Error occurred in program ошибка

Microsoft Security Client
An error has occurred in the program during initialization. If this problem continues, please contact your system administrator. Error code: 0x80070002

Поскольку ты, долбёбушка криворукая, не потрудился включить кнопочку “ответить” под своим комментарием, не прислал скрин и не упомянул какой же заголовок окна у этого сообщения, будем считать что там написано Microsoft Security Client и именно эту ошибку будем лечить. Опять таки, я могу только догадываться, какие именно твои криворукие действия ее вызвали, но будем считать что это было кривое удаление MS Security Essentials, чтобы поиграть в одну малоизвестную игру. На этой ошибке можно смело нажать OK. Вообще не так давно я узнал о пугающе большом количестве людей, которых вообще не ебут ошибки которые выдает их засранный комп при запуске. Они везде нажимают окей и спокойненько себе хуячат дальше. Ну да не важно. Нажали OK. Дальше, самое простое решение избавиться от этой ошибке – заново поставить MS Security Essentials и либо не удалять его больше, либо удалить корректно. Второе решение – воспользоваться вот этой программкой с сайта Microsoft. Запускаете и следуйте инструкции. Ну и любителям поебаться – третий способ. Вот здесь список адресов в реестре Windows, которые нужно вручную удалить чтобы избавиться от этой ошибки.

Форум КриптоПро
КриптоПро УЦ
КриптоПро УЦ 1.5
Проблеммы с выпуском запроса на кросс сертификат





28 июня 2012 г. 18:08:02(UTC)


Статус: Участник

Группы: Участники

Зарегистрирован: 06.09.2011(UTC)
Сообщений: 27
Откуда: Краснодар

Добрый день.
При создании запроса на кросс в логе пишет такую ошибку:
An error occurred in running the program.
.CaCertReq.cpp:1042:Error opening file with ceriticate!
Error number 2 (2)
Program is terminating

Команду ввожу следующую: CaCertReq.exe -policy CAKrdCentrInform Krdf.crt policyi.inf cross.p10 >log.txt
Файл policyi.inf находиться в корне диска С.

Подскажите в чем проблема?






28 июня 2012 г. 19:02:50(UTC)


Статус: Активный участник

Группы: Участники

Зарегистрирован: 06.03.2012(UTC)
Сообщений: 177

Сказал(а) «Спасибо»: 57 раз
Поблагодарили: 11 раз в 8 постах

Melnichenko написал:

Добрый день.
При создании запроса на кросс в логе пишет такую ошибку:
An error occurred in running the program.
.CaCertReq.cpp:1042:Error opening file with ceriticate!
Error number 2 (2)
Program is terminating

Команду ввожу следующую: CaCertReq.exe -policy CAKrdCentrInform Krdf.crt policyi.inf cross.p10 >log.txt
Файл policyi.inf находиться в корне диска С.

Подскажите в чем проблема?

А CaCertReq.exe — знает о его существовании именно в c: ?






28 июня 2012 г. 19:22:58(UTC)


Статус: Участник

Группы: Участники

Зарегистрирован: 06.09.2011(UTC)
Сообщений: 27
Откуда: Краснодар

Проповал разными путями и в том числе прописывать путь полностью.






28 июня 2012 г. 20:22:38(UTC)


Статус: Активный участник

Группы: Участники

Зарегистрирован: 06.03.2012(UTC)
Сообщений: 177

Сказал(а) «Спасибо»: 57 раз
Поблагодарили: 11 раз в 8 постах

Melnichenko написал:

Проповал разными путями и в том числе прописывать путь полностью.

надо смотреть что в логе осталось + текст запроса из файла политик






28 июня 2012 г. 20:45:38(UTC)


Статус: Участник

Группы: Участники

Зарегистрирован: 06.09.2011(UTC)
Сообщений: 27
Откуда: Краснодар

MCR написал:

Melnichenko написал:

Проповал разными путями и в том числе прописывать путь полностью.

надо смотреть что в логе осталось + текст запроса из файла политик

Это лог!
An error occurred in running the program.
.CaCertReq.cpp:1042:Error opening file with ceriticate!
Error number 2 (2)
Program is terminating






29 июня 2012 г. 12:21:44(UTC)

Наталья Мовчан

Статус: Padawan

Группы: Администраторы

Зарегистрирован: 02.12.2010(UTC)
Сообщений: 1,378
Российская Федерация
Откуда: Москва

Сказала «Спасибо»: 11 раз
Поблагодарили: 67 раз в 45 постах


текст запроса из файла политик

+ 1
И путь к нему указывать, а если не хотите-бросьте его в папку с CaCertReq.exe

Техническую поддержку оказываем тут.
Наша база знаний.
Наша страничка в Instagram.






29 июня 2012 г. 12:22:59(UTC)


Статус: Активный участник

Группы: Участники

Зарегистрирован: 06.03.2012(UTC)
Сообщений: 177

Сказал(а) «Спасибо»: 57 раз
Поблагодарили: 11 раз в 8 постах

Melnichenko написал:

MCR написал:

Melnichenko написал:

Проповал разными путями и в том числе прописывать путь полностью.

надо смотреть что в логе осталось + текст запроса из файла политик

Это лог!
An error occurred in running the program.
.CaCertReq.cpp:1042:Error opening file with ceriticate!
Error number 2 (2)
Program is terminating

и кое-что из документации:
«CaCertFileIn: Необязательный параметр, определяющий имя файла с сертификатом, для которого будет создаваться запрос на кросс-сертификацию. При отсутствии данного параметра запрос будет создан для первого сертификата CA в списке;»

Отредактировано пользователем 29 июня 2012 г. 12:24:03(UTC)
 | Причина: Не указана






29 июня 2012 г. 13:38:48(UTC)


Статус: Участник

Группы: Участники

Зарегистрирован: 06.09.2011(UTC)
Сообщений: 27
Откуда: Краснодар

MCR написал:

Melnichenko написал:

MCR написал:

Melnichenko написал:

Проповал разными путями и в том числе прописывать путь полностью.

надо смотреть что в логе осталось + текст запроса из файла политик

Это лог!
An error occurred in running the program.
.CaCertReq.cpp:1042:Error opening file with ceriticate!
Error number 2 (2)
Program is terminating

и кое-что из документации:
«CaCertFileIn: Необязательный параметр, определяющий имя файла с сертификатом, для которого будет создаваться запрос на кросс-сертификацию. При отсутствии данного параметра запрос будет создан для первого сертификата CA в списке;»

Данный параметр тоже пробовал использовать.
При создании кросс просто с параметром -policy: все создается, но «Ограничение на длину пути=Отсутствует», а должно равняться нулю.
В файле policyi.inf:

Signature=»$Windows NT$»

PathLength = 0
Critical = True






3 июля 2012 г. 20:03:34(UTC)


Статус: Участник

Группы: Участники

Зарегистрирован: 06.09.2011(UTC)
Сообщений: 27
Откуда: Краснодар

Неужели никто не может ответить на вопрос!?!

Отредактировано пользователем 3 июля 2012 г. 20:04:11(UTC)
 | Причина: Не указана






3 июля 2012 г. 20:46:47(UTC)


Статус: Эксперт

Группы: Участники

Зарегистрирован: 03.04.2008(UTC)
Сообщений: 372
Откуда: Россия, г. Белгород

Сказал «Спасибо»: 11 раз
Поблагодарили: 9 раз в 9 постах

Melnichenko написал:

MCR написал:

Melnichenko написал:

MCR написал:

Melnichenko написал:

Проповал разными путями и в том числе прописывать путь полностью.

надо смотреть что в логе осталось + текст запроса из файла политик

Это лог!
An error occurred in running the program.
.CaCertReq.cpp:1042:Error opening file with ceriticate!
Error number 2 (2)
Program is terminating

и кое-что из документации:
«CaCertFileIn: Необязательный параметр, определяющий имя файла с сертификатом, для которого будет создаваться запрос на кросс-сертификацию. При отсутствии данного параметра запрос будет создан для первого сертификата CA в списке;»

Данный параметр тоже пробовал использовать.
При создании кросс просто с параметром -policy: все создается, но «Ограничение на длину пути=Отсутствует», а должно равняться нулю.
В файле policyi.inf:

Signature=»$Windows NT$»

PathLength = 0
Critical = True

в командной строке:
CaCertReq.exe -policy ca.crt cross.inf cross.p10

Signature=»$Windows NT$»

PathLength = 0

ca.crt ваш корневой


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Форум КриптоПро
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КриптоПро УЦ 1.5
Проблеммы с выпуском запроса на кросс сертификат

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Programming errors (such as syntax errors, logical errors, etc.), more commonly known as ‘Bugs’ in computing lingo, are the bane of any software developer. Since machines are increasingly being used in automated mode, with onboard embedded systems or computers controlling their functioning, a programming error can have drastic consequences.

There have been cases of space shuttles and planes crashing due to software bugs in embedded computing equipment. A single loophole left in operating system code can provide an entry point to hackers who can exploit the vulnerability, putting computer security at risk. Ergo, errors need to be taken very seriously as we increasingly rely on computers.

Let’s understand different types of errors in programming.


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Types of Programming Errors

There are seven types of programming errors.

  • Syntax Errors
  • Logical Errors
  • Compilation Errors
  • Runtime Errors
  • Arithmetic Errors
  • Resource Errors
  • Interface Errors 

Let’s understand these errors one by one and how you can avoid them.

1. What is Syntax Error?

A syntax error in computer science is an error in the syntax of a coding or programming language, entered by a programmer. Syntax errors are caught by a software program called a compiler, and the programmer must fix them before the program is compiled and then run.

Syntax errors are different from errors that affect programs during run time. Many logical errors in computer programming do not get caught by the compiler, because although they may cause grievous errors as the program runs, they do conform to the program’s syntax.

types of programming errors

In other words, the computer cannot tell whether a logical error is going to create problems, but it can tell when code does not conform to the syntax because the understanding of that syntax is built into the compiler’s native intelligence.

Another aspect of understanding syntax errors is that they demonstrate how, unlike humans, computers cannot use input that is not perfectly designed. The lack of a period or comma in a sentence or command, or two swapped letters in a word, confounds the compiler and makes its work impossible.

On the other hand, human readers can spot typographical errors and understand them in the context of what they are reading. It is likely that as computers evolve through the coming decades, engineers may be able to create compilers and systems that can handle some types of syntax errors; even now, in some compiling environments, tools can auto-correct syntax errors on-site.

2. What is Logical Error?

A logical error is an error in a program’s source code that gives way to an unanticipated and erroneous behavior. A logical error is classified as a type of runtime error that can result in a program producing incorrect output. It can also cause the program to crash when running.

Logical errors are not always easy to recognize immediately. This is due to the fact that such errors, unlike syntax errors, are valid when considered in the language, but do not produce the intended behavior. These can occur in both interpreted and compiled languages.

For example, in PHP, when “if ($i=1) {…}” is incorrectly entered instead of “if ($i==1) {….},” the former means “become” while the latter means “is equal to.” The incorrect if statement would always return TRUE as assigning 1 to the variable $i. In the correct version, though, the statement only returns TRUE when the value of variable $i is equal to 1.

The syntax in the incorrect case is perfectly correct as per the language. So, the code would compile successfully without producing any syntax errors. However, during the runtime of the code, the resultant output may be wrong, thus showing that a certain logic error has occurred.

Logic errors tend to be hidden in the source code and can typically be harder to determine and debug, unlike syntax errors that are recognized at compile time.

3. What is Compilation Error?

Some programming languages require a compilation step. The compilation is where your high-level language converts into a lower-level language that the computer can understand better. A compilation or compile-time error happens when the compiler doesn’t know how to turn your code into lower-level code.

In our syntax error example, if we were compiling print(‘hello’, the compiler would stop and tell us it doesn’t know how to convert this into a lower-level language because it expected a ) after the ‘.
If there is a compile-time error in your software, you won’t be able to get it tested or launched.
Like syntax errors, you will get better at avoiding these with time, but in general, the best thing you can do is get early feedback when it happens.

Compilation happens across all files of your project at the same time. If you’ve made lots of changes and see lots of compiler warnings or errors, it can be very daunting. By running the compiler often, you will get the feedback you need sooner, and you will more easily know where to address the issues.

4. What is Runtime Error?

A Runtime Error is an error that occurs at the time of running or executing a program. When this error occurs, the program may hang or crash displaying an error message. There are many reasons for a runtime error, like when the program enters an infinite loop, it triggers the runtime error. Sometimes, it also occurs due to the user’s fault.

For example, a program requires a numerical value to process the result, but if the user enters any value other than the required one, say, an alphabetic character, the program may show a runtime error.

Runtime errors are particularly annoying because they directly impact your end user. A lot of these other errors will happen when you’re at your computer working on the code. These errors occur when the system is running and can stop someone from doing what they need to do.

Make sure you have good error reporting in place to capture any runtime errors and automatically open up new bugs in your ticketing system. Try and learn from each bug report so that in the future you can guard against this type of error.

Making use of frameworks and community-maintained code is an excellent way of minimizing these types of errors because the code is in many different projects, so it will have already encountered and fixed many issues.

5. What is Arithmetic Error?

An arithmetic error is a type of logic error that involves mathematics. A typical example when performing a division equation is that you cannot divide by zero without causing an issue.

Very few people would write 5 / 0, but you might not think that the size of something in your system might sometimes be zero, which would lead to this type of error.

ages.max / ages.min could return an error if either ages.max or ages.min were zero.
Arithmetic errors can generate logic errors as we’ve discussed, or even run-time errors in the case of divide by zero.

Having functional tests that always include edge cases like zero, or negative numbers is an excellent way to stop these arithmetic errors in their tracks.

6. What is Resource Error?

Sometimes, a program can force the computer it’s running on to attempt to allocate more resources (processor power, random access memory, disk space, etc.) than it has. This results in the program becoming bugged or even causing the entire system to crash.

7. What is Interface Error?

Interface errors occur when there is a disconnect between how you meant your program to be used and how it is actually used. Most things in software follow standards. If the input your program receives doesn’t conform to the standards, you might get an interface error.

For example, an interface error might happen if you have an API that requires that specific parameters are set and those parameters are not set.

Unless handled correctly, interface errors will look like an error on your side when it is an error on the caller’s side. This can lead to frustration from both sides.

Programming errors are inevitable. Understanding common programming errors and learning how to deal with them is an essential skill that every programmer should have. Get better at spotting them early, but know you will never be perfect.

Hopefully, this article has prepared you for the different types of errors in programming and made sense of some of the most common error messages for you.


What are the different types of programming errors?

The different types of programming errors are Syntax Errors, Logical Errors, Compilation Errors, Runtime Errors, Arithmetic Errors, Resource Errors, and Interface Errors.

What is the most common programming error?

While syntax errors are some of the most common programming errors, the good news is that they’re also some of the easiest to find and fix, as the compiler usually will identify the location of any of these errors. Syntax errors are the coding equivalent of grammatical errors.


An error resulting from bad code in some program involved in producing the erroneous result. There can be various reasons for these errors. Programming errors are broadly divided into seven types – Syntax Errors, Logical Errors, Compilation Errors, Runtime Errors, Arithmetic Errors, Resource Errors, and Interface Errors.

Recommended Reading

  • 10 Best Kids Coding Languages For 2023
  • Scratch – Best Tool For Kids To Learn Coding
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A JavaScript Error Occurred in the Main Process

Updated June 2023: Stop these error messages and fix common problems with this tool. Get it now at this link

  1. Download and install the software.
  2. It will scan your computer for problems.
  3. The tool will then fix the issues that were found.

A special error “A JavaScript Error Occurred in the Main Process“, occurs when users try to run one of the above programs. The window contains more information about the error, but ordinary users can not interpret the message correctly, so the details are useless.

The “A JavaScript Error Occurred in the Main Process” error appears, as mentioned, on both devices, and the problem is particularly related to the program. Users call the Slack app, the Discord program, and Microsoft commands causing problems and triggering an error in window message.

Windows users get the error message “Exception not caught” – a JavaScript error has occurred in the underlying process. It is triggered when trying to run certain apps in Windows 10, including the messaging apps Discord and Skype.

The main reason for this error is not entirely clear, but the main reason could be that the application, its database, or settings are corrupt.

Error “A JavaScript Error Occurred in the Main Process” in Discord or in Microsoft Teams, other programs that can be fixed with workarounds. Sometimes downloading an application from another source also solves the problem with repeated pop-ups.

It doesn’t matter if the popup occurred with “A JavaScript Error Occurred in the Main Process” since the error occurred in Slack or at another launch of the application, the reason may be the same. Special reasons, which are most often reported, are damaged settings in the program itself, required or disabled administrator rights, old settings.

Cause 1: Damaged application or parameters

  • This is one of the main reasons for the Javascript error that occurred in the main process. Often, these errors occur when an application is misconfigured or when the application is damaged.

Cause 2: Windows AV is not active

  • Many users do not know about this problem. You can find it in the device settings or drivers to check if Windows Audio Video Experience is active. If it isn’t, make sure it’s enabled to solve the problem.

Cause 3: Administrator Privileges

  • Applications often require that you work with administrator rights. This is also one of the reasons why applications such as Skype to Discord display Javascript errors that occur in the main process.

How do I overcome this or fix this Javascript error, which appeared in the main error process? Read this article for possible solutions. We will reveal not one, not two, but four methods of work to fix this Javascript bug. Let’s start discussing the methods without wasting time.

What causes this JavaScript error in Discord?

There are not many identified causes of this problem, and most of the diagnostic methods that you can perform are based on resetting the differences or setting them up in some form or other. However, we have prepared a shortlist which you can read:

The discord or its settings may have been corrupted:

  • In this scenario, the installation of the disk is wrong, so either you reset the settings or you reinstall the application.

Qualitative Windows Audio Video Experience service does not work:

  • This service is necessary for the application as it is closely related to the basic functionality of the program. Make sure that it runs automatically.

Conflicts work with administrator privileges:

  • Conflicts with administrator privileges are known to cause this problem.

When accessing the Conversation app from a computer running Windows 10, you may receive an error message “A javascript error has occurred in the main process”. Damaged Disord files or missing certain audio services may cause this problem on your computer. To solve this problem on your computer, please follow the steps below carefully.

How to fix “A JavaScript Error Occurred in the Main Process”?

Updated: June 2023

This tool is highly recommended to help you fix your error. Plus, this tool offers protection against file loss, malware, and hardware failures, and optimizes your device for maximum performance. If you already have a problem with your computer, this software can help you fix it and prevent other problems from recurring:

  • Step 1 : Install the PC Repair and Optimizer Tool. (Windows 10, 8, 7, XP, Vista).
  • Step 2 : Click Start Scan to determine what problems you are experiencing with your computer.
  • Step 3 : Click Repair Allto resolve all problems.


How to fix A JavaScript Error Occurred in the Main Process

Reinstall your program

Reinstall your program

In this first situation, the installation of your program is faulty, so you must either reset or reinstall the application.

Simply follow these steps :

  • Press Windows + I
  • Get into Skype
  • Right-click on the mouse
  • Select Uninstall
  • Once this operation is complete, download the latest version again from the publishers website.

Delete your program folders in the %AppData folder

Delete your program folders in the AppData folder

This procedure is similar to the one described above, except that you manually delete all program data from your PC.

  • Open an explorer window
  • You can do this by pressing Windows + E.
  • Select this PC.
  • Access this location on your PC
  • Right click on the program folder
  • Select Uninstall.

If you get an error message indicating that the program cannot be uninstalled because it is in use, first log in and out of the Task Manager.

Automatically start the Windows Audio Video Experience service

  • Press windows + R
  • Type services.msc
  • Scroll down the list until you see the Quality of the Windows Audio Video Experience
  • Right-click and select Properties
  • From the “Startup Type” drop-down menu, select “Automatic”.

Automatically start the Windows Audio Video Experience service1

The likelihood of you getting an error flagged as such is slim:

Windows was unable to start the service on the local computer. Error 1079: The account listed for this service is different from the account listed for the other services in the same process.

If this happens, do the following:

Press Windows + R
Type services.msc
Scroll down the list until you see the Quality of the Windows Audio Video Experience
Right-click and select Properties.
Click on the “Login” tab
Click on the “Browse” button.
You will see an input box with the name Enter the name of the object you want to select
Enter the name of your Microsoft Windows account
Click Verify Names.
Wait until your name is displayed, and then click OK.
Enter your Windows account password in the Password field.

Automatically start the Windows Audio Video Experience service

Run the program without administrator rights

  • Find the executable file of your program
  • Right-click and click Properties
  • Click the Compatibility tab
  • Uncheck the box next to “Run this program as administrator“.
  • Press OK

Run the program without administrator rights

The problem should now be resolved.

How to Solve the “A JavaScript Error Occurred In The Main Process” in Discord

Remove Discord temporary files

A diskette is constantly storing temporary files that can interfere with an application; deleting them can solve the problem. Learn how to delete temporary disk files ;

  1. Open Windows Explorer and paste this path into the address bar of Windows Explorer: “C:UserYour User NameAppDataDiscord”. Remember to replace “YOUR USER NAME” in the path with your PC name.
  2. There should be an “appdata” folder, and if it is not available, you will need to view the hidden files. You can do this by clicking on the “View” tab in the File Explorer menu, and then clicking on “Hidden Objects” to check the box. All hidden files will be displayed and you will be able to view “AppData”.
  3. The “Discord” folder is in the “AppData” folder, you must delete this folder, you may get a message that some files cannot be deleted because they are in use. In this case, you should make sure that the Discord app is closed, restart your computer before performing this step, and close the Spotify app if it is running.
  4. Another effective way to remove data from the app is to open the “Run” dialog and type “% localappdata%”, then click OK.
  5. Inconsistencies are listed in the folder that opens, delete that folder by right-clicking.
  6. Reboot the computer now to see if the problem is resolved.

Remove Discord temporary files

Whitelisting inconsistencies in your antivirus software

Some antivirus software or even the Windows firewall may block certain mismatch files that cause problems with the application. Regardless of your antivirus software, you should check your settings for granting Discord permissions.

Change windows Audio Video Experience services settings

This service if not running, Discord can’t work properly. So you need to check the startup type for ‘windows audio-video experience services’ settings to see if the problem is solved. The configuration on startup should be changed from Manual to Automatic, and here are the steps to change that;

  1. Press Windows + R to open run Dialogue.
  2. Type ‘msc’ in the dialogue box.
  3. There would be a list of windows services, you need to find ‘Quality Windows Audio Video Experience Service’, right-click on it, and select properties.
  4. You’ll be able to see whether it’s running or not, if it’s running you should click ‘Stop’ and click ‘Start’ to run it again.
  5. Check whether the startup type is set as Automatic, if not you need to change it to automatic. Click ok for any dialogue box that will appear.

In some cases, you might receive an error message that reads:

Windows could not start the service on Local Computer. Error 1079: The account specified for this service differs from the account specified for other services running in the same process.’

You need to follow these steps in order to bypass this error;

  1. Open run as usual by typing Windows + R keys.
  2. Type or paste “msc” and click OK.
  3. Locate “Quality Windows Audio Video Experience”, right-click on it, and select properties.
  4. Click the ‘Log On’ tab.
  5. Click on the “Browse” button.
  6. In the entry box enter your Windows account name.
  7. Click check names.
  8. Your computer name will show up; you should click OK.
  9. You then type your Windows password in the box provided.

Configuring the Discord to work without administrator rights

As mentioned earlier, setting admin rights can result in a “JavaScript error occurred in the main process” error, you need to change the settings of your application to make it work properly.

You can find out how to solve this problem here;

  1. Locate the disk executable either from the Start menu or by typing its name into a Windows search.
  2. Right-click the disk executable and select Properties.
  3. There is a compatibility tab in the properties window, you need to uncheck the “Run this program as an administrator” box.
  4. Click the “Apply changes” button.
  5. Confirm each dialog box that appears.
  6. Now restart your computer and run the hard drive to make sure the problem is resolved.

Reinstall your Discord program

If the error hasn’t gone away at this time, you need to reinstall the application, and before reinstalling Discord, you need to uninstall the application from your PC and delete any files associated with Discord.

The best way to uninstall the application is to use the Control Panel, select Programs and Features, find Discord, and uninstall the application.

Then download the new installation files from the Discord website, as it is free. Do the disk configuration and run the installation. When you’re done, the new Discord app will be completely installed on your computer and there should be no problems.

If the problem persists, the error is probably related to system settings. And we have already outlined all possible solutions to this problem.

So far, these are the solutions to fix the “A JavaScript Error Occurred in the Main Process” in Discord, and we hope that they will help you to fix this error.

APPROVED: To fix Windows errors, click here.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Reinstall your program.
  2. Delete your program folders in the %AppData folder.
  3. Automatically start the Quality Windows Audio Video Experience service.
  4. Run your program without administrative rights.

The «JavaScript error occurred in the main process» error usually appears when you start Discord on your computer.

The error message box usually contains a variety of information about the error, but casual users may have difficulty interpreting it.

Script errors are most likely caused by a bug in a script hosted on another domain (e.g., CDN scripts). As a result, the user’s browser stops the execution of the script to prevent an attack called «cross-site request spoofing».

There are two types of JavaScript errors:

Syntax error: Occurs when there is an error in the way the code is written, such as a typo or a missing character.

Execution error: Occurs when the script cannot execute its instructions; for example, when the specified object cannot be found.

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A Runtime Error is an error that occurs at the time of running or executing a program. When this error occurs, the program may hang or crash displaying an error message. There are many reasons for a runtime error, like when the program enters an infinite loop, it triggers the runtime error. Sometimes, it also occurs due to the user’s fault. For example, a program requires a numerical value to process the result, but if the user enters any value other than the required one, say, alphabetic character, the program may show a runtime error.

what is runtime error

Why and when do runtime errors occur?

There are many reasons for which the users get runtime errors on their computers. We will describe the most significant reasons here:

  1. Memory leak.
  2. Programming errors.
  3. Incomplete installation.
  4. Corrupt registry.

1] Memory leak

A memory leak is the most common cause of a runtime error on a Windows computer. It occurs when a program incorrectly manages the memory allocations, such as consuming more RAM without freeing it. A memory leak also occurs when the running code cannot access an object stored in the memory.

2] Programming errors

Programming errors also cause runtime errors. When a software is in the development phase, runtime errors can be found during the debugging process so that the developer can correct them before it is being released. But if any bug is left in the software by mistake, it can cause runtime errors. In such a case, the runtime errors can only be solved by downloading the update patches from the developer’s website.

Fix: AppModel Runtime Errors 57, 87, 490, etc.

3] Incomplete installation

Sometimes when a user is installing a program, the installer quits abruptly. There are many reasons for this interruption like power failure, system hangs, etc. This results in incomplete installation which may cause runtime errors on the system.

Fix: AppModel Runtime Errors 65, 69, and 79.

4] Corrupt registry

A corrupted or damaged registry can cause programs to malfunction due to which you may get a runtime error. There are many causes for the registry damage. One of the main reasons is a manual change in the registry. Hence, you should be careful while editing the registry keys. Backing up the registry before making any change to it is always be the best practice.

Read: Fix NVIDIA GeForce Experience C++ Runtime Error.

How to fix a Runtime Error on Windows 11/10

Because there are many different runtime errors, the method to fix them is not the same. We are listing here some general methods that may help you solve most of the runtime errors.

  1. Install the latest Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable package.
  2. Run DISM command and SFC scan.
  3. Troubleshoot in Clean Boot State.

1] Install the latest Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable package

Some users have reported that they have started getting runtime errors after updating Windows 11/10. The error message that they received is:

Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library

Runtime Error!

Program: C:Users….

This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.

Please contact the application’s support team for more information.

According to the users, the popup window showing the error message arrives every time they turn ON their computer and comes back again if they close the window. Such a runtime error occurs due to a software problem or when the runtime components of the Visual C++ libraries are missing.

In such a condition, installing the latest Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable package after uninstalling the existing one may help. Follow the below-listed steps:

  1. Launch Control Panel and go to “Programs and Features.”
  2. Click on “Uninstall a Program.”
  3. Scroll down the list to find Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable.
  4. Right-click on it and select Uninstall. This will uninstall the package from your computer.
  5. Now, download the latest Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package from the Microsoft official website.
  6. Install it and restart your computer.

This works in most cases.

Read: Fix Runtime Error 217.

2] Run DISM command and SFC scan

System File Checker (SFC) tool is used to scan and repair the corrupted files, whereas, DISM (Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool) is used to repair the corrupted Windows system image files. Running these tools will help you fix the runtime errors.

To run System File Checker, execute the following command in an elevated CMD:

sfc /scannow

To run DISM, open Command Prompt as an administrator and type the following command and press Enter.

DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth

The DISM tool uses Windows update to fix the corrupted files.

Read: Fix Runtime Error 1004 in Excel.

3] Troubleshoot in Clean Boot State

Sometimes a third-party program may be the culprit. In this case, performing a clean boot may help troubleshoot the problem.

Clean Boot will help you identify if there is a third-party or startup application on your system that is causing the runtime error.

Hope this post guides you in the right direction.

Related posts:

  • Fix .NET Runtime Error 1026, Exception code c00000fd
  • Disable Script Errors & Runtime Error Messages
  • Fix atibtmon.exe Runtime Error when disconnecting AC power cord.

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