load increase)
03029…..EBS………………………………………………………….SPN undefined
03029…..EDC……………………………FFR2: Bit error, nominal idling value
03029…..EHLA……………………Emergency steering pump, no oil volume
03029…..EMOS…………………………..’Request engine speed increase in
braking mode’ signal
03029…..KSM……………….CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
tachograph message BAM_MTCO_VIN.
03029…..SFFR…………………Engine CAN: Time overrun when receiving
EDC message EDC3
03030…..AST……………………………CAN data bus retarder configuration
from secondary retarder,
Ret_Conf driveline retarder configuration
03030…..EBS……………………..Faulty brake pad wear and retarder relay
output stage checkback
03030…..EDC……FFR2: Bit error, idling speed governing parameter ID
03030…..EHLA………………………………………..Emergency steering pump
03030…..KSM……………….CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
tachograph message P_MTCO_VIN.
03030…..SFFR…………………Engine CAN: Time overrun when receiving
EDC message EDC4
03030…..TPM……………..Severe leakage: Severe pressure loss at min.
one tyre approx. 200 mbar/h
03031…..AST………………………………CAN data bus retarder check from
vehicle management computer engine brake torque
‘ERC1_ REX retarder percent torque’
03031…..EBS………………..Faulty retarder relay output stage checkback
03031…..EDC……FFR2: nominal idling speed governing value too high
03031…..EHLA……Pressure build-up in pressure accumulator too short
03031…..HDS………………………………………………Urea tank temperature
03031…..KSM………………………..Adjustment lever angle reduction input
(throttle butterfly reduction request)
03031…..SFFR…………………Engine CAN: Time overrun when receiving
EDC message EDC5
03031…..TPM………………………………..Pressure in left outer tyre, axle 3
03032…..AST……………………CAN data bus engine brake configuration,
‘engine retarder configuration’
03032…..EBS…………….Faulty brake pad wear output stage checkback
03032…..EDC……………………………FFR2: Bit error, stand alone request
03032…..EHLA……………………………………………Centring circuit warning
03032…..KSM……Signal frequency at adjustment lever angle reduction
input (throttle butterfly reduction request)
03032…..SFFR…………………Engine CAN: Time overrun when receiving
EDC message EngineConfig
03032…..TPM………………………………..Pressure in left inner tyre, axle 3
03033…..AST……………………CAN data bus engine brake configuration,
‘engine retarder configuration’
03033…..EBS………Invalid checkback signal for the yellow warning light
03033…..EDC……………………………………..FFR2: Bit error, start request
03033…..EHLA………………………………………………………..Centring circuit
03033…..KSM……………….CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
body CAN message KSM2_A.
03033…..SFFR…………………MMDS CAN: Time overrun when receiving
MMDS message TSC1-FME.
03033…..TPM………………………………Pressure in right inner tyre, axle 3
03034…..EBS…………..Invalid checkback signal for the red warning light
03034…..EDC……………………………FFR2: Bit error, engine stop request
03034…..EHLA………..Actuator test of axle behaviour in centring circuit,
03034…..KSM………………………………………………..Power take-off output
03034…..SFFR…………………MMDS CAN: Time overrun when receiving
MMDS message Time/Date
03034…..TPM………………………………Pressure in right outer tyre, axle 3
03035…..EBS…………………………Electrical power supply axle modulator
03035…..EDC………………………………………FFR2: reserved Bits & Bytes
03035…..EHLA…..Actuator test of pressure behaviour in centring circuit
03035…..KSM……………….CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
retarder message ERC1_RD.
03035…..SFFR…………………MMDS CAN: Time overrun when receiving
MMDS message VehDistance
03036…..CNG………………….Vehicle management computer message 2
03036…..EBS…………..Short-circuit on one of the module output stages
03036…..EDC…………………………………………………………FFR2: Timeout
03036…..KSM……………….CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
retarder message ERC1_RE.
03037…..EBS…………….Vehicle dynamics control steering angle sensor
electrical power supply
03037…..EDC…………………FFR3: Bit error, pedal value sensor position
03037…..KSM……………………………..CAN data bus: Time overrun when
receiving user-definable message FREI_1.
03038…..EBS…………………………………………………………….Interaxle lock
03038…..EDC……………………………………FFR3: Bit error, standstill info.
03038…..KSM……………………………..CAN data bus: Time overrun when
receiving user-definable message FREI_2.
03039…..EBS………………………………………………….Lock relay, front axle
03039…..EDC………………………………………FFR3: reserved Bits & Bytes
03039…..KSM……………………………..CAN data bus: Time overrun when
receiving user-definable message FREI_3.
03040…..CNG………………….Vehicle management computer message 3
03040…..EBS………………………………………………Display bus-stop brake
03040…..EDC…………………………………………………………FFR3: Timeout
03040…..EHLA……………………………………..Angle encoder configuration
03040…..KSM……………………………..CAN data bus: Time overrun when
receiving user-definable message FREI_4.
03041…..EBS..Engine interface, adjustment lever angle increase input,
permanently low, > 400 ms
03041…..EDC………DM4 request frequency too high ( docu. page 172 )
03041…..EHLA………………………………………………Angle encoder supply
03041…..TPM………………………………..Pressure in left outer tyre, axle 4
03042…..EBS..Engine interface, adjustment lever angle increase input,
permanently high, > 400 ms
03042…..EDC………………………………….FFR2: Input shaft speed invalid
03042…..EHLA………………….Angle encoder, steering axle 1, differential
03042…..KSM………..CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving FFR
(vehicle management computer) message Fuel_Eco.
03042…..TPM………………………………..Pressure in left inner tyre, axle 4
03043…..EBS..Engine interface, adjustment lever angle increase input,
frequency > 220 Hz
03043…..EDC………..Fault memory info., timeout, message location 10
03043…..EHLA……………….Angle encoder, steering axle 1, total voltage
03043…..TPM………………………………Pressure in right inner tyre, axle 4
03044…..CNG………………..Lambda control adaptation additive (bank 1)
03044…..EBS..Engine interface, adjustment lever angle increase input,
mark-to-space ratio > 95 %
03044…..EHLA………………………………….Angle encoder, steering axle 1
03044…..TPM………………………………Pressure in right outer tyre, axle 4
03045…..CNG……………………………………………..Starter control: Blocked
03045…..EBS..Engine interface, adjustment lever angle increase input,
mark-to-space ratio < 5 %
03045…..EDC…………………………………………Starter activation defective
03045…..EHLA……………………….Angle encoder, steering axle 1, track 1
SD 812a en
03046…..EBS..Engine interface, adjustment lever angle increase input,
mark-to-space ratio > 95 %
03046…..EDC…………………………………Atmospheric pressure detection
03046…..EHLA……………………….Angle encoder, steering axle 1, track 2
03047…..EBS..Engine interface, adjustment lever angle increase input,
permanently low or high 80 – 400 ms
03047…..EDC………………….Overrun test gate array monitoring module
03047…..EHLA………………….Angle encoder, steering axle 2, differential
03048…..EDC………………………….Overrun test undervoltage monitoring
03048…..EHLA……………….Angle encoder, steering axle 2, total voltage
03049…..AST…………………………………………………………Y1 clutch brake
03049…..EBS…………….CAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded
03049…..EDC……………………………Overrun test overvoltage monitoring
03049…..EHLA………………………………….Angle encoder, steering axle 2
03050…..AST……………………………….Small valve for opening the clutch
03050…..EBS…………………………………..CAN data bus driveline, bus off
03050…..ECAS………………………………………Control unit, supply voltage
03050…..EDC………………………………………..After-run test, zero quantity
03050…..EHLA……………………….Angle encoder, steering axle 2, track 1
03051…..AST…………………………………Small valve for closing the clutch
03051…..EBS…………CAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded in
EEC1 message from the EDC
03051…..ECAS…………………………………………………..Operator unit data
03051…..EDC……………………………………….After-run test, MES1 output
03051…..EHLA……………………….Angle encoder, steering axle 2, track 2
03051…..TPM………………………………..Pressure in left outer tyre, axle 5
03052…..AST……………………………….Large valve for opening the clutch
03052…..EBS………………………….CAN J 1939 receive time exceeded in
message EEC2 from the EDC
03052…..ECAS………………………………………………….Operator unit clock
03052…..EDC……………………………………..Timeout, message location 5
03052…..EHLA………………….Angle encoder, steering axle 3, differential
03052…..TPM………………………………..Pressure in left inner tyre, axle 5
03053…..AST…………………………………Large valve for closing the clutch
03053…..EBS……CAN J 1939 receive time exceeded message CFG_E
03053…..ECAS………………………………………………..Operator unit 2 data
03053…..EDC……………………………………..Timeout, message location 6
03053…..EHLA……………….Angle encoder, steering axle 3, total voltage
03053…..TPM………………………………Pressure in right inner tyre, axle 5
03054…..ECAS……………………………………………….Operator unit 2 clock
03054…..EDC……………………………………..Timeout, message location 7
03054…..EHLA………………………………….Angle encoder, steering axle 3
03054…..TPM………………………………Pressure in right outer tyre, axle 5
03055…..EDC……………………………………Timeout, message location 14
03055…..EHLA……………………….Angle encoder, steering axle 3, track 1
03056…..EBS…………CAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded in
ERC1_D message from retarder
03056…..EDC………..Checksum HW calibration date in serial EEPROM
03056…..EHLA……………………….Angle encoder, steering axle 3, track 2
03057…..EBS…………CAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded in
ERC1_E message from retarder
03057…..EDC………………….Ser. EEPROM data not equal to checksum
03057…..EHLA………………….Angle encoder, steering axle 4, differential
03058…..EBS…………CAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded in
ERC1_EX message from
vehicle management computer
03058…..EDC…. Ser. EEPROM: Data main relay monitoring checksum
03058…..EHLA……………….Angle encoder, steering axle 4, total voltage
03059…..AST……………………………………….Checkback power take-off 1
03059…..EBS…………CAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded in
‘High Resolution Vehicle Distance’ message
 from tachograph
03059…..EDC……………..Ser. EEPROM: Data error memory checksum
03059…..EHLA………………………………….Angle encoder, steering axle 4
03060…..AST……………………………………….Checkback power take-off 2
03060…..EBS…………CAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded in
‘Supply pressure’ message from the ECAM
03060…..EDC.Ser. EEPROM: Data operating hours counter checksum
03060…..EHLA……………………….Angle encoder, steering axle 4, track 1
03060…..FFR…..Engine CAN sending message timeout (time overrun).
03061…..AST………………………………………….Switch off power take-off 1
03061…..EBS…………….CAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded
in EEC3 message from the EDC
03061…..ECAS…………………………………..Interruption in communication
03061…..EDC………………………Ser. EEPROM: Actuator test checksum
03061…..EHLA……………………….Angle encoder, steering axle 4, track 2
03061…..FFR………………..CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
EDC message engine configuration.
03062…..AST………………………………………….Switch off power take-off 2
03062…..EBS…………CAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded in
‘Cruise Control/Vehicle Speed’ message from
the EDC via vehicle management computer
03062…..ECAS………………………………………………CAN message VSC1
03062…..EDC……………….Ser. EEPROM: Starter monitoring checksum
03062…..EHLA…………………………Angle encoder, front axle, differential
03062…..FFR………………..CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
EDC message EDC1.
03063…..AST………………………………………….Switch on power take-off 1
03063…..EBS…………….CAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded
in vehicle weight measurement message
from the ECAS
03063…..ECAS………………………………………………CAN message EEC1
03063…..EDC…………………………………………….After-run not completed
03063…..EHLA……………………….Angle encoder, front axle, total voltage
03063…..FFR………………..CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
EDC message EDC2.
03064…..AST………………………………………….Switch on power take-off 2
03064…..EBS………….CAN data bus driveline, values for vehicle weight
in the ‘Vehicle Weight’ message from
the ECAS outside the range
03064…..ECAS………………………………………………CAN message EBC2
03064…..EDC…………………………………………….Stand alone mode EDC
03064…..EHLA………………………………………….Angle encoder, front axle
03064…..FFR……………BotCAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
EDC message EDC3.
03065…..EBS…………….CAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded
in TSC1_ACC message from the ACC
03065…..ECAS……………………………………………..CAN message FFR_1
03065…..EDC……………………………………Triggering individual operation
03065…..EHLA………………………………Angle encoder, front axle, track 1
03065…..FFR………………..CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
EDC message EDC4.
03066…..EBS……………..Driveline CAN databus, receive time exceeded
for EEC2 message from the EDC
03066…..ECAS………………………………………….CAN message ECAM_1
03066…..EDC…………………………………………………………Time after start
03066…..EHLA………………………………Angle encoder, front axle, track 2
03066…..FFR………………..CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
EDC message EDC5.
03067…..EBS…………….CAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded
in TCO1 message from tachograph
03067…..ECAS……………….CAN message EBS (axle load, driven axle)
03067…..EDC …………………………………………………………………..Self-test
03067…..EHLA……………………………Angle encoder, joystick, differential
03068…..EBS………………………………..CAN data bus driveline, values in
‘TCO1 Vehicle Speed’ message from
tachograph not plausible
03068…..ECAS………………………………………………CAN message EBC5
03068…..EDC………………………………………Monitoring module defective
03068…..EHLA………………………….Angle encoder, joystick, total voltage
03069…..EBS………….CAN J 1939 receive time exceeded message TD
03069…..ECAS………………………………………………CAN message EBC1
03069…..EDC……………………………………..Redundant speed monitoring
03069…..EHLA…………………………………………….Angle encoder, joystick
03070…..EBS……CAN J1939 receive time exceeded in message ETC1
from the vehicle management computer
03070…..ECAS………………………Incorrect CAN message time and date
03070…..EDC……………………………………..Status of plausibility violation
03070…..EHLA…………………………………Angle encoder, joystick, track 1
03071…..EBS……CAN J1939 receive time exceeded in message ETC2
from the vehicle management computer
03071…..EDC……………………………………………Operating noise analysis
03071…..EHLA…………………………………Angle encoder, joystick, track 2
03072…..EBS……………..Driveline CAN databus, receive time exceeded
for ETC2 message from VMC
03072…..EDC………………………………………Status of defective cylinders
03072…..EHLA…………………………………………Speed signals, differential
03073…..EBS……………..Driveline CAN databus, receive time exceeded
03073…..EDC………………………………………………..Amount violation sign
03073…..EHLA……………………………………………Speed signal parameter
03074…..EBS……………..Driveline CAN databus, receive time exceeded
03074…..EBS…CAN J 1939 receive time exceeded message AS1-ZBR
03074…..ECAS……….Incorrect CAN message display instrument panel
03074…..EDC………………………………………………………..ID number FFR
03074…..EHLA………………….Can message ‘Wheel speed information 2’
03075…..EBS……………..Driveline CAN databus, receive time exceeded
03075…..ECAS…………………………..Incorrect CAN message (ASC_2C)
03075…..EDC……………………………………..Fuel pressure sensor (phys.)
03076…..CNG………………………………….Immobiliser: No quantity due to
incorrect vehicle management computer ID
03076…..EBS……………..Driveline CAN databus, receive time exceeded
03076…..ECAS……………………………Incorrect CAN message (ASC_2A)
03076…..EDC………………………………….Immobiliser: No quantity due to
incorrect vehicle management computer ID
03076…..RAS…………………………………………………………..Oil level check
03077…..EBS………………CAN data bus driveline, message XBR (ACC)
03077…..ECAS……………………………Incorrect CAN message (ASC_2B)
03077…..EDC………………………………….Immobiliser: No quantity due to
vehicle management computer ID being
‘not ready’ for too long
03077…..EHLA……………………………………..CAN message ‘Tachograph’
03077…..RAS……Comparison between tachometer / EBC speed signal
03078…..EBS………………………CAN data bus driveline, message ETC7
03078…..ECAS……………………………Incorrect CAN message (ASC_6A)
03078…..EDC……………Immobiliser: Invalid FR ID after quantity enable
03078…..RAS………………………………….CAN signal speed speedometer
03079…..ECAS……………………………Incorrect CAN message (ASC_6B)
03079…..EDC………………………………………….Governor linkage position
03080…..EBS………………….Impermissible signal CCVS (parking brake)
03080…..ECAS………………………….Incorrect CAN message door status
03080…..EDC…………………………………………………….ID number of EDC
03080…..EHLA……………………………………………….CAN message CCVS
03080…..FFR..Driveline CAN sending message timeout (time overrun).
03081…..EBS……………………………..Impermissible signal CCVS (clutch)
03081…..ECAS………………………………..Incorrect CAN message TCO 1
03081…..EDC…………………………Charge air pressure governor shut-off
03081…..FFR………………..CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
EBS message EBC1.
03081…..RAS……………………………………….CAN signal road speed EBC
03082…..CNG…………………………………..Oil pressure sensor plausibility
03082…..EBS…………………….Impermissible signal EEC1 (rated torque)
03082…..ECAS……………Incorrect CAN message mileage reading (km)
03082…..EDC…………………………………..Oil pressure sensor plausibility
03082…..FFR………………..CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
EBS message EBC2.
03082…..RAS…………………………………………..CAN signal engine speed
03083…..EBS……………………Impermissible signal EEC1 (actual torque)
03083…..EDC…………………………………Fuel pressure sensor plausibility
03083…..EHLA………………………………………………………..Speed signal 1
03083…..FFR………………..CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
 retarder message ERC1_RD.
03083…..RAS……………………………………………………..CAN signal weight
03084…..EBS……………………..Impermissible signal EEC1 (engine revs)
03084…..EDC…………………………….Stop position test, governor linkage
03084…..EHLA………………………………………………………..Speed signal 2
03084…..FFR………………..CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
EBS message EBC3.
03084…..RAS………………………………………………..CAN signal lifting axle
03085…..EBS…………..Impermissible signal EEC2 (idling speed switch)
03085…..EDC……………………………………FFR3: Vehicle distance invalid
03085…..EHLA………………………………………………………..Speed signal 3
03085…..RAS…………………………………………..CAN signal parking brake
03086…..CNG………….Monitoring exhaust gas recirculation throughflow
03086…..EBS….Impermissible signal EEC2 (accelerator pedal position)
03086…..EDC……………Exhaust gas recirculation actuator position limit
03086…..EDC_7………..Exhaust gas recirculation actuator position limit
03086…..EHLA…………………………………………………………Speed signals
03086…..FFR………………..CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
Astronic message ETC1.
03086…..RAS…………………………….CAN signal bus transmitter/receiver
03087…..EBS…………..Impermissible signal EEC3 (nom. friction torque)
03087…..EDC…………………………………………………..Oil pressure sensor
03087…..EHLA…………………………………………Speed signals, differential
03087…..FFR………………..CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
Astronic message ETC2.
03087…..RAS………………………………………..Parameter value calibration
03088…..EBS………………….Impermissible signal ERC1_MC (ret. mode)
03088…..EDC………………………………………………Boost pressure sensor
03088…..FFR………………..CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
tachograph message TCO1.
03089…..EBS………………..Impermissible signal ERC1_MC (ret. torque)
03089…..EDC…………………………………..Charge air temperature sensor
03089…..FFR………………..CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
central on-board computer message Veh_Dist.
03090…..AST………………………..ECU (communication controllers 1 + 2)
03090…..EBS………………………….Impermissible signal ETC1 (driveline)
03090…..EHLA………………………………………..Axle monitoring parameter
03090…..FFR………………..CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
central on-board computer message Time/Date.
03091…..AST………………………….CAN data bus EBS1 from EBS, EBC1
03091…..EBS……………….Impermissible signal ETC2 (gear information)
03091…..EDC………………………………Cooling water temperature sensor
03091…..EHLA…………………………Inverse movement on steering axle 1
03091…..EMOS……………………………………..Timeout of EBC1 message
03091…..FFR………………..CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
 retarder message RE_Fluids.
03092…..EBS………………….Impermissible signal SP (reservoir circuit 1)
03092…..EDC………………………………………………….Time/date: Timeout,
03092…..EHLA…………………………..System deviation on steering axle 1
03092…..FFR………………..CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
 retarder message RD_Fluids.
03093…..EBS………………….Impermissible signal SP (reservoir circuit 2)
03093…..EDC…………………………….TIME/DATE: reserved Bits & Bytes
03093…..EHLA…………………..Large system deviation on steering axle 1
03093…..FFR………………..CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
Astronic message TSC1_TE.
03094…..EBS…………….Impermissible signal CFG_MC (ref. ret. torque)
03094…..EDC………………………………………Timeout message position 8
03100…..EDC………………………………………Fuel supply pressure sensor
03100…..EHLA…………………………Inverse movement on steering axle 4
03100…..FFR…………………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC1, byte 0
03101…..AST…………………………………………………..Output speeds 1+ 2
03101…..CRT……………….Exhaust temperature in front of the CRT filter
03101…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, left front axle,
interruption, short-circuit wheel sensor A
03101…..EBS_K1………………………………….Wheel sensor front axle left
03101…..ECAS…………………………………Travel sensor left REAR AXLE
03101…..ECAS2…………………………….Height sensor FRONT AXLE left
03101…..EHLA…………………………..System deviation on steering axle 4
03101…..EMOS…………………………………………….Gearbox output signal
03101…..FFR…………………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC1, byte 1
03102…..AST………………………………..Gearbox input and output speeds
03102…..CNG………………..Exhaust gas recirculation valve output stage
03102…..CRT………………………………………………..Current engine torque
03102…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, left front axle,
wheel sensor A: Delay too long
03102…..ECAS……………………………….Travel sensor right REAR AXLE
03102…..ECAS2………………………….Height sensor, FRONT AXLE right
03102…..EDC……………..Exhaust gas recirculation system output stage
03102…..EHLA…………………..Large system deviation on steering axle 4
03102…..FFR…………………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC1, byte 2
03102…..ZBR2……………………………………………………ZBR power supply
03103…..AST………………………..CAN data bus vehicle speed from EDC
03103…..CNG………..Lambda probe before catalytic converter (bank 1)
03103…..CRT…………………………………..Status of the regeneration logic
03103…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, left front axle,
wheel sensor A: Moving off fault
03103…..ECAS…………………………………….Travel sensor FRONT AXLE
03103…..ECAS2………………………………..CENTRE AXLE height sensor
03103…..EHLA………………………Calibration mode when vehicle moving
03103…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC1, bytes 3 and 4
03103…..OBDU………………………………………………………..Tension V-belt
03103…..ZBR2…………………………………………………………Analog ground
03104…..CNG…………………………………….Lambda probe heating before
catalytic converter (bank 1)
03104…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, left front axle,
wheel sensor A: Clearance too great
03104…..EHLA…………………………………Calibration data steering axle 1
03104…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC1, bytes 5 and 6
03104…..ZBR2…………………………………………………………Analog ground
03105…..CNG…………………….Lambda control adaptation multi (bank 1)
03105…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, left front axle,
perpetual control wheel sensor A
03105…..EHLA…………………………………Calibration data steering axle 2
03105…..FFR…………………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC1, byte 7
03105…..OBDU……………………………………………Water pump V-belt torn
03106…..CNG……………………………Idling speed control, nominal speed
03106…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, left front axle,
long instability wheel sensor A
03106…..EHLA…………………………………Calibration data steering axle 3
03106…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC2, bytes 0 and 1
03106…..OBDU…………………………………………………..Cooling defective:
Water temperature gradient too steep
03107…..AST………………………………………………Voltage (clutch sensor)
03107…..CNG……………………………Total exhaust-relevant errors (ASE)
03107…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, left front axle,
pulse ring fault wheel sensor A
03107…..EBS_K1…………………………..Impulse wheel fault front axle left
03107…..EHLA…………………………………Calibration data steering axle 4
03107…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC2, bytes 2 and 3
03107…..ZBR2……………………………………………Ignition ON (relay tl. 15)
03108…..CNG………………………………………………..Gas system pressure
03108…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, left front axle,
fault on lifting axle wheel sensor A
03108…..EHLA…………………………………………Calibration data front axle
03108…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC2, bytes 4 and 5
03108…..ZBR2…………………………………Electrical battery master switch
03109…..EBS….Brake/impulse wheel/sensor combination front axle left
03109…..EHLA……………………………………………Calibration data joystick
03109…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC2, bytes 6 and 7
03109…..HYD………………………..Water pump malfunction or fuse blown
03109…..ZBRO………………………………………..Ignition lock radio position
03110…..CNG………………Engine speed sensor crankshaft toothed disc
03110…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left front axle
03110…..EHLA……………………………………………Number of CAN objects
03110…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC3, bytes 0 and 1
03110…..HYD…………………………….Vehicle blower control discontinuity
03110…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Ignition lock ignition on
03111…..AST….. CAN data bus message timeout time/date information
from central on-board computer ZBR2, TIME/DATE
03111…..CNG……………………………………………..Reference mark sensor
03111…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, left front axle,
 interruption, short-circuit wheel sensor B
03111…..EHLA………………………………………………..CAN communication
03111…..EMOS………………………………Timeout of Time_Date message
03111…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC3, bytes 2 and 3
03111…..TPM……………………..Slight leakage from left outer tyre, axle 1
03111…..ZBR2…………………………………………..Ignition lock starter tl. 50
03112…..AST…….CAN data bus signal error time/date information from
central on-board computer ZBR2, TIME/DATE
03112…..CNG…………………………………………………………..Phase sensor
03112…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, left front axle,
wheel sensor B: Delay too long
03112…..EHLA……………………………………..CAN data has been falsified
03112…..FFR…………………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC3, byte 4
03112…..TPM……………………..Slight leakage from left inner tyre, axle 1
03112…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Ignition lock ignition off
03113…..AST….CAN data bus message timeout retarder configuration,
Ret_Conf (driveline retarder configuration)
03113…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, left front axle,
wheel sensor B: Moving off fault
03113…..EHLA………………………………………………..CAN communication
03113…..FFR…………………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC3, byte 5
03113…..TPM……………………Slight leakage from right inner tyre, axle 1
03113…..ZBRO……………………………………………….Battery undervoltage
03114…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, left front axle,
wheel sensor B: Clearance too great
03114…..EHLA………………………………Steering wheel sensor — not used
03114…..FFR…………………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC3, byte 6
03114…..TPM…………………..Slight leakage from right outer tyre, axle 1
03114…..ZBRO………………………………………………Battery master switch
03115…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, left front axle,
perpetual control wheel sensor B
03115…..EHLA……………………………..Steering wheel sensor — operating
03115…..FFR…………………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC3, byte 7
03115…..ZBRO…………………………………………………..Battery main relay
03116…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, left front axle,
long instability wheel sensor B
03116…..FFR…………………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC4, byte 0
03116…..ZBRO……………………………………………………………..Ignition on
03117…..AST……………………………………….Clutch self-adjustment faulty
03117…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, left front axle,
pulse ring fault wheel sensor B
03117…..FFR…………………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC4, byte 3
03117…..ZBRO……………………………………………………………..Ignition on
03118…..AST…………………………………………………Clutch does not open
03118…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, left front axle,
fault on lifting axle wheel sensor B
03118…..EMOS………………………………Clutch regulator switched on but
no clutch opening valve available for opening clutch
03118…..FFR…………………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC4, byte 3
03118…..ZBRO…………………………………………………….Ignition on check
03119…..AST……………Clutch does not close / does not transmit torque
03119…..CNG…………………………………………………………Altitude sensor
03119…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left front axle
03119…..EMOS………………………………Clutch regulator switched on but
no clutch closing valve available for closing clutch
03119…..FFR…………………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC4, byte 4
03119…..ZBRO……………………………………………Battery master switch 1
03120…..AST……..Mechanical fault (small valve for opening the clutch)
03120…..EBS………………………Electrical power supply pad wear sensor
(front axle left or front axle)
03120….. EHLA…………………………………………………………………. Joystick
03120…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC4, bytes 5 and 6
03120…..ZBRO……………………………………………Battery master switch 3
03121…..AST……….Mechanical fault (small valve for closing the clutch)
03121…..CNG…………………………………..Ignition output stage cylinder 1
03121…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, left front axle,
pad wear sensor A outside permitted value range
03121…..EHLA…………………………………………………..Joystick both sides
03121…..FFR…………………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC4, byte 7
03121…..TPM……………………..Slight leakage from left outer tyre, axle 2
03121…..ZBRO……………………………………………Battery master switch 4
03122…..AST………Mechanical fault (large valve for opening the clutch)
03122…..CNG…………………………………..Ignition output stage cylinder 2
03122…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, left front axle,
pad wear sensor B outside permitted value range
03122…..EHLA…………………………………….Joystick, sustained operation
03122…..FFR…………………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC4, byte 8
03122…..TPM……………………..Slight leakage from left inner tyre, axle 2
03122…..ZBRO………………………………………………….Starting assistance
03123…..AST……….Mechanical fault (large valve for closing the clutch)
03123…..CNG…………………………………..Ignition output stage cylinder 3
03123…..EBS…………………Pressure sensor (front axle left or front axle)
 outside valid range
03123…..FFR…………………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC5, byte 1
03123…..TPM……………………Slight leakage from right inner tyre, axle 2
03123…..ZBRO………………………………………..Starting assistance check
03124…..AST………………………………………………………Clutch travel fault
03124…..CNG…………………………………..Ignition output stage cylinder 4
03124…..EBS……………Pressure control module, left front axle, time for
‘Current pressure’ inquiry too long
03124…..EHLA……………………………………….Configuration of axle count
03124…..EMOS………………………………………Clutch travel sensor signal
03124…..FFR…………………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC5, byte 2
03124…..TPM…………………..Slight leakage from right outer tyre, axle 2
03124…..ZBRO……………………………………………Ignition on switched off
03125…..AST………………………………………..Pressure limiting valve fault
03125…..CNG…………………………………..Ignition output stage cylinder 5
03125…..EBS…Pressure control module, left front axle, poor ventilation
03125…..EHLA…………………………….Locking monitoring steering axle 1
03125…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC5, bytes 3 and 4
03126…..AST…………………………………………………Pressure signal faulty
03126…..CNG…………………………………..Ignition output stage cylinder 6
03126…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, left front axle,
excessive pressure during pulse test
03126…..EHLA………..Steering axle 1 has moved out of locking position
03126…..FFR…………………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC5, byte 5
03127…..AST……………………………………………….ECU temperature fault
03127…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, left front axle,
residual pressure after braking
03127…..EHLA…………………………….Locking monitoring steering axle 2
03127…..EMOS…………..’Temperature sensor next to processor’ signal
03127…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC5, bytes 5 and 6
03128…..AST…………………………………………Oil temperature signal fault
03128…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, left front axle,
pressure sensor fault without braking
03128…..EHLA………..Steering axle 2 has moved out of locking position
03128…..FFR…………………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC5, byte 7
03129…..AST……………….No signal from shift transmitter main gearbox
03129…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left front axle
03129…..EHLA…………………………….Locking monitoring steering axle 3
03129…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message engine configuration,
bytes 0 and 1
03130…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, left front axle,
wheel sensor IC defective
03130…..EHLA………..Steering axle 3 has moved out of locking position
03130…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message engine configuration,
 byte 2
03131…..EBS……. Backup valve checkback (front axle left or front axle)
03131…..EHLA…………………………….Locking monitoring steering axle 4
03131…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message engine configuration,
bytes 3 and 4
03131…..TPM……………………..Slight leakage from left outer tyre, axle 3
03132…..AST……………………………Shift transmitter self-adjustment fault
03132…..EBS…………Intake valve checkback (ABS valve front axle left)
03132…..EHLA………..Steering axle 4 has moved out of locking position
03132…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message engine configuration,
 byte 5
03132…..TPM……………………..Slight leakage from left inner tyre, axle 3
03133…..AST………………………………….Gate selection transmitter signal
03133…..EBS……..Pressure control module, left front axle, faulty intake
and backup valve checkback
03133…..EHLA……………………………………..Actuator test steering axle 1
03133…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message engine configuration,
bytes 6 and 7
03133…..TPM…………………………….Slight leakage from right inner tyre,
 axle 3
03134…..EBS………Exhaust valve checkback (ABS valve front axle left)
03134…..EHLA……………………………………..Actuator test steering axle 2
03134…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message engine configuration,
 byte 8
03134…..TPM…………………..Slight leakage from right outer tyre, axle 3
03135…..EBS………Pressure control module, left front axle, faulty outlet
and backup valve checkback
03135…..EHLA……………………………………..Actuator test steering axle 3
03135…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message engine configuration,
bytes 9 and 10
03136…..AST……………..Teach-in fault, gate selection transmitter signal
03136…..EBS……………………………Exhaust and intake valve checkback
(ABS valve front axle left)
03136…..EHLA……………………………………..Actuator test steering axle 4
03136…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message engine configuration,
 byte 11
03137…..AST…………………….Range-change group travel sensor signal
03137…..EBS………Pressure control module, left front axle, faulty outlet
and intake and backup valve checkback
03137…..EHLA……………………………………………Digital input parameters
03137…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message engine configuration,
bytes 12 and 13
03138…..EBS………………Proportional valve (front axle left or front axle)
03138…..EHLA……………………………………………Digital input parameters
03138…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message engine configuration,
 byte 14
03139…..EBS………………………………………………ABS valves (front axle)
03139…..EHLA………………………………………………………….Analog inputs
03139…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message engine configuration,
bytes 15 and 16
03140…..AST………….Teach-in fault, range-change group travel sensor
03140…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, left front axle,
no CAN reception from module
03140…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message engine configuration,
bytes 17 and 18
03141…..AST……………………………..No travel sensor signal from splitter
03141…..CNG……………………………Total exhaust-relevant errors (ASE)
cylinder 1, exhaust-relevant
03141…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, left front axle,
software incompatibility between control unit
and pressure control module
03141…..EHLA……………………………………Digital CAN input parameters
03141…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message engine configuration,
bytes 19 and 20
03141…..TPM……………………..Slight leakage from left outer tyre, axle 4
03142…..CNG……………………………Total exhaust-relevant errors (ASE)
cylinder 2, exhaust-relevant
03142…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, left front axle,
12/24 volt incompatibility between control unit and
pressure control module
03142…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message engine configuration,
bytes 21 and 22
03142…..TPM……………………..Slight leakage from left inner tyre, axle 4
03143…..CNG……………………………Total exhaust-relevant errors (ASE)
cylinder 3, exhaust-relevant
03143…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, left front axle,
high cycle protection intake valve active,
pressure < 4 bar
03143…..EHLA………………………………….Digital CAN output parameters
03143…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message engine configuration,
byte 23
03143…..HYD………………………………..Overheating sensor discontinuity
03143…..TPM……………………Slight leakage from right inner tyre, axle 4
03144…..AST…..Self-adjustment fault, travel sensor signal from splitter
03144…..CNG……………………………Total exhaust-relevant errors (ASE)
cylinder 4, exhaust-relevant
03144…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, left front axle,
arithmetic test not successful
03144…..EHLA……………………………………….Prop. valve steering axle 1,
incorrect movement direction
03144…..TPM…………………..Slight leakage from right outer tyre, axle 4
03145…..AST…………………….Range-change group does not disengage
03145…..CNG……………………………Total exhaust-relevant errors (ASE)
cylinder 5, exhaust-relevant
03145…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, left front axle,
wheel compensation fault wheel sensor A
03145…..EHLA…………………………Prop. valve steering axle 1, deviation
03146…..AST……………Changeover fault with range-change group shift
03146…..CNG……………………………Total exhaust-relevant errors (ASE)
cylinder 6, exhaust-relevant
03146…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, left front axle,
wheel compensation fault wheel sensor B
03146…..EHLA……………………………………….Prop. valve steering axle 2,
incorrect movement direction
03147…..AST………………………..Range-change group does not engage
03147…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, left front axle,
electrical power supply fault, axle load sensor
03147…..EHLA…………………………Prop. valve steering axle 2, deviation
03148…..AST………………………………………..Splitter does not disengage
03148…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, left front axle,
pressure differential on pressure control module pair,
front axle
03148…..EHLA……………………………………….Prop. valve steering axle 3,
incorrect movement direction
03149…..AST……………………………….Changeover fault with splitter shift
03149…..EBS……………………………Pneumatic redundant path front axle
03149…..EHLA…………………………Prop. valve steering axle 3, deviation
03150…..AST……………………………………Splitter group does not engage
03150…..EBS………….Pressure control module, right front axle, no fault
03150…..EHLA……………………………………….Prop. valve steering axle 4,
incorrect movement direction
03150…..FFR………………….CAN data bus: EBS message EBC1, byte 0
03151…..AST…………………………………..Selector cylinder does not open
03151…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
 interruption, short-circuit wheel sensor A
03151…..ECAS……………………………..Pressure sensor left REAR AXLE
03151…..ECAS2…………………………Pressure sensor FRONT AXLE left
03151…..EHLA…………………………Prop. valve steering axle 4, deviation
03151…..FFR………………….CAN data bus: EBS message EBC1, byte 1
03151…..TPM……………………..Slight leakage from left outer tyre, axle 5
03152…..AST…………………………………………………………..Gate shift fault
03152…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
wheel sensor A: Delay too long
03152…..ECAS……………………………Pressure sensor right REAR AXLE
03152…..ECAS2……………………….Pressure sensor FRONT AXLE right
03152…..FFR………………….CAN data bus: EBS message EBC1, byte 2
03152…..TPM……………………..Slight leakage from left inner tyre, axle 5
03153…..AST………………………………….Selector cylinder does not close
03153…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
wheel sensor A: Moving off fault
03153…..ECAS………………………………..Pressure sensor FRONT AXLE
03153…..ECAS2…………………………….Pressure sensor CENTRE AXLE
03153…..FFR………………….CAN data bus: EBS message EBC1, byte 3
03153…..TPM……………………Slight leakage from right inner tyre, axle 5
03154…..AST………………………..Main gearbox gear does not disengage
03154…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
wheel sensor A: Clearance too great
03154…..FFR………………….CAN data bus: EBS message EBC1, byte 4
03154…..TPM…………………..Slight leakage from right outer tyre, axle 5
03155…..AST……………………………Main gearbox gear does not engage
03155…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
perpetual control wheel sensor A
03155…..FFR……….CAN data bus: EBS message EBC2, bytes 0 and 1
03155…..HYD………………………………….Malfunction display short circuit
03156…..AST………………………….Wrong gear selected in main gearbox
03156…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
long instability wheel sensor A
03156…..FFR………………….CAN data bus: EBS message EBC2, byte 2
03157…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
pulse ring fault wheel sensor A
03157…..ECAS……………………………………………Pressure sensor, brake
03157…..FFR………………….CAN data bus: EBS message EBC2, byte 3
03158…..AST…………………………Shift sensor signal continuously active
03158…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
fault on lifting axle wheel sensor A
03158…..ECAS………………………………………Pressure sensor lifting axle
03158…..FFR………………….CAN data bus: EBS message EBC2, byte 4
03159…..AST………………………Range-change group shift sensor signal
continuously active
03159…..EBS..Brake/impulse wheel/sensor combination front axle right
03159…..FFR………………….CAN data bus: EBS message EBC2, byte 5
03160…..AST……………….Splitter shift sensor signal continuously active
03160…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right front axle
03160…..FFR………………….CAN data bus: EBS message EBC2, byte 6
03161…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
interruption, short-circuit wheel sensor B
03161…..EHLA………………………………………Recirculating/centring valve
03161…..FFR………………….CAN data bus: EBS message EBC2, byte 7
03162…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
wheel sensor B: Delay too long
03162…..EHLA………………………………………………………..Digital output 2
03162…..FFR………………….CAN data bus: EBS message EBC3, byte 0
03163…..AST………………..Engine does not react to torque specification
03163…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
wheel sensor B: Moving off fault
03163…..EHLA………………………………………………………..Digital output 3
03163…..FFR………………….CAN data bus: EBS message EBC3, byte 1
03164…..AST………………….CAN data bus electronic engine governor 1
from EDC, EEC1 (accelerator pedal position,
drivers demand engine percent torque)
03164…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
wheel sensor B: Clearance too great
03164…..EHLA………………………………………………………..Digital output 4
03164…..FFR………………….CAN data bus: EBS message EBC3, byte 2
03165…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
perpetual control wheel sensor B
03165…..EHLA………………………………………………………..Digital output 5
03165…..FFR………………….CAN data bus: EBS message EBC3, byte 3
03166…..AST…………………………………….Permanent idling speed signal
03166…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
long instability wheel sensor B
03166…..EHLA………………………………………………………..Digital output 6
03166…..FFR………………….CAN data bus: EBS message EBC3, byte 4
03167…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
pulse ring fault wheel sensor A
03167…..EHLA………………………………………………………..Digital output 7
03167…..FFR………………….CAN data bus: EBS message EBC3, byte 5
03168…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
fault on lifting axle wheel sensor B
03168…..EHLA………………………………………………………..Digital output 8
03168…..FFR………………….CAN data bus: EBS message EBC3, byte 6
03169…..AST……………………..Shut-off relay in ECU does not switch off
03169…..EBS……………………………………………Pressure control module,
right front axle
03169…..EHLA………………………………………………………..Digital output 9
03169…..FFR………………….CAN data bus: EBS message EBC3, byte 7
03170…..AST………………….No electrical power supply at terminal 30 or
shut-off relay in ECU does not switch on
03170…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
electrical power supply fault, pad wear sensor
03170…..ECAS……………………………………………..Steering angle sensor
03170…..EHLA………………………………………………………Digital output 10
03170…..FFR………………….CAN data bus: EBS message EBC4, byte 0
03171…..AST………………….CAN data bus electronic engine governor 1
from EDC, EEC1
(engine torque, actual engine percent torque)
03171…..CNG……………………………………Charge pressure control valve
03171…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
pad wear sensor A outside permitted value range
03171…..EDC…………………………….Boost pressure switch output stage
03171…..EHLA………………………………………………………Digital output 11
03171…..FFR………………….CAN data bus: EBS message EBC4, byte 1
03172…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
pad wear sensor B outside permitted value range
03172…..EHLA………………………………………………………Digital output 12
03172…..FFR………………….CAN data bus: EBS message EBC4, byte 2
03173…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
pressure sensor outside permitted value range
03173…..EHLA………………………………………………………Digital output 13
03173…..FFR………………….CAN data bus: EBS message EBC4, byte 3
03174…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
time for ‘Current pressure’ inquiry too long
03174…..EHLA………………………………………………………Digital output 14
03174…..FFR………………….CAN data bus: EBS message EBC4, byte 4
03175…..AST……………………………Ignition lock signal fault (terminal 15)
03175…..EBS.Pressure control module, right front axle, poor ventilation
03175…..EHLA………………………………………………………Digital output 15
03175…..FFR………………….CAN data bus: EBS message EBC4, byte 5
03176…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
excessive pressure during pulse test
03176…..FFR………………….CAN data bus: EBS message EBC4, byte 6
03177…..AST………………………………………………CAN data bus driveline
03177…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
residual pressure after braking
03177…..EMOS…………………………………………….BUSOFF vehicle CAN
03177…..FFR………………….CAN data bus: EBS message EBC4, byte 7
03178…..AST……………………………………….CAN data bus error warning
03178…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
pressure sensor fault without braking
03178…..FFR…………CAN data bus: EBS message Veh_weight, byte 0
03179…..AST………………………………CAN data bus input buffer overrun
03179…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right front axle
03179…..FFR CAN data bus: EBS message Veh_weight, bytes 1 and 2
03180…..AST………………….CAN data bus electronic engine governor 1
from EDC, EEC1
03180…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
wheel sensor IC defective
03180…..EMOS……………………………………..Timeout of EEC1 message
03180…..FFR…………CAN data bus: EBS message Veh_weight, byte 3
03181…..AST………………….CAN data bus electronic engine governor 2
from EDC, EEC2
03181…..CNG…………….Total exhaust-relevant errors (ASE) cylinder 1,
damaging to catalytic converter
03181…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
faulty backup valve checkback
03181…..EHLA………………………………….CAN signal ‘Position Of Doors’
03181…..EMOS……………………………………..Timeout of EEC2 message
03181…..FFR…….CAN data bus: Retarder message RET_Conf, byte 0
03182…..AST…… CAN data bus cruise control/speed from EDC, CCVS
03182…..CNG…………….Total exhaust-relevant errors (ASE) cylinder 2,
damaging to catalytic converter
03182…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
faulty intake valve checkback
03182…..EHLA…………….CAN signal ‘Seconds’ in ‘Time/Date’ message
03182…..EMOS………………………………Timeout CcVeh speed message
03182…..FFR…….CAN data bus: Retarder message RET_Conf, byte 1
03183…..AST…………………………………CAN data bus engine brake from
vehicle management computer, ERC1_REX
03183…..CNG…………….Total exhaust-relevant errors (ASE) cylinder 3,
damaging to catalytic converter
03183…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
faulty intake and backup valve checkback
03183…..EHLA………………CAN signal ‘Minutes’ in ‘Time/Date’ message
03183…..FFR………………CAN data bus: Retarder message RET_Conf,
bytes 2 and 3
03184…..AST……………CAN data bus retarder from secondary retarder,
03184…..CNG…………….Total exhaust-relevant errors (ASE) cylinder 4,
damaging to catalytic converter
03184…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
faulty outlet valve checkback
03184…..EHLA…………………CAN signal ‘Hours’ in ‘Time/Date’ message
03184…..FFR…….CAN data bus: Retarder message RET_Conf, byte 4
03185…..AST…………..CAN data bus primary retarder WSK, ERC1_RE
03185…..CNG…………….Total exhaust-relevant errors (ASE) cylinder 5,
damaging to catalytic converter
03185…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
faulty outlet and backup valve checkback
03185…..EHLA……………………CAN signal ‘Day’ in ‘Time/Date’ message
03185…..FFR………………CAN data bus: Retarder message RET_Conf,
bytes 5 and 6
03186…..AST………..CAN data bus primary retarder WSK, ERC1_WSK
03186…..CNG…………….Total exhaust-relevant errors (ASE) cylinder 6,
damaging to catalytic converter
03186…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
faulty outlet and intake valve checkback
03186…..EHLA………………..CAN signal ‘Month’ in ‘Time/Date’ message
03186…..FFR…….CAN data bus: Retarder message RET_Conf, byte 7
03187…..AST..CAN data bus primary retarder configuration information
03187…..CNG……………………Total exhaust-relevant errors (ASE), total,
damaging to catalytic converter
03187…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
faulty outlet and intake and backup valve checkback
03187…..EHLA…………………..CAN signal ‘Year’ in ‘Time/Date’ message
03187…..FFR………………CAN data bus: Retarder message RET_Conf,
bytes 8 and 9
03188…..AST……………………………..Control unit fault, incorrect interrupt
03188…..CNG………………………………Input parameters filling acquisition
03188…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right front axle
03188…..EHLA……………………………………….CAN signal ‘Engine Speed’
03188…..FFR…..CAN data bus: Retarder message RET_Conf, byte 10
03189…..AST……………………………………..Control unit fault, stack watch
03189…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right front axle
03189…..EHLA…………………………………..CAN signal ‘Front Axle Speed’
03189…..FFR………………CAN data bus: Retarder message RET_Conf,
bytes 11 and 12
03190…..AST……………….EOL EEPROM parameter outside valid range
03190…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
no CAN reception from module
03190…..EHLA…………………….CAN signal ‘Tachograph Vehicle Speed’
03190…..FFR…..CAN data bus: Retarder message RET_Conf, byte 13
03191…..AST………………………………….EOL EEPROM: checksum error
03191…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
software incompatibility between control unit
and pressure control module
03191…..EHLA……………………CAN signal ‘Wheel_BasedVehicleSpeed’
03191…..FFR………………CAN data bus: Retarder message RET_Conf,
bytes 14 and 15
03192…..AST…………………….Control unit fault – EEPROM access fault
03192…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
12/24 volt incompatibility between control unit
and pressure control module
03192…..FFR………………CAN data bus: Retarder message RET_Conf,
bytes 16 and 17
03193…..AST………………………………………….ECU temperature too high
03193…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
high cycle protection intake valve active,
pressure < 4 bar
03193…..EMOS………………Permitted temperature limit value exceeded
03193…..FFR…..CAN data bus: Retarder message RET_Conf, byte 18
03194…..AST…………Failure of both signal sources for front axle speed
03194…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
arithmetic test not successful
03194…..EHLA…………CAN signal ‘ASR Engine Control Active Passive’
03194…..FFR…….CAN data bus: Retarder message ERC1_RD, byte 0
03195…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
wheel compensation fault wheel sensor A
03195…..EHLA…………..CAN signal ‘ASR Brake Control Active Passive’
03195…..FFR…….CAN data bus: Retarder message ERC1_RD, byte 1
03196…..AST……………………………..CAN data bus vehicle mileage from
central on-board computer ZBR2, Veh_Dist
03196…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
wheel compensation fault wheel sensor B
03196…..EHLA……………….CAN signal ‘Anti-Lock Braking (ABS) Active’
03196…..EMOS…………………………………Timeout of Veh_Dist message
03196…..FFR…….CAN data bus: Retarder message ERC1_RD, byte 2
03197…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
electrical power supply fault, axle load sensor
03197…..FFR…………….CAN data bus: Astronic message ETC1, byte 0
03198…..AST………………………CAN data bus relative wheel speed from
EBS, EBC2 (WSI) (relative wheel speed)
03198…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
pressure differential on
pressure control module pair, front axle
03198…..FFR….CAN data bus: Astronic message ETC1, bytes 1 and 2
03199…..AST………………………..CAN data bus wheel speed information
from EBS, EBC2 (WSI)
03199…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right front axle
03199…..EMOS……………………………………..Timeout of EBC2 message
03199…..FFR…………….CAN data bus: Astronic message ETC1, byte 3
03200…..EBS…………….Pressure control module, left rear axle, no fault
03200…..ECAS………………..Supply voltage / feedback, solenoid valves
03200…..FFR…………….CAN data bus: Astronic message ETC1, byte 4
03201…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
interruption, short-circuit wheel sensor A
03201…..EBS_K1…………………………………..Wheel sensor rear axle left
03201…..ECAS…………………………..Solenoid valve 2/2 left REAR AXLE
03201…..EHLA…………………………………………………………Valve output 1
03201…..FFR….CAN data bus: Astronic message ETC1, bytes 5 and 6
03201…..OBDU………………………………………………..Charge air pressure
03201…..ZBR2……………………………………………Low pressure in air filter
03202…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
wheel sensor A: Delay too long
03202…..ECAS………………………..Solenoid valve 2/2 right REAR AXLE
03202…..EHLA…………………………………………………………Valve output 2
03202…..FFR…………….CAN data bus: Astronic message ETC1, byte 7
03203…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
wheel sensor A: Moving off fault
03203…..ECAS……………………………..Solenoid valve 2/2 FRONT AXLE
03203…..EHLA…………………………………………………………Valve output 3
03203…..FFR…………….CAN data bus: Astronic message ETC2, byte 0
03203…..OBDU………………………………..Leak in oil pump overflow valve
03204…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
wheel sensor A: Clearance too great
03204…..ECAS………….Solenoid valve 3/3 lower/load lifting/trailing axle
03204…..EHLA…………………………………………………………Valve output 4
03204…..FFR….CAN data bus: Astronic message ETC2, bytes 1 and 2
03204…..ZBRO…………………………………………………………EDC is active
03205…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
perpetual control wheel sensor A
03205…..ECAS…………..Solenoid valve 3/3 lift/unload lifting/trailing axle
03205…..EHLA…………………………………………………………Valve output 5
03205…..FFR…………….CAN data bus: Astronic message ETC2, byte 3
03205…..ZBRO……………………………………………………..EDC brake lamp
03206…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
long instability wheel sensor A
03206…..ECAS……………………………………..Solenoid valve 3/2 reservoir
03206…..EHLA…………………………………………………………Valve output 6
03206…..FFR…………….CAN data bus: Astronic message ETC2, byte 4
03206…..ZBRO……………………………………………….EDC overtravel relay
03207…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
pulse ring fault wheel sensor A
03207…..EBS_K1…………………………..Impulse wheel fault rear axle left
03207…..ECAS………………………………Solenoid valve 3/3 lifting bellows
03207…..EHLA…………………………………………………………Valve output 7
03207…..FFR…………….CAN data bus: Astronic message ETC2, byte 5
03207…..ZBRO…………………………………………………….EDC malfunction
03208…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
fault on lifting axle wheel sensor A
03208…..ECAS………………………..Solenoid valve 2/2, 3rd AXLE RIGHT
03208…..EHLA…………………………………………………………Valve output 8
03208…..FFR…………….CAN data bus: Astronic message ETC2, byte 6
03208…..ZBRO…………………………………………………….EDC malfunction
03209…..AST……..Emergency off button pressed or ECU de-energised
03209…..EBS…………………………Pressure control module, left rear axle
03209…..EBS_K1…………………………………………..Brake/impulse wheel/
 sensor combination rear axle left
03209…..ECAS………………………….Solenoid valve 2/2, 3rd AXLE LEFT
03209…..FFR…………….CAN data bus: Astronic message ETC2, byte 7
03209…..ZBRO………………………………………………………EDC ignition on
03210…..AST…………………………………..CAN data bus tachograph from
central on-board computer ZBR2, TCO1
03210…..EBS…………………………Pressure control module, left rear axle
03210…..EMOS……………………………………..Timeout of TCO1 message
03210…..FFR……..CAN data bus: Central on-board computer message
TCO1, byte 0
03210…..OBDU……………………………………………………..Air filter vacuum
03211…..AST………………………………CAN data bus gearbox check from
vehicle management computer FFR, TC1_FT
03211…..CNG………………………………………………………..Knock sensor 2
03211…..EBS………Pressure control module, left rear axle, interruption,
short-circuit wheel sensor B
03211…..EMOS………………………………….Timeout of TC1_FT message
03211…..FFR……..CAN data bus: Central on-board computer message
TCO1, byte 1
03211…..KSM…………………………………………………………….Oil pressure.
03211…..OBDU………………………………………Engine oil pressure too low
03211…..TPM………………….Medium leakage from left outer tyre, axle 1
03211…..ZBRO………………………………………Engine oil pressure too low
03212…..AST………………………………CAN data bus gearbox check from
vehicle management computer FFR, TC1_FT
(requested gear)
03212…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
wheel sensor B: Delay too long
03212…..ECAS……………………………..Solenoid valve transverse throttle
03212…..FFR……..CAN data bus: Central on-board computer message
TCO1, byte 2
03212…..OBDU……………………………………………….Oil pressure too high
03212…..TPM………………….Medium leakage from left inner tyre, axle 1
03213…..AST………………………………CAN data bus gearbox check from
vehicle management computer FFR, TC1_FT
(requested range)
03213…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
wheel sensor B: Moving off fault
03213…..FFR……..CAN data bus: Central on-board computer message
TCO1, byte 3
03213…..TPM………………..Medium leakage from right inner tyre, axle 1
03214…..AST………………………………CAN data bus gearbox check from
vehicle management computer FFR, TC1_FT
(PTO request)
03214…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
wheel sensor B: Clearance too great
03214…..FFR……..CAN data bus: Central on-board computer message
TCO1, bytes 4 and 5
03214…..TPM………………..Medium leakage from right outer tyre, axle 1
03214…..ZBRO……………………………………………………..FFR malfunction
03215…..AST……………………………………CAN data bus information from
central on-board computer (aux_stat_zbr#1), timeout
03215…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
perpetual control wheel sensor B
03215…..FFR……………………CAN data bus: Central on-board computer
message TCO1, bytes 6 and 7
03215…..ZBRO……………………………………………………..FFR malfunction
03216…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
long instability wheel sensor B
03216…..ECAS…..Solenoid valve 3/3, lift/unload 2nd lifting/trailing axle
03216…..FFR……………………CAN data bus: Central on-board computer
message VEH_DIST, bytes 0 to 3
03216…..ZBRO……………………..Accelerator pedal not pressed (T-CAN)
03217…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
pulse ring fault wheel sensor B
03217…..ECAS…. Solenoid valve 3/3, lower/load 2nd lifting/trailing axle
03217…..FFR……………………CAN data bus: Central on-board computer
message VEH_DIST, bytes 4 to 5
03217…..ZBRO……………………………………….Accelerator pedal pressed
03218…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
fault on lifting axle wheel sensor B
03218…..FFR……………………CAN data bus: Central on-board computer
message TIME/DATE, byte 0
03218…..ZBRO…………………………Accelerator pedal kickdown (T-CAN)
03219…..EBS…………………………Pressure control module, left rear axle
03219…..FFR……………………CAN data bus: Central on-board computer
message TIME/DATE, byte 1
03219…..ZBRO…………………………..Accelerator pedal position (0…250)
03220…..CNG……………………………………………..Knock control zero test
03220…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
electrical power supply fault, pad wear sensor
03220…..EBS_K1………………..Electrical power supply pad wear sensor
(rear axle left or rear axle)
03220…..EHLA…………………………………………CAN message ‘Door_Ctrl’
03220…..FFR……………………CAN data bus: Central on-board computer
message TIME/DATE, byte 2
03220…..ZBRO………………………………………Cooling water level too low
03221…..CNG………………………………………………….Knock control offset
03221…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
pad wear sensor A outside permitted value range
03221…..EHLA……………………………………….CAN message ‘Time_Date’
03221…..FFR……………………CAN data bus: Central on-board computer
message TIME/DATE, byte 3
03221…..TPM………………….Medium leakage from left outer tyre, axle 2
03221…..ZBRO………………………………Cooling water level probe supply
03222…..CNG…………………………………………….Knock control test pulse
03222…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
pad wear sensor B outside permitted value range
03222…..EHLA……….CAN message ‘High Resolution Vehicle Distance’
03222…..FFR……………………CAN data bus: Central on-board computer
message TIME/DATE, byte 4
03222…..TPM………………….Medium leakage from left inner tyre, axle 2
03222…..ZBRO…………………………..Cooling water temperature too high
03223…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
pressure sensor outside permitted value range
03223…..EHLA………………………………………………CAN message ‘ETC2’
03223…..FFR……………………CAN data bus: Central on-board computer
message TIME/DATE, byte 6
03223…..TPM………………..Medium leakage from right inner tyre, axle 2
03223…..ZBRO……………………………………….Cooling water temperature
03224…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
time for ‘Current pressure’ inquiry too long
03224…..EHLA………………………………………………CAN message ‘EBC1’
03224…..FFR……..CAN data bus: Central on-board computer message
TIME/DATE, bytes 7 and 8
03224…..TPM………………..Medium leakage from right outer tyre, axle 2
03224…..ZBRO…………………………..Cooling water temperature too high
03225…..CNG………………………………….Requirement adaptation at stop
03225…..EBS….Pressure control module, left rear axle, poor ventilation
03225…..FFR….CAN data bus: Retarder message RE_FLUIDS, byte 2
03225…..ZBRO…………………………….Motronic (accelerator) malfunction
03226…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
excessive pressure during pulse test
03226…..FFR….CAN data bus: Retarder message RE_FLUIDS, byte 2
03226…..ZBRO…………………………….Motronic (accelerator) malfunction
03227…..AST……………………………….Data field for CAN communication
03227…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
residual pressure after braking
03227…..FFR….CAN data bus: Retarder message RE_FLUIDS, byte 3
03227…..ZBRO………………………………………Engine oil pressure too low
03228…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
pressure sensor fault without braking
03228…..FFR….CAN data bus: Retarder message RD_FLUIDS, byte 2
03228…..ZBRO…………………………………………………Engine oil pressure
03229…..EBS…………………………Pressure control module, left rear axle
03229…..FFR….CAN data bus: Retarder message RD_FLUIDS, byte 2
03230…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
wheel sensor IC defective
03230…..ECAS……………………………………………….Setpoint level control
03230…..EHLA.Signature ECU lids (LID 0x86-0x9F) — advance warning
03230…..FFR….CAN data bus: Retarder message RD_FLUIDS, byte 3
03231…..CNG………………………..Charge air pressure governing system
03231…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
faulty backup valve checkback
03231….. ECAS ……………………………………………………………….. Leakage
03231…..EHLA…………………Signature ECU lids (LID 0x86-0x9F) — error
03231…..FFR………CAN data bus: Astronic message TSC1_TE, byte 1
03231…..TPM………………….Medium leakage from left outer tyre, axle 3
03231…..ZBRO…………………………………..Oil replenishment float switch
03232…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
faulty intake valve checkback
03232…..EHLA……………………………………Signature variable priority lids
(LID 0x40-0x47) — advance warning
03232…..FFR………………………………..CAN data bus: Astronic message
TSC1_TE, bytes 2 and 3
03232…..TPM………………….Medium leakage from left inner tyre, axle 3
03232…..ZBRO……………………………………………Oil replenishment valve
03233…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
faulty intake and backup valve checkback
03233…..EHLA….Signature variable priority lids (LID 0x40-0x47) — error
03233…..FFR………CAN data bus: Astronic message TSC1_TE, byte 3
03233…..TPM………………..Medium leakage from right inner tyre, axle 3
03233…..ZBRO………………………………………….Engine oil level (T-CAN)
03234…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
faulty outlet valve checkback
03234…..FFR………CAN data bus: Astronic message TSC1_TE, byte 4
03234…..TPM………………..Medium leakage from right outer tyre, axle 3
03234…..ZBRO…………………….Economy circ. headl. (oil pressure+v<3)
03235…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
faulty outlet and backup valve checkback
03235…..FFR……………CAN data bus: EBS message TSC1_AE, byte 0
03235…..ZBRO…………………………………………..DeltecCNG malfunction
03236…..EBS……………………………Exhaust and intake valve checkback
(rear axle left or rear axle)
03236…..FFR…CAN data bus: EBS message TSC1_AE, bytes 1 and 2
03236…..ZBRO…………………………………………..DeltecCNG malfunction
03237…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
faulty outlet and intake and backup valve checkback
03237…..FFR……………CAN data bus: EBS message TSC1_AE, byte 3
03237…..ZBRO………………………………………………..EMS3.3 malfunction
03238…..EBS…………………………Pressure control module, left rear axle
03238…..EHLA…………………………………………………..Air pressure switch
03238…..FFR……………CAN data bus: EBS message TSC1_AE, byte 4
03238…..ZBRO………………………………………………..EMS3.3 malfunction
03239…..EBS…………………………Pressure control module, left rear axle
03239…..EHLA………………Actuator test when vehicle moving cancelled
s03239…FFR…………………….CAN databus: Central on-board computer
message AUX_ZBR1, bytes 0 and 1
03239…..ZBRO……………………………………..Fire in engine compartment
03240…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
no CAN reception from module
03240…..EHLA…………………………….Redundant electrical power supply
03240…..FFR…………………….CAN databus: Central on-board computer
message AUX_ZBR1, byte 2
03240…..ZBRO……………………………………..Fire in engine compartment
03241…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
software incompatibility between control unit
and pressure control module
03241…..EHLA………………Incorrect operation steering program change
03241…..FFR…………………….CAN databus: Central on-board computer
message AUX_ZBR1, byte 4
03241…..TPM………………….Medium leakage from left outer tyre, axle 4
03241…..ZBRO……………………….Engine control unit activation (T-CAN)
03242…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
12/24 volt incompatibility between control unit and
pressure control module
03242…..EHLA………………………………………………..CAN communication
03242…..FFR………CAN databus: ECAS message ECAS1, bytes 5 to 7
03242…..TPM………………….Medium leakage from left inner tyre, axle 4
03242…..ZBRO…………………………………….Engine oil pressure (T-CAN)
03243…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
high cycle protection intake valve active, pressure < 4 bar
03243…..EHLA…………………….First non-volatile memory is inconsistent
03243…..FFR…………………..CAN data bus: Message ERC1_RE, byte 1
03243…..TPM………………..Medium leakage from right inner tyre, axle 4
03243…..ZBRO……………………………..Oil replenishment oil level too low
03244…..EBS………Pressure-control module (rear axle left or rear axle)
defective, arithmetic test unsuccessful
03244…..EHLA………………………………………………………..Lowside switch
03244…..FFR……………CAN data bus: ECAM message ECAM1, byte 4
03244…..TPM………………..Medium leakage from right outer tyre, axle 4
03244…..ZBRO……………………………..Oil replenishment oil level too low
03245…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
wheel compensation fault wheel sensor A
03245…..EHLA………………………………………………Speed limiting system
03245…..ZBRO………………………………………ECE36 emergency shut-off
03246…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
wheel compensation fault wheel sensor B
03246…..EHLA…………………………………………………..Incorrect operation
03246…..ZBRO……………………Cooling water level probe not connected
03247…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
electrical power supply fault, axle load sensor
03247…..EHLA…………………………………………….Parameters for controls
03247…..FFR………………..CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
ESP message VDC1.
03247…..ZBRO……………Engine oil pressure warning contact not conn.
03248…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
pressure differential on pressure control module pair,
rear axle
03248…..EHLA………………………………………………………Control, sticking
03248…..ZBRO…………….EDC malfunction (before 1st starting attempt)
03249…..EBS…………………………………….Redundant pressure rear axle
03249…..EHLA………………….Second non-volatile memory, inconsistent
03249…..ZBRO…………………………….EDC malfunction (engine running)
03250…..EBS…………..Pressure control module, right rear axle, no fault
03250…..EHLA………………………………………………Geometry parameters
03250…..FFR…………………………….Comfort Shift inputs (CS1 and CS2)
03250…..ZBRO……………………..EDC malfunction (starting not possible)
03251…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
interruption, short-circuit wheel sensor A
03251…..EHLA………………………………………Axle movement parameters
03251…..FFR……………………………………………………….RSG/RSL switch
03251…..TPM………………….Medium leakage from left outer tyre, axle 5
03251…..ZBRO………………………………………..Hydro fan oil level too low
03252…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
wheel sensor A: Delay too long
03252…..EHLA…………………………………..Steering reduction parameters
03252…..FFR……………………………………………………………Splitter switch
03252…..TPM………………….Medium leakage from left inner tyre, axle 5
03252…..ZBRO……………………………………………………………..FFR check
03253…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
wheel sensor A: Moving off fault
03253…..EHLA………………………………Steering suppression parameters
03253…..FFR………………………………………………………………Int. coupling
03253…..TPM………………..Medium leakage from right inner tyre, axle 5
03253…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….FFR warning
03254…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
wheel sensor A: Clearance too great
03254…..EHLA…………………………………..Axle configuration parameters
03254….. FFR…………………………………………………………………….Anf_EH
03254…..TPM………………..Medium leakage from right outer tyre, axle 5
03254…..ZBRO……………………….Cool.w.lev.probe too low or probe n.c.
03255…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
perpetual control wheel sensor A
03255…..EHLA……………………….Internal monitoring of software runtime
03255…..FFR……………………………………………………………….Input ZDR1
03255…..ZBRO……………………………..Back pressure CRT filter too high
03256…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
long instability wheel sensor A
03256…..FFR……………………………………………………………….Input ZDR2
03257…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
pulse ring fault wheel sensor A
03257…..FFR……………………………………………………………….Input ZDR3
03258…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
fault on lifting axle wheel sensor A
03258…..FFR…………………………………….Input request power take-off 1
03259…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, right rear axle
03259…..EBS_K1……………….Brake/impulse wheel/sensor combination
rear axle right
03259…..FFR…………………………………….Input request power take-off 2
03260…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, right rear axle
03260…..ECAS…………………..Supply voltage / feedback, damper valve
03260…..FFR…………………………………………………….Input ECO / Power
03261…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
 interruption, short-circuit wheel sensor B
03261…..ECAS………………………………………….Damper valve, front axle
03261…..EHLA……………………………..Function computer, computer unit
03261…..FFR………………………………..Input checkback power take-off 1
03262…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
wheel sensor B: Delay too long
03262…..ECAS……………………………………..Damper valve, 1st rear axle
03262…..EHLA……………………………..Function computer, computer unit
03262…..FFR………………………………..Input checkback power take-off 2
03263…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
wheel sensor B: Moving off fault
03263…..ECAS…………………………………….Damper valve, 2nd rear axle
03263…..EHLA……………………………..Function computer, computer unit
03263…..FFR…………………………………Input gearbox neutral checkback
03264…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
wheel sensor B: Clearance too great
03264…..EHLA……………………………..Function computer, computer unit
03264…..FFR……………………………………………………Input parking brake
03265…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
perpetual control wheel sensor B
03265…..EHLA……………………………Function computer, parameter area
03265…..FFR…………………….Input checkback single H (does not exist)
03266…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
long instability wheel sensor B
03266…..EHLA……………..Function computer, internal program memory
03266…..FFR…………………………………Input request engine start / tl. 50
03267…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
pulse ring fault wheel sensor B
03267…..EHLA………………………Function computer, time measurement
03267…..FFR…………………………………………..Input request engine stop
03268…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
fault on lifting axle wheel sensor B
03268…..EHLA……………………..Function computer, monitoring modules
03269…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, right rear axle
03269…..EHLA……………………..Function computer, monitoring modules
03269…..FFR…………………….Plausibility message ‘Start engine’ – input
 request engine start
03270…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
electrical power supply fault, pad wear sensor
03270…..EHLA……………………..Function computer, monitoring modules
03270…..FFR…CAN message ‘Start engine’ although engine is running
03271…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
pad wear sensor A outside permitted value range
03271…..EHLA……………………..Function computer, monitoring modules
03271…..FFR………………….CAN message ‘Start engine’ although v > 0
03272…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
pad wear sensor B outside permitted value range
03272…..EHLA……………………..Function computer, monitoring modules
03272…..FFR………………….CAN message ‘Start engine’ although input
gearbox neutral open
03273…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
pressure sensor outside permitted value range
03273…..EHLA……………………..Function computer, monitoring modules
03273…..FFR…………….CAN message ‘Stop engine’ although still v > 0
03274…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
time for ‘Current pressure’ inquiry too long
03274…..EHLA……………………..Function computer, monitoring modules
03274…..FFR………………Gearbox input speed to gearbox output speed
with gearbox in neutral
03275…..EBS.Pressure control module, right rear axle, poor ventilation
03275…..EHLA……………………..Function computer, monitoring modules
03276…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
excessive pressure during pulse test
03276…..EHLA……………………..Function computer, monitoring modules
03277…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
residual pressure after braking
03277…..EHLA……………………..Function computer, monitoring modules
03277…..FFR…………………………………………………………No engine CAN
03278…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
pressure sensor fault without braking
03278…..EHLA……………………..Function computer, monitoring modules
03278…..FFR………………………………………………………………Input speed
03279…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, right rear axle
03279…..EHLA……………………………….Function computer, safety switch
03279…..FFR………………………………………………………..No speed signal
(torque and engine speed limiting initiated)
03280…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
wheel sensor IC defective
03280…..EHLA……………………..Function computer, monitoring modules
03280…..FFR….Vehicle management computer cannot be switched off
03281…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
faulty backup valve checkback
03281…..EHLA…………………………..Function computer: Digital output 1,
switch-on test
03281…..FFR………………..Input request single H (group change switch)
03282…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
faulty intake valve checkback
03282…..EHLA…………………….Function computer, digital outputs 2 – 6,
switch-on test
03283…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
faulty intake and backup valve checkback
03283…..EHLA…………………….Function computer, digital outputs 2 – 6,
switch-on test
03284…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
faulty outlet valve checkback
03284…..EHLA…………………….Function computer, digital outputs 2 – 6,
switch-on test
03285…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
faulty outlet and backup valve checkback
03285…..EHLA…………………….Function computer, digital outputs 2 – 6,
switch-on test
03286…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
faulty outlet and intake valve checkback
03286…..EHLA…………………….Function computer, digital outputs 2 – 6,
switch-on test
03287…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
faulty outlet and intake and backup valve checkback
03288…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, right rear axle
03289…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, right rear axle
03290…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
no CAN reception from module
03290…..FFR…………………………………………..Control unit (register test)
03291…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
software incompatibility between control unit and
pressure control module
03291…..FFR………………………………………………Control unit (arithmetic)
03292…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
12/24 volt incompatibility between control unit and
pressure control module
03292…..FFR…………………………………………………….Control unit (RAM)
03293…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
high cycle protection intake valve active,
pressure < 4 bar
03293…..FFR………………………………………………Control unit (watchdog)
03294…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
arithmetic test not successful
03294…..FFR……………………………..Control unit (watchdog has tripped)
03295…..EBS……………………………………………Pressure control module,
right rear axle, wheel compensation fault wheel sensor A
03295…..FFR…………………………………………….Control unit (RAM page)
03296…..EBS……………………………………………Pressure control module,
right rear axle,
wheel compensation fault wheel sensor B
03296…..FFR……………………………….Control unit (RAM/ROM segment)
03297…..EBS……………………………………………Pressure control module,
right rear axle, electrical power supply fault,
axle load sensor
03297…..FFR…………………………………….Control unit (page error ROM)
03298…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
pressure differential on
pressure control module pair, rear axle
03298…..FFR……………………………………..Control unit (checksum ROM)
03299…..CNG……………………………………Pressure sensor surroundings
03299…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, right rear axle
03300…..EBS……………………………..Pressure control module E, no fault
03300…..FFR…………………………………………….Control unit or cable line
(engine brake output stage)
03300…..OBDU……………………………………………………..Alternator speed
03300…..ZBR2……………………………………………………Alternator / starter
03300…..ZBRO……………………………………………………………Engine revs
03301…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
interruption, short-circuit wheel sensor A
03301…..FFR…………………………………………..Control unit or peripherals
(output stage, clutch servo)
03301…..OBDU………………………………..Engine oil temperature too high
03301…..ZBR2………………………………………………………….Alternator tl. L
03302…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
wheel sensor A: Delay too long
03302…..FFR…………………………………………….Control unit or cable line
(power take-off 1 output stage)
03302…..ZBR2…………………………………………………Alternator B+ sense
03303…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
wheel sensor A: Moving off fault
03303…..FFR…………………………………………….Control unit or cable line
(power take-off 2 output stage)
03303…..ZBR2…………………………………….Engine running (= signal D+)
03303…..ZBRO……………………………………………………….Engine running
03304…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
wheel sensor A: Clearance too great
03304…..FFR…………………………………………….Control unit or cable line
(thermostat heater output stage)
03304…..OBDU…………………………………………….EDC boiling protection
03305…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
perpetual control wheel sensor A
03305…..FFR………..Control unit or cable line (high range output stage)
03306…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
long instability wheel sensor A
03306…..FFR…………Control unit or cable line (low range output stage)
03306…..OBDU………………….Thermostat in cooling system defective or
too much heat being taken (heater)
03307…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
pulse ring fault wheel sensor A
03308…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
fault on lifting axle wheel sensor A
03308…..FFR………Control unit or cable line (earth group output stage)
03309…..EBS………………………………………….Pressure control module E
03309…..EBS_K1…………………………………………..Brake/impulse wheel/
sensor combination additional axle left
03309…..FFR……..Control unit or cable line (earth splitter output stage)
03310…..EBS………………………………………….Pressure control module E
03310…..FFR……………………………………………………………….Ride height
03311…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
 interruption, short-circuit wheel sensor B
03311…..FFR………………………………Control unit (EEPROM checksum)
03311…..KSM………………………………………..Cooling water temperature.
03311…..OBDU…………………………..Cooling water temperature too high
03311…..TPM…………………..Severe leakage from left outer tyre, axle 1
03312…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
wheel sensor B: Delay too long
03312…..TPM…………………..Severe leakage from left inner tyre, axle 1
03313…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
wheel sensor B: Moving off fault
03313…..TPM…………………Severe leakage from right inner tyre, axle 1
03313…..ZBRO……………………….Econ. circ. heat./airc. (altern. running)
03314…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
wheel sensor B: Clearance too great
03314…..TPM…………………Severe leakage from right outer tyre, axle 1
03314…..ZBRO…………………………….Economy circuit workshop jumper
03315…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
perpetual control wheel sensor B
03315…..ZBRO………………………………..Charge check alternator LIMA1
03316…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
long instability wheel sensor B
03316…..ZBRO………………………………..Starter start interlock repeat rel.
03317…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
pulse ring fault wheel sensor B
03317…..ZBRO…………………………..Roller-type sw. 1 start interr. (open)
03318…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
fault on lifting axle wheel sensor B
03318…..ZBRO………………………..Roller-type sw. 2 start interr. (closed)
03319…..CNG………………………Throttle butterfly actuator minimum stop
03319…..EBS………………………………………….Pressure control module E
03319…..ZBRO………………………………….Alternator LIMA1 not charging
03320…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
electrical power supply fault, pad wear sensor
03320…..ZBRO………………………………..Charge check alternator LIMA2
03321…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
pad wear sensor A outside permitted value range
03321…..TPM…………………..Severe leakage from left outer tyre, axle 2
03321…..ZBRO………………………………….Alternator LIMA2 not charging
03322…..CNG…………………………………….Crankshaft to camshaft signal
03322…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
pad wear sensor B outside permitted value range
03322…..TPM…………………..Severe leakage from left inner tyre, axle 2
03322…..ZBRO………………………………………………….Engine start in rear
03323…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
pressure sensor outside permitted value range
03323…..TPM…………………Severe leakage from right inner tyre, axle 2
03323…..ZBRO………………………………………………….Engine stop in rear
03324…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
time for ‘Current pressure’ inquiry too long
03324…..TPM…………………Severe leakage from right outer tyre, axle 2
03324…..ZBRO………………………………..Roller-type sw. start interr. fault
03325…..CNG……………………….Crankshaft to camshaft signal (bank 2)
03325…..EBS………………….Pressure control module E, poor ventilation
03325…..ZBRO……………………..Fuel tank flap (start interlock/eng. stop)
03326…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
excessive pressure during pulse test
03326…..ZBRO…………………………………Engine compartment flap open
03327…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
residual pressure after braking
03327…..ZBRO……………………….Gearb. n. neutral (starting impossible)
03328…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
pressure sensor fault without braking
03328…..OUZBRO………………………..Start interruption via fuel tank flap
03328…..ZBRO…………………………….Start interruption via fuel tank flap
03329…..CNG…………………………………….Suction pipe pressure sensor
03329…..EBS………………………………………….Pressure control module E
03329…..ZBRO…………………………………………………….Engine start front
03330…..EBS…..Pressure control module E, wheel sensor IC defective
03330…..ZBRO…………………………………………………….Engine stop front
03331…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
faulty backup valve checkback
03331…..TPM…………………..Severe leakage from left outer tyre, axle 3
03331…..ZBRO…………………………..Roller-type sw. 3 start interr. (open)
03332…..EBSPressure control module E, faulty intake valve checkback
03332…..TPM…………………..Severe leakage from left inner tyre, axle 3
03332…..ZBRO………………………..Roller-type sw. 4 start interr. (closed)
03333…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
faulty intake and backup valve checkback
03333…..TPM…………………Severe leakage from right inner tyre, axle 3
03333…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Central front flap open
03334…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
faulty outlet valve checkback
03334…..TPM…………………Severe leakage from right outer tyre, axle 3
03334…..ZBRO…………………………….Roller-type sw. start interr. fault fr.
03335…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
faulty outlet and backup valve checkback
03335…..ZBR2….Voltage specification not possible (alternator / starter)
03336…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
faulty outlet and intake valve checkback
03336…..ZBRO……………………………………….Supply compartment open
03337…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
faulty outlet and intake and backup valve checkback
03337…..ZBRO…………………………….Roller-type sw. start interr. fault fr.
03338…..EBS………………………………………….Pressure control module E
03338…..ZBRO……………………………………………………..Start interrupted
03339…..EBS………………………………………….Pressure control module E
03339…..ZBRO………………………………………………………Flap 1 left open
03340…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
no CAN reception from module
03340…..ZBRO………………………………………………………Flap 2 left open
03341…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
software incompatibility between control unit and
pressure control module
03341…..EBS_K1……………………..Software statuses of control unit and
pressure-control module
(additional axle left or additional axle) do not match
03341…..TPM…………………..Severe leakage from left outer tyre, axle 4
03341…..ZBRO…………………………………………………….Flap 2 right open
03342…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
12/24 volt incompatibility between control unit and
pressure control module
03342…..TPM…………………..Severe leakage from left inner tyre, axle 4
03342…..ZBRO………………………………………………………Flap 3 left open
03343…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
high cycle protection intake valve active,
pressure < 4 bar
03343…..TPM…………………Severe leakage from right inner tyre, axle 4
03343…..ZBRO………………………………………………………Flap 4 left open
03344…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
arithmetic test not successful
03344…..TPM…………………Severe leakage from right outer tyre, axle 4
03344…..ZBRO…………………………………………………….Battery flap open
03345…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
wheel compensation fault wheel sensor A
03345…..ZBRO………………………………………………Flap in rear flap open
03346…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
wheel compensation fault wheel sensor B
03346…..ZBRO………………………………………………….Engine stop in rear
03347…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
electrical power supply fault, axle load sensor
03348…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
pressure differential on pressure control
module pair, rear axle
03349…..EBS………………………………………….Pressure control module E
03350…..EBS……………………………..Pressure control module F, no fault
03351…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
interruption, short-circuit wheel sensor A
03351…..TPM…………………..Severe leakage from left outer tyre, axle 5
03352…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
wheel sensor A: Delay too long
03352…..TPM…………………..Severe leakage from left inner tyre, axle 5
03353…..CNG…………………………..Pressure sensor charge air pressure
03353…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
wheel sensor A: Moving off fault
03353…..TPM…………………Severe leakage from right inner tyre, axle 5
03354…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
wheel sensor A: Clearance too great
03354…..TPM…………………Severe leakage from right outer tyre, axle 5
03355…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
perpetual control wheel sensor A
03355…..TPM…………………………………………………..LID checksum error
03356…..CNG……………………..Lambda control adaptation multiplicative
lower range (bank 1)
03356…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
long instability wheel sensor A
03357…..CNG……………………..Lambda control adaptation multiplicative
upper range (bank 1)
03357…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
pulse ring fault wheel sensor A
03358…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
fault on lifting axle wheel sensor A
03359…..EBS………………………………………….Pressure control module F
03359…..EBS_K1…………………………………………..Brake/impulse wheel/
sensor combination additional axle right
03360…..CNG………….. Lambda control adaptation leakage air (bank 1)
03360…..EBS………………………………………….Pressure control module F
03361…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
interruption, short-circuit wheel sensor B
03361…..EHLA……………………..Function computer, monitoring modules
03362…..CNG……………………..Lambda control adaptation fuel (bank 1)
03362…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
wheel sensor B: Delay too long
03362…..EHLA……………………..Function computer, monitoring modules
03363…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
wheel sensor B: Moving off fault
03363…..EHLA……………………..Function computer, monitoring modules
03364…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
wheel sensor B: Clearance too great
03364…..EHLA……………………..Function computer, monitoring modules
03365…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
perpetual control wheel sensor B
03365…..EHLA……………………..Function computer, monitoring modules
03366…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
long instability wheel sensor B
03367…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
pulse ring fault wheel sensor B
03368…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
fault on lifting axle wheel sensor B
03368…..EHLA………………………….Function computer, overtemperature
03369…..EBS………………………………………….Pressure control module F
03369…..EHLA……………………..Function computer, monitoring modules
03370…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
electrical power supply fault, pad wear sensor
03370…..EHLA……………………..Function computer, monitoring modules
03371…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
pad wear sensor A outside permitted value range
03371…..EHLA……………………..Function computer, monitoring modules
03372…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
pad wear sensor B outside permitted value range
03372…..EHLA……………………..Function computer, monitoring modules
03373…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
pressure sensor outside permitted value range
03373…..EHLA……………………..Function computer, monitoring modules
03374…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
time for ‘Current pressure’ inquiry too long
03374…..EHLA.Function computer, reference voltage outside tolerance
03375…..EBS………………….Pressure control module F, poor ventilation
03376…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
excessive pressure during pulse test
03376…..EHLA……………………..Function computer, monitoring modules
03377…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
residual pressure after braking
03378…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
pressure sensor fault without braking
03379…..EBS………………………………………….Pressure control module F
03380…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
wheel sensor IC defective
03381…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
faulty backup valve checkback
03381…..EHLA…………………………….Function computer, digital output 1
03382…..CNG…………………….Circuit trailing throttle circulating air valve
03382…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
faulty intake valve checkback
03382…..EHLA………Function computer, digital outputs 2 – 6, operation
03383…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
faulty intake and backup valve checkback
03383…..EHLA………Function computer, digital outputs 2 – 6, operation
03384…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
faulty outlet valve checkback
03384…..EHLA………Function computer, digital outputs 2 – 6, operation
03385…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
faulty outlet and backup valve checkback
03385…..EHLA………Function computer, digital outputs 2 – 6, operation
03386…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
faulty outlet and intake valve checkback
03386…..EHLA………Function computer, digital outputs 2 – 6, operation
03387…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
faulty outlet and intake and backup valve checkback
03388…..EBS………………………………………….Pressure control module F
03389…..EBS………………………………………….Pressure control module F
03390…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
no CAN reception from module
03391…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
software incompatibility between control unit
and pressure control module
03392…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
12/24 volt incompatibility between control unit
and pressure control module
03393…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
high cycle protection intake valve active,
pressure < 4 bar
03394…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
arithmetic test not successful
03395…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
wheel compensation fault wheel sensor A
03396…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
wheel compensation fault wheel sensor B
03397…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
electrical power supply fault, axle load sensor
03398…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
pressure differential on
pressure control module pair, rear axle
03399…..EBS………………………………………….Pressure control module F
03400…..EBS……………………………………Trailer control module, no fault
03400…..ZBR2………………………………………..Flame start solenoid valve
03401…..EBS…………………….Trailer control module control electronics,
unknown .C interrupt, .C self-test, RAM or ROM test
03401…..OBDU…………………………..Engine oil level too high/low (static)
03401…..ZBR2……………………………………………………..Flame start relay
03402…..CNG……………………………..Throttle butterfly position deviation
03402…..EBS………………………………………………..Trailer control module
03402…..OBDU……………………………Engine oil level too high (dynamic)
03402…..ZBR2……………………………………………Flame glow plug current
03403…..CNG…………………..Throttle butterfly output stage switched off
03403…..EBS…………………….Trailer control module control electronics,
EEPROM, too many write accesses
03403…..OBDU……………………………..Engine oil level too low (dynamic)
03403…..ZBR2……………………………………………Flame glow plug current
03404…..CNG……………………………….Throttle butterfly controller in limit
03404…..EBS…………………….Trailer control module control electronics,
EEPROM, checksum fault or EOL data invalid
03404…..OBDU………………………………………Cooling water level too low
03405…..CNG………………………………………..Monitoring computer; ROM
03405…..EBS…………………….Trailer control module control electronics,
EEPROM, too many data repairs required
03406…..CNG………………………………………..Monitoring computer; RAM
03406…..EBS…………………….Trailer control module control electronics,
EEPROM, monitoring time exceeded
when writing data
03407…..CNG………………………………………..Monitoring computer; reset
03407…..EBS………………………………………………..Trailer control module
03407…..OBDU………………………….Oil level in power steering 1 too low
03408…..CNG……………………….Monitoring function; torque comparison
03408…..EBS…………………….Trailer control module control electronics,
EEPROM, fault in dynamic parameter setting
03408…..OBDU………………………….Oil level in power steering 2 too low
03409…..CNG……………………….Monitoring function; safety fuel shut-off
03409…..EBS……. Trailer control module control electronics, EEPROM,
dynamic parameters outside permitted value range
03410…..CNG……………………………………….Throttle butterfly error when
checking limp-home air position
03410…..EBS………………………………………………..Trailer control module
03410…..OBDU…………………………………………….Clutch oil level too low
03411…..CNG………………….Throttle butterfly error in booster balancing
03411…..EBS………………………………………………..Trailer control module
03411…..FFR……………….Gearbox output speed out of permitted range
03412…..CNG…………….Throttle butterfly error in spring check ‘Closing’
03412…..EBS………………………………………………..Trailer control module
03412…..FFR………………………..Range-change neutral switch indicates
‘Neutral’ — Power take-off neutral
switch indicates ‘Not Neutral’
03413…..CNG……………………………………Throttle butterfly learning error
when ignition on/off
03413…..EBS………………………………………………..Trailer control module
03413…..FFR………………………..Range-change neutral switch indicates
‘Not Neutral’ — Power take-off
neutral switch indicates ‘Neutral’
03414…..EBS………………………………………………..Trailer control module
03414…..FFR………………Output stage lamp FGB (driving speed limiter)
03415…..EBS………………………………………………..Trailer control module
03415…..FFR……………………………..CAN data bus, oil sensor message:
Temperature rise not plausible although
engine is warm (> 60 °C)
03416…..EBS……..Trailer control module, fault in coupling force control
03416…..FFR……………………………..CAN data bus, oil sensor message:
Oil level drop not plausible although engine is running
03417…..EBS………………………………………………..Trailer control module
03417…..FFR………………………..Range-change neutral switch indicates
‘Not Neutral’ — Power take-off neutral
switch indicates ‘Neutral’
03418…..EBS………………………………………………..Trailer control module
03419…..EBS……………..Trailer control module, fault in earth estimation
03420…..EBS………………………………………………..Trailer control module
03421…..EBS………………………………………………..Trailer control module
03421…..EBS_K1……………Pressure sensor supply trailer control valve
03421…..EHLA………………………………Function computer, digital input 1
03422…..EBS…………….Trailer control module, pressure sensor outside
permitted value range
03422…..EBS_K1…………………….Pressure sensor supply trailer control
valve outside the permitted range
03422…..EHLA………………………………Function computer, digital input 2
03423…..EBS…………………Trailer control module, implausible pressure
sensor value when braking was not taking place
03423…..EHLA………………………………Function computer, digital input 3
03424…..EBS………………………………………………..Trailer control module
03424…..EHLA………………………………Function computer, digital input 4
03425…..EBS………………….Trailer control module, pressure dissipation
too slow and fault on parking brake switch
03426…..EBS………………Trailer control module, residual pressure after
pressure dissipation greater than threshold
value on parking brake switch
03427…..EBS……Trailer control module, residual pressure after braking
03428…..EBS………………………………………………..Trailer control module
03429…..EBS………………………………………………..Trailer control module
03430…..CNG………………………………..Throttle butterfly potentiometer 1
03430…..EBS……………………………..Trailer control valve; solenoid valve
03430…..FFR…………………CAN databus: Timeout when receiving KSM
message KSM1
03431…..CNG………………………………..Throttle butterfly potentiometer 2
03431…..EBS…..Trailer control module, faulty backup valve checkback
03431…..FFR……….CAN databus: KSM message KSM1, bytes 2 and 3
03432…..EBS…….Trailer control module, faulty intake valve checkback
03432…..FFR………………….CAN databus: KSM message KSM1, byte 4
03433…..EBS………………..Trailer control valve; solenoid valve feed line
03433…..FFR………………….CAN databus: KSM message KSM1, byte 5
03434…..EBS……..Trailer control module, faulty outlet valve checkback
03434…..FFR………………….CAN databus: KSM message KSM1, byte 8
03435…..EBS_K1………..Trailer control valve; solenoid valve return line
03435…..FFR..Engine start requested although vehicle speed > 0 km/h
03436…..EBS………………….Trailer control module, fault from outlet and
intake valve checkback
03436…..FFR………………………………….Engine start requested although
gearbox not in neutral position
03437…..EBS………………………………………………..Trailer control module
03437…..FFR..Engine start requested although vehicle speed > 0 km/h
03438…..EBS………………………………………………..Trailer control module
03439…..EBS………………………………………………..Trailer control module
03440…..EBS………………Trailer control module, no CAN reception from
trailer control module
03441…..EBS……………..Trailer control module, software incompatibility
between control unit and trailer control module
03442…..EBS……………Trailer control module, 12/24 volt incompatibility
between control unit and trailer control module
03443…..EBS………..Trailer control module, high cycle protection intake
valve active, pressure < 4 bar
03444…..EBS……..Trailer control module, arithmetic test not successful
03445…..EBS…………………………..Trailer control module, impermissible
pressure on coupling head
03446…..EBS………………………………………………..Trailer control module
03447…..EBS………………………………………………..Trailer control module
03448…..EBS……..Trailer control module, pressure differential between
pressure control modules and trailer control module
03449…..EBS………………………………………………..Trailer control module
03449…..FFR…………..Exhaust backpressure is measured although the
exhaust valve brake control valve is not activated
03450…..FFR……………………………………………….Exhaust backpressure
(plausibility pressure — valve control)
03451…..EBS…………………………………….ESP, internal control unit error
03453…..EBS…………………………..ESP, checkback, voltage implausible
03455…..EBS…………………………………………ESP configuration not valid
03456…..EBS……………………………….ESP, EEPROM, checksum invalid
03457…..EBS…………………………..ESP, EEPROM, parameter defective
03457…..FFR………………..CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
ACC message TSC1-ACC.
03457…..HDS……………………………………………………….Urea tank empty
03458…..EBS………………………ESP, EEPROM, parameter out-of-range
03458…..FFR…………………..CAN data bus: ACC message TSC1-ACC,
bytes 1 and 2
03459…..EBS……………………………..ESP, EEPROM, not programmable
03459…..FFR…………………..CAN data bus: ACC message TSC1-ACC,
bytes 4 and 5
03460…..FFR………………..CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
ACC message ACC1.
03461…..EBS…………………………………..ESP EOL data in the EBS ECU
not compatible with ESP software version
03461…..EHLA……….Function computer, analog inputs 1 – 4, operation
03461…..FFR…………………..CAN data bus: ACC message ACC, byte 4
03462…..EHLA……….Function computer, analog inputs 1 – 4, operation
03462…..FFR…………………………………..CAN data bus: Time overrun of
gearbox message TSC1-TRX
03463…..EHLA……….Function computer, analog inputs 1 – 4, operation
03463…..FFR…………………………DNR switch: No neutral position found
03464…..EHLA……….Function computer, analog inputs 1 – 4, operation
03467…..EBS…ESP, lateral acceleration sensor out of permitted range
03467…..FFR……. CAN databus: Time overrun message EEC1-CM570
03468…..FFR……. CAN databus: Time overrun message EEC2-CM570
03469…..EBS……ESP, lateral acceleration sensor, long-time alignment
03469…..FFR……. CAN databus: Time overrun message EEC3-CM570
03470…..EBS…….ESP, lateral acceleration sensor, standstill alignment
03470…..FFR………………………….CAN databus: Time overrun message
03471…..EBS…………………………………ESP, lateral acceleration sensor,
plausibility monitoring valid for model
03471…..FFRCAN databus: Time overrun message ENG_TEMP-M570
03472…..EBS…………………………………ESP, lateral acceleration sensor,
plausibility monitoring not valid for model
03472…..FFR………………………….CAN databus: Time overrun message
03473…..EBS…………………….ESP, steering angle sensor not calibrated
03473…..FFR………………………….CAN databus: Time overrun message
03474…..EBS…………………….ESP, steering angle sensor, CAN timeout
03474…..FFR………………………….CAN databus: Time overrun message
03475…..EBS………..ESP, steering angle sensor out of permitted range
03475…..FFR……………………….CAN databus: Message ECAM1, byte 1
03476…..EBS……………………………………….ESP, steering angle sensor,
defective CAN message content
03476…..FFR……………………….CAN databus: Message ECAM1, byte 2
03477…..EBS……………………ESP, steering angle sensor, gradient error
03477…..FFR……………………….CAN databus: Message ECAM1, byte 3
03478…..EBS…………..ESP, steering angle sensor, long-time alignment
03478…..FFR………………..CAN databus: Time overrun message KSM2
03479…..EBS…………………ESP, steering angle sensor, constant signal
03479…..FFR…………….CAN databus: Time overrun message ASC1_A
03480…..EBS…………..ESP, steering angle sensor incorrectly mounted,
incorrect steering angle sign
03480…..FFR…………….CAN databus: Time overrun message ASC1_B
03481…..EBS………..ESP, steering angle sensor, plausibility monitoring
between steering angle and rotational speed
03483…..EBS………………….ESP, rotational speed sensor, CAN timeout
03484…..EBS…………………………….ESP, rotational speed sensor signal
out of permitted range
03485…..EBS…………………………………….ESP, rotational speed sensor,
defective CAN message content
03486…..EBS…………….ESP, rotational speed sensor, static BITE error
03487…..EBS………..ESP, rotational speed sensor, dynamic BITE error
03488…..EBS……………………ESP, steering angle sensor, gradient error
03490…..EBS………………..ESP, rotational speed sensor, fast alignment
03491…..EBS…………ESP, rotational speed sensor, standstill alignment
03492…..EBS……………ESP, rotational speed sensor, normal alignment
03493…..EBS………………ESP, rotational speed sensor, sensitivity error
03494…..EBS…………………………………….ESP, rotational speed sensor,
plausibility monitoring valid for model
03495…..EBS…………………………………….ESP, rotational speed sensor,
plausibility monitoring not valid for model
03496…..EBS……………………………………..ESP, rotational speed sensor
incorrectly mounted, incorrect steering angle sign
03497…..EBS…………………………………….ESP, rotational speed sensor,
plausibility monitoring between rotational
speed and steering angle
03500…..EBS……………………….ESP, no CAN communication with ESP
03500…..FFR………………………….CAN databus: Time overrun message
03500…..KSM…………………………………………………..First faulty EOL LID
03500…..ZBR2……………………………………………Brake (ABS/ASR/ EBS)
03501…..EBS………………………………………..ESP, software incompatible
03501…..FFR……..CAN databus: Time overrun message ERC1_RX_M
03501…..OBDU…………………………………Alternator charge check failure
03501…..ZBR2…………………………Electrical power supply to trailer ABS
03502…..EBS…………………………….ESP, 12/24V incompatible with EBS
03502…..FFR……… CAN databus: Time overrun message TANK_INFO
03502…..OBDU………………………………………..Charging voltage too high
03502…..ZBR2…………………………………………..Brake lamp, tractive unit
03502…..ZBRO…………………………………………………………….Brake lamp
03503…..FFR…..CAN databus: Time overrun message ENG_TEMP_M
03503…..OBDU…………………………Vehicle system voltage often too low
03503…..ZBR2…………………………………………………Brake lamp in trailer
03503…..ZBRO……………………………………………………Brake lamp trailer
03504…..EBS………………………………………………….ESP, ALU test failed
03504…..FFR………………………….CAN databus: Time overrun message
03504…..OBDU……………..Battery undervoltage after vehicle parked up
03505…..EBS………………………………………..ESP, output stage defective
03505…..FFR…………….CAN databus: Time overrun message EFLP_M
03505…..OBDU………………………Charge voltage too low for long period
when engine running
03506…..EBS……………………………………ESP, intervention not plausible
03506…..FFR……CAN databus: Time overrun message FUEL_ECO_M
03506…..OBDU……………………..Vehicle system voltage too low for long
period when engine running
03506…..ZBRO……………………………………………….Battery undervoltage
03507…..ZBRO……………………………………………Starting interlock active
03508…..ZBRO……………………………………………Starting interlock active
03509…..ZBRO…………………………………………Starting interlock request
03510…..OBDU…………………………………………………..Retarder actuated
03510…..ZBRO…………………………………………………..ASR button/switch
03511…..OBDU…………………………………………….Engine brake operated
03511…..ZBRO…………………………………………………..ASR button/switch
03512…..EBS………………OBD, request, red warning lamp for diagnosis
03512…..OBDU……………………………………………….Brake pedal pressed
03512…..ZBRO…………………………………………………..ASR control (INA)
03513…..EBS………….OBD, request, yellow warning lamp for diagnosis
03513…..ZBRO…………………………………………………….ASR check lamp
03514…..ZBRO…………………………………ASR control (brake via T-CAN)
03515…..EBS…………………………………..OBD, brake wear sensor signal
03515…..ZBRO……………………………….ASR control (engine via T-CAN)
03516…..EBS……………………………………OBD, trailer EBS has no errors
03516…..EBS_5………………………………………Request red warning light,
ISO 11992 trailer interface
03516…..EBS_K1……………………………………Request red warning light,
ISO 11992 trailer interface
03516…..ZBRO………………………………………..ASR check not connected
03517…..EBS…………………………………OBD, voltage too high or too low
03517…..ZBRO………………………………………………….ASR interface fault
03518…..EBS………………………OBD, trailer interface in single line mode
03518…..ZBRO…………………………………………Brake pad wear indicator
03519…..EBS………………………..OBD, wheel speed sensor, error during
the last switch-on cycle
03519…..ZBRO………………………………….Brake pressure brake circuit 1
03520…..EBS……………………………OBD, limit gap speed, warning level,
repeated every second
03520…..ZBRO………………………………….Brake pressure brake circuit 2
03521…..EBS………………………………….OBD, frequent-stop brake active
03521…..ZBRO…………………………………….Brake pressure rear axle left
03522…..EBS……………………..OBD, chassis dynamometer mode active
03522…..ZBRO…………………………………..Brake pressure rear axle right
03523…..ZBRO…………………………………Brake pressure centre axle left
03524…..ZBRO……………………………….Brake pressure centre axle right
03525…..EBS…………………………………..OBD, external wheel alignment
(speedo signal/speed sensor)
03525…..ZBRO……………………………………Brake pressure front axle left
03526…..EBS……………………………OBD, alignment, lateral acceleration
sensor not completed
03526…..ZBRO………………………………….Brake pressure front axle right
03527…..EBS……………………………………….OBD, steering angle sensor,
fast alignment not completed
03527…..ZBRO……………………………………………………………..Brake light
03528…..EBS……….OBD, ESP control unit overvoltage or undervoltage
03528…..ZBRO…………………………………………………..Brake lamp centre
03529…..EBS…………………………………………………OBD, ESP is passive
03529…..EBS_K1…………..Fault in trailer control valve pressure control
during most recent ignition on cycle
03529…..ZBRO……………………………………………………….Brake lamp left
03530…..EBS……………………………Fault in pressure control during most
recent ignition on cycle
03530…..ZBRO……………………………………………………..Brake lamp right
03531…..EBS…………………………..Fault in redundant circuit during most
recent ignition on cycle
03531…..ZBRO………………………………………………Brake lamp trailer left
03532…..EBS……………………………..Incorrect tyre diameter during most
recent ignition on cycle, short-term tyre monitoring
03532…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Brake lamp trailer right
03533…..ZBRO…………………………………..Brake pedal position (0…250)
03534…..ZBRO………………………………….EBS brake pad wear indicator
03535…..ZBRO………………………………….EBS brake pad wear indicator
03536…..ZBRO…………………………………………………..EBS check yellow
03537…..ZBRO…………………………………………………..EBS check yellow
03538…..ZBRO………………………………EBS check yellow not connected
03539…..ZBRO………………………………………………EBS air gap too large
03540…..ZBRO……………………………………………………….EBS check red
03541…..ZBRO…………………………………..EBS check red not connected
03542…..ZBRO…………………………………………..EBS malfunction prio. 1
03543…..ZBRO………………………………..EBS reservoir pressure too low
03544…..ZBRO…………………………Spring-loaded accumulator reservoir
03545…..ZBRO…………………………Spring-loaded accumulator reservoir
03546…..ZBRO…………………………………Parking brake 1 5.8 bar (open)
03547…..ZBRO…………………………………Parking brake 2 0.8 bar (close)
03548…..ZBRO……………………………………………………….Bus-stop brake
03549…..ZBRO……………………………………………………….Bus-stop brake
03550…..ZBRO………….Buzzer engage parking brake/door malfunction
03551…..ZBRO…………………………………………..ABS active (via T-CAN)
03552…..ZBRO……………………………………………..Malfunction ABS/ASR
03553…..ZBRO……………………………………Check malfunction ABS/ASR
03554…..ZBRO……………………………………EBS/ABS activation (T-CAN)
03555…..ZBRO…………………………..UDS accident data box brake lamp
03556…..ZBRO………………………………………………….Parking brake fault
03557…..ZBRO…………………………………….EBS check yellow (via CAN)
03558…..ZBRO…………………………………………EBS check red (via CAN)
03559…..ZBRO……………………………………………….ABS fully operational
03560…..ZBRO……………………………Brake pad thickness, 1st axle right
03561…..ZBRO……………………………..Brake pad thickness, 1st axle left
03562…..ZBRO…………………………..Brake pad thickness, 2nd axle right
03563…..ZBRO…………………………….Brake pad thickness, 2nd axle left
03564…..ZBRO……………………………Brake pad thickness, 3rd axle right
03565…..ZBRO……………………………..Brake pad thickness, 3rd axle left
03566…..ZBRO…………………………………………Parking brake 1 forebody
03567…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Parking brake 1 for FFR
03568…..OBDU…………………………………………………..Retarder actuated
03568….. ZBR2…………………………………………………………………Retarder
03569…..OBDU…………………………………………….Engine brake operated
03569…..ZBR2…………………………………………………………..Engine brake
03570…..OBDU……………………………………………….Brake pedal pressed
03570…..ZBR2………………………………………………………….Service brake
03571…..ZBRO……………………………………..Bus stop brake switched off
03572…..ZBR2………………………………………………………..Bus-stop brake
03581…..CNG………………………………….Diagnosis lambda probe before
 catalytic converter;
03582…..CNG………………………………..Heating diagnosis lambda probe
before catalytic converter
03583…..CNG…………………………………………………Pressure sensor gas
03584…..CNG…………………………………………………..Coding; quality gas
03584…..TRON…………………………………………………….Control unit error
03585…..CNG………………………………………………………Temperature gas
03585…..TRON……………………………No ignition – safety time exceeded
03586…..TRON…………………………………….Flame failure from operation
03587….. TRON………………………………………………………………….Voltage
03588…..TRON…Flame present during switch-on, cold blowing timeout
03589…..TRON…………………………………………………………Flame sensor
03590…..TRON……………………Actual value temperature control sensor
03591…..TRON……………………………………………………….Metering pump
03592…..TRON………………………………………………………….Burner motor
03593…..CNG…………………………..Solenoid stop valve (gas LD) leaking
03593…..TRON………………………………………………………………Glow plug
03594…..CNG…………………Supply injection valves bank 1 output stage
03594…..TRON………………………………………………………….. Overheating
03595…..CNG…………………Supply injection valves bank 2 output stage
03596…..CNG……………….Stop valve gas 1 output stage (low pressure)
03596….. TRON…………………………………………………………………Setpoint
03597…..CNG……………..Stop valve gas 2 output stage (high pressure)
03597…..TRON…………………………………………………Overheating sensor
03598…..CNG……………………………….Balancing in trailing throttle mode
 (measuring probe)
03598…..TRON………………..Warning short-circuit output fresh air signal
03599…..CNG……………………………….Balancing in trailing throttle mode
 (diagnostic probe)
03599…..TRON……………………..Warning short-circuit output theft alarm
03600…..EBS………………………………………………….System bus, general
03600…..TRON…….No ignition — Too many unsuccessful start attempts
 (operation interlock)
03600…..ZBR2…………………………………………………Fill level, clutch fluid
03601…..CNG……………………………………….Output stage starter control
03601…..EBS..System bus, monitoring of the axle modulator drive axle
messages by central brake unit; CAN brake
03601…..OBDU…………Front axle above technically permitted axle load
03601…..TRON……………..Overheating — Hardware threshold exceeded
in control unit (operation interlock)
03602…..EBS……………….System bus, monitoring of the axle modulator
additional axle messages by central brake unit;
CAN brake
03602…..OBDU………….Rear axle above technically permitted axle load
03602…..TRON…………………..Overheating — Too many overheatings or
hardware threshold exceeded in control unit
(operation interlock)
03602…..ZBR2………………………………………………..Reversing light relay
03603…..EBS……………System bus, monitoring of the vehicle dynamics
control messages by central brake unit
03603…..TRON………….Overheating sensor — Permitted difference from
flame sensor exceeded
(redundant overheating monitoring)
03603…..ZBR2………………………………………..Heating, Kongsberg circuit
03604…..EBS………………..System bus, monitoring of the steering angle
sensor messages by central brake unit
03604…..ZBRO……………………………………………….Clutch brake shut-off
03605…..ZBRO……………………………………………….Clutch brake shut-off
03606…..ZBRO……………………………………………….Clutch brake shut-off
03607…..ZBRO……………………………………..Clutch brake shut-off check
03608…..ZBRO………………………………………………….Clutch brake direct
03609…..ZBRO………………………………………Clutch brake direct stage 1
03610…..EBS……………System bus, monitoring of the central brake unit
messages by axle modulator drive axle; CAN brake
03610…..ZBRO………………………………………Clutch brake direct stage 2
03611…..ZBRO………………………………………Clutch brake direct stage 3
03612…..EBS..System bus, monitoring of the axle modulator additional
axle messages by axle modulator drive axle
03612…..OUZBRO…………………………………………………Gearbox neutral
03612…..ZBRO……………………………………………………..Gearbox neutral
03613…..EBS_K1…….System bus, monitoring of the electronic stability
program messages by axle modulator drive axle
03613…..ZBRO……………………………………………..Current gear (T-CAN)
03614…..ZBRO……………………………………………Gear engaged (T-CAN)
03615…..ZBRO…………………………………………………………Selected gear
03616…..ZBRO………………………………………………………Gear oil too hot
03617…..ZBRO………………………………………………………Gear oil too hot
03618…..ZBRO……………………………………………………….Reversing light
03619…..ZBRO…………………………………………………….Reverse light left
03620…..EBS………………… System bus, monitoring of the central brake
unit messages by axle modulator additional axle
03620…..ZBRO…………………………………………………..Reverse light right
03621…..EBS..System bus, monitoring of the axle modulator drive axle
messages by axle modulator additional axle
03621…..ZBRO……………………………………..Gearbox activation (T-CAN)
03622…..ZBRO…………………………………………………….EK shut-off Voith
03623…..EBS…System bus, monitoring of the vehicle dynamics control
messages by axle modulator additional axle
03623…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Neutral at standstill ZF
03624…..ZBRO……………………….UDS accident data box reversing light
03625…..ZBR2…………………………………………………………Off-road range
03626…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Reversing light buzzer
03627…..ZBRO…………………………………………………..Gear enable Voith
03628…..ZBRO………………………………………….Gearbox oil temperature
03629…..ZBR2……………………………………………….Transfer case neutral
03630…..EBS…………………System bus, monitoring of the central brake
unit messages by vehicle dynamics control
03631…..EBS……………….System bus, monitoring of the axle modulator
drive axle messages by vehicle dynamics control
03632…..EBS……………….System bus, monitoring of the axle modulator
additional axle messages by vehicle dynamics control
03634…..EBS………………..System bus, monitoring of the steering angle
sensor messages by electronic stability program
03650…..EBS…………………………………………………..CAN trailer interface
03651…..EBS…………………………………..CAN trailer interface, CAN high
03652…..EBS…………………………………….CAN trailer interface, CAN low
03671…..EDC…………………………………Error when reading in EEPROM
03672…..EDC……………………….Error when reading in the fault memory
03673…..EDC…………………………………………………………….CAN block 2
03674…..EDC………………………………..FFR1: Bank shut-off byte8/bit5-8
03675…..EDC…………….Faulty redundant shut-off device afterrun drive
03676…..EDC………………Faulty redundant shut-off device afterrun test
03677…..EDC………………………………….Charge air low pressure sensor
03678…..EDC……………………………………………..Booster voltage bank 1
03679…..EDC……………………………………………..Booster voltage bank 2
03680…..EDC……………………………….Current high pressure pump CP3
03681…..EDC………………………………………………….Starter output stage
03682…..EDC…………………………………….Averaged control rod position
03683…..EDC……………Signalling of activation request for output stage
03684…..EDC…………………………………..Starter output stage monitoring
03685…..EDC……………………………………..Activation pulse duty ratio for
exhaust gas recirculation valve
03686…..EDC…….Activation pulse duty ratio for boost pressure control
03687…..EDC…………………………………………………Pressure relief valve
03688…..EDC………………Pressure controller variable (pulse duty ratio)
03689…..EDC…………………………………Rail pressure control differential
03690…..EDC………………………………………………..Synchronisation state
03691…..EDC…………………………Current equivalent of clock-pulse ratio
03692…..EDC……………………………………..recorded filtered temperature
03693…..EDC………………………………………………………..Booster voltage
03694…..EDC………………………………………Timeout message position 4
03700…..ZBRO……………………………………………………….Retarder active
03701…..EBS………………………………..Vehicle dynamics control module
03701…..ZBRO…………………………….Retarder torque gearbox (T-CAN)
03702…..EDC………………………………………..CAN A block DPRAM error
03702…..ZBRO…………………….Retarder torque engine control (T-CAN)
03703…..EDC…………………………………………CAN A block error passive
03703…..ZBRO…………………………………….Retarder activation (T-CAN)
03704…..ZBRO………………………………………………..Retarder off (switch)
03705…..EBS………………………………..Vehicle dynamics control system,
EEPROM parameter setting
03705…..ZBRO………………………………………………..Retarder off (button)
03706…..EBS……………….Installation, vehicle dynamics control module,
 vehicle adaptation
03706…..ZBRO……………………………………………………………Retarder off
03707…..EBS……….Ensure the ESP components are installed correctly
and calibrate the steering angle sensor
03707…..ZBRO……………………………………………………………Retarder off
03708…..ZBRO…………………………………………………..Retarder off check
03709…..ZBRO…………………………………………Engine brake off (switch)
03710…..ZBRO…………………………………………Engine brake off (button)
03711…..EDC………………………………………………….CAN B block bus off
03711…..ZBRO……………………………………………………..Engine brake off
03712…..EDC………………………………………..CAN B block DPRAM error
03712…..ZBRO……………………………………………………..Engine brake off
03713…..ZBRO……………………………………………Engine brake off check
03720…..EBSVehicle dynamics control module, electrical power supply
03720…..EDC………………………Supply to atmospheric pressure sensor
03721…..EDC…………………………………..Supply to fuel pressure sensor
03722…..EDC…………………….Supply to charge air low pressure sensor
03723…..EDC……………………………………..Supply to oil pressure sensor
03724…..EDC………………………….Supply to charge air pressure sensor
03726…..EDC……………………………..Supply to fuel low pressure sensor
03730…..EBS………………………………………………..Steering angle sensor
03730…..EDC………………………..Defective classification for initialisation
03731…..EBS……Steering angle sensor, voltage transformer signal line
03732…..EBS………………………………..Steering angle sensor, calibration
03732…..EDC………………………..Defective classification for initialisation
03733…..EBS……………………..Steering angle sensor, parameter setting
03733…..EDC…………………………………………………High-pressure pump
03734…..EBS……………………………Steering angle sensor, steering ratio
03734…..EDC………………………………………………Pressure control valve
03735…..EDC………………………………………….EDC internal temperature
03736…..EDC…………………………………….Output stage shut-off by EDC
03737…..EDC………………………………Initialisation in master/slave mode
03738…..EDC……………………………..Quantity correction value too great
4-cylinder engine: Cyl. 1;
6-cylinder engine: Cyl. 1;
8-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 1, slave cyl. 5;
10-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 1, slave cyl. 6;
12-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 01, slave cyl. 12
03739…..EDC……………………………..Quantity correction value too great
4-cylinder engine: Cyl. 3;
6-cylinder engine: Cyl. 5;
8-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 2, slave cyl. 7;
10-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 5, slave cyl. 10;
12-cylinder engine: Master 0cyl. 5, slave cyl. 8
03740…..EDC……………………………..Quantity correction value too great
4-cylinder engine: Cyl. 4;
6-cylinder engine: Cyl. 3;
8-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 3, slave cyl. 6;
10-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 2, slave cyl. 7;
12-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 03, slave cyl. 10
03741…..EDC……………………………..Quantity correction value too great
4-cylinder engine: Cyl. 2;
6-cylinder engine: Cyl. 6;
8-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 4, slave cyl. 8;
10-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 3, slave cyl. 8;
12-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 06, slave cyl. 7
03742…..EDC……………………………..Quantity correction value too great
6-cylinder engine: Cyl. 2;
10-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 4, slave cyl. 9;
12-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 2, slave cyl. 11
03743…..EDC……………………………..Quantity correction value too great
6-cylinder engine: Cyl. 4;
12-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 4, slave cyl. 9
03744…..EDC…………..Highside output stage exhaust gas recirculation
system throttle butterfly
03745…..EDC…………………..Highside output stage charge air pressure
governing system
03746…..EDC……………………………..Highside output stage exhaust gas
recirculation system
03747…..EDC…………..Highside output stage pressure governing valve
03748…..EDC……………………………Highside output stage metering unit
high-pressure pump CP3
03749…..EDC…………Highside output stage engine air flow sensor flap
03750…..EDC……………………………………..Highside output stage RH 07
03751…..EDC……………………………..Highside output stage starter relay
03752…..EDC……………………………………..Segment encoder (camshaft)
03753…..EDC……………………………….Incremental encoder (crankshaft)
03754…..EDC……………………………Monitoring error when system starts
03755…..EDC………………………………….Plausibility fuel supply pressure
03756…..EDC………………………..Supply voltage sensor group 3 CY310
03758…..EDC…………………..Send error message slot 2 to partner EDC
03759…..EDC…………………..Send error message slot 3 to partner EDC
03760…..EDC…………………..Send error message slot 4 to partner EDC
03761…..EDC…………………..Send error message slot 5 to partner EDC
03762…..EDC…………………………Timeout of the CAMD_ANA message
03763…..EDC………………………Timeout of the CAMD_CMOL message
03764…..EDC………………..Timeout of the CAMD_CONTROL message
03765…..EDC………………………..Timeout of the CAMD_FFR1 message
03766…..EDC………………………..Timeout of the CAMD_FFR2 message
03767…..EDC………………………..Timeout of the CAMD_FFR3 message
03768…..EDC…………………….Fault status of the CAMD_INIT message
03769…..EDC…………………………Timeout of the CAMD_Limit message
03771…..EDC……………………………..Master / slave error in reception of
vehicle management computer CAN
03772…..EDC………………………………………………Monitoring terminal 15
03773…..EDC…………………Operating mode change error master/slave
03774…..EDC………………..Temporary CMOL mode of the partner EDC
03775…..EDC……………………………………………Rail pressure monitoring
03776…..EDC………………………….Excessive positive control differential
(control system cannot compensate for too
low rail pressure)
03777…..EDC…………………………Excessive negative control differential
(control system cannot compensate for too
high rail pressure)
03778…..EDC……………….Rail pressure: Leakage in overrun conditions
03779…..EDC…………Rail pressure: Leakage in quantity compensation
03780…..EDC…………. Rail pressure: High controller output when idling
03781…..EDC……………..Pressure relief valve open (pressure too high)
03782…..EDC……………………………………Fuel supply pressure dynamic
03783…..EDC……………………..FFR (vehicle management computer) 2:
Bit error max. permitted engine acceleration
03784…..EDC…………………………………………………….Bit error smoke ID
03785…..EDC…………….Monitoring particle filter/PM catalytic converter
03786…..EDC………………………………Particulate filter temperature limits
03787…..EDC…………………………………No particulate filter regeneration
03788…..EDC……………………………………..Exhaust differential pressure
03789…..EDC………………………….. Exhaust differential pressure sensor
03790…..EDC………………………Exhaust differential pressure plausibility
03791…..EDC………………..Exhaust temperature before particulate filter
03792…..EDC……..Exhaust temperature sensor before particulate filter
03793…..EDC…………………..Exhaust temperature after particulate filter
03794…..EDC………..Exhaust temperature sensor after particulate filter
03795…..EDC……………………Exhaust gas recirculation throttle butterfly
03796…..EDCHighside output stage exhaust gas recirculation system 2
03797…..EDC…………………………..Highside output stage lambda probe
03798…..EDC……………………………………Output stage OBD lamp (MIL)
03799…..EDC……………………………….Highside output stage reserve 01
03800…..EDC……………………………….Highside output stage reserve 02
03800…..ZBR2……………………………………………….Air suspension/ECAS
03801…..EDC……………………………….Highside output stage reserve 03
03801…..OBDU…………………………..No engine start for at least 3 weeks
03802…..EDC…………Highside output stage stop valve compressed air
03802…..OBDU…………………………No engine start for at least 10 weeks
03803…..EDC……………………..Engine CAN transmit error, no message
available in vehicle management computer
03804…..EDC……………………Engine CAN receive error, not possible to
receive a message from vehicle management computer
03805…..EDC………………………………Master/slave CAN communication
disrupted, bus load too high
03806…..EDC………………………………Master/slave CAN communication
disrupted, receive error
03806…..ZBRO……………………………………………………..Raise bus again
03807…..EDC………………………..Vehicle management computer sends
invalid value in FFR1 message
03807…..ZBRO……………………………………………………..Raise bus again
03808…..EDC………………………..Vehicle management computer sends
invalid value in FFR2 message
03809…..EDC………………………..Vehicle management computer sends
invalid value in FFR3 message
03809…..ZBRO…………………………………………………..ECAS malfunction
03810…..EDC………………………..Vehicle management computer sends
invalid numerical value, date/time error
03810…..ZBRO………………………………………………………..ECAS warning
03811…..ZBRO………………………….ECAS governing suppression brake
03812…..EDC………………………Particulate filter temperature plausibility
03812…..ZBRO……………………………………………………Kneeling lowering
03813…..EDC…………………………………………………….Starter monitoring
03813…..ZBRO……………………………………………………Kneeling lowering
03814…..EDC…………………Recording of control unit switch-off duration
03814…..ZBRO……………………………………………..Kneeling fully lowered
03815…..EDC………………………………………………Exhaust backpressure
03815…..ZBRO……………………………………………..Kneeling fully lowered
03816…..EDC…………………………………….Exhaust backpressure sensor
03816…..ZBRO………………………………………………………..Kneeling raise
03817…..EDC……..Permanent system deviation exhaust backpressure
03817…..ZBRO………………………………………………………..Kneeling raise
03818…..EDC……………………………….Exhaust backpressure plausibility
03818…..ZBRO……………………………………..Kneeling, manual/automatic
03819…..EDC…………………………………………………………….CAN block 3
03819…..ZBRO…………………………………………………Kneeling automatic
03820…..EDC……………………………………………..Byte monitoring CAN 1
(oil, ambient and air temperature)
03820…..ZBRO………………………………………..Kneeling automatic check
03821…..EDC……………………………………………..Byte monitoring CAN 3
(exhaust temperature, AdBlue fill level, AdBlue temperature)
03821…..ZBRO…………………………………Kneeling raise control unit (16)
03822…..EDC…………………………….Time overrun CAN 3, exhaust CAN
03822…..ZBRO……………………………………….Kneeling emergency raise
03823…..EDC……………………………………..Misfiring on several cylinders
03823…..ZBRO……………………………………….Kneeling emergency raise
03824…..EDC………………………………………………Misfiring status master
8-cylinder engine: Cylinder 1;
10-cylinder engine: Cylinder 1;
12-cylinder engine: Cylinder 1
03824…..ZBRO……………………………..Kneeling emergency raise prio. 1
03825…..EDC………………………………………………Misfiring status master
8-cylinder engine: Cylinder 2;
10-cylinder engine: Cylinder 5;
12-cylinder engine: Cylinder 5
03826…..ZBRO………………………………..Kneeling lower control unit (19)
03833…..EDC…………………………………………………………Misfiring status
4-cylinder engine: Cylinder 2;
6-cylinder engine: Cylinder 6;
8-cylinder engine: Cylinder 8;
10-cylinder engine: Cylinder 8;
12-cylinder engine: Cylinder 7
03833…..ZBRO………………………………………………………..Moving-off aid
03834…..EDC…………………………………………………………Misfiring status
6-cylinder engine: Cylinder 2;
10-cylinder engine: Cylinder 9;
12-cylinder engine: Cylinder 11
03834…..ZBRO……………………………………………….Moving-off aid check
03835…..EDC…………………………………………………………Misfiring status
6-cylinder engine: Cylinder 4;
12-cylinder engine: Cylinder 9
03835…..ZBRO………………………………………….Moving-off aid switch-off
03836…..EDC……………………………….Lambda probe sensor acquisition
03836…..ZBRO………………………………….Lifting bus above normal level
03837…..EDC……………………………….Lambda probe sensor acquisition
03837…..ZBRO………………………………….Lifting bus above normal level
03838…..EDC………………….Lambda probe internal resistance, physical
03838…..ZBRO…………………………………………………Lowering bus again
03839…..EDC……………………………….Lambda probe internal resistance
03839…..ZBRO………………………………..Lowering bus below ride height
03840…..EDC……………………………………………..Oil temperature sensor
03840…..ZBRO………………………………..Lowering bus below ride height
03841…..EDC……………………………………………Coolant pressure sensor
03841…..ZBRO…………………………………………………….Bus normal level
03842…..EDC………………………………………Coolant pressure plausibility
03842…..ZBRO…………………………………………ECAS activation (T-CAN)
03843…..EDC………………………………….Coolant temperature plausibility
03843…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Kneeling start interlock
03844…..EDC…………….Plausibility, temperature ahead of cylinder inlet
03844…..ZBRO………………..NLA bellows is depressurised (p < 0.3 bar)
03845…..EDC…………………………….Ambient air temperature plausibility
03845…..ZBRO……………………Switch off NLA bellows depressurisation
03846…..EDC…………………………………………..Control unit configuration
03846…..ZBRO…………………………Driven axle pressurised (p > 8.4 bar)
03847…..EDC…………….Charge air temperature sensor ahead of motor
03847…..ZBRO……………………………ECAS malfunction flashing at 1 Hz
03848…..EDC………………………………….Ambient air temperature sensor
03848…..ZBRO……………………………ECAS malfunction continuous light
03849…..EDC……………………………………………….Catalyser not installed
03849…..ZBRO……………………………ECAS warning or malfunction 2 Hz
03850…..EDC…..Position deviation enclosed exhaust gas recirculation
03850…..ZBRO…………………………………ECAS warning flashing at 1 Hz
03851…..EDC………………Exhaust gas recirculation flap position sensor
03852…..EDC…………Exhaust gas recirculation temperature plausibility
03853…..EDC….Permanent system deviation exhaust gas recirculation
03854…..EDC…………………………….EDC internal temperature sensor 2
03855…..EDC………………………………………………Lambda probe system
03856…..EDC………………………………………….Lambda probe calibration
03857…..EDC……………………………………Lambda probe communication
03858…..EDC……………………………………….Lambda probe temperature
03859…..EDC………………………..Lambda probe temperature calibration
03860…..EDC…………………………………………………Turbine wheel speed
03861…..EDC………………………………………Turbine wheel speed sensor
03862…..EDC………………………….NBF pulses without quantity requests
(redundant control travel monitoring)
03863…..EDC…………………………………………Trailing throttle monitoring
03903…..ZBR2………………………………………………………..Tank/ fuel level
03904…..OBDU………………………..Reservoir pressure circuit 1 (too low)
03905…..OBDU………………………..Reservoir pressure circuit 2 (too low)
03906…..OBDU………………………..Reservoir pressure circuit 3 (too low)
03907…..OBDU………………………..Reservoir pressure circuit 4 (too low)
03909…..OBDU…………………………………………Previous circuit defective
03913…..OBDU……………………….ECAM in pneumatic backup, CAN OK
03915…..OBDU…………………………………….ASR engine governor failure
03918…..ZBRO……………………………………………Fuel tank almost empty
03919…..ZBR2…………………………………………………………Fill level Gas2
03920…..ZBR2…………………………………………………………Fill level Gas3
04000…..AST…………………………………………..Foot off accelerator pedal
04000…..EBSCentral control unit — B-controller: Brake performance test
04000…..EDC……………………..Communication fault to CRT control unit
04000…..TBM………………No response to DM4 request to control unit 0
04000…..ZBR2………………………………………………………External lighting
04000…..ZBRO………………………………………………..Headlight low beam
04001…..AST……………………………………………………….Low air pressure
04001…..EBS……..Central control unit — A-controller: Checksum error in
configuration RAM
04001…..EDC………….Exhaust temperature too high or communication
fault to CRT control unit
04001…..INT……………………………………………Accumulator charge valve
04001…..SFFR………………………………………………Selector lever position
04001…..ZBR2……………………………………………Headlight low beam, left
04001…..ZBRO…………………………………………………………Low beam left
04002…..AST…………………………………………………………Clutch overload
04002…..EBS…Central control unit — A-controller: Internal data memory
04002…..INT………………………………………………….Engine brake request
04002…..SFFR……..Speed request ship vehicle management computer
04002…..ZBR2…………………………………………Headlight low beam, right
04002…..ZBRO………………………………………………………Low beam right
04003…..EBS………………………………..Central control unit — B-controller:
ESP intervention implausible
04003…..INT……………………………………………………Intarder check lamp
04003…..SFFR…………………………………………………………….Terminal 15
04003…..ZBR2……………………………………….Right headlight adjustment
04004…..AST………………………………………………………………Clutch word
04004…..EBS………………………………..ESP logic, incorrect configuration
04004…..HVA………………………………………………………….EEPROM error
04004…..INT…………………………………….Display, temperature reduction
04004…..SFFR………………………………………………Voltage selector lever
04004…..TBM………………No response to DM4 request to control unit 4
04004…..ZBR2………………………………………….Left headlight adjustment
04005….. AST……………………………………………………….Overtemperature
04005…..EBS……Central control unit — B-controller: Pressure regulating
valves (ABS) are in an undefined status
04005…..INT………………………………………………………Brake lamp output
04005…..SFFR……………………………………….Voltage pedal value sensor
04005…..ZBR2………………………….Turn indicators, tractive unit, rear left
04005…..ZBRO…………………………………..Turn indicator rear left bottom
04006…..EBS………….Central control unit — B-controller: Calculated ISC
pressures in A and B-controller do not match
04006…..INT……………………………………………………….Fault lamp output
04006…..ZBR2……………………….Turn indicators, tractive unit, rear right
04006…..ZBRO…………………………………Turn indicator rear right bottom
04007…..EBS……………………..ABS logic, FMI 3 = Pressure plausibility /
FMI 8 = Data record plausibility
04007…..HVA………………………Failure of CAN message CCVeh_Speed
04007…..INT…………………………………………………Cruise control shut-off
04007…..ZBR2……………………………..Turn indicator, tractive unit s/f, left
04007…..ZBRO……………………………………..Turn indicator front left side
04008…..EBS……………….ABS (pressure control valve): Installed but no
 components configured
04008…..HVA…………………………………..Failure of CAN message EBC2
04008…..INT……………………………………….Braking level selector supply
04008…..ZBR2……………………………Turn indicator, tractive unit s/f, right
04008…..ZBRO……………………………………Turn indicator front right side
04009…..EBS…………………………………………………….Central control unit
04009…..HVA…………………………………..Failure of CAN message EEC1
04009…..INT………………………………………………………Proportional valve
04009…..ZBR2…………………………Hall sensor, indicator stalk switch RL
04010…..EBS…..Central control unit — Internal controller communication
of the A-controller, checksum error
04010…..HVA…………………………………..Failure of CAN message EBC1
04010…..INT…………………………………….Earth return, proportional valve
04010…..ZBR2…………………………Hall sensor, indicator stalk switch RR
04011…..EBS…..Central control unit — Internal controller communication
of the A-controller, interruption in communication
04011…..HVA……………………………….ABS signals ‘Not fully operational’
04011…..INT…………………………………………………………….Output ADM2
04011…..ZBR2…………………………………..Switch, indicators, left (button)
04011…..ZBRO…………………………………………………..Turn indicator, left
04012…..EBS…..Central control unit — Internal controller communication
of the A-controller, format error
04012…..HVA……..Cable fault oil temperature sensor (pin III/3 or IV/18)
04012…..INT……………………………………..Speed sensor, gearbox output
04012…..ZBR2…………………………………Switch, indicators, right (button)
04012…..ZBRO…………………………………………………Turn indicator, right
04013…..EBS………………Central control unit — A-controller, format error
04013…..HVA…………………Oil pressure sensor signals ‘No oil pressure’
04013…..INT…………………………….Temperature detection, system error
04013…..ZBR2…………………………….Check lamp, hazard warning lights
04013…..ZBRO…………………………………….Hazard warning lights check
04014…..EBS…..Central control unit — Internal controller communication
of the B-controller, checksum error
04014…..HVA…….Oil pressure sensor signals ‘Continuous oil pressure’
04014…..INT……………………………Readback current, proportional valve
04014…..ZBR2………………………………………Hazard warning light switch
04014…..ZBRO……………………………………..Hazard warning light switch
04015…..EBS…..Central control unit — Internal controller communication
of the B-controller interruption in communication
04015…..HVA………..Cable fault oil pressure sensor (pin III/4, II/5 or I/5)
04015…..INT…………………………………………………………….Power supply
04015…..ZBR2………………………………………Turn indicators in trailer, left
04015…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Turn indicator left trailer
04016…..EBS…..Central control unit — Internal controller communication
of the B-controller, format error
04016…..HVA…………………………………….Fault at output ZP1 (pin IV/11)
04016…..INT………………………………………………….Braking level selector
04016…..ZBR2……………………………………Turn indicators in trailer, right
04016…..ZBRO…………………………………………Turn indicator right trailer
04017…..EBS………Central control unit EEPROM: Implausible values in
‘General vehicle configuration’ block
04017…..HVA……………………………Fault at output ZP2 (pin IV/2 or IV/6)
04017…..INT………………………….Operating hours counter, system error
04017…..ZBR2………………………………………….Headlight high beam, left
04017…..ZBRO……………………………………………………..High beam 1 left
04018…..EBS………….Central control unit EEPROM: Checksum error in
‘General vehicle configuration’ block
04018…..INT………………………………………….Faul memory, system error
04018…..ZBR2………………………………………..Headlight high beam, right
04018…..ZBRO……………………………………………………High beam 1 right
04019…..EBS………Central control unit EEPROM: Implausible values in
‘Own vehicle configuration’ block
04019…..HVA…………………………………….Fault at output ZP3 (pin III/13)
04019…..INT…………………………………………………………….CAN data bus
04019…..ZBR2………………………….Switch, headlight high beam (button)
04019…..ZBRO……………………………………………………High beam switch
04020…..EBS………….Central control unit EEPROM: Checksum error in
‘Own vehicle configuration’ block
04020…..HVA………Fault at output clutch main pump (pin IV/7 and III/5)
04020…..INT…………………………….Data bus, message EEC2 from EDC
04020…..SFFR………………………………………………………..Supply voltage
04020…..ZBR2………………………………………………Headlight flash button
04021…..EBS………Central control unit EEPROM: Implausible values in
‘General wheel configuration’ block
04021…..INT………………………………………………….Engine speed sensor
04021…..SFFR………………………………………………….Pedal value sensor
04021…..ZBR2……………………………………………Auxiliary high beam, left
04021…..ZBRO……………………………………………………..High beam 2 left
04022…..EBS………….Central control unit EEPROM: Checksum error in
‘General wheel configuration’ block
04022…..HVA………………………………Fault at output fan relay (pin III/10)
04022…..INT………………………………………………………………System fault
04022…..SFFR………………………………………………………….Selector lever
04022…..ZBR2………………………………………….Auxiliary high beam, right
04022…..ZBRO……………………………………………………High beam 2 right
04023…..HVA………………………………………….Speed signals implausible
04023…..INT………………………CAN data bus, message TSC1 from FFR
04023…..SFFR……………………………………….Idling speed harmonisation
04023…..ZBR2………………………………Relay, additional headlight in roof
04024…..EBS………….Central control unit EEPROM: Checksum error in
‘General axle configuration’ block
04024…..HVA…………………………………………..Operating voltage too low
04024…..INT…………………………………CAN data bus, send system error
04024…..SFFR…………………………………………………..Default driving unit
04024…..ZBR2……………………………………….Rear fog lamp, tractive unit
04024…..ZBRO………………………………………………………..Rear fog lamp
04025…..EBS………Central control unit EEPROM: Implausible values in
‘Own axle configuration’ block
04025…..INT…………………………………………………CAN data bus, BusOff
04025…..SFFR……………………………………………………………Engine CAN
04025…..ZBR2……………………………………………….Rear fog lamp, trailer
04025…..ZBRO……………………………………………….Rear fog lamp trailer
04026…..EBS………….Central control unit EEPROM: Checksum error in
‘Own axle configuration’ block
04026…..INT………………CAN data bus, message EBC1 from EBS/ABS
04026…..SFFR……………………………………………………………MMDS CAN
04026…..ZBR2………………………………………………………..Fog lamp, right
04026…..ZBRO………………………………………………………..Fog lamp right
04027…..EBS………Central control unit EEPROM: Implausible values in
‘General CAN configuration’ block
04027…..INT……………………..CAN data bus, acknowledge system error
04027…..SFFR…………Engine CAN: Time overrun when receiving EDC
message EDC1
04027…..ZBR2………………………………………………………….Fog lamp, left
04027…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Fog lamp left
04028…..EBS………….Central control unit EEPROM: Checksum error in
‘General CAN configuration’ block
04028…..INT……………………..CAN data bus, message EEC1 from EDC
04028…..SFFR…………Engine CAN: Time overrun when receiving EDC
message EDC2
04028…..ZBR2…………………….Switch-on enable check lamp, fog lamps
04029…..EBS………Central control unit EEPROM: Implausible values in
‘General function configuration’ block
04029…..INT……………CAN data bus, message TCO1 from tachograph
04029…..SFFR…………Engine CAN: Time overrun when receiving EDC
message EDC3
04029…..ZBR2……………………………………….Relay, additional fog lamps
04030…..EBS………….Central control unit EEPROM: Checksum error in
‘General function configuration’ block
04030….. INT ………………………………………………………………………….LED
04030…..SFFR…………Engine CAN: Time overrun when receiving EDC
message EDC4
04030…..ZBR2……………………..Current, parking light, tractive unit, right
04031…..EBS………Central control unit EEPROM: Implausible values in
‘General ISR configuration’ block
04031…..INT……………………..CAN data bus, message CCVS from FFR
04031…..SFFR…………Engine CAN: Time overrun when receiving EDC
 message EDC5
04031…..ZBR2……………………….Current, parking light, tractive unit, left
04032…..EBS………….Central control unit EEPROM: Checksum error in
‘General ISR configuration’ block
04032…..INT………………CAN data bus, message ERC1_ER from EDC
04032…..SFFR…………Engine CAN: Time overrun when receiving EDC
 message EngineConfig
04032…..ZBR2………………………………………..Current, parking light, right
04033…..EBS………Central control unit EEPROM: Implausible values in
‘Own ISR configuration’ block
04033…..INT……………….. CAN data bus, message ETC1 from gearbox
04033…..SFFR………MMDS CAN: Time overrun when receiving MMDS
 message TSC1-FME.
04033…..ZBR2………………………………………….Current, parking light, left
04034…..EBS………….Central control unit EEPROM: Checksum error in
‘Own ISR configuration’ block
04034…..INT………………………CAN data bus, message ETC1 from FFR
04034…..SFFR………MMDS CAN: Time overrun when receiving MMDS
 message Time/Date
04034…..ZBR2……………………………………………..Side marker light, right
04035…..EBS………Central control unit EEPROM: Implausible values in
‘Own ABS configuration’ block
04035…..INT……………………….CAN data bus, message ETP from EDC
04035…..SFFR………MMDS CAN: Time overrun when receiving MMDS
 message VehDistance
04035…..ZBR2……………………………………………….Side marker light, left
04036…..EBS………….Central control unit EEPROM: Checksum error in
‘Own ABS configuration’ block
04036…..INT……………………..CAN data bus, message ERC1 from FFR
04036…..ZBR2………………………………Current, parking light, trailer, right
04036…..ZBRO…………………………………………………Tail light right trailer
04037…..EBS………Central control unit EEPROM: Implausible values in
‘Own ASR configuration’ block
04037…..INT………………………CAN data bus, message TSC1 from FFR
04037…..ZBR2………………………………..Current, parking light, trailer, left
04037…..ZBRO…………………………………………………..Tail light left trailer
04038…..EBS………….Central control unit EEPROM: Checksum error in
‘Own ASR configuration’ block
04038…..INT……….CAN data bus, time/date message from tachograph
04038…..ZBR2……………………………………………Relay, parking lights left
04039…..EBS………Central control unit EEPROM: Implausible values in
‘General ESP configuration’ block
04039…..INTCAN data bus, mileage message (HRVD) from tachograph
04039…..ZBR2………………………………………………….Parking light switch
04039…..ZBRO…………………………………………………Parking light switch
04040…..EBS………….Central control unit EEPROM: Checksum error in
‘General ESP configuration’ block
04040…..INT……………………….Lamp, Bremsomat/braking control active
04040…..ZBR2…………………………………………………Winter service relay
04041…..EBS………Central control unit EEPROM: Implausible values in
‘Own ESP configuration’ block
04041…..INT………………..CAN data bus, ABS message from EBS/ABS
04041…..ZBR2…………………………………………………Relay, blackout light
04042…..EBS………….Central control unit EEPROM: Checksum error in
‘Own ESP configuration’ block
04042…..INT……………………..CAN data bus, FMR1 message from FFR
04042…..ZBR2…………………………………..Perform lighting training again
04043…..EBS………Central control unit EEPROM: Implausible values in
‘Own plausibility configuration’ block
04043…..INT…………………………………………………….Flashing code lamp
04043…..ZBR2……………………………………….Interlock function, light test
04044…..EBS………….Central control unit EEPROM: Checksum error in
‘Own plausibility configuration’ block
04044…..INT……………………………………CAN data bus, message FMR2
04044…..ZBR2………………………………………..Release function, light test
04045…..EBS…………Central control unit EEPROM: Implausible values
from ‘Error memory’
04045…..INT………………………………………CAN data bus, message EPS
04045…..ZBR2………………..Turn indicators operated for both directions
04046…..EBS……………..Central control unit EEPROM: Checksum error
for ‘Error memory’
04046…..ZBR2…………………………………………………..ALW not calibrated
04047…..EBS…………Central control unit EEPROM: Implausible values
in ‘Axle configuration’ block
04047…..INT…………………………….Vehicle electrical system terminal 30
04047…..ZBRO………………………………………..Turn indicator rear left top
04048…..EBS……………..Central control unit EEPROM: Checksum error
in ‘Self-taught EBS data’ block
04048…..ZBRO………………………………………Turn indicator rear right top
04049…..EBS……………..Central control unit EEPROM: Checksum error
in ‘Own test’ block
04049…..ZBRO………………………………………Turn indicator rear left side
04050…..EBS……………………………………………………………..Brakes CAN
04050…..ZBRO…………………………………….Turn indicator rear right side
04051…..EBS………………………………..ESP sensor CAN: System bus off
04051…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Turn indicator front left
04052…..EBS……………….Electrical power supply, comparison between
terminal 15 and terminal 30
04052…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Turn indicator front right
04053…..EBS…………………………………………………………………….Earth 2
04053…..ZBRO…………………………………………………..School bus button
04054…..EBS……Control unit switch-off delay: Fault in electronic circuit
04054…..ZBRO…………………………………………………..School bus button
04055…..EBS…………………………………………..ASR: Invalid configuration
04055…..ZBRO………………………………………….School bus button check
04056…..EBS………………..Central control unit — B-controller: Checksum
error in boot software
04056…..ZBRO…………………….Additional turn indicator behind bumper
04057…..EBS……………………………………………….Pressure control valve
04057…..ZBRO…………………………………………………………..Clicker relay
04058…..EBS…………………Steering angle sensor, CAN communication
04058…..ZBRO………………………………Hazard warning light switch CAN
04059…..EBS……………………………………….Steering angle sensor signal
04059…..ZBRO…………………………Hazard warning light switch external
04060…..EBS………..Steering angle sensor, installed but not configured
04060…..ZBRO……………………………………………….Headlight high beam
04061…..EBS……………………….Yaw rate sensor, quick calibration faulty
04061…..ZBRO……………………………………..High-beam headlight check
04062…..EBS……………………………………………….Yaw rate sensor signal
04062…..ZBRO……………………………………………….Licence plate light(s)
04063…..EBS…………………………Yaw rate sensor, CAN communication
04063…..ZBRO………………………………………………………..Rear fog lamp
04064…..EBS…………………Yaw rate sensor, sensor installed incorrectly
04064…..ZBRO…………………………………………………Rear fog lamp right
04065…..EBS………………..Yaw rate sensor, installed but not configured
04065…..ZBRO……………………………………………………Rear fog lamp left
04066…..EBS………….Yaw angle sensor, long-time calibration incorrect
04066…..ZBRO………………………………………..Rear fog lamp trailer right
04067…..EBS…………………………Transverse acceleration sensor signal
04067…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Rear fog lamp trailer left
04068…..EBS…….Steering angle sensor, long-time calibration incorrect
04068…..ZBRO……………………………………………………………..Fog lamps
04069…..EBS………………Steering angle sensor signal, implausible with
regard to reference rate of turn
04069…..ZBRO……………………………………………………………..Fog lamps
04070…..EBS………………………….Steering angle sensor, signal gradient
04070…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Tail light right
04071…..EBS………..Steering angle sensor, sensor installed incorrectly
04071…..ZBRO……………………………………………………………Tail light left
04072…..EBS…………………………………………………….ESP sensor supply
04072…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Side marker light 1 right
04073…..EBS………………………………………Service brake module supply
04073…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Side marker light 1 left
04074…..EBS………..Pressure control module, outdated driver software
04074…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Side marker light 2 right
04075…..EBS………………….Inconsistent driver software status between
ECU and pressure control module
04075…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Side marker light 2 left
04076…..EBS…………………Pressure control module, checksum error in
 external flash memory
04076…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Side marker light 3 right
04077…..EBS…….Pressure control module, installed but not configured
04077…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Side marker light 3 left
04078…..EBS…………………………….Trailer control module — intake valve
04078…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Side marker light 4 right
04079…..EBS………………………….Trailer control module — exhaust valve
04079…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Side marker light 4 left
04080…..EBS……………………………..Trailer control module: Check valve
04080…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Side marker light 5 right
04081…..EBS…………….Trailer control module — pressure sensor supply
04081…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Side marker light 5 left
04082…..EBS………………………………………………..Trailer control module
04082…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Side marker light 6 right
04083…..EBS…………………Trailer control module, short circuit between
intake and exhaust valves
04083…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Side marker light 6 left
04084…..EBS…………………Trailer control module, short circuit between
check and intake valves
04084…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Side marker light 7 right
04085…..EBS…………………Trailer control module, short circuit between
check and exhaust valves
04085…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Side marker light 7 left
04086…..EBS………………………………………………..Wheel sensor wheel 7
04086…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Side marker light 8 right
04087…..EBS……………………..Wheel sensor wheel 7: Connection cable
damaged or sensor defective
04087…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Side marker light 8 left
04088…..EBS………………………………………………..Wheel sensor wheel 8
04088…..ZBRO……………………………………………………Parking light right
04089…..EBS……………………..Wheel sensor wheel 8: Connection cable
damaged or sensor defective
04089…..ZBRO……………………………………………………..Parking light left
04090…..EBS…………………………….Brake pad wear connection wheel 1
04090…..ZBRO………………………………………………Outline light rear right
04091…..EBS…………………………Brake pad wear sensor signal wheel 7
04091…..ZBRO………………………………………………..Outline light rear left
04092…..EBS………………………………….Brake pad wear sensor wheel 7:
Difference between the 2 signals on the left and
right sides of the axle too great
04092…..ZBRO……………………………………………..Outline light front right
04093…..EBS…………………………Brake pad wear sensor signal wheel 8
04093…..ZBRO……………………………………………….Outline light front left
04094…..EBS………………………………….Brake pad wear sensor wheel 8:
Difference between the 2 signals on the left and
right sides of the axle too great
04094…..ZBRO………………………………………………..Turn indicator check
04095…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 1,
incompatible software components
04095…..ZBRO……………………………………….Turn indicator check trailer
04096…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 1,
fault in electronic circuit
04096…..ZBRO……………………….Parking light 1 (tl. 58 for body builder)
04097…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 1,
internal control unit test incorrect
04097…..ZBRO……………………….Parking light 2 (tl. 58 for body builder)
04098…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 1,
unknown pressure control module fault code
04098…..ZBRO………………………………………………Reversing light trailer
04099…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 1,
incorrect system monitoring after activation
04100…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 2,
incompatible software components
04100…..ZBR2………………………..Headlight low beam, snowplough and
gritter operation, right
04101…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 2,
fault in electronic circuit
04101…..EMOS………………………………………..Gearshift sensor position
04101…..ZBR2………………………..Headlight low beam, snowplough and
gritter operation, left
04102…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 2,
internal control unit test incorrect
04102…..EMOS………………………………………..Selection sensor position
04102…..ZBR2……………………….Headlight high beam, snowplough and
gritter operation, right
04103…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 2,
unknown pressure control module fault code
04103…..EMOS………………………………………………………..Engine signal
04103…..ZBR2……………………….Headlight high beam, snowplough and
gritter operation, left
04104…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 2,
incorrect system monitoring after activation
04104…..EMOS………………………………Gearbox pressure sensor signal
04104…..ZBR2…….Current, parking light, tractive unit, snowplough and
gritter operation, right
04105…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 3,
incompatible software components
04105…..EMOS……………………………………….Selector lever information
04105…..ZBR2…….Current, parking light, tractive unit, snowplough and
gritter operation, left
04106…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 3,
fault in electronic circuit
04106…..EMOS……………………………………………..Request PTO1 signal
04106…..ZBRO…………………………………………..School bus lights check
04107…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 3,
internal control unit test incorrect
04107…..EMOS……………………………………………..Request PTO2 signal
04107…..ZBRO…………………………………………………School bus light left
04108…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 3,
unknown pressure control module fault code
04108…..EMOS……………………………………………….Coding PTO1 signal
04108…..ZBRO……………………………………………….School bus light right
04109…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 3,
incorrect system monitoring after activation
04109…..EMOS……………………………………………….Coding PTO2 signal
04109…..ZBR2……………………………………………….Switch, blackout light
04110…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 4,
incompatible software components
04110…..EMOS…………………………………………….PTO1 engaged signal
04110…..ZBRO…………………………………………………….Fog lamps check
04111…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 4,
fault in electronic circuit
04111…..EMOS…………………………………………….PTO2 engaged signal
04111…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Side marker light 9 left
04112…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 4,
internal control unit test incorrect
04112…..EMOS……………………………………..Timeout of EEC3 message
04112…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Side marker light 9 right
04113…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 4,
unknown pressure control module fault code
04113…..EMOS……………………………………………….Timeout Eng_Temp
04113…..ZBR2………………………………………….Relay, parking lights right
04114…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 4,
incorrect system monitoring after activation
04114…..EMOS……………………………..Timeout of Amb_Cond message
04114…..ZBRO………………………………………………Daytime driving lights
04115…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 5,
incompatible software components
04115…..EMOS……………………………………..Timeout of ETC3 message
04115…..ZBR2…………………………..Number of height sensors RA set in
parameters is incorrect (in ALW)
04116…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 5,
fault in electronic circuit
04116…..EMOS…………………………….Send error of TSC1_TE message
04116…..ZBRO………………………………………………………Light test active
04117…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 5,
internal control unit test incorrect
04117…..EMOS………………………………….Send error of ETC1 message
04117…..ZBRO……………………………………………………..Light test cancel
04118…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 5,
unknown pressure control module fault code
04118…..EMOS………………………………………Error warning vehicle CAN
04118…..ZBRO…………………………………………………………Light test end
04119…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 5,
incorrect system monitoring after activation
04119…..EMOS…………………………Timeout of Transm_Fluids message
04120…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 6,
incompatible software components
04120…..EMOS……………………………………..Timeout of KSM1 message
04121…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 6,
fault in electronic circuit
04121…..EMOS…………………….Checksum error when reading out data
from EEPROM on ECU start
04122…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 6,
internal control unit test incorrect
04122…..EMOS……………………Electrical power supply of gearshift and
selection sensor: Value range exceeded
04123…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 6,
unknown pressure control module fault code
04123…..EMOS………………….Clutch biting point cannot be ascertained
04124…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 6,
incorrect system monitoring after activation
04124…..EMOS……………………………………………..Gear disengagement
04125…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 1,
EEPROM data record is not compatible with the system
04125…..EMOS………………………….Gate selection in gear engagement
04126…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 1,
EEPROM cannot be written
04126…..EMOS………………………………………..Gear selection procedure
04127…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 2,
EEPROM data record is not compatible with the system
04127…..EMOS……………………………………………..Gear synchronisation
04128…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 2,
EEPROM cannot be written
04128…..EMOS………………………………………………….Gear engagement
04129…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 3,
EEPROM data record is not compatible with the system
04129…..EMOS……………………………….Timeout of ERC1_RX message
04130…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 3,
EEPROM cannot be written
04130…..EMOS………………..Float switch signals Pentosin level too low
04131…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 4,
EEPROM data record is not compatible with the system
04131…..EMOS………………………………….Gearshift sensor temperature
04132…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 4,
EEPROM cannot be written
04132…..EMOS………………………………….Selection sensor temperature
04133…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 5,
EEPROM data record is not compatible with the system
04133…..EMOS…………………………………Timeout of PROP_A message
04134…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 5,
EEPROM cannot be written
04134…..EMOS……………..Tear-off or undervoltage of VPHS (TL 30-1).
Pump inoperative or only operable with restrictions.
04135…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 6,
EEPROM data record is not compatible with the system
04135…..EMOS………………….Tear-off or undervoltage of VP (TL 30-2).
Redundant power supply is no longer available.
04136…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 6,
EEPROM cannot be written
04136…..EMOS……………..Tear-off or excessive voltage drop of VMHS
(TL 31-1). ECU power supply via VM (TL 31-2).
Pump inoperative or only operable with restrictions.
04137…..EBS………………….Power supply pressure module on wheel 1,
short circuit to terminal 15
04138…..EBS…………………..Power supply pressure module on wheel 1
04139…..EBS………………….Power supply pressure module on wheel 1,
short circuit between the connection cables
04139…..EMOS…………………………Main switch-off relay 1 discontinuity
04140…..EBS………………….Power supply pressure module on wheel 2,
short circuit to terminal 15
04141…..EBS…………………..Power supply pressure module on wheel 2
04141…..EMOS…………………………Main switch-off relay 2 discontinuity
04142…..EBS………………….Power supply pressure module on wheel 2,
short circuit between the connection cables
04143…..EBS………………….Power supply pressure module on wheel 3,
short circuit to terminal 15
04144…..EBS…………………..Power supply pressure module on wheel 3
04145…..EBS………………….Power supply pressure module on wheel 3,
short circuit between the connection cables
04146…..EBS………………….Power supply pressure module on wheel 4,
short circuit to terminal 15
04147…..EBS…………………..Power supply pressure module on wheel 4
04148…..EBS………………….Power supply pressure module on wheel 4,
short circuit between the connection cables
04149…..EBS………………….Power supply pressure module on wheel 5,
short circuit to terminal 15
04150…..EBS…………………..Power supply pressure module on wheel 5
04151…..EBS………………….Power supply pressure module on wheel 5,
short circuit between the connection cables
04152…..EBS………………….Power supply pressure module on wheel 6,
short circuit to terminal 15
04152…..EMOS………………………………..Pump activation, ECU problem
04153…..EBS…………………..Power supply pressure module on wheel 6
04154…..EBS………………….Power supply pressure module on wheel 6,
short circuit between the connection cables
04155…..EBS………………………………………CAN signal brake on wheel 1
04156…..EBS………………………………………CAN signal brake on wheel 2
04157…..EBS………………………………………CAN signal brake on wheel 3
04158…..EBS………………………………………CAN signal brake on wheel 4
04159…..EBS………………………………………CAN signal brake on wheel 5
04160…..EBS………………………………………CAN signal brake on wheel 6
04160…..EMOS..’Idling speed switch’ signal or ‘Kickdown active’ signal
04161…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 1, time overrun
of message 11
04161…..EMOS………………………………..Wheel differential speed signal
04162…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 1, time overrun
of message 12
04162…..EMOS…Time information via CAN is not completely available
04163…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 1, time overrun
of message 13
04163…..EMOS….On-time exceeded for ‘Open clutch’ actuator system
04164…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 1, time overrun
of message 14
04164…..EMOS….On-time exceeded for ‘Close clutch’ actuator system
04165…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 1, time overrun
of message 21
04165…..EMOS………..On-time exceeded for selection actuator system
04166…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 1, time overrun
of message 22
04166…..EMOS…..On-time exceeded for engagement actuator system
04167…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 1, time overrun
of message 23
04167…..EMOS………………………On-time exceeded for hydraulic pump
04168…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 1, time overrun
of message 24
04168…..EMOS…………………..Temperature below permitted limit value
04169…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 2, time overrun
of message 11
04170…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 2, time overrun
of message 12
04170…..EMOS……………Safety device (WDC/redundant shut-off path)
does not function
04171…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 2, time overrun
of message 13
04171…..EMOS ‘Temperature sensor next to pump output stage’ signal
04172…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 2, time overrun
of message 14
04172…..EMOS..No pressure build-up possible during pump activation
04173…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 2, time overrun
of message 21
04174…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 2, time overrun
of message 22
04175…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 2, time overrun
of message 23
04176…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 2, time overrun
of message 24
04177…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 3, time overrun
of message 11
04178…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 3, time overrun
of message 12
04179…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 3, time overrun
of message 13
04180…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 3, time overrun
of message 14
04180…..EMOS…………………..Sequence monitoring has detected error
in function call sequence
04181…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 3, time overrun
of message 21
04181…..EMOS…………………………………………..Security layer activated
04182…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 3, time overrun
of message 22
04183…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 3, time overrun
of message 23
04184…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 3, time overrun
of message 24
04185…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 4, time overrun
of message 11
04186…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 4, time overrun
of message 12
04187…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 4, time overrun
of message 13
04188…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 4, time overrun
of message 14
04189…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 4, time overrun
of message 21
04190…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 4, time overrun
of message 22
04191…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 4, time overrun
of message 23
04192…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 4, time overrun
of message 24
04193…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 5, time overrun
of message 11
04194…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 5, time overrun
of message 12
04195…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 5, time overrun
of message 13
04196…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 5, time overrun
of message 14
04197…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 5, time overrun
of message 21
04198…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 5, time overrun
of message 22
04199…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 5, time overrun
of message 23
04200…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 5, time overrun
of message 24
04200…..ZBR2……………………………Entry light and interior lighting, right
04201…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 6, time overrun
of message 11
04201…..ZBR2……………………………..Entry light and interior lighting, left
04202…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 6, time overrun
of message 12
04202…..ZBRO………………………………………………Interior lighting check
04203…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 6, time overrun
of message 13
04203…..ZBRO…………………………………………………….Interior lighting 1
04204…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 6, time overrun
of message 14
04204…..ZBRO…………………………………….Interior lighting 1 continuous
04205…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 6, time overrun
of message 21
04205…..ZBRO……………………………………….Interior lighting 1 economy
04206…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 6, time overrun
of message 22
04206…..ZBRO………………………………………………..Interior lighting 1 full
04207…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 6, time overrun
of message 23
04207…..ZBRO…………………………………………………….Interior lighting 2
04208…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 6, time overrun
of message 24
04208…..ZBRO…………………………………….Interior lighting 2 continuous
04209…..EBS……….Speed sensor input on pressure regulating module
wheel 1, faulty electronic circuit
04209…..ZBRO……………………………………….Interior lighting 2 economy
04210…..EBS……….Speed sensor input on pressure regulating module
wheel 2, faulty electronic circuit
04210…..ZBRO………………………………………………..Interior lighting 2 full
04211…..EBS……….Speed sensor input on pressure regulating module
wheel 3, faulty electronic circuit
04211…..ZBRO…………………………………..Interior lighting 2a continuous
04212…..EBS……….Speed sensor input on pressure regulating module
wheel 4, faulty electronic circuit
04212…..ZBRO………………………………………………Interior lighting 2a full
04213…..EBS……….Speed sensor input on pressure regulating module
wheel 5, faulty electronic circuit
04213…..ZBRO…………………………………..Interior lighting 2b continuous
04214…..EBS……….Speed sensor input on pressure regulating module
wheel 6, faulty electronic circuit
04214…..ZBRO………………………………………………Interior lighting 2b full
04215…..EBS……….Speed sensor input on pressure regulating module
wheel 7, faulty electronic circuit
04215…..ZBRO…………………………………………………….Interior lighting 3
04216…..EBS……….Speed sensor input on pressure regulating module
wheel 8, faulty electronic circuit
04216…..ZBRO…………………………………………………….Interior lighting 3
04217…..EBS……….Speed sensor input on pressure regulating module
wheel 1, faulty electronic circuit
04217…..ZBRO……………………………………………Interior lighting 3 check
04218…..EBS………………………Speed sensor wheel 2, air gap too great
04218…..ZBRO……………………………………….Interior lighting 3 economy
04219…..EBS………………………Speed sensor wheel 3, air gap too great
04219…..ZBRO………………………………………………..Interior lighting 3 full
04220…..EBS………………………Speed sensor wheel 4, air gap too great
04220…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Night lighting
04221…..EBS………………………Speed sensor wheel 5, air gap too great
04221…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Night lighting
04222…..EBS………………………Speed sensor wheel 6, air gap too great
04222…..ZBRO…………………………………………………Night lighting check
04223…..EBS………………………Speed sensor wheel 7, air gap too great
04223…..ZBRO………………………………………………Interior lighting 2c full
04224…..EBS………………………Speed sensor wheel 8, air gap too great
04224…..ZBRO………………………………………………Interior lighting 1a full
04225…..EBS……………Speed sensor wheel 1, impulse wheel defective
04225…..ZBRO………………………………………………Interior lighting 1b full
04226…..EBS……………Speed sensor wheel 2, impulse wheel defective
04226…..ZBRO………………………………………………Interior lighting 1c full
04227…..EBS……………Speed sensor wheel 3, impulse wheel defective
04227…..ZBRO………………………………………….Interior lighting reduction
04228…..EBS……………Speed sensor wheel 4, impulse wheel defective
04228…..ZBRO……………………………………Interior lighting reduct. check
04229…..EBS……………Speed sensor wheel 5, impulse wheel defective
04229…..ZBRO……………………………………………………..Footwell lighting
04230…..EBS……………Speed sensor wheel 6, impulse wheel defective
04230…..ZBRO……………………………………………………..Footwell lighting
04231…..EBS……………Speed sensor wheel 7, impulse wheel defective
04231…..ZBRO…………………………………………………………..Aisle lighting
04232…..EBS……………Speed sensor wheel 8, impulse wheel defective
04232…..ZBRO……………………………………………………Reading lights on
04233…..EBS……………..Speed sensor wheel 1, tyre diameter too great
04233…..ZBRO……………………………………………..Reading lights enable
04234…..EBS……………..Speed sensor wheel 2, tyre diameter too great
04234…..ZBRO…………………………………………………….Interior lighting 4
04235…..EBS……………..Speed sensor wheel 3, tyre diameter too great
04236…..EBS……………..Speed sensor wheel 4, tyre diameter too great
04237…..EBS……………..Speed sensor wheel 5, tyre diameter too great
04238…..EBS……………..Speed sensor wheel 6, tyre diameter too great
04239…..EBS……………..Speed sensor wheel 7, tyre diameter too great
04240…..EBS……………..Speed sensor wheel 8, tyre diameter too great
04241…..EBS…………………….Pressure module intake valve on wheel 1
04242…..EBS……………………Pressure module intake valve on wheel 1,
valve cannot be switched and is opened
04243…..EBS……………………Pressure module intake valve on wheel 1,
valve cannot be switched and is closed
04244…..EBS…………………….Pressure module intake valve on wheel 2
04245…..EBS……………………Pressure module intake valve on wheel 2,
valve cannot be switched and is opened
04246…..EBS……………………Pressure module intake valve on wheel 2,
valve cannot be switched and is closed
04247…..EBS…………………….Pressure module intake valve on wheel 3
04248…..EBS……………………Pressure module intake valve on wheel 3,
valve cannot be switched and is opened
04249…..EBS……………………Pressure module intake valve on wheel 3,
valve cannot be switched and is closed
04250…..EBS…………………….Pressure module intake valve on wheel 4
04251…..EBS……………………Pressure module intake valve on wheel 4,
valve cannot be switched and is opened
04252…..EBS……………………Pressure module intake valve on wheel 4,
valve cannot be switched and is closed
04253…..EBS…………………….Pressure module intake valve on wheel 5
04254…..EBS……………………Pressure module intake valve on wheel 5,
valve cannot be switched and is opened
04255…..EBS……………………Pressure module intake valve on wheel 5,
valve cannot be switched and is closed
04256…..EBS…………………….Pressure module intake valve on wheel 6
04257…..EBS……………………Pressure module intake valve on wheel 6,
valve cannot be switched and is opened
04258…..EBS……………………Pressure module intake valve on wheel 6,
valve cannot be switched and is closed
04259…..EBS………………….Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 1
04260…..EBS…………………Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 1,
valve cannot be switched and is opened
04261…..EBS…………………Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 1,
valve cannot be switched and is closed
04262…..EBS………………….Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 2
04263…..EBS…………………Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 2,
valve cannot be switched and is opened
04264…..EBS…………………Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 2,
valve cannot be switched and is closed
04265…..EBS………………….Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 3
04266…..EBS…………………Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 3,
valve cannot be switched and is opened
04267…..EBS…………………Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 3,
valve cannot be switched and is closed
04268…..EBS………………….Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 4
04269…..EBS…………………Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 4,
valve cannot be switched and is opened
04270…..EBS…………………Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 4,
valve cannot be switched and is closed
04271…..EBS………………….Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 5
04272…..EBS…………………Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 5,
valve cannot be switched and is opened
04273…..EBS…………………Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 5,
valve cannot be switched and is closed
04274…..EBS………………….Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 6
04275…..EBS…………………Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 6,
valve cannot be switched and is opened
04276…..EBS…………………..Pressure module backup valve on wheel 1
04277…..EBS………………….Pressure module backup valve on wheel 1,
valve cannot be switched and is closed
04278…..EBS…………………..Pressure module backup valve on wheel 2
04279…..EBS………………….Pressure module backup valve on wheel 2,
valve cannot be switched and is closed
04280…..EBS…………………..Pressure module backup valve on wheel 3
04281…..EBS………………….Pressure module backup valve on wheel 3,
valve cannot be switched and is closed
04282…..EBS…………………..Pressure module backup valve on wheel 4
04283…..EBS………………….Pressure module backup valve on wheel 4,
valve cannot be switched and is closed
04284…..EBS…………………..Pressure module backup valve on wheel 5
04285…..EBS………………….Pressure module backup valve on wheel 5,
valve cannot be switched and is closed
04286…..EBS…………………..Pressure module backup valve on wheel 6
04287…..EBS………………….Pressure module backup valve on wheel 6,
valve cannot be switched and is closed
04288…..EBS……………..Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 1,
offset learned by teach-in
04289…..EBS…….Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 1, signal
04291…..EBS……………..Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 2,
offset learned by teach-in
04292…..EBS…….Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 2, signal
04294…..EBS……………..Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 3,
offset learned by teach-in
04295…..EBS…….Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 3, signal
04297…..EBS……………..Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 4,
offset learned by teach-in
04298…..EBS…….Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 4, signal
04300…..EBS……………..Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 5,
offset learned by teach-in is too high
04300…..ZBR2……………………………………………Fill level, cleaning water
04301…..EBS…….Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 5, signal
04301…..ZBR2………………………………………………………….Washer pump
04301…..ZBRO……………………………………………….Windscreen washers
04302…..EBS……………..Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 5,
offset learned by teach-in is too low
04302…..ZBR2…………………………………………….Intermittent wipe switch
04302…..ZBRO………………………………………..Windscreen wiper interval
04303…..EBS……………..Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 6,
offset learned by teach-in
04303…..ZBR2………………………………………………….CLK interval switch
04304…..EBS…….Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 6, signal
04304…..ZBR2……………………………………….Windscreen washer button
04304…..ZBRO……………………………………………….Windscreen washers
04305…..ZBR2…………………………………………………..Rain sensor signal
04306…..EBS………………………Wheel 1: Brake performance monitoring
04306…..ZBR2……………………………Fill level, headlight cleaning system
04307…..EBS………………………Wheel 2: Brake performance monitoring
04307…..ZBR2………………………………Pump, headlight cleaning system
04308…..EBS………………………Wheel 3: Brake performance monitoring
04308…..ZBR2……………………………………………Wiper motor revolutions
04309…..EBS………………………Wheel 4: Brake performance monitoring
04309…..ZBR2…………………………………………………..Wiper motor speed
04310…..EBS………………………Wheel 5: Brake performance monitoring
04310…..ZBR2……………………….Wiper relay (spare relay, parking light)
04310…..ZBRO……………………………………………Windscreen wiper relay
04311…..EBS………………………Wheel 6: Brake performance monitoring
04311…..ZBR2…………………………………………………….Wiper limit switch
04311…..ZBRO………………………………..Windscreen wiper zero position
04312…..EBS…………………………Wheel 1 in conjunction with ABS logic:
ABS is demanding insufficient brake pressure over
an implausibly long time
04312…..ZBR2……………………………………………….Wiper switch position
04313…..EBS…………………………Wheel 2 in conjunction with ABS logic:
ABS is demanding insufficient brake pressure over
an implausibly long time
04313…..ZBRO………………………………………..Windscreen wiper stage 1
04314…..EBS…………………………Wheel 3 in conjunction with ABS logic:
ABS is demanding insufficient brake pressure over
an implausibly long time
04314…..ZBRO………………………………………..Windscreen wiper stage 2
04315…..EBS…………………………Wheel 4 in conjunction with ABS logic:
ABS is demanding insufficient brake pressure over
an implausibly long time
04316…..EBS…………………………Wheel 5 in conjunction with ABS logic:
ABS is demanding insufficient brake pressure over
an implausibly long time
04317…..EBS…………………………Wheel 6 in conjunction with ABS logic:
ABS is demanding insufficient brake pressure over
an implausibly long time
04318…..EBS…………………………Wheel 1 in conjunction with ABS logic:
Wheel speed error
04319…..EBS…………………………Wheel 2 in conjunction with ABS logic:
Wheel speed error
04320…..EBS…………………………Wheel 3 in conjunction with ABS logic:
Wheel speed error
04321…..EBS…………………………Wheel 4 in conjunction with ABS logic:
Wheel speed error
04322…..EBS…………………………Wheel 5 in conjunction with ABS logic:
Wheel speed error
04323…..EBS…………………………Wheel 6 in conjunction with ABS logic:
Wheel speed error
04324…..EBS…………………………Wheel 1 in conjunction with ABS logic:
Change between active and inactive ABS
intervention too fast
04325…..EBS…………………………Wheel 2 in conjunction with ABS logic:
Change between active and inactive ABS
intervention too fast
04326…..EBS…………………………Wheel 3 in conjunction with ABS logic:
Change between active and inactive ABS
intervention too fast
04327…..EBS…………………………Wheel 4 in conjunction with ABS logic:
Change between active and inactive ABS
intervention too fast
04328…..EBS…………………………Wheel 5 in conjunction with ABS logic:
Change between active and inactive ABS
intervention too fast
04329…..EBS…………………………Wheel 6 in conjunction with ABS logic:
Change between active and inactive ABS intervention too fast
04330…..EBS…………………………………………….External sequential fault:
External vehicle speed signal implausible
04331…..EBS…………………………………………….External sequential fault:
Time overrun or fault condition in communication with
gearbox control unit on CAN (SA=0x03)
04332…..EBS…………………………………………….External sequential fault:
Time overrun or fault condition in communication with
EAC control unit d on CAN (SA=0x30)
04333…..EBS…………………………………………….External sequential fault:
Time overrun or fault condition in communication with
ECAS control unit on CAN (SA=0x2F)
04334…..EBS…………………………………………….External sequential fault:
Time overrun or fault condition in communication with
central on-board computer on CAN (SA=0x21)
04335…..EBS…………………………………………….External sequential fault:
Time overrun in communication with trailer control unit 1
04336…..EBS…………………………………………….External sequential fault:
Time overrun in communication with trailer control unit 2
04337…..EBS……………………….Trailer control module pressure control:
Implausible intake valve actuation
04338…..EBS……………………….Trailer control module pressure control:
Residual pressure detected
04339…..EBS……………………….Trailer control module pressure control:
Implausibly high pressure at the end of braking and
parking brake signal defective
04340…..EBS……………………….Trailer control module pressure control:
Implausibly high pressure at the end of braking and
long actuation of the parking brake switch
04341…..EBS……………………….Trailer control module pressure control:
Implausibly high pressure at the end of braking and
long actuation of the anti-jackknife brake valve
04342…..EBS……………………….Trailer control module pressure control:
Implausibly high pressure at the end of braking and
parking brake switch and trailer brake switch not actuated
04343…..EBS……………………….Trailer control module pressure control:
Implausibly high pressure at the end of braking and
parking brake signal defective
04344…..EBS……………………….Trailer control module pressure control:
Implausibly high pressure at the end of braking and long
actuation of the parking brake switch
04345…..EBS……………………….Trailer control module pressure control:
Implausibly high pressure at the end of braking and long
actuation of the anti-jackknife brake switch
04346…..EBS……………………….Trailer control module pressure control:
Implausibly high pressure at the end of braking and parking
brake switch and trailer brake switch not actuated
04347…..EBS……………………….Trailer control module pressure control:
Implausibly high pressure in the exhaust valve
actuation and parking brake signal defective
04348…..EBS……………………….Trailer control module pressure control:
Implausibly high pressure in the exhaust valve
actuation and long actuation of the parking brake switch
04349…..EBS……………………….Trailer control module pressure control:
Implausibly high pressure in the exhaust valve
actuation and long actuation of the
valve-controlled trailer brake switch
04350…..EBS……………………….Trailer control module pressure control:
Implausibly high pressure in the exhaust valve
actuation and parking brake switch and trailer
brake switch not actuated
04351…..EBS……………………………………………….J1939 (driveline CAN):
Time overrun in EBC1-RX message
04352…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 1:
Pressure comparison plausibility error:
Request is greater than the measured pressure
04353…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 2:
Pressure comparison plausibility error:
Request is greater than the measured pressure
04354…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 3:
Pressure comparison plausibility error:
Request is greater than the measured pressure
04355…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 4:
Pressure comparison plausibility error:
Request is greater than the measured pressure
04356…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 5:
Pressure comparison plausibility error:
Request is greater than the measured pressure
04357…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 6:
Pressure comparison plausibility error:
Request is greater than the measured pressure
04358…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 1:
Pressure comparison plausibility error:
Measured pressure is greater than request
04359…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 2:
Pressure comparison plausibility error:
Measured pressure is greater than request
04360…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 3:
Pressure comparison plausibility error:
Measured pressure is greater than request
04361…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 4:
Pressure comparison plausibility error:
Measured pressure is greater than request
04362…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 5:
Pressure comparison plausibility error:
Measured pressure is greater than request
04363…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 6:
Pressure comparison plausibility error:
Measured pressure is greater than request
04364…..EBS.Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 1:
Full braking test
04365…..EBS.Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 2:
Full braking test
04366…..EBS.Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 3:
Full braking test
04367…..EBS.Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 4:
Full braking test
04368…..EBS.Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 5:
Full braking test
04369…..EBS.Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 6:
Full braking test
04370…..EBS.Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 1:
Nominal/actual comparison between pressure regulating
module pressure and supply pressure
04371…..EBS.Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 2:
Nominal/actual comparison between pressure regulating
module pressure and supply pressure
04372…..EBS.Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 3:
Nominal/actual comparison between pressure regulating
module pressure and supply pressure
04373…..EBS.Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 4:
Nominal/actual comparison between pressure regulating
module pressure and supply pressure
04374…..EBS.Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 5:
Nominal/actual comparison between pressure regulating
module pressure and supply pressure
04375…..EBS.Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 6:
Nominal/actual comparison between pressure regulating
module pressure and supply pressure
04376…..EBS.Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 1:
Temporary backup test
04377…..EBS.Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 2:
Temporary backup test
04378…..EBS.Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 3:
Temporary backup test
04379…..EBS.Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 4:
Temporary backup test
04380…..EBS.Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 5:
Temporary backup test
04381…..EBS.Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 6:
Temporary backup test
04382…..EBS.Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 1:
Temporary brake test
04383…..EBS.Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 2:
Temporary brake test
04384…..EBS.Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 3:
Temporary brake test
04385…..EBS.Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 4:
Temporary brake test
04386…..EBS.Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 5:
Temporary brake test
04387…..EBS.Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 6:
Temporary brake test
04388…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 1:
Implausible pressure differential right/left
04389…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 2:
Implausible pressure differential right/left
04390…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 3:
Implausible pressure differential right/left
04391…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 4:
Implausible pressure differential right/left
04392…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 5:
Implausible pressure differential right/left
04393…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 6:
Implausible pressure differential right/left
04394…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 1:
Implausible pressure when no braked applied
04395…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 2:
Implausible pressure when no braked applied
04396…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 3:
Implausible pressure when no braked applied
04397…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 4:
Implausible pressure when no braked applied
04398…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 5:
Implausible pressure when no braked applied
04399…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 6:
Implausible pressure when no braked applied
04400…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 1:
Implausible pressure at end of braking
04400…..ZBR2…………………Grease quantity, central lubrication system
04401…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 2:
Implausible pressure at end of braking
04401…..ZBR2……………………………….Motor, central lubrication system
04402…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 3:
Implausible pressure at end of braking
04402…..ZBR2……………………Pump strokes, central lubrication system
04403…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 4:
Implausible pressure at end of braking
04403…..ZBR2…………………………………………..Interim lubrication button
04404…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 5:
Implausible pressure at end of braking
04404…..ZBRO………………………………………..Central lubrication system
04405…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 6:
Implausible pressure at end of braking
04405…..ZBRO………………………………………..Central lubrication system
04406…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 1:
Implausible intake valve actuation
04407…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 2:
Implausible intake valve actuation
04408…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 3:
Implausible intake valve actuation
04409…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 4:
Implausible intake valve actuation
04410…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 5:
Implausible intake valve actuation
04411…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 6:
Implausible intake valve actuation
04412…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 1:
Implausible exhaust valve actuation
04413…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 2:
Implausible exhaust valve actuation
04414…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 3:
Implausible exhaust valve actuation
04415…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 4:
Implausible exhaust valve actuation
04416…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 5:
Implausible exhaust valve actuation
04417…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 6:
Implausible exhaust valve actuation
04418…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 1:
Residual pressure detected
04419…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 2:
Residual pressure detected
04420…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 3:
Residual pressure detected
04421…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 4:
Residual pressure detected
04422…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 5:
Residual pressure detected
04423…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 6:
Residual pressure detected
04424…..EBS……………….Yaw angle sensor: Standstill calibration failed
04425…..EBS……………..Yaw angle sensor: Long-time calibration failed
04426…..EBS……………………………Yaw angle sensor: Fine tuning failed
04427…..EBS…………………………..Yaw angle sensor: Implausible signal
(outside the validity range of the physical model)
04428…..EBS…………………..Yaw angle sensor: Signal gradient too high
04429…..EBS………………..Yaw angle sensor: Implausible sensor signal
in relation to reference yaw angle
04430…..EBS…………………….Yaw angle sensor: Static self-check failed
04431…..EBS………………..Yaw angle sensor: Dynamic self-check failed
04432…..ACC……………………….Cruise control switch (sleeve) operated
04432…..EBS………………………………….Transverse acceleration sensor:
Standstill calibration failed
04433…..ACC…………………………….Cruise control switch ‘Off’ operated
04433…..EBS…………….Central control unit B-controller: ABS reference
pressure implausible
04434…..ACC…………Driving speed limiter mode / driving speed limiter
switch is on
04434…..EBS………………………….ABS logic: Implausible activation time
04435…..ACC………..Parking brake not released/parking brake applied
04435…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 1,
inconsistent driver software version between
ECU and boot loader
04436…..ACC………………………………………………..ABS defective/invalid
04436…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 1,
checksum error in external flash memory
04437…..ACC………………………………………………..EBS defective/invalid
04437…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 1,
outdated driver software
04438…..ACC…………………………………………………Pedal brake pressed
04438…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 2,
inconsistent driver software version between
ECU and boot loader
04439…..ACC………………………..Sustained-action brake lever operated
04439…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 2,
checksum error in external flash memory
04440…..ACC……………………………………..Sustained-action brakes ‘Off’
04440…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 2,
outdated driver software
04441…..ACC………………………………………………………ASR intervention
04441…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 3,
inconsistent driver software version between
ECU and boot loader
04442…..ACC………………………………………………………ABS intervention
04442…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 3,
checksum error in external flash memory
04443…..ACC………………………………………………………ESP intervention
04443…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 3,
outdated driver software
04444…..ACC………………………….ACC has activated EBS for too long /
brake temperature
04444…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 4,
inconsistent driver software version between
ECU and boot loader
04445…..ACC…………………………………………………Engine revs too high
04445…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 4,
checksum error in external flash memory
04446…..ACC………………………………………………………….Delay too long
04446…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 4,
outdated driver software
04447…..ACC……………………………………………….No/invalid road speed
04447…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 5,
inconsistent driver software version between
ECU and boot loader
04448…..ACC…………………………………….No EBS intervention possible
04448…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 5,
checksum error in external flash memory
04449…..ACC……………………………………………………..EBS status check
04449…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 5,
outdated driver software
04450…..ACC………………………………………………………….ESP defective
04450…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 6,
inconsistent driver software version
between ECU and boot loader
04451…..ACC……………………….No brake pedal / invalid CAN message
EBC1.Brake pedal
04451…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 6,
checksum error in external flash memory
04452…..ACC………………………Sustained-action brake lever defective /
invalid CAN message ERC1X.Sustained-action
brake lever
04452…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 6,
outdated driver software
04453…..ACC………….No engine / invalid CAN message EEC1.Torque
04453…..EBS………………………………..Central control unit — B-controller:
Configured service brake module characteristic has
exceeded range
04454…..ACC…………………………………Engine intervention not by ACC,
driver, gearbox, HGB, FGB, EDR or brake
04454…..EBS………………………………..Central control unit — B-controller:
Implausibly large difference between the
deceleration requirements calculated by both controllers
04455…..ACC……………………………………………………….No engine revs /
invalid CAN message EEC1.Engine revs
04455…..EBS………………………Central control unit — B-controller critical:
Variable range overrun or invalid function call
04456…..ACC……………………………………………….No accelerator pedal /
invalid CAN message EEC2.Accelerator pedal
04456…..EBS………………………Central control unit — B-controller critical:
Checksum error in boot loader software
04457…..ACC……………………………………………….No accelerator pedal /
invalid CAN message EEC2.Idling speed switch
04457…..EBS………………………..Central control unit B-controller critical:
Checksum error in external flash memory
04458…..ACC…………………..No RX / Invalid CAN message ERC1_RX.
Torques (engine brake)
04458…..EBSCentral control unit B-controller critical: RAM check failed
04459…..ACC…………………..No RD / Invalid CAN message ERC1_RD.
Torques (secondary retarder)
04459…..EBS………………………..Central control unit B-controller critical:
Arithmetic comparison test in microcontroller failed
04460…..ACC…………………..No RE / Invalid CAN message ERC1_RE.
Torques (primary retarder)
04460…..EBS………………………..Central control unit B-controller critical:
Stack memory overrun
04461…..ACC………………………………………….Retarder intervention fault
04461…..EBS………………………..Central control unit B-controller critical:
SWI instruction or watchdog or clock pulse generator or
PLL defect or external interruption was activated
04462…..ACC………………………………………………………………….No earth
04462…..EBS………………………..Central control unit B-controller critical:
Internal microcontroller fault detected
04463…..ACC………………………………………………………Display defective
04463…..EBS………………………..Central control unit B-controller critical:
Internal control unit fault
04464…..ACC…………………………………………..No cruise control switch /
invalid CAN message CCVS.Cruise control switch
04464…..EBS………………………..Central control unit B-controller critical:
Internal control unit fault
04465…..ACC……………………………Cruise control active in ACC mode /
invalid CAN message CCVS.Enable == cruise control
04465…..EBS………………………..Central control unit B-controller critical:
Internal control unit fault
04466…..ACC…………………………………No driving speed limiter switch /
invalid CAN message CCVS.Driving speed limiter switch
04466…..EBS………………………..Central control unit B-controller critical:
Unused interrupt routine activated
04467…..ACC………………………………No OFF sustained-action brakes /
invalid CAN message CCVS.IntelBremsKopl
04467…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 7:
Mismatch between control unit types
of operating software and boot loader
04468…..ACC…………………………………………….No cruise control lever /
invalid CAN message CCVS.Off switch or CCVS.Lever
04468…..EBS……………Supply voltage brake pad wear sensor wheel 1:
Short circuit to ground
04469…..ACC……………………………………..No distance selector switch /
invalid CAN message AUX1_ZBR.Switch
04469…..EBS……………Supply voltage brake pad wear sensor wheel 2:
Short circuit to ground
04470…..ACC………………………….Driveline fault / invalid CAN message
ETC1.ShiftInProcess or ETC1.DrivelineEngaged
04470…..EBS……………Supply voltage brake pad wear sensor wheel 3:
Short circuit to ground
04471…..ACC…………Clutch fault / invalid CAN message CCVS.Clutch
04471…..EBS……………Supply voltage brake pad wear sensor wheel 4:
Short circuit to ground
04472…..ACC…………………………………………………..Clutch travel invalid
04472…..EBS……………Supply voltage brake pad wear sensor wheel 5:
Short circuit to ground
04473…..ACC…………..Speed irregularities between EEC1.Engine revs
and TCO1.Revs
04473…..EBS……………Supply voltage brake pad wear sensor wheel 6:
Short circuit to ground
04474…..ACC…………………….Valid ETC2.Ratio markedly different from
valid speed ratio
04474…..EBS……………Supply voltage brake pad wear sensor wheel 7:
Short circuit to ground
04475…..ACC……..No TCO speed / invalid CAN message TCO.Speed
04475…..EBS……………Supply voltage brake pad wear sensor wheel 8:
Short circuit to ground
04476…..ACC…..No wheel speed / invalid CAN message EBC2.Speed
04476…..EBS……………Supply voltage brake pad wear sensor wheel 1:
was deactivated
04477…..ACC…………………………………………………Engine revs too high
04477…..EBS……………Supply voltage brake pad wear sensor wheel 2:
was deactivated
04478…..ACC…………………………………..No gear or clutch disengaged /
open driveline for about 10 s
04478…..EBS……………Supply voltage brake pad wear sensor wheel 3:
was deactivated
04479…..ACC………………………………………………………..Speed too slow
04479…..EBS……………Supply voltage brake pad wear sensor wheel 4:
was deactivated
04480…..ACC………………………………………………………….Speed too fast
04480…..EBS……………Supply voltage brake pad wear sensor wheel 5:
was deactivated
04481…..ACC……………………….Bend too tight / valid bending too great
04481…..EBS……………Supply voltage brake pad wear sensor wheel 6:
was deactivated
04482…..ACC………………………………………………….No / invalid yaw rate
04482…..EBS……………Supply voltage brake pad wear sensor wheel 7:
was deactivated
04483…..ACC…………………………….No / invalid transverse acceleration
04483…..EBS……………Supply voltage brake pad wear sensor wheel 8:
was deactivated
04484…..ACC…………………………………..Radar still in initialisation mode
(after ACC initialisation mode)
04484…..EBS……………………….Trailer control module pressure control:
Control piston (42) is defective
04485…..ACC…………..Bending is detected as invalid in CAN message
04485…..EBS……………………………….Wheel sensor: Speed comparison
04486…..EBS………………Differential lock valve (differential lock switch):
Installed component but not configured
04487…..EBS………………………………………..ESP sensor voltage supply:
Faulty electronic circuit in EBS control unit
04488…..EBS………………………………….Central control unit B-controller:
Cannot be switched OFF
04489…..EBS………………………………….Central control unit A-controller:
internal calculation error
04490…..EBS……………………………………………….J1939 (driveline CAN):
Time overrun or fault condition in communication with
ACC control unit on CAN (SA=0x2A)
04491…..EBS………………………………….Central control unit A-controller:
Mismatch between control unit types of
operating software and boot loader
04492…..EBS……………………Pressure module supply cable to wheel 1:
Current magnitude too high
04493…..EBS……………………Pressure module supply cable to wheel 2:
Current magnitude too high
04494…..EBS………………………………….Brake pad wear sensor wheel 1:
Monitoring of brake pad wear signal (decreasing)
between the axles of the vehicle
04495…..EBS……………………Pressure module supply cable to wheel 3:
Current magnitude too high
04496…..EBS………………………………….Brake pad wear sensor wheel 2:
Monitoring of brake pad wear signal (decreasing)
between the axles of the vehicle
04497…..EBS……………………Pressure module supply cable to wheel 4:
Current magnitude too high
04498…..EBS………………………………….Brake pad wear sensor wheel 3:
Monitoring of brake pad wear signal (decreasing)
between the axles of the vehicle
04499…..ACC………………..ACC control unit is still in initialisation phase
04499…..EBS……………………Pressure module supply cable to wheel 5:
Current magnitude too high
04500…..ACC………………………………….Internal system error, Trap NMI
04500…..EBS………………………………….Brake pad wear sensor wheel 4:
Monitoring of brake pad wear signal (decreasing)
between the axles of the vehicle
04500…..ZBR2……………….Steering/trailing axle/anti-jacknife protection
04500…..ZBRO………………………………………….Steering oil level too low
04501…..ACC…………………………..Internal system error, Stack overflow
04501…..EBS……………………Pressure module supply cable to wheel 6:
Current magnitude too high
04502…..ACC………………………..Internal system error, Stack underflow
04502…..DIW5…………………………………………Turbine speed acquisition
04502…..EBS………………………………….Brake pad wear sensor wheel 5:
Monitoring of brake pad wear signal (decreasing)
between the axles of the vehicle
04502…..ZBR2…………………………………Power steering oil level circuit 2
04503…..ACC…………………………….Internal system error, Trap ILLBUS
04503…..EBS………………………………….Brake pad wear sensor wheel 6:
Monitoring of brake pad wear signal (decreasing)
between the axles of the vehicle
04503…..ZBRO……………………………..Anti-jackknife protection damping
04504…..ACC………………………………Internal system error, Trap ILLINA
04504…..EBS………………………………….Brake pad wear sensor wheel 7:
Monitoring of brake pad wear signal (decreasing)
between the axles of the vehicle
04504…..ZBRO……………………Anti-jackknife protection oil level too low
04505…..ACC…………………………….Internal system error, Trap ILLOPA
04505…..EBS………………………………….Brake pad wear sensor wheel 8:
Monitoring of brake pad wear signal (decreasing)
between the axles of the vehicle
04505…..ZBRO……………………Anti-jackknife protection oil level too low
04506…..ACC……………………………Internal system error, Trap PRTFLT
04506…..EBS………………….Supply voltage trailer control module valve:
Current magnitude too high
04506…..ZBRO……………………………………..Articulation damping button
04507…..ACC………………………….Internal system error, Trap UNDOPC
04507…..EBS………………………………….Brake pad wear sensor wheel 1:
Monitoring of brake pad wear signal
(decreasing) within the axles
04507…..ZBRO………………………………..Articulation angle > 48 degrees
04508…..ACC……………………………..Internal system error, Trap PECC5
04508…..EBS………………………………….Brake pad wear sensor wheel 2:
Monitoring of brake pad wear signal
(decreasing) within the axles
04508…..ZBRO………………………………………….Steering oil level too low
04509…..ACC……………………………..Internal system error, Trap PECC6
04509…..DIW5…………………………………..Central solenoid valve handler
04509…..EBS………………………………….Brake pad wear sensor wheel 3:
Monitoring of brake pad wear signal
(decreasing) within the axles
04509…..ZBRO……………………………………..Steering adjustment enable
04510…..ACC……………………………..Internal system error, Trap PECC7
04510…..EBS………………………………….Brake pad wear sensor wheel 4:
Monitoring of brake pad wear signal
(decreasing) within the axles
04510…..ZBRO…………………………….Brake lamp to steered trailing axle
04511…..ACC……… Internal RAM defective / memory test on switch-on
04511…..EBS………………………………….Brake pad wear sensor wheel 5:
Monitoring of brake pad wear signal
(decreasing) within the axles
04511…..ZBRO……………………….Bus-stop brake to steered trailing axle
04512…..ACC..External RAM defective / address line test on switch-on
04512…..EBS………………………………….Brake pad wear sensor wheel 6:
Monitoring of brake pad wear signal
(decreasing) within the axles
04512…..ZBRO……………………….Engine running to steered trailing axle
04513…..ACC……..External RAM defective / memory test on switch-on
04513…..EBS………………………………….Brake pad wear sensor wheel 7:
Monitoring of brake pad wear signal (decreasing)
within the axles
04513…..ZBRO……………………………..Steered trailing axle check yellow
04514…..ACC………Flash defective / Flash checksum test on switch-on
04514…..EBS………………………………….Brake pad wear sensor wheel 8:
Monitoring of brake pad wear signal
(decreasing) within the axles
04514…..ZBRO………………………………….Steered trailing axle check red
04515…..ACC…………………..External watchdog / Test of function of the
external watchdog on switch-on
04515…..ZBRO…………………………………Steered trailing axle red STOP
04516…..ACC………………………………………..Program runtime exceeded
04516…..ZBRO……………………………Steered trailing axle check oil level
04517…..ACC………………..HighLevelTask too long / runtime monitoring
04517…..EBS……….. Central control unit — A-controller: Checksum error
04517…..ZBRO……………………………Steered trailing axle check oil level
04518…..ACC………………..LowLevelTask too long / runtime monitoring
04518…..EBS………………………………..Central control unit — A-controller:
Incompatible software components
04518…..ZBRO…………………..Anti-jackknife protection bypass damping
04519…..ACC……………………………………………Application task too long
04519…..EBS………………………………..Central control unit — A-controller:
Checksum error in the boot loader software
04519…..ZBRO……………………………..Steered trailing axle check yellow
04520…..ACC……………………………………..Supply voltage (tl.15) too low
04520…..EBS………………………………..Central control unit — B-controller:
Mismatch between control unit types of
operating software and boot loader
04520…..ZBRO………………………………….Steered trailing axle check red
04521…..ACC…………………………………………………TL30 voltage too low
04521…..EBS……….. Central control unit — B-controller: Checksum error
04521…..ZBRO…………………………………Steered trailing axle red STOP
04522…..ACC…………………………………………..Relay defective, no TL30
04522…..EBS……………………Central control unit EEPROM: implausible
values in configuration list
04522…..ZBRO…………………………Bus-stop brake automatic shut-off to
 steered trailing axle
04523…..ACC……………………………….Relay defective, continuous TL30
04523…..EBS…………………….Central control unit EEPROM: Checksum
error in configuration list
04523…..ZBR2…………………………………………..Oil pressure steering K1
04524…..ACC…………………….Invalid data record / EEPROM checksum
test on switch-on
04524…..EBS…………..Transverse acceleration sensor: EOL calibration
 not completed
04524…..ZBR2…………………………………………..Oil pressure steering K2
04525…..ACC……………………Driveline Can error / if Bus-Off is reached
and 0.5 s afterwards.
04525…..ZBRO………………………………..Articulation angle > 17 degrees
04526…..ACC………………….Driveline Can error / if overflow occurred in
 CAN controller
04526…..EBS………….ISO 11992 (trailer CAN): CAN-Low line defective
04526…..ZBRO………………………..Anti-jackknife protection engine idling
04527…..ACC………………Cannot send TSC1-EBS / last send message
has not been sent yet
04527…..EBS………….ISO 11992 (trailer CAN): CAN-High line defective
04527…..ZBRO…………………..Anti-jackknife protection torque reduction
04528…..ACC………………Cannot send TSC1-FFR / last send message
has not been sent yet
04528…..EBS…………………………………Brakes CAN: No communication
04528…..ZBRO…………………..Articulation button when driving forwards
04529…..ACC………………………………EBC1 CAN message not received
04529…..EBS…………………………………Sensor CAN: No communication
04529…..ZBRO………….Articulation button in R gear/art. ang. > 48 deg.
04530…..ACC….ERC1_RX CAN message not received (engine brake)
04530…..EBS…………………………..Time overrun or implausible status in
communication with the ACC control unit (SA=0x2A)
04530…..ZBRO………………………………..Articulation angle < 17 degrees
04531…..ACCERC1_RE CAN message not received (primary retarder)
04531…..EBS……………………….Supply voltage for the EBS control unit:
Range overrun or underrun (< 8.5 volts / > 36 volts)
04531…..ZBRO…………………………………….Steering column adjustment
04532…..ACC……………………….ERC1_RD CAN message not received
(secondary retarder)
04532…..EBS………………………….Yaw angle sensor: implausible values
04533…..ACC………………………………EEC1 CAN message not received
04533…..EBS……………………Supply voltage for pressure control valves
and trailer control module:
Range underrun when starting
04534…..ACC……………………………..CCVS CAN message not received
04534…..EBS…………………………………..Supply voltage for the modules:
Range underrun when starting
04535…..ACC……………………….Not all control lever operations / CCVS
(cruise control/vehicle speed) message cycle too fast
04535…..EBS………………………………………..Supply voltage for the CAN:
Range underrun when starting
04536…..ACC………………………………TCO1 CAN message not received
04536…..EBS……Supply voltage for the ESP sensors: Range underrun
04537…..ACC………………………………EBC2 CAN message not received
04537…..EBS Supply voltage for the pressure module: Range underrun
04538…..ACC………………………………EEC2 CAN message not received
04538…..EBS………………………….Supply voltage for electronic pressure
control of the pressure modules: Range underrun
04539…..ACC………………………………ETC1 CAN message not received
04539…..EBS…………Supply voltage for the pressure regulating valves:
Range underrun
04540…..ACC………………………………ETC2 CAN message not received
04540…..EBS..Supply voltage for the additional valve: Range underrun
04541…..ACC………………………………..TC1 CAN message not received
04541…..EBS……………….Supply voltage for the differential lock switch:
Range underrun
04542…..ACC………………………………VDC1 CAN message not received
04542…..EBS………Supply voltage for the trailer control module valves:
Range underrun
04543…..ACC………………………AUX1_ZBR CAN message not received
04543…..EBS…………………….Supply voltage for J1939 (driveline CAN):
Range underrun
04544…..ACC……………….Cannot send ACC1 / last send message has
not been sent yet
04544…..EBS………………….Supply voltage for ISO 11992 (trailer CAN):
Range underrun
04545…..ACC……………………….Cannot send DM1 / last send message
has not been sent yet
04545…..EBS……………Supply voltage for CAN brake: Range underrun
04546…..ACC……………………………..Synchronisation error / TCO1 CAN
messages not received in cycle
04546…..EBS………………………….ABS logic: Request red warning lamp
04547…..ACC………………………………WEIG CAN message not received
04547…..EBS………………………………..System test: Invalid configuration
04548…..ACC………………………………..ALB CAN message not received
04548…..EBS.System test: Reconfiguration of pressure control module
04549…..ACC………………………………Cannot send Trans-Conf request /
Cannot request Trans Config CAN message
04549…..EBS……………System test: Dynamometer test rig mode active
04550…..ACC……………………………………..No configuration messages /
Trans,Rx,Rd,Re,Ccvs Config not received
04550…..EBS.System test: Pressure regulating module voltage supply;
short circuit to terminal 15
04551…..ACC……………………….Eng-Conf CAN messages not received
04551…..EBS…………………………………………….External sequential fault:
External vehicle weight signal implausible
(CAN message: vehicle weight)
04552…..ACC……………………..Check EBC1 timeout / Timeout was only
detected by additional monitoring
04552…..EBS…………………………………………….External sequential fault:
Trailer ABS is not fully functional
04553…..ACC…………………………Check brake / Excessive braking time
only detected in additional monitoring
04553…..EBS…………………………………………….External sequential fault:
External input is implausible for ESP
04554…..ACC……………………………..Check TCO1 tachograph timeout /
Timeout was only detected by additional monitoring
04554…..EBS………………………..External sequential fault: External input
is implausible for EBS functions
04555…..ACC……………………Check delay / Excessively long delay was
only detected in additional monitoring
04555…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 1:
Axle load sensor electrical power supply
is not switched on
04556…..ACC………………………Sensor CAN fault / if Bus-Off is reached
04556…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 1:
Axle load sensor electrical power supply
short circuit to terminal 30
04557…..ACC……………………………………………………SSTA not received
04557…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 1:
incorrect / inconsistent data record
parameter in EEPROM
04558…..ACC……………………………………………………STGT not received
04558…..EBS………….CAN signal brake on wheel 1: No communication
04559…..ACC………………………………………………….STGT2 not received
04559…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 2:
Axle load sensor electrical power supply
is not switched on
04560…..ACC………………………………….Radar fault / internal radar fault
04560…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 2:
Axle load sensor electrical power supply
short circuit to terminal 30
04561…..ACC……………..Radar fault / incorrect or irreparably damaged
radar software (ERROR_SOFTWARE1)
04561…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 2:
incorrect / inconsistent data record
parameter in EEPROM
04562…..ACC……………..Radar fault / Incorrect or irreparably damaged
radar software (ERROR_SOFTWARE2)
04562…..EBS………….CAN signal brake on wheel 2: No communication
04563…..ACC……………………………Radar fault / supply voltage too high
04563…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 3:
Axle load sensor electrical power supply
is not switched on
04564…..ACC…………………………….Radar fault / supply voltage too low
04564…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 3:
Axle load sensor electrical power supply
short circuit to terminal 30
04565…..ACC…………………………………………..Radar fault / TRM too hot
04565…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 3:
incorrect / inconsistent data record
parameter in EEPROM
04566…..ACC…………………………………………Radar fault / TRM too cold
04566…..EBS………….CAN signal brake on wheel 3: No communication
04567…..ACC………………………………………….Radar fault / PCM too hot
04567…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 4:
Axle load sensor electrical power supply
is not switched on
04568…..ACC……………………………..Radar fault / sensor CAN bus fault
04568…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 4:
Axle load sensor electrical power supply
short circuit to terminal 30
04569…..ACC………………………Radar fault / sensor CAN message fault
04569…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 4:
incorrect / inconsistent data record
parameter in EEPROM
04570…..ACC……………………………..Radar fault / no parameter settings
04570…..DIW5…………………………………………………..Solenoid valve WP
04570…..EBS………….CAN signal brake on wheel 4: No communication
04571…..ACC……………………………………………Radar fault / pairing fault
04571…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 5:
Axle load sensor electrical power supply
is not switched on
04572…..ACC………………………………………Radar fault / HF switched off
04572…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 5:
Axle load sensor electrical power supply
short circuit to terminal 30
04573…..ACC…………………………….Radar fault / sensor alignment fault
04573…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 5:
incorrect / inconsistent data record
parameter in EEPROM
04574…..ACC……………………………Radar fault / background noise fault
04574…..EBS………….CAN signal brake on wheel 5: No communication
04575…..ACC………………………………………..Radar fault / aerial blocked
04575…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 6:
Axle load sensor electrical power supply
is not switched on
04576…..ACC………………………………………………………….ESP gyro fault
04576…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 6:
Axle load sensor electrical power supply
short circuit to terminal 30
04577…..ACC……..Cannot send YRSContr. / last gyro request not sent
04577…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 6:
incorrect / inconsistent data record
parameter in EEPROM
04578…..ACC…Cannot receive YRSData / gyro message not received
04578…..EBS………….CAN signal brake on wheel 6: No communication
04579…..ACC…………………….YRS fault / internal gyro fault or wrong ID
04579…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 7:
Axle load sensor electrical power supply
is not switched on
04580…..ACC…………………………………………………..Cannot send SVEH
04580…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 7:
Axle load sensor electrical power supply
short circuit to terminal 30
04581…..ACC.Yaw rates installation / Internal gyro installed incorrectly
04581…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 7:
incorrect / inconsistent data record
parameter in EEPROM
04582…..ACC…………………………..Transverse acceleration installation /
Internal gyro installed incorrectly
04582…..EBS……………………………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 7:
No communication
04583…..ACC……………………………………………………….User stack error
04583…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 8:
Axle load sensor electrical power
supply is not switched on
04584…..ACC…………………………………………………………..Piece AT fault
04584…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 8:
Axle load sensor electrical power supply
short circuit to terminal 30
04585…..ACC……………………………………………………….ACC status fault
04585…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 8:
incorrect / inconsistent data record
parameter in EEPROM
04586…..EBS………….CAN signal brake on wheel 8: No communication
04587…..EBS…..Pedal brake module switch 1: internal control unit fault
04588…..EBS………………………………..Central control unit — B-controller:
internal control unit fault
04589…..EBS………………………………..Central control unit — B-controller:
Analog / digital converter comparison error
04590…..EBS…Central control unit — B-controller: Incorrect function call
04591…..DIW5…………………………………………………Solenoid valve RBG
04591…..EBS………………………………..Central control unit — B-controller:
Self test comparison error
04592…..EBS………………………………..Central control unit — A-controller:
internal control unit fault
04593…..EBS…Central control unit — A-controller: Incorrect function call
04594…..EBS…………Central control unit — A-controller: not switched on
04595…..EBS…….Central control unit EEPROM: incorrect configuration
04596…..EBS……………………….Trailer control module pressure control:
implausible pressure when no braked applied
04597…..EBS……………………….Trailer control module pressure control:
Backup test briefly incorrect
04598…..EBS………………………………..Central control unit — B-controller:
implausibly high pressure from trailer control module sensor
04599…..EBS………………………………….Brake pad wear sensor wheel 1:
Difference between the 2 signals on the
left and right sides of the axle too great
04600…..DIW5……………………………………………………..Input signal ABS
04600…..EBS………………………………….Brake pad wear sensor wheel 2:
Difference between the 2 signals on the
left and right sides of the axle too great
04600…..ZBR2……………………………………Door and stop symbol system
04601…..EBS………………………………….Brake pad wear sensor wheel 3:
Difference between the 2 signals on the
left and right sides of the axle too great
04601…..ZBR2……………………………………………………..L.h. door contact
04602…..EBS………………………………….Brake pad wear sensor wheel 4:
Difference between the 2 signals on the
left and right sides of the axle too great
04602…..ZBRO……………………………………..Request stop button enable
04603…..EBS………………………………….Brake pad wear sensor wheel 5:
Difference between the 2 signals on the
left and right sides of the axle too great
04603…..ZBRO………………………………………………..Request stop button
04604…..EBS………………………………….Brake pad wear sensor wheel 6:
Difference between the 2 signals on the
left and right sides of the axle too great
04604…..ZBRO………………………………………………..Request stop button
04605…..EBS………………………Wheel 7: Brake performance monitoring
04605…..ZBRO……………………………………………….Request stop display
04606…..EBS………………………Wheel 8: Brake performance monitoring
04606…..ZBRO……………………….Request stop by person with disability
04607…..EBS…………………………Wheel 7 in conjunction with ABS logic:
ABS is demanding insufficient brake pressure
over an implausibly long time
04607…..ZBRO…………………………………………………………Baby carriage
04608…..EBS…………………………Wheel 8 in conjunction with ABS logic:
ABS is demanding insufficient brake pressure
over an implausibly long time
04608…..ZBRO…………………………………………………………Baby carriage
04609…..EBS…………………………Wheel 7 in conjunction with ABS logic:
 Wheel speed error
04609…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Baby carriage message
04610…..EBS…………………………Wheel 8 in conjunction with ABS logic:
 Wheel speed error
04610…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Baby carriage message
04611…..EBS…………………………Wheel 7 in conjunction with ABS logic:
Change between active and inactive
ABS intervention too fast
04611…..ZBRO………………………………………………Cancel baby carriage
04612…..DIW5……………………………………………………..Input signal ABS
04612…..EBS…………………………Wheel 8 in conjunction with ABS logic:
Change between active and inactive
ABS intervention too fast
04612…..ZBRO………………………………………………Cancel baby carriage
04613…..EBS……………………Central control unit: Temperature too high
04613…..ZBRO………………………………………………….Light barrier door 3
04614…..EBS……………………………………………….Wheel sensor wheel 1:
Connection cable damaged or sensor defective
04614…..ZBRO………………………………………………….Light barrier door 3
04615…..EBS……………………………………………….Wheel sensor wheel 2:
Connection cable damaged or sensor defective
04615…..ZBRO……………………………………………….Request stop buzzer
04616…..EBS……………………………………………….Wheel sensor wheel 3:
Connection cable damaged or sensor defective
04616…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Fault value door system
04617…..EBS……………………………………………….Wheel sensor wheel 4:
Connection cable damaged or sensor defective
04617…..ZBRO………………………….Request for bus-stop brake by MTS
04618…..EBS……………………………………………….Wheel sensor wheel 5:
Connection cable damaged or sensor defective
04618…..ZBRO………………………………………………………………Door icing
04619…..EBS……………………………………………….Wheel sensor wheel 6:
Connection cable damaged or sensor defective
04619…..ZBRO………………………………..Red/green display door system
04620…..EBS………………………………………Output from additional valve:
Short circuit between the connection cables
04620…..ZBRO………………………………………………………Stop lamp MTS
04621…..EBS…………….Output from additional valve: Circuit interrupted
04621…..ZBRO………………………………………………Warning buzzer MTS
04622…..EBS………Output from additional valve: Short circuit to ground
04622…..ZBRO…………………………………………………………….Door status
04623…..EBS………………………………………Output from additional valve:
Short circuit after terminal 30
04623…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Door 1 / panel 1 check
04624…..EBS………..Output from additional valve: Short circuit in circuit
04624…..ZBRO……………………………………………Door 1 / panel 1 button
04625…..EBS………………………………………Output from additional valve:
Installed but not configured
04625…..ZBRO……………………………………………Door 1 / panel 1 button
04626…..EBS………………………………………………..Wheel sensor wheel 9
04626…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Door 1 / panel 2 check
04627…..EBS……………………..Wheel sensor wheel 9: Connection cable
damaged or sensor defective
04627…..ZBRO……………………………………………Door 1 / panel 2 button
04628…..EBS………………………………………………Wheel sensor wheel 10
04628…..ZBRO……………………………………………Door 1 / panel 2 button
04629…..EBS……………………Wheel sensor wheel 10: Connection cable
damaged or sensor defective
04629…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Door 1 check
04630…..EBS…………………………….Brake pad wear connection wheel 9
04630…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Door 1 check
04631…..EBS…………………………Brake pad wear sensor signal wheel 9
04631…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Door 1 emergency tap
04632…..EBS………………………………….Brake pad wear sensor wheel 9:
Difference between the 2 signals on the
left and right sides of the axle too great
04632…..ZBRO…………………………………………………….Door 1 disrupted
04633…..EBS……………………….Brake pad wear sensor signal wheel 10
04633…..ZBRO…………………………………………………………Door 1 button
04634…..EBS………………………………..Brake pad wear sensor wheel 10:
Difference between the 2 signals on the
left and right sides of the axle too great
04634…..ZBRO…………………………………………………………Door 1 button
04635…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 7,
incompatible software components
04635…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Door 2 check
04636…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 7,
fault in electronic circuit
04636…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Door 2 check
04637…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 7,
internal control unit test incorrect
04637…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Door 2 emergency tap
04638…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 7,
unknown pressure control module fault code
04638…..ZBRO…………………………………………………….Door 2 disrupted
04639…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 7,
incorrect system monitoring after activation
04639…..ZBRO…………………………………………………………Door 2 button
04640…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 8,
incompatible software components
04640…..ZBRO…………………………………………………………Door 2 button
04641…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 8,
fault in electronic circuit
04641…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Door 3 check
04642…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 8,
internal control unit test incorrect
04642…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Door 3 check
04643…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 8,
unknown pressure control module fault code
04643…..ZBRO…………………………………………………….Door 3 disrupted
04644…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 8,
incorrect system monitoring after activation
04644…..ZBRO…………………………………………………………Door 3 button
04645…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 9,
incompatible software components
04645…..ZBRO…………………………………………………………Door 3 button
04646…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 9,
fault in electronic circuit
04646…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Door 4 check
04647…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 9,
internal control unit test incorrect
04647…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Door 4 check
04648…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 9,
unknown pressure control module fault code
04648…..ZBRO…………………………………………………………Door 4 button
04649…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 9,
incorrect system monitoring after activation
04649…..ZBRO…………………………………………………………Door 4 button
04650…..EBS……………………Pressure module control unit on wheel 10,
incompatible software components
04650…..ZBRO………………………………………………….Block door panel 1
04651…..EBS……………………Pressure module control unit on wheel 10,
fault in electronic circuit
04651…..ZBRO………………………………………………….Block door panel 1
04652…..EBS……………………Pressure module control unit on wheel 10,
internal control unit test incorrect
04652…..ZBRO………………………………………………….Block door panel 2
04653…..EBS……………………Pressure module control unit on wheel 10,
unknown pressure control module fault code
04653…..ZBRO………………………………………………….Block door panel 2
04654…..EBS……………………Pressure module control unit on wheel 10,
incorrect system monitoring after activation
04654…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Door release
04655…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 7,
EEPROM data record is not compatible with the system
04655…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Door release
04656…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 7,
EEPROM cannot be written
04656…..ZBRO…………………………………..Door release checkback MTS
04657…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 8,
EEPROM data record is not compatible with the system
04657…..ZBRO……………………………………………….Ignition 1 on for MTS
04658…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 8,
EEPROM cannot be written
04658…..ZBRO…………………………………………………………..Light enable
04659…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 9,
EEPROM data record is not compatible with the system
04659…..ZBRO……………………………………………….Request stop display
04660…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 9,
EEPROM cannot be written
04660…..ZBRO…………………………………………MTS activation (K3-CAN)
04661…..EBS……………………Pressure module control unit on wheel 10,
EEPROM data record is not compatible with the system
04661…..ZBRO……………………………………………………….Emergency tap
04662…..EBS……………………Pressure module control unit on wheel 10,
EEPROM cannot be written
04662…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Door 1 external button
04663…..EBS………………….Power supply pressure module on wheel 7,
short circuit to terminal 15
04663…..ZBRO………………………………..Door release checkback door 1
04664…..EBS…………………..Power supply pressure module on wheel 7
04664…..ZBRO………………………………..Door release checkback door 2
04665…..EBS………………….Power supply pressure module on wheel 7,
short circuit between the connection cables
04665…..ZBRO………………………………..Door release checkback door 3
04666…..EBS………………….Power supply pressure module on wheel 8,
short circuit to terminal 15
04666…..ZBRO………………………………..Door release checkback door 4
04667…..EBS………………….Power supply pressure module on wheel 8,
short circuit to terminal 15
04667…..ZBRO………………………………….Bus-stop switching backwards
04668…..EBS………………….Power supply pressure module on wheel 8,
short circuit between the connection cables
04668…..ZBRO………………………………….Bus-stop switching backwards
04669…..EBS………………….Power supply pressure module on wheel 9,
short circuit to terminal 15
04669…..ZBRO…………………………………….Bus-stop switching forwards
04670…..EBS…………………..Power supply pressure module on wheel 9
04670…..ZBRO…………………………………….Bus-stop switching forwards
04671…..EBS………………….Power supply pressure module on wheel 9,
short circuit between the connection cables
04671…..ZBRO……………External request stop by person with disability
04672…..EBS………………..Power supply pressure module on wheel 10,
short circuit to terminal 15
04672…..ZBRO…………….Display request stop by person with disability
04673…..EBS…………………Power supply pressure module on wheel 10
04673…..ZBRO…………………………………………………….Door malfunction
04674…..EBS………………..Power supply pressure module on wheel 10,
short circuit between the connection cables
04674…..ZBRO……………………………………..Door 1 activation (K3-CAN)
04675…..EBS………………………………………CAN signal brake on wheel 7
04675…..ZBRO……………………………………………..Door 1 / panel 1 open
04676…..EBS………………………………………CAN signal brake on wheel 8
04676…..ZBRO………………………………………….Door 1 / panel 1 opening
04677…..EBS………………………………………CAN signal brake on wheel 9
04677…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Door 1 / panel 1 closing
04678…..EBS…………………………………….CAN signal brake on wheel 10
04678…..ZBRO……………………………………………..Door 1 / panel 2 open
04679…..EBS……………………………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 7,
time overrun of message 11
04679…..ZBRO………………………………………….Door 1 / panel 2 opening
04680…..EBS……………………………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 7,
time overrun of message 12
04680…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Door 1 / panel 2 closing
04681…..EBS……………………………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 7,
time overrun of message 13
04681…..ZBRO……………………………………..Door 1 request stop display
04682…..EBS……………………………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 7,
time overrun of message 14
04682…..ZBRO……………………………………..Door 1 request stop display
04683…..EBS……………………………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 7,
time overrun of message 21
04683…..ZBRO……………..Door 1 request stop by person with disability
04684…..EBS……………………………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 7,
time overrun of message 22
04684…..ZBRO……………………………………………………Door 1 ignition on
04685…..EBS……………………………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 7,
time overrun of message 23
04685…..ZBRO………………………………………………..Door 1 entry lighting
04686…..EBS……………………………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 7,
time overrun of message 24
04686…..ZBRO……………………………………………….Door 1 in local mode
04687…..EBS……………………………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 8,
time overrun of message 11
04687…..ZBRO……………..Door 2 request stop by person with disability
04688…..EBS……………………………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 8,
time overrun of message 12
04688…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Door 1 ready
04689…..EBS……………………………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 8,
time overrun of message 13
04689…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Door 1 standstill signal
04690…..EBS……………………………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 8,
time overrun of message 14
04690…..ZBRO……………………………………..Door 2 activation (K3-CAN)
04691…..EBS……………………………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 8,
time overrun of message 21
04691…..ZBRO……………………………………………..Door 2 / panel 1 open
04692…..EBS……………………………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 8,
time overrun of message 22
04692…..ZBRO………………………………………….Door 2 / panel 1 opening
04693…..EBS……………………………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 8,
time overrun of message 23
04693…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Door 2 / panel 1 closing
04694…..EBS……………………………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 8,
time overrun of message 24
04694…..ZBRO……………………………………………..Door 2 / panel 2 open
04695…..EBS……………………………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 9,
time overrun of message 11
04695…..ZBRO………………………………………….Door 3 / panel 2 opening
04696…..EBS……………………………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 9,
time overrun of message 12
04696…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Door 2 / panel 2 closing
04697…..EBS……………………………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 9,
time overrun of message 13
04697…..ZBRO……………………………………..Door 2 request stop display
04698…..EBS……………………………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 9,
time overrun of message 14
04698…..ZBRO……………………………………..Door 2 request stop display
04699…..EBS……………………………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 9,
time overrun of message 21
04699…..ZBRO……………………………………………………Door 2 ignition on
04700…..DIW5…………………………………….Unknown engine load source
04700…..EBS……………………………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 9,
time overrun of message 22
04700…..ZBRO………………………………………………………………..Raise lift
04701…..EBS……………………………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 9,
time overrun of message 23
04701…..ZBRO………………………………………………………………..Raise lift
04702…..EBS……………………………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 9,
time overrun of message 24
04702…..ZBRO…………………………………………………………..Lift in motion
04703…..EBS……………………………………CAN signal brake on wheel 10,
time overrun of message 11
04703…..ZBRO………………………………………………………………..Lower lift
04704…..EBS……………………………………CAN signal brake on wheel 10,
time overrun of message 12
04704…..ZBRO………………………………………………………………..Lower lift
04705…..EBS……………………………………CAN signal brake on wheel 10,
time overrun of message 13
04705…..ZBRO…………………………………………………Ramp full deployed
04706…..EBS……………………………………CAN signal brake on wheel 10,
time overrun of message 14
04706…..ZBRO………………………………………………………Ramp in motion
04707…..DIW5…………….Engine load source CAN: Error in engine map
04707…..EBS……………………………………CAN signal brake on wheel 10,
time overrun of message 21
04707…..ZBRO………………………………………Ramp multifunction display
04708…..DIW5………………………………………….Engine load source CAN:
Error that cannot be diagnosed with greater precision.
04708…..EBS……………………………………CAN signal brake on wheel 10,
time overrun of message 22
04708…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Ramp enable
04709…..EBS……………………………………CAN signal brake on wheel 10,
time overrun of message 23
04709…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Ramp enable
04710…..EBS……………………………………CAN signal brake on wheel 10,
time overrun of message 24
04710…..ZBRO…………………………………………………Ramp flashing light
04711…..DIW5…………………………………Engine load source Bosch EDC
04711…..EBS…………………..Speed sensor input on pressure regulating
module wheel 9, faulty electronic circuit
04711…..ZBRO………………………………………………..Ramp fully retracted
04712…..EBS…………………..Speed sensor input on pressure regulating
module wheel 10, faulty electronic circuit
04712…..ZBRO………………………………………………..Door 2 entry lighting
04713…..EBS………………………Speed sensor wheel 9, air gap too great
04713…..ZBRO……………………………………………….Door 2 in local mode
04714…..EBS…………………….Speed sensor wheel 10, air gap too great
04714…..ZBRO……………..Door 3 request stop by person with disability
04715…..EBS……………Speed sensor wheel 9, impulse wheel defective
04715…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Door 2 ready
04716…..DIW5………………………………..Engine load source Bosch EDC:
Speed range in data record faulty.
04716…..EBS………….Speed sensor wheel 10, impulse wheel defective
04716…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Door 2 standstill signal
04717…..DIW5…..Engine load source Bosch EDC: Error in engine map
04717…..EBS……………..Speed sensor wheel 9, tyre diameter too great
04717…..ZBRO……………………………………..Door 3 activation (K3-CAN)
04718…..DIW5………………………………..Engine load source Bosch EDC:
Error that cannot be diagnosed with greater precision.
04718…..EBS……………Speed sensor wheel 10, tyre diameter too great
04718…..ZBRO……………………………………………..Door 3 / panel 1 open
04719…..EBS…………………….Pressure module intake valve on wheel 7
04719…..ZBRO………………………………………….Door 3 / panel 1 opening
04720…..DIW5…………………………………………Brake request evaluation:
Unknown brake sensor in data record.
04720…..EBS……………………Pressure module intake valve on wheel 7,
valve cannot be switched and is opened
04720…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Door 3 / panel 1 closing
04721…..DIW5…………………….Brake request evaluation: Impermissible
brake sensor combination in data record.
04721…..EBS……………………Pressure module intake valve on wheel 7,
valve cannot be switched and is closed
04721…..ZBRO……………………………………………..Door 3 / panel 2 open
04722…..DIW5…………………………………………Brake request evaluation:
No brake sensor set in data record.
04722…..EBS…………………….Pressure module intake valve on wheel 8
04722…..ZBRO………………………………………….Door 3 / panel 2 opening
04723…..DIW5………………………Brake request evaluation: Invalid brake
sensor priority in data record.
04723…..EBS……………………Pressure module intake valve on wheel 8,
valve cannot be switched and is opened
04723…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Door 3 / panel 2 closing
04724…..DIW5………………..Brake request evaluation: Error that cannot
be diagnosed with greater precision.
04724…..EBS…………………….Pressure module intake valve on wheel 9
04724…..ZBRO……………………………………..Door 3 request stop display
04725…..EBS……………………Pressure module intake valve on wheel 9,
valve cannot be switched and is opened
04725…..ZBRO……………………………………..Door 3 request stop display
04726…..EBS……………………Pressure module intake valve on wheel 9,
valve cannot be switched and is closed
04726…..ZBRO……………………………………………………Door 3 ignition on
04727…..EBS…………………..Pressure module intake valve on wheel 10
04727…..ZBRO………………………………………………..Door 3 entry lighting
04728…..EBS………………….Pressure module intake valve on wheel 10,
valve cannot be switched and is opened
04728…..ZBRO……………………………………………….Door 3 in local mode
04729…..EBS………………….Pressure module intake valve on wheel 10,
valve cannot be switched and is closed
04729…..ZBRO………………………………..Door 3 emergency tap actuated
04730…..DIW5………………………………CAN message TSC1, CAN signal
(override control mode priority)
04730…..EBS…………………………….Brake pad wear connection wheel 2
04730…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Door 3 ready
04731…..EBS…………………………….Brake pad wear connection wheel 3
04731…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Door 3 standstill signal
04732…..EBS…………………………….Brake pad wear connection wheel 4
04732…..ZBRO……………………………………..Door 4 activation (K3-CAN)
04733…..EBS…………………………….Brake pad wear connection wheel 5
04733…..ZBRO……………………………………………..Door 4 / panel 1 open
04734…..EBS…………………………….Brake pad wear connection wheel 6
04734…..ZBRO………………………………………….Door 4 / panel 1 opening
04735…..EBS…………………………….Brake pad wear connection wheel 7
04735…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Door 4 / panel 1 closing
04736…..DIW5……………………….Brake signal source CAN: Brake pedal
 continuously pressed.
04736…..EBS…………………………….Brake pad wear connection wheel 8
04736…..ZBRO……………………………………………..Door 4 / panel 2 open
04737…..DIW5………………..Brake signal source CAN: Error that cannot
be diagnosed with greater precision.
04737…..EBS………………….Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 7
04737…..ZBRO………………………………………….Door 4 / panel 2 opening
04738…..EBS…………………Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 7,
valve cannot be switched and is opened
04738…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Door 4 / panel 2 closing
04739…..EBS…………………Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 7,
valve cannot be switched and is closed
04739…..ZBRO……………………………………..Door 4 request stop display
04740…..DIW5.Brake sensor signal source pedal brake sensor 3-stage
04740…..EBS………………….Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 8
04740…..ZBRO……………………………………………………Door 4 ignition on
04741…..DIW5.Brake sensor signal source infinitely variable (WABCO)
04741…..EBS…………………Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 8,
valve cannot be switched and is opened
04741…..ZBRO………………………………………………..Door 1 entry lighting
04742…..DIW5…………………..Brake sensor signal source parking brake
 sensor 3-stage
04742…..EBS…………………Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 8,
valve cannot be switched and is closed
04742…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Door 4 standstill signal
04743…..EBS………………….Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 9
04743…..ZBRO…………………………………………………Door enable door 1
04744…..EBS…………………Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 9,
valve cannot be switched and is opened
04744…..ZBRO…………………………………………………Door enable door 2
04745…..EBS…………………Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 9,
valve cannot be switched and is closed
04745…..ZBRO…………………………………………………Door enable door 3
04746…..EBS………………..Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 10
04746…..ZBRO…………………………………………………Door enable door 4
04747…..EBS……………….Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 10,
valve cannot be switched and is opened
04747…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Door 4 ready
04748…..EBS……………….Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 10,
valve cannot be switched and is closed
04748…..ZBRO……………………………………………….Door 4 in local mode
04749…..EBS…………………..Pressure module backup valve on wheel 7
04749…..ZBRO………………………………..Door 4 emergency tap actuated
04750…..EBS………………….Pressure module backup valve on wheel 7,
valve cannot be switched and is closed
04750…..ZBRO……………………………………..Door 4 request stop display
04751…..EBS…………………..Pressure module backup valve on wheel 8
04751…..ZBRO……………..Door 4 request stop by person with disability
04752…..EBS………………….Pressure module backup valve on wheel 8,
valve cannot be switched and is closed
04752…..ZBRO……………………………….Door 2 interior sign/exterior sign
04753…..EBS…………………..Pressure module backup valve on wheel 9
04753…..ZBRO…………………….Door 2 preliminary storage request stop
04754…..EBS………………….Pressure module backup valve on wheel 9,
valve cannot be switched and is closed
04754…..ZBRO……………………………….Door 3 interior sign/exterior sign
04755…..EBS…………………Pressure module backup valve on wheel 10
04755…..ZBRO…………………….Door 3 preliminary storage request stop
04756…..EBS………………..Pressure module backup valve on wheel 10,
valve cannot be switched and is closed
04756…..ZBRO…………………………………………………Enable 20:00 hours
04757…..EBS……..Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 7, offset
04757…..ZBRO…………………………………………………Enable 20:00 hours
04758…..EBS…….Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 7, signal
04758…..ZBRO……………………………………….Enable 20:00 hours check
04759…..EBS……..Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 8, offset
04759…..ZBRO………………………………………………….Door 1 malfunction
04760…..EBS…….Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 8, signal
04760…..ZBRO……………………………………………………….Door 1 warning
04761…..EBS……..Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 9, offset
04761…..ZBRO………………………………………………….Door 2 malfunction
04762…..EBS…….Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 9, signal
04762…..ZBRO……………………………………………………….Door 2 warning
04763…..EBS……Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 10, offset
04763…..ZBRO………………………………………………….Door 3 malfunction
04764…..EBS…..Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 10, signal
04764…..ZBRO……………………………………………………….Door 3 warning
04765…..EBS………………………Wheel 9: Brake performance monitoring
04765…..ZBRO………………………………………………….Door 4 malfunction
04766…..EBS…………………….Wheel 10: Brake performance monitoring
04766…..ZBRO……………………………………………………….Door 4 warning
04767…..EBS………………Wheel 9 in conjunction with ABS logic: ABS is
demanding insufficient brake pressure
over an implausibly long time
04767…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Door 1 auxiliary button
04768…..EBS…………….Wheel 10 in conjunction with ABS logic: ABS is
demanding insufficient brake pressure
over an implausibly long time
04768…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Door 2 auxiliary button
04769…..EBS…………………………Wheel 9 in conjunction with ABS logic:
Wheel speed error
04769…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Waiting room
04770…..EBS……………………….Wheel 10 in conjunction with ABS logic:
 Wheel speed error
04770…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Waiting room
04771…..EBS…………….Wheel 9 in conjunction with ABS logic: Change
between active and inactive ABS intervention too fast
04771…..ZBRO…………………….Door 1 preliminary storage request stop
04772…..EBS…………..Wheel 10 in conjunction with ABS logic: Change
between active and inactive ABS intervention too fast
04772…..ZBRO……………………………….Door 1 interior sign/exterior sign
04773…..EBS……………………..External sequential fault: Time overrun in
communication with trailer control unit 3
04773…..ZBRO……………………………………..Switch doors back to active
04774…..EBS……………………..External sequential fault: Time overrun in
communication with trailer control unit 4
04774…..ZBRO……………………………………..Switch doors back to active
04775…..EBS……………………..External sequential fault: Time overrun in
communication with trailer control unit 5
04775…..ZBRO……………………………………………Door manual/automatic
04776…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 7:
Pressure comparison plausibility error: Request is
greater than the measured pressure
04776…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Request stop display 2
04777…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 8:
Pressure comparison plausibility error: Request is
greater than the measured pressure
04777…..ZBRO…………………………………………………………..Door 2 block
04778…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 9:
Pressure comparison plausibility error: Request is
greater than the measured pressure
04778…..ZBRO………………………………………Door 1 constrained closing
04779…..EBS…………… Pressure module pressure control on wheel 10:
Pressure comparison plausibility error: Request is
greater than the measured pressure
04779…..ZBRO………………………………………Door 2 constrained closing
04780…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 7:
Pressure comparison plausibility error: Measured
pressure is greater than request
04780…..ZBRO………………………………………Door 3 constrained closing
04781…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 8:
Pressure comparison plausibility error: Measured
pressure is greater than request
04781…..ZBRO………………………………………Cancel stop request button
04782…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 9:
Pressure comparison plausibility error: Measured
pressure is greater than request
04782…..ZBRO…………………………………………Block door 3 20:00 hours
04783…..EBS……………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 10:
Pressure comparison plausibility error: Measured
pressure is greater than request
04783…..ZBRO……………………………………………….Baby carriage door 3
04784…..EBS………………..Pressure regulating module pressure control
on wheel 7: Full braking test
04784…..ZBRO…………………………………….Cancel baby carriage door 3
04785…..EBS………………..Pressure regulating module pressure control
on wheel 8: Full braking test
04785…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Ramp weight overload
04786…..EBS………………..Pressure regulating module pressure control
on wheel 9: Full braking test
04786…..ZBRO…………………………………………………Stop request chime
04787…..EBS………………..Pressure regulating module pressure control
on wheel 10: Full braking test
04787…..ZBRO……………………………………………Switch off chime switch
04788…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 7:
Mismatch between pressure module pressure
and supply pressure
04788…..ZBRO……………………………………………….Emergency exit door
04789…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 8:
Mismatch between pressure module pressure
and supply pressure
04790…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 9:
Mismatch between pressure module pressure
and supply pressure
04791…..EBS……………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 10:
Mismatch between pressure module pressure
and supply pressure
04792…..EBS…………………………..Pressure regulating module pressure
control on wheel 7: Temporary backup test
04793…..EBS…………………………..Pressure regulating module pressure
control on wheel 8: Temporary backup test
04794…..EBS…………………………..Pressure regulating module pressure
control on wheel 9: Temporary backup test
04795…..EBS…………………………..Pressure regulating module pressure
control on wheel 10: Temporary backup test
04796…..EBS…………………………..Pressure regulating module pressure
control on wheel 7: Temporary brake test
04797…..EBS…………………………..Pressure regulating module pressure
control on wheel 8: Temporary brake test
04798…..EBS…………………………..Pressure regulating module pressure
control on wheel 9: Temporary brake test
04799…..EBS…………………………..Pressure regulating module pressure
control on wheel 10: Temporary brake test
04800…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 7:
Implausible pressure differential right/left
04800…..ZBR2…………………………………….Status signal, central locking
04801…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 8:
Implausible pressure differential right/left
04801…..ZBRO………………………….Central locking left checkback open
04802…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 9:
Implausible pressure differential right/left
04802…..ZBRO………………………………………….Open central locking left
04803…..EBS…………… Pressure module pressure control on wheel 10:
Implausible pressure differential right/left
04803…..ZBRO………………………………………….Open central locking left
04804…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 7:
Implausible pressure when no braked applied
04804…..ZBRO……………………………………………Lock central locking left
04805…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 8:
Implausible pressure when no braked applied
04805…..ZBRO……………………………………………Lock central locking left
04806…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 9:
Implausible pressure when no braked applied
04806…..ZBRO………………………..Central locking left checkback locked
04807…..EBS……………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 10:
Implausible pressure when no braked applied
04807…..ZBRO………………………..Central locking right checkback open
04808…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 7:
Implausible pressure at end of braking
04808…..ZBRO………………………………………..Open central locking right
04809…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 8:
Implausible pressure at end of braking
04809…..ZBRO………………………………………..Open central locking right
04810…..DIW5…………………………………Evaluation gear selection range
04810…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 9:
Implausible pressure at end of braking
04810…..ZBRO…………………………………………Lock central locking right
04811…..EBS…………… Pressure module pressure control on wheel 10:
Implausible pressure at end of braking
04811…..ZBRO…………………………………………Lock central locking right
04812…..DIW5……….Evaluation gear selection range: Gear information
from button switch outside permitted value range
or CAN signal requested gear or requested range
outside the permitted value range.
04812…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 7:
Implausible intake valve actuation
04812…..ZBRO………………………Central locking right checkback locked
04813…..DIW5……….Evaluation gear selection range: Gear information
from button switch incorrect or CAN signals requested
gear or requested range return an error identification.
04813…..EBS_5…………..Pressure module pressure control on wheel 8:
Implausible intake valve actuation
04813…..OUZBRO………………………………………Central locking flaps left
04813…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Central locking flaps left
04814…..DIW5…….Evaluation gear selection range: Error in plausibility
check within the gearbox control unit or CAN
signals requested
gear and requested range are contradictory.
04814…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 9:
Implausible intake valve actuation
04814…..ZBRO…………………………………………Central locking flaps right
04815…..DIW5……….Evaluation gear selection range: Error that cannot
be diagnosed with greater precision.
04815…..EBS……………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 10:
Implausible intake valve actuation
04815…..ZBRO…………………………………………………….CL flaps left fault
04816…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 7:
Implausible exhaust valve actuation
04816…..ZBRO…………………………………………………..CL flaps right fault
04817…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 8:
Implausible exhaust valve actuation
04818…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 9:
Implausible exhaust valve actuation
04819…..EBS……………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 10:
Implausible exhaust valve actuation
04820…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 7:
Residual pressure detected
04821…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 8:
Residual pressure detected
04822…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 9:
Residual pressure detected
04823…..EBS……………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 10:
Residual pressure detected
04824…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 7,
checksum error in external flash memory
04825…..DIW5………………………………………………………..Supply voltage
04825…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 7,
outdated driver software
04826…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 8,
inconsistent driver software version between ECU
and boot loader
04827…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 8,
checksum error in external flash memory
04828…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 8,
outdated driver software
04829…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 9,
inconsistent driver software version between ECU
and boot loader
04830…..DIW5……………………………………………………Reference voltage
04830…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 9,
checksum error in external flash memory
04831…..DIW5……………………….Reference voltage: Undervoltage Uref.
04831…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 9,
outdated driver software
04832…..DIW5…………………………Reference voltage: Overvoltage Uref.
04832…..EBS……………………Pressure module control unit on wheel 10,
inconsistent driver software version between
ECU and boot loader
04833…..DIW5……..Reference voltage: Error that cannot be diagnosed
with greater precision.
04833…..EBS……………………Pressure module control unit on wheel 10,
checksum error in external flash memory
04834…..EBS……………………Pressure module control unit on wheel 10,
outdated driver software
04835…..EBS……………Supply voltage brake pad wear sensor wheel 9:
Short circuit to ground
04836…..EBS………….Supply voltage brake pad wear sensor wheel 10:
Short circuit to ground
04837…..EBS……………Supply voltage brake pad wear sensor wheel 9:
was deactivated
04838…..EBS………….Supply voltage brake pad wear sensor wheel 10:
was deactivated
04839…..EBS……………………Pressure module supply cable to wheel 7:
Current magnitude too high
04840…..EBS……………………Pressure module supply cable to wheel 8:
Current magnitude too high
04841…..EBS……………………Pressure module supply cable to wheel 9:
Current magnitude too high
04842…..EBS………………….Pressure module supply cable to wheel 10:
Current magnitude too high
04843…..EBS………………………………….Brake pad wear sensor wheel 9:
Monitoring of brake pad wear signal (decreasing)
between the axles of the vehicle
04844…..EBS………………………………..Brake pad wear sensor wheel 10:
Monitoring of brake pad wear signal (decreasing)
between the axles of the vehicle
04845…..EBS………………………………….Brake pad wear sensor wheel 9:
Monitoring of brake pad wear signal (decreasing)
within the axles
04846…..EBS………………………………..Brake pad wear sensor wheel 10:
Monitoring of brake pad wear signal (decreasing)
within the axles
04847…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 9:
Axle load sensor electrical power supply
is not switched on
04848…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 9:
Axle load sensor electrical power supply short circuit
to terminal 30
04849…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 9:
incorrect / inconsistent data record parameter
04850…..DIW5……………………………….Software module event memory:
Data record value
is set to ‘0’ which is not permitted.
04850…..EBS………….CAN signal brake on wheel 9: No communication
04851…..DIW5……………………………….Software module event memory:
An error was detected in the software when checking
the EventTab event table.
04851…..EBS……………………Pressure module control unit on wheel 10:
Axle load sensor electrical power supply
is not switched on
04852…..DIW5……………………………….Software module event memory:
A signalled event is in the EventTab event
table without reference.
04852…..EBS……………………Pressure module control unit on wheel 10:
Axle load sensor electrical power supply short circuit
to terminal 30
04853…..DIW5……………………………….Software module event memory:
There is no reference in the form of a DTC column in the
EventTab event table as the basis for the OEM_ID_ data
record value. The non-referenced data record value is
specified in the system description.
04853…..EBS…….Pressure module control unit on wheel 10: incorrect /
inconsistent data record parameter in EEPROM
04854…..DIW5…………………..Software module event memory: A defect
was detected in the event memory structure.
The structure has been set up again.
This means any stored events have been lost.
04854…..EBS………..CAN signal brake on wheel 10: No communication
04855…..DIW5…………….Software module event memory: A diagnostic
object is signalling multiple instances of one error type.
04855…..EBS Pressure regulating valve left: implausible activation time
04856…..DIW5…………………..Software module event memory: The size
of a system description of a diagnostic object is greater
than the available memory space.
04856…..EBS……………………Pressure regulating valve left intake valve:
Short circuit between the connections
04857…..DIW5………….Software module event memory: Buffer overrun
of the (reentrant-capable) event memory or calls of the
(non-reentrant-capable) event memory
outside the time slices.
04857…..EBS………………….Pressure regulating valve right: implausible
activation time
04858…..EBS…………………Pressure regulating valve right intake valve:
Short circuit between the connections
04859…..EBS……………….. Pressure regulating valve left exhaust valve:
Short circuit between the connections
04860…..DIW5……………..Gearshift manager: Invalid gearshift program
in data record.
04860…..EBS………………Pressure regulating valve right exhaust valve:
Short circuit between the connections
04861…..DIW5…………………….Gearshift manager: Invalid dynamic tyre
radius in data record.
04861…..EBS…………………Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 6,
valve cannot be switched and is closed
04862…..DIW5…….Gearshift manager: Invalid axle ratio in data record.
04862…..EBS…………………J1939 (driveline CAN): Time overrun or fault
condition in communication with engine
control unit (SA=0x00)
04863…..DIW5………Gearshift manager: Invalid maximum gear hunting
time in data record.
04863…..EBS…………………………..Brake pad wear connection wheel 10
04864…..DIW5…………..Gearshift manager: Invalid maximum time for a
forced downshift in data record.
04864…..EBS……………Pressure module intake valve on wheel 8, valve
cannot be switched and is closed
04865…..DIW5…………………..Gearshift manager: Incorrectly configured
gearshift program in data record.
04865…..EBS………… Central control unit EEPROM: Implausible values
in ‘General ABS configuration’ block
04866…..DIW5…………………….Gearshift manager: Error that cannot be
diagnosed with greater precision.
04866…..EBS……………..Central control unit EEPROM: Checksum error
in ‘General ABS configuration’ block
04900…..ZBRO………………………………………………………Sun blind down
04901…..ZBRO………………………………………………..Sun blind down high
04902…..ZBRO…………………………………………………Sun blind down low
04903…..ZBRO…………………………………………………………..Sun blind up
04904…..ZBRO……………………………………………………Sun blind up high
04905…..DIW5………………………………CAN 1 — hardware: Invalid bitrate.
04905…..ZBRO……………………………………………………..Sun blind up low
04909…..DIW5………CAN 1 — hardware: Error that cannot be diagnosed
with greater precision.
04910…..DIW5…….CAN 2 — hardware: Memory test of CAN controller 2
was unsuccessful or defect within CAN
controller 2 (RAM test).
04911…..DIW5…….CAN 2 — hardware: Occurrence of BUS-OFF states.
Failures of CAN bus by occurrence of BUS-OFF states.
04912…..DIW5..CAN 2 — hardware: Occurrence of BUS warning states.
04913…..DIW5……..CAN 2 — hardware: At least one message could not
be sent within timeout time of send messages.
04914…..DIW5………CAN 2 — hardware: Send buffer overrun or pipeline
sending messages of CAN controller 2 is full.
04915…..DIW5………………………………CAN 2 — hardware: Invalid bitrate.
04919…..DIW5………CAN 2 — hardware: Error that cannot be diagnosed
with greater precision.
04931…..DIW5…………CAN protocol SAE J1939: Invalid CAN controller
number in data record.
04949…..DIW5……………CAN protocol SAE J1939: Error that cannot be
diagnosed with greater precision.
04960…..DIW5…………………………….CAN protocol VOITH private CAN:
Timeout of message TC1 (Transmission Control 1).
04961…..DIW5…………………………….CAN protocol VOITH private CAN:
Timeout of message INPUT VALUES 0.
04962…..DIW5…………………………….CAN protocol VOITH private CAN:
Timeout of message INPUT VALUES 1.
04963…..DIW5…………………………….CAN protocol VOITH private CAN:
Timeout of message INPUT VALUES 2.
04964…..DIW5…………………………….CAN protocol VOITH private CAN:
Timeout of message CMD_Response.
04969…..DIW5…………………………….CAN protocol VOITH private CAN:
Error that cannot be diagnosed with greater precision.
05000…..ECO2………………………………………ZF environmental condition
05000…..HDS…………………………….Air pressure after nozzle evaluation
05000…..ZBR2…………………….Audio-visual warning device and display
05000…..ZFR……………………………CAN data bus: EDC message EEC1
05001…..CRT………………………………CAN message engine temperature
05001…..ECO2………………………………………ZF environmental condition
05001…..HDS…………………………………………..Compressed air pressure
05001…..RAS…………………………………………………………..Oil level check
05001…..WSK…………………………….Retarder accumulator charge valve
05001…..ZBR2…………………………………..Check, instrumentation failure
05001…..ZFR………………….CAN data bus: Torque converter and clutch
system message Transmission Fluid WSK
05002…..CRT…………………………………………………CAN message EEC1
05002…..HDS……………………Temperature ahead of catalytic converter
05002…..RAS………………………………….Steering angle sensor front axle
05002…..WSK……………………….Valve of torque converter lockup clutch
05002…..ZBRO………………………………….Alarm level red (prio. 1) check
05002…..ZFR……………………..CAN data bus: EDC message Eng Temp
05003…..CRT…………………………………………………..CAN message BAM
05003…..HDS………………………….Temperature after catalytic converter
05003…..RAS……………………….Steering angle sensor steered rear axle
05003…..ZBRO…………………………………………Switch off display lighting
05003…..ZFR…..CAN data bus: EDC message Inlet Exhaust Condition
05004…..CRT…………………………………………………………CAN messages
05004…..HDS………………………………………………………….Urea pressure
05004…..RAS………………Speedometer / EBC speed signal comparison
05004…..WSK………………………………………..Retarder proportional valve
05004…..ZBRO……………………………………………Display dimming (0-15)
05004…..ZFR…………………CAN data bus: Tachograph message TCO1
05005…..CRT……………………………………….Exhaust temperature sensor
05005…..HDS……………………………..Urea temperature in pump module
05005…..RAS……………………………………………………………Shut-off valve
05005…..WSK………………………………..Retarder proportional valve, fault
05005…..ZBRO………………………………Display dimming bottom pressed
05005…..ZFR……………….CAN data bus: Retarder message ERC1_RE
05006…..CRT……………………………Exhaust differential pressure sensor
05006…..HDS…………………………………………………………EEPROM error
05006…..RAS……………………………………….Control valve working circuit
05006…..WSK…………………………Output earth return proportional valve
05006…..ZBRO……………………………………Display dimming top pressed
05006…..ZFR……………….CAN data bus: Retarder message ERC1_RX
05007…..CRT……………………………………Charge air temperature sensor
05007…..HDS…………………………………………….Freezing cycles counter
05007…..RAS……..Deviation from setpoint in steering angle of rear axle
05007…..ZBRO……………………………………………………Display change 1
05007…..ZFR……………….CAN data bus: Retarder message ERC1_RD
05008…..CRT………………………………………………..Engine brake butterfly
05008…..HDS………………………………………………………….Emergency off
05008…..RAS………………………………………Monitoring circuit control unit
05008…..WSK…………………………………………..Turbine speed: No signal
05008…..ZBRO……………………………………………………Display change 2
05008…..ZFRCAN data bus: Retarder message Ret_Config_BAM (RE)
05009…..CRT……………………CRT temperature too low for regeneration
05009…..HDS……………………………………………Detection of frozen lines
05009…..RAS………………….Working circuit control unit for valve control
05009…..WSK……………………………..Sensor, cooling water temperature
05009….. ZBRO…………………………………………………………………….. Horn
05009…..ZFR……………………………….CAN data bus: Retarder message
 Ret_Config_Packet (RE)
05010…..CRT…………………………CRT is not regenerating although filter
temperature is correct
05010…..HDS……………………………………..Nitrogen oxide (NOx) sensor
05010…..WSK……….Read-back current of the proportional valve output
05010….. ZBRO…………………………………………………………………….. Horn
05010…..ZFRCAN data bus: Retarder message Ret_Config_BAM (RX)
05011…..CRT…………………………..CRT is blocked and must be cleaned
05011…..HDS……………………………………………..Heating return flow line
05011…..WSK…………………….Vehicle electrical system voltage (TL 30)
05011…..ZBRO…………………………………………………………………..Horn a
05011…..ZFR……………………………….CAN data bus: Retarder message
 Ret_Config_Packet (RX)
05012…..CRT………………………………………….CRT temperature too high
05012…..ECO2……………………………………………………Load sensor (A3)
05012…..HDS……………………………………………….Compressed air valve
05012…..RAS…………………………………CAN signal, speedometer speed
05012…..WSK…………………….Vehicle electrical system voltage (TL 15)
05012…..ZBRO…………………………………………………………………..Horn b
05012…..ZFR……………………………….CAN data bus: Retarder message
 Ret_Config_BAM (RD)
05013…..CRT…………………………………..Charge air temperature outside
permitted tolerance range
05013…..ECO2……………………………………………Voltage output (5V) AU
05013…..HDS……………………………………………………Heating supply line
05013…..RAS…………………………………..CAN signal, EBC vehicle speed
05013…..ZBRO………………………………………..Supply instrument lighting
05013…..ZFR……………………………….CAN data bus: Retarder message
 Ret_Config_Packet (RD)
05014…..CRT…………………………………………………CAN message EEC3
05014…..ECO2……………………………………..Retarder control lever (A12)
05014…..HDS……………………………………………………………inner heating
05014…..RAS………………………………………….CAN signal, engine speed
05014…..ZBRO…………………………………..Display day/night changeover
05014…..ZFR……………CAN data bus: Tachograph message TimeDate
05015…..CRT…………………………………………..CAN message time / date
05015…..ECO2………………………………………………………..Voltage failure
05015…..HDS……………………………………Heating pressure equalisation
05015…..RAS…………………………………………………….CAN signal, weight
05015…..WSK…………………………….Checksum operating hours counter
05015…..ZBRO………………………………………………….Buzzer alarm level
05015…..ZFR….CAN data bus: Tachograph message Vehicle Distance
05016…..CRT…………………………………CAN message vehicle clearance
05016…..ECO2………………..Switch retarder (retarder pedal digital S12)
05016…..HDS…………………………………………………………..Pump heating
05016…..RAS……………………………………………….CAN signal, lifting axle
05016…..WSK……………………………………………Checksum fault memory
05016…..ZBRO………………………………………….Buzzer function indicator
05017…..CRT……………………………………………………………..AGR throttle
05017…..ECO2…………………………….Retarder temperature sensor (B4)
05017…..HDS………………………………………………..Heating pressure line
05017…..RAS………………………………………….CAN signal, parking brake
05017…..WSK…………………………..Data bus, message EEC2 from FFR
05017…..ZBRO………………………………….Buzzer advance warning level
05018…..CRT…………………………………………………..Internal system fault
05018…..ECO2……………………………….Sump temperature sensor (B14)
05018…..HDS………………………………………………….Urea metering valve
05018…..RAS……………………………CAN signal, bus transmitter-receiver
05018…..WSK……………………………………………………………Engine brake
05018…..ZBRO……………………Adv. warning level yellow (prio. 2) check
05019…..CRT……………………………………….EEPROM memory defective
05019…..HDS……………………………………………………Urea heating valve
05019…..RAS…………………………………………..Calibrate parameter value
05019…..WSK………………………………..Internal system error control unit
05019…..ZBRO………………………………………….On-board diagnosis fault
05020…..CRT………………………………Exhaust temperature after the filter
05020…..HDS……………………………….Nitrogen fill level plausibility error
05020…..RAS…………………………………………ZF environmental condition
05020…..WSK………………….Data bus, message TSC1 (braking torque)
05020…..ZBRO………………………………………On-board diagnosis enable
05021…..CRT…………………………………………………CAN message ETC 1
05021…..ECO2………………………..Output to gear element A valve (Y17)
05021…..HDS…………………………………………………………….Pump speed
05021…..WSK………………………………..CAN data bus, memory overflow
05021…..ZBRO……………………………………………………Horn changeover
05022…..CRT……………………………………CRT filter burnt out or not fitted
05022…..ECO2………………………..Output to gear element B valve (Y16)
05022…..HDS……………………………………..Air supply valve output stage
05022…..WSK………………………………………..CAN data bus, switched off
05022…..ZBRO……………………………………………………Horn changeover
05023…..ECO2……………………….Output to gear element C valve (Y15)
05023…..HDS…………………………………………………………Blocked nozzle
05023…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Horn changeover check
05024…..ECO2……………………….Output to gear element D valve (Y14)
05024…..HDS…………………………………..Air pressure sensor plausibility
05024…..WSK……………………………CAN data bus, receive confirmation
05024…..ZBRO……………………………………………….Outside temperature
05025…..ECO2………………………..Output to gear element E valve (Y13)
05025…..HDS…………………………….Compressed air fault during startup
05025….. RAS………………………………………………………………..Calibration
05025…..WSK…………………………..Data bus, message EEC1 from FFR
05025…..ZBRO…………………………………………………………….Ice warning
05026…..ECO2………………………..Output to gear element F valve (Y12)
05026…..HDS………………………………Blockage of compressed air valve
05026…..RAS…………………………………………………Ambient temperature
05027…..ECO2……………………….Output to gear element G valve (Y11)
05027…..HDS…………………………………….Compressed air not plausible
05027…..RAS………………………….Rear axle too close to measured stop
05027…..WSK…………………………………Data bus, message ETC1_TCU
05028…..ECO2……………………………Output to torque converter lock-up
clutch WK valve (Y18)
05028…..HDS……………………Temperature ahead of catalytic converter
05028…..WSK………..Data bus, message TC1_TWSK from ASTRONIC
05029…..ECO2………………….Output to retarder accumulator valve (Y2)
05029…..HDS………………………………………………………….Hydraulic fault
05029…..WSK………………………………….Time / date message from TCO
05030…..HDS………………………………….Pump motor fault during startup
05030…..WSK……………………………….Data bus, mileage (km) message
05031…..ECO2……………………………..Output to engine brake relay (K1)
05031…..HDS………………………………………………………Pump motor fault
05032…..ECO2………………………………..Output to gear signal relay (K2)
05032…..HDS…………………..Temperatures not plausible during startup
05033…..ECO2…………………………………….Output to gear signal relay 2
05033…..HDS……………………………………….Urea pressure not plausible
05034…..ECO2……………………………..Output to speed signal relay (K3)
05034…..HDS…………………………Urea temperature of metering module
05035…..ECO2………………………………….Output to speed signal relay 2
05035…..HDS……………………………………..Urea temperature of the tank
05036…..ECO2…………………………..Output to power take-off valve (Y3)
05036…..HDS…………………..Air supply valve implausible during startup
05037…..ECO2…………………..Output to accelerator interlock valve (Y4)
05037…..HDS……………………………………..Air supply valve not plausible
05038…..ECO2……………………………..Output to load enable relay (K11)
05038…..HDS……………………………….External 12 V supply voltage fault
05039…..ECO2………………………….Output to detent solenoid relay (K4)
05041…..ECO2……………………………………Output to selector lever lamp
05042…..ECO2……………………………..Output ADVP (continuous signal)
05043…..ECO2………………….Output to retarder brake lamp relay (K10)
05044…..ECO2…………………..Output to proportional solenoid D1 (Y20)
05045…..ECO2……………..Output to retarder proportional solenoid (Y1)
05046…..ECO2………………………………………………….Selector lever (A2)
05047…..ECO2…………………….Speedo signal output via pin SD2 (A10)
05048…..ECO2…………………………………………………PWM interface (A8)
05049…..ECO2………………………………………..EEPROM data checksum
05051…..ECO2…………………………………………..CAN B application CAN
05051…..HDS…………………………………………………..Urea quality sensor
05052…..ECO2……………….System fault electronic control unit EST146
05053…..ECO2…………………………..Malfunction SAE J 1708 (BUSOFF)
05054…..ECO2…………………………….Malfunction SAE J 1708 (warning)
05055…..ECO2………………………………………………..CAN A vehicle CAN
05056…..ECO2……………………………..Output to retarder on valve (Y19)
05057…..ECO2…………………………………………………..Input speed (B13)
05058…..ECO2…………………………………………………Output speed (B11)
05059…..ECO2………………………………………Gearbox input speed (B12)
05062…..ECO2…………………………………………..Retarder identifier (B16)
05063…..ECO2………………………………………………………Gearbox coding
05064…..ECO2…………………………………………..Gearbox slip monitoring
05065…..ECO2……………………………………..Retarder outlet temperature
05066…..ECO2………………………………………………….Sump temperature
05067…..ECO2……………………………….Digital output (AD) not occupied
05068…..ECO2……………………………………..Central shut-off device ZAE
05071…..ECO2…………………………………….Temperature warning output
05072…..ECO2…………………………….PWM signal oil level sensor (B15)
05073…..ECO2…………………………………….Temperature warning output
05074…..ECO2…………………………………….Temperature warning output
05075…..ECO2…………………………………………Retarder sensor ‘Manual’
(retarder control lever digital S12)
05076…..ECO2…………………………………………….Gear element slip time
05077…..ECO2……………………………………………TSC1_TE specification
05079…..ECO2……………………………………………………Operating voltage
05080…..HDS…..Limit value error for exhaust mass and nitrogen oxide
05081…..ECO2………………………..Output relay selector lever ‘Neutral 1’
05082…..ECO2………………………..Output relay selector lever ‘Neutral 2’
05083…..ECO2………………………………………Output relay reversing light
05084…..ECO2………………………..EEPROM data customer (checksum)
05085…..ECO2……………………………….Output to status monitoring (H1)
05086…..ECO2…………………..Output ‘Neutral at standstill (NBS) active’
05091…..ECO2………………………….Special function 1 set in parameters
05093…..ECO2………….D1 shift pressure adaptation upshift under load
05094…..ECO2…………D1 shift pressure adaptation coasting downshift
05095…..ECO2……………………………………………….Shift time adaptation
05096…..ECO2…………………………………….Contact pressure adaptation
05098…..ECO2………………………….Special function 2 set in parameters
05100…..HDS ……………………………………………………………………Dummy
05100….. ZBRO…………………………………………………………………….Radio
05100…..ZFR……………………………………………………………Additional fan
05101….. ZBRO…………………………………………………………………….Radio
05101…..ZFR…………………………………………………………………..Main fan
05102…..ZBRO…………………………………………………………..Radio check
05102…..ZFR……………………………………………….Additional compressor
05103…..ZBRO…………………………….Loudspeaker changeover external
05103…..ZFR……………………………………………Speed-dependent output
05104…..ZBRO…………………………….Loudspeaker changeover external
05104…..ZFR……………………………………………………Additional fan valve
05105…..ZBRO…………………………Loudspeaker changeover ext. check
05106…..ZBRO……………………………………………………………..PA system
05107…..ZBRO……………………………………………………………..PA system
05108…..ZBRO……………………………………………………PA system check
05109…..ZBRO………………………………………..Input alarm system active
05110…..HDS………………………………………………………….Urea pressure
05110…..ZBRO………………………………………………….Alarm system horn
05111…..HDS………………………………..Compressed air ahead of throttle
05111…..ZBRO……………………………………………………..IBIS BON active
05112…..HDS……………………………………………………………..Engine revs
05112…..ZBRO………………………………………………………..Switch on IBIS
05113…..HDS………………………………………………………Metering volume
05113…..ZBRO…………………………………………………IBIS transmit active
05114…..HDS ……………………………………………………………………..Status
05114…..ZBRO………………………………………..IBIS external loudspeaker
05115…..ZBRO……………………………………………………..IBIS mike active
05116…..ZBRO……………………………………..IBIS control input 1 (output)
05117…..ZBRO……………………………………..IBIS control input 2 (output)
05118…..ZBRO…………………………………………………………………IBIS call
05119…..ZBRO……………………………………………………….IBIS call active
05120…..HDS…………………………Monitoring error in monitoring module
05120…..ZBRO……………………………………………IBIS acknowledgement
05121…..ZBRO…………………………………..IBIS acknowledgement active
05122…..ZBRO…………………………………………………..IBIS door criterion
05126…..ZBRO………………………………………………Switch canceller OFF
05127…..ZBRO………………………………………………Output canceller OFF
05128…..ZBRO…………………………………………………….Switch IBIS OFF
05129…..ZBRO…………………………………………………….Output IBIS OFF
05130…..ZBRO……………………………………………….Switch coin box OFF
05131…..ZBRO……………………………………………….Output coin box OFF
05200…..ZBRO………………………………………………….. Driver’s area door
05201…..ZBRO………………………………………………….. Driver’s area door
05202…..ZBRO………………………………………….Driver’s area door check
05203…..ZBRO…………………………………………Driver’s area door buzzer
05204…..ZBRO……………………………………………Destination box lighting
05205…..ZBRO……………………………………………Destination box lighting
05206…..ZBRO………………………………….Destination box lighting Check
05207…..ZBRO…………………………Paying console/driver’s area lighting
05208…..ZBRO…………………………Paying console/driver’s area lighting
05209…..ZBRO………………..Paying console/driver’s area lighting check
05210…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Paying console socket
05211…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Paying console socket
05212…..ZBRO……………………………………Paying console socket check
05213…..ZBRO…………………………………………Paying console lighting 1
05215…..ZBRO……………………………………………….Driver’s area lighting
05216…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Driver’s area lighting 1
05217…..ZBRO……………………………………………….Driver’s area lighting
05218…..ZBRO……………………………Paying console activation coin box
05219…..ZBRO……………………………Paying console activation coin box
05300…..ZBRO………………………………Economy circuit front-end heater
05301…..ZBRO…………………………….Front-end heater circulating pump
05302…..ZBRO………………………….Front-end heater inclined seat valve
05303…..ZBRO………………………………………………………..Roof ventilator
05304…..ZBRO…………………………………………………..Roof ventilator left
05305…..ZBRO…………………………………………………Roof ventilator right
05306…..ZBRO……………………………………………………Roof duct heating
05307…..ZBRO……………………………………………….Roof duct ventilation
05308…..ZBRO……………………………………………………Roof hatch check
05309…..ZBRO……………………………………………Roof hatch 1 rear open
05310…..ZBRO……………………………………………Roof hatch 1 rear open
05311…..ZBRO………………………………….Roof hatch 1 completely open
05312…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Roof hatch 1 front open
05313…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Roof hatch 1 front open
05314…..ZBRO……………………………………………Roof hatch 2 rear open
05315…..ZBRO……………………………………………Roof hatch 2 rear open
05316…..ZBRO………………………………….Roof hatch 2 completely open
05317…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Roof hatch 2 front open
05318…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Roof hatch 2 front open
05319….. ZBRO………………………………………………………………….Heating
05320…..ZBRO……………………………………….Air-conditioning requested
05321…..ZBRO……………………………………………………Cool driver’s area
05322…..ZBRO………………………………………Coolant valve driver’s area
05323…..ZBRO…………………………..Set driver’s area to recirculating air
05324…..ZBRO…………………….Recirculation ventilation hatch front-end
05325…..ZBRO………………………………………Roof duct blower reduction
05326…..ZBRO……………………………………..Ice warning air-conditioning
05327…..ZBRO……………………………………………….Air-conditioning fault
05328…..ZBRO…………………………………………………Set roof to fresh air
05329…..ZBRO……………………………………………Ventilation hatch roof +
05330…..ZBRO……………………………………………..Compressor activated
05331…..ZBRO……………………………………..Input check air-conditioning
05332…..ZBRO………………………..Air conditioning idling speed increase
05333…..ZBRO…………………………….Engine running to air-conditioning
05334…..ZBRO………………………………….Terminal 58 to air-conditioning
05335…..ZBRO………………………….Air-conditioning circulating pump on
05336…..ZBRO…………………….Inclined seat valve from air-conditioning
05337…..ZBRO…………………………….Auxiliary heater to air-conditioning
05338….. ZBRO…………………………………………………………….. Ventilation
05339…..ZBRO…………………………………Passenger area heater stage 1
05340…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Heater fan 1 left stage 1
05341…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Heater fan 2 left stage 1
05342…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Heater fan 3 left stage 1
05343…..ZBRO………………………………………Heater fan 2a right stage 1
05344…..ZBRO………………………………………Heater fan 2b right stage 1
05345…..ZBRO…………………………………Passenger area heater stage 2
05346…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Heater fan 1 left stage 2
05347…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Heater fan 2 left stage 2
05348…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Heater fan 3 left stage 2
05349…..ZBRO………………………………………Heater fan 2a right stage 2
05350…..ZBRO………………………………………Heater fan 2b right stage 2
05351…..ZBRO……………………………………….Heater fan 2c right stage 2
05352…..ZBRO………………………………Interior thermostat (low=heating)
05353…..ZBRO………………………………Circulating pump a cooling water
05354…..ZBRO………………………………Circulating pump b cooling water
05355…..ZBRO………………………………Inclined seat valve cooling water
05356…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Valve convector heating
05357…..ZBRO……………………………………………..Auxiliary heater check
05358…..ZBRO……………………………….Auxiliary heater economy circuit
05359…..ZBRO……………………………………Auxiliary heater pre-set timer
05360…..ZBRO……………………………………Auxiliary heater pre-set timer
05361…..ZBRO…………………………..Auxiliary heater water v./circ. pump
05362…..ZBRO………………………………………………………..Roof ventilator
05363…..ZBRO………………………………………………………..Roof ventilator
05364…..ZBRO………………………………………………………..Roof ventilator
05365…..ZBRO……………………………………………………..Roof ventilator a
05366…..ZBRO……………………………………………………..Roof ventilator b
05367…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Ventilation hatch roof —
05368…..ZBRO……………………………………….Set roof to recirculating air
05369…..ZBRO…………………………Recirculation ventilation hatch roof +
05370…..ZBRO………………………….Recirculation ventilation hatch roof —
05371…..ZBRO……………………………………………Interior thermostat fault
05372…..ZBRO…………………….Air-conditioning auxiliary heater request
05373…..ZBRO…………………………………Passenger area heater stage 1
05374…..ZBRO…………………………………Passenger area heater stage 2
05375…..ZBRO………………………………Interior thermostat (low=heating)
05376…..ZBRO……………………………..Interior thermostat (high=heating)
05377…..ZBRO…………………………………………………Roof ventilator fault
05378…..ZBRO……………………………………………….Auxiliary heater fault
05379…..ZBRO……………………………………………….Air-conditioning fault
05380…..ZBRO………………………………..Driver’s fan switched off or fault
05381…..ZBRO……………………………………………………..Driver’s fan fault
05382…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Pedestal heater stage 1
05383…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Pedestal heater stage 2
05384…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Pedestal heater stage 1
05385…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Pedestal heater stage 2
05386…..ZBRO…….Sw. driver’s fan 2nd stage switched off or defective
05387…..ZBRO…………………………………………………Driver’s fan stage 1
05388…..ZBRO…………………………………………………Driver’s fan stage 2
05389…..ZBRO……………………………………………Roof hatch 3 rear open
05390…..ZBRO……………………………………………Roof hatch 3 rear open
05391…..ZBRO………………………………….Roof hatch 3 completely open
05392…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Roof hatch 3 front open
05393…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Roof hatch 3 front open
05394…..ZBRO……………………………………………Water pump requested
05395…..ZBRO……………………………………Parking lights heating control
05396…..ZBRO…Auxiliary heater requested via passenger area heater
05397…..ZBRO………………………………….Recirculation/ventilation hatch
05398…..ZBRO………………………………….Recirculation/ventilation hatch
05399…..ZBRO………………………………Interior thermostat forebody fault
05400…..ZBRO……………………………………..Driver’s seat heating switch
05401…..ZBRO……………………………………………….Driver’s seat heating
05402…..ZBRO……………………………………………………………….ATC fault
05403…..ZBRO……………………………Air-conditioning system lower deck
05404…..ZBRO…………………………..Air-conditioning system upper deck
05500…..HDS……………………………………..CAN error (no AAI message)
05500…..ZBRO……………………………………………………….Window heater
05501…..HDS……………………………………CAN error (no ABC message)
05501…..ZBRO……………………………………………………….Window heater
05502…..HDS……………………………………..CAN error (no ATI message)
05502…..ZBRO…………………………………………………………Mirror heaters
05503…..HDS………………………………….CAN error (no EEC1 message)
05503…..ZBRO……………………………………………………..Mirror heater left
05504…..HDS…………………………………….CAN error (no ETP message)
05504…..ZBRO…………………………………………………..Mirror heater right
05505…..HDS………………………………….CAN error (no CEXH message)
05505…..ZBRO………………………………………………..Door window heater
05506…..HDS…………………………………….CAN error (no FEC message)
05506…..ZBRO……………………………………………..Door window heater a
05507…..HDS……………………………………..CAN error (no IEC message)
05507…..ZBRO……………………………………………..Door window heater b
05508…..HDS……………………………………CAN error (no NO1 message)
05508…..ZBRO……………………………………………..Door window heater c
05509…..HDS……………………………………CAN error (no PRO message)
05509…..ZBRO……………………………………………..Door window heater d
05510…..HDS………………………………….CAN error (no CTDA message)
05510…..ZBRO………………………………………………….Windscreen heater
05511…..HDS………………………………..Control unit or ‘Heating on’ faulty
05511…..ZBRO………………………………………………….Windscreen heater
05512…..HDS………………………………….CAN error (no CVDR message)
05513…..HDS…………………………………CAN error (no CUQS message)
05600…..KSM…………………………………………………………………Cab lock.
05600…..ZBR2…………………………………………………………………Cab lock
05700…..ZBR2………………………………………………….ACC rated distance
05800…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Check CSR2
05801…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Check CSR2
05802…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Check CSR3
05803…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Check CSR3
05804…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Check CSR4
05805…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Check CSR4
05806…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Check CSR5
05807…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Check CSR5
05808…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Check CSR6
05809…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Check CSR6
05810…..ZBRO…………………………………..Switch CSR1 bottom pressed
05811…..ZBRO…………………………………..Switch CSR1 bottom pressed
05812…..ZBRO………………………………………..Switch CSR1 top pressed
05813…..ZBRO………………………………………..Switch CSR1 top pressed
05814…..ZBRO………………………………………………..Switch CSR1 check
05815…..ZBRO…………………………………..Switch CSR2 bottom pressed
05816…..ZBRO…………………………………..Switch CSR2 bottom pressed
05817…..ZBRO………………………………………..Switch CSR2 top pressed
05818…..ZBRO………………………………………..Switch CSR2 top pressed
05819…..ZBRO………………………………………………..Switch CSR2 check
05820…..ZBRO…………………………………..Switch CSR4 bottom pressed
05821…..ZBRO…………………………………..Switch CSR4 bottom pressed
05822…..ZBRO………………………………………..Switch CSR4 top pressed
05823…..ZBRO………………………………………..Switch CSR4 top pressed
05824…..ZBRO………………………………………………..Switch CSR4 check
05825…..ZBRO…………………………………..Switch CSR5 bottom pressed
05826…..ZBRO…………………………………..Switch CSR5 bottom pressed
05827…..ZBRO………………………………………..Switch CSR5 top pressed
05828…..ZBRO………………………………………..Switch CSR5 top pressed
05829…..ZBRO………………………………………………..Switch CSR5 check
05830…..ZBRO…………………………………..Switch CSR6 bottom pressed
05831…..ZBRO…………………………………..Switch CSR6 bottom pressed
05832…..ZBRO………………………………………..Switch CSR6 top pressed
05833…..ZBRO………………………………………..Switch CSR6 top pressed
05834…..ZBRO………………………………………………..Switch CSR6 check
05835…..ZBRO…………………………………..Switch CSR7 bottom pressed
05836…..ZBRO…………………………………..Switch CSR7 bottom pressed
05837…..ZBRO………………………………………..Switch CSR7 top pressed
05838…..ZBRO………………………………………..Switch CSR7 top pressed
05839…..ZBRO………………………………………………..Switch CSR7 check
05840…..ZBRO…………………………………..Switch CSR8 bottom pressed
05841…..ZBRO…………………………………..Switch CSR8 bottom pressed
05842…..ZBRO………………………………………..Switch CSR8 top pressed
05843…..ZBRO………………………………………..Switch CSR8 top pressed
05844…..ZBRO………………………………………………..Switch CSR8 check
05900…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Speed signal
05901…..ZBRO…………………………………………………..Speed signal fault
05902…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Speed signal
06000…..ZBR2……………………………………..TCO1 message, tachograph
06001…..ZBR2……………………………………………………………………… ACC
06002…..ZBR2………………………………………………………………Date / time
06003…..ZBR2……………………………Road speed governing, road speed
06004….. ZBR2………………………………………………………. Instrumentation
06005…..ZBR2……………………………………………….EBC1 message, EBS
06006…..ZBR2…………………………………………..ECAS1 message, ECAS
06007…..ZBR2………………………………………….ECAM1 message, ECAM
06008…..ZBR2……………………………………………….EEC1 message, FFR
06009…..ZBR2……………………..ERC_RD message, secondary retarder
06010…..ZBR2………………………….ERC_RE message, primary retarder
06011…..ZBR2………………………………………………….Engine oil pressure
06012…..ZBR2………………………………………………..Coolant temperature
06013…..ZBR2…………………Ambient conditions missing, FFR message
06014….. ZBR2……………………………………………………………………….FFR
06015…..ZBR2……………………………………EBC2 missing message, EBS
06016…..ZBR2……………………………………EBC3 missing message, EBS
06017…..ZBR2……………………………………EBC4 missing message, EBS
06018…..ZBR2………………………………………………Engine speed missing
06019…..ZBR2……………………………………ETC1 missing message, FFR
06020…..ZBR2……………………………………ETC2 missing message, FFR
06021…..ZBR2……………………………………ETC3 missing message, FFR
06022…..ZBR2……..Fuel consumption missing, total fuel consumption /
consumption since last reset
06023…..ZBR2………………..Fuel economy missing, fuel consumption in
litres per hour
06024…..ZBR2………………………Inlet/exhaust conditions missing, boost
pressure information
06025…..ZBR2…TC1_FT missing, FFR message to automatic gearbox
06026…..ZBR2…..ACC1 message missing, display message from ACC
06027…..ZBR2………..Aux_stat_ZBR_1 not on T-CAN, switch message
1 not on T-CAN
06028…..ZBR2…………Aux_stat_ZBR_1 not on I-CAN, switch message
1 not on I-CAN
06029…..ZBR2……………Dash display/fuel not on I-CAN, cleaning water
tank display
06030…..ZBR2…….ERC1_RX missing, engine brake message missing
from FFR
06032…..ZBR2…………Aux_stat_ZBR_2 not on I-CAN, switch message
2 not on I-CAN
06033…..ZBR2…………Aux_stat_ZBR_3 not on I-CAN, switch message
3 not on I-CAN
06034…..ZBR2……. Reserved Aux_stat_ZBR_4 not on I-CAN, reserved
switch message 4 not on I-CAN
06035…..ZBR2………Vehicle electrical power not on CAN, voltage term.
30 and 15 from EDC via FFR
06036…..ZBR2…………Retarder_Fluids RD missing, secondary retarder
fill level missing
06037…..ZBR2…………Retarder_Fluids RE missing, primary retarder fill
level missing
06038…..ZBR2………..EEC2 message missing, electronic engine check
2 missing
06039…..ZBR2……………Transmission_Fluids missing, gearbox fill level
06040…..ZBR2………………Vehicle weight (EBS) missing, rear axle load
(EBS) missing
06041…..ZBR2……………Vehicle weight (ECAS) missing, vehicle weight
(ECAS) missing
06042…..ZBR2……………………….No engine configuration (multipacket),
no engine configuration
06043…..ZBR2………..SPN reply message (MAN request) not on I-CAN
06044…..ZBR2………..SPN reply message (MAN request) not on I-CAN
06045…..ZBR2………………………………..ECAM1 message not on T-CAN
(ECAM auxiliary function only),
reservoir pressures not on T-CAN
06046…..ZBR2Torque converter and clutch system (WSK) no message
06047…..ZBR2……..T-CAN fault: VDC1 message could not be received
06048…..ZBR2…………………………………………I-CAN ETC2 no message
06050…..ZBR2………….DM-1 ZBR2 message could not be sent (I-CAN)
06051…..ZBR2…………………..DM-1 message vehicle error memory and
data memory (OBDU) could not be sent
06052…..ZBR2………………….I-CAN error: No chassis number message
06053…..ZBR2…….T-CAN error: KSM2 message could not be received
06054…..ZBR2…..Vehicle weight message from EBS could not be sent
06055…..ZBR2………………………………ECAS message failure (ASC1_A)
06056…..ZBR2………………………………..ECAS message failure (RGE21)
06057…..ZBR2…………………………I-CAN error: No door check message
06058…..ZBR2…………..Aux_stat_Inst_2 not on I-CAN Switch message
2 not on I-CAN
06059…..ZBR2……………………………………………….ESP message failure
06060…..ZBR2……….ECAS message failure (ASC3) height information
06061…..ZBR2…Vehicle weight message from ECAS could not be sent
06062…..ZBR2…..Vehicle weight message from EBS could not be sent
06110…..ZBRO……………………………………………………Status IKN active
06111…..ZBRO……………………………………Status node 1.1 fault number
06112…..ZBRO……………………………………Status node 1.2 fault number
06113…..ZBRO……………………………………Status node 1.3 fault number
06114…..ZBRO……………………………………Status node 1.4 fault number
06115…..ZBRO……………………………………Status node 1.5 fault number
06116…..ZBRO……………………………………Status node 1.6 fault number
06117…..ZBRO……………………………………Status node 1.7 fault number
06118…..ZBRO……………………………………Status node 1.8 fault number
06121…..ZBRO……………………………………Status node 2.1 fault number
06122…..ZBRO……………………………………Status node 2.2 fault number
06123…..ZBRO……………………………………Status node 2.3 fault number
06124…..ZBRO……………………………………Status node 2.4 fault number
06125…..ZBRO……………………………………Status node 2.5 fault number
06126…..ZBRO……………………………………Status node 2.6 fault number
06127…..ZBRO……………………………………Status node 2.7 fault number
06128…..ZBRO……………………………………Status node 2.8 fault number
06202…..ZBR2………………………I-CAN fault: Aux_stat_ZBR_2 message
could not be sent
06203…..ZBR2………………………I-CAN fault: Aux_stat_ZBR_3 message
could not be sent
06204…..ZBR2.I-CAN fault: Modified message ETC2 could not be sent
06205…..ZBR2….I-CAN fault: Dash Display message could not be sent
06206…..ZBR2…………T-CAN fault: ECAM1 message could not be sent
06207…..ZBR2………….I-CAN fault: ECAM1 message could not be sent
06208…..ZBR2…….I-CAN fault: DM1 ZBR2 message could not be sent
06209…..ZBR2……I-CAN fault: DM1 OBDU message could not be sent
06250…..ZBR2……………………………………………no CAN message buffer
06251…..ZBR2…………………………………….CAN message not evaluated
06280…..ZBR2……………………………ROM test (program code) incorrect
06281…..ZBR2………………………..ROM test (EOL parameters) incorrect
06302…..ZBR2……………………………………………….Serial communication
06303…..ZBR2…………………………………………………………T CAN ground
06304…..ZBR2………………T-CAN warning level, temporary fault T-CAN
06305…..ZBR2………………..I-CAN warning level, temporary fault I-CAN
06320…..ZBRO…………………………….Status EBS (T-CAN) fault number
06321…..ZBRO……………………..Status engine control (T-CAN) fault no.
06322…..ZBRO………………………………Status gearbox (T-CAN) fault no.
06323…..ZBRO…………………………………………Status MTS fault number
06324…..ZBRO………………………………Status retarder (T-CAN) fault no.
06325…..ZBRO…………………………..Status ECAS (T-CAN) fault number
06326…..ZBRO………………………..Status door 1 (K3-CAN) fault number
06327…..ZBRO………………………..Status door 2 (K3-CAN) fault number
06328…..ZBRO………………………..Status door 3 (K3-CAN) fault number
06329…..ZBRO………………………..Status door 4 (K3-CAN) fault number
06393…..ZBRO……………………….Status K3-CAN fault no. (new: 01673)
06394…..ZBRO…………………………….Status FFR (T-CAN) fault number
06395…..ZBRO…………………………Status ECAS2 (T-CAN) fault number
06396…..ZBRO……………………………………………..Status CBR2 (T-CAN)
06397…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Status ECAM (T-CAN)
06400….. ZBRO………………………………………………………………….Monitor
06401….. ZBRO………………………………………………………………….Monitor
06402…..ZBRO…………………………………………………..Reversing camera
06403…..ZBRO…………………………………………………..Reversing camera
06500…..ZBRO…………………………………………………………..Snow chains
06501…..ZBRO…………………………………………………………..Snow chains
06502…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Emergency exit window
06600….. ZBRO……………………………………………………………………Galley
06601…..ZBRO………………………………………………………Coffee machine
06602….. ZBRO……………………………………………………………………. Toilet
06603…..ZBRO………………………………………………………Winter package
08000…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Oil separator
08001…..ZBRO………………………………….Oil separator middle of vehicle
08002…..ZBRO……………………………………………………Oil separator rear
08003…..ZBRO……………………………….Reservoir pressure BK1 too low
08004…..ZBRO……………………………….Reservoir pressure BK2 too low
08005…..ZBRO……………………………….Reservoir pressure BK4 too low
08006…..ZBRO…………………..Reservoir pressure BK2 sensor defective
08007…..ZBRO…………………..Reservoir pressure BK1 sensor defective
08008…..ZBRO…………………………….Res. pres. BK2 sensor def. or. n.c
08009…..ZBRO…………………………….Res. pres. BK1 sensor def. or. n.c
08010…..ECAM…………………………………..Pressure below warning level
08010…..ZBR2……………………………………Pressure below warning level
08010…..ZBRO……………………….Res. pres. BK1 too low or sensor def.
08011…..ECAM………………………………….Initial filling of circuit 1 – faulty
08011…..ZBRO……………………….Res. pres. BK1 too low or sensor def.
08012…..ECAM………………………………….Initial filling of circuit 2 – faulty
08013…..ECAM………………………………….Initial filling of circuit 3 – faulty
08014…..ECAM………………………………….Initial filling of circuit 4 – faulty
08020…..ECAM…………………………………………….No valid fault definition
08100…..ECAM…………Control unit defective; ROM checksum incorrect
08101…..ECAM………………………………Control unit defective; RAM fault
08101…..INST…………………………………..Total failure of CAN messages
08101…..STON……………Failure of all CAN messages, but no BUSOFF
08102…..ECAM……………………….Control unit defective; calibration data
checksum incorrect
08103…..ECAM……………………….Control unit defective; parameter data
checksum incorrect
08103…..INST………………………………………..CAN message tachograph:
Speed and daily mileage counter
08103…..STON….Failure of message TCO1 (speed, reset trip counter)
08104…..ECAM……………………Pressure, pressure sensor – preliminary
circuit/pressure regulator
08104…..INST……………..CAN message tachograph: Route information
08104…..STON…………………………Failure of Vehicle Distance message
(trip mileage counter, total mileage counter)
08104…..ZBR2………………………………………………………..Previous circuit
08105…..INST……………………….CAN message tachograph: Date / time
08105…..STON………………………………….Failure of Time Date message
(time information from tachograph)
08106…..INST………………………………………………CAN message ECAM:
Brake pressure pickup (ECAM1)
08106…..STON……………………………………..Failure of ECAM1 message
(reservoir pressures for brake)
08107…..INST…………………..CAN message central on-board computer:
 Tank content
08107…..STON………………Failure of Dash Display/Fuel Level message
08108…..INST…………..CAN message EDC: Cooling water temperature
08108…..STON……………………Failure of Engine Temperature message
08109…..INST……………………………CAN message gearbox control unit:
Gear display (ETC2)
08109…..STON………………Failure of ETC2 message (gear information)
08110…..INST………………..CAN message gearbox control unit: Display
of splitter group (gear symbol, ETC3)
08110…..STON…………………..Failure of ETC3 message (splitter group)
08111…..INST…………………………..CAN message EDC: Boost pressure
08111…..STON……………..Failure of Inlet/Exhaust Conditions message
(boost pressure bar)
08112…..INST…………………………….CAN message EDC: Engine speed
08112…..STON……….Failure of EEC1 message (engine speed display)
08113…..INST…………… CAN message vehicle management computer:
Outside temperature
08113…..STON…………………….Failure of Ambient Conditions message
(external temperature display)
08114…..INST…………………….Control unit defective (ICOM total failure)
08114…..STON……………………………..Combi-internal: ICOM total failure
(internal plug connection between PCBs)
08115…..INST…………………………………………………………….Display fault
08116…..INST………………………………………….Stepping motor zero point
08117…..INST……………………..Buffer overrun with DM1 fault messages
08117…..STON………..Combi-internal: Processing error when receiving
DM1 messages: * Buffer overrun * Timeout error *
Sequence number error
08118…..INST………..Control unit defective (EEPROM checksum error)
08118…..STON…………..Combi-internal: Checksum error when reading
EEPROM during ongoing operation
08119…..INST………… Control unit defective (EEPROM checksum error
during initialisation)
08119…..STON…………..Combi-internal: Checksum error when reading
EEPROM in the initialisation phase
08120…..INST………………………………………………….Temperature sensor
08120…..STON…………………..Combi-internal: Temperature outside the
permitted range
08121…..INST…………………..CAN message central on-board computer:
Status message 1
08121…..STON…………………………….Failure of AUX_STAT_1 message
08122…..INST…………………..CAN message central on-board computer:
Status message 2
08122…..STON…………………………….Failure of AUX_STAT_2 message
08123…..INST…………………..CAN message central on-board computer:
Status message 3
08123…..STON…………………………….Failure of AUX_STAT_3 message
08124…..INST…………………..CAN message central on-board computer:
Status message 4
08124…..STON…………………………….Failure of AUX_STAT_4 message
08125…..INST…………………..CAN message central on-board computer:
Status message 5
08125…..STON…………………………….Failure of AUX_STAT_5 message
08126…..INST…………………..CAN message central on-board computer:
Status message 6
08126…..STON…………………………….Failure of AUX_STAT_6 message
08127…..INST…………………..CAN message central on-board computer:
Status message 7
08127…..STON…………………………….Failure of AUX_STAT_7 message
08128…..INST…………………..CAN message central on-board computer:
Status message 8
08128…..STON…………………………….Failure of AUX_STAT_8 message
08129…..INST…………………..CAN message central on-board computer:
DM1 body controller
08129…..STON…Failure of DM1 Body Controller message (monitoring)
08130…..INST………..CAN message EDC: Cruise control vehicle speed
for cruise control function (CCVS)
08130…..STON….Failure of CC/VHS message (cruise control function)
08131…..STON……………………Failure of vehicle identification message
(chassis number)
08132…..STON………Failure of Transmission Fluids exclusive message
or Transmission Fluids converter and clutch unit message
08133…..INST………………..Parameter configuration faulty (consistency,
plausibility, assignment error)
08133…..STON……..Consistency error/plausibility error in configuration
in parameter tables
08134…..INST…………………………………….EOL parameter content: Error
08134…..STON………………………………..Error in EOL parameter content
08135…..STON…………….Failure message tank info 1 (AdBlue fill level)
08200…..STON……Button fault on multifunctional steering wheel (MFL)
08201…..ECAM……………………….Control unit defective; watchdog reset
08201…..STON…..Failure message MFL1 from multifunctional steering
wheel (LIN data bus)
08202…..ECAM………………………………………………………..Heating circuit
08203…..ECAM…………………………………………………Temperature circuit
08204…..ECAM………….Maximum delivery volume without regeneration
exceeded after completion of first fill
08310…..ECAM………….CAN data bus driveline, receive time overrun in
message ‘Wheel-based vehicle speed’ from VMC
08320…..ECAM………………………………..CAN data bus driveline, bus off
08330…..ECAM…………………………CAN data bus driveline, receive time
exceeded in TCO1 message from tachograph
08331…..ECAM……………………CAN data bus driveline, values in ‘TCO1
Vehicle Speed’ message from tachograph not plausible
08340…..ECAM………….CAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded
in EBC1 message from the EBS
08341…..ECAM…………………….CAN data bus driveline, values in EBC1
message from the EBS not plausible
08350…..ECAM…………………………CAN data bus driveline, receive time
violation (too short) in ‘Aux_Stat_ZBR_1’ message
from the central on-board computer
08351…..ECAM……………………………….CAN data bus driveline, value in
‘Aux_Stat_ZBR_1’ message from the central
on-board computer not plausible
08360…..ECAM…………………………CAN data bus driveline, receive time
exceeded in ‘Ambient_Condition’ message from
vehicle management computer
08361…..ECAM……………………………..CAN data bus driveline, values in
‘Ambient air temperature’ message from
vehicle management computer not plausible
08370…..ECAM…………………………………………..CAN data bus driveline,
receive time exceeded in ‘EEC1’
message from the EDC
08371…..ECAM……………………………..CAN data bus driveline, values in
‘EEC1 — act_engine_torque’ message from
the EDC not plausible
08372…..ECAM……………………………..CAN data bus driveline, values in
‘EEC1 — engine_speed’ message from
the EDC not plausible
08380…..ECAM………….CAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded
in ‘Time/Date’ message from tachograph
08381…..ECAM……………………………..CAN data bus driveline, values in
‘Time/Date — Time parameter’ message from
tachograph not plausible
08382…..ECAM……………………………..CAN data bus driveline, values in
Time/Date — Date parameter’ message from
tachograph not plausible
08390…..ECAM………CAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded in
‘High Resolution Vehicle Distance’ message
from tachograph
08391…..ECAM……..CAN data bus driveline, values in ‘High Resolution
Vehicle Distance’ message
from tachograph not plausible


Adaptive Cruise Control………………………………………………………….. ACC
Exhaust-gas recirculation ……………………………………………………….. EGR
Arithmetic Logic Unit………………………………………………………………..ALU
Service brake valve …………………………………………………………………BBV
Belt tensioner…………………………………………………………………………… BT
Control unit network……………………………………………………………….. CAN
Cruise Control Vehicle Speed ………………………………………………..CCVS
Continuously Regenerating Trap (catalytic converter)…………………..CRT
Comfort Shift…………………………………………………………………………….CS
Butterfly valve stipulation (adjustment angle) ………………………………DKV
Diagnostic message ……………………………………………………………….. DM
Drive Neutral Reverse (selector lever/switches for autom. gearbox) DNR
Pressure before radiator ………………………………………………………….. DvK
Speed pickup ………………………………………………………………………… DZG
Electronic Brake System…………………………………………………………..EBS
Electronically Controlled Air Management………………………………..ECAM
Electronically Controlled Air Suspension
(applies to trucks and afterbody of articulated buses) ……………….. ECAS
Electronically Controlled Air Suspension
(applies to forebody of articulated buses)……………………………….ECAS2
Eelctronic control unit …………………………………………………………….. ECU
Electronic Diesel Control ………………………………………………………… EDC
Final speed control ………………………………………………………………… EDR
Electronic Engine Controller ……………………………………………………..EEC
Electrically programmable non-volatile read-only memory ……. EEPROM
Exhaust gas recirculation………………………………………………………… EGR
Electrohydraulic steering system ……………………………………………..EHLA
AS-Tronic lite ……………………………………………………………………… EMOS
End of Line programming …………………………………………………………EOL
Electronic Transmission Control………………………………………………..ETC
Exhaust Valve Brake ……………………………………………………………….EVB
Ride dynamics control ……………………………………………………………..FDR
Vehicle management computer ………………………………………………… FFR
Road speed limiter…………………………………………………………………..FGB
Road speed control………………………………………………………………… FGR
Failure mode identification (fault type)…………………………………………FMI
Closed-loop diesel catalyst ……………………………………………………… GDK
Behr air-conditioner control……………………………………………………… GKR
Urea metering system…………………………………………………………….. HDS
Hydraulic front axle drive (HydroDrive)……………………………………….HVA
Auxiliary speed pickup ……………………………………………………………. HZG
Integrated circuit ……………………………………………………………………….. IC
CAN-connection between the two processors in
main instrument …………………………………………………………………….ICOM
Identification……………………………………………………………………………… ID
Intarder…………………………………………………………………………………… INT
Customer-specific module ………………………………………………………. KSM
Message from customer-specific module…………………………………KSMA
Temperature sensor ……………………………………………………………….. KTY
Data transfer protocol MAN-cats II …………………………………….KWP2000
Lane Guard System…………………………………………………………………LGS
Local Identifier ………………………………………………………………………… LID
Idling speed …………………………………………………………………………… LLR
Microprocessor ………………………………………………………………………… .C
Delivery control rack ………………………………………………………………. MES
Modular door control………………………………………………………………. MTS
On-board diagnostic unit………………………………………………………..OBDU
Parameter group number………………………………………………………… PGN
Pulse width modulation…………………………………………………………..PWM
Rear Axle Steering…………………………………………………………………..RAS
Central tyre inflation system …………………………………………………..RDRA
Secondary retarder………………………………………………………………..Ret-S
Primary retarder…………………………………………………………………….Ret-P
Ship vehicle management computer ………………………………………..SFFR
Side marker light …………………………………………………………………….SML
Suspect Parameter Number ……………………………………………………..SPN
Headlight cleaning system……………………………………………………….SWR
Telematic Board Module…………………………………………………………. TBM
EU tachograph………………………………………………………………………. TCO
Gearbox control unit ………………………………………………………………..TCU
Torque speed control (brake torque) ………………………………………….TSC
Central on-board computer……………………………………………………….ZBR
Intermediate speed control ……………………………………………………….ZDR
FMI Definition
-No fault
-Fault saved
-Intermittent fault
-Fault is present and saved
0 Fault not specified
1 Too high
2 Too low
3 Implausible
4 No signal present
5 Short-circuit to earth
6 Short-circuit to UBatt.
7 Short-circuit
8 Fault signal
9 Fault in component
10 Interruption
11 Not defined
12 Not defined
13 Not defined
14 Not defined
15 Not defined

  1. viktor.srn

    Описание по всем кодам неисправностей

    00001…..all except MTS……………………………Date, time, mileage in km
    00001…..MTS………………………………………….Expansion module door 2
    00002…..MTS………………………………………….Expansion module door 3
    00002…..ZBRO………………………………………………………..Engine Speed
    00003…..MTS………………………………………….Expansion module door 4
    00003…..ZBRO……………………………………………………………Oil pressure
    00004…..MTS………………………………………….Expansion module door 5
    00004…..ZBRO…………………………….Reservoir pressure brake circuit 1
    00005…..MTS…………………………………..Motor/door valve door 1 (front)
    00005…..ZBRO…………………………….Reservoir pressure brake circuit 2
    00006…..MTS……………………………………Motor/door valve door 1 (rear)
    00006…..ZBRO………………………………….Brake pressure brake circuit 1
    00007…..MTS…………………………………..Motor/door valve door 2 (front)
    00007…..ZBRO………………………………….Brake pressure brake circuit 2
    00008…..MTS……………………………………Motor/door valve door 1 (rear)
    00008…..ZBRO………………………………………..Accelerator pedal position
    00009…..MTS…………………………………..Motor/door valve door 3 (front)
    00009…..ZBRO…………………………………………………….Preselected gear
    00010…..MTS……………………………………Motor/door valve door 3 (rear)
    00010…..ZBRO………………………………………………………..Engaged gear
    00011…..MTS…………………………………..Motor/door valve door 4 (front)
    00011…..ZBRO……………………………………….Cooling water temperature
    00012…..MTS……………………………………Motor/door valve door 4 (rear)
    00012…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Tank fill level
    00013…..MTS…………………………………..Motor/door valve door 5 (front)
    00013…..ZBRO…………………………….Reservoir pressure brake circuit 1
    00014…..MTS……………………………………Motor/door valve door 5 (rear)
    00014…..ZBRO…………………………….Reservoir pressure brake circuit 2
    00015…..MTS………………………………………………….Entry lighting door 1
    00015…..ZBRO……………………………………………………On-board voltage
    00016…..MTS………………………………………………….Entry lighting door 2
    00017…..MTS………………………………………………….Entry lighting door 3
    00018…..MTS………………………………………………….Entry lighting door 4
    00019…..MTS………………………………………………….Entry lighting door 5
    00020…..MTS…………………………….Door closing warning device door 1
    00021…..MTS…………………………….Door closing warning device door 2
    00022…..MTS…………………………….Door closing warning device door 3
    00023…..MTS…………………………….Door closing warning device door 4
    00024…..MTS…………………………….Door closing warning device door 5
    00025…..MTS……………………………………………..Ramp activation door 1
    00026…..MTS……………………………………………..Ramp activation door 2
    00027…..MTS……………………………………………..Ramp activation door 3
    00028…..MTS……………………………………………..Ramp activation door 4
    00029…..MTS……………………………………………..Ramp activation door 5
    00030…..MTS……………………………………….Stop request display door 1
    00031…..MTS……………………………………….Stop request display door 2
    00032…..all except MTS………………………………………………Split position
    00032…..MTS……………………………………….Stop request display door 3
    00033…..all except MTS……………………………………Clutch travel sensor
    00033…..MTS……………………………………….Stop request display door 4
    00034…..MTS……………………………………….Stop request display door 5
    00035…..MTS………………………………………..Door enable display door 1
    00036…..MTS………………………………………..Door enable display door 2
    00037…..MTS………………………………………..Door enable display door 3
    00038…..all except MTS……………………………………………Fuel fill level 2
    00038…..MTS………………………………………..Door enable display door 4
    00039…..MTS………………………………………..Door enable display door 5
    00040…..MTS…………………………………………….Workshop switch door 1
    00041…..MTS…………………………………………….Workshop switch door 2
    00042…..MTS…………………………………………….Workshop switch door 3
    00043…..MTS…………………………………………….Workshop switch door 4
    00044…..MTS…………………………………………….Workshop switch door 5
    00045…..MTS………………………………………………..Pressure shaft door 1
    00046…..EMOS………………………………….Cruise control nominal speed
    00046…..MTS………………………………………………..Pressure shaft door 2
    00047…..MTS………………………………………………..Pressure shaft door 3
    00048…..MTS………………………………………………..Pressure shaft door 4
    00049…..MTS………………………………………………..Pressure shaft door 5
    00050…..MTS………………………………………..Stop request button door 1
    00051…..CNG……………………………………………………….Throttle butterfly
    00051…..MTS………………………………………..Stop request button door 2
    00052…..MTS………………………………………..Stop request button door 3
    00053…..MTS………………………………………..Stop request button door 4
    00085…..MTS…………………………………………….Door sensor door 3 rear
    00086…..all except MTS………………………….Road speed, cruise control
    00086…..MTS……………………………………………Door sensor door 4 front
    00087…..MTS…………………………………………….Door sensor door 4 rear
    00088…..MTS……………………………………………Door sensor door 5 front
    00089…..MTS…………………………………………….Door sensor door 5 rear
    00090…..MTS…………………………………………………………………C3 signal
    00091…..all except MTS……………………………Accelerator pedal position
    00091…..MTS……………………………………Checklamp driver’s workplace
    00092…..all except MTS……………….Current torque to maximum torque
    00092…..MTS………………………………………………………..Pneumatic seal
    00094…..EDC…………………………………………………Fuel supply pressure
    00094…..MTS…………………………………………………….Red/green display
    00095…..MTS……………………………………………….Depressurised buzzer
    00096…..all except MTS……………………………………………Fuel fill level 1
    00096…..MTS…………………………………………………………Bus-stop brake
    00097…..MTS………………………………………..Stop request display driver
    00098…..all except MTS…………………………………………..Engine oil level
    00098…..MTS……………………………………….Baby carriage display driver
    00100…..all…………………………………………………………………Oil pressure
    00102…..all…………………………………………………………….Boost pressure
    00105…..all…………………………………………………Charge air temperature
    00107…..all………………………………………………………….Air filter pressure
    00108…..all…………………………………………………….Barometric Pressure
    00109…..all…………………………………………………Cooling water pressure
    00110…..all…………………………………………………….Coolant temperature
    00111…..all………………………………………………………………Coolant Level
    00119…..RET………………………………………………………Housing pressure
    00120…..DIW5…………………………..Temperature acquisition retarder oil
    00132…..CNG………………………………………………………………….Air mass
    00157…..EDC, Common Rail……………………………..Fuel pressure in rail
    00157…..EDC6, not Common Rail……………………………….Fuel pressure
    00158…..all……………………………..Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched
    00159…..all……………………………………………………Gas Supply Pressure
    00161…..all…………………………………………………….Gearbox input speed
    00168…..all…………………………………………………………….Battery voltage
    00171…..all…………………………………………………….Outside temperature
    00173…..CNG………………………………………Exhaust temperature sensor
    00173…..EDC………………..Exhaust temperature before particulate filter
    00174…..all………………………………………………………….Fuel temperature
    00175…..all………………………………………………….Engine oil temperature
    00177…..all………………………………………Transmission fluid temperature
    00190…..all………………………………………………………………Engine speed
    00191…..all………………………………………………….Gearbox output speed
    00228…..RAS………………………………….Speed speedometer and sensor
    00245…..all……………………………………………………………Vehicle mileage
    00359…..all…………………………………………………Kickdown switch signal
    00512…..EMOS……………………………………………..Driver request torque
    00513…..all………………………………………………………………Engine torque
    00514…..CRT…………………………………………………………..Friction torque
    00514…..EMOS………………………….’Engine friction loss moment’ signal
    00518…..all……………………………………………………….Requested Torque
    00520…..all…………………………………………………Current retarder torque
    00521…..all………………………………………………………Brake pedal setting
    00523…..all………………………………………………………………..Current gear
    00525…..EMOS……………………………………………….Nominal gear signal
    00544…..CRT…………………………………………Faulty engine speed signal
    00556…..all…………………………………….Reference torque of the retarder
    00558…..all…………………………………………Unladen driving switch signal
    00560…..CRT…………………………………………………CAN message ETC 1
    00561…..all……………………………………………..ASR engine check switch
    00562…..all……………………………………………….ASR brake check switch
    00563…..all…………………………………………………………ABS active signal
    00572…..all……………………………………….Retarder switch shift assistant
    00578…..all………………………………………………….Rear axle temperature
    00582…..all…………………………………………………………………….Axle load
    00595…..all……………………………………………Cruise control active signal
    00597…..all………………………………………………………Brake switch signal
    00598…..KSM………………………………………………….Clutch switch signal
    00601…..all……………………………..Road speed governor resume switch
    00603…..EBS………………………………………Pedal brake module switch 2
    00609…..EBS…………………………………Central control unit — B-controller
    00609…..EDC…………………………………………………………….Engine CAN
    00617…..all…………………………………………………….Parking brake output
    00620…..RAS………….Electrical power supply to steering angle sensors
    00627…..EBS………..Monitoring of voltage supply on PIN X1/16 — X1/17
    00627…..RAS………………………………………….Voltage supply terminal 30
    00629…..all………………………………………No text! Specific to control unit
    00637…..all……………………………………………………………..Timing Sensor
    00638…..all……………………………………………………………..Rack Actuator
    00639…..all…………………………………………………….Sae J1939 Data Link
    00645…..EBS..External sequential fault: Time overrun or fault condition
    in communication with tachograph on CAN (SA=0xEE)
    00645…..RAS…………………………………………………..Speedometer signal
    00647…..all…………………………………………………………………..Fan clutch
    00651…..CNG………………………………………..Injection valve of cylinder 1
    00651…..EDC…………………………………………………………Solenoid valve:
    4-cylinder engine: Cyl. 1;
    6-cylinder engine: Cyl. 1;
    8-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 1, slave cyl. 5;
    10-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 1, slave cyl. 6;
    12-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 1, slave cyl. 12
    00652…..CNG………………………………………..Injection valve of cylinder 2
    00652…..EDC…………………………………………………………Solenoid valve:
    4-cylinder engine: Cyl. 3;
    6-cylinder engine: Cyl. 5;
    8-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 2, slave cyl. 7;
    10-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 5, slave cyl. 10;
    12-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 5, slave cyl. 8
    00653…..CNG………………………………………..Injection valve of cylinder 3
    00653…..EDC…………………………………………………………Solenoid valve:
    4-cylinder engine: Cyl. 4;
    6-cylinder engine: Cyl. 3;
    8-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 3, slave cyl. 6;
    10-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 2, slave cyl. 7;
    12-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 3, slave cyl. 10
    00654…..CNG………………………………………..Injection valve of cylinder 4
    00654…..EDC…………………………………………………………Solenoid valve:
    4-cylinder engine: Cyl. 2;
    6-cylinder engine: Cyl. 6;
    8-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 4, slave cyl. 8;
    10-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 3, slave cyl. 8;
    12-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 6, slave cyl. 7
    00655…..CNG………………………………………..Injection valve of cylinder 5
    00655…..EDC…………………………………………………………Solenoid valve:
    6-cylinder engine: Cyl. 2;
    10-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 4, slave cyl. 9;
    12-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 2, slave cyl. 11
    00656…..CNG………………………………………..Injection valve of cylinder 6
    00656…..EDC…………………………………………………………Solenoid valve:
    6-cylinder engine: Cyl. 4;
    12-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 4, slave cyl. 9
    00697…..all……………………………………..Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal
    00698…..all……………………………………..Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal
    00699…..all…………………….Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal
    00702…..KSM………………….Earth switch output, adjustable parameters
    00703…..KSM…………Switch terminal 30 output, adjustable parameters
    00704…..KSM………Switch 2 terminal 30 output, adjustable parameters
    00705…..KSM………Switch 3 terminal 30 output, adjustable parameters
    00706…..KSM………Switch 4 terminal 30 output, adjustable parameters
    00707…..KSM………Switch 5 terminal 30 output, adjustable parameters
    00708…..KSM……………….Earth switch 2 output, adjustable parameters
    00709…..KSM……………….Earth switch 3 output, adjustable parameters
    00711…..EDC………………………………………….Duration of main injection
    00723…..all……………………………………….Auxiliary engine speed sensor
    00731…..CNG………………………………………………………..Knock sensor 1
    00734…..all…………………………………………………Solenoid valve circuit 1
    00735…..all…………………………………………………Solenoid valve circuit 2
    00736…..all…………………………………………………Solenoid valve circuit 3
    00737…..all…………………………………………………Solenoid valve circuit 4
    00738…..all………………………………….Solenoid valve pressure regulator
    00739…..all………………………………………….Solenoid valve regeneration
    00743…..RET………………………………………………………………On/off valve
    00744…..RET……………………………………………………..Proportional valve
    00746…..EBS……………….Differential lock valve (differential lock switch)
    00748…..all………………………………………………………..Retarder actuated
    00764…..RET………………………………Pressure sensor housing pressure
    00767…..all………………………….Transmission Reverse Direction Switch
    00770…..all………………………………………………………………………..Split H
    00771…..all…………………………………………………………………………Split L
    00773…..all…………………………………………………………………DNR switch
    00780…..all………………………………………………Gearbox neutral indicator
    00789…..EBS………………………………………………..Wheel sensor wheel 1
    00790…..EBS………………………………………………..Wheel sensor wheel 2
    00791…..EBS………………………………………………..Wheel sensor wheel 3
    00792…..EBS………………………………………………..Wheel sensor wheel 4
    00793…..EBS………………………………………………..Wheel sensor wheel 5
    00794…..EBS………………………………………………..Wheel sensor wheel 6
    00833…..all…………………………………………….Fuel Rack Position Sensor
    00835…..RAS…………………………………………………………..Oil level signal
    00876…..GKR………………………………………………..Compressor coupling
    00877…..GKR………………………………….Evaporator temperature sensor
    00898…..all……………………………………….Maximum speed limiter switch
    00904…..all………………………………………………………….Front axle speed
    00929…..TPM…………………………………………………………………Tyre data
    00932…..EBS…………………….Pressure regulating valve left intake valve
    00933…..EBS………………….Pressure regulating valve right intake valve
    00938…..EBS………………….Pressure regulating valve left exhaust valve
    00939…..EBS……………….Pressure regulating valve right exhaust valve
    00944…..AB…………………………………………………Driver’s airbag (loop 1)
    00944…..all except airbag…………………..No text! Specific to control unit
    00946…..AB……………………………………………………………left BT (loop 2)
    00946…..all except airbag…………………..No text! Specific to control unit
    00948…..AB…………………………………………………………………..SRS lamp
    00948…..all except airbag…………………..No text! Specific to control unit
    00959…..all ……………………………………………………………………..Seconds
    00960…..all ……………………………………………………………………… Minutes
    00961…..all ………………………………………………………………………… Hours
    00962…..all …………………………………………………………………………….Day
    00963…..all …………………………………………………………………………Month
    00964…..all ………………………………………………………………………….. Year
    01131…..EDC……………………..Charge air temperature ahead of engine
    01210…..all………………………………………No text! Specific to control unit
    01213…..KSM…………………………………………………….Checklamp output
    01231…..CRT……………………………………………………………..Engine CAN
    01231…..EDC…………………………………………………………….Engine CAN
    01235…..all……………………………………………………….J 1939 Network #3
    01352…..CNG…………………………………………….Knock control cylinder 1
    01353…..CNG…………………………………………….Knock control cylinder 2
    01354…..CNG…………………………………………….Knock control cylinder 3
    01355…..CNG…………………………………………….Knock control cylinder 4
    01356…..CNG…………………………………………….Knock control cylinder 5
    01357…..CNG…………………………………………….Knock control cylinder 6
    01376…..all……………………………………………………….Tl. 30-1 connected
    01485…..HDS……………………………………………..Main relay switched off
    01542…..HDS……………………………………Voltage supply metering valve
    01624…..all…………………………………………………………………Road speed
    01669…..KSM…………………………………………………………..A-CAN busoff
    01673…..ZBRO…………………………………………………Status body 3 CAN
    01675…..EMOS………………………………………………..’Engine start’ signal
    01676…..ZBR2…….No ‘Break light request’ signal in ERC_RX (timeout)
    01761…..HDS……………………………………………………..Urea fill level tank
    02000…..OBDU…………………………………No text! Specific to control unit
    02001…..OBDU……………………………………………EDC slave not on CAN
    02003…..OBDU……………………………………………….Gearbox not on CAN
    02009…..OBDU………………….MAN Hydro Drive control unit not on CAN
    02011…..OBDU………….EBS not on CAN (pneumatic backup operation)
    02015…..OBDU…………………………………….Retarder engine not on CAN
    02016…..OBDU…………………………………..Driveline retarder not on CAN
    02023…..OBDU……………………………………..Instrumentation not on CAN
    02037…..OBDU……………………………………….Radio module not on CAN
    02039…..OBDU…………………………………………………….FFR not on CAN
    02042…..OBDU…………………………………………………….ACC not on CAN
    02047…..OBDU…………………………………………………..ECAS not on CAN
    02048…..OBDU………………………………………………….ECAM not on CAN
    02051…..OBDU………..Tyre pressure control system (TPM) not on CAN
    02056…..OBDUControl unit of the steering rear axle (RAS) not on CAN
    02061…..OBDU..Control unit of the exhaust post-treatment not on CAN
    02062…..OBDU…………………………………………………….ESP not on CAN
    02064…..OBDU………………………………………………..ECAS 2 not on CAN
    02067…..OBDUTorque converter and clutch system (WSK) not on CAN
    02114…..OBDU…………………………………………………….VSM not on CAN
    02120…..OBDU…………………………………………………….ZFR not on CAN
    02232…..OBDU………………………………..Lane guard system not on CAN
    02238…..OBDU………………………………………….Tachograph not on CAN
    02251…..OBDU……………………..Telematic onboard module not on CAN
    02253…..OBDU…………………………………………………….KSM not on CAN
    02987…..INST……………………….Parameter set in combination gauge or
    chassis number in tachograph not adapted to the vehicle
    02987…..STON……………………….Parameter set in instrument cluster or
    in tachograph not adapted
    02987…..ZBR2………..Parameter record in central on-board computer 2
    or chassis number in tachograph not adapted to vehicle
    02999…..ECO2…………………………………………….Retarder reduction if a
    temperature threshold is exceeded
    02999…..RET……………………………Power limit (temperature adaptation)
    03000…..EBS…………………………………………………………………….No fault
    03000…..EHLA……………………………Electronics error function computer
    03000…..KSM……………….CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
    VMC message ETC1.
    03000…..SKG….. Temperature at outfeed of evaporator (KTT n. KTBV)
    03000…..TBM………………………….An unexpected RESET has occurred
    03000…..TPM…………………………………………………………..Tyre pressure
    03000…..ZBR2……………………………………………………………ZBR system
    03001…..ACC…………………………………………….Additional information 1
    03001…..EBS………………..Control unit defective; unknown .C interrupt,
    .C self-test, RAM or ROM test
    03001…..ECAS………………………………………..Control unit (internal fault)
    03001…..EDC…………………………Engine speed sensor, reverse polarity
    03001…..EHLA………………………………..Electronic error safety computer
    03001…..FFR……………………………………..Term. 30, continuous positive
    03001…..GKR……………………………………Interior air temperature sensor
    03001…..KSM……………….CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
    VMC message ETC2.
    03001…..RET……………………….Temperature sensor before engine (T1)
    03001…..SFFR……………………………………………………….Driver’s request
    03001…..SKG.Temperature at outfeed of ice accumulator (KTT n ESP)
    03001…..TBM…………………………………………………Real-time clock TBM
    03001….. TUER …………………………………………………………………. RESET
    03001…..ZBR2………………………………………………….Wake up, computer
    03001…..ZBRO………………………………………………External wake-up ZR
    03002…..ACC…………………………………………….Additional information 2
    03002…..AST…………………………………………………..Y2 valve splitter low
    03002…..EBS………………………………………………..Control unit defective,
    timeout in data exchange .C active – .C passive
    03002…..EDC………………………………………………………..Segment speed
    03002…..EHLA………………………………………….Digital output parameters
    03002…..GKR………………………………….External air temperature sensor
    03002…..KSM……………….CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
    VMC message ETC3.
    03002…..RET………………………….Temperature sensor after engine (T2)
    03002…..SFFR……..Speed request ship vehicle management computer
    03002…..TBM……………………………………………………..Fault in EEPROM
    03002….. TUER ……………………………………….EE_CHECKSUM_ERROR
    03002…..ZBRO…………………………………………….External wake-up1 ZR
    03003…..ACC…………………………………………….Additional information 3
    03003…..AST………………………………………………….Y3 valve splitter high
    03003…..EBS….Control unit defective; redundancy fault .c input signal
    03003…..EDC……………………………………………….Engine speed sensor/
    auxiliary speed sensor swapped over
    03003…..GKR…………………………………Blow-out air temperature sensor
    03003…..KSM……………….CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
    EBS message EBC1.
    03003…..RET….Fault (watchdog drop-out / internal error in control unit)
    03003…..SFFR…………………………………………………………….Terminal 15
    03003…..SKG…………………………………………………………Motor / valve B
    03003…..TBM……………………………………………………..Fault in RAM disk
    03003…..TUER………………………………. SIDE_INFORMATION_ERROR
    03003…..ZBRO…………………………………………….External wake-up2 ZR
    03004…..ACC…………………………………………….Additional information 4
    03004…..AST…………………………………………Y4 valve gate position 3 / 4
    03004…..EBS………………………………………………..Control unit defective,
    checksum data exchange .C active – .C passive
    03004…..EDC…………………………………………………..EGR valve position
    03004…..GKR………………………………..Bypass flap motor potentiometer
    03004…..KSM……………….CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
    EDC message CcVeh_speed.
    03004…..LGS……………………………………………………………….Control unit
    03004…..RET……………………………………….EEPROM (data record fault)
    03004…..SFFR………………………………………………Voltage selector lever
    03004…..SKG…………………………………………………………Motor / valve C
    03004…..TBM………………………………………Operating temperature TBM
    03004….. TUER ……………………………………………………ILLEGAL_STATE
    03004…..ZBRO…………………………………….External wake-up ZR by IKN
    03005…..AST…………………………………………Y5 valve gate position 1 / 2
    03005…..EBS………………………….Control unit defective; EEPROM fault:
    Checksum not correct
    03005…..EDC……………………………………Timeout, message location 13
    03005…..EHLA………………………………………..Proportional valve outputs
    03005…..GKR…………………………………………………………..Heating valve
    03005…..KSM……………….CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
    EDC message EEC1.
    03005…..RET…………………………………………ROM (checksum incorrect)
    03005…..SFFR……………………………………….Voltage pedal value sensor
    03005…..SKG………………………………………………………………Main pump
    03005…..TBM…………………Overcurrent at digital power current outputs
    03005…..TUER………………………………………………….. ILLEGAL_EVENT
    03005…..ZBRO……………………………………………Status ZR fault number
    03006…..AST…………………………………………Y6 valve shift position 1 / R
    03006…..EDC………………………………………………………….Primary speed
    03006…..GKR……………………………..Recirculation ventilation flap motor
    03006…..KSM……………….CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
    EDC message EEC2.
    03006…..RET………………………………….CAN data bus, TSC1 — message
    03006…..SKG…………………………………………………..Recirculating pump
    03006…..TUER…………………………………………………Window lifter motor
    03006…..ZBRO…………………………………………………..K3-CAN activation
    03007…..AST…………………………………………Y3 valve shift position 2 / 3
    03007…..EDC…………………………………………DM4 request, invalid PGN
    03007…..GKR…………………………………………………….Bypass flap motor
    03007…..KSM……………….CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
    EDC message Eng_Temp.
    03007…..RET…………………………………CAN data bus, EEC1 — message
    03007…..SKG………………Communication control element – control unit
    03007…..TUER…………………………………………..right/left switch (mirrors)
    03007…..ZBRO…………………………………………………….T-CAN activation
    03008…..AST……………………………….Y3 valve range-change group low
    03008…..EBS………………………………………………..Control unit defective;
    test transfer from .c to CAN trailer IC
    03008…..EDC………………………..FFR3: Retarder oil temperature invalid
    03008…..EHLA…………………………………………..Sensor supply, deviation
    03008…..GKR……………………………………………….Blower control voltage
    03008…..KSM……………….CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
    EDC message EngFlui_LevPre.
    03008…..RET…………………………………CAN data bus, TCO1 — message
    03008…..SKG………………Filling/bleeding mode not completed correctly
    03008…..TUER………………………………………………Window lifter shut-off
    03008…..ZBRO……………………………………Central computer running on
    03009…..AST………………………………Y3 valve range-change group high
    03009…..EBS..Control unit defective; redundancy fault .c output signal
    03009…..EDC ……………………………………………………………… Overspeed
    03009…..EHLA………..Voltage supply switched on when vehicle moving
    03009…..KSM………………………………………………………….CAN data bus:
    Time overrun when receiving EDC message Amb_Cond.
    03009…..RET…………………………………CAN data bus, ERC1 — message
    03009…..SKG……………………………………………………….Controller mode
    03009…..TUER……………………………………..Mirror adjust time exceeded
    03010…..AST…………………………………………………………Y10 main valve
    03010…..EBS………………………………………………..Control unit defective;
    wheel diameter compensation value not correct
    03010…..ECAS………………..Control unit (checksum ECU-specific data)
    03010…..EDC………………………………….Control deviation, injection start
    03010…..EHLA………………..Signature EOL parameter advance warning
    03010…..FFR…………………….Torque and engine speed limiting system
    03010…..KSM……………….CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
    ECAM message ECAM1.
    03010…..LGS…………………………………………………..Turn indicator signal
    03010…..RET……………………………CAN data bus, start error monitoring
    03010…..SKG…………………………………..On-board voltage (terminal 30)
    03010…..TBM…………………………………………………………No GPS signal
    03010…..TPM………………….Slight leakage: Slight pressure loss at min.
    one tyre > approx. 20 mbar/h
    03010…..TUER…………………………..incorrect CAN command, door lock
    03011…..CNG……………………..Heating probe before catalytic converter
    (output stage)
    03011…..EBS………………………………………………..Control unit defective;
    error in service brake valve characteristic
    03011…..ECAS……………………………Control unit (checksum parameter)
    03011…..EDC……………………………………………….Angle of injection start
    03011…..EHLA…………………………………………Signature EOL parameter
    03011…..FFR…………………………………………………EVB pressure sensor
    03011…..KSM……………….CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
    CBR message Aux_Stat_Zbr1.
    03011…..LGS……………………………………………………….Left loudspeaker
    03011…..TBM……………………………………………………GPS aerial current
    03011…..TPM………………………………..Pressure in left outer tyre, axle 1
    03011…..TUER……………………………………Central locking does not lock
    03012…..EBS………………………………………………..Control unit defective;
    incompatibility in data record version number
    03012…..ECAS.Control unit (checksum calibration data travel sensors)
    03012…..EDC…………………………………………………………….CAN module
    03012…..EHLA……………………………………..Value range EOL parameter
    03012…..KSM……………….CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
    CBR message Time_Date.
    03012…..LGS……………………………………………………..Right loudspeaker
    03012…..RET………………………Pressure from cooler valve (brake lamp)
    03012…..TPM………………………………..Pressure in left inner tyre, axle 1
    03013…..EBS………………………………………………..Control unit defective;
    characteristic in EEPROM not plausible
    03013…..ECAS…………………………………………………………….Control unit
    (checksum calibration data pressure sensors)
    03013…..EDC……………………………………………………………..CAN bus off
    03013…..EHLA………………………………………….Steering pressure sensor
    03013…..KSM……………….CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
    CBR message Veh_Dist.
    03013…..RET……………………………………Axial thrust (outside tolerance)
    03013…..TPM………………………………Pressure in right inner tyre, axle 1
    03014…..EBS………………….Control unit electrical power supply (tl. 30a)
    03014…..EDC……………………………………………………Main relay blocked
    03014…..EHLA………………………………………………………Pressure supply
    03014…..KSM………..CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving C34.
    03014…..LGS……………………………………………..Camera module too hot
    03014…..RET…………………………..Pressure sensor positioning pressure
    03014…..TPM………………………………Pressure in right outer tyre, axle 1
    03015…..EBS………………….Control unit electrical power supply (tl. 30b)
    03015…..ECAS……………..Control unit (checksum permitted axle loads)
    03015…..EDC……………………max. time after TERM. 15 OFF exceeded
    03015…..EHLA…………………………………………..Pressure supply warning
    03015…..KSM……………………………………………………Control unit (RAM)
    03015…..LGS…………………………………Output driver’s seat vibration left
    03015…..TBM……………………………………………………………GSM modem
    03016…..EBS……………………Control unit electrical power supply (tl. 15)
    03016…..ECAS…………………………………………………………….Control unit
    (checksum calibration data acceleration sensors)
    03016…..EDC…………FFR1: Bit error zero quantity due to engine brake
    03016…..KSM……………………………………………………Control unit (ROM)
    03016…..LGS……………………………….Output driver’s seat vibration right
    03017…..AST…………………………………………………………Y1 clutch brake
    03017…..EBS……………………………………..ECU supply (external supply)
    03017…..EDC………………………………….FFR1: Bit error, nominal torque
    03017…..KSM……………………………………………..Control unit (watchdog)
    03018…..AST……………………………….Small valve for opening the clutch
    03018…..EBS…………………….Control unit defective; brake switch 1 or 2
    03018…..EDC…………FFR1: Bit error top-speed governor parameter ID
    03018…..EHLA………………………………………………………..Oil level in tank
    03018…..KSM……………………………..Control unit (EEPROM parameter)
    03019…..AST…………………………………Small valve for closing the clutch
    03019…..EBS……Setpoint sensing (accelerator to brake pedal position)
    03019…..EDC………………..FFR1: EDR min. nominal value not reached
    03019…..EHLA………………………………………………………Oil filter blocked
    03019…..KSM…………………Control unit (internal relay voltage supply or
    short-circuit terminal 30 — terminal 30 switched output
    03020…..AST……………………………….Large valve for opening the clutch
    03020…..EBS………….Faulty supply voltage (5 volts) for analog sensors
    03020…..EDC……………………………FFR1: Bit error, EDR nominal value
    03020…..FFR………………………………….Accelerator pedal, PWM1 signal
    03020…..KSM………………………….Control unit (EEPROM fault memory)
    03020…..SFFR………………………………………………………..Supply voltage
    03020…..TBM…………………………………………………….Breakdown switch
    03020…..TPM……………………….Medium leakage: Pressure loss at min.
    one tyre approx. 80 mbar/h
    03021…..AST…………………………………Large valve for closing the clutch
    03021…..EBS……………Faulty pedal brake module potentiometer signal
    03021…..EDC………………FFR1: Bit error intermediate speed governing
    system parameter ID
    03021…..EHLA………………………………………………CAN message ‘EEC1’
    03021…..FFR………………………………….Accelerator pedal, PWM2 signal
    03021…..KSM……………….CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
    vehicle management computer message Fuel_Cons.
    03021…..SFFR………………………………………………….Pedal value sensor
    03021…..TBM…………………………………………………………….Alarm switch
    03021…..TPM………………………………..Pressure in left outer tyre, axle 2
    03022…..AST….Electrical power supply, speed sensor ASTronic output
    03022…..EBS……………………………………………Faulty axle load sensor 1
    03022…..EDC…………………………………………..FFR1: ISG nominal value
    03022…..FFR…………………Accelerator pedal, PWM1 and PWM2 signal
    03022…..KSM……………….CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
    central on-board computer message Dash_Disp.
    03022…..SFFR………………………………………………………….Selector lever
    03022…..TBM……………………………………………………….Chassis number
    03022…..TPM………………………………..Pressure in left inner tyre, axle 2
    03023…..EBS……………………………………………Faulty axle load sensor 2
    03023…..EDC………………….FFR1: Bit error request torque overrevving
    03023…..KSM……………….CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
    EBS/ECAS message Veh_Weight.
    03023…..SFFR……………………………………….Idling speed harmonisation
    03023…..TBM……………………………………………………..Geographic width
    03023…..TPM………………………………Pressure in right inner tyre, axle 2
    03024…..AST……………………….Current WSK retarder torque in percent
    03024…..EBS….Brake pad wear: Incorrect tendency between the axles
    03024…..EBS_K1……………………………….Dynamic pad trend fault axles
    03024…..EDC…………………………FFR1: Bit error, request ramps off/out
    03024…..EHLA…………………………………………………………….Engine revs
    03024…..KSM……………….CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
    vehicle management computer message Eng_Hour/Rev.
    03024…..SFFR…………………………………………………..Default driving unit
    03024…..TBM…………………………………………………….Geographic length
    03024…..TPM………………………………Pressure in right outer tyre, axle 2
    03025…..EBS…………………………….Brake pad wear: Incorrect tendency
    between the wheels of axle 1
    03025…..EBS_K1……………………….Dynamic pad trend fault front axles
    03025…..EDC………………………………………FFR1: reserved Bits & Bytes
    03025…..EHLA…………………..Cab position, impermissible change when
     vehicle moving
    03025…..KSM……………….CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
    tachograph message Veh_Ident.
    03025…..SFFR……………………………………………………………Engine CAN
    03025…..TBM…………………………………………………….GPS position data
    03026…..AST………………………CAN data bus engine configuration from
    the EDC, engine configuration
    03026…..CNG………………….Vehicle management computer message 1
    03026…..EBS…………………………….Brake pad wear: Incorrect tendency
    between the wheels of axle 2
    03026…..EBS_K1……………………….Dynamic pad trend fault rear axle 1
    03026…..EDC…………………………………………………………FFR1: Timeout
    03026…..EHLA……………..Cab position, vehicle moving when swivelling
    03026…..EMOS…………………………Timeout of Engine_Config message
    03026…..KSM……………….CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
    vehicle management computer message Service.
    03026…..SFFR……………………………………………………………MMDS CAN
    03026…..TBM…………………………………………………..CPU TRAP register
    03027…..AST………..CAN data bus engine configuration from the EDC,
    engine configuration
    03027…..EBS…………………………….Brake pad wear: Incorrect tendency
    between the wheels of axle 3
    03027…..EBS_K1……………………….Dynamic pad trend fault rear axle 2
    03027…..EDC…………………………………………………FFR2: Driveline fault
    03027…..EHLA……………………………………………………………Cab position
    03027…..KSM……………….CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
    tachograph message TCO1.
    03027…..SFFR…………………Engine CAN: Time overrun when receiving
    EDC message EDC1
    03028…..AST….CAN data bus retarder check from secondary retarder,
    ERC1_RD (current retarder torque)
    03028…..EBS…………………………….Brake pad wear: Incorrect tendency
    between the wheels of axle 4
    03028…..EBS_K1………………….Dynamic pad trend fault additional axle
    03028…..EDC……………………………FFR2: Nominal torque value too low
    03028…..EHLA……………………Cab position, swivelling is taking too long
    03028…..KSM……………….CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
    vehicle management computer message ERC1_RX.
    03028…..SFFR…………………Engine CAN: Time overrun when receiving
    EDC message EDC2
    03029…..AST………………………………CAN data bus retarder check from
    secondary retarder, ERC1
    (additional heating of the engine,
    engine coolant load increase)
    03029…..EBS………………………………………………………….SPN undefined
    03029…..EDC……………………………FFR2: Bit error, nominal idling value
    03029…..EHLA……………………Emergency steering pump, no oil volume
    03029…..EMOS…………………………..’Request engine speed increase in
    braking mode’ signal
    03029…..KSM……………….CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
    tachograph message BAM_MTCO_VIN.
    03029…..SFFR…………………Engine CAN: Time overrun when receiving
    EDC message EDC3
    03030…..AST……………………………CAN data bus retarder configuration
    from secondary retarder,
    Ret_Conf driveline retarder configuration
    03030…..EBS……………………..Faulty brake pad wear and retarder relay
    output stage checkback
    03030…..EDC……FFR2: Bit error, idling speed governing parameter ID
    03030…..EHLA………………………………………..Emergency steering pump
    03030…..KSM……………….CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
    tachograph message P_MTCO_VIN.
    03030…..SFFR…………………Engine CAN: Time overrun when receiving
    EDC message EDC4
    03030…..TPM……………..Severe leakage: Severe pressure loss at min.
    one tyre approx. 200 mbar/h
    03031…..AST………………………………CAN data bus retarder check from
    vehicle management computer engine brake torque
    ‘ERC1_ REX retarder percent torque’
    03031…..EBS………………..Faulty retarder relay output stage checkback
    03031…..EDC……FFR2: nominal idling speed governing value too high
    03031…..EHLA……Pressure build-up in pressure accumulator too short
    03031…..HDS………………………………………………Urea tank temperature
    03031…..KSM………………………..Adjustment lever angle reduction input
    (throttle butterfly reduction request)
    03031…..SFFR…………………Engine CAN: Time overrun when receiving
    EDC message EDC5
    03031…..TPM………………………………..Pressure in left outer tyre, axle 3
    03032…..AST……………………CAN data bus engine brake configuration,
    ‘engine retarder configuration’
    03032…..EBS…………….Faulty brake pad wear output stage checkback
    03032…..EDC……………………………FFR2: Bit error, stand alone request
    03032…..EHLA……………………………………………Centring circuit warning
    03032…..KSM……Signal frequency at adjustment lever angle reduction
    input (throttle butterfly reduction request)
    03032…..SFFR…………………Engine CAN: Time overrun when receiving
    EDC message EngineConfig
    03032…..TPM………………………………..Pressure in left inner tyre, axle 3
    03033…..AST……………………CAN data bus engine brake configuration,
    ‘engine retarder configuration’
    03033…..EBS………Invalid checkback signal for the yellow warning light
    03033…..EDC……………………………………..FFR2: Bit error, start request
    03033…..EHLA………………………………………………………..Centring circuit
    03033…..KSM……………….CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
    body CAN message KSM2_A.
    03033…..SFFR…………………MMDS CAN: Time overrun when receiving
    MMDS message TSC1-FME.
    03033…..TPM………………………………Pressure in right inner tyre, axle 3
    03034…..EBS…………..Invalid checkback signal for the red warning light
    03034…..EDC……………………………FFR2: Bit error, engine stop request
    03034…..EHLA………..Actuator test of axle behaviour in centring circuit,
    03034…..KSM………………………………………………..Power take-off output
    03034…..SFFR…………………MMDS CAN: Time overrun when receiving
    MMDS message Time/Date
    03034…..TPM………………………………Pressure in right outer tyre, axle 3
    03035…..EBS…………………………Electrical power supply axle modulator
    03035…..EDC………………………………………FFR2: reserved Bits & Bytes
    03035…..EHLA…..Actuator test of pressure behaviour in centring circuit
    03035…..KSM……………….CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
    retarder message ERC1_RD.
    03035…..SFFR…………………MMDS CAN: Time overrun when receiving
    MMDS message VehDistance
    03036…..CNG………………….Vehicle management computer message 2
    03036…..EBS…………..Short-circuit on one of the module output stages
    03036…..EDC…………………………………………………………FFR2: Timeout
    03036…..KSM……………….CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
    retarder message ERC1_RE.
    03037…..EBS…………….Vehicle dynamics control steering angle sensor
    electrical power supply
    03037…..EDC…………………FFR3: Bit error, pedal value sensor position
    03037…..KSM……………………………..CAN data bus: Time overrun when
    receiving user-definable message FREI_1.
    03038…..EBS…………………………………………………………….Interaxle lock
    03038…..EDC……………………………………FFR3: Bit error, standstill info.
    03038…..KSM……………………………..CAN data bus: Time overrun when
    receiving user-definable message FREI_2.
    03039…..EBS………………………………………………….Lock relay, front axle
    03039…..EDC………………………………………FFR3: reserved Bits & Bytes
    03039…..KSM……………………………..CAN data bus: Time overrun when
    receiving user-definable message FREI_3.
    03040…..CNG………………….Vehicle management computer message 3
    03040…..EBS………………………………………………Display bus-stop brake
    03040…..EDC…………………………………………………………FFR3: Timeout
    03040…..EHLA……………………………………..Angle encoder configuration
    03040…..KSM……………………………..CAN data bus: Time overrun when
    receiving user-definable message FREI_4.
    03041…..EBS..Engine interface, adjustment lever angle increase input,
    permanently low, > 400 ms
    03041…..EDC………DM4 request frequency too high ( docu. page 172 )
    03041…..EHLA………………………………………………Angle encoder supply
    03041…..TPM………………………………..Pressure in left outer tyre, axle 4
    03042…..EBS..Engine interface, adjustment lever angle increase input,
    permanently high, > 400 ms
    03042…..EDC………………………………….FFR2: Input shaft speed invalid
    03042…..EHLA………………….Angle encoder, steering axle 1, differential
    03042…..KSM………..CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving FFR
    (vehicle management computer) message Fuel_Eco.
    03042…..TPM………………………………..Pressure in left inner tyre, axle 4
    03043…..EBS..Engine interface, adjustment lever angle increase input,
    frequency > 220 Hz
    03043…..EDC………..Fault memory info., timeout, message location 10
    03043…..EHLA……………….Angle encoder, steering axle 1, total voltage
    03043…..TPM………………………………Pressure in right inner tyre, axle 4
    03044…..CNG………………..Lambda control adaptation additive (bank 1)
    03044…..EBS..Engine interface, adjustment lever angle increase input,
    mark-to-space ratio > 95 %
    03044…..EHLA………………………………….Angle encoder, steering axle 1
    03044…..TPM………………………………Pressure in right outer tyre, axle 4
    03045…..CNG……………………………………………..Starter control: Blocked
    03045…..EBS..Engine interface, adjustment lever angle increase input,
    mark-to-space ratio < 5 %
    03045…..EDC…………………………………………Starter activation defective
    03045…..EHLA……………………….Angle encoder, steering axle 1, track 1
    SD 812a en
    03046…..EBS..Engine interface, adjustment lever angle increase input,
    mark-to-space ratio > 95 %
    03046…..EDC…………………………………Atmospheric pressure detection
    03046…..EHLA……………………….Angle encoder, steering axle 1, track 2
    03047…..EBS..Engine interface, adjustment lever angle increase input,
    permanently low or high 80 – 400 ms
    03047…..EDC………………….Overrun test gate array monitoring module
    03047…..EHLA………………….Angle encoder, steering axle 2, differential
    03048…..EDC………………………….Overrun test undervoltage monitoring
    03048…..EHLA……………….Angle encoder, steering axle 2, total voltage
    03049…..AST…………………………………………………………Y1 clutch brake
    03049…..EBS…………….CAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded
    03049…..EDC……………………………Overrun test overvoltage monitoring
    03049…..EHLA………………………………….Angle encoder, steering axle 2
    03050…..AST……………………………….Small valve for opening the clutch
    03050…..EBS…………………………………..CAN data bus driveline, bus off
    03050…..ECAS………………………………………Control unit, supply voltage
    03050…..EDC………………………………………..After-run test, zero quantity
    03050…..EHLA……………………….Angle encoder, steering axle 2, track 1
    03051…..AST…………………………………Small valve for closing the clutch
    03051…..EBS…………CAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded in
    EEC1 message from the EDC
    03051…..ECAS…………………………………………………..Operator unit data
    03051…..EDC……………………………………….After-run test, MES1 output
    03051…..EHLA……………………….Angle encoder, steering axle 2, track 2
    03051…..TPM………………………………..Pressure in left outer tyre, axle 5
    03052…..AST……………………………….Large valve for opening the clutch
    03052…..EBS………………………….CAN J 1939 receive time exceeded in
    message EEC2 from the EDC
    03052…..ECAS………………………………………………….Operator unit clock
    03052…..EDC……………………………………..Timeout, message location 5
    03052…..EHLA………………….Angle encoder, steering axle 3, differential
    03052…..TPM………………………………..Pressure in left inner tyre, axle 5
    03053…..AST…………………………………Large valve for closing the clutch
    03053…..EBS……CAN J 1939 receive time exceeded message CFG_E
    03053…..ECAS………………………………………………..Operator unit 2 data
    03053…..EDC……………………………………..Timeout, message location 6
    03053…..EHLA……………….Angle encoder, steering axle 3, total voltage
    03053…..TPM………………………………Pressure in right inner tyre, axle 5
    03054…..ECAS……………………………………………….Operator unit 2 clock
    03054…..EDC……………………………………..Timeout, message location 7
    03054…..EHLA………………………………….Angle encoder, steering axle 3
    03054…..TPM………………………………Pressure in right outer tyre, axle 5
    03055…..EDC……………………………………Timeout, message location 14
    03055…..EHLA……………………….Angle encoder, steering axle 3, track 1
    03056…..EBS…………CAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded in
    ERC1_D message from retarder
    03056…..EDC………..Checksum HW calibration date in serial EEPROM
    03056…..EHLA……………………….Angle encoder, steering axle 3, track 2
    03057…..EBS…………CAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded in
    ERC1_E message from retarder
    03057…..EDC………………….Ser. EEPROM data not equal to checksum
    03057…..EHLA………………….Angle encoder, steering axle 4, differential
    03058…..EBS…………CAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded in
    ERC1_EX message from
    vehicle management computer
    03058…..EDC…. Ser. EEPROM: Data main relay monitoring checksum
    03058…..EHLA……………….Angle encoder, steering axle 4, total voltage
    03059…..AST……………………………………….Checkback power take-off 1
    03059…..EBS…………CAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded in
    ‘High Resolution Vehicle Distance’ message
     from tachograph
    03059…..EDC……………..Ser. EEPROM: Data error memory checksum
    03059…..EHLA………………………………….Angle encoder, steering axle 4
    03060…..AST……………………………………….Checkback power take-off 2
    03060…..EBS…………CAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded in
    ‘Supply pressure’ message from the ECAM
    03060…..EDC.Ser. EEPROM: Data operating hours counter checksum
    03060…..EHLA……………………….Angle encoder, steering axle 4, track 1
    03060…..FFR…..Engine CAN sending message timeout (time overrun).
    03061…..AST………………………………………….Switch off power take-off 1
    03061…..EBS…………….CAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded
    in EEC3 message from the EDC
    03061…..ECAS…………………………………..Interruption in communication
    03061…..EDC………………………Ser. EEPROM: Actuator test checksum
    03061…..EHLA……………………….Angle encoder, steering axle 4, track 2
    03061…..FFR………………..CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
    EDC message engine configuration.
    03062…..AST………………………………………….Switch off power take-off 2
    03062…..EBS…………CAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded in
    ‘Cruise Control/Vehicle Speed’ message from
    the EDC via vehicle management computer
    03062…..ECAS………………………………………………CAN message VSC1
    03062…..EDC……………….Ser. EEPROM: Starter monitoring checksum
    03062…..EHLA…………………………Angle encoder, front axle, differential
    03062…..FFR………………..CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
    EDC message EDC1.
    03063…..AST………………………………………….Switch on power take-off 1
    03063…..EBS…………….CAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded
    in vehicle weight measurement message
    from the ECAS
    03063…..ECAS………………………………………………CAN message EEC1
    03063…..EDC…………………………………………….After-run not completed
    03063…..EHLA……………………….Angle encoder, front axle, total voltage
    03063…..FFR………………..CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
    EDC message EDC2.
    03064…..AST………………………………………….Switch on power take-off 2
    03064…..EBS………….CAN data bus driveline, values for vehicle weight
    in the ‘Vehicle Weight’ message from
    the ECAS outside the range
    03064…..ECAS………………………………………………CAN message EBC2
    03064…..EDC…………………………………………….Stand alone mode EDC
    03064…..EHLA………………………………………….Angle encoder, front axle
    03064…..FFR……………BotCAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
    EDC message EDC3.
    03065…..EBS…………….CAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded
    in TSC1_ACC message from the ACC
    03065…..ECAS……………………………………………..CAN message FFR_1
    03065…..EDC……………………………………Triggering individual operation
    03065…..EHLA………………………………Angle encoder, front axle, track 1
    03065…..FFR………………..CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
    EDC message EDC4.
    03066…..EBS……………..Driveline CAN databus, receive time exceeded
    for EEC2 message from the EDC
    03066…..ECAS………………………………………….CAN message ECAM_1
    03066…..EDC…………………………………………………………Time after start
    03066…..EHLA………………………………Angle encoder, front axle, track 2
    03066…..FFR………………..CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
    EDC message EDC5.
    03067…..EBS…………….CAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded
    in TCO1 message from tachograph
    03067…..ECAS……………….CAN message EBS (axle load, driven axle)
    03067…..EDC …………………………………………………………………..Self-test
    03067…..EHLA……………………………Angle encoder, joystick, differential
    03068…..EBS………………………………..CAN data bus driveline, values in
    ‘TCO1 Vehicle Speed’ message from
    tachograph not plausible
    03068…..ECAS………………………………………………CAN message EBC5
    03068…..EDC………………………………………Monitoring module defective
    03068…..EHLA………………………….Angle encoder, joystick, total voltage
    03069…..EBS………….CAN J 1939 receive time exceeded message TD
    03069…..ECAS………………………………………………CAN message EBC1
    03069…..EDC……………………………………..Redundant speed monitoring
    03069…..EHLA…………………………………………….Angle encoder, joystick
    03070…..EBS……CAN J1939 receive time exceeded in message ETC1
    from the vehicle management computer
    03070…..ECAS………………………Incorrect CAN message time and date
    03070…..EDC……………………………………..Status of plausibility violation
    03070…..EHLA…………………………………Angle encoder, joystick, track 1
    03071…..EBS……CAN J1939 receive time exceeded in message ETC2
    from the vehicle management computer
    03071…..EDC……………………………………………Operating noise analysis
    03071…..EHLA…………………………………Angle encoder, joystick, track 2
    03072…..EBS……………..Driveline CAN databus, receive time exceeded
    for ETC2 message from VMC
    03072…..EDC………………………………………Status of defective cylinders
    03072…..EHLA…………………………………………Speed signals, differential
    03073…..EBS……………..Driveline CAN databus, receive time exceeded
    03073…..EDC………………………………………………..Amount violation sign
    03073…..EHLA……………………………………………Speed signal parameter
    03074…..EBS……………..Driveline CAN databus, receive time exceeded
    03074…..EBS…CAN J 1939 receive time exceeded message AS1-ZBR
    03074…..ECAS……….Incorrect CAN message display instrument panel
    03074…..EDC………………………………………………………..ID number FFR
    03074…..EHLA………………….Can message ‘Wheel speed information 2’
    03075…..EBS……………..Driveline CAN databus, receive time exceeded
    03075…..ECAS…………………………..Incorrect CAN message (ASC_2C)
    03075…..EDC……………………………………..Fuel pressure sensor (phys.)
    03076…..CNG………………………………….Immobiliser: No quantity due to
    incorrect vehicle management computer ID
    03076…..EBS……………..Driveline CAN databus, receive time exceeded
    03076…..ECAS……………………………Incorrect CAN message (ASC_2A)
    03076…..EDC………………………………….Immobiliser: No quantity due to
    incorrect vehicle management computer ID
    03076…..RAS…………………………………………………………..Oil level check
    03077…..EBS………………CAN data bus driveline, message XBR (ACC)
    03077…..ECAS……………………………Incorrect CAN message (ASC_2B)
    03077…..EDC………………………………….Immobiliser: No quantity due to
    vehicle management computer ID being
    ‘not ready’ for too long
    03077…..EHLA……………………………………..CAN message ‘Tachograph’
    03077…..RAS……Comparison between tachometer / EBC speed signal
    03078…..EBS………………………CAN data bus driveline, message ETC7
    03078…..ECAS……………………………Incorrect CAN message (ASC_6A)
    03078…..EDC……………Immobiliser: Invalid FR ID after quantity enable
    03078…..RAS………………………………….CAN signal speed speedometer
    03079…..ECAS……………………………Incorrect CAN message (ASC_6B)
    03079…..EDC………………………………………….Governor linkage position
    03080…..EBS………………….Impermissible signal CCVS (parking brake)
    03080…..ECAS………………………….Incorrect CAN message door status
    03080…..EDC…………………………………………………….ID number of EDC
    03080…..EHLA……………………………………………….CAN message CCVS
    03080…..FFR..Driveline CAN sending message timeout (time overrun).
    03081…..EBS……………………………..Impermissible signal CCVS (clutch)
    03081…..ECAS………………………………..Incorrect CAN message TCO 1
    03081…..EDC…………………………Charge air pressure governor shut-off
    03081…..FFR………………..CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
    EBS message EBC1.
    03081…..RAS……………………………………….CAN signal road speed EBC
    03082…..CNG…………………………………..Oil pressure sensor plausibility
    03082…..EBS…………………….Impermissible signal EEC1 (rated torque)
    03082…..ECAS……………Incorrect CAN message mileage reading (km)
    03082…..EDC…………………………………..Oil pressure sensor plausibility
    03082…..FFR………………..CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
    EBS message EBC2.
    03082…..RAS…………………………………………..CAN signal engine speed
    03083…..EBS……………………Impermissible signal EEC1 (actual torque)
    03083…..EDC…………………………………Fuel pressure sensor plausibility
    03083…..EHLA………………………………………………………..Speed signal 1
    03083…..FFR………………..CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
     retarder message ERC1_RD.
    03083…..RAS……………………………………………………..CAN signal weight
    03084…..EBS……………………..Impermissible signal EEC1 (engine revs)
    03084…..EDC…………………………….Stop position test, governor linkage
    03084…..EHLA………………………………………………………..Speed signal 2
    03084…..FFR………………..CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
    EBS message EBC3.
    03084…..RAS………………………………………………..CAN signal lifting axle
    03085…..EBS…………..Impermissible signal EEC2 (idling speed switch)
    03085…..EDC……………………………………FFR3: Vehicle distance invalid
    03085…..EHLA………………………………………………………..Speed signal 3
    03085…..RAS…………………………………………..CAN signal parking brake
    03086…..CNG………….Monitoring exhaust gas recirculation throughflow
    03086…..EBS….Impermissible signal EEC2 (accelerator pedal position)
    03086…..EDC……………Exhaust gas recirculation actuator position limit
    03086…..EDC_7………..Exhaust gas recirculation actuator position limit
    03086…..EHLA…………………………………………………………Speed signals
    03086…..FFR………………..CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
    Astronic message ETC1.
    03086…..RAS…………………………….CAN signal bus transmitter/receiver
    03087…..EBS…………..Impermissible signal EEC3 (nom. friction torque)
    03087…..EDC…………………………………………………..Oil pressure sensor
    03087…..EHLA…………………………………………Speed signals, differential
    03087…..FFR………………..CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
    Astronic message ETC2.
    03087…..RAS………………………………………..Parameter value calibration
    03088…..EBS………………….Impermissible signal ERC1_MC (ret. mode)
    03088…..EDC………………………………………………Boost pressure sensor
    03088…..FFR………………..CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
    tachograph message TCO1.
    03089…..EBS………………..Impermissible signal ERC1_MC (ret. torque)
    03089…..EDC…………………………………..Charge air temperature sensor
    03089…..FFR………………..CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
    central on-board computer message Veh_Dist.
    03090…..AST………………………..ECU (communication controllers 1 + 2)
    03090…..EBS………………………….Impermissible signal ETC1 (driveline)
    03090…..EHLA………………………………………..Axle monitoring parameter
    03090…..FFR………………..CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
    central on-board computer message Time/Date.
    03091…..AST………………………….CAN data bus EBS1 from EBS, EBC1
    03091…..EBS……………….Impermissible signal ETC2 (gear information)
    03091…..EDC………………………………Cooling water temperature sensor
    03091…..EHLA…………………………Inverse movement on steering axle 1
    03091…..EMOS……………………………………..Timeout of EBC1 message
    03091…..FFR………………..CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
     retarder message RE_Fluids.
    03092…..EBS………………….Impermissible signal SP (reservoir circuit 1)
    03092…..EDC………………………………………………….Time/date: Timeout,
    03092…..EHLA…………………………..System deviation on steering axle 1
    03092…..FFR………………..CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
     retarder message RD_Fluids.
    03093…..EBS………………….Impermissible signal SP (reservoir circuit 2)
    03093…..EDC…………………………….TIME/DATE: reserved Bits & Bytes
    03093…..EHLA…………………..Large system deviation on steering axle 1
    03093…..FFR………………..CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
    Astronic message TSC1_TE.
    03094…..EBS…………….Impermissible signal CFG_MC (ref. ret. torque)
    03094…..EDC………………………………………Timeout message position 8
    03100…..EDC………………………………………Fuel supply pressure sensor
    03100…..EHLA…………………………Inverse movement on steering axle 4
    03100…..FFR…………………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC1, byte 0
    03101…..AST…………………………………………………..Output speeds 1+ 2
    03101…..CRT……………….Exhaust temperature in front of the CRT filter
    03101…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, left front axle,
    interruption, short-circuit wheel sensor A
    03101…..EBS_K1………………………………….Wheel sensor front axle left
    03101…..ECAS…………………………………Travel sensor left REAR AXLE
    03101…..ECAS2…………………………….Height sensor FRONT AXLE left
    03101…..EHLA…………………………..System deviation on steering axle 4
    03101…..EMOS…………………………………………….Gearbox output signal
    03101…..FFR…………………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC1, byte 1
    03102…..AST………………………………..Gearbox input and output speeds
    03102…..CNG………………..Exhaust gas recirculation valve output stage
    03102…..CRT………………………………………………..Current engine torque
    03102…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, left front axle,
    wheel sensor A: Delay too long
    03102…..ECAS……………………………….Travel sensor right REAR AXLE
    03102…..ECAS2………………………….Height sensor, FRONT AXLE right
    03102…..EDC……………..Exhaust gas recirculation system output stage
    03102…..EHLA…………………..Large system deviation on steering axle 4
    03102…..FFR…………………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC1, byte 2
    03102…..ZBR2……………………………………………………ZBR power supply
    03103…..AST………………………..CAN data bus vehicle speed from EDC
    03103…..CNG………..Lambda probe before catalytic converter (bank 1)
    03103…..CRT…………………………………..Status of the regeneration logic
    03103…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, left front axle,
    wheel sensor A: Moving off fault
    03103…..ECAS…………………………………….Travel sensor FRONT AXLE
    03103…..ECAS2………………………………..CENTRE AXLE height sensor
    03103…..EHLA………………………Calibration mode when vehicle moving
    03103…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC1, bytes 3 and 4
    03103…..OBDU………………………………………………………..Tension V-belt
    03103…..ZBR2…………………………………………………………Analog ground
    03104…..CNG…………………………………….Lambda probe heating before
    catalytic converter (bank 1)
    03104…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, left front axle,
    wheel sensor A: Clearance too great
    03104…..EHLA…………………………………Calibration data steering axle 1
    03104…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC1, bytes 5 and 6
    03104…..ZBR2…………………………………………………………Analog ground
    03105…..CNG…………………….Lambda control adaptation multi (bank 1)
    03105…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, left front axle,
    perpetual control wheel sensor A
    03105…..EHLA…………………………………Calibration data steering axle 2
    03105…..FFR…………………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC1, byte 7
    03105…..OBDU……………………………………………Water pump V-belt torn
    03106…..CNG……………………………Idling speed control, nominal speed
    03106…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, left front axle,
    long instability wheel sensor A
    03106…..EHLA…………………………………Calibration data steering axle 3
    03106…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC2, bytes 0 and 1
    03106…..OBDU…………………………………………………..Cooling defective:
    Water temperature gradient too steep
    03107…..AST………………………………………………Voltage (clutch sensor)
    03107…..CNG……………………………Total exhaust-relevant errors (ASE)
    03107…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, left front axle,
    pulse ring fault wheel sensor A
    03107…..EBS_K1…………………………..Impulse wheel fault front axle left
    03107…..EHLA…………………………………Calibration data steering axle 4
    03107…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC2, bytes 2 and 3
    03107…..ZBR2……………………………………………Ignition ON (relay tl. 15)
    03108…..CNG………………………………………………..Gas system pressure
    03108…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, left front axle,
    fault on lifting axle wheel sensor A
    03108…..EHLA…………………………………………Calibration data front axle
    03108…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC2, bytes 4 and 5
    03108…..ZBR2…………………………………Electrical battery master switch
    03109…..EBS….Brake/impulse wheel/sensor combination front axle left
    03109…..EHLA……………………………………………Calibration data joystick
    03109…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC2, bytes 6 and 7
    03109…..HYD………………………..Water pump malfunction or fuse blown
    03109…..ZBRO………………………………………..Ignition lock radio position
    03110…..CNG………………Engine speed sensor crankshaft toothed disc
    03110…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left front axle
    03110…..EHLA……………………………………………Number of CAN objects
    03110…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC3, bytes 0 and 1
    03110…..HYD…………………………….Vehicle blower control discontinuity
    03110…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Ignition lock ignition on
    03111…..AST….. CAN data bus message timeout time/date information
    from central on-board computer ZBR2, TIME/DATE
    03111…..CNG……………………………………………..Reference mark sensor
    03111…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, left front axle,
     interruption, short-circuit wheel sensor B
    03111…..EHLA………………………………………………..CAN communication
    03111…..EMOS………………………………Timeout of Time_Date message
    03111…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC3, bytes 2 and 3
    03111…..TPM……………………..Slight leakage from left outer tyre, axle 1
    03111…..ZBR2…………………………………………..Ignition lock starter tl. 50
    03112…..AST…….CAN data bus signal error time/date information from
    central on-board computer ZBR2, TIME/DATE
    03112…..CNG…………………………………………………………..Phase sensor
    03112…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, left front axle,
    wheel sensor B: Delay too long
    03112…..EHLA……………………………………..CAN data has been falsified
    03112…..FFR…………………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC3, byte 4
    03112…..TPM……………………..Slight leakage from left inner tyre, axle 1
    03112…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Ignition lock ignition off
    03113…..AST….CAN data bus message timeout retarder configuration,
    Ret_Conf (driveline retarder configuration)
    03113…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, left front axle,
    wheel sensor B: Moving off fault
    03113…..EHLA………………………………………………..CAN communication
    03113…..FFR…………………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC3, byte 5
    03113…..TPM……………………Slight leakage from right inner tyre, axle 1
    03113…..ZBRO……………………………………………….Battery undervoltage
    03114…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, left front axle,
    wheel sensor B: Clearance too great
    03114…..EHLA………………………………Steering wheel sensor — not used
    03114…..FFR…………………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC3, byte 6
    03114…..TPM…………………..Slight leakage from right outer tyre, axle 1
    03114…..ZBRO………………………………………………Battery master switch
    03115…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, left front axle,
    perpetual control wheel sensor B
    03115…..EHLA……………………………..Steering wheel sensor — operating
    03115…..FFR…………………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC3, byte 7
    03115…..ZBRO…………………………………………………..Battery main relay
    03116…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, left front axle,
    long instability wheel sensor B
    03116…..FFR…………………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC4, byte 0
    03116…..ZBRO……………………………………………………………..Ignition on
    03117…..AST……………………………………….Clutch self-adjustment faulty
    03117…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, left front axle,
    pulse ring fault wheel sensor B
    03117…..FFR…………………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC4, byte 3
    03117…..ZBRO……………………………………………………………..Ignition on
    03118…..AST…………………………………………………Clutch does not open
    03118…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, left front axle,
    fault on lifting axle wheel sensor B
    03118…..EMOS………………………………Clutch regulator switched on but
    no clutch opening valve available for opening clutch
    03118…..FFR…………………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC4, byte 3
    03118…..ZBRO…………………………………………………….Ignition on check
    03119…..AST……………Clutch does not close / does not transmit torque
    03119…..CNG…………………………………………………………Altitude sensor
    03119…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left front axle
    03119…..EMOS………………………………Clutch regulator switched on but
    no clutch closing valve available for closing clutch
    03119…..FFR…………………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC4, byte 4
    03119…..ZBRO……………………………………………Battery master switch 1
    03120…..AST……..Mechanical fault (small valve for opening the clutch)
    03120…..EBS………………………Electrical power supply pad wear sensor
    (front axle left or front axle)
    03120….. EHLA…………………………………………………………………. Joystick
    03120…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC4, bytes 5 and 6
    03120…..ZBRO……………………………………………Battery master switch 3
    03121…..AST……….Mechanical fault (small valve for closing the clutch)
    03121…..CNG…………………………………..Ignition output stage cylinder 1
    03121…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, left front axle,
    pad wear sensor A outside permitted value range
    03121…..EHLA…………………………………………………..Joystick both sides
    03121…..FFR…………………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC4, byte 7
    03121…..TPM……………………..Slight leakage from left outer tyre, axle 2
    03121…..ZBRO……………………………………………Battery master switch 4
    03122…..AST………Mechanical fault (large valve for opening the clutch)
    03122…..CNG…………………………………..Ignition output stage cylinder 2
    03122…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, left front axle,
    pad wear sensor B outside permitted value range
    03122…..EHLA…………………………………….Joystick, sustained operation
    03122…..FFR…………………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC4, byte 8
    03122…..TPM……………………..Slight leakage from left inner tyre, axle 2
    03122…..ZBRO………………………………………………….Starting assistance
    03123…..AST……….Mechanical fault (large valve for closing the clutch)
    03123…..CNG…………………………………..Ignition output stage cylinder 3
    03123…..EBS…………………Pressure sensor (front axle left or front axle)
     outside valid range
    03123…..FFR…………………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC5, byte 1
    03123…..TPM……………………Slight leakage from right inner tyre, axle 2
    03123…..ZBRO………………………………………..Starting assistance check
    03124…..AST………………………………………………………Clutch travel fault
    03124…..CNG…………………………………..Ignition output stage cylinder 4
    03124…..EBS……………Pressure control module, left front axle, time for
    ‘Current pressure’ inquiry too long
    03124…..EHLA……………………………………….Configuration of axle count
    03124…..EMOS………………………………………Clutch travel sensor signal
    03124…..FFR…………………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC5, byte 2
    03124…..TPM…………………..Slight leakage from right outer tyre, axle 2
    03124…..ZBRO……………………………………………Ignition on switched off
    03125…..AST………………………………………..Pressure limiting valve fault
    03125…..CNG…………………………………..Ignition output stage cylinder 5
    03125…..EBS…Pressure control module, left front axle, poor ventilation
    03125…..EHLA…………………………….Locking monitoring steering axle 1
    03125…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC5, bytes 3 and 4
    03126…..AST…………………………………………………Pressure signal faulty
    03126…..CNG…………………………………..Ignition output stage cylinder 6
    03126…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, left front axle,
    excessive pressure during pulse test
    03126…..EHLA………..Steering axle 1 has moved out of locking position
    03126…..FFR…………………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC5, byte 5
    03127…..AST……………………………………………….ECU temperature fault
    03127…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, left front axle,
    residual pressure after braking
    03127…..EHLA…………………………….Locking monitoring steering axle 2
    03127…..EMOS…………..’Temperature sensor next to processor’ signal
    03127…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC5, bytes 5 and 6
    03128…..AST…………………………………………Oil temperature signal fault
    03128…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, left front axle,
    pressure sensor fault without braking
    03128…..EHLA………..Steering axle 2 has moved out of locking position
    03128…..FFR…………………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC5, byte 7
    03129…..AST……………….No signal from shift transmitter main gearbox
    03129…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left front axle
    03129…..EHLA…………………………….Locking monitoring steering axle 3
    03129…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message engine configuration,
    bytes 0 and 1
    03130…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, left front axle,
    wheel sensor IC defective
    03130…..EHLA………..Steering axle 3 has moved out of locking position
    03130…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message engine configuration,
     byte 2
    03131…..EBS……. Backup valve checkback (front axle left or front axle)
    03131…..EHLA…………………………….Locking monitoring steering axle 4
    03131…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message engine configuration,
    bytes 3 and 4
    03131…..TPM……………………..Slight leakage from left outer tyre, axle 3
    03132…..AST……………………………Shift transmitter self-adjustment fault
    03132…..EBS…………Intake valve checkback (ABS valve front axle left)
    03132…..EHLA………..Steering axle 4 has moved out of locking position
    03132…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message engine configuration,
     byte 5
    03132…..TPM……………………..Slight leakage from left inner tyre, axle 3
    03133…..AST………………………………….Gate selection transmitter signal
    03133…..EBS……..Pressure control module, left front axle, faulty intake
    and backup valve checkback
    03133…..EHLA……………………………………..Actuator test steering axle 1
    03133…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message engine configuration,
    bytes 6 and 7
    03133…..TPM…………………………….Slight leakage from right inner tyre,
     axle 3
    03134…..EBS………Exhaust valve checkback (ABS valve front axle left)
    03134…..EHLA……………………………………..Actuator test steering axle 2
    03134…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message engine configuration,
     byte 8
    03134…..TPM…………………..Slight leakage from right outer tyre, axle 3
    03135…..EBS………Pressure control module, left front axle, faulty outlet
    and backup valve checkback
    03135…..EHLA……………………………………..Actuator test steering axle 3
    03135…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message engine configuration,
    bytes 9 and 10
    03136…..AST……………..Teach-in fault, gate selection transmitter signal
    03136…..EBS……………………………Exhaust and intake valve checkback
    (ABS valve front axle left)
    03136…..EHLA……………………………………..Actuator test steering axle 4
    03136…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message engine configuration,
     byte 11
    03137…..AST…………………….Range-change group travel sensor signal
    03137…..EBS………Pressure control module, left front axle, faulty outlet
    and intake and backup valve checkback
    03137…..EHLA……………………………………………Digital input parameters
    03137…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message engine configuration,
    bytes 12 and 13
    03138…..EBS………………Proportional valve (front axle left or front axle)
    03138…..EHLA……………………………………………Digital input parameters
    03138…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message engine configuration,
     byte 14
    03139…..EBS………………………………………………ABS valves (front axle)
    03139…..EHLA………………………………………………………….Analog inputs
    03139…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message engine configuration,
    bytes 15 and 16
    03140…..AST………….Teach-in fault, range-change group travel sensor
    03140…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, left front axle,
    no CAN reception from module
    03140…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message engine configuration,
    bytes 17 and 18
    03141…..AST……………………………..No travel sensor signal from splitter
    03141…..CNG……………………………Total exhaust-relevant errors (ASE)
    cylinder 1, exhaust-relevant
    03141…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, left front axle,
    software incompatibility between control unit
    and pressure control module
    03141…..EHLA……………………………………Digital CAN input parameters
    03141…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message engine configuration,
    bytes 19 and 20
    03141…..TPM……………………..Slight leakage from left outer tyre, axle 4
    03142…..CNG……………………………Total exhaust-relevant errors (ASE)
    cylinder 2, exhaust-relevant
    03142…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, left front axle,
    12/24 volt incompatibility between control unit and
    pressure control module
    03142…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message engine configuration,
    bytes 21 and 22
    03142…..TPM……………………..Slight leakage from left inner tyre, axle 4
    03143…..CNG……………………………Total exhaust-relevant errors (ASE)
    cylinder 3, exhaust-relevant
    03143…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, left front axle,
    high cycle protection intake valve active,
    pressure < 4 bar
    03143…..EHLA………………………………….Digital CAN output parameters
    03143…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message engine configuration,
    byte 23
    03143…..HYD………………………………..Overheating sensor discontinuity
    03143…..TPM……………………Slight leakage from right inner tyre, axle 4
    03144…..AST…..Self-adjustment fault, travel sensor signal from splitter
    03144…..CNG……………………………Total exhaust-relevant errors (ASE)
    cylinder 4, exhaust-relevant
    03144…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, left front axle,
    arithmetic test not successful
    03144…..EHLA……………………………………….Prop. valve steering axle 1,
    incorrect movement direction
    03144…..TPM…………………..Slight leakage from right outer tyre, axle 4
    03145…..AST…………………….Range-change group does not disengage
    03145…..CNG……………………………Total exhaust-relevant errors (ASE)
    cylinder 5, exhaust-relevant
    03145…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, left front axle,
    wheel compensation fault wheel sensor A
    03145…..EHLA…………………………Prop. valve steering axle 1, deviation
    03146…..AST……………Changeover fault with range-change group shift
    03146…..CNG……………………………Total exhaust-relevant errors (ASE)
    cylinder 6, exhaust-relevant
    03146…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, left front axle,
    wheel compensation fault wheel sensor B
    03146…..EHLA……………………………………….Prop. valve steering axle 2,
    incorrect movement direction
    03147…..AST………………………..Range-change group does not engage
    03147…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, left front axle,
    electrical power supply fault, axle load sensor
    03147…..EHLA…………………………Prop. valve steering axle 2, deviation
    03148…..AST………………………………………..Splitter does not disengage
    03148…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, left front axle,
    pressure differential on pressure control module pair,
    front axle
    03148…..EHLA……………………………………….Prop. valve steering axle 3,
    incorrect movement direction
    03149…..AST……………………………….Changeover fault with splitter shift
    03149…..EBS……………………………Pneumatic redundant path front axle
    03149…..EHLA…………………………Prop. valve steering axle 3, deviation
    03150…..AST……………………………………Splitter group does not engage
    03150…..EBS………….Pressure control module, right front axle, no fault
    03150…..EHLA……………………………………….Prop. valve steering axle 4,
    incorrect movement direction
    03150…..FFR………………….CAN data bus: EBS message EBC1, byte 0
    03151…..AST…………………………………..Selector cylinder does not open
    03151…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
     interruption, short-circuit wheel sensor A
    03151…..ECAS……………………………..Pressure sensor left REAR AXLE
    03151…..ECAS2…………………………Pressure sensor FRONT AXLE left
    03151…..EHLA…………………………Prop. valve steering axle 4, deviation
    03151…..FFR………………….CAN data bus: EBS message EBC1, byte 1
    03151…..TPM……………………..Slight leakage from left outer tyre, axle 5
    03152…..AST…………………………………………………………..Gate shift fault
    03152…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
    wheel sensor A: Delay too long
    03152…..ECAS……………………………Pressure sensor right REAR AXLE
    03152…..ECAS2……………………….Pressure sensor FRONT AXLE right
    03152…..FFR………………….CAN data bus: EBS message EBC1, byte 2
    03152…..TPM……………………..Slight leakage from left inner tyre, axle 5
    03153…..AST………………………………….Selector cylinder does not close
    03153…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
    wheel sensor A: Moving off fault
    03153…..ECAS………………………………..Pressure sensor FRONT AXLE
    03153…..ECAS2…………………………….Pressure sensor CENTRE AXLE
    03153…..FFR………………….CAN data bus: EBS message EBC1, byte 3
    03153…..TPM……………………Slight leakage from right inner tyre, axle 5
    03154…..AST………………………..Main gearbox gear does not disengage
    03154…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
    wheel sensor A: Clearance too great
    03154…..FFR………………….CAN data bus: EBS message EBC1, byte 4
    03154…..TPM…………………..Slight leakage from right outer tyre, axle 5
    03155…..AST……………………………Main gearbox gear does not engage
    03155…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
    perpetual control wheel sensor A
    03155…..FFR……….CAN data bus: EBS message EBC2, bytes 0 and 1
    03155…..HYD………………………………….Malfunction display short circuit
    03156…..AST………………………….Wrong gear selected in main gearbox
    03156…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
    long instability wheel sensor A
    03156…..FFR………………….CAN data bus: EBS message EBC2, byte 2
    03157…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
    pulse ring fault wheel sensor A
    03157…..ECAS……………………………………………Pressure sensor, brake
    03157…..FFR………………….CAN data bus: EBS message EBC2, byte 3
    03158…..AST…………………………Shift sensor signal continuously active
    03158…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
    fault on lifting axle wheel sensor A
    03158…..ECAS………………………………………Pressure sensor lifting axle
    03158…..FFR………………….CAN data bus: EBS message EBC2, byte 4
    03159…..AST………………………Range-change group shift sensor signal
    continuously active
    03159…..EBS..Brake/impulse wheel/sensor combination front axle right
    03159…..FFR………………….CAN data bus: EBS message EBC2, byte 5
    03160…..AST……………….Splitter shift sensor signal continuously active
    03160…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right front axle
    03160…..FFR………………….CAN data bus: EBS message EBC2, byte 6
    03161…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
    interruption, short-circuit wheel sensor B
    03161…..EHLA………………………………………Recirculating/centring valve
    03161…..FFR………………….CAN data bus: EBS message EBC2, byte 7
    03162…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
    wheel sensor B: Delay too long
    03162…..EHLA………………………………………………………..Digital output 2
    03162…..FFR………………….CAN data bus: EBS message EBC3, byte 0
    03163…..AST………………..Engine does not react to torque specification
    03163…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
    wheel sensor B: Moving off fault
    03163…..EHLA………………………………………………………..Digital output 3
    03163…..FFR………………….CAN data bus: EBS message EBC3, byte 1
    03164…..AST………………….CAN data bus electronic engine governor 1
    from EDC, EEC1 (accelerator pedal position,
    drivers demand engine percent torque)
    03164…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
    wheel sensor B: Clearance too great
    03164…..EHLA………………………………………………………..Digital output 4
    03164…..FFR………………….CAN data bus: EBS message EBC3, byte 2
    03165…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
    perpetual control wheel sensor B
    03165…..EHLA………………………………………………………..Digital output 5
    03165…..FFR………………….CAN data bus: EBS message EBC3, byte 3
    03166…..AST…………………………………….Permanent idling speed signal
    03166…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
    long instability wheel sensor B
    03166…..EHLA………………………………………………………..Digital output 6
    03166…..FFR………………….CAN data bus: EBS message EBC3, byte 4
    03167…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
    pulse ring fault wheel sensor A
    03167…..EHLA………………………………………………………..Digital output 7
    03167…..FFR………………….CAN data bus: EBS message EBC3, byte 5
    03168…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
    fault on lifting axle wheel sensor B
    03168…..EHLA………………………………………………………..Digital output 8
    03168…..FFR………………….CAN data bus: EBS message EBC3, byte 6
    03169…..AST……………………..Shut-off relay in ECU does not switch off
    03169…..EBS……………………………………………Pressure control module,
    right front axle
    03169…..EHLA………………………………………………………..Digital output 9
    03169…..FFR………………….CAN data bus: EBS message EBC3, byte 7
    03170…..AST………………….No electrical power supply at terminal 30 or
    shut-off relay in ECU does not switch on
    03170…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
    electrical power supply fault, pad wear sensor
    03170…..ECAS……………………………………………..Steering angle sensor
    03170…..EHLA………………………………………………………Digital output 10
    03170…..FFR………………….CAN data bus: EBS message EBC4, byte 0
    03171…..AST………………….CAN data bus electronic engine governor 1
    from EDC, EEC1
    (engine torque, actual engine percent torque)
    03171…..CNG……………………………………Charge pressure control valve
    03171…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
    pad wear sensor A outside permitted value range
    03171…..EDC…………………………….Boost pressure switch output stage
    03171…..EHLA………………………………………………………Digital output 11
    03171…..FFR………………….CAN data bus: EBS message EBC4, byte 1
    03172…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
    pad wear sensor B outside permitted value range
    03172…..EHLA………………………………………………………Digital output 12
    03172…..FFR………………….CAN data bus: EBS message EBC4, byte 2
    03173…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
    pressure sensor outside permitted value range
    03173…..EHLA………………………………………………………Digital output 13
    03173…..FFR………………….CAN data bus: EBS message EBC4, byte 3
    03174…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
    time for ‘Current pressure’ inquiry too long
    03174…..EHLA………………………………………………………Digital output 14
    03174…..FFR………………….CAN data bus: EBS message EBC4, byte 4
    03175…..AST……………………………Ignition lock signal fault (terminal 15)
    03175…..EBS.Pressure control module, right front axle, poor ventilation
    03175…..EHLA………………………………………………………Digital output 15
    03175…..FFR………………….CAN data bus: EBS message EBC4, byte 5
    03176…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
    excessive pressure during pulse test
    03176…..FFR………………….CAN data bus: EBS message EBC4, byte 6
    03177…..AST………………………………………………CAN data bus driveline
    03177…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
    residual pressure after braking
    03177…..EMOS…………………………………………….BUSOFF vehicle CAN
    03177…..FFR………………….CAN data bus: EBS message EBC4, byte 7
    03178…..AST……………………………………….CAN data bus error warning
    03178…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
    pressure sensor fault without braking
    03178…..FFR…………CAN data bus: EBS message Veh_weight, byte 0
    03179…..AST………………………………CAN data bus input buffer overrun
    03179…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right front axle
    03179…..FFR CAN data bus: EBS message Veh_weight, bytes 1 and 2
    03180…..AST………………….CAN data bus electronic engine governor 1
    from EDC, EEC1
    03180…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
    wheel sensor IC defective
    03180…..EMOS……………………………………..Timeout of EEC1 message
    03180…..FFR…………CAN data bus: EBS message Veh_weight, byte 3
    03181…..AST………………….CAN data bus electronic engine governor 2
    from EDC, EEC2
    03181…..CNG…………….Total exhaust-relevant errors (ASE) cylinder 1,
    damaging to catalytic converter
    03181…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
    faulty backup valve checkback
    03181…..EHLA………………………………….CAN signal ‘Position Of Doors’
    03181…..EMOS……………………………………..Timeout of EEC2 message
    03181…..FFR…….CAN data bus: Retarder message RET_Conf, byte 0
    03182…..AST…… CAN data bus cruise control/speed from EDC, CCVS
    03182…..CNG…………….Total exhaust-relevant errors (ASE) cylinder 2,
    damaging to catalytic converter
    03182…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
    faulty intake valve checkback
    03182…..EHLA…………….CAN signal ‘Seconds’ in ‘Time/Date’ message
    03182…..EMOS………………………………Timeout CcVeh speed message
    03182…..FFR…….CAN data bus: Retarder message RET_Conf, byte 1
    03183…..AST…………………………………CAN data bus engine brake from
    vehicle management computer, ERC1_REX
    03183…..CNG…………….Total exhaust-relevant errors (ASE) cylinder 3,
    damaging to catalytic converter
    03183…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
    faulty intake and backup valve checkback
    03183…..EHLA………………CAN signal ‘Minutes’ in ‘Time/Date’ message
    03183…..FFR………………CAN data bus: Retarder message RET_Conf,
    bytes 2 and 3
    03184…..AST……………CAN data bus retarder from secondary retarder,
    03184…..CNG…………….Total exhaust-relevant errors (ASE) cylinder 4,
    damaging to catalytic converter
    03184…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
    faulty outlet valve checkback
    03184…..EHLA…………………CAN signal ‘Hours’ in ‘Time/Date’ message
    03184…..FFR…….CAN data bus: Retarder message RET_Conf, byte 4
    03185…..AST…………..CAN data bus primary retarder WSK, ERC1_RE
    03185…..CNG…………….Total exhaust-relevant errors (ASE) cylinder 5,
    damaging to catalytic converter
    03185…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
    faulty outlet and backup valve checkback
    03185…..EHLA……………………CAN signal ‘Day’ in ‘Time/Date’ message
    03185…..FFR………………CAN data bus: Retarder message RET_Conf,
    bytes 5 and 6
    03186…..AST………..CAN data bus primary retarder WSK, ERC1_WSK
    03186…..CNG…………….Total exhaust-relevant errors (ASE) cylinder 6,
    damaging to catalytic converter
    03186…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
    faulty outlet and intake valve checkback
    03186…..EHLA………………..CAN signal ‘Month’ in ‘Time/Date’ message
    03186…..FFR…….CAN data bus: Retarder message RET_Conf, byte 7
    03187…..AST..CAN data bus primary retarder configuration information
    03187…..CNG……………………Total exhaust-relevant errors (ASE), total,
    damaging to catalytic converter
    03187…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
    faulty outlet and intake and backup valve checkback
    03187…..EHLA…………………..CAN signal ‘Year’ in ‘Time/Date’ message
    03187…..FFR………………CAN data bus: Retarder message RET_Conf,
    bytes 8 and 9
    03188…..AST……………………………..Control unit fault, incorrect interrupt
    03188…..CNG………………………………Input parameters filling acquisition
    03188…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right front axle
    03188…..EHLA……………………………………….CAN signal ‘Engine Speed’
    03188…..FFR…..CAN data bus: Retarder message RET_Conf, byte 10
    03189…..AST……………………………………..Control unit fault, stack watch
    03189…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right front axle
    03189…..EHLA…………………………………..CAN signal ‘Front Axle Speed’
    03189…..FFR………………CAN data bus: Retarder message RET_Conf,
    bytes 11 and 12
    03190…..AST……………….EOL EEPROM parameter outside valid range
    03190…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
    no CAN reception from module
    03190…..EHLA…………………….CAN signal ‘Tachograph Vehicle Speed’
    03190…..FFR…..CAN data bus: Retarder message RET_Conf, byte 13
    03191…..AST………………………………….EOL EEPROM: checksum error
    03191…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
    software incompatibility between control unit
    and pressure control module
    03191…..EHLA……………………CAN signal ‘Wheel_BasedVehicleSpeed’
    03191…..FFR………………CAN data bus: Retarder message RET_Conf,
    bytes 14 and 15
    03192…..AST…………………….Control unit fault – EEPROM access fault
    03192…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
    12/24 volt incompatibility between control unit
    and pressure control module
    03192…..FFR………………CAN data bus: Retarder message RET_Conf,
    bytes 16 and 17
    03193…..AST………………………………………….ECU temperature too high
    03193…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
    high cycle protection intake valve active,
    pressure < 4 bar
    03193…..EMOS………………Permitted temperature limit value exceeded
    03193…..FFR…..CAN data bus: Retarder message RET_Conf, byte 18
    03194…..AST…………Failure of both signal sources for front axle speed
    03194…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
    arithmetic test not successful
    03194…..EHLA…………CAN signal ‘ASR Engine Control Active Passive’
    03194…..FFR…….CAN data bus: Retarder message ERC1_RD, byte 0
    03195…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
    wheel compensation fault wheel sensor A
    03195…..EHLA…………..CAN signal ‘ASR Brake Control Active Passive’
    03195…..FFR…….CAN data bus: Retarder message ERC1_RD, byte 1
    03196…..AST……………………………..CAN data bus vehicle mileage from
    central on-board computer ZBR2, Veh_Dist
    03196…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
    wheel compensation fault wheel sensor B
    03196…..EHLA……………….CAN signal ‘Anti-Lock Braking (ABS) Active’
    03196…..EMOS…………………………………Timeout of Veh_Dist message
    03196…..FFR…….CAN data bus: Retarder message ERC1_RD, byte 2
    03197…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
    electrical power supply fault, axle load sensor
    03197…..FFR…………….CAN data bus: Astronic message ETC1, byte 0
    03198…..AST………………………CAN data bus relative wheel speed from
    EBS, EBC2 (WSI) (relative wheel speed)
    03198…..EBS……………………..Pressure control module, right front axle,
    pressure differential on
    pressure control module pair, front axle
    03198…..FFR….CAN data bus: Astronic message ETC1, bytes 1 and 2
    03199…..AST………………………..CAN data bus wheel speed information
    from EBS, EBC2 (WSI)
    03199…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right front axle
    03199…..EMOS……………………………………..Timeout of EBC2 message
    03199…..FFR…………….CAN data bus: Astronic message ETC1, byte 3
    03200…..EBS…………….Pressure control module, left rear axle, no fault
    03200…..ECAS………………..Supply voltage / feedback, solenoid valves
    03200…..FFR…………….CAN data bus: Astronic message ETC1, byte 4
    03201…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
    interruption, short-circuit wheel sensor A
    03201…..EBS_K1…………………………………..Wheel sensor rear axle left
    03201…..ECAS…………………………..Solenoid valve 2/2 left REAR AXLE
    03201…..EHLA…………………………………………………………Valve output 1
    03201…..FFR….CAN data bus: Astronic message ETC1, bytes 5 and 6
    03201…..OBDU………………………………………………..Charge air pressure
    03201…..ZBR2……………………………………………Low pressure in air filter
    03202…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
    wheel sensor A: Delay too long
    03202…..ECAS………………………..Solenoid valve 2/2 right REAR AXLE
    03202…..EHLA…………………………………………………………Valve output 2
    03202…..FFR…………….CAN data bus: Astronic message ETC1, byte 7
    03203…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
    wheel sensor A: Moving off fault
    03203…..ECAS……………………………..Solenoid valve 2/2 FRONT AXLE
    03203…..EHLA…………………………………………………………Valve output 3
    03203…..FFR…………….CAN data bus: Astronic message ETC2, byte 0
    03203…..OBDU………………………………..Leak in oil pump overflow valve
    03204…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
    wheel sensor A: Clearance too great
    03204…..ECAS………….Solenoid valve 3/3 lower/load lifting/trailing axle
    03204…..EHLA…………………………………………………………Valve output 4
    03204…..FFR….CAN data bus: Astronic message ETC2, bytes 1 and 2
    03204…..ZBRO…………………………………………………………EDC is active
    03205…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
    perpetual control wheel sensor A
    03205…..ECAS…………..Solenoid valve 3/3 lift/unload lifting/trailing axle
    03205…..EHLA…………………………………………………………Valve output 5
    03205…..FFR…………….CAN data bus: Astronic message ETC2, byte 3
    03205…..ZBRO……………………………………………………..EDC brake lamp
    03206…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
    long instability wheel sensor A
    03206…..ECAS……………………………………..Solenoid valve 3/2 reservoir
    03206…..EHLA…………………………………………………………Valve output 6
    03206…..FFR…………….CAN data bus: Astronic message ETC2, byte 4
    03206…..ZBRO……………………………………………….EDC overtravel relay
    03207…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
    pulse ring fault wheel sensor A
    03207…..EBS_K1…………………………..Impulse wheel fault rear axle left
    03207…..ECAS………………………………Solenoid valve 3/3 lifting bellows
    03207…..EHLA…………………………………………………………Valve output 7
    03207…..FFR…………….CAN data bus: Astronic message ETC2, byte 5
    03207…..ZBRO…………………………………………………….EDC malfunction
    03208…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
    fault on lifting axle wheel sensor A
    03208…..ECAS………………………..Solenoid valve 2/2, 3rd AXLE RIGHT
    03208…..EHLA…………………………………………………………Valve output 8
    03208…..FFR…………….CAN data bus: Astronic message ETC2, byte 6
    03208…..ZBRO…………………………………………………….EDC malfunction
    03209…..AST……..Emergency off button pressed or ECU de-energised
    03209…..EBS…………………………Pressure control module, left rear axle
    03209…..EBS_K1…………………………………………..Brake/impulse wheel/
     sensor combination rear axle left
    03209…..ECAS………………………….Solenoid valve 2/2, 3rd AXLE LEFT
    03209…..FFR…………….CAN data bus: Astronic message ETC2, byte 7
    03209…..ZBRO………………………………………………………EDC ignition on
    03210…..AST…………………………………..CAN data bus tachograph from
    central on-board computer ZBR2, TCO1
    03210…..EBS…………………………Pressure control module, left rear axle
    03210…..EMOS……………………………………..Timeout of TCO1 message
    03210…..FFR……..CAN data bus: Central on-board computer message
    TCO1, byte 0
    03210…..OBDU……………………………………………………..Air filter vacuum
    03211…..AST………………………………CAN data bus gearbox check from
    vehicle management computer FFR, TC1_FT
    03211…..CNG………………………………………………………..Knock sensor 2
    03211…..EBS………Pressure control module, left rear axle, interruption,
    short-circuit wheel sensor B
    03211…..EMOS………………………………….Timeout of TC1_FT message
    03211…..FFR……..CAN data bus: Central on-board computer message
    TCO1, byte 1
    03211…..KSM…………………………………………………………….Oil pressure.
    03211…..OBDU………………………………………Engine oil pressure too low
    03211…..TPM………………….Medium leakage from left outer tyre, axle 1
    03211…..ZBRO………………………………………Engine oil pressure too low
    03212…..AST………………………………CAN data bus gearbox check from
    vehicle management computer FFR, TC1_FT
    (requested gear)
    03212…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
    wheel sensor B: Delay too long
    03212…..ECAS……………………………..Solenoid valve transverse throttle
    03212…..FFR……..CAN data bus: Central on-board computer message
    TCO1, byte 2
    03212…..OBDU……………………………………………….Oil pressure too high
    03212…..TPM………………….Medium leakage from left inner tyre, axle 1
    03213…..AST………………………………CAN data bus gearbox check from
    vehicle management computer FFR, TC1_FT
    (requested range)
    03213…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
    wheel sensor B: Moving off fault
    03213…..FFR……..CAN data bus: Central on-board computer message
    TCO1, byte 3
    03213…..TPM………………..Medium leakage from right inner tyre, axle 1
    03214…..AST………………………………CAN data bus gearbox check from
    vehicle management computer FFR, TC1_FT
    (PTO request)
    03214…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
    wheel sensor B: Clearance too great
    03214…..FFR……..CAN data bus: Central on-board computer message
    TCO1, bytes 4 and 5
    03214…..TPM………………..Medium leakage from right outer tyre, axle 1
    03214…..ZBRO……………………………………………………..FFR malfunction
    03215…..AST……………………………………CAN data bus information from
    central on-board computer (aux_stat_zbr#1), timeout
    03215…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
    perpetual control wheel sensor B
    03215…..FFR……………………CAN data bus: Central on-board computer
    message TCO1, bytes 6 and 7
    03215…..ZBRO……………………………………………………..FFR malfunction
    03216…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
    long instability wheel sensor B
    03216…..ECAS…..Solenoid valve 3/3, lift/unload 2nd lifting/trailing axle
    03216…..FFR……………………CAN data bus: Central on-board computer
    message VEH_DIST, bytes 0 to 3
    03216…..ZBRO……………………..Accelerator pedal not pressed (T-CAN)
    03217…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
    pulse ring fault wheel sensor B
    03217…..ECAS…. Solenoid valve 3/3, lower/load 2nd lifting/trailing axle
    03217…..FFR……………………CAN data bus: Central on-board computer
    message VEH_DIST, bytes 4 to 5
    03217…..ZBRO……………………………………….Accelerator pedal pressed
    03218…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
    fault on lifting axle wheel sensor B
    03218…..FFR……………………CAN data bus: Central on-board computer
    message TIME/DATE, byte 0
    03218…..ZBRO…………………………Accelerator pedal kickdown (T-CAN)
    03219…..EBS…………………………Pressure control module, left rear axle
    03219…..FFR……………………CAN data bus: Central on-board computer
    message TIME/DATE, byte 1
    03219…..ZBRO…………………………..Accelerator pedal position (0…250)
    03220…..CNG……………………………………………..Knock control zero test
    03220…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
    electrical power supply fault, pad wear sensor
    03220…..EBS_K1………………..Electrical power supply pad wear sensor
    (rear axle left or rear axle)
    03220…..EHLA…………………………………………CAN message ‘Door_Ctrl’
    03220…..FFR……………………CAN data bus: Central on-board computer
    message TIME/DATE, byte 2
    03220…..ZBRO………………………………………Cooling water level too low
    03221…..CNG………………………………………………….Knock control offset
    03221…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
    pad wear sensor A outside permitted value range
    03221…..EHLA……………………………………….CAN message ‘Time_Date’
    03221…..FFR……………………CAN data bus: Central on-board computer
    message TIME/DATE, byte 3
    03221…..TPM………………….Medium leakage from left outer tyre, axle 2
    03221…..ZBRO………………………………Cooling water level probe supply
    03222…..CNG…………………………………………….Knock control test pulse
    03222…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
    pad wear sensor B outside permitted value range
    03222…..EHLA……….CAN message ‘High Resolution Vehicle Distance’
    03222…..FFR……………………CAN data bus: Central on-board computer
    message TIME/DATE, byte 4
    03222…..TPM………………….Medium leakage from left inner tyre, axle 2
    03222…..ZBRO…………………………..Cooling water temperature too high
    03223…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
    pressure sensor outside permitted value range
    03223…..EHLA………………………………………………CAN message ‘ETC2’
    03223…..FFR……………………CAN data bus: Central on-board computer
    message TIME/DATE, byte 6
    03223…..TPM………………..Medium leakage from right inner tyre, axle 2
    03223…..ZBRO……………………………………….Cooling water temperature
    03224…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
    time for ‘Current pressure’ inquiry too long
    03224…..EHLA………………………………………………CAN message ‘EBC1’
    03224…..FFR……..CAN data bus: Central on-board computer message
    TIME/DATE, bytes 7 and 8
    03224…..TPM………………..Medium leakage from right outer tyre, axle 2
    03224…..ZBRO…………………………..Cooling water temperature too high
    03225…..CNG………………………………….Requirement adaptation at stop
    03225…..EBS….Pressure control module, left rear axle, poor ventilation
    03225…..FFR….CAN data bus: Retarder message RE_FLUIDS, byte 2
    03225…..ZBRO…………………………….Motronic (accelerator) malfunction
    03226…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
    excessive pressure during pulse test
    03226…..FFR….CAN data bus: Retarder message RE_FLUIDS, byte 2
    03226…..ZBRO…………………………….Motronic (accelerator) malfunction
    03227…..AST……………………………….Data field for CAN communication
    03227…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
    residual pressure after braking
    03227…..FFR….CAN data bus: Retarder message RE_FLUIDS, byte 3
    03227…..ZBRO………………………………………Engine oil pressure too low
    03228…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
    pressure sensor fault without braking
    03228…..FFR….CAN data bus: Retarder message RD_FLUIDS, byte 2
    03228…..ZBRO…………………………………………………Engine oil pressure
    03229…..EBS…………………………Pressure control module, left rear axle
    03229…..FFR….CAN data bus: Retarder message RD_FLUIDS, byte 2
    03230…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
    wheel sensor IC defective
    03230…..ECAS……………………………………………….Setpoint level control
    03230…..EHLA.Signature ECU lids (LID 0x86-0x9F) — advance warning
    03230…..FFR….CAN data bus: Retarder message RD_FLUIDS, byte 3
    03231…..CNG………………………..Charge air pressure governing system
    03231…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
    faulty backup valve checkback
    03231….. ECAS ……………………………………………………………….. Leakage
    03231…..EHLA…………………Signature ECU lids (LID 0x86-0x9F) — error
    03231…..FFR………CAN data bus: Astronic message TSC1_TE, byte 1
    03231…..TPM………………….Medium leakage from left outer tyre, axle 3
    03231…..ZBRO…………………………………..Oil replenishment float switch
    03232…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
    faulty intake valve checkback
    03232…..EHLA……………………………………Signature variable priority lids
    (LID 0x40-0x47) — advance warning
    03232…..FFR………………………………..CAN data bus: Astronic message
    TSC1_TE, bytes 2 and 3
    03232…..TPM………………….Medium leakage from left inner tyre, axle 3
    03232…..ZBRO……………………………………………Oil replenishment valve
    03233…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
    faulty intake and backup valve checkback
    03233…..EHLA….Signature variable priority lids (LID 0x40-0x47) — error
    03233…..FFR………CAN data bus: Astronic message TSC1_TE, byte 3
    03233…..TPM………………..Medium leakage from right inner tyre, axle 3
    03233…..ZBRO………………………………………….Engine oil level (T-CAN)
    03234…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
    faulty outlet valve checkback
    03234…..FFR………CAN data bus: Astronic message TSC1_TE, byte 4
    03234…..TPM………………..Medium leakage from right outer tyre, axle 3
    03234…..ZBRO…………………….Economy circ. headl. (oil pressure+v<3)
    03235…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
    faulty outlet and backup valve checkback
    03235…..FFR……………CAN data bus: EBS message TSC1_AE, byte 0
    03235…..ZBRO…………………………………………..DeltecCNG malfunction
    03236…..EBS……………………………Exhaust and intake valve checkback
    (rear axle left or rear axle)
    03236…..FFR…CAN data bus: EBS message TSC1_AE, bytes 1 and 2
    03236…..ZBRO…………………………………………..DeltecCNG malfunction
    03237…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
    faulty outlet and intake and backup valve checkback
    03237…..FFR……………CAN data bus: EBS message TSC1_AE, byte 3
    03237…..ZBRO………………………………………………..EMS3.3 malfunction
    03238…..EBS…………………………Pressure control module, left rear axle
    03238…..EHLA…………………………………………………..Air pressure switch
    03238…..FFR……………CAN data bus: EBS message TSC1_AE, byte 4
    03238…..ZBRO………………………………………………..EMS3.3 malfunction
    03239…..EBS…………………………Pressure control module, left rear axle
    03239…..EHLA………………Actuator test when vehicle moving cancelled
    s03239…FFR…………………….CAN databus: Central on-board computer
    message AUX_ZBR1, bytes 0 and 1
    03239…..ZBRO……………………………………..Fire in engine compartment
    03240…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
    no CAN reception from module
    03240…..EHLA…………………………….Redundant electrical power supply
    03240…..FFR…………………….CAN databus: Central on-board computer
    message AUX_ZBR1, byte 2
    03240…..ZBRO……………………………………..Fire in engine compartment
    03241…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
    software incompatibility between control unit
    and pressure control module
    03241…..EHLA………………Incorrect operation steering program change
    03241…..FFR…………………….CAN databus: Central on-board computer
    message AUX_ZBR1, byte 4
    03241…..TPM………………….Medium leakage from left outer tyre, axle 4
    03241…..ZBRO……………………….Engine control unit activation (T-CAN)
    03242…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
    12/24 volt incompatibility between control unit and
    pressure control module
    03242…..EHLA………………………………………………..CAN communication
    03242…..FFR………CAN databus: ECAS message ECAS1, bytes 5 to 7
    03242…..TPM………………….Medium leakage from left inner tyre, axle 4
    03242…..ZBRO…………………………………….Engine oil pressure (T-CAN)
    03243…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
    high cycle protection intake valve active, pressure < 4 bar
    03243…..EHLA…………………….First non-volatile memory is inconsistent
    03243…..FFR…………………..CAN data bus: Message ERC1_RE, byte 1
    03243…..TPM………………..Medium leakage from right inner tyre, axle 4
    03243…..ZBRO……………………………..Oil replenishment oil level too low
    03244…..EBS………Pressure-control module (rear axle left or rear axle)
    defective, arithmetic test unsuccessful
    03244…..EHLA………………………………………………………..Lowside switch
    03244…..FFR……………CAN data bus: ECAM message ECAM1, byte 4
    03244…..TPM………………..Medium leakage from right outer tyre, axle 4
    03244…..ZBRO……………………………..Oil replenishment oil level too low
    03245…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
    wheel compensation fault wheel sensor A
    03245…..EHLA………………………………………………Speed limiting system
    03245…..ZBRO………………………………………ECE36 emergency shut-off
    03246…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
    wheel compensation fault wheel sensor B
    03246…..EHLA…………………………………………………..Incorrect operation
    03246…..ZBRO……………………Cooling water level probe not connected
    03247…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
    electrical power supply fault, axle load sensor
    03247…..EHLA…………………………………………….Parameters for controls
    03247…..FFR………………..CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
    ESP message VDC1.
    03247…..ZBRO……………Engine oil pressure warning contact not conn.
    03248…..EBS………………………..Pressure control module, left rear axle,
    pressure differential on pressure control module pair,
    rear axle
    03248…..EHLA………………………………………………………Control, sticking
    03248…..ZBRO…………….EDC malfunction (before 1st starting attempt)
    03249…..EBS…………………………………….Redundant pressure rear axle
    03249…..EHLA………………….Second non-volatile memory, inconsistent
    03249…..ZBRO…………………………….EDC malfunction (engine running)
    03250…..EBS…………..Pressure control module, right rear axle, no fault
    03250…..EHLA………………………………………………Geometry parameters
    03250…..FFR…………………………….Comfort Shift inputs (CS1 and CS2)
    03250…..ZBRO……………………..EDC malfunction (starting not possible)
    03251…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
    interruption, short-circuit wheel sensor A
    03251…..EHLA………………………………………Axle movement parameters
    03251…..FFR……………………………………………………….RSG/RSL switch
    03251…..TPM………………….Medium leakage from left outer tyre, axle 5
    03251…..ZBRO………………………………………..Hydro fan oil level too low
    03252…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
    wheel sensor A: Delay too long
    03252…..EHLA…………………………………..Steering reduction parameters
    03252…..FFR……………………………………………………………Splitter switch
    03252…..TPM………………….Medium leakage from left inner tyre, axle 5
    03252…..ZBRO……………………………………………………………..FFR check
    03253…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
    wheel sensor A: Moving off fault
    03253…..EHLA………………………………Steering suppression parameters
    03253…..FFR………………………………………………………………Int. coupling
    03253…..TPM………………..Medium leakage from right inner tyre, axle 5
    03253…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….FFR warning
    03254…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
    wheel sensor A: Clearance too great
    03254…..EHLA…………………………………..Axle configuration parameters
    03254….. FFR…………………………………………………………………….Anf_EH
    03254…..TPM………………..Medium leakage from right outer tyre, axle 5
    03254…..ZBRO……………………….Cool.w.lev.probe too low or probe n.c.
    03255…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
    perpetual control wheel sensor A
    03255…..EHLA……………………….Internal monitoring of software runtime
    03255…..FFR……………………………………………………………….Input ZDR1
    03255…..ZBRO……………………………..Back pressure CRT filter too high
    03256…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
    long instability wheel sensor A
    03256…..FFR……………………………………………………………….Input ZDR2
    03257…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
    pulse ring fault wheel sensor A
    03257…..FFR……………………………………………………………….Input ZDR3
    03258…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
    fault on lifting axle wheel sensor A
    03258…..FFR…………………………………….Input request power take-off 1
    03259…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, right rear axle
    03259…..EBS_K1……………….Brake/impulse wheel/sensor combination
    rear axle right
    03259…..FFR…………………………………….Input request power take-off 2
    03260…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, right rear axle
    03260…..ECAS…………………..Supply voltage / feedback, damper valve
    03260…..FFR…………………………………………………….Input ECO / Power
    03261…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
     interruption, short-circuit wheel sensor B
    03261…..ECAS………………………………………….Damper valve, front axle
    03261…..EHLA……………………………..Function computer, computer unit
    03261…..FFR………………………………..Input checkback power take-off 1
    03262…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
    wheel sensor B: Delay too long
    03262…..ECAS……………………………………..Damper valve, 1st rear axle
    03262…..EHLA……………………………..Function computer, computer unit
    03262…..FFR………………………………..Input checkback power take-off 2
    03263…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
    wheel sensor B: Moving off fault
    03263…..ECAS…………………………………….Damper valve, 2nd rear axle
    03263…..EHLA……………………………..Function computer, computer unit
    03263…..FFR…………………………………Input gearbox neutral checkback
    03264…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
    wheel sensor B: Clearance too great
    03264…..EHLA……………………………..Function computer, computer unit
    03264…..FFR……………………………………………………Input parking brake
    03265…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
    perpetual control wheel sensor B
    03265…..EHLA……………………………Function computer, parameter area
    03265…..FFR…………………….Input checkback single H (does not exist)
    03266…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
    long instability wheel sensor B
    03266…..EHLA……………..Function computer, internal program memory
    03266…..FFR…………………………………Input request engine start / tl. 50
    03267…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
    pulse ring fault wheel sensor B
    03267…..EHLA………………………Function computer, time measurement
    03267…..FFR…………………………………………..Input request engine stop
    03268…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
    fault on lifting axle wheel sensor B
    03268…..EHLA……………………..Function computer, monitoring modules
    03269…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, right rear axle
    03269…..EHLA……………………..Function computer, monitoring modules
    03269…..FFR…………………….Plausibility message ‘Start engine’ – input
     request engine start
    03270…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
    electrical power supply fault, pad wear sensor
    03270…..EHLA……………………..Function computer, monitoring modules
    03270…..FFR…CAN message ‘Start engine’ although engine is running
    03271…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
    pad wear sensor A outside permitted value range
    03271…..EHLA……………………..Function computer, monitoring modules
    03271…..FFR………………….CAN message ‘Start engine’ although v > 0
    03272…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
    pad wear sensor B outside permitted value range
    03272…..EHLA……………………..Function computer, monitoring modules
    03272…..FFR………………….CAN message ‘Start engine’ although input
    gearbox neutral open
    03273…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
    pressure sensor outside permitted value range
    03273…..EHLA……………………..Function computer, monitoring modules
    03273…..FFR…………….CAN message ‘Stop engine’ although still v > 0
    03274…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
    time for ‘Current pressure’ inquiry too long
    03274…..EHLA……………………..Function computer, monitoring modules
    03274…..FFR………………Gearbox input speed to gearbox output speed
    with gearbox in neutral
    03275…..EBS.Pressure control module, right rear axle, poor ventilation
    03275…..EHLA……………………..Function computer, monitoring modules
    03276…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
    excessive pressure during pulse test
    03276…..EHLA……………………..Function computer, monitoring modules
    03277…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
    residual pressure after braking
    03277…..EHLA……………………..Function computer, monitoring modules
    03277…..FFR…………………………………………………………No engine CAN
    03278…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
    pressure sensor fault without braking
    03278…..EHLA……………………..Function computer, monitoring modules
    03278…..FFR………………………………………………………………Input speed
    03279…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, right rear axle
    03279…..EHLA……………………………….Function computer, safety switch
    03279…..FFR………………………………………………………..No speed signal
    (torque and engine speed limiting initiated)
    03280…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
    wheel sensor IC defective
    03280…..EHLA……………………..Function computer, monitoring modules
    03280…..FFR….Vehicle management computer cannot be switched off
    03281…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
    faulty backup valve checkback
    03281…..EHLA…………………………..Function computer: Digital output 1,
    switch-on test
    03281…..FFR………………..Input request single H (group change switch)
    03282…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
    faulty intake valve checkback
    03282…..EHLA…………………….Function computer, digital outputs 2 – 6,
    switch-on test
    03283…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
    faulty intake and backup valve checkback
    03283…..EHLA…………………….Function computer, digital outputs 2 – 6,
    switch-on test
    03284…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
    faulty outlet valve checkback
    03284…..EHLA…………………….Function computer, digital outputs 2 – 6,
    switch-on test
    03285…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
    faulty outlet and backup valve checkback
    03285…..EHLA…………………….Function computer, digital outputs 2 – 6,
    switch-on test
    03286…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
    faulty outlet and intake valve checkback
    03286…..EHLA…………………….Function computer, digital outputs 2 – 6,
    switch-on test
    03287…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
    faulty outlet and intake and backup valve checkback
    03288…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, right rear axle
    03289…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, right rear axle
    03290…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
    no CAN reception from module
    03290…..FFR…………………………………………..Control unit (register test)
    03291…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
    software incompatibility between control unit and
    pressure control module
    03291…..FFR………………………………………………Control unit (arithmetic)
    03292…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
    12/24 volt incompatibility between control unit and
    pressure control module
    03292…..FFR…………………………………………………….Control unit (RAM)
    03293…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
    high cycle protection intake valve active,
    pressure < 4 bar
    03293…..FFR………………………………………………Control unit (watchdog)
    03294…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
    arithmetic test not successful
    03294…..FFR……………………………..Control unit (watchdog has tripped)
    03295…..EBS……………………………………………Pressure control module,
    right rear axle, wheel compensation fault wheel sensor A
    03295…..FFR…………………………………………….Control unit (RAM page)
    03296…..EBS……………………………………………Pressure control module,
    right rear axle,
    wheel compensation fault wheel sensor B
    03296…..FFR……………………………….Control unit (RAM/ROM segment)
    03297…..EBS……………………………………………Pressure control module,
    right rear axle, electrical power supply fault,
    axle load sensor
    03297…..FFR…………………………………….Control unit (page error ROM)
    03298…..EBS………………………Pressure control module, right rear axle,
    pressure differential on
    pressure control module pair, rear axle
    03298…..FFR……………………………………..Control unit (checksum ROM)
    03299…..CNG……………………………………Pressure sensor surroundings
    03299…..EBS……………………….Pressure control module, right rear axle
    03300…..EBS……………………………..Pressure control module E, no fault
    03300…..FFR…………………………………………….Control unit or cable line
    (engine brake output stage)
    03300…..OBDU……………………………………………………..Alternator speed
    03300…..ZBR2……………………………………………………Alternator / starter
    03300…..ZBRO……………………………………………………………Engine revs
    03301…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
    interruption, short-circuit wheel sensor A
    03301…..FFR…………………………………………..Control unit or peripherals
    (output stage, clutch servo)
    03301…..OBDU………………………………..Engine oil temperature too high
    03301…..ZBR2………………………………………………………….Alternator tl. L
    03302…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
    wheel sensor A: Delay too long
    03302…..FFR…………………………………………….Control unit or cable line
    (power take-off 1 output stage)
    03302…..ZBR2…………………………………………………Alternator B+ sense
    03303…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
    wheel sensor A: Moving off fault
    03303…..FFR…………………………………………….Control unit or cable line
    (power take-off 2 output stage)
    03303…..ZBR2…………………………………….Engine running (= signal D+)
    03303…..ZBRO……………………………………………………….Engine running
    03304…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
    wheel sensor A: Clearance too great
    03304…..FFR…………………………………………….Control unit or cable line
    (thermostat heater output stage)
    03304…..OBDU…………………………………………….EDC boiling protection
    03305…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
    perpetual control wheel sensor A
    03305…..FFR………..Control unit or cable line (high range output stage)
    03306…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
    long instability wheel sensor A
    03306…..FFR…………Control unit or cable line (low range output stage)
    03306…..OBDU………………….Thermostat in cooling system defective or
    too much heat being taken (heater)
    03307…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
    pulse ring fault wheel sensor A
    03308…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
    fault on lifting axle wheel sensor A
    03308…..FFR………Control unit or cable line (earth group output stage)
    03309…..EBS………………………………………….Pressure control module E
    03309…..EBS_K1…………………………………………..Brake/impulse wheel/
    sensor combination additional axle left
    03309…..FFR……..Control unit or cable line (earth splitter output stage)
    03310…..EBS………………………………………….Pressure control module E
    03310…..FFR……………………………………………………………….Ride height
    03311…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
     interruption, short-circuit wheel sensor B
    03311…..FFR………………………………Control unit (EEPROM checksum)
    03311…..KSM………………………………………..Cooling water temperature.
    03311…..OBDU…………………………..Cooling water temperature too high
    03311…..TPM…………………..Severe leakage from left outer tyre, axle 1
    03312…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
    wheel sensor B: Delay too long
    03312…..TPM…………………..Severe leakage from left inner tyre, axle 1
    03313…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
    wheel sensor B: Moving off fault
    03313…..TPM…………………Severe leakage from right inner tyre, axle 1
    03313…..ZBRO……………………….Econ. circ. heat./airc. (altern. running)
    03314…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
    wheel sensor B: Clearance too great
    03314…..TPM…………………Severe leakage from right outer tyre, axle 1
    03314…..ZBRO…………………………….Economy circuit workshop jumper
    03315…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
    perpetual control wheel sensor B
    03315…..ZBRO………………………………..Charge check alternator LIMA1
    03316…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
    long instability wheel sensor B
    03316…..ZBRO………………………………..Starter start interlock repeat rel.
    03317…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
    pulse ring fault wheel sensor B
    03317…..ZBRO…………………………..Roller-type sw. 1 start interr. (open)
    03318…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
    fault on lifting axle wheel sensor B
    03318…..ZBRO………………………..Roller-type sw. 2 start interr. (closed)
    03319…..CNG………………………Throttle butterfly actuator minimum stop
    03319…..EBS………………………………………….Pressure control module E
    03319…..ZBRO………………………………….Alternator LIMA1 not charging
    03320…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
    electrical power supply fault, pad wear sensor
    03320…..ZBRO………………………………..Charge check alternator LIMA2
    03321…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
    pad wear sensor A outside permitted value range
    03321…..TPM…………………..Severe leakage from left outer tyre, axle 2
    03321…..ZBRO………………………………….Alternator LIMA2 not charging
    03322…..CNG…………………………………….Crankshaft to camshaft signal
    03322…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
    pad wear sensor B outside permitted value range
    03322…..TPM…………………..Severe leakage from left inner tyre, axle 2
    03322…..ZBRO………………………………………………….Engine start in rear
    03323…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
    pressure sensor outside permitted value range
    03323…..TPM…………………Severe leakage from right inner tyre, axle 2
    03323…..ZBRO………………………………………………….Engine stop in rear
    03324…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
    time for ‘Current pressure’ inquiry too long
    03324…..TPM…………………Severe leakage from right outer tyre, axle 2
    03324…..ZBRO………………………………..Roller-type sw. start interr. fault
    03325…..CNG……………………….Crankshaft to camshaft signal (bank 2)
    03325…..EBS………………….Pressure control module E, poor ventilation
    03325…..ZBRO……………………..Fuel tank flap (start interlock/eng. stop)
    03326…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
    excessive pressure during pulse test
    03326…..ZBRO…………………………………Engine compartment flap open
    03327…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
    residual pressure after braking
    03327…..ZBRO……………………….Gearb. n. neutral (starting impossible)
    03328…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
    pressure sensor fault without braking
    03328…..OUZBRO………………………..Start interruption via fuel tank flap
    03328…..ZBRO…………………………….Start interruption via fuel tank flap
    03329…..CNG…………………………………….Suction pipe pressure sensor
    03329…..EBS………………………………………….Pressure control module E
    03329…..ZBRO…………………………………………………….Engine start front
    03330…..EBS…..Pressure control module E, wheel sensor IC defective
    03330…..ZBRO…………………………………………………….Engine stop front
    03331…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
    faulty backup valve checkback
    03331…..TPM…………………..Severe leakage from left outer tyre, axle 3
    03331…..ZBRO…………………………..Roller-type sw. 3 start interr. (open)
    03332…..EBSPressure control module E, faulty intake valve checkback
    03332…..TPM…………………..Severe leakage from left inner tyre, axle 3
    03332…..ZBRO………………………..Roller-type sw. 4 start interr. (closed)
    03333…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
    faulty intake and backup valve checkback
    03333…..TPM…………………Severe leakage from right inner tyre, axle 3
    03333…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Central front flap open
    03334…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
    faulty outlet valve checkback
    03334…..TPM…………………Severe leakage from right outer tyre, axle 3
    03334…..ZBRO…………………………….Roller-type sw. start interr. fault fr.
    03335…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
    faulty outlet and backup valve checkback
    03335…..ZBR2….Voltage specification not possible (alternator / starter)
    03336…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
    faulty outlet and intake valve checkback
    03336…..ZBRO……………………………………….Supply compartment open
    03337…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
    faulty outlet and intake and backup valve checkback
    03337…..ZBRO…………………………….Roller-type sw. start interr. fault fr.
    03338…..EBS………………………………………….Pressure control module E
    03338…..ZBRO……………………………………………………..Start interrupted
    03339…..EBS………………………………………….Pressure control module E
    03339…..ZBRO………………………………………………………Flap 1 left open
    03340…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
    no CAN reception from module
    03340…..ZBRO………………………………………………………Flap 2 left open
    03341…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
    software incompatibility between control unit and
    pressure control module
    03341…..EBS_K1……………………..Software statuses of control unit and
    pressure-control module
    (additional axle left or additional axle) do not match
    03341…..TPM…………………..Severe leakage from left outer tyre, axle 4
    03341…..ZBRO…………………………………………………….Flap 2 right open
    03342…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
    12/24 volt incompatibility between control unit and
    pressure control module
    03342…..TPM…………………..Severe leakage from left inner tyre, axle 4
    03342…..ZBRO………………………………………………………Flap 3 left open
    03343…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
    high cycle protection intake valve active,
    pressure < 4 bar
    03343…..TPM…………………Severe leakage from right inner tyre, axle 4
    03343…..ZBRO………………………………………………………Flap 4 left open
    03344…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
    arithmetic test not successful
    03344…..TPM…………………Severe leakage from right outer tyre, axle 4
    03344…..ZBRO…………………………………………………….Battery flap open
    03345…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
    wheel compensation fault wheel sensor A
    03345…..ZBRO………………………………………………Flap in rear flap open
    03346…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
    wheel compensation fault wheel sensor B
    03346…..ZBRO………………………………………………….Engine stop in rear
    03347…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
    electrical power supply fault, axle load sensor
    03348…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module E,
    pressure differential on pressure control
    module pair, rear axle
    03349…..EBS………………………………………….Pressure control module E
    03350…..EBS……………………………..Pressure control module F, no fault
    03351…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
    interruption, short-circuit wheel sensor A
    03351…..TPM…………………..Severe leakage from left outer tyre, axle 5
    03352…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
    wheel sensor A: Delay too long
    03352…..TPM…………………..Severe leakage from left inner tyre, axle 5
    03353…..CNG…………………………..Pressure sensor charge air pressure
    03353…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
    wheel sensor A: Moving off fault
    03353…..TPM…………………Severe leakage from right inner tyre, axle 5
    03354…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
    wheel sensor A: Clearance too great
    03354…..TPM…………………Severe leakage from right outer tyre, axle 5
    03355…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
    perpetual control wheel sensor A
    03355…..TPM…………………………………………………..LID checksum error
    03356…..CNG……………………..Lambda control adaptation multiplicative
    lower range (bank 1)
    03356…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
    long instability wheel sensor A
    03357…..CNG……………………..Lambda control adaptation multiplicative
    upper range (bank 1)
    03357…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
    pulse ring fault wheel sensor A
    03358…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
    fault on lifting axle wheel sensor A
    03359…..EBS………………………………………….Pressure control module F
    03359…..EBS_K1…………………………………………..Brake/impulse wheel/
    sensor combination additional axle right
    03360…..CNG………….. Lambda control adaptation leakage air (bank 1)
    03360…..EBS………………………………………….Pressure control module F
    03361…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
    interruption, short-circuit wheel sensor B
    03361…..EHLA……………………..Function computer, monitoring modules
    03362…..CNG……………………..Lambda control adaptation fuel (bank 1)
    03362…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
    wheel sensor B: Delay too long
    03362…..EHLA……………………..Function computer, monitoring modules
    03363…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
    wheel sensor B: Moving off fault
    03363…..EHLA……………………..Function computer, monitoring modules
    03364…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
    wheel sensor B: Clearance too great
    03364…..EHLA……………………..Function computer, monitoring modules
    03365…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
    perpetual control wheel sensor B
    03365…..EHLA……………………..Function computer, monitoring modules
    03366…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
    long instability wheel sensor B
    03367…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
    pulse ring fault wheel sensor B
    03368…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
    fault on lifting axle wheel sensor B
    03368…..EHLA………………………….Function computer, overtemperature
    03369…..EBS………………………………………….Pressure control module F
    03369…..EHLA……………………..Function computer, monitoring modules
    03370…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
    electrical power supply fault, pad wear sensor
    03370…..EHLA……………………..Function computer, monitoring modules
    03371…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
    pad wear sensor A outside permitted value range
    03371…..EHLA……………………..Function computer, monitoring modules
    03372…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
    pad wear sensor B outside permitted value range
    03372…..EHLA……………………..Function computer, monitoring modules
    03373…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
    pressure sensor outside permitted value range
    03373…..EHLA……………………..Function computer, monitoring modules
    03374…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
    time for ‘Current pressure’ inquiry too long
    03374…..EHLA.Function computer, reference voltage outside tolerance
    03375…..EBS………………….Pressure control module F, poor ventilation
    03376…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
    excessive pressure during pulse test
    03376…..EHLA……………………..Function computer, monitoring modules
    03377…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
    residual pressure after braking
    03378…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
    pressure sensor fault without braking
    03379…..EBS………………………………………….Pressure control module F
    03380…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
    wheel sensor IC defective
    03381…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
    faulty backup valve checkback
    03381…..EHLA…………………………….Function computer, digital output 1
    03382…..CNG…………………….Circuit trailing throttle circulating air valve
    03382…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
    faulty intake valve checkback
    03382…..EHLA………Function computer, digital outputs 2 – 6, operation
    03383…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
    faulty intake and backup valve checkback
    03383…..EHLA………Function computer, digital outputs 2 – 6, operation
    03384…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
    faulty outlet valve checkback
    03384…..EHLA………Function computer, digital outputs 2 – 6, operation
    03385…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
    faulty outlet and backup valve checkback
    03385…..EHLA………Function computer, digital outputs 2 – 6, operation
    03386…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
    faulty outlet and intake valve checkback
    03386…..EHLA………Function computer, digital outputs 2 – 6, operation
    03387…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
    faulty outlet and intake and backup valve checkback
    03388…..EBS………………………………………….Pressure control module F
    03389…..EBS………………………………………….Pressure control module F
    03390…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
    no CAN reception from module
    03391…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
    software incompatibility between control unit
    and pressure control module
    03392…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
    12/24 volt incompatibility between control unit
    and pressure control module
    03393…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
    high cycle protection intake valve active,
    pressure < 4 bar
    03394…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
    arithmetic test not successful
    03395…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
    wheel compensation fault wheel sensor A
    03396…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
    wheel compensation fault wheel sensor B
    03397…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
    electrical power supply fault, axle load sensor
    03398…..EBS…………………………………………Pressure control module F,
    pressure differential on
    pressure control module pair, rear axle
    03399…..EBS………………………………………….Pressure control module F
    03400…..EBS……………………………………Trailer control module, no fault
    03400…..ZBR2………………………………………..Flame start solenoid valve
    03401…..EBS…………………….Trailer control module control electronics,
    unknown .C interrupt, .C self-test, RAM or ROM test
    03401…..OBDU…………………………..Engine oil level too high/low (static)
    03401…..ZBR2……………………………………………………..Flame start relay
    03402…..CNG……………………………..Throttle butterfly position deviation
    03402…..EBS………………………………………………..Trailer control module
    03402…..OBDU……………………………Engine oil level too high (dynamic)
    03402…..ZBR2……………………………………………Flame glow plug current
    03403…..CNG…………………..Throttle butterfly output stage switched off
    03403…..EBS…………………….Trailer control module control electronics,
    EEPROM, too many write accesses
    03403…..OBDU……………………………..Engine oil level too low (dynamic)
    03403…..ZBR2……………………………………………Flame glow plug current
    03404…..CNG……………………………….Throttle butterfly controller in limit
    03404…..EBS…………………….Trailer control module control electronics,
    EEPROM, checksum fault or EOL data invalid
    03404…..OBDU………………………………………Cooling water level too low
    03405…..CNG………………………………………..Monitoring computer; ROM
    03405…..EBS…………………….Trailer control module control electronics,
    EEPROM, too many data repairs required
    03406…..CNG………………………………………..Monitoring computer; RAM
    03406…..EBS…………………….Trailer control module control electronics,
    EEPROM, monitoring time exceeded
    when writing data
    03407…..CNG………………………………………..Monitoring computer; reset
    03407…..EBS………………………………………………..Trailer control module
    03407…..OBDU………………………….Oil level in power steering 1 too low
    03408…..CNG……………………….Monitoring function; torque comparison
    03408…..EBS…………………….Trailer control module control electronics,
    EEPROM, fault in dynamic parameter setting
    03408…..OBDU………………………….Oil level in power steering 2 too low
    03409…..CNG……………………….Monitoring function; safety fuel shut-off
    03409…..EBS……. Trailer control module control electronics, EEPROM,
    dynamic parameters outside permitted value range
    03410…..CNG……………………………………….Throttle butterfly error when
    checking limp-home air position
    03410…..EBS………………………………………………..Trailer control module
    03410…..OBDU…………………………………………….Clutch oil level too low
    03411…..CNG………………….Throttle butterfly error in booster balancing
    03411…..EBS………………………………………………..Trailer control module
    03411…..FFR……………….Gearbox output speed out of permitted range
    03412…..CNG…………….Throttle butterfly error in spring check ‘Closing’
    03412…..EBS………………………………………………..Trailer control module
    03412…..FFR………………………..Range-change neutral switch indicates
    ‘Neutral’ — Power take-off neutral
    switch indicates ‘Not Neutral’
    03413…..CNG……………………………………Throttle butterfly learning error
    when ignition on/off
    03413…..EBS………………………………………………..Trailer control module
    03413…..FFR………………………..Range-change neutral switch indicates
    ‘Not Neutral’ — Power take-off
    neutral switch indicates ‘Neutral’
    03414…..EBS………………………………………………..Trailer control module
    03414…..FFR………………Output stage lamp FGB (driving speed limiter)
    03415…..EBS………………………………………………..Trailer control module
    03415…..FFR……………………………..CAN data bus, oil sensor message:
    Temperature rise not plausible although
    engine is warm (> 60 °C)
    03416…..EBS……..Trailer control module, fault in coupling force control
    03416…..FFR……………………………..CAN data bus, oil sensor message:
    Oil level drop not plausible although engine is running
    03417…..EBS………………………………………………..Trailer control module
    03417…..FFR………………………..Range-change neutral switch indicates
    ‘Not Neutral’ — Power take-off neutral
    switch indicates ‘Neutral’
    03418…..EBS………………………………………………..Trailer control module
    03419…..EBS……………..Trailer control module, fault in earth estimation
    03420…..EBS………………………………………………..Trailer control module
    03421…..EBS………………………………………………..Trailer control module
    03421…..EBS_K1……………Pressure sensor supply trailer control valve
    03421…..EHLA………………………………Function computer, digital input 1
    03422…..EBS…………….Trailer control module, pressure sensor outside
    permitted value range
    03422…..EBS_K1…………………….Pressure sensor supply trailer control
    valve outside the permitted range
    03422…..EHLA………………………………Function computer, digital input 2
    03423…..EBS…………………Trailer control module, implausible pressure
    sensor value when braking was not taking place
    03423…..EHLA………………………………Function computer, digital input 3
    03424…..EBS………………………………………………..Trailer control module
    03424…..EHLA………………………………Function computer, digital input 4
    03425…..EBS………………….Trailer control module, pressure dissipation
    too slow and fault on parking brake switch
    03426…..EBS………………Trailer control module, residual pressure after
    pressure dissipation greater than threshold
    value on parking brake switch
    03427…..EBS……Trailer control module, residual pressure after braking
    03428…..EBS………………………………………………..Trailer control module
    03429…..EBS………………………………………………..Trailer control module
    03430…..CNG………………………………..Throttle butterfly potentiometer 1
    03430…..EBS……………………………..Trailer control valve; solenoid valve
    03430…..FFR…………………CAN databus: Timeout when receiving KSM
    message KSM1
    03431…..CNG………………………………..Throttle butterfly potentiometer 2
    03431…..EBS…..Trailer control module, faulty backup valve checkback
    03431…..FFR……….CAN databus: KSM message KSM1, bytes 2 and 3
    03432…..EBS…….Trailer control module, faulty intake valve checkback
    03432…..FFR………………….CAN databus: KSM message KSM1, byte 4
    03433…..EBS………………..Trailer control valve; solenoid valve feed line
    03433…..FFR………………….CAN databus: KSM message KSM1, byte 5
    03434…..EBS……..Trailer control module, faulty outlet valve checkback
    03434…..FFR………………….CAN databus: KSM message KSM1, byte 8
    03435…..EBS_K1………..Trailer control valve; solenoid valve return line
    03435…..FFR..Engine start requested although vehicle speed > 0 km/h
    03436…..EBS………………….Trailer control module, fault from outlet and
    intake valve checkback
    03436…..FFR………………………………….Engine start requested although
    gearbox not in neutral position
    03437…..EBS………………………………………………..Trailer control module
    03437…..FFR..Engine start requested although vehicle speed > 0 km/h
    03438…..EBS………………………………………………..Trailer control module
    03439…..EBS………………………………………………..Trailer control module
    03440…..EBS………………Trailer control module, no CAN reception from
    trailer control module
    03441…..EBS……………..Trailer control module, software incompatibility
    between control unit and trailer control module
    03442…..EBS……………Trailer control module, 12/24 volt incompatibility
    between control unit and trailer control module
    03443…..EBS………..Trailer control module, high cycle protection intake
    valve active, pressure < 4 bar
    03444…..EBS……..Trailer control module, arithmetic test not successful
    03445…..EBS…………………………..Trailer control module, impermissible
    pressure on coupling head
    03446…..EBS………………………………………………..Trailer control module
    03447…..EBS………………………………………………..Trailer control module
    03448…..EBS……..Trailer control module, pressure differential between
    pressure control modules and trailer control module
    03449…..EBS………………………………………………..Trailer control module
    03449…..FFR…………..Exhaust backpressure is measured although the
    exhaust valve brake control valve is not activated
    03450…..FFR……………………………………………….Exhaust backpressure
    (plausibility pressure — valve control)
    03451…..EBS…………………………………….ESP, internal control unit error
    03453…..EBS…………………………..ESP, checkback, voltage implausible
    03455…..EBS…………………………………………ESP configuration not valid
    03456…..EBS……………………………….ESP, EEPROM, checksum invalid
    03457…..EBS…………………………..ESP, EEPROM, parameter defective
    03457…..FFR………………..CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
    ACC message TSC1-ACC.
    03457…..HDS……………………………………………………….Urea tank empty
    03458…..EBS………………………ESP, EEPROM, parameter out-of-range
    03458…..FFR…………………..CAN data bus: ACC message TSC1-ACC,
    bytes 1 and 2
    03459…..EBS……………………………..ESP, EEPROM, not programmable
    03459…..FFR…………………..CAN data bus: ACC message TSC1-ACC,
    bytes 4 and 5
    03460…..FFR………………..CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
    ACC message ACC1.
    03461…..EBS…………………………………..ESP EOL data in the EBS ECU
    not compatible with ESP software version
    03461…..EHLA……….Function computer, analog inputs 1 – 4, operation
    03461…..FFR…………………..CAN data bus: ACC message ACC, byte 4
    03462…..EHLA……….Function computer, analog inputs 1 – 4, operation
    03462…..FFR…………………………………..CAN data bus: Time overrun of
    gearbox message TSC1-TRX
    03463…..EHLA……….Function computer, analog inputs 1 – 4, operation
    03463…..FFR…………………………DNR switch: No neutral position found
    03464…..EHLA……….Function computer, analog inputs 1 – 4, operation
    03467…..EBS…ESP, lateral acceleration sensor out of permitted range
    03467…..FFR……. CAN databus: Time overrun message EEC1-CM570
    03468…..FFR……. CAN databus: Time overrun message EEC2-CM570
    03469…..EBS……ESP, lateral acceleration sensor, long-time alignment
    03469…..FFR……. CAN databus: Time overrun message EEC3-CM570
    03470…..EBS…….ESP, lateral acceleration sensor, standstill alignment
    03470…..FFR………………………….CAN databus: Time overrun message
    03471…..EBS…………………………………ESP, lateral acceleration sensor,
    plausibility monitoring valid for model
    03471…..FFRCAN databus: Time overrun message ENG_TEMP-M570
    03472…..EBS…………………………………ESP, lateral acceleration sensor,
    plausibility monitoring not valid for model
    03472…..FFR………………………….CAN databus: Time overrun message
    03473…..EBS…………………….ESP, steering angle sensor not calibrated
    03473…..FFR………………………….CAN databus: Time overrun message
    03474…..EBS…………………….ESP, steering angle sensor, CAN timeout
    03474…..FFR………………………….CAN databus: Time overrun message
    03475…..EBS………..ESP, steering angle sensor out of permitted range
    03475…..FFR……………………….CAN databus: Message ECAM1, byte 1
    03476…..EBS……………………………………….ESP, steering angle sensor,
    defective CAN message content
    03476…..FFR……………………….CAN databus: Message ECAM1, byte 2
    03477…..EBS……………………ESP, steering angle sensor, gradient error
    03477…..FFR……………………….CAN databus: Message ECAM1, byte 3
    03478…..EBS…………..ESP, steering angle sensor, long-time alignment
    03478…..FFR………………..CAN databus: Time overrun message KSM2
    03479…..EBS…………………ESP, steering angle sensor, constant signal
    03479…..FFR…………….CAN databus: Time overrun message ASC1_A
    03480…..EBS…………..ESP, steering angle sensor incorrectly mounted,
    incorrect steering angle sign
    03480…..FFR…………….CAN databus: Time overrun message ASC1_B
    03481…..EBS………..ESP, steering angle sensor, plausibility monitoring
    between steering angle and rotational speed
    03483…..EBS………………….ESP, rotational speed sensor, CAN timeout
    03484…..EBS…………………………….ESP, rotational speed sensor signal
    out of permitted range
    03485…..EBS…………………………………….ESP, rotational speed sensor,
    defective CAN message content
    03486…..EBS…………….ESP, rotational speed sensor, static BITE error
    03487…..EBS………..ESP, rotational speed sensor, dynamic BITE error
    03488…..EBS……………………ESP, steering angle sensor, gradient error
    03490…..EBS………………..ESP, rotational speed sensor, fast alignment
    03491…..EBS…………ESP, rotational speed sensor, standstill alignment
    03492…..EBS……………ESP, rotational speed sensor, normal alignment
    03493…..EBS………………ESP, rotational speed sensor, sensitivity error
    03494…..EBS…………………………………….ESP, rotational speed sensor,
    plausibility monitoring valid for model
    03495…..EBS…………………………………….ESP, rotational speed sensor,
    plausibility monitoring not valid for model
    03496…..EBS……………………………………..ESP, rotational speed sensor
    incorrectly mounted, incorrect steering angle sign
    03497…..EBS…………………………………….ESP, rotational speed sensor,
    plausibility monitoring between rotational
    speed and steering angle
    03500…..EBS……………………….ESP, no CAN communication with ESP
    03500…..FFR………………………….CAN databus: Time overrun message
    03500…..KSM…………………………………………………..First faulty EOL LID
    03500…..ZBR2……………………………………………Brake (ABS/ASR/ EBS)
    03501…..EBS………………………………………..ESP, software incompatible
    03501…..FFR……..CAN databus: Time overrun message ERC1_RX_M
    03501…..OBDU…………………………………Alternator charge check failure
    03501…..ZBR2…………………………Electrical power supply to trailer ABS
    03502…..EBS…………………………….ESP, 12/24V incompatible with EBS
    03502…..FFR……… CAN databus: Time overrun message TANK_INFO
    03502…..OBDU………………………………………..Charging voltage too high
    03502…..ZBR2…………………………………………..Brake lamp, tractive unit
    03502…..ZBRO…………………………………………………………….Brake lamp
    03503…..FFR…..CAN databus: Time overrun message ENG_TEMP_M
    03503…..OBDU…………………………Vehicle system voltage often too low
    03503…..ZBR2…………………………………………………Brake lamp in trailer
    03503…..ZBRO……………………………………………………Brake lamp trailer
    03504…..EBS………………………………………………….ESP, ALU test failed
    03504…..FFR………………………….CAN databus: Time overrun message
    03504…..OBDU……………..Battery undervoltage after vehicle parked up
    03505…..EBS………………………………………..ESP, output stage defective
    03505…..FFR…………….CAN databus: Time overrun message EFLP_M
    03505…..OBDU………………………Charge voltage too low for long period
    when engine running
    03506…..EBS……………………………………ESP, intervention not plausible
    03506…..FFR……CAN databus: Time overrun message FUEL_ECO_M
    03506…..OBDU……………………..Vehicle system voltage too low for long
    period when engine running
    03506…..ZBRO……………………………………………….Battery undervoltage
    03507…..ZBRO……………………………………………Starting interlock active
    03508…..ZBRO……………………………………………Starting interlock active
    03509…..ZBRO…………………………………………Starting interlock request
    03510…..OBDU…………………………………………………..Retarder actuated
    03510…..ZBRO…………………………………………………..ASR button/switch
    03511…..OBDU…………………………………………….Engine brake operated
    03511…..ZBRO…………………………………………………..ASR button/switch
    03512…..EBS………………OBD, request, red warning lamp for diagnosis
    03512…..OBDU……………………………………………….Brake pedal pressed
    03512…..ZBRO…………………………………………………..ASR control (INA)
    03513…..EBS………….OBD, request, yellow warning lamp for diagnosis
    03513…..ZBRO…………………………………………………….ASR check lamp
    03514…..ZBRO…………………………………ASR control (brake via T-CAN)
    03515…..EBS…………………………………..OBD, brake wear sensor signal
    03515…..ZBRO……………………………….ASR control (engine via T-CAN)
    03516…..EBS……………………………………OBD, trailer EBS has no errors
    03516…..EBS_5………………………………………Request red warning light,
    ISO 11992 trailer interface
    03516…..EBS_K1……………………………………Request red warning light,
    ISO 11992 trailer interface
    03516…..ZBRO………………………………………..ASR check not connected
    03517…..EBS…………………………………OBD, voltage too high or too low
    03517…..ZBRO………………………………………………….ASR interface fault
    03518…..EBS………………………OBD, trailer interface in single line mode
    03518…..ZBRO…………………………………………Brake pad wear indicator
    03519…..EBS………………………..OBD, wheel speed sensor, error during
    the last switch-on cycle
    03519…..ZBRO………………………………….Brake pressure brake circuit 1
    03520…..EBS……………………………OBD, limit gap speed, warning level,
    repeated every second
    03520…..ZBRO………………………………….Brake pressure brake circuit 2
    03521…..EBS………………………………….OBD, frequent-stop brake active
    03521…..ZBRO…………………………………….Brake pressure rear axle left
    03522…..EBS……………………..OBD, chassis dynamometer mode active
    03522…..ZBRO…………………………………..Brake pressure rear axle right
    03523…..ZBRO…………………………………Brake pressure centre axle left
    03524…..ZBRO……………………………….Brake pressure centre axle right
    03525…..EBS…………………………………..OBD, external wheel alignment
    (speedo signal/speed sensor)
    03525…..ZBRO……………………………………Brake pressure front axle left
    03526…..EBS……………………………OBD, alignment, lateral acceleration
    sensor not completed
    03526…..ZBRO………………………………….Brake pressure front axle right
    03527…..EBS……………………………………….OBD, steering angle sensor,
    fast alignment not completed
    03527…..ZBRO……………………………………………………………..Brake light
    03528…..EBS……….OBD, ESP control unit overvoltage or undervoltage
    03528…..ZBRO…………………………………………………..Brake lamp centre
    03529…..EBS…………………………………………………OBD, ESP is passive
    03529…..EBS_K1…………..Fault in trailer control valve pressure control
    during most recent ignition on cycle
    03529…..ZBRO……………………………………………………….Brake lamp left
    03530…..EBS……………………………Fault in pressure control during most
    recent ignition on cycle
    03530…..ZBRO……………………………………………………..Brake lamp right
    03531…..EBS…………………………..Fault in redundant circuit during most
    recent ignition on cycle
    03531…..ZBRO………………………………………………Brake lamp trailer left
    03532…..EBS……………………………..Incorrect tyre diameter during most
    recent ignition on cycle, short-term tyre monitoring
    03532…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Brake lamp trailer right
    03533…..ZBRO…………………………………..Brake pedal position (0…250)
    03534…..ZBRO………………………………….EBS brake pad wear indicator
    03535…..ZBRO………………………………….EBS brake pad wear indicator
    03536…..ZBRO…………………………………………………..EBS check yellow
    03537…..ZBRO…………………………………………………..EBS check yellow
    03538…..ZBRO………………………………EBS check yellow not connected
    03539…..ZBRO………………………………………………EBS air gap too large
    03540…..ZBRO……………………………………………………….EBS check red
    03541…..ZBRO…………………………………..EBS check red not connected
    03542…..ZBRO…………………………………………..EBS malfunction prio. 1
    03543…..ZBRO………………………………..EBS reservoir pressure too low
    03544…..ZBRO…………………………Spring-loaded accumulator reservoir
    03545…..ZBRO…………………………Spring-loaded accumulator reservoir
    03546…..ZBRO…………………………………Parking brake 1 5.8 bar (open)
    03547…..ZBRO…………………………………Parking brake 2 0.8 bar (close)
    03548…..ZBRO……………………………………………………….Bus-stop brake
    03549…..ZBRO……………………………………………………….Bus-stop brake
    03550…..ZBRO………….Buzzer engage parking brake/door malfunction
    03551…..ZBRO…………………………………………..ABS active (via T-CAN)
    03552…..ZBRO……………………………………………..Malfunction ABS/ASR
    03553…..ZBRO……………………………………Check malfunction ABS/ASR
    03554…..ZBRO……………………………………EBS/ABS activation (T-CAN)
    03555…..ZBRO…………………………..UDS accident data box brake lamp
    03556…..ZBRO………………………………………………….Parking brake fault
    03557…..ZBRO…………………………………….EBS check yellow (via CAN)
    03558…..ZBRO…………………………………………EBS check red (via CAN)
    03559…..ZBRO……………………………………………….ABS fully operational
    03560…..ZBRO……………………………Brake pad thickness, 1st axle right
    03561…..ZBRO……………………………..Brake pad thickness, 1st axle left
    03562…..ZBRO…………………………..Brake pad thickness, 2nd axle right
    03563…..ZBRO…………………………….Brake pad thickness, 2nd axle left
    03564…..ZBRO……………………………Brake pad thickness, 3rd axle right
    03565…..ZBRO……………………………..Brake pad thickness, 3rd axle left
    03566…..ZBRO…………………………………………Parking brake 1 forebody
    03567…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Parking brake 1 for FFR
    03568…..OBDU…………………………………………………..Retarder actuated
    03568….. ZBR2…………………………………………………………………Retarder
    03569…..OBDU…………………………………………….Engine brake operated
    03569…..ZBR2…………………………………………………………..Engine brake
    03570…..OBDU……………………………………………….Brake pedal pressed
    03570…..ZBR2………………………………………………………….Service brake
    03571…..ZBRO……………………………………..Bus stop brake switched off
    03572…..ZBR2………………………………………………………..Bus-stop brake
    03581…..CNG………………………………….Diagnosis lambda probe before
     catalytic converter;
    03582…..CNG………………………………..Heating diagnosis lambda probe
    before catalytic converter
    03583…..CNG…………………………………………………Pressure sensor gas
    03584…..CNG…………………………………………………..Coding; quality gas
    03584…..TRON…………………………………………………….Control unit error
    03585…..CNG………………………………………………………Temperature gas
    03585…..TRON……………………………No ignition – safety time exceeded
    03586…..TRON…………………………………….Flame failure from operation
    03587….. TRON………………………………………………………………….Voltage
    03588…..TRON…Flame present during switch-on, cold blowing timeout
    03589…..TRON…………………………………………………………Flame sensor
    03590…..TRON……………………Actual value temperature control sensor
    03591…..TRON……………………………………………………….Metering pump
    03592…..TRON………………………………………………………….Burner motor
    03593…..CNG…………………………..Solenoid stop valve (gas LD) leaking
    03593…..TRON………………………………………………………………Glow plug
    03594…..CNG…………………Supply injection valves bank 1 output stage
    03594…..TRON………………………………………………………….. Overheating
    03595…..CNG…………………Supply injection valves bank 2 output stage
    03596…..CNG……………….Stop valve gas 1 output stage (low pressure)
    03596….. TRON…………………………………………………………………Setpoint
    03597…..CNG……………..Stop valve gas 2 output stage (high pressure)
    03597…..TRON…………………………………………………Overheating sensor
    03598…..CNG……………………………….Balancing in trailing throttle mode
     (measuring probe)
    03598…..TRON………………..Warning short-circuit output fresh air signal
    03599…..CNG……………………………….Balancing in trailing throttle mode
     (diagnostic probe)
    03599…..TRON……………………..Warning short-circuit output theft alarm
    03600…..EBS………………………………………………….System bus, general
    03600…..TRON…….No ignition — Too many unsuccessful start attempts
     (operation interlock)
    03600…..ZBR2…………………………………………………Fill level, clutch fluid
    03601…..CNG……………………………………….Output stage starter control
    03601…..EBS..System bus, monitoring of the axle modulator drive axle
    messages by central brake unit; CAN brake
    03601…..OBDU…………Front axle above technically permitted axle load
    03601…..TRON……………..Overheating — Hardware threshold exceeded
    in control unit (operation interlock)
    03602…..EBS……………….System bus, monitoring of the axle modulator
    additional axle messages by central brake unit;
    CAN brake
    03602…..OBDU………….Rear axle above technically permitted axle load
    03602…..TRON…………………..Overheating — Too many overheatings or
    hardware threshold exceeded in control unit
    (operation interlock)
    03602…..ZBR2………………………………………………..Reversing light relay
    03603…..EBS……………System bus, monitoring of the vehicle dynamics
    control messages by central brake unit
    03603…..TRON………….Overheating sensor — Permitted difference from
    flame sensor exceeded
    (redundant overheating monitoring)
    03603…..ZBR2………………………………………..Heating, Kongsberg circuit
    03604…..EBS………………..System bus, monitoring of the steering angle
    sensor messages by central brake unit
    03604…..ZBRO……………………………………………….Clutch brake shut-off
    03605…..ZBRO……………………………………………….Clutch brake shut-off
    03606…..ZBRO……………………………………………….Clutch brake shut-off
    03607…..ZBRO……………………………………..Clutch brake shut-off check
    03608…..ZBRO………………………………………………….Clutch brake direct
    03609…..ZBRO………………………………………Clutch brake direct stage 1
    03610…..EBS……………System bus, monitoring of the central brake unit
    messages by axle modulator drive axle; CAN brake
    03610…..ZBRO………………………………………Clutch brake direct stage 2
    03611…..ZBRO………………………………………Clutch brake direct stage 3
    03612…..EBS..System bus, monitoring of the axle modulator additional
    axle messages by axle modulator drive axle
    03612…..OUZBRO…………………………………………………Gearbox neutral
    03612…..ZBRO……………………………………………………..Gearbox neutral
    03613…..EBS_K1…….System bus, monitoring of the electronic stability
    program messages by axle modulator drive axle
    03613…..ZBRO……………………………………………..Current gear (T-CAN)
    03614…..ZBRO……………………………………………Gear engaged (T-CAN)
    03615…..ZBRO…………………………………………………………Selected gear
    03616…..ZBRO………………………………………………………Gear oil too hot
    03617…..ZBRO………………………………………………………Gear oil too hot
    03618…..ZBRO……………………………………………………….Reversing light
    03619…..ZBRO…………………………………………………….Reverse light left
    03620…..EBS………………… System bus, monitoring of the central brake
    unit messages by axle modulator additional axle
    03620…..ZBRO…………………………………………………..Reverse light right
    03621…..EBS..System bus, monitoring of the axle modulator drive axle
    messages by axle modulator additional axle
    03621…..ZBRO……………………………………..Gearbox activation (T-CAN)
    03622…..ZBRO…………………………………………………….EK shut-off Voith
    03623…..EBS…System bus, monitoring of the vehicle dynamics control
    messages by axle modulator additional axle
    03623…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Neutral at standstill ZF
    03624…..ZBRO……………………….UDS accident data box reversing light
    03625…..ZBR2…………………………………………………………Off-road range
    03626…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Reversing light buzzer
    03627…..ZBRO…………………………………………………..Gear enable Voith
    03628…..ZBRO………………………………………….Gearbox oil temperature
    03629…..ZBR2……………………………………………….Transfer case neutral
    03630…..EBS…………………System bus, monitoring of the central brake
    unit messages by vehicle dynamics control
    03631…..EBS……………….System bus, monitoring of the axle modulator
    drive axle messages by vehicle dynamics control
    03632…..EBS……………….System bus, monitoring of the axle modulator
    additional axle messages by vehicle dynamics control
    03634…..EBS………………..System bus, monitoring of the steering angle
    sensor messages by electronic stability program
    03650…..EBS…………………………………………………..CAN trailer interface
    03651…..EBS…………………………………..CAN trailer interface, CAN high
    03652…..EBS…………………………………….CAN trailer interface, CAN low
    03671…..EDC…………………………………Error when reading in EEPROM
    03672…..EDC……………………….Error when reading in the fault memory
    03673…..EDC…………………………………………………………….CAN block 2
    03674…..EDC………………………………..FFR1: Bank shut-off byte8/bit5-8
    03675…..EDC…………….Faulty redundant shut-off device afterrun drive
    03676…..EDC………………Faulty redundant shut-off device afterrun test
    03677…..EDC………………………………….Charge air low pressure sensor
    03678…..EDC……………………………………………..Booster voltage bank 1
    03679…..EDC……………………………………………..Booster voltage bank 2
    03680…..EDC……………………………….Current high pressure pump CP3
    03681…..EDC………………………………………………….Starter output stage
    03682…..EDC…………………………………….Averaged control rod position
    03683…..EDC……………Signalling of activation request for output stage
    03684…..EDC…………………………………..Starter output stage monitoring
    03685…..EDC……………………………………..Activation pulse duty ratio for
    exhaust gas recirculation valve
    03686…..EDC…….Activation pulse duty ratio for boost pressure control
    03687…..EDC…………………………………………………Pressure relief valve
    03688…..EDC………………Pressure controller variable (pulse duty ratio)
    03689…..EDC…………………………………Rail pressure control differential
    03690…..EDC………………………………………………..Synchronisation state
    03691…..EDC…………………………Current equivalent of clock-pulse ratio
    03692…..EDC……………………………………..recorded filtered temperature
    03693…..EDC………………………………………………………..Booster voltage
    03694…..EDC………………………………………Timeout message position 4
    03700…..ZBRO……………………………………………………….Retarder active
    03701…..EBS………………………………..Vehicle dynamics control module
    03701…..ZBRO…………………………….Retarder torque gearbox (T-CAN)
    03702…..EDC………………………………………..CAN A block DPRAM error
    03702…..ZBRO…………………….Retarder torque engine control (T-CAN)
    03703…..EDC…………………………………………CAN A block error passive
    03703…..ZBRO…………………………………….Retarder activation (T-CAN)
    03704…..ZBRO………………………………………………..Retarder off (switch)
    03705…..EBS………………………………..Vehicle dynamics control system,
    EEPROM parameter setting
    03705…..ZBRO………………………………………………..Retarder off (button)
    03706…..EBS……………….Installation, vehicle dynamics control module,
     vehicle adaptation
    03706…..ZBRO……………………………………………………………Retarder off
    03707…..EBS……….Ensure the ESP components are installed correctly
    and calibrate the steering angle sensor
    03707…..ZBRO……………………………………………………………Retarder off
    03708…..ZBRO…………………………………………………..Retarder off check
    03709…..ZBRO…………………………………………Engine brake off (switch)
    03710…..ZBRO…………………………………………Engine brake off (button)
    03711…..EDC………………………………………………….CAN B block bus off
    03711…..ZBRO……………………………………………………..Engine brake off
    03712…..EDC………………………………………..CAN B block DPRAM error
    03712…..ZBRO……………………………………………………..Engine brake off
    03713…..ZBRO……………………………………………Engine brake off check
    03720…..EBSVehicle dynamics control module, electrical power supply
    03720…..EDC………………………Supply to atmospheric pressure sensor
    03721…..EDC…………………………………..Supply to fuel pressure sensor
    03722…..EDC…………………….Supply to charge air low pressure sensor
    03723…..EDC……………………………………..Supply to oil pressure sensor
    03724…..EDC………………………….Supply to charge air pressure sensor
    03726…..EDC……………………………..Supply to fuel low pressure sensor
    03730…..EBS………………………………………………..Steering angle sensor
    03730…..EDC………………………..Defective classification for initialisation
    03731…..EBS……Steering angle sensor, voltage transformer signal line
    03732…..EBS………………………………..Steering angle sensor, calibration
    03732…..EDC………………………..Defective classification for initialisation
    03733…..EBS……………………..Steering angle sensor, parameter setting
    03733…..EDC…………………………………………………High-pressure pump
    03734…..EBS……………………………Steering angle sensor, steering ratio
    03734…..EDC………………………………………………Pressure control valve
    03735…..EDC………………………………………….EDC internal temperature
    03736…..EDC…………………………………….Output stage shut-off by EDC
    03737…..EDC………………………………Initialisation in master/slave mode
    03738…..EDC……………………………..Quantity correction value too great
    4-cylinder engine: Cyl. 1;
    6-cylinder engine: Cyl. 1;
    8-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 1, slave cyl. 5;
    10-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 1, slave cyl. 6;
    12-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 01, slave cyl. 12
    03739…..EDC……………………………..Quantity correction value too great
    4-cylinder engine: Cyl. 3;
    6-cylinder engine: Cyl. 5;
    8-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 2, slave cyl. 7;
    10-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 5, slave cyl. 10;
    12-cylinder engine: Master 0cyl. 5, slave cyl. 8
    03740…..EDC……………………………..Quantity correction value too great
    4-cylinder engine: Cyl. 4;
    6-cylinder engine: Cyl. 3;
    8-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 3, slave cyl. 6;
    10-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 2, slave cyl. 7;
    12-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 03, slave cyl. 10
    03741…..EDC……………………………..Quantity correction value too great
    4-cylinder engine: Cyl. 2;
    6-cylinder engine: Cyl. 6;
    8-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 4, slave cyl. 8;
    10-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 3, slave cyl. 8;
    12-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 06, slave cyl. 7
    03742…..EDC……………………………..Quantity correction value too great
    6-cylinder engine: Cyl. 2;
    10-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 4, slave cyl. 9;
    12-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 2, slave cyl. 11
    03743…..EDC……………………………..Quantity correction value too great
    6-cylinder engine: Cyl. 4;
    12-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 4, slave cyl. 9
    03744…..EDC…………..Highside output stage exhaust gas recirculation
    system throttle butterfly
    03745…..EDC…………………..Highside output stage charge air pressure
    governing system
    03746…..EDC……………………………..Highside output stage exhaust gas
    recirculation system
    03747…..EDC…………..Highside output stage pressure governing valve
    03748…..EDC……………………………Highside output stage metering unit
    high-pressure pump CP3
    03749…..EDC…………Highside output stage engine air flow sensor flap
    03750…..EDC……………………………………..Highside output stage RH 07
    03751…..EDC……………………………..Highside output stage starter relay
    03752…..EDC……………………………………..Segment encoder (camshaft)
    03753…..EDC……………………………….Incremental encoder (crankshaft)
    03754…..EDC……………………………Monitoring error when system starts
    03755…..EDC………………………………….Plausibility fuel supply pressure
    03756…..EDC………………………..Supply voltage sensor group 3 CY310
    03758…..EDC…………………..Send error message slot 2 to partner EDC
    03759…..EDC…………………..Send error message slot 3 to partner EDC
    03760…..EDC…………………..Send error message slot 4 to partner EDC
    03761…..EDC…………………..Send error message slot 5 to partner EDC
    03762…..EDC…………………………Timeout of the CAMD_ANA message
    03763…..EDC………………………Timeout of the CAMD_CMOL message
    03764…..EDC………………..Timeout of the CAMD_CONTROL message
    03765…..EDC………………………..Timeout of the CAMD_FFR1 message
    03766…..EDC………………………..Timeout of the CAMD_FFR2 message
    03767…..EDC………………………..Timeout of the CAMD_FFR3 message
    03768…..EDC…………………….Fault status of the CAMD_INIT message
    03769…..EDC…………………………Timeout of the CAMD_Limit message
    03771…..EDC……………………………..Master / slave error in reception of
    vehicle management computer CAN
    03772…..EDC………………………………………………Monitoring terminal 15
    03773…..EDC…………………Operating mode change error master/slave
    03774…..EDC………………..Temporary CMOL mode of the partner EDC
    03775…..EDC……………………………………………Rail pressure monitoring
    03776…..EDC………………………….Excessive positive control differential
    (control system cannot compensate for too
    low rail pressure)
    03777…..EDC…………………………Excessive negative control differential
    (control system cannot compensate for too
    high rail pressure)
    03778…..EDC……………….Rail pressure: Leakage in overrun conditions
    03779…..EDC…………Rail pressure: Leakage in quantity compensation
    03780…..EDC…………. Rail pressure: High controller output when idling
    03781…..EDC……………..Pressure relief valve open (pressure too high)
    03782…..EDC……………………………………Fuel supply pressure dynamic
    03783…..EDC……………………..FFR (vehicle management computer) 2:
    Bit error max. permitted engine acceleration
    03784…..EDC…………………………………………………….Bit error smoke ID
    03785…..EDC…………….Monitoring particle filter/PM catalytic converter
    03786…..EDC………………………………Particulate filter temperature limits
    03787…..EDC…………………………………No particulate filter regeneration
    03788…..EDC……………………………………..Exhaust differential pressure
    03789…..EDC………………………….. Exhaust differential pressure sensor
    03790…..EDC………………………Exhaust differential pressure plausibility
    03791…..EDC………………..Exhaust temperature before particulate filter
    03792…..EDC……..Exhaust temperature sensor before particulate filter
    03793…..EDC…………………..Exhaust temperature after particulate filter
    03794…..EDC………..Exhaust temperature sensor after particulate filter
    03795…..EDC……………………Exhaust gas recirculation throttle butterfly
    03796…..EDCHighside output stage exhaust gas recirculation system 2
    03797…..EDC…………………………..Highside output stage lambda probe
    03798…..EDC……………………………………Output stage OBD lamp (MIL)
    03799…..EDC……………………………….Highside output stage reserve 01
    03800…..EDC……………………………….Highside output stage reserve 02
    03800…..ZBR2……………………………………………….Air suspension/ECAS
    03801…..EDC……………………………….Highside output stage reserve 03
    03801…..OBDU…………………………..No engine start for at least 3 weeks
    03802…..EDC…………Highside output stage stop valve compressed air
    03802…..OBDU…………………………No engine start for at least 10 weeks
    03803…..EDC……………………..Engine CAN transmit error, no message
    available in vehicle management computer
    03804…..EDC……………………Engine CAN receive error, not possible to
    receive a message from vehicle management computer
    03805…..EDC………………………………Master/slave CAN communication
    disrupted, bus load too high
    03806…..EDC………………………………Master/slave CAN communication
    disrupted, receive error
    03806…..ZBRO……………………………………………………..Raise bus again
    03807…..EDC………………………..Vehicle management computer sends
    invalid value in FFR1 message
    03807…..ZBRO……………………………………………………..Raise bus again
    03808…..EDC………………………..Vehicle management computer sends
    invalid value in FFR2 message
    03809…..EDC………………………..Vehicle management computer sends
    invalid value in FFR3 message
    03809…..ZBRO…………………………………………………..ECAS malfunction
    03810…..EDC………………………..Vehicle management computer sends
    invalid numerical value, date/time error
    03810…..ZBRO………………………………………………………..ECAS warning
    03811…..ZBRO………………………….ECAS governing suppression brake
    03812…..EDC………………………Particulate filter temperature plausibility
    03812…..ZBRO……………………………………………………Kneeling lowering
    03813…..EDC…………………………………………………….Starter monitoring
    03813…..ZBRO……………………………………………………Kneeling lowering
    03814…..EDC…………………Recording of control unit switch-off duration
    03814…..ZBRO……………………………………………..Kneeling fully lowered
    03815…..EDC………………………………………………Exhaust backpressure
    03815…..ZBRO……………………………………………..Kneeling fully lowered
    03816…..EDC…………………………………….Exhaust backpressure sensor
    03816…..ZBRO………………………………………………………..Kneeling raise
    03817…..EDC……..Permanent system deviation exhaust backpressure
    03817…..ZBRO………………………………………………………..Kneeling raise
    03818…..EDC……………………………….Exhaust backpressure plausibility
    03818…..ZBRO……………………………………..Kneeling, manual/automatic
    03819…..EDC…………………………………………………………….CAN block 3
    03819…..ZBRO…………………………………………………Kneeling automatic
    03820…..EDC……………………………………………..Byte monitoring CAN 1
    (oil, ambient and air temperature)
    03820…..ZBRO………………………………………..Kneeling automatic check
    03821…..EDC……………………………………………..Byte monitoring CAN 3
    (exhaust temperature, AdBlue fill level, AdBlue temperature)
    03821…..ZBRO…………………………………Kneeling raise control unit (16)
    03822…..EDC…………………………….Time overrun CAN 3, exhaust CAN
    03822…..ZBRO……………………………………….Kneeling emergency raise
    03823…..EDC……………………………………..Misfiring on several cylinders
    03823…..ZBRO……………………………………….Kneeling emergency raise
    03824…..EDC………………………………………………Misfiring status master
    8-cylinder engine: Cylinder 1;
    10-cylinder engine: Cylinder 1;
    12-cylinder engine: Cylinder 1
    03824…..ZBRO……………………………..Kneeling emergency raise prio. 1
    03825…..EDC………………………………………………Misfiring status master
    8-cylinder engine: Cylinder 2;
    10-cylinder engine: Cylinder 5;
    12-cylinder engine: Cylinder 5
    03826…..ZBRO………………………………..Kneeling lower control unit (19)
    03833…..EDC…………………………………………………………Misfiring status
    4-cylinder engine: Cylinder 2;
    6-cylinder engine: Cylinder 6;
    8-cylinder engine: Cylinder 8;
    10-cylinder engine: Cylinder 8;
    12-cylinder engine: Cylinder 7
    03833…..ZBRO………………………………………………………..Moving-off aid
    03834…..EDC…………………………………………………………Misfiring status
    6-cylinder engine: Cylinder 2;
    10-cylinder engine: Cylinder 9;
    12-cylinder engine: Cylinder 11
    03834…..ZBRO……………………………………………….Moving-off aid check
    03835…..EDC…………………………………………………………Misfiring status
    6-cylinder engine: Cylinder 4;
    12-cylinder engine: Cylinder 9
    03835…..ZBRO………………………………………….Moving-off aid switch-off
    03836…..EDC……………………………….Lambda probe sensor acquisition
    03836…..ZBRO………………………………….Lifting bus above normal level
    03837…..EDC……………………………….Lambda probe sensor acquisition
    03837…..ZBRO………………………………….Lifting bus above normal level
    03838…..EDC………………….Lambda probe internal resistance, physical
    03838…..ZBRO…………………………………………………Lowering bus again
    03839…..EDC……………………………….Lambda probe internal resistance
    03839…..ZBRO………………………………..Lowering bus below ride height
    03840…..EDC……………………………………………..Oil temperature sensor
    03840…..ZBRO………………………………..Lowering bus below ride height
    03841…..EDC……………………………………………Coolant pressure sensor
    03841…..ZBRO…………………………………………………….Bus normal level
    03842…..EDC………………………………………Coolant pressure plausibility
    03842…..ZBRO…………………………………………ECAS activation (T-CAN)
    03843…..EDC………………………………….Coolant temperature plausibility
    03843…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Kneeling start interlock
    03844…..EDC…………….Plausibility, temperature ahead of cylinder inlet
    03844…..ZBRO………………..NLA bellows is depressurised (p < 0.3 bar)
    03845…..EDC…………………………….Ambient air temperature plausibility
    03845…..ZBRO……………………Switch off NLA bellows depressurisation
    03846…..EDC…………………………………………..Control unit configuration
    03846…..ZBRO…………………………Driven axle pressurised (p > 8.4 bar)
    03847…..EDC…………….Charge air temperature sensor ahead of motor
    03847…..ZBRO……………………………ECAS malfunction flashing at 1 Hz
    03848…..EDC………………………………….Ambient air temperature sensor
    03848…..ZBRO……………………………ECAS malfunction continuous light
    03849…..EDC……………………………………………….Catalyser not installed
    03849…..ZBRO……………………………ECAS warning or malfunction 2 Hz
    03850…..EDC…..Position deviation enclosed exhaust gas recirculation
    03850…..ZBRO…………………………………ECAS warning flashing at 1 Hz
    03851…..EDC………………Exhaust gas recirculation flap position sensor
    03852…..EDC…………Exhaust gas recirculation temperature plausibility
    03853…..EDC….Permanent system deviation exhaust gas recirculation
    03854…..EDC…………………………….EDC internal temperature sensor 2
    03855…..EDC………………………………………………Lambda probe system
    03856…..EDC………………………………………….Lambda probe calibration
    03857…..EDC……………………………………Lambda probe communication
    03858…..EDC……………………………………….Lambda probe temperature
    03859…..EDC………………………..Lambda probe temperature calibration
    03860…..EDC…………………………………………………Turbine wheel speed
    03861…..EDC………………………………………Turbine wheel speed sensor
    03862…..EDC………………………….NBF pulses without quantity requests
    (redundant control travel monitoring)
    03863…..EDC…………………………………………Trailing throttle monitoring
    03903…..ZBR2………………………………………………………..Tank/ fuel level
    03904…..OBDU………………………..Reservoir pressure circuit 1 (too low)
    03905…..OBDU………………………..Reservoir pressure circuit 2 (too low)
    03906…..OBDU………………………..Reservoir pressure circuit 3 (too low)
    03907…..OBDU………………………..Reservoir pressure circuit 4 (too low)
    03909…..OBDU…………………………………………Previous circuit defective
    03913…..OBDU……………………….ECAM in pneumatic backup, CAN OK
    03915…..OBDU…………………………………….ASR engine governor failure
    03918…..ZBRO……………………………………………Fuel tank almost empty
    03919…..ZBR2…………………………………………………………Fill level Gas2
    03920…..ZBR2…………………………………………………………Fill level Gas3
    04000…..AST…………………………………………..Foot off accelerator pedal
    04000…..EBSCentral control unit — B-controller: Brake performance test
    04000…..EDC……………………..Communication fault to CRT control unit
    04000…..TBM………………No response to DM4 request to control unit 0
    04000…..ZBR2………………………………………………………External lighting
    04000…..ZBRO………………………………………………..Headlight low beam
    04001…..AST……………………………………………………….Low air pressure
    04001…..EBS……..Central control unit — A-controller: Checksum error in
    configuration RAM
    04001…..EDC………….Exhaust temperature too high or communication
    fault to CRT control unit
    04001…..INT……………………………………………Accumulator charge valve
    04001…..SFFR………………………………………………Selector lever position
    04001…..ZBR2……………………………………………Headlight low beam, left
    04001…..ZBRO…………………………………………………………Low beam left
    04002…..AST…………………………………………………………Clutch overload
    04002…..EBS…Central control unit — A-controller: Internal data memory
    04002…..INT………………………………………………….Engine brake request
    04002…..SFFR……..Speed request ship vehicle management computer
    04002…..ZBR2…………………………………………Headlight low beam, right
    04002…..ZBRO………………………………………………………Low beam right
    04003…..EBS………………………………..Central control unit — B-controller:
    ESP intervention implausible
    04003…..INT……………………………………………………Intarder check lamp
    04003…..SFFR…………………………………………………………….Terminal 15
    04003…..ZBR2……………………………………….Right headlight adjustment
    04004…..AST………………………………………………………………Clutch word
    04004…..EBS………………………………..ESP logic, incorrect configuration
    04004…..HVA………………………………………………………….EEPROM error
    04004…..INT…………………………………….Display, temperature reduction
    04004…..SFFR………………………………………………Voltage selector lever
    04004…..TBM………………No response to DM4 request to control unit 4
    04004…..ZBR2………………………………………….Left headlight adjustment
    04005….. AST……………………………………………………….Overtemperature
    04005…..EBS……Central control unit — B-controller: Pressure regulating
    valves (ABS) are in an undefined status
    04005…..INT………………………………………………………Brake lamp output
    04005…..SFFR……………………………………….Voltage pedal value sensor
    04005…..ZBR2………………………….Turn indicators, tractive unit, rear left
    04005…..ZBRO…………………………………..Turn indicator rear left bottom
    04006…..EBS………….Central control unit — B-controller: Calculated ISC
    pressures in A and B-controller do not match
    04006…..INT……………………………………………………….Fault lamp output
    04006…..ZBR2……………………….Turn indicators, tractive unit, rear right
    04006…..ZBRO…………………………………Turn indicator rear right bottom
    04007…..EBS……………………..ABS logic, FMI 3 = Pressure plausibility /
    FMI 8 = Data record plausibility
    04007…..HVA………………………Failure of CAN message CCVeh_Speed
    04007…..INT…………………………………………………Cruise control shut-off
    04007…..ZBR2……………………………..Turn indicator, tractive unit s/f, left
    04007…..ZBRO……………………………………..Turn indicator front left side
    04008…..EBS……………….ABS (pressure control valve): Installed but no
     components configured
    04008…..HVA…………………………………..Failure of CAN message EBC2
    04008…..INT……………………………………….Braking level selector supply
    04008…..ZBR2……………………………Turn indicator, tractive unit s/f, right
    04008…..ZBRO……………………………………Turn indicator front right side
    04009…..EBS…………………………………………………….Central control unit
    04009…..HVA…………………………………..Failure of CAN message EEC1
    04009…..INT………………………………………………………Proportional valve
    04009…..ZBR2…………………………Hall sensor, indicator stalk switch RL
    04010…..EBS…..Central control unit — Internal controller communication
    of the A-controller, checksum error
    04010…..HVA…………………………………..Failure of CAN message EBC1
    04010…..INT…………………………………….Earth return, proportional valve
    04010…..ZBR2…………………………Hall sensor, indicator stalk switch RR
    04011…..EBS…..Central control unit — Internal controller communication
    of the A-controller, interruption in communication
    04011…..HVA……………………………….ABS signals ‘Not fully operational’
    04011…..INT…………………………………………………………….Output ADM2
    04011…..ZBR2…………………………………..Switch, indicators, left (button)
    04011…..ZBRO…………………………………………………..Turn indicator, left
    04012…..EBS…..Central control unit — Internal controller communication
    of the A-controller, format error
    04012…..HVA……..Cable fault oil temperature sensor (pin III/3 or IV/18)
    04012…..INT……………………………………..Speed sensor, gearbox output
    04012…..ZBR2…………………………………Switch, indicators, right (button)
    04012…..ZBRO…………………………………………………Turn indicator, right
    04013…..EBS………………Central control unit — A-controller, format error
    04013…..HVA…………………Oil pressure sensor signals ‘No oil pressure’
    04013…..INT…………………………….Temperature detection, system error
    04013…..ZBR2…………………………….Check lamp, hazard warning lights
    04013…..ZBRO…………………………………….Hazard warning lights check
    04014…..EBS…..Central control unit — Internal controller communication
    of the B-controller, checksum error
    04014…..HVA…….Oil pressure sensor signals ‘Continuous oil pressure’
    04014…..INT……………………………Readback current, proportional valve
    04014…..ZBR2………………………………………Hazard warning light switch
    04014…..ZBRO……………………………………..Hazard warning light switch
    04015…..EBS…..Central control unit — Internal controller communication
    of the B-controller interruption in communication
    04015…..HVA………..Cable fault oil pressure sensor (pin III/4, II/5 or I/5)
    04015…..INT…………………………………………………………….Power supply
    04015…..ZBR2………………………………………Turn indicators in trailer, left
    04015…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Turn indicator left trailer
    04016…..EBS…..Central control unit — Internal controller communication
    of the B-controller, format error
    04016…..HVA…………………………………….Fault at output ZP1 (pin IV/11)
    04016…..INT………………………………………………….Braking level selector
    04016…..ZBR2……………………………………Turn indicators in trailer, right
    04016…..ZBRO…………………………………………Turn indicator right trailer
    04017…..EBS………Central control unit EEPROM: Implausible values in
    ‘General vehicle configuration’ block
    04017…..HVA……………………………Fault at output ZP2 (pin IV/2 or IV/6)
    04017…..INT………………………….Operating hours counter, system error
    04017…..ZBR2………………………………………….Headlight high beam, left
    04017…..ZBRO……………………………………………………..High beam 1 left
    04018…..EBS………….Central control unit EEPROM: Checksum error in
    ‘General vehicle configuration’ block
    04018…..INT………………………………………….Faul memory, system error
    04018…..ZBR2………………………………………..Headlight high beam, right
    04018…..ZBRO……………………………………………………High beam 1 right
    04019…..EBS………Central control unit EEPROM: Implausible values in
    ‘Own vehicle configuration’ block
    04019…..HVA…………………………………….Fault at output ZP3 (pin III/13)
    04019…..INT…………………………………………………………….CAN data bus
    04019…..ZBR2………………………….Switch, headlight high beam (button)
    04019…..ZBRO……………………………………………………High beam switch
    04020…..EBS………….Central control unit EEPROM: Checksum error in
    ‘Own vehicle configuration’ block
    04020…..HVA………Fault at output clutch main pump (pin IV/7 and III/5)
    04020…..INT…………………………….Data bus, message EEC2 from EDC
    04020…..SFFR………………………………………………………..Supply voltage
    04020…..ZBR2………………………………………………Headlight flash button
    04021…..EBS………Central control unit EEPROM: Implausible values in
    ‘General wheel configuration’ block
    04021…..INT………………………………………………….Engine speed sensor
    04021…..SFFR………………………………………………….Pedal value sensor
    04021…..ZBR2……………………………………………Auxiliary high beam, left
    04021…..ZBRO……………………………………………………..High beam 2 left
    04022…..EBS………….Central control unit EEPROM: Checksum error in
    ‘General wheel configuration’ block
    04022…..HVA………………………………Fault at output fan relay (pin III/10)
    04022…..INT………………………………………………………………System fault
    04022…..SFFR………………………………………………………….Selector lever
    04022…..ZBR2………………………………………….Auxiliary high beam, right
    04022…..ZBRO……………………………………………………High beam 2 right
    04023…..HVA………………………………………….Speed signals implausible
    04023…..INT………………………CAN data bus, message TSC1 from FFR
    04023…..SFFR……………………………………….Idling speed harmonisation
    04023…..ZBR2………………………………Relay, additional headlight in roof
    04024…..EBS………….Central control unit EEPROM: Checksum error in
    ‘General axle configuration’ block
    04024…..HVA…………………………………………..Operating voltage too low
    04024…..INT…………………………………CAN data bus, send system error
    04024…..SFFR…………………………………………………..Default driving unit
    04024…..ZBR2……………………………………….Rear fog lamp, tractive unit
    04024…..ZBRO………………………………………………………..Rear fog lamp
    04025…..EBS………Central control unit EEPROM: Implausible values in
    ‘Own axle configuration’ block
    04025…..INT…………………………………………………CAN data bus, BusOff
    04025…..SFFR……………………………………………………………Engine CAN
    04025…..ZBR2……………………………………………….Rear fog lamp, trailer
    04025…..ZBRO……………………………………………….Rear fog lamp trailer
    04026…..EBS………….Central control unit EEPROM: Checksum error in
    ‘Own axle configuration’ block
    04026…..INT………………CAN data bus, message EBC1 from EBS/ABS
    04026…..SFFR……………………………………………………………MMDS CAN
    04026…..ZBR2………………………………………………………..Fog lamp, right
    04026…..ZBRO………………………………………………………..Fog lamp right
    04027…..EBS………Central control unit EEPROM: Implausible values in
    ‘General CAN configuration’ block
    04027…..INT……………………..CAN data bus, acknowledge system error
    04027…..SFFR…………Engine CAN: Time overrun when receiving EDC
    message EDC1
    04027…..ZBR2………………………………………………………….Fog lamp, left
    04027…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Fog lamp left
    04028…..EBS………….Central control unit EEPROM: Checksum error in
    ‘General CAN configuration’ block
    04028…..INT……………………..CAN data bus, message EEC1 from EDC
    04028…..SFFR…………Engine CAN: Time overrun when receiving EDC
    message EDC2
    04028…..ZBR2…………………….Switch-on enable check lamp, fog lamps
    04029…..EBS………Central control unit EEPROM: Implausible values in
    ‘General function configuration’ block
    04029…..INT……………CAN data bus, message TCO1 from tachograph
    04029…..SFFR…………Engine CAN: Time overrun when receiving EDC
    message EDC3
    04029…..ZBR2……………………………………….Relay, additional fog lamps
    04030…..EBS………….Central control unit EEPROM: Checksum error in
    ‘General function configuration’ block
    04030….. INT ………………………………………………………………………….LED
    04030…..SFFR…………Engine CAN: Time overrun when receiving EDC
    message EDC4
    04030…..ZBR2……………………..Current, parking light, tractive unit, right
    04031…..EBS………Central control unit EEPROM: Implausible values in
    ‘General ISR configuration’ block
    04031…..INT……………………..CAN data bus, message CCVS from FFR
    04031…..SFFR…………Engine CAN: Time overrun when receiving EDC
     message EDC5
    04031…..ZBR2……………………….Current, parking light, tractive unit, left
    04032…..EBS………….Central control unit EEPROM: Checksum error in
    ‘General ISR configuration’ block
    04032…..INT………………CAN data bus, message ERC1_ER from EDC
    04032…..SFFR…………Engine CAN: Time overrun when receiving EDC
     message EngineConfig
    04032…..ZBR2………………………………………..Current, parking light, right
    04033…..EBS………Central control unit EEPROM: Implausible values in
    ‘Own ISR configuration’ block
    04033…..INT……………….. CAN data bus, message ETC1 from gearbox
    04033…..SFFR………MMDS CAN: Time overrun when receiving MMDS
     message TSC1-FME.
    04033…..ZBR2………………………………………….Current, parking light, left
    04034…..EBS………….Central control unit EEPROM: Checksum error in
    ‘Own ISR configuration’ block
    04034…..INT………………………CAN data bus, message ETC1 from FFR
    04034…..SFFR………MMDS CAN: Time overrun when receiving MMDS
     message Time/Date
    04034…..ZBR2……………………………………………..Side marker light, right
    04035…..EBS………Central control unit EEPROM: Implausible values in
    ‘Own ABS configuration’ block
    04035…..INT……………………….CAN data bus, message ETP from EDC
    04035…..SFFR………MMDS CAN: Time overrun when receiving MMDS
     message VehDistance
    04035…..ZBR2……………………………………………….Side marker light, left
    04036…..EBS………….Central control unit EEPROM: Checksum error in
    ‘Own ABS configuration’ block
    04036…..INT……………………..CAN data bus, message ERC1 from FFR
    04036…..ZBR2………………………………Current, parking light, trailer, right
    04036…..ZBRO…………………………………………………Tail light right trailer
    04037…..EBS………Central control unit EEPROM: Implausible values in
    ‘Own ASR configuration’ block
    04037…..INT………………………CAN data bus, message TSC1 from FFR
    04037…..ZBR2………………………………..Current, parking light, trailer, left
    04037…..ZBRO…………………………………………………..Tail light left trailer
    04038…..EBS………….Central control unit EEPROM: Checksum error in
    ‘Own ASR configuration’ block
    04038…..INT……….CAN data bus, time/date message from tachograph
    04038…..ZBR2……………………………………………Relay, parking lights left
    04039…..EBS………Central control unit EEPROM: Implausible values in
    ‘General ESP configuration’ block
    04039…..INTCAN data bus, mileage message (HRVD) from tachograph
    04039…..ZBR2………………………………………………….Parking light switch
    04039…..ZBRO…………………………………………………Parking light switch
    04040…..EBS………….Central control unit EEPROM: Checksum error in
    ‘General ESP configuration’ block
    04040…..INT……………………….Lamp, Bremsomat/braking control active
    04040…..ZBR2…………………………………………………Winter service relay
    04041…..EBS………Central control unit EEPROM: Implausible values in
    ‘Own ESP configuration’ block
    04041…..INT………………..CAN data bus, ABS message from EBS/ABS
    04041…..ZBR2…………………………………………………Relay, blackout light
    04042…..EBS………….Central control unit EEPROM: Checksum error in
    ‘Own ESP configuration’ block
    04042…..INT……………………..CAN data bus, FMR1 message from FFR
    04042…..ZBR2…………………………………..Perform lighting training again
    04043…..EBS………Central control unit EEPROM: Implausible values in
    ‘Own plausibility configuration’ block
    04043…..INT…………………………………………………….Flashing code lamp
    04043…..ZBR2……………………………………….Interlock function, light test
    04044…..EBS………….Central control unit EEPROM: Checksum error in
    ‘Own plausibility configuration’ block
    04044…..INT……………………………………CAN data bus, message FMR2
    04044…..ZBR2………………………………………..Release function, light test
    04045…..EBS…………Central control unit EEPROM: Implausible values
    from ‘Error memory’
    04045…..INT………………………………………CAN data bus, message EPS
    04045…..ZBR2………………..Turn indicators operated for both directions
    04046…..EBS……………..Central control unit EEPROM: Checksum error
    for ‘Error memory’
    04046…..ZBR2…………………………………………………..ALW not calibrated
    04047…..EBS…………Central control unit EEPROM: Implausible values
    in ‘Axle configuration’ block
    04047…..INT…………………………….Vehicle electrical system terminal 30
    04047…..ZBRO………………………………………..Turn indicator rear left top
    04048…..EBS……………..Central control unit EEPROM: Checksum error
    in ‘Self-taught EBS data’ block
    04048…..ZBRO………………………………………Turn indicator rear right top
    04049…..EBS……………..Central control unit EEPROM: Checksum error
    in ‘Own test’ block
    04049…..ZBRO………………………………………Turn indicator rear left side
    04050…..EBS……………………………………………………………..Brakes CAN
    04050…..ZBRO…………………………………….Turn indicator rear right side
    04051…..EBS………………………………..ESP sensor CAN: System bus off
    04051…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Turn indicator front left
    04052…..EBS……………….Electrical power supply, comparison between
    terminal 15 and terminal 30
    04052…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Turn indicator front right
    04053…..EBS…………………………………………………………………….Earth 2
    04053…..ZBRO…………………………………………………..School bus button
    04054…..EBS……Control unit switch-off delay: Fault in electronic circuit
    04054…..ZBRO…………………………………………………..School bus button
    04055…..EBS…………………………………………..ASR: Invalid configuration
    04055…..ZBRO………………………………………….School bus button check
    04056…..EBS………………..Central control unit — B-controller: Checksum
    error in boot software
    04056…..ZBRO…………………….Additional turn indicator behind bumper
    04057…..EBS……………………………………………….Pressure control valve
    04057…..ZBRO…………………………………………………………..Clicker relay
    04058…..EBS…………………Steering angle sensor, CAN communication
    04058…..ZBRO………………………………Hazard warning light switch CAN
    04059…..EBS……………………………………….Steering angle sensor signal
    04059…..ZBRO…………………………Hazard warning light switch external
    04060…..EBS………..Steering angle sensor, installed but not configured
    04060…..ZBRO……………………………………………….Headlight high beam
    04061…..EBS……………………….Yaw rate sensor, quick calibration faulty
    04061…..ZBRO……………………………………..High-beam headlight check
    04062…..EBS……………………………………………….Yaw rate sensor signal
    04062…..ZBRO……………………………………………….Licence plate light(s)
    04063…..EBS…………………………Yaw rate sensor, CAN communication
    04063…..ZBRO………………………………………………………..Rear fog lamp
    04064…..EBS…………………Yaw rate sensor, sensor installed incorrectly
    04064…..ZBRO…………………………………………………Rear fog lamp right
    04065…..EBS………………..Yaw rate sensor, installed but not configured
    04065…..ZBRO……………………………………………………Rear fog lamp left
    04066…..EBS………….Yaw angle sensor, long-time calibration incorrect
    04066…..ZBRO………………………………………..Rear fog lamp trailer right
    04067…..EBS…………………………Transverse acceleration sensor signal
    04067…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Rear fog lamp trailer left
    04068…..EBS…….Steering angle sensor, long-time calibration incorrect
    04068…..ZBRO……………………………………………………………..Fog lamps
    04069…..EBS………………Steering angle sensor signal, implausible with
    regard to reference rate of turn
    04069…..ZBRO……………………………………………………………..Fog lamps
    04070…..EBS………………………….Steering angle sensor, signal gradient
    04070…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Tail light right
    04071…..EBS………..Steering angle sensor, sensor installed incorrectly
    04071…..ZBRO……………………………………………………………Tail light left
    04072…..EBS…………………………………………………….ESP sensor supply
    04072…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Side marker light 1 right
    04073…..EBS………………………………………Service brake module supply
    04073…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Side marker light 1 left
    04074…..EBS………..Pressure control module, outdated driver software
    04074…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Side marker light 2 right
    04075…..EBS………………….Inconsistent driver software status between
    ECU and pressure control module
    04075…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Side marker light 2 left
    04076…..EBS…………………Pressure control module, checksum error in
     external flash memory
    04076…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Side marker light 3 right
    04077…..EBS…….Pressure control module, installed but not configured
    04077…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Side marker light 3 left
    04078…..EBS…………………………….Trailer control module — intake valve
    04078…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Side marker light 4 right
    04079…..EBS………………………….Trailer control module — exhaust valve
    04079…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Side marker light 4 left
    04080…..EBS……………………………..Trailer control module: Check valve
    04080…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Side marker light 5 right
    04081…..EBS…………….Trailer control module — pressure sensor supply
    04081…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Side marker light 5 left
    04082…..EBS………………………………………………..Trailer control module
    04082…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Side marker light 6 right
    04083…..EBS…………………Trailer control module, short circuit between
    intake and exhaust valves
    04083…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Side marker light 6 left
    04084…..EBS…………………Trailer control module, short circuit between
    check and intake valves
    04084…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Side marker light 7 right
    04085…..EBS…………………Trailer control module, short circuit between
    check and exhaust valves
    04085…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Side marker light 7 left
    04086…..EBS………………………………………………..Wheel sensor wheel 7
    04086…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Side marker light 8 right
    04087…..EBS……………………..Wheel sensor wheel 7: Connection cable
    damaged or sensor defective
    04087…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Side marker light 8 left
    04088…..EBS………………………………………………..Wheel sensor wheel 8
    04088…..ZBRO……………………………………………………Parking light right
    04089…..EBS……………………..Wheel sensor wheel 8: Connection cable
    damaged or sensor defective
    04089…..ZBRO……………………………………………………..Parking light left
    04090…..EBS…………………………….Brake pad wear connection wheel 1
    04090…..ZBRO………………………………………………Outline light rear right
    04091…..EBS…………………………Brake pad wear sensor signal wheel 7
    04091…..ZBRO………………………………………………..Outline light rear left
    04092…..EBS………………………………….Brake pad wear sensor wheel 7:
    Difference between the 2 signals on the left and
    right sides of the axle too great
    04092…..ZBRO……………………………………………..Outline light front right
    04093…..EBS…………………………Brake pad wear sensor signal wheel 8
    04093…..ZBRO……………………………………………….Outline light front left
    04094…..EBS………………………………….Brake pad wear sensor wheel 8:
    Difference between the 2 signals on the left and
    right sides of the axle too great
    04094…..ZBRO………………………………………………..Turn indicator check
    04095…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 1,
    incompatible software components
    04095…..ZBRO……………………………………….Turn indicator check trailer
    04096…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 1,
    fault in electronic circuit
    04096…..ZBRO……………………….Parking light 1 (tl. 58 for body builder)
    04097…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 1,
    internal control unit test incorrect
    04097…..ZBRO……………………….Parking light 2 (tl. 58 for body builder)
    04098…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 1,
    unknown pressure control module fault code
    04098…..ZBRO………………………………………………Reversing light trailer
    04099…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 1,
    incorrect system monitoring after activation
    04100…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 2,
    incompatible software components
    04100…..ZBR2………………………..Headlight low beam, snowplough and
    gritter operation, right
    04101…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 2,
    fault in electronic circuit
    04101…..EMOS………………………………………..Gearshift sensor position
    04101…..ZBR2………………………..Headlight low beam, snowplough and
    gritter operation, left
    04102…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 2,
    internal control unit test incorrect
    04102…..EMOS………………………………………..Selection sensor position
    04102…..ZBR2……………………….Headlight high beam, snowplough and
    gritter operation, right
    04103…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 2,
    unknown pressure control module fault code
    04103…..EMOS………………………………………………………..Engine signal
    04103…..ZBR2……………………….Headlight high beam, snowplough and
    gritter operation, left
    04104…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 2,
    incorrect system monitoring after activation
    04104…..EMOS………………………………Gearbox pressure sensor signal
    04104…..ZBR2…….Current, parking light, tractive unit, snowplough and
    gritter operation, right
    04105…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 3,
    incompatible software components
    04105…..EMOS……………………………………….Selector lever information
    04105…..ZBR2…….Current, parking light, tractive unit, snowplough and
    gritter operation, left
    04106…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 3,
    fault in electronic circuit
    04106…..EMOS……………………………………………..Request PTO1 signal
    04106…..ZBRO…………………………………………..School bus lights check
    04107…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 3,
    internal control unit test incorrect
    04107…..EMOS……………………………………………..Request PTO2 signal
    04107…..ZBRO…………………………………………………School bus light left
    04108…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 3,
    unknown pressure control module fault code
    04108…..EMOS……………………………………………….Coding PTO1 signal
    04108…..ZBRO……………………………………………….School bus light right
    04109…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 3,
    incorrect system monitoring after activation
    04109…..EMOS……………………………………………….Coding PTO2 signal
    04109…..ZBR2……………………………………………….Switch, blackout light
    04110…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 4,
    incompatible software components
    04110…..EMOS…………………………………………….PTO1 engaged signal
    04110…..ZBRO…………………………………………………….Fog lamps check
    04111…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 4,
    fault in electronic circuit
    04111…..EMOS…………………………………………….PTO2 engaged signal
    04111…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Side marker light 9 left
    04112…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 4,
    internal control unit test incorrect
    04112…..EMOS……………………………………..Timeout of EEC3 message
    04112…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Side marker light 9 right
    04113…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 4,
    unknown pressure control module fault code
    04113…..EMOS……………………………………………….Timeout Eng_Temp
    04113…..ZBR2………………………………………….Relay, parking lights right
    04114…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 4,
    incorrect system monitoring after activation
    04114…..EMOS……………………………..Timeout of Amb_Cond message
    04114…..ZBRO………………………………………………Daytime driving lights
    04115…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 5,
    incompatible software components
    04115…..EMOS……………………………………..Timeout of ETC3 message
    04115…..ZBR2…………………………..Number of height sensors RA set in
    parameters is incorrect (in ALW)
    04116…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 5,
    fault in electronic circuit
    04116…..EMOS…………………………….Send error of TSC1_TE message
    04116…..ZBRO………………………………………………………Light test active
    04117…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 5,
    internal control unit test incorrect
    04117…..EMOS………………………………….Send error of ETC1 message
    04117…..ZBRO……………………………………………………..Light test cancel
    04118…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 5,
    unknown pressure control module fault code
    04118…..EMOS………………………………………Error warning vehicle CAN
    04118…..ZBRO…………………………………………………………Light test end
    04119…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 5,
    incorrect system monitoring after activation
    04119…..EMOS…………………………Timeout of Transm_Fluids message
    04120…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 6,
    incompatible software components
    04120…..EMOS……………………………………..Timeout of KSM1 message
    04121…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 6,
    fault in electronic circuit
    04121…..EMOS…………………….Checksum error when reading out data
    from EEPROM on ECU start
    04122…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 6,
    internal control unit test incorrect
    04122…..EMOS……………………Electrical power supply of gearshift and
    selection sensor: Value range exceeded
    04123…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 6,
    unknown pressure control module fault code
    04123…..EMOS………………….Clutch biting point cannot be ascertained
    04124…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 6,
    incorrect system monitoring after activation
    04124…..EMOS……………………………………………..Gear disengagement
    04125…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 1,
    EEPROM data record is not compatible with the system
    04125…..EMOS………………………….Gate selection in gear engagement
    04126…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 1,
    EEPROM cannot be written
    04126…..EMOS………………………………………..Gear selection procedure
    04127…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 2,
    EEPROM data record is not compatible with the system
    04127…..EMOS……………………………………………..Gear synchronisation
    04128…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 2,
    EEPROM cannot be written
    04128…..EMOS………………………………………………….Gear engagement
    04129…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 3,
    EEPROM data record is not compatible with the system
    04129…..EMOS……………………………….Timeout of ERC1_RX message
    04130…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 3,
    EEPROM cannot be written
    04130…..EMOS………………..Float switch signals Pentosin level too low
    04131…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 4,
    EEPROM data record is not compatible with the system
    04131…..EMOS………………………………….Gearshift sensor temperature
    04132…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 4,
    EEPROM cannot be written
    04132…..EMOS………………………………….Selection sensor temperature
    04133…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 5,
    EEPROM data record is not compatible with the system
    04133…..EMOS…………………………………Timeout of PROP_A message
    04134…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 5,
    EEPROM cannot be written
    04134…..EMOS……………..Tear-off or undervoltage of VPHS (TL 30-1).
    Pump inoperative or only operable with restrictions.
    04135…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 6,
    EEPROM data record is not compatible with the system
    04135…..EMOS………………….Tear-off or undervoltage of VP (TL 30-2).
    Redundant power supply is no longer available.
    04136…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 6,
    EEPROM cannot be written
    04136…..EMOS……………..Tear-off or excessive voltage drop of VMHS
    (TL 31-1). ECU power supply via VM (TL 31-2).
    Pump inoperative or only operable with restrictions.
    04137…..EBS………………….Power supply pressure module on wheel 1,
    short circuit to terminal 15
    04138…..EBS…………………..Power supply pressure module on wheel 1
    04139…..EBS………………….Power supply pressure module on wheel 1,
    short circuit between the connection cables
    04139…..EMOS…………………………Main switch-off relay 1 discontinuity
    04140…..EBS………………….Power supply pressure module on wheel 2,
    short circuit to terminal 15
    04141…..EBS…………………..Power supply pressure module on wheel 2
    04141…..EMOS…………………………Main switch-off relay 2 discontinuity
    04142…..EBS………………….Power supply pressure module on wheel 2,
    short circuit between the connection cables
    04143…..EBS………………….Power supply pressure module on wheel 3,
    short circuit to terminal 15
    04144…..EBS…………………..Power supply pressure module on wheel 3
    04145…..EBS………………….Power supply pressure module on wheel 3,
    short circuit between the connection cables
    04146…..EBS………………….Power supply pressure module on wheel 4,
    short circuit to terminal 15
    04147…..EBS…………………..Power supply pressure module on wheel 4
    04148…..EBS………………….Power supply pressure module on wheel 4,
    short circuit between the connection cables
    04149…..EBS………………….Power supply pressure module on wheel 5,
    short circuit to terminal 15
    04150…..EBS…………………..Power supply pressure module on wheel 5
    04151…..EBS………………….Power supply pressure module on wheel 5,
    short circuit between the connection cables
    04152…..EBS………………….Power supply pressure module on wheel 6,
    short circuit to terminal 15
    04152…..EMOS………………………………..Pump activation, ECU problem
    04153…..EBS…………………..Power supply pressure module on wheel 6
    04154…..EBS………………….Power supply pressure module on wheel 6,
    short circuit between the connection cables
    04155…..EBS………………………………………CAN signal brake on wheel 1
    04156…..EBS………………………………………CAN signal brake on wheel 2
    04157…..EBS………………………………………CAN signal brake on wheel 3
    04158…..EBS………………………………………CAN signal brake on wheel 4
    04159…..EBS………………………………………CAN signal brake on wheel 5
    04160…..EBS………………………………………CAN signal brake on wheel 6
    04160…..EMOS..’Idling speed switch’ signal or ‘Kickdown active’ signal
    04161…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 1, time overrun
    of message 11
    04161…..EMOS………………………………..Wheel differential speed signal
    04162…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 1, time overrun
    of message 12
    04162…..EMOS…Time information via CAN is not completely available
    04163…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 1, time overrun
    of message 13
    04163…..EMOS….On-time exceeded for ‘Open clutch’ actuator system
    04164…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 1, time overrun
    of message 14
    04164…..EMOS….On-time exceeded for ‘Close clutch’ actuator system
    04165…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 1, time overrun
    of message 21
    04165…..EMOS………..On-time exceeded for selection actuator system
    04166…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 1, time overrun
    of message 22
    04166…..EMOS…..On-time exceeded for engagement actuator system
    04167…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 1, time overrun
    of message 23
    04167…..EMOS………………………On-time exceeded for hydraulic pump
    04168…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 1, time overrun
    of message 24
    04168…..EMOS…………………..Temperature below permitted limit value
    04169…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 2, time overrun
    of message 11
    04170…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 2, time overrun
    of message 12
    04170…..EMOS……………Safety device (WDC/redundant shut-off path)
    does not function
    04171…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 2, time overrun
    of message 13
    04171…..EMOS ‘Temperature sensor next to pump output stage’ signal
    04172…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 2, time overrun
    of message 14
    04172…..EMOS..No pressure build-up possible during pump activation
    04173…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 2, time overrun
    of message 21
    04174…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 2, time overrun
    of message 22
    04175…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 2, time overrun
    of message 23
    04176…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 2, time overrun
    of message 24
    04177…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 3, time overrun
    of message 11
    04178…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 3, time overrun
    of message 12
    04179…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 3, time overrun
    of message 13
    04180…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 3, time overrun
    of message 14
    04180…..EMOS…………………..Sequence monitoring has detected error
    in function call sequence
    04181…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 3, time overrun
    of message 21
    04181…..EMOS…………………………………………..Security layer activated
    04182…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 3, time overrun
    of message 22
    04183…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 3, time overrun
    of message 23
    04184…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 3, time overrun
    of message 24
    04185…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 4, time overrun
    of message 11
    04186…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 4, time overrun
    of message 12
    04187…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 4, time overrun
    of message 13
    04188…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 4, time overrun
    of message 14
    04189…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 4, time overrun
    of message 21
    04190…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 4, time overrun
    of message 22
    04191…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 4, time overrun
    of message 23
    04192…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 4, time overrun
    of message 24
    04193…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 5, time overrun
    of message 11
    04194…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 5, time overrun
    of message 12
    04195…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 5, time overrun
    of message 13
    04196…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 5, time overrun
    of message 14
    04197…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 5, time overrun
    of message 21
    04198…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 5, time overrun
    of message 22
    04199…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 5, time overrun
    of message 23
    04200…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 5, time overrun
    of message 24
    04200…..ZBR2……………………………Entry light and interior lighting, right
    04201…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 6, time overrun
    of message 11
    04201…..ZBR2……………………………..Entry light and interior lighting, left
    04202…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 6, time overrun
    of message 12
    04202…..ZBRO………………………………………………Interior lighting check
    04203…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 6, time overrun
    of message 13
    04203…..ZBRO…………………………………………………….Interior lighting 1
    04204…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 6, time overrun
    of message 14
    04204…..ZBRO…………………………………….Interior lighting 1 continuous
    04205…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 6, time overrun
    of message 21
    04205…..ZBRO……………………………………….Interior lighting 1 economy
    04206…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 6, time overrun
    of message 22
    04206…..ZBRO………………………………………………..Interior lighting 1 full
    04207…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 6, time overrun
    of message 23
    04207…..ZBRO…………………………………………………….Interior lighting 2
    04208…..EBS…………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 6, time overrun
    of message 24
    04208…..ZBRO…………………………………….Interior lighting 2 continuous
    04209…..EBS……….Speed sensor input on pressure regulating module
    wheel 1, faulty electronic circuit
    04209…..ZBRO……………………………………….Interior lighting 2 economy
    04210…..EBS……….Speed sensor input on pressure regulating module
    wheel 2, faulty electronic circuit
    04210…..ZBRO………………………………………………..Interior lighting 2 full
    04211…..EBS……….Speed sensor input on pressure regulating module
    wheel 3, faulty electronic circuit
    04211…..ZBRO…………………………………..Interior lighting 2a continuous
    04212…..EBS……….Speed sensor input on pressure regulating module
    wheel 4, faulty electronic circuit
    04212…..ZBRO………………………………………………Interior lighting 2a full
    04213…..EBS……….Speed sensor input on pressure regulating module
    wheel 5, faulty electronic circuit
    04213…..ZBRO…………………………………..Interior lighting 2b continuous
    04214…..EBS……….Speed sensor input on pressure regulating module
    wheel 6, faulty electronic circuit
    04214…..ZBRO………………………………………………Interior lighting 2b full
    04215…..EBS……….Speed sensor input on pressure regulating module
    wheel 7, faulty electronic circuit
    04215…..ZBRO…………………………………………………….Interior lighting 3
    04216…..EBS……….Speed sensor input on pressure regulating module
    wheel 8, faulty electronic circuit
    04216…..ZBRO…………………………………………………….Interior lighting 3
    04217…..EBS……….Speed sensor input on pressure regulating module
    wheel 1, faulty electronic circuit
    04217…..ZBRO……………………………………………Interior lighting 3 check
    04218…..EBS………………………Speed sensor wheel 2, air gap too great
    04218…..ZBRO……………………………………….Interior lighting 3 economy
    04219…..EBS………………………Speed sensor wheel 3, air gap too great
    04219…..ZBRO………………………………………………..Interior lighting 3 full
    04220…..EBS………………………Speed sensor wheel 4, air gap too great
    04220…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Night lighting
    04221…..EBS………………………Speed sensor wheel 5, air gap too great
    04221…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Night lighting
    04222…..EBS………………………Speed sensor wheel 6, air gap too great
    04222…..ZBRO…………………………………………………Night lighting check
    04223…..EBS………………………Speed sensor wheel 7, air gap too great
    04223…..ZBRO………………………………………………Interior lighting 2c full
    04224…..EBS………………………Speed sensor wheel 8, air gap too great
    04224…..ZBRO………………………………………………Interior lighting 1a full
    04225…..EBS……………Speed sensor wheel 1, impulse wheel defective
    04225…..ZBRO………………………………………………Interior lighting 1b full
    04226…..EBS……………Speed sensor wheel 2, impulse wheel defective
    04226…..ZBRO………………………………………………Interior lighting 1c full
    04227…..EBS……………Speed sensor wheel 3, impulse wheel defective
    04227…..ZBRO………………………………………….Interior lighting reduction
    04228…..EBS……………Speed sensor wheel 4, impulse wheel defective
    04228…..ZBRO……………………………………Interior lighting reduct. check
    04229…..EBS……………Speed sensor wheel 5, impulse wheel defective
    04229…..ZBRO……………………………………………………..Footwell lighting
    04230…..EBS……………Speed sensor wheel 6, impulse wheel defective
    04230…..ZBRO……………………………………………………..Footwell lighting
    04231…..EBS……………Speed sensor wheel 7, impulse wheel defective
    04231…..ZBRO…………………………………………………………..Aisle lighting
    04232…..EBS……………Speed sensor wheel 8, impulse wheel defective
    04232…..ZBRO……………………………………………………Reading lights on
    04233…..EBS……………..Speed sensor wheel 1, tyre diameter too great
    04233…..ZBRO……………………………………………..Reading lights enable
    04234…..EBS……………..Speed sensor wheel 2, tyre diameter too great
    04234…..ZBRO…………………………………………………….Interior lighting 4
    04235…..EBS……………..Speed sensor wheel 3, tyre diameter too great
    04236…..EBS……………..Speed sensor wheel 4, tyre diameter too great
    04237…..EBS……………..Speed sensor wheel 5, tyre diameter too great
    04238…..EBS……………..Speed sensor wheel 6, tyre diameter too great
    04239…..EBS……………..Speed sensor wheel 7, tyre diameter too great
    04240…..EBS……………..Speed sensor wheel 8, tyre diameter too great
    04241…..EBS…………………….Pressure module intake valve on wheel 1
    04242…..EBS……………………Pressure module intake valve on wheel 1,
    valve cannot be switched and is opened
    04243…..EBS……………………Pressure module intake valve on wheel 1,
    valve cannot be switched and is closed
    04244…..EBS…………………….Pressure module intake valve on wheel 2
    04245…..EBS……………………Pressure module intake valve on wheel 2,
    valve cannot be switched and is opened
    04246…..EBS……………………Pressure module intake valve on wheel 2,
    valve cannot be switched and is closed
    04247…..EBS…………………….Pressure module intake valve on wheel 3
    04248…..EBS……………………Pressure module intake valve on wheel 3,
    valve cannot be switched and is opened
    04249…..EBS……………………Pressure module intake valve on wheel 3,
    valve cannot be switched and is closed
    04250…..EBS…………………….Pressure module intake valve on wheel 4
    04251…..EBS……………………Pressure module intake valve on wheel 4,
    valve cannot be switched and is opened
    04252…..EBS……………………Pressure module intake valve on wheel 4,
    valve cannot be switched and is closed
    04253…..EBS…………………….Pressure module intake valve on wheel 5
    04254…..EBS……………………Pressure module intake valve on wheel 5,
    valve cannot be switched and is opened
    04255…..EBS……………………Pressure module intake valve on wheel 5,
    valve cannot be switched and is closed
    04256…..EBS…………………….Pressure module intake valve on wheel 6
    04257…..EBS……………………Pressure module intake valve on wheel 6,
    valve cannot be switched and is opened
    04258…..EBS……………………Pressure module intake valve on wheel 6,
    valve cannot be switched and is closed
    04259…..EBS………………….Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 1
    04260…..EBS…………………Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 1,
    valve cannot be switched and is opened
    04261…..EBS…………………Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 1,
    valve cannot be switched and is closed
    04262…..EBS………………….Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 2
    04263…..EBS…………………Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 2,
    valve cannot be switched and is opened
    04264…..EBS…………………Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 2,
    valve cannot be switched and is closed
    04265…..EBS………………….Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 3
    04266…..EBS…………………Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 3,
    valve cannot be switched and is opened
    04267…..EBS…………………Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 3,
    valve cannot be switched and is closed
    04268…..EBS………………….Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 4
    04269…..EBS…………………Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 4,
    valve cannot be switched and is opened
    04270…..EBS…………………Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 4,
    valve cannot be switched and is closed
    04271…..EBS………………….Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 5
    04272…..EBS…………………Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 5,
    valve cannot be switched and is opened
    04273…..EBS…………………Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 5,
    valve cannot be switched and is closed
    04274…..EBS………………….Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 6
    04275…..EBS…………………Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 6,
    valve cannot be switched and is opened
    04276…..EBS…………………..Pressure module backup valve on wheel 1
    04277…..EBS………………….Pressure module backup valve on wheel 1,
    valve cannot be switched and is closed
    04278…..EBS…………………..Pressure module backup valve on wheel 2
    04279…..EBS………………….Pressure module backup valve on wheel 2,
    valve cannot be switched and is closed
    04280…..EBS…………………..Pressure module backup valve on wheel 3
    04281…..EBS………………….Pressure module backup valve on wheel 3,
    valve cannot be switched and is closed
    04282…..EBS…………………..Pressure module backup valve on wheel 4
    04283…..EBS………………….Pressure module backup valve on wheel 4,
    valve cannot be switched and is closed
    04284…..EBS…………………..Pressure module backup valve on wheel 5
    04285…..EBS………………….Pressure module backup valve on wheel 5,
    valve cannot be switched and is closed
    04286…..EBS…………………..Pressure module backup valve on wheel 6
    04287…..EBS………………….Pressure module backup valve on wheel 6,
    valve cannot be switched and is closed
    04288…..EBS……………..Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 1,
    offset learned by teach-in
    04289…..EBS…….Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 1, signal
    04291…..EBS……………..Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 2,
    offset learned by teach-in
    04292…..EBS…….Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 2, signal
    04294…..EBS……………..Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 3,
    offset learned by teach-in
    04295…..EBS…….Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 3, signal
    04297…..EBS……………..Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 4,
    offset learned by teach-in
    04298…..EBS…….Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 4, signal
    04300…..EBS……………..Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 5,
    offset learned by teach-in is too high
    04300…..ZBR2……………………………………………Fill level, cleaning water
    04301…..EBS…….Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 5, signal
    04301…..ZBR2………………………………………………………….Washer pump
    04301…..ZBRO……………………………………………….Windscreen washers
    04302…..EBS……………..Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 5,
    offset learned by teach-in is too low
    04302…..ZBR2…………………………………………….Intermittent wipe switch
    04302…..ZBRO………………………………………..Windscreen wiper interval
    04303…..EBS……………..Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 6,
    offset learned by teach-in
    04303…..ZBR2………………………………………………….CLK interval switch
    04304…..EBS…….Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 6, signal
    04304…..ZBR2……………………………………….Windscreen washer button
    04304…..ZBRO……………………………………………….Windscreen washers
    04305…..ZBR2…………………………………………………..Rain sensor signal
    04306…..EBS………………………Wheel 1: Brake performance monitoring
    04306…..ZBR2……………………………Fill level, headlight cleaning system
    04307…..EBS………………………Wheel 2: Brake performance monitoring
    04307…..ZBR2………………………………Pump, headlight cleaning system
    04308…..EBS………………………Wheel 3: Brake performance monitoring
    04308…..ZBR2……………………………………………Wiper motor revolutions
    04309…..EBS………………………Wheel 4: Brake performance monitoring
    04309…..ZBR2…………………………………………………..Wiper motor speed
    04310…..EBS………………………Wheel 5: Brake performance monitoring
    04310…..ZBR2……………………….Wiper relay (spare relay, parking light)
    04310…..ZBRO……………………………………………Windscreen wiper relay
    04311…..EBS………………………Wheel 6: Brake performance monitoring
    04311…..ZBR2…………………………………………………….Wiper limit switch
    04311…..ZBRO………………………………..Windscreen wiper zero position
    04312…..EBS…………………………Wheel 1 in conjunction with ABS logic:
    ABS is demanding insufficient brake pressure over
    an implausibly long time
    04312…..ZBR2……………………………………………….Wiper switch position
    04313…..EBS…………………………Wheel 2 in conjunction with ABS logic:
    ABS is demanding insufficient brake pressure over
    an implausibly long time
    04313…..ZBRO………………………………………..Windscreen wiper stage 1
    04314…..EBS…………………………Wheel 3 in conjunction with ABS logic:
    ABS is demanding insufficient brake pressure over
    an implausibly long time
    04314…..ZBRO………………………………………..Windscreen wiper stage 2
    04315…..EBS…………………………Wheel 4 in conjunction with ABS logic:
    ABS is demanding insufficient brake pressure over
    an implausibly long time
    04316…..EBS…………………………Wheel 5 in conjunction with ABS logic:
    ABS is demanding insufficient brake pressure over
    an implausibly long time
    04317…..EBS…………………………Wheel 6 in conjunction with ABS logic:
    ABS is demanding insufficient brake pressure over
    an implausibly long time
    04318…..EBS…………………………Wheel 1 in conjunction with ABS logic:
    Wheel speed error
    04319…..EBS…………………………Wheel 2 in conjunction with ABS logic:
    Wheel speed error
    04320…..EBS…………………………Wheel 3 in conjunction with ABS logic:
    Wheel speed error
    04321…..EBS…………………………Wheel 4 in conjunction with ABS logic:
    Wheel speed error
    04322…..EBS…………………………Wheel 5 in conjunction with ABS logic:
    Wheel speed error
    04323…..EBS…………………………Wheel 6 in conjunction with ABS logic:
    Wheel speed error
    04324…..EBS…………………………Wheel 1 in conjunction with ABS logic:
    Change between active and inactive ABS
    intervention too fast
    04325…..EBS…………………………Wheel 2 in conjunction with ABS logic:
    Change between active and inactive ABS
    intervention too fast
    04326…..EBS…………………………Wheel 3 in conjunction with ABS logic:
    Change between active and inactive ABS
    intervention too fast
    04327…..EBS…………………………Wheel 4 in conjunction with ABS logic:
    Change between active and inactive ABS
    intervention too fast
    04328…..EBS…………………………Wheel 5 in conjunction with ABS logic:
    Change between active and inactive ABS
    intervention too fast
    04329…..EBS…………………………Wheel 6 in conjunction with ABS logic:
    Change between active and inactive ABS intervention too fast
    04330…..EBS…………………………………………….External sequential fault:
    External vehicle speed signal implausible
    04331…..EBS…………………………………………….External sequential fault:
    Time overrun or fault condition in communication with
    gearbox control unit on CAN (SA=0x03)
    04332…..EBS…………………………………………….External sequential fault:
    Time overrun or fault condition in communication with
    EAC control unit d on CAN (SA=0x30)
    04333…..EBS…………………………………………….External sequential fault:
    Time overrun or fault condition in communication with
    ECAS control unit on CAN (SA=0x2F)
    04334…..EBS…………………………………………….External sequential fault:
    Time overrun or fault condition in communication with
    central on-board computer on CAN (SA=0x21)
    04335…..EBS…………………………………………….External sequential fault:
    Time overrun in communication with trailer control unit 1
    04336…..EBS…………………………………………….External sequential fault:
    Time overrun in communication with trailer control unit 2
    04337…..EBS……………………….Trailer control module pressure control:
    Implausible intake valve actuation
    04338…..EBS……………………….Trailer control module pressure control:
    Residual pressure detected
    04339…..EBS……………………….Trailer control module pressure control:
    Implausibly high pressure at the end of braking and
    parking brake signal defective
    04340…..EBS……………………….Trailer control module pressure control:
    Implausibly high pressure at the end of braking and
    long actuation of the parking brake switch
    04341…..EBS……………………….Trailer control module pressure control:
    Implausibly high pressure at the end of braking and
    long actuation of the anti-jackknife brake valve
    04342…..EBS……………………….Trailer control module pressure control:
    Implausibly high pressure at the end of braking and
    parking brake switch and trailer brake switch not actuated
    04343…..EBS……………………….Trailer control module pressure control:
    Implausibly high pressure at the end of braking and
    parking brake signal defective
    04344…..EBS……………………….Trailer control module pressure control:
    Implausibly high pressure at the end of braking and long
    actuation of the parking brake switch
    04345…..EBS……………………….Trailer control module pressure control:
    Implausibly high pressure at the end of braking and long
    actuation of the anti-jackknife brake switch
    04346…..EBS……………………….Trailer control module pressure control:
    Implausibly high pressure at the end of braking and parking
    brake switch and trailer brake switch not actuated
    04347…..EBS……………………….Trailer control module pressure control:
    Implausibly high pressure in the exhaust valve
    actuation and parking brake signal defective
    04348…..EBS……………………….Trailer control module pressure control:
    Implausibly high pressure in the exhaust valve
    actuation and long actuation of the parking brake switch
    04349…..EBS……………………….Trailer control module pressure control:
    Implausibly high pressure in the exhaust valve
    actuation and long actuation of the
    valve-controlled trailer brake switch
    04350…..EBS……………………….Trailer control module pressure control:
    Implausibly high pressure in the exhaust valve
    actuation and parking brake switch and trailer
    brake switch not actuated
    04351…..EBS……………………………………………….J1939 (driveline CAN):
    Time overrun in EBC1-RX message
    04352…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 1:
    Pressure comparison plausibility error:
    Request is greater than the measured pressure
    04353…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 2:
    Pressure comparison plausibility error:
    Request is greater than the measured pressure
    04354…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 3:
    Pressure comparison plausibility error:
    Request is greater than the measured pressure
    04355…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 4:
    Pressure comparison plausibility error:
    Request is greater than the measured pressure
    04356…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 5:
    Pressure comparison plausibility error:
    Request is greater than the measured pressure
    04357…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 6:
    Pressure comparison plausibility error:
    Request is greater than the measured pressure
    04358…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 1:
    Pressure comparison plausibility error:
    Measured pressure is greater than request
    04359…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 2:
    Pressure comparison plausibility error:
    Measured pressure is greater than request
    04360…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 3:
    Pressure comparison plausibility error:
    Measured pressure is greater than request
    04361…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 4:
    Pressure comparison plausibility error:
    Measured pressure is greater than request
    04362…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 5:
    Pressure comparison plausibility error:
    Measured pressure is greater than request
    04363…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 6:
    Pressure comparison plausibility error:
    Measured pressure is greater than request
    04364…..EBS.Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 1:
    Full braking test
    04365…..EBS.Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 2:
    Full braking test
    04366…..EBS.Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 3:
    Full braking test
    04367…..EBS.Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 4:
    Full braking test
    04368…..EBS.Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 5:
    Full braking test
    04369…..EBS.Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 6:
    Full braking test
    04370…..EBS.Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 1:
    Nominal/actual comparison between pressure regulating
    module pressure and supply pressure
    04371…..EBS.Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 2:
    Nominal/actual comparison between pressure regulating
    module pressure and supply pressure
    04372…..EBS.Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 3:
    Nominal/actual comparison between pressure regulating
    module pressure and supply pressure
    04373…..EBS.Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 4:
    Nominal/actual comparison between pressure regulating
    module pressure and supply pressure
    04374…..EBS.Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 5:
    Nominal/actual comparison between pressure regulating
    module pressure and supply pressure
    04375…..EBS.Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 6:
    Nominal/actual comparison between pressure regulating
    module pressure and supply pressure
    04376…..EBS.Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 1:
    Temporary backup test
    04377…..EBS.Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 2:
    Temporary backup test
    04378…..EBS.Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 3:
    Temporary backup test
    04379…..EBS.Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 4:
    Temporary backup test
    04380…..EBS.Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 5:
    Temporary backup test
    04381…..EBS.Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 6:
    Temporary backup test
    04382…..EBS.Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 1:
    Temporary brake test
    04383…..EBS.Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 2:
    Temporary brake test
    04384…..EBS.Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 3:
    Temporary brake test
    04385…..EBS.Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 4:
    Temporary brake test
    04386…..EBS.Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 5:
    Temporary brake test
    04387…..EBS.Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 6:
    Temporary brake test
    04388…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 1:
    Implausible pressure differential right/left
    04389…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 2:
    Implausible pressure differential right/left
    04390…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 3:
    Implausible pressure differential right/left
    04391…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 4:
    Implausible pressure differential right/left
    04392…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 5:
    Implausible pressure differential right/left
    04393…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 6:
    Implausible pressure differential right/left
    04394…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 1:
    Implausible pressure when no braked applied
    04395…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 2:
    Implausible pressure when no braked applied
    04396…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 3:
    Implausible pressure when no braked applied
    04397…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 4:
    Implausible pressure when no braked applied
    04398…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 5:
    Implausible pressure when no braked applied
    04399…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 6:
    Implausible pressure when no braked applied
    04400…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 1:
    Implausible pressure at end of braking
    04400…..ZBR2…………………Grease quantity, central lubrication system
    04401…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 2:
    Implausible pressure at end of braking
    04401…..ZBR2……………………………….Motor, central lubrication system
    04402…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 3:
    Implausible pressure at end of braking
    04402…..ZBR2……………………Pump strokes, central lubrication system
    04403…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 4:
    Implausible pressure at end of braking
    04403…..ZBR2…………………………………………..Interim lubrication button
    04404…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 5:
    Implausible pressure at end of braking
    04404…..ZBRO………………………………………..Central lubrication system
    04405…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 6:
    Implausible pressure at end of braking
    04405…..ZBRO………………………………………..Central lubrication system
    04406…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 1:
    Implausible intake valve actuation
    04407…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 2:
    Implausible intake valve actuation
    04408…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 3:
    Implausible intake valve actuation
    04409…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 4:
    Implausible intake valve actuation
    04410…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 5:
    Implausible intake valve actuation
    04411…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 6:
    Implausible intake valve actuation
    04412…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 1:
    Implausible exhaust valve actuation
    04413…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 2:
    Implausible exhaust valve actuation
    04414…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 3:
    Implausible exhaust valve actuation
    04415…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 4:
    Implausible exhaust valve actuation
    04416…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 5:
    Implausible exhaust valve actuation
    04417…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 6:
    Implausible exhaust valve actuation
    04418…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 1:
    Residual pressure detected
    04419…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 2:
    Residual pressure detected
    04420…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 3:
    Residual pressure detected
    04421…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 4:
    Residual pressure detected
    04422…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 5:
    Residual pressure detected
    04423…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 6:
    Residual pressure detected
    04424…..EBS……………….Yaw angle sensor: Standstill calibration failed
    04425…..EBS……………..Yaw angle sensor: Long-time calibration failed
    04426…..EBS……………………………Yaw angle sensor: Fine tuning failed
    04427…..EBS…………………………..Yaw angle sensor: Implausible signal
    (outside the validity range of the physical model)
    04428…..EBS…………………..Yaw angle sensor: Signal gradient too high
    04429…..EBS………………..Yaw angle sensor: Implausible sensor signal
    in relation to reference yaw angle
    04430…..EBS…………………….Yaw angle sensor: Static self-check failed
    04431…..EBS………………..Yaw angle sensor: Dynamic self-check failed
    04432…..ACC……………………….Cruise control switch (sleeve) operated
    04432…..EBS………………………………….Transverse acceleration sensor:
    Standstill calibration failed
    04433…..ACC…………………………….Cruise control switch ‘Off’ operated
    04433…..EBS…………….Central control unit B-controller: ABS reference
    pressure implausible
    04434…..ACC…………Driving speed limiter mode / driving speed limiter
    switch is on
    04434…..EBS………………………….ABS logic: Implausible activation time
    04435…..ACC………..Parking brake not released/parking brake applied
    04435…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 1,
    inconsistent driver software version between
    ECU and boot loader
    04436…..ACC………………………………………………..ABS defective/invalid
    04436…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 1,
    checksum error in external flash memory
    04437…..ACC………………………………………………..EBS defective/invalid
    04437…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 1,
    outdated driver software
    04438…..ACC…………………………………………………Pedal brake pressed
    04438…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 2,
    inconsistent driver software version between
    ECU and boot loader
    04439…..ACC………………………..Sustained-action brake lever operated
    04439…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 2,
    checksum error in external flash memory
    04440…..ACC……………………………………..Sustained-action brakes ‘Off’
    04440…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 2,
    outdated driver software
    04441…..ACC………………………………………………………ASR intervention
    04441…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 3,
    inconsistent driver software version between
    ECU and boot loader
    04442…..ACC………………………………………………………ABS intervention
    04442…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 3,
    checksum error in external flash memory
    04443…..ACC………………………………………………………ESP intervention
    04443…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 3,
    outdated driver software
    04444…..ACC………………………….ACC has activated EBS for too long /
    brake temperature
    04444…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 4,
    inconsistent driver software version between
    ECU and boot loader
    04445…..ACC…………………………………………………Engine revs too high
    04445…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 4,
    checksum error in external flash memory
    04446…..ACC………………………………………………………….Delay too long
    04446…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 4,
    outdated driver software
    04447…..ACC……………………………………………….No/invalid road speed
    04447…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 5,
    inconsistent driver software version between
    ECU and boot loader
    04448…..ACC…………………………………….No EBS intervention possible
    04448…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 5,
    checksum error in external flash memory
    04449…..ACC……………………………………………………..EBS status check
    04449…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 5,
    outdated driver software
    04450…..ACC………………………………………………………….ESP defective
    04450…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 6,
    inconsistent driver software version
    between ECU and boot loader
    04451…..ACC……………………….No brake pedal / invalid CAN message
    EBC1.Brake pedal
    04451…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 6,
    checksum error in external flash memory
    04452…..ACC………………………Sustained-action brake lever defective /
    invalid CAN message ERC1X.Sustained-action
    brake lever
    04452…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 6,
    outdated driver software
    04453…..ACC………….No engine / invalid CAN message EEC1.Torque
    04453…..EBS………………………………..Central control unit — B-controller:
    Configured service brake module characteristic has
    exceeded range
    04454…..ACC…………………………………Engine intervention not by ACC,
    driver, gearbox, HGB, FGB, EDR or brake
    04454…..EBS………………………………..Central control unit — B-controller:
    Implausibly large difference between the
    deceleration requirements calculated by both controllers
    04455…..ACC……………………………………………………….No engine revs /
    invalid CAN message EEC1.Engine revs
    04455…..EBS………………………Central control unit — B-controller critical:
    Variable range overrun or invalid function call
    04456…..ACC……………………………………………….No accelerator pedal /
    invalid CAN message EEC2.Accelerator pedal
    04456…..EBS………………………Central control unit — B-controller critical:
    Checksum error in boot loader software
    04457…..ACC……………………………………………….No accelerator pedal /
    invalid CAN message EEC2.Idling speed switch
    04457…..EBS………………………..Central control unit B-controller critical:
    Checksum error in external flash memory
    04458…..ACC…………………..No RX / Invalid CAN message ERC1_RX.
    Torques (engine brake)
    04458…..EBSCentral control unit B-controller critical: RAM check failed
    04459…..ACC…………………..No RD / Invalid CAN message ERC1_RD.
    Torques (secondary retarder)
    04459…..EBS………………………..Central control unit B-controller critical:
    Arithmetic comparison test in microcontroller failed
    04460…..ACC…………………..No RE / Invalid CAN message ERC1_RE.
    Torques (primary retarder)
    04460…..EBS………………………..Central control unit B-controller critical:
    Stack memory overrun
    04461…..ACC………………………………………….Retarder intervention fault
    04461…..EBS………………………..Central control unit B-controller critical:
    SWI instruction or watchdog or clock pulse generator or
    PLL defect or external interruption was activated
    04462…..ACC………………………………………………………………….No earth
    04462…..EBS………………………..Central control unit B-controller critical:
    Internal microcontroller fault detected
    04463…..ACC………………………………………………………Display defective
    04463…..EBS………………………..Central control unit B-controller critical:
    Internal control unit fault
    04464…..ACC…………………………………………..No cruise control switch /
    invalid CAN message CCVS.Cruise control switch
    04464…..EBS………………………..Central control unit B-controller critical:
    Internal control unit fault
    04465…..ACC……………………………Cruise control active in ACC mode /
    invalid CAN message CCVS.Enable == cruise control
    04465…..EBS………………………..Central control unit B-controller critical:
    Internal control unit fault
    04466…..ACC…………………………………No driving speed limiter switch /
    invalid CAN message CCVS.Driving speed limiter switch
    04466…..EBS………………………..Central control unit B-controller critical:
    Unused interrupt routine activated
    04467…..ACC………………………………No OFF sustained-action brakes /
    invalid CAN message CCVS.IntelBremsKopl
    04467…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 7:
    Mismatch between control unit types
    of operating software and boot loader
    04468…..ACC…………………………………………….No cruise control lever /
    invalid CAN message CCVS.Off switch or CCVS.Lever
    04468…..EBS……………Supply voltage brake pad wear sensor wheel 1:
    Short circuit to ground
    04469…..ACC……………………………………..No distance selector switch /
    invalid CAN message AUX1_ZBR.Switch
    04469…..EBS……………Supply voltage brake pad wear sensor wheel 2:
    Short circuit to ground
    04470…..ACC………………………….Driveline fault / invalid CAN message
    ETC1.ShiftInProcess or ETC1.DrivelineEngaged
    04470…..EBS……………Supply voltage brake pad wear sensor wheel 3:
    Short circuit to ground
    04471…..ACC…………Clutch fault / invalid CAN message CCVS.Clutch
    04471…..EBS……………Supply voltage brake pad wear sensor wheel 4:
    Short circuit to ground
    04472…..ACC…………………………………………………..Clutch travel invalid
    04472…..EBS……………Supply voltage brake pad wear sensor wheel 5:
    Short circuit to ground
    04473…..ACC…………..Speed irregularities between EEC1.Engine revs
    and TCO1.Revs
    04473…..EBS……………Supply voltage brake pad wear sensor wheel 6:
    Short circuit to ground
    04474…..ACC…………………….Valid ETC2.Ratio markedly different from
    valid speed ratio
    04474…..EBS……………Supply voltage brake pad wear sensor wheel 7:
    Short circuit to ground
    04475…..ACC……..No TCO speed / invalid CAN message TCO.Speed
    04475…..EBS……………Supply voltage brake pad wear sensor wheel 8:
    Short circuit to ground
    04476…..ACC…..No wheel speed / invalid CAN message EBC2.Speed
    04476…..EBS……………Supply voltage brake pad wear sensor wheel 1:
    was deactivated
    04477…..ACC…………………………………………………Engine revs too high
    04477…..EBS……………Supply voltage brake pad wear sensor wheel 2:
    was deactivated
    04478…..ACC…………………………………..No gear or clutch disengaged /
    open driveline for about 10 s
    04478…..EBS……………Supply voltage brake pad wear sensor wheel 3:
    was deactivated
    04479…..ACC………………………………………………………..Speed too slow
    04479…..EBS……………Supply voltage brake pad wear sensor wheel 4:
    was deactivated
    04480…..ACC………………………………………………………….Speed too fast
    04480…..EBS……………Supply voltage brake pad wear sensor wheel 5:
    was deactivated
    04481…..ACC……………………….Bend too tight / valid bending too great
    04481…..EBS……………Supply voltage brake pad wear sensor wheel 6:
    was deactivated
    04482…..ACC………………………………………………….No / invalid yaw rate
    04482…..EBS……………Supply voltage brake pad wear sensor wheel 7:
    was deactivated
    04483…..ACC…………………………….No / invalid transverse acceleration
    04483…..EBS……………Supply voltage brake pad wear sensor wheel 8:
    was deactivated
    04484…..ACC…………………………………..Radar still in initialisation mode
    (after ACC initialisation mode)
    04484…..EBS……………………….Trailer control module pressure control:
    Control piston (42) is defective
    04485…..ACC…………..Bending is detected as invalid in CAN message
    04485…..EBS……………………………….Wheel sensor: Speed comparison
    04486…..EBS………………Differential lock valve (differential lock switch):
    Installed component but not configured
    04487…..EBS………………………………………..ESP sensor voltage supply:
    Faulty electronic circuit in EBS control unit
    04488…..EBS………………………………….Central control unit B-controller:
    Cannot be switched OFF
    04489…..EBS………………………………….Central control unit A-controller:
    internal calculation error
    04490…..EBS……………………………………………….J1939 (driveline CAN):
    Time overrun or fault condition in communication with
    ACC control unit on CAN (SA=0x2A)
    04491…..EBS………………………………….Central control unit A-controller:
    Mismatch between control unit types of
    operating software and boot loader
    04492…..EBS……………………Pressure module supply cable to wheel 1:
    Current magnitude too high
    04493…..EBS……………………Pressure module supply cable to wheel 2:
    Current magnitude too high
    04494…..EBS………………………………….Brake pad wear sensor wheel 1:
    Monitoring of brake pad wear signal (decreasing)
    between the axles of the vehicle
    04495…..EBS……………………Pressure module supply cable to wheel 3:
    Current magnitude too high
    04496…..EBS………………………………….Brake pad wear sensor wheel 2:
    Monitoring of brake pad wear signal (decreasing)
    between the axles of the vehicle
    04497…..EBS……………………Pressure module supply cable to wheel 4:
    Current magnitude too high
    04498…..EBS………………………………….Brake pad wear sensor wheel 3:
    Monitoring of brake pad wear signal (decreasing)
    between the axles of the vehicle
    04499…..ACC………………..ACC control unit is still in initialisation phase
    04499…..EBS……………………Pressure module supply cable to wheel 5:
    Current magnitude too high
    04500…..ACC………………………………….Internal system error, Trap NMI
    04500…..EBS………………………………….Brake pad wear sensor wheel 4:
    Monitoring of brake pad wear signal (decreasing)
    between the axles of the vehicle
    04500…..ZBR2……………….Steering/trailing axle/anti-jacknife protection
    04500…..ZBRO………………………………………….Steering oil level too low
    04501…..ACC…………………………..Internal system error, Stack overflow
    04501…..EBS……………………Pressure module supply cable to wheel 6:
    Current magnitude too high
    04502…..ACC………………………..Internal system error, Stack underflow
    04502…..DIW5…………………………………………Turbine speed acquisition
    04502…..EBS………………………………….Brake pad wear sensor wheel 5:
    Monitoring of brake pad wear signal (decreasing)
    between the axles of the vehicle
    04502…..ZBR2…………………………………Power steering oil level circuit 2
    04503…..ACC…………………………….Internal system error, Trap ILLBUS
    04503…..EBS………………………………….Brake pad wear sensor wheel 6:
    Monitoring of brake pad wear signal (decreasing)
    between the axles of the vehicle
    04503…..ZBRO……………………………..Anti-jackknife protection damping
    04504…..ACC………………………………Internal system error, Trap ILLINA
    04504…..EBS………………………………….Brake pad wear sensor wheel 7:
    Monitoring of brake pad wear signal (decreasing)
    between the axles of the vehicle
    04504…..ZBRO……………………Anti-jackknife protection oil level too low
    04505…..ACC…………………………….Internal system error, Trap ILLOPA
    04505…..EBS………………………………….Brake pad wear sensor wheel 8:
    Monitoring of brake pad wear signal (decreasing)
    between the axles of the vehicle
    04505…..ZBRO……………………Anti-jackknife protection oil level too low
    04506…..ACC……………………………Internal system error, Trap PRTFLT
    04506…..EBS………………….Supply voltage trailer control module valve:
    Current magnitude too high
    04506…..ZBRO……………………………………..Articulation damping button
    04507…..ACC………………………….Internal system error, Trap UNDOPC
    04507…..EBS………………………………….Brake pad wear sensor wheel 1:
    Monitoring of brake pad wear signal
    (decreasing) within the axles
    04507…..ZBRO………………………………..Articulation angle > 48 degrees
    04508…..ACC……………………………..Internal system error, Trap PECC5
    04508…..EBS………………………………….Brake pad wear sensor wheel 2:
    Monitoring of brake pad wear signal
    (decreasing) within the axles
    04508…..ZBRO………………………………………….Steering oil level too low
    04509…..ACC……………………………..Internal system error, Trap PECC6
    04509…..DIW5…………………………………..Central solenoid valve handler
    04509…..EBS………………………………….Brake pad wear sensor wheel 3:
    Monitoring of brake pad wear signal
    (decreasing) within the axles
    04509…..ZBRO……………………………………..Steering adjustment enable
    04510…..ACC……………………………..Internal system error, Trap PECC7
    04510…..EBS………………………………….Brake pad wear sensor wheel 4:
    Monitoring of brake pad wear signal
    (decreasing) within the axles
    04510…..ZBRO…………………………….Brake lamp to steered trailing axle
    04511…..ACC……… Internal RAM defective / memory test on switch-on
    04511…..EBS………………………………….Brake pad wear sensor wheel 5:
    Monitoring of brake pad wear signal
    (decreasing) within the axles
    04511…..ZBRO……………………….Bus-stop brake to steered trailing axle
    04512…..ACC..External RAM defective / address line test on switch-on
    04512…..EBS………………………………….Brake pad wear sensor wheel 6:
    Monitoring of brake pad wear signal
    (decreasing) within the axles
    04512…..ZBRO……………………….Engine running to steered trailing axle
    04513…..ACC……..External RAM defective / memory test on switch-on
    04513…..EBS………………………………….Brake pad wear sensor wheel 7:
    Monitoring of brake pad wear signal (decreasing)
    within the axles
    04513…..ZBRO……………………………..Steered trailing axle check yellow
    04514…..ACC………Flash defective / Flash checksum test on switch-on
    04514…..EBS………………………………….Brake pad wear sensor wheel 8:
    Monitoring of brake pad wear signal
    (decreasing) within the axles
    04514…..ZBRO………………………………….Steered trailing axle check red
    04515…..ACC…………………..External watchdog / Test of function of the
    external watchdog on switch-on
    04515…..ZBRO…………………………………Steered trailing axle red STOP
    04516…..ACC………………………………………..Program runtime exceeded
    04516…..ZBRO……………………………Steered trailing axle check oil level
    04517…..ACC………………..HighLevelTask too long / runtime monitoring
    04517…..EBS……….. Central control unit — A-controller: Checksum error
    04517…..ZBRO……………………………Steered trailing axle check oil level
    04518…..ACC………………..LowLevelTask too long / runtime monitoring
    04518…..EBS………………………………..Central control unit — A-controller:
    Incompatible software components
    04518…..ZBRO…………………..Anti-jackknife protection bypass damping
    04519…..ACC……………………………………………Application task too long
    04519…..EBS………………………………..Central control unit — A-controller:
    Checksum error in the boot loader software
    04519…..ZBRO……………………………..Steered trailing axle check yellow
    04520…..ACC……………………………………..Supply voltage (tl.15) too low
    04520…..EBS………………………………..Central control unit — B-controller:
    Mismatch between control unit types of
    operating software and boot loader
    04520…..ZBRO………………………………….Steered trailing axle check red
    04521…..ACC…………………………………………………TL30 voltage too low
    04521…..EBS……….. Central control unit — B-controller: Checksum error
    04521…..ZBRO…………………………………Steered trailing axle red STOP
    04522…..ACC…………………………………………..Relay defective, no TL30
    04522…..EBS……………………Central control unit EEPROM: implausible
    values in configuration list
    04522…..ZBRO…………………………Bus-stop brake automatic shut-off to
     steered trailing axle
    04523…..ACC……………………………….Relay defective, continuous TL30
    04523…..EBS…………………….Central control unit EEPROM: Checksum
    error in configuration list
    04523…..ZBR2…………………………………………..Oil pressure steering K1
    04524…..ACC…………………….Invalid data record / EEPROM checksum
    test on switch-on
    04524…..EBS…………..Transverse acceleration sensor: EOL calibration
     not completed
    04524…..ZBR2…………………………………………..Oil pressure steering K2
    04525…..ACC……………………Driveline Can error / if Bus-Off is reached
    and 0.5 s afterwards.
    04525…..ZBRO………………………………..Articulation angle > 17 degrees
    04526…..ACC………………….Driveline Can error / if overflow occurred in
     CAN controller
    04526…..EBS………….ISO 11992 (trailer CAN): CAN-Low line defective
    04526…..ZBRO………………………..Anti-jackknife protection engine idling
    04527…..ACC………………Cannot send TSC1-EBS / last send message
    has not been sent yet
    04527…..EBS………….ISO 11992 (trailer CAN): CAN-High line defective
    04527…..ZBRO…………………..Anti-jackknife protection torque reduction
    04528…..ACC………………Cannot send TSC1-FFR / last send message
    has not been sent yet
    04528…..EBS…………………………………Brakes CAN: No communication
    04528…..ZBRO…………………..Articulation button when driving forwards
    04529…..ACC………………………………EBC1 CAN message not received
    04529…..EBS…………………………………Sensor CAN: No communication
    04529…..ZBRO………….Articulation button in R gear/art. ang. > 48 deg.
    04530…..ACC….ERC1_RX CAN message not received (engine brake)
    04530…..EBS…………………………..Time overrun or implausible status in
    communication with the ACC control unit (SA=0x2A)
    04530…..ZBRO………………………………..Articulation angle < 17 degrees
    04531…..ACCERC1_RE CAN message not received (primary retarder)
    04531…..EBS……………………….Supply voltage for the EBS control unit:
    Range overrun or underrun (< 8.5 volts / > 36 volts)
    04531…..ZBRO…………………………………….Steering column adjustment
    04532…..ACC……………………….ERC1_RD CAN message not received
    (secondary retarder)
    04532…..EBS………………………….Yaw angle sensor: implausible values
    04533…..ACC………………………………EEC1 CAN message not received
    04533…..EBS……………………Supply voltage for pressure control valves
    and trailer control module:
    Range underrun when starting
    04534…..ACC……………………………..CCVS CAN message not received
    04534…..EBS…………………………………..Supply voltage for the modules:
    Range underrun when starting
    04535…..ACC……………………….Not all control lever operations / CCVS
    (cruise control/vehicle speed) message cycle too fast
    04535…..EBS………………………………………..Supply voltage for the CAN:
    Range underrun when starting
    04536…..ACC………………………………TCO1 CAN message not received
    04536…..EBS……Supply voltage for the ESP sensors: Range underrun
    04537…..ACC………………………………EBC2 CAN message not received
    04537…..EBS Supply voltage for the pressure module: Range underrun
    04538…..ACC………………………………EEC2 CAN message not received
    04538…..EBS………………………….Supply voltage for electronic pressure
    control of the pressure modules: Range underrun
    04539…..ACC………………………………ETC1 CAN message not received
    04539…..EBS…………Supply voltage for the pressure regulating valves:
    Range underrun
    04540…..ACC………………………………ETC2 CAN message not received
    04540…..EBS..Supply voltage for the additional valve: Range underrun
    04541…..ACC………………………………..TC1 CAN message not received
    04541…..EBS……………….Supply voltage for the differential lock switch:
    Range underrun
    04542…..ACC………………………………VDC1 CAN message not received
    04542…..EBS………Supply voltage for the trailer control module valves:
    Range underrun
    04543…..ACC………………………AUX1_ZBR CAN message not received
    04543…..EBS…………………….Supply voltage for J1939 (driveline CAN):
    Range underrun
    04544…..ACC……………….Cannot send ACC1 / last send message has
    not been sent yet
    04544…..EBS………………….Supply voltage for ISO 11992 (trailer CAN):
    Range underrun
    04545…..ACC……………………….Cannot send DM1 / last send message
    has not been sent yet
    04545…..EBS……………Supply voltage for CAN brake: Range underrun
    04546…..ACC……………………………..Synchronisation error / TCO1 CAN
    messages not received in cycle
    04546…..EBS………………………….ABS logic: Request red warning lamp
    04547…..ACC………………………………WEIG CAN message not received
    04547…..EBS………………………………..System test: Invalid configuration
    04548…..ACC………………………………..ALB CAN message not received
    04548…..EBS.System test: Reconfiguration of pressure control module
    04549…..ACC………………………………Cannot send Trans-Conf request /
    Cannot request Trans Config CAN message
    04549…..EBS……………System test: Dynamometer test rig mode active
    04550…..ACC……………………………………..No configuration messages /
    Trans,Rx,Rd,Re,Ccvs Config not received
    04550…..EBS.System test: Pressure regulating module voltage supply;
    short circuit to terminal 15
    04551…..ACC……………………….Eng-Conf CAN messages not received
    04551…..EBS…………………………………………….External sequential fault:
    External vehicle weight signal implausible
    (CAN message: vehicle weight)
    04552…..ACC……………………..Check EBC1 timeout / Timeout was only
    detected by additional monitoring
    04552…..EBS…………………………………………….External sequential fault:
    Trailer ABS is not fully functional
    04553…..ACC…………………………Check brake / Excessive braking time
    only detected in additional monitoring
    04553…..EBS…………………………………………….External sequential fault:
    External input is implausible for ESP
    04554…..ACC……………………………..Check TCO1 tachograph timeout /
    Timeout was only detected by additional monitoring
    04554…..EBS………………………..External sequential fault: External input
    is implausible for EBS functions
    04555…..ACC……………………Check delay / Excessively long delay was
    only detected in additional monitoring
    04555…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 1:
    Axle load sensor electrical power supply
    is not switched on
    04556…..ACC………………………Sensor CAN fault / if Bus-Off is reached
    04556…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 1:
    Axle load sensor electrical power supply
    short circuit to terminal 30
    04557…..ACC……………………………………………………SSTA not received
    04557…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 1:
    incorrect / inconsistent data record
    parameter in EEPROM
    04558…..ACC……………………………………………………STGT not received
    04558…..EBS………….CAN signal brake on wheel 1: No communication
    04559…..ACC………………………………………………….STGT2 not received
    04559…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 2:
    Axle load sensor electrical power supply
    is not switched on
    04560…..ACC………………………………….Radar fault / internal radar fault
    04560…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 2:
    Axle load sensor electrical power supply
    short circuit to terminal 30
    04561…..ACC……………..Radar fault / incorrect or irreparably damaged
    radar software (ERROR_SOFTWARE1)
    04561…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 2:
    incorrect / inconsistent data record
    parameter in EEPROM
    04562…..ACC……………..Radar fault / Incorrect or irreparably damaged
    radar software (ERROR_SOFTWARE2)
    04562…..EBS………….CAN signal brake on wheel 2: No communication
    04563…..ACC……………………………Radar fault / supply voltage too high
    04563…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 3:
    Axle load sensor electrical power supply
    is not switched on
    04564…..ACC…………………………….Radar fault / supply voltage too low
    04564…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 3:
    Axle load sensor electrical power supply
    short circuit to terminal 30
    04565…..ACC…………………………………………..Radar fault / TRM too hot
    04565…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 3:
    incorrect / inconsistent data record
    parameter in EEPROM
    04566…..ACC…………………………………………Radar fault / TRM too cold
    04566…..EBS………….CAN signal brake on wheel 3: No communication
    04567…..ACC………………………………………….Radar fault / PCM too hot
    04567…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 4:
    Axle load sensor electrical power supply
    is not switched on
    04568…..ACC……………………………..Radar fault / sensor CAN bus fault
    04568…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 4:
    Axle load sensor electrical power supply
    short circuit to terminal 30
    04569…..ACC………………………Radar fault / sensor CAN message fault
    04569…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 4:
    incorrect / inconsistent data record
    parameter in EEPROM
    04570…..ACC……………………………..Radar fault / no parameter settings
    04570…..DIW5…………………………………………………..Solenoid valve WP
    04570…..EBS………….CAN signal brake on wheel 4: No communication
    04571…..ACC……………………………………………Radar fault / pairing fault
    04571…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 5:
    Axle load sensor electrical power supply
    is not switched on
    04572…..ACC………………………………………Radar fault / HF switched off
    04572…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 5:
    Axle load sensor electrical power supply
    short circuit to terminal 30
    04573…..ACC…………………………….Radar fault / sensor alignment fault
    04573…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 5:
    incorrect / inconsistent data record
    parameter in EEPROM
    04574…..ACC……………………………Radar fault / background noise fault
    04574…..EBS………….CAN signal brake on wheel 5: No communication
    04575…..ACC………………………………………..Radar fault / aerial blocked
    04575…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 6:
    Axle load sensor electrical power supply
    is not switched on
    04576…..ACC………………………………………………………….ESP gyro fault
    04576…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 6:
    Axle load sensor electrical power supply
    short circuit to terminal 30
    04577…..ACC……..Cannot send YRSContr. / last gyro request not sent
    04577…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 6:
    incorrect / inconsistent data record
    parameter in EEPROM
    04578…..ACC…Cannot receive YRSData / gyro message not received
    04578…..EBS………….CAN signal brake on wheel 6: No communication
    04579…..ACC…………………….YRS fault / internal gyro fault or wrong ID
    04579…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 7:
    Axle load sensor electrical power supply
    is not switched on
    04580…..ACC…………………………………………………..Cannot send SVEH
    04580…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 7:
    Axle load sensor electrical power supply
    short circuit to terminal 30
    04581…..ACC.Yaw rates installation / Internal gyro installed incorrectly
    04581…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 7:
    incorrect / inconsistent data record
    parameter in EEPROM
    04582…..ACC…………………………..Transverse acceleration installation /
    Internal gyro installed incorrectly
    04582…..EBS……………………………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 7:
    No communication
    04583…..ACC……………………………………………………….User stack error
    04583…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 8:
    Axle load sensor electrical power
    supply is not switched on
    04584…..ACC…………………………………………………………..Piece AT fault
    04584…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 8:
    Axle load sensor electrical power supply
    short circuit to terminal 30
    04585…..ACC……………………………………………………….ACC status fault
    04585…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 8:
    incorrect / inconsistent data record
    parameter in EEPROM
    04586…..EBS………….CAN signal brake on wheel 8: No communication
    04587…..EBS…..Pedal brake module switch 1: internal control unit fault
    04588…..EBS………………………………..Central control unit — B-controller:
    internal control unit fault
    04589…..EBS………………………………..Central control unit — B-controller:
    Analog / digital converter comparison error
    04590…..EBS…Central control unit — B-controller: Incorrect function call
    04591…..DIW5…………………………………………………Solenoid valve RBG
    04591…..EBS………………………………..Central control unit — B-controller:
    Self test comparison error
    04592…..EBS………………………………..Central control unit — A-controller:
    internal control unit fault
    04593…..EBS…Central control unit — A-controller: Incorrect function call
    04594…..EBS…………Central control unit — A-controller: not switched on
    04595…..EBS…….Central control unit EEPROM: incorrect configuration
    04596…..EBS……………………….Trailer control module pressure control:
    implausible pressure when no braked applied
    04597…..EBS……………………….Trailer control module pressure control:
    Backup test briefly incorrect
    04598…..EBS………………………………..Central control unit — B-controller:
    implausibly high pressure from trailer control module sensor
    04599…..EBS………………………………….Brake pad wear sensor wheel 1:
    Difference between the 2 signals on the
    left and right sides of the axle too great
    04600…..DIW5……………………………………………………..Input signal ABS
    04600…..EBS………………………………….Brake pad wear sensor wheel 2:
    Difference between the 2 signals on the
    left and right sides of the axle too great
    04600…..ZBR2……………………………………Door and stop symbol system
    04601…..EBS………………………………….Brake pad wear sensor wheel 3:
    Difference between the 2 signals on the
    left and right sides of the axle too great
    04601…..ZBR2……………………………………………………..L.h. door contact
    04602…..EBS………………………………….Brake pad wear sensor wheel 4:
    Difference between the 2 signals on the
    left and right sides of the axle too great
    04602…..ZBRO……………………………………..Request stop button enable
    04603…..EBS………………………………….Brake pad wear sensor wheel 5:
    Difference between the 2 signals on the
    left and right sides of the axle too great
    04603…..ZBRO………………………………………………..Request stop button
    04604…..EBS………………………………….Brake pad wear sensor wheel 6:
    Difference between the 2 signals on the
    left and right sides of the axle too great
    04604…..ZBRO………………………………………………..Request stop button
    04605…..EBS………………………Wheel 7: Brake performance monitoring
    04605…..ZBRO……………………………………………….Request stop display
    04606…..EBS………………………Wheel 8: Brake performance monitoring
    04606…..ZBRO……………………….Request stop by person with disability
    04607…..EBS…………………………Wheel 7 in conjunction with ABS logic:
    ABS is demanding insufficient brake pressure
    over an implausibly long time
    04607…..ZBRO…………………………………………………………Baby carriage
    04608…..EBS…………………………Wheel 8 in conjunction with ABS logic:
    ABS is demanding insufficient brake pressure
    over an implausibly long time
    04608…..ZBRO…………………………………………………………Baby carriage
    04609…..EBS…………………………Wheel 7 in conjunction with ABS logic:
     Wheel speed error
    04609…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Baby carriage message
    04610…..EBS…………………………Wheel 8 in conjunction with ABS logic:
     Wheel speed error
    04610…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Baby carriage message
    04611…..EBS…………………………Wheel 7 in conjunction with ABS logic:
    Change between active and inactive
    ABS intervention too fast
    04611…..ZBRO………………………………………………Cancel baby carriage
    04612…..DIW5……………………………………………………..Input signal ABS
    04612…..EBS…………………………Wheel 8 in conjunction with ABS logic:
    Change between active and inactive
    ABS intervention too fast
    04612…..ZBRO………………………………………………Cancel baby carriage
    04613…..EBS……………………Central control unit: Temperature too high
    04613…..ZBRO………………………………………………….Light barrier door 3
    04614…..EBS……………………………………………….Wheel sensor wheel 1:
    Connection cable damaged or sensor defective
    04614…..ZBRO………………………………………………….Light barrier door 3
    04615…..EBS……………………………………………….Wheel sensor wheel 2:
    Connection cable damaged or sensor defective
    04615…..ZBRO……………………………………………….Request stop buzzer
    04616…..EBS……………………………………………….Wheel sensor wheel 3:
    Connection cable damaged or sensor defective
    04616…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Fault value door system
    04617…..EBS……………………………………………….Wheel sensor wheel 4:
    Connection cable damaged or sensor defective
    04617…..ZBRO………………………….Request for bus-stop brake by MTS
    04618…..EBS……………………………………………….Wheel sensor wheel 5:
    Connection cable damaged or sensor defective
    04618…..ZBRO………………………………………………………………Door icing
    04619…..EBS……………………………………………….Wheel sensor wheel 6:
    Connection cable damaged or sensor defective
    04619…..ZBRO………………………………..Red/green display door system
    04620…..EBS………………………………………Output from additional valve:
    Short circuit between the connection cables
    04620…..ZBRO………………………………………………………Stop lamp MTS
    04621…..EBS…………….Output from additional valve: Circuit interrupted
    04621…..ZBRO………………………………………………Warning buzzer MTS
    04622…..EBS………Output from additional valve: Short circuit to ground
    04622…..ZBRO…………………………………………………………….Door status
    04623…..EBS………………………………………Output from additional valve:
    Short circuit after terminal 30
    04623…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Door 1 / panel 1 check
    04624…..EBS………..Output from additional valve: Short circuit in circuit
    04624…..ZBRO……………………………………………Door 1 / panel 1 button
    04625…..EBS………………………………………Output from additional valve:
    Installed but not configured
    04625…..ZBRO……………………………………………Door 1 / panel 1 button
    04626…..EBS………………………………………………..Wheel sensor wheel 9
    04626…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Door 1 / panel 2 check
    04627…..EBS……………………..Wheel sensor wheel 9: Connection cable
    damaged or sensor defective
    04627…..ZBRO……………………………………………Door 1 / panel 2 button
    04628…..EBS………………………………………………Wheel sensor wheel 10
    04628…..ZBRO……………………………………………Door 1 / panel 2 button
    04629…..EBS……………………Wheel sensor wheel 10: Connection cable
    damaged or sensor defective
    04629…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Door 1 check
    04630…..EBS…………………………….Brake pad wear connection wheel 9
    04630…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Door 1 check
    04631…..EBS…………………………Brake pad wear sensor signal wheel 9
    04631…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Door 1 emergency tap
    04632…..EBS………………………………….Brake pad wear sensor wheel 9:
    Difference between the 2 signals on the
    left and right sides of the axle too great
    04632…..ZBRO…………………………………………………….Door 1 disrupted
    04633…..EBS……………………….Brake pad wear sensor signal wheel 10
    04633…..ZBRO…………………………………………………………Door 1 button
    04634…..EBS………………………………..Brake pad wear sensor wheel 10:
    Difference between the 2 signals on the
    left and right sides of the axle too great
    04634…..ZBRO…………………………………………………………Door 1 button
    04635…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 7,
    incompatible software components
    04635…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Door 2 check
    04636…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 7,
    fault in electronic circuit
    04636…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Door 2 check
    04637…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 7,
    internal control unit test incorrect
    04637…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Door 2 emergency tap
    04638…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 7,
    unknown pressure control module fault code
    04638…..ZBRO…………………………………………………….Door 2 disrupted
    04639…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 7,
    incorrect system monitoring after activation
    04639…..ZBRO…………………………………………………………Door 2 button
    04640…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 8,
    incompatible software components
    04640…..ZBRO…………………………………………………………Door 2 button
    04641…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 8,
    fault in electronic circuit
    04641…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Door 3 check
    04642…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 8,
    internal control unit test incorrect
    04642…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Door 3 check
    04643…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 8,
    unknown pressure control module fault code
    04643…..ZBRO…………………………………………………….Door 3 disrupted
    04644…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 8,
    incorrect system monitoring after activation
    04644…..ZBRO…………………………………………………………Door 3 button
    04645…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 9,
    incompatible software components
    04645…..ZBRO…………………………………………………………Door 3 button
    04646…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 9,
    fault in electronic circuit
    04646…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Door 4 check
    04647…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 9,
    internal control unit test incorrect
    04647…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Door 4 check
    04648…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 9,
    unknown pressure control module fault code
    04648…..ZBRO…………………………………………………………Door 4 button
    04649…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 9,
    incorrect system monitoring after activation
    04649…..ZBRO…………………………………………………………Door 4 button
    04650…..EBS……………………Pressure module control unit on wheel 10,
    incompatible software components
    04650…..ZBRO………………………………………………….Block door panel 1
    04651…..EBS……………………Pressure module control unit on wheel 10,
    fault in electronic circuit
    04651…..ZBRO………………………………………………….Block door panel 1
    04652…..EBS……………………Pressure module control unit on wheel 10,
    internal control unit test incorrect
    04652…..ZBRO………………………………………………….Block door panel 2
    04653…..EBS……………………Pressure module control unit on wheel 10,
    unknown pressure control module fault code
    04653…..ZBRO………………………………………………….Block door panel 2
    04654…..EBS……………………Pressure module control unit on wheel 10,
    incorrect system monitoring after activation
    04654…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Door release
    04655…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 7,
    EEPROM data record is not compatible with the system
    04655…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Door release
    04656…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 7,
    EEPROM cannot be written
    04656…..ZBRO…………………………………..Door release checkback MTS
    04657…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 8,
    EEPROM data record is not compatible with the system
    04657…..ZBRO……………………………………………….Ignition 1 on for MTS
    04658…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 8,
    EEPROM cannot be written
    04658…..ZBRO…………………………………………………………..Light enable
    04659…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 9,
    EEPROM data record is not compatible with the system
    04659…..ZBRO……………………………………………….Request stop display
    04660…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 9,
    EEPROM cannot be written
    04660…..ZBRO…………………………………………MTS activation (K3-CAN)
    04661…..EBS……………………Pressure module control unit on wheel 10,
    EEPROM data record is not compatible with the system
    04661…..ZBRO……………………………………………………….Emergency tap
    04662…..EBS……………………Pressure module control unit on wheel 10,
    EEPROM cannot be written
    04662…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Door 1 external button
    04663…..EBS………………….Power supply pressure module on wheel 7,
    short circuit to terminal 15
    04663…..ZBRO………………………………..Door release checkback door 1
    04664…..EBS…………………..Power supply pressure module on wheel 7
    04664…..ZBRO………………………………..Door release checkback door 2
    04665…..EBS………………….Power supply pressure module on wheel 7,
    short circuit between the connection cables
    04665…..ZBRO………………………………..Door release checkback door 3
    04666…..EBS………………….Power supply pressure module on wheel 8,
    short circuit to terminal 15
    04666…..ZBRO………………………………..Door release checkback door 4
    04667…..EBS………………….Power supply pressure module on wheel 8,
    short circuit to terminal 15
    04667…..ZBRO………………………………….Bus-stop switching backwards
    04668…..EBS………………….Power supply pressure module on wheel 8,
    short circuit between the connection cables
    04668…..ZBRO………………………………….Bus-stop switching backwards
    04669…..EBS………………….Power supply pressure module on wheel 9,
    short circuit to terminal 15
    04669…..ZBRO…………………………………….Bus-stop switching forwards
    04670…..EBS…………………..Power supply pressure module on wheel 9
    04670…..ZBRO…………………………………….Bus-stop switching forwards
    04671…..EBS………………….Power supply pressure module on wheel 9,
    short circuit between the connection cables
    04671…..ZBRO……………External request stop by person with disability
    04672…..EBS………………..Power supply pressure module on wheel 10,
    short circuit to terminal 15
    04672…..ZBRO…………….Display request stop by person with disability
    04673…..EBS…………………Power supply pressure module on wheel 10
    04673…..ZBRO…………………………………………………….Door malfunction
    04674…..EBS………………..Power supply pressure module on wheel 10,
    short circuit between the connection cables
    04674…..ZBRO……………………………………..Door 1 activation (K3-CAN)
    04675…..EBS………………………………………CAN signal brake on wheel 7
    04675…..ZBRO……………………………………………..Door 1 / panel 1 open
    04676…..EBS………………………………………CAN signal brake on wheel 8
    04676…..ZBRO………………………………………….Door 1 / panel 1 opening
    04677…..EBS………………………………………CAN signal brake on wheel 9
    04677…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Door 1 / panel 1 closing
    04678…..EBS…………………………………….CAN signal brake on wheel 10
    04678…..ZBRO……………………………………………..Door 1 / panel 2 open
    04679…..EBS……………………………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 7,
    time overrun of message 11
    04679…..ZBRO………………………………………….Door 1 / panel 2 opening
    04680…..EBS……………………………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 7,
    time overrun of message 12
    04680…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Door 1 / panel 2 closing
    04681…..EBS……………………………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 7,
    time overrun of message 13
    04681…..ZBRO……………………………………..Door 1 request stop display
    04682…..EBS……………………………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 7,
    time overrun of message 14
    04682…..ZBRO……………………………………..Door 1 request stop display
    04683…..EBS……………………………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 7,
    time overrun of message 21
    04683…..ZBRO……………..Door 1 request stop by person with disability
    04684…..EBS……………………………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 7,
    time overrun of message 22
    04684…..ZBRO……………………………………………………Door 1 ignition on
    04685…..EBS……………………………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 7,
    time overrun of message 23
    04685…..ZBRO………………………………………………..Door 1 entry lighting
    04686…..EBS……………………………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 7,
    time overrun of message 24
    04686…..ZBRO……………………………………………….Door 1 in local mode
    04687…..EBS……………………………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 8,
    time overrun of message 11
    04687…..ZBRO……………..Door 2 request stop by person with disability
    04688…..EBS……………………………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 8,
    time overrun of message 12
    04688…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Door 1 ready
    04689…..EBS……………………………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 8,
    time overrun of message 13
    04689…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Door 1 standstill signal
    04690…..EBS……………………………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 8,
    time overrun of message 14
    04690…..ZBRO……………………………………..Door 2 activation (K3-CAN)
    04691…..EBS……………………………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 8,
    time overrun of message 21
    04691…..ZBRO……………………………………………..Door 2 / panel 1 open
    04692…..EBS……………………………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 8,
    time overrun of message 22
    04692…..ZBRO………………………………………….Door 2 / panel 1 opening
    04693…..EBS……………………………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 8,
    time overrun of message 23
    04693…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Door 2 / panel 1 closing
    04694…..EBS……………………………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 8,
    time overrun of message 24
    04694…..ZBRO……………………………………………..Door 2 / panel 2 open
    04695…..EBS……………………………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 9,
    time overrun of message 11
    04695…..ZBRO………………………………………….Door 3 / panel 2 opening
    04696…..EBS……………………………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 9,
    time overrun of message 12
    04696…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Door 2 / panel 2 closing
    04697…..EBS……………………………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 9,
    time overrun of message 13
    04697…..ZBRO……………………………………..Door 2 request stop display
    04698…..EBS……………………………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 9,
    time overrun of message 14
    04698…..ZBRO……………………………………..Door 2 request stop display
    04699…..EBS……………………………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 9,
    time overrun of message 21
    04699…..ZBRO……………………………………………………Door 2 ignition on
    04700…..DIW5…………………………………….Unknown engine load source
    04700…..EBS……………………………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 9,
    time overrun of message 22
    04700…..ZBRO………………………………………………………………..Raise lift
    04701…..EBS……………………………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 9,
    time overrun of message 23
    04701…..ZBRO………………………………………………………………..Raise lift
    04702…..EBS……………………………………..CAN signal brake on wheel 9,
    time overrun of message 24
    04702…..ZBRO…………………………………………………………..Lift in motion
    04703…..EBS……………………………………CAN signal brake on wheel 10,
    time overrun of message 11
    04703…..ZBRO………………………………………………………………..Lower lift
    04704…..EBS……………………………………CAN signal brake on wheel 10,
    time overrun of message 12
    04704…..ZBRO………………………………………………………………..Lower lift
    04705…..EBS……………………………………CAN signal brake on wheel 10,
    time overrun of message 13
    04705…..ZBRO…………………………………………………Ramp full deployed
    04706…..EBS……………………………………CAN signal brake on wheel 10,
    time overrun of message 14
    04706…..ZBRO………………………………………………………Ramp in motion
    04707…..DIW5…………….Engine load source CAN: Error in engine map
    04707…..EBS……………………………………CAN signal brake on wheel 10,
    time overrun of message 21
    04707…..ZBRO………………………………………Ramp multifunction display
    04708…..DIW5………………………………………….Engine load source CAN:
    Error that cannot be diagnosed with greater precision.
    04708…..EBS……………………………………CAN signal brake on wheel 10,
    time overrun of message 22
    04708…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Ramp enable
    04709…..EBS……………………………………CAN signal brake on wheel 10,
    time overrun of message 23
    04709…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Ramp enable
    04710…..EBS……………………………………CAN signal brake on wheel 10,
    time overrun of message 24
    04710…..ZBRO…………………………………………………Ramp flashing light
    04711…..DIW5…………………………………Engine load source Bosch EDC
    04711…..EBS…………………..Speed sensor input on pressure regulating
    module wheel 9, faulty electronic circuit
    04711…..ZBRO………………………………………………..Ramp fully retracted
    04712…..EBS…………………..Speed sensor input on pressure regulating
    module wheel 10, faulty electronic circuit
    04712…..ZBRO………………………………………………..Door 2 entry lighting
    04713…..EBS………………………Speed sensor wheel 9, air gap too great
    04713…..ZBRO……………………………………………….Door 2 in local mode
    04714…..EBS…………………….Speed sensor wheel 10, air gap too great
    04714…..ZBRO……………..Door 3 request stop by person with disability
    04715…..EBS……………Speed sensor wheel 9, impulse wheel defective
    04715…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Door 2 ready
    04716…..DIW5………………………………..Engine load source Bosch EDC:
    Speed range in data record faulty.
    04716…..EBS………….Speed sensor wheel 10, impulse wheel defective
    04716…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Door 2 standstill signal
    04717…..DIW5…..Engine load source Bosch EDC: Error in engine map
    04717…..EBS……………..Speed sensor wheel 9, tyre diameter too great
    04717…..ZBRO……………………………………..Door 3 activation (K3-CAN)
    04718…..DIW5………………………………..Engine load source Bosch EDC:
    Error that cannot be diagnosed with greater precision.
    04718…..EBS……………Speed sensor wheel 10, tyre diameter too great
    04718…..ZBRO……………………………………………..Door 3 / panel 1 open
    04719…..EBS…………………….Pressure module intake valve on wheel 7
    04719…..ZBRO………………………………………….Door 3 / panel 1 opening
    04720…..DIW5…………………………………………Brake request evaluation:
    Unknown brake sensor in data record.
    04720…..EBS……………………Pressure module intake valve on wheel 7,
    valve cannot be switched and is opened
    04720…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Door 3 / panel 1 closing
    04721…..DIW5…………………….Brake request evaluation: Impermissible
    brake sensor combination in data record.
    04721…..EBS……………………Pressure module intake valve on wheel 7,
    valve cannot be switched and is closed
    04721…..ZBRO……………………………………………..Door 3 / panel 2 open
    04722…..DIW5…………………………………………Brake request evaluation:
    No brake sensor set in data record.
    04722…..EBS…………………….Pressure module intake valve on wheel 8
    04722…..ZBRO………………………………………….Door 3 / panel 2 opening
    04723…..DIW5………………………Brake request evaluation: Invalid brake
    sensor priority in data record.
    04723…..EBS……………………Pressure module intake valve on wheel 8,
    valve cannot be switched and is opened
    04723…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Door 3 / panel 2 closing
    04724…..DIW5………………..Brake request evaluation: Error that cannot
    be diagnosed with greater precision.
    04724…..EBS…………………….Pressure module intake valve on wheel 9
    04724…..ZBRO……………………………………..Door 3 request stop display
    04725…..EBS……………………Pressure module intake valve on wheel 9,
    valve cannot be switched and is opened
    04725…..ZBRO……………………………………..Door 3 request stop display
    04726…..EBS……………………Pressure module intake valve on wheel 9,
    valve cannot be switched and is closed
    04726…..ZBRO……………………………………………………Door 3 ignition on
    04727…..EBS…………………..Pressure module intake valve on wheel 10
    04727…..ZBRO………………………………………………..Door 3 entry lighting
    04728…..EBS………………….Pressure module intake valve on wheel 10,
    valve cannot be switched and is opened
    04728…..ZBRO……………………………………………….Door 3 in local mode
    04729…..EBS………………….Pressure module intake valve on wheel 10,
    valve cannot be switched and is closed
    04729…..ZBRO………………………………..Door 3 emergency tap actuated
    04730…..DIW5………………………………CAN message TSC1, CAN signal
    (override control mode priority)
    04730…..EBS…………………………….Brake pad wear connection wheel 2
    04730…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Door 3 ready
    04731…..EBS…………………………….Brake pad wear connection wheel 3
    04731…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Door 3 standstill signal
    04732…..EBS…………………………….Brake pad wear connection wheel 4
    04732…..ZBRO……………………………………..Door 4 activation (K3-CAN)
    04733…..EBS…………………………….Brake pad wear connection wheel 5
    04733…..ZBRO……………………………………………..Door 4 / panel 1 open
    04734…..EBS…………………………….Brake pad wear connection wheel 6
    04734…..ZBRO………………………………………….Door 4 / panel 1 opening
    04735…..EBS…………………………….Brake pad wear connection wheel 7
    04735…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Door 4 / panel 1 closing
    04736…..DIW5……………………….Brake signal source CAN: Brake pedal
     continuously pressed.
    04736…..EBS…………………………….Brake pad wear connection wheel 8
    04736…..ZBRO……………………………………………..Door 4 / panel 2 open
    04737…..DIW5………………..Brake signal source CAN: Error that cannot
    be diagnosed with greater precision.
    04737…..EBS………………….Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 7
    04737…..ZBRO………………………………………….Door 4 / panel 2 opening
    04738…..EBS…………………Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 7,
    valve cannot be switched and is opened
    04738…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Door 4 / panel 2 closing
    04739…..EBS…………………Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 7,
    valve cannot be switched and is closed
    04739…..ZBRO……………………………………..Door 4 request stop display
    04740…..DIW5.Brake sensor signal source pedal brake sensor 3-stage
    04740…..EBS………………….Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 8
    04740…..ZBRO……………………………………………………Door 4 ignition on
    04741…..DIW5.Brake sensor signal source infinitely variable (WABCO)
    04741…..EBS…………………Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 8,
    valve cannot be switched and is opened
    04741…..ZBRO………………………………………………..Door 1 entry lighting
    04742…..DIW5…………………..Brake sensor signal source parking brake
     sensor 3-stage
    04742…..EBS…………………Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 8,
    valve cannot be switched and is closed
    04742…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Door 4 standstill signal
    04743…..EBS………………….Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 9
    04743…..ZBRO…………………………………………………Door enable door 1
    04744…..EBS…………………Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 9,
    valve cannot be switched and is opened
    04744…..ZBRO…………………………………………………Door enable door 2
    04745…..EBS…………………Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 9,
    valve cannot be switched and is closed
    04745…..ZBRO…………………………………………………Door enable door 3
    04746…..EBS………………..Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 10
    04746…..ZBRO…………………………………………………Door enable door 4
    04747…..EBS……………….Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 10,
    valve cannot be switched and is opened
    04747…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Door 4 ready
    04748…..EBS……………….Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 10,
    valve cannot be switched and is closed
    04748…..ZBRO……………………………………………….Door 4 in local mode
    04749…..EBS…………………..Pressure module backup valve on wheel 7
    04749…..ZBRO………………………………..Door 4 emergency tap actuated
    04750…..EBS………………….Pressure module backup valve on wheel 7,
    valve cannot be switched and is closed
    04750…..ZBRO……………………………………..Door 4 request stop display
    04751…..EBS…………………..Pressure module backup valve on wheel 8
    04751…..ZBRO……………..Door 4 request stop by person with disability
    04752…..EBS………………….Pressure module backup valve on wheel 8,
    valve cannot be switched and is closed
    04752…..ZBRO……………………………….Door 2 interior sign/exterior sign
    04753…..EBS…………………..Pressure module backup valve on wheel 9
    04753…..ZBRO…………………….Door 2 preliminary storage request stop
    04754…..EBS………………….Pressure module backup valve on wheel 9,
    valve cannot be switched and is closed
    04754…..ZBRO……………………………….Door 3 interior sign/exterior sign
    04755…..EBS…………………Pressure module backup valve on wheel 10
    04755…..ZBRO…………………….Door 3 preliminary storage request stop
    04756…..EBS………………..Pressure module backup valve on wheel 10,
    valve cannot be switched and is closed
    04756…..ZBRO…………………………………………………Enable 20:00 hours
    04757…..EBS……..Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 7, offset
    04757…..ZBRO…………………………………………………Enable 20:00 hours
    04758…..EBS…….Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 7, signal
    04758…..ZBRO……………………………………….Enable 20:00 hours check
    04759…..EBS……..Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 8, offset
    04759…..ZBRO………………………………………………….Door 1 malfunction
    04760…..EBS…….Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 8, signal
    04760…..ZBRO……………………………………………………….Door 1 warning
    04761…..EBS……..Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 9, offset
    04761…..ZBRO………………………………………………….Door 2 malfunction
    04762…..EBS…….Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 9, signal
    04762…..ZBRO……………………………………………………….Door 2 warning
    04763…..EBS……Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 10, offset
    04763…..ZBRO………………………………………………….Door 3 malfunction
    04764…..EBS…..Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 10, signal
    04764…..ZBRO……………………………………………………….Door 3 warning
    04765…..EBS………………………Wheel 9: Brake performance monitoring
    04765…..ZBRO………………………………………………….Door 4 malfunction
    04766…..EBS…………………….Wheel 10: Brake performance monitoring
    04766…..ZBRO……………………………………………………….Door 4 warning
    04767…..EBS………………Wheel 9 in conjunction with ABS logic: ABS is
    demanding insufficient brake pressure
    over an implausibly long time
    04767…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Door 1 auxiliary button
    04768…..EBS…………….Wheel 10 in conjunction with ABS logic: ABS is
    demanding insufficient brake pressure
    over an implausibly long time
    04768…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Door 2 auxiliary button
    04769…..EBS…………………………Wheel 9 in conjunction with ABS logic:
    Wheel speed error
    04769…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Waiting room
    04770…..EBS……………………….Wheel 10 in conjunction with ABS logic:
     Wheel speed error
    04770…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Waiting room
    04771…..EBS…………….Wheel 9 in conjunction with ABS logic: Change
    between active and inactive ABS intervention too fast
    04771…..ZBRO…………………….Door 1 preliminary storage request stop
    04772…..EBS…………..Wheel 10 in conjunction with ABS logic: Change
    between active and inactive ABS intervention too fast
    04772…..ZBRO……………………………….Door 1 interior sign/exterior sign
    04773…..EBS……………………..External sequential fault: Time overrun in
    communication with trailer control unit 3
    04773…..ZBRO……………………………………..Switch doors back to active
    04774…..EBS……………………..External sequential fault: Time overrun in
    communication with trailer control unit 4
    04774…..ZBRO……………………………………..Switch doors back to active
    04775…..EBS……………………..External sequential fault: Time overrun in
    communication with trailer control unit 5
    04775…..ZBRO……………………………………………Door manual/automatic
    04776…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 7:
    Pressure comparison plausibility error: Request is
    greater than the measured pressure
    04776…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Request stop display 2
    04777…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 8:
    Pressure comparison plausibility error: Request is
    greater than the measured pressure
    04777…..ZBRO…………………………………………………………..Door 2 block
    04778…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 9:
    Pressure comparison plausibility error: Request is
    greater than the measured pressure
    04778…..ZBRO………………………………………Door 1 constrained closing
    04779…..EBS…………… Pressure module pressure control on wheel 10:
    Pressure comparison plausibility error: Request is
    greater than the measured pressure
    04779…..ZBRO………………………………………Door 2 constrained closing
    04780…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 7:
    Pressure comparison plausibility error: Measured
    pressure is greater than request
    04780…..ZBRO………………………………………Door 3 constrained closing
    04781…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 8:
    Pressure comparison plausibility error: Measured
    pressure is greater than request
    04781…..ZBRO………………………………………Cancel stop request button
    04782…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 9:
    Pressure comparison plausibility error: Measured
    pressure is greater than request
    04782…..ZBRO…………………………………………Block door 3 20:00 hours
    04783…..EBS……………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 10:
    Pressure comparison plausibility error: Measured
    pressure is greater than request
    04783…..ZBRO……………………………………………….Baby carriage door 3
    04784…..EBS………………..Pressure regulating module pressure control
    on wheel 7: Full braking test
    04784…..ZBRO…………………………………….Cancel baby carriage door 3
    04785…..EBS………………..Pressure regulating module pressure control
    on wheel 8: Full braking test
    04785…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Ramp weight overload
    04786…..EBS………………..Pressure regulating module pressure control
    on wheel 9: Full braking test
    04786…..ZBRO…………………………………………………Stop request chime
    04787…..EBS………………..Pressure regulating module pressure control
    on wheel 10: Full braking test
    04787…..ZBRO……………………………………………Switch off chime switch
    04788…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 7:
    Mismatch between pressure module pressure
    and supply pressure
    04788…..ZBRO……………………………………………….Emergency exit door
    04789…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 8:
    Mismatch between pressure module pressure
    and supply pressure
    04790…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 9:
    Mismatch between pressure module pressure
    and supply pressure
    04791…..EBS……………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 10:
    Mismatch between pressure module pressure
    and supply pressure
    04792…..EBS…………………………..Pressure regulating module pressure
    control on wheel 7: Temporary backup test
    04793…..EBS…………………………..Pressure regulating module pressure
    control on wheel 8: Temporary backup test
    04794…..EBS…………………………..Pressure regulating module pressure
    control on wheel 9: Temporary backup test
    04795…..EBS…………………………..Pressure regulating module pressure
    control on wheel 10: Temporary backup test
    04796…..EBS…………………………..Pressure regulating module pressure
    control on wheel 7: Temporary brake test
    04797…..EBS…………………………..Pressure regulating module pressure
    control on wheel 8: Temporary brake test
    04798…..EBS…………………………..Pressure regulating module pressure
    control on wheel 9: Temporary brake test
    04799…..EBS…………………………..Pressure regulating module pressure
    control on wheel 10: Temporary brake test
    04800…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 7:
    Implausible pressure differential right/left
    04800…..ZBR2…………………………………….Status signal, central locking
    04801…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 8:
    Implausible pressure differential right/left
    04801…..ZBRO………………………….Central locking left checkback open
    04802…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 9:
    Implausible pressure differential right/left
    04802…..ZBRO………………………………………….Open central locking left
    04803…..EBS…………… Pressure module pressure control on wheel 10:
    Implausible pressure differential right/left
    04803…..ZBRO………………………………………….Open central locking left
    04804…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 7:
    Implausible pressure when no braked applied
    04804…..ZBRO……………………………………………Lock central locking left
    04805…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 8:
    Implausible pressure when no braked applied
    04805…..ZBRO……………………………………………Lock central locking left
    04806…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 9:
    Implausible pressure when no braked applied
    04806…..ZBRO………………………..Central locking left checkback locked
    04807…..EBS……………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 10:
    Implausible pressure when no braked applied
    04807…..ZBRO………………………..Central locking right checkback open
    04808…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 7:
    Implausible pressure at end of braking
    04808…..ZBRO………………………………………..Open central locking right
    04809…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 8:
    Implausible pressure at end of braking
    04809…..ZBRO………………………………………..Open central locking right
    04810…..DIW5…………………………………Evaluation gear selection range
    04810…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 9:
    Implausible pressure at end of braking
    04810…..ZBRO…………………………………………Lock central locking right
    04811…..EBS…………… Pressure module pressure control on wheel 10:
    Implausible pressure at end of braking
    04811…..ZBRO…………………………………………Lock central locking right
    04812…..DIW5……….Evaluation gear selection range: Gear information
    from button switch outside permitted value range
    or CAN signal requested gear or requested range
    outside the permitted value range.
    04812…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 7:
    Implausible intake valve actuation
    04812…..ZBRO………………………Central locking right checkback locked
    04813…..DIW5……….Evaluation gear selection range: Gear information
    from button switch incorrect or CAN signals requested
    gear or requested range return an error identification.
    04813…..EBS_5…………..Pressure module pressure control on wheel 8:
    Implausible intake valve actuation
    04813…..OUZBRO………………………………………Central locking flaps left
    04813…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Central locking flaps left
    04814…..DIW5…….Evaluation gear selection range: Error in plausibility
    check within the gearbox control unit or CAN
    signals requested
    gear and requested range are contradictory.
    04814…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 9:
    Implausible intake valve actuation
    04814…..ZBRO…………………………………………Central locking flaps right
    04815…..DIW5……….Evaluation gear selection range: Error that cannot
    be diagnosed with greater precision.
    04815…..EBS……………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 10:
    Implausible intake valve actuation
    04815…..ZBRO…………………………………………………….CL flaps left fault
    04816…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 7:
    Implausible exhaust valve actuation
    04816…..ZBRO…………………………………………………..CL flaps right fault
    04817…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 8:
    Implausible exhaust valve actuation
    04818…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 9:
    Implausible exhaust valve actuation
    04819…..EBS……………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 10:
    Implausible exhaust valve actuation
    04820…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 7:
    Residual pressure detected
    04821…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 8:
    Residual pressure detected
    04822…..EBS………………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 9:
    Residual pressure detected
    04823…..EBS……………Pressure module pressure control on wheel 10:
    Residual pressure detected
    04824…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 7,
    checksum error in external flash memory
    04825…..DIW5………………………………………………………..Supply voltage
    04825…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 7,
    outdated driver software
    04826…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 8,
    inconsistent driver software version between ECU
    and boot loader
    04827…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 8,
    checksum error in external flash memory
    04828…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 8,
    outdated driver software
    04829…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 9,
    inconsistent driver software version between ECU
    and boot loader
    04830…..DIW5……………………………………………………Reference voltage
    04830…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 9,
    checksum error in external flash memory
    04831…..DIW5……………………….Reference voltage: Undervoltage Uref.
    04831…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 9,
    outdated driver software
    04832…..DIW5…………………………Reference voltage: Overvoltage Uref.
    04832…..EBS……………………Pressure module control unit on wheel 10,
    inconsistent driver software version between
    ECU and boot loader
    04833…..DIW5……..Reference voltage: Error that cannot be diagnosed
    with greater precision.
    04833…..EBS……………………Pressure module control unit on wheel 10,
    checksum error in external flash memory
    04834…..EBS……………………Pressure module control unit on wheel 10,
    outdated driver software
    04835…..EBS……………Supply voltage brake pad wear sensor wheel 9:
    Short circuit to ground
    04836…..EBS………….Supply voltage brake pad wear sensor wheel 10:
    Short circuit to ground
    04837…..EBS……………Supply voltage brake pad wear sensor wheel 9:
    was deactivated
    04838…..EBS………….Supply voltage brake pad wear sensor wheel 10:
    was deactivated
    04839…..EBS……………………Pressure module supply cable to wheel 7:
    Current magnitude too high
    04840…..EBS……………………Pressure module supply cable to wheel 8:
    Current magnitude too high
    04841…..EBS……………………Pressure module supply cable to wheel 9:
    Current magnitude too high
    04842…..EBS………………….Pressure module supply cable to wheel 10:
    Current magnitude too high
    04843…..EBS………………………………….Brake pad wear sensor wheel 9:
    Monitoring of brake pad wear signal (decreasing)
    between the axles of the vehicle
    04844…..EBS………………………………..Brake pad wear sensor wheel 10:
    Monitoring of brake pad wear signal (decreasing)
    between the axles of the vehicle
    04845…..EBS………………………………….Brake pad wear sensor wheel 9:
    Monitoring of brake pad wear signal (decreasing)
    within the axles
    04846…..EBS………………………………..Brake pad wear sensor wheel 10:
    Monitoring of brake pad wear signal (decreasing)
    within the axles
    04847…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 9:
    Axle load sensor electrical power supply
    is not switched on
    04848…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 9:
    Axle load sensor electrical power supply short circuit
    to terminal 30
    04849…..EBS……………………..Pressure module control unit on wheel 9:
    incorrect / inconsistent data record parameter
    in EEPROM
    04850…..DIW5……………………………….Software module event memory:
    Data record value
    is set to ‘0’ which is not permitted.
    04850…..EBS………….CAN signal brake on wheel 9: No communication
    04851…..DIW5……………………………….Software module event memory:
    An error was detected in the software when checking
    the EventTab event table.
    04851…..EBS……………………Pressure module control unit on wheel 10:
    Axle load sensor electrical power supply
    is not switched on
    04852…..DIW5……………………………….Software module event memory:
    A signalled event is in the EventTab event
    table without reference.
    04852…..EBS……………………Pressure module control unit on wheel 10:
    Axle load sensor electrical power supply short circuit
    to terminal 30
    04853…..DIW5……………………………….Software module event memory:
    There is no reference in the form of a DTC column in the
    EventTab event table as the basis for the OEM_ID_ data
    record value. The non-referenced data record value is
    specified in the system description.
    04853…..EBS…….Pressure module control unit on wheel 10: incorrect /
    inconsistent data record parameter in EEPROM
    04854…..DIW5…………………..Software module event memory: A defect
    was detected in the event memory structure.
    The structure has been set up again.
    This means any stored events have been lost.
    04854…..EBS………..CAN signal brake on wheel 10: No communication
    04855…..DIW5…………….Software module event memory: A diagnostic
    object is signalling multiple instances of one error type.
    04855…..EBS Pressure regulating valve left: implausible activation time
    04856…..DIW5…………………..Software module event memory: The size
    of a system description of a diagnostic object is greater
    than the available memory space.
    04856…..EBS……………………Pressure regulating valve left intake valve:
    Short circuit between the connections
    04857…..DIW5………….Software module event memory: Buffer overrun
    of the (reentrant-capable) event memory or calls of the
    (non-reentrant-capable) event memory
    outside the time slices.
    04857…..EBS………………….Pressure regulating valve right: implausible
    activation time
    04858…..EBS…………………Pressure regulating valve right intake valve:
    Short circuit between the connections
    04859…..EBS……………….. Pressure regulating valve left exhaust valve:
    Short circuit between the connections
    04860…..DIW5……………..Gearshift manager: Invalid gearshift program
    in data record.
    04860…..EBS………………Pressure regulating valve right exhaust valve:
    Short circuit between the connections
    04861…..DIW5…………………….Gearshift manager: Invalid dynamic tyre
    radius in data record.
    04861…..EBS…………………Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 6,
    valve cannot be switched and is closed
    04862…..DIW5…….Gearshift manager: Invalid axle ratio in data record.
    04862…..EBS…………………J1939 (driveline CAN): Time overrun or fault
    condition in communication with engine
    control unit (SA=0x00)
    04863…..DIW5………Gearshift manager: Invalid maximum gear hunting
    time in data record.
    04863…..EBS…………………………..Brake pad wear connection wheel 10
    04864…..DIW5…………..Gearshift manager: Invalid maximum time for a
    forced downshift in data record.
    04864…..EBS……………Pressure module intake valve on wheel 8, valve
    cannot be switched and is closed
    04865…..DIW5…………………..Gearshift manager: Incorrectly configured
    gearshift program in data record.
    04865…..EBS………… Central control unit EEPROM: Implausible values
    in ‘General ABS configuration’ block
    04866…..DIW5…………………….Gearshift manager: Error that cannot be
    diagnosed with greater precision.
    04866…..EBS……………..Central control unit EEPROM: Checksum error
    in ‘General ABS configuration’ block
    04900…..ZBRO………………………………………………………Sun blind down
    04901…..ZBRO………………………………………………..Sun blind down high
    04902…..ZBRO…………………………………………………Sun blind down low
    04903…..ZBRO…………………………………………………………..Sun blind up
    04904…..ZBRO……………………………………………………Sun blind up high
    04905…..DIW5………………………………CAN 1 — hardware: Invalid bitrate.
    04905…..ZBRO……………………………………………………..Sun blind up low
    04909…..DIW5………CAN 1 — hardware: Error that cannot be diagnosed
    with greater precision.
    04910…..DIW5…….CAN 2 — hardware: Memory test of CAN controller 2
    was unsuccessful or defect within CAN
    controller 2 (RAM test).
    04911…..DIW5…….CAN 2 — hardware: Occurrence of BUS-OFF states.
    Failures of CAN bus by occurrence of BUS-OFF states.
    04912…..DIW5..CAN 2 — hardware: Occurrence of BUS warning states.
    04913…..DIW5……..CAN 2 — hardware: At least one message could not
    be sent within timeout time of send messages.
    04914…..DIW5………CAN 2 — hardware: Send buffer overrun or pipeline
    sending messages of CAN controller 2 is full.
    04915…..DIW5………………………………CAN 2 — hardware: Invalid bitrate.
    04919…..DIW5………CAN 2 — hardware: Error that cannot be diagnosed
    with greater precision.
    04931…..DIW5…………CAN protocol SAE J1939: Invalid CAN controller
    number in data record.
    04949…..DIW5……………CAN protocol SAE J1939: Error that cannot be
    diagnosed with greater precision.
    04960…..DIW5…………………………….CAN protocol VOITH private CAN:
    Timeout of message TC1 (Transmission Control 1).
    04961…..DIW5…………………………….CAN protocol VOITH private CAN:
    Timeout of message INPUT VALUES 0.
    04962…..DIW5…………………………….CAN protocol VOITH private CAN:
    Timeout of message INPUT VALUES 1.
    04963…..DIW5…………………………….CAN protocol VOITH private CAN:
    Timeout of message INPUT VALUES 2.
    04964…..DIW5…………………………….CAN protocol VOITH private CAN:
    Timeout of message CMD_Response.
    04969…..DIW5…………………………….CAN protocol VOITH private CAN:
    Error that cannot be diagnosed with greater precision.
    05000…..ECO2………………………………………ZF environmental condition
    05000…..HDS…………………………….Air pressure after nozzle evaluation
    05000…..ZBR2…………………….Audio-visual warning device and display
    05000…..ZFR……………………………CAN data bus: EDC message EEC1
    05001…..CRT………………………………CAN message engine temperature
    05001…..ECO2………………………………………ZF environmental condition
    05001…..HDS…………………………………………..Compressed air pressure
    05001…..RAS…………………………………………………………..Oil level check
    05001…..WSK…………………………….Retarder accumulator charge valve
    05001…..ZBR2…………………………………..Check, instrumentation failure
    05001…..ZFR………………….CAN data bus: Torque converter and clutch
    system message Transmission Fluid WSK
    05002…..CRT…………………………………………………CAN message EEC1
    05002…..HDS……………………Temperature ahead of catalytic converter
    05002…..RAS………………………………….Steering angle sensor front axle
    05002…..WSK……………………….Valve of torque converter lockup clutch
    05002…..ZBRO………………………………….Alarm level red (prio. 1) check
    05002…..ZFR……………………..CAN data bus: EDC message Eng Temp
    05003…..CRT…………………………………………………..CAN message BAM
    05003…..HDS………………………….Temperature after catalytic converter
    05003…..RAS……………………….Steering angle sensor steered rear axle
    05003…..ZBRO…………………………………………Switch off display lighting
    05003…..ZFR…..CAN data bus: EDC message Inlet Exhaust Condition
    05004…..CRT…………………………………………………………CAN messages
    05004…..HDS………………………………………………………….Urea pressure
    05004…..RAS………………Speedometer / EBC speed signal comparison
    05004…..WSK………………………………………..Retarder proportional valve
    05004…..ZBRO……………………………………………Display dimming (0-15)
    05004…..ZFR…………………CAN data bus: Tachograph message TCO1
    05005…..CRT……………………………………….Exhaust temperature sensor
    05005…..HDS……………………………..Urea temperature in pump module
    05005…..RAS……………………………………………………………Shut-off valve
    05005…..WSK………………………………..Retarder proportional valve, fault
    05005…..ZBRO………………………………Display dimming bottom pressed
    05005…..ZFR……………….CAN data bus: Retarder message ERC1_RE
    05006…..CRT……………………………Exhaust differential pressure sensor
    05006…..HDS…………………………………………………………EEPROM error
    05006…..RAS……………………………………….Control valve working circuit
    05006…..WSK…………………………Output earth return proportional valve
    05006…..ZBRO……………………………………Display dimming top pressed
    05006…..ZFR……………….CAN data bus: Retarder message ERC1_RX
    05007…..CRT……………………………………Charge air temperature sensor
    05007…..HDS…………………………………………….Freezing cycles counter
    05007…..RAS……..Deviation from setpoint in steering angle of rear axle
    05007…..ZBRO……………………………………………………Display change 1
    05007…..ZFR……………….CAN data bus: Retarder message ERC1_RD
    05008…..CRT………………………………………………..Engine brake butterfly
    05008…..HDS………………………………………………………….Emergency off
    05008…..RAS………………………………………Monitoring circuit control unit
    05008…..WSK…………………………………………..Turbine speed: No signal
    05008…..ZBRO……………………………………………………Display change 2
    05008…..ZFRCAN data bus: Retarder message Ret_Config_BAM (RE)
    05009…..CRT……………………CRT temperature too low for regeneration
    05009…..HDS……………………………………………Detection of frozen lines
    05009…..RAS………………….Working circuit control unit for valve control
    05009…..WSK……………………………..Sensor, cooling water temperature
    05009….. ZBRO…………………………………………………………………….. Horn
    05009…..ZFR……………………………….CAN data bus: Retarder message
     Ret_Config_Packet (RE)
    05010…..CRT…………………………CRT is not regenerating although filter
    temperature is correct
    05010…..HDS……………………………………..Nitrogen oxide (NOx) sensor
    05010…..WSK……….Read-back current of the proportional valve output
    05010….. ZBRO…………………………………………………………………….. Horn
    05010…..ZFRCAN data bus: Retarder message Ret_Config_BAM (RX)
    05011…..CRT…………………………..CRT is blocked and must be cleaned
    05011…..HDS……………………………………………..Heating return flow line
    05011…..WSK…………………….Vehicle electrical system voltage (TL 30)
    05011…..ZBRO…………………………………………………………………..Horn a
    05011…..ZFR……………………………….CAN data bus: Retarder message
     Ret_Config_Packet (RX)
    05012…..CRT………………………………………….CRT temperature too high
    05012…..ECO2……………………………………………………Load sensor (A3)
    05012…..HDS……………………………………………….Compressed air valve
    05012…..RAS…………………………………CAN signal, speedometer speed
    05012…..WSK…………………….Vehicle electrical system voltage (TL 15)
    05012…..ZBRO…………………………………………………………………..Horn b
    05012…..ZFR……………………………….CAN data bus: Retarder message
     Ret_Config_BAM (RD)
    05013…..CRT…………………………………..Charge air temperature outside
    permitted tolerance range
    05013…..ECO2……………………………………………Voltage output (5V) AU
    05013…..HDS……………………………………………………Heating supply line
    05013…..RAS…………………………………..CAN signal, EBC vehicle speed
    05013…..ZBRO………………………………………..Supply instrument lighting
    05013…..ZFR……………………………….CAN data bus: Retarder message
     Ret_Config_Packet (RD)
    05014…..CRT…………………………………………………CAN message EEC3
    05014…..ECO2……………………………………..Retarder control lever (A12)
    05014…..HDS……………………………………………………………inner heating
    05014…..RAS………………………………………….CAN signal, engine speed
    05014…..ZBRO…………………………………..Display day/night changeover
    05014…..ZFR……………CAN data bus: Tachograph message TimeDate
    05015…..CRT…………………………………………..CAN message time / date
    05015…..ECO2………………………………………………………..Voltage failure
    05015…..HDS……………………………………Heating pressure equalisation
    05015…..RAS…………………………………………………….CAN signal, weight
    05015…..WSK…………………………….Checksum operating hours counter
    05015…..ZBRO………………………………………………….Buzzer alarm level
    05015…..ZFR….CAN data bus: Tachograph message Vehicle Distance
    05016…..CRT…………………………………CAN message vehicle clearance
    05016…..ECO2………………..Switch retarder (retarder pedal digital S12)
    05016…..HDS…………………………………………………………..Pump heating
    05016…..RAS……………………………………………….CAN signal, lifting axle
    05016…..WSK……………………………………………Checksum fault memory
    05016…..ZBRO………………………………………….Buzzer function indicator
    05017…..CRT……………………………………………………………..AGR throttle
    05017…..ECO2…………………………….Retarder temperature sensor (B4)
    05017…..HDS………………………………………………..Heating pressure line
    05017…..RAS………………………………………….CAN signal, parking brake
    05017…..WSK…………………………..Data bus, message EEC2 from FFR
    05017…..ZBRO………………………………….Buzzer advance warning level
    05018…..CRT…………………………………………………..Internal system fault
    05018…..ECO2……………………………….Sump temperature sensor (B14)
    05018…..HDS………………………………………………….Urea metering valve
    05018…..RAS……………………………CAN signal, bus transmitter-receiver
    05018…..WSK……………………………………………………………Engine brake
    05018…..ZBRO……………………Adv. warning level yellow (prio. 2) check
    05019…..CRT……………………………………….EEPROM memory defective
    05019…..HDS……………………………………………………Urea heating valve
    05019…..RAS…………………………………………..Calibrate parameter value
    05019…..WSK………………………………..Internal system error control unit
    05019…..ZBRO………………………………………….On-board diagnosis fault
    05020…..CRT………………………………Exhaust temperature after the filter
    05020…..HDS……………………………….Nitrogen fill level plausibility error
    05020…..RAS…………………………………………ZF environmental condition
    05020…..WSK………………….Data bus, message TSC1 (braking torque)
    05020…..ZBRO………………………………………On-board diagnosis enable
    05021…..CRT…………………………………………………CAN message ETC 1
    05021…..ECO2………………………..Output to gear element A valve (Y17)
    05021…..HDS…………………………………………………………….Pump speed
    05021…..WSK………………………………..CAN data bus, memory overflow
    05021…..ZBRO……………………………………………………Horn changeover
    05022…..CRT……………………………………CRT filter burnt out or not fitted
    05022…..ECO2………………………..Output to gear element B valve (Y16)
    05022…..HDS……………………………………..Air supply valve output stage
    05022…..WSK………………………………………..CAN data bus, switched off
    05022…..ZBRO……………………………………………………Horn changeover
    05023…..ECO2……………………….Output to gear element C valve (Y15)
    05023…..HDS…………………………………………………………Blocked nozzle
    05023…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Horn changeover check
    05024…..ECO2……………………….Output to gear element D valve (Y14)
    05024…..HDS…………………………………..Air pressure sensor plausibility
    05024…..WSK……………………………CAN data bus, receive confirmation
    05024…..ZBRO……………………………………………….Outside temperature
    05025…..ECO2………………………..Output to gear element E valve (Y13)
    05025…..HDS…………………………….Compressed air fault during startup
    05025….. RAS………………………………………………………………..Calibration
    05025…..WSK…………………………..Data bus, message EEC1 from FFR
    05025…..ZBRO…………………………………………………………….Ice warning
    05026…..ECO2………………………..Output to gear element F valve (Y12)
    05026…..HDS………………………………Blockage of compressed air valve
    05026…..RAS…………………………………………………Ambient temperature
    05027…..ECO2……………………….Output to gear element G valve (Y11)
    05027…..HDS…………………………………….Compressed air not plausible
    05027…..RAS………………………….Rear axle too close to measured stop
    05027…..WSK…………………………………Data bus, message ETC1_TCU
    05028…..ECO2……………………………Output to torque converter lock-up
    clutch WK valve (Y18)
    05028…..HDS……………………Temperature ahead of catalytic converter
    05028…..WSK………..Data bus, message TC1_TWSK from ASTRONIC
    05029…..ECO2………………….Output to retarder accumulator valve (Y2)
    05029…..HDS………………………………………………………….Hydraulic fault
    05029…..WSK………………………………….Time / date message from TCO
    05030…..HDS………………………………….Pump motor fault during startup
    05030…..WSK……………………………….Data bus, mileage (km) message
    05031…..ECO2……………………………..Output to engine brake relay (K1)
    05031…..HDS………………………………………………………Pump motor fault
    05032…..ECO2………………………………..Output to gear signal relay (K2)
    05032…..HDS…………………..Temperatures not plausible during startup
    05033…..ECO2…………………………………….Output to gear signal relay 2
    05033…..HDS……………………………………….Urea pressure not plausible
    05034…..ECO2……………………………..Output to speed signal relay (K3)
    05034…..HDS…………………………Urea temperature of metering module
    05035…..ECO2………………………………….Output to speed signal relay 2
    05035…..HDS……………………………………..Urea temperature of the tank
    05036…..ECO2…………………………..Output to power take-off valve (Y3)
    05036…..HDS…………………..Air supply valve implausible during startup
    05037…..ECO2…………………..Output to accelerator interlock valve (Y4)
    05037…..HDS……………………………………..Air supply valve not plausible
    05038…..ECO2……………………………..Output to load enable relay (K11)
    05038…..HDS……………………………….External 12 V supply voltage fault
    05039…..ECO2………………………….Output to detent solenoid relay (K4)
    05041…..ECO2……………………………………Output to selector lever lamp
    05042…..ECO2……………………………..Output ADVP (continuous signal)
    05043…..ECO2………………….Output to retarder brake lamp relay (K10)
    05044…..ECO2…………………..Output to proportional solenoid D1 (Y20)
    05045…..ECO2……………..Output to retarder proportional solenoid (Y1)
    05046…..ECO2………………………………………………….Selector lever (A2)
    05047…..ECO2…………………….Speedo signal output via pin SD2 (A10)
    05048…..ECO2…………………………………………………PWM interface (A8)
    05049…..ECO2………………………………………..EEPROM data checksum
    05051…..ECO2…………………………………………..CAN B application CAN
    05051…..HDS…………………………………………………..Urea quality sensor
    05052…..ECO2……………….System fault electronic control unit EST146
    05053…..ECO2…………………………..Malfunction SAE J 1708 (BUSOFF)
    05054…..ECO2…………………………….Malfunction SAE J 1708 (warning)
    05055…..ECO2………………………………………………..CAN A vehicle CAN
    05056…..ECO2……………………………..Output to retarder on valve (Y19)
    05057…..ECO2…………………………………………………..Input speed (B13)
    05058…..ECO2…………………………………………………Output speed (B11)
    05059…..ECO2………………………………………Gearbox input speed (B12)
    05062…..ECO2…………………………………………..Retarder identifier (B16)
    05063…..ECO2………………………………………………………Gearbox coding
    05064…..ECO2…………………………………………..Gearbox slip monitoring
    05065…..ECO2……………………………………..Retarder outlet temperature
    05066…..ECO2………………………………………………….Sump temperature
    05067…..ECO2……………………………….Digital output (AD) not occupied
    05068…..ECO2……………………………………..Central shut-off device ZAE
    05071…..ECO2…………………………………….Temperature warning output
    05072…..ECO2…………………………….PWM signal oil level sensor (B15)
    05073…..ECO2…………………………………….Temperature warning output
    05074…..ECO2…………………………………….Temperature warning output
    05075…..ECO2…………………………………………Retarder sensor ‘Manual’
    (retarder control lever digital S12)
    05076…..ECO2…………………………………………….Gear element slip time
    05077…..ECO2……………………………………………TSC1_TE specification
    05079…..ECO2……………………………………………………Operating voltage
    05080…..HDS…..Limit value error for exhaust mass and nitrogen oxide
    05081…..ECO2………………………..Output relay selector lever ‘Neutral 1’
    05082…..ECO2………………………..Output relay selector lever ‘Neutral 2’
    05083…..ECO2………………………………………Output relay reversing light
    05084…..ECO2………………………..EEPROM data customer (checksum)
    05085…..ECO2……………………………….Output to status monitoring (H1)
    05086…..ECO2…………………..Output ‘Neutral at standstill (NBS) active’
    05091…..ECO2………………………….Special function 1 set in parameters
    05093…..ECO2………….D1 shift pressure adaptation upshift under load
    05094…..ECO2…………D1 shift pressure adaptation coasting downshift
    05095…..ECO2……………………………………………….Shift time adaptation
    05096…..ECO2…………………………………….Contact pressure adaptation
    05098…..ECO2………………………….Special function 2 set in parameters
    05100…..HDS ……………………………………………………………………Dummy
    05100….. ZBRO…………………………………………………………………….Radio
    05100…..ZFR……………………………………………………………Additional fan
    05101….. ZBRO…………………………………………………………………….Radio
    05101…..ZFR…………………………………………………………………..Main fan
    05102…..ZBRO…………………………………………………………..Radio check
    05102…..ZFR……………………………………………….Additional compressor
    05103…..ZBRO…………………………….Loudspeaker changeover external
    05103…..ZFR……………………………………………Speed-dependent output
    05104…..ZBRO…………………………….Loudspeaker changeover external
    05104…..ZFR……………………………………………………Additional fan valve
    05105…..ZBRO…………………………Loudspeaker changeover ext. check
    05106…..ZBRO……………………………………………………………..PA system
    05107…..ZBRO……………………………………………………………..PA system
    05108…..ZBRO……………………………………………………PA system check
    05109…..ZBRO………………………………………..Input alarm system active
    05110…..HDS………………………………………………………….Urea pressure
    05110…..ZBRO………………………………………………….Alarm system horn
    05111…..HDS………………………………..Compressed air ahead of throttle
    05111…..ZBRO……………………………………………………..IBIS BON active
    05112…..HDS……………………………………………………………..Engine revs
    05112…..ZBRO………………………………………………………..Switch on IBIS
    05113…..HDS………………………………………………………Metering volume
    05113…..ZBRO…………………………………………………IBIS transmit active
    05114…..HDS ……………………………………………………………………..Status
    05114…..ZBRO………………………………………..IBIS external loudspeaker
    05115…..ZBRO……………………………………………………..IBIS mike active
    05116…..ZBRO……………………………………..IBIS control input 1 (output)
    05117…..ZBRO……………………………………..IBIS control input 2 (output)
    05118…..ZBRO…………………………………………………………………IBIS call
    05119…..ZBRO……………………………………………………….IBIS call active
    05120…..HDS…………………………Monitoring error in monitoring module
    05120…..ZBRO……………………………………………IBIS acknowledgement
    05121…..ZBRO…………………………………..IBIS acknowledgement active
    05122…..ZBRO…………………………………………………..IBIS door criterion
    05126…..ZBRO………………………………………………Switch canceller OFF
    05127…..ZBRO………………………………………………Output canceller OFF
    05128…..ZBRO…………………………………………………….Switch IBIS OFF
    05129…..ZBRO…………………………………………………….Output IBIS OFF
    05130…..ZBRO……………………………………………….Switch coin box OFF
    05131…..ZBRO……………………………………………….Output coin box OFF
    05200…..ZBRO………………………………………………….. Driver’s area door
    05201…..ZBRO………………………………………………….. Driver’s area door
    05202…..ZBRO………………………………………….Driver’s area door check
    05203…..ZBRO…………………………………………Driver’s area door buzzer
    05204…..ZBRO……………………………………………Destination box lighting
    05205…..ZBRO……………………………………………Destination box lighting
    05206…..ZBRO………………………………….Destination box lighting Check
    05207…..ZBRO…………………………Paying console/driver’s area lighting
    05208…..ZBRO…………………………Paying console/driver’s area lighting
    05209…..ZBRO………………..Paying console/driver’s area lighting check
    05210…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Paying console socket
    05211…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Paying console socket
    05212…..ZBRO……………………………………Paying console socket check
    05213…..ZBRO…………………………………………Paying console lighting 1
    05215…..ZBRO……………………………………………….Driver’s area lighting
    05216…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Driver’s area lighting 1
    05217…..ZBRO……………………………………………….Driver’s area lighting
    05218…..ZBRO……………………………Paying console activation coin box
    05219…..ZBRO……………………………Paying console activation coin box
    05300…..ZBRO………………………………Economy circuit front-end heater
    05301…..ZBRO…………………………….Front-end heater circulating pump
    05302…..ZBRO………………………….Front-end heater inclined seat valve
    05303…..ZBRO………………………………………………………..Roof ventilator
    05304…..ZBRO…………………………………………………..Roof ventilator left
    05305…..ZBRO…………………………………………………Roof ventilator right
    05306…..ZBRO……………………………………………………Roof duct heating
    05307…..ZBRO……………………………………………….Roof duct ventilation
    05308…..ZBRO……………………………………………………Roof hatch check
    05309…..ZBRO……………………………………………Roof hatch 1 rear open
    05310…..ZBRO……………………………………………Roof hatch 1 rear open
    05311…..ZBRO………………………………….Roof hatch 1 completely open
    05312…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Roof hatch 1 front open
    05313…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Roof hatch 1 front open
    05314…..ZBRO……………………………………………Roof hatch 2 rear open
    05315…..ZBRO……………………………………………Roof hatch 2 rear open
    05316…..ZBRO………………………………….Roof hatch 2 completely open
    05317…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Roof hatch 2 front open
    05318…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Roof hatch 2 front open
    05319….. ZBRO………………………………………………………………….Heating
    05320…..ZBRO……………………………………….Air-conditioning requested
    05321…..ZBRO……………………………………………………Cool driver’s area
    05322…..ZBRO………………………………………Coolant valve driver’s area
    05323…..ZBRO…………………………..Set driver’s area to recirculating air
    05324…..ZBRO…………………….Recirculation ventilation hatch front-end
    05325…..ZBRO………………………………………Roof duct blower reduction
    05326…..ZBRO……………………………………..Ice warning air-conditioning
    05327…..ZBRO……………………………………………….Air-conditioning fault
    05328…..ZBRO…………………………………………………Set roof to fresh air
    05329…..ZBRO……………………………………………Ventilation hatch roof +
    05330…..ZBRO……………………………………………..Compressor activated
    05331…..ZBRO……………………………………..Input check air-conditioning
    05332…..ZBRO………………………..Air conditioning idling speed increase
    05333…..ZBRO…………………………….Engine running to air-conditioning
    05334…..ZBRO………………………………….Terminal 58 to air-conditioning
    05335…..ZBRO………………………….Air-conditioning circulating pump on
    05336…..ZBRO…………………….Inclined seat valve from air-conditioning
    05337…..ZBRO…………………………….Auxiliary heater to air-conditioning
    05338….. ZBRO…………………………………………………………….. Ventilation
    05339…..ZBRO…………………………………Passenger area heater stage 1
    05340…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Heater fan 1 left stage 1
    05341…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Heater fan 2 left stage 1
    05342…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Heater fan 3 left stage 1
    05343…..ZBRO………………………………………Heater fan 2a right stage 1
    05344…..ZBRO………………………………………Heater fan 2b right stage 1
    05345…..ZBRO…………………………………Passenger area heater stage 2
    05346…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Heater fan 1 left stage 2
    05347…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Heater fan 2 left stage 2
    05348…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Heater fan 3 left stage 2
    05349…..ZBRO………………………………………Heater fan 2a right stage 2
    05350…..ZBRO………………………………………Heater fan 2b right stage 2
    05351…..ZBRO……………………………………….Heater fan 2c right stage 2
    05352…..ZBRO………………………………Interior thermostat (low=heating)
    05353…..ZBRO………………………………Circulating pump a cooling water
    05354…..ZBRO………………………………Circulating pump b cooling water
    05355…..ZBRO………………………………Inclined seat valve cooling water
    05356…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Valve convector heating
    05357…..ZBRO……………………………………………..Auxiliary heater check
    05358…..ZBRO……………………………….Auxiliary heater economy circuit
    05359…..ZBRO……………………………………Auxiliary heater pre-set timer
    05360…..ZBRO……………………………………Auxiliary heater pre-set timer
    05361…..ZBRO…………………………..Auxiliary heater water v./circ. pump
    05362…..ZBRO………………………………………………………..Roof ventilator
    05363…..ZBRO………………………………………………………..Roof ventilator
    05364…..ZBRO………………………………………………………..Roof ventilator
    05365…..ZBRO……………………………………………………..Roof ventilator a
    05366…..ZBRO……………………………………………………..Roof ventilator b
    05367…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Ventilation hatch roof —
    05368…..ZBRO……………………………………….Set roof to recirculating air
    05369…..ZBRO…………………………Recirculation ventilation hatch roof +
    05370…..ZBRO………………………….Recirculation ventilation hatch roof —
    05371…..ZBRO……………………………………………Interior thermostat fault
    05372…..ZBRO…………………….Air-conditioning auxiliary heater request
    05373…..ZBRO…………………………………Passenger area heater stage 1
    05374…..ZBRO…………………………………Passenger area heater stage 2
    05375…..ZBRO………………………………Interior thermostat (low=heating)
    05376…..ZBRO……………………………..Interior thermostat (high=heating)
    05377…..ZBRO…………………………………………………Roof ventilator fault
    05378…..ZBRO……………………………………………….Auxiliary heater fault
    05379…..ZBRO……………………………………………….Air-conditioning fault
    05380…..ZBRO………………………………..Driver’s fan switched off or fault
    05381…..ZBRO……………………………………………………..Driver’s fan fault
    05382…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Pedestal heater stage 1
    05383…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Pedestal heater stage 2
    05384…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Pedestal heater stage 1
    05385…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Pedestal heater stage 2
    05386…..ZBRO…….Sw. driver’s fan 2nd stage switched off or defective
    05387…..ZBRO…………………………………………………Driver’s fan stage 1
    05388…..ZBRO…………………………………………………Driver’s fan stage 2
    05389…..ZBRO……………………………………………Roof hatch 3 rear open
    05390…..ZBRO……………………………………………Roof hatch 3 rear open
    05391…..ZBRO………………………………….Roof hatch 3 completely open
    05392…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Roof hatch 3 front open
    05393…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Roof hatch 3 front open
    05394…..ZBRO……………………………………………Water pump requested
    05395…..ZBRO……………………………………Parking lights heating control
    05396…..ZBRO…Auxiliary heater requested via passenger area heater
    05397…..ZBRO………………………………….Recirculation/ventilation hatch
    05398…..ZBRO………………………………….Recirculation/ventilation hatch
    05399…..ZBRO………………………………Interior thermostat forebody fault
    05400…..ZBRO……………………………………..Driver’s seat heating switch
    05401…..ZBRO……………………………………………….Driver’s seat heating
    05402…..ZBRO……………………………………………………………….ATC fault
    05403…..ZBRO……………………………Air-conditioning system lower deck
    05404…..ZBRO…………………………..Air-conditioning system upper deck
    05500…..HDS……………………………………..CAN error (no AAI message)
    05500…..ZBRO……………………………………………………….Window heater
    05501…..HDS……………………………………CAN error (no ABC message)
    05501…..ZBRO……………………………………………………….Window heater
    05502…..HDS……………………………………..CAN error (no ATI message)
    05502…..ZBRO…………………………………………………………Mirror heaters
    05503…..HDS………………………………….CAN error (no EEC1 message)
    05503…..ZBRO……………………………………………………..Mirror heater left
    05504…..HDS…………………………………….CAN error (no ETP message)
    05504…..ZBRO…………………………………………………..Mirror heater right
    05505…..HDS………………………………….CAN error (no CEXH message)
    05505…..ZBRO………………………………………………..Door window heater
    05506…..HDS…………………………………….CAN error (no FEC message)
    05506…..ZBRO……………………………………………..Door window heater a
    05507…..HDS……………………………………..CAN error (no IEC message)
    05507…..ZBRO……………………………………………..Door window heater b
    05508…..HDS……………………………………CAN error (no NO1 message)
    05508…..ZBRO……………………………………………..Door window heater c
    05509…..HDS……………………………………CAN error (no PRO message)
    05509…..ZBRO……………………………………………..Door window heater d
    05510…..HDS………………………………….CAN error (no CTDA message)
    05510…..ZBRO………………………………………………….Windscreen heater
    05511…..HDS………………………………..Control unit or ‘Heating on’ faulty
    05511…..ZBRO………………………………………………….Windscreen heater
    05512…..HDS………………………………….CAN error (no CVDR message)
    05513…..HDS…………………………………CAN error (no CUQS message)
    05600…..KSM…………………………………………………………………Cab lock.
    05600…..ZBR2…………………………………………………………………Cab lock
    05700…..ZBR2………………………………………………….ACC rated distance
    05800…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Check CSR2
    05801…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Check CSR2
    05802…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Check CSR3
    05803…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Check CSR3
    05804…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Check CSR4
    05805…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Check CSR4
    05806…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Check CSR5
    05807…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Check CSR5
    05808…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Check CSR6
    05809…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Check CSR6
    05810…..ZBRO…………………………………..Switch CSR1 bottom pressed
    05811…..ZBRO…………………………………..Switch CSR1 bottom pressed
    05812…..ZBRO………………………………………..Switch CSR1 top pressed
    05813…..ZBRO………………………………………..Switch CSR1 top pressed
    05814…..ZBRO………………………………………………..Switch CSR1 check
    05815…..ZBRO…………………………………..Switch CSR2 bottom pressed
    05816…..ZBRO…………………………………..Switch CSR2 bottom pressed
    05817…..ZBRO………………………………………..Switch CSR2 top pressed
    05818…..ZBRO………………………………………..Switch CSR2 top pressed
    05819…..ZBRO………………………………………………..Switch CSR2 check
    05820…..ZBRO…………………………………..Switch CSR4 bottom pressed
    05821…..ZBRO…………………………………..Switch CSR4 bottom pressed
    05822…..ZBRO………………………………………..Switch CSR4 top pressed
    05823…..ZBRO………………………………………..Switch CSR4 top pressed
    05824…..ZBRO………………………………………………..Switch CSR4 check
    05825…..ZBRO…………………………………..Switch CSR5 bottom pressed
    05826…..ZBRO…………………………………..Switch CSR5 bottom pressed
    05827…..ZBRO………………………………………..Switch CSR5 top pressed
    05828…..ZBRO………………………………………..Switch CSR5 top pressed
    05829…..ZBRO………………………………………………..Switch CSR5 check
    05830…..ZBRO…………………………………..Switch CSR6 bottom pressed
    05831…..ZBRO…………………………………..Switch CSR6 bottom pressed
    05832…..ZBRO………………………………………..Switch CSR6 top pressed
    05833…..ZBRO………………………………………..Switch CSR6 top pressed
    05834…..ZBRO………………………………………………..Switch CSR6 check
    05835…..ZBRO…………………………………..Switch CSR7 bottom pressed
    05836…..ZBRO…………………………………..Switch CSR7 bottom pressed
    05837…..ZBRO………………………………………..Switch CSR7 top pressed
    05838…..ZBRO………………………………………..Switch CSR7 top pressed
    05839…..ZBRO………………………………………………..Switch CSR7 check
    05840…..ZBRO…………………………………..Switch CSR8 bottom pressed
    05841…..ZBRO…………………………………..Switch CSR8 bottom pressed
    05842…..ZBRO………………………………………..Switch CSR8 top pressed
    05843…..ZBRO………………………………………..Switch CSR8 top pressed
    05844…..ZBRO………………………………………………..Switch CSR8 check
    05900…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Speed signal
    05901…..ZBRO…………………………………………………..Speed signal fault
    05902…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Speed signal
    06000…..ZBR2……………………………………..TCO1 message, tachograph
    06001…..ZBR2……………………………………………………………………… ACC
    06002…..ZBR2………………………………………………………………Date / time
    06003…..ZBR2……………………………Road speed governing, road speed
    06004….. ZBR2………………………………………………………. Instrumentation
    06005…..ZBR2……………………………………………….EBC1 message, EBS
    06006…..ZBR2…………………………………………..ECAS1 message, ECAS
    06007…..ZBR2………………………………………….ECAM1 message, ECAM
    06008…..ZBR2……………………………………………….EEC1 message, FFR
    06009…..ZBR2……………………..ERC_RD message, secondary retarder
    06010…..ZBR2………………………….ERC_RE message, primary retarder
    06011…..ZBR2………………………………………………….Engine oil pressure
    06012…..ZBR2………………………………………………..Coolant temperature
    06013…..ZBR2…………………Ambient conditions missing, FFR message
    06014….. ZBR2……………………………………………………………………….FFR
    06015…..ZBR2……………………………………EBC2 missing message, EBS
    06016…..ZBR2……………………………………EBC3 missing message, EBS
    06017…..ZBR2……………………………………EBC4 missing message, EBS
    06018…..ZBR2………………………………………………Engine speed missing
    06019…..ZBR2……………………………………ETC1 missing message, FFR
    06020…..ZBR2……………………………………ETC2 missing message, FFR
    06021…..ZBR2……………………………………ETC3 missing message, FFR
    06022…..ZBR2……..Fuel consumption missing, total fuel consumption /
    consumption since last reset
    06023…..ZBR2………………..Fuel economy missing, fuel consumption in
    litres per hour
    06024…..ZBR2………………………Inlet/exhaust conditions missing, boost
    pressure information
    06025…..ZBR2…TC1_FT missing, FFR message to automatic gearbox
    06026…..ZBR2…..ACC1 message missing, display message from ACC
    06027…..ZBR2………..Aux_stat_ZBR_1 not on T-CAN, switch message
    1 not on T-CAN
    06028…..ZBR2…………Aux_stat_ZBR_1 not on I-CAN, switch message
    1 not on I-CAN
    06029…..ZBR2……………Dash display/fuel not on I-CAN, cleaning water
    tank display
    06030…..ZBR2…….ERC1_RX missing, engine brake message missing
    from FFR
    06032…..ZBR2…………Aux_stat_ZBR_2 not on I-CAN, switch message
    2 not on I-CAN
    06033…..ZBR2…………Aux_stat_ZBR_3 not on I-CAN, switch message
    3 not on I-CAN
    06034…..ZBR2……. Reserved Aux_stat_ZBR_4 not on I-CAN, reserved
    switch message 4 not on I-CAN
    06035…..ZBR2………Vehicle electrical power not on CAN, voltage term.
    30 and 15 from EDC via FFR
    06036…..ZBR2…………Retarder_Fluids RD missing, secondary retarder
    fill level missing
    06037…..ZBR2…………Retarder_Fluids RE missing, primary retarder fill
    level missing
    06038…..ZBR2………..EEC2 message missing, electronic engine check
    2 missing
    06039…..ZBR2……………Transmission_Fluids missing, gearbox fill level
    06040…..ZBR2………………Vehicle weight (EBS) missing, rear axle load
    (EBS) missing
    06041…..ZBR2……………Vehicle weight (ECAS) missing, vehicle weight
    (ECAS) missing
    06042…..ZBR2……………………….No engine configuration (multipacket),
    no engine configuration
    06043…..ZBR2………..SPN reply message (MAN request) not on I-CAN
    06044…..ZBR2………..SPN reply message (MAN request) not on I-CAN
    06045…..ZBR2………………………………..ECAM1 message not on T-CAN
    (ECAM auxiliary function only),
    reservoir pressures not on T-CAN
    06046…..ZBR2Torque converter and clutch system (WSK) no message
    06047…..ZBR2……..T-CAN fault: VDC1 message could not be received
    06048…..ZBR2…………………………………………I-CAN ETC2 no message
    06050…..ZBR2………….DM-1 ZBR2 message could not be sent (I-CAN)
    06051…..ZBR2…………………..DM-1 message vehicle error memory and
    data memory (OBDU) could not be sent
    06052…..ZBR2………………….I-CAN error: No chassis number message
    06053…..ZBR2…….T-CAN error: KSM2 message could not be received
    06054…..ZBR2…..Vehicle weight message from EBS could not be sent
    06055…..ZBR2………………………………ECAS message failure (ASC1_A)
    06056…..ZBR2………………………………..ECAS message failure (RGE21)
    06057…..ZBR2…………………………I-CAN error: No door check message
    06058…..ZBR2…………..Aux_stat_Inst_2 not on I-CAN Switch message
    2 not on I-CAN
    06059…..ZBR2……………………………………………….ESP message failure
    06060…..ZBR2……….ECAS message failure (ASC3) height information
    06061…..ZBR2…Vehicle weight message from ECAS could not be sent
    06062…..ZBR2…..Vehicle weight message from EBS could not be sent
    06110…..ZBRO……………………………………………………Status IKN active
    06111…..ZBRO……………………………………Status node 1.1 fault number
    06112…..ZBRO……………………………………Status node 1.2 fault number
    06113…..ZBRO……………………………………Status node 1.3 fault number
    06114…..ZBRO……………………………………Status node 1.4 fault number
    06115…..ZBRO……………………………………Status node 1.5 fault number
    06116…..ZBRO……………………………………Status node 1.6 fault number
    06117…..ZBRO……………………………………Status node 1.7 fault number
    06118…..ZBRO……………………………………Status node 1.8 fault number
    06121…..ZBRO……………………………………Status node 2.1 fault number
    06122…..ZBRO……………………………………Status node 2.2 fault number
    06123…..ZBRO……………………………………Status node 2.3 fault number
    06124…..ZBRO……………………………………Status node 2.4 fault number
    06125…..ZBRO……………………………………Status node 2.5 fault number
    06126…..ZBRO……………………………………Status node 2.6 fault number
    06127…..ZBRO……………………………………Status node 2.7 fault number
    06128…..ZBRO……………………………………Status node 2.8 fault number
    06202…..ZBR2………………………I-CAN fault: Aux_stat_ZBR_2 message
    could not be sent
    06203…..ZBR2………………………I-CAN fault: Aux_stat_ZBR_3 message
    could not be sent
    06204…..ZBR2.I-CAN fault: Modified message ETC2 could not be sent
    06205…..ZBR2….I-CAN fault: Dash Display message could not be sent
    06206…..ZBR2…………T-CAN fault: ECAM1 message could not be sent
    06207…..ZBR2………….I-CAN fault: ECAM1 message could not be sent
    06208…..ZBR2…….I-CAN fault: DM1 ZBR2 message could not be sent
    06209…..ZBR2……I-CAN fault: DM1 OBDU message could not be sent
    06250…..ZBR2……………………………………………no CAN message buffer
    06251…..ZBR2…………………………………….CAN message not evaluated
    06280…..ZBR2……………………………ROM test (program code) incorrect
    06281…..ZBR2………………………..ROM test (EOL parameters) incorrect
    06302…..ZBR2……………………………………………….Serial communication
    06303…..ZBR2…………………………………………………………T CAN ground
    06304…..ZBR2………………T-CAN warning level, temporary fault T-CAN
    06305…..ZBR2………………..I-CAN warning level, temporary fault I-CAN
    06320…..ZBRO…………………………….Status EBS (T-CAN) fault number
    06321…..ZBRO……………………..Status engine control (T-CAN) fault no.
    06322…..ZBRO………………………………Status gearbox (T-CAN) fault no.
    06323…..ZBRO…………………………………………Status MTS fault number
    06324…..ZBRO………………………………Status retarder (T-CAN) fault no.
    06325…..ZBRO…………………………..Status ECAS (T-CAN) fault number
    06326…..ZBRO………………………..Status door 1 (K3-CAN) fault number
    06327…..ZBRO………………………..Status door 2 (K3-CAN) fault number
    06328…..ZBRO………………………..Status door 3 (K3-CAN) fault number
    06329…..ZBRO………………………..Status door 4 (K3-CAN) fault number
    06393…..ZBRO……………………….Status K3-CAN fault no. (new: 01673)
    06394…..ZBRO…………………………….Status FFR (T-CAN) fault number
    06395…..ZBRO…………………………Status ECAS2 (T-CAN) fault number
    06396…..ZBRO……………………………………………..Status CBR2 (T-CAN)
    06397…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Status ECAM (T-CAN)
    06400….. ZBRO………………………………………………………………….Monitor
    06401….. ZBRO………………………………………………………………….Monitor
    06402…..ZBRO…………………………………………………..Reversing camera
    06403…..ZBRO…………………………………………………..Reversing camera
    06500…..ZBRO…………………………………………………………..Snow chains
    06501…..ZBRO…………………………………………………………..Snow chains
    06502…..ZBRO…………………………………………..Emergency exit window
    06600….. ZBRO……………………………………………………………………Galley
    06601…..ZBRO………………………………………………………Coffee machine
    06602….. ZBRO……………………………………………………………………. Toilet
    06603…..ZBRO………………………………………………………Winter package
    08000…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Oil separator
    08001…..ZBRO………………………………….Oil separator middle of vehicle
    08002…..ZBRO……………………………………………………Oil separator rear
    08003…..ZBRO……………………………….Reservoir pressure BK1 too low
    08004…..ZBRO……………………………….Reservoir pressure BK2 too low
    08005…..ZBRO……………………………….Reservoir pressure BK4 too low
    08006…..ZBRO…………………..Reservoir pressure BK2 sensor defective
    08007…..ZBRO…………………..Reservoir pressure BK1 sensor defective
    08008…..ZBRO…………………………….Res. pres. BK2 sensor def. or. n.c
    08009…..ZBRO…………………………….Res. pres. BK1 sensor def. or. n.c
    08010…..ECAM…………………………………..Pressure below warning level
    08010…..ZBR2……………………………………Pressure below warning level
    08010…..ZBRO……………………….Res. pres. BK1 too low or sensor def.
    08011…..ECAM………………………………….Initial filling of circuit 1 – faulty
    08011…..ZBRO……………………….Res. pres. BK1 too low or sensor def.
    08012…..ECAM………………………………….Initial filling of circuit 2 – faulty
    08013…..ECAM………………………………….Initial filling of circuit 3 – faulty
    08014…..ECAM………………………………….Initial filling of circuit 4 – faulty
    08020…..ECAM…………………………………………….No valid fault definition
    08100…..ECAM…………Control unit defective; ROM checksum incorrect
    08101…..ECAM………………………………Control unit defective; RAM fault
    08101…..INST…………………………………..Total failure of CAN messages
    08101…..STON……………Failure of all CAN messages, but no BUSOFF
    08102…..ECAM……………………….Control unit defective; calibration data
    checksum incorrect
    08103…..ECAM……………………….Control unit defective; parameter data
    checksum incorrect
    08103…..INST………………………………………..CAN message tachograph:
    Speed and daily mileage counter
    08103…..STON….Failure of message TCO1 (speed, reset trip counter)
    08104…..ECAM……………………Pressure, pressure sensor – preliminary
    circuit/pressure regulator
    08104…..INST……………..CAN message tachograph: Route information
    08104…..STON…………………………Failure of Vehicle Distance message
    (trip mileage counter, total mileage counter)
    08104…..ZBR2………………………………………………………..Previous circuit
    08105…..INST……………………….CAN message tachograph: Date / time
    08105…..STON………………………………….Failure of Time Date message
    (time information from tachograph)
    08106…..INST………………………………………………CAN message ECAM:
    Brake pressure pickup (ECAM1)
    08106…..STON……………………………………..Failure of ECAM1 message
    (reservoir pressures for brake)
    08107…..INST…………………..CAN message central on-board computer:
     Tank content
    08107…..STON………………Failure of Dash Display/Fuel Level message
    08108…..INST…………..CAN message EDC: Cooling water temperature
    08108…..STON……………………Failure of Engine Temperature message
    08109…..INST……………………………CAN message gearbox control unit:
    Gear display (ETC2)
    08109…..STON………………Failure of ETC2 message (gear information)
    08110…..INST………………..CAN message gearbox control unit: Display
    of splitter group (gear symbol, ETC3)
    08110…..STON…………………..Failure of ETC3 message (splitter group)
    08111…..INST…………………………..CAN message EDC: Boost pressure
    08111…..STON……………..Failure of Inlet/Exhaust Conditions message
    (boost pressure bar)
    08112…..INST…………………………….CAN message EDC: Engine speed
    08112…..STON……….Failure of EEC1 message (engine speed display)
    08113…..INST…………… CAN message vehicle management computer:
    Outside temperature
    08113…..STON…………………….Failure of Ambient Conditions message
    (external temperature display)
    08114…..INST…………………….Control unit defective (ICOM total failure)
    08114…..STON……………………………..Combi-internal: ICOM total failure
    (internal plug connection between PCBs)
    08115…..INST…………………………………………………………….Display fault
    08116…..INST………………………………………….Stepping motor zero point
    08117…..INST……………………..Buffer overrun with DM1 fault messages
    08117…..STON………..Combi-internal: Processing error when receiving
    DM1 messages: * Buffer overrun * Timeout error *
    Sequence number error
    08118…..INST………..Control unit defective (EEPROM checksum error)
    08118…..STON…………..Combi-internal: Checksum error when reading
    EEPROM during ongoing operation
    08119…..INST………… Control unit defective (EEPROM checksum error
    during initialisation)
    08119…..STON…………..Combi-internal: Checksum error when reading
    EEPROM in the initialisation phase
    08120…..INST………………………………………………….Temperature sensor
    08120…..STON…………………..Combi-internal: Temperature outside the
    permitted range
    08121…..INST…………………..CAN message central on-board computer:
    Status message 1
    08121…..STON…………………………….Failure of AUX_STAT_1 message
    08122…..INST…………………..CAN message central on-board computer:
    Status message 2
    08122…..STON…………………………….Failure of AUX_STAT_2 message
    08123…..INST…………………..CAN message central on-board computer:
    Status message 3
    08123…..STON…………………………….Failure of AUX_STAT_3 message
    08124…..INST…………………..CAN message central on-board computer:
    Status message 4
    08124…..STON…………………………….Failure of AUX_STAT_4 message
    08125…..INST…………………..CAN message central on-board computer:
    Status message 5
    08125…..STON…………………………….Failure of AUX_STAT_5 message
    08126…..INST…………………..CAN message central on-board computer:
    Status message 6
    08126…..STON…………………………….Failure of AUX_STAT_6 message
    08127…..INST…………………..CAN message central on-board computer:
    Status message 7
    08127…..STON…………………………….Failure of AUX_STAT_7 message
    08128…..INST…………………..CAN message central on-board computer:
    Status message 8
    08128…..STON…………………………….Failure of AUX_STAT_8 message
    08129…..INST…………………..CAN message central on-board computer:
    DM1 body controller
    08129…..STON…Failure of DM1 Body Controller message (monitoring)
    08130…..INST………..CAN message EDC: Cruise control vehicle speed
    for cruise control function (CCVS)
    08130…..STON….Failure of CC/VHS message (cruise control function)
    08131…..STON……………………Failure of vehicle identification message
    (chassis number)
    08132…..STON………Failure of Transmission Fluids exclusive message
    or Transmission Fluids converter and clutch unit message
    08133…..INST………………..Parameter configuration faulty (consistency,
    plausibility, assignment error)
    08133…..STON……..Consistency error/plausibility error in configuration
    in parameter tables
    08134…..INST…………………………………….EOL parameter content: Error
    08134…..STON………………………………..Error in EOL parameter content
    08135…..STON…………….Failure message tank info 1 (AdBlue fill level)
    08200…..STON……Button fault on multifunctional steering wheel (MFL)
    08201…..ECAM……………………….Control unit defective; watchdog reset
    08201…..STON…..Failure message MFL1 from multifunctional steering
    wheel (LIN data bus)
    08202…..ECAM………………………………………………………..Heating circuit
    08203…..ECAM…………………………………………………Temperature circuit
    08204…..ECAM………….Maximum delivery volume without regeneration
    exceeded after completion of first fill
    08310…..ECAM………….CAN data bus driveline, receive time overrun in
    message ‘Wheel-based vehicle speed’ from VMC
    08320…..ECAM………………………………..CAN data bus driveline, bus off
    08330…..ECAM…………………………CAN data bus driveline, receive time
    exceeded in TCO1 message from tachograph
    08331…..ECAM……………………CAN data bus driveline, values in ‘TCO1
    Vehicle Speed’ message from tachograph not plausible
    08340…..ECAM………….CAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded
    in EBC1 message from the EBS
    08341…..ECAM…………………….CAN data bus driveline, values in EBC1
    message from the EBS not plausible
    08350…..ECAM…………………………CAN data bus driveline, receive time
    violation (too short) in ‘Aux_Stat_ZBR_1’ message
    from the central on-board computer
    08351…..ECAM……………………………….CAN data bus driveline, value in
    ‘Aux_Stat_ZBR_1’ message from the central
    on-board computer not plausible
    08360…..ECAM…………………………CAN data bus driveline, receive time
    exceeded in ‘Ambient_Condition’ message from
    vehicle management computer
    08361…..ECAM……………………………..CAN data bus driveline, values in
    ‘Ambient air temperature’ message from
    vehicle management computer not plausible
    08370…..ECAM…………………………………………..CAN data bus driveline,
    receive time exceeded in ‘EEC1’
    message from the EDC
    08371…..ECAM……………………………..CAN data bus driveline, values in
    ‘EEC1 — act_engine_torque’ message from
    the EDC not plausible
    08372…..ECAM……………………………..CAN data bus driveline, values in
    ‘EEC1 — engine_speed’ message from
    the EDC not plausible
    08380…..ECAM………….CAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded
    in ‘Time/Date’ message from tachograph
    08381…..ECAM……………………………..CAN data bus driveline, values in
    ‘Time/Date — Time parameter’ message from
    tachograph not plausible
    08382…..ECAM……………………………..CAN data bus driveline, values in
    Time/Date — Date parameter’ message from
    tachograph not plausible
    08390…..ECAM………CAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded in
    ‘High Resolution Vehicle Distance’ message
    from tachograph
    08391…..ECAM……..CAN data bus driveline, values in ‘High Resolution
    Vehicle Distance’ message
    from tachograph not plausible


    Adaptive Cruise Control………………………………………………………….. ACC
    Exhaust-gas recirculation ……………………………………………………….. EGR
    Arithmetic Logic Unit………………………………………………………………..ALU
    Service brake valve …………………………………………………………………BBV
    Belt tensioner…………………………………………………………………………… BT
    Control unit network……………………………………………………………….. CAN
    Cruise Control Vehicle Speed ………………………………………………..CCVS
    Continuously Regenerating Trap (catalytic converter)…………………..CRT
    Comfort Shift…………………………………………………………………………….CS
    Butterfly valve stipulation (adjustment angle) ………………………………DKV
    Diagnostic message ……………………………………………………………….. DM
    Drive Neutral Reverse (selector lever/switches for autom. gearbox) DNR
    Pressure before radiator ………………………………………………………….. DvK
    Speed pickup ………………………………………………………………………… DZG
    Electronic Brake System…………………………………………………………..EBS
    Electronically Controlled Air Management………………………………..ECAM
    Electronically Controlled Air Suspension
    (applies to trucks and afterbody of articulated buses) ……………….. ECAS
    Electronically Controlled Air Suspension
    (applies to forebody of articulated buses)……………………………….ECAS2
    Eelctronic control unit …………………………………………………………….. ECU
    Electronic Diesel Control ………………………………………………………… EDC
    Final speed control ………………………………………………………………… EDR
    Electronic Engine Controller ……………………………………………………..EEC
    Electrically programmable non-volatile read-only memory ……. EEPROM
    Exhaust gas recirculation………………………………………………………… EGR
    Electrohydraulic steering system ……………………………………………..EHLA
    AS-Tronic lite ……………………………………………………………………… EMOS
    End of Line programming …………………………………………………………EOL
    Electronic Transmission Control………………………………………………..ETC
    Exhaust Valve Brake ……………………………………………………………….EVB
    Ride dynamics control ……………………………………………………………..FDR
    Vehicle management computer ………………………………………………… FFR
    Road speed limiter…………………………………………………………………..FGB
    Road speed control………………………………………………………………… FGR
    Failure mode identification (fault type)…………………………………………FMI
    Closed-loop diesel catalyst ……………………………………………………… GDK
    Behr air-conditioner control……………………………………………………… GKR
    Urea metering system…………………………………………………………….. HDS
    Hydraulic front axle drive (HydroDrive)……………………………………….HVA
    Auxiliary speed pickup ……………………………………………………………. HZG
    Integrated circuit ……………………………………………………………………….. IC
    CAN-connection between the two processors in
    main instrument …………………………………………………………………….ICOM
    Identification……………………………………………………………………………… ID
    Intarder…………………………………………………………………………………… INT
    Customer-specific module ………………………………………………………. KSM
    Message from customer-specific module…………………………………KSMA
    Temperature sensor ……………………………………………………………….. KTY
    Data transfer protocol MAN-cats II …………………………………….KWP2000
    Lane Guard System…………………………………………………………………LGS
    Local Identifier ………………………………………………………………………… LID
    Idling speed …………………………………………………………………………… LLR
    Microprocessor ………………………………………………………………………… .C
    Delivery control rack ………………………………………………………………. MES
    Modular door control………………………………………………………………. MTS
    On-board diagnostic unit………………………………………………………..OBDU
    Parameter group number………………………………………………………… PGN
    Pulse width modulation…………………………………………………………..PWM
    Rear Axle Steering…………………………………………………………………..RAS
    Central tyre inflation system …………………………………………………..RDRA
    Secondary retarder………………………………………………………………..Ret-S
    Primary retarder…………………………………………………………………….Ret-P
    Ship vehicle management computer ………………………………………..SFFR
    Side marker light …………………………………………………………………….SML
    Suspect Parameter Number ……………………………………………………..SPN
    Headlight cleaning system……………………………………………………….SWR
    Telematic Board Module…………………………………………………………. TBM
    EU tachograph………………………………………………………………………. TCO
    Gearbox control unit ………………………………………………………………..TCU
    Torque speed control (brake torque) ………………………………………….TSC
    Central on-board computer……………………………………………………….ZBR
    Intermediate speed control ……………………………………………………….ZDR
    FMI Definition
    -No fault
    -Fault saved
    -Intermittent fault
    -Fault is present and saved
    0 Fault not specified
    1 Too high
    2 Too low
    3 Implausible
    4 No signal present
    5 Short-circuit to earth
    6 Short-circuit to UBatt.
    7 Short-circuit
    8 Fault signal
    9 Fault in component
    10 Interruption
    11 Not defined
    12 Not defined
    13 Not defined
    14 Not defined
    15 Not defined

    1. Привет всем, Сегодня утром произошло такое, загорелась на панели шестеренка и коробка встала в нейтраль. Подождал немного, завелась. Поехал домой потихоньку, вставал пару раз, ждал чтобы машина немного остыла и тогда включалась скорость. 2 месяца назад меняли полностью мехатроник.

      Подрубил Дядя Васю считал ошибки

      Скинул ошибки, проехался немного пока появилась только одна

    2. Quattroff

      23 июл 2012

      Менять модуль датчиков внутри коробки (в этом модуле находится и датчик-ингибитор селектора). Только меняется он с полным разбором коробки. Если гарантия или куланс есть, то хорошо.

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    3. viktor.srn

      Там сперва надо поменять фильтр на охлаждении и помыть радиатор, греется, ибо поменяешь датчики и все начнется заного

    4. Quattroff

      23 июл 2012

      Фильтр и радиатор не при делах здесь (хотя мыть его раз в год не помешает естественно) — модуль датчиков (он же датчик селектора) стоит в задней механической части коробки, масло в которой не охлаждается дополнительно, да и не греется так сильно. Там гораздо большее влияние оказывает грязь на магнитном секторе напротив датчика.

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    5. viktor.srn

      ну а почему тогда ошибка вылетает только после того как на улице стала жара?

    6. Quattroff

      23 июл 2012

      Простое совпадение. Может датчику конечно и тяжелее стало от жары, но только лишь промыв радиатор проблему эту не победишь к сожалению.

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      Click to collapse…

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    7. viktor.srn

      ясно, но сперва попробую промыть
      Точней попробую проехать еще раз в холодную погоду

    8. Жара ни при чем — у меня история как раз в холода подобная была. Итог — замена платы по Куланц.

    9. Евгений Немых

      23 сен 2013
      А4/B6 1.8T 02г.

      добрый день. А не подскажите как счищать эту грязь с магнитов?

    10. Евгений Немых

      23 сен 2013
      А4/B6 1.8T 02г.

      вообщем просто заменой масла тут не отделаться?!

    11. Quattroff

      23 июл 2012

      Stop hovering to collapse…
      Click to collapse…

      Hover to expand…
      Нажмите, чтобы раскрыть…

    12. GooFFbl4

      Опасно с этой ошибкой ездить? То же горит шестерёнка и выпадает эта надпись. Плюс видимо подошёл конец комплекту сухого сцепления в дсг-7. И где нужно менять фильтр и чистить радиатор?

    13. Quattroff

      23 июл 2012

      Если у Вас полный привод (машина естественно не A3), то стоит дсг-7 с мокрым сцеплением, а не сухим. С надписью всегда ездить опасно, особенно когда на обгон по встречке идешь. Лучше не гадать что о чём, а съездить на диагностику.

      Stop hovering to collapse…
      Click to collapse…

      Hover to expand…
      Нажмите, чтобы раскрыть…

    14. GooFFbl4

      Да полный, мотор 2 литра тфсай. Авто 2009 года выпуска. Я не уверен что у меня мокрое сцепление. Где можно точно посмотреть эту информацию, не подскажите?

    15. Quattroff

      23 июл 2012

      ))) Не верите агрегатчику — читайте форум…

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    16. GooFFbl4

      Ни в коем случае не не верю!)) Для меня это даже как-то лучше, всё-таки с мокрыми дсг вроде как меньше «гемора», чем с сухими. А не сталкивались Вы с аналогом фрикционов для данного типа акпп? Оргинал не хило стоит, вот и ищу аналоги.

    17. Quattroff

      23 июл 2012

      Сталкивался. С Alto появляется вибрация в начале движения и при торможении («стиральная доска»), хотя сами фрикционы очень сильные. В сцеплениях на дсгшках коэффициент трения дисков имеет огромное значение, от этого вся плавность хода и переключений зависит. При этом адаптация проходит вполне нормально. Такая же проблемка с неоригиналом на дсг6 DQ250 02E на фольксах. С дисками линтекс на 0b5 ситуация получше, но они слабее по составу фрикциона. Есть и те, и те в наличии и сталь тоже, могу продать. Но без гарантий. И да, без ремонта мехатроника любая сцепа сгорит снова.

      Stop hovering to collapse…
      Click to collapse…

      Hover to expand…
      Нажмите, чтобы раскрыть…

    18. GooFFbl4

      А какие бы Вы сами посоветовали и ценник можно? И мехатронник разве подлежит ремонту? Я думал только замена!


    Сообщения: 201
    Зарегистрирован: Пн дек 02, 2013 12:18 pm
    Откуда: Вяземский



    samodelkins » Пн янв 12, 2015 5:55 pm


    Можно не орать? Вам нужен перевод или знание что случилось с коробкой? Дословный перевод: Неисправность компьютера коробки))) А если вам необходима помощь, то ошибки с табло и какой год у вашего пепелаца.

    Аватара пользователя


    Сообщения: 615
    Зарегистрирован: Вт апр 01, 2008 7:39 pm
    Откуда: Украина, Харьков
    Контактная информация:



    Artem » Пн янв 12, 2015 7:10 pm

    samodelkins писал(а): Вам нужен перевод или знание что случилось с коробкой?

    На мой взгляд это утверждение, поломалась коробка. То есть я теперь четко понимаю что у господина Роман Романова поломалась коробка передач. В городе Москва. Безусловно сочувствую и ожидаю детализированных жалоб.


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    Зарегистрирован: Вт июн 17, 2008 11:31 am
    Откуда: Украина Яготин

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    Artem » Пн янв 12, 2015 11:54 pm

    А что сообщит многоуважаемый Роман Романов? Нашему коллективу небезразлична судьба невключаемой коробки.

    cotm писал(а):Так сами приучили: без вина, без кодов ошибок, без модели и года даже, скоро даже марку указывать не будут :lol:

    Методы Малахова в авторемонте никто не отменял.

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    Зарегистрирован: Пн сен 05, 2011 1:46 am
    Откуда: Россия, Москва

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    Зарегистрирован: Вт фев 19, 2013 11:38 pm
    Откуда: Рязань



    cotm » Вт янв 13, 2015 12:44 am

    Подходим к машине и делаем так по всем направлениям: , в каком месте рожа покраснеет больше, там и обрыв провода! Проверенно! Кроме шуток…. Не, ну правда!

    Аватара пользователя


    Сообщения: 615
    Зарегистрирован: Вт апр 01, 2008 7:39 pm
    Откуда: Украина, Харьков
    Контактная информация:



    Artem » Вт янв 13, 2015 12:52 am

    cotm писал(а):Подходим к машине и делаем так по всем направлениям: , в каком месте рожа покраснеет больше, там и обрыв провода! Проверенно! Кроме шуток…. Не, ну правда!

    Значит ждем результатов диагностики. Потом будем выдавать рекомендации где и как постукивать, потряхивать и поколачивать.Ну а если не получится — тогда традиционная замена предохранителей.



    • ↳   Обучение диагностике грузовых автомобилей, автобусов, прицепов
    • ↳   Техническая документация. Схемы.
    • ↳   Оборудование для диагностики грузовиков, автобусов, прицепов
    • ↳   Программное обеспечение для диагностики и чип-тюнинга
    • ↳   Системы управления двигателями EDC — Electronic Diesel Control
    • ↳   Топливные системы Common Rail
    • ↳   Топливные системы с насос-форсунками PLD, PDE
    • ↳   Топливные системы с ТНВД (рядными, ротационными)
    • ↳   Системы снижения токсичности AdBlue, Denoxtronic, SCR, Bluetec, EAS и др.
    • ↳   Система подготовки и подачи сжатого воздуха, ECAM, EAC, APM и др.
    • ↳   Пневматическая тормозная система
    • ↳   ABS/ASR — антиблокировочная и противобуксовочная системы
    • ↳   EBS/EPB — электронно-пневматическая тормозная система
    • ↳   Пневматическая подвеска
    • ↳   ECAS/ELC — электронно-пневматическая подвеска
    • ↳   Управление приводом сцепления
    • ↳   Управление КПП: EPS, AS-Tronic, Opticruise, Optidriver, I-Shift и др.
    • ↳   Бортовые компьютеры, координаторы: ZBR, VIC, FFR, COO и др.
    • ↳   Электронные системы управления техническим обслуживанием
    • ↳   Тахографы
    • ↳   Автономные отопители WEBASTO, EBERSPACHER
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    • ↳   Вопросы и предложения по работе форума WWW.TRUCK-DIAGNOST.COM
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    Модератор: POIKO

    Аватара пользователя


    Сообщения: 69
    Зарегистрирован: 27 фев 2019, 11:44
    Откуда: Киров
    VIN: 9112957,4410477
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    Ошибка gearbox malfunction

    Доброго дня форумчане, сегодня загорелась на ходу ошибка gearbox malfunction, Scania R 420 2006 год, кто подскажет куда рыть, и можно ли останавливаться, а то вдруг больше не по едет))))))

    У вас нет необходимых прав для просмотра вложений в этом сообщении.

    Аватара пользователя


    Сообщения: 2515
    Зарегистрирован: 31 мар 2016, 12:39
    Откуда: Россия Матушка
    Благодарил (а): 1110 раз
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    Re: Ошибка gearbox malfunction


    POIKO » 16 янв 2020, 12:56

    Питание на тахографе есть?

    Аватара пользователя


    Сообщения: 2515
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    Откуда: Россия Матушка
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    Re: Ошибка gearbox malfunction


    POIKO » 16 янв 2020, 13:08

    Подключай диагностику.

    Аватара пользователя


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    Re: Ошибка gearbox malfunction


    Моня » 16 янв 2020, 13:09

    Считай ошибки…Иваныч поможет..в форуме есть как это делать.. Похоже на отсутствие питания тахи или датчика скорости..всё с скоростью и тахографом.. если механика-симптом пропали ряды..низа нет. Или разъём датчика скорости-сгнил. Надо ошибки-коды.

    Аватара пользователя


    Сообщения: 69
    Зарегистрирован: 27 фев 2019, 11:44
    Откуда: Киров
    VIN: 9112957,4410477
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    Re: Ошибка gearbox malfunction


    Artem673 » 16 янв 2020, 13:15

    Моня писал(а): ↑

    16 янв 2020, 13:09

    Считай ошибки…Иваныч поможет..в форуме есть как это делать.. Похоже на отсутствие питания тахи или датчика скорости..всё с скоростью и тахографом.. если механика-симптом пропали ряды..низа нет. Или разъём датчика скорости-сгнил. Надо ошибки-коды.

    Она все едет,только переключать надо со сцеплением,начинает мигать передача нажимаешь сцепление

    Аватара пользователя


    Сообщения: 69
    Зарегистрирован: 27 фев 2019, 11:44
    Откуда: Киров
    VIN: 9112957,4410477
    Благодарил (а): 4 раза
    Поблагодарили: 12 раз

    Re: Ошибка gearbox malfunction


    Artem673 » 17 янв 2020, 08:25

    Сегодня написала такое. Выручайте, подскажите куда рыть? Один диагност в городе и тот на неделю уехал, офицалам веры нет((((

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    Сообщения: 69
    Зарегистрирован: 27 фев 2019, 11:44
    Откуда: Киров
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    Re: Ошибка gearbox malfunction


    Artem673 » 17 янв 2020, 19:50

    Полный тупик, симптомы на видео, не знаем что делать. Диагностика показывает ошибки по датчику скорости , по тахографу, и ещё какие то ….

    У вас нет необходимых прав для просмотра вложений в этом сообщении.


    1. Привет всем, Сегодня утром произошло такое, загорелась на панели шестеренка и коробка встала в нейтраль. Подождал немного, завелась. Поехал домой потихоньку, вставал пару раз, ждал чтобы машина немного остыла и тогда включалась скорость. 2 месяца назад меняли полностью мехатроник.

      Подрубил Дядя Васю считал ошибки

      Скинул ошибки, проехался немного пока появилась только одна

    2. 23 июл 2012
      A6/C5 2.8Q/99г

      Менять модуль датчиков внутри коробки (в этом модуле находится и датчик-ингибитор селектора). Только меняется он с полным разбором коробки. Если гарантия или куланс есть, то хорошо.

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    3. Там сперва надо поменять фильтр на охлаждении и помыть радиатор, греется, ибо поменяешь датчики и все начнется заного

    4. 23 июл 2012
      A6/C5 2.8Q/99г

      Фильтр и радиатор не при делах здесь (хотя мыть его раз в год не помешает естественно) — модуль датчиков (он же датчик селектора) стоит в задней механической части коробки, масло в которой не охлаждается дополнительно, да и не греется так сильно. Там гораздо большее влияние оказывает грязь на магнитном секторе напротив датчика.

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    5. ну а почему тогда ошибка вылетает только после того как на улице стала жара?

    6. 23 июл 2012
      A6/C5 2.8Q/99г

      Простое совпадение. Может датчику конечно и тяжелее стало от жары, но только лишь промыв радиатор проблему эту не победишь к сожалению.

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    7. ясно, но сперва попробую промыть
      Точней попробую проехать еще раз в холодную погоду

    8. Жара ни при чем — у меня история как раз в холода подобная была. Итог — замена платы по Куланц.

    9. 23 сен 2013
      А4/B6 1.8T 02г.

      добрый день. А не подскажите как счищать эту грязь с магнитов?

    10. 23 сен 2013
      А4/B6 1.8T 02г.

      вообщем просто заменой масла тут не отделаться?!

    11. 23 июл 2012
      A6/C5 2.8Q/99г

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    12. Опасно с этой ошибкой ездить? То же горит шестерёнка и выпадает эта надпись. Плюс видимо подошёл конец комплекту сухого сцепления в дсг-7. И где нужно менять фильтр и чистить радиатор?

    13. 23 июл 2012
      A6/C5 2.8Q/99г

      Если у Вас полный привод (машина естественно не A3), то стоит дсг-7 с мокрым сцеплением, а не сухим. С надписью всегда ездить опасно, особенно когда на обгон по встречке идешь. Лучше не гадать что о чём, а съездить на диагностику.

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    14. Да полный, мотор 2 литра тфсай. Авто 2009 года выпуска. Я не уверен что у меня мокрое сцепление. Где можно точно посмотреть эту информацию, не подскажите?

    15. 23 июл 2012
      A6/C5 2.8Q/99г

      ))) Не верите агрегатчику — читайте форум…

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    16. Ни в коем случае не не верю!)) Для меня это даже как-то лучше, всё-таки с мокрыми дсг вроде как меньше «гемора», чем с сухими. А не сталкивались Вы с аналогом фрикционов для данного типа акпп? Оргинал не хило стоит, вот и ищу аналоги.

    17. 23 июл 2012
      A6/C5 2.8Q/99г

      Сталкивался. С Alto появляется вибрация в начале движения и при торможении («стиральная доска»), хотя сами фрикционы очень сильные. В сцеплениях на дсгшках коэффициент трения дисков имеет огромное значение, от этого вся плавность хода и переключений зависит. При этом адаптация проходит вполне нормально. Такая же проблемка с неоригиналом на дсг6 DQ250 02E на фольксах. С дисками линтекс на 0b5 ситуация получше, но они слабее по составу фрикциона. Есть и те, и те в наличии и сталь тоже, могу продать. Но без гарантий. И да, без ремонта мехатроника любая сцепа сгорит снова.

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    18. А какие бы Вы сами посоветовали и ценник можно? И мехатронник разве подлежит ремонту? Я думал только замена!

    АКПП встает в аварийный режим: причины и способы устранения

    В таком режиме категорически запрещено длительно использовать автомобиль. Необходимо срочно обратиться к специалистам за диагностикой и дальнейшим ремонтом, иначе больших проблем с автоматом не избежать.

    Причин образования поломок, из-за которых коробка встает в аварийку, очень много. Мы рассмотрим самые основные.

    Слишком высокие или низкий уровень трансмиссионной жидкости становятся самой основной и частой причиной выхода АКПП в аварийный режим. ЭБУ коробки анализирует уровень масла, и если он неправильный, сразу выводит узел в аварийку.

    Снижение объема масла может образоваться из-за течи, которая образовалась вследствие механических поломок или допущенных ошибок в течение техобслуживания. Чрезмерно большое количество масла приведет к его вспениванию и течи. Масло начнет заливать все ближайшие детали, что также приводит к проблемам работы автомата.

    Какой бензин выгоднее?


    Аварийка может включиться в случае механических поломок корпуса трансмиссии, износа фрикционов, неисправностей гидротрансформатора и т.п. Электронный блок управления фиксирует некорректную работу детали и оповещает об этом. В таком случае необходимо срочно обратиться к специалистам по ремонту АКПП.

    Как рассчитать стоимость ОСАГО самостоятельно? Подбор самой выгодной страховки:

    Рассчитать стоимость

    Поломки в электронном блоки управления негативно отображаются на работе коробки передач, вплоть до ее полной блокировке и стопе. Поломка может быть постоянной или стихийной. Например, на холодном масле узел может работать нормально, но при повышении температуры в системе выходить в аварийку. Это может говорить о сбое температурного датчика, который нужно заменить.

    Если во время движения автоматическая коробка передач вышла в аварийный режим, авто едет только на одной скорости, а остальные заблокированы, но нет возможности в данную минуту поехать в СТО, рекомендуем провести следующие манипуляции:

    Сколько стоит ОСАГО на ваш автомобиль?

    Поможем узнать стоимость и оформить полис без переплат с учетом скидок за КБМ! · Выбор лучшей цены. Скидка 50%. Официальный полис. Экономия времени. Узнайте цену страховки. Экономия до 3500 ₽.


    • Срочно остановить автомобиль, припарковав в безопасном месте. Первое, что нужно сделать — проверить уровень масло с помощью щупа, если он предусмотрен комплектацией коробки. Вытекающее масло ярко-красного цвета, а также запах гари говорит о неправильном уровне масла. Не рекомендуется начинать движение — безопаснее вызвать эвакуатор и поехать на станцию технического обслуживания;
    • Если отсутствуют признаки проблем с маслом, проверьте проводку, контакты. Если будет обнаружен плохой контакт и исправлен, вероятнее всего, коробка выйдет из аварийного режима;
    • Заглушить мотор и на несколько минут выключить зажигание. Если такие манипуляции не помогли, то на 3-4 минуты выключить минусовую клемму аккумулятора. Нередко в ряде автомобилей такие простые манипуляции помогают коробке выйти из аварийного режима.

    Если же вышеперечисленное не помогло, но вы уверены, что уровень масла в норме, продолжайте движение в автомастерскую. Не рекомендуется набирать скорость, маневрировать, стоять в пробке и повышать нагрузки на АКПП. Первоочередная задача — приехать на СТО и сделать диагностику.

    0 TFSI CNCD устраняем ошибки 226300 турбонагнетатель система не работает, 256300 датчик положения направляющего аппарата турбонагнетателя недостоверный сигнал, или где отрегулировать регулятора давления наддува актуатор в Перми.

    Ошибки. Расшифровка кодов! Клуб любителей микроавтобусов и минивэнов

    Коды ошибок DSG6 DSG7 Расшифровки | Dsg-S. T. O.

    Были: FT 350 2000>г. 2,4DI D4FA 120л.с. спарка R16 Фургон (сарай 18м³), МВ 410D; 409D; 207D
    Интернет велик. Займитесь самообразованием, не поможет — застрелитесь. Всем удачи во всех делах! Андрей.

    Список ошибок DSG — Самые частые.

    Владельцы машин марок Volkswagen, Audi, Skoda и Seat, с любыми версиями DSG6 и DSG7, могут получить у нас грамотную помощь. Поэтому при диагностике ошибки P2789, его необходимо проверять, если все остальные этапы уже выполнены.

    АКПП встает в аварийный режим: причины и способы устранения — Юлия Афенова на vc. ru

    Если во время движения автоматическая коробка передач вышла в аварийный режим, авто едет только на одной скорости, а остальные заблокированы, но нет возможности в данную минуту поехать в СТО, рекомендуем провести следующие манипуляции. На каких автомобилях чаще встречается данная проблема.

    Решение проблемы кода неисправности P2789: расшифровка, причины, сброс Своевременное обнаружение вышеуказанных и других проблем позволило нашим клиентам сэкономить на дорогостоящем ремонте. Либо электрической, которая может включать в себя, плохие контакты или выход из строя электронного блока. Мы уже 11 лет помогаем недорого справляться с неполадками ДСГ, а потому хорошо знакомы со всеми из них.

    В связи с тем, что актуатор ни разу не настраивался, горел Чек энджин и в блоке двигателя прописаны ошибки — 226300 турбонагнетатель система не работает, 256300 датчик положения направляющего аппарата турбонагнетателя недостоверный сигнал, ряд 1 сдвиг фаз газораспределения в позднюю сторону.

    Коды ошибок Мерседес. Расшифровка ошибок Mercedes

    Подключите сканер OBD-II к диагностическому разъему автомобиля и считайте все сохраненные данные и коды ошибок. Для понимания того, какие меры нужно предпринять, не обойтись без параметрической диагностики, сделать которую можно только на фирменных сканерах.

    Регулировка актуатора AUDI Q5, ошибки 226300,256300, турбонагнетатель система не работает Пермь — 10 Февраля 2019 — Активация скрытых функций Volkswagen Skoda Audi Seat Пермь

    • Количество диагностических кодов неисправностей
    • Диагностические коды неисправностей
    • Коды ошибок для данных стоп-кадра
    • Данные Стоп-Кадра
    • Тестовые Данные Лямбда-Зондов
    • Состояние тестов мониторинга системы
    • Бортовой мониторинг результатов теста
    • Пройденное расстояние с включенным MIL
    • Количество циклов прогрева с момента удаления DTC
    • Расстояние, пройденное с момента удаления DTC
    • Время работы двигателя (минуты) с включенным MIL
    • Время с момента удаления DTC
    • Корректирующие данные системы впрыска

    0 TFSI CNCD устраняем ошибки 226300 турбонагнетатель система не работает, 256300 датчик положения направляющего аппарата турбонагнетателя недостоверный сигнал, или где отрегулировать регулятора давления наддува актуатор в Перми. P1854 аппаратная проблема в шине данных трансмиссии;.

    Неполадки, связанные с двойным сцеплением Код P2789 может означать, что произошла одна или несколько следующих проблем: Сцепление обычно функционирует в положениях между полностью включенным сцепление замкнуто и полностью выключенным сцепление разомкнуто. Благодаря новейшему оснащению и знаниям механиков, полная диагностика занимается всего 30-40 минут, а сразу по ее окончанию механики смогут приступить к устранению поломок.

    Страница 1 из 5

    1. hamster

      14 фев 2016
      Saab 9-3

      Всем привет,Подскажите пожалуйста,у кого была такая ошибка *Gearbox Malfunction*,что вы меняли ?или в чем была проблема у кого?
      Saab 9-3 . 2003 года,Коробка автомат

    2. wox

      30 июн 2012
      Россия, Москва
      9-3 2.0t, МКПП MY03

      Хома, меняй коробку. Хотя это не твой метод. Я думаю, ты сможешь ее перебрать ну или хотя бы достаточно точно определить, что в ней сломалось.

    3. hamster

      14 фев 2016
      Saab 9-3
    4. wox

      30 июн 2012
      Россия, Москва
      9-3 2.0t, МКПП MY03

      за 200к можно машину поменять)))

    5. hamster

      14 фев 2016
      Saab 9-3

      ну ты цены посмотри ,почем они

    6. wox

      30 июн 2012
      Россия, Москва
      9-3 2.0t, МКПП MY03

      это смотря где покупать и где менять)) цены я знаю))

    7. hamster

      14 фев 2016
      Saab 9-3

      сколько стоит б.у,и новая? примерные цены

    8. wox

      30 июн 2012
      Россия, Москва
      9-3 2.0t, МКПП MY03

      контрактная коробка от 50к,

    9. hamster

      14 фев 2016
      Saab 9-3
    10. hamster

      14 фев 2016
      Saab 9-3
    11. hamster

      14 фев 2016
      Saab 9-3

      если по запчастям смотреть,сколько потребуется ?

    12. wox

      30 июн 2012
      Россия, Москва
      9-3 2.0t, МКПП MY03
    13. dog

      24 июн 2012
      9з М07 2.0Т ручка «gray mouse»


    14. hamster

      14 фев 2016
      Saab 9-3
    15. dog

      24 июн 2012
      9з М07 2.0Т ручка «gray mouse»

      извини за оффтоп
      с маслом то разобрался ?

    16. hamster

      14 фев 2016
      Saab 9-3

      да,там теперь из датчика льется,а так все держится,все гуд,спасибо

    17. hamster

      14 фев 2016
      Saab 9-3

      подскажите дергается она после 80 км в час,видимо придется начинать с 3 передачи,если не со 2,и все менять там,по деньгам сколько примерно если по запчастям смотреть?
      я не спец,просто подскажите примерную сумму .

    18. wox

      30 июн 2012
      Россия, Москва
      9-3 2.0t, МКПП MY03

      Хома, у тачки выбора нет. Она ждет ремонта коробки от тебя, твоими же силами и с фотоотчетом

    19. hamster

      14 фев 2016
      Saab 9-3

      пошла она ****,она деньги сосет как дойная корова,а пользы от нее ,только бл вкладываю

    20. hamster

      14 фев 2016
      Saab 9-3

      коробку поменял ,электрику сделал ,итого 60 к отдал за все

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    Scania Gearbox Malfunction

    I have a Scania R480, 2013, with manual gearbox.
    Every so often it throws up the above fault , which no one can reliably fix. The warning comes on while in motion. The next time you stop the vehicle and then try to resume your journey, the range change is locked in low. When a diagnostic check is carried out the fault always comes up as being the neutral sensor. Although no fault can be found when testing the sensor, I’ve changed it on more than one occasion and also swapped it for the reverse light switch (which is an identical item). New wiring to the switch has been installed and the cab controller has been changed several months ago. No progress has been made in finding the problem, and the finest mechanical minds are now baffled.
    As soon as the fitter clears the fault by computer, all is good, and off I go till the next time, which can be three months or one week away.
    I’m wondering if anyone on here has had anything similar and knows what the problem might be.
    Before anyone asks, there has been no tacho tampering, and no evidence of loss of speed signal from the transmitter.
    The one thing I’m wondering if it may be relevant is that I very often change gear without using the clutch.

    Old John
    Posts: 611
    Joined: Sun Jul 03, 2016 10:38 pm

    Re: Scania Gearbox Malfunction


    Страница 1 из 5

    1. hamster

      14 фев 2016
      Saab 9-3

      Всем привет,Подскажите пожалуйста,у кого была такая ошибка *Gearbox Malfunction*,что вы меняли ?или в чем была проблема у кого?
      Saab 9-3 . 2003 года,Коробка автомат

    2. wox

      30 июн 2012
      Россия, Москва
      9-3 2.0t, МКПП MY03

      Хома, меняй коробку. Хотя это не твой метод. Я думаю, ты сможешь ее перебрать ну или хотя бы достаточно точно определить, что в ней сломалось.

    3. hamster

      14 фев 2016
      Saab 9-3
    4. wox

      30 июн 2012
      Россия, Москва
      9-3 2.0t, МКПП MY03

      за 200к можно машину поменять)))

    5. hamster

      14 фев 2016
      Saab 9-3

      ну ты цены посмотри ,почем они

    6. wox

      30 июн 2012
      Россия, Москва
      9-3 2.0t, МКПП MY03

      это смотря где покупать и где менять)) цены я знаю))

    7. hamster

      14 фев 2016
      Saab 9-3

      сколько стоит б.у,и новая? примерные цены

    8. wox

      30 июн 2012
      Россия, Москва
      9-3 2.0t, МКПП MY03

      контрактная коробка от 50к,

    9. hamster

      14 фев 2016
      Saab 9-3
    10. hamster

      14 фев 2016
      Saab 9-3
    11. hamster

      14 фев 2016
      Saab 9-3

      если по запчастям смотреть,сколько потребуется ?

    12. wox

      30 июн 2012
      Россия, Москва
      9-3 2.0t, МКПП MY03
    13. dog

      24 июн 2012
      9з М07 2.0Т ручка «gray mouse»


    14. hamster

      14 фев 2016
      Saab 9-3
    15. dog

      24 июн 2012
      9з М07 2.0Т ручка «gray mouse»

      извини за оффтоп
      с маслом то разобрался ?

    16. hamster

      14 фев 2016
      Saab 9-3

      да,там теперь из датчика льется,а так все держится,все гуд,спасибо

    17. hamster

      14 фев 2016
      Saab 9-3

      подскажите дергается она после 80 км в час,видимо придется начинать с 3 передачи,если не со 2,и все менять там,по деньгам сколько примерно если по запчастям смотреть?
      я не спец,просто подскажите примерную сумму .

    18. wox

      30 июн 2012
      Россия, Москва
      9-3 2.0t, МКПП MY03

      Хома, у тачки выбора нет. Она ждет ремонта коробки от тебя, твоими же силами и с фотоотчетом

    19. hamster

      14 фев 2016
      Saab 9-3

      пошла она ****,она деньги сосет как дойная корова,а пользы от нее ,только бл вкладываю

    20. hamster

      14 фев 2016
      Saab 9-3

      коробку поменял ,электрику сделал ,итого 60 к отдал за все

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    Scania Gearbox Malfunction

    I have a Scania R480, 2013, with manual gearbox.
    Every so often it throws up the above fault , which no one can reliably fix. The warning comes on while in motion. The next time you stop the vehicle and then try to resume your journey, the range change is locked in low. When a diagnostic check is carried out the fault always comes up as being the neutral sensor. Although no fault can be found when testing the sensor, I’ve changed it on more than one occasion and also swapped it for the reverse light switch (which is an identical item). New wiring to the switch has been installed and the cab controller has been changed several months ago. No progress has been made in finding the problem, and the finest mechanical minds are now baffled.
    As soon as the fitter clears the fault by computer, all is good, and off I go till the next time, which can be three months or one week away.
    I’m wondering if anyone on here has had anything similar and knows what the problem might be.
    Before anyone asks, there has been no tacho tampering, and no evidence of loss of speed signal from the transmitter.
    The one thing I’m wondering if it may be relevant is that I very often change gear without using the clutch.

    Old John
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    Re: Scania Gearbox Malfunction

    by dieseldog999 » Sat Sep 08, 2018 1:08 pm

    id think youve diagnosed your own problem there bud.
    why dont you try driving it for a month without missing the clutch change?
    scania have never heard of an eaton twin splitter old school style of gearbox,so i wouldnt think the ecu/brains will expect it to be the style of driving used.
    its similar to hitting neutral at the top of a decent hill in an auto,getting it up to the high 80!s then wondering if the box is going to [zb] itself once you smack it into drive again……passes the time on a quiet day,but not a pastime for everyone. :)

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    Re: Scania Gearbox Malfunction

    Postby Conor » Sat Sep 08, 2018 1:20 pm

    Seconded. I reckon the ECU is throwing a fit because you’re not driving the wagon as the manufacturer intends so every so often you have a scenario it doesn’t know how to handle.

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    Re: Scania Gearbox Malfunction

    Postby Colin_scottish » Sat Sep 08, 2018 1:36 pm

    Did you buy this used from somewere if you have it may have had a magnet put onto the gearbox a few times.This can cause problems further down the line and a new ECU may be needed.

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    Re: Scania Gearbox Malfunction

    Postby cav551 » Sat Sep 08, 2018 1:39 pm

    Presumably you have eliminated any problem with water ingress making the detent stick?

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    Re: Scania Gearbox Malfunction

    Postby dieseldog999 » Sat Sep 08, 2018 1:47 pm

    sweet words butter no parsnips

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    Re: Scania Gearbox Malfunction

    Postby Skippy70 » Sat Sep 08, 2018 3:04 pm

    Old John wrote:I have a Scania R480, 2013, with manual gearbox.
    Every so often it throws up the above fault , which no one can reliably fix. The warning comes on while in motion. The next time you stop the vehicle and then try to resume your journey, the range change is locked in low. When a diagnostic check is carried out the fault always comes up as being the neutral sensor. Although no fault can be found when testing the sensor, I’ve changed it on more than one occasion and also swapped it for the reverse light switch (which is an identical item). New wiring to the switch has been installed and the cab controller has been changed several months ago. No progress has been made in finding the problem, and the finest mechanical minds are now baffled.
    As soon as the fitter clears the fault by computer, all is good, and off I go till the next time, which can be three months or one week away.
    I’m wondering if anyone on here has had anything similar and knows what the problem might be.
    Before anyone asks, there has been no tacho tampering, and no evidence of loss of speed signal from the transmitter.
    The one thing I’m wondering if it may be relevant is that I very often change gear without using the clutch.

    I can help you here. I have been driving manual Scania for 20 years now,and using the clutch for ,about 1. When the P/R series were introduced,the gearboxes had the neutral position sensir added. This sensor measures a few things-the most important is that the clutch is depressed before changing between the ranges. If you go down the range,without depressing the clutch,and blip the throttle to get the gear to engage(you know,to match the revs to the gearing),then the sensor sences this and throws up the fault. Putting the truck on the diagnostic is the only way to get the gearbox to work properly again.
    You can still do clutchless changes,just use the pedal between ranges.

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    Re: Scania Gearbox Malfunction

    Postby Old John » Sun Sep 09, 2018 5:14 pm

    Thanks to all for your replies.
    I had hoped to flush out someone else to whom this was happening , but not so far.Surely I’m not the only person out here who drives in this way?
    It’s the completely random nature of the fault that is really baffling. I am the only driver, and my style of driving is fairly consistent. I’m on much the same routes all the time and nearly always in demanding territory where a lot of gearshifting is required. The fault can occur after three months or one week and always the same cause and cure. The neutral sensor is a very simple device which does nothing but make and break an earth circuit.
    The clutch pedal has a potentiometer on it which enables the splitter section of the gearbox, also engagement of the pto and operation of the dreaded clutch saver mode, which I had deleted ages ago. All of this will be combined with info from the speed sensor which will prevent the range change from operating when it shouldn’t. This is why a lot of Scania manual boxes were reduced to scrap by the magnet lads as the speed signal was being corrupted. I’ve never tried a magnet on it, but I’m told by people who know about these things that on a truck of this age, it throws the whole thing crazy and leaves a very clear trace.
    Anyway, I’ve managed to do a whole week now driving in the way that the manufacturer intended, so I’ll keep at it and see what happens.
    Overall, I’ve not been at all impressed by the vehicle, but if they put twin splitters or better still Fuller 13 speeders in them, they would be so much better. I don’t imagine that will be a very popular suggestion.
    Cheers Guys.

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    Re: Scania Gearbox Malfunction

    Postby Skippy70 » Sun Sep 09, 2018 7:18 pm

    Old John wrote:Thanks to all for your replies.
    I had hoped to flush out someone else to whom this was happening , but not so far.Surely I’m not the only person out here who drives in this way?
    It’s the completely random nature of the fault that is really baffling. I am the only driver, and my style of driving is fairly consistent. I’m on much the same routes all the time and nearly always in demanding territory where a lot of gearshifting is required. The fault can occur after three months or one week and always the same cause and cure. The neutral sensor is a very simple device which does nothing but make and break an earth circuit.
    The clutch pedal has a potentiometer on it which enables the splitter section of the gearbox, also engagement of the pto and operation of the dreaded clutch saver mode, which I had deleted ages ago. All of this will be combined with info from the speed sensor which will prevent the range change from operating when it shouldn’t. This is why a lot of Scania manual boxes were reduced to scrap by the magnet lads as the speed signal was being corrupted. I’ve never tried a magnet on it, but I’m told by people who know about these things that on a truck of this age, it throws the whole thing crazy and leaves a very clear trace.
    Anyway, I’ve managed to do a whole week now driving in the way that the manufacturer intended, so I’ll keep at it and see what happens.
    Overall, I’ve not been at all impressed by the vehicle, but if they put twin splitters or better still Fuller 13 speeders in them, they would be so much better. I don’t imagine that will be a very popular suggestion.
    Cheers Guys.

    Sorry,I think I need to make myself clearer. This fault has happened to me on more than one occasion,as can be verified by the Scania mechanics at my work. The only way to get the above fault on is to rev the engine,whilst in neutral- without the clutch being depressed. Most Scania mechanics are unaware of the phenomenon & will happily change the sensor & clear the fault with the diagnostic. The guys have been out to me in rigids & units,and not known what the fault is. I have taken mechanics out and replicated the fault to them,once we figured what was causing the issue. Trust me on this,as long as you use the clutch between range changes,the fault won’t come back.

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    Re: Scania Gearbox Malfunction

    Postby Old John » Sun Sep 09, 2018 9:44 pm

    Thanks Skippy.
    Sorry, I didn’t quite understand your first post, but reading it again and then this one, I get what you are saying. I can understand exactly how what you describe can occur when going either third/ fourth and vice versa, whilst moving and not depressing the clutch, but I’m struggling to grasp how it will happen when merely revving the engine. However , every day’s a schoolday!

    The lad who does my work is a top man with Scanias, after the last time he was out at the fault, about a week ago, I suggested to him that the clutch less changes might be a factor. He said he’s never seen the problem before, but then, he also said he doubted if he had ever come across a driver who didn’t use the clutch, so it was a possibility. He’ll be interested to hear about your experience.
    In the meantime, I’ll just have to try to keep driving it as the Angry Chicken co. intended.

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    Re: Scania Gearbox Malfunction

    Postby Juddian » Sun Sep 09, 2018 9:50 pm

    Skippy’s experience sounds on the money.

    However, as a general comment i have to take me hat off to you chaps 8) that can manage or more to the point (cos many of us would probably do so if we needed to) actually prefer clutchless changes on any bloody Scania or Volvo with any of their horrid manual boxes, all of which in my experience have been hateful bloody things which baulk from day one till the day they blow up for the last time.

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    Re: Scania Gearbox Malfunction

    Postby peterm » Sun Sep 09, 2018 11:28 pm

    Juddian wrote:Skippy’s experience sounds on the money.

    However, as a general comment i have to take me hat off to you chaps 8) that can manage or more to the point (cos many of us would probably do so if we needed to) actually prefer clutchless changes on any bloody Scania or Volvo with any of their horrid manual boxes, all of which in my experience have been hateful bloody things which baulk from day one till the day they blow up for the last time.

    Juddian. With my not extensive experience with a Scania 3 over 3 (6 months or so) I totally agree. Bloody awful things that should have at least a nine speed RR.

    I’ll fix that later.

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    Re: Scania Gearbox Malfunction

    Postby Old John » Mon Sep 10, 2018 7:50 am

    peterm wrote:

    Juddian wrote:Skippy’s experience sounds on the money.

    However, as a general comment i have to take me hat off to you chaps 8) that can manage or more to the point (cos many of us would probably do so if we needed to) actually prefer clutchless changes on any bloody Scania or Volvo with any of their horrid manual boxes, all of which in my experience have been hateful bloody things which baulk from day one till the day they blow up for the last time.

    Juddian. With my not extensive experience with a Scania 3 over 3 (6 months or so) I totally agree. Bloody awful things that should have at least a nine speed RR.

    Agree totally with your sentiments on both Scania and Volvo manuals.
    The Scania is very easy to operate without clutch , the Volvo much less so. You CAN do it, but it’s not worth the bother.

    Old John
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    Re: Scania Gearbox Malfunction

    Postby LowRange » Mon Sep 10, 2018 10:35 am

    The last manual Scania I drove had worn gear selectors and would pop out of gear from time to time. Usually just after changing down before a steep descent :?

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    Re: Scania Gearbox Malfunction

    Postby peterm » Sun Sep 16, 2018 12:49 am

    That could get a bit interesting. I didn’t mind the Scania, just that ‘orrible gearbox and clutch saver.

    I’ll fix that later.

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    Re: Scania Gearbox Malfunction

    Postby nomiS36 » Sun Sep 16, 2018 6:04 am

    I always hated the Scania gearbox too. The sloppy gearstick, the always grinding one of the gears (4th/1st high was it?) and the clutch saver all conspired to make it a bad gearbox imo. MAN and DAFs 16 speeder is/was much much better in every way.

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    Re: Scania Gearbox Malfunction

    Postby Skippy70 » Sun Sep 16, 2018 6:58 am

    Old John wrote:Thanks Skippy.
    Sorry, I didn’t quite understand your first post, but reading it again and then this one, I get what you are saying. I can understand exactly how what you describe can occur when going either third/ fourth and vice versa, whilst moving and not depressing the clutch, but I’m struggling to grasp how it will happen when merely revving the engine. However , every day’s a schoolday!

    The lad who does my work is a top man with Scanias, after the last time he was out at the fault, about a week ago, I suggested to him that the clutch less changes might be a factor. He said he’s never seen the problem before, but then, he also said he doubted if he had ever come across a driver who didn’t use the clutch, so it was a possibility. He’ll be interested to hear about your experience.
    In the meantime, I’ll just have to try to keep driving it as the Angry Chicken co. intended.

    This is the problem with this fault,no one has seen it before. I’ve seen some very befuddled Scania roadside guys because of it. Trying to explain the problem,whilst not wanting to admit it’s only happened because you have forgotten (AGAIN !) & know exactly what will cure it. One even wanted it recovered,because it was obviously going to cause the box to blow up !
    Had to swallow my pride on that one & fess up.
    I have found Scania gearboxes ok,bit graunchy when cold & always wear the synchro on the first gear through the range,but the reason they are easier to clutchless change is that the entire linkage is metal tube. The volvo’s are cable operated & are a pure [zb] in comparison. It’s abit like the twin splitter (I know,sorry),in an erf with mechanical linkage,a joy. In a Foden,with cables-not so much.

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