Engine hot as of ошибка

Конец вчерашней истории …………………..

поехав с работы домой у меня загорелся датчик шины (правое переднее колесо спустило), ну думаю щас до шиномонтажки в бутово доеду накачаю и всё норм будет., ага так то всё и было если не одно НО!, по дороге засветился всеми любимый (ЧЕКЕН), блааа (думаю ну за что же такое), в итоге машина едет всё работает, ничего не троит но явно что то не то ! и так приехал в бутово (шиномонтаж), далее сервис, приехал в сервис мерседес к знакомым, они говорят мол неа у нас на кади нету), спроси у соседей (в итоге у соседей оказалось), познакомился я с ними (разобрались с ошибками)! всё убрали! ну и хорошо.

ИТОГ: пропуск на 2-4-6цилиндре и ещё ошибка 2рого лябзонда!

посоветовались, подумали (и пришли к выводу что это бензин виноват который я залил утром (после того как завёл машину)! ГАЗПРОМНЕФТЬ 92рой, (СЕВЕРНОЕ БУТОВО)_у МКАДА…

ну ребята сказали что ничего страшного (но если ещё раз выскочит то приехать стоит и посмотреть всё досконально) .

После поехал снова на ГАЗПРОМНЕФТЬ (но на большую) на ул. поляны и залил 95тый…

Какой вы заливаете бензин ???

Посмотрим что будет )

и ещё (сегодня я машину завёл утром нормально не не с брелка а сидя в ней), и я заводил с открытой дверью и при запуске движка отчётливо услышал (метала звук), как будто цепь натянулась (это нормально ???)! ну и дальше всё окей без этого звука!

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Almost every driver knows how critical an engine is. Therefore, an Engine Hot AC Off warning may trigger feelings of worry and confusion for a driver.

While an Engine Hot AC Off warning could spell a lot of trouble for your car, it is not uncommon.

Your vehicle may display the message “AC Off Due to High Engine Temp.” So, what is an Engine Hot AC Off warning? What triggers it?

How can it be resolved? Are there chances that the car may explode or break down if your engine continues running? And how do you prevent your car engine from overheating?

What Does Engine Hot AC Off mean?

The Engine Hot AC Off warning light indicates that the car’s electric cooling fan is malfunctioning, and as a result, the engine is running hot or overheating.

Notably, overheating is the top cause of engine deaths globally. Thus, you should take immediate action when your engine overheats.

The AC consumes a lot of energy that the engine may not be able to generate, alongside running properly during a fan failure. Consequently, your AC may go off due to high engine temperatures to reduce the load on the engine.

A cooling system leak, low engine coolant levels, a broken water pump, or faulty wiring of the car’s components could trigger the Engine Hot AC Off warning.

Can You Still Drive When Engine Hot AC Off Error Message Is Showing?


Stop immediately to assess the situation of your engine. Your engine makes your car go and can cost a fortune to fix or replace. You should, for no reason, continue straining your car’s engine by driving, especially an overheating one.

Safe Handling Of A Running Overheating Engine

overheating engine

If your car overheats when the AC is on while driving:

Turn Up The Heat

While turning up the heat might seem illogical, it can help ease the stress on the engine for a while. This helps pull up some of the heat from your engine bay to the cabin, thus cooling down the engine and allowing you to drive for a short distance.

On the other hand, the air conditioner should be off as it could worsen the problem.

Slowly And Carefully Pull Over

If you are on a busy stretch of road or caught in a traffic jam, use your hazard lights to alert other motorists of your intentions to slow down and pull over to the side.

Turn Off The Engine

To help control the heat, you need to power down its source and turn off the engine.

Keep The Hood Closed For Some Time

Only remotely pop the hood and wait for at least 15 minutes before opening it. Many drivers rush to open the hood to let the hot air out. While this may help bring in more air, it can cause severe burns to your face. In addition to the steam, the hot metal can cause harm to your hands.

Check The Engine Coolant Level

If the coolant level is low, top up the reservoir. Consult the vehicle manual to know the suitable coolant to use as different engines have different types of coolant.

Seek Professional Help

You can reach out to a professional mechanic for help or call a tow truck company to help you move your car to the nearest garage.

What Causes Engine Overheating Problems?

Low Coolant Levels

For many reasons, running low on coolant is the most common cause of engine overheating. If the coolant levels are low, you will need to add a coolant to the coolant reservoir. Inspect the radiator and hose for leaks before refilling the coolant.

Blown Up Head Gasket

A head gasket is a seal between the cylinder head and engine block. It keeps combustion gasses in the cylinders and prevents the coolant or engine oil from going into the cylinders.

Head gasket issues are hard to diagnose as they are only visible when you take the engine apart. You should know the secondary symptoms to determine whether the head gasket is blown. These include white exhaust smoke, engine overheating, low coolant levels, and a strong sweet smell of heated coolant.

Malfunctioning Temperature Sensor

The temperature gauge is essential as it shows when your engine starts to overheat. The temp gauge receives its instructions from the temperature sensor. So if the temperature sensor breaks down, you may not receive the correct report, and excessive heat could damage your engine permanently.

Problems With The Radiator Cooling Fan

If the radiator fan does not come on, your engine may overheat and burn out.

 AC Compressor Issues

The AC compressor takes care of the car’s air conditioning unit. When it fails, the engine may overheat. Only a professional mechanic should attempt to fix an AC compressor.

Some signs that the AC compressor is faulty include temperature fluctuations and squealing noises.

Fixing Overheating Problems Yourself

It is possible to fix some overheating problems with some DIY knowledge.

You would first inspect the cooling system. If you know where to find the radiator and radiator hose, you could check if there is a leak. Wait at least 30 minutes after turning off the engine to let the system cool down before fixing a radiator leak.

If it is a leak, adjust the hose to fit correctly, then tighten the radiator clamps. And if it’s a hole in the radiator hose, you could patch it with insulating tape as you carefully drive to the nearest garage.

How To Prevent Engine Overheating Problems

Schedule Regular Maintenance Services

Cars need regular maintenance to keep running their best. Standard maintenance involves checking the tires, replacing the air filters, and changing the engine oil.

Like any other fluid, the quality of your coolant deteriorates with time, and you need to replace it. Accordingly, conducting coolant flushes and changes is essential for the health of your engine.

Inspecting your radiator cap is also good maintenance practice. The radiator is responsible for maintaining pressure within your cooling system. A loose cap results in minor leaks that decrease the system’s pressure. This could eventually lead to overheating of the engine.

Pay Attention To The Temperature Gauge

The car’s temperature gauge enables you to read and understand the temperature conditions within your engine. Constantly check your gauge to ensure that your engine’s temperatures are well within the safe zone. If they keep rising, contact a professional mechanic.

Do Not Leave Your Car In The Sun For Extended Periods

You probably understand the impact of the sun’s heat in an enclosed space if you’ve ever sat inside a car during a hot summer day. The effect of hot weather on an engine may trigger overheating.

Drive With Extra Coolant

Keeping extra coolant in your car is always a good idea. If you have an emergency, you can refill your reservoir.

Use A Diagnostic Scan Tool To Determine Temperature Sensor Issues

The scan tool connects under the dashboard of your car. It can give you information about your engine temperatures. If the scanner pops a code, you can know whether your temperature sensor is functioning correctly.


An Engine Hot AC Off warning could be just the beginning of a severe problem. That is why you should not take it lightly.

If you encounter an Engine Hot AC Off warning in your car, pull over safely.

See a professional to diagnose the problem and repair any damage. Prevent it from happening again with regular maintenance. And always drive safely!


Garry is the happy owner of a funky 2018 Nissan Juke Ti-S AWD. After growing up around his family’s mechanics shop, he is passionate about bringing budget-friendly car care to every driver. Garry has a business degree and is a car enthusiast.

This article is all about the alarming symbols of the “Engine Hot AC off warning” signs blinking on your car’s dashboard, and we will discuss its causes and prevention. A hot Smokey engine is not what any driver would want their car to undergo, and also every driver is well aware of the consequences of these “Engine AC Off” warning lights on your dashboard. The Engine Hot AC Off caution should cause a lot of hassle, but it does happen from time to time.

Checking the temperature gauge occasionally will prevent your automobile from overheating without your knowledge. Your vehicle’s engine temperature is the leading cause of mechanical failures, so you should always keep an eye on it. It is the purpose of this article to provide the probable causes, along with the measures to take in order to resolve an “Engine Hot AC Off” warning light.

Engine Hot AC off Light in Your Car Dashboard

The term “engine overheating” is not unfamiliar to most drivers, and it is important to know the risks it can pose to your vehicle. During the fuel combustion process, the engine produces a great deal of extra heat.

If the engine of an automobile does not cool down promptly, it can overheat, resulting in fire and explosions and endangering the driver. When operating an automobile engine, drivers should be aware of overheating as one of the most dangerous engine malfunctions.

The “Engine Hot AC Off” light illuminates the dashboard of a car when there is a problem with the ventilation or air conditioning system.

Additionally, the AC must function even if the fan fails, since it requires a lot of energy that the engine may not be able to provide. When your air conditioner shuts off, the engine temperature may be high, and the load will be less on the engine.

Your car’s cooling system may be seriously compromised if you see the “Engine Hot AC Off” warning light. A blinking Engine Hot light indicates that the onboard computer is turning off any equipment that places an extra load on the engine. The air conditioning system is one such example of such equipment.

Occasionally, additional dashboard warning lights or messages may appear simultaneously with the alert, providing further details. As the Engine Control Unit (ECU) reduces its output to cool the engine, the vehicle’s performance often suffers when the “Engine Hot AC Off” warning light illuminates.

There can be a variety of reasons why the Engine’s Hot AC Off light starts blinking but no matter what the issue is it’s not recommended to ignore the situation. Several factors contribute to engine overheating, including low coolant levels, faulty thermostats, and faulty electric cooling fans, which will be covered in greater detail in the following section.

How the Engine Control Unit (ECU) functions this time?

Currently, all engine operations are controlled and managed by the ECU. This mechanism involves the collection of data through the car’s sensors and sending the data to the ECU, which then processes the signal, after which actuators are commanded to perform tasks such as regulating the fuel, adjusting the ignition angle, and automatically adjusting the throttle.

If the temperature in your engine becomes too high as a result of overheating, the air conditioning system is automatically controlled by the engine control unit (ECU).

Can you drive a car with an Overheated engine?

A warning message that says Engine Hot AC Off appears when the vehicle’s engine overheats. The vehicle should not be driven until the engine has been repaired.

When you see the warning light on your dashboard, you should pull over and examine the engine as soon as possible, since continuing to do so might lead to unfortunate incidents resulting from the malfunctioning engine.

Despite the fact that it is theoretically possible to drive with an “Engine Hot AC Off” notice displayed on the dashboard, it would be strongly advised to stop right away in order to prevent engine damage from happening.

An overheated engine is a severe problem for an automobile, especially when it occurs frequently. Driving a hot engine for a long time can cause catastrophic damage to the engine or even lead to it seizing.

How to Handle the Situation Safely?

Following are some tips on how to handle the situation safely:-

01. Heat it up

Even though it may seem counterintuitive, increasing the temperature at that time will definitely put additional strain on your vehicle’s engine.

In this way, you are able to transfer some of the engine’s heat to the cabin, cooling the engine and being able to go a short distance.

02. Find somewhere to pull over

Whenever you’re on a busy stretch of road or if you find yourself in a traffic jam, you should use your hazard lights to let other motorists know that you will be slowing down and pulling over to the side of the road.

03. Stop the car

The automobile must be stopped as soon as you can since a hot engine is never a good indication, especially while you are driving.

Turning off the engine and powering down its source can help you get rid of the additional heat it is generating.

04. Don’t immediately try to open the hood

The bonnet should be opened only remotely, and this should be done after at least 15 minutes. In a desperate attempt to open the hood as soon as possible in order to vent the heated air, many drivers do so quickly.

Despite the fact that you might get more air from it, the hot metal and the vapor could cause serious burns to your face and hands.

05. Engine Coolant Level

In case the coolant level in the vehicle is low, top it up, or consult the vehicle manual to find out what type of coolant would work best for your vehicle, since different engines use different types of coolants.

Possible Causes for Engine Hot AC off Light

Let us see the possible causes of “Engine Ht AC Off” lights:

01. Any issue with the AC compressor

Your air conditioner would be unable to run if it were not for the compressor, and the compressor is one of the most important parts of the system.

While moving through the condenser, this component changes the refrigerant gas from a gas to a liquid. Symptoms of faulty compressors include an illuminated “Engine Hot AC Off” warning light.

How to detect it?

Following these steps will help you diagnose a bad AC compressor:-

  • Examine the additional defects and the oil leaks cause that can also be the problem.
  • Learn about the temperature swings and their intensities.
  • Verify whether it can be turned off separately.
  • If any skipping sounds are heard that can also be a possible sign.
  • Check to see if there are any refrigerant leaks there.

02. Possible issue with coolant engine 

Overheating occurs most frequently when your engine runs low on coolant for a variety of reasons. As your engine produces heat, the coolant circulates, resulting in cooling.

After the hot water has been cooled by the fan and transported to the tank, it is routed back to the engine so it can be used again.

Low refrigerant levels can lead to various issues, such as leaks in the system, malfunctions in the refrigerant pressure sensors, or problems with the expansion valve. Engine coolant can sometimes be added to the system to resolve the issue.

03. Thermostat valve issue

In the cooling system, the thermostat controls the flow of coolant, and when the temperature of the engine reaches a certain level, the valve opens and lets the flow of liquid to the engine portion.

There may be a problem with the thermostat, which could cause the “Engine Hot AC Off” warning light to flicker rapidly.

A broken thermostat valve is typically a result of a jammed thermostat or a malfunctioning thermostat sensor. In some cases, the thermostat may also be jammed by an uninvited external object.

04. Sensors

When a warning light appears on a car’s dashboard that says “Engine Hot AC Off”, it can be caused by a broken sensor that monitors the temperature of the engine.

AC systems rely on temperature sensors to gauge the temperature of the air. Temperature sensors are essential parts of AC systems.

A malfunctioning temperature sensor may cause the “Engine Hot AC Off” warning light to illuminate. An engine overheats when this sensor malfunctions, causing the cooling fan to run improperly, the coolant to not be cooled, and the fans to run improperly.

Some Preventive Measures for ”Engine hot AC off” Warning

Here are a few preventive measures you can adopt to reduce the chances of engine overheating:-

  • Make sure any broken components are replaced as soon as possible.
  • Overheating cars should not be driven and must be checked without ignoring it.
  • Before you get on the road, make sure all the connections are working properly.
  • Make sure the engine of your car is regularly checked for oil and other substances.
  • The electrical AC should be reset and recirculated to maintain its ideal setting.
  • Clean the coolant and adjust the settings after 90,000 miles of riding.
  • In order to keep your car in good condition, you must periodically check its thermometer.
  • Maintain a proper level of engine coolant.

In order to prevent the “engine hot AC off” warning from occurring in the future, you should take good care of your air conditioning system and address any problems as soon as they arise in order to keep your vehicle running smoothly and prevent any problems from occurring in the future.

What should you do when the Engine Hot AC Off warning light comes up? 

This warning light implies that the engine’s computer has identified a circulation problem causing the engine to run too hot. 

We’ll get into the Engine Hot AC Off warning details and explain how to fix it in this post. Let’s take it to the end with great tips that will help you understand this warning light and how to prevent the problem altogether. 

Here we go. 

Here's where we bring the information about Engine Hot AC Off warning details and explain how to fix it.


  • 1 What is the meaning of engine hot AC off?
  • 2 Can I keep driving when my car warns “engine hot AC off”?
  • 3 Can I fix this problem myself?
  • 4 Causes and how to fix it
    • 4.1 1. Malfunctioning thermostat or temperature sensor
    • 4.2 2. Fail radiator cooling fan
    • 4.3 3. Low level of coolant 
    • 4.4 4. Blown head gasket 
    • 4.5 5. Bad AC compressor
  • 5 How much will it cost to fix the “engine hot AC off” warning light in a repair shop?
  • 6 Tips to prevent your car engine from overheating
    • 6.1 1. Inspect your car periodically
    • 6.2 2.  Perform regular coolant flushes and changes
    • 6.3 3. Recirculate of fresh air setting for the A/C system
    • 6.4 4. Pay attention to your car’s temperature gauge
    • 6.5 5. Check the engine coolant level regularly 
  • 7 Conclusion 

What is the meaning of engine hot AC off?

Engine hot AC turned off warning light
” Engine Hot AC Off” light means that the electric cooling fan is not working correctly, or something is wrong with the cooling system. 
Credit: justanswer.com

Your car can give the warning in terms of two different messages: “Engine Hot AC Off” or “Engine Hot AC Turned Off”. In both cases, the electric cooling fan is not working correctly, or something is wrong with the cooling system. 

When this happens, you may feel the need to turn on the car’s air conditioner, but nothing will operate. The car shuts off the AC to reduce the heat and load, hence the “Engine Hot AC Off” warning. 

Another meaning could be that the wiring to your electrical components is faulty or you’re low on refrigerant. Either way, you’ll need to get to the bottom of why your engine is running too hot. 

Can I keep driving when my car warns “engine hot AC off”?

If your car is overheating, you’ll want to pull over and evaluate the situation, then turn off the engine.
An overheating engine is a severe problem so firstly you should stop your journey and call a professional mechanic.

An overheating engine is a serious problem. The situation is all too familiar. You’ve parked your car in the sun for too long or have not taken the time to perform maintenance only until the “engine hot” warning comes on.

The first thing you’ll want to do is pull over and evaluate the situation, then turn off the engine. It’s important to know that driving with an overheating engine may cause permanent damage to the engine. 

So, check the engine if it is overheating, do not continue your journey, and call a professional mechanic for advice on the next steps.

If you’re in a situation where you can’t come to a complete stop, you can turn on the heat to the highest level. This process will help pull as much heat as possible from the engine bay. And while you do this, roll down the windows so that the heat flows out of the vehicle. 

Can I fix this problem myself?

It depends on what’s causing the warning light. In some cases, a simple DIY repair can be the fix you require. So, if you’ve managed to stop and have got DIY experience, the first thing you’ll need to do is inspect the cooling system

Here, look for any leaks from the radiator or hoses. A leak on the radiator hose requires waiting for a minimum of 30 minutes for the engine to cool down before attempting repairs.

Next, tighten the radiator clamps using a screwdriver. You may notice that the clamp has been loose for some time. If so, adjust the hose to make a secure fit. Then, go ahead and tighten it with the screwdriver.

For a hole in the radiator hose, the temporary fix is to patch it using insulating tape.

Causes and how to fix it

Reasons why "Engine hot AC off" light.
Malfunctioning thermostat or temperature sensor is one of the main causes leading to “engine hot AC off” warning turn on.

Using an OBD2 scanner to read the fault codes from the engine is another way to fix the “Engine Hot AC Off” warning light. This method can make DIYs or mechanics easily find out the reasons for this warning. 

1. Malfunctioning thermostat or temperature sensor

You will need to diagnose the engine to determine if you have a malfunctioning thermostat or temperature sensor. 

How to diagnose the “engine hot AC off” using a scan tool?

Connect a diagnostics scan tool to the OBD2 connector under the dash of your car. You can use a standalone, Bluetooth, or USB scan tool. 

Depending on the scanner, you may be asked for the vehicle information. If the scanner reads the VIN automatically, it will save you a few minutes.

The “Engine Hot AC Off” warning light triggers two trouble codes. The first is the P0118 code, and the second is the P0128 code. 


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How to fix the P0118 code?

The P0118 code stands for “Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) Sensor Circuit High Voltage”. It means the engine coolant temperature circuit is getting high input. Notably, it indicates that the Electric Control Module (ECM) has read an ECT sensor output above 4.91V or lower than -40F. 

Some of the causes for this trouble code are a low level of engine coolant, faulty Engine Coolant Temperature sensor, or issues with the engine coolant thermostat. If you’re an experienced DIYer or mechanic, you should be able to inspect for disconnected or damaged sensor connectors. 

Then, carry out the necessary repairs. These include;

  • Replace or repair the ECT connector 
  • Replace or repair the wiring open circuit as you see fit
  • Use a new sensor to replace the ECT 

How to fix the P0128 code?

The P0128 code stands for “Coolant Thermostat Temperature Below Regulating Temperature”. It means the engine coolant is not getting up to temperature fast enough. This shows that the engine is not reaching optimum temperature within the required time. The typical response helping to turn off the warning light is to replace the thermostat.

One of the reasons leading to engine hot AC off is bad Thermostat
Replacing the thermostat is the typical response that helps to turn off the warning light.

But First, Inspect for a Stuck Open Engine Coolant Thermostat

To do this, feel the radiator hose and keep track of how high the temperature of the coolant goes as it starts flowing into the radiator hose. You must be careful because you could get burned quickly.

The hose should remain barely warm to the touch until the thermostat opens and then quickly become warm as the hot coolant flows through the radiator hose. If the temperature increases slowly, you’re dealing with a thermostat stuck open or opening prematurely. It will need replacing. 

How to replace the thermostat?
Steps to replace the thermostat.
The first thing to do to replace the thermostat is to locate it where the top radiator hose joins the engine.
  • Locate the thermostat where the top radiator hose joins the engine. 
  • Place a 2-gallon container under your working station to trap any escaping liquid. After you finish the job, you’ll replace the fluid.
  • Remove the clamp which locks in the radiator hose.
  • Pull the hose, and then the liquid will escape. 
  • Remove the old thermostat by loosening the bolts holding it in place.
  • Take out the gasket and scrape off any pieces of gasket that may be left behind. Please ensure they don’t fall back into the hole.
  • Insert the new gasket in its place.
  • Drop in the new thermostat and replace the bolts. 
  • Replace the hose by screwing it back or clamping it. Then replace the fluid down the radiator fill hole.


Superstat Premium Thermostat

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How to fix the P0118 code?

The P0118 code stands for “Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) Sensor Circuit High Voltage”. It means the engine coolant temperature circuit is getting high input. Notably, it indicates that the Electric Control Module (ECM) has read an ECT sensor output above 4.91V or lower than -40F. 

Some of the causes for this trouble code are a low level of engine coolant, faulty Engine Coolant Temperature sensor, or issues with the engine coolant thermostat. If you’re an experienced DIYer or mechanic, you should be able to inspect for disconnected or damaged sensor connectors. 

Then, carry out the necessary repairs. These include;

  • Replace or repair the ECT connector 
  • Replace or repair the wiring open circuit as you see fit
  • Use a new sensor to replace the ECT 

How to fix the P0128 code?

The P0128 code stands for “Coolant Thermostat Temperature Below Regulating Temperature”. It means the engine coolant is not getting up to temperature fast enough. This shows that the engine is not reaching optimum temperature within the required time. The typical response helping to turn off the warning light is to replace the thermostat.

One of the reasons leading to engine hot AC off is bad Thermostat
Replacing the thermostat is the typical response that helps to turn off the warning light.

But First, Inspect for a Stuck Open Engine Coolant Thermostat

To do this, feel the radiator hose and keep track of how high the temperature of the coolant goes as it starts flowing into the radiator hose. You must be careful because you could get burned quickly.

The hose should remain barely warm to the touch until the thermostat opens and then quickly become warm as the hot coolant flows through the radiator hose. If the temperature increases slowly, you’re dealing with a thermostat stuck open or opening prematurely. It will need replacing. 

How to replace the thermostat?
Steps to replace the thermostat.
The first thing to do to replace the thermostat is to locate it where the top radiator hose joins the engine.
  • Locate the thermostat where the top radiator hose joins the engine. 
  • Place a 2-gallon container under your working station to trap any escaping liquid. After you finish the job, you’ll replace the fluid.
  • Remove the clamp which locks in the radiator hose.
  • Pull the hose, and then the liquid will escape. 
  • Remove the old thermostat by loosening the bolts holding it in place.
  • Take out the gasket and scrape off any pieces of gasket that may be left behind. Please ensure they don’t fall back into the hole.
  • Insert the new gasket in its place.
  • Drop in the new thermostat and replace the bolts. 
  • Replace the hose by screwing it back or clamping it. Then replace the fluid down the radiator fill hole.


Superstat Premium Thermostat

Superstat Premium Thermostat

Read more: My Car AC Sometimes Works Sometimes It Doesn’t: Why and How to Fix

Why is the warning still there after replacing the thermostat?

It’s time to inspect the coolant sensor.

The coolant sensor is close to the exhaust manifold, next to the number one spark plug. Typically, it gets very hot sitting close to the exhaust manifold. All that heat causes damage over time. 

How to inspect coolant sensor
  • Check out coolant level and condition. 
  • Look for poor coolant conditions like excessive rust. If this is the case, your cooling system is clogged up, and it’s causing the thermostat to stick. 
  • For bad coolant, flush the coolant system and then replace the coolant. 
  • Check the coolant temperature with a multimeter. The ohm reading should change with the temperature. If this is not happening, you’ll need to look for damage in the sensor wiring and repair it. 
  • Unplug the coolant sensor. Strip out the protection, including the grey clip. If damage has occurred, you will find cracked wires with the copper exposed. A damaged coolant sensor increases the resistance in the circuit, reducing the voltage going into the ECM. It causes a false low temperature reading on the engine. 
  • You’ll need to replace the coolant sensor if this is the case.
How to fix the coolant sensor

You will need

  • A new coolant sensor
  • Pair of pliers 
  • Solder wire
  • Soldering iron 
  • Heat shrink tubing 
  • Lighter
  • Black tape 
  • Flexible conduit 


  • A new coolant sensor will not have the ends pre-stripped. 
  • Use a pair of pliers to strip the ends. 
  • Cut the insulation off the ends high enough that you leave healthy insulation on the wire. 
  • Insert the shrink tubing and crimp connectors on each of the wires.
  • Mesh the strands of the sensor wires with those of the connecting cables. At this point, the connection is strong enough for soldering.  
  • Use a soldering wire and soldering iron to create a solder-filled connection.
  • Center the shrink tubing over the connection and get one end to shrink by passing a lighter over it. Then, quickly go over the rest of the tubing on both wires. 
  • Crimp connection as a second layer of protection.
  • Push the crimp connector over the shrink tubing and repeat the shrinking process. 
  • Tidy up the excess wire using the black tape.
  • Put the flexible conduit back over the wired connection. 
  • Finally, plug in the coolant sensor, and you’re done. 

The warning light should not come back. 

2. Fail radiator cooling fan

Your engine may overheat because the radiator cooling fan does not come on. If the cooling engine fails or burns out, the radiator fan will be disabled. You will need to physically inspect the fan because it will not trigger a fault code. 

If your car was running when you discovered the problem, leave it about 30 minutes for the engine and radiator to cool down before attempting any repairs. 

How to fix the problem?

Steps to fix fail radiator cooling fan
There are six steps to do to fix fail radiator cooling fan.

If you don’t have access to 12V, check the fuses. Then, if there are any signs of damage, replace the fuses and proceed to reattach the fan. And remember to connect the wired connection.

These steps should fix the error if the radiator fan is causing the warning light. If not, the next cause should suffice. 

3. Low level of coolant 

If the engine is overheating, you may be low on coolant. In this case, you need to inspect for leaks in the radiator, hoses, or radiator cap. Fix the leak as necessary, and then open the coolant reservoir to refill it with coolant up to the full line. 

How to add/refill the coolant in a safe way.

Read more: Low coolant light: Is it dangerous? And what should I do?

4. Blown head gasket 

Mechanical forces, heat, vibration, and overheating can cause a blown head gasket. 
The head gasket seals and protects the cylinders from engine oil or coolant filtration to ensure maximum compression.

The head gasket seals and protects the cylinders from engine oil or coolant infiltration to ensure maximum compression. However, mechanical forces, heat, vibration, and overheating can cause a blown head gasket. 

Some of the signs of a blown head gasket include a strong, sweet smell from heated coolant, low level of coolant, white exhaust smoke, engine overheating, and misfiring. 

But the only way to be sure is by having a mechanic take your engine apart and perform a visual inspection.

Before replacing a blown head gasket, your mechanic will apply a head gasket sealant to the cracks. Please make sure you pick one from a good brand like Bar’s Leak. 

If the head gasket is fully damaged, it will need replacing. But this is an expensive repair, so make sure that it is worth replacing instead of repairing. 


Bar's Leak HG-1-4PK HEAD SEAL Blown Head Gasket

Bar’s Leak HG-1-4PK HEAD SEAL Blown Head Gasket

The right way to fix a blown head gasket video.

Read more: Coolant Boiling in Reservoir: The Causes and How to Fix It

5. Bad AC compressor

A problem with the AC compressor will impact the entire air conditioning system. Some of the ways to diagnose a bad AC compressor include:

  • Check for physical damage and oil leaks 
  • Check temperature fluctuations 
  • Inspect the clutch and see that it rotates freely
  • Check engine refrigerant leaks 
  • Listen for squealing and skipping noise

After verifying that you have a bad AC compressor, it should be changed. A professional mechanic is best-equipped to perform this repair.  

Read more: Car Shakes When AC Is On: Why and How to Fix It

A video about how to replace the bad AC compressor.

How much will it cost to fix the “engine hot AC off” warning light in a repair shop?

The cost of resetting this warning depends on each cause and solution. If your head gasket is severely damaged, it will be replaced for around $2000. But if you only have to change a faulty coolant sensor, it is only about $200 at the repair shop. 

Tips to prevent your car engine from overheating

Tips prevent your car from overheating
Five tips prevent your car from overheating.

1. Inspect your car periodically

A technical car inspection prioritizes the engine. Among other things, it detects oil spills and traces of different liquids. It also requires a change of engine oil, air, and pollen filters. In addition, a technician will inspect and change the antifreeze liquid if necessary. 

2.  Perform regular coolant flushes and changes

Coolant flushing involves examining the radiator, draining it, and adding new coolant. You should aim for coolant flushes every 50,000-100,000 miles for regular driving or 30,000-50,000 miles for severe driving. 

3. Recirculate of fresh air setting for the A/C system

Regular use of the air-recirculation button ensures that your AC works at an optimum level. It allows your vehicle to be as cool as possible quickly. Hence, the engine bay will be cold at the start of your journey. 

4. Pay attention to your car’s temperature gauge

It’s essential to read and understand your car’s temperature gauge. It is as straightforward as checking for an indication that the engine is hot, cold, or in a safe zone, which will help you know how to react when a certain setting comes up. 

5. Check the engine coolant level regularly 

The coolant level should always be the same unless there’s a leak. So, it’s best to discover the leak in your free time instead of on the road. You’ll need to perform the check when the engine bay is cold since the cooling system is pressurized. 


An overheating engine can spell lots of trouble. It can cause permanent damage to the engine, which will be thousands of dollars to fix. That’s why when the “Engine Hot AC Off” warning light comes up, you should not take it lightly. 

And as they say, “take care of your car, and it will take care of you”, prevention is the best way not to face an overheating engine

Read more: Why is my Dodge truck A/C switch stuck on defrost?

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