Ibm x3550 m3 коды ошибок

Clearing the error logs

To clear the error logs, complete the following steps.

Note: The POST error log is automatically cleared each time the server is


1. Turn on the server.

2. When the prompt <F1> Setup is displayed, press F1. If you have set both a

3. Use one of the following procedures:

The following table describes the POST error codes and suggested actions to

correct the detected problems. These errors can appear as severe, warning, or


Table 5. Methods for viewing event logs (continued)


The server is not hung and the integrated

management module (IMM) is connected to

a network.

The server is hung.

power-on password and an administrator password, you must type the

administrator password to view the error logs.

v To clear the IMM system-event log, select System Event Logs —> System

Event Log. Select Clear System Event Log; then, press Enter twice.


In a Web browser, type the IP address for

the IMM and go to the Event Log page. For

more information, see «Obtaining the IP

address for the IMM» on page 267 and

«Logging on to the Web interface» on page


Restart the server and press F2 to start DSA

Preboot and view the diagnostic event log

(see «Running the diagnostic programs» on

page 116 for more information).

Alternatively, you can restart the server and

press F1 to start the Setup utility and view

the POST event log or system-event log. For

more information, see «Viewing event logs

from the Setup utility» on page 25.

Chapter 3. Diagnostics


IBMОписание тревоги индикатора сервера

1. Панель диагностики светового тракта

Кнопка напоминания:Эта кнопка устанавливает индикатор системной ошибки на передней панели как режим напоминания. В режиме напоминания загорается индикатор системной ошибки.Мигает раз в секунду,Пока проблема не будет исправлена, система перезапустится или возникнет новая проблема. Установив индикатор системной ошибки в режим напоминания, вы можете подтвердить, что знаете о предыдущем сбое, но не принимаете немедленных мер для устранения проблемы. Функция напоминания контролируетсяIMM контроль.

NMI Кнопка:Нажмите эту кнопку, чтобы микропроцессор сгенерировал немаскируемое прерывание. Это позволяет сделать синий экран сервера и выполнить дамп памяти (только еслиIBM Эту кнопку можно использовать только по указанию обслуживающего персонала).

Экран кода контрольной точки:На этом экране отображается код контрольной точки, указывающий, что система остановится в этой точке во время блока загрузки и POST.

Код контрольной точки — это значение байта или слово, сгенерированное UEFI. На этом экране не отображаются коды ошибок или рекомендуемые компоненты для замены.

кнопка сброса:Нажмите эту кнопку, чтобы перезагрузить сервер и запустить самотестирование при включении (POST). Для нажатия кнопки может потребоваться кончик ручки или конец выпрямленной канцелярской скрепки. Кнопка сброса расположена в правом нижнем углу панели диагностики светового тракта.

over spec Индикатор:Когда этот световой индикатор горит, это означает, что потребность в мощности превышает указанный источник питания.

log Индикатор:Когда этот индикатор горит, это означает, что в журнале событий есть ошибка, и вам следует проверить журнал событий.

linkИндикатор: Когда этот индикатор горит, сетевая карта неисправна.
psИндикатор:Когда этот световой индикатор горит, это указывает на отказ источника питания.
pci Индикатор:Если этот индикатор горит, это означает, что на шине PCI возникла ошибка.
sp Индикатор:Когда этот индикатор горит, это указывает на то, что потоковый процессор обнаружил ошибку (роль sp заключается в обработке данных, переданных ЦП, и преобразовании их в цифровой сигнал, который может быть распознан дисплеем после обработки)

fan: Когда этот индикатор горит, это означает, что охлаждающий вентилятор или вентилятор блока питания вышел из строя или работает слишком медленно. Отказ вентилятора также может вызватьtemp Световой индикатор горит.

temp Индикатор: Когда этот индикатор горит, это означает, что температура системы слишком высока.

mem Индикатор: Когда этот индикатор горит, это означает, что произошла ошибка памяти.
nmi Индикатор:Когда этот индикатор горит, это означает, что произошло немаскируемое прерывание (nmi)。
cnfgИндикатор: Когда этот индикатор горит, это означаетBIOSОшибка конфигурации.
cpu Индикатор:Когда этот индикатор горит, это означает, что микропроцессор вышел из строя.
vrm Индикатор:Когда этот индикатор горит, это означает, чтоvrm произошла ошибка.
dasd Индикатор:Когда этот индикатор горит, это означает, что произошел сбой жесткого диска с возможностью горячей замены.
raid Индикатор:Когда этот индикатор горит, это означает, что карта массива неисправна.
brd Индикатор:Когда этот индикатор горит, это означает, что подключенныйi/o Блок расширения неисправен.

2. Информационная панель оператора

Крышка кнопки управления питанием:Сдвиньте крышку на кнопку управления питанием, чтобы предотвратить случайное выключение сервера.

Кнопка управления питанием:Нажмите эту кнопку, чтобы вручную включить и выключить сервер.

Источник питанияИндикатор:Если индикатор горит и не мигает, это означает, что сервер включен; если индикатор мигает, это означает, что сервер выключен и все еще подключен к источнику переменного тока; если индикатор не горит, это означает, что нет питания переменного тока или источника питания, или сам индикатор неисправен . Заметка:Если этот индикатор не горит, это не означает, что на сервере нет питания. Световой индикатор может перегореть. Чтобы полностью отключить питание сервера, необходимо вынуть шнур питания из розетки.

Индикатор значка Ethernet:Этот индикатор загорается значком Ethernet.

Индикатор активности Ethernet:Если эти индикаторы мигают, это означает, что между сервером и сетью существует активность на указанном ими порте.

Индикатор локатора:Используйте этот индикатор, чтобы найти целевой сервер среди множества серверов невооруженным глазом. можно использоватьIBM Director Световой индикатор можно включить дистанционно или вручную, нажав кнопку локатора. Этот индикатор также загорится при запуске. Если в многоузловой конфигурации этот индикатор мигает, это означает, что соответствующий ему сервер является главным узлом. Если индикатор продолжает гореть, это означает, что соответствующий ему сервер является вторичным узлом.

Кнопка локатора:Нажмите эту кнопку, чтобы вручную включить или выключить индикатор локатора. В многоузловой конфигурации нажмите эту кнопку, чтобы включить или выключить индикаторы локатора всех узлов в конфигурации.

Информационный индикатор:Если этот индикатор горит, это означает, что какой-то аспект сервера находится не в оптимальном состоянии, и при диагностике светового пути загорится еще один индикатор, помогающий определить проблему. Только после того, как проблема будет решена или будет нажата кнопка напоминания, световой индикатор и световой индикатор на диагностической панели светового тракта погаснут.

Индикатор системной ошибки:Если этот индикатор горит, это означает, что произошла системная ошибка. Индикатор на диагностической панели светового тракта также загорится, чтобы помочь найти эту ошибку.

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IBM System x3550 M3 Type 4254 Problem Determination And Service Manual

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IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944

Problem Determination and Service Guide


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Summary of Contents for IBM System x3550 M3 Type 4254

  • Page 1
    IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944 Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 3
    IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944 Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 4
    Note: Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in Appendix B, “Notices,” on page 283, the IBM Safety Information and Environmental Notices and User Guide documents on the IBM Documentation CD, and the Warranty Information document.
  • Page 5: Table Of Contents

    Software problems ….. . 100 Universal Serial Bus (USB) port problems … . . 101 © Copyright IBM Corp. 2010…

  • Page 6
    Installing an optional ServeRAID adapter advanced feature key ..207 Removing a USB embedded hypervisor flash device ..208 IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 7
    Using the LSI Configuration Utility program … . . 269 IBM Advanced Settings Utility program….271…
  • Page 8
    Hardware service and support ….282 IBM Taiwan product service ….282 Appendix B.
  • Page 9: Safety

    Les sikkerhetsinformasjonen (Safety Information) før du installerer dette produktet. Antes de instalar este produto, leia as Informações sobre Segurança. Antes de instalar este producto, lea la información de seguridad. Läs säkerhetsinformationen innan du installerar den här produkten. © Copyright IBM Corp. 2010…

  • Page 10: Guidelines For Trained Service Technicians

    Use the information in this section to help you identify potential unsafe conditions in an IBM product that you are working on. Each IBM product, as it was designed and manufactured, has required safety items to protect users and service technicians from injury.

  • Page 11
    v Do not touch the reflective surface of a dental mirror to a live electrical circuit. The surface is conductive and can cause personal injury or equipment damage if it touches a live electrical circuit. v Some rubber floor mats contain small conductive fibers to decrease electrostatic discharge.
  • Page 12: Safety Statements

    Read any additional safety information that comes with the server or optional device before you install the device. Attention: Use No. 26 AWG or larger UL-listed or CSA certified telecommunication line cord. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 13
    Statement 1: DANGER Electrical current from power, telephone, and communication cables is hazardous. To avoid a shock hazard: v Do not connect or disconnect any cables or perform installation, maintenance, or reconfiguration of this product during an electrical storm. v Connect all power cords to a properly wired and grounded electrical outlet.
  • Page 14
    Statement 2: CAUTION: When replacing the lithium battery, use only IBM Part Number 33F8354 or an equivalent type battery recommended by the manufacturer. If your system has a module containing a lithium battery, replace it only with the same module type made by the same manufacturer.
  • Page 15
    Statement 3: CAUTION: When laser products (such as CD-ROMs, DVD drives, fiber optic devices, or transmitters) are installed, note the following: v Do not remove the covers. Removing the covers of the laser product could result in exposure to hazardous laser radiation. There are no serviceable parts inside the device.
  • Page 16
    To remove all electrical current from the device, ensure that all power cords are disconnected from the power source. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 17
    Statement 8: CAUTION: Never remove the cover on a power supply or any part that has the following label attached. Hazardous voltage, current, and energy levels are present inside any component that has this label attached. There are no serviceable parts inside these components.
  • Page 18
    IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 19: Chapter 1. Start Here

    You can solve many problems without outside assistance by following the troubleshooting procedures in this Problem Determination and Service Guide and on the IBM Web site. This document describes the diagnostic tests that you can perform, troubleshooting procedures, and explanations of error messages and error codes.

  • Page 20
    You might be able to solve the problem by turning off the server, reconnecting cables, reseating adapters, and turning the server back on. For information about performing the checkout IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 21
    Problem determination information is available for many devices such as RAID and network adapters. For problems with operating systems or IBM software or devices, complete the following steps. Note: Changes are made periodically to the IBM Web site. The actual procedure might vary slightly from what is described in this document.
  • Page 22: Undocumented Problems

    If you have completed the diagnostic procedure and the problem remains, the problem might not have been previously identified by IBM. After you have verified that all code is at the latest level, all hardware and software configurations are valid, and no light path diagnostics LEDs or log entries indicate a hardware component failure, contact IBM or an approved warranty service provider for assistance.

  • Page 23: Chapter 2. Introduction

    163. v Tier 1 customer replaceable unit (CRU): Replacement of Tier 1 CRUs is your responsibility. If IBM installs a Tier 1 CRU at your request, you will be charged for the installation. v Tier 2 customer replaceable unit: You may install a Tier 2 CRU yourself or request IBM to install it, at no additional charge, under the type of warranty service that is designated for your server.

  • Page 24: Notices And Statements In This Document

    Environmental Notices and User Guide This document is in PDF format on the IBM System x Documentation CD. It contains translated environmental notices. Depending on the server model, additional documentation might be included on the IBM System x Documentation CD.

  • Page 25: Features And Specifications

    (PCI Express Gen2 x16 or (10000 ft) v For a list of supported microprocessors, PCI-X 1.0a 64-bit/133 MHz). – Shipment: -40°C to 60°C see (-40°F to 140°F); maximum altitude: Video controller (integrated into IMM): serverproven/compat/us/. 3048 m (10000 ft)

  • Page 26
    Weight: approximately 15.9 kg (35.1 lb) when fully configured Acoustical noise emissions: v Sound power, idling: 6.1 bels maximum v Sound power, operating: 6.1 bels maximum IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 27: Server Controls, Leds, And Power

    When this LED is lit, it indicates that the drive has failed. If an optional IBM ServeRAID controller is installed in the server, when this LED is flashing slowly (one flash per second), it indicates that the drive is being rebuilt.

  • Page 28: Operator Information Panel

    This LED is also used as a presence detection button. You can use IBM Systems Director to light this LED remotely. This LED is controlled by the IMM. When you press the System-locator button, the LED will blink and it will continue to blink until you press it again to turn it off.

  • Page 29: Light Path Diagnostics Panel

    Notes: 1. For a SAS drive, a hard disk drive activity LED is shown in two places: on the hard disk drive and on the operator information panel. 2. For a SATA drive, hard disk drive activity is indicated only by the hard disk drive activity LED on the operator information panel.

  • Page 30: Rear View

    Serial over LAN (SOL). v USB connectors: Connect a USB device, such as a USB mouse or keyboard to any of these connectors. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 31
    v Systems-management Ethernet connector: Use this connector to connect the server to a network for full systems-management information control. v Ethernet connectors: Use either of these connectors to connect the server to a network. When you use the Ethernet 1 connector, the network can be shared with the IMM through a single network cable.
  • Page 32: Server Power Features

    Note: When 4 GB or more of memory (physical or logical) is installed, some memory is reserved for various system resources and is unavailable to the IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 33: Turning Off The Server

    operating system. The amount of memory that is reserved for system resources depends on the operating system, the configuration of the server, and the configured PCI options. Turning off the server When you turn off the server and leave it connected to power, the server can respond to requests from the service processor, such as a remote request to turn on the server.

  • Page 34: Internal Leds, Connectors, And Jumpers

    The illustrations in this section show the connectors, LEDs, and jumpers on the internal boards. The illustrations might differ slightly from your hardware. System-board internal connectors The following illustration shows the internal connectors on the system board. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 35: System-Board External Connectors

    System-board external connectors The following illustration shows the external connectors on the system board: Chapter 2. Introduction…

  • Page 36: System-Board Switches And Jumpers

    Pins 1 and 2: Normal (default) Loads the primary IMM firmware ROM page. v Pins 2 and 3: Loads the secondary (backup) IMM firmware ROM page. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 37
    Table 2. System board jumpers (continued) Jumper number Jumper name Jumper setting Notes: 1. If no jumper is present, the server responds as if the pins are set to 1 and 2. 2. Changing the position of the UEFI boot recovery jumper from pins 1 and 2 to pins 2 and 3 before the server is turned on alters which flash ROM page is loaded.
  • Page 38
    169, and “Turning off the server” on page 15. 2. Any system-board switch or jumper blocks that are not shown in the illustrations in this document are reserved. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 39: System-Board Leds

    System-board LEDs The following illustration shows the light-emitting diodes (LEDs) on the system board. Chapter 2. Introduction…

  • Page 40: System-Board Optional Device Connectors

    System-board optional device connectors The following illustration shows the connectors for user-installable options: IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 41: Chapter 3. Diagnostics

    — PCI slot information The diagnostic programs create a merged log that includes events from all collected logs. The information is collected into a file that you can send to IBM service and support. Additionally, you can view the server information locally through a generated text report file.

  • Page 42: Post

    POST to run. If POST detects a problem an error message is displayed. See “POST error codes” on page 27 for more information. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 43: Error Logs

    Error logs Error codes and messages are displayed in the following types of event logs. Some of the error codes and messages in the logs are abbreviated. When you are troubleshooting PCI-X slots, note that the event logs report the PCI-X buses numerically.

  • Page 44
    &brandind=5000008 or complete the following steps. Note: Changes are made periodically to the IBM Web site. The actual procedure might vary slightly from what is described in this document. 1. Go to 2. Under Product support, click System x.
  • Page 45: Post Error Codes

    Table 5. Methods for viewing event logs (continued) Condition Action The server is not hung and the integrated In a Web browser, type the IP address for management module (IMM) is connected to the IMM and go to the Event Log page. For a network.

  • Page 46
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 47
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 48
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 49
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 50
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 51
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 52
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 53
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 54
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 55
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 56: System Event Log

    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.

  • Page 57
    Table 6. IMM error messages v Follow the suggested actions in the order in which they are listed in the Action column until the problem is solved. v See Chapter 4, “Parts listing, System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944,” on page 159 to determine which components are customer replaceable units (CRU) and which components are field replaceable units (FRU).
  • Page 58
    (n = fan number) The connector System board has Error An interconnect Reseat the front video encountered a configuration error. configuration error has cable on the system occurred. board. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 59
    Table 6. IMM error messages (continued) v Follow the suggested actions in the order in which they are listed in the Action column until the problem is solved. v See Chapter 4, “Parts listing, System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944,” on page 159 to determine which components are customer replaceable units (CRU) and which components are field replaceable units (FRU).
  • Page 60
    2. Make sure that the heat sink for microprocessor nis installed correctly. 3. (Trained service technician only) Replace microprocessor n. (n = microprocessor number) IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 61
    Table 6. IMM error messages (continued) v Follow the suggested actions in the order in which they are listed in the Action column until the problem is solved. v See Chapter 4, “Parts listing, System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944,” on page 159 to determine which components are customer replaceable units (CRU) and which components are field replaceable units (FRU).
  • Page 62
    2. Update the server firmware to the latest level (see “Updating the firmware” on page 255). 3. (Trained service technician only) Replace the incompatible microprocessor. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 63
    Table 6. IMM error messages (continued) v Follow the suggested actions in the order in which they are listed in the Action column until the problem is solved. v See Chapter 4, “Parts listing, System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944,” on page 159 to determine which components are customer replaceable units (CRU) and which components are field replaceable units (FRU).
  • Page 64
    2. Make sure that the heat sink for microprocessor n is installed correctly. 3. (Trained service technician only) Replace microprocessor n. (n = microprocessor number) IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 65
    Table 6. IMM error messages (continued) v Follow the suggested actions in the order in which they are listed in the Action column until the problem is solved. v See Chapter 4, “Parts listing, System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944,” on page 159 to determine which components are customer replaceable units (CRU) and which components are field replaceable units (FRU).
  • Page 66
    3. Make sure that the heat sink for microprocessor nis installed correctly. 4. (Trained service technician only) Replace microprocessor n. (n = microprocessor number) IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 67
    Table 6. IMM error messages (continued) v Follow the suggested actions in the order in which they are listed in the Action column until the problem is solved. v See Chapter 4, “Parts listing, System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944,” on page 159 to determine which components are customer replaceable units (CRU) and which components are field replaceable units (FRU).
  • Page 68
    2. Reinstall the device CIM_ComputerSystem.ElementName) driver. 3. Update all device drives to the latest level. 4. Update the firmware (UEFI and IMM) (see “Updating the firmware” on page 255). IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 69
    Table 6. IMM error messages (continued) v Follow the suggested actions in the order in which they are listed in the Action column until the problem is solved. v See Chapter 4, “Parts listing, System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944,” on page 159 to determine which components are customer replaceable units (CRU) and which components are field replaceable units (FRU).
  • Page 70
    3. (Trained service technician only) Replace the system board. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 71
    Table 6. IMM error messages (continued) v Follow the suggested actions in the order in which they are listed in the Action column until the problem is solved. v See Chapter 4, “Parts listing, System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944,” on page 159 to determine which components are customer replaceable units (CRU) and which components are field replaceable units (FRU).
  • Page 72
    5. Make sure that the two microprocessors are matching. 6. (Trained service technician only) Replace the system board. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 73
    Table 6. IMM error messages (continued) v Follow the suggested actions in the order in which they are listed in the Action column until the problem is solved. v See Chapter 4, “Parts listing, System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944,” on page 159 to determine which components are customer replaceable units (CRU) and which components are field replaceable units (FRU).
  • Page 74
    If the error recurs, replace the component that you just reinstalled. 2. Reseat power supply 3. Replace power supply (n = power supply number) IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 75
    Table 6. IMM error messages (continued) v Follow the suggested actions in the order in which they are listed in the Action column until the problem is solved. v See Chapter 4, “Parts listing, System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944,” on page 159 to determine which components are customer replaceable units (CRU) and which components are field replaceable units (FRU).
  • Page 76
    4. Replace the failing device. 5. (Trained service technician only) Replace the system board. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 77
    Table 6. IMM error messages (continued) v Follow the suggested actions in the order in which they are listed in the Action column until the problem is solved. v See Chapter 4, “Parts listing, System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944,” on page 159 to determine which components are customer replaceable units (CRU) and which components are field replaceable units (FRU).
  • Page 78
    RAID controller system management software event logs. 2. Reseat the hard disk drive for which the status LED is lit. 3. Replace the defective hard disk drive. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 79
    Table 6. IMM error messages (continued) v Follow the suggested actions in the order in which they are listed in the Action column until the problem is solved. v See Chapter 4, “Parts listing, System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944,” on page 159 to determine which components are customer replaceable units (CRU) and which components are field replaceable units (FRU).
  • Page 80
    LED. Note: You do not have to replace DIMMs by pairs. 3. Run the Setup utility to enable all the DIMMs. 4. Run the DSA memory test. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 81
    Table 6. IMM error messages (continued) v Follow the suggested actions in the order in which they are listed in the Action column until the problem is solved. v See Chapter 4, “Parts listing, System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944,” on page 159 to determine which components are customer replaceable units (CRU) and which components are field replaceable units (FRU).
  • Page 82
    DIMMs by pairs. 3. Run the Setup utility to enable all the DIMMs. 4. Run the DSA memory test. 5. (Trained service technician only) Replace the system board. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 83
    Table 6. IMM error messages (continued) v Follow the suggested actions in the order in which they are listed in the Action column until the problem is solved. v See Chapter 4, “Parts listing, System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944,” on page 159 to determine which components are customer replaceable units (CRU) and which components are field replaceable units (FRU).
  • Page 84
    4. Remove both adapters. 5. Replace the riser cards. 6. (Trained service technicians only) Replace the system board. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 85
    Table 6. IMM error messages (continued) v Follow the suggested actions in the order in which they are listed in the Action column until the problem is solved. v See Chapter 4, “Parts listing, System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944,” on page 159 to determine which components are customer replaceable units (CRU) and which components are field replaceable units (FRU).
  • Page 86
    4. Make sure that the adapter is on the serverproven list. 5. Remove both adapters. 6. Replace the PCIe adapter. 7. Replace the riser card. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 87
    Table 6. IMM error messages (continued) v Follow the suggested actions in the order in which they are listed in the Action column until the problem is solved. v See Chapter 4, “Parts listing, System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944,” on page 159 to determine which components are customer replaceable units (CRU) and which components are field replaceable units (FRU).
  • Page 88
    5. Remove the adapter from slot n. 6. Replace the PCIe adapter. 7. Replace riser card n. (n = PCI slot number) IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 89
    Table 6. IMM error messages (continued) v Follow the suggested actions in the order in which they are listed in the Action column until the problem is solved. v See Chapter 4, “Parts listing, System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944,” on page 159 to determine which components are customer replaceable units (CRU) and which components are field replaceable units (FRU).
  • Page 90
    5. Remove both adapters. 6. Replace the PCIe adapter. 7. Replace the riser card. 8. (Trained service technician only) Replace the system board. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 91
    Table 6. IMM error messages (continued) v Follow the suggested actions in the order in which they are listed in the Action column until the problem is solved. v See Chapter 4, “Parts listing, System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944,” on page 159 to determine which components are customer replaceable units (CRU) and which components are field replaceable units (FRU).
  • Page 92
    Hostname set to %1 by user %2. Info A user has modified the No action; information only. (%1 = host name of the IMM. CIM_DNSProtocolEndpoint.Hostname; %2 = user ID) IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 93
    Table 6. IMM error messages (continued) v Follow the suggested actions in the order in which they are listed in the Action column until the problem is solved. v See Chapter 4, “Parts listing, System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944,” on page 159 to determine which components are customer replaceable units (CRU) and which components are field replaceable units (FRU).
  • Page 94
    %2 = user ID) IMM reset was initiated by user %1. Info A user has initiated a reset No action; information only. (%1 = user ID) of the IMM. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 95
    Table 6. IMM error messages (continued) v Follow the suggested actions in the order in which they are listed in the Action column until the problem is solved. v See Chapter 4, “Parts listing, System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944,” on page 159 to determine which components are customer replaceable units (CRU) and which components are field replaceable units (FRU).
  • Page 96
    If the device is part of a cluster solution, verify that the latest level of code is supported for the cluster solution before you update the code. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 97
    Table 6. IMM error messages (continued) v Follow the suggested actions in the order in which they are listed in the Action column until the problem is solved. v See Chapter 4, “Parts listing, System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944,” on page 159 to determine which components are customer replaceable units (CRU) and which components are field replaceable units (FRU).
  • Page 98
    USB interface is enabled. 3. Reinstall the RNDIS or cdc_ether device driver for the operating system. 4. Disable the watchdog. 5. Check the integrity of the installed operating system. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 99
    Table 6. IMM error messages (continued) v Follow the suggested actions in the order in which they are listed in the Action column until the problem is solved. v See Chapter 4, “Parts listing, System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944,” on page 159 to determine which components are customer replaceable units (CRU) and which components are field replaceable units (FRU).
  • Page 100: Checkout Procedure

    “Diagnostic programs and messages” on page 115. Performing the checkout procedure To perform the checkout procedure, complete the following steps: 1. Is the server part of a cluster? IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 101
    Check the power supply LEDs (see “Power-supply LEDs” on page 110). b. Turn off the server and all external devices. c. Check all internal and external devices for compatibility at d. Check all cables and power cords. e. Set all display controls to the middle positions.
  • Page 102: Troubleshooting Tables

    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.

  • Page 103: General Problems

    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.

  • Page 104
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 105: Hypervisor Problems

    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.

  • Page 106: Intermittent Problems

    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.

  • Page 107: Keyboard, Mouse, Or Pointing-Device Problems

    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.

  • Page 108: Memory Problems

    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.

  • Page 109
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 110: Microprocessor Problems

    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.

  • Page 111: Monitor And Video Problems

    Monitor and video problems Some IBM monitors have their own self-tests. If you suspect a problem with your monitor, see the documentation that comes with the monitor for instructions for testing and adjusting the monitor. If you cannot diagnose the problem, call for service.

  • Page 112
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 113: Optional-Device Problems

    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.

  • Page 114: Power Problems

    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.

  • Page 115
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 116
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 117: Serial-Device Problems

    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.

  • Page 118: Software Problems

    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.

  • Page 119: Universal Serial Bus (Usb) Port Problems

    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.

  • Page 120
    LEDs that are lit to indicate the location of a problem. The following illustration shows the LEDs and connectors on the system board. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 121
    It allows you to blue screen the server and take a memory dump (use this button only when directed by the IBM service support). v Checkpoint code display: This display provides a checkpoint code that indicates the point at which the system stopped during the boot block and POST.
  • Page 122: Light Path Diagnostics Leds

    5. Replace any failing device. 6. (Trained service technician only) Replace the system board. (Continued on the next page) IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 123
    Table 7. Light path diagnostics panel LEDs (continued) v Follow the suggested actions in the order in which they are listed in the Action column until the problem is solved. v See Chapter 4, “Parts listing, System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944,” on page 159 to determine which components are customer replaceable units (CRU) and which components are field replaceable units (FRU).
  • Page 124
    2. Make sure that the power supplies are seated correctly. 3. Remove one of the power supplies to isolate the failed power supply. 4. Replace the failed power supply. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 125
    PCI riser card v (Trained service technician only) Replace the system board. 5. For more information, go to support/supportsite.wss/docdisplay?brandind=5000008 &lndocid=SERV-CALL. A service processor error has 1. Shut down the system and remove the power cords from been detected.
  • Page 126
    Make sure that the DIMM configuration is supported (see “Installing a memory module” on page 195 for DIMM requirements and installation sequence information). b. Replace the DIMMs with a supported configuration. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 127
    LED on the system board, is installed correctly. See “Installing a microprocessor and heat sink” on page 245 for information about installation and requirements. b. For more information, go to systems/support/supportsite.wss/ docdisplay?brandind=5000008&lndocid=SERV-CALL. Reserved. Chapter 3. Diagnostics…
  • Page 128: Power-Supply Leds

    The following minimum configuration is required for the server to start: v One microprocessor in microprocessor socket 1 v One 2 GB DIMM on the system board v One power supply v Power cord IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 129
    v Five cooling fans (two, two, one for each thermal zone) v One PCI riser-card assembly in PCI riser connector 2 The following illustration shows the locations of the power-supply LEDs on the ac power supply. The following table describes the problems that are indicated by various combinations of the power-supply LEDs on an ac power supply and suggested actions to correct the detected problems.
  • Page 130
    Replace the power supply. power-supply Power-supply is Replace the power supply. faulty but still operational The following illustration shows the locations of the power-supply LEDs on the dc power supply. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 131
    Power input LED Power output LED Power error LED -48V -48V return Ground The following table describes the problems that are indicated by various combinations of the power-supply LEDs on a dc power supply and suggested actions to correct the detected problems. Chapter 3.
  • Page 132
    (trained service technician only) replace the system board. Faulty Replace the power supply. power-supply Power-supply is Replace the power supply. faulty but still operational IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 133: System Pulse Leds

    System pulse LEDs The following LEDs are on the system board and monitors the system power-on and power-off sequencing and boot progress (see “System-board LEDs” on page 21 for the location of these LEDs): Table 8. System pulse LEDs Description Action Enclosure management heartbeat power-on and power-off sequencing.

  • Page 134: Running The Diagnostic Programs

    2. Under Product support, click System x. 3. Under Popular links, click Software and device drivers. 4. Click IBM System x3550 M3 to display the matrix of downloadable files for the server. Utilities are available to reset and update the diagnostics code on the integrated USB flash device, if the diagnostic partition becomes damaged and does not start the diagnostic programs.

  • Page 135: Diagnostic Text Messages

    If the server stops during testing and you cannot continue, restart the server and try running the diagnostic programs again. If the problem remains, replace the component that was being tested when the server stopped. Diagnostic text messages Diagnostic text messages are displayed while the tests are running. A diagnostic text message contains one of the following results: Passed: The test was completed without any errors.

  • Page 136
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 137
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 138
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 139
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 140
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 141
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 142
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 143
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 144
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 145
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 146
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 147
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 148
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 149
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 150
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 151
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 152
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 153
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 154
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 155
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 156
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 157
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 158
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 159
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 160
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 161
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 162
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 163
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 164
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 165
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 166
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 167
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 168
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 169
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 170: Recovering The Server Firmware

    To download the server firmware update package from the World Wide Web, complete the following steps. Note: Changes are made periodically to the IBM Web site. The actual procedure might vary slightly from what is described in this document. 1. Go to

  • Page 171
    4. Move the jumper from pins 1 and 2 to pins 2 and 3 to enable the UEFI recovery mode. 5. Reinstall the server cover; then, reconnect all power cords. 6. Restart the server. The power-on self-test (POST) starts. 7. Boot the server to an operating system that is supported by the firmware update package that you downloaded.
  • Page 172: Automated Boot Recovery (Abr)

    (see “Power-supply LEDs” on page 110 for the minimum configuration). IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 173: Solving Ethernet Controller Problems

    5. Reconnect all ac power cords and turn on the server. If the server starts successfully, reseat the adapters and devices one at a time until the problem is isolated. If the server does not start from the minimum configuration, see “Power-supply LEDs”…

  • Page 174: Problem Determination Tips

    Failure symptom – Does the server fail the diagnostic tests? – What occurs? When? Where? – Does the failure occur on a single server or on multiple servers? IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 175
    Software versions and levels v Diagnostic program type and version level v Configuration option settings v Operating-system control-file setup See Appendix A, “Getting help and technical assistance,” on page 281 for information about calling IBM for service. Chapter 3. Diagnostics…
  • Page 176
    IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 177: Chapter 4. Parts Listing, System X3550 M3 Types 4254 And 7944

    Tier 1 customer replaceable unit (CRU): Replacement of Tier 1 CRUs is your responsibility. If IBM installs a Tier 1 CRU at your request, you will be charged for the installation. v Tier 2 customer replaceable unit: You may install a Tier 2 CRU yourself or request IBM to install it, at no additional charge, under the type of warranty service that is designated for your server.

  • Page 178
    The following illustration shows the major components in the server. The illustrations in this document might differ slightly from your hardware. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 179
    The following table lists the part numbers for the server components. Table 10. Parts listing, Types 4254 and 7944 CRU part CRU part number number FRU part Index Description (Tier 1) (Tier 2) number Top cover 59Y3927 Filler, PCI 59Y3969 PCI-X riser card 69Y4570 PCI Express riser card, x16, assembly…
  • Page 180
    Cable, line cord (models A2x, B2x, C2x, D2x, F2x, G2x, 39M5377 H2x, J2x, M2x, and N2x) Cage, hard disk drive 59Y3968 Cage, optical drive 59Y3924 Safety cover 49Y4823 IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 181: Consumable Parts

    Alcohol wipes 59P4739 Consumable parts Consumable parts are not covered by the IBM Statement of Limited Warranty. The following consumable parts are available for purchase from the retail store. Chapter 4. Parts listing, System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944…

  • Page 182
    If you need help with your order, call the toll-free number that is listed on the retail parts page, or contact your local IBM representative for assistance. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 183: Power Cords

    Power cords For your safety, IBM provides a power cord with a grounded attachment plug to use with this IBM product. To avoid electrical shock, always use the power cord and plug with a properly grounded outlet. IBM power cords used in the United States and Canada are listed by Underwriter’s Laboratories (UL) and certified by the Canadian Standards Association (CSA).

  • Page 184
    Panama, Peru, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, Taiwan, United States of America, Venezuela 39M5219 Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of), Korea (Republic of) 39M5199 Japan 39M5068 Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay 39M5226 India 39M5233 Brazil IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 185: Chapter 5. Removing And Replacing Server Components

    Tier 1 customer replaceable unit (CRU): Replacement of Tier 1 CRUs is your responsibility. If IBM installs a Tier 1 CRU at your request, you will be charged for the installation. v Tier 2 customer replaceable unit: You may install a Tier 2 CRU yourself or request IBM to install it, at no additional charge, under the type of warranty service that is designated for your server.

  • Page 186: System Reliability Guidelines

    When you are finished working on the server, reinstall all safety shields, guards, labels, and ground wires. v For a list of supported optional devices for the server, see servers/eserver/serverproven/compat/us/. System reliability guidelines…

  • Page 187: Working Inside The Server With The Power On

    You have kept the preinstalled air deflector in place unless directed to remove it in this publication or by IBM Service. See “Removing the microprocessor 2 air baffle” on page 175 for the location of the air deflector in the server.

  • Page 188: Returning A Device Or Component

    To disconnect the optional optical drive cable, you must first press the connector release tab, and then disconnect the cable from the connector on the system board. Do not disconnect the cable by using excessive force. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 189
    Chapter 5. Removing and replacing server components…
  • Page 190
    Note: The USB cable is routed under the video cable and then both the USB and video cables are routed under the cable retention tab and the top cover latch receptacle. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 191
    The following illustration shows the internal routing for the SATA power cable and signal cable. Chapter 5. Removing and replacing server components…
  • Page 192: Removing And Replacing Consumable Parts And Tier 1 Crus

    Removing and replacing consumable parts and Tier 1 CRUs Replacement of consumable parts and Tier 1 CRUs is your responsibility. If IBM installs a consumable part or Tier 1 CRU at your request, you will be charged for the installation.

  • Page 193: Removing The Microprocessor 2 Air Baffle

    Important: Before you slide the cover forward, make sure that all the tabs on both the front, rear, and side of the cover engage the chassis correctly. If all the tabs do not engage the chassis correctly, it will be very difficult to remove the cover later.

  • Page 194: Installing The Microprocessor 2 Air Baffle

    4. Slide the server into the rack. 5. Reconnect the power cords and any cables that you removed. 6. Turn on the peripheral devices and the server. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 195: Removing The Dimm Air Baffle

    Removing the DIMM air baffle To remove the DIMM air baffle, complete the following steps: 1. Read the safety information that begins on page vii and “Installation guidelines” on page 167. 2. Turn off the server and peripheral devices and disconnect all power cords and external cables if necessary.

  • Page 196: Installing The Dimm Air Baffle

    Attention: For proper cooling and airflow, replace the air baffle before turning on the server. Operating the server with an air baffle removed might damage server components. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 197: Removing An Adapter

    Removing an adapter To remove an adapter, complete the following steps: 1. Read the safety information that begins on page vii and “Installation guidelines” on page 167. 2. Turn off the server and peripheral devices and disconnect all power cords; then, remove the cover (see “Removing the cover”…

  • Page 198: Installing An Adapter

    You must install a PCI riser-card assembly in slot 2 even if you do not install an adapter. The following table lists the supported configurations for the PCI rise-cardr slots. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 199
    Table 12. PCI riser slots supported configurations PCI riser-card slot number Configuration 1 Configuration 2 Configuration 3 Configuration 4 Slot 1 PCI Express PCI Express PCI-X 1.0a PCI-X 1.0a Gen 2 (x16) card Gen 2 (x16) card 64-bit/133 MHz 64-bit/133 MHz with a PCI with a PCI care with a…
  • Page 200: Removing The Sas/Sata Raid Riser-Card Assembly

    5. Remove the flash device from the SAS/SATA RAID riser card, if one is installed (see “Removing a USB embedded hypervisor flash device” on page 208). IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 201: Installing The Sas/Sata Raid Riser-Card Assembly

    Release tab 6. If you are instructed to return the SAS/SATA RAID riser-card assembly, follow all packaging instructions, and use any packaging materials for shipping that are supplied to you. Installing the SAS/SATA RAID riser-card assembly To install the SAS/SATA RAID riser-card assembly, complete the following steps: 1.

  • Page 202: Removing A Hot-Swap Hard Disk Drive

    2. Make sure you save the data on your drive, especially if it is part of a RAID array, before you remove it from the server. 3. Slide the release latch (orange) gently to the left to unlock the drive handle. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 203: Installing A Hot-Swap Hard Disk Drive

    The following notes describe the type of hard disk drives that the server supports and other information that you must consider when you install a hard disk drive. For a list of supported hard disk drives, see serverproven/compat/us/. v Locate the documentation that comes with the hard disk drive and follow those instructions in addition to the instructions in this chapter.

  • Page 204: Removing A Simple-Swap Hard Disk Drive

    To avoid damage to the hard disk drive connectors, make sure that the server cover is in place and fully closed whenever you install or remove a hard disk drive. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 205: Installing A Simple-Swap Hard Disk Drive

    Before you install a simple-swap SATA hard disk drive, read the following information. For a list of supported hard disk drives, see compat/us/. v Locate the documentation that comes with the hard disk drive and follow those instructions in addition to the instructions in this chapter.

  • Page 206
    The following illustration shows the location of the IDs of the hard disk drives. The ID numbers and the drive bay numbers are the same. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 207: Removing An Optional Dvd Drive

    Removing an optional DVD drive To remove an optional DVD drive, complete the following steps: 1. Read the safety information that begins on page “Safety” on page vii and “Installation guidelines” on page 167. 2. Turn off the server and peripheral devices and disconnect all power cords. 3.

  • Page 208: Installing An Optional Dvd Drive

    6. Remove the DVD drive filler panel if it is installed. locate the blue release tab on the rear of the DVD drive filler panel; then, while you press the tab, push the DVD drive filler panel out of the drive bay. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 209
    Release tab DVD drive filler panel 7. Remove the retention clip from the side of the DVD drive filler panel. Save the DVD drive filler panel for future use. Note: If you are installing an optical drive that contains a laser, observe the following safety precaution.
  • Page 210
    DVD drive. 11. Align the DVD drive in the drive bay and slide the DVD drive into the optical drive bay until the DVD drive clicks into place. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 211
    12. Connect the DVD drive cable (see “Installing the DVD cable” on page 230). The following illustration shows the cable routing for the DVD drive: Note: The DVD cable should go on the top of the operation information panel cable (in the middle) and the Video/USB cable (on the bottom) when all three cables are installed in the server.
  • Page 212: Removing A Memory Module

    6. If you are instructed to return the DIMM, follow all packaging instructions, and use any packaging materials for shipping that are supplied to you. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 213: Installing A Memory Module

    1066, or 1333 MHz, PC3-10600R-999, registered or unbuffered, synchronous dynamic random-access memory (SDRAM) dual inline memory modules (DIMMs) with error correcting code (ECC). See serverproven/compat/us/ for a list of supported memory modules for the server. – The specifications of a DDR3 DIMM are on a label on the DIMM, in the following format.

  • Page 214
    When you install one quad-rank RDIMM in a channel, install it in the DIMM connector furthest away from the microprocessor. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 215: Dimm Installation Sequence

    v Do not install one quad-rank RDIMM in one channel and three RDIMMs in another channel. v Do not install 1.5V DIMMs and 1.35V DIMMs in the same server. The following illustration shows the location of the DIMM connectors on the system board.

  • Page 216
    DIMM pairs. For example, the first DIMM pair (indicated within the boxes by ones (1)) should be installed in DIMM connectors 1 and 2, which is associated with microprocessor 1 (CPU1). IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 217
    Note: You can install DIMMs for microprocessor 2 as soon as you install microprocessor 2; you do not have to wait until all of the DIMM slots for microprocessor 1 are filled. CPU2 17 18 CPU1 Figure 2. Memory connectors associated with each microprocessor for memory mirroring The following table shows the installation sequence for installing DIMMs in memory-mirroring mode: Table 16.
  • Page 218: Installing A Dimm

    9. Reconnect the power cord and any cables that you removed. 10. Replace the cover (see “Installing the cover” on page 174). 11. Turn on the peripheral devices and the server. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 219: Removing A Serveraid Sas/Sata Controller From The Sas/Sata Raid Riser Card

    ServeRAID-M1015, ServeRAID-M5014, or a ServeRAID-M5015 SAS/SATA adapter installed. You can replace the ServeRAID controller with another supported ServeRAID controller. For a list of supported ServeRAID controllers, see servers/eserver/serverproven/compat/us/. Note: For brevity, in this documentation the ServeRAID SAS/SATA controller is often referred to as the SAS/SATA adapter or the ServeRAID adapter.

  • Page 220: Installing A Serveraid Sas/Sata Controller On The Sas/Sata Raid Riser Card

    6. Insert the SAS/SATA adapter into the connector on the SAS/SATA RAID riser card until it is firmly seated. Attention: Incomplete insertion might cause damage to the server or the adapter. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 221
    7. Install the SAS/SATA RAID riser-card assembly (see “Installing the SAS/SATA RAID riser-card assembly” on page 183). 8. Route the signal cables from the drive backplane over the blue adapter retention bracket. 9. Connect the signal cables to the SAS/SATA adapter: v ServeRAID-BR10il v2 adapter: Take the signal cable that is attached to the drive backplane for drive bays 0 through 3 and connect it to the SAS/SATA connector on the ServeRAID adapter.
  • Page 222
    Connect the other signal cable so that is attached to the drive backplane for drive bays 4 and 7 and connect it to the other connector on the adapter. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 223: Removing An Optional Serveraid Adapter Advanced Feature Key

    10. Reconnect the power cord and any cables that you removed. 11. Replace the cover (see “Installing the cover” on page 174). 12. Turn on the peripheral devices and the server. Note: When you restart the server, you are prompted to import the existing RAID configuration to the new SAS/SATA adapter.

  • Page 224
    5. If you are instructed to return the feature key, follow all packaging instructions, and use any packaging materials for shipping that are supplied to you. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 225: Installing An Optional Serveraid Adapter Advanced Feature Key

    Installing an optional ServeRAID adapter advanced feature key To install an optional ServeRAID adapter advanced feature key, complete the following steps: 1. Read the safety information that begins on page vii and “Installation guidelines” on page 167. 2. Turn off the server and peripheral devices and disconnect the power cords. 3.

  • Page 226: Removing A Usb Embedded Hypervisor Flash Device

    4. Grasp the flash device blue lockbar (shown in the following illustration) and slide it toward the SAS/SATA riser-card assembly to the unlock position and remove it from the connector. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 227: Installing A Usb Embedded Hypervisor Flash Device

    5. If you are instructed to return the flash device, follow all packaging instructions, and use any packaging materials for shipping that are supplied to you. Installing a USB embedded hypervisor flash device To install a hypervisor flash device, complete the following steps: 1.

  • Page 228: Removing A Hot-Swap Ac Power Supply

    There are no serviceable parts inside these components. If you suspect a problem with one of these parts, contact a service technician. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 229
    Note: The procedure below describes how to remove a hot-swap ac power supply, for instructions on how to remove a hot-swap dc power supply, refer to the documentation that comes with the dc power supply. To remove a hot-swap ac power supply, complete the following steps: 1.
  • Page 230: Installing A Hot-Swap Ac Power Supply

    There are no serviceable parts inside these components. If you suspect a problem with one of these parts, contact a service technician. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 231: Removing A Hot-Swap Fan Assembly

    To install a hot-swap ac power supply, complete the following steps: 1. Read the safety information that begins vii and “Installation guidelines” on page 167. 2. Touch the static-protective package that contains the hot-swap power supply to any unpainted metal surface on the server; then, remove the power supply from the package and place it on a static-protective surface.

  • Page 232
    4. If you are instructed to return the fan, follow all of the packaging instructions, and use any packaging materials for shipping that are supplied to you. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 233: Installing A Hot-Swap Fan Assembly

    Installing a hot-swap fan assembly The server comes standard with five dual-motor hot-swap cooling fans. Attention: To ensure proper operation, replace a failed hot-swap fan within 30 seconds. To install an additional hot-swap fan, complete the following steps: 1. Read the safety information that begins on page vii and “Installation guidelines” on page 167.

  • Page 234: Removing The Virtual Media Key

    3. Align the virtual media key with the mounting tab and slide it down the tab onto the connector on the system board. Press the virtual media key down into the connector until it is firmly seated on the system board. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 235: Removing The Optional Two-Port Ethernet Adapter

    4. Replace the cover (see “Installing the cover” on page 174). 5. Slide the server into the rack. 6. Reconnect the power cord and any cables that you removed. 7. Turn on the peripheral devices and the server. Removing the optional two-port Ethernet adapter To remove the Ethernet adapter, complete the following steps: 1.

  • Page 236: Installing The Optional Two-Port Ethernet Adapter

    5. Install the two standoffs on the system board. 6. Insert the bottom tabs of the metal clip into the port openings from outside the chassis. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 237: Removing A Remotely Installed Raid Adapter Battery

    7. While pressing the top of the metal clip, rotate the metal clip toward the front of the server until the metal clip clicks into place. Make sure the metal clip is securely engaged on the chassis. 8. Touch the static-protective package that contains the new Ethernet adapter to any unpainted metal surface on the server.

  • Page 238
    If you are instructed to return the RAID adapter battery, follow all packaging instructions, and use any packaging materials for shipping that are supplied to you. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 239: Installing A Raid Adapter Battery Remotely In The Server

    Installing a RAID adapter battery remotely in the server When you install any RAID adapters that come with a batteries in the PCI slot 1 and PCI slot 2, it is sometimes necessary to install the batteries in another location in the server to prevent the batteries from overheating.

  • Page 240
    6. Install the cover. 7. Slide the server into the rack. 8. Reconnect the power cords and all external cables, and turn on the server and peripheral devices. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 241: Removing The System Battery

    The following notes describe information that you must consider when replacing the battery: v IBM has designed this product with your safety in mind. The lithium battery must be handled correctly to avoid possible danger. If you replace the battery, you must adhere to the following instructions.

  • Page 242
    (see “Removing the cover” on page 174). 3. If necessary, lift the riser-card assembly out of the way (see “Removing an adapter” on page 179). IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 243: Installing The System Battery

    Use your thumb and index finger to lift the battery from the socket. 5. Dispose of the battery as required by local ordinances or regulations. See the IBM Environmental Notices and User’s Guide on the IBM System x Documentation CD for more information.

  • Page 244
    Statement 2: CAUTION: When replacing the lithium battery, use only IBM Part Number 33F8354 or an equivalent type battery recommended by the manufacturer. If your system has a module containing a lithium battery, replace it only with the same module type made by the same manufacturer.
  • Page 245: Removing And Replacing Tier 2 Crus

    Removing and replacing Tier 2 CRUs You may install a Tier 2 CRU yourself or request IBM to install it, at no additional charge, under the type of warranty service that is designated for your server. The illustrations in this document might differ slightly from your hardware.

  • Page 246: Removing An Optional Optical Drive Cage

    Bezel Installing an optional optical drive cage The IBM System x3550 M3 DVD enablement kit is used to install an optical drive cage in a server with less than four hard disk drives. The optional optical drive cage is installed in the bays for hot-swap hard disk drives 5 to 8.

  • Page 247: Removing The Dvd Cable

    v One optical drive bay filler panel v One SATA cable v One retention bracket v Four screws v One bezel To install an optical drive cage, complete the following steps: 1. Read the safety information that begins on page vii and the “Installation guidelines”…

  • Page 248: Installing The Dvd Cable

    9. If you are instructed to return the DVD drive, follow all packaging instructions, and use any packaging materials for shipping that are supplied to you. Installing the DVD cable To install the DVD cable, complete the following cable: IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 249
    1. Read the safety information that begins on page vii and “Installation guidelines” on page 167. 2. Turn off the server and peripheral devices and disconnect the power cords and all external cables. 3. Align the cable connector with the connector on the rear of the optical drive cage and press the cable connector into the optical drive cage connector until it is firmly seated.
  • Page 250: Removing A Sas/Sata 4 Pac Hdd Option

    Bezel Installing a SAS/SATA 4 Pac HDD option You can install an IBM System x3550 M3 Hot-swap SAS/SATA 4 Pac HDD option to add four additional 2.5-inch hot-swap hard disk drives in the server. See for a list of supported optional devices.

  • Page 251: Removing A Pci Riser-Card Assembly

    2. Turn off the server and peripheral devices and disconnect the power cords and all external cables. 3. Remove the cover (see “Removing the cover” on page 174). 4. Remove the bezel (see “Removing the bezel” on page 227). 5. Slide the hot-swap hard disk drive cage forward into the server until the screw holes on the drive cage align with the screw holes on the chassis.

  • Page 252
    2 PCI riser connector 1 6. Remove the adapter, if one is present, from the PCI riser-card assembly. 7. Set the adapter and PCI riser-card assembly aside. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 253: Installing A Pci Riser-Card Assembly

    Installing a PCI riser-card assembly Note: A PCI riser-card assembly must be installed in slot 2 even if you do not install an adapter. To install a PCI riser-card assembly, complete the following steps: 1. Read the safety information that begins on page vii and the “Installation guidelines”…

  • Page 254: Installing The Pci Riser-Card Bracket To The Riser Card

    9. Slide the server into the rack. 10. Reconnect the power cords and any cables that you removed. 11. Turn on the peripheral devices and the server. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 255: Removing The Hot-Swap Sas/Sata Hard Disk Drive Backplane

    Removing the hot-swap SAS/SATA hard disk drive backplane To remove the hot-swap SAS/SATA hard disk drive backplane, complete the following steps: 1. Read the safety information that begins on page vii and “Installation guidelines” on page 167. 2. Turn off the server and peripheral devices and disconnect all power cords. 3.

  • Page 256: Removing The Simple-Swap Sata Hard Disk Drive Backplate Assembly

    6. Lift the hard disk drive backplate up to disengage the backplate assembly from the backplane bracket and remove it from the server. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 257: Installing The Simple-Swap Sata Hard Disk Drive Backplate Assembly

    7. If you are instructed to return the hard disk drive backplate assembly, follow all packaging instructions, and use any packaging materials for shipping that are supplied to you. Installing the simple-swap SATA hard disk drive backplate assembly To install the replacement simple-swap SATA hard disk drive backplate assembly, complete the following steps: 1.

  • Page 258: Removing The Operator Information Panel Assembly

    4. Use an object to push down on the release tab; hold down the release tab and push the blue push point on the rear of the panel to the front of the server. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 259: Installing The Operator Information Panel Assembly

    Release tab Operator information panel 5. From the front of the server, carefully pull the assembly out of the server while you move it slightly from side to side. 6. If you are instructed to return the operator information panel assembly, follow all packaging instructions, and use any packaging materials for shipping that are supplied to you.

  • Page 260: Removing And Replacing Frus

    (see “Removing the cover” on page 174). 3. Remove the SAS/SATA riser-card assembly (see “Removing a PCI riser-card assembly” on page 233). 4. Remove the screw from the safety cover. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 261: Installing The 240 Va Safety Cover

    Screw Safety cover Alignment tabs 5. Disconnect the hard disk drive backplane cables from the connector on the front of the safety cover. 6. Slide the safety cover forward to disengage it from the system board, then lift it out of the server. 7.

  • Page 262: Removing A Microprocessor And Heat Sink

    2. Turn off the server and peripheral devices and disconnect all power cords; then, remove the cover (see “Removing the cover” on page 174). 3. Disconnect any cables that impede access to the heat sink and microprocessor. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 263: Installing A Microprocessor And Heat Sink

    Microprocessors are to be installed only by trained service technicians. ® v The server supports up to two Intel Xeon multi-core microprocessors. See for a list of supported microprocessors. Chapter 5. Removing and replacing server components…

  • Page 264
    2. Under Product support, click System x. 3. Under Popular links, click Software and device drivers. 4. Click IBM System x3550 M3 to display the matrix of downloadable files for the server. v The microprocessor speeds are automatically set for this server; therefore, you do not have to set any microprocessor frequency-selection jumpers or switches.
  • Page 265
    Attention: When you handle static-sensitive devices, take precautions to avoid damage from static electricity. For details about handling these devices, see “Handling static-sensitive devices” on page 169. 1. Read the safety information that begins on page vii and “Installation guidelines” on page 167.
  • Page 266: Thermal Grease

    4. Use a clean area of the cleaning pad to wipe the thermal grease from the microprocessor; then, dispose of the cleaning pad after all of the thermal grease IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 267: Removing The Heat Sink Retention Module

    is removed. 0.02 mL of thermal grease Microprocessor 5. Use the thermal-grease syringe to place 9 uniformly spaced dots of 0.02 mL each on the top of the microprocessor. The outermost dots must be within approximately 5 mm of the edge of the microprocessor; this is to ensure uniform distribution of the grease.

  • Page 268: Installing A Heat Sink Retention Module

    CD image. Make sure that you have the latest firmware or a copy of the pre-existing firmware before you proceed. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 269
    4. Remove all PCI riser-card assemblies and adapters (see “Removing a PCI riser-card assembly” on page 233 and “Removing an adapter” on page 179). 5. Remove the SAS/SATA RAID riser-card assembly (see “Removing the SAS/SATA RAID riser-card assembly” on page 182). 6.
  • Page 270: Installing The System Board

    2. Align the system board with the chassis; then, lower the system board into the chassis and slide the system board toward the rear of the server until the system board is seated firmly into the locator pins on the chassis. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 271
    3. Grasp the fan assembly brackets and rotate them down toward the chassis. 4. Reinstall the hot-swap fans (see “Installing a hot-swap fan assembly” on page 215). 5. (Trained service technician only) Reinstall the microprocessor and heat sink (see “Installing a microprocessor and heat sink” on page 245). 6.
  • Page 272
    Update the UUID (see “Updating the Universal Unique Identifier (UUID)” on page 274). v Update the DMI/SMBIOS (see “Updating the DMI/SMBIOS data” on page 276). IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 273: Chapter 6. Configuration Information And Instructions

    The firmware for the server is periodically updated and is available for download on the IBM Web site. To check for the latest level of firmware, such as the server firmware, vital product data (VPD) code, device drivers, and service processor firmware complete the following steps.

  • Page 274
    Web interface without the Virtual Media Key. You can order the optional IBM Virtual Media Key, if one did not come with your server. For more information about how to enable the remote presence function, see “Using the remote presence capability and blue-screen…
  • Page 275: Using The Serverguide Setup And Installation Cd

    Device drivers that are provided for your server model and detected hardware v Operating-system partition size and file-system type that are selectable during setup Note: Changes are made periodically to the IBM Web site. The actual procedure might vary slightly from what is described in this document. ServerGuide features Features and functions can vary slightly with different versions of the ServerGuide program.

  • Page 276: Setup And Configuration Overview

    When you use the ServerGuide Setup and Installation CD, you do not need setup diskettes. You can use the CD to configure any supported IBM server model. The setup program provides a list of tasks that are required to set up your server model.

  • Page 277: Using The Setup Utility

    ServerGuide program to install your operating system, complete the following steps to download the latest operating-system installation instructions from the IBM Web site. Note: Changes are made periodically to the IBM Web site. The actual procedure might vary slightly from what is described in this document. 1. Go to

  • Page 278: Setup Utility Menu Choices

    — Rehook INT 19h Select this choice to enable or disable devices from taking control of the boot process. The default is Disable. — Legacy Thunk Support IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 279
    Select this choice to enable or disable UEFI to interact with PCI mass storage devices that are non-UEFI compliant. – Integrated Management Module Select this choice to view or change the settings for the integrated management module. — POST Watchdog Timer Select this choice to view or enable the POST watchdog timer.
  • Page 280
    Select this choice to clear an administrator password. For more information, see “Administrator password” on page 264. v Save Settings Select this choice to save the changes that you have made in the settings. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 281
    v Restore Settings Select this choice to cancel the changes that you have made in the settings and restore the previous settings. v Load Default Settings Select this choice to cancel the changes that you have made in the settings and restore the factory settings.
  • Page 282
    Attention: If you set an administrator password and then forget it, there is no way to change, override, or remove it. You must replace the system board. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 283: Using The Boot Manager Program

    Using the Boot Manager program The Boot Manager program is a built-in, menu-driven configuration utility program that you can use to temporarily redefine the first startup device without changing settings in the Setup utility. To use the Boot Manager program, complete the following steps: 1.

  • Page 284: Using The Remote Presence Capability And Blue-Screen Capture

    After the virtual media key is installed in the server, it is authenticated to determine whether it is valid. If the key is not valid, you receive a message from the Web IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 285: Enabling The Remote Presence Feature

    interface (when you attempt to start the remote presence feature) indicating that the hardware key is required to use the remote presence feature. The virtual media key has an LED. When this LED is lit and green, it indicates that the key is installed and functioning correctly.

  • Page 286: Using The Embedded Hypervisor

    2. When the prompt <F1> Setup is displayed, press F1. 3. From the Setup utility main menu, select Boot Manager. 4. Select Add Boot Option; then, select Embedded Hypervisor. Press Enter, and then select Esc. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 287: Enabling The Broadcom Gigabit Ethernet Utility Program

    3. Under Popular links, click Software and device drivers. 4. From the Product family menu, select System x3550 M3 and click Go. Note: Changes are made periodically to the IBM Web site. The actual procedure might vary slightly from what is described in this document.

  • Page 288: Starting The Lsi Configuration Utility Program

    3. Select System Settings → Adapters and UEFI drivers. 4. Select Please refresh this page on the first visit and press Enter. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 289: Ibm Advanced Settings Utility Program

    7. Select Apply changes and exit menu to create the array. IBM Advanced Settings Utility program The IBM Advanced Settings Utility (ASU) program is an alternative to the Setup utility for modifying UEFI settings. Use the ASU program online or out of band to modify UEFI settings from the command line without the need to restart the system to access the Setup utility.

  • Page 290: Activating 1333 Mhz Operation In Two-Dimm-Per-Channel Configuration

    Check the system information displayed on the monitor during POST v Press F1 to start the Setup utility and select System Information→ Memory Speed v DMIDECODE/pDSA tool IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 291: Updating Ibm Systems Director

    Updating IBM Systems Director If you plan to use IBM Systems Director to manage the server, you must check for the latest applicable IBM Systems Director updates and interim fixes. Note: Changes are made periodically to the IBM Web site. The actual procedure might vary slightly from what is described in this document.

  • Page 292: Updating The Universal Unique Identifier (Uuid)

    The ASU is an online tool that supports several operating systems. Make sure that you download the version for your operating system. You can download the ASU from the IBM Web site. To download the ASU and update the UUID, complete the following steps.

  • Page 293
    See the Advanced Settings Utility Users Guide for more details. You can access the ASU Users Guide from the IBM Web site. Note: Changes are made periodically to the IBM Web site. The actual procedure might vary slightly from what is described in this document.
  • Page 294: Updating The Dmi/Smbios Data

    The ASU is an online tool that supports several operating systems. Make sure that you download the version for your operating system. You can download the ASU from the IBM Web site. To download the ASU and update the DMI, complete the following steps.

  • Page 295
    v Bootable media containing ASU (LAN or KCS, depending upon the bootable media) 3. Copy and unpack the ASU package, which also includes other required files, to the server. Make sure that you unpack the ASU and the required files to the same directory.
  • Page 296
    Examples that do not use the userid and password default values: asu set SYSTEM_PROD_DATA.SYsInfoProdName <m/t_model> —host <imm_ip> —user <imm_user_id> —password <imm_password> asu set SYSTEM_PROD_DATA.SYsInfoSerialNum <s/n> —host <imm_ip> —user <imm_user_id> —password <imm_password> asu set SYSTEM_PROD_DATA.SYsEncloseAssetTag <asset_tag> —host <imm_ip> IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 297
    You can also build a bootable media using the applications available through the Tools Center Web site at v1r0/index.jsp. From the left pane, click IBM System x and BladeCenter Tools Center, then click Tool reference for the available tools.
  • Page 298
    IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 299: Appendix A. Getting Help And Technical Assistance

    If you need help, service, or technical assistance or just want more information about IBM products, you will find a wide variety of sources available from IBM to assist you. This section contains information about where to go for additional information about IBM and IBM products, what to do if you experience a problem with your system, and whom to call for service, if it is necessary.

  • Page 300: Software Service And Support

    You can find service information for IBM systems and optional devices at Software service and support Through IBM Support Line, you can get telephone assistance, for a fee, with usage, configuration, and software problems with System x and xSeries servers, BladeCenter products, IntelliStation workstations, and appliances. For information about which products are supported by Support Line in your country or region, see

  • Page 301: Appendix B. Notices

    Web sites. The materials at those Web sites are not part of the materials for this IBM product, and use of those Web sites is at your own risk. IBM may use or distribute any of the information you supply in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you.

  • Page 302: Important Notes

    IBM makes no representations or warranties with respect to non-IBM products. Support (if any) for the non-IBM products is provided by the third party, not IBM. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 303: Particulate Contamination

    If IBM determines that the levels of particulates or gases in your environment have caused damage to the server, IBM may condition provision of repair or replacement of servers or parts on implementation of appropriate remedial measures to mitigate such environmental contamination.

  • Page 304: Electronic Emission Notices

    In the request, be sure to include the publication part number and title. When you send information to IBM, you grant IBM a nonexclusive right to use or distribute the information in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you.

  • Page 305: European Union Emc Directive Conformance Statement

    EU-Mitgliedsstaaten und hält die Grenzwerte der EN 55022 Klasse A ein. Um dieses sicherzustellen, sind die Geräte wie in den Handbüchern beschrieben zu installieren und zu betreiben. Des Weiteren dürfen auch nur von der IBM empfohlene Kabel angeschlossen werden. IBM übernimmt keine Verantwortung für die Einhaltung der Schutzanforderungen, wenn das Produkt ohne Zustimmung der IBM verändert bzw.

  • Page 306: Japan Vcci Class A Statement

    (JEITA) statement Japanese Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association (JEITA) Confirmed Harmonics Guideline (products less than or equal to 20 A per phase) Korea Communications Commission (KCC) statement IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 307: Russia Electromagnetic Interference (Emi) Class A Statement

    Please note that this equipment has obtained EMC registration for commercial use. In the event that it has been mistakenly sold or purchased, please exchange it for equipment certified for home use. Russia Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Class A statement People’s Republic of China Class A electronic emission statement Taiwan Class A compliance statement Appendix B.

  • Page 308
    IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 309: Index

    (CRUs) 159 cabling danger statements 6 internal routing 170 dc good LED 112 caution statements 6 dc power LED 13 checkout procedure 82 dc power supply LED errors 112 deassertion event, system-event log 25 © Copyright IBM Corp. 2010…

  • Page 310
    SATA 184 intermittent 88 problems 85 keyboard, non-USB 89 SAS 184 memory 90 SCSI microprocessor 92 See SAS monitor 93 simple-swap SATA 186 mouse, non-USB 89 IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 311
    IPMI, overview 26 hypervisor flash device IPMItool 26 installing 209 problems 87 jumper UEFI boot recovery 152 IBM Advanced Settings Utility program jumpers and switches overview 271 on the system board 18 IBM Support Line 282 IBM Systems Director updating 273…
  • Page 312
    2 12 microprocessor PCI expansion slots 7 installing 245 PCI riser card bracket problems 92 installing 236 specifications 7 PCI riser slots mirroring mode 197 installation configurations 180 IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 313
    PCI riser slots (continued) remote battery, RAID adapter supported configurations 180 installing 221 POST removing 219 error codes 27 remote presence feature error log 25 using 266 POST event log 25 Remote presence support 256 power removing power-control button 10 a hot-swap fan 213 power-on LED 14 a RAID adapter remote battery 219…
  • Page 314
    19 embedded hypervisor 268 switches and jumpers IMM 265 on the system board 18 the integrated management module 265 the LSI Configuration Utility program 269 IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 315
    (continued) the remote presence feature 266 the Setup utility 259 utility Setup 259 Utility program IBM Advanced Settings 271 utility, Setup 255 video connector front 10 rear 12 video controller, integrated specifications 7 video problems 93 viewing event logs 25…
  • Page 316
    IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 318
    Part Number: 69Y4056 Printed in USA (1P) P/N: 69Y4056…


The server is unable to complete Power On Self Test (POST) and powers off with Light Path Diagnostics (LPD) BRD and FAN Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) lit. Logged events from the Integrated Management Module (IMM) shows the following.

1. I — 12/22/2011:14:18:45 — «Host Power» has been turned off

2. E — 12/22/2011:14:18:45 — Non-redundant:Insufficient Resources for «Cooling Zone 3» has asserted

3. E — 12/22/2011:14:18:40 — Non-redundant:Insufficient Resources for «Cooling Zone 1» has asserted

4. E — 12/22/2011:14:14:7 — Redundancy Lost for «Cooling Zone 2» has asserted

5. E — 12/22/2011:14:14:1 — Redundancy Lost for «Cooling Zone 3» has asserted

6. E — 12/22/2011:14:14:0 — Redundancy Lost for «Cooling Zone 1» has asserted

Resolving The Problem


RETAIN tip: H205178


The server is unable to complete Power On Self Test (POST) and powers off with Light Path Diagnostics (LPD) BRD and FAN Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) lit. Logged events from the Integrated Management Module (IMM) shows the following.

  1. I — 12/22/2011:14:18:45 — «Host Power» has been turned off

  2. E — 12/22/2011:14:18:45 — Non-redundant:Insufficient Resources for «Cooling Zone 3» has asserted

  3. E — 12/22/2011:14:18:40 — Non-redundant:Insufficient Resources for «Cooling Zone 1» has asserted

  4. E — 12/22/2011:14:14:7 — Redundancy Lost for «Cooling Zone 2» has asserted

  5. E — 12/22/2011:14:14:1 — Redundancy Lost for «Cooling Zone 3» has asserted

  6. E — 12/22/2011:14:14:0 — Redundancy Lost for «Cooling Zone 1» has asserted

Affected configurations

The system may be any of the following IBM servers:

  • System x3550 M3, type 7944, any model
  • System x3650 M3, type 7945, any model

This tip is not software specific.

This tip is not option specific.


The fix for this issue is to check the number of PCI Riser card assemblies installed in the server and make sure there is a PCI Riser card installed in connector 2.

Additional information

The root cause for this issue is a PCI Riser card assembly must be installed in connector 2, even if you do not have an option adapter to install.

To identify this issue, when the BRD LED is lit and all cooling zones are asserted at the same time, remove the server cover and check if PCI Riser card 2 LED is on.

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[{«Type»:»HW»,»Business Unit»:{«code»:»BU016″,»label»:»Multiple Vendor Support»},»Product»:{«code»:»QU04SLL»,»label»:»System x->System x3650 M3->7945″},»Platform»:[{«code»:»PF025″,»label»:»Platform Independent»}],»Line of Business»:{«code»:»»,»label»:»»}},{«Type»:»HW»,»Business Unit»:{«code»:»BU016″,»label»:»Multiple Vendor Support»},»Product»:{«code»:»QU04SMA»,»label»:»System x->System x3550 M3->7944″},»Platform»:[{«code»:»PF025″,»label»:»Platform Independent»}],»Line of Business»:{«code»:»»,»label»:»»}}]


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Lenovo x3650 M5無法開機—SYS BRD ERROR

  中午在幫公司一台x3650 M5安裝Windows Update並重開機後,就再也喚醒不能,一度懷疑是不是Updates的bug造成,畢竟近期Updates的問題出現的有點頻繁。把機殼打開後,除了一顆LED 163亮error外,看到SYS BRD ERROR這顆也亮了,很想直接宣判死刑,請DBA同仁趕緊進行後續補救措施,不過同事外出吃飯,加上這台是公司主要的DB Server,如果放棄這台,補救時間起碼要兩小時,且早上建的資料都要重來了,因此還是急切的尋找喚醒它的機會。

  上網搜尋關於SYS BRD ERROR的資訊,運氣很好的找到對岸一位高手,直接點出有可能是鋰電池造成,在沒有其他方法可試的情況下,只好孤注一擲。順帶一提,x3650的CR2032還真是不好拔,太用力又怕傷到主機板,後來同事總算試出方法,要先把CR2032斜扳成45度,才能抽出。隨手從一旁的PC拔一顆CR2032換上後,總算成功開機,真是謝天謝地。

  後續進IMM查看log,顯示的錯誤訊息是”Sensor SysBrd Vol Fault has transitioned to critical from a less severe state.”,看起來確實是鋰電池造成的,這次運氣蠻好的,因為同樣是SYS BRD ERROR,也有人遇到的是RAM跟主機板的問題,而這台RAM看起來只有一條,真是不幸中的大幸。


  1. BIOS設好IP,直接從指定IP以瀏覽器進入。
  2. 在Windows裡面啟用「IBM USB Remote NDIS Network Device」這張網卡,再以”″進入。
  3. 筆電網路線直接接IMM孔,網段設成”″,以”″登入。


  • 【已解决】求专家 IBM x3650 M3 服务器BRD亮黄灯 – 服务器论坛 – 51CTO技术论坛_中国领先的IT技术社区
  • Integrated Management Module II (IMM2) 基本操作-联想知识库

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IBM X3650 M5 SYS BRD ERR Yellow Light Maintenance

tags: notes

IBM X3650 M5 SYS BRD ERR Yellow Light Maintenance Masterboard

  • It is also more than the X3650 M4 and M5 servers in the Pearl River Delta region, and often receives customers’ repairs. I have written about M5 before, because after-sales maintenance quoted users sure to pain, so I will write M5, press the start button, not start, After waiting for a few seconds, the server exclamation is warned, the maintenance process: After the main board has a set voltage, the cause of the fault is a group for short circuit, directly change the power supply chip OK, «There is a communication of this fault together Weixin is CFX02100313.
  1. Insert a picture description here

  1. Open the cover, take off the CPU fan cover, you can see the wrong yellow light () BLGBLB array card) ![ 2. List item

  2. The demolition of the mother is relatively simple, no tool, unplug all connecting lines. There are two green buttons on the motherboard, and you can take it out.List item 2.

  3. List item

Side test edge and other customers come to take, ERP users are urgent ………

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Можно установить только три куллера.
А разъемов под куллеры 6 и 6 индикаторов на плате.
На плате горят три светодиода рядом с посадочным разъемом.
Все три куллера работают на мкс. оборотах как при включени после отсутствия элекричества.
При загрузке системы сервер отключается минуты через 2
Суппорт сможет помочь только в понедельник .

Автор: vitektm
Дата сообщения: 20.08.2014 00:46

в слоты памяти для цпу1 должны быть вставлены планки памяти. если память вставлена только в слоты для цпу2 то система грузится но появляются ошибки fan и brd. В мануале ibm не было такого варианта’ или он был очень хитро завуалирован.
Проблема решена. Память поставил согласно мануала’ правда в двухканальном режиме т.к лицензия стандарт и ограничение в 32 гб. Правда пришлось немного перебрать комбинации установки памяти. память была разного объема и вендоров.

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Предыдущая тема: huawei e3276 M150-1 Код ошибки 10, порт не найден

Форум — поднят 15-09-2016 числа. Цель — сохранить наследие старого Ru-Board, истории становления российского интернета. Сделано для людей.

  • Page 1
    IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944 Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 3
    IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944 Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 4
    Note: Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in Appendix B, “Notices,” on page 283, the IBM Safety Information and Environmental Notices and User Guide documents on the IBM Documentation CD, and the Warranty Information document.
  • Page 5: Table Of Contents

    Software problems ….. . 100 Universal Serial Bus (USB) port problems … . . 101 © Copyright IBM Corp. 2010…

  • Page 6
    Installing an optional ServeRAID adapter advanced feature key ..207 Removing a USB embedded hypervisor flash device ..208 IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 7
    Using the LSI Configuration Utility program … . . 269 IBM Advanced Settings Utility program….271…
  • Page 8
    Hardware service and support ….282 IBM Taiwan product service ….282 Appendix B.
  • Page 9: Safety

    Les sikkerhetsinformasjonen (Safety Information) før du installerer dette produktet. Antes de instalar este produto, leia as Informações sobre Segurança. Antes de instalar este producto, lea la información de seguridad. Läs säkerhetsinformationen innan du installerar den här produkten. © Copyright IBM Corp. 2010…

  • Page 10: Guidelines For Trained Service Technicians

    Use the information in this section to help you identify potential unsafe conditions in an IBM product that you are working on. Each IBM product, as it was designed and manufactured, has required safety items to protect users and service technicians from injury.

  • Page 11
    v Do not touch the reflective surface of a dental mirror to a live electrical circuit. The surface is conductive and can cause personal injury or equipment damage if it touches a live electrical circuit. v Some rubber floor mats contain small conductive fibers to decrease electrostatic discharge.
  • Page 12: Safety Statements

    Read any additional safety information that comes with the server or optional device before you install the device. Attention: Use No. 26 AWG or larger UL-listed or CSA certified telecommunication line cord. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 13
    Statement 1: DANGER Electrical current from power, telephone, and communication cables is hazardous. To avoid a shock hazard: v Do not connect or disconnect any cables or perform installation, maintenance, or reconfiguration of this product during an electrical storm. v Connect all power cords to a properly wired and grounded electrical outlet.
  • Page 14
    Statement 2: CAUTION: When replacing the lithium battery, use only IBM Part Number 33F8354 or an equivalent type battery recommended by the manufacturer. If your system has a module containing a lithium battery, replace it only with the same module type made by the same manufacturer.
  • Page 15
    Statement 3: CAUTION: When laser products (such as CD-ROMs, DVD drives, fiber optic devices, or transmitters) are installed, note the following: v Do not remove the covers. Removing the covers of the laser product could result in exposure to hazardous laser radiation. There are no serviceable parts inside the device.
  • Page 16
    To remove all electrical current from the device, ensure that all power cords are disconnected from the power source. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 17
    Statement 8: CAUTION: Never remove the cover on a power supply or any part that has the following label attached. Hazardous voltage, current, and energy levels are present inside any component that has this label attached. There are no serviceable parts inside these components.
  • Page 18
    IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 19: Chapter 1. Start Here

    You can solve many problems without outside assistance by following the troubleshooting procedures in this Problem Determination and Service Guide and on the IBM Web site. This document describes the diagnostic tests that you can perform, troubleshooting procedures, and explanations of error messages and error codes.

  • Page 20
    You might be able to solve the problem by turning off the server, reconnecting cables, reseating adapters, and turning the server back on. For information about performing the checkout IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 21
    Problem determination information is available for many devices such as RAID and network adapters. For problems with operating systems or IBM software or devices, complete the following steps. Note: Changes are made periodically to the IBM Web site. The actual procedure might vary slightly from what is described in this document.
  • Page 22: Undocumented Problems

    If you have completed the diagnostic procedure and the problem remains, the problem might not have been previously identified by IBM. After you have verified that all code is at the latest level, all hardware and software configurations are valid, and no light path diagnostics LEDs or log entries indicate a hardware component failure, contact IBM or an approved warranty service provider for assistance.

  • Page 23: Chapter 2. Introduction

    163. v Tier 1 customer replaceable unit (CRU): Replacement of Tier 1 CRUs is your responsibility. If IBM installs a Tier 1 CRU at your request, you will be charged for the installation. v Tier 2 customer replaceable unit: You may install a Tier 2 CRU yourself or request IBM to install it, at no additional charge, under the type of warranty service that is designated for your server.

  • Page 24: Notices And Statements In This Document

    Environmental Notices and User Guide This document is in PDF format on the IBM System x Documentation CD. It contains translated environmental notices. Depending on the server model, additional documentation might be included on the IBM System x Documentation CD.

  • Page 25: Features And Specifications

    (PCI Express Gen2 x16 or (10000 ft) v For a list of supported microprocessors, PCI-X 1.0a 64-bit/133 MHz). – Shipment: -40°C to 60°C see (-40°F to 140°F); maximum altitude: Video controller (integrated into IMM): serverproven/compat/us/. 3048 m (10000 ft)

  • Page 26
    Weight: approximately 15.9 kg (35.1 lb) when fully configured Acoustical noise emissions: v Sound power, idling: 6.1 bels maximum v Sound power, operating: 6.1 bels maximum IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 27: Server Controls, Leds, And Power

    When this LED is lit, it indicates that the drive has failed. If an optional IBM ServeRAID controller is installed in the server, when this LED is flashing slowly (one flash per second), it indicates that the drive is being rebuilt.

  • Page 28: Operator Information Panel

    This LED is also used as a presence detection button. You can use IBM Systems Director to light this LED remotely. This LED is controlled by the IMM. When you press the System-locator button, the LED will blink and it will continue to blink until you press it again to turn it off.

  • Page 29: Light Path Diagnostics Panel

    Notes: 1. For a SAS drive, a hard disk drive activity LED is shown in two places: on the hard disk drive and on the operator information panel. 2. For a SATA drive, hard disk drive activity is indicated only by the hard disk drive activity LED on the operator information panel.

  • Page 30: Rear View

    Serial over LAN (SOL). v USB connectors: Connect a USB device, such as a USB mouse or keyboard to any of these connectors. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 31
    v Systems-management Ethernet connector: Use this connector to connect the server to a network for full systems-management information control. v Ethernet connectors: Use either of these connectors to connect the server to a network. When you use the Ethernet 1 connector, the network can be shared with the IMM through a single network cable.
  • Page 32: Server Power Features

    Note: When 4 GB or more of memory (physical or logical) is installed, some memory is reserved for various system resources and is unavailable to the IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 33: Turning Off The Server

    operating system. The amount of memory that is reserved for system resources depends on the operating system, the configuration of the server, and the configured PCI options. Turning off the server When you turn off the server and leave it connected to power, the server can respond to requests from the service processor, such as a remote request to turn on the server.

  • Page 34: Internal Leds, Connectors, And Jumpers

    The illustrations in this section show the connectors, LEDs, and jumpers on the internal boards. The illustrations might differ slightly from your hardware. System-board internal connectors The following illustration shows the internal connectors on the system board. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 35: System-Board External Connectors

    System-board external connectors The following illustration shows the external connectors on the system board: Chapter 2. Introduction…

  • Page 36: System-Board Switches And Jumpers

    Pins 1 and 2: Normal (default) Loads the primary IMM firmware ROM page. v Pins 2 and 3: Loads the secondary (backup) IMM firmware ROM page. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 37
    Table 2. System board jumpers (continued) Jumper number Jumper name Jumper setting Notes: 1. If no jumper is present, the server responds as if the pins are set to 1 and 2. 2. Changing the position of the UEFI boot recovery jumper from pins 1 and 2 to pins 2 and 3 before the server is turned on alters which flash ROM page is loaded.
  • Page 38
    169, and “Turning off the server” on page 15. 2. Any system-board switch or jumper blocks that are not shown in the illustrations in this document are reserved. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 39: System-Board Leds

    System-board LEDs The following illustration shows the light-emitting diodes (LEDs) on the system board. Chapter 2. Introduction…

  • Page 40: System-Board Optional Device Connectors

    System-board optional device connectors The following illustration shows the connectors for user-installable options: IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 41: Chapter 3. Diagnostics

    — PCI slot information The diagnostic programs create a merged log that includes events from all collected logs. The information is collected into a file that you can send to IBM service and support. Additionally, you can view the server information locally through a generated text report file.

  • Page 42: Post

    POST to run. If POST detects a problem an error message is displayed. See “POST error codes” on page 27 for more information. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 43: Error Logs

    Error logs Error codes and messages are displayed in the following types of event logs. Some of the error codes and messages in the logs are abbreviated. When you are troubleshooting PCI-X slots, note that the event logs report the PCI-X buses numerically.

  • Page 44
    &brandind=5000008 or complete the following steps. Note: Changes are made periodically to the IBM Web site. The actual procedure might vary slightly from what is described in this document. 1. Go to 2. Under Product support, click System x.
  • Page 45: Post Error Codes

    Table 5. Methods for viewing event logs (continued) Condition Action The server is not hung and the integrated In a Web browser, type the IP address for management module (IMM) is connected to the IMM and go to the Event Log page. For a network.

  • Page 46
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 47
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 48
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 49
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 50
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 51
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 52
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 53
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 54
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 55
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 56: System Event Log

    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.

  • Page 57
    Table 6. IMM error messages v Follow the suggested actions in the order in which they are listed in the Action column until the problem is solved. v See Chapter 4, “Parts listing, System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944,” on page 159 to determine which components are customer replaceable units (CRU) and which components are field replaceable units (FRU).
  • Page 58
    (n = fan number) The connector System board has Error An interconnect Reseat the front video encountered a configuration error. configuration error has cable on the system occurred. board. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 59
    Table 6. IMM error messages (continued) v Follow the suggested actions in the order in which they are listed in the Action column until the problem is solved. v See Chapter 4, “Parts listing, System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944,” on page 159 to determine which components are customer replaceable units (CRU) and which components are field replaceable units (FRU).
  • Page 60
    2. Make sure that the heat sink for microprocessor nis installed correctly. 3. (Trained service technician only) Replace microprocessor n. (n = microprocessor number) IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 61
    Table 6. IMM error messages (continued) v Follow the suggested actions in the order in which they are listed in the Action column until the problem is solved. v See Chapter 4, “Parts listing, System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944,” on page 159 to determine which components are customer replaceable units (CRU) and which components are field replaceable units (FRU).
  • Page 62
    2. Update the server firmware to the latest level (see “Updating the firmware” on page 255). 3. (Trained service technician only) Replace the incompatible microprocessor. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 63
    Table 6. IMM error messages (continued) v Follow the suggested actions in the order in which they are listed in the Action column until the problem is solved. v See Chapter 4, “Parts listing, System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944,” on page 159 to determine which components are customer replaceable units (CRU) and which components are field replaceable units (FRU).
  • Page 64
    2. Make sure that the heat sink for microprocessor n is installed correctly. 3. (Trained service technician only) Replace microprocessor n. (n = microprocessor number) IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 65
    Table 6. IMM error messages (continued) v Follow the suggested actions in the order in which they are listed in the Action column until the problem is solved. v See Chapter 4, “Parts listing, System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944,” on page 159 to determine which components are customer replaceable units (CRU) and which components are field replaceable units (FRU).
  • Page 66
    3. Make sure that the heat sink for microprocessor nis installed correctly. 4. (Trained service technician only) Replace microprocessor n. (n = microprocessor number) IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 67
    Table 6. IMM error messages (continued) v Follow the suggested actions in the order in which they are listed in the Action column until the problem is solved. v See Chapter 4, “Parts listing, System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944,” on page 159 to determine which components are customer replaceable units (CRU) and which components are field replaceable units (FRU).
  • Page 68
    2. Reinstall the device CIM_ComputerSystem.ElementName) driver. 3. Update all device drives to the latest level. 4. Update the firmware (UEFI and IMM) (see “Updating the firmware” on page 255). IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 69
    Table 6. IMM error messages (continued) v Follow the suggested actions in the order in which they are listed in the Action column until the problem is solved. v See Chapter 4, “Parts listing, System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944,” on page 159 to determine which components are customer replaceable units (CRU) and which components are field replaceable units (FRU).
  • Page 70
    3. (Trained service technician only) Replace the system board. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 71
    Table 6. IMM error messages (continued) v Follow the suggested actions in the order in which they are listed in the Action column until the problem is solved. v See Chapter 4, “Parts listing, System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944,” on page 159 to determine which components are customer replaceable units (CRU) and which components are field replaceable units (FRU).
  • Page 72
    5. Make sure that the two microprocessors are matching. 6. (Trained service technician only) Replace the system board. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 73
    Table 6. IMM error messages (continued) v Follow the suggested actions in the order in which they are listed in the Action column until the problem is solved. v See Chapter 4, “Parts listing, System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944,” on page 159 to determine which components are customer replaceable units (CRU) and which components are field replaceable units (FRU).
  • Page 74
    If the error recurs, replace the component that you just reinstalled. 2. Reseat power supply 3. Replace power supply (n = power supply number) IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 75
    Table 6. IMM error messages (continued) v Follow the suggested actions in the order in which they are listed in the Action column until the problem is solved. v See Chapter 4, “Parts listing, System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944,” on page 159 to determine which components are customer replaceable units (CRU) and which components are field replaceable units (FRU).
  • Page 76
    4. Replace the failing device. 5. (Trained service technician only) Replace the system board. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 77
    Table 6. IMM error messages (continued) v Follow the suggested actions in the order in which they are listed in the Action column until the problem is solved. v See Chapter 4, “Parts listing, System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944,” on page 159 to determine which components are customer replaceable units (CRU) and which components are field replaceable units (FRU).
  • Page 78
    RAID controller system management software event logs. 2. Reseat the hard disk drive for which the status LED is lit. 3. Replace the defective hard disk drive. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 79
    Table 6. IMM error messages (continued) v Follow the suggested actions in the order in which they are listed in the Action column until the problem is solved. v See Chapter 4, “Parts listing, System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944,” on page 159 to determine which components are customer replaceable units (CRU) and which components are field replaceable units (FRU).
  • Page 80
    LED. Note: You do not have to replace DIMMs by pairs. 3. Run the Setup utility to enable all the DIMMs. 4. Run the DSA memory test. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 81
    Table 6. IMM error messages (continued) v Follow the suggested actions in the order in which they are listed in the Action column until the problem is solved. v See Chapter 4, “Parts listing, System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944,” on page 159 to determine which components are customer replaceable units (CRU) and which components are field replaceable units (FRU).
  • Page 82
    DIMMs by pairs. 3. Run the Setup utility to enable all the DIMMs. 4. Run the DSA memory test. 5. (Trained service technician only) Replace the system board. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 83
    Table 6. IMM error messages (continued) v Follow the suggested actions in the order in which they are listed in the Action column until the problem is solved. v See Chapter 4, “Parts listing, System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944,” on page 159 to determine which components are customer replaceable units (CRU) and which components are field replaceable units (FRU).
  • Page 84
    4. Remove both adapters. 5. Replace the riser cards. 6. (Trained service technicians only) Replace the system board. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 85
    Table 6. IMM error messages (continued) v Follow the suggested actions in the order in which they are listed in the Action column until the problem is solved. v See Chapter 4, “Parts listing, System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944,” on page 159 to determine which components are customer replaceable units (CRU) and which components are field replaceable units (FRU).
  • Page 86
    4. Make sure that the adapter is on the serverproven list. 5. Remove both adapters. 6. Replace the PCIe adapter. 7. Replace the riser card. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 87
    Table 6. IMM error messages (continued) v Follow the suggested actions in the order in which they are listed in the Action column until the problem is solved. v See Chapter 4, “Parts listing, System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944,” on page 159 to determine which components are customer replaceable units (CRU) and which components are field replaceable units (FRU).
  • Page 88
    5. Remove the adapter from slot n. 6. Replace the PCIe adapter. 7. Replace riser card n. (n = PCI slot number) IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 89
    Table 6. IMM error messages (continued) v Follow the suggested actions in the order in which they are listed in the Action column until the problem is solved. v See Chapter 4, “Parts listing, System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944,” on page 159 to determine which components are customer replaceable units (CRU) and which components are field replaceable units (FRU).
  • Page 90
    5. Remove both adapters. 6. Replace the PCIe adapter. 7. Replace the riser card. 8. (Trained service technician only) Replace the system board. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 91
    Table 6. IMM error messages (continued) v Follow the suggested actions in the order in which they are listed in the Action column until the problem is solved. v See Chapter 4, “Parts listing, System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944,” on page 159 to determine which components are customer replaceable units (CRU) and which components are field replaceable units (FRU).
  • Page 92
    Hostname set to %1 by user %2. Info A user has modified the No action; information only. (%1 = host name of the IMM. CIM_DNSProtocolEndpoint.Hostname; %2 = user ID) IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 93
    Table 6. IMM error messages (continued) v Follow the suggested actions in the order in which they are listed in the Action column until the problem is solved. v See Chapter 4, “Parts listing, System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944,” on page 159 to determine which components are customer replaceable units (CRU) and which components are field replaceable units (FRU).
  • Page 94
    %2 = user ID) IMM reset was initiated by user %1. Info A user has initiated a reset No action; information only. (%1 = user ID) of the IMM. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 95
    Table 6. IMM error messages (continued) v Follow the suggested actions in the order in which they are listed in the Action column until the problem is solved. v See Chapter 4, “Parts listing, System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944,” on page 159 to determine which components are customer replaceable units (CRU) and which components are field replaceable units (FRU).
  • Page 96
    If the device is part of a cluster solution, verify that the latest level of code is supported for the cluster solution before you update the code. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 97
    Table 6. IMM error messages (continued) v Follow the suggested actions in the order in which they are listed in the Action column until the problem is solved. v See Chapter 4, “Parts listing, System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944,” on page 159 to determine which components are customer replaceable units (CRU) and which components are field replaceable units (FRU).
  • Page 98
    USB interface is enabled. 3. Reinstall the RNDIS or cdc_ether device driver for the operating system. 4. Disable the watchdog. 5. Check the integrity of the installed operating system. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 99
    Table 6. IMM error messages (continued) v Follow the suggested actions in the order in which they are listed in the Action column until the problem is solved. v See Chapter 4, “Parts listing, System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944,” on page 159 to determine which components are customer replaceable units (CRU) and which components are field replaceable units (FRU).
  • Page 100: Checkout Procedure

    “Diagnostic programs and messages” on page 115. Performing the checkout procedure To perform the checkout procedure, complete the following steps: 1. Is the server part of a cluster? IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 101
    Check the power supply LEDs (see “Power-supply LEDs” on page 110). b. Turn off the server and all external devices. c. Check all internal and external devices for compatibility at d. Check all cables and power cords. e. Set all display controls to the middle positions.
  • Page 102: Troubleshooting Tables

    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.

  • Page 103: General Problems

    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.

  • Page 104
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 105: Hypervisor Problems

    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.

  • Page 106: Intermittent Problems

    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.

  • Page 107: Keyboard, Mouse, Or Pointing-Device Problems

    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.

  • Page 108: Memory Problems

    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.

  • Page 109
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 110: Microprocessor Problems

    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.

  • Page 111: Monitor And Video Problems

    Monitor and video problems Some IBM monitors have their own self-tests. If you suspect a problem with your monitor, see the documentation that comes with the monitor for instructions for testing and adjusting the monitor. If you cannot diagnose the problem, call for service.

  • Page 112
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 113: Optional-Device Problems

    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.

  • Page 114: Power Problems

    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.

  • Page 115
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 116
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 117: Serial-Device Problems

    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.

  • Page 118: Software Problems

    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.

  • Page 119: Universal Serial Bus (Usb) Port Problems

    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.

  • Page 120
    LEDs that are lit to indicate the location of a problem. The following illustration shows the LEDs and connectors on the system board. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 121
    It allows you to blue screen the server and take a memory dump (use this button only when directed by the IBM service support). v Checkpoint code display: This display provides a checkpoint code that indicates the point at which the system stopped during the boot block and POST.
  • Page 122: Light Path Diagnostics Leds

    5. Replace any failing device. 6. (Trained service technician only) Replace the system board. (Continued on the next page) IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 123
    Table 7. Light path diagnostics panel LEDs (continued) v Follow the suggested actions in the order in which they are listed in the Action column until the problem is solved. v See Chapter 4, “Parts listing, System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944,” on page 159 to determine which components are customer replaceable units (CRU) and which components are field replaceable units (FRU).
  • Page 124
    2. Make sure that the power supplies are seated correctly. 3. Remove one of the power supplies to isolate the failed power supply. 4. Replace the failed power supply. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 125
    PCI riser card v (Trained service technician only) Replace the system board. 5. For more information, go to support/supportsite.wss/docdisplay?brandind=5000008 &lndocid=SERV-CALL. A service processor error has 1. Shut down the system and remove the power cords from been detected.
  • Page 126
    Make sure that the DIMM configuration is supported (see “Installing a memory module” on page 195 for DIMM requirements and installation sequence information). b. Replace the DIMMs with a supported configuration. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 127
    LED on the system board, is installed correctly. See “Installing a microprocessor and heat sink” on page 245 for information about installation and requirements. b. For more information, go to systems/support/supportsite.wss/ docdisplay?brandind=5000008&lndocid=SERV-CALL. Reserved. Chapter 3. Diagnostics…
  • Page 128: Power-Supply Leds

    The following minimum configuration is required for the server to start: v One microprocessor in microprocessor socket 1 v One 2 GB DIMM on the system board v One power supply v Power cord IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 129
    v Five cooling fans (two, two, one for each thermal zone) v One PCI riser-card assembly in PCI riser connector 2 The following illustration shows the locations of the power-supply LEDs on the ac power supply. The following table describes the problems that are indicated by various combinations of the power-supply LEDs on an ac power supply and suggested actions to correct the detected problems.
  • Page 130
    Replace the power supply. power-supply Power-supply is Replace the power supply. faulty but still operational The following illustration shows the locations of the power-supply LEDs on the dc power supply. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 131
    Power input LED Power output LED Power error LED -48V -48V return Ground The following table describes the problems that are indicated by various combinations of the power-supply LEDs on a dc power supply and suggested actions to correct the detected problems. Chapter 3.
  • Page 132
    (trained service technician only) replace the system board. Faulty Replace the power supply. power-supply Power-supply is Replace the power supply. faulty but still operational IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 133: System Pulse Leds

    System pulse LEDs The following LEDs are on the system board and monitors the system power-on and power-off sequencing and boot progress (see “System-board LEDs” on page 21 for the location of these LEDs): Table 8. System pulse LEDs Description Action Enclosure management heartbeat power-on and power-off sequencing.

  • Page 134: Running The Diagnostic Programs

    2. Under Product support, click System x. 3. Under Popular links, click Software and device drivers. 4. Click IBM System x3550 M3 to display the matrix of downloadable files for the server. Utilities are available to reset and update the diagnostics code on the integrated USB flash device, if the diagnostic partition becomes damaged and does not start the diagnostic programs.

  • Page 135: Diagnostic Text Messages

    If the server stops during testing and you cannot continue, restart the server and try running the diagnostic programs again. If the problem remains, replace the component that was being tested when the server stopped. Diagnostic text messages Diagnostic text messages are displayed while the tests are running. A diagnostic text message contains one of the following results: Passed: The test was completed without any errors.

  • Page 136
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 137
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 138
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 139
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 140
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 141
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 142
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 143
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 144
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 145
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 146
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 147
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 148
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 149
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 150
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 151
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 152
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 153
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 154
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 155
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 156
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 157
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 158
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 159
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 160
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 161
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 162
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 163
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 164
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 165
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 166
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 167
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 168
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 169
    If an action step is preceded by “(Trained service technician only),” that step must be performed only by a Trained service technician. v Go to the IBM support Web site at to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
  • Page 170: Recovering The Server Firmware

    To download the server firmware update package from the World Wide Web, complete the following steps. Note: Changes are made periodically to the IBM Web site. The actual procedure might vary slightly from what is described in this document. 1. Go to

  • Page 171
    4. Move the jumper from pins 1 and 2 to pins 2 and 3 to enable the UEFI recovery mode. 5. Reinstall the server cover; then, reconnect all power cords. 6. Restart the server. The power-on self-test (POST) starts. 7. Boot the server to an operating system that is supported by the firmware update package that you downloaded.
  • Page 172: Automated Boot Recovery (Abr)

    (see “Power-supply LEDs” on page 110 for the minimum configuration). IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 173: Solving Ethernet Controller Problems

    5. Reconnect all ac power cords and turn on the server. If the server starts successfully, reseat the adapters and devices one at a time until the problem is isolated. If the server does not start from the minimum configuration, see “Power-supply LEDs”…

  • Page 174: Problem Determination Tips

    Failure symptom – Does the server fail the diagnostic tests? – What occurs? When? Where? – Does the failure occur on a single server or on multiple servers? IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 175
    Software versions and levels v Diagnostic program type and version level v Configuration option settings v Operating-system control-file setup See Appendix A, “Getting help and technical assistance,” on page 281 for information about calling IBM for service. Chapter 3. Diagnostics…
  • Page 176
    IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 177: Chapter 4. Parts Listing, System X3550 M3 Types 4254 And 7944

    Tier 1 customer replaceable unit (CRU): Replacement of Tier 1 CRUs is your responsibility. If IBM installs a Tier 1 CRU at your request, you will be charged for the installation. v Tier 2 customer replaceable unit: You may install a Tier 2 CRU yourself or request IBM to install it, at no additional charge, under the type of warranty service that is designated for your server.

  • Page 178
    The following illustration shows the major components in the server. The illustrations in this document might differ slightly from your hardware. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 179
    The following table lists the part numbers for the server components. Table 10. Parts listing, Types 4254 and 7944 CRU part CRU part number number FRU part Index Description (Tier 1) (Tier 2) number Top cover 59Y3927 Filler, PCI 59Y3969 PCI-X riser card 69Y4570 PCI Express riser card, x16, assembly…
  • Page 180
    Cable, line cord (models A2x, B2x, C2x, D2x, F2x, G2x, 39M5377 H2x, J2x, M2x, and N2x) Cage, hard disk drive 59Y3968 Cage, optical drive 59Y3924 Safety cover 49Y4823 IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 181: Consumable Parts

    Alcohol wipes 59P4739 Consumable parts Consumable parts are not covered by the IBM Statement of Limited Warranty. The following consumable parts are available for purchase from the retail store. Chapter 4. Parts listing, System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944…

  • Page 182
    If you need help with your order, call the toll-free number that is listed on the retail parts page, or contact your local IBM representative for assistance. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 183: Power Cords

    Power cords For your safety, IBM provides a power cord with a grounded attachment plug to use with this IBM product. To avoid electrical shock, always use the power cord and plug with a properly grounded outlet. IBM power cords used in the United States and Canada are listed by Underwriter’s Laboratories (UL) and certified by the Canadian Standards Association (CSA).

  • Page 184
    Panama, Peru, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, Taiwan, United States of America, Venezuela 39M5219 Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of), Korea (Republic of) 39M5199 Japan 39M5068 Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay 39M5226 India 39M5233 Brazil IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 185: Chapter 5. Removing And Replacing Server Components

    Tier 1 customer replaceable unit (CRU): Replacement of Tier 1 CRUs is your responsibility. If IBM installs a Tier 1 CRU at your request, you will be charged for the installation. v Tier 2 customer replaceable unit: You may install a Tier 2 CRU yourself or request IBM to install it, at no additional charge, under the type of warranty service that is designated for your server.

  • Page 186: System Reliability Guidelines

    When you are finished working on the server, reinstall all safety shields, guards, labels, and ground wires. v For a list of supported optional devices for the server, see servers/eserver/serverproven/compat/us/. System reliability guidelines…

  • Page 187: Working Inside The Server With The Power On

    You have kept the preinstalled air deflector in place unless directed to remove it in this publication or by IBM Service. See “Removing the microprocessor 2 air baffle” on page 175 for the location of the air deflector in the server.

  • Page 188: Returning A Device Or Component

    To disconnect the optional optical drive cable, you must first press the connector release tab, and then disconnect the cable from the connector on the system board. Do not disconnect the cable by using excessive force. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 189
    Chapter 5. Removing and replacing server components…
  • Page 190
    Note: The USB cable is routed under the video cable and then both the USB and video cables are routed under the cable retention tab and the top cover latch receptacle. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 191
    The following illustration shows the internal routing for the SATA power cable and signal cable. Chapter 5. Removing and replacing server components…
  • Page 192: Removing And Replacing Consumable Parts And Tier 1 Crus

    Removing and replacing consumable parts and Tier 1 CRUs Replacement of consumable parts and Tier 1 CRUs is your responsibility. If IBM installs a consumable part or Tier 1 CRU at your request, you will be charged for the installation.

  • Page 193: Removing The Microprocessor 2 Air Baffle

    Important: Before you slide the cover forward, make sure that all the tabs on both the front, rear, and side of the cover engage the chassis correctly. If all the tabs do not engage the chassis correctly, it will be very difficult to remove the cover later.

  • Page 194: Installing The Microprocessor 2 Air Baffle

    4. Slide the server into the rack. 5. Reconnect the power cords and any cables that you removed. 6. Turn on the peripheral devices and the server. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 195: Removing The Dimm Air Baffle

    Removing the DIMM air baffle To remove the DIMM air baffle, complete the following steps: 1. Read the safety information that begins on page vii and “Installation guidelines” on page 167. 2. Turn off the server and peripheral devices and disconnect all power cords and external cables if necessary.

  • Page 196: Installing The Dimm Air Baffle

    Attention: For proper cooling and airflow, replace the air baffle before turning on the server. Operating the server with an air baffle removed might damage server components. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 197: Removing An Adapter

    Removing an adapter To remove an adapter, complete the following steps: 1. Read the safety information that begins on page vii and “Installation guidelines” on page 167. 2. Turn off the server and peripheral devices and disconnect all power cords; then, remove the cover (see “Removing the cover”…

  • Page 198: Installing An Adapter

    You must install a PCI riser-card assembly in slot 2 even if you do not install an adapter. The following table lists the supported configurations for the PCI rise-cardr slots. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 199
    Table 12. PCI riser slots supported configurations PCI riser-card slot number Configuration 1 Configuration 2 Configuration 3 Configuration 4 Slot 1 PCI Express PCI Express PCI-X 1.0a PCI-X 1.0a Gen 2 (x16) card Gen 2 (x16) card 64-bit/133 MHz 64-bit/133 MHz with a PCI with a PCI care with a…
  • Page 200: Removing The Sas/Sata Raid Riser-Card Assembly

    5. Remove the flash device from the SAS/SATA RAID riser card, if one is installed (see “Removing a USB embedded hypervisor flash device” on page 208). IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 201: Installing The Sas/Sata Raid Riser-Card Assembly

    Release tab 6. If you are instructed to return the SAS/SATA RAID riser-card assembly, follow all packaging instructions, and use any packaging materials for shipping that are supplied to you. Installing the SAS/SATA RAID riser-card assembly To install the SAS/SATA RAID riser-card assembly, complete the following steps: 1.

  • Page 202: Removing A Hot-Swap Hard Disk Drive

    2. Make sure you save the data on your drive, especially if it is part of a RAID array, before you remove it from the server. 3. Slide the release latch (orange) gently to the left to unlock the drive handle. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 203: Installing A Hot-Swap Hard Disk Drive

    The following notes describe the type of hard disk drives that the server supports and other information that you must consider when you install a hard disk drive. For a list of supported hard disk drives, see serverproven/compat/us/. v Locate the documentation that comes with the hard disk drive and follow those instructions in addition to the instructions in this chapter.

  • Page 204: Removing A Simple-Swap Hard Disk Drive

    To avoid damage to the hard disk drive connectors, make sure that the server cover is in place and fully closed whenever you install or remove a hard disk drive. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 205: Installing A Simple-Swap Hard Disk Drive

    Before you install a simple-swap SATA hard disk drive, read the following information. For a list of supported hard disk drives, see compat/us/. v Locate the documentation that comes with the hard disk drive and follow those instructions in addition to the instructions in this chapter.

  • Page 206
    The following illustration shows the location of the IDs of the hard disk drives. The ID numbers and the drive bay numbers are the same. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 207: Removing An Optional Dvd Drive

    Removing an optional DVD drive To remove an optional DVD drive, complete the following steps: 1. Read the safety information that begins on page “Safety” on page vii and “Installation guidelines” on page 167. 2. Turn off the server and peripheral devices and disconnect all power cords. 3.

  • Page 208: Installing An Optional Dvd Drive

    6. Remove the DVD drive filler panel if it is installed. locate the blue release tab on the rear of the DVD drive filler panel; then, while you press the tab, push the DVD drive filler panel out of the drive bay. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 209
    Release tab DVD drive filler panel 7. Remove the retention clip from the side of the DVD drive filler panel. Save the DVD drive filler panel for future use. Note: If you are installing an optical drive that contains a laser, observe the following safety precaution.
  • Page 210
    DVD drive. 11. Align the DVD drive in the drive bay and slide the DVD drive into the optical drive bay until the DVD drive clicks into place. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 211
    12. Connect the DVD drive cable (see “Installing the DVD cable” on page 230). The following illustration shows the cable routing for the DVD drive: Note: The DVD cable should go on the top of the operation information panel cable (in the middle) and the Video/USB cable (on the bottom) when all three cables are installed in the server.
  • Page 212: Removing A Memory Module

    6. If you are instructed to return the DIMM, follow all packaging instructions, and use any packaging materials for shipping that are supplied to you. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 213: Installing A Memory Module

    1066, or 1333 MHz, PC3-10600R-999, registered or unbuffered, synchronous dynamic random-access memory (SDRAM) dual inline memory modules (DIMMs) with error correcting code (ECC). See serverproven/compat/us/ for a list of supported memory modules for the server. – The specifications of a DDR3 DIMM are on a label on the DIMM, in the following format.

  • Page 214
    When you install one quad-rank RDIMM in a channel, install it in the DIMM connector furthest away from the microprocessor. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 215: Dimm Installation Sequence

    v Do not install one quad-rank RDIMM in one channel and three RDIMMs in another channel. v Do not install 1.5V DIMMs and 1.35V DIMMs in the same server. The following illustration shows the location of the DIMM connectors on the system board.

  • Page 216
    DIMM pairs. For example, the first DIMM pair (indicated within the boxes by ones (1)) should be installed in DIMM connectors 1 and 2, which is associated with microprocessor 1 (CPU1). IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 217
    Note: You can install DIMMs for microprocessor 2 as soon as you install microprocessor 2; you do not have to wait until all of the DIMM slots for microprocessor 1 are filled. CPU2 17 18 CPU1 Figure 2. Memory connectors associated with each microprocessor for memory mirroring The following table shows the installation sequence for installing DIMMs in memory-mirroring mode: Table 16.
  • Page 218: Installing A Dimm

    9. Reconnect the power cord and any cables that you removed. 10. Replace the cover (see “Installing the cover” on page 174). 11. Turn on the peripheral devices and the server. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 219: Removing A Serveraid Sas/Sata Controller From The Sas/Sata Raid Riser Card

    ServeRAID-M1015, ServeRAID-M5014, or a ServeRAID-M5015 SAS/SATA adapter installed. You can replace the ServeRAID controller with another supported ServeRAID controller. For a list of supported ServeRAID controllers, see servers/eserver/serverproven/compat/us/. Note: For brevity, in this documentation the ServeRAID SAS/SATA controller is often referred to as the SAS/SATA adapter or the ServeRAID adapter.

  • Page 220: Installing A Serveraid Sas/Sata Controller On The Sas/Sata Raid Riser Card

    6. Insert the SAS/SATA adapter into the connector on the SAS/SATA RAID riser card until it is firmly seated. Attention: Incomplete insertion might cause damage to the server or the adapter. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 221
    7. Install the SAS/SATA RAID riser-card assembly (see “Installing the SAS/SATA RAID riser-card assembly” on page 183). 8. Route the signal cables from the drive backplane over the blue adapter retention bracket. 9. Connect the signal cables to the SAS/SATA adapter: v ServeRAID-BR10il v2 adapter: Take the signal cable that is attached to the drive backplane for drive bays 0 through 3 and connect it to the SAS/SATA connector on the ServeRAID adapter.
  • Page 222
    Connect the other signal cable so that is attached to the drive backplane for drive bays 4 and 7 and connect it to the other connector on the adapter. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 223: Removing An Optional Serveraid Adapter Advanced Feature Key

    10. Reconnect the power cord and any cables that you removed. 11. Replace the cover (see “Installing the cover” on page 174). 12. Turn on the peripheral devices and the server. Note: When you restart the server, you are prompted to import the existing RAID configuration to the new SAS/SATA adapter.

  • Page 224
    5. If you are instructed to return the feature key, follow all packaging instructions, and use any packaging materials for shipping that are supplied to you. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 225: Installing An Optional Serveraid Adapter Advanced Feature Key

    Installing an optional ServeRAID adapter advanced feature key To install an optional ServeRAID adapter advanced feature key, complete the following steps: 1. Read the safety information that begins on page vii and “Installation guidelines” on page 167. 2. Turn off the server and peripheral devices and disconnect the power cords. 3.

  • Page 226: Removing A Usb Embedded Hypervisor Flash Device

    4. Grasp the flash device blue lockbar (shown in the following illustration) and slide it toward the SAS/SATA riser-card assembly to the unlock position and remove it from the connector. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 227: Installing A Usb Embedded Hypervisor Flash Device

    5. If you are instructed to return the flash device, follow all packaging instructions, and use any packaging materials for shipping that are supplied to you. Installing a USB embedded hypervisor flash device To install a hypervisor flash device, complete the following steps: 1.

  • Page 228: Removing A Hot-Swap Ac Power Supply

    There are no serviceable parts inside these components. If you suspect a problem with one of these parts, contact a service technician. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 229
    Note: The procedure below describes how to remove a hot-swap ac power supply, for instructions on how to remove a hot-swap dc power supply, refer to the documentation that comes with the dc power supply. To remove a hot-swap ac power supply, complete the following steps: 1.
  • Page 230: Installing A Hot-Swap Ac Power Supply

    There are no serviceable parts inside these components. If you suspect a problem with one of these parts, contact a service technician. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 231: Removing A Hot-Swap Fan Assembly

    To install a hot-swap ac power supply, complete the following steps: 1. Read the safety information that begins vii and “Installation guidelines” on page 167. 2. Touch the static-protective package that contains the hot-swap power supply to any unpainted metal surface on the server; then, remove the power supply from the package and place it on a static-protective surface.

  • Page 232
    4. If you are instructed to return the fan, follow all of the packaging instructions, and use any packaging materials for shipping that are supplied to you. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 233: Installing A Hot-Swap Fan Assembly

    Installing a hot-swap fan assembly The server comes standard with five dual-motor hot-swap cooling fans. Attention: To ensure proper operation, replace a failed hot-swap fan within 30 seconds. To install an additional hot-swap fan, complete the following steps: 1. Read the safety information that begins on page vii and “Installation guidelines” on page 167.

  • Page 234: Removing The Virtual Media Key

    3. Align the virtual media key with the mounting tab and slide it down the tab onto the connector on the system board. Press the virtual media key down into the connector until it is firmly seated on the system board. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 235: Removing The Optional Two-Port Ethernet Adapter

    4. Replace the cover (see “Installing the cover” on page 174). 5. Slide the server into the rack. 6. Reconnect the power cord and any cables that you removed. 7. Turn on the peripheral devices and the server. Removing the optional two-port Ethernet adapter To remove the Ethernet adapter, complete the following steps: 1.

  • Page 236: Installing The Optional Two-Port Ethernet Adapter

    5. Install the two standoffs on the system board. 6. Insert the bottom tabs of the metal clip into the port openings from outside the chassis. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 237: Removing A Remotely Installed Raid Adapter Battery

    7. While pressing the top of the metal clip, rotate the metal clip toward the front of the server until the metal clip clicks into place. Make sure the metal clip is securely engaged on the chassis. 8. Touch the static-protective package that contains the new Ethernet adapter to any unpainted metal surface on the server.

  • Page 238
    If you are instructed to return the RAID adapter battery, follow all packaging instructions, and use any packaging materials for shipping that are supplied to you. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 239: Installing A Raid Adapter Battery Remotely In The Server

    Installing a RAID adapter battery remotely in the server When you install any RAID adapters that come with a batteries in the PCI slot 1 and PCI slot 2, it is sometimes necessary to install the batteries in another location in the server to prevent the batteries from overheating.

  • Page 240
    6. Install the cover. 7. Slide the server into the rack. 8. Reconnect the power cords and all external cables, and turn on the server and peripheral devices. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 241: Removing The System Battery

    The following notes describe information that you must consider when replacing the battery: v IBM has designed this product with your safety in mind. The lithium battery must be handled correctly to avoid possible danger. If you replace the battery, you must adhere to the following instructions.

  • Page 242
    (see “Removing the cover” on page 174). 3. If necessary, lift the riser-card assembly out of the way (see “Removing an adapter” on page 179). IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 243: Installing The System Battery

    Use your thumb and index finger to lift the battery from the socket. 5. Dispose of the battery as required by local ordinances or regulations. See the IBM Environmental Notices and User’s Guide on the IBM System x Documentation CD for more information.

  • Page 244
    Statement 2: CAUTION: When replacing the lithium battery, use only IBM Part Number 33F8354 or an equivalent type battery recommended by the manufacturer. If your system has a module containing a lithium battery, replace it only with the same module type made by the same manufacturer.
  • Page 245: Removing And Replacing Tier 2 Crus

    Removing and replacing Tier 2 CRUs You may install a Tier 2 CRU yourself or request IBM to install it, at no additional charge, under the type of warranty service that is designated for your server. The illustrations in this document might differ slightly from your hardware.

  • Page 246: Removing An Optional Optical Drive Cage

    Bezel Installing an optional optical drive cage The IBM System x3550 M3 DVD enablement kit is used to install an optical drive cage in a server with less than four hard disk drives. The optional optical drive cage is installed in the bays for hot-swap hard disk drives 5 to 8.

  • Page 247: Removing The Dvd Cable

    v One optical drive bay filler panel v One SATA cable v One retention bracket v Four screws v One bezel To install an optical drive cage, complete the following steps: 1. Read the safety information that begins on page vii and the “Installation guidelines”…

  • Page 248: Installing The Dvd Cable

    9. If you are instructed to return the DVD drive, follow all packaging instructions, and use any packaging materials for shipping that are supplied to you. Installing the DVD cable To install the DVD cable, complete the following cable: IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 249
    1. Read the safety information that begins on page vii and “Installation guidelines” on page 167. 2. Turn off the server and peripheral devices and disconnect the power cords and all external cables. 3. Align the cable connector with the connector on the rear of the optical drive cage and press the cable connector into the optical drive cage connector until it is firmly seated.
  • Page 250: Removing A Sas/Sata 4 Pac Hdd Option

    Bezel Installing a SAS/SATA 4 Pac HDD option You can install an IBM System x3550 M3 Hot-swap SAS/SATA 4 Pac HDD option to add four additional 2.5-inch hot-swap hard disk drives in the server. See for a list of supported optional devices.

  • Page 251: Removing A Pci Riser-Card Assembly

    2. Turn off the server and peripheral devices and disconnect the power cords and all external cables. 3. Remove the cover (see “Removing the cover” on page 174). 4. Remove the bezel (see “Removing the bezel” on page 227). 5. Slide the hot-swap hard disk drive cage forward into the server until the screw holes on the drive cage align with the screw holes on the chassis.

  • Page 252
    2 PCI riser connector 1 6. Remove the adapter, if one is present, from the PCI riser-card assembly. 7. Set the adapter and PCI riser-card assembly aside. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 253: Installing A Pci Riser-Card Assembly

    Installing a PCI riser-card assembly Note: A PCI riser-card assembly must be installed in slot 2 even if you do not install an adapter. To install a PCI riser-card assembly, complete the following steps: 1. Read the safety information that begins on page vii and the “Installation guidelines”…

  • Page 254: Installing The Pci Riser-Card Bracket To The Riser Card

    9. Slide the server into the rack. 10. Reconnect the power cords and any cables that you removed. 11. Turn on the peripheral devices and the server. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 255: Removing The Hot-Swap Sas/Sata Hard Disk Drive Backplane

    Removing the hot-swap SAS/SATA hard disk drive backplane To remove the hot-swap SAS/SATA hard disk drive backplane, complete the following steps: 1. Read the safety information that begins on page vii and “Installation guidelines” on page 167. 2. Turn off the server and peripheral devices and disconnect all power cords. 3.

  • Page 256: Removing The Simple-Swap Sata Hard Disk Drive Backplate Assembly

    6. Lift the hard disk drive backplate up to disengage the backplate assembly from the backplane bracket and remove it from the server. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 257: Installing The Simple-Swap Sata Hard Disk Drive Backplate Assembly

    7. If you are instructed to return the hard disk drive backplate assembly, follow all packaging instructions, and use any packaging materials for shipping that are supplied to you. Installing the simple-swap SATA hard disk drive backplate assembly To install the replacement simple-swap SATA hard disk drive backplate assembly, complete the following steps: 1.

  • Page 258: Removing The Operator Information Panel Assembly

    4. Use an object to push down on the release tab; hold down the release tab and push the blue push point on the rear of the panel to the front of the server. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 259: Installing The Operator Information Panel Assembly

    Release tab Operator information panel 5. From the front of the server, carefully pull the assembly out of the server while you move it slightly from side to side. 6. If you are instructed to return the operator information panel assembly, follow all packaging instructions, and use any packaging materials for shipping that are supplied to you.

  • Page 260: Removing And Replacing Frus

    (see “Removing the cover” on page 174). 3. Remove the SAS/SATA riser-card assembly (see “Removing a PCI riser-card assembly” on page 233). 4. Remove the screw from the safety cover. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 261: Installing The 240 Va Safety Cover

    Screw Safety cover Alignment tabs 5. Disconnect the hard disk drive backplane cables from the connector on the front of the safety cover. 6. Slide the safety cover forward to disengage it from the system board, then lift it out of the server. 7.

  • Page 262: Removing A Microprocessor And Heat Sink

    2. Turn off the server and peripheral devices and disconnect all power cords; then, remove the cover (see “Removing the cover” on page 174). 3. Disconnect any cables that impede access to the heat sink and microprocessor. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 263: Installing A Microprocessor And Heat Sink

    Microprocessors are to be installed only by trained service technicians. ® v The server supports up to two Intel Xeon multi-core microprocessors. See for a list of supported microprocessors. Chapter 5. Removing and replacing server components…

  • Page 264
    2. Under Product support, click System x. 3. Under Popular links, click Software and device drivers. 4. Click IBM System x3550 M3 to display the matrix of downloadable files for the server. v The microprocessor speeds are automatically set for this server; therefore, you do not have to set any microprocessor frequency-selection jumpers or switches.
  • Page 265
    Attention: When you handle static-sensitive devices, take precautions to avoid damage from static electricity. For details about handling these devices, see “Handling static-sensitive devices” on page 169. 1. Read the safety information that begins on page vii and “Installation guidelines” on page 167.
  • Page 266: Thermal Grease

    4. Use a clean area of the cleaning pad to wipe the thermal grease from the microprocessor; then, dispose of the cleaning pad after all of the thermal grease IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 267: Removing The Heat Sink Retention Module

    is removed. 0.02 mL of thermal grease Microprocessor 5. Use the thermal-grease syringe to place 9 uniformly spaced dots of 0.02 mL each on the top of the microprocessor. The outermost dots must be within approximately 5 mm of the edge of the microprocessor; this is to ensure uniform distribution of the grease.

  • Page 268: Installing A Heat Sink Retention Module

    CD image. Make sure that you have the latest firmware or a copy of the pre-existing firmware before you proceed. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 269
    4. Remove all PCI riser-card assemblies and adapters (see “Removing a PCI riser-card assembly” on page 233 and “Removing an adapter” on page 179). 5. Remove the SAS/SATA RAID riser-card assembly (see “Removing the SAS/SATA RAID riser-card assembly” on page 182). 6.
  • Page 270: Installing The System Board

    2. Align the system board with the chassis; then, lower the system board into the chassis and slide the system board toward the rear of the server until the system board is seated firmly into the locator pins on the chassis. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 271
    3. Grasp the fan assembly brackets and rotate them down toward the chassis. 4. Reinstall the hot-swap fans (see “Installing a hot-swap fan assembly” on page 215). 5. (Trained service technician only) Reinstall the microprocessor and heat sink (see “Installing a microprocessor and heat sink” on page 245). 6.
  • Page 272
    Update the UUID (see “Updating the Universal Unique Identifier (UUID)” on page 274). v Update the DMI/SMBIOS (see “Updating the DMI/SMBIOS data” on page 276). IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 273: Chapter 6. Configuration Information And Instructions

    The firmware for the server is periodically updated and is available for download on the IBM Web site. To check for the latest level of firmware, such as the server firmware, vital product data (VPD) code, device drivers, and service processor firmware complete the following steps.

  • Page 274
    Web interface without the Virtual Media Key. You can order the optional IBM Virtual Media Key, if one did not come with your server. For more information about how to enable the remote presence function, see “Using the remote presence capability and blue-screen…
  • Page 275: Using The Serverguide Setup And Installation Cd

    Device drivers that are provided for your server model and detected hardware v Operating-system partition size and file-system type that are selectable during setup Note: Changes are made periodically to the IBM Web site. The actual procedure might vary slightly from what is described in this document. ServerGuide features Features and functions can vary slightly with different versions of the ServerGuide program.

  • Page 276: Setup And Configuration Overview

    When you use the ServerGuide Setup and Installation CD, you do not need setup diskettes. You can use the CD to configure any supported IBM server model. The setup program provides a list of tasks that are required to set up your server model.

  • Page 277: Using The Setup Utility

    ServerGuide program to install your operating system, complete the following steps to download the latest operating-system installation instructions from the IBM Web site. Note: Changes are made periodically to the IBM Web site. The actual procedure might vary slightly from what is described in this document. 1. Go to

  • Page 278: Setup Utility Menu Choices

    — Rehook INT 19h Select this choice to enable or disable devices from taking control of the boot process. The default is Disable. — Legacy Thunk Support IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 279
    Select this choice to enable or disable UEFI to interact with PCI mass storage devices that are non-UEFI compliant. – Integrated Management Module Select this choice to view or change the settings for the integrated management module. — POST Watchdog Timer Select this choice to view or enable the POST watchdog timer.
  • Page 280
    Select this choice to clear an administrator password. For more information, see “Administrator password” on page 264. v Save Settings Select this choice to save the changes that you have made in the settings. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 281
    v Restore Settings Select this choice to cancel the changes that you have made in the settings and restore the previous settings. v Load Default Settings Select this choice to cancel the changes that you have made in the settings and restore the factory settings.
  • Page 282
    Attention: If you set an administrator password and then forget it, there is no way to change, override, or remove it. You must replace the system board. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 283: Using The Boot Manager Program

    Using the Boot Manager program The Boot Manager program is a built-in, menu-driven configuration utility program that you can use to temporarily redefine the first startup device without changing settings in the Setup utility. To use the Boot Manager program, complete the following steps: 1.

  • Page 284: Using The Remote Presence Capability And Blue-Screen Capture

    After the virtual media key is installed in the server, it is authenticated to determine whether it is valid. If the key is not valid, you receive a message from the Web IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 285: Enabling The Remote Presence Feature

    interface (when you attempt to start the remote presence feature) indicating that the hardware key is required to use the remote presence feature. The virtual media key has an LED. When this LED is lit and green, it indicates that the key is installed and functioning correctly.

  • Page 286: Using The Embedded Hypervisor

    2. When the prompt <F1> Setup is displayed, press F1. 3. From the Setup utility main menu, select Boot Manager. 4. Select Add Boot Option; then, select Embedded Hypervisor. Press Enter, and then select Esc. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 287: Enabling The Broadcom Gigabit Ethernet Utility Program

    3. Under Popular links, click Software and device drivers. 4. From the Product family menu, select System x3550 M3 and click Go. Note: Changes are made periodically to the IBM Web site. The actual procedure might vary slightly from what is described in this document.

  • Page 288: Starting The Lsi Configuration Utility Program

    3. Select System Settings → Adapters and UEFI drivers. 4. Select Please refresh this page on the first visit and press Enter. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 289: Ibm Advanced Settings Utility Program

    7. Select Apply changes and exit menu to create the array. IBM Advanced Settings Utility program The IBM Advanced Settings Utility (ASU) program is an alternative to the Setup utility for modifying UEFI settings. Use the ASU program online or out of band to modify UEFI settings from the command line without the need to restart the system to access the Setup utility.

  • Page 290: Activating 1333 Mhz Operation In Two-Dimm-Per-Channel Configuration

    Check the system information displayed on the monitor during POST v Press F1 to start the Setup utility and select System Information→ Memory Speed v DMIDECODE/pDSA tool IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 291: Updating Ibm Systems Director

    Updating IBM Systems Director If you plan to use IBM Systems Director to manage the server, you must check for the latest applicable IBM Systems Director updates and interim fixes. Note: Changes are made periodically to the IBM Web site. The actual procedure might vary slightly from what is described in this document.

  • Page 292: Updating The Universal Unique Identifier (Uuid)

    The ASU is an online tool that supports several operating systems. Make sure that you download the version for your operating system. You can download the ASU from the IBM Web site. To download the ASU and update the UUID, complete the following steps.

  • Page 293
    See the Advanced Settings Utility Users Guide for more details. You can access the ASU Users Guide from the IBM Web site. Note: Changes are made periodically to the IBM Web site. The actual procedure might vary slightly from what is described in this document.
  • Page 294: Updating The Dmi/Smbios Data

    The ASU is an online tool that supports several operating systems. Make sure that you download the version for your operating system. You can download the ASU from the IBM Web site. To download the ASU and update the DMI, complete the following steps.

  • Page 295
    v Bootable media containing ASU (LAN or KCS, depending upon the bootable media) 3. Copy and unpack the ASU package, which also includes other required files, to the server. Make sure that you unpack the ASU and the required files to the same directory.
  • Page 296
    Examples that do not use the userid and password default values: asu set SYSTEM_PROD_DATA.SYsInfoProdName <m/t_model> —host <imm_ip> —user <imm_user_id> —password <imm_password> asu set SYSTEM_PROD_DATA.SYsInfoSerialNum <s/n> —host <imm_ip> —user <imm_user_id> —password <imm_password> asu set SYSTEM_PROD_DATA.SYsEncloseAssetTag <asset_tag> —host <imm_ip> IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 297
    You can also build a bootable media using the applications available through the Tools Center Web site at v1r0/index.jsp. From the left pane, click IBM System x and BladeCenter Tools Center, then click Tool reference for the available tools.
  • Page 298
    IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 299: Appendix A. Getting Help And Technical Assistance

    If you need help, service, or technical assistance or just want more information about IBM products, you will find a wide variety of sources available from IBM to assist you. This section contains information about where to go for additional information about IBM and IBM products, what to do if you experience a problem with your system, and whom to call for service, if it is necessary.

  • Page 300: Software Service And Support

    You can find service information for IBM systems and optional devices at Software service and support Through IBM Support Line, you can get telephone assistance, for a fee, with usage, configuration, and software problems with System x and xSeries servers, BladeCenter products, IntelliStation workstations, and appliances. For information about which products are supported by Support Line in your country or region, see

  • Page 301: Appendix B. Notices

    Web sites. The materials at those Web sites are not part of the materials for this IBM product, and use of those Web sites is at your own risk. IBM may use or distribute any of the information you supply in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you.

  • Page 302: Important Notes

    IBM makes no representations or warranties with respect to non-IBM products. Support (if any) for the non-IBM products is provided by the third party, not IBM. IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 303: Particulate Contamination

    If IBM determines that the levels of particulates or gases in your environment have caused damage to the server, IBM may condition provision of repair or replacement of servers or parts on implementation of appropriate remedial measures to mitigate such environmental contamination.

  • Page 304: Electronic Emission Notices

    In the request, be sure to include the publication part number and title. When you send information to IBM, you grant IBM a nonexclusive right to use or distribute the information in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you.

  • Page 305: European Union Emc Directive Conformance Statement

    EU-Mitgliedsstaaten und hält die Grenzwerte der EN 55022 Klasse A ein. Um dieses sicherzustellen, sind die Geräte wie in den Handbüchern beschrieben zu installieren und zu betreiben. Des Weiteren dürfen auch nur von der IBM empfohlene Kabel angeschlossen werden. IBM übernimmt keine Verantwortung für die Einhaltung der Schutzanforderungen, wenn das Produkt ohne Zustimmung der IBM verändert bzw.

  • Page 306: Japan Vcci Class A Statement

    (JEITA) statement Japanese Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association (JEITA) Confirmed Harmonics Guideline (products less than or equal to 20 A per phase) Korea Communications Commission (KCC) statement IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…

  • Page 307: Russia Electromagnetic Interference (Emi) Class A Statement

    Please note that this equipment has obtained EMC registration for commercial use. In the event that it has been mistakenly sold or purchased, please exchange it for equipment certified for home use. Russia Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Class A statement People’s Republic of China Class A electronic emission statement Taiwan Class A compliance statement Appendix B.

  • Page 308
    IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 309: Index

    (CRUs) 159 cabling danger statements 6 internal routing 170 dc good LED 112 caution statements 6 dc power LED 13 checkout procedure 82 dc power supply LED errors 112 deassertion event, system-event log 25 © Copyright IBM Corp. 2010…

  • Page 310
    SATA 184 intermittent 88 problems 85 keyboard, non-USB 89 SAS 184 memory 90 SCSI microprocessor 92 See SAS monitor 93 simple-swap SATA 186 mouse, non-USB 89 IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 311
    IPMI, overview 26 hypervisor flash device IPMItool 26 installing 209 problems 87 jumper UEFI boot recovery 152 IBM Advanced Settings Utility program jumpers and switches overview 271 on the system board 18 IBM Support Line 282 IBM Systems Director updating 273…
  • Page 312
    2 12 microprocessor PCI expansion slots 7 installing 245 PCI riser card bracket problems 92 installing 236 specifications 7 PCI riser slots mirroring mode 197 installation configurations 180 IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 313
    PCI riser slots (continued) remote battery, RAID adapter supported configurations 180 installing 221 POST removing 219 error codes 27 remote presence feature error log 25 using 266 POST event log 25 Remote presence support 256 power removing power-control button 10 a hot-swap fan 213 power-on LED 14 a RAID adapter remote battery 219…
  • Page 314
    19 embedded hypervisor 268 switches and jumpers IMM 265 on the system board 18 the integrated management module 265 the LSI Configuration Utility program 269 IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 315
    (continued) the remote presence feature 266 the Setup utility 259 utility Setup 259 Utility program IBM Advanced Settings 271 utility, Setup 255 video connector front 10 rear 12 video controller, integrated specifications 7 video problems 93 viewing event logs 25…
  • Page 316
    IBM System x3550 M3 Types 4254 and 7944: Problem Determination and Service Guide…
  • Page 318
    Part Number: 69Y4056 Printed in USA (1P) P/N: 69Y4056…

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