He said her that he loved her где ошибка

  • #1

Hi i don’t know the differnce between «he told her that he wuld love her forever»and «he told her he loved her for ever»

    • #2

    Hi. I don’t think that there is any real difference in meaning, rezvansan. Both sentences report something that he said to her earlier:

    1. He says to her:»I love you forever.» Later, I report this: He told her that he loved her forever.
    2. He says to her :»I will love you forever.» Later, I report this: He told her that he would love her forever.

    Last edited: May 20, 2019

    • #3

    Hi. I don’t think that there is any real difference in meaning, rezvansan. Both sentences report something that he said to her earlier:

    1. He says to her:»I love you forever.» Later, I report this: He told her that he loved her forever.
    2. He says to her :»I will love you forever.» Later, I report this: He told her that he would love her forever.

    Thanks a lot for your answer



    Moderator: EHL, Arabic, Hebrew, German(-Spanish)

    • #4

    1. He says to her:»I love you forever.» Later, I report this: He told her that he loved her forever.

    This doesn’t work for me. :(

    • #5

    Hi i don’t know the differnce between {A}»he told her that he wuld love her forever»and {B}»he told her he loved her for ever»

    Rez, I am not comfortable with your second, which I’ve labeled {B}.

    Owl has numbered your second as 1., and your first as 2. So I mean that I disagree with Owl’s 1.

    1. He says to her:»I love you forever.» Later, I report this: He told her that he loved her forever. :confused:
    2. He says to her :»I will love you forever.» Later, I report this: He told her that he would love her forever.

    First, who says «I love you forever»? Is it shorthand for «I will love you forever»? A non-native version of the latter?

    The statement {B} he told her he loved her forever, is hard to make sense of. One way is that he means for a long period up to the present (possibly continuing). In other words, he would have said, «I have loved you forever.» This would be reported, a bit sloppily as «He told her he {had} loved her forever.»

    Last edited: May 20, 2019

    • #6

    Last edited: May 20, 2019

    • #7

    It’s ‘forever’ that makes the difference because it refers to the future. The ‘will’ future is used for promises. ‘I love you forever’ sounds very strange because ‘I will love you forever’ is what a native speaker would say. In reported speech this becomes ‘He said he would love her forever’.

    1 Answer

    I would interpret the two sentences as follows:

    1. He told her that he loved only her.

    He told her that there is nobody else whom he loves.

    1. He told her that he loved her only.

    He told her that the only thing he feels for her is love.

    I would actually say that 5. is ambiguous:

    1. He told her that he only loved her.

    I could interpret this as having the same meaning as either 6. or 7.

    I disagree with Joanna Weselby, as I see a distinct difference between 6. and 7.

    answered Sep 5, 2018 at 6:36

    Jason Bassford's user avatar

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    • Both 5 and 7 are ambiguous, depending on where the stress is when said. «He told her that he only loved her» means the same as «He told her that he loved only her» = same as 6. «He told her that he only loved her» means the same as «He told her that he loved her only» means that the only thing he feels for her is love.

      Sep 5, 2018 at 10:18

    • Actually, adding to my previous comment, you can change the meaning of 7 again with yet another stress: «He told her that he loved her only» which has the same meaning as 4. Stress on he doesn’t change the meaning for 5 though.

      Sep 5, 2018 at 10:22

    • @andyt The stress should be explicit in each case—it’s on only. Otherwise, you’re right.

      Sep 5, 2018 at 14:44

    При преобразовании прямой речи в косвенную образуется сложноподчиненное предложение с придаточным дополнительным предложением с союзом that, или без него:

    He says, «School begins at eight.»

    He says that school begins at eight.

    He says school begins at eight.

    Как и в русском языке, личные и притяжательные местоимения при замене прямой речи на косвенную изменяются или не изменяются или остаются в без изменений в зависимости от содержания.


    She says, «I’ll work in my village». She says that she’ll work in her village.
    She says, «They will work in their village». She says that they will work in their village.

    Если в словах автора сказуемое выражено глаголом to say с дополнением, обозначающим лицо, к которому обращена прямая речь (это дополнение употребляется с предлогом to), то перед косвенной речью to say обычно заменяется глаголом to tell, после чего дополнение употребляется без предлога. Но если глагол to say в словах автора употреблен без дополнения, то он остается и перед косвенной речью.


    He says to me, «I know it.» He tells me that he knows it.
    He says, «I know it.» He says that he knows it.

    Если в словах автора глагол-сказуемое выражает прошлое действие, то при преобразовании прямой речи в косвенную время глагола изменяется в соответствии правилам согласования времен, а именно:

    а) Present Indefinite меняется на Past Indefinite:

    He said, «I know it.» He said that he knew it.

    б) Present Continuous меняется на Past Indefinite:

    «I am working,» she said. She said that she was working.

    в) Present Perfect изменяется на Past Perfect:

    He said, «I have translated the text.» He said that he had translated the text.

    г) Present Perfect Continuous изменяется на Past Perfect Continuous:

    «I have been working since 8 o’lock,» she said. She said that she had been working since 8 o’clock.

    д) Past Indefinite изменяется на Past Perfect:

    He said, «I saw her there.» He said that he had seen her there.

    е) Past Continuous изменяется на Past Perfect Continuous:

    She said, «I was reading.» She said that she had been reading.

    Но если время действия указано точно, Past Indefinite и Past Continuous остаются без изменений.


    «I saw her in May,» he said. He said that he saw her in May.
    She said, «We were listening to the radio at 7.» She said that they were listening to the radio at 7.

    Past Perfect и Past Perfect Continuous остаются без изменений.


    The pupils said, «We had finished our work by 5 o’clock.» The pupils said they had finished their work by 5 o’clock.
    «At that time I had been working at the plant for three years,» he said. He said that at that time he had been working at the plant for three years.

    Все формы будущего времени – Future Indefinite, Future Continuous, Future Perfect заменяются соответствующими формы Future in the Past.


    He said, «I’ll go there.» He said that he would go there.
    She said, «I’ll have read the book by Monday.» She said that she would have read the book by Monday.
    He said, «I’ll be working this summer.» He said that he would be working that summer.

    При преобразовании прямой речи в косвенную указательные местоимения и некоторые обстоятельства времени и места меняются так:

    Прямая речь: Косвенная речь
    this that
    these those
    now then
    here there
    today that day
    yesterday the day before
    the day before yesterday two days before
    tomorrow the next day
    the day after tomorrow two days later
    ago before
    next the next
    He said that he lived in this house. He said that he lived in that house.
    «I’ll go there tomorrow,» he said. He said that he’d go there the next day.

    Примечание: если в прямой речи указана точная дата прошедшего события, то при преобразовании ее в косвенную Past Indefinite не изменяется.


    The boy said, «I was born in 1988» The boy said that he was born in 1988

    Вопросительные предложения, воспроизведенные в косвенной речи, называются косвенными вопросами (indirect questions). Косвенные вопросы имеют структуру повествовательного предложения: у них прямой порядок слов (сказуемое ставится после подлежащего), в Present и Past Indefinite вспомогательный глагол to do не употребляется.

    При преобразовании вопросов из прямой речи на косвенную глагол to say в словах автора заменяется глаголом to ask или одним из его синонимов.

    При преобразовании прямой речи в косвенную общий вопрос заменяется придаточным предложением, которое присоединяется к главному при помощи союзов if или whether.


    «Do you know the boy?» I asked him. I asked him if he knew the boy.
    «Have you a pencil?» he asked me. (Greene) He asked me if I had a pencil.

    При воспроизведении в косвенной речью специальных вопросов вопросительные слова (местоимения и наречия) становятся союзными словами.


    «Why didn’t you come?» He said to me. He asked me why I hadn’t come.
    «Where have you been?» She asked him. She asked him where he had been.

    При преобразовании в косвенную речь повелительных предложений повелительное наклонение глагола прямой речи заменяется инфинитивом. В отрицательной форме перед инфинитивом ставится частица not.

    Глагол to say в словах автора заменяется глаголами to ask, to tell, to order или их синонимами.


    «Wait a while longer,» he said to me. (Greene) He asked me to wait a while longer.
    I said to her, «Don’t go out.» (Brand) I asked her not to go out.

    Reported speech — косвенная речь (direct speech — прямая речь).

    Примеры согласования времен:

    Все были уверены, что Борис хорошо сдаст экзамены. Everybody was sure that Boris would pass the exams very well.

    При использовании косвенной речи, мы обычно говорим в прошедшем времени, например am/is → was. are → were, have/has → had, will → would, can → could, know — > knew etc.

    today that day (тот день) или оставить today
    tonight that night
    now than (затем) или оставить now
    yesterday the day before
    tomorrow the next day
    … ago … before
    this (morning) that …
    these … those …
    here (здесь) there (там)
    last year the year before (годом ранее)
    last month the month before (месяцем ранее)
    last … the … before
    next year the following year (в следующем году)
    next … the following …
    must had to
    Таблица преобразования прямой речи в косвенную
    Прямая речь Косвенная речь
    Present Simple “I am tired.” “I love you.” Past Simple She said she was tired. He said he loved her.
    “We don’t like rock music.” They said they didn’t like rock music.
    “I can swim.” He said he could swim.
    Present Continuous “I’m reading a book.” Past Continuous She said she was reading a book.
    “We aren’t watching TV.” They told us they were not watching TV.
    Present Perfect “I’ve passed all my exams.” Past Perfect Jack said he had passed all his exams.
    “I’ve never been to Rome.” Mary said she had never been to Rome.
    Present Perfect Continuous “I’ve been waiting for you for half an hour.” Past Perfect Continuous He told me he had been waiting for me for half an hour.
    Past Simple (остается в Past Simple или преобразовывается в Past Perfect.) “I was born in Rome.” Past Perfect She mentioned she had been born in Rome.
    “I went to the cinema.” He explained he had gone to the cinema.
    “We worked.” They told us they had worked.
    “We didn’t know that.” They claimed they hadn’t known that.
    Past Continuous “I was sleeping at 5 o’clock.” Past Perfect Continuous He said he had been sleeping at 5 o’clock.
    We were having dinner.” They told me they had been having dinner.
    Future Simple “I will help you.” Future Simple in the Past (will→would) He told me he would help me.
    “I won’t forget.” She said she wouldn’t forget.
    Future Continuous “I’ll be waiting for you.” Future Continuous in the Past She said she would be waiting for us.
    Future Perfect “I’ll have finished that then.” Future Perfect in the Past He promised he would have finished it then.

    Say или tell. Если в косвенной речи вы указываете кому было рассказано, нужно использовать tell, например: Tom told me (that) he didn’t like Brian. (not ‘Tom said me…’) С использованием say это предложение будет выглядеть так: Tom said (that) he didn’t like Brian. (not ‘Tom told (that) he…’)

    for orders and request

    Косвенная речь в приказах и просьбах (for orders and request). При передаче команды, просьбы или приказа в косвенной речи в английском языке используется инфинитив глагола с частицей «to” – «to do”, «to stand”, «to read” и т.д.

    direct Don’t shout‘, I said to Jim.
    reported I told Jim not to shout.
    direct Can you open the door for me, Tom?’, Ann asked.
    reported Ann asked Tom to open the door for her.

    Главное предложение в косвенной речи может вводиться с помощью глагола ask, если это просьба или tell, если это приказ. И чтобы не повторять все время «he told” или «she asked”, используйте и другие слова:

    Косвенная речь образуется по правилу: +that-clause

    по правилу: +to-inf

    по правилу: somebody+to-inf

    direct reported
    He said to me: «Ring me up tomorrow.» He asked (suggest) to ring me up the next day.

    При переводе вопросов из прямой речи в косвенную у вас должно получиться сложносочинённое предложение, где слова автора будут главной частью, а косвенная речь — придаточной. То, как будет выглядеть ваше новое предложение в косвенной речи, зависит от того, с какого слова начинался вопрос в прямой речи.

    Вопросительные слова.

    Если прямая речь начиналась со слов what, where, when, who, which, whose, why, how many, how long и т.п., то в косвенной речи убирается вопросительный знак и меняется порядок слов в предложении. Сказуемое ставится после подлежащего, т.е. новое предложение становится, по сути, повествовательным:

    direct He asked, «Where is my book?»
    reported He asked me where his book was.
    direct Nadia asked Annie, «What is he look like?»
    reported Nadia asked Annie what he was look like.
    direct We asked, «Who did this?»
    reported We asked who had done that.
    direct She asked, «How will you pay?»
    reported She asked me how I would pay.

    Вспомогательные и модальные глаголы

    Если же оригинальное предложение с прямой речью начиналось с глагола to have, to be, can или may, то после слов автора ставится союз «if» или «whether», который в данном случае переводится как «ли», и ни в коем случае не как «если»:

    We asked, "May we expect our payment tomorrow?"
    We asked if (whether) we might expect our payment the next day.
    He asked, "Have you been there?"
    He asked if I had been there.
    She asked, "Are you all right?"
    She asked me whether I was all right.

    Обратите внимание, что после этого «if» (которое переводится как «ли») можно использовать будущее время, а вот после «if», которое переводится как «если» — нельзя:

    Let's ask him if he knows about it — Давай спросим, знает ли он об этом.
    Let's ask him if he knows about it — Давай спросим его, если он об этом знает.

    Что же касается ответов в косвенной речи, то вместо слов «yes» и «no» в них используется либо положительная, либо отрицательная форма смыслового глагола:

    We asked him, "Are you okay?"
    He answered, "Yes, I am / No, I'm not".
    We asked him whether he was okay.
    He answered he was / wasn't.
    She asked, "Can you help?"
    I answered, "Yes, I can / No, I can't"
    She asked me whether I could help.
    I answered I could / couldn't.
    He asked, "Do you know me?
    They answered, "Yes, we do / No, we don't".
    He asked whether they knew him.
    They answered they did / didn't.

    Согласование времён – очень важная, но не самая лёгкая тема грамматики в английском языке, которая требует к себе большого количества внимания. Согласование важно, потому что в большинстве случаев говорящий пересказывает чьи-то слова, поступки или действия. А в случае такого пересказала действует особое правило «шаг назад», которое и является наибольшей проблемой для людей, изучающих английский язык.

    Мальчик у доски

    Reported speech — косвенная речь (direct speech — прямая речь).

    Примеры согласования времен:

    Все были уверены, что Борис хорошо сдаст экзамены. Everybody was sure that Boris would pass the exams very well.

    При использовании косвенной речи, мы обычно говорим в прошедшем времени, например am/is → was. are → were, have/has → had, will → would, can → could, know — > knew etc.

    today that day (тот день) или оставить today
    tonight that night
    now than (затем) или оставить now
    yesterday the day before
    tomorrow the next day
    … ago … before
    this (morning) that …
    these … those …
    here (здесь) there (там)
    last year the year before (годом ранее)
    last month the month before (месяцем ранее)
    last … the … before
    next year the following year (в следующем году)
    next … the following …
    must had to
    Таблица преобразования прямой речи в косвенную
    Прямая речь Косвенная речь
    Present Simple “I am tired.” “I love you.” Past Simple She said she was tired. He said he loved her.
    “We don’t like rock music.” They said they didn’t like rock music.
    “I can swim.” He said he could swim.
    Present Continuous “I’m reading a book.” Past Continuous She said she was reading a book.
    “We aren’t watching TV.” They told us they were not watching TV.
    Present Perfect “I’ve passed all my exams.” Past Perfect Jack said he had passed all his exams.
    “I’ve never been to Rome.” Mary said she had never been to Rome.
    Present Perfect Continuous “I’ve been waiting for you for half an hour.” Past Perfect Continuous He told me he had been waiting for me for half an hour.
    Past Simple (остается в Past Simple или преобразовывается в Past Perfect.) “I was born in Rome.” Past Perfect She mentioned she had been born in Rome.
    “I went to the cinema.” He explained he had gone to the cinema.
    “We worked.” They told us they had worked.
    “We didn’t know that.” They claimed they hadn’t known that.
    Past Continuous “I was sleeping at 5 o’clock.” Past Perfect Continuous He said he had been sleeping at 5 o’clock.
    We were having dinner.” They told me they had been having dinner.
    Future Simple “I will help you.” Future Simple in the Past (will→would) He told me he would help me.
    “I won’t forget.” She said she wouldn’t forget.
    Future Continuous “I’ll be waiting for you.” Future Continuous in the Past She said she would be waiting for us.
    Future Perfect “I’ll have finished that then.” Future Perfect in the Past He promised he would have finished it then.

    Say или tell. Если в косвенной речи вы указываете кому было рассказано, нужно использовать tell, например: Tom told me (that) he didn’t like Brian. (not ‘Tom said me…’) С использованием say это предложение будет выглядеть так: Tom said (that) he didn’t like Brian. (not ‘Tom told (that) he…’)

    for orders and request

    Косвенная речь в приказах и просьбах (for orders and request). При передаче команды, просьбы или приказа в косвенной речи в английском языке используется инфинитив глагола с частицей «to” – «to do”, «to stand”, «to read” и т.д.

    direct Don’t shout‘, I said to Jim.
    reported I told Jim not to shout.
    direct Can you open the door for me, Tom?’, Ann asked.
    reported Ann asked Tom to open the door for her.

    Главное предложение в косвенной речи может вводиться с помощью глагола ask, если это просьба или tell, если это приказ. И чтобы не повторять все время «he told” или «she asked”, используйте и другие слова:

    Косвенная речь образуется по правилу: +that-clause

    по правилу: +to-inf

    по правилу: somebody+to-inf

    direct reported
    He said to me: «Ring me up tomorrow.» He asked (suggest) to ring me up the next day.

    При переводе вопросов из прямой речи в косвенную у вас должно получиться сложносочинённое предложение, где слова автора будут главной частью, а косвенная речь — придаточной. То, как будет выглядеть ваше новое предложение в косвенной речи, зависит от того, с какого слова начинался вопрос в прямой речи.

    Вопросительные слова.

    Если прямая речь начиналась со слов what, where, when, who, which, whose, why, how many, how long и т.п., то в косвенной речи убирается вопросительный знак и меняется порядок слов в предложении. Сказуемое ставится после подлежащего, т.е. новое предложение становится, по сути, повествовательным:

    direct He asked, «Where is my book?»
    reported He asked me where his book was.
    direct Nadia asked Annie, «What is he look like?»
    reported Nadia asked Annie what he was look like.
    direct We asked, «Who did this?»
    reported We asked who had done that.
    direct She asked, «How will you pay?»
    reported She asked me how I would pay.

    Вспомогательные и модальные глаголы

    Если же оригинальное предложение с прямой речью начиналось с глагола to have, to be, can или may, то после слов автора ставится союз «if» или «whether», который в данном случае переводится как «ли», и ни в коем случае не как «если»:

    We asked, "May we expect our payment tomorrow?"
    We asked if (whether) we might expect our payment the next day.
    He asked, "Have you been there?"
    He asked if I had been there.
    She asked, "Are you all right?"
    She asked me whether I was all right.

    Обратите внимание, что после этого «if» (которое переводится как «ли») можно использовать будущее время, а вот после «if», которое переводится как «если» — нельзя:

    Let's ask him if he knows about it — Давай спросим, знает ли он об этом.
    Let's ask him if he knows about it — Давай спросим его, если он об этом знает.

    Что же касается ответов в косвенной речи, то вместо слов «yes» и «no» в них используется либо положительная, либо отрицательная форма смыслового глагола:

    We asked him, "Are you okay?"
    He answered, "Yes, I am / No, I'm not".
    We asked him whether he was okay.
    He answered he was / wasn't.
    She asked, "Can you help?"
    I answered, "Yes, I can / No, I can't"
    She asked me whether I could help.
    I answered I could / couldn't.
    He asked, "Do you know me?
    They answered, "Yes, we do / No, we don't".
    He asked whether they knew him.
    They answered they did / didn't.

    Согласование времён – очень важная, но не самая лёгкая тема грамматики в английском языке, которая требует к себе большого количества внимания. Согласование важно, потому что в большинстве случаев говорящий пересказывает чьи-то слова, поступки или действия. А в случае такого пересказала действует особое правило «шаг назад», которое и является наибольшей проблемой для людей, изучающих английский язык.

    Мальчик у доски

    Однако в этой статье мы не будем разбирать само правило, мы будем тренировать своё умение использовать согласование времён в различных ситуациях и предложениях.

    Поэтому повторяйте правило и скорее приступайте к упражнениям на согласование времён!

    Упражнения на согласование времен в английском языке

    Ниже будут представлены разнообразные упражнения онлайн, которые помогут вам отработать правило согласование времён в самых разных случаях. Проработайте каждое упражнения, сверяясь с ответами, а не подсматривая в них. Только так вы сможете добиться эффективного результата в освоении согласования времён.

    Упражнение 1

    Ниже находятся предложения, которые вам необходимо переписать в прошедшем времени, используя правило согласования времён. Будьте внимательны!

    1. She knows that you are a good friend but a really strange lover.
    2. Marisa tells that her parents are very strict. But I think she is lying.
    3. Peter asks me where his girlfriend goes every day.
    4. Sam is not sure his school is pretty well but he continues to go there.
    5. I tell you that your friends are very dangerous people. You should stop to talk with them.

    ARVE Error: Mode: lazyload not available (ARVE Pro not active?), switching to normal mode

    Упражнение 2

    Вам необходимо раскрыть скобки и написать глагол в правильном времени, подходящем данному предложения, используя правило согласование времён. При необходимости повторите его перед началом выполнения упражнения.

    1. I cannot believe my parents (buy) a new car the two days before yesterday.
    2. Alice said that she (love) reading books in the evening but (hate) to do this in the morning.
    3. The brother of my friend said that he (see not) this disgusting and horrible film before in his life.
    4. I knew that young Tomas (to pass) his examination at that time.

    Упражнение 3

    Согласование временИз предложенных предложений выберите то, глагол в котором может стоять в настоящем времени. Здесь могут быть также и предложения, которые не относятся к согласованию времён, например, придаточные или сложные предложения.

    1. I (know) that my parents want to (buy) me many gifts on my birthdays next year even if I do not want it.
    2. Mary (say) that Bill (beat) Andrew because of the young girl named Elisabeth.
    3. My close friends and I (think) that our best friend Dilan still (to be) in the hospital in the city.
    4. Do not be afraid of my dogs. I (know) that they (to be) pretty kind. They (bite) you!
    5. Masha (say) that her parents (not like) how she (dance) at school. She (to be) upset about this situation.

    Упражнение 4

    Поставьте глагол в скобках в нужную форму и переведите предложения на русский язык согласно правилу согласования времён. Повторите правило перед выполнением данного задания.

    1. Teresa told me that she is going to (go) to the blue sea next year with her husband and a little child. I am so glad for her.
    2. Helen said that she (can) repair her old car my herself.
    3. Katy is a pretty smart pupil. But her parents said that she (go) drop put the school. It will be bad.

    Упражнение 5

    Ниже даны предложения на русском языке. Вам необходимо данные предложения перевести на английский язык, применяя правило согласования времён.

    1. Моя мама сказала, что Джереми в госпитале.
    2. Дин говорит, что его сестра нарисовала потрясающую картину.
    3. Родители Луизы спросили мене, где находится их дочь.
    4. Мария сказала мне, что её дети очень хорошие ученики.

    ARVE Error: Mode: lazyload not available (ARVE Pro not active?), switching to normal mode

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    Упражнение 6

    Переведите данные предложения, используя правило согласования времён. Перед началом повторите само правило, так вы сможете освежить свои знания. Старайтесь не подсматривать в ответы раньше времени.

    1. Мила сказала, что он поедет в Лондон на следующей неделе вместе с Джимом.
    2. Денис сказала, что он очень хороший спортсмен, а его друзья нет.
    3. Мой учитель сказал, что он умеет играть на гитаре и на фортепиано.
    4. Маленький мальчик сказала, что он не смог победить в игре.

    Упражнение 7

    Ниже даны предложения, построенные в прямой речи. Вам же нужно переделать их в косвенную, используя правило согласования времён. Старайтесь не подсматривать в ответы, а только сверяться по ним.

    1. Мальчик в очкахMika said: “Boys are playing in the back yard now and girls are cooking in the kitchen”.
    2. My granny said “Your grandfather was reading a detective book yesterday when the guests came in our house”.
    3. Teddy said to me “You may take my textbook and those pencils”.
    4. My parents said to me “You could invite more your friends here, if we bought a bigger house”.
    5. Kevin said to me: “I saw Bobby in the library yesterday, but he didn’t recognize me”.

    Упражнение 8

    Ниже даны общие вопросительные вопросы на английском. Вашей задачей является переделать их в косвенную речь согласно правилу согласования времён.

    1. My parents asked my brother: “Can you help us with the dinner tomorrow evening?”
    2. Mary asked her cousin: “Did you become an English teacher ten years ago?”
    3. My sister`s children asked me: “Will you come to the cinema with us and our mother next weekend?”
    4. The waiter asked us: “What would you like to drink and what do you want to eat in this wonderful evening?”
    5. Alice asked my classmate: “Can you give me your notes for ten minutes, please?”

    Упражнение 9

    Данные предложения уже построены в косвенной речи, вам же нужно вернуть им первоначальный вид, то есть построить их в прямой речи, применяя согласование времён наоборот.

    1. Teresa said she couldn’t go to the library with me because she was reading a very interesting book about aliens.
    2. The little children asked their favorite teacher not to clean the classroom. They said that they wanted to do it by their own.
    3. My mother said to her pupils that she had been working at school for twenty years. They all were chocked.
    4. My parents wanted to know where my grandparents and I would go the following summer.
    5. Tommy asked me not to open the door because it was really cold outside. I agreed with this statement.

    Ответы к упражнениям

    Здесь находятся ответы на все предложенные в статье упражнения на согласование времён. Ответы даны для самопроверки вашего труда, а не для простого списывания. Поэтому уважайте своё время и не подсматривайте в ответы перед выполнением заданий на данное правило английского языка.

    Упражнение 1:

    1) She knew that you were a good friend but a bad lover.

    2) Marisa told that her parents were very strict. But I thought she lain.

    3) Peter asked me where his girlfriend went every day.

    4) Sam was not sure that his school was pretty good.

    5) I told you that your friends were very bad and rude people. You should stop to be friends with them.

    Упражнение 2:

    1) I cannot believe that my parents had bought a new cat the day before yesterday.

    2) Alice said that she loved reading books in the evening but she hated to do this in the morning.

    3) My friend`s brother said that he had not seen this wonderful and horrible film before.

    4) I knew Tomas that had been passing his examination at that time.

    Упражнение 3:

    1) I know that my parents buy me many gifts on my birthdays every year even if I do not want it.

    2) Mary said that Bill had beaten Andrew because of the young lady named Elisabeth.

    3) My friends and I thought that our best friend Dilan still was in the local hospital.

    4) Do not be afraid of big dogs. I know that they are pretty kind. They will not bite you!

    5) Masha said that her parents did not like how she danced at school. She was upset about their words.

    Упражнение 4:

    1) Teresa said that she would go to the sea next year with her husband and little children. I am so glad for her. / Тереза сказала, что она поедет на море в следующей году с мужем и маленькими детьми. Я так рада за неё.

    2) Helen said that she could repair her car my her own. I hope it will be so. / Хелен сказала, что она сможет починить свою машину сама. Надеюсь, это будет так.

    3) Katy is a pretty good pupil. But her parents said that she was going to drop put the school. It will be so bad. / Кэти очень хорошая ученица. Но её родители сказали, что она собирается бросить школу. Это будет очень плохо.

    Упражнение 5:

    1) My mother said that Jeremy was in the hospital.

    2) Din says that his sister had painted a very good picture.

    3) Luisa`s parents asked me where his daughter was.

    4) Maria said me that her children were very good pupils.

    Упражнение 6:

    1) Mila said that she would go to the London next week with Jim.

    2) Denis said that he was a very good sportsman but his friends were not.

    3) My teacher said that he could play the guitar and the piano.

    4) A little boy said that he could not win the game.

    Упражнение 7:

    1) Mika said that boys were playing in the gym then and girls were cooking in the kitchen.

    2) My grandmother said that my grandfather had been reading a detective book the day before when the guests had come in their house.

    3) Teddy said to me that I might take his textbook and those pencils.

    4) My parents said to me that I would invite more friends, if they had a bigger house.

    5) Kevin said that he had seen Bobby in the library the day before, but he had not recognized him.

    Упражнение 8:

    1) My parents asked my brother whether (if) could he help them with the dinner the following evening.

    2) Mary asked my cousin whether (if) he had become an English teacher ten years ago.

    3) My sister`s children asked me whether (if) i would come to the cinema with them and their mother the following weekend?”

    4) The waiter asked: “What would you like to drink and what do you want to eat in this wonderful evening?”

    5) Alice asked my classmate whether (if) he can give her his notes for ten minutes.

    Упражнение 9:

    1) Teresa said: “I cannot go to the library with you because I am reading a very interesting book about aliens”.

    2) The little boys and girls asked their favorite teacher: “Do not clean the classroom. We want to do it by our own.”

    3) My mother said to her pupils “I have been working at school for twenty years.” They all were chocked.

    4) My parents wanted to know: “Where your grandparents and you will go the next summer?”

    5) Tommy asked me: “Do not open the front door because it is really cold in the house.” I agreed with this.


    Научиться применять согласование времён или Sequence of Tenses в английском языке очень важно для человека, который хочет овладеть этим языком на очень хорошем уровне. Предложенные в этой статье упражнения помогут вам справиться с этой нелёгкой задачей. Для этого вам будет нужно время, чтобы прорешать упражнения, стараясь не подсматривать в ответы.

    Если вы допустили где-то ошибку, то попытайтесь понять, что вы сделали неправильно или просмотрите правило на данную тему ещё несколько раз. Таким образом, вы сможете освежить свои знания по данному материалу и в следующий раз выполнить работу намного лучше. Главное, не отчаиваться и проходить грамматические темы осознанно.

    Удачи в изучении английского языка!

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