Check psu cable ошибка dell

Posted by Phillaw2 2017-08-19T13:17:51Z


We have a dell power edge r650 with 2 power supplies going into it. Both psu’s have the green lights on for power going in.

After 1hr the server goes off and the LCD display on the front says «RDU0012 psu redundancy check psu cables»

I have tried just having 1 power cable in same issue

I have tried 1 power cable in the other psu same issue.

I can press the power button and the server comes on.

It’s exactly 1hr when it turns off.

Any ideas people?



5 Replies

  • Author Don Reid


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    thai pepper

    We’ve had this before. You need to update the firmware on the system-Motherboard which power supply firmware and iDRAC firmware.

    BTW, thanks for letting try out my DeLoren to go to the future and work on a R650.

    Was this post helpful?

  • Had a similar problem. Turned out that the CPU fan was damaged. Check the all the fans.

    Was this post helpful?

  • Don007 wrote:

    BTW, thanks for letting try out my DeLoren to go to the future and work on a R650.

    Nice one!!  hahaha

    Was this post helpful?

  • Author Henry Starcher

    Wonder if Doc Brown does the warranty work on the 650’s

    Was this post helpful?

  • Author Jimmy Lir

    Mostly is an indication of the motherboard on its way out, i had to replace mine and then when it happened again, I end up replacing the server.

    Was this post helpful?

Error Code Message Information



LCD Message Predictive failure on PSU <





LCD Message Power input for PSU <





LCD Message Power input for PSU <




Message The power input for power supply <

attached to the system.


The operating requirements for the power supply may be found in this manual or on the

power supply itself.


Verify the input power is within the operating requirements for the power supply.



LCD Message




Message Power supply <


A power supply that is designed to operate at 220V, but is connected to a 110V power

source requires additional current for operation. The additional current may trip circuit-

breakers or cause other electrical issues with the input source.


Check input power source and cabling. Use recommended input power. Review this

Manual. If the issue persists, see


A predictive failure detected on power supply <

System performance and power redundancy may be degraded or lost.

Remove and reinstall the power supply at the next service window. If the issue persists,




The power input for power supply <

number > is lost. Check PSU cables.

The power supply is installed correctly but an input source is not connected or is not


Verify the input source is attached to the power supply. Verify the input power is within

the operating requirements for the power supply.

The power input for power supply <

number > is outside of range. Check PSU cables.

The operating requirements for the power supply may be found in this manual or on the

power supply itself.

Verify the input source is attached to the power supply. Verify the input power is within

the operating requirements for the power supply.

number > type mismatch.

Power supply <

number > is incorrectly configured. Check PSU.

Power supply <

Power supplies should be of the same input type and power rating.

Install matched power supplies and review proper configuration in this manual.

number > is operating at 110 volts, and could cause a circuit breaker fault.

number >.

number >. Check PSU.

number > is lost.

number > is outside of the allowable range.

number > is outside of the allowable range, but it is



error code


Failsafe Voltage Error. Contact Support. (Fault protection voltage error. Please contact the support staff.)
 View system event records for a serious fault event.
 Disconnect the system's AC power 10  Second, then restart the system.
 If the problem persists, see"Get help"


Ambient Temp Exceeds Allowed Range. (Ambient temperature exceeds the license.)
 The ambient temperature has reached a point that exceeds the scope of the license.
 See"System cooling problem troubleshooting"


Memory Disabled, Temp Above Range. Power Cycle AC. (Disabled Memory, the temperature is out of range. Please turn off the AC power and open.)
 The memory has exceeded the license temperature, which is disabled to prevent component damage.
 Disconnect the system's AC power 10  Second, then restart the system.
 See"System cooling problem troubleshooting". If the problem persists, see"Get help"


Motherboard Battery Failure. Check Battery. (Masterboard Battery Fault. Check the battery.)
 The CMOS battery is lost, or the voltage is exceeded.
 See"System battery troubleshooting"


RAID Controller Battery Failure. Check Battery. (RAID controller battery fault. Please check the battery.)
 RAID battery is lost, damaged or can't charge due to temperature problems.
 Reset the RAID battery connector. See"Install RAID battery"with"System cooling problem troubleshooting"


3.3V Regulator failure. Reseat PCIe cards.(3.3V regulator fault. Please reset the PCIe card. )
3.3V regulator faults.
 Remove and reset the PCIe expansion card. If the problem persists, see"Expansion card troubleshooting"


CPU # vcore regulator failure. Reseat CPU. (CPU # Vcore Regulator Fault. Please reset the CPU.)
 A specific processor VCORE regulator has failed.
 Reset the processor. See"Processor troubleshooting"。
 If the problem persists, see"Get help"


CPU # vtt regular failure. Reseat CPU. (CPU # VTT regulator fault. Please reset the CPU.)
 A specific processor VTT regulator has failed.
 Reset the processor. See"Processor troubleshooting"。
 If the problem persists, see"Get help"


CPU Power Fault. Power Cycle AC. (CPU Power Fault. Please turn off the AC power and open.)
 The power failure is detected when the processor is turned on.
 Disconnect the system's AC power 10  Second, then restart the system.
 If the problem persists, see"Get help"


Memory Regulator # failed. Reseat Dimms. (Memory Regulator # fault. Replace DIMM.)
 A memory stator has failed.
 Reset the memory module. See"System memory troubleshooting"


On-Board regulator failed. Call Support. (On-load regulator fault. Please contact the support staff.)
 A built-in regulator has failed.
 Disconnect the system's AC power 10  Second, then restart the system.
 If the problem persists, see"Get help"


Fan ## rpm Exceeding Range. Check Fan. (Fan ## The speed is out of range. Please check the fan.)
 The per minute of the specific fan is outside the expected operating range.
 See"System cooling problem troubleshooting"


Fan Module ## rpm Exceeding Range. Check Fan (Fan Module ## The speed is out of range. Please check the fan.)
 The revolution of a particular fan in a particular module exceeds the expected operating range.
 See"System cooling problem troubleshooting"


Fan Redundancy Lost. Check Fans. (Fan Redundancy is lost. Check the fan.)
 The fan in the system no longer has redundancy. If a fan failure occurs again, the system will exist overheat.
 Please check the LCD for other scroll information. See"Fan troubleshooting"


System Fatal Error Detected. (Detected a serious error in the system.)
 A severe system error is detected.
 Please check the LCD for other scroll information. Disconnect the system's AC power 10  Second, then restart the system.
 If the problem persists, see"Get help"


CPU # Temp Exceeding Range. Check CPU Heatsink. (CPU # temperature is out of range. Please check the CPU radiator.)
 A particular processor has exceeds an acceptable temperature range.
 Make sure the processor's heat sink has been installed. See"Processor troubleshooting"with"System cooling problem troubleshooting"


CPU # not detected. Check CPU is  SEATED Properly. (No CPU # is detected. Check if the CPU is correct.)
 The specified processor is lost or corrupted, and the configuration of the system is not supported.
 Make sure the specified processor is installed correctly. See"Processor troubleshooting"


Unsupported CPU configur-CHECK CPU OR BIOS Revision. (CPU configuration is not supported. Please check the CPU or BIOS version.)
 Do not support processor configuration
 Make sure your processor is consistent with the model described in the processor technical specification outlined in the System's "Getting Started Guide".


CPU # Protocol Error. Power Cycle AC. (CPU # protocol error. Please turn off the AC power and open again.)
 The system BIOS has reported the processor protocol error.
 Disconnect the system's AC power 10  Second, then restart the system.
 If the problem persists, see"Get help"


CPU Bus Parity Error. Power Cycle AC. (CPU bus parity error. Please turn off the AC power and open.)
 The system BIOS has reported the processor bus parity error.
 Disconnect the system's AC power 10  Second, then restart the system.
 If the problem persists, see"Get help"


CPU # Machine Check Error. Power Cycle AC. (CPU) Check error. Please turn off the AC power and open.)
 The system BIOS has reported that the machine checks the error.
 Disconnect the system's AC power 10  Second, then restart the system.
 If the problem persists, see"Get help"


Power Supply # (### w) Missing. Check Power Supply. (Power Device # (### w) is lost. Please check the power supply.)
 The specific power supply device has been disassembled, or the system is missing this device.
 See"Troubleshooting power supplies"


Power Supply # (### w) Error. Check Power Supply. (Power Device # (## w) error. Check the power supply.)
 A specific power supply is faulty.
 See"Troubleshooting power supplies"


Predictive Failure On Power Supply # (### w). Check PSU (Power Device # (### W) predictable fault. Please check the PSU.)
 The power supply fan is faulty, the temperature is too high, or the power communication error causes an early warning that will be issued will occur.
 See"Troubleshooting power supplies"


Power Supply # (### w) Lost AC Power. CHECK PSU Cables. (Power Device # (### w) AC power is interrupted. Check the PSU cable.)
 A specific power supply device has been connected to the system, but there is no AC input.
Check the AC power of the specified power supply. If the problem persists, see"Troubleshooting power supplies"


Power Supply # (### w) ac Power Error. Check PSU Cables. (Power Device # (### w) AC power error. Please check the PSU cable.)
 The AC input of a particular power supply device exceeds the scope of the license.
 Check the AC power of the specified power supply. If the problem persists, see"Troubleshooting power supplies"


Lost Power Supply Redundancy.check PSU Cables. (Lost power supply redundancy. Please check the PSU cable.)
 The power supply subsystem no longer provides redundancy. If the remaining power supply equipment is wrong, the system will turn off.
 See"Troubleshooting power supplies"


POWER Supply mismatch. PSU1 = ### w, PSU2 = ### W. (Power device does not match. Psu1 = ### W, PSU2 = ### W。)
 The power supply power in the system is different.
 Make sure the power is installed with power. See the technical specifications listed in the System "Getting Started Guide".


Power required >  PSU Wattage. Check PSU and Config. (The power supply is greater than the PSU power. Please check the PSU and configuration.)
 System configuration requirements use greater power than the number of power available than the power supply, even if there is a throttle.
 Turn off system power, reduce hardware configurations, or install higher power power devices, and then restart the system.


I/O channel check error. Review & clear SEL.(I/O channel check error. Check and clear the SEL. )
 System BIOS has reported I/O Channel check.
 Check out the details in SEL and clear the SEL. Disconnect the system's AC power 10  Second, then restart the system.
 If the problem persists, see"Get help"


PCI Parity Error On Bus ## device ## function ## (Bus ##   # ## function ## pci parity error)
 The system BIOS has reported that the PCI parity error occurred, which is located on the bus ## device ## function ## PCI configuration space.
 Remove and reset the PCIe expansion card. If the problem persists, see"Expansion card troubleshooting"。

PCI parity error on Slot #. Review &  Clear SEL. (Slot # PCI parity error. Check and clear the SEL.)
 The system BIOS has reported a PCI parity error that occurs in the specified slot.
 Remove and reset the PCIe expansion card. If the problem persists, see"Expansion card troubleshooting"


PCI System Error On Bus ## Device ## function ## (Bus ##) ## Features ## PCI System Error)
 The system BIOS has reported a PCI system error that occurs in the bus ## device ## function ## PCI configuration space.
 Remove and reset the PCIe expansion card. If the problem persists, see"Expansion card troubleshooting"。

PCI system error on Slot #. Review &  Clear SEL. (Slot # PCI system error. Check and clear the SEL.)
 System BIOS has reported a PCI system error that occurs in the component, which is located in the specified slot.
 Please reinstall the expansion card lifting board. See"Expansion card and expansion card lifting board". If the problem persists, it means that the lifting card or system board is faulty. See"Get help"


Unknown error. Review &  Clear SEL. (unknown error. Check and clear the SEL.)
 The system BIOS has determined that there is an error in the system, but it is not possible to determine the source.
 Check out the details in SEL and clear the SEL. Disconnect the system's AC power 10  Second, then restart the system.
 If the problem persists, see"Get help"


Fatal I / O Error (Serious I / O Error) Review &  Clear SEL. (Check and clear SEL.)
 There is a serious error in the system BIOS decision system.
 Check SEL to learn more, then clear the SEL. Disconnect the system's AC power 10  Second, then restart the system.
 If the problem persists, see"Get help"


Chipset IERR Bus ## Dev ## Function ##. Review & Clear SEL. (Chip Set Ierr Bus ##) ## Function ##. Check and clear SEL.)
 The system BIOS reports the internal error in the chip set in the bus ##, device ##, function ##.
 Check SEL to learn more, then clear the SEL. Disconnect the system's AC power 10  Second, then restart the system.
 If the problem persists, see"Get help"


CPU # internal error. Review &  CLEAR SEL. (CPU) internal error. Check and clear the SEL.)
 The system BIOS determines that the specified processor has an internal error.
 Check SEL to learn more, then clear the SEL. Disconnect the system's AC power 10  Second, then restart the system.
 If the problem persists, see"Get help"


PCIe Fatal Error On Bus ## Device ## function ## (Bus ##   ## function ## pcie fatal error)
 The system BIOS has reported that the components have a PCIe fatal error that is located on the bus ## device ## function ## PCI configuration space.
 Remove and reset the PCIe expansion card. If the problem persists, see"Expansion card troubleshooting"。

PCIe fatal error on Slot #. Review &  Clear SEL. (slot # pcie fatal error. Check and clear the SEL.)
 The system BIOS has reported that the PCIe fatal error occurred, which is located in the specified slot.
 Please reinstall the expansion card lifting board. See"Expansion card and expansion card lifting board". If the problem persists, it means that the lifting card or system board is faulty. See"Get help"


Hard drive ## fault. Review &  Clear SEL. (Hard Drive ## fault. Check and clear the SEL.)
 The specified hard drive has failed.
 See"Hard drive troubleshooting"


Hard Drive ## Removed. Check Drive. (Hard Drive ## has been removed. Check the drive.)
 The specified hard drive has been removed from the system.
 for reference only.


PCI Riser hardware &  Configuration mismatch. Reconfigure. (PCI lifting board hardware is not matched. Please reconfigure.)
 The PCIe lifting board is not configured correctly. Some invalid configurations prevent the system from energization.
 Please reinstall the expansion card lifting board. See"Expansion card and expansion card lifting board"。
 If the problem persists, it means that the lifting card or system board is faulty. See"Get help"


PCI RISER NOT Detected. Check Riser. (No PCI lifting board is detected. Check the lifting board.)
 Lost one or two PCIe lifting boards. This prevents the system from starting.
 Please reinstall the lost lifting card. See"Replace the expansion card lifting board 1"with"Replace the expansion card lifting board 2"


SAS Cable A Failure. Check Connection. (SAS cable A fault. Please check the connection.)
 SAS cable A is lost or damaged.
 Reset the cable. If the problem persists, replace the cable.
 If the problem persists, see"Get help"


SAS Cable B Failure. Check Connection. (SAS cable B fault. Please check the connection.)
 SAS cable B is lost or damaged.

 Reset the cable. If the problem persists, replace the cable.
 If the problem persists, see"Get help"


Control Panel USB Cable Not Detected. Check Cable. (The control panel USB cable is not detected. Please check the cable.)
 The USB cable connected to the control panel is lost or damaged.
 Reset the cable. If the problem persists, replace the cable.
 If the problem persists, see"Get help"


Memory Not Detected. Inspect Dimms. (No memory is detected. Please check DIMM.)
 Memory is not detected in the system.
 Install the memory or reset the memory module. See"Install memory module"or"System memory troubleshooting"


Memory Configuration Failure. Check Dimms. (Memory configuration fault. Please check DIMM.)
 Memory is detected, but the memory is not configurable. Errors are detected during memory.
 See"System memory troubleshooting"


Memory Configured But Unusable. Check Dimms. (Memory is configured, but cannot be used. Please check DIMM.)
 Memory is configured, but not available.
 See"System memory troubleshooting"


Bios Unable to Shadow Memory. Check Dimms. (BIOS is unable to access shadow memory. Please check DIMM.)
 The system BIOS cannot copy its flash image to memory.
 See"System memory troubleshooting"


CMOS RAM Failure. Power Cycle AC. (CMOS RAM Fault. Please turn off the AC power and open.)
 CMOS faults. CMOS RAM did not work properly.
 Disconnect the system's AC power 10  Second, then restart the system.
 If the problem persists, see"Get help"


DMA Controller Failure. Power Cycle AC. (DMA Controller Fault. Please turn off the AC power and open.)
 The DMA controller has failed.
 Disconnect the system's AC power 10  Second, then restart the system.
 If the problem persists, see"Get help"


Interrupt Controller Failure. Power Cycle AC. (Interrupt Controller Fault. Please turn off the AC power and open.)
 The interrupt controller has failed.
 Disconnect the system's AC power 10  Second, then restart the system.
 If the problem persists, see"Get help"


Timer Refresh Failure. Power Cycle AC. (Timer refreshes the fault. Please turn off the AC power and open.)
 The timer refreshes the fault.
 Disconnect the system's AC power 10  Second, then restart the system.
 If the problem persists, see"Get help"


PROGRAMMABLE TIMER ERROR. Power Cycle AC. (Programmable timer error. Please turn off the AC power and open.)
 Programmable interval timer error.
 Disconnect the system's AC power 10  Second, then restart the system.
 If the problem persists, see"Get help"


Power CYCLE AC. (Parity error. Please turn off the AC power and open.)
 Parity error.
 Disconnect the system's AC power 10  Second, then restart the system.
 If the problem persists, see"Get help"


SUPERCIO FAILURE. Power Cycle AC. (SuperI ", please turn off the AC power and open.)
 SiO has failed.
 Disconnect the system's AC power 10  Second, then restart the system.
 If the problem persists, see"Get help"


Keyboard Controller error. Power Cycle AC. (Keyboard controller error. Please turn off the AC power and open.)
 Keyboard Controller Failure. (Keyboard controller fault.)
 Disconnect the system's AC power 10  Second, then restart the system.
 If the problem persists, see"Get help"


SMI INITIALIZATION FAILURE. Power Cycle AC. (SMI initialization failed. Please turn off the AC power and open.)
 System Management Interruption (SMI) initialization failed.
 Disconnect the system's AC power 10  Second, then restart the system.
 If the problem persists, see"Get help"


Shutdown Test Failure. Power Cycle AC. (Turning off the detector failed. Please turn off the AC power and open.)
 The BIOS close the detection program failed.
 Disconnect the system's AC power 10  Second, then restart the system.
 If the problem persists, see"Get help"


Post Memory Test Failure. Check Dimms. (Post memory detection failed. Please check DIMM.)
 BIOS POST memory detection failed.
 See"System memory troubleshooting"。
 If the problem persists, see"Get help"


CPU Configuration Failure. Check Screen Message. (CPU configuration failed. Please check the screen information.)
 The processor configuration failed.
 Check the specific error message on the screen. See"Processor troubleshooting"


Incorrect memory configur-The memory configuration is incorrect. Please refer to the User Guide.)
 The memory configuration is incorrect.
 Check the specific error message on the screen. See"System memory troubleshooting"


General Failure During Post. Check Screen Message. (General Fault during POST. Please check the screen information.)
 The video has a general fault.
 Check the specific error message on the screen.


Bios Unable to mirror Memory. Check Dimms. Can't mirror memory. Please check DIMM.)
 Because the memory module is faulty or the memory configuration is invalid, the system BIOS cannot enable memory mirroring.
 See"System memory troubleshooting"


Multibit Error On Dimm ##. Reseat Dimm. (DIMM ## Multi-bit error. Please reset the DIMM.)
 Slot "##"  Multi-bit errors (MBE) have occurred in memory modules.
 See"System memory troubleshooting"


SBE log disabled on Dimm ##. Reseat Dimm. (SBE log on DIMM ## has been disabled. Please reset the DIMM.)
 System BIOS has disable memory unit errors (SBE) records, and more SBE will not be recorded before rebooting the system."##"Represents the memory module indicated by the BIOS.
 Disconnect the system's AC power 10  Second, then restart the system.
 If the problem persists, see"System memory troubleshooting"


Mem mirror OFF on DIMM ## &  ##. Power Cycle AC. (DIMM ## and ## memory mirror close. Please turn off the AC power and open.)
 Since the system BIOS determines that there are too many errors in half mirror, the memory mirror function has been disabled."## with ##"The memory module indicated by the BIOS indicated.
 Disconnect the system's AC power 10  Second, then restart the system.
 If the problem persists, see"System memory troubleshooting"


Intrusion Detected. Check Chassis Cover has been detected. Check the chassis cover.)
 The system cover has been removed.
 for reference only.


LCD Log Full. Check Sel To Review All Errors. (LCD logs are full. Please check SEL, see all errors.)
 LCD overflow information. Up to 10 error messages can only be displayed in sequence on the LCD. Article 11 Information guides the user to check SEL to understand the event details.
 View SEL to get event details.
 Disconnect the system's AC power 10  Second, or clear SEL.


SEL full. Review &  Clear Log. Check and clear the log.)
 The event of SEL record is full and other content cannot be recorded.
 Check out the details in SEL and clear the SEL.


RAID Controller Battery Capacity <24hr. (The battery capacity of the RAID controller is less than 24  hour. )
 Pre-warning RAID battery is only less 24  Hourd power.
 Charging the RAID battery, making its remaining power greater than 24  hour.
 If the problem persists, replace the RAID battery. See"Install RAID battery"


Power required >  PSU Wattage. Check PSU and Config. (The power supply is greater than the PSU power. Please check the PSU and configuration.)
System configuration requires a greater power that is available than the power supply.
 Turn off system power, reduce hardware configurations, or install higher power power devices, and then restart the system.


Performance degraded. Check PSU and system configur-(Performance Downgrade. Please check the PSU and system configuration.)
 System configuration requires greater power than power supply, but can be guided by using throttling functions.
 Turn off system power, reduce hardware configurations, or install higher power power devices, and then restart the system.

Error Code

Message Information


Check system video and review event log for additional 



POST fatal error detected.

LCD Message

POST fatal error detected.


System BIOS detected a functional or configuration issue 
during system POST.   


Check system video and review event log for additional 



Power supply <number> failed.

LCD Message

PSU <number> failed. Check PSU.


Remove and reinstall the power supply. If the issue persists, 



A predictive failure detected on power supply <number>.

LCD Message

Predictive failure on PSU <number>. Check PSU.


System performance and power redundancy may be 
degraded or lost.  


Remove and reinstall the power supply at the next service 
window. If the issue persists, see 




The power input for power supply <number> is lost.

LCD Message

Power input for PSU <number> is lost. Check PSU cables.


The power supply is installed correctly but an input source is 
not connected or is not functional.  


Verify the input source is attached to the power supply. 
Verify the input power is within the operating requirements 
for the power supply.   



The power input for power supply <number> is outside of 
the allowable range.

LCD Message

Power input for PSU <number> is outside of range. Check 
PSU cables.


The operating requirements for the power supply may be 
found in this manual or on the power supply itself.


У меня Dell Inspirion, и порт источника питания поврежден.

В основном, когда я подключаю его, я получаю приятное всплывающее окно, сообщающее, что он не может определить, что это блок питания Dell, поэтому он не будет заряжать аккумулятор и разгонять систему. Это все еще работает для других целей (то есть, дает власть).

Я думал, что это был настоящий кабель питания, поэтому я купил новый, который работал некоторое время, при условии, что я вставил его под прямым углом. Но теперь это больше не работает, поэтому я предполагаю, что это та часть, которая подключается к компьютеру.

Зарядка аккумулятора, без которого я могу жить, разгона не могу. Я бы хотел обойти эту проблему. Вещи, которые я пробовал:

  1. Обновление BIOS
  2. Замена кабеля питания
  3. Вставить его под разными углами
  4. Выключить и снова включить
  5. Ругаться
  6. Скручивание при вставке

Итак, есть ли какой-то обходной путь? Я хотел бы избежать вывоза моего комплекта для пайки и риска навсегда повредить дорогостоящее оборудование, если все в порядке. Я надеюсь на программное решение.

Добавлено: точная модель Del Inspirion N5010

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