Как исправить ошибку file does not exist

Есть магазин на UMI.CMS. C недавнего времени хостер жалуется, что с нашего аккаунта идет очень большая нагрузка.
В работе сайтов ничего аномального я не нашел. Только вот в erro_log очень много ошибок File does not exist.
Причем, если сопоставить с графиком нагрузки, то самая частая ошибка:

[client IP] File does not exist: /~/public_html/katalog

И такая строчка может повторяться в течение часа. Причем, физически такой папки на сайте нету.
Как быть? И кто так настойчиво может требовать эту папку, к примеру в 6 утра. Боты?

In this python tutorial, we will discuss the File does not exist python, and also we will cover these below topics:

  • File does not exist python
  • File does not exist python read CSV
  • Python check if the file does not exist and create
  • File does not exist python exception
  • Python Check If a file exists
  • If the file does not exist python
  • Python file does not exist error
  • ioerror file does not exist python
  • Python if the file does not exists skip
  • Python raise file does not exists

Here, we can see how to check whether file exists in python.

  • In this example, I have imported a module called os.path. The os.path module is used for processing the files from different places in the system.
  • The os.path.exists is used to check the specified path exists or not.
  • The path of the file is assigned as r’C:UsersAdministrator.SHAREPOINTSKYDesktopWorkmobile.txt’. The mobile.txt is the name of the file.


import os.path
print(os.path.exists( r'C:UsersAdministrator.SHAREPOINTSKYDesktopWorkmobile.txt'))

As the file is not present so the output is returned as False. You can refer to the below screenshot for the output.

File does not exist python
File does not exist python

This is how to fix file not exist error python.

Read, Python program to print pattern.

File does not exist python read CSV

Here, we can see how check file does not exist read CSV in python.

  • In this example, I have used exceptions, So I have taken try block and to check whether the file exists or not.
  • I have opened the file with .csv extension, if condition is true it should print File present as the output.
  • If the file is not found, the except is FileNotFoundError is used. As the file is a present exception is not raised.


    with open("student.csv") as f:
        print("File present")
except FileNotFoundError:
    print('File is not present')

As the file is present exception is not raised, we can see the output as File present. The below screeenshot shows the output.

file does not exist python read CSV
file does not exist python read CSV

This is how to fix error, File does not exist error in Python while reading CSV file.

Python check if file does not exists and create

Now, we can see how to check if file does not exists and create in python.

  • In this example, I have imported a module called os. The path of the file is read.
  • The if condition is used as os.path.exists(x), os.path.isfile(x).
  • If the file is present the condition returns true as the output.
  • If the file is not present then the else condition is executed and the file is created by using f = open(“pic.txt”,”w”). The pic.txt is the name of the file and “w” is the mode of the file.
  • The f.close() is used to close the file.


import os
if os.path.exists(x):
    if os.path.isfile(x):
        print("file is present")
  print("file is not present and creating a new file")
f = open("pic.txt","w")

As the file is not present the else condition is executed and the new file is created. You can refer to the below screenshot for the output.

Python check if file does not exists and create
Python check if file does not exists and create

This is how to check if file does not exists and create it in Python.

File does not exist python exception

Here, we can see file does not exist exception in python.

  • In this example, I have used exceptions.
  • Here, I have taken a try block to check whether the file exists or not. So I have opened the file as with open(“bottle.py”) as f if condition is true it should print(“File present”).
  • If the file is not found, the except FileNotFoundError is used. As the file is not present exception is executed.


    with open("bottle.py") as f:
        print("File present")
except FileNotFoundError:
    print('File is not present')

You can refer to the below screenshot for the output.

File does not exist python exception
File does not exist python exception

Python check If a file exists

Now, we can see check if a file exists in python.

  • In this example, I have imported a module called os.path and also a path from os. The module path checks the specified path is present or not.
  • I have used a function called main as def main().
  • The path.exists() is used to check whether the specified path exists or not. as both the file are not present.
  • As only one file is present we can see that the output is true and another file 925.txt is not found so it returns false as the output.
  • Every module has an attribute called __name__., the value of the attribute is set to “__main__”.


import os.path
from os import path
def main():
   print (str(path.exists('pic.txt')))
   print (str(path.exists('925.txt')))
if __name__== "__main__":

As the file 925.txt file is not present, we can see the false is returned as the output. The below screenshot shows the output.

Python check If file exists
Python check If file exists

This is how to check if a file exists in Python or not.

If the file does not exist python

Now, we can see if the file does not exist in python.

  • In this example, I have imported a module called pathlib. The module pathlib is used to work with files and directories.
  • The pathlib.path is used to join the path of the two directories.
  • The path.exists() is used to check whether the file exists are not.
  • The path.is_file is used to find the result of the file.


import pathlib
path = pathlib.Path('laptop.txt')

As the file is not present false is returned as the output. You can refer to the below screenshot for the output.

If the file does not exist python
If the file does not exist python

Python file does not exist error

Here, we can see file does not exist error in python.

In this example, I have taken a file as mobile.txt to read the file as the file does not exists so the error is found.


myfile = open("mobile.txt")

We can see FileNotFoundError as the output. You can refer to the below screenshot for the output. In order to solve the error, we have to give the file name which is present in the system.

Python file does not exist error
Python file does not exist error

IOError file does not exist python

Here, we can see IOError file does not exist in python.

  • In this example, I have used exceptions, So I have taken try block and to check whether the file exists or not.
  • I have opened the file as with open(“mobile.txt”) as f, if condition is true it should print(“File present”). The mobile.txt is the name of the file.
  • If the file is not found, the except IOError is used. As the file is not present exception is executed.


    with open("mobile.txt") as f:
        print("File present")
except IOError:
  print('File is not present')

As the file is not present the except is executed. File is not present is printed in the output. You can refer to the below screenshot for the output.

IOError file does not exist python
IOError file does not exist python

Python if the file does not exists skip

  • In this example, I have used exceptions, So I have taken try block and to check whether the file exists or not.
  • I have opened the file as with open(“bike.txt”) as f, if condition is true it should print(“File present”).
  • If the file is not found, the except FileNotFoundError is used. As the file is not present exception is executed and skipped to print(‘File is not present’).


    with open("bike.txt") as f:
        print("File present")
except FileNotFoundError:
    print('File is not present')

The except is executed so the output will be File is not present. You can refer to the below screenshot for the output.

Python if the file does not exists skip
Python if the file does not exists skip

Python raise file does not exist

Here, we can see how to raise file does not exist in python.

  • In this example, I have imported a module called os. The os module establishes the connection between the user and the operating system.
  • If the file is not present it should raise an error as FileNotFoundError.
  • The keyword raise is used to raise the exception.


import os
if not os.path.isfile("text.txt"):
    raise FileNotFoundError

As the file is not present an error is raised as the output. You can refer to the below screenshot for the output.

Python raise file does not exists
Python raise file does not exists

You may like the following Python tutorials:

  • How to read video frames in Python
  • Python read a file line by line example
  • Create and modify PDF file in Python
  • Python save an image to file
  • How to read a text file using Python Tkinter
  • Python program to print prime numbers

In this tutorial, we have learned about File does not exist python, and also we have covered these topics:

  • File does not exist python
  • File does not exist python read CSV
  • Python check if the file does not exist and create
  • File does not exist python exception
  • Python Check If a file exists
  • If the file does not exist python
  • IOError file does not exist python
  • Python if the file does not exists skip
  • Python raise file does not exists

Fewlines4Biju Bijay

I am Bijay Kumar, a Microsoft MVP in SharePoint. Apart from SharePoint, I started working on Python, Machine learning, and artificial intelligence for the last 5 years. During this time I got expertise in various Python libraries also like Tkinter, Pandas, NumPy, Turtle, Django, Matplotlib, Tensorflow, Scipy, Scikit-Learn, etc… for various clients in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, etc. Check out my profile.

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15.01.2015, 21:05. Показов 7672. Ответов 3

Студворк — интернет-сервис помощи студентам

Собственно, сделал программу, но на строчку ругается, типа «File does not exist». Сам файл с таблицей нормально открывается, можно посмотреть данные и прочее.


SET DEFAULT TO "e:baziuch"
USE customer.dbf IN 1  ALIAS cus
USE order.dbf    IN 2  ALIAS ord
USE salesman.dbf IN 3  ALIAS smn
USE sale.dbf     IN 4  ALIAS sal
USE account.dbf  IN 5  ALIAS acnt
USE catalog.dbf  IN 6  ALIAS ctl INDEX catalog ORDER tag fam
USE autor.dbf    IN 7  ALIAS atr
USE town.dbf     IN 8  ALIAS twn
USE street.dbf   IN 9  ALIAS str
USE fam.dbf      IN 10 ALIAS fam INDEX fam     ORDER tag TAG(2)
USE im.dbf       IN 11 ALIAS im  INDEX im      ORDER tag im
USE ot.dbf       IN 12 ALIAS ot  INDEX ot      ORDER tag ot
SET RELATION TO key_fam INTO fam, key_im INTO im, key_ot INTO ot
@ 10,10 say 'çàäàéòå ðåæèì ïðîñìîòðà'
 @ 12,10 prompt 'ñ íà÷àëà'
 @ 14,10 prompt 'ñ êîíöà'
 @ 16,10 prompt 'ñ çàäàííîãî íîìåðà'
 @ 18,10 prompt 'êîíåö ïðîñìîòðà'
  menu to otv
DO case
 CASE otv=1
  GO top
 CASE otv=2
 CASE otv=3
  input 'ââåäèòå íîìåð àâòîðà' to c_nomn
  LOCATE FOR key_book = c_nomn
  IF BOF()
   WAIT 'òàêîé çàïèñè íåò'
 CASE otv=4
@ 20,1 say 'ôàìèëèÿ àâòîðà: '+' íàæìèòå enter'
@ 21,1 say 'äëÿ ïðîñìîòðà ïðåäûäóùåé çàïèñè '+' íàæìèòå PgUp'
@ 22,1 say 'äëÿ âûõîäà íàæìèòå esc'
 @ 8,5  say 'ôàìèëèÿ àâòîðà: ' + fam.name_fam
 @ 9,5  say 'Èìÿ àâòîðà: ' +     im.name_im
 @ 10,5 say 'Îò÷åñòâî àâòîðà: '+ ot.name_ot
 @ 11,5 say 'Íàçâàíèå êíèãè: ' + ctl.name_book
 @ 13,5 say RECNO()
DO case
 CASE k=27
 CASE k=18
 CASE k=13

ругается конкретно на


USE catalog.dbf  IN 6  ALIAS ctl INDEX catalog ORDER tag fam

имена совпадают.

Не по теме:

P.S. Не обращайте внимания на кракозябры)


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15.01.2015, 22:07


простите, а файлы catalog.dbf и catalog.cdx в каталоге e:baziuch точно существуют? И имена не содержат кирилицу (c а o — русские выглят так же, как английские, но, разумеется, это совершенно другие буквы!!)
Выполните команду в командной строке:


DIR e:baziuch*.* > e:AllFiles.txt

и полученный файл e:AllFiles.txt запакуйте в архив и выложите сюда.

Сообщение от Frip
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P.S. Не обращайте внимания на кракозябры)

ПЕРЕД тем, как копировать текст в буфер обмена, включите РУССКУЮ раскладку клавиатуры, поможет!



Эксперт Pascal/DelphiАвтор FAQ

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15.01.2015, 22:50


Сообщение от Sergio Leone
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включите РУССКУЮ раскладку клавиатуры, поможет!

Если использовать тег CODE, а не QUOTE — раскладка не важна…


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17.01.2015, 17:42



Sergio Leone, команду, которую вы сказали ввести не принимается, причина «command contains unrecognized phrase/keyword»


I am newbie to Linux. I am working on a project that needs me to switch to Linux. I am trying to build a library thats coded in C++. When I pass in the «cmake .» command, I get the following error.

CMake Error: File /home/robotEr/Desktop/projects/Robotics/Krang/Path Planning/dart/thirdparty/fcl/include/fcl/config.h.in does not exist.

But this file does exist at the above specified location. I don’t understand why it is encountering this error despite the file being there. Here’s is a list of files and subfolders in that folder when I «ls».

$ ls
config.h.in --------> HERE IT IS!

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    11 Июн 2007

В этой теме нельзя размещать новые ответы.

  • #1

File does not exist, при загрузке файла…

Привет всем!

Есть такая проблема:
Когда загружаю файл стандартным способом:

<FORM ACTION=»index.php» METHOD=»POST» enctype=»multipart/form-data»>
Выберите файл:<INPUT TYPE=»file» NAME=»myfile» size=»35″>
<INPUT TYPE=»submit» NAME=»submit» VALUE=»Загрузить»>



$myfile = $_FILES["myfile"]["tmp_name"];
$myfile_name = $_FILES["myfile"]["name"];
$myfile_size = $_FILES["myfile"]["size"];
$myfile_type = $_FILES["myfile"]["type"];
$uploadfile= "/home/user/public_html/file/".$_FILES["myfile"]["name"];
move_uploaded_file($_FILES["myfile"]["tmp_name"], $uploadfile);

ФАЙЛ ЗАГРУЖАЕТСЯ, вроде все нормально. Но:
(Файл *.jpg) Я потом подгоняю высоту изображения согласно ширине 180 пикс.:


$size = @getimagesize($foto);
if ($size[0] > 180){
  if ($size[1]>$size[0]) {$procent=$size[1]/$size[0];$itsize=180*$procent;}
  elseif ($size[1]<$size[0]) {$procent=$size[0]/$size[1];$itsize=180/$procent;}
  elseif ($size[1]==$size[0]) {$itsize=180;};

<img src=


<?php echo $uploadfile; ?>

width=»180″ height=


Так вот я не пойму в чем проблема? Файл загружается в папку на сервере, размер соответствует размеру на локале, а файл не отображается. Если там где должен быть рисунок нажать правой кнопкой мышки/свойства, показывается реальный путь ЮРЛ на изображение. А изображение не отображается ..
Да, изображения размером до двух мегабайт загружаются и отображаются нормально. А вот больше двух мегабайт, НЕТ.

В чем может быть проблема? Может нужно настроить php.ini? Больше выделить памяти, или еще что?

В лог на сервере пишет:
[Mon Jun 11 13:09:14 2007] [error] [client IP] File does not exist: «/home/user/public_html/file/foto.jpg

Буду благодарен за помощь..

  • #2


Да, изображения размером до двух мегабайт загружаются и отображаются нормально. А вот больше двух мегабайт, НЕТ.

Может нужно настроить php.ini? Больше выделить памяти, или еще что?

  • #3

Ты путаешь локальный путь к файлу и путь, под которым он виден через web.


  • #4

о господи
когда же вы диск от веб-сервера отличать научитесь?
у тебя на сайте есть каталог /home/?

  • #5

Я указываю полный путь на сервере…
Да и причем тут путь? Файлы то до 2 метров нормально отображаются.

Я догадываюсь что нужно подстроить php.ini

Только ЧТО?

-~{}~ 11.06.07 16:08:

$_FILES[«myfile»][«name»] — чисто имя файла (БЕЗ ПУТИ)

  • #6

Я догадываюсь что нужно подстроить php.ini

Если догадываешься об этом, то почему не догадываешься посмотреть в мануале?

  • #7

Так что нужно делать-то? В иануале не встречал моей ошибки…


  • #8

то у него путь неправильный, то 2 метра не хватает
когда человек сам не знает, от чего у него происходит ошибка, разговаривать с ним бесполезно.


  • #10



  • #11

судя по коду, который он привел, у него никакие файлы отображаться не должны.

пусть разберется сначала — что у него там отображается, а потом уже будем ссылки давать

В этой теме нельзя размещать новые ответы.

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  • Как исправить ошибку file does not exist
  • Как исправить ошибку file corrupted
  • Как исправить ошибку ffmpeg dll
  • Как исправить ошибку fatally missing registry entries в майнкрафт
  • Как исправить ошибку fatal error в майнкрафт