Integration requires code grant discord ошибка

Which package is this bug report for?


Issue description

run below code with you bot token

Code sample

const { Client, Intents } = require('discord.js');

(async () => {
  const client = new Client({
    intents: [
    'Bot <Token>'
  client.once('ready', async () => {
    console.log('Bot is ready');
        scopes: ['bot', 'email', 'guilds', 'identify', 'guilds.join'],
        permissions: ['ADMINISTRATOR'],

output of the above code

  • replaced actual client id with myClientId keyword

Package version


Node.js version


Operating system


Priority this issue should have

High (immediate attention needed)

Which partials do you have configured?

Not applicable (subpackage bug)

Which gateway intents are you subscribing to?

Not applicable (subpackage bug)

I have tested this issue on a development release

No response

Bot Designer for Discord — Wiki


This page contains a number of troubleshooting that can help you to solve problems that BDFD users often encounter.


Troubleshooting for…

  1. $onJoined[]
    • The Callback Doesn’t Work
  2. Moderation And Server Management Related Commands
    • The Bot Can’t Assign Or Take Roles
    • Gives an Error When Trying To Moderate a Member
    • Gives an Error When Trying To Purge Messages
  3. $addReactions and $addCmdReactions
    • The Bot Fails To Add Reactions
  4. $time
    • The Function Returns an Error
  5. Economy Related Commands
    • Negative Balance
      • Pay Command
      • Roulette Command
    • Desynchronized Balance
      • The Balance Is Different On Different Servers
      • The Displayed Balance Is Different For Different Commands
  6. Leaderboards
    • The Leaderboard Is Empty
    • The User’s Value Isn’t Updated
  7. Bot Issues
    • The Bot Is Offline
    • The Bot Doesn’t Respond
    • The Bot Goes Offline From Time To Time
    • Desynchronization of Commands
      • Ghost Command
    • The Bot Takes A Long Time To Respond
    • The Slash Commands Doesn’t Appear
    • Integration Requires Code Grant
  8. App Issues
    • The Ad Button Doesn’t Work
    • Ghost Functions From The Changelog
    • The Translation Feature Doesn’t Work

Let’s Troubleshoot Everything!


The Callback Doesn’t Work

The Null Reason
You misspelled the callback name. Make sure you don’t make any mistakes in the callback name.
Also, remember that callbacks are case-sensitive: you can’t write $onjoined[Channel ID], you must write $onJoined[Channel ID].

The 1st Reason
You specified the wrong Channel ID.
How to get the Channel ID correctly:

For Desktop

Before starting, make sure you have Developer Mode enabled on Discord.



For Mobile

Before starting, make sure you have Developer Mode enabled on Discord.



Using a Function

Using the $channelID, $mentionedChannels or $findChannel functions, you can get the Channel ID of the desired channel.
Check out these functions:

  1. $channelID
  2. $mentionedChannels
  3. $findChannel

The 2nd Reason
Your bot doesn’t have the sendmessages and/or the embedlinks permission that allow the bot to send messages (or embed messages) in a given channel.
Best Practice Solution
Grant both of these permissions to the bot in the desired channel through the channel’s permissions settings:


The 3rd Reason
There’s a critical error in your code.
Callbacks can’t return errors that occurred during code execution.
Therefore, sometimes it’s difficult to solve errors in the callback code.
Best Practice Solution
Try debugging your command as a text command. In most cases, they’re backward compatible with the $onJoined callback, since both, by default, process the actions of the command author (when a user joins the server, this user becomes the «author» of this callback).

The 4th Reason
Members Intent isn’t enabled.
This callback requires the Members Intent to be enabled.

Read the Gateway Intents Guide for more details.

The 5th Reason
You have several commands with this callback.
You can only have one command with this callback. If you want to make a unique welcome message for multiple servers instead of just one, then check out Per-Server $onJoined.

The Bot Can’t Assign Or Take Roles

The 1st Reason
Your bot doesn’t have the manageroles permission.
Make sure that one of the roles that the bot has, has this permission enabled.


The 2nd Reason
You are trying to assign or take roles that are higher than the highest role your bot has.

Gives an Error When Trying To Moderate a Member

The 1st Reason
Your bot has lower priority than the specified user.
This means that the highest role your bot has is lower in position than the highest role the specified user has.
Or, the specified user is the owner of the server.

The 2nd Reason
Your bot doesn’t have the required permissions.
Make sure that the permission list of any role that the bot has, have these required permissions.

Gives an Error When Trying To Purge Messages

The 1st Reason
Your bot doesn’t have the managemessages permission.
Make sure that one of the roles that the bot has, has this permission enabled.


The 2nd Reason
You are trying to purge messages that have been around for more than two weeks.
BDFD uses a bulk request to purge messages, and it can’t process messages that are more than two weeks old.

$addReactions and $addCmdReactions

The Bot Fails To Add Reactions

The 1st Reason
The user has blocked the bot, so the bot can’t react to the user’s messages. This works exactly the same if the user has blocked another user.

The 2nd Reason
You’re specifying the emoji in the function argument incorrectly.

  • Default emojis.
    - $addCmdReactions[:joy:]
    + $addCmdReactions[😂]
  • Custom emojis.
    - $addCmdReactions[:pikachu:]
    - $addCmdReactions[:pikachu:]
    + $addCmdReactions[<:pikachu:951437967711420456>]

    You must use the Emoji ID form of the desired emoji.

The 3rd Reason
Case with custom emojis.
Your bot must share a server with the specified emoji in order to use it. It works like Discord Nitro.


The Function Returns an Error

The 1st Reason
Incorrect use of the function. The function doesn’t return the current time or anything like that.
The function’s role is to change the timezone for time-related functions (such as $day, $hour, and so on)

The 2nd Reason
Incorrect time zone or incorrect time zone format.
BDFD uses the official IANA time zone database for time zone information.
Please use the TZ Database name from this list in the $time function.

- $time[America]
- $time[New_York]
+ $time[America/New_York]

  • This part will have fully working and quality code examples that you can use in your bot.
  • In this part, examples and more will be based on the local economy and BDScript 2.
Variable Name Default Variable Value Our Variable Value Target’s Variable Value
Money 0 100 120

Negative Balance

The 1st Possible Solution
Adding limiters or if statements that will prevent actions in which the executor’s or target’s balance becomes negative.
This solution can be an alternative to «Prevent actions when the amount is greater than the user’s balance».

Argument Content
1st — Target Afternoon
2nd — Amount 50
3rd — Comment Happy Birthday!

View Arguments Formatting In Code.

  • Target
  • Amount
  • Comment

  • Limiters Method
    $onlyIf[$var[ourNewBalance]>0;Error Message]
  • If Statements Method
        Error Message

Pay Command

Expand Code Example (67 lines)


    $title[Payment System]
    $description[Missing Argumets! Example Command: `!pay <user> <amount> (comment)`]


    $title[Payment System]
    $description[User (1st argument) not found on the server!]

    $title[Payment System]
    $description[You cannot pay yourself!]

    $title[Payment System]
    $description[Amount (2nd argument) must be a number!]

    $title[Payment System]
    $description[Amount (2nd argument) must be an integer!]

    $title[Payment System]
    $description[Amount (2nd argument) cannot be less than 0!]

    $var[comment;Not provided.]


    $title[Payment System]
    $description[❌ Hey <@$authorID>! What are you left with if you try to make such a payment?]
    $title[Payment System]
    $description[✔ You have successfully paid <@$var[target]> $var[amount] money! **Comment**: $var[comment]]


        $sendEmbedMessage[$dmChannelID[$var[target]];;Payment System;;Good time! <@$authorID> paid you $var[amount] money and left a comment: $var[comment];7EFF88]

Expand Code Breakdown

  •   $if[$argCount[$message]<2]
          $title[Payment System]
          $description[Missing Argumets! Example Command: `!pay <user> <amount> (comment)`]

    Checks the number of arguments in the code.
    If there are less than 2 arguments, an embed error will be returned and code execution will be stopped.

  •   $var[target;$findUser[$message[1];no]]

    Argument formatting.

    •   $var[ourNewBalance;$sub[$getUserVar[Money];$var[amount]]]

      Calculates the our future balance after making a payment.

  •   $if[$var[target]==]
          $title[Payment System]
          $description[User (1st argument) not found on the server!]

    Checks if the target is present on the current server.
    If not, an embed error will be returned and code execution will be stopped.

  •   $if[$var[target]==$authorID]
          $title[Payment System]
          $description[You cannot pay yourself!]

    Checks if the command author is the target.
    If yes, an embed error will be returned and code execution will be stopped.

  •   $if[$isNumber[$var[amount]]==false]
          $title[Payment System]
          $description[Amount (2nd argument) must be a number!]

    Checks if the specified amount is a valid number.
    If not, an embed error will be returned and code execution will be stopped.

  •   $if[$checkContains[$var[amount];.]==true]
          $title[Payment System]
          $description[Amount (2nd argument) must be an integer!]

    Checks if the specified amount is an integer.
    If not, an embed error will be returned and code execution will be stopped.
    Exists in order to avoid payments with floating (decimal) numbers.

  •   $if[$var[amount]<0]
          $title[Payment System]
          $description[Amount (2nd argument) cannot be less than 0!]

    Checks if the specified amount is less than 0.
    If yes, an embed error will be returned and code execution will be stopped.

  •   $if[$var[comment]==]
          $var[comment;Not provided.]

    Checks for a comment. If there is no comment (the argument is empty), «Not provided.» will be written as comment.

  •   $if[$var[ourNewBalance]<0]
          $title[Payment System]
          $description[❌ Hey <@$authorID>! What are you left with if you try to make such a payment?]
          $title[Payment System]
          $description[✔ You have successfully paid <@$var[target]> $var[amount] money! **Comment**: $var[comment]]
              $sendEmbedMessage[$dmChannelID[$var[target]];;Payment System;;Good time! <@$authorID> paid you $var[amount] money and left a comment: $var[comment];7EFF88]

    The main part of the command, where:

    1. Checking whether our balance will be negative. If yes, an embed error will be returned.
    2. Changing our variable value (money withdrawal) and the target’s variable value (money replenishment).
    3. Sending an embed message to the target’s DMs that we have made a payment.
      The message will be sent only if the target’s DMs are enabled.

          $sendEmbedMessage[$dmChannelID[$var[target]];;Payment System;;Good time! <@$authorID> paid you $var[amount] money and left a comment: $var[comment];7EFF88]

Expand Attachments


The 2nd Possible Solution
Setting the balance to 0 if the future balance becomes negative.
This solution may be suitable for gambling-related commands, if you do not want the user’s balance to become negative in case of losses.

Argument Content
1st — Bet 60

View Arguments Formatting In Code.

  • Bet



Roulette Command

Expand Code Example (53 lines)



    $description[Bet must be a number!]

    $description[Bet must be an integer!]

    $description[The bet cannot be higher than your balance!]

    $description[The bet cannot be less than 0!]


    $description[Wow, you are lucky! You have won $var[bet]!]
        $description[What a pity! You lost and became bankrupt!]
        $description[What a pity! You have lost the $var[bet].]


Expand Code Breakdown

  •   $var[bet;$message[1]]

    Argument formatting.

  •   $if[$isNumber[$var[bet]]==false]
          $description[Bet must be a number!]

    Checks if the bet is a valid number.
    If not, an embed error will be returned and code execution will be stopped.

  •   $if[$checkContains[$var[bet];.]==true]
          $description[Bet must be an integer!]

    Checks if the bet is an integer.
    If not, an embed error will be returned and code execution will be stopped.
    Exists in order to avoid bets with floating (decimal) numbers.

  •   $if[$var[bet]>$getUserVar[Money]]
          $description[The bet cannot be higher than your balance!]

    Checks if the bet is higher than our balance.
    If yes, an embed error will be returned and code execution will be stopped.

  •   $if[$var[bet]<0]
          $description[The bet cannot be less than 0!]

    Checks if the bet is less than 0.
    If yes, an embed error will be returned and code execution will be stopped.

  •   $if[$random[1;3]==1]

    Manages roulette results. If $random[1;3] equals 1, then we win and the bet is added to the balance in the doubled amount. Otherwise, the bet will be taken away from the balance in doubled amount.
    If the future balance in case of loss will be negative, it will be set to 0.

Expand Attachments


Desynchronized Balance

The Balance Is Different On Different Servers

This is because you’re probably using $setUserVar and $getUserVar in your economy. But these functions are based as local variables. Their values are unique for each server.
If you want the same balance on all servers, you should use $setVar and $getVar (with userID arguments). These functions are based on global user variables.

The Displayed Balance Is Different For Different Commands

Most often this is because you’ve mixed up the variable functions and you’re using the wrong variable type.
For example, if you use $setUserVar and $getUserVar in the Roulette command and $getVar in the Balance command, this will show different values. The solution to this is to replace $getVar with $getUserVar in the Balance command, or vice versa, replace $setUserVar and $getUserVar with $setVar and $getVar accordingly in the Roulette command.
Note: don’t forget that global user variables require a userID argument.


The Leaderboard Is Empty

The 1st Reason
You’ve chosen the wrong leaderboard function.

  • If you’re using the $setUserVar/$getUserVar functions, you should use the $userLeaderboard function.
  • If in your’re using the $setVar/$getVar functions, you should use the $globalUserLeaderboard function.
  • If you’re using the $setServerVar/$getServerVar functions, you should use the $serverLeaderboard function.

The 2nd Reason
(In case you are using the $getLeaderboardValue function)
You specified the wrong variable type.

  • If you’re using the $setUserVar/$getUserVar functions, you should specify the user as type.
  • If in your’re using the $setVar/$getVar functions, you should specify the globalUser as type.
  • If you’re using the $setServerVar/$getServerVar functions, you should specify the server as type.

The 3rd Reason
The leaderboard haven’t generated yet.
Sometimes it takes a while to generate the leaderboard.

The User’s Value Isn’t Updated

As with the generation of the leaderboard, updating it can also take a while.
This can be mainly due to the fact that the leaderboard has a large database (i.e. the total number of users with a modified variable value other than the default).

Bot Issues

The Bot Is Offline

The 1st Reason
The node is restarting. While the node is restarting, logically, the bot can’t work.
Usually restarting doesn’t take more than 5-10 minutes.
So please wait a while and have a cup of tea or coffee while the node restarts.

The 2nd Reason
For some reason, your bot’s token is no longer valid or the BDFD app thinks so.
You can solve this problem by regenerating your bot’s token on the developer portal and then replacing the old token with the new one in the BDFD app bot’s Settings tab.

The 3rd Reason
Not a common problem, but possible. The node your bot is running on is experiencing problems.
In this case, join the support server, create a ticket using the !new command and tell the staff your bot’s ID and node number, if you know it (node number can be found out using the $botNode function when your bot is online).
The staff will inform the developers of the current problems, providing the scale of the problem (affected bots and/or nodes).
Please don’t regenerate your bot token in this case, as it leads to node change. If everyone starts changing their node because there is a problem on that node, then a healthy node can also be affected by this problem.

The Bot Doesn’t Respond

The 1st Reason
If your bot is based on text commands and you don’t have the Message Content Intent enabled.
You must enable it in your bot’s settings to use text commands.
Read the Gateway Intents Guide for more details.

The 2nd Reason
Your bot doesn’t have the necessary permissions.
In order for your bot to respond correctly to a command, it must have permissions for Send Messages, Embed Links (if your code has embed functions), and Read Messages in order for the bot to have access to the channel.

The Bot Goes Offline From Time To Time

This is due to the fact that nodes are restarted from time to time to maintain the stable operation of all the bots that also work on this node.

Desynchronization of Commands

Desynchronization of commands means, for example, that you have deleted a command but the bot still responds to it (aka. Ghost Command), or you see different code of your command in the web app and another in the mobile app.

Ghost Command

Not many people encounter this problem, but it’s still worth mentioning.
This problem is related to database synchronization (between your application data and your bot’s data in the database).
Solution Options
The 1st Solution
Restart the app.
Close the app from Recent apps and reopen it. This may result in a deleted command reappearing due to desync with the database. You can just delete that command again.

The 2nd Solution
Attempting to forcibly restart the bot.
You can do this in the settings of your bot in the app. Restarting the bot can send a retransfer of data from the application to the database, and then the deleted command will be deleted for real.

The Solution Options Didn’t Help
In this case, join the support server, create a ticket using the !new command and tell the staff your bot’s ID.
The staff will mention one of the developers to take a look at this problem with your bot.

The Bot Takes A Long Time To Respond

The 1st Reason
Your code is too long and/or complicated.
This may be the obvious reason if it is. Executing large and complex code takes more resources.
When writing code, you should think about how to make it more compact and less complex, but in a way that makes your idea come to fruition.

The 2nd Reason
Your bot was rate limited. This can happen because of excessive requests to Discord API, performed by BDFD functions (such as $addEmoji and others).
You should not stack such functions and try to perform them all at once.

The 3rd Reason
The node your bot is running on is experiencing some slight problems (such as a rate limits). If you’re sure this is the case, you can regenerate the bot’s token and replace it with a new one. This will cause your bot to change its node.

The Slash Commands Doesn’t Appear

The 1st Reason
Old version of the application. Make sure that you have a latest version of the application installed.
New versions of the application have been improved and updated, and new features have been added. In addition, errors with the validity check of the slash commands have been fixed. You will be warned if you set up your slash command incorrectly, in which case the application will not allow you to save the slash command.

The 2nd Reason
Slash commands are cached by discord, so it takes time before they appear in discord.

They’re also cached on the client side, if they were successfully cached in discord. If other users have a new slash command and you don’t, restart the discord client.
Restarting will cause existing slash commands to be cleared and new ones will cache.

The 3rd Reason
Conflict of slash commands due to other services that you’re no longer using. For example, if two slash commands of same type have the same name, but one is created using a third-party service, and the other through the BDFD, this can cause a conflict and the slash command will not appear.
You can solve this problem by Syncing slash commands with discord in the bot’s settings. This removes third-party service slash commands and leaves only those that were created in our application.


Integration Requires Code Grant

You can only get this error when trying to invite a bot to any server.
Most likely, you have accidentally or unknowingly enabled the Require OAuth2 Code Grant option in your bot’s settings in the developer portal.
This is the reason why you get this error.

This option is required only for applications with scopes such as identify, email, and others to work with the user account in Discord. But BDFD doesn’t have such support, so you should not enable this option or choose any other scopes other than bot and application.commands.

App Issues

The Ad Button Doesn’t Work

The 1st Reason
Unstable Internet connection. Make sure your Internet connection is stable and not too slow, because you have to load the ad first to watch it. This is why you see «Loading ad…».

The 2nd Reason
There’re no more ads for you. If that’s the reason, there’s nothing we can do about it, it’s the provider who provides the ads, not us. Try to see the ad later. If the case persists, go to support server, create a ticket using the !new command and inform the staff about your problem by providing a screen recording longer than 30 seconds.

The 3nd Reason
The advertising provider we use is blocked in your country or region. There is nothing we can do in this case.

Possible Solutions

  1. Clearing the application cache and restarting it.
  2. Using VPN services. This may be the best solution for the 2nd and 3rd reasons, and in some cases for the 1st reason.
  3. In a desperate case, restart the smartphone and/or reinstall the app.

    If you decide to reinstall the app, make sure that you are logged in to the app, otherwise you will lose access to your bots.

Ghost Functions From The Changelog

In this section, the easiest way to explain everything is through dialogue:

  • Random Guy: I was told by a friend that a new function, $botOwnerID, has just been added to the changelog or recently. I’m trying to use it, but it just doesn’t work. What I mean is:
  • Shiro: This is normal. Right, the function has already been added and exists, but it can’t be used at the moment. The nodes (the place where your bots work) have not yet been updated, or your exact node has not yet been updated. The update will slowly be released to each node over time. It isn’t released to all nodes at once for the purpose of testing the stability and performance of the update.
  • Shiro: Usually, all nodes are updated by the end of the month.
  • Random Guy: Allright, thank you! I will wait patiently!
  • Shiro: You’re welcome, Random Guy.

The Translation Feature Doesn’t Work

The 1st Reason
There’s no translation support for your language yet. You should wait patiently for them, or if you speak English well, you can help to translate our app yourself!
If you would like to help, go to our support server and create a ticket (using the !new command). You can then apply for the Translator role there by asking support for it.

The 2nd Reason
Your main system language is incorrect.
Our app uses the main system language for translations and it disregards any secondary languages.
So, for example, if you have English as your main system language and Russian as your second system language, the app will stay in English.

In order to have the app in Russian, you should reorder your language settings and set Russian as the main one.

That’s Where The List Of Troubleshootings Ends

If you know of other problems that users often encounter or have suggestions, feel free to let us know on the support server or by contributing!

How to Fix Code Grant Error When Inviting Personalized Bot

Modified on: Wed, 22 Mar, 2023 at 6:49 PM

The Personalized Bot (aka Custom Bbot) may give this error when you are finalizing its configuration:

Follow the steps below to resolve this issue.

Step 1:

  1. Visit and select the application. 
  2. Now, go to the Bot tab and turn off the Requires oauth2 code grant under the Authorization Flow (It is the second toggle from the top to the bottom).
  3. Discord will prompt save changes, select yes.

• As a good practice, it is important to also enable all the Privileged Gateway Intents options under the cited steps: Presence Intent, Server members intent and message content intent. 
• They are important to make your Personalized Bot work properly. 
• Remember to always save the changes.

Step 2:

  1. Press Reset Token (if you have 2FA, it will require the Discord 6 digits code from your Authenticator App).
  2. Copy the code new token and visit
  3. Now, go to the Bot Personalizer menu and paste the token to invite the Personalized Bot (it might require you to disable any Window Popup Blocker in case you don’t see the invitation window — You can find the configuration by visiting your browser settings).

If you have any questions about this, do not hesitate to join our Support Server✌️

On this page you can find a couple FAQs that might answer your question quickly!

1. How can I change my prefix?

With the implementation of slash commands, Discord is planning on making Message content a privileged intent, meaning verified bots must apply for access to be able to read the content of a message. As BotGhost is one of the largest bot hosting platforms, we must comply with Discords policies and decisions and therefor shift our development over to slash commands and interactions. Therefore we have decided to remove prefix commands definitive from BotGhost. From now on it’s only possible to use ‘/’, slash commands.

2. How to disable ‘Integration Require Code Grant’?

1. Go to the Discord Developer Portal,
2. Select your bot application and click ‘bot’ in the left menu.
3. Scroll down and disable 'REQUIRES OAUTH2 CODE GRANT'!

3. I can’t log in to my account / The dashboard keeps loading?

4. How can I use tickets with BotGhost?

We are happy to hear that you want use BotGhost for your ticket bot! We do offer a really nice ticket module which can be found


! The documentations page for the ticket module can be found



5. Where can I contact the customer service?

You can get in touch with us through the

BotGhost Support Server

if you are having issues with your bot, subscription or any other inquries / questions.

Aren’t you able to join our server or do you prefer having a chat over email? No worries, contact

[email protected]

with as much as information as possible!

Do you have any special requests or do you want more information on subjects that are unrelated to a BotGhost bot, subscription or payments? Feel free to send an email to

[email protected]


6. How to make a text or prefix command?

Text/prefix commands have been removed from BotGhost due to message intent enforcement by Discord. Only slash commands can be made using BotGhost. Prefix commands such as !, ?, etc. can no longer be made using BotGhost. You can read up more on the message intent here:

From now on you are only able to use (slash) commands!

Is your question still not answered? Head over to the

Support Server

page on this website to get all support methods we offer!

Go to discordapp


Imagine a Place… where you can belong to a school club, a gaming group, or a worldwide art community. Where just you and handful of friends can spend time together. A place that makes it easy to talk every day and hang out more often.



I made a discord bot, but when I tried bringing it to my server, it said that it needs «code grant». I looked around for solutions, and I saw that you had to disable it. I took the link where you should disable it, but couldn’t find it there.

Archived post. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast.

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