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Symptoms or Error
The following error is displayed when connecting to XenApp server through Secure Gateway:
Cannot connect to the Citrix XenApp server. SSL Error 40.
Complete the following steps to troubleshoot this issue:
- Verify the Web Interface configuration.
- Edit Secure Access > Specify Gateway Settings, ensure that the port is 443.
Problem Cause
In Secure Access > Specify Gateway Settings, the port is misconfigured.
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Эммм, оч хорошее средство при решении проблемм это Я вообще был без понятия что такое citrix и что оно делает, но тем не менее, при вводе вашей ошибки в поиск на, со второй ссылки получил ответ.
Если не понятно, исправте свой hostname на тот который можно получить от DNS сервера, который используется с клиентской стороны и проверте что бы это имя было в сертификате ssl.
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Citrix SSL 40 ErrorCitrix SSL 40 Error(OP) 15 Jul 03 05:55 I have this application which is using https and the Citrix portal client to connect to an Extranet. I have been informed this is a restriction on a particular port on the Microsoft ISA server (Proxy machine). This mahine doesn’t have any protocal restrictions or site and content rules setup (we are testing it). I’m not familiar with Citrix can anybody shed any light about this particular error? Thanks Red Flag SubmittedThank you for helping keep Tek-Tips Forums free from inappropriate posts. |
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Hi all,
I have a citrix secure gateway setup (Secure Gateway Management Console Version: 3.0) for remote access via the web. www-> firewall -> static nat -> presentation server -> citrix farm
All windows server 2003
Error is «the citrix ssl relay name could not be resolved (SSL error 40)»
It works fine on the internal LAN which makes me think that it is an external DNS/ name resolution issue.
If I add the FQDN for the server to the hosts file on the client i am getting the error «the citrix SSL server you have sleceted cannot be reached»
I have to confess that I’m not a whizz at this so if someone could point me in the right direction t would be appreciated.
Thanks in advnance
Wow, wasted a lot of time following this red-herring only to find out it was because of the popup-blocker. Turning it off made my applications work.
UPDATE: It was not the popup-blocker after all. It was the fact I logged off my Citrix connection to google the above error that enabled me to access my corporate network. Here is what I have to do to use my laptop via Citrix while on my corporate network.
1. Do my secure rsa/citrix log in, this brings up my apps available via citrix
2. Log off my citrix connection
3. Use the citrix apps
While at home, that is, not on the corporate network, I don’t have to do step 2, but while at work (i.e. already on the corporate network) I have to do these steps. There is some wonky dns lookup mismatch happening while I am already on the corporate network.
Tags: The Citrix SSL Relay name could not be resolved (SSL error 40), The Citrix SSL Relay name could not be resolved (SSL error 40) cannot run applications
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