Indentationerror unexpected indent python ошибка

Python uses spacing at the start of the line to determine when code blocks start and end. Errors you can get are:

Unexpected indent. This line of code has more spaces at the start than the one before, but the one before is not the start of a subblock (e.g., the if, while, and for statements). All lines of code in a block must start with exactly the same string of whitespace. For instance:

>>> def a():
...   print "foo"
...     print "bar"
IndentationError: unexpected indent

This one is especially common when running Python interactively: make sure you don’t put any extra spaces before your commands. (Very annoying when copy-and-pasting example code!)

>>>   print "hello"
IndentationError: unexpected indent

Unindent does not match any outer indentation level. This line of code has fewer spaces at the start than the one before, but equally it does not match any other block it could be part of. Python cannot decide where it goes. For instance, in the following, is the final print supposed to be part of the if clause, or not?

>>> if user == "Joey":
...     print "Super secret powers enabled!"
...   print "Revealing super secrets"
IndendationError: unindent does not match any outer indentation level

Expected an indented block. This line of code has the same number of spaces at the start as the one before, but the last line was expected to start a block (e.g., if, while, for statements, or a function definition).

>>> def foo():
... print "Bar"
IndentationError: expected an indented block

If you want a function that doesn’t do anything, use the «no-op» command pass:

>>> def foo():
...     pass

Mixing tabs and spaces is allowed (at least on my version of Python), but Python assumes tabs are 8 characters long, which may not match your editor. Don’t mix tabs and spaces. Most editors allow automatic replacement of one with the other. If you’re in a team, or working on an open-source project, see which they prefer.

The best way to avoid these issues is to always use a consistent number of spaces when you indent a subblock, and ideally use a good IDE that solves the problem for you. This will also make your code more readable.

Вопросик, я только начал изучать питон, учусь по книжке, там говорят про отступы, но почему выдает ошибку IndentationError: unexpected indent? там не перемешаны пробелы и табы, я пробовал и 4 пробела везде проставить и табы, ошибка одна( код вообще рандомный, просто для проверки сделал)

df = (200, 300)
	print('обычный форма:')

df = (300, 400)

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Так и пишет, неожиданный отступ.

Если код так и выглядит

df = (200, 300)
  print('обычный форма:')

df = (300, 400)

То ошибка вполне логична, перед print() зачем-то стоят отступы, которых быть не должно

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Table of Contents
  1. What are the reasons for IndentationError: unexpected indent?
    1. Python and PEP 8 Guidelines 
  2. Solving IndentationError: expected an indented block
  3. Example 1 – Indenting inside a function
  4. Example 2 – Indentation inside for, while loops and if statement
  5. Conclusion

Python language emphasizes indentation rather than using curly braces like other programming languages. So indentation matters in Python, as it gives the structure of your code blocks, and if you do not follow it while coding, you will get an indentationerror: unexpected indent.

What are the reasons for IndentationError: unexpected indent?

IndentationError: unexpected indent mainly occurs if you use inconsistent indentation while coding. There are set of guidelines you need to follow while programming in Python. Let’s look at few basic guidelines w.r.t indentation.

Python and PEP 8 Guidelines 

  1. Generally, in Python, you follow the four spaces rule according to PEP 8 standards
  2. Spaces are the preferred indentation method. Tabs should be used solely to remain consistent with code that is already indented with tabs.
  3. Do not mix tabs and spaces. Python disallows the mixing of indentation.
  4. Avoid trailing whitespaces anywhere because it’s usually invisible and it causes confusion.

Solving IndentationError: expected an indented block

Now that we know what indentation is and the guidelines to be followed, Let’s look at few indentation error examples and solutions.

Example 1 – Indenting inside a function

Lines inside a function should be indented one level more than the “def functionname”. 

# Bad indentation inside a function

def getMessage():
message= "Hello World"

# Output
  File "", line 2
    message= "Hello World"
IndentationError: expected an indented block

Correct way of indentation while creating a function.

# Proper indentation inside a function

def getMessage():
    message= "Hello World"

# Output
Hello World

Example 2 – Indentation inside for, while loops and if statement

Lines inside a for, if, and while statements should be indented more than the line, it begins the statement so that Python will know when you are inside the loop and when you exit the loop.

Suppose you look at the below example inside the if statement; the lines are not indented properly. The print statement is at the same level as the if statement, and hence the IndentationError.

# Bad indentation inside if statement
def getMessage():
    foo = 7
    if foo > 5:
    print ("Hello world")

# Output
  File "", line 4
    print ("Hello world")
IndentationError: expected an indented block

To fix the issues inside the loops and statements, make sure you add four whitespaces and then write the lines of code. Also do not mix the white space and tabs these will always lead to an error.

# Proper indentation inside if statement
def getMessage():
    foo = 7
    if foo > 5:
        print ("Hello world")

# Output
Hello world


The best way to avoid these issues is to always use a consistent number of spaces when you indent a subblock and ideally use a good IDE that solves the problem for you.

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Srinivas Ramakrishna is a Solution Architect and has 14+ Years of Experience in the Software Industry. He has published many articles on Medium, Hackernoon, and solved many problems in StackOverflow. He has core expertise in various technologies such as Microsoft .NET Core, Python, Node.JS, JavaScript, Cloud (Azure), RDBMS (MSSQL), React, Powershell, etc.

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IndentationErrors serve two purposes: they help make your code more readable and ensure the Python interpreter correctly understands your code. If you add in an additional space or tab where one is not needed, you’ll encounter an “IndentationError: unexpected indent” error.

In this guide, we discuss what this error means and why it is raised. We’ll walk through an example of this error so you can figure out how you can fix it in your program.

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Srinivas Ramakrishna is a Solution Architect and has 14+ Years of Experience in the Software Industry. He has published many articles on Medium, Hackernoon, and solved many problems in StackOverflow. He has core expertise in various technologies such as Microsoft .NET Core, Python, Node.JS, JavaScript, Cloud (Azure), RDBMS (MSSQL), React, Powershell, etc.

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IndentationErrors serve two purposes: they help make your code more readable and ensure the Python interpreter correctly understands your code. If you add in an additional space or tab where one is not needed, you’ll encounter an “IndentationError: unexpected indent” error.

In this guide, we discuss what this error means and why it is raised. We’ll walk through an example of this error so you can figure out how you can fix it in your program.

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IndentationError: unexpected indent

An indent is a specific number of spaces or tabs denoting that a line of code is part of a particular code block. Consider the following program:

def hello_world():
	print("Hello, world!")

We have defined a single function: hello_world(). This function contains a print statement. To indicate to Python this line of code is part of our function, we have indented it.

You can indent code using spaces or tabs, depending on your preference. You should only indent code if that code should be part of another code block. This includes when you write code in:

  • An “if…else” statement
  • A “try…except” statement
  • A “for” loop
  • A “function” statement

Python code must be indented consistently if it appears in a special statement. Python enforces indentation strictly.

Some programming languages like JavaScript do not enforce indentation strictly because they use curly braces to denote blocks of code. Python does not have this feature, so the language depends heavily on indentation.

The cause of the “IndentationError: unexpected indent” error is indenting your code too far, or using too many tabs and spaces to indent a line of code.

The other indentation errors you may encounter are:

  • Unindent does not match any other indentation level
  • Expected an indented block

An Example Scenario

We’re going to build a program that loops through a list of purchases that a user has made and prints out all of those that are greater than $25.00 to the console.

To start, let’s define a list of purchases:

 purchases = [25.50, 29.90, 2.40, 57.60, 24.90, 1.55]

Next, we define a function to loop through our list of purchases and print the ones worth over $25 to the console:

def show_high_purchases(purchases):
	   for p in purchases:
		        if p > 25.00:
			            print("Purchase: ")

The show_high_purchases() function accepts one argument: the list of purchases through which the function will search. The function iterates through this list and uses an if statement to check if each purchase is worth more than $25.00.

If a purchase is greater than $25.00, the statement Purchase: is printed to the console. Then, the price of that purchase is printed to the console. Otherwise, nothing happens.

Before we run our code, call our function and pass our list of purchases as a parameter:


Let’s run our code and see what happens:

  File "", line 7
IndentationError: unexpected indent

Our code does not run successfully.

The Solution

As with any Python error, we should read the full error message to see what is going on. The problem appears to be on line 7, which is where we print the value of a purchase.

	if p > 25.00:
			print("Purchase: ")

We have incidentally indented the second print() statement. This causes an error because our second print() statement is not part of another block of code. It is still part of our if statement.

To solve this error, we need to make sure that we consistently indent all our print() statements:

	if p > 25.00:
			print("Purchase: ")

Both print() statements should use the same level of indentation because they are part of the same if statement. We’ve made this revision above.

Let’s try to run our code:


Our code successfully prints out all the purchases worth more than $25.00 to the console.


“IndentationError: unexpected indent” is raised when you indent a line of code too many times. To solve this error, make sure all of your code uses consistent indentation and that there are no unnecessary indents.

Now you’re ready to fix this error like a Python expert!

Fluent Programming|

Python language emphasizes indentation rather than using curly braces like other programming languages. So indentation matters in Python, as it gives the structure of your code blocks, and if you do not follow it while coding, you will get an indentationerror: unexpected indent.

What are the reasons for IndentationError: unexpected indent?

IndentationError: unexpected indent mainly occurs if you use inconsistent indentation while coding. There are set of guidelines you need to follow while programming in Python. Let’s look at few basic guidelines w.r.t indentation.

*Python and PEP 8 Guidelines *

  1. Generally, in Python, you follow the four spaces rule according to PEP 8 standards.
  2. Spaces are the preferred indentation method. Tabs should be used solely to remain consistent with code that is already indented with tabs.
  3. Do not mix tabs and spaces. Python disallows the mixing of indentation.
  4. Avoid trailing whitespaces anywhere because it’s usually invisible and it causes confusion.

Solving IndentationError: expected an indented block

Now that we know what indentation is and the guidelines to be followed, Let’s look at few indentation error examples and solutions.

Example 1 – Indenting inside a function

Lines inside a function should be indented one level more than the “def functionname”.

# Bad indentation inside a function

def getMessage():
message= "Hello World"


# Output
  File "", line 2
    message= "Hello World"
IndentationError: expected an indented block

# Proper indentation inside a function

def getMessage():
    message= "Hello World"


# Output
Hello World

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Example 2 – Indentation inside for, while loops and if statement

Lines inside a for, if, and while statements should be indented more than the line, it begins the statement so that Python will know when you are inside the loop and when you exit the loop.

Suppose you look at the below example inside the if statement; the lines are not indented properly. The print statement is at the same level as the if statement, and hence the IndentationError.

# Bad indentation inside if statement
def getMessage():
    foo = 7
    if foo > 5:
    print ("Hello world")


# Output
  File "", line 4
    print ("Hello world")
IndentationError: expected an indented block

Enter fullscreen mode

Exit fullscreen mode

To fix the issues inside the loops and statements, make sure you add four whitespaces and then write the lines of code. Also do not mix the white space and tabs these will always lead to an error.

# Proper indentation inside if statement
def getMessage():
    foo = 7
    if foo > 5:
        print ("Hello world")


# Output
Hello world

Enter fullscreen mode

Exit fullscreen mode


The best way to avoid these issues is to always use a consistent number of spaces when you indent a subblock and ideally use a good IDE that solves the problem for you.

The post IndentationError: unexpected indent appeared first on Fluent Programming.

In this post , we will see How to Fix Various Indentation Errors in Python.

Spacing is important in Python since the coding is dependent of the place or line where a code block starts or ends. Hence Indentation is crucial in Python coding.

P.S. – Once you read this post , go through our earlier post for extra tips –How To Fix – Indentation Problem in Python ? 

if( aicp_can_see_ads() ) {


Let us see the various types of Indentation Errors in Python –

1. IndentationError: unexpected indent –

Consider the example below –

>>>    print "hello world"
IndentationError: unexpected indent

The reason for this is the “EXTRA SPACE” before the command “print”

Fix –

if( aicp_can_see_ads() ) {


  • Check if  spaces mixed in with your tabs. Try doing a search & replace to replace all tabs with a few spaces.
  • Remove Extra Spaces
    Better to use Spaces than Tabs.
  • For Sublime Text users –  Set Sublime Text to use tabs for indentation: View –> Indentation –> Convert Indentation to Tabs . Uncheck the Indent Using Spaces option as well in the same sub-menu above.
  • For  Notepad++ , Change Tab Settings to 4 spaces
    Go to Settings -> Preferences -> Tab Settings -> Replace by spaces

2. IndendationError: Unindent does not match any outer indentation level –

This happens when Python cannot decide whether a specific statement belongs to a specific Code-Block or Not (due to Indentation – might be copy-paste code).

For instance, in the following, is the final print supposed to be part of the if clause, or not?

Example Below –

if( aicp_can_see_ads() ) {


>>> if acc_name == "NYC":
...   print "New York Region !"
... print "Where do I belong ?"
IndendationError: unindent does not match any outer indentation level


  • Check if  spaces mixed in with your tabs. Try doing a search & replace to replace all tabs with a few spaces.
  • Remove Extra Spaces
  • Better to use Spaces than Tabs.
  • For Sublime Text users –  Set Sublime Text to use tabs for indentation: View –> Indentation –> Convert Indentation to Tabs . Uncheck the Indent Using Spaces option as well in the same sub-menu above.
  • For  Notepad++ , Change Tab Settings to 4 spaces
    Go to Settings -> Preferences -> Tab Settings -> Replace by spaces

3. IndentationError: expected an indented block –

Normally occurs when a code block (if/while/for statement , function block etc.) , does not have spaces.  See example below –

if( aicp_can_see_ads() ) {


This line of code has the same number of spaces at the start as the one before, but the last line was expected to start a block (e.g. if/while/for statement, function definition).

>>> def foo():
... print "hello world"
IndentationError: expected an indented block


if( aicp_can_see_ads() ) {


  • Check if  spaces mixed in with your tabs. Try doing a search & replace to replace all tabs with a few spaces.
  • Remove Extra Spaces
    Better to use Spaces than Tabs.
  • For Sublime Text users –  Set Sublime Text to use tabs for indentation: View –> Indentation –> Convert Indentation to Tabs . Uncheck the Indent Using Spaces option as well in the same sub-menu above.
  • For  Notepad++ , Change Tab Settings to 4 spaces
    Go to Settings -> Preferences -> Tab Settings -> Replace by spaces

Hope this helps .

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if( aicp_can_see_ads() ) {


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Отступы в Python используются для создания группы операторов. Многие популярные языки, такие как C и Java, используют фигурные скобки ({}) для определения блока кода, Python использует отступы.

При написании кода на Python мы должны определить группу операторов для функций и циклов. Это делается путем правильного отступа операторов для этого блока.

Начальные пробелы (пробел и табуляция) в начале строки используются для определения уровня отступа строки. Вы должны увеличить уровень отступа, чтобы сгруппировать операторы для этого блока кода. Аналогичным образом уменьшите отступ, чтобы закрыть группировку.

Обычно четыре пробела или один символ табуляции используются для создания или увеличения уровня отступа кода. Давайте посмотрим на пример, чтобы понять отступы кода и группировку операторов.

def foo():

    if True:


Отступ Python

Правила отступов

  • Мы не можем разделить отступ на несколько строк с помощью обратной косой черты.
  • Первая строка кода Python не может иметь отступа, она вызовет IndentationError .
  • Вам следует избегать смешивания табуляции и пробелов для создания отступов. Это потому, что текстовые редакторы в системах, отличных от Unix, ведут себя по-разному, и их смешивание может привести к неправильному отступу.
  • Для отступа предпочтительнее использовать пробелы, чем символ табуляции.
  • Лучше всего использовать 4 пробела для первого отступа, а затем продолжать добавлять 4 дополнительных пробела для увеличения отступа.


  • В большинстве языков программирования отступы используются для правильной структуры кода. В Python он используется для группировки, автоматически делая код красивым.
  • Правила отступов Python очень просты. Большинство IDE Python автоматически создают отступ для кода, поэтому очень легко написать код с правильным отступом.


  • Поскольку для отступов используются пробелы, если код большой, а отступы повреждены, исправлять его очень утомительно. В основном это происходит при копировании кода из онлайн-источников, документа Word или файлов PDF.
  • Большинство популярных языков программирования используют фигурные скобки для отступов, поэтому любому, кто приходит с другой стороны мира разработки, сначала трудно приспособиться к идее использования пробелов для отступов.

Примеры IndentationError

Давайте посмотрим на несколько примеров ошибки IndentationError в коде Python.

>>>     x = 10
  File "<stdin>", line 1
    x = 10
IndentationError: unexpected indent

У нас не может быть отступа в первой строке кода. Вот почему возникает ошибка IndentationError.

if True:


Строки кода внутри блока if имеют другой уровень отступа, отсюда и ошибка IndentationError.

if True:



Здесь последний оператор печати имеет некоторый отступ, но нет оператора для его прикрепления, поэтому возникает ошибка отступа.

if True:


File "/Users/pankaj/Documents/PycharmProjects/PythonTutorialPro/hello-world/", line 2
IndentationError: expected an indented block


Отступы делают наш код красивым. Он также служит для группировки операторов в блок кода. Это приводит к привычке писать красивый код все время.

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  • 👉 Метод Numpy log1p() в Python и примеры
  • 👉 Функция np.fliplr() в Python: как перевернуть массив
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If you’re like me, you try things first in your code and fix the bugs as they come. One frequent bug in Python is the IndentationError: unexpected indent. So, what does this error message mean?

The error IndentationError: unexpected indent arises if you use inconsistent indentation of tabs or whitespaces for indented code blocks such as the if block and the for loop. For example, Python will throw an indentation error, if you use a for loop with three whitespace characters indentation for the first line, and one tab character indentation of the second line of the loop body. To fix the error, use the same number of empty whitespaces for all indented code blocks.

Python IndentationError: unexpected indent (How to Fix This Stupid Bug)

Python Indentation Error Message Screenshot

Let’s have a look at an example where this error arises:

for i in range(10):

The first line in the loop body uses two whitespaces as indentation level. The second line in the loop body uses three whitespace characters as indentation level. Thus, the indentation blocks are different for different lines of the same block. However, Python expects that all indented lines have structurally the same indentation.

How to Fix Python’s Indentation Error?

To fix the error, simply use the same number of whitespaces for each line of code:

for i in range(10):

The general recommendation is to use four single whitespace characters ' ' for each indentation level. If you have nested indentation levels, this means that the second indentation level has 4+4=8 single whitespace characters:

for i in range(10):
    for j in range(10):
        print(i, j)

Mixing Tabs and Whitespace Characters Often Causes The Error

A common problem is also that the indentation seems to be consistent—while it really isn’t. The following code has one tab character in the first line and four empty whitespaces in the second line of the indented code block. They look the same but Python still throws the indentation error.

Python Indentation Error How to Fix

On first sight the indentation looks the same. However, if you go over the whitespaces before print(i), you see that it consists only of a single tabular character while the whitespaces before the print(j) statement consists of a number of empty spaces ' '.

Try It Yourself: Before I tell you what to do about it, try to fix the code yourself in our interactive Python shell:

Exercise: Fix the code in the interactive code shell to get rid of the error message.

Do you want to develop the skills of a well-rounded Python professional—while getting paid in the process? Become a Python freelancer and order your book Leaving the Rat Race with Python on Amazon (Kindle/Print)!

Leaving the Rat Race with Python Book

How to Fix The Indentation Error for All Times?

The source of the error is often the misuse of tabs and whitespace characters. In many code editors, you can set the tab character to a fixed number of whitespace characters. This way, you essentially never use the tabular character itself. For example, if you have the sublime text editor, the following quick tutorial will ensure that you never run in this error ever again:

  • Set Sublime Text to use tabs for indentation: View –> Indentation –> Convert Indentation to Tabs
  • Uncheck option Indent Using Spaces in the same sub-menu above.

Programmer Humor

It’s hard to train deep learning algorithms when most of the positive feedback they get is sarcastic. — from xkcd

Where to Go From Here?

Enough theory. Let’s get some practice!

Coders get paid six figures and more because they can solve problems more effectively using machine intelligence and automation.

To become more successful in coding, solve more real problems for real people. That’s how you polish the skills you really need in practice. After all, what’s the use of learning theory that nobody ever needs?

You build high-value coding skills by working on practical coding projects!

Do you want to stop learning with toy projects and focus on practical code projects that earn you money and solve real problems for people?

🚀 If your answer is YES!, consider becoming a Python freelance developer! It’s the best way of approaching the task of improving your Python skills—even if you are a complete beginner.

If you just want to learn about the freelancing opportunity, feel free to watch my free webinar “How to Build Your High-Income Skill Python” and learn how I grew my coding business online and how you can, too—from the comfort of your own home.

Join the free webinar now!

While working as a researcher in distributed systems, Dr. Christian Mayer found his love for teaching computer science students.

To help students reach higher levels of Python success, he founded the programming education website that has taught exponential skills to millions of coders worldwide. He’s the author of the best-selling programming books Python One-Liners (NoStarch 2020), The Art of Clean Code (NoStarch 2022), and The Book of Dash (NoStarch 2022). Chris also coauthored the Coffee Break Python series of self-published books. He’s a computer science enthusiast, freelancer, and owner of one of the top 10 largest Python blogs worldwide.

His passions are writing, reading, and coding. But his greatest passion is to serve aspiring coders through Finxter and help them to boost their skills. You can join his free email academy here.

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