Как исправить ошибка kb2983588 в вин 10

Windows 10 (1909 [Version 10.0.18363.535]) is very slow before the boot manager appears.
Then I find a reference to KB2983588 (saying I have duplicate disk IDs).

The text in German is: «Der Datenträger «3» verfügt über dieselben Datenträger-IDs wie ein oder mehrere Datenträger, die mit dem System verbunden sind. Rufen Sie die Microsoft-Supportwebsite (http://support.microsoft.com) auf, und suchen Sie nach KB2983588, um das Problem zu beheben.»
(Google-translated to: «Disk «3» has the same disk IDs as one or more disks connected to the system. Go to the Microsoft support website (http://support.microsoft.com) and search for KB2983588 to resolve the problem.«)

However there are no duplicate IDs that I could find (Sorry German locale being used):

DISKPART> list disk

  Datenträger ###  Status         Größe    Frei     Dyn  GPT
  ---------------  -------------  -------  -------  ---  ---
  Datenträger 0    Online         1863 GB   353 GB
  Datenträger 1    Online          931 GB   467 GB
  Datenträger 2    Online           64 TB      0 B        *
  Datenträger 3    Online         1023 GB      0 B        *

DISKPART> sel disk 0
Datenträger 0 ist jetzt der gewählte Datenträger.
DISKPART> uniqueid disk
Datenträger-ID: 6EC001A4
DISKPART> sel disk 1
Datenträger 1 ist jetzt der gewählte Datenträger.
DISKPART> uniqueid disk
Datenträger-ID: 6F20A1F4
DISKPART> sel disk 2
Datenträger 2 ist jetzt der gewählte Datenträger.
DISKPART> uniqueid disk
Datenträger-ID: {4BF4404B-D2F8-4C70-985B-20556843D8C4}
DISKPART> sel disk 3
Datenträger 3 ist jetzt der gewählte Datenträger.
DISKPART> uniqueid disk
Datenträger-ID: {EC9CD42E-3609-4625-A9CB-7A7C76DA7CC1}

I found one reference that the issue has to do with GPT partitions, but without giving details. Do you have any insights?


I still see this message occasionally and it seems it has to do with my Drobo 5C (see https://www.drobo.com/storage-products/5C/) that has one normal drive (thin provisioned) and a backup drive (fully provisioned), both formatted by Drobo’s tool (not Windows).
Maybe that formatting routine had an error.

So a related question could be:
How can I change the disk ID without causing any negative effects?

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  • Hi Guys,

    I see the following warning in my event viewer. This article is not available on the MS web site.  Can you please assist?

    «Disk 1 has the same disk identifiers as one or more disks connected to the system. Go to Microsoft’s support website (http://support.microsoft.com) and search for KB2983588 to resolve the issue.»



    • Edited by
      Sunday, November 23, 2014 5:00 AM

All replies

  • As improbable as it may seem, would you double check the KB number ?

    If it solves your problem, I did it. If it does not, my twin brother did it.

  • On Sun, 23 Nov 2014 04:59:31 +0000, RiaanG25 wrote:

    I see the following warning in my event viewer. This article is not available on the MS web site.  Can you please assist?

    «Disk 1 has the same disk identifiers as one or more disks connected to the system. Go to Microsoft’s support website (http://support.microsoft.com) and search for KB2983588 to resolve the


    Paul Adare — FIM CM MVP
    Application has reported a «Not My Fault» in module KRNL.EXE
    in line 0200:103F

  • As improbable as it may seem, would you double check the KB number ?

    If it solves your problem, I did it. If it does not, my twin brother did it.


    I made a direct copy and paste of the message from event viewer.


  • Hi Paul,

    I tried your suggestion but I still get the «Disk 1 has the same disk identifiers as one or more disks connected to the system. Go to Microsoft’s support website (http://support.microsoft.com) and search for KB2983588 to resolve the issue.» message.



  • Hi Riaan,

    Currently, I searched the windows update catalog, still cannot find this special KB number:


    According to Paul Adare’s suggestion, you may need check the all disks which connect to the system, such as disk 0, disk 1 and disk 2.

    Make sure disk 1 identifier is different with others.

    If this issue persists, we may wait for the unavailable update to release to fix this issue.

    Alex Zhao
    TechNet Community Support

    • Edited by
      Tuesday, November 25, 2014 1:28 AM

  • Hi Alex,

    I had a look and seems that all my identifiers are different to from each other. Could this be a false positive?



  • Hi,

    I am having the same problem / event warning, only one second after the warning occurs, I face a black screen of death leaving me with no other option than to switch off and reboot. After reboot I can work for some time but as far as I can see there is a
    spontaneous re-occurance of the same warning and subsequent black screen of death.

    It is hugely frustrating and don’t seem to be able to solve it. It occurred in W8/W8.1 and W10 TP. All hardware seems fine. There are no other events that occur near the time when the BSOD occurs so I suppose its that.

    HD (SSD’S) seem to have unique identifiers so I don’t understand it at all. It does not matter whether I am browsing the internet, rendering images or simply leaving my laptop untouched (M6500 DELL).

    Please help. It occurs 3 — 5 times a day and it seems unworkable.

  • I also get this strange error in the eventviewer:

    Les identificateurs du disque 1 sont identiques à ceux d’au moins un autre disque du système. Accédez au site web d’assistance Microsoft (http://support.microsoft.com) et consultez la référence KB2983588 pour résoudre le problème.

    Disk 1 is a RAID Volume, but the event viewer does not show the disk id it sees.

    Using Diskpart, I confirm this is a wrong alert and most probably Windows 10 had a timint issue to get the ID from the RAID and got 00000000 instead.

    The Eventviewer did not report any other disk but I have a flashcard reader on my printer without any card mounted, for which diskpart reports also the same default ID 00000000.

    May be the event details contains the ID:


    Nothing there matches the actual disk ID as reported by diskpart:

      DISKPART> sel disk 0
      Le disque 0 est maintenant le disque sélectionné.
      DISKPART> detail disk
      Intel Raid 5 Volume
      ID du disque : 4CCD236D
      Type : RAID
      État : En ligne
      Chemin : 0
      Cible : 1
      ID LUN : 0
      Chemin d’accès de l’emplacement : PCIROOT(0)#PCI(1F02)#RAID(P00T01L00)
      État en lecture seule actuel : Non
      Lecture seule : Non
      Disque de démarrage : Non
      Disque de fichiers d’échange : Non
      Disque de fichiers de mise en veille prolongée : Non
      Disque de fichiers de vidage sur incident : Non
      Disque en cluster  : Non
      N° volume   Ltr  Nom          Fs     Type        Taille   Statut     Info
      ———-  —  ————  ——  ———-  ——-  ———  ———
      Volume 0     D   [RAID5] Vol  NTFS   Partition   1862 G   Sain

      DISKPART> sel disk 1
      Le disque 1 est maintenant le disque sélectionné.
      DISKPART> detail disk
      Intel Raid 5 Volume
      ID du disque : 4CCD2350
      Type : RAID
      État : En ligne
      Chemin : 0
      Cible : 2
      ID LUN : 0
      Chemin d’accès de l’emplacement : PCIROOT(0)#PCI(1F02)#RAID(P00T02L00)
      État en lecture seule actuel : Non
      Lecture seule : Non
      Disque de démarrage : Non
      Disque de fichiers d’échange : Non
      Disque de fichiers de mise en veille prolongée : Non
      Disque de fichiers de vidage sur incident : Non
      Disque en cluster  : Non
      N° volume   Ltr  Nom          Fs     Type        Taille   Statut     Info
      ———-  —  ————  ——  ———-  ——-  ———  ———
      Volume 1     E   [RAID5] Vol  NTFS   Partition   1863 G   Sain

    (none of these two volumes are the system boot volume, which is on a separate SSD in disk 2, which also has a distinct disk ID)

    I did not get a BSOD, but the event occured while I was restarting the PC: Windows stopped services, and then waited for something that did not occur. Most probaly there were still pending I/O to complete but Windows stopped the Intel RAID device driver
    too early before the volume manager wanted to unmount the disk, the volume manager did not receive the reply, then attempted to recover by reading again the volume ID and the read failed and reported the volume ID 0000000 (which also matches a volume ID for
    another disk drive without media, a flash card reader in my USB printer, which was also not mounted)

    As the system was frozen after almost all services were stopped, I had to press reset to restart and the next event logged was about the unexpected restart:

    L’arrêt système précédant à HH:MM:SS le ‎DD/MM/‎2015 n’était pas prévu.

    I checked the disks, there was absolutely no error in NTFS, or in the RAID volumes, so I don’t know which kind of I/O was frozen. Visibly this event occurs in the last steps when the system will be stopped. I think that it actually occured when there’s already
    been a system crash with a BSOD, even before the memory dump is saved. The actual error occured before that event (but is not visible in the Eventlog: we just get here a symptom that the kernel cannot read the disk partition table because its I/O system or
    one driver is already in a bad state.

    Note: my storages are all using WHQL drivers.

    • Edited by
      Tuesday, July 14, 2015 5:12 AM


  1. Event ID 158 регистрируется для идентичных GUID-интерфейсов дисков
  2. Симптомы
  3. Причина
  4. Решение
  5. Дополнительная информация
  6. Kb2983588 windows server 2016
  7. Question
  8. All replies

Event ID 158 регистрируется для идентичных GUID-интерфейсов дисков

В этой статье содержится решение для решения проблемы событий ID 158, зарегистрированного для идентичных GUID-дисков в Windows 10.

Оригинальная версия продукта: Windows 10 — все выпуски
Исходный номер КБ: 2983588


Событие ошибки для event ID 158 регистрируется. Событие указывает на то, что двум или более дисковых устройствам назначены одинаковые GUID-интерфейсы диска.

Вышеуказанное сообщение события не влияет на производительность и функции клиентских систем. В этом событии содержится предупреждение о том, что несколько дисков в системе имеют одинаковые сведения об идентификации (например, серийный номер, удостоверения страницы 83 и так далее).


Эта проблема может быть вызвана любой из нескольких различных ситуаций. Наиболее распространенными являются следующие ситуации:

  • Доступно несколько путей к одному физическому устройству диска. Но Microsoft Multipath I/O (MPIO) не включен. В этой ситуации устройство подвергается воздействию системы всеми доступными путями. Это приводит к многократному выявлению одинаковых ID-данных устройств (таких как серийный номер устройства, ID поставщика, ID продукта и так далее).
  • Если виртуальные жесткие диски (VHD) дублируются с помощью операции копирования и вклейки, чтобы создать больше виртуальных машин (виртуальных машин), ни одна из внутренних структур данных не будет изменена. Таким образом, у VMs одинаковые GUID-интерфейсы дисков и те же данные по ID (например, серийный номер устройства, ID поставщика, ID продукта и так далее).


Чтобы устранить эту проблему, если на физических дисковых устройствах доступно несколько путей, в включить MPIO. Если включено MPIO, система может требовать диски и выставлять только один экземпляр каждого дискового устройства при перезапуске компьютера.

Дополнительная информация

Дополнительные сведения о том, как включить MPIO, см. в дополнительных сведениях об установке и настройке MPIO.

Если несколько VHD идентифицированы как дубликаты, используйте ResetDiskIdentifier Set-VHD параметр Windows PowerShell. Дополнительные сведения о Set-VHD cmdlet см. в set-VHD.

Kb2983588 windows server 2016

Сообщения: 8628
Благодарности: 2126

Nansen, можете попробовать воспользоваться HWiNFO нужной разрядности: может быть она увидит SMART (хотя в ней и чуток менее наглядно — но достаточно). Или DiskCheckup. Есть и ещё утилиты для чтения SMART — думаю что какая-то, да должна увидеть.

Какая у вас материнка? Может удастся подобрать утилиту, которая знает её чипсет, быстрее.

Последний раз редактировалось mwz, 05-03-2017 в 14:57 .

Какая у вас материнка? Может удастся подобрать утилиту, которая знает её чипсет, быстрее. »

Читайте также:  Ноутбук для linux ubuntu

Сообщения: 8628
Благодарности: 2126

Чипсет AMD SB950. Я его не знаю, может кто подскажет как через него достучаться до SMART, не думаю что вы одиноки.

А подключать диски, являющиеся членами RAID, к другому компьютеру чтобы посмотреть SMART рискованно, если не в DOS-режиме.

Чипсет AMD SB950. Я его не знаю, может кто подскажет как через него достучаться до SMART, не думаю что вы одиноки. »

Сообщения: 8628
Благодарности: 2126

А есть другие способы запустить SMART? »

Его не запускают: его читают. Это внутренняя таблица диска.

Надо искать утилиту, которая знает этот чипсет в этом режиме. Может быть Hard Disk Sentinel поможет, а может что ещё надо смотреть: вообще утилит таких много, но, как мы видим, основные наиболее известные не захотели.


I see the following warning in my event viewer. This article is not available on the MS web site. Can you please assist?

«Disk 1 has the same disk identifiers as one or more disks connected to the system. Go to Microsoft’s support website (http://support.microsoft.com) and search for KB2983588 to resolve the issue.»

If it solves your problem, I did it. If it does not, my twin brother did it.

On Sun, 23 Nov 2014 04:59:31 +0000, RiaanG25 wrote:

I see the following warning in my event viewer. This article is not available on the MS web site. Can you please assist?

«Disk 1 has the same disk identifiers as one or more disks connected to the system. Go to Microsoft’s support website (http://support.microsoft.com) and search for KB2983588 to resolve the issue.»

Paul Adare — FIM CM MVP
Application has reported a «Not My Fault» in module KRNL.EXE
in line 0200:103F

As improbable as it may seem, would you double check the KB number ?

If it solves your problem, I did it. If it does not, my twin brother did it.

I made a direct copy and paste of the message from event viewer.

I tried your suggestion but I still get the «Disk 1 has the same disk identifiers as one or more disks connected to the system. Go to Microsoft’s support website (http://support.microsoft.com) and search for KB2983588 to resolve the issue.» message.

Currently, I searched the windows update catalog, still cannot find this special KB number:

According to Paul Adare’s suggestion, you may need check the all disks which connect to the system, such as disk 0, disk 1 and disk 2.

Make sure disk 1 identifier is different with others.

If this issue persists, we may wait for the unavailable update to release to fix this issue.

Alex Zhao
TechNet Community Support

  • Edited by Cloud_TS Moderator Tuesday, November 25, 2014 1:28 AM

I had a look and seems that all my identifiers are different to from each other. Could this be a false positive?

I am having the same problem / event warning, only one second after the warning occurs, I face a black screen of death leaving me with no other option than to switch off and reboot. After reboot I can work for some time but as far as I can see there is a spontaneous re-occurance of the same warning and subsequent black screen of death.

It is hugely frustrating and don’t seem to be able to solve it. It occurred in W8/W8.1 and W10 TP. All hardware seems fine. There are no other events that occur near the time when the BSOD occurs so I suppose its that.

HD (SSD’S) seem to have unique identifiers so I don’t understand it at all. It does not matter whether I am browsing the internet, rendering images or simply leaving my laptop untouched (M6500 DELL).

Please help. It occurs 3 — 5 times a day and it seems unworkable.

I also get this strange error in the eventviewer:

Les identificateurs du disque 1 sont identiques à ceux d’au moins un autre disque du système. Accédez au site web d’assistance Microsoft (http://support.microsoft.com) et consultez la référence KB2983588 pour résoudre le problème.

Disk 1 is a RAID Volume, but the event viewer does not show the disk id it sees.

Using Diskpart, I confirm this is a wrong alert and most probably Windows 10 had a timint issue to get the ID from the RAID and got 00000000 instead.

The Eventviewer did not report any other disk but I have a flashcard reader on my printer without any card mounted, for which diskpart reports also the same default ID 00000000.

May be the event details contains the ID:


Nothing there matches the actual disk ID as reported by diskpart:

DISKPART> sel disk 0
Le disque 0 est maintenant le disque sélectionné.
DISKPART> detail disk
Intel Raid 5 Volume
ID du disque : 4CCD236D
Type : RAID
État : En ligne
Chemin : 0
Cible : 1
ID LUN : 0
Chemin d’accès de l’emplacement : PCIROOT(0)#PCI(1F02)#RAID(P00T01L00)
État en lecture seule actuel : Non
Lecture seule : Non
Disque de démarrage : Non
Disque de fichiers d’échange : Non
Disque de fichiers de mise en veille prolongée : Non
Disque de fichiers de vidage sur incident : Non
Disque en cluster : Non
N° volume Ltr Nom Fs Type Taille Statut Info
———- — ———— —— ———- ——- ——— ———
Volume 0 D [RAID5] Vol NTFS Partition 1862 G Sain

DISKPART> sel disk 1
Le disque 1 est maintenant le disque sélectionné.
DISKPART> detail disk
Intel Raid 5 Volume
ID du disque : 4CCD2350
Type : RAID
État : En ligne
Chemin : 0
Cible : 2
ID LUN : 0
Chemin d’accès de l’emplacement : PCIROOT(0)#PCI(1F02)#RAID(P00T02L00)
État en lecture seule actuel : Non
Lecture seule : Non
Disque de démarrage : Non
Disque de fichiers d’échange : Non
Disque de fichiers de mise en veille prolongée : Non
Disque de fichiers de vidage sur incident : Non
Disque en cluster : Non
N° volume Ltr Nom Fs Type Taille Statut Info
———- — ———— —— ———- ——- ——— ———
Volume 1 E [RAID5] Vol NTFS Partition 1863 G Sain

(none of these two volumes are the system boot volume, which is on a separate SSD in disk 2, which also has a distinct disk ID)

I did not get a BSOD, but the event occured while I was restarting the PC: Windows stopped services, and then waited for something that did not occur. Most probaly there were still pending I/O to complete but Windows stopped the Intel RAID device driver too early before the volume manager wanted to unmount the disk, the volume manager did not receive the reply, then attempted to recover by reading again the volume ID and the read failed and reported the volume ID 0000000 (which also matches a volume ID for another disk drive without media, a flash card reader in my USB printer, which was also not mounted)

As the system was frozen after almost all services were stopped, I had to press reset to restart and the next event logged was about the unexpected restart:

L’arrêt système précédant à HH:MM:SS le ‎DD/MM/‎2015 n’était pas prévu.

I checked the disks, there was absolutely no error in NTFS, or in the RAID volumes, so I don’t know which kind of I/O was frozen. Visibly this event occurs in the last steps when the system will be stopped. I think that it actually occured when there’s already been a system crash with a BSOD, even before the memory dump is saved. The actual error occured before that event (but is not visible in the Eventlog: we just get here a symptom that the kernel cannot read the disk partition table because its I/O system or one driver is already in a bad state.

Note: my storages are all using WHQL drivers.


Windows 10: Disk 4 has the same disk identifiers … KB2983588… doesn’t resolve

Discus and support Disk 4 has the same disk identifiers … KB2983588… doesn’t resolve in Windows 10 Drivers and Hardware to solve the problem; From the event log:

Disk 4 has the same disk identifiers as one or more disks connected to the system. Go to Microsoft’s support website…
Discussion in ‘Windows 10 Drivers and Hardware’ started by SOHO1, Jan 15, 2017.

  1. Disk 4 has the same disk identifiers … KB2983588… doesn’t resolve

    From the event log:

    Disk 4 has the same disk identifiers as one or more disks connected to the system. Go to Microsoft’s support website (http://support.microsoft.com) and search for KB2983588 to resolve the issue.

    Let me digress…
    Funny that, as the support forum lists causes that ASSUME the same disk is really being referenced.
    My disk 4 is one of 4 physical disks.

    A Microsoft MVP at technet laughably pointed the user to the Answers community, where I sometimes try to fill in answers from these forums and always point out the forums here are better here.
    I found a post in these forums where the user seemed to enable some raid bios setting, but I don’t see anything similar for my laptop.



  2. Win 10 not seeing all the HDs.

    Not sure what you want from the viewer.

    Here is some of the things listed.

    Before I run trouble shooter.

    I will try to run trouble shooter again and see if it shows anything different afterwards.

    Also looking for KB2983588 was NOT helpful for me anyway.

    The device, DeviceHarddisk2DR2, is not ready for access yet.

    The device, DeviceHarddisk3DR3, is not ready for access yet.

    Disk 3 has the same disk identifiers as one or more disks connected to the system. Go to Microsoft’s support website (http://support.microsoft.com) and search for KB2983588 to resolve the issue.

    Disk 5 has the same disk identifiers as one or more disks connected to the system. Go to Microsoft’s support website (http://support.microsoft.com) and search for KB2983588 to resolve the issue.

  3. Duplicate Hard Drive GUIDs

    I have similar situation:

    Migrated recently from Win7 Ultimate to Win10 Pro.

    I have configured dynamic volume on two identical HDD.

    Everything works fine on Win7 but on Win10 I got following sequence:

    Warning: Disk 2 has the same disk identifiers as one or more disks connected to the system. Go to Microsoft’s support website (http://support.microsoft.com) and search for KB2983588 to resolve the issue.

    Warning: Disk 3 has the same disk identifiers as one or more disks connected to the system. Go to Microsoft’s support website (http://support.microsoft.com) and search for KB2983588 to resolve the issue.

    Error: volmgr: Crash dump initialization failed!

  4. Disk 4 has the same disk identifiers … KB2983588… doesn’t resolve

    Altaro Support Center | How can I change the Disk ID of a drive?

    NOTE: When you open the command prompt, it has to be Command Prompt (Admin). Win + X will get you the programs listing with Command Prompt (Admin) on it.

    Is this a disk that you have previously cloned to another installed in your system? That’s the normal cause of this. The unique disk ID you change it to can be any 8 HEX Character value, so long as it isn’t the same as any of the others on your system.

  5. These are 4 drives that I have separately installed, none cloned. have been using a long while (years for disks 1 and 4), but windows started complaining after I used EaseUS partition manager to expand a volume on disk 2 (not disk 4).

    Disk 4 has the same disk identifiers ... KB2983588... doesn't resolve [​IMG]

    My other disks have a GUID of some kind for the disk ID’s example: {CCA97581-….-….-….-09517f9E0A63}
    Disk 4 however just has an 8 character hex code.

    Also, the table seems odd about the GPT

    Disk 4 has the same disk identifiers ... KB2983588... doesn't resolve [​IMG]

    Having said all that, all the disks have unique IDs.

    Seems (not entirely sure) that the GPT was hosed somehow. Anyway, rebuilt it using EaseUS and now all the drives have guids.

    DISKPART now shows * under each GPT

    Disk 4 has the same disk identifiers ... KB2983588... doesn't resolve [​IMG]

  6. Glad you got it sorted out! I was going to recommend to convert to GPT with MiniTool Partition Wizard.


Disk 4 has the same disk identifiers … KB2983588… doesn’t resolve

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  6. wired disk error Disk 3 has the same disk identifiers

    in Windows 10 Drivers and Hardware

    wired disk error Disk 3 has the same disk identifiers: here is the error the disk 3 is a old backup drive i had in my old system and is mounted in a hard drive docking station along with another disk, but this error i don’t no what to do about this any help greatly appreciated as i have lots of files on this hard drive, very…
  7. Disk X has the same disk identifiers as one or more disks (eventvwr)

    in Windows 10 Drivers and Hardware

    Disk X has the same disk identifiers as one or more disks (eventvwr): Disk 12 has the same disk identifiers as one or more disks connected to the system. Go to Microsoft’s support website (http://support.microsoft.com) and search for KB2983588 to resolve the issue.

    This is causing windows firewall to add rules with path’s that display as…

  8. erreur KB2983588

    in Windows 10 BSOD Crashes and Debugging

    erreur KB2983588: Le disque 1 a les mêmes identificateurs de disque qu’un ou plusieurs disques connectés au système. Accédez au site Web de support technique de Microsoft (http://support.microsoft.com) et recherchez KB2983588 pour résoudre le problème.»…
  9. Disk 5 has the same disk identifiers as one or more disks

    in Windows 10 Drivers and Hardware

    Disk 5 has the same disk identifiers as one or more disks: hey all,
    I am looking for some help with my external HDD’s

    I have 3 x 8TB Seagate Backup+ Drives and 1 2TB Seagate Backup+ plugged into my PC via separate USB ports. All drives except the 2TB have external power supplies.

    all my hdd’s shut down when I am using them and…

  10. Getting same disk identifiers

    in Windows 10 Drivers and Hardware

    Getting same disk identifiers: Disk 5 has the same disk identifiers as one or more disks connected to the system. Go to Microsoft’s support website (http://support.microsoft.com) and search for KB2983588 to resolve the issue….

Users found this page by searching for:

  1. KB2983588


  2. kb2983588 windows 10


  3. disk 2 has the same disk identifiers as on or more disks connected to the system. Go to Microsofts support website https://support.microsoft.com and search KB2983588


  4. kb2983588.,
  5. kb2983588 in windows 10,
  6. windows disk partition identifiers,
  7. DISK has the same disk identifiers as one or more disks connected to the system. ,
  8. windows 10 Disk 4 has the same disk identifiers

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