Code net apex legends ошибка

Apex Legends — это популярная игра в жанре боевого королевского шутера, который был разработан и выпущен компанией Respawn Entertainment. Однако игроки могут столкнуться с некоторыми проблемами, такими как ошибка Code net, которая мешает им играть и наслаждаться игрой.

Ошибка Code net появляется при попытке подключиться к серверу игры или во время игры. Она может быть вызвана недостаточной скоростью интернет-соединения, плохой связью с сервером, проблемами с оборудованием или программным обеспечением и др.

Необходимо понимать, что ошибка Code net может нарушить ваш игровой процесс и привести к потере прогресса. Поэтому в этой статье мы рассмотрим возможные причины ошибки Code net в Apex Legends и предложим некоторые способы её исправления, чтобы обеспечить бесперебойную игру.


  1. Code net в Apex Legends: причины и исправление
  2. Что такое Code net в Apex Legends?
  3. Причины возникновения Code net ошибки в Apex Legends
  4. Как исправить Code net в Apex Legends?
  5. Важные моменты при исправлении Code net ошибки в Apex Legends
  6. Вопрос-ответ
  7. Что такое Code net и почему она возникает в Apex Legends?
  8. Как я могу исправить ошибку Code net в Apex Legends?
  9. Могу ли я заполучить Code net, если моя сеть отлично работает?
  10. Будут ли последствия, если я получу ошибку Code net в середине матча?
  11. Как можно снизить частоту возникновения ошибки Code net?
  12. Может ли компания-разработчик исправить Code net в Apex Legends?

Ошибка Code net в Apex Legends возникает во время игры и приводит к тому, что игроки выкидываются из матчей или не могут подключиться к ним вообще. Проблема эта достаточно распространенная и может возникнуть по нескольким причинам.

  • Проблемы с интернет-соединением: если у вас нестабильное соединение с интернетом или слабый сигнал Wi-Fi, то Code net может возникнуть из-за пропадания связи с сервером игры;
  • Проблемы сервера: иногда ошибку может вызывать неисправность сервера Apex Legends, что связано с высокой нагрузкой на сервера или ремонтом. В таком случае остается ждать, когда проблема будет исправлена разработчиками;
  • Проблемы с компьютером: если у вас слабый компьютер или установлена устаревшая версия Windows, то вероятность возникновения ошибки Code net увеличивается;
  • Проблемы с игрой: неисправности в Apex Legends или некорректная установка игры также могут вызвать ошибку Code net.

Чтобы исправить ошибку Code net, можно попробовать несколько вариантов:

  1. Перезагрузить игру: попробуйте закрыть игру и запустить ее заново. Возможно, проблема была вызвана маленькой ошибкой в соединении;
  2. Перезапустить компьютер и модем: если у вас проблемы с интернет-соединением, то иногда перезагрузка компьютера и модема может помочь устранить их;
  3. Обновить драйвера: если проблема вызвана неисправными драйверами, то обновите их через менеджер устройств;
  4. Переустановить игру: если все остальные методы не помогли, то попробуйте переустановить игру заново.

Если ни один из этих способов не помог, то возможно, проблема связана с серверами Apex Legends. В таком случае остается ожидать, пока разработчики решат проблему сами.

Code net в Apex Legends – это ошибка, которая появляется во время игры. Она свидетельствует о том, что сервер игры недоступен или произошла потеря соединения с сервером. Эта ошибка может возникнуть в любой момент игры, что создаёт неприятности и разочарование у любителей этой игры.

Чаще всего, причиной возникновения ошибки Code net является низкая скорость соединения с интернетом, а также слишком большая нагрузка на сервер игры. Кроме того, ошибка может вызваться проблемами среди игроков, которые используют программного обеспечения для изменения игровых параметров или нарушения других правил игры.

Игроки, столкнувшиеся с ошибкой Code net, могут испытывать несколько упадка качества игры, так как они не могут играть с другими игроками на серверах или узнать свои последние достижения в игре. Иногда, ошибка Code net может привести к потере игрового процесса и началу игры сначала.

В случаях, когда игрок сталкивается с ошибкой Code net, первым шагом для решения проблемы становится перезагрузка игры или перезапуск компьютера. Если это не помогает, необходимо проверить соединение с интернетом и убедиться, что маршрутизатор и другое оборудование работают правильно. Если проблема сохраняется, следует обратиться в службу поддержки игры, которая поможет вам решить проблему.

Причины возникновения Code net ошибки в Apex Legends

Code net — одна из наиболее распространенных ошибок, с которой сталкиваются игроки в Apex Legends. Данная ошибка появляется по многим причинам и может произойти как на стороне пользователя, так и на стороне сервера.

  • Проблемы с сервером. Одной из основных причин возникновения Code net являются проблемы с сервером. Это может быть вызвано неполадками в сети или перегруженностью серверов. В таком случае игроку остается только ждать, пока разработчики устранят проблему.
  • Неполадки в сети. Нередко ошибка Code net связана с проблемами в сети. Это может быть связано с обрывами связи или недостаточной скоростью соединения. В этом случае рекомендуется проверить соединение с интернетом и перезагрузить роутер.
  • Приложение в конфликте с другими программами. Иногда проблема связана с конфликтом программ на компьютере. В таком случае необходимо закрыть все приложения, которые могут влиять на работу игры, и перезапустить её.
  • Неполадки в системе. Если на компьютере есть неработающие драйвера или другие неполадки в системе, то это может привести к ошибке Code net. В таком случае необходимо обновить драйвера или проверить систему на наличие ошибок.

В целом, ошибка Code net может появиться из-за множества причин. Если игрок столкнулся с этой ошибкой, то рекомендуется перезапустить игру, проверить соединение с интернетом и драйверы. Если проблема сохраняется, то можно обратиться в службу поддержки Apex Legends

Code net – одна из частых ошибок, которую игроки могут столкнуться в Apex Legends. Она указывает на проблему соединения с сервером и может происходить по разным причинам, таким как проблемы с интернет-соединением, ошибки серверов, проблемы с установкой обновлений и т.д.

Существует несколько способов, которые могут помочь исправить ошибку Code net в Apex Legends:

  • Перезагрузите игру и компьютер. Начните с простой проверки, перезагрузив игру и компьютер. Этот быстрый метод может помочь отключить любые проблемы, которые могут возникнуть.
  • Проверьте интернет-соединение. Если у вас проблемы с интернет-соединением, то игра не сможет подключиться к серверам и вы найдете ошибку Code net. Убедитесь, что вы подключены к стабильному и надежному сетевому соединению.
  • Проверьте наличие обновлений. Если вам необходимо обновить игру или систему, чтобы устранить возможные ошибки.
  • Свяжитесь с поддержкой. Если никакой из вышеперечисленных методов не помогает, то свяжитесь с поддержкой Apex Legends. Они могут предоставить специфические рекомендации для исправления ошибки.

Если вы продолжаете сталкиваться с ошибкой Code net в Apex Legends, не расстраивайтесь. Следуйте этим советам, чтобы исправить проблему и снова играть в свое удовольствие.

Важные моменты при исправлении Code net ошибки в Apex Legends

Code net ошибка в Apex Legends может произойти по разным причинам, но наиболее часто это связано с проблемами с интернет-подключением. Ее исправление требует определенных знаний и умений, но важно помнить несколько важных моментов, чтобы избежать дополнительных ошибок:

  • Перезапустите игру и ПК: Простейший способ исправления ошибки Code net — перезагрузить игру и ПК. Это поможет обновить все системные файлы и устранить возможные блокировки.
  • Проверьте подключение к Интернету: Плохое Интернет-подключение — одна из основных причин ошибки Code net в Apex Legends. Проверьте скорость вашего подключения и убедитесь, что она соответствует системным требованиям. Помните, что для онлайн-игр требуется стабильное и быстрое подключение в интернету.
  • Обновите драйвера: Программное обеспечение драйвера — это своего рода «мост» между вашей операционной системой и устройством. Убедитесь, что все драйвера, связанные с вашим устройством, находятся в последней версии. Это поможет избежать возможных проблем, возникающих из-за устаревших драйверов.
  • Удалите сторонние программы: Наличие сторонних программ может привести к ошибке Code net в Apex Legends. Удалите любые программы, которые могут привести в конфликт с игрой, и перезагрузите ПК.

Это важные моменты, которые нужно учитывать при исправлении Code net ошибки в Apex Legends. Помните, что проблемы в компьютерной системе могут привести к сбоям при работе игр, поэтому следите за состоянием своего ПК и проводите регулярную его проверку на наличие ошибок и вирусов.


Что такое Code net и почему она возникает в Apex Legends?

Code net — это ошибка, которая возникает из-за потери связи между клиентом и сервером во время игры в Apex Legends. Это происходит, когда игроклиент не может связаться с сервером из-за проблем со сетью, ошибок на стороне сервера или задержек при отправке данных обратно и вперед. Ошибка Code net может привести к крашам игры или потере прогресса, если она наступает в середине матча.

Как я могу исправить ошибку Code net в Apex Legends?

Существует несколько способов исправить ошибку Code net в Apex Legends. Первым шагом является проверка своего подключения к интернету. Если интернет-соединение ненадежно, это может быть причиной ошибки Code net. Вторым шагом является проверка наличия обновлений для игры, которые могут исправить проблему. В некоторых случаях, если проблема продолжается, игрок может попробовать повторно загрузить игру или перезапустить свое оборудование.

Могу ли я заполучить Code net, если моя сеть отлично работает?

Да, вы все еще можете получить ошибку Code net, даже если ваша сеть работает без проблем. Это может быть вызвано ошибками на стороне сервера во время игры или проблемами с вашим компьютером, такими как утечка памяти или ненадежный диск.

Будут ли последствия, если я получу ошибку Code net в середине матча?

Да, если вы получите ошибку Code net в середине матча, это может привести к потере прогресса или рейтинга. Кроме того, вас могут временно заблокировать от игры, если вы часто получаете эту ошибку. Поэтому, важно иметь надежное соединение и использовать надежное оборудование.

Как можно снизить частоту возникновения ошибки Code net?

Существует несколько способов, чтобы снизить вероятность возникновения ошибки Code net. Во-первых, убедитесь, что ваш компьютер соответствует минимальным требованиям для запуска игры. Во-вторых, используйте надежное соединение с высокой скоростью передачи данных. В-третьих, закройте программы, которые могут занимать большую часть вашей сетевой пропускной способности. Наконец, регулярно проверяйте игру на наличие обновлений и установляйте их, чтобы исправить проблемы, которые могут вызвать ошибку.

Может ли компания-разработчик исправить Code net в Apex Legends?

Да, разработчики могут исправить ошибку Code net в Apex Legends, вы выпуская обновления для игры и исправляя проблемы на стороне сервера. Однако, ошибки могут возникать в любой игре, т.к. она использует интернет-сеть и серверы для подключения игроков. Поэтому, очень важно иметь надежное соединение и удовлетворять системным требованиям игры, чтобы снизить вероятность возникновения ошибки на своей стороне.

Are you getting annoyed by the code net error on Apex Legends?

Ever since season eight of Apex Legends started, many players have been experiencing the code net error on their respective devices. Based on the reports, the error randomly occurs in the game or even in the lobby. 

This can be a problem as you can get disconnected from your game multiple times, affecting your rank and progress.

What makes this error message hard to deal with is that it’s a general error code and doesn’t point out a specific issue. This means that the problem could be coming from your device, installation files, and network connection. It can also be due to issues on Apex Legends’ servers. 

Since you don’t know where the issue is coming from, troubleshooting the code net error on Apex Legends can be confusing.

Luckily, you’ve come to the right place. 

Today, we’ve decided to make a guide for fixing the code net error on Apex Legends. 

One of the first things you should do when you encounter the code net error on Apex Legends is checking the status of the servers. This will make it easier for you to identify where the problem is coming from. 

You can visit Apex Legends’ Help Center, where they give real-time updates of the game’s status.

code net error on Apex Legends

If there’s an issue with Apex Legends’ servers, there is nothing you can do on your end to fix the error. Wait for their team to address the problem or play other games in the meantime. 

On the other hand, you can head to the following method if there’s nothing wrong with the servers. 

2. Restart Your Device. 

Your device may have run into temporary errors while in use that caused Apex Legends to disconnect with the servers. To fix this, reboot your system to reload its resources and eliminate any errors that may have occurred. 

For Windows users, see the steps below to reboot your device: 

  1. First, access the Start Menu from your Taskbar
  2. Next, click on the Power Options tab. 
  3. Lastly, select Restart to reboot your system. 

Restart your PC

If you are using a Playstation, follow the guide below to restart your console: 

  1. On your controller, press and hold the PS button to access the Quick Menu
  2. After that, go to the Power tab. 
  3. Finally, choose Restart PS4 / PS5 to reboot your console. 
Restart PS4

Once done, go back to Apex Legends and observe if you’ll still get the code net error. 

3. Check Your Network Connection. 

Slow or unstable internet could also be the reason for the code net error on Apex Legends. Since you are playing an online game, your network should be working correctly to avoid getting disconnected from the servers. 

To check if your network is the problem, run a test using to measure its current speed. 

Test Network Connection

If the result shows that your connection is the culprit, unplug your modem from the outlet and wait for a few seconds before reconnecting it. This should refresh the link between your router and your ISP’s servers. 

Restart Modem or Router

Once done, perform another test to confirm if the restart worked. If not, report the issue to your internet provider and ask them to fix their service. 

4. Disable Third-Party Antivirus. 

If you’re running a third-party antivirus on your system, we suggest turning it off before using Apex Legends. While antivirus tools are great for keeping your system safe, they can also get too protective and block legitimate applications. 

This will prevent Apex Legends from accessing your storage and network, causing the game to crash or fail. 

You can disable your protection temporarily or include Apex Legends to your safe list or allow list if your antivirus has that feature. 

Windows Defender Firewall is a security feature of Windows that controls the access of applications to the internet. If Apex Legends is not allowed through your firewall, it can run into connectivity issues, explaining the code net error. 

To fix this, see the steps below to allow Apex Legends through your firewall: 

  1. First, open Windows Settings on your computer. 
  2. After that, go to Update & Security and click on Windows Security
  3. Now, access the Firewall & Network Protection tab and click on Allow an App Through Firewall
  4. Lastly, ensure that Apex Legends is allowed to access your Public and Private Networks
code net error on Apex Legends

Go back to the game afterward and see if you still encounter the code net error on Apex Legends. 

If you still experience the code net error on Apex Legends, you can try reinstalling the game on your device. This should fix any missing or corrupted installation files from your system and ensure that you’re running the latest version of the game. 

For Windows users, see the steps below to reinstall Apex Legends: 

  1. On your computer, access the Control Panel and click on Uninstall a Program.
  2. Next, locate Apex Legends from the list. 
  3. After that, right-click on the game and choose Uninstall
  4. Finally, go to their website and reinstall the game from there. 
code net error on Apex Legends

If you are using a Playstation console, here’s how you can reinstall Apex Legends: 

  1. First, go to your main screen and highlight Apex Legends
  2. After that, press the Options button on your controller and choose Delete
  3. Lastly, go to the Playstation Store and reinstall the game. 

code net error on Apex Legends

Once done, go back to your account, start a match, and check if the code net error still occurs on Apex Legends. 

At this point, the only thing left to do is report the problem to Apex Legends’ team. 

While EA has acknowledged this issue on their platform several times, we still suggest reporting it to avoid getting penalized, especially if you got disconnected during a game.

code net error on Apex Legends

Provide all the necessary details that can help speed up the process, including your account information, your match ID if applicable, and the screenshot of the error message. 

That ends our guide for fixing the code net error on Apex Legends. For your questions and other concerns, please leave a comment below, and we’ll do our best to help. 

If this guide helped you, please share it. 🙂

  • John Sixto

    John is a staff writer at Saint and comes from a SAP ABAP development background. He has a Bachelors in IT and has been writing since 2018, with over 500 posts published. He loves to build PCs and has a deep curiosity in understanding how different components and configurations work. John spends hundreds of hours at a time, researching and testing the software and apps, before he proceeds to write about it. LinkedIn

Are you getting annoyed by the code net error on Apex Legends?

Ever since season eight of Apex Legends started, many players have been experiencing the code net error on their respective devices. Based on the reports, the error randomly occurs in the game or even in the lobby. 

This can be a problem as you can get disconnected from your game multiple times, affecting your rank and progress.

What makes this error message hard to deal with is that it’s a general error code and doesn’t point out a specific issue. This means that the problem could be coming from your device, installation files, and network connection. It can also be due to issues on Apex Legends’ servers. 

Since you don’t know where the issue is coming from, troubleshooting the code net error on Apex Legends can be confusing.

Luckily, you’ve come to the right place. 

Today, we’ve decided to make a guide for fixing the code net error on Apex Legends. 

One of the first things you should do when you encounter the code net error on Apex Legends is checking the status of the servers. This will make it easier for you to identify where the problem is coming from. 

You can visit Apex Legends’ Help Center, where they give real-time updates of the game’s status.

code net error on Apex Legends

If there’s an issue with Apex Legends’ servers, there is nothing you can do on your end to fix the error. Wait for their team to address the problem or play other games in the meantime. 

On the other hand, you can head to the following method if there’s nothing wrong with the servers. 

2. Restart Your Device. 

Your device may have run into temporary errors while in use that caused Apex Legends to disconnect with the servers. To fix this, reboot your system to reload its resources and eliminate any errors that may have occurred. 

For Windows users, see the steps below to reboot your device: 

  1. First, access the Start Menu from your Taskbar
  2. Next, click on the Power Options tab. 
  3. Lastly, select Restart to reboot your system. 

Restart your PC

If you are using a Playstation, follow the guide below to restart your console: 

  1. On your controller, press and hold the PS button to access the Quick Menu
  2. After that, go to the Power tab. 
  3. Finally, choose Restart PS4 / PS5 to reboot your console. 

Restart PS4


Once done, go back to Apex Legends and observe if you’ll still get the code net error. 

3. Check Your Network Connection. 

Slow or unstable internet could also be the reason for the code net error on Apex Legends. Since you are playing an online game, your network should be working correctly to avoid getting disconnected from the servers. 

To check if your network is the problem, run a test using to measure its current speed. 

Test Network Connection

If the result shows that your connection is the culprit, unplug your modem from the outlet and wait for a few seconds before reconnecting it. This should refresh the link between your router and your ISP’s servers. 

Restart Modem or Router

Once done, perform another test to confirm if the restart worked. If not, report the issue to your internet provider and ask them to fix their service. 

4. Disable Third-Party Antivirus. 

If you’re running a third-party antivirus on your system, we suggest turning it off before using Apex Legends. While antivirus tools are great for keeping your system safe, they can also get too protective and block legitimate applications. 

This will prevent Apex Legends from accessing your storage and network, causing the game to crash or fail. 

You can disable your protection temporarily or include Apex Legends to your safe list or allow list if your antivirus has that feature. 

Windows Defender Firewall is a security feature of Windows that controls the access of applications to the internet. If Apex Legends is not allowed through your firewall, it can run into connectivity issues, explaining the code net error. 

To fix this, see the steps below to allow Apex Legends through your firewall: 

  1. First, open Windows Settings on your computer. 
  2. After that, go to Update & Security and click on Windows Security
  3. Now, access the Firewall & Network Protection tab and click on Allow an App Through Firewall
  4. Lastly, ensure that Apex Legends is allowed to access your Public and Private Networks

code net error on Apex Legends

Go back to the game afterward and see if you still encounter the code net error on Apex Legends. 

If you still experience the code net error on Apex Legends, you can try reinstalling the game on your device. This should fix any missing or corrupted installation files from your system and ensure that you’re running the latest version of the game. 

For Windows users, see the steps below to reinstall Apex Legends: 

  1. On your computer, access the Control Panel and click on Uninstall a Program.
  2. Next, locate Apex Legends from the list. 
  3. After that, right-click on the game and choose Uninstall
  4. Finally, go to their website and reinstall the game from there. 

code net error on Apex Legends

If you are using a Playstation console, here’s how you can reinstall Apex Legends: 

  1. First, go to your main screen and highlight Apex Legends
  2. After that, press the Options button on your controller and choose Delete
  3. Lastly, go to the Playstation Store and reinstall the game. 

code net error on Apex Legends

Once done, go back to your account, start a match, and check if the code net error still occurs on Apex Legends. 

At this point, the only thing left to do is report the problem to Apex Legends’ team. 

While EA has acknowledged this issue on their platform several times, we still suggest reporting it to avoid getting penalized, especially if you got disconnected during a game.

code net error on Apex Legends

Provide all the necessary details that can help speed up the process, including your account information, your match ID if applicable, and the screenshot of the error message. 

That ends our guide for fixing the code net error on Apex Legends. For your questions and other concerns, please leave a comment below, and we’ll do our best to help. 

If this guide helped you, please share it. 🙂

Product: Apex Legends
Platform:Sony Playstation 4
Please specify your platform model. Sony PlayStation 4
What is your gamertag/PSN ID/EA Account name? RVNGE-SHAQ
Please provide your squad mates’ gamertag/PSN ID/EA Account name if possible.
Are you using any software with an overlay? No
Which Legend were you playing (if applicable)?
Which Legends were your squad mates using (if applicable)?
Where did the issue occur? In the lobby (waiting area before the match)
Which part of the map or menu were you in? If you don’t remember the exact name, please describe the area or what you were trying to do in the menu. Firing range
What were you doing when the issue occurred? E.g. respawning a squad mate at a beacon, using an ability, a squad mate left the game. Firing range
Did your squad mates also experience the issue? No
How many matches had you played in a row before the issue occurred? 35
When did this happen? ( hh:mm) 26/01/2021
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
How severe is your issue? Major impacts to gameplay
What happens when the bug occurs? I cannot play the game at all
What should be happening instead? Playing the game
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? I’m not sure

Hello I frequently play apex but yesterday while in the firing range I got the code net error message which then kicked me out. Ever since then I cannot load into the game, I’ve been stuck on the screen in which you change servers. I’ve tried every trouble shoot while also contacting EA and nothing has happened. A representative told me I would have to just wait till it’s gone. I appreciated his time for trying to help me but I just don’t understand how no one can provide a better understanding as to why this is happening. I’ve invested a lot of money and time and this is just frustrating for the fact that I had to experience a similar issue back in season 3 when level 500 players were prevented from playing. Can someone at EA please help me , all I want to do is play my favorite game ?



Product: Apex Legends
Platform:Sony Playstation 4
Please specify your platform model. Sony PlayStation 4
What is your gamertag/PSN ID/EA Account name? RVNGE-SHAQ
Please provide your squad mates’ gamertag/PSN ID/EA Account name if possible.
Are you using any software with an overlay? No
Which Legend were you playing (if applicable)?
Which Legends were your squad mates using (if applicable)?
Where did the issue occur? In the lobby (waiting area before the match)
Which part of the map or menu were you in? If you don’t remember the exact name, please describe the area or what you were trying to do in the menu. Firing range
What were you doing when the issue occurred? E.g. respawning a squad mate at a beacon, using an ability, a squad mate left the game. Firing range
Did your squad mates also experience the issue? No
How many matches had you played in a row before the issue occurred? 35
When did this happen? ( hh:mm) 26/01/2021
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
How severe is your issue? Major impacts to gameplay
What happens when the bug occurs? I cannot play the game at all
What should be happening instead? Playing the game
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? I’m not sure

Hello I frequently play apex but yesterday while in the firing range I got the code net error message which then kicked me out. Ever since then I cannot load into the game, I’ve been stuck on the screen in which you change servers. I’ve tried every trouble shoot while also contacting EA and nothing has happened. A representative told me I would have to just wait till it’s gone. I appreciated his time for trying to help me but I just don’t understand how no one can provide a better understanding as to why this is happening. I’ve invested a lot of money and time and this is just frustrating for the fact that I had to experience a similar issue back in season 3 when level 500 players were prevented from playing. Can someone at EA please help me , all I want to do is play my favorite game ?



Apex Legends connection to server timed out (code net) fix – Getting the code:net error on Apex Legends continuously? Is there a fix? Let’s find out.

What is Error code net in Apex Legends

It is a connection based problem that has recently taken over Apex Legends. This issue was always there in the game, but it wasn’t so prominent. Now after The Old Ways event update, the error is showing up for more and more people.

This bug or error mainly shows up when a player is at the character selection menu. Just when a player is about to select his/her character, his/her game would suddenly freeze, and they would end up getting kicked from the match.

The error says : Connection to server timed out (code:net). See for additional information.

John is a staff writer at Saint and comes from a SAP ABAP development background. He has a Bachelors in IT and has been writing since 2018, with over 500 posts published. He loves to build PCs and has a deep curiosity in understanding how different components and configurations work. John spends hundreds of hours at a time, researching and testing the software and apps, before he proceeds to write about it. LinkedIn

Are you getting annoyed by the code net error on Apex Legends?

Ever since season eight of Apex Legends started, many players have been experiencing the code net error on their respective devices. Based on the reports, the error randomly occurs in the game or even in the lobby. 

This can be a problem as you can get disconnected from your game multiple times, affecting your rank and progress.

What makes this error message hard to deal with is that it’s a general error code and doesn’t point out a specific issue. This means that the problem could be coming from your device, installation files, and network connection. It can also be due to issues on Apex Legends’ servers. 

Since you don’t know where the issue is coming from, troubleshooting the code net error on Apex Legends can be confusing.

Luckily, you’ve come to the right place. 

Today, we’ve decided to make a guide for fixing the code net error on Apex Legends. 

One of the first things you should do when you encounter the code net error on Apex Legends is checking the status of the servers. This will make it easier for you to identify where the problem is coming from. 

You can visit Apex Legends’ Help Center, where they give real-time updates of the game’s status.

code net error on Apex Legends

If there’s an issue with Apex Legends’ servers, there is nothing you can do on your end to fix the error. Wait for their team to address the problem or play other games in the meantime. 

On the other hand, you can head to the following method if there’s nothing wrong with the servers. 

2. Restart Your Device. 

Your device may have run into temporary errors while in use that caused Apex Legends to disconnect with the servers. To fix this, reboot your system to reload its resources and eliminate any errors that may have occurred. 

For Windows users, see the steps below to reboot your device: 

  1. First, access the Start Menu from your Taskbar
  2. Next, click on the Power Options tab. 
  3. Lastly, select Restart to reboot your system. 

Restart your PC

If you are using a Playstation, follow the guide below to restart your console: 

  1. On your controller, press and hold the PS button to access the Quick Menu
  2. After that, go to the Power tab. 
  3. Finally, choose Restart PS4 / PS5 to reboot your console. 

Restart PS4


Once done, go back to Apex Legends and observe if you’ll still get the code net error. 

3. Check Your Network Connection. 

Slow or unstable internet could also be the reason for the code net error on Apex Legends. Since you are playing an online game, your network should be working correctly to avoid getting disconnected from the servers. 

To check if your network is the problem, run a test using to measure its current speed. 

Test Network Connection

If the result shows that your connection is the culprit, unplug your modem from the outlet and wait for a few seconds before reconnecting it. This should refresh the link between your router and your ISP’s servers. 

Restart Modem or Router

Once done, perform another test to confirm if the restart worked. If not, report the issue to your internet provider and ask them to fix their service. 

4. Disable Third-Party Antivirus. 

If you’re running a third-party antivirus on your system, we suggest turning it off before using Apex Legends. While antivirus tools are great for keeping your system safe, they can also get too protective and block legitimate applications. 

This will prevent Apex Legends from accessing your storage and network, causing the game to crash or fail. 

You can disable your protection temporarily or include Apex Legends to your safe list or allow list if your antivirus has that feature. 

Windows Defender Firewall is a security feature of Windows that controls the access of applications to the internet. If Apex Legends is not allowed through your firewall, it can run into connectivity issues, explaining the code net error. 

To fix this, see the steps below to allow Apex Legends through your firewall: 

  1. First, open Windows Settings on your computer. 
  2. After that, go to Update & Security and click on Windows Security
  3. Now, access the Firewall & Network Protection tab and click on Allow an App Through Firewall
  4. Lastly, ensure that Apex Legends is allowed to access your Public and Private Networks

code net error on Apex Legends

Go back to the game afterward and see if you still encounter the code net error on Apex Legends. 

If you still experience the code net error on Apex Legends, you can try reinstalling the game on your device. This should fix any missing or corrupted installation files from your system and ensure that you’re running the latest version of the game. 

For Windows users, see the steps below to reinstall Apex Legends: 

  1. On your computer, access the Control Panel and click on Uninstall a Program.
  2. Next, locate Apex Legends from the list. 
  3. After that, right-click on the game and choose Uninstall
  4. Finally, go to their website and reinstall the game from there. 

code net error on Apex Legends

If you are using a Playstation console, here’s how you can reinstall Apex Legends: 

  1. First, go to your main screen and highlight Apex Legends
  2. After that, press the Options button on your controller and choose Delete
  3. Lastly, go to the Playstation Store and reinstall the game. 

code net error on Apex Legends

Once done, go back to your account, start a match, and check if the code net error still occurs on Apex Legends. 

At this point, the only thing left to do is report the problem to Apex Legends’ team. 

While EA has acknowledged this issue on their platform several times, we still suggest reporting it to avoid getting penalized, especially if you got disconnected during a game.

code net error on Apex Legends

Provide all the necessary details that can help speed up the process, including your account information, your match ID if applicable, and the screenshot of the error message. 

That ends our guide for fixing the code net error on Apex Legends. For your questions and other concerns, please leave a comment below, and we’ll do our best to help. 

If this guide helped you, please share it. 🙂

Product: Apex Legends
Platform:Sony Playstation 4
Please specify your platform model. Sony PlayStation 4
What is your gamertag/PSN ID/EA Account name? RVNGE-SHAQ
Please provide your squad mates’ gamertag/PSN ID/EA Account name if possible.
Are you using any software with an overlay? No
Which Legend were you playing (if applicable)?
Which Legends were your squad mates using (if applicable)?
Where did the issue occur? In the lobby (waiting area before the match)
Which part of the map or menu were you in? If you don’t remember the exact name, please describe the area or what you were trying to do in the menu. Firing range
What were you doing when the issue occurred? E.g. respawning a squad mate at a beacon, using an ability, a squad mate left the game. Firing range
Did your squad mates also experience the issue? No
How many matches had you played in a row before the issue occurred? 35
When did this happen? ( hh:mm) 26/01/2021
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
How severe is your issue? Major impacts to gameplay
What happens when the bug occurs? I cannot play the game at all
What should be happening instead? Playing the game
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? I’m not sure

Hello I frequently play apex but yesterday while in the firing range I got the code net error message which then kicked me out. Ever since then I cannot load into the game, I’ve been stuck on the screen in which you change servers. I’ve tried every trouble shoot while also contacting EA and nothing has happened. A representative told me I would have to just wait till it’s gone. I appreciated his time for trying to help me but I just don’t understand how no one can provide a better understanding as to why this is happening. I’ve invested a lot of money and time and this is just frustrating for the fact that I had to experience a similar issue back in season 3 when level 500 players were prevented from playing. Can someone at EA please help me , all I want to do is play my favorite game ?



Product: Apex Legends
Platform:Sony Playstation 4
Please specify your platform model. Sony PlayStation 4
What is your gamertag/PSN ID/EA Account name? RVNGE-SHAQ
Please provide your squad mates’ gamertag/PSN ID/EA Account name if possible.
Are you using any software with an overlay? No
Which Legend were you playing (if applicable)?
Which Legends were your squad mates using (if applicable)?
Where did the issue occur? In the lobby (waiting area before the match)
Which part of the map or menu were you in? If you don’t remember the exact name, please describe the area or what you were trying to do in the menu. Firing range
What were you doing when the issue occurred? E.g. respawning a squad mate at a beacon, using an ability, a squad mate left the game. Firing range
Did your squad mates also experience the issue? No
How many matches had you played in a row before the issue occurred? 35
When did this happen? ( hh:mm) 26/01/2021
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
How severe is your issue? Major impacts to gameplay
What happens when the bug occurs? I cannot play the game at all
What should be happening instead? Playing the game
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? I’m not sure

Hello I frequently play apex but yesterday while in the firing range I got the code net error message which then kicked me out. Ever since then I cannot load into the game, I’ve been stuck on the screen in which you change servers. I’ve tried every trouble shoot while also contacting EA and nothing has happened. A representative told me I would have to just wait till it’s gone. I appreciated his time for trying to help me but I just don’t understand how no one can provide a better understanding as to why this is happening. I’ve invested a lot of money and time and this is just frustrating for the fact that I had to experience a similar issue back in season 3 when level 500 players were prevented from playing. Can someone at EA please help me , all I want to do is play my favorite game ?



Apex Legends connection to server timed out (code net) fix – Getting the code:net error on Apex Legends continuously? Is there a fix? Let’s find out.

What is Error code net in Apex Legends

It is a connection based problem that has recently taken over Apex Legends. This issue was always there in the game, but it wasn’t so prominent. Now after The Old Ways event update, the error is showing up for more and more people.

This bug or error mainly shows up when a player is at the character selection menu. Just when a player is about to select his/her character, his/her game would suddenly freeze, and they would end up getting kicked from the match.

The error says : Connection to server timed out (code:net). See for additional information.

This funny thing is the link that is provided in the message tells us nothing about fixing the problem. It just shows some basic troubleshooting steps that don’t do much.

How to fix this error

Now, you have to realize that it is very hard to say what problem is causing this error to take place. It can be because of the servers, or it can be due to a poor internet connection.

In order to make sure that it is not happening due to the servers just check the server status of Apex Legends. Just visit downdetector, and you will get all the information about the servers.

But if the problem is from your side then there are plenty of things you can do. I personally encounter this error at least 3-4 times a day and here is what you should do:

  1. Check whether you are getting packet loss on the server you are playing. Change server if you are experiencing loss
  2. Just restart Origin once. Make sure you close the launcher from the Task Manager because just hitting the cross button on Origin just minimizes it
  3. Restart your Router once
  4. Do a quick speedtest and make sure that your connection is fine and your ping is not too high
  5. Check whether you are getting any “request timed out”
  6. To do that just press Windows + R keys on your keyboard
  7. Type ping -t
  8. Press enter

If you get “request timed out” during the test then you should contact your ISP (Internet Service Provider) and ask them to fix your connection.

If you think this guide had helped you then let us know in the comment section below. Also, if you are facing problems that are not mentioned on this article then also you can comment below. We will try to come out with a fix. Good luck!

That’s all folks!

Last Updated on February 2, 2021


Shoaib, 30, is a simple guy who loves to play video games, and enjoys new cuisines sporadically. He has been gaming since he was 7 years old, and with an experience of 22 years, under his belt, there is not a single AAA game in this world, that he hasn’t played. Despite being a MBA Graduate he decided to follow his passion. And because of his love for gaming, Frondtech came into existence.

New updates are being added at the bottom of this story…….

Original story (published on September 2, 2019) follows:

Apex Legends Season 2 was released on July 2, and it brought in some significant updates to the game including new legend Wattson. However, after the Season 2 update, an error named “Code: leaf” and “Code: net” started plaguing the game.

This error was so annoying that those who experienced it were not able to play the game properly. Apex Legends Community Manager, EA_David has defined the Code: leaf error and Code: net error in the following manner.


code: leaf – the server never answered us when we asked it if we could connect
code: net – we were on a server, and it disappeared on us and stopped answering


Shoaib, 30, is a simple guy who loves to play video games, and enjoys new cuisines sporadically. He has been gaming since he was 7 years old, and with an experience of 22 years, under his belt, there is not a single AAA game in this world, that he hasn’t played. Despite being a MBA Graduate he decided to follow his passion. And because of his love for gaming, Frondtech came into existence.

New updates are being added at the bottom of this story…….

Original story (published on September 2, 2019) follows:

Apex Legends Season 2 was released on July 2, and it brought in some significant updates to the game including new legend Wattson. However, after the Season 2 update, an error named “Code: leaf” and “Code: net” started plaguing the game.

This error was so annoying that those who experienced it were not able to play the game properly. Apex Legends Community Manager, EA_David has defined the Code: leaf error and Code: net error in the following manner.


code: leaf – the server never answered us when we asked it if we could connect
code: net – we were on a server, and it disappeared on us and stopped answering


Over the last two months, reports regarding code leaf and code net errors have kept proliferating on social platforms including Reddit and Twitter. The developers of Apex legends were aware of the issue and acknowledged this issue several times. On July 26, Respawn developer Jason Garza responded over the matter and stated the following:

“Started to get better telemetry that we believe will help us narrow down a fix for this issue.”


Click/tap to zoom

The developers also provided many workarounds, but it did not fix the issue for all players. However, finally, we have got some good news from the Respawn Entertainment developers. Developers have fixed the Code: net error and a fix for the Code: leaf error is also expected to arrive soon.

On the Apex Tracker, developer Garza confirmed the fixation of the Code: net error. Have a look at the post below.

“We have been deploying multiple server patches over the past few weeks, each one having big improvements.” Code: net is resolved, short of random crashes; however, we are continuing optimizing.

Apex Legends Code net

Click/tap to zoom

Code : net error has been resolved, so it is very likely that developers will be looking to resolve the Code: leaf error now. We are keeping a close watch on this matter, as and when any fix for Code: leaf will arrive, we will update this column.

Apex Legends

Click/tap to zoom

For a quick refresher, Apex Legends was launched in February, and it is one of the best free-to-play battle royale games currently present in the market. The game was released without any official announcement. It only took eight hours for the game to reach one million player base and it reached to 50 million player base in just matter of a month.

Apex-Legends-Not Gaining-RP in-Ranked Mode

Click/tap to zoom

Apex Legends game is a bit different from Fortnite and PUBG, as it features characters with special abilities. Each character has its own special ability, and currently, there are ten playable characters in the game.

Update 1 (July 08, 2021)

Many Apex Legends players have stormed Twitter and Reddit once again seeking help regarding the Code: leaf, wheel, and net errors that have been popping up recently.

All three error codes indicate server issues which means that there’s little you can do on your end to fix the problem.

That said, Apex Legends recommends the following troubleshooting steps to users who are getting them:

– Restart your router.
– Use an Ethernet network.
– Reboot your PC.

If these don’t work, you might find some solace in knowing that EA support is aware of the problem and is investigating.

Our team is aware of those affected by the code errors and is investigating (Source)

Update 2 (August 09, 2021)

Adding to the above, error “Code: Shoe” is now affecting multiple users on various platforms including the PC, Xbox, and PS4.

The worst part is that players are losing rank and getting penalized even when its not their fault.

However, EA was quick to acknowledge the issue and said they are working on a solution.

Hey again! I haven’t heard back from you so I’ll end this chat for now. We have seen similar reports from other players. We are aware of this issue and are working to fix this as soon as possible. Appreciate your patience in the meantime. Meanwhile,…

Update 3 (September 22, 2021)

IST 10:50 am: Bungie has acknowledged the issue affecting Destiny 2 players on Steam where they continue to face BEAVER, BUFFALO, and MOSQUITO errors.

bungie error acknowledged


PiunikaWeb is a unique initiative that mainly focuses on investigative journalism. This means we do a lot of hard work to come up with news stories that are either ‘exclusive,’ ‘breaking,’ or ‘curated’ in nature. Perhaps that’s the reason our work has been picked by the likes of Forbes, Foxnews, Gizmodo, TechCrunch, Engadget, The Verge, Macrumors, and more. Do take a tour of our website to get a feel of our work. And if you like what we do, stay connected with us on Twitter (@PiunikaWeb) and other social media channels to receive timely updates on stories we publish.


Product: Apex Legends
Please specify your platform model. PC
AMD or Nvidia Model Number GeForce GTX 1060 3GB
Enter RAM memory size in GB 16GB
What is your gamertag/PSN ID/EA Account name? TheEmperorBanana
Please provide your squad mates’ gamertag/PSN ID/EA Account name if possible. don’t want to. if you want to know them then ill reply to this ticket.
Are you using any software with an overlay? No
Which Legend were you playing (if applicable)? noone because of the problem
Which Legends were your squad mates using (if applicable)? nothing
Where did the issue occur? In the lobby (waiting area before the match)
Which part of the map or menu were you in? If you don’t remember the exact name, please describe the area or what you were trying to do in the menu. i was in the main screen.
What were you doing when the issue occurred? E.g. respawning a squad mate at a beacon, using an ability, a squad mate left the game. i was doing nothing except spamming enter
Did your squad mates also experience the issue? No
How many matches had you played in a row before the issue occurred? a lot
When did this happen? ( hh:mm) 3/25/21 EST late after-noon
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
How severe is your issue? Major impacts to gameplay
What happens when the bug occurs? i can’t log in to the game
What should be happening instead? me logging into the game
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? I really don’t know, its a problem with your servers. I wanted to see if it would go away by itslef but my friends confirmed that they did not have the problem. Also, for people that will tell me its my connection, i checked on my ps4 to see if my other acc was working and it was, and i would rather play on pc. i suck on controller.

Please fix this, i dont want to be like this for long, also i have been tring solutions on youtube, but they just don’t work.


Download this attachment


Are you getting annoyed by the code net error on Apex Legends?

Ever since season eight of Apex Legends started, many players have been experiencing the code net error on their respective devices. Based on the reports, the error randomly occurs in the game or even in the lobby. 

This can be a problem as you can get disconnected from your game multiple times, affecting your rank and progress.

What makes this error message hard to deal with is that it’s a general error code and doesn’t point out a specific issue. This means that the problem could be coming from your device, installation files, and network connection. It can also be due to issues on Apex Legends’ servers. 

Since you don’t know where the issue is coming from, troubleshooting the code net error on Apex Legends can be confusing.

Luckily, you’ve come to the right place. 

Today, we’ve decided to make a guide for fixing the code net error on Apex Legends. 

One of the first things you should do when you encounter the code net error on Apex Legends is checking the status of the servers. This will make it easier for you to identify where the problem is coming from. 

You can visit Apex Legends’ Help Center, where they give real-time updates of the game’s status.

code net error on Apex Legends

If there’s an issue with Apex Legends’ servers, there is nothing you can do on your end to fix the error. Wait for their team to address the problem or play other games in the meantime. 

On the other hand, you can head to the following method if there’s nothing wrong with the servers. 

2. Restart Your Device. 

Your device may have run into temporary errors while in use that caused Apex Legends to disconnect with the servers. To fix this, reboot your system to reload its resources and eliminate any errors that may have occurred. 

For Windows users, see the steps below to reboot your device: 

  1. First, access the Start Menu from your Taskbar
  2. Next, click on the Power Options tab. 
  3. Lastly, select Restart to reboot your system. 

If you are using a Playstation, follow the guide below to restart your console: 

  1. On your controller, press and hold the PS button to access the Quick Menu
  2. After that, go to the Power tab. 
  3. Finally, choose Restart PS4 / PS5 to reboot your console. 

Restart PS4


Once done, go back to Apex Legends and observe if you’ll still get the code net error. 

3. Check Your Network Connection. 

Slow or unstable internet could also be the reason for the code net error on Apex Legends. Since you are playing an online game, your network should be working correctly to avoid getting disconnected from the servers. 

To check if your network is the problem, run a test using to measure its current speed. 

Test Network Connection

If the result shows that your connection is the culprit, unplug your modem from the outlet and wait for a few seconds before reconnecting it. This should refresh the link between your router and your ISP’s servers. 

Restart Modem or Router

Once done, perform another test to confirm if the restart worked. If not, report the issue to your internet provider and ask them to fix their service. 

4. Disable Third-Party Antivirus. 

If you’re running a third-party antivirus on your system, we suggest turning it off before using Apex Legends. While antivirus tools are great for keeping your system safe, they can also get too protective and block legitimate applications. 

This will prevent Apex Legends from accessing your storage and network, causing the game to crash or fail. 

You can disable your protection temporarily or include Apex Legends to your safe list or allow list if your antivirus has that feature. 

Windows Defender Firewall is a security feature of Windows that controls the access of applications to the internet. If Apex Legends is not allowed through your firewall, it can run into connectivity issues, explaining the code net error. 

To fix this, see the steps below to allow Apex Legends through your firewall: 

  1. First, open Windows Settings on your computer. 
  2. After that, go to Update & Security and click on Windows Security
  3. Now, access the Firewall & Network Protection tab and click on Allow an App Through Firewall
  4. Lastly, ensure that Apex Legends is allowed to access your Public and Private Networks

code net error on Apex Legends

Go back to the game afterward and see if you still encounter the code net error on Apex Legends. 

If you still experience the code net error on Apex Legends, you can try reinstalling the game on your device. This should fix any missing or corrupted installation files from your system and ensure that you’re running the latest version of the game. 

For Windows users, see the steps below to reinstall Apex Legends: 

  1. On your computer, access the Control Panel and click on Uninstall a Program.
  2. Next, locate Apex Legends from the list. 
  3. After that, right-click on the game and choose Uninstall
  4. Finally, go to their website and reinstall the game from there. 

code net error on Apex Legends

If you are using a Playstation console, here’s how you can reinstall Apex Legends: 

  1. First, go to your main screen and highlight Apex Legends
  2. After that, press the Options button on your controller and choose Delete
  3. Lastly, go to the Playstation Store and reinstall the game. 

Once done, go back to your account, start a match, and check if the code net error still occurs on Apex Legends. 

At this point, the only thing left to do is report the problem to Apex Legends’ team. 

While EA has acknowledged this issue on their platform several times, we still suggest reporting it to avoid getting penalized, especially if you got disconnected during a game.

code net error on Apex Legends

Provide all the necessary details that can help speed up the process, including your account information, your match ID if applicable, and the screenshot of the error message. 

That ends our guide for fixing the code net error on Apex Legends. For your questions and other concerns, please leave a comment below, and we’ll do our best to help. 

If this guide helped you, please share it. 🙂

  • John Sixto

    John is a staff writer at Saint and comes from a SAP ABAP development background. He has a Bachelors in IT and has been writing since 2018, with over 500 posts published. He loves to build PCs and has a deep curiosity in understanding how different components and configurations work. John spends hundreds of hours at a time, researching and testing the software and apps, before he proceeds to write about it. LinkedIn

Are you getting annoyed by the code net error on Apex Legends?

Ever since season eight of Apex Legends started, many players have been experiencing the code net error on their respective devices. Based on the reports, the error randomly occurs in the game or even in the lobby. 

This can be a problem as you can get disconnected from your game multiple times, affecting your rank and progress.

What makes this error message hard to deal with is that it’s a general error code and doesn’t point out a specific issue. This means that the problem could be coming from your device, installation files, and network connection. It can also be due to issues on Apex Legends’ servers. 

Since you don’t know where the issue is coming from, troubleshooting the code net error on Apex Legends can be confusing.

Luckily, you’ve come to the right place. 

Today, we’ve decided to make a guide for fixing the code net error on Apex Legends. 

One of the first things you should do when you encounter the code net error on Apex Legends is checking the status of the servers. This will make it easier for you to identify where the problem is coming from. 

You can visit Apex Legends’ Help Center, where they give real-time updates of the game’s status.

code net error on Apex Legends

If there’s an issue with Apex Legends’ servers, there is nothing you can do on your end to fix the error. Wait for their team to address the problem or play other games in the meantime. 

On the other hand, you can head to the following method if there’s nothing wrong with the servers. 

2. Restart Your Device. 

Your device may have run into temporary errors while in use that caused Apex Legends to disconnect with the servers. To fix this, reboot your system to reload its resources and eliminate any errors that may have occurred. 

For Windows users, see the steps below to reboot your device: 

  1. First, access the Start Menu from your Taskbar
  2. Next, click on the Power Options tab. 
  3. Lastly, select Restart to reboot your system. 

Restart your PC

If you are using a Playstation, follow the guide below to restart your console: 

  1. On your controller, press and hold the PS button to access the Quick Menu
  2. After that, go to the Power tab. 
  3. Finally, choose Restart PS4 / PS5 to reboot your console. 

Restart PS4


Once done, go back to Apex Legends and observe if you’ll still get the code net error. 

3. Check Your Network Connection. 

Slow or unstable internet could also be the reason for the code net error on Apex Legends. Since you are playing an online game, your network should be working correctly to avoid getting disconnected from the servers. 

To check if your network is the problem, run a test using to measure its current speed. 

Test Network Connection

If the result shows that your connection is the culprit, unplug your modem from the outlet and wait for a few seconds before reconnecting it. This should refresh the link between your router and your ISP’s servers. 

Restart Modem or Router

Once done, perform another test to confirm if the restart worked. If not, report the issue to your internet provider and ask them to fix their service. 

4. Disable Third-Party Antivirus. 

If you’re running a third-party antivirus on your system, we suggest turning it off before using Apex Legends. While antivirus tools are great for keeping your system safe, they can also get too protective and block legitimate applications. 

This will prevent Apex Legends from accessing your storage and network, causing the game to crash or fail. 

You can disable your protection temporarily or include Apex Legends to your safe list or allow list if your antivirus has that feature. 

Windows Defender Firewall is a security feature of Windows that controls the access of applications to the internet. If Apex Legends is not allowed through your firewall, it can run into connectivity issues, explaining the code net error. 

To fix this, see the steps below to allow Apex Legends through your firewall: 

  1. First, open Windows Settings on your computer. 
  2. After that, go to Update & Security and click on Windows Security
  3. Now, access the Firewall & Network Protection tab and click on Allow an App Through Firewall
  4. Lastly, ensure that Apex Legends is allowed to access your Public and Private Networks

code net error on Apex Legends

Go back to the game afterward and see if you still encounter the code net error on Apex Legends. 

If you still experience the code net error on Apex Legends, you can try reinstalling the game on your device. This should fix any missing or corrupted installation files from your system and ensure that you’re running the latest version of the game. 

For Windows users, see the steps below to reinstall Apex Legends: 

  1. On your computer, access the Control Panel and click on Uninstall a Program.
  2. Next, locate Apex Legends from the list. 
  3. After that, right-click on the game and choose Uninstall
  4. Finally, go to their website and reinstall the game from there. 

code net error on Apex Legends

If you are using a Playstation console, here’s how you can reinstall Apex Legends: 

  1. First, go to your main screen and highlight Apex Legends
  2. After that, press the Options button on your controller and choose Delete
  3. Lastly, go to the Playstation Store and reinstall the game. 

code net error on Apex Legends

Once done, go back to your account, start a match, and check if the code net error still occurs on Apex Legends. 

At this point, the only thing left to do is report the problem to Apex Legends’ team. 

While EA has acknowledged this issue on their platform several times, we still suggest reporting it to avoid getting penalized, especially if you got disconnected during a game.

code net error on Apex Legends

Provide all the necessary details that can help speed up the process, including your account information, your match ID if applicable, and the screenshot of the error message. 

That ends our guide for fixing the code net error on Apex Legends. For your questions and other concerns, please leave a comment below, and we’ll do our best to help. 

If this guide helped you, please share it. 🙂

Product: Apex Legends
Platform:Sony Playstation 4
Please specify your platform model. Sony PlayStation 4
What is your gamertag/PSN ID/EA Account name? RVNGE-SHAQ
Please provide your squad mates’ gamertag/PSN ID/EA Account name if possible.
Are you using any software with an overlay? No
Which Legend were you playing (if applicable)?
Which Legends were your squad mates using (if applicable)?
Where did the issue occur? In the lobby (waiting area before the match)
Which part of the map or menu were you in? If you don’t remember the exact name, please describe the area or what you were trying to do in the menu. Firing range
What were you doing when the issue occurred? E.g. respawning a squad mate at a beacon, using an ability, a squad mate left the game. Firing range
Did your squad mates also experience the issue? No
How many matches had you played in a row before the issue occurred? 35
When did this happen? ( hh:mm) 26/01/2021
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
How severe is your issue? Major impacts to gameplay
What happens when the bug occurs? I cannot play the game at all
What should be happening instead? Playing the game
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? I’m not sure

Hello I frequently play apex but yesterday while in the firing range I got the code net error message which then kicked me out. Ever since then I cannot load into the game, I’ve been stuck on the screen in which you change servers. I’ve tried every trouble shoot while also contacting EA and nothing has happened. A representative told me I would have to just wait till it’s gone. I appreciated his time for trying to help me but I just don’t understand how no one can provide a better understanding as to why this is happening. I’ve invested a lot of money and time and this is just frustrating for the fact that I had to experience a similar issue back in season 3 when level 500 players were prevented from playing. Can someone at EA please help me , all I want to do is play my favorite game ?



Product: Apex Legends
Platform:Sony Playstation 4
Please specify your platform model. Sony PlayStation 4
What is your gamertag/PSN ID/EA Account name? RVNGE-SHAQ
Please provide your squad mates’ gamertag/PSN ID/EA Account name if possible.
Are you using any software with an overlay? No
Which Legend were you playing (if applicable)?
Which Legends were your squad mates using (if applicable)?
Where did the issue occur? In the lobby (waiting area before the match)
Which part of the map or menu were you in? If you don’t remember the exact name, please describe the area or what you were trying to do in the menu. Firing range
What were you doing when the issue occurred? E.g. respawning a squad mate at a beacon, using an ability, a squad mate left the game. Firing range
Did your squad mates also experience the issue? No
How many matches had you played in a row before the issue occurred? 35
When did this happen? ( hh:mm) 26/01/2021
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
How severe is your issue? Major impacts to gameplay
What happens when the bug occurs? I cannot play the game at all
What should be happening instead? Playing the game
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? I’m not sure

Hello I frequently play apex but yesterday while in the firing range I got the code net error message which then kicked me out. Ever since then I cannot load into the game, I’ve been stuck on the screen in which you change servers. I’ve tried every trouble shoot while also contacting EA and nothing has happened. A representative told me I would have to just wait till it’s gone. I appreciated his time for trying to help me but I just don’t understand how no one can provide a better understanding as to why this is happening. I’ve invested a lot of money and time and this is just frustrating for the fact that I had to experience a similar issue back in season 3 when level 500 players were prevented from playing. Can someone at EA please help me , all I want to do is play my favorite game ?



Apex Legends connection to server timed out (code net) fix – Getting the code:net error on Apex Legends continuously? Is there a fix? Let’s find out.

What is Error code net in Apex Legends

It is a connection based problem that has recently taken over Apex Legends. This issue was always there in the game, but it wasn’t so prominent. Now after The Old Ways event update, the error is showing up for more and more people.

This bug or error mainly shows up when a player is at the character selection menu. Just when a player is about to select his/her character, his/her game would suddenly freeze, and they would end up getting kicked from the match.

The error says : Connection to server timed out (code:net). See for additional information.

John is a staff writer at Saint and comes from a SAP ABAP development background. He has a Bachelors in IT and has been writing since 2018, with over 500 posts published. He loves to build PCs and has a deep curiosity in understanding how different components and configurations work. John spends hundreds of hours at a time, researching and testing the software and apps, before he proceeds to write about it. LinkedIn

Are you getting annoyed by the code net error on Apex Legends?

Ever since season eight of Apex Legends started, many players have been experiencing the code net error on their respective devices. Based on the reports, the error randomly occurs in the game or even in the lobby. 

This can be a problem as you can get disconnected from your game multiple times, affecting your rank and progress.

What makes this error message hard to deal with is that it’s a general error code and doesn’t point out a specific issue. This means that the problem could be coming from your device, installation files, and network connection. It can also be due to issues on Apex Legends’ servers. 

Since you don’t know where the issue is coming from, troubleshooting the code net error on Apex Legends can be confusing.

Luckily, you’ve come to the right place. 

Today, we’ve decided to make a guide for fixing the code net error on Apex Legends. 

One of the first things you should do when you encounter the code net error on Apex Legends is checking the status of the servers. This will make it easier for you to identify where the problem is coming from. 

You can visit Apex Legends’ Help Center, where they give real-time updates of the game’s status.

code net error on Apex Legends

If there’s an issue with Apex Legends’ servers, there is nothing you can do on your end to fix the error. Wait for their team to address the problem or play other games in the meantime. 

On the other hand, you can head to the following method if there’s nothing wrong with the servers. 

2. Restart Your Device. 

Your device may have run into temporary errors while in use that caused Apex Legends to disconnect with the servers. To fix this, reboot your system to reload its resources and eliminate any errors that may have occurred. 

For Windows users, see the steps below to reboot your device: 

  1. First, access the Start Menu from your Taskbar
  2. Next, click on the Power Options tab. 
  3. Lastly, select Restart to reboot your system. 

Restart your PC

If you are using a Playstation, follow the guide below to restart your console: 

  1. On your controller, press and hold the PS button to access the Quick Menu
  2. After that, go to the Power tab. 
  3. Finally, choose Restart PS4 / PS5 to reboot your console. 

Restart PS4


Once done, go back to Apex Legends and observe if you’ll still get the code net error. 

3. Check Your Network Connection. 

Slow or unstable internet could also be the reason for the code net error on Apex Legends. Since you are playing an online game, your network should be working correctly to avoid getting disconnected from the servers. 

To check if your network is the problem, run a test using to measure its current speed. 

Test Network Connection

If the result shows that your connection is the culprit, unplug your modem from the outlet and wait for a few seconds before reconnecting it. This should refresh the link between your router and your ISP’s servers. 

Restart Modem or Router

Once done, perform another test to confirm if the restart worked. If not, report the issue to your internet provider and ask them to fix their service. 

4. Disable Third-Party Antivirus. 

If you’re running a third-party antivirus on your system, we suggest turning it off before using Apex Legends. While antivirus tools are great for keeping your system safe, they can also get too protective and block legitimate applications. 

This will prevent Apex Legends from accessing your storage and network, causing the game to crash or fail. 

You can disable your protection temporarily or include Apex Legends to your safe list or allow list if your antivirus has that feature. 

Windows Defender Firewall is a security feature of Windows that controls the access of applications to the internet. If Apex Legends is not allowed through your firewall, it can run into connectivity issues, explaining the code net error. 

To fix this, see the steps below to allow Apex Legends through your firewall: 

  1. First, open Windows Settings on your computer. 
  2. After that, go to Update & Security and click on Windows Security
  3. Now, access the Firewall & Network Protection tab and click on Allow an App Through Firewall
  4. Lastly, ensure that Apex Legends is allowed to access your Public and Private Networks

code net error on Apex Legends

Go back to the game afterward and see if you still encounter the code net error on Apex Legends. 

If you still experience the code net error on Apex Legends, you can try reinstalling the game on your device. This should fix any missing or corrupted installation files from your system and ensure that you’re running the latest version of the game. 

For Windows users, see the steps below to reinstall Apex Legends: 

  1. On your computer, access the Control Panel and click on Uninstall a Program.
  2. Next, locate Apex Legends from the list. 
  3. After that, right-click on the game and choose Uninstall
  4. Finally, go to their website and reinstall the game from there. 

code net error on Apex Legends

If you are using a Playstation console, here’s how you can reinstall Apex Legends: 

  1. First, go to your main screen and highlight Apex Legends
  2. After that, press the Options button on your controller and choose Delete
  3. Lastly, go to the Playstation Store and reinstall the game. 

code net error on Apex Legends

Once done, go back to your account, start a match, and check if the code net error still occurs on Apex Legends. 

At this point, the only thing left to do is report the problem to Apex Legends’ team. 

While EA has acknowledged this issue on their platform several times, we still suggest reporting it to avoid getting penalized, especially if you got disconnected during a game.

code net error on Apex Legends

Provide all the necessary details that can help speed up the process, including your account information, your match ID if applicable, and the screenshot of the error message. 

That ends our guide for fixing the code net error on Apex Legends. For your questions and other concerns, please leave a comment below, and we’ll do our best to help. 

If this guide helped you, please share it. 🙂

Product: Apex Legends
Platform:Sony Playstation 4
Please specify your platform model. Sony PlayStation 4
What is your gamertag/PSN ID/EA Account name? RVNGE-SHAQ
Please provide your squad mates’ gamertag/PSN ID/EA Account name if possible.
Are you using any software with an overlay? No
Which Legend were you playing (if applicable)?
Which Legends were your squad mates using (if applicable)?
Where did the issue occur? In the lobby (waiting area before the match)
Which part of the map or menu were you in? If you don’t remember the exact name, please describe the area or what you were trying to do in the menu. Firing range
What were you doing when the issue occurred? E.g. respawning a squad mate at a beacon, using an ability, a squad mate left the game. Firing range
Did your squad mates also experience the issue? No
How many matches had you played in a row before the issue occurred? 35
When did this happen? ( hh:mm) 26/01/2021
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
How severe is your issue? Major impacts to gameplay
What happens when the bug occurs? I cannot play the game at all
What should be happening instead? Playing the game
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? I’m not sure

Hello I frequently play apex but yesterday while in the firing range I got the code net error message which then kicked me out. Ever since then I cannot load into the game, I’ve been stuck on the screen in which you change servers. I’ve tried every trouble shoot while also contacting EA and nothing has happened. A representative told me I would have to just wait till it’s gone. I appreciated his time for trying to help me but I just don’t understand how no one can provide a better understanding as to why this is happening. I’ve invested a lot of money and time and this is just frustrating for the fact that I had to experience a similar issue back in season 3 when level 500 players were prevented from playing. Can someone at EA please help me , all I want to do is play my favorite game ?



Product: Apex Legends
Platform:Sony Playstation 4
Please specify your platform model. Sony PlayStation 4
What is your gamertag/PSN ID/EA Account name? RVNGE-SHAQ
Please provide your squad mates’ gamertag/PSN ID/EA Account name if possible.
Are you using any software with an overlay? No
Which Legend were you playing (if applicable)?
Which Legends were your squad mates using (if applicable)?
Where did the issue occur? In the lobby (waiting area before the match)
Which part of the map or menu were you in? If you don’t remember the exact name, please describe the area or what you were trying to do in the menu. Firing range
What were you doing when the issue occurred? E.g. respawning a squad mate at a beacon, using an ability, a squad mate left the game. Firing range
Did your squad mates also experience the issue? No
How many matches had you played in a row before the issue occurred? 35
When did this happen? ( hh:mm) 26/01/2021
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
How severe is your issue? Major impacts to gameplay
What happens when the bug occurs? I cannot play the game at all
What should be happening instead? Playing the game
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? I’m not sure

Hello I frequently play apex but yesterday while in the firing range I got the code net error message which then kicked me out. Ever since then I cannot load into the game, I’ve been stuck on the screen in which you change servers. I’ve tried every trouble shoot while also contacting EA and nothing has happened. A representative told me I would have to just wait till it’s gone. I appreciated his time for trying to help me but I just don’t understand how no one can provide a better understanding as to why this is happening. I’ve invested a lot of money and time and this is just frustrating for the fact that I had to experience a similar issue back in season 3 when level 500 players were prevented from playing. Can someone at EA please help me , all I want to do is play my favorite game ?



Apex Legends connection to server timed out (code net) fix – Getting the code:net error on Apex Legends continuously? Is there a fix? Let’s find out.

What is Error code net in Apex Legends

It is a connection based problem that has recently taken over Apex Legends. This issue was always there in the game, but it wasn’t so prominent. Now after The Old Ways event update, the error is showing up for more and more people.

This bug or error mainly shows up when a player is at the character selection menu. Just when a player is about to select his/her character, his/her game would suddenly freeze, and they would end up getting kicked from the match.

The error says : Connection to server timed out (code:net). See for additional information.

This funny thing is the link that is provided in the message tells us nothing about fixing the problem. It just shows some basic troubleshooting steps that don’t do much.

How to fix this error

Now, you have to realize that it is very hard to say what problem is causing this error to take place. It can be because of the servers, or it can be due to a poor internet connection.

In order to make sure that it is not happening due to the servers just check the server status of Apex Legends. Just visit downdetector, and you will get all the information about the servers.

But if the problem is from your side then there are plenty of things you can do. I personally encounter this error at least 3-4 times a day and here is what you should do:

  1. Check whether you are getting packet loss on the server you are playing. Change server if you are experiencing loss
  2. Just restart Origin once. Make sure you close the launcher from the Task Manager because just hitting the cross button on Origin just minimizes it
  3. Restart your Router once
  4. Do a quick speedtest and make sure that your connection is fine and your ping is not too high
  5. Check whether you are getting any “request timed out”
  6. To do that just press Windows + R keys on your keyboard
  7. Type ping -t
  8. Press enter

If you get “request timed out” during the test then you should contact your ISP (Internet Service Provider) and ask them to fix your connection.

If you think this guide had helped you then let us know in the comment section below. Also, if you are facing problems that are not mentioned on this article then also you can comment below. We will try to come out with a fix. Good luck!

That’s all folks!

Last Updated on February 2, 2021


Shoaib, 30, is a simple guy who loves to play video games, and enjoys new cuisines sporadically. He has been gaming since he was 7 years old, and with an experience of 22 years, under his belt, there is not a single AAA game in this world, that he hasn’t played. Despite being a MBA Graduate he decided to follow his passion. And because of his love for gaming, Frondtech came into existence.

New updates are being added at the bottom of this story…….

Original story (published on September 2, 2019) follows:

Apex Legends Season 2 was released on July 2, and it brought in some significant updates to the game including new legend Wattson. However, after the Season 2 update, an error named “Code: leaf” and “Code: net” started plaguing the game.

This error was so annoying that those who experienced it were not able to play the game properly. Apex Legends Community Manager, EA_David has defined the Code: leaf error and Code: net error in the following manner.


code: leaf – the server never answered us when we asked it if we could connect
code: net – we were on a server, and it disappeared on us and stopped answering


Shoaib, 30, is a simple guy who loves to play video games, and enjoys new cuisines sporadically. He has been gaming since he was 7 years old, and with an experience of 22 years, under his belt, there is not a single AAA game in this world, that he hasn’t played. Despite being a MBA Graduate he decided to follow his passion. And because of his love for gaming, Frondtech came into existence.

New updates are being added at the bottom of this story…….

Original story (published on September 2, 2019) follows:

Apex Legends Season 2 was released on July 2, and it brought in some significant updates to the game including new legend Wattson. However, after the Season 2 update, an error named “Code: leaf” and “Code: net” started plaguing the game.

This error was so annoying that those who experienced it were not able to play the game properly. Apex Legends Community Manager, EA_David has defined the Code: leaf error and Code: net error in the following manner.


code: leaf – the server never answered us when we asked it if we could connect
code: net – we were on a server, and it disappeared on us and stopped answering


Over the last two months, reports regarding code leaf and code net errors have kept proliferating on social platforms including Reddit and Twitter. The developers of Apex legends were aware of the issue and acknowledged this issue several times. On July 26, Respawn developer Jason Garza responded over the matter and stated the following:

“Started to get better telemetry that we believe will help us narrow down a fix for this issue.”


Click/tap to zoom

The developers also provided many workarounds, but it did not fix the issue for all players. However, finally, we have got some good news from the Respawn Entertainment developers. Developers have fixed the Code: net error and a fix for the Code: leaf error is also expected to arrive soon.

On the Apex Tracker, developer Garza confirmed the fixation of the Code: net error. Have a look at the post below.

“We have been deploying multiple server patches over the past few weeks, each one having big improvements.” Code: net is resolved, short of random crashes; however, we are continuing optimizing.

Apex Legends Code net

Click/tap to zoom

Code : net error has been resolved, so it is very likely that developers will be looking to resolve the Code: leaf error now. We are keeping a close watch on this matter, as and when any fix for Code: leaf will arrive, we will update this column.

Apex Legends

Click/tap to zoom

For a quick refresher, Apex Legends was launched in February, and it is one of the best free-to-play battle royale games currently present in the market. The game was released without any official announcement. It only took eight hours for the game to reach one million player base and it reached to 50 million player base in just matter of a month.

Apex-Legends-Not Gaining-RP in-Ranked Mode

Click/tap to zoom

Apex Legends game is a bit different from Fortnite and PUBG, as it features characters with special abilities. Each character has its own special ability, and currently, there are ten playable characters in the game.

Update 1 (July 08, 2021)

Many Apex Legends players have stormed Twitter and Reddit once again seeking help regarding the Code: leaf, wheel, and net errors that have been popping up recently.

All three error codes indicate server issues which means that there’s little you can do on your end to fix the problem.

That said, Apex Legends recommends the following troubleshooting steps to users who are getting them:

– Restart your router.
– Use an Ethernet network.
– Reboot your PC.

If these don’t work, you might find some solace in knowing that EA support is aware of the problem and is investigating.

Our team is aware of those affected by the code errors and is investigating (Source)

Update 2 (August 09, 2021)

Adding to the above, error “Code: Shoe” is now affecting multiple users on various platforms including the PC, Xbox, and PS4.

The worst part is that players are losing rank and getting penalized even when its not their fault.

However, EA was quick to acknowledge the issue and said they are working on a solution.

Hey again! I haven’t heard back from you so I’ll end this chat for now. We have seen similar reports from other players. We are aware of this issue and are working to fix this as soon as possible. Appreciate your patience in the meantime. Meanwhile,…

Update 3 (September 22, 2021)

IST 10:50 am: Bungie has acknowledged the issue affecting Destiny 2 players on Steam where they continue to face BEAVER, BUFFALO, and MOSQUITO errors.

bungie error acknowledged


PiunikaWeb is a unique initiative that mainly focuses on investigative journalism. This means we do a lot of hard work to come up with news stories that are either ‘exclusive,’ ‘breaking,’ or ‘curated’ in nature. Perhaps that’s the reason our work has been picked by the likes of Forbes, Foxnews, Gizmodo, TechCrunch, Engadget, The Verge, Macrumors, and more. Do take a tour of our website to get a feel of our work. And if you like what we do, stay connected with us on Twitter (@PiunikaWeb) and other social media channels to receive timely updates on stories we publish.

Product: Apex Legends
Please specify your platform model. PC
AMD or Nvidia Model Number GeForce GTX 1060 3GB
Enter RAM memory size in GB 16GB
What is your gamertag/PSN ID/EA Account name? TheEmperorBanana
Please provide your squad mates’ gamertag/PSN ID/EA Account name if possible. don’t want to. if you want to know them then ill reply to this ticket.
Are you using any software with an overlay? No
Which Legend were you playing (if applicable)? noone because of the problem
Which Legends were your squad mates using (if applicable)? nothing
Where did the issue occur? In the lobby (waiting area before the match)
Which part of the map or menu were you in? If you don’t remember the exact name, please describe the area or what you were trying to do in the menu. i was in the main screen.
What were you doing when the issue occurred? E.g. respawning a squad mate at a beacon, using an ability, a squad mate left the game. i was doing nothing except spamming enter
Did your squad mates also experience the issue? No
How many matches had you played in a row before the issue occurred? a lot
When did this happen? ( hh:mm) 3/25/21 EST late after-noon
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
How severe is your issue? Major impacts to gameplay
What happens when the bug occurs? i can’t log in to the game
What should be happening instead? me logging into the game
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? I really don’t know, its a problem with your servers. I wanted to see if it would go away by itslef but my friends confirmed that they did not have the problem. Also, for people that will tell me its my connection, i checked on my ps4 to see if my other acc was working and it was, and i would rather play on pc. i suck on controller.

Please fix this, i dont want to be like this for long, also i have been tring solutions on youtube, but they just don’t work.


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Apex Legends connection to server timed out (code net) fix – Getting the code:net error on Apex Legends continuously? Is there a fix? Let’s find out.

What is Error code net in Apex Legends

It is a connection based problem that has recently taken over Apex Legends. This issue was always there in the game, but it wasn’t so prominent. Now after The Old Ways event update, the error is showing up for more and more people.

This bug or error mainly shows up when a player is at the character selection menu. Just when a player is about to select his/her character, his/her game would suddenly freeze, and they would end up getting kicked from the match.

The error says : Connection to server timed out (code:net). See for additional information.

This funny thing is the link that is provided in the message tells us nothing about fixing the problem. It just shows some basic troubleshooting steps that don’t do much.

How to fix this error

Now, you have to realize that it is very hard to say what problem is causing this error to take place. It can be because of the servers, or it can be due to a poor internet connection.

In order to make sure that it is not happening due to the servers just check the server status of Apex Legends. Just visit downdetector, and you will get all the information about the servers.

But if the problem is from your side then there are plenty of things you can do. I personally encounter this error at least 3-4 times a day and here is what you should do:

  1. Check whether you are getting packet loss on the server you are playing. Change server if you are experiencing loss
  2. Just restart Origin once. Make sure you close the launcher from the Task Manager because just hitting the cross button on Origin just minimizes it
  3. Restart your Router once
  4. Do a quick speedtest and make sure that your connection is fine and your ping is not too high
  5. Check whether you are getting any “request timed out”
  6. To do that just press Windows + R keys on your keyboard
  7. Type ping -t
  8. Press enter

If you get “request timed out” during the test then you should contact your ISP (Internet Service Provider) and ask them to fix your connection.

If you think this guide had helped you then let us know in the comment section below. Also, if you are facing problems that are not mentioned on this article then also you can comment below. We will try to come out with a fix. Good luck!

That’s all folks!

Last Updated on February 2, 2021


Shoaib, 30, is a simple guy who loves to play video games, and enjoys new cuisines sporadically. He has been gaming since he was 7 years old, and with an experience of 22 years, under his belt, there is not a single AAA game in this world, that he hasn’t played. Despite being a MBA Graduate he decided to follow his passion. And because of his love for gaming, Frondtech came into existence.

The Apex Legends Code: net error is one of the oldest in the game and seems to crop up every now and then, especially after a recent update. It disconnects you from the server and you won’t be able to continue with the game until the error is resolved. The complete error message appears as, “Connection to server timed out (code: net).” There is also a link you can follow to the EA website attached to the error message, but that’s hardly helped any user. As such, if you have encountered the Apex Legends Code “Connection to server timed out code: net” error you must be wondering if there is a solution. You would be pleased to know the issue is well-documented over the internet and there are several proven solutions.

Fix Apex Legends Code: Net Error “Connection to server timed out”

The Apex Legends code: net error with the message “Connection to server timed out” usually appears after a recent update or patch. In this case, the Season 8 patch. Most of the users who encountered the error has it when they were at the character selection screen. The error prevents players from selecting the character by freezing the game and then pops the error code.

Apex Legends Error Code Net

Shoaib, 30, is a simple guy who loves to play video games, and enjoys new cuisines sporadically. He has been gaming since he was 7 years old, and with an experience of 22 years, under his belt, there is not a single AAA game in this world, that he hasn’t played. Despite being a MBA Graduate he decided to follow his passion. And because of his love for gaming, Frondtech came into existence.

The Apex Legends Code: net error is one of the oldest in the game and seems to crop up every now and then, especially after a recent update. It disconnects you from the server and you won’t be able to continue with the game until the error is resolved. The complete error message appears as, “Connection to server timed out (code: net).” There is also a link you can follow to the EA website attached to the error message, but that’s hardly helped any user. As such, if you have encountered the Apex Legends Code “Connection to server timed out code: net” error you must be wondering if there is a solution. You would be pleased to know the issue is well-documented over the internet and there are several proven solutions.

Fix Apex Legends Code: Net Error “Connection to server timed out”

The Apex Legends code: net error with the message “Connection to server timed out” usually appears after a recent update or patch. In this case, the Season 8 patch. Most of the users who encountered the error has it when they were at the character selection screen. The error prevents players from selecting the character by freezing the game and then pops the error code.

There are two possible reasons you could be seeing the error, one is a problem on the server-side and other a local issue with your connection. But, since the game was working fine prior to the update, the likely cause is a glitch on the server end.

As large number of players are flocking to play the game, it may be putting strain on the servers causing it to glitch out. If it’s an issue on the server-end that’s causing disconnects between the client and the server, there is nothing you can do, but wait for Respawn to fix it. To find out if the problem is on the server-end, visit website like Downdetector that would show the status of the server and user comments. Once, you’ve confirmed the code net error is due to the server, wait for it to be resolved.

However, the issue can also be caused due to poor internet connection on your end. If that’s the case, here is what you need to do.

  1. The simplest solution for the Apex Legends “Connection to server timed out” error is to restart the system and the game. Often times that’s enough to resolve the issue.
  2. If restarting did not do the trick, restart the router or modem.
  3. Ping Google to ensure the problem is not with your connection. In order to ping, press Windows Key + R and type ping -t, hit Enter. If you get “request timed out,” you need to get in touch with the ISP and request them to fix the problem.
  4. Try playing the game using your mobile internet.
  5. Perform a speed test to ensure the connection is stable and the ping not too high.  
  6. Change the servers of the game. Choose the server with 0% Packet Loss and the lowest ping.
  7. Finally, flush the DNS on your PC.

Performing one or all the steps can potentially fix the Apex Legends Code: Net Error “Connection to server timed out.” If the solutions do not work or you have a better solution, fire away in the comments.


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