Forticlient ошибка 14 как исправить

Explain more clearly about relation between your «corporate network» and «another site», then which side has the FG101E («another site»? If not how to get to «another site» from the 101E?). And what is the auth method for SSL VPN users?

Hello Toshi,

My site have the Fortigate 101E and another site have Fortigate 90D (I think). I am using my corporate network to connect through forticlient. Authentication/authorization for SSL VPN (port 443) is by LDAP server.

When I connect the forticlient he asks to authorize the certificate but then gives the error to 80%.
My question is, my fortigate blocking any traffic or port?
I am not using any particular block.

To have Internet in my fortigate (wan connection), I have a «home» ISP router with dynamic DNS.

But those SSL VPN attemps goes through your 101E to get to the 90D to be terminated at. Is the LDAP server you’re talking about located at the «another site»? Your local 101E can’t do much to contribute to the problem because SSL VPN traffic is just outgoing TCP 443 (unless you or somebody changed it on the 90D) like any internet browsing.

The problem must be on the 90D side. First, check «config vpn ssl settings» to see if multiple profiles are configured. Then you probably need to run «diag debug app sslvpn -1» on the 90D then compare between accessing from the internet and accessing from your office.

That artickle is rubbish for this error

-14 means most likely that user is in a group that does not have Tunnel access consigured for SSL Portal

the article isnt that bad on itself, but the title is confusing as error -14 pops up for so many things. the one you mentioned but also several others. best would be if the developers dont add the text, but just use -14 generic error, because that is what it is.

for that article you could reach out to he documentation team and ask them to add some lines.

I had the same exact issue. Internal client can connect to remote Fortigate from an un-secured WiFi but could not connect from behind my Fortigate 60F. My scenario is as follows:

my fortigate — 60F running fortiOS 6.2.3

my internal client — Windows 10 running forticlient

end point fortigate — 300E running fortiOS 6.2.3

temporary solution was to disable SSL inspection on my end. now i’m going to work on a permanent solution with the remote network admin.

Forticlient VPN error (-14) FORTIGATE

I’m having problems with accesses via FortiClient, this error is getting for all users. how do I solve it? it’s the first time that happens. Help me please

Forticlient has been proved as a boon when it comes to a network security. We all know it’s a client based software solution which provides security features for desktops and laptops. It has been widely used by the users because it provides IPsec, SSL encryption, endpoint compliance, two-factor authentication , WAN optimization, Web Filtering , Advanced Antispam, VPN Policy Server etc.

Features and Benefits of FortiClient

  1. It improves the endpoint protection by ranging corporate security policies to remote users.
  2. Provides end-to-end encryption with unified endpoint control, centralized management, policy enforcement and monitoring.
  3. It is also available on an affordable price.
  4. It supports multiple languages like French, English, Japanese ,Korean, Slovak, Simplified Chinese

Its security features are also commendable. Some of its security features are below mention.


Anti-virus Logs

Anti -Leak Banned Word List

Scheduled Scanning

Desktop Antivirus


Policy Compliancy Tool

VPN Monitor

IKE Negotiation

Retrieve Dropped Connections

FortiClient provides so many features and advantages. But unfortunately it has some malfunctioning which is sometimes quite frustrating. Here in this blog will talk over few of the most reported errors on Reddit by FortiClient users like Forticlient unable to establish the VPN connection errors -14, -8, 20199, -5, e=98, -4006. Some of the users have reported that FortiClient sometimes throws errors while establishing the connection. After so many researches we came to know that FortiClient throws errors while establishment of the connection with codes like -14, -8, 20199, -5, e=98, -4006. Stay Tuned to know more about these error codes. We will discuss each of them one by one.

FortiClient unable to establish the VPN connection (-14)

Unable to establish VPN connection. The VPN server may be unreachable (-14)”

The above error message is displayed on the screen when one is stuck with the issue. The error occurs when the user group generated for Duo authentication has been not added under the IPv4 Policy Section. In order to resolve the error you need to follow the below mention steps:

  • First of all log into the Fortinet FortiGate administrative interface.
  • Then click Policy & Objects under the left search panel >tap on IPv4 Policy
  • Finally add the Duo user group in Source Field


FortiClient unable to establish the VPN connection 20199

The error message says that “Unable to establish the VPN connection. The VPN server may be unreachable (Code – 20199).”

The code mention in the above error message is different but you can apply the method used to solve error code (-14) in order to get rid of this issue.

FortiClient unable to establish the VPN connection (-5)

“Unable to establish the VPN connection. The VPN server may be unreachable. (-5).” The users have reported this error is displayed in the time of 40% of connection.

In order to resolve the above issue, you need to follow the below mention guidelines:

  1. Try to change MTU interface using the command prompt
  2. Try to change MTU interface using the registry change.
  3. Try to disable the antivirus/Malware
FortiClient unable to establish the VPN connection e=98

The users encounter the error while establishing the connection and the error message is: “Unable to establish the VPN connection (E=98, T70, M99, R-985) “

It occurs because the SSLVPN has been stuck at 98% in Windows Operating System. In order to resolve the trouble follow the suggested guidelines:

  • First of all uninstall the FortiClient with its removal tool
  • Reboots the system
  • Then remove the Registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREFortinetFortiClient>install FortiClient 5.4.2
  • Finally check the communication
Some Other Similar Errors

FortiClient unable to establish the VPN connection (-8) and (-4006) are two other FortiClient VPN connection code that may come once in a while. But there is no need to panic as these can be solved using the same steps mentioned above to tackle other codes.

Download Nord VPN Here

Wrap up

That’s all about Forticlient unable to establish the VPN connection errors -14, -8, 20199, -5, e=98, -4006. I have tried my best to provide all the essential information regarding the same. Now it’s your turn to apply the suggested fixes to troubleshoot the error.

Apart from this do write us if you have any queries or concerns regarding the article on our Facebook and Twitter page.

Иногда случаются проблемы с VPN подключением или VPN не работает. На данной странице вы можете найти описание возникающей ошибки впн и самостоятельно исправить ее.

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Поздравляем! Вы нашли скрытый промо-код со скидкой 75% на покупку анонимного VPN без логов.
Промо-код действует только 1 час.

Ошибки OpenVPN

Если вы не знаете как узнать ошибку, возникшую в ходе подключения, нажмите на следующую ссылку:

Ниже представлен список возможных ошибок и методы их устранения. Нажмите на ошибку, чтобы узнать как ее устранить. Названия ошибок соответствуют записям в окне лога.

Как узнать какая OpenVPN ошибка возникла?

Программа OpenVPN имеет лог подключения. При подключении к OpenVPN серверу программа записывает данные подключения. Эта информация никуда не передается и остается на вашем компьютере, чтобы вы могли понять из-за чего возникла ошибка впн. Чтобы вызвать окно лога, нажмите дважды левой кнопкой мыши на иконку OpenVPN в системном трее.

Когда соединение прошло успешно, и вы подключены к VPN серверу, то окно лога должно выглядеть так:

Не могу выбрать «Connect» при нажатии на иконку в системном трее

В списке есть только «Proxy Settings», «About» и «Exit», но нет пункта «Connect».

Это означает, что вы не скачали и/или не скопировали конфигурационный файл «client.ovpn» в «C:/Program Files/OpenVPN/config». Откройте еще раз Инструкцию по настройке OpenVPN соединения для вашей ОС и проверьте все шаги установки и настройки.

Connect to IP:Port failed, will try again in 5 seconds; No Route to Host

Данная ошибка означает, что у вас нет подключения к Интернету, либо его блокирует ваш Firewall или Антивирус.

Проверьте активно ли ваше Интернет подключение, отключите Firewall, Антивирус и подключитесь еще раз.

Cannot load certificate file client.crt

Данная ошибка связана с отсутствием сертификационных файлов в папке «C:Program FilesOpenVPNconfig».

В процессе установки было необходимо скачать архив с сертификатами и распаковать его в папку с программой. Откройте еще раз Инструкцию по настройке OpenVPN соединения для вашей ОС и проверьте все шаги установки и настройки.

All TAP-Win32 adapters on this system are currently in use

Эта впн ошибка связана с некорректной работой Windows и программы OpenVPN. Также эта OpenVPN ошибка может возникнуть вследствие отключения Интернета без отключения сначала OpenVPN соединения. Всегда отключайте сначала OpenVPN соединение и только затем Интернет.

Для устранения ошибки, зайдите в «Пуск -> Сетевые подключения». Найдите «Подключение по локальной сети. TAP-Win32 Adapter» и правой кнопкой мышки щелкните на ярлыке. Выберите «Отключить».

Затем, таким же образом, «Включите» данное подключение. После выполнения данных действий проблемы с VPN подключением должны исчезнуть.

ERROR: Windows route add command failed: returned error code 1

Данная ошибка связана с ограничением прав в Windows Vista, Seven.

Для устранения ошибки, необходимо выйти из OpenVPN GUI. Правой кнопкой мышки нажать на иконку OpenVPN GUI на рабочем столе и выбрать пункт меню «Свойства»

На вкладке «Совместимость» поставьте галочку «Выполнять эту программу от имени администратора».

Теперь запустите OpenVPN GUI еще раз и подключитесь к VPN серверу.

Initialization Sequence Completed With Errors

Данная ошибка связана с неправильной работой службы DHCP из-за антивирусов или фаерволов.

Ошибка наблюдалась постоянно у фаервола Outpost Firewall версии 2009 и ранее, наблюдается также у антивируса Касперского. Ниже представлено решение для антивируса Касперского. Сам алгоритм ничем не отличается от решения проблемы для других антивирусов и фаерволов.

Для устранения ошибки, необходимо зайти в «Пуск -> Панель Управления -> Сетевые подключения» и зайти в «Свойства» виртуального адаптера «TAP-Win 32 Adapter». На вкладке «Общие» в списке отключить Kaspersky Anti-Virus NDIS Filter и затем нажать «ОК».

Теперь подключитесь к VPN и подключение должно пройти успешно.

VPN и прокси сервис защищает своих клиентов с 2006 года, используя надежные технологии в области анонимности передачи данных в Интернете.

FortiClient SSL-VPL Failed

Using FortiClient to establish an SSL-VPN connection to the FortiGate can output a warning message.


FortiClient Warning. Failed to establish the VPN connection. This may be caused by a mismatch in the TLS version. Please check the TLS version settings in the Advanced of the Internet options. (-5029)



The now outdated cryptographic protocol TLS 1.0 is no longer enabled by default as of FortiOS 6.0. It is recommended to use at least TLS 1.1 (Cipher Suites) for authentication and data encryption. We are currently on TLS 1.3 which has been approved by the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force).


If you want to continue to use older clients that are only ready for use later with TLS 1.2 or higher may if planned client migration via update rollout, TLS 1.0 can be activated on the FortiGate.

Check the current TLS setting from the FortiGate Console with CLI Command:

Activate in the CLI the Cipher Suite TLS 1.0.

How to enable TLS 1.0 on Windows

The TLS version 1.0 in the Microsoft Windows snap-in (inetcpl) Internet Options can also be activate.

Windows-Logo + R

Hit the key Win + R and enter inetcpl.cpl

Run inetcpl.cpl

In the opened Internet Options window Internet Properties click to Advanced tab and click Use TLS Version 1.0 to enable it.

Internet Options Advanced

More Solution

With older Windows versions, or with routers with PPPoE Internet connection, errors when establishing SSL-VPN connections can be eliminated as follows.

It appears the FortiClient error message:

Unable to establish the VPN connection. The VPN server may be unreachable (-5)

To do this, check the MTU size of the network interfaces with the following command from an open command prompt

The output might look something like this:

Check the MTU size and adjust to 1400 if necessary. In a command prompt opened as an administrator, with running netsh.

Alternatively, call Regedit and navigate to the following key.

under the appropriate interface with the appropriate IP address, here change the key MTU with the value 578 hexadecimal.

regedit interfaces

After restarting the computer, the SSL-VPN connection can be established.

The past couple of months I could connect with the FortiClient VPN just fine and today it did not work.

I got the error:

First I tried updating to the latest version (, but that did not fix the problem.

Then some people suggested to change the TLS options in internet options on Windows 10.

I tried several combinations, but that did not fix the problem.

Then some suggested that it could have something to do with your Active Directory account and that was the problem.

My password was expired, after changing the password in Active Directory the problem was fixed.

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June 8, 2020

The past couple of months I could connect with the FortiClient VPN just fine and today it did not work.

I got the error:

First I tried updating to the latest version (, but that did not fix the problem.

Then some people suggested to change the TLS options in internet options on Windows 10.

I tried several combinations, but that did not fix the problem.

Then some suggested that it could have something to do with your Active Directory account and that was the problem.

My password was expired, after changing the password in Active Directory the problem was fixed.

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