● Проблемы с запуском игры.● Повышение ФПС в меню игры.● Исправление ошибки с переключение языка.
Если не запускается игра на Win10
1. Открываем: “защитник Windows”.
2. Открываем: “Защита от вирусов и угроз”.
3. Листаем в низ, находим “защита программ-шантажистов”.
4. Открываем “Управление защиты программ-шантажистов”.
5.Далее открываем: “Разрешить работу приложения через контролируемый доступ к папкам”.
6. Нажимаем на ” + Добавление разрешенного приложения”.
7. Открываем: steamsteamappscommonCompany of Heroes 2RelicCoH2 .
Повышаем FPS в меню
Открываем SteamsteamappscommonCompany of Heroes 2CoH2Movies
** flag_british.lua
** flag_british.webm
** flag_german.lua
** flag_german.webm
** flag_soviet.lua
** flag_soviet.webm
** flag_west_german.lua
** flag_west_german.webm
** fe_intro_loop.lua
** fe_intro_loop.webm
** flag_aef.lua
** flag_aef.webm
Удаляем эти файлы.
У вас пропадет флаг на заднем фоне, но пропадут лаги в меню.
Исправление ошибки с переключением языка.
Заходите в панель управления
Далее “Язык и региональные стандарты”
Нажимаете вкладку “Языки и клавиатуры”
После чего ставите язык ввода по умолчанию на английский и проблема решается.
Больше идет как костыль. Но проблема пропадает. После изменения у вас по умолчанию будет стоять английский язык.
Игра у многих имеет достаточно проблем.
Надеюсь я помог кому-то. ツ
Company of Heroes 2 — продолжение исторической стратегии в реальном времени с изометрическим видом камеры, которая позволит поучаствовать в масштабном конфликте между Красной Армией и силами Вермахта. Игра предложит вам стать командующим одним из отрядов Красной армии, участвующей в данной войне. Вам предстоит провести свой отряд сквозь фашистские ударные войска, а также участвовать в переломных для войны моментах. Графически игра серьезно улучшена: практически настоящий снег, эффекты и частицы от взрывов и реализовано влияние ландшафта на возможности войск. Ваши отряды будут мерзнуть на морозе, а их поле зрения будет ограничено реальными преградами. Помимо интересной однопользовательской кампании, в игре реализован многопользовательский режим, в котором разные участники второй мировой сойдутся на одном поле брани. Сохранение всех тактических режимов, возможность вызвать поддержку в сетевой игре и многие другие возможности серьезно поменяли геймплей Company of Heroes 2.
Системные требования и тест ПК
- Windows Vista
- Процессор: Intel Core 2 Duo E4400
- 2 GB ОЗУ
- 30 GB HDD
- GeForce 8800 GT; Radeon HD 2900 XT Видеопамять: 512 MB
- 64bit Windows 7
- Процессор: Intel Core i5-2320
- 4 GB ОЗУ
- 30 GB HDD
- GeForce GTX 470; Radeon HD 5850 Видеопамять: 1 GB
Тест ПК
Company of Heroes 2
1 434
Company of Heroes 2
Форум Company of Heroes 2
27 декабря 2013
Люди у меня такая проблема при запуске выдает » запуск программы невозможен так как на компьютере отсутствует steam_api.dll» хотя в папке этот файл есть ((что делать не знаю уже даже пробовал в свойствах ставить «только чтение» и т.д и все равно не пашет…
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Yeah so i have 800+ hours on diz great game. I reformated my PC some time ago and ever since then it wont launch !!?! im so god damn frustrated ..been trying/looking at every post i could find about this prop — but NOTHING helped D: plz…haalp
RELICCOH2 started at 2017-05-19 15:59
OS NT 6.1 (sp1.0) x64, 6134MB Physical Memory, 3223 Physical Available, 4095 Virtual Total, 3921 Virtual Available, 6133 Page file.
WORKING-DIR [C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonCompany of Heroes 2]
USER [Thomas]
15:59:34.83 GAME — Current Steam name is [Silver | Samurai]
15:59:34.83 GAME — steam returned language ‘english’
15:59:34.86 Primary CPU is a 2668MHz [Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 920 @ 2.67GHz]
15:59:34.86 Architecture [0], Level [6], Revision [6661].
15:59:34.86 8 logical processor(s) detected.
15:59:34.86 4 physical processor(s) detected.
15:59:34.86 1 processor(s) nodes detected.
15:59:34.86 MATHBOX — Version=6, Mode=SSE
15:59:34.86 Using [C:UsersThomasDocumentsMy GamesCompany of Heroes 2] as base writable folder
15:59:34.86 Game — System temp path is [C:UsersThomasAppDataLocalTemp]
15:59:34.90 SYSTEMCONFIG — Failed to load configuration from ‘userdata:configuration_system.lua’.
Application closed with error code 1129468744
Did you change your OS to windows 10? Some players reported that they face something similar aftar windows 10 last update. On the other hand the report suggest you use windows 7 but it is still worth asking becouse it may be wrong.
Also, you can try to validate games cache via steam or reinstalling it. It solves many problems with steam games. The .lua file that fails to load may be corrupted.
Prompt it to launch in windowed mode via steam. See if that fixes the issue. If so, then a verify of the game cache will most likely fix the issue..
Thanks alot guys ! ok so i tried both Verifying and starting in windowed mode(with -lockmouse -window -nomovies) Still the same..
So..any other good ideas ? and thanks again guys. I miss playing this so much ! D: (oh and btw im using windows 7!)
There has been a couple of issues with this in COH2s history. 1st was anti virus software was not allowing COH2 to run and the second was g-sync crashing the game on start up. You can try disabling your anti virus and see if that works or disable g-sync if your monitor supports it.
@ Mongal — Thanks man i really apreciate it ! to my letdown no fix yet. I tried closing my Anti-virus — no help. And this G-sync thing your talking about..hmm..Im using an older Samsung Syncmaster P2450 so i dont think it supports g-sync.
Anyone else ?? xD
Can no one help ?! D: im getting desperate
A couple of days ago my pc didn’t want to start up coh2 bcs i said i had to start up steam, while i was literally talking with somebody on steam. Then i kept clicking on the coh2 icon and i got a bugsplat while starting up as well.
I just verified my game cache and it worked again. Did you try this yet, even though it’s a pretty basic solution? ^^
edit: nvm you did that
It could be a driver update issue. Try going back to an earlier version of your driver (video card). It helped a lot with bugs with coh2 in the past for me (i have amd).
Yeah so i have 800+ hours on diz great game. I reformated my PC some time ago and ever since then it wont launch !!?! im so god damn frustrated ..been trying/looking at every post i could find about this prop — but NOTHING helped D: plz…haalp
RELICCOH2 started at 2017-05-19 15:59
OS NT 6.1 (sp1.0) x64, 6134MB Physical Memory, 3223 Physical Available, 4095 Virtual Total, 3921 Virtual Available, 6133 Page file.
WORKING-DIR [C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonCompany of Heroes 2]
USER [Thomas]
LOCALE [DAN]15:59:34.83 GAME — Current Steam name is [Silver | Samurai]
15:59:34.83 GAME — steam returned language ‘english’
15:59:34.86 Primary CPU is a 2668MHz [Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 920 @ 2.67GHz]
15:59:34.86 Architecture [0], Level [6], Revision [6661].
15:59:34.86 8 logical processor(s) detected.
15:59:34.86 4 physical processor(s) detected.
15:59:34.86 1 processor(s) nodes detected.
15:59:34.86 MATHBOX — Version=6, Mode=SSE
15:59:34.86 Using [C:UsersThomasDocumentsMy GamesCompany of Heroes 2] as base writable folder
15:59:34.86 Game — System temp path is [C:UsersThomasAppDataLocalTemp]
15:59:34.90 SYSTEMCONFIG — Failed to load configuration from ‘userdata:configuration_system.lua’.Application closed with error code 1129468744
Thomas, did you try to run coh2 with administrator right ?
@le_saucisson_masque yeah man, i tried with administrator mode — still crashes with bugsplat report i really dont get it..
@ Hooligan how do i go back with a video driver ?? do i get it at Nvidias then i guess ? xD
So far nothing has worked..there must be someone that can help D:
Remove this folder «C:yourpcnameUnkownDocumentsMy GamesCompany of Heroes 2» and then start COH2 with administration rights.
As you can see in your error logs it fails to load «15:59:34.90 SYSTEMCONFIG — Failed to load configuration from ‘userdata:configuration_system.lua’.»
By removing the folder I just stated before it will create a new file for this.
@ Obersoldat — I did exactly what you told me 2, yet it STILL crashes with bugsplat….But thanks for the help !
The hope is dying :'(
@ Obersoldat — I did exactly what you told me 2, yet it STILL crashes with bugsplat….But thanks for the help !
The hope is dying :'(
Try with divers: You just go to http://www.nvidia.pl/Download/Find.aspx and find some older one than you already have. Try a few of them if it doesnt work.
@ Ferwiner Alright much apreciated again pal ! I´ll let you guys know, how it went.
Okok…So i tried driver version 376.33 and 372.90..and my oh my…still..that ..damn bugsplat report -_______-
I tried almost everything by the book…i dont get it..whats the damn problem ?! XD im starting to loose hope, but i will give a BIG shoutout to all of you guys who took time to help me. Your help is just amazing. Gotta say anyway good weekend to yall !
You can try to create a new configuration_user.lua file
Just open notepad and copy paste everything from the spoiler below
Now save this file as «configuration_user.lua» located at «C:UsersyourpcDocumentsMy GamesCompany of Heroes 2»
Be sure the overwrite the existing file if there is any.
@ Obersoldat followed your instructions step-by-step and still the f****** report appears…..!!!!!!!!! going slighty insane here XD
Instructions to resolve Company Of Heroes 2 Sync-Error for Proton (Tested on 5.0-10)
Instructions to resolve Company Of Heroes 2 Sync-Error for Proton (Tested on 5.0-10 and 6.3-2)
In support of this comment on Proton’s CoH2 issues thread: Company of Heroes 2 (231430) #3875
Based on original solution by @Cytomax55 in the same thread.
Edit Feb 2023: this may also work for CoH3 (the paths are different of course). I haven’t tested this for CoH 3 yet and hope either Proton / Relic will make this fix unnecessary.
See also @sfxworks’s comment.
Instructions for automatic fix with a script by TechT10n
- You may want to disable cloud-sync for CoH2 on steam as it can cause issues. Thanks @Commando-Brando
- Open your terminal, and run*:
curl https://gist.githubusercontent.com/TechT10n/79b853003f2e9841a18e8b6decd0fd3e/raw/coh2_multiplayer_fix.sh | bash
If this doesn’t work (because for example your Steam path is different from the default), you may have to copy the script from that link and alter the part where the path is specified, and then run it locally (see also this comment).
If that still doesn’t work for some reason, you can follow the manual steps below:
*Note that this runs a remote shell script directly; it is always a good idea to check the script’s contents before running it (just open the URL to the gist in a browser) to make sure it doesn’t do anything weird. I don’t have any malicious intent and I have no reason to think TechT10n has either, but it is good practice regardless.
Fallback instructions to perform the workaround manually
Note: some users have reported that reinstalling and clearing the Steam cache is unnecessary; you can try to skip step 1 to 4 and start at step 5, but your mileage may vary.
Additionally, this fix does not always seem to work; I have no clue as to why it does work for some and doesn’t for others, or why it seems to stop working sometimes even with the same system/config. It should be deterministic 🤷♂️.
You may want to disable cloud-sync for CoH2 on steam as it can cause issues. Thanks @Commando-Brando
Uninstall/delete CoH2:
- (1a) Uninstall CoH 2 on steam.
- (1b) Delete remaining files here:
rm -rf "~/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Company of Heroes 2"
- (1c) Delete compatibility data for CoH2:
rm -rf ~/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/231430/
Clear download cache in Steam -> settings -> «downloads» tab (requires Steam login afterwards;
⚠️make sure you know your Steam credentials beforehand!⚠️. -
Reinstall CoH2 on Steam.
Launch CoH 2 -> at this stage game would still give ‘Sync Error’ in multiplayer games either immediately
after loading the map or when first enemy is encountered with proton 5.0-10, 5.13-6, 6.3-6, experimental,
6.14-GE-2. -
Download vc_redist.x64.exe
at ✅https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=48145
from the microsoft website.
Note that
another link, namely ❌https://aka.ms/vs/16/release/vc_redist.x64.exe
did NOT WORK, as it was
missing the
required DLL at the time this report was submitted. -
make separate directory to extract
to. E.g.mkdir /tmp/vcredist && cp /PATH/TO/DOWNLOAD/vc_redist.x64.exe /tmp/vcredist/vc_redist.x64.exe
. -
cd to the download directory and extract
to the directory you
chose as such:cabextract vc_redist.x64.exe -d /tmp/vcredist
. If this did not result inucrtbase.dll
being extracted, use cabextract again to extracta10
specifically. -
Copy or move ONLY
(cp /tmp/vcredist/ucrtbase.dll ~/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/231430/pfx/drive_c/windows/system32/
. May require sudo privileges. -
Launch Company of Heroes 2 in Steam using Proton 5.0-10. I have only played 1 match, but given that the
sync-error would occur immediately or on the first enemy sighting before, I suspect this resolved the
sync-error issue. Not yet tested on 6.3-2.
Another note: tested on Steam native client, Manjaro w/ kernel 5.10.59