Irobot roomba 980 ошибка 15

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I got a new Roomba for my first floor and let it run for a few weeks to learn the inside of the house.

I tried to test out how good the navigation systems were by moving around stuff in the house.

I was in the middle of one of my tests when the Roomba stopped its run and told me that it had encountered an error, more specifically, Error 15.

Finding out what the error meant became my top priority right there, so I hopped online right away.

Other people online who had Roombas longer than I also had the same issue, so I checked out what they had tried to get rid of this error.

I also contacted Roomba’s tech support to see if they had any pointers to help me fix this error.

After compiling everything I found online and what the techs over at iRobot told me, I decided to make this guide to help you with Error 15 if you ever run into it.

The Error 15 on your Roomba means that your Roomba has run into issues that don’t let it communicate properly with the home base or the app. To fix the issue, try pressing the Clean button on the robot whenever it runs into this issue.

I will be talking about more ways to fix this issue later in this article, like performing a reset on the robot, reconnecting the Roomba to your Wi-Fi and more.

What does Error 15 mean on my Roomba?

Thanks to iRobot classifying all errors into error codes that let troubleshooters identify an issue, knowing what Error 15 exactly is becomes much easier.

iRobot says an Error 15 message usually means that there is an issue communicating with the Roomba.

This can either be an issue with the internal components, the Roomba’s settings or your Wi-Fi network running into issues.

Why am I getting Error 15 on my Roomba?

Since Error 15 points us towards a communication error, finding why it happened becomes an easier task.

The error can be caused by issues with the internal components of Roomba failing to communicate with the home base or your phone.

It can also happen if there are a lot of obstructions, metallic objects or thick walls between the Roomba and its home base.

You can also run into this issue if your Wi-Fi router is having trouble staying connected to the Roomba if you usually control the robot with your smartphone.

Restart the Cleaner

Some Roomba models ask you to restart the cleaning process when it runs into this error.

Restarting the cleaner will let the Roomba try to communicate with its home base again and re-establish the lost connection.

Press the CLEAN button on the Roomba to restart the cleaning process.

The robot will take a few seconds to reorient itself to know where it is and restart its cleaning routine.

If all works fine and the robot completes its cleaning cycle, you know what to do when you run into this error the next time.

Check your Wi-Fi

One of the reasons you couldn’t fix the issue by restarting the cleaner is that the Wi-Fi network you were using ran into issues when the Roomba was doing its routine.

Log in to the router’s admin tool, which you can find by typing in your browser’s address bar.

Find the default username and password to log in to the tool, which you can find either under your router or from the router’s manual.

Check if the QoS service is turned on, and turn it off.

Make sure your firewall isn’t blocking your Roomba from connecting to your Wi-Fi as well.

Reconnect the Roomba to your Wi-Fi

Since Wi-Fi issues can cause Error 15, some users reported that they could fix it by connecting it to their Wi-Fi again.

To do this, you need to first disconnect the Roomba from your Wi-Fi and then connect it back again.

To disconnect the Roomba (S, I and 900 series) from your Wi-Fi:

  1. Press and hold the HomeClean and Spot Clean buttons simultaneously.
  2. Wait for the light around the Clean button to start spinning, then release the buttons.
  3. The Roomba will restart and finish the reset by itself.

For 800 and 600 series Roombas:

  1. Press and hold the Home, Clean and Spot Clean buttons simultaneously.
  2. When the Roomba beeps, release the buttons.

After doing this soft reset, your Roomba gets off your Wi-Fi network, and you need to connect it back again.

To connect the Roomba to your Wi-Fi:

  1. Open the iRobot Home app.
  2. Turn on Bluetooth on your phone.
  3. Place the Roomba and home base in a level area where there aren’t any large obstacles.
  4. Set a name for the Roomba.
  5. The app will display the name of your Wi-Fi network to let your Roomba connect to it.
  6. Enter your Wi-Fi password when the app prompts you.
  7. With the Roomba on its home base, press and hold the Home and Spot Clean buttons until you hear a beep. Some models will show a flashing Wi-Fi signal, and some may have a flashing blue ring.
  8. Tap I pressed the buttons in the Home app and then tap Continue.

After you do this, let the Roomba learn the layout of your home and then see if you run into Error 15 again.

Reboot the Roomba

You can try rebooting the Roomba if the issue persists.

Its pretty easy to do, with you needing to input a simple button combination.

To reboot an s Series Roomba:

  1. Press and hold the Clean button for at least 20 seconds.
  2. The ring of white light around the lid of the bin will move clockwise.
  3. Wait for a few minutes for the Roomba to turn back on.
  4. The process finishes when the white light turns off.

To reboot an i Series Roomba:

  1. Press and hold the Clean button for at least 20 seconds.
  2. The ring of white light around the button will move clockwise.
  3. Wait for a few minutes for the Roomba to turn back on.
  4. The process finishes when the white light turns off.

To reboot a 700800 or 900 Series Roomba:

  1. Press and hold the Clean button for about 10 seconds.
  2. Release the button to hear an audible beep.
  3. The Roomba will then start to reboot.

After rebooting the Roomba, set it to clean the house and see if the error persists.

Reset the Roomba

If all else fails, you can hard reset the Roomba back to factory defaults.

This means that all custom settings, including scheduling, home layout maps, and Wi-Fi settings, will be wiped from the robot.

To hard reset the Roomba:

  1. Make sure you have set up the Roomba with the iRobot Home app.
  2. Go to the Settings in the iRobot Home app.
  3. Choose Factory Reset and confirm the prompt if asked.
  4. The Roomba will now begin its factory reset procedure. Give it time to finish the process.

After the process completes, you will need to do the initial setup again, connect the Roomba to Wi-Fi if you want to, and let it learn the house’s layout again.

Contact Support

If you run into any issues during the troubleshooting process or need more help to fix Error 15, please feel free to contact iRobot.

They can help you with more advanced troubleshooting steps tailored just for you.

They will also tell you with more confidence if you need to bring the Roomba in for repairs or if you need to get it replaced.

Final Thoughts

After trying a reset, make sure all the buttons work on your Roomba.

Take specific notes of the clean button and check if it is working properly.

If not, try cleaning the Roomba of dust, and clean its electrical contacts and filters.

Try charging the Roomba as well to see if it can recognize its home base correctly.

If the Roomba is having issues charging, try reinstalling or replacing its battery.

You May Also Enjoy Reading

  • Roomba Charging Error 1: How to Fix In Seconds [2021]
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  • Roomba Error Code 8: How To Troubleshoot in Seconds
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Frequently Asked Questions

What does the red light mean on Roomba?

If the light is pulsing red, it means that the Roomba doesn’t have enough charge to complete a cleaning routine.

In the case of a solid red light, the Roomba has run into an error.

To find out more, press the Clean button.

If the light is red and sweeping towards the rear in an s Series Roomba, empty the bin.

If the same happens with an m Series, the Roomba is currently filling the tank.

Should I run my Roomba every day?

The best answer to this question lies in understanding what your home environment is.

If there are only two people at home, you can run it once or twice a week, but if you have kids and a pet, it is best, you run the Roomba every day.

Will Roomba work in the dark?

Roombas use infrared and radio frequencies to see their surroundings, so they don’t need light to work.

They can work in the dark.

Can you send Roomba home from the app?

You can send the Roomba home in the middle of cleaning by using the app on your phone.

Tap Clean in the app to open the Send Home option.

Select this to begin sending the Roomba back to its home base.

Error 15 on a Roomba vacuum is sometimes common, especially with the Roomba J & I series models, and typically appears after resetting the batteries.

However, it can happen with any model at any time.

If this occurs after resetting the batteries, you don’t need to do anything. But if it occurs on every cleaning job and interferes with your ability to use the product, you need to take care of it.

In this guide, I will break down iRobot error 15 and what you have to do if this pesky error hampering your cleaning routine.

Here we go! Let’s dive into it…

What causes Error 15 on a Roomba?

Why does roomba error 15 occure?

When error 15 appears on a Roomba, it usually indicates that the Roomba has failed to navigate due to a communication breakdown with the home base or the iRobot Home app.

These internal navigational errors are usually caused by system malfunctions, generic defects, mapping errors, or if the cliff sensor is dirty or somehow damaged.

How to fix Roomba Error 15 issue?

To troubleshoot the Error 15 issue on a Roomba, the first thing you should do is a cool reboot. If the issue persists after this, go to the settings in the iRobot Home App and then remove the old map and create a new one.

Look at this data table:

Reasons for error 15 Solutions
Software Glitch Reboot your Roomba
Internal Navigational Error Factory reset your Roomba
Mapping Errors Remap your House
Outdated Firmware Update your Roomba

Step 1: Reboot Your Roomba

Reboot your Roomba

Rebooting is a very useful and powerful method to get an electronic device working again. When your vacuum encounters an error code, it advises you to restart the cleaning process as the first step of troubleshooting.

Restarting helps the vacuum remove system glitches and generic bugs that might be hindering communication between devices.

Here’s how:

  • Roomba 500 and 600 Series: For 10 seconds, press and hold the “SPOT” “CLEAN” and “DOCK” buttons.
  • Roomba 700, 800, and 900 Series: For 10 seconds, press and hold the “CLEAN” button on your robot. When you release the button, your Roomba will play the reboot tone.
  • Roomba I and s Series: For 20 seconds, press and hold the “CLEAN” button on your robot. The light ring will revolve clockwise in white when the button is released.

Now check if the error 15 messages on your vacuum still persist! If yes, proceed to the next steps.

Step 2: Restore a previous version of your “Smart Map”

Restore an old map

If rebooting doesn’t work, try restoring a previous version of the map. It’s possible that your vacuum’s most recent version encountered some issues. In that case, no matter how many reboots you do, your Roomba won’t work.

Instead, go back to the previous version of your Smart Map and restore it. Your Roomba will then be able to clean without any problems

Here’s how:

  • Open the ‘iRobot Home app’ on your smartphone.
  • Go to the “History” section.
  • Look through the “Clean Maps” reports.
  • Choose your favorite prior map.
  • In the top-right corner, select the ‘overflow menu’.
  • And finally, choose “Update Smart Maps

Bear in mind that this method is only for those users who have a Roomba with “Smart Maps” features.

Step 3. Delete the old map and remap your house

Delete the old map

If your Roomba is still displaying “Error 15” message after the restoration of the previous map, then you have to remap your house. But first, delete all the previous ones.

Deleting the old maps will reduce any potential glitches and bugs in your Roomba. It will also free up your device’s storage. As a result, your Roomba will be able to work properly without any glitches.

Here’s how to delete the previous version of the map:

  • Open the iRobot Home app on your smartphone.
  • Go to your maps.
  • Choose a map.
  • Select the icon with three horizontal dots.
  • Finally, select “Delete map.

You can also delete all the maps at once by resetting your device to its factory setting. However, keep in mind that it also deletes other vital information.

Now to remap your house. Here’s how:

  • Set your Roomba to a specified room or its home base.
  • Once again, press the “CLEAN” button.
  • Let the Roomba navigate around every room by itself.
  • Once it’s completed, rename your new map.

If you’re having trouble mapping your house with Roomba, read this whole tutorial on Roomba mapping to learn how to do it properly.

Step 4. Check and reconnect your Roomba to WiFi

Error 15 in roomba robot fix

If your Roomba is experiencing any issues with its Wi-Fi connection, simply rebooting or resetting it won’t fix the error 15 message.

To check if your Roomba is having trouble connecting to Wi-Fi, log in to your router’s admin panel by typing into your web browser (which you can find on the back of your router).

Next, check if the QoS service is enabled. If it is, disable it. Then, make sure that your firewall is not interfering with your Roomba’s ability to connect to your Wi-Fi.

Step 5. Factory Reset your Roomba

Step to fix error 15 in a roomba

If you’re still reading this, your Roomba’s internal problems must be far more complicated.

In this case, a factory reset is the final option.

However, you can reset your vacuum in two different ways. One is by pressing and holding the Roomba’s deck buttons, and the other is via Home-Apps.

Here’s how:

☞ Reset the Roomba manually

☞ Reset the Roomba via Home App

To reset the Roomba via Home App, follow bellow steps.

Now check whether the Error 15 issue has been solved now. Let me know in the comment box!


Q. Nothing worked! What should I do?

If none of the above methods work, then there is nothing left for you to do. Maybe your Roomba’s motherboard has been damaged or malfunctioned which is causing this problem.

In this case, you should contact with i-robot customer care for further assistance. They’ll provide you advance troubleshooting tips that may help resolve the problem.

Q. Is it necessary to bring my Irobot Roomba to a service center for error 15?

It is not necessarily required to bring your Roomba to a service center for error 15. Depending on the cause of the error, it may be possible to troubleshoot and fix the issue yourself.

If you are comfortable with performing basic troubleshooting and repairs on your own, you may be able to resolve the error by following the steps mentioned above.

But if you are unable to fix the error or if you are unsure of how to proceed, it may be a good idea to bring your Irobot Roomba to a service center for professional diagnosis and repair.

mizanur rahaman 1

Vacuum master from Gazipur, Bangladesh! He knows vacuums inside and out and has been fixing them for ages. When he’s not busy repairing vacuums, Mizanur writes these super helpful guides for His guides are packed with all sorts of tips and tricks to help people fix their vacuums and keep them running smoothly. More about him.

If you have a Roomba machine for your space and while you are using it, it suddenly stops working, it may be due to error 15 Roomba, so, do not panic. Instead, read this article, as it has everything to help you solve the issue.

If you just purchased a new Roomba machine and happily set it up in your home or workplace. But, after some time, you are finding some glitches in your device. You must instantly think that you are now getting the error 15 Roomba.

Once your Roomba vacuum senses an internal or navigational mistake that prevents it from effectively communicating with the home base or the app, it may display Roomba Error 15, also known as Charging Error 15. This issue is more familiar with Irobot Roomba j-series models.

In this article, we will learn the common causes that lead to the error 15 Roomba and the solutions that will help you fix this issue.

Roomba is a robotic machine that is used to vacuum clean any space. It has an internal software of iRobot that connects with a smartphone application. In the application, the user needs to set the map of the space so that the machine can navigate the place and clean it.

Error 15 could mean a battery failure or an internal issue for your particular model of Roomba. There are several reasons why Roomba error 15 can happen, and it is only sometimes dangerous. First, they let you know they ran into a problem and fixed it independently. You have a problem if error 15 arises during each clean process.

Additionally, customers must distinguish this from the charge error 15. The Roomba I and J series charging error 15 indicate a cell breakdown during charging, necessitating a new battery before the robot can resume operation.

What Are The Most Common Causes Behind Error 15 on Your Roomba?

Finding an error in machines or devices can be very frustrating. However, one must know the cause before panicking to resolve the issue. This section will discuss some of the most common causes of the error 15 Roomba.

1. Internet Issues

Your Roomba machine robot is connected to an app of iRobot that will help it to navigate your space to clean. However, if there is a disconnect in your internet, then the machine stops working because it does not find the route where it needs to go. (Fix 2)

2. Software Glitch

A lot of times, there is a glitch in the software of the machine that rigid it to catch the signals. If the glitch stops the machine from functioning correctly, it shows error 15. This is because the glitch mostly stops the device from catching the mapping signals.

3. Internal Navigational Errors

When the software or the app of the Roomba machine gets updated, it simultaneously updates the maps. A lot of time, the newly launched versions of maps have some things that need to be corrected. For this reason, the internal navigation system of the machine misses the signal and stops working.

4. Mapping Errors

When you buy a Roomba machine, you must let its robot navigate the place it needs to clean. If, after navigation, you place something on the floor, like any table or chair or anything, this confuses the robot. This will cause a clash in navigation, and the maps will eventually stop working. This will cause the error code 15 in the machine.

5. Outdated Firmware

Firmware is the internal code of the software of the machine. If this code gets outdated, the machine starts giving errors. The error 15 on your Roomba might be due to the reason that the software gets outdated. (Fix 1)

After finding out what caused the error 15 Roomba, it is time to resolve the issue. Here are all possible solutions to help you fix this issue.

1. Reboot The Roomba Software

Glitches in software programs are widespread, and one needs to reboot the system to resolve them. It is the most helpful and influential method to make your device work again. Each Roomba series have a different reboot system, which is mentioned below:

  1. For Roomba 500 and 600 series, press and hold the “SPOT”, “CLEAN” and “DOCK” buttons for 10 seconds.

Reboot the roomba software to fix the  ode error 15 roomba Issue

  1. For Roomba 700, 800, and 900, press and hold the “CLEAN” button until the reboot sounds come up.

Reboot the roomba software to fix the  ode error 15 roomba Issue

  1. For Roomba, i and s series, press and hold the “CLEAN” button until a white light rotates clockwise after 20 seconds of hold.

2. Check The Internet Connection

If the internet connection is weak, there is a high chance that the software of the Roomba machine gives the Roomba error 15. To resolve these issues, check your router to see if its indicator light is blinking.

If the indicator light of the router is not lit, turn off the router or unplug it. After about 30 seconds, turn on the router to fix the internet connection. Call customer support for your internet connection if the light does not start blinking.

3. Revert to The Previous Version of The Smart Map

Restoring the earlier version of the Roomba device’s innovative map may help prevent the problem. You may check for this solution if rebooting does not work. To restore to the prior version of the smart map.

  1. First, you need to install and launch the iRobot Home App.
  2. Then go to the “History” of the app.

Revert to the previous version of the smart map to fix the  ode error 15 roomba Issue

  1. Now, you need to examine the reports of “Clean Maps”.

Revert to the previous version of the smart map to fix the  ode error 15 roomba Issue

  1. At this point, select any earlier version of the map.
  2. Lastly, select the “Update smart maps” option to update the map.

4. Remove The Old Map And Remap of Your Place

Deleting the old map and remapping your house in the Roomba innovative maps will also help you to resolve error 15. However, you can factory reset the device to delete all the previous maps (Fix 5). But if you want to do it manually, follow the steps below:

  1. First, you need to go to the “Maps” in your “iRobot Home App”.
  2. Then, click on the “Select the map” option.
  3. Now, navigate to the three-dot menu icon.
  4. Lastly, click on the “Delete” button to delete the map.

After deleting the previous maps, follow the below-mentioned steps to remap your house.

  1. Set up your Roomba machine to the place you want to remap.
  2. Then, press the “Clean” button again to start the process.

Remove the old map and remap of your place to fix the  ode error 15 roomba Issue

  1. Now, the robot of your Roomba can navigate the room or your house.
  2. In the end, rename the map that is newly navigated.

5. Factory Reset The Roomba Device

If none of those above fixes solves error 15 of Roomba, it is high time to factory reset your device. The factory reset option will solve the more significant biggest issues of any device. Factory resetting can be done manually as well as with the help of the iRobot Home App.

  1. First, you must ensure that your Roomba device is connected to the internet.
  2. Then, in the iRobot Home App, click on the drop-down menu.
  3. After that, select the “Settings” option.

Factory reset your Roomba device to fix the error 15 roomba issue

  1. Then finally, click on the “Factory Reset” option.

6. Contact Roomba Customer Service

Consider getting in touch with customer care if something needs to be fixed. In some circumstances, they can offer more troubleshooting or assist you in determining whether your robot is experiencing mechanical problems.

Contacting customer service is as simple as dialling 1-866-747-6268. Make sure your robot is charged and you have found the serial number before making a call. You will also require your Roomba purchase receipt if you believe you need to make a warranty claim.

Other than that, you can also contact their Facebook official page.


Robots are now everywhere every day and they are now in our houses and serving as a cleaner. The Roomba machine is an iRobot that will help you completely clean your house.

However, sometimes you will face the error 15 Roomba, which occurs for many reasons. The most common reasons and their solutions are discussed in the article above.

The most common issue is mapping the robot for the space that needs to be navigated and cleaned. Make sure to set all the things as it is as the robot navigates.

Finally, let us know in the comments:

  1. What version of the home map are you using?
  2. Which series of Roomba do you have?
  3. Has this guide been helpful to you?

We hope the reasons and solutions in this guide are helpful to you! Let us know if you have any other queries or information related to this issue; we would love to hear from you!


Zeeshan is a detail-oriented software engineer and technical content writer with a Bachelor’s in Computer Software Engineering and certifications in SEO and content writing. Thus, he has a passion for creating high-quality, SEO-optimized technical content to help companies and individuals document ideas to make their lives easier with software solutions. With over 150 published articles in various niches, including computer sciences and programming languages such as C++, Java, Python, HTML, CSS, and Ruby, he has a proven track record of delivering well-researched and engaging technical content.

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Роботы-пылесосы для сухой уборки Roomba, как и вся техника, может выходить из строя, а в процессе использования возможно появление различных ошибок.

При возникновении ошибок в работе, пользователю необходимо узнать что произошло с его роботом, чтобы быстро устранить проблему. Для этого достаточно выполнить несложные действия в зависимости от типа Вашего Roomba

Roomba с управлением через приложение

Все последние модели роботов-пылесосов семейства Roomba имеют встроенный Wi-Fi-модуль и управляются через мобильное приложение, а все сообщения об ошибках озвучиваются голосовым оповещением.

Чтобы понять, какая именно ошибка у Roomba в данный момент, через приложение должен быть выбран понятный вам язык.

Roomba без модуля Wi-Fi

Если ваш Roomba не управляется через приложение, поскольку у робота отсутствует модуль беспроводной связи, например, старые модели 600-й серии, то язык голосовых сообщений необходимо установить с помощью кнопки CLEAN, размещенной на самом пылесосе. Все оповещения о проблемах Roomba озвучивает голосом, поэтому настоятельно рекомендуется выставить понятный вам язык.

Смена языка

Смена языка осуществляется следующим образом:

Вариант 1

  • Убедитесь, что Roomba находится в выключенном состоянии, т.е. у него не горит индикация.
  • Нажмите и удерживайте несколько секунд кнопку CLEAN, пока не включится световая индикация. После того, как кнопка будет отпущена, робот скажет какой язык у него установлен в настоящий момент.
  • Для смены языка кратковременно нажимайте на CLEAN до тех пор, пока роботом не будет произнесена фраза на нужном языке.
  • Зафиксируйте выбранный язык, удерживая нажатой CLEAN, пока Roomba не перейдет в режим ожидания и не погаснет индикация.

Вариант 2

  • Убедитесь, что Roomba находится в выключенном состоянии, т.е. у него не горит индикация.
  • Нажмите и удерживайте несколько секунд кнопку DOCK, пока не появится звуковой сигнал. После этого робот скажет какой язык у него установлен в настоящий момент.
  • Для смены языка кратковременно нажимайте на CLEAN до тех пор, пока роботом не будет произнесена фраза на нужном языке.
  • Зафиксируйте выбранный язык, удерживая нажатой CLEAN, пока Roomba не перейдет в режим ожидания и не погаснет индикация.

У некоторых моделей отсутствует русский язык, однако стоит учитывать, что голосовое сообщение всегда идет по схеме:

  • Слово «Ошибка»,
  • Номер ошибки,
  • Ее описание.

Определив номер ошибки на слух на английском, немецком, испанском, французском или любом другом доступном у робота языке, можно по таблице определить то, о чем оповещает Roomba.

Голосовые сообщения об ошибках

Ошибка 1. Перенесите пылесос на другое место и нажмите кнопку CLEAN, чтобы запустить устройство заново.

Ошибка возникает, если робот Roomba застрял с повисшим в воздухе колесом. Убедитесь, что колеса робота Roomba твердо стоят на полу и запустите гаджет в другом месте.

Ошибка 2. Откройте щеточный модуль Roomba и очистите щетки.

Ошибка возникает в том случае, когда основные щетки не вращаются при старте робота-пылесоса.

Ошибка 5. Прокрутите боковые колеса робота Roomba, чтобы произвести очистку.

Проблема возникает в том случае, если одно из боковых колес не вращается. Следует их оба очистить и удостовериться в том, что они свободно вращаются.

Ошибка 6. Перенесите пылесос на другое место и нажмите кнопку CLEAN, чтобы запустить устройство заново.

Такая ситуация возникает когда загрязнены датчики перепада высоты или робот находится далеко от поверхности пола. Для устранения ошибки требуется протереть датчики и/или перенести Roomba на ровную поверхность.

Чтобы услышать такую ошибку, поставьте гаджет себе на колени и включите режим уборки.

Ошибка 7. Прокрутите боковые колеса робота Roomba, чтобы произвести очистку.

Проблема возникает в том случае, если одно из боковых колес не вращается. Следует их оба очистить от мусора и волос и убедиться в том, что они свободно вращаются.

Ошибка 9. Постучите по бамперу мягкого касания гаджета, чтобы произвести очистку.

Ошибка возникает в том случае, когда большое количество мусора мешает нормальному движению бампера мягкого касания. Постучав по нему, мусор должен выпасть из бампера.

Ошибка 10. Прокрутите боковые колеса робота Roomba, чтобы выполнить очистку.

Данная ошибка характерна для тех случаев, когда гаджет постоянно передвигается по кругу, а бампер мягкого касания не фиксирует преграды. Прочистите колеса для устранения проблемы. Если поведение робота не поменялось, то это указывает на то, что Roomba запущен в очень большом помещении. В данной ситуации стоит зонировать территорию уборки посредством виртуальных ограничителей.

Ошибка без номера. Подрядите батарею робота Roomba.

Для устранения проблемы поместите робот на зарядную станцию.

Световая индикация ошибок

Световое оповещение указывает на проблемы в процессе зарядки Roomba.

1 мигание. Отсутствует соединение с батареей. Если эта ошибка у нового Roomba, то следует вытащить защитный язычок, выглядывающий из отсека аккумулятора. Одно мигание у работающего ранее робота указывает на выход батареи из строя и необходимости установки нового аккумулятора.

2 мигания. Робот должен остыть, чтобы процесс зарядки проходил в штатном режиме. Не ставьте Roomba на базу на протяжении одного часа минимум.

3 мигания. Произошел сбой, требующий перезагрузки программного обеспечения. После сброса ПО можно устанавливать гаджет на зарядку.

5 миганий. Произошел сбой, требующий перезагрузки программного обеспечения. После сброса ПО можно устанавливать гаджет на зарядку.

6 миганий. Робот должен остыть, чтобы процесс зарядки проходил в штатном режиме. Не ставьте Roomba на базу на протяжении одного часа минимум.

7 миганий. Робот должен остыть, чтобы процесс зарядки проходил в штатном режиме. Не ставьте Roomba на базу на протяжении одного часа минимум.

Roomba is an AI Robot vacuum cleaner that cleans through an advanced mapping system of your home. But, Roomba may get into minor troubleshooting errors which stop Roomba during its cleaning cycle.

When my Roomba was cleaning my room, I noticed it was giving Error 15. Upon researching, I found that Roomba Error 15 is basically an issue in the internal navigational system which was not letting my vacuum communicate with its Home Base or App.

What is Roomba Error 15

Roomba error 15 is usually due to a blockage of the iRobot app connection with Roomba which is due to nominal issues in its internal components, Network misconfiguration, or Power supply in the battery.

Causes and Fixes of Roomba Error 15


  • An internal software issue
  • Obstruction or thick wall between the Roomba and its Home Base.
  • Network error which may be due to an issue with your Wi-Fi router or low connectivity
  • Battery failure resulting in power supply gaps

Zeeshan is a detail-oriented software engineer and technical content writer with a Bachelor’s in Computer Software Engineering and certifications in SEO and content writing. Thus, he has a passion for creating high-quality, SEO-optimized technical content to help companies and individuals document ideas to make their lives easier with software solutions. With over 150 published articles in various niches, including computer sciences and programming languages such as C++, Java, Python, HTML, CSS, and Ruby, he has a proven track record of delivering well-researched and engaging technical content.

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Роботы-пылесосы для сухой уборки Roomba, как и вся техника, может выходить из строя, а в процессе использования возможно появление различных ошибок.

При возникновении ошибок в работе, пользователю необходимо узнать что произошло с его роботом, чтобы быстро устранить проблему. Для этого достаточно выполнить несложные действия в зависимости от типа Вашего Roomba

Roomba с управлением через приложение

Все последние модели роботов-пылесосов семейства Roomba имеют встроенный Wi-Fi-модуль и управляются через мобильное приложение, а все сообщения об ошибках озвучиваются голосовым оповещением.

Чтобы понять, какая именно ошибка у Roomba в данный момент, через приложение должен быть выбран понятный вам язык.

Roomba без модуля Wi-Fi

Если ваш Roomba не управляется через приложение, поскольку у робота отсутствует модуль беспроводной связи, например, старые модели 600-й серии, то язык голосовых сообщений необходимо установить с помощью кнопки CLEAN, размещенной на самом пылесосе. Все оповещения о проблемах Roomba озвучивает голосом, поэтому настоятельно рекомендуется выставить понятный вам язык.

Смена языка

Смена языка осуществляется следующим образом:

Вариант 1

  • Убедитесь, что Roomba находится в выключенном состоянии, т.е. у него не горит индикация.
  • Нажмите и удерживайте несколько секунд кнопку CLEAN, пока не включится световая индикация. После того, как кнопка будет отпущена, робот скажет какой язык у него установлен в настоящий момент.
  • Для смены языка кратковременно нажимайте на CLEAN до тех пор, пока роботом не будет произнесена фраза на нужном языке.
  • Зафиксируйте выбранный язык, удерживая нажатой CLEAN, пока Roomba не перейдет в режим ожидания и не погаснет индикация.

Вариант 2

  • Убедитесь, что Roomba находится в выключенном состоянии, т.е. у него не горит индикация.
  • Нажмите и удерживайте несколько секунд кнопку DOCK, пока не появится звуковой сигнал. После этого робот скажет какой язык у него установлен в настоящий момент.
  • Для смены языка кратковременно нажимайте на CLEAN до тех пор, пока роботом не будет произнесена фраза на нужном языке.
  • Зафиксируйте выбранный язык, удерживая нажатой CLEAN, пока Roomba не перейдет в режим ожидания и не погаснет индикация.

У некоторых моделей отсутствует русский язык, однако стоит учитывать, что голосовое сообщение всегда идет по схеме:

  • Слово «Ошибка»,
  • Номер ошибки,
  • Ее описание.

Определив номер ошибки на слух на английском, немецком, испанском, французском или любом другом доступном у робота языке, можно по таблице определить то, о чем оповещает Roomba.

Голосовые сообщения об ошибках

Ошибка 1. Перенесите пылесос на другое место и нажмите кнопку CLEAN, чтобы запустить устройство заново.

Ошибка возникает, если робот Roomba застрял с повисшим в воздухе колесом. Убедитесь, что колеса робота Roomba твердо стоят на полу и запустите гаджет в другом месте.

Ошибка 2. Откройте щеточный модуль Roomba и очистите щетки.

Ошибка возникает в том случае, когда основные щетки не вращаются при старте робота-пылесоса.

Ошибка 5. Прокрутите боковые колеса робота Roomba, чтобы произвести очистку.

Проблема возникает в том случае, если одно из боковых колес не вращается. Следует их оба очистить и удостовериться в том, что они свободно вращаются.

Ошибка 6. Перенесите пылесос на другое место и нажмите кнопку CLEAN, чтобы запустить устройство заново.

Такая ситуация возникает когда загрязнены датчики перепада высоты или робот находится далеко от поверхности пола. Для устранения ошибки требуется протереть датчики и/или перенести Roomba на ровную поверхность.

Чтобы услышать такую ошибку, поставьте гаджет себе на колени и включите режим уборки.

Ошибка 7. Прокрутите боковые колеса робота Roomba, чтобы произвести очистку.

Проблема возникает в том случае, если одно из боковых колес не вращается. Следует их оба очистить от мусора и волос и убедиться в том, что они свободно вращаются.

Ошибка 9. Постучите по бамперу мягкого касания гаджета, чтобы произвести очистку.

Ошибка возникает в том случае, когда большое количество мусора мешает нормальному движению бампера мягкого касания. Постучав по нему, мусор должен выпасть из бампера.

Ошибка 10. Прокрутите боковые колеса робота Roomba, чтобы выполнить очистку.

Данная ошибка характерна для тех случаев, когда гаджет постоянно передвигается по кругу, а бампер мягкого касания не фиксирует преграды. Прочистите колеса для устранения проблемы. Если поведение робота не поменялось, то это указывает на то, что Roomba запущен в очень большом помещении. В данной ситуации стоит зонировать территорию уборки посредством виртуальных ограничителей.

Ошибка без номера. Подрядите батарею робота Roomba.

Для устранения проблемы поместите робот на зарядную станцию.

Световая индикация ошибок

Световое оповещение указывает на проблемы в процессе зарядки Roomba.

1 мигание. Отсутствует соединение с батареей. Если эта ошибка у нового Roomba, то следует вытащить защитный язычок, выглядывающий из отсека аккумулятора. Одно мигание у работающего ранее робота указывает на выход батареи из строя и необходимости установки нового аккумулятора.

2 мигания. Робот должен остыть, чтобы процесс зарядки проходил в штатном режиме. Не ставьте Roomba на базу на протяжении одного часа минимум.

3 мигания. Произошел сбой, требующий перезагрузки программного обеспечения. После сброса ПО можно устанавливать гаджет на зарядку.

5 миганий. Произошел сбой, требующий перезагрузки программного обеспечения. После сброса ПО можно устанавливать гаджет на зарядку.

6 миганий. Робот должен остыть, чтобы процесс зарядки проходил в штатном режиме. Не ставьте Roomba на базу на протяжении одного часа минимум.

7 миганий. Робот должен остыть, чтобы процесс зарядки проходил в штатном режиме. Не ставьте Roomba на базу на протяжении одного часа минимум.

Roomba is an AI Robot vacuum cleaner that cleans through an advanced mapping system of your home. But, Roomba may get into minor troubleshooting errors which stop Roomba during its cleaning cycle.

When my Roomba was cleaning my room, I noticed it was giving Error 15. Upon researching, I found that Roomba Error 15 is basically an issue in the internal navigational system which was not letting my vacuum communicate with its Home Base or App.

What is Roomba Error 15

Roomba error 15 is usually due to a blockage of the iRobot app connection with Roomba which is due to nominal issues in its internal components, Network misconfiguration, or Power supply in the battery.

Causes and Fixes of Roomba Error 15


  • An internal software issue
  • Obstruction or thick wall between the Roomba and its Home Base.
  • Network error which may be due to an issue with your Wi-Fi router or low connectivity
  • Battery failure resulting in power supply gaps


  • Press Clean Once and try to restart it.
  • Check your Network and Wi-Fi router
  • Try to close the app forcefully and then relaunch the iRobot app.
  • Try Rebooting and Factory Reset

How To Resolve Roomba Error 15 | Must Try Fixes

Restart Your Roomba

If you face an error 15 anytime, you must first try Restarting your Roomba. It is just a refreshment for an electric robot device that resolves unknown errors multiple times.

Press Clean on your Roomba device to restart the cleaning process. Now, Roomba will retry to locate its position and reconnect with its Home Base to continue its cleaning routine. Restart also resolves Error 11 which is an issue in the motor of Roomba

Note: This simple fix is neglected by so many people who try to implement complicated solutions and also contact technicians which is not always wise. But, it removes any potential system errors.

Force close the iRobot App

You must have used this simple troubleshooting method to restart the software which works quite well. So, close the app forcefully from your mobile which will remove temporary data caches from the RAM and resolve error 15.

Note: This approach is important because Roomba is operated by the iRobot app which may face temporary glitches.

For Android:

  • Swipe up from the bottom, 
  • Hold the app and then let go. 
  • Swipe up on the iRobot app. 

For iPhone:

  • From the Home Screen, swipe up from the bottom of the screen
  • Pause in the middle of the screen. 
  • Swipe right or left to find the app that you want to close. 
  • Swipe up on the iRobot app’s preview to close the app.
Force close the iRobot App

Reboot Your Roomba

It is a very useful and powerful method to get Roomba working again. Most electronic devices work properly when they are rebooted after any issue with them. Because sometimes, there may be a software malfunction that is stopping the device to work properly.

iRobot Roomba 675 Robot Vacuum

Works with Alexa, Good for Pet Hair, Carpets

iRobot Roomba 675 Robot Vacuum

For S and I series models:

  • First of all, press Clean and hold it for about 20 seconds until the white LED starts spinning wait for a few seconds.
  • Now, let the Roomba turn on and check if it is working properly.

For 700, 800, and 900 series:

  • First of all, press Clean and hold it for about 20 seconds until you hear a beep.
  • Now, let the Roomba turn on and your device will be rebooted.
  • Clean Roomba Apartment Completely


  • Why Roomba Keeps Getting Stuck

Check Wi-Fi Connection

Usually, Roomba errors are not resolved just due to a problem in your Wi-Fi router which you can check by following the method below.

  • Type in the Search Bar.
  • Now, search Default username and password of your network under the router.
  • If QoS service is enabled, turn it off right now.
  • Make sure that Firewall is not blocking your internet connection.

Reconnect Your Roomba to Wi-Fi

Most of the time, devices working with the internet get into some glitches which are resolved only by disconnecting the device and reconnecting it again with your internet connection.

For Roomba S, I, and 900 series

  • Press and hold the Home, Clean, and Spot Clean buttons simultaneously.
  • The light around the clean button will start spinning. So, you can leave buttons.
  • The Roomba will restart itself.

For 800 and 600 series Roombas:

  • Press and hold the Home, Clean, and Spot Clean buttons simultaneously.
  • Upon Roomba’s beeping, release the buttons.
Reconnect your Roomba to wifi

Connect Your Roomba To Wi-Fi

  1. Open the iRobot app on your Phone
  2. Select your Roomba model and click ‘Get Started
Select your Roomba model and click ‘Get Started’
  1. Enter your Wi-Fi password here in the app.
Enter your Wi-Fi password
  1. Now, press these two buttons for almost two seconds.
 press two buttons
  1. You will notice that the Wi-Fi icon will be blinking which indicates that it is ready.
 Wi-Fi icon will be blinking
  1. Now, tap on ‘Connect’ to allow your phone.
  1. You can name your Roomba device and tap on ‘Continue’ to restart the process and it will resolve error 15, Hopefully!
name your Roomba device

Revert Your Smart Map to an Older Version

Maybe you have upgraded your Roomba app and with the updation of all maps and other customizations, Roomba doesn’t work well with iRobot’s new version.

  • First, revert your Smart Map to a previous version by following the steps mentioned below.
  • First, go into your History of iRobot app.
  • Now, view your Clean Map™ reports. Simply, find a map you like from a previous cleaning job.
  • Select the overflow menu in the top right corner.
  • Select “Update Smart Maps” to complete this process.
Revert Your Smart Map to an Older Version

Remap your home

  • First, try remapping your home
  • Make sure that you delete all of your Smart Maps
  • Now, start a new one which you can do so by viewing the maps you’d like to delete.
  • Tap the three (3) horizontal dots icon, and then choose “Delete map
Remap your home

Factory Reset

It means that you are about to start a brand-new cleaner that has no maps, no settings, and no customizations. It will remove all of your data saved. But, it has worked in many similar cases, So I recommend it to everyone if they have not got rid of the error after implementing the above fixes.

  • Go to the iRobot Home app.
  • Click on Settings > Factory Reset.
  • Click on Prompt to continue Factory Reset.
Factory Reset

I would recommend performing this step necessary because it had also helped in resolving a major error when Roomba Clean button is not working.

iRobot Roomba E5 Robot Vacuum

Works with Alexa, Good for Pet Hair, Carpets

iRobot Roomba E5 Robot Vacuum

Contact Support

If you have tried all the approaches mentioned above and you are unable to find the solution, this indicates that the problem is in your device by the factory. You must contact the Official Roomba Support. 

They will surely guide you to the best and resolve your problem. You can also ask them about your device warranty and they will happily exchange the necessary accessory.

Enjoy Reading Too:

  • How To Fix Roomba Error 17 | Cannot Complete Cleaning

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if my Roomba needs a new battery?

If your Roomba is not getting power or it is not charging when it is on Doc, it may need a replacement battery. Usually, 400 cleaning cycles ( 2-4 years ) are done by Roomba.

Will Roomba work in the dark?

Roomba is an AI robot vacuum that programs through infrared radiation which works well in the presence of light. If there is darkness, Roomba won’t perform well and it will not detect objects easily.

About Author


Mahnoor has graduated from AI Security Specific Program at PIASS. She has a special interest in technology especially Automated gadgets and Automated Robots. She has also studied programming and Windows security.

She is now serving as Professor at PIASS teaching a major in AI. She has got herself into content gathering and now at smarthomehut, she often writes about Alexa programming skills and how different automated related devices and how tackle their various issues.

You can find her @

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