His favourite present be the new bicycle где ошибка

Список некоторых  вопросов из тестов, на которые мы можем помочь с ответами. 

Иностранный язык АНГЛИЙСКИЙ (1-2)

Choose the correct response. … is a lot more than «often.»

Choose the correct response. letto do … homework.

Сhoose the correct response. What is the opposite of «to sell»?

Choose the correct response. Blue is a nice … !

Choose the correct response. My … is David.

Choose the correct response.

This is the first time she has gone to a baseball game. She has … been to a baseball game before.

Choose the correct response. What is the opposite of «hot»?

Choose the correct response.

Good evening. I … a few days ago to reserve a table.

Прочитайте беседу. Ответьте на вопрос.

Choose the correct response. My stock … is doing rather well, particularly on the commodities market.

According to the dialogue, which of the following is true?

Choose the correct response. I would like to … an apartment in Madrid for two weeks this summer.

Choose the correct response. I would like to … an apartment in Madrid for two weeks this summer.

Choose the correct response. Many people take … from travel agencies to decide where to go on vacation.

Choose the correct response. Many people take … from travel agencies to decide where to go on vacation.

Прочитайте беседу. Ответьте на вопрос.

Choose the correct response. Who takes care of … the terms of the new contract?

From the text, what can you infer about accounting?

Выберите верное утверждение по теме диалога:

Do you have any corduroy shirts?

Yes, we have some on the back shelf.

Сhoose the correct response.

What is the opposite of «destruction»?

Сhoose the correct response.

Which response is similar in meaning to «often»?

Choose the correct response.

He looks … me, don’t you think?

Выберите ошибочное слово в предложении.

Even though I was late, there were still any tickets left when I arrived at the movie theater.

Выберите верное утверждение по теме диалога.

We’ll take the scenic route instead of the highway.

But it will take much longer! I don’t want to spend all day in the car.

It’s always the same! We never agree.

Choose the correct response. You could get a card to … money from the ATM machine.

Choose the correct response. I start work … nine o’clock.

Choose the correct response. Your apartment is very … .

Choose the correct response. Our assistant is a very nice … .

Choose the correct response. … is my brother.

Choose the sentence that is in the correct order.

Найдите соответствие между картинкой и утверждением:

Найдите соответствие между картинкой и утверждением:

Закончите предложение

My daughter is very talented, she … sing well.

Найдите соответствие между картинкой и утверждением:

Choose the correct response. Nice to … you!

Сhoose the correct response. Nice to … you!

Сhoose the correct response.

There are a lot of people outside my office. Hey! What’s … ?

Choose the sentence that is in the correct order.

Choose the correct response.

… of these buses do I take to go downtown?

Choose the correct response. … is a person older than 18.

Choose the correct response…. is a person older than 18.

Выберите ошибочное слово в предложении.

The French teacher collected the student’s workbooks in order to correct their homework.

Выберите верное утверждение по теме диалога.

Sarah, if you go to the supermarket, could you bring me back some ice cream?

I’ll get you some provided you fix the leak in the bathroom.

Закончите предложение

Planes, trains and buses are all different types of … .

Закончите предложение

This sweatshirt doesn’t belong to me, it’s … .

Choose the correct response. It’s a special … ! You get a 10% discount if you buy today, and you don’t have to pay until next year.

Choose the correct response. It’s a special … ! You get a 10% discount if you buy today, and you don’t have to pay until next year.

Закончите предложение

We have to leave … or else we’ll be stuck in traffic all night.

Ответьте на вопрос.

I’m sorry but I’ll have to cancel today’s appointment.

Choose the correct response. When tankers sink, the oil spilled … the environment tremendously.

Choose the correct response.

After all the planning that had gone into the project, I really resented them for … the proposal.

Choose the correct response. The general economic situation in this country is poor, particularly in this rural … , where they have no industry to rely on.

Сhoose the correct response. The general economic situation in this country is poor, particularly in this rural … , where they have no industry to rely on.

Выберите ошибочное слово в предложении.

Suddenly, she asked her co-workers, «Whose responsible for the Livingston contract?»

Ответьте на вопрос.

The keynote speaker looks familiar….

Choose the correct response.

Mr. Walker was away at the time of the negotiations, so it … him who conducted them on our behalf.

Выберите верное утверждение по теме диалога.

Can you tell me more about the company benefits?

Yes, we offer complete health care, two weeks vacation and a retirement package.

Is dental care included?

Choose the correct response. What do you … like?

Найдите соответствие между картинкой и утверждением:

Выберите верное утверждение по теме диалога.

What are the symptoms of altitude sickness?

I don’t know. You probably feel dizzy.

Закончите предложение

It’s my birthday tomorrow. I … invite all my friends over for a big party.

Выберите ошибочное слово в предложении.

Are you have these pants in another color?

Сhoose the correct response.

Which response is similar in meaning to «to need»?

Выберите верное утверждение по теме диалога.

You sold these products at too high a discount.

But otherwise we would have lost the client!

Выберите ошибочное слово в предложении.

She is going to take a course on Japanese philosophy next semester. Her roommate would like

Choose the correct response. I don’t … English very well.

Choose the correct response. That is a … book.

Choose the sentence that is in the correct order.

Найдите соответствие между картинкой и утверждением:

Найдите соответствие между картинкой и утверждением:

Choose the correct response. What is a written agreement between two companies called?

Ответьте на вопрос.

Which department do you work in?

Закончите предложение

John asked Meredith to … him to send his mother a birthday card.

Выберите ошибочное слово в предложении.

This morning, I cut me while shaving.

Ответьте на вопрос.

Go ahead. I’ll catch up with you in a few minutes.

Answer the question- Go ahead. I’ll catch up with you in a few minutes.

Choose the correct response. Which response is similar in meaning to «delicious»?

Choose the correct response. When we … European-made goods into the country, we have to pay customs taxes on them.

Choose the correct response. In the train, say goodbye to those long hours spent sitting in miles of traffic jams! No more aggressive or dangerous drivers, you are alone on the rails! Because of this, the train is considered to be the safest means of transportation and allows you to get to the office on time without all the stress of driving to work. In the text, the train is portrayed as being…

Выберите верное утверждение по теме диалога.

Kate, are you going to the audiovisual trade fair in Rome?

No, my schedule doesn’t allow me to travel so far away.

So why not go to Las Vegas instead?

Choose the correct response. Do you … where the office is?

Choose the correct response. They … my name.

Найдите соответствие между картинкой и утверждением:

Найдите соответствие между картинкой и утверждением:

Найдите соответствие между картинкой и утверждением:

Choose the correct response. Next week, Mrs. Robinson will travel to China to … a factory near Beijing.

Click on the loudspeakers, listen to the text and select the correct response.

After a hard day at the office, you can invite friends over to your place. This is only the beginning of a fun evening! Let the party begin! What does the speaker think of parties?

Choose the correct response. You have received … about special offers on renting villas.

Listen to the passage and answer the three related questions.

To access the questions, click on 1, 2 and 3 respectively.

After reading the four choices, click on the response that best answers the question.

The following is an example:

Since the 1980s, people have become more aware of the environment. The recycling of cardboard, plastic, glass and paper has grown out of this awareness.

People have also finally realized that much of industry’s progress, based on the use of fossil fuels, is damaging the planet.

Did you know that scientists have long been trying to develop alternative sources of energy, like tidal power?

Yes, tidal power stations could use the power of the tides to supply households with electricity.

There’s also solar power, but its use is dependent on weather conditions!

According to the dialogue, what are scientists working on.

Закончите предложение

After their wedding, Katherine and her … went to Capri for their honeymoon.

Ответьте на вопрос.

This is the operator, how may I help you?

Choose the correct response. Which response is similar in meaning to «fortune»

Choose the correct response. Many European countries have the same … .

Choose the correct response.

Aren’t you … buy some fresh vegetables?

Закончите предложение

Every five seconds a plane … somewhere in the world.

Закончите предложение

Sam’s father was very … when he learned that Sam had not passed his chemistry test.

Сhoose the correct response.

Which response is similar in meaning to «acumen»?

Закончите предложение

We would be … if you could pass on our contact information to the distributor, so that they can call us to schedule the shipment of merchandise next week.

Choose the correct response. She’s Lisa. Who … you?

Choose the correct response. How are you … ?

Найдите соответствие между картинкой и утверждением:

Найдите соответствие между картинкой и утверждением:

Choose the correct response. I … go to the movies when I go out, but not always.

Choose the correct response. I … go to the movies when I go out, but not always.

Choose the correct response. We’ll need to talk about it before we can make a … about the new project.

Выберите ошибочное слово в предложении.

Patrick has just missed its train, so he’s going to be late to work.

Read the sentence, then choose the sentence which is closest in meaning to the original sentence. If the contract is signed, you’ll get a raise.

Choose the sentence that is in the correct order.

Choose the correct response.

The team with the … score will be eliminated.

Listen to the passage and answer the three related questions.

To access the questions, click on 1, 2 and 3 respectively.

After reading the four choices, click on the response that best answers the question.

The following is an example:

Mr. Thompson, the position I’m applying for requires a certain familiarity with accounting. Could you give me an idea of what it entails?

It basically consists of balancing a company’s revenues and expenses.

Is the ledger what enables you to group together and manage all of the accounts?

Yes, once any credits and debits are established and the inventory is taken into account, the balance sheet is drawn up.

So, essentially, one has to make sure to balance all the liabilities and assets.

Exactly. But you need a sharp eye, because mistakes are easily made!

From the text, what can you infer about accounting?

Сhoose the correct response.

Which response is similar in meaning to «to book»?

Выберите ошибочное слово в предложении.

Janet is living in Amsterdam, but she’s in London on business this week, so she is staying with us.

Choose the correct response. Who takes care of … the terms of the new contract?

Ответьте на вопрос.

I’m concerned about Maureen, she looks very tired.

Choose the correct response. January is … winter month.

Choose the correct response. Does he like to play soccer? Yes, he … .

Choose the correct response. I’m … to you.

Найдите соответствие между картинкой и утверждением:

Choose the correct response.

He … visit Sweden next year.

Choose the correct response.

… has given me chocolate yet, but I hope I’ll get some.

Choose the correct response.

… I write that report for you?

Choose the correct response. Mr. Jones, can you … a letter to our British partners?

Выберите верное утверждение по теме диалога:

Did the shipping company call, John?

Yes, they had a slight problem with their truck, so they won’t be able to come today.

Закончите предложение

How … workers and how … money will you need to build the stadium?

Выберите верное утверждение по теме диалога.

Do you have a food processor, Mike?

It’s in the cabinet on the left, under the counter.

Click on the loudspeakers, listen to the text and select the correct response.

Our manager was coming to work by train the other day when he lost his briefcase. He was in a hurry, and left it on the seat beside him. It contained all the papers for the trade fair and now we’ll have to start working on them again. According to the text, the manager’s briefcase contained…

Choose the correct response.

We … go out as often as we do now.

Ответьте на вопрос.

I need to go to the library to do some research.

Закончите предложение

If some people are absent, the meeting will have to be … until tomorrow.

Choose the correct response. The technicians have developed a new computer … which allows us to view all customer orders and accounts at the same time.

Выберите верное утверждение по теме диалога.

We’d like to take out this mortgage.

Can you afford to repay $50 a month?

It’s a lot of money, but I think we can manage that.

Choose the correct response. We are aware that you are experiencing financial problems, so we won’t … you until the end of the month.

Выберите ошибочное слово в предложении.

They are in high spirits, because this year’s earnings were high than expected.

Choose the correct response. I don’t … tennis. I prefer soccer.

Choose the correct response. Can you say that again, … ?

Choose the correct response. It’s lunchtime. Are you … ?

Найдите соответствие между картинкой и утверждением:

Найдите соответствие между картинкой и утверждением:

Найдите соответствие между картинкой и утверждением:

Click on each loudspeaker and choose the response which corresponds to the image.

Choose the correct response.

This is … bag.

Choose the correct response. A businessman often … a suit and tie to go to work.

Choose the correct response. A businessman often … a suit and tie to go to work.

Choose the correct response.

My sister … at home now, but she usually … in San Francisco.

Выберите верное утверждение по теме диалога.

We should go to the travel agency; it’s going to close in ten minutes.

So early? It’s only 11:50!

Выберите ошибочное слово в предложении.

My brother works at the hospital downtown. He is a eye doctor.

Choose the correct response. After months of negotiation, the two businesses agreed to … the contract.

Choose the correct response. The travel agent offers deals on rock climbing, canoeing and other … activities.

Choose the correct response. I am going to L.A. to work for a … which makes video games.

Choose the correct response. I am going to L.A. to work for a … which makes video games.

Выберите ошибочное слово в предложении.

I think that Mount McKinley at Alaska is the tallest mountain in North America.

Listen to the passage and answer the three related questions.

To access the questions, click on 1, 2 and 3 respectively.

After reading the four choices, click on the response that best answers the question.

The following is an example:

Language is said to be one of the factors that differentiates humans from animals, but new research shows that animals use language as well. In today’s program, we’ll discover how ethologists are able to teach chimpanzees and gorillas sign language, and how Rhesus monkeys emit different alarm calls to identify predators. You may already know that songbirds alert each other with hundreds of different songs, but did you know that whales may know how to rhyme? Even elephants, giraffes and hippos, animals that were once considered to be virtually silent, communicate with sounds inaudible to the human ear. Join us on this fascinating journey!

What statement does the man make about animal language?

Choose the correct response.

The price … tomorrow.

Choose the correct response.

We’ve been working together … eighteen months … .

Listen to the passage and answer the three related questions.

To access the questions, click on 1, 2 and 3 respectively.

After reading the four choices, click on the response that best answers the question.

The following is an example:

Today we’ll discuss one of the fastest moving industries of our time: computer technology. In just over a decade, computers have evolved from large, immovable machines to convenient portable devices that fit in a briefcase. The processor speed and memory capacity of hard drives are constantly increasing, and traditional laptops are being replaced by even smaller and more efficient notebooks. Today’s gadgets will soon be replaced with new technology. The question is, what’s next?

According to the woman, which features are associated with the new technological products?

Сhoose the correct response. Which response is similar in meaning to «to speak»?

Choose the correct response. She … in a big house with a garden.

Закончите предложение

The problem with my brother is that he won’t … to my advice.

Закончите предложение

Why don’t we go to the movies … ?

Choose the correct response. Mark didn’t like the concert at all, but I thought it was … !

Choose the correct response.

There’s … coffee in the pot.

Choose the correct response.

Wendy’s room is … to room 5.

Choose the correct response.

You shouldn’t have … problems with your credit card.

Listen to the passage and answer the three related questions.

To access the questions, click on 1, 2 and 3 respectively.

After reading the four choices, click on the response that best answers the question.

The following is an example:

Since the 1980s, people have become more aware of the environment. The recycling of cardboard, plastic, glass and paper has grown out of this awareness.

People have also finally realized that much of industry’s progress, based on the use of fossil fuels, is damaging the planet.

Did you know that scientists have long been trying to develop alternative sources of energy, like tidal power?

Yes, tidal power stations could use the power of the tides to supply households with electricity.

There’s also solar power, but its use is dependent on weather conditions!

According to the dialogue, which of the following is true?

Закончите предложение

Eating red meat is not … healthy … eating fish.

Choose the correct response.

William! What … your mother say yesterday?

Choose the correct response.

They didn’t listen to the music and didn’t watch the performance … .

Choose the correct response. Is there anything on tonight’s menu you would … ?

Закончите предложение

She is … helpful of the three women.

Listen to the passage and answer the three related questions.

To access the questions, click on 1, 2 and 3 respectively.

After reading the four choices, click on the response that best answers the question.

The following is an example:

Today we’ll discuss one of the fastest moving industries of our time: computer technology. In just over a decade, computers have evolved from large, immovable machines to convenient portable devices that fit in a briefcase. The processor speed and memory capacity of hard drives are constantly increasing, and traditional laptops are being replaced by even smaller and more efficient notebooks. Today’s gadgets will soon be replaced with new technology. The question is, what’s next?

Which of the following is stated in the excerpt?

Choose the correct response. The lawyers have finished their work and the contract is finally ready to be signed. However, at the last minute, the architect disagrees with one of the clauses. Some of the developer’s requested changes would considerably alter the buildings’ outward appearance and could jeopardize the deal’s success. He can’t accept such a thing. According to the text, the architect is worried that changing the appearance of the buildings would…

Закончите предложение

Even … she needs a driver’s license for her new job, she hasn’t taken her driver’s test … .

Choose the correct response. Is there … Indian restaurant?

Найдите соответствие между картинкой и утверждением:

Найдите соответствие между картинкой и утверждением:

Закончите предложение

When I called my grandfather, he told … he was painting the kitchen.

Choose the correct response.

When Steve and Judith … younger, they … a dog named Rover.

Listen to the passage and answer the three related questions.

To access the questions, click on 1, 2 and 3 respectively.

After reading the four choices, click on the response that best answers the question.

The following is an example:

Since the 1980s, people have become more aware of the environment. The recycling of cardboard, plastic, glass and paper has grown out of this awareness.

People have also finally realized that much of industry’s progress, based on the use of fossil fuels, is damaging the planet.

Did you know that scientists have long been trying to develop alternative sources of energy, like tidal power?

Yes, tidal power stations could use the power of the tides to supply households with electricity.

There’s also solar power, but its use is dependent on weather conditions!

What is the main topic of this conversation?

Выберите верное утверждение по теме диалога.

Do you play golf well, Angela?

I’ve only played golf twice.

Read the sentence, then choose the sentence which is closest in meaning to the original sentence.

The Korean representatives will come to check our merchandise next month.

Choose the correct response.

The seat belt … the flight attendant before the plane took off.

Выберите ошибочное слово в предложении.

When you went shopping yesterday, did you remembered to buy a light bulb for the bedroom?

Ответьте на вопрос.

What’s your return policy?

Choose the correct response. … she travel often?

Найдите соответствие между картинкой и утверждением:

Выберите верное утверждение по теме диалога.

Hello, I’d like to speak with Sam Chen, please.

Just one second, I’ll put you through.

Закончите предложение

The doctor told me I … stop smoking and start exercising regularly.

Choose the correct response.

I look forward … you on Monday.

Choose the sentence that is in the correct order.

Choose the correct response. I like this cathedral very much. The view from the top of the bell tower is … .

Закончите предложение

I’m not sure when we’ll arrive … the hotel … Bangkok, but I’ll call you as soon as we get there.

Закончите предложение

The waitress came and … the table clean before we sat down to eat.

Choose the sentence that is in the correct order

Сhoose the correct response.

Which response is similar in meaning to «costly»?

Ответьте на вопрос.

The company is trying to establish a monopoly in order to restrict competition.

Choose the correct response.

I’m … to memorize my presentation for tomorrow. I intend … my best.

Закончите предложение

The caller reported an accident between Sunset Boulevard and Wilshire, but she … before I got all the information.

Choose the correct response.

… visit the tourist information office.

Ответьте на вопрос.

Is there anything I can help you with?

Выберите верное утверждение по теме диалога.

Do you know which stop we get off at?

We get off at the stop in front of the post office.

Read the sentence, then choose the sentence which is closest in meaning to the original sentence.

I call them every day to ask them to pay their bills:

Choose the correct response. We don’t want that … . Their products are too expensive and unreliable.

Choose the correct response. We don’t want that … . Their products are too expensive and unreliable.

Выберите верное утверждение по теме диалога.

Did you receive any mail today, Tamika?

Yes, I did, and I wish that I hadn’t.

Choose the correct response. I’ve been walking all day. My feet are starting to … !

Choose the correct response.

The colleague … car broke down wanted to go faster.

Choose the correct response. Which person demonstrates a company’s products and tries to convince customers to purchase them?

Choose the correct response. Companies make … that people can buy in stores.

Ответьте на вопрос.

What are you reading?

Choose the correct response.

As she … out of the taxi, it started to rain.

Choose the correct response. Today, airplanes have reached such perfection that they can take people more or less anywhere they want to go. Despite the huge number of flights arriving and departing from airports around the world, delays are quite rare, and accidents even rarer. There is an ever-increasing number of airports around the planet and these days, every major city has at least one. According to the text, airplanes are considered to be…

Choose the correct response. Even though Mother Nature can be cruel, humans have the ability to survive in the cold and snow of the mountains and the scorching temperatures of the desert. Despite the lack of water, there are people who thrive in such hostile environments. According to the text, human beings…

Choose the correct response.

Linda works in the … company … Alice.

Choose the correct response. My family likes to watch the … on television in the evenings.

Ответьте на вопрос.

— I’m afraid I’ll have to stay at work a little later tonight

Закончите предложение

I … like a steak and my son will have a cheeseburger with French fries.

Choose the correct response.

Which friends … tomorrow?

Listen to the passage and answer the three related questions.

To access the questions, click on 1, 2 and 3 respectively.

After reading the four choices, click on the response that best answers the question.

The following is an example:

Language is said to be one of the factors that differentiates humans from animals, but new research shows that animals use language as well. In today’s program, we’ll discover how ethologists are able to teach chimpanzees and gorillas sign language, and how Rhesus monkeys emit different alarm calls to identify predators. You may already know that songbirds alert each other with hundreds of different songs, but did you know that whales may know how to rhyme? Even elephants, giraffes and hippos, animals that were once considered to be virtually silent, communicate with sounds inaudible to the human ear. Join us on this fascinating journey!

What is this program trying to illustrate?

Choose the correct response. I … to the movies on Saturdays.

Choose the correct response. I like my job. It is … .

Закончите предложение

Just … Carol, she worked … a waitress for several years.

Сhoose the correct response.

I’m the same … as you. We are both 24.

Choose the correct response.

I’d like … to do things more quickly.

Choose the correct response. The construction of the new headquarters should be finished by the end of July, as long as there are no … in the work.

Choose the sentence that is in the correct order.

Найдите соответствие между картинкой и утверждением:

Choose the correct response.

After our recent experience, I was hoping there would be no … problems with the supplier.

Choose the correct response.

The businessman … the accident, had he traveled by plane.

Найдите соответствие между картинкой и утверждением:

Choose the correct response. I’m … eating very little breakfast in the morning.

Choose the correct response. If the company’s spending continues to … its income, it will eventually go bankrupt.

Найдите соответствие между картинкой и утверждением:

Сhoose the correct response.

A ticket to the zoo … $1.50.

I hadn’t seen Yuki for 10 years. She had changed so much I almost didn’t … her.

Сhoose the correct response.

What is the opposite of «unimpressive»?

Выберите верное утверждение по теме диалога.

Our lease on the warehouse will be up on January 15th.

Are you going to renew the lease?

No, we’re going to move to a new location.

Listen to the passage and answer the three related questions.

To access the questions, click on 1, 2 and 3 respectively.

After reading the four choices, click on the response that best answers the question.

The following is an example:

I’ve been working in the luxury goods sector and have extensive experience in both marketing and management. After graduating, I was recruited by a big-name producer of leather goods in New York to work on a new marketing strategy for the Japanese market.

How long have you been with the company, Ms. Lee?

Ten years. Once I learned the ropes, I was promoted to the position of Marketing Manager for all of East Asia.

Did you receive any additional training to help you take on such important responsibilities?

The most useful training I received turned out to be a course on time management. After that, it was all hands-on training.

Which of the following words best describes how Ms. Lee feels about her ability to do the job?

Click on each loudspeaker and choose the response which corresponds to the image.

Choose the correct response.

Tina was … girl in town.

Choose the correct response.

We … to hurry, because we … be there until 3 p.m.

Choose the correct response.

If the shipment … delayed, we … an important client.

Найдите соответствие между картинкой и утверждением:

Закончите предложение

I … enjoy watching science fiction movies.

Choose the correct response. We’ll need to talk about it before we can make a … about the new project.

Choose the correct response.

… does the bank open?

Choose the correct response.

… does the bank open?

Выберите ошибочное слово в предложении.

His favorite present be the new bicycle.

Choose the correct response.

We … for six hours now.

Choose the sentence that is in the correct order.

Choose the correct response. Nothing else works, but the photocopier is still fully … .

Listen to the passage and answer the three related questions.

To access the questions, click on 1, 2 and 3 respectively.

After reading the four choices, click on the response that best answers the question.

The following is an example:

Today we’ll discuss one of the fastest moving industries of our time: computer technology. In just over a decade, computers have evolved from large, immovable machines to convenient portable devices that fit in a briefcase. The processor speed and memory capacity of hard drives are constantly increasing, and traditional laptops are being replaced by even smaller and more efficient notebooks. Today’s gadgets will soon be replaced with new technology. The question is, what’s next?

What does the speaker insinuate about the future of computer technology?

Найдите соответствие между картинкой и утверждением:

Закончите предложение

Every Saturday, this boy … soccer with his friends.

Choose the correct response. Which response is similar in meaning to «fine»?

Сhoose the correct response. Which response is similar in meaning to «to request»?

Ответьте на вопрос.

What about using name tags for the end-of-the-year party?

Read the sentence, then choose the sentence which is closest in meaning to the original sentence.

Choose the correct response. He … to Japan every summer.

Choose the correct response.

Would you … some milk?

Choose the correct response.

If you take the bus on a regular basis, you … buy a weekly pass.

Read the sentence, then choose the sentence which is closest in meaning to the original sentence.

In the last twenty years there have been a number of positive developments in this field.

Listen to the passage and answer the three related questions.

To access the questions, click on 1, 2 and 3 respectively.

After reading the four choices, click on the response that best answers the question.

The following is an example:

Language is said to be one of the factors that differentiates humans from animals, but new research shows that animals use language as well. In today’s program, we’ll discover how ethologists are able to teach chimpanzees and gorillas sign language, and how Rhesus monkeys emit different alarm calls to identify predators. You may already know that songbirds alert each other with hundreds of different songs, but did you know that whales may know how to rhyme? Even elephants, giraffes and hippos, animals that were once considered to be virtually silent, communicate with sounds inaudible to the human ear. Join us on this fascinating journey!

According to the speaker, for what reason do Rhesus monkeys produce different calls.

Выберите верное утверждение по теме диалога.

This doesn’t look like the place we saw on the website!

Well, we’re only staying here one night.

Nevertheless, it’s much too expensive for what it is.

Choose the correct response. He … a brother and a sister.

Choose the correct response. I… very young.

Закончите предложение

The train … arrive in Chicago at 9 a.m. tomorrow morning.

Choose the correct response. We have no food in the fridge; it looks like we’ll have to go to a restaurant … .

Choose the correct response. We have no food in the fridge; it looks like we’ll have to go to a restaurant … .

Choose the correct response.

What do you think? … we hold the conference on the 11th at two o’clock?

Найдите соответствие между картинкой и утверждением:

Choose the correct response.

This refrigerator belongs to us. It’s … .

Выберите ошибочное слово в предложении.

That math books are yours, aren’t they?

Click on the loudspeakers, listen to the text and select the correct response.

Prices at the supermarket are usually lower than prices at the outdoor market, but the quality of the products is also lower. This explains why many people prefer to pay more for high-quality goods from market vendors, even if supermarkets are more convenient. According to the text, outdoor markets have…

Mr. Thompson, the position I’m applying for requires a certain familiarity with accounting. Could you give me an idea of what it entails?

It basically consists of balancing a company’s revenues and expenses.

Is the ledger what enables you to group together and manage all of the accounts?

Yes, once any credits and debits are established and the inventory is taken into account, the balance sheet is drawn up.

So, essentially, one has to make sure to balance all the liabilities and assets.

Exactly. But you need a sharp eye, because mistakes are easily made!

According to Mr. Thompson, what is a ledger used for?

Закончите предложение

… have an extremely difficult and dangerous job.

Найдите соответствие между картинкой и утверждением:

Закончите предложение

We … for 6 hours now, but we are still more than 10 hours away from New Orleans.

Найдите соответствие между картинкой и утверждением:

Сhoose the correct response.

Which response is similar in meaning to «exciting»?

Выберите верное утверждение по теме диалога.

The company is losing money. We have to draw up a new financial plan.

What sort of changes are you going to propose?

We must start by cutting back expenses.

Choose the correct response. These are my friends, Chris and Simon. I like … very much.

Listen to the passage and answer the three related questions.

To access the questions, click on 1, 2 and 3 respectively.

After reading the four choices, click on the response that best answers the question.

The following is an example:

Mr. Thompson, the position I’m applying for requires a certain familiarity with accounting. Could you give me an idea of what it entails?

It basically consists of balancing a company’s revenues and expenses.

Is the ledger what enables you to group together and manage all of the accounts?

Yes, once any credits and debits are established and the inventory is taken into account, the balance sheet is drawn up.

So, essentially, one has to make sure to balance all the liabilities and assets.

Exactly. But you need a sharp eye, because mistakes are easily made!

Based on the conversation, why do you think the woman is interested in accounting?

Choose the correct response.

Bob’s change of profession led him … a multi-millionaire, but also caused him … increasingly egotistically.

Ответьте на вопрос. — How are your evening courses going?

Сhoose the correct response.

Which response is similar in meaning to «reliable»?

Choose the correct response. Those people are … tea.

Choose the correct response.

It was a … tennis match.

Выберите ошибочное слово в предложении.

He has an appointment this Tuesday on 3:00 p.m. at the doctor’s office.

Выберите верное утверждение по теме диалога.

What should we have with the salad?

Why don’t you cook the chicken that’s marinating in the fridge?

Choose the correct response.

I’ll be at work … Monday, … I’ll be going on vacation.

Выберите верное утверждение по теме диалога.

I can’t get my monitor to work.

Did you check to make sure all the cables are connected?

Yes, but the screen still doesn’t turn on.

Текст вопроса

Listen to the passage and answer the three related questions.

To access the questions, click on 1, 2 and 3 respectively.

After reading the four choices, click on the response that best answers the question.

The following is an example:

I’ve been working in the luxury goods sector and have extensive experience in both marketing and management. After graduating, I was recruited by a big-name producer of leather goods in New York to work on a new marketing strategy for the Japanese market.

How long have you been with the company, Ms. Lee?

Ten years. Once I learned the ropes, I was promoted to the position of Marketing Manager for all of East Asia.

Did you receive any additional training to help you take on such important responsibilities?

The most useful training I received turned out to be a course on time management. After that, it was all hands-on training.

Until now, what type of company has Ms. Lee worked for?

Choose the correct response. … you sing?

Ответьте на вопрос.

Mark got a promotion last week!

Выберите ошибочное слово в предложении.

Did she bring her umbrella? It rains again.

Закончите предложение

It’s likely that wheat exports will increase … over the next five years.

Закончите предложение

When the teacher discovered Charlie had … on the test, she sent him to the principal’s office.

Выберите верное утверждение по теме диалога.

Kelly, did anyone see the accident?

I don’t know, Michael. I just heard the crash.

We have to call an ambulance!

Choose the correct response. My stock … is doing rather well, particularly on the commodities market.

Закончите предложение

It’s likely that wheat exports will increase … over the next five years.

Choose the correct response.

… I need it, I can’t find it.

Choose the correct response.

How … people are with you?

Ответьте на вопрос.

I hope there won’t be any glitches in my travel plans.

Read the sentence, then choose the response which is closest in meaning to the original sentence.

He confirmed, «I’ll deliver it tomorrow.»

Choose the correct response. I seem to remember the contract states that we must pay before the end of July, but when is the exact … ?

Choose the correct response. I seem to remember the contract states that we

must pay before the end of July, but when is the exact … ?

Выберите верное утверждение по теме диалога.

Hello, I’d like to place an order for 20 cartons of printing paper.

No problem, sir. Does your company already have an account with us?

Yes, we do. It’s Athena Phones.

Read the sentence, then choose the sentence which is closest in meaning to the original sentence.

An express delivery seems worthwhile considering the client.

Choose the correct response.

If I … it today, you …it by Monday morning.

Текст вопроса

Choose the correct response.

… the CEO, I thank you for your hard work and congratulate you on your achievements.

Сhoose the correct response.

Which response is similar in meaning to «to defer»?

Выберите ошибочное слово в предложении.

Choose the correct response.

Carol’s meal is … expensive than Keith’s.

Закончите предложение

When he was a child, Karim … climb trees, but he … to ride a bicycle very well.

Choose the correct response. I’m going to the supermarket to buy some … steaks.

Choose the correct response.

It rains a lot in England, … ?

Choose the correct response.

If she … at the map, she … gotten lost.

Choose the correct response.

Do they want to reserve a room? Yes, they … .

Choose the correct response.

I expected our lawyers … us on our partner’s breach of contract.

Закончите предложение

When I left the coffee shop last night, the wind … over the treetops.

Choose the correct response.

She expected him … with her.

Закончите предложение:

I have been … for two hours, but I still can’t find my keys.

Choose the correct response.

We … aware of the loopholes in the contract before we signed it.

Закончите предложение:

I have been … for two hours, but I still can’t find my keys.

Сhoose the correct response.

Which response is similar in meaning to «versatility»?

Прочитайте беседу. Ответьте на вопрос.

Choose the correct response. You could get a card to … money from the ATM machine.

Which of the following statements is probably true?

Good morning. Welcome to our stand!

Good morning. My name is Jim Rodriguez. I’m from Athena International in Boston. I think you’re expecting me.

Mr. Rodriguez, of course. I’m Angela Stein. How was your trip?

Not so good, actually. You know what the trains are like in this country. Anyway, I’m running a little behind schedule.

My own train was over an hour late. Coffee?

Oh yes, please. I understand from a colleague of mine, who spoke very highly of your products, that you are launching a new line of cellular phones this year.

Выберите верное утверждение по теме диалога.

Have you seen the latest movie, Julie?

Which one?

I can’t remember its name, but it’s supposed to be really scary.

No, I didn’t see it.

Choose the correct response.

… he was the chairman and chief executive, he was completely incompetent and incapable of running the company efficiently.

Сhoose the correct response.

Which response is similar to «up-to-date»?

Choose the correct response. My family likes to watch the … on television in the evenings.

Choose the correct response.

My contact lenses are … strong … yours.

Выберите ошибочное слово в предложении.

Yesterday, I went to the mall to buy a new TV, but they were all to expensive.

Выберите ошибочное слово в предложении.

Global warming is occurring much faster today compared to 100 years since.

Click on each loudspeaker and choose the response which corresponds to the image.

Ответьте на вопрос.

Выберите верное утверждение по теме диалога.

I don’t know where to start, Rita. I have too many obligations.

Well, Antonio, I think that buying an anniversary gift for your wife is important.

I guess that should be my priority.

Choose the correct response. As energy … in industrialized nations reaches new heights, alternative means of providing for their energy needs will have to be found.

Millions of people … to work by car daily, often making roads extremely congested during rush hour.

Закончите предложение

We … be able to evaluate your insurance claim if you … us all the details of the accident.

Choose the correct response.

They … each other since 1952.

Choose the correct response.

You … understand the consequences of your actions.

Закончите предложение

I am not … to sit here and listen to this man speak.

Choose the correct response. With the new laws on machinery, many factories are revising their safety … .

Закончите предложение

According to the financial report … was released yesterday, … the company earned last year was far less than predicted.

Найдите соответствие между картинкой и утверждением:

Ответьте на вопрос.

I decided to print out a hard copy, just in case.

Choose the correct response.

Defective merchandise can be replaced if returned … forty-eight hours … purchase.

Choose the correct response.

We … there was going to be a problem as soon as they … about the contract.

There has been another car accident on Delaware Avenue!

Choose the correct response. Is there anything on tonight’s menu you would … ?

Choose the correct response.

… he couldn’t make it, he asked if we could postpone the appointment.

Choose the correct response. The number of taxis … last week increased exponentially as a result of a public transportation strike.

Выберите ошибочное слово в предложении.

In 1998, he has gone to Sao Paolo for two weeks. He hasn’t been back there since then.

Закончите предложение

The … in many U.S. National Parks is incredible.

Choose the correct response.

That man …deaf. He can’t hear the jet plane!

Unfortunately for vacationers, the storm … with the beginning of the holiday weekend.

Choose the correct response.

I initiated contact with the company … striking up a conversation with the marketing director.

Choose the correct response. With the new laws on machinery, many factories are revising their safety … .

Choose the correct response. In the train, say goodbye to those long hours spent sitting in miles of traffic jams! No more aggressive or dangerous drivers, you are alone on the rails! Because of this, the train is considered to be the safest means of transportation and allows you to get to the office on time without all the stress of driving to work. In the text, the train is portrayed as being…

Выберите ошибочное слово в предложении.

I haven’t slept for two days. My son has being sick with the flu and has kept me up all night.

Choose the correct response. I’m … eating very little breakfast in the morning.

Прочитайте беседу. Ответьте на вопрос.

Choose the correct response. You could get a card to … money from the ATM machine.

Where is this conversation taking place?

Good morning. Welcome to our stand!

Good morning. My name is Jim Rodriguez. I’m from Athena International in Boston. I think you’re expecting me.

Mr. Rodriguez, of course. I’m Angela Stein. How was your trip?

Not so good, actually. You know what the trains are like in this country. Anyway, I’m running a little behind schedule.

My own train was over an hour late. Coffee?

Oh yes, please. I understand from a colleague of mine, who spoke very highly of your products, that you are launching a new line of cellular phones this year.

Выберите верное утверждение по теме диалога.

What do you think about our new marketing strategy, Rana?

I don’t know yet. I’m meeting with them tomorrow to discuss it.

Make sure you ask them about the Internet advertisements.

Choose the correct response. We have no food in the fridge; it looks like we’ll have to go to a restaurant … .

Сhoose the correct response.

Which response is similar in meaning to «reputable»?

The exchange student who is living with us doesn’t like fast food, and he doesn’t really like candy neither.

Ответьте на вопрос.

I’m calling about an error which was made on the invoice you sent us.

Choose the correct response.

If we … bankrupt, it … in job losses.

Choose the correct response. You have received … about special offers on renting villas.

She is a very …. cook. If she doesn’t have one of the ingredients, she just substitutes something else.

….. means to get a more important or responsible job or rank.

The President didn’t approve the ….. for the next year.

Artists and musicians are usually ….. very people.

A public administrator manages public agencies, sets budgets, and creates government …..

Public administration courses teach a range of skills that are essential for a …… in public service, policy or government

Public administration trains people to become managers in government and ….. organizations

….. is the time a person is allowed to take off work as holiday in any one-year period

After graduation you can work in the public sector or for ….. organizations

….. is a law that governs the employer-employee relationship.

Choose the correct response.

They produced a prototype … we could assess its pertinence.

Listen to the passage and answer the three related questions.

To access the questions, click on 1, 2 and 3 respectively.

After reading the four choices, click on the response that best answers the question.

The following is an example:

I’ve been working in the luxury goods sector and have extensive experience in both marketing and management. After graduating, I was recruited by a big-name producer of leather goods in New York to work on a new marketing strategy for the Japanese market.

How long have you been with the company, Ms. Lee?

Ten years. Once I learned the ropes, I was promoted to the position of Marketing Manager for all of East Asia.

Did you receive any additional training to help you take on such important responsibilities?

The most useful training I received turned out to be a course on time management. After that, it was all hands-on training.

Which of the following positions has Ms. Lee held?

Choose the correct response. Many European countries have the same … .

Сhoose the correct response. Which response is similar in meaning to «to subtract»?

Ответьте на вопрос.

You need to learn how to delegate.

Choose the correct response.

The company is … having difficulties getting started … they are just not very professional.

Выберите верное утверждение по теме диалога.

Franklin, why weren’t you at the meeting this morning? Did you forget?

No, I was discussing the new department objectives with Mandy.

What was the outcome?

Read the sentence, then choose the response which is closest in meaning to the original sentence.

Living in a foreign country ought to be a challenging and interesting experience.

Прочитайте беседу. Ответьте на вопрос.

Choose the correct response. You could get a card to … money from the ATM machine.

Based on the dialogue, what type of product do you think Ms. Stein’s company sells?

Choose the correct response.

It’s … that the interest rates for mortgages have skyrocketed; we’ll have to save up for a larger down payment.

Choose the correct response.

The sales manager will go to the reception desk to meet the client as soon as he … the call announcing the client’s arrival.

Ответьте на вопрос.

I heard that Mr. Young’s methods contrast sharply with those of his predecessor.

The government ….. makes civil servants more effective public sector leaders

….. means to end the employment or service.

….. is an assurance that an individual will keep his or her job without the risk of becoming unemployed.

Employment laws are based on federal and state …. , legislation, and administrative rules.

I…… a shower when the telephone rang.

Choose the correct response.

Your schedule is … modified.

Сhoose the correct response. What I’m really interested in is a good solid product that gives us no problems at all. So, I’m more interested in … than stylish new designs.

A person can be fined if he committed a crime like …

Even if the person were left at liberty, he ….. to report regularly

to a probation officer.

The police will arrest Mary if they …. her.

The idea in identification parades is that a … will pick out the person re-sponsible for the crime from a group of specially selected people.

We don’t have any business in August. It’s the … period for our legal company.

In reality the Queen has almost no … at all.

The Conservatives is the party … by the rich and the privileged.

Congress can … amendments.

He speaks as if he …… innocent.

Offenders may be … to a heavy fine.

The public must be … from a dangerous offender.

After the war Pinkerton’s agents became the tools of management in:

… offenders don’t serve a prison sentence because they are under age.

Each lawyer could … his own practice to the needs of his clients.

The judiciary is … of the executive.

Two teenagers attempted to … the local bank, but the police arrived be-fore they got away.

In 1850 Alan Pinkerton started his private detective … in the USA.

The main role of British police is.

We don’t have much time. The legal project has a really tight……

The muggers attacked the pensioner and … with her money.

Today many people … that the Labour Party shows no radical change in policy from the Tories.

Amendments to the Constitution have … the democratic rights of Ameri-can society.

The criminal was given a … sentence.

Choose the correct response.

By the time the workers finished loading up the truck, night …

Congress has the power to … the number of judges sitting in the court.

If a person has a legal problem they will go to a ….

There’s a great deal of public … for the police in Britain.

The courts may order an offender to pay compensation … personal injury, loss or damage resulting from an offence.

Barristers are experts in … of the Law.

The legal profession is divided … two branches. 

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Как посмотреть ответ ИНСТРУКЦИЯ 

Если в списке нет Вашего вуза, вернитесь сюда и купите найденный Вами вопрос, иногда предметы полностью совпадают в разных вузах.

Список некоторых  вопросов из тестов, на которые мы можем помочь с ответами. 

Иностранный язык АНГЛИЙСКИЙ (1-2)

Choose the correct response. … is a lot more than «often.»

Choose the correct response. letto do … homework.

Сhoose the correct response. What is the opposite of «to sell»?

Choose the correct response. Blue is a nice … !

Choose the correct response. My … is David.

Choose the correct response.

This is the first time she has gone to a baseball game. She has … been to a baseball game before.

Choose the correct response. What is the opposite of «hot»?

Choose the correct response.

Good evening. I … a few days ago to reserve a table.

Прочитайте беседу. Ответьте на вопрос.

Choose the correct response. My stock … is doing rather well, particularly on the commodities market.

According to the dialogue, which of the following is true?

Choose the correct response. I would like to … an apartment in Madrid for two weeks this summer.

Choose the correct response. I would like to … an apartment in Madrid for two weeks this summer.

Choose the correct response. Many people take … from travel agencies to decide where to go on vacation.

Choose the correct response. Many people take … from travel agencies to decide where to go on vacation.

Прочитайте беседу. Ответьте на вопрос.

Choose the correct response. Who takes care of … the terms of the new contract?

From the text, what can you infer about accounting?

Выберите верное утверждение по теме диалога:

Do you have any corduroy shirts?

Yes, we have some on the back shelf.

Сhoose the correct response.

What is the opposite of «destruction»?

Сhoose the correct response.

Which response is similar in meaning to «often»?

Choose the correct response.

He looks … me, don’t you think?

Выберите ошибочное слово в предложении.

Even though I was late, there were still any tickets left when I arrived at the movie theater.

Выберите верное утверждение по теме диалога.

We’ll take the scenic route instead of the highway.

But it will take much longer! I don’t want to spend all day in the car.

It’s always the same! We never agree.

Choose the correct response. You could get a card to … money from the ATM machine.

Choose the correct response. I start work … nine o’clock.

Choose the correct response. Your apartment is very … .

Choose the correct response. Our assistant is a very nice … .

Choose the correct response. … is my brother.

Choose the sentence that is in the correct order.

Найдите соответствие между картинкой и утверждением:

Найдите соответствие между картинкой и утверждением:

Закончите предложение

My daughter is very talented, she … sing well.

Найдите соответствие между картинкой и утверждением:

Choose the correct response. Nice to … you!

Сhoose the correct response. Nice to … you!

Сhoose the correct response.

There are a lot of people outside my office. Hey! What’s … ?

Choose the sentence that is in the correct order.

Choose the correct response.

… of these buses do I take to go downtown?

Choose the correct response. … is a person older than 18.

Choose the correct response…. is a person older than 18.

Выберите ошибочное слово в предложении.

The French teacher collected the student’s workbooks in order to correct their homework.

Выберите верное утверждение по теме диалога.

Sarah, if you go to the supermarket, could you bring me back some ice cream?

I’ll get you some provided you fix the leak in the bathroom.

Закончите предложение

Planes, trains and buses are all different types of … .

Закончите предложение

This sweatshirt doesn’t belong to me, it’s … .

Choose the correct response. It’s a special … ! You get a 10% discount if you buy today, and you don’t have to pay until next year.

Choose the correct response. It’s a special … ! You get a 10% discount if you buy today, and you don’t have to pay until next year.

Закончите предложение

We have to leave … or else we’ll be stuck in traffic all night.

Ответьте на вопрос.

I’m sorry but I’ll have to cancel today’s appointment.

Choose the correct response. When tankers sink, the oil spilled … the environment tremendously.

Choose the correct response.

After all the planning that had gone into the project, I really resented them for … the proposal.

Choose the correct response. The general economic situation in this country is poor, particularly in this rural … , where they have no industry to rely on.

Сhoose the correct response. The general economic situation in this country is poor, particularly in this rural … , where they have no industry to rely on.

Выберите ошибочное слово в предложении.

Suddenly, she asked her co-workers, «Whose responsible for the Livingston contract?»

Ответьте на вопрос.

The keynote speaker looks familiar….

Choose the correct response.

Mr. Walker was away at the time of the negotiations, so it … him who conducted them on our behalf.

Выберите верное утверждение по теме диалога.

Can you tell me more about the company benefits?

Yes, we offer complete health care, two weeks vacation and a retirement package.

Is dental care included?

Choose the correct response. What do you … like?

Найдите соответствие между картинкой и утверждением:

Выберите верное утверждение по теме диалога.

What are the symptoms of altitude sickness?

I don’t know. You probably feel dizzy.

Закончите предложение

It’s my birthday tomorrow. I … invite all my friends over for a big party.

Выберите ошибочное слово в предложении.

Are you have these pants in another color?

Сhoose the correct response.

Which response is similar in meaning to «to need»?

Выберите верное утверждение по теме диалога.

You sold these products at too high a discount.

But otherwise we would have lost the client!

Выберите ошибочное слово в предложении.

She is going to take a course on Japanese philosophy next semester. Her roommate would like

Choose the correct response. I don’t … English very well.

Choose the correct response. That is a … book.

Choose the sentence that is in the correct order.

Найдите соответствие между картинкой и утверждением:

Найдите соответствие между картинкой и утверждением:

Choose the correct response. What is a written agreement between two companies called?

Ответьте на вопрос.

Which department do you work in?

Закончите предложение

John asked Meredith to … him to send his mother a birthday card.

Выберите ошибочное слово в предложении.

This morning, I cut me while shaving.

Ответьте на вопрос.

Go ahead. I’ll catch up with you in a few minutes.

Answer the question- Go ahead. I’ll catch up with you in a few minutes.

Choose the correct response. Which response is similar in meaning to «delicious»?

Choose the correct response. When we … European-made goods into the country, we have to pay customs taxes on them.

Choose the correct response. In the train, say goodbye to those long hours spent sitting in miles of traffic jams! No more aggressive or dangerous drivers, you are alone on the rails! Because of this, the train is considered to be the safest means of transportation and allows you to get to the office on time without all the stress of driving to work. In the text, the train is portrayed as being…

Выберите верное утверждение по теме диалога.

Kate, are you going to the audiovisual trade fair in Rome?

No, my schedule doesn’t allow me to travel so far away.

So why not go to Las Vegas instead?

Choose the correct response. Do you … where the office is?

Choose the correct response. They … my name.

Найдите соответствие между картинкой и утверждением:

Найдите соответствие между картинкой и утверждением:

Найдите соответствие между картинкой и утверждением:

Choose the correct response. Next week, Mrs. Robinson will travel to China to … a factory near Beijing.

Click on the loudspeakers, listen to the text and select the correct response.

After a hard day at the office, you can invite friends over to your place. This is only the beginning of a fun evening! Let the party begin! What does the speaker think of parties?

Choose the correct response. You have received … about special offers on renting villas.

Listen to the passage and answer the three related questions.

To access the questions, click on 1, 2 and 3 respectively.

After reading the four choices, click on the response that best answers the question.

The following is an example:

Since the 1980s, people have become more aware of the environment. The recycling of cardboard, plastic, glass and paper has grown out of this awareness.

People have also finally realized that much of industry’s progress, based on the use of fossil fuels, is damaging the planet.

Did you know that scientists have long been trying to develop alternative sources of energy, like tidal power?

Yes, tidal power stations could use the power of the tides to supply households with electricity.

There’s also solar power, but its use is dependent on weather conditions!

According to the dialogue, what are scientists working on.

Закончите предложение

After their wedding, Katherine and her … went to Capri for their honeymoon.

Ответьте на вопрос.

This is the operator, how may I help you?

Choose the correct response. Which response is similar in meaning to «fortune»

Choose the correct response. Many European countries have the same … .

Choose the correct response.

Aren’t you … buy some fresh vegetables?

Закончите предложение

Every five seconds a plane … somewhere in the world.

Закончите предложение

Sam’s father was very … when he learned that Sam had not passed his chemistry test.

Сhoose the correct response.

Which response is similar in meaning to «acumen»?

Закончите предложение

We would be … if you could pass on our contact information to the distributor, so that they can call us to schedule the shipment of merchandise next week.

Choose the correct response. She’s Lisa. Who … you?

Choose the correct response. How are you … ?

Найдите соответствие между картинкой и утверждением:

Найдите соответствие между картинкой и утверждением:

Choose the correct response. I … go to the movies when I go out, but not always.

Choose the correct response. I … go to the movies when I go out, but not always.

Choose the correct response. We’ll need to talk about it before we can make a … about the new project.

Выберите ошибочное слово в предложении.

Patrick has just missed its train, so he’s going to be late to work.

Read the sentence, then choose the sentence which is closest in meaning to the original sentence. If the contract is signed, you’ll get a raise.

Choose the sentence that is in the correct order.

Choose the correct response.

The team with the … score will be eliminated.

Listen to the passage and answer the three related questions.

To access the questions, click on 1, 2 and 3 respectively.

After reading the four choices, click on the response that best answers the question.

The following is an example:

Mr. Thompson, the position I’m applying for requires a certain familiarity with accounting. Could you give me an idea of what it entails?

It basically consists of balancing a company’s revenues and expenses.

Is the ledger what enables you to group together and manage all of the accounts?

Yes, once any credits and debits are established and the inventory is taken into account, the balance sheet is drawn up.

So, essentially, one has to make sure to balance all the liabilities and assets.

Exactly. But you need a sharp eye, because mistakes are easily made!

From the text, what can you infer about accounting?

Сhoose the correct response.

Which response is similar in meaning to «to book»?

Выберите ошибочное слово в предложении.

Janet is living in Amsterdam, but she’s in London on business this week, so she is staying with us.

Choose the correct response. Who takes care of … the terms of the new contract?

Ответьте на вопрос.

I’m concerned about Maureen, she looks very tired.

Choose the correct response. January is … winter month.

Choose the correct response. Does he like to play soccer? Yes, he … .

Choose the correct response. I’m … to you.

Найдите соответствие между картинкой и утверждением:

Choose the correct response.

He … visit Sweden next year.

Choose the correct response.

… has given me chocolate yet, but I hope I’ll get some.

Choose the correct response.

… I write that report for you?

Choose the correct response. Mr. Jones, can you … a letter to our British partners?

Выберите верное утверждение по теме диалога:

Did the shipping company call, John?

Yes, they had a slight problem with their truck, so they won’t be able to come today.

Закончите предложение

How … workers and how … money will you need to build the stadium?

Выберите верное утверждение по теме диалога.

Do you have a food processor, Mike?

It’s in the cabinet on the left, under the counter.

Click on the loudspeakers, listen to the text and select the correct response.

Our manager was coming to work by train the other day when he lost his briefcase. He was in a hurry, and left it on the seat beside him. It contained all the papers for the trade fair and now we’ll have to start working on them again. According to the text, the manager’s briefcase contained…

Choose the correct response.

We … go out as often as we do now.

Ответьте на вопрос.

I need to go to the library to do some research.

Закончите предложение

If some people are absent, the meeting will have to be … until tomorrow.

Choose the correct response. The technicians have developed a new computer … which allows us to view all customer orders and accounts at the same time.

Выберите верное утверждение по теме диалога.

We’d like to take out this mortgage.

Can you afford to repay $50 a month?

It’s a lot of money, but I think we can manage that.

Choose the correct response. We are aware that you are experiencing financial problems, so we won’t … you until the end of the month.

Выберите ошибочное слово в предложении.

They are in high spirits, because this year’s earnings were high than expected.

Choose the correct response. I don’t … tennis. I prefer soccer.

Choose the correct response. Can you say that again, … ?

Choose the correct response. It’s lunchtime. Are you … ?

Найдите соответствие между картинкой и утверждением:

Найдите соответствие между картинкой и утверждением:

Найдите соответствие между картинкой и утверждением:

Click on each loudspeaker and choose the response which corresponds to the image.

Choose the correct response.

This is … bag.

Choose the correct response. A businessman often … a suit and tie to go to work.

Choose the correct response. A businessman often … a suit and tie to go to work.

Choose the correct response.

My sister … at home now, but she usually … in San Francisco.

Выберите верное утверждение по теме диалога.

We should go to the travel agency; it’s going to close in ten minutes.

So early? It’s only 11:50!

Выберите ошибочное слово в предложении.

My brother works at the hospital downtown. He is a eye doctor.

Choose the correct response. After months of negotiation, the two businesses agreed to … the contract.

Choose the correct response. The travel agent offers deals on rock climbing, canoeing and other … activities.

Choose the correct response. I am going to L.A. to work for a … which makes video games.

Choose the correct response. I am going to L.A. to work for a … which makes video games.

Выберите ошибочное слово в предложении.

I think that Mount McKinley at Alaska is the tallest mountain in North America.

Listen to the passage and answer the three related questions.

To access the questions, click on 1, 2 and 3 respectively.

After reading the four choices, click on the response that best answers the question.

The following is an example:

Language is said to be one of the factors that differentiates humans from animals, but new research shows that animals use language as well. In today’s program, we’ll discover how ethologists are able to teach chimpanzees and gorillas sign language, and how Rhesus monkeys emit different alarm calls to identify predators. You may already know that songbirds alert each other with hundreds of different songs, but did you know that whales may know how to rhyme? Even elephants, giraffes and hippos, animals that were once considered to be virtually silent, communicate with sounds inaudible to the human ear. Join us on this fascinating journey!

What statement does the man make about animal language?

Choose the correct response.

The price … tomorrow.

Choose the correct response.

We’ve been working together … eighteen months … .

Listen to the passage and answer the three related questions.

To access the questions, click on 1, 2 and 3 respectively.

After reading the four choices, click on the response that best answers the question.

The following is an example:

Today we’ll discuss one of the fastest moving industries of our time: computer technology. In just over a decade, computers have evolved from large, immovable machines to convenient portable devices that fit in a briefcase. The processor speed and memory capacity of hard drives are constantly increasing, and traditional laptops are being replaced by even smaller and more efficient notebooks. Today’s gadgets will soon be replaced with new technology. The question is, what’s next?

According to the woman, which features are associated with the new technological products?

Сhoose the correct response. Which response is similar in meaning to «to speak»?

Choose the correct response. She … in a big house with a garden.

Закончите предложение

The problem with my brother is that he won’t … to my advice.

Закончите предложение

Why don’t we go to the movies … ?

Choose the correct response. Mark didn’t like the concert at all, but I thought it was … !

Choose the correct response.

There’s … coffee in the pot.

Choose the correct response.

Wendy’s room is … to room 5.

Choose the correct response.

You shouldn’t have … problems with your credit card.

Listen to the passage and answer the three related questions.

To access the questions, click on 1, 2 and 3 respectively.

After reading the four choices, click on the response that best answers the question.

The following is an example:

Since the 1980s, people have become more aware of the environment. The recycling of cardboard, plastic, glass and paper has grown out of this awareness.

People have also finally realized that much of industry’s progress, based on the use of fossil fuels, is damaging the planet.

Did you know that scientists have long been trying to develop alternative sources of energy, like tidal power?

Yes, tidal power stations could use the power of the tides to supply households with electricity.

There’s also solar power, but its use is dependent on weather conditions!

According to the dialogue, which of the following is true?

Закончите предложение

Eating red meat is not … healthy … eating fish.

Choose the correct response.

William! What … your mother say yesterday?

Choose the correct response.

They didn’t listen to the music and didn’t watch the performance … .

Choose the correct response. Is there anything on tonight’s menu you would … ?

Закончите предложение

She is … helpful of the three women.

Listen to the passage and answer the three related questions.

To access the questions, click on 1, 2 and 3 respectively.

After reading the four choices, click on the response that best answers the question.

The following is an example:

Today we’ll discuss one of the fastest moving industries of our time: computer technology. In just over a decade, computers have evolved from large, immovable machines to convenient portable devices that fit in a briefcase. The processor speed and memory capacity of hard drives are constantly increasing, and traditional laptops are being replaced by even smaller and more efficient notebooks. Today’s gadgets will soon be replaced with new technology. The question is, what’s next?

Which of the following is stated in the excerpt?

Choose the correct response. The lawyers have finished their work and the contract is finally ready to be signed. However, at the last minute, the architect disagrees with one of the clauses. Some of the developer’s requested changes would considerably alter the buildings’ outward appearance and could jeopardize the deal’s success. He can’t accept such a thing. According to the text, the architect is worried that changing the appearance of the buildings would…

Закончите предложение

Even … she needs a driver’s license for her new job, she hasn’t taken her driver’s test … .

Choose the correct response. Is there … Indian restaurant?

Найдите соответствие между картинкой и утверждением:

Найдите соответствие между картинкой и утверждением:

Закончите предложение

When I called my grandfather, he told … he was painting the kitchen.

Choose the correct response.

When Steve and Judith … younger, they … a dog named Rover.

Listen to the passage and answer the three related questions.

To access the questions, click on 1, 2 and 3 respectively.

After reading the four choices, click on the response that best answers the question.

The following is an example:

Since the 1980s, people have become more aware of the environment. The recycling of cardboard, plastic, glass and paper has grown out of this awareness.

People have also finally realized that much of industry’s progress, based on the use of fossil fuels, is damaging the planet.

Did you know that scientists have long been trying to develop alternative sources of energy, like tidal power?

Yes, tidal power stations could use the power of the tides to supply households with electricity.

There’s also solar power, but its use is dependent on weather conditions!

What is the main topic of this conversation?

Выберите верное утверждение по теме диалога.

Do you play golf well, Angela?

I’ve only played golf twice.

Read the sentence, then choose the sentence which is closest in meaning to the original sentence.

The Korean representatives will come to check our merchandise next month.

Choose the correct response.

The seat belt … the flight attendant before the plane took off.

Выберите ошибочное слово в предложении.

When you went shopping yesterday, did you remembered to buy a light bulb for the bedroom?

Ответьте на вопрос.

What’s your return policy?

Choose the correct response. … she travel often?

Найдите соответствие между картинкой и утверждением:

Выберите верное утверждение по теме диалога.

Hello, I’d like to speak with Sam Chen, please.

Just one second, I’ll put you through.

Закончите предложение

The doctor told me I … stop smoking and start exercising regularly.

Choose the correct response.

I look forward … you on Monday.

Choose the sentence that is in the correct order.

Choose the correct response. I like this cathedral very much. The view from the top of the bell tower is … .

Закончите предложение

I’m not sure when we’ll arrive … the hotel … Bangkok, but I’ll call you as soon as we get there.

Закончите предложение

The waitress came and … the table clean before we sat down to eat.

Choose the sentence that is in the correct order

Сhoose the correct response.

Which response is similar in meaning to «costly»?

Ответьте на вопрос.

The company is trying to establish a monopoly in order to restrict competition.

Choose the correct response.

I’m … to memorize my presentation for tomorrow. I intend … my best.

Закончите предложение

The caller reported an accident between Sunset Boulevard and Wilshire, but she … before I got all the information.

Choose the correct response.

… visit the tourist information office.

Ответьте на вопрос.

Is there anything I can help you with?

Выберите верное утверждение по теме диалога.

Do you know which stop we get off at?

We get off at the stop in front of the post office.

Read the sentence, then choose the sentence which is closest in meaning to the original sentence.

I call them every day to ask them to pay their bills:

Choose the correct response. We don’t want that … . Their products are too expensive and unreliable.

Choose the correct response. We don’t want that … . Their products are too expensive and unreliable.

Выберите верное утверждение по теме диалога.

Did you receive any mail today, Tamika?

Yes, I did, and I wish that I hadn’t.

Choose the correct response. I’ve been walking all day. My feet are starting to … !

Choose the correct response.

The colleague … car broke down wanted to go faster.

Choose the correct response. Which person demonstrates a company’s products and tries to convince customers to purchase them?

Choose the correct response. Companies make … that people can buy in stores.

Ответьте на вопрос.

What are you reading?

Choose the correct response.

As she … out of the taxi, it started to rain.

Choose the correct response. Today, airplanes have reached such perfection that they can take people more or less anywhere they want to go. Despite the huge number of flights arriving and departing from airports around the world, delays are quite rare, and accidents even rarer. There is an ever-increasing number of airports around the planet and these days, every major city has at least one. According to the text, airplanes are considered to be…

Choose the correct response. Even though Mother Nature can be cruel, humans have the ability to survive in the cold and snow of the mountains and the scorching temperatures of the desert. Despite the lack of water, there are people who thrive in such hostile environments. According to the text, human beings…

Choose the correct response.

Linda works in the … company … Alice.

Choose the correct response. My family likes to watch the … on television in the evenings.

Ответьте на вопрос.

— I’m afraid I’ll have to stay at work a little later tonight

Закончите предложение

I … like a steak and my son will have a cheeseburger with French fries.

Choose the correct response.

Which friends … tomorrow?

Listen to the passage and answer the three related questions.

To access the questions, click on 1, 2 and 3 respectively.

After reading the four choices, click on the response that best answers the question.

The following is an example:

Language is said to be one of the factors that differentiates humans from animals, but new research shows that animals use language as well. In today’s program, we’ll discover how ethologists are able to teach chimpanzees and gorillas sign language, and how Rhesus monkeys emit different alarm calls to identify predators. You may already know that songbirds alert each other with hundreds of different songs, but did you know that whales may know how to rhyme? Even elephants, giraffes and hippos, animals that were once considered to be virtually silent, communicate with sounds inaudible to the human ear. Join us on this fascinating journey!

What is this program trying to illustrate?

Choose the correct response. I … to the movies on Saturdays.

Choose the correct response. I like my job. It is … .

Закончите предложение

Just … Carol, she worked … a waitress for several years.

Сhoose the correct response.

I’m the same … as you. We are both 24.

Choose the correct response.

I’d like … to do things more quickly.

Choose the correct response. The construction of the new headquarters should be finished by the end of July, as long as there are no … in the work.

Choose the sentence that is in the correct order.

Найдите соответствие между картинкой и утверждением:

Choose the correct response.

After our recent experience, I was hoping there would be no … problems with the supplier.

Choose the correct response.

The businessman … the accident, had he traveled by plane.

Найдите соответствие между картинкой и утверждением:

Choose the correct response. I’m … eating very little breakfast in the morning.

Choose the correct response. If the company’s spending continues to … its income, it will eventually go bankrupt.

Найдите соответствие между картинкой и утверждением:

Сhoose the correct response.

A ticket to the zoo … $1.50.

I hadn’t seen Yuki for 10 years. She had changed so much I almost didn’t … her.

Сhoose the correct response.

What is the opposite of «unimpressive»?

Выберите верное утверждение по теме диалога.

Our lease on the warehouse will be up on January 15th.

Are you going to renew the lease?

No, we’re going to move to a new location.

Listen to the passage and answer the three related questions.

To access the questions, click on 1, 2 and 3 respectively.

After reading the four choices, click on the response that best answers the question.

The following is an example:

I’ve been working in the luxury goods sector and have extensive experience in both marketing and management. After graduating, I was recruited by a big-name producer of leather goods in New York to work on a new marketing strategy for the Japanese market.

How long have you been with the company, Ms. Lee?

Ten years. Once I learned the ropes, I was promoted to the position of Marketing Manager for all of East Asia.

Did you receive any additional training to help you take on such important responsibilities?

The most useful training I received turned out to be a course on time management. After that, it was all hands-on training.

Which of the following words best describes how Ms. Lee feels about her ability to do the job?

Click on each loudspeaker and choose the response which corresponds to the image.

Choose the correct response.

Tina was … girl in town.

Choose the correct response.

We … to hurry, because we … be there until 3 p.m.

Choose the correct response.

If the shipment … delayed, we … an important client.

Найдите соответствие между картинкой и утверждением:

Закончите предложение

I … enjoy watching science fiction movies.

Choose the correct response. We’ll need to talk about it before we can make a … about the new project.

Choose the correct response.

… does the bank open?

Choose the correct response.

… does the bank open?

Выберите ошибочное слово в предложении.

His favorite present be the new bicycle.

Choose the correct response.

We … for six hours now.

Choose the sentence that is in the correct order.

Choose the correct response. Nothing else works, but the photocopier is still fully … .

Listen to the passage and answer the three related questions.

To access the questions, click on 1, 2 and 3 respectively.

After reading the four choices, click on the response that best answers the question.

The following is an example:

Today we’ll discuss one of the fastest moving industries of our time: computer technology. In just over a decade, computers have evolved from large, immovable machines to convenient portable devices that fit in a briefcase. The processor speed and memory capacity of hard drives are constantly increasing, and traditional laptops are being replaced by even smaller and more efficient notebooks. Today’s gadgets will soon be replaced with new technology. The question is, what’s next?

What does the speaker insinuate about the future of computer technology?

Найдите соответствие между картинкой и утверждением:

Закончите предложение

Every Saturday, this boy … soccer with his friends.

Choose the correct response. Which response is similar in meaning to «fine»?

Сhoose the correct response. Which response is similar in meaning to «to request»?

Ответьте на вопрос.

What about using name tags for the end-of-the-year party?

Read the sentence, then choose the sentence which is closest in meaning to the original sentence.

Choose the correct response. He … to Japan every summer.

Choose the correct response.

Would you … some milk?

Choose the correct response.

If you take the bus on a regular basis, you … buy a weekly pass.

Read the sentence, then choose the sentence which is closest in meaning to the original sentence.

In the last twenty years there have been a number of positive developments in this field.

Listen to the passage and answer the three related questions.

To access the questions, click on 1, 2 and 3 respectively.

After reading the four choices, click on the response that best answers the question.

The following is an example:

Language is said to be one of the factors that differentiates humans from animals, but new research shows that animals use language as well. In today’s program, we’ll discover how ethologists are able to teach chimpanzees and gorillas sign language, and how Rhesus monkeys emit different alarm calls to identify predators. You may already know that songbirds alert each other with hundreds of different songs, but did you know that whales may know how to rhyme? Even elephants, giraffes and hippos, animals that were once considered to be virtually silent, communicate with sounds inaudible to the human ear. Join us on this fascinating journey!

According to the speaker, for what reason do Rhesus monkeys produce different calls.

Выберите верное утверждение по теме диалога.

This doesn’t look like the place we saw on the website!

Well, we’re only staying here one night.

Nevertheless, it’s much too expensive for what it is.

Choose the correct response. He … a brother and a sister.

Choose the correct response. I… very young.

Закончите предложение

The train … arrive in Chicago at 9 a.m. tomorrow morning.

Choose the correct response. We have no food in the fridge; it looks like we’ll have to go to a restaurant … .

Choose the correct response. We have no food in the fridge; it looks like we’ll have to go to a restaurant … .

Choose the correct response.

What do you think? … we hold the conference on the 11th at two o’clock?

Найдите соответствие между картинкой и утверждением:

Choose the correct response.

This refrigerator belongs to us. It’s … .

Выберите ошибочное слово в предложении.

That math books are yours, aren’t they?

Click on the loudspeakers, listen to the text and select the correct response.

Prices at the supermarket are usually lower than prices at the outdoor market, but the quality of the products is also lower. This explains why many people prefer to pay more for high-quality goods from market vendors, even if supermarkets are more convenient. According to the text, outdoor markets have…

Mr. Thompson, the position I’m applying for requires a certain familiarity with accounting. Could you give me an idea of what it entails?

It basically consists of balancing a company’s revenues and expenses.

Is the ledger what enables you to group together and manage all of the accounts?

Yes, once any credits and debits are established and the inventory is taken into account, the balance sheet is drawn up.

So, essentially, one has to make sure to balance all the liabilities and assets.

Exactly. But you need a sharp eye, because mistakes are easily made!

According to Mr. Thompson, what is a ledger used for?

Закончите предложение

… have an extremely difficult and dangerous job.

Найдите соответствие между картинкой и утверждением:

Закончите предложение

We … for 6 hours now, but we are still more than 10 hours away from New Orleans.

Найдите соответствие между картинкой и утверждением:

Сhoose the correct response.

Which response is similar in meaning to «exciting»?

Выберите верное утверждение по теме диалога.

The company is losing money. We have to draw up a new financial plan.

What sort of changes are you going to propose?

We must start by cutting back expenses.

Choose the correct response. These are my friends, Chris and Simon. I like … very much.

Listen to the passage and answer the three related questions.

To access the questions, click on 1, 2 and 3 respectively.

After reading the four choices, click on the response that best answers the question.

The following is an example:

Mr. Thompson, the position I’m applying for requires a certain familiarity with accounting. Could you give me an idea of what it entails?

It basically consists of balancing a company’s revenues and expenses.

Is the ledger what enables you to group together and manage all of the accounts?

Yes, once any credits and debits are established and the inventory is taken into account, the balance sheet is drawn up.

So, essentially, one has to make sure to balance all the liabilities and assets.

Exactly. But you need a sharp eye, because mistakes are easily made!

Based on the conversation, why do you think the woman is interested in accounting?

Choose the correct response.

Bob’s change of profession led him … a multi-millionaire, but also caused him … increasingly egotistically.

Ответьте на вопрос. — How are your evening courses going?

Сhoose the correct response.

Which response is similar in meaning to «reliable»?

Choose the correct response. Those people are … tea.

Choose the correct response.

It was a … tennis match.

Выберите ошибочное слово в предложении.

He has an appointment this Tuesday on 3:00 p.m. at the doctor’s office.

Выберите верное утверждение по теме диалога.

What should we have with the salad?

Why don’t you cook the chicken that’s marinating in the fridge?

Choose the correct response.

I’ll be at work … Monday, … I’ll be going on vacation.

Выберите верное утверждение по теме диалога.

I can’t get my monitor to work.

Did you check to make sure all the cables are connected?

Yes, but the screen still doesn’t turn on.

Текст вопроса

Listen to the passage and answer the three related questions.

To access the questions, click on 1, 2 and 3 respectively.

After reading the four choices, click on the response that best answers the question.

The following is an example:

I’ve been working in the luxury goods sector and have extensive experience in both marketing and management. After graduating, I was recruited by a big-name producer of leather goods in New York to work on a new marketing strategy for the Japanese market.

How long have you been with the company, Ms. Lee?

Ten years. Once I learned the ropes, I was promoted to the position of Marketing Manager for all of East Asia.

Did you receive any additional training to help you take on such important responsibilities?

The most useful training I received turned out to be a course on time management. After that, it was all hands-on training.

Until now, what type of company has Ms. Lee worked for?

Choose the correct response. … you sing?

Ответьте на вопрос.

Mark got a promotion last week!

Выберите ошибочное слово в предложении.

Did she bring her umbrella? It rains again.

Закончите предложение

It’s likely that wheat exports will increase … over the next five years.

Закончите предложение

When the teacher discovered Charlie had … on the test, she sent him to the principal’s office.

Выберите верное утверждение по теме диалога.

Kelly, did anyone see the accident?

I don’t know, Michael. I just heard the crash.

We have to call an ambulance!

Choose the correct response. My stock … is doing rather well, particularly on the commodities market.

Закончите предложение

It’s likely that wheat exports will increase … over the next five years.

Choose the correct response.

… I need it, I can’t find it.

Choose the correct response.

How … people are with you?

Ответьте на вопрос.

I hope there won’t be any glitches in my travel plans.

Read the sentence, then choose the response which is closest in meaning to the original sentence.

He confirmed, «I’ll deliver it tomorrow.»

Choose the correct response. I seem to remember the contract states that we must pay before the end of July, but when is the exact … ?

Choose the correct response. I seem to remember the contract states that we

must pay before the end of July, but when is the exact … ?

Выберите верное утверждение по теме диалога.

Hello, I’d like to place an order for 20 cartons of printing paper.

No problem, sir. Does your company already have an account with us?

Yes, we do. It’s Athena Phones.

Read the sentence, then choose the sentence which is closest in meaning to the original sentence.

An express delivery seems worthwhile considering the client.

Choose the correct response.

If I … it today, you …it by Monday morning.

Текст вопроса

Choose the correct response.

… the CEO, I thank you for your hard work and congratulate you on your achievements.

Сhoose the correct response.

Which response is similar in meaning to «to defer»?

Выберите ошибочное слово в предложении.

Choose the correct response.

Carol’s meal is … expensive than Keith’s.

Закончите предложение

When he was a child, Karim … climb trees, but he … to ride a bicycle very well.

Choose the correct response. I’m going to the supermarket to buy some … steaks.

Choose the correct response.

It rains a lot in England, … ?

Choose the correct response.

If she … at the map, she … gotten lost.

Choose the correct response.

Do they want to reserve a room? Yes, they … .

Choose the correct response.

I expected our lawyers … us on our partner’s breach of contract.

Закончите предложение

When I left the coffee shop last night, the wind … over the treetops.

Choose the correct response.

She expected him … with her.

Закончите предложение:

I have been … for two hours, but I still can’t find my keys.

Choose the correct response.

We … aware of the loopholes in the contract before we signed it.

Закончите предложение:

I have been … for two hours, but I still can’t find my keys.

Сhoose the correct response.

Which response is similar in meaning to «versatility»?

Прочитайте беседу. Ответьте на вопрос.

Choose the correct response. You could get a card to … money from the ATM machine.

Which of the following statements is probably true?

Good morning. Welcome to our stand!

Good morning. My name is Jim Rodriguez. I’m from Athena International in Boston. I think you’re expecting me.

Mr. Rodriguez, of course. I’m Angela Stein. How was your trip?

Not so good, actually. You know what the trains are like in this country. Anyway, I’m running a little behind schedule.

My own train was over an hour late. Coffee?

Oh yes, please. I understand from a colleague of mine, who spoke very highly of your products, that you are launching a new line of cellular phones this year.

Выберите верное утверждение по теме диалога.

Have you seen the latest movie, Julie?

Which one?

I can’t remember its name, but it’s supposed to be really scary.

No, I didn’t see it.

Choose the correct response.

… he was the chairman and chief executive, he was completely incompetent and incapable of running the company efficiently.

Сhoose the correct response.

Which response is similar to «up-to-date»?

Choose the correct response. My family likes to watch the … on television in the evenings.

Choose the correct response.

My contact lenses are … strong … yours.

Выберите ошибочное слово в предложении.

Yesterday, I went to the mall to buy a new TV, but they were all to expensive.

Выберите ошибочное слово в предложении.

Global warming is occurring much faster today compared to 100 years since.

Click on each loudspeaker and choose the response which corresponds to the image.

Ответьте на вопрос.

Выберите верное утверждение по теме диалога.

I don’t know where to start, Rita. I have too many obligations.

Well, Antonio, I think that buying an anniversary gift for your wife is important.

I guess that should be my priority.

Choose the correct response. As energy … in industrialized nations reaches new heights, alternative means of providing for their energy needs will have to be found.

Millions of people … to work by car daily, often making roads extremely congested during rush hour.

Закончите предложение

We … be able to evaluate your insurance claim if you … us all the details of the accident.

Choose the correct response.

They … each other since 1952.

Choose the correct response.

You … understand the consequences of your actions.

Закончите предложение

I am not … to sit here and listen to this man speak.

Choose the correct response. With the new laws on machinery, many factories are revising their safety … .

Закончите предложение

According to the financial report … was released yesterday, … the company earned last year was far less than predicted.

Найдите соответствие между картинкой и утверждением:

Ответьте на вопрос.

I decided to print out a hard copy, just in case.

Choose the correct response.

Defective merchandise can be replaced if returned … forty-eight hours … purchase.

Choose the correct response.

We … there was going to be a problem as soon as they … about the contract.

There has been another car accident on Delaware Avenue!

Choose the correct response. Is there anything on tonight’s menu you would … ?

Choose the correct response.

… he couldn’t make it, he asked if we could postpone the appointment.

Choose the correct response. The number of taxis … last week increased exponentially as a result of a public transportation strike.

Выберите ошибочное слово в предложении.

In 1998, he has gone to Sao Paolo for two weeks. He hasn’t been back there since then.

Закончите предложение

The … in many U.S. National Parks is incredible.

Choose the correct response.

That man …deaf. He can’t hear the jet plane!

Unfortunately for vacationers, the storm … with the beginning of the holiday weekend.

Choose the correct response.

I initiated contact with the company … striking up a conversation with the marketing director.

Choose the correct response. With the new laws on machinery, many factories are revising their safety … .

Choose the correct response. In the train, say goodbye to those long hours spent sitting in miles of traffic jams! No more aggressive or dangerous drivers, you are alone on the rails! Because of this, the train is considered to be the safest means of transportation and allows you to get to the office on time without all the stress of driving to work. In the text, the train is portrayed as being…

Выберите ошибочное слово в предложении.

I haven’t slept for two days. My son has being sick with the flu and has kept me up all night.

Choose the correct response. I’m … eating very little breakfast in the morning.

Прочитайте беседу. Ответьте на вопрос.

Choose the correct response. You could get a card to … money from the ATM machine.

Where is this conversation taking place?

Good morning. Welcome to our stand!

Good morning. My name is Jim Rodriguez. I’m from Athena International in Boston. I think you’re expecting me.

Mr. Rodriguez, of course. I’m Angela Stein. How was your trip?

Not so good, actually. You know what the trains are like in this country. Anyway, I’m running a little behind schedule.

My own train was over an hour late. Coffee?

Oh yes, please. I understand from a colleague of mine, who spoke very highly of your products, that you are launching a new line of cellular phones this year.

Выберите верное утверждение по теме диалога.

What do you think about our new marketing strategy, Rana?

I don’t know yet. I’m meeting with them tomorrow to discuss it.

Make sure you ask them about the Internet advertisements.

Choose the correct response. We have no food in the fridge; it looks like we’ll have to go to a restaurant … .

Сhoose the correct response.

Which response is similar in meaning to «reputable»?

The exchange student who is living with us doesn’t like fast food, and he doesn’t really like candy neither.

Ответьте на вопрос.

I’m calling about an error which was made on the invoice you sent us.

Choose the correct response.

If we … bankrupt, it … in job losses.

Choose the correct response. You have received … about special offers on renting villas.

She is a very …. cook. If she doesn’t have one of the ingredients, she just substitutes something else.

….. means to get a more important or responsible job or rank.

The President didn’t approve the ….. for the next year.

Artists and musicians are usually ….. very people.

A public administrator manages public agencies, sets budgets, and creates government …..

Public administration courses teach a range of skills that are essential for a …… in public service, policy or government

Public administration trains people to become managers in government and ….. organizations

….. is the time a person is allowed to take off work as holiday in any one-year period

After graduation you can work in the public sector or for ….. organizations

….. is a law that governs the employer-employee relationship.

Choose the correct response.

They produced a prototype … we could assess its pertinence.

Listen to the passage and answer the three related questions.

To access the questions, click on 1, 2 and 3 respectively.

After reading the four choices, click on the response that best answers the question.

The following is an example:

I’ve been working in the luxury goods sector and have extensive experience in both marketing and management. After graduating, I was recruited by a big-name producer of leather goods in New York to work on a new marketing strategy for the Japanese market.

How long have you been with the company, Ms. Lee?

Ten years. Once I learned the ropes, I was promoted to the position of Marketing Manager for all of East Asia.

Did you receive any additional training to help you take on such important responsibilities?

The most useful training I received turned out to be a course on time management. After that, it was all hands-on training.

Which of the following positions has Ms. Lee held?

Choose the correct response. Many European countries have the same … .

Сhoose the correct response. Which response is similar in meaning to «to subtract»?

Ответьте на вопрос.

You need to learn how to delegate.

Choose the correct response.

The company is … having difficulties getting started … they are just not very professional.

Выберите верное утверждение по теме диалога.

Franklin, why weren’t you at the meeting this morning? Did you forget?

No, I was discussing the new department objectives with Mandy.

What was the outcome?

Read the sentence, then choose the response which is closest in meaning to the original sentence.

Living in a foreign country ought to be a challenging and interesting experience.

Прочитайте беседу. Ответьте на вопрос.

Choose the correct response. You could get a card to … money from the ATM machine.

Based on the dialogue, what type of product do you think Ms. Stein’s company sells?

Choose the correct response.

It’s … that the interest rates for mortgages have skyrocketed; we’ll have to save up for a larger down payment.

Choose the correct response.

The sales manager will go to the reception desk to meet the client as soon as he … the call announcing the client’s arrival.

Ответьте на вопрос.

I heard that Mr. Young’s methods contrast sharply with those of his predecessor.

The government ….. makes civil servants more effective public sector leaders

….. means to end the employment or service.

….. is an assurance that an individual will keep his or her job without the risk of becoming unemployed.

Employment laws are based on federal and state …. , legislation, and administrative rules.

I…… a shower when the telephone rang.

Choose the correct response.

Your schedule is … modified.

Сhoose the correct response. What I’m really interested in is a good solid product that gives us no problems at all. So, I’m more interested in … than stylish new designs.

A person can be fined if he committed a crime like …

Even if the person were left at liberty, he ….. to report regularly

to a probation officer.

The police will arrest Mary if they …. her.

The idea in identification parades is that a … will pick out the person re-sponsible for the crime from a group of specially selected people.

We don’t have any business in August. It’s the … period for our legal company.

In reality the Queen has almost no … at all.

The Conservatives is the party … by the rich and the privileged.

Congress can … amendments.

He speaks as if he …… innocent.

Offenders may be … to a heavy fine.

The public must be … from a dangerous offender.

After the war Pinkerton’s agents became the tools of management in:

… offenders don’t serve a prison sentence because they are under age.

Each lawyer could … his own practice to the needs of his clients.

The judiciary is … of the executive.

Two teenagers attempted to … the local bank, but the police arrived be-fore they got away.

In 1850 Alan Pinkerton started his private detective … in the USA.

The main role of British police is.

We don’t have much time. The legal project has a really tight……

The muggers attacked the pensioner and … with her money.

Today many people … that the Labour Party shows no radical change in policy from the Tories.

Amendments to the Constitution have … the democratic rights of Ameri-can society.

The criminal was given a … sentence.

Choose the correct response.

By the time the workers finished loading up the truck, night …

Congress has the power to … the number of judges sitting in the court.

If a person has a legal problem they will go to a ….

There’s a great deal of public … for the police in Britain.

The courts may order an offender to pay compensation … personal injury, loss or damage resulting from an offence.

Barristers are experts in … of the Law.

The legal profession is divided … two branches. 

Помогите составить пассивный залог

1. His father gave Billy a new bicycle.

a) Billy was given a new bicycle by his father.

b) A new bicycle was given to Billy by his father.

2. Fred has offered Mary a watch.



3. Lisa is sending Tim an invitation.



4. She brought me some oranges.



5. Soma is going to lend me some money.



6. Jack will show me the new car.



7. They paid him a lot of money for the job.



Найдите правильный ответ на вопрос ✅ «Помогите составить пассивный залог 1. His father gave Billy a new bicycle. a) Billy was given a new bicycle by his father. b) A new bicycle …» по предмету 📘 Английский язык, а если вы сомневаетесь в правильности ответов или ответ отсутствует, то попробуйте воспользоваться умным поиском на сайте и найти ответы на похожие вопросы.

Смотреть другие ответы

Главная » Английский язык » Помогите составить пассивный залог 1. His father gave Billy a new bicycle. a) Billy was given a new bicycle by his father. b) A new bicycle was given to Billy by his father. 2. Fred has offered Mary a watch. a) b) 3.

Помогите составить пассивный залог

1. His father gave Billy a new bicycle.
a) Billy was given a new bicycle by his father.
b) A new bicycle was given to Billy by his father.
2. Fred has offered Mary a watch.
3. Lisa is sending Tim an invitation.
4. She brought me some oranges.
5. Soma is going to lend me some money.
6. Jack will show me the new car.
7. They paid him a lot of money for the job.


Светило науки — 9927 ответов — 180294 помощи

 Mary has been offered a watch by Fred.
 A watch has been offered to Mary by Fred.
a) Tim is being sent an invitation by Lisa.
b) An invitation is being sent to Tim by Lisa.
a) I was brought some oranges (by her).
  Some oranges were brought to me (by her).
a) I am going to be lent some money by Sonia.
b) Some money is going to be lent to me by Sonia.
a) I will be shown the new car by Jack.
b) The new car will be shown to me by Jack.
a) He was paid a lot of money for the job.
  A lot of money was paid to him for the job.

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