Код ошибки currant destiny 2

Некоторые игроки сталкиваются с кодом ошибки в Destiny 2. Эта ошибка из справочных статей Bungie означает, что при подключении к серверам возможна проблема с подключением. Это может быть связано с различными причинами, как на стороне сервера, так и на стороне игрока. Если это на стороне игрока, читайте ниже, как решить эту проблему.

Текущий код ошибки означает, что могут быть проблемы с интернет-провайдером, потеря пакетов, проблемы с сетевым оборудованием, разрывы соединения Wi-Fi и другие факторы, влияющие на соединение между игроком и серверами Destiny 2. Итак, вот как это исправить:

Шаг 1. Проверьте серверы Destiny 2

Если серверы Destiny 2 не работают из-за технического обслуживания или по какой-либо другой причине, все, что вы можете сделать, это дождаться их резервного копирования. Вы можете посетить DownDetector или проверить Учетная запись службы поддержки Bungie в Твиттере для любых официальных объявлений.

Шаг 2. Проверьте свой Интернет

Перезагрузите или перезагрузите маршрутизатори уменьшить количество подключенных устройств к нему, так как низкая скорость сети может мешать соединениям с сервером. Используйте стабильное соединение, предпочтительно Ethernet вместо Wi-Fi.

Связанный: Как получить коллаборацию Among Us x Destiny 2 — Guardian Cosmicube

Шаг 3. Выключите и снова включите питание вашего устройства.

  • PS4:
    • Удерживайте кнопку питания, пока консоль полностью не выключится.
    • После полного отключения отключите консоль от розетки и подождите 30 секунд.
    • Перезагрузите консоль
  • Xbox One:
    • Прежде чем нажимать кнопку Xbox, убедитесь, что ваша консоль находится в режиме ожидания. Подождите, пока не увидите, что он выключен
    • Отключите его от розетки и подождите минуту
    • Повторно подключитесь и перезапустите

Эти шаги должны решить вашу проблему Error Code Currant в Destiny 2. Если проблема не устранена, убедитесь, что драйверы вашего маршрутизатора обновлены, если таковые имеются. Также убедитесь, что на вашем маршрутизаторе нет настроек безопасности или брандмауэра, которые могут блокировать соединение. Если ничего не помогло, проверьте его на другом интернет-соединении.

Чтобы узнать больше о Destiny 2, ознакомьтесь с разделом «Проблемы со входом в Destiny 2 — как их исправить» в руководствах по игре для профессионалов.

  • Partition Wizard

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  • [Full Guide] How to Fix the Error Code Currant in Destiny 2?

By Charlotte | Follow |
Last Updated November 08, 2022

Do you like to play Destiny 2? Do you ever encounter «error code Currant Destiny 2″? If you have, you don’t need to worry. This post from MiniTool Partition Wizard provides some useful solutions for you to solve this error.

Destiny 2 is a free-to-play online-only multiplayer first-person shooter video game developed by Bungie. It is available on Windows, PS4/PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and Stadia. There are also many exciting visuals, and a great storyline in the game, so it is popular with the players.

However, some of the players have encountered the error code Currant when they play Destiny 2 on their devices. This error code bothers them a lot. Have you also encountered the same error code? In this post, you can get some information and solutions to this error code “Currant” in Destiny 2.

Causes of Error Code Currant Destiney 2

From Bungie’s official Help articles, you can know that the error code Currant Destiny 2 means a connection issue. It can be caused if the connection between the client and the host has been interrupted. The possible reasons for this error are listed below:

  • The game server is down or on maintenance.
  • The Internet service provider (ISP) is at fault.
  • There has been a data packet loss.
  • The temporary data of the game is corrupt.
  • Your network hardware is malfunctioning or not updated to the latest firmware.

Solution 1. Check for Destiney 2 Server Issues

If the Destiny 2 server status is down or on maintenance, you can easily encounter the error code Currant Destiny 2. To fix this, you can go to a third-party website to check if anyone else is reporting the same error, like DownDetector and Outage.Report.

You can also go to Bungie’s support account on Twitter to see if they have made any official announcements regarding the issue.

If the Destiny 2 server is down or on maintenance, the only thing you can do is wait for it to recover. If not, you can try another solution in this post to fix the error code “Currant” in Destiny 2.

Solution 2. Check for Internet Connection

If there is anything wrong with your Internet connection, you can also encounter the error code Currant Destiny 2 easily. In this situation, you can try the ways below to improve it.

  • Restart or reset your router, because this allows it to reassign network TCP/IP data to the device where you’re playing the game.
  • Decrease the number of devices connected to your router, because too many devices connected to one Internet can slow each other’s Internet speed.
  • Switch to a wired connection, because Ethernet is more stable and powerful than Wi-Fi.

Solution 3. Power Cycling Your Device

If the temporary data on the game is corrupt, you can encounter the error code Currant Destiny 2 too. To fix this, you can try restarting your devices.

For the PS4:

  1. Press the power button on your console until it is completely turned off.
  2. After hearing the fans’ sounds stop, please unplug the power cable from the wall outlet.
  3. Wait for 30 seconds or more, and then plug in the power cable again to recover the console’s power.
  4. Restart your console and check if the Destiny 2 error code Currant is fixed.

For the Xbox One:

  1. Ensure that your console is in idle mode, and then press the Xbox button on your console for 10 seconds or until you see the LED light turn off.
  2. Then disconnect the power cable and wait for one minute.
  3. After that, reconnect the power cable and check if the Destiny 2 error code Currant is fixed.

Bottom Line

MiniTool Partition Wizard is an all-in-one partition manager and can be used for data recovery and disk diagnosis. If you are interested in it and want to know more about it, you can visit MiniTool Partition Wizard’s official website.

About The Author


Position: Columnist

Charlotte is a columnist who loves to help others solve errors in computer use. She is good at data recovery and disk & partition management, which includes copying partitions, formatting partitions, etc. Her articles are simple and easy to understand, so even people who know little about computers can understand. In her spare time, she likes reading books, listening to music, playing badminton, etc.

Some Destiny 2 players are getting frequent disconnects with the error code ‘currant‘. In most cases, this error code is reported to occur when players try to load into any launch destination – the game just sits idle for several seconds before showing the ‘Currant‘ error code.

Currant Error Code in Destiny 2

After investigating this particular issue, it turns out that this error code can occur due to several different causes. Here’s a shortlist of potential culprits:

  • Underlying server issue – As it turns out, this particular error can also occur due to a widespread server issue that is causing instability between the game server and the end-user computers. If this scenario I applicable, there is nothing you can do other than identifying the server issue and waiting for Bungie to fix the problem.
  • TCP / IP  Inconsistency – According to some affected users, this problem can also arise in an instance where the network connection is unstable. In most cases, an issue having to do with how TCP / IP data gets assigned can be to blame for this error. To correct this problem, you’ll need to either reboot or reset your network device.
  • Corrupted Temporary data – In case the problem only started to occur recently, you might actually be dealing with some type of corrupted data. On PC, you can clear this temp data with a simple restart procedure. But if you’re seeing this error code on a console, you’ll need to perform a power cycling procedure (on PS4 or Xbox One).

Method 1: Checking for server issues

Before you try any of the potential fixes below, you can potentially save yourself a lot of troubleshooting time by checking if the Destiny 2 servers are currently dealing with an outage problem.

In case other users in your area are encountering the same ‘currant‘ error code, it’s clear that the issue is outspread. If this scenario is applicable, there’s little else you can do other than wait for Bungie to fix those issues.

Start by using services like DownDetector and Outage.Report seeing if other users are currently reporting the same error code.

Checking the server status in Destiny 2

If the investigations you just performed have revealed some underlying server issues, take a look at the fan-made status page of Destiny 2 to see if the server you’re connected to is currently affected by the server problem.

Another thing you can do is visit the official Twitter page of Bungie’s support account to see if they made any official announcements regarding the issue.

If the investigations you just performed didn’t reveal any server issues, it’s clear that the problem is occurring due to something specific to your network configuration. In this case, you can start troubleshooting with the next methods below.

Method 2: Restart or reset your router

Since the most common instance that will trigger the ‘currant‘ error code in Destiny 2 is a common network inconsistency, you should start simply by restarting your router, allowing it to re-assign network TCP / IP data to the device where you’re playing the game.

This procedure will fix those cases where a low-end router is unable to allocate enough network resources to sustain a connection with the game server. But in this case, it’s also recommended that you disconnect non-relevant devices from taking up precious Internet bandwidth.

Next, perform a simple router reboot either by pressing the power button once (on the back of the router) or by physically unplugging the power cable from the power outlet.

Restarting your router/modem

After you do this, wait for a full minute to ensure that the power capacitors are completely drained.

Next, power your router On again and see if the issue is now resolved. In case you are still seeing the same ‘currant’ error code while attempting to connect to an online game in Destiny 2, you should also go for a router reset.

But before you go forward with this operation, be advised that this procedure will reset any custom credential, settings, and adjustments that you previously made to your router settings – It will essentially return it to the factory settings.

If you don’t mind loosing forwarded ports, blocked/whitelisted devices and custom settings, use a sharp object (small screwdriver, toothpick, needle, etc.) to press and hold on the Reset button on the back of your router.

Press and hold the reset button until you see the front LEDs flashing at the same time. This is the signal that the reset procedure has been succesfull.

LEDs flashing at the same time

Next, reconfigure your router to restore Internet access and see if the problem is now resolved.

Note: If your ISP is using PPPoE, you will need to re-validate your ISP credentials once again.

In case the same problem is still occurring, move down to the next potential fix below.

Method 3: Power cycling your device

If the method above didn’t work for you and you have previously made sure that the error code is not appearing due to a server issue, your next target should be temporary data maintained by your platform of choice.

If you’re playing the game on a PC, a simple restart will do the job. Just restart conventionally, launch the game again once the next startup is complete and see if you’re still seeing the currant error code.

However, if you’re seeing this error on a console, as simple restart will not be sufficient. In this case, you will need to go for a power cycling procedure to clear any temp data that is preserved in-between restarts.

If this scenario is applicable, follow the instructions below to perform power cycling procedures on PS4 & Xbox One (depending on the platform where you’re seeing the error on):

A. Power cycle your Xbox One Console

  1. Ensure that your console is in idle mode, then press the Xbox button on your console. Keep it pressed for 10 seconds or until you see the front LED turning off.
    Power Off Xbox
  2. After your console is turned off, go ahead and disconnect the power cable and wait for one minute or so to allow the power capacitors time to discharge.Unplug Xbox One
    Unplug Xbox One
  3. Next, connect the power cable back, start up the console conventionally and see if the problem is now fixed.

B. Power cycling your Playstation 4 Console

  1. Start by making sure that your console is not in hibernation mode and it’s not doing anything that will cause data loss if interrupted.
  2. Press and hold on the power button (on your console), then keep it pressed until your console shuts off completely.
    Power cycling Ps4
  3. After you can hear the fans successfully turning off, go ahead and unplug the power cord from the power outlet and wait for 30 seconds or more in order to ensure that the power capacitors are drained.
  4. Next, restore power to your console, wait for the next startup to complete, then launch Destiny 2 and see if the problem is now fixed.

Photo of Kevin Arrows

Kevin Arrows

Kevin Arrows is a highly experienced and knowledgeable technology specialist with over a decade of industry experience. He holds a Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS) certification and has a deep passion for staying up-to-date on the latest tech developments. Kevin has written extensively on a wide range of tech-related topics, showcasing his expertise and knowledge in areas such as software development, cybersecurity, and cloud computing. His contributions to the tech field have been widely recognized and respected by his peers, and he is highly regarded for his ability to explain complex technical concepts in a clear and concise manner.

Want to know how to fix Destiny 2 Error Code Currant? Destiny 2 is a first-person shooter video game that can only be played online. It was made by Bungie and published by Activision. Also, the game came out on Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One on September 6, 2017. When playing Destiny 2, players sometimes run into different problems.

But when playing Destiny 2 on their devices, some players have seen the error code Currant. They are very upset about this error code. Have you also run into this error code? Also, Error Code Currant is one of the most recent error codes that players have seen. This guide will show you how to fix Destiny 2’s Error Code Currant. If you know more details about this, than you can check on official website.

Fix: Destiny 2 Error Code Currant

Verify game files

  1. Open Steam and go to the Library.
  2. Find Destiny 2 in the Library, right-click on it, and select Properties.
  3. Select the Local Files section in the left-sided panel.
  4. Click on the Verify integrity of game files… button

Close background apps

  1. Open the Task Manager using the CTRL Shift + ESC shortcut.
  2. Find apps using internet bandwidth (check the Network column).
  3. Right-click on apps and select End task.

Power Cycling your device

  • PS4:
    • Hold the power button until your console is completely off
    • Once completely off, unplug your console from the outlet and wait 30 seconds
    • Restart your console
  • Xbox One:
    • Make sure your console is in idle mode before pressing the Xbox button. Wait until you see it power off
    • Disconnect it from the outlet and wait for a minute
    • Reconnect and restart

Causes of Error Code Currant Destiney 2

  • Underlying server issue – As it turns out, this particular error can also occur due to a widespread server issue that is causing instability between the game server and the end-user computers. If this scenario I applicable, there is nothing you can do other than identifying the server issue and waiting for Bungie to fix the problem.
  • TCP / IP  Inconsistency – According to some affected users, this problem can also arise in an instance where the network connection is unstable. In most cases, an issue having to do with how TCP / IP data gets assigned can be to blame for this error. To correct this problem, you’ll need to either reboot or reset your network device.
  • Corrupted Temporary data – In case the problem only started to occur recently, you might actually be dealing with some type of corrupted data. On PC, you can clear this temp data with a simple restart procedure. But if you’re seeing this error code on a console, you’ll need to perform a power cycling procedure (on PS4 or Xbox One).

About Destiny 2

Destiny 2 is an online FPS that takes place in our solar system far in the future. Four groups of aliens have come together on Earth to try to take over the power of a huge sphere called the Traveler, which protects humanity without being seen. The Ghosts, which are small robots controlled by the Traveler, bring dead people back to life so they can protect the planet as Guardians.

Guardian comes in three different flavors. Warlocks can zap enemies with lightning like Emperor Palpatine. Titans can put up shield walls and hit bad guys really hard. Hunters can smack enemies while dodging rolls and tying up hordes with shots from a bow made of purple energy that sparkles. You choose your class and how your character looks, and then you start leveling up.


What is error code cen Destiny 2?

If you encounter Error Code Centipede in Destiny 2, it may be because your NAT (Network Address Translation) is too restricting. Check if it’s set to Type 3 or Strict. If so, change it to Type 1/Open. If you cannot change this, it’s probably because you’re in a purposely restricting area like a workplace or campus.

How do I fix the error code Currant in Destiny?

You can fix Error Code Currant in Destiny 2 by doing Network Troubleshooting. Bungie recommends this method and provides a detailed guide on how to do it. However, before jumping into any fixing, ensure Destiny servers are up and running. You can check the server status from Bungie Help Page or Down Detector.

Are Destiny 2 servers down right now?

Current Destiny 2 status is up, with no reported problems. If you are having problems, please cast a vote below. Destiny 2 is a free-to-play online-only multiplayer first-person shooter video game developed by Bungie.

James Hogan

Kevin Arrows

Kevin Arrows is a highly experienced and knowledgeable technology specialist with over a decade of industry experience. He holds a Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS) certification and has a deep passion for staying up-to-date on the latest tech developments. Kevin has written extensively on a wide range of tech-related topics, showcasing his expertise and knowledge in areas such as software development, cybersecurity, and cloud computing. His contributions to the tech field have been widely recognized and respected by his peers, and he is highly regarded for his ability to explain complex technical concepts in a clear and concise manner.

Want to know how to fix Destiny 2 Error Code Currant? Destiny 2 is a first-person shooter video game that can only be played online. It was made by Bungie and published by Activision. Also, the game came out on Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One on September 6, 2017. When playing Destiny 2, players sometimes run into different problems.

But when playing Destiny 2 on their devices, some players have seen the error code Currant. They are very upset about this error code. Have you also run into this error code? Also, Error Code Currant is one of the most recent error codes that players have seen. This guide will show you how to fix Destiny 2’s Error Code Currant. If you know more details about this, than you can check on official website.

Fix: Destiny 2 Error Code Currant

Verify game files

  1. Open Steam and go to the Library.
  2. Find Destiny 2 in the Library, right-click on it, and select Properties.
  3. Select the Local Files section in the left-sided panel.
  4. Click on the Verify integrity of game files… button

Close background apps

  1. Open the Task Manager using the CTRL Shift + ESC shortcut.
  2. Find apps using internet bandwidth (check the Network column).
  3. Right-click on apps and select End task.

Power Cycling your device

  • PS4:
    • Hold the power button until your console is completely off
    • Once completely off, unplug your console from the outlet and wait 30 seconds
    • Restart your console
  • Xbox One:
    • Make sure your console is in idle mode before pressing the Xbox button. Wait until you see it power off
    • Disconnect it from the outlet and wait for a minute
    • Reconnect and restart

Causes of Error Code Currant Destiney 2

  • Underlying server issue – As it turns out, this particular error can also occur due to a widespread server issue that is causing instability between the game server and the end-user computers. If this scenario I applicable, there is nothing you can do other than identifying the server issue and waiting for Bungie to fix the problem.
  • TCP / IP  Inconsistency – According to some affected users, this problem can also arise in an instance where the network connection is unstable. In most cases, an issue having to do with how TCP / IP data gets assigned can be to blame for this error. To correct this problem, you’ll need to either reboot or reset your network device.
  • Corrupted Temporary data – In case the problem only started to occur recently, you might actually be dealing with some type of corrupted data. On PC, you can clear this temp data with a simple restart procedure. But if you’re seeing this error code on a console, you’ll need to perform a power cycling procedure (on PS4 or Xbox One).

About Destiny 2

Destiny 2 is an online FPS that takes place in our solar system far in the future. Four groups of aliens have come together on Earth to try to take over the power of a huge sphere called the Traveler, which protects humanity without being seen. The Ghosts, which are small robots controlled by the Traveler, bring dead people back to life so they can protect the planet as Guardians.

Guardian comes in three different flavors. Warlocks can zap enemies with lightning like Emperor Palpatine. Titans can put up shield walls and hit bad guys really hard. Hunters can smack enemies while dodging rolls and tying up hordes with shots from a bow made of purple energy that sparkles. You choose your class and how your character looks, and then you start leveling up.


What is error code cen Destiny 2?

If you encounter Error Code Centipede in Destiny 2, it may be because your NAT (Network Address Translation) is too restricting. Check if it’s set to Type 3 or Strict. If so, change it to Type 1/Open. If you cannot change this, it’s probably because you’re in a purposely restricting area like a workplace or campus.

How do I fix the error code Currant in Destiny?

You can fix Error Code Currant in Destiny 2 by doing Network Troubleshooting. Bungie recommends this method and provides a detailed guide on how to do it. However, before jumping into any fixing, ensure Destiny servers are up and running. You can check the server status from Bungie Help Page or Down Detector.

Are Destiny 2 servers down right now?

Current Destiny 2 status is up, with no reported problems. If you are having problems, please cast a vote below. Destiny 2 is a free-to-play online-only multiplayer first-person shooter video game developed by Bungie.

James Hogan

James Hogan

James Hogan is a senior staff writer at Bollyinside, where he has been covering various topics, including laptops, gaming gear, keyboards, storage, and more. During that period, they evaluated hundreds of laptops and thousands of accessories and built a collection of entirely too many mechanical keyboards for their own use.

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Error code Currant is easier to deal with than other error codes in Destiny 2, and we’ll explain why.


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Destiny 2 is full of unique error code names from Guitar and Weasel to Currant. This is likely to avoid the lengthy number string errors found in other games. With error code names like Currant, Destiny 2 players can take to the internet and quickly decipher what sort of issue they’re experiencing and whether there’s anything can do to fix the situation. If you keep running into error code Currant, we’ve put together a quick guide that’ll explain what it means in Destiny 2!

What does error code Currant mean in Destiny 2?

What does error code Currant mean in Destiny 2?

In Destiny 2, error code Currant indicates connection issues between the player and the game such as drops in Wi-Fi, router malfunction, and packet loss.
© Bungie

To start, error code Currant in Destiny 2 indicates general connection issues between the player and the game. For example, issues like drops in Wi-Fi and issues with hardware, such as your router. Unlike other error codes, there are ways you can investigate and potentially correct some of these issues on your end. From Bungie, error code Currant is described as follows:

“Errors of this nature are actively monitored by Bungie to keep us aware of trending issues impacting players. Often these types of issues transpire when interruptions between host and client connections are caused due to circumstances outside of our network. This can be the result of ISP issues, packet loss, complications with various network hardware, Wi-Fi glitches, and other impacting variables to general connection stability.

We recommend as a first step that players ensure their current connection is working as intended to remove any outside variables. If this issue still persists, we recommend utilizing the steps described in our Network Troubleshooting Guide to find best practices in resolving these issues.”

With error code Currant, the first thing you’re going to want to do is close out of your current session of Destiny 2. After that, check your internet connection and hardware, like your router. Are you connected to the internet? Are there any abnormal LED lights indicating an error with your router? If so, you’ll want to take the necessary steps to resolve these issues before relaunching Destiny 2.

Otherwise, you’ll continue to encounter error code Currant. As noted by Bungie, you can also read through their comprehensive Network Troubleshooting Guide for other tips that’ll help you resolve connection issues capable of causing the Currant error code such as packet loss.

Now that you know what error code Currant means in Destiny 2, be sure to read through some of our other guides including all Rune recipes for the Chalice of Opulence in Destiny 2, how to participate in the Destiny 2 “Mars” community challenge, and ways to earn Imperials in Destiny 2.

Morgan is a writer, indie game lover, and socially awkward coffee addict. Need something? Morgan can be reached at morgan.shaver@allgamers.com or if you like, you can say hello using GIFs on Twitter.

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