Canon 6020 код ошибки e100 0000

Canon i-SENSYS LBP6020B ошибка E100 0000 и E000 0000

|    Сообщение #1

Отправлено 17 января 2018 — 09:59

Доброго времени всем.

Имеется лазерный принтер Canon i-SENSYS LBP6020B с ошибкой:
Код ошибки: E100 0000
E000 0000
E000 0000
E000 0000

Данная ошибка была 1,5 месяца назад.
С помощью подмены с работающего принтера блок лазера/сканера было выявлено проблему именно в блоке лазера/сканера принтера.
Куплен новый блок лазер/сканера и установлен на принтер. Принтер работал без проблем в течении 1,5 месяца.

Проблема повторилась.
Посоветуйте что делать? Подозреваю что эта проблема повторится еще раз, если поменяю блок лазера/сканера.

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  1. 3 Answers
  2. Durgesh
  3. John Smith
  4. vamsikrishna
  5. 2 Suggested Answers
  6. 6ya staff
  7. Gunter
  8. Add Your Answer
  9. Draw a box over the problem!!
  10. Attachments: Added items
  11. Related Questions:
  12. Laser scanner unit error. Turn off the printer,then contact the store you purchased the printer inform them of the error code displayed and symptoms. Error Code: E100 0000
  13. My cannon LBP2900B laser printer shows error E1000000 and not printing at all please help.
  14. Show error 52.00
  15. Description
  16. Action
  17. Error Code: E100 0000
  18. Cannon printer error 100000
  19. Laser scanner unit error. Turn off the printer, and then turn it on again. If the same error occurs, turn off the printer, then contact the store you purchased the printer, or a service representative.
  20. Error Code: E100 0000
  21. Возможные причины ограничения доступа:

Принтер не оснащен дисплеем для индикации состояния, поэтому все сообщения будут отображаться на мониторе компьютера в окне состояния.

Коды ошибок:
E000 – короткое замыкание на термисторе,либо проблема с тепловым предохранителем
E100 – проблема блока лазерного сканера
E197 – ошибка связи с двигателем (engine controller PCB)
E747 – ошибка памяти видео контроллера (video controller PCB)

Posted by Anonymous on Mar 26, 2012

3 Answers


An expert who has achieved level 1.

An expert that has 1 follower.

An expert whose answer got voted for 2 times.

Aser scanner unit error.
Turn off the printer, and then turn it on again. If the same error occurs, turn off the printer, then contact the store you purchased the printer, or a service representative. When contacting the service representative, inform them of the error code displayed and symptoms.
Error Code: E100 0000

Posted on Sep 13, 2013

John Smith

An expert who has achieved level 2 by getting 100 points

An expert that got 5 achievements.

Visited the website for 3 consecutive days.

An expert that has 1 follower.

Hi, you need to contact printer Experts. you can call toll free phone number – 877-690-9305

Posted on Mar 28, 2018


An expert who has achieved level 1.

An expert that has 1 follower.

Aser scanner unit error.
Turn off the printer, and then turn it on again. If the same error occurs, turn off the printer, then contact the store you purchased the printer, or a service representative. When contacting the service representative, inform them of the error code displayed and symptoms.
Error Code: E100 0000

Posted on May 15, 2014

2 Suggested Answers

6ya staff

  • 2 Answers

Hi there,
Save hours of searching online or wasting money on unnecessary repairs by talking to a 6YA Expert who can help you resolve this issue over the phone in a minute or two.

Best thing about this new service is that you are never placed on hold and get to talk to real repairmen in the US.

Instant Repair Help over the Phone

Save Time & Money by instantly connecting to.

Posted on Jan 02, 2017


  • 112 Answers

Hi, Your laser unit is faulty. Its more cost-effective to buy new printer. Having it repaired will cost about same as a new one. If still under warranty then just return and have it replaced.

Posted on Jul 29, 2011

Add Your Answer

Tips for a great answer:

  • – Answer the question.
  • – If you need clarification, ask it in the comment box above.
  • – Better answers use proper spelling and grammar.
  • – Provide details, support with references or personal experience.

Draw a box over the problem!!

Attachments: Added items

Complete. Click «Add» to insert your video. Add

Laser scanner unit error. Turn off the printer,then contact the store you purchased the printer inform them of the error code displayed and symptoms. Error Code: E100 0000

My cannon LBP2900B laser printer shows error E1000000 and not printing at all please help.

Show error 52.00

Note this a not something users can repair themselves. It is a fault with scanning motor. may need motor or whole scanning assembly to be replaced. Only service centre can perform this.

52.XY PRINTER ERROR For help press? alternates with 52.XY PRINTER ERROR To continue turn off then on



  1. Press the (Select) button to continue.
  2. Turn the printer off and then turn the printer power on.
  3. If the message persists, contact HP Customer Support.

The laser scanner speed is incorrect. X description: 1 = Scanner startup error 2 = Scanner rotation error.

1. Press GO. The page containing the error will automatically be reprinted. 2. Turn the printer off and then on. 3. Reseat cables to the laser/ scanner and engine controller. 4. Replace the laser/scanner. HP LaserJet 4200 and 4300 Series Printers Numerical Error Messages

Error Code: E100 0000

Cannon printer error 100000

Error code E#100, ERR 100 or E100-0000 is a laser scanner unit error.

Solution 1:

  • Turn off the printer, wait 10 minutes, and then turn it on again.

Solution 2:

  • Flip open the top of the printer.
  • Look for a small shutter that holds the laser: carefully force this open with your hands and force the laser out into the center of the tracking cradle.
  • After you move the laser, unplug the printer for a few minutes.
  • Plug the printer back in.

Solution 3:

  • If the same error occurs, it’s necessary to contact a service representative.

Fix your printer

Laser scanner unit error. Turn off the printer, and then turn it on again. If the same error occurs, turn off the printer, then contact the store you purchased the printer, or a service representative.

Solution 1:

  • Turn off the printer, wait 10 minutes, and then turn it on again.

Solution 2:

  • Flip open the top of the printer.
  • Look for a small shutter that holds the laser: carefully force this open with your hands and force the laser out into the center of the tracking cradle.
  • After you move the laser, unplug the printer for a few minutes.
  • Plug the printer back in.

Solution 3:
If the same error occurs, it’s necessary to contact a service representative

Error Code: E100 0000

Error code E#100, ERR 100 or E100-0000 is a laser scanner unit error.
Solution 1:
Turn off the printer, wait 10 minutes, and then turn it on again.
Solution 2:
Flip open the top of the printer.
Look for a small shutter that holds the laser: carefully force this open with your hands and force the laser out into the center of the tracking cradle.
After you move the laser, unplug the printer for a few minutes.
Plug the printer back in.
Solution 3:
If the same error occurs, it’s necessary to contact a service representative.

Возможные причины ограничения доступа:

Доступ ограничен по решению суда или по иным основаниям, установленным законодательством Российской Федерации.

Сетевой адрес, позволяющий идентифицировать сайт в сети «Интернет», включен в Единый Реестр доменных имен, указателей страниц сайтов сети «Интернет» и сетевых адресов, позволяющих идентифицировать сайты в сети «Интернет», содержащие информацию, распространение которой в Российской Федерации запрещено.

Сетевой адрес, позволяющий идентифицировать сайт в сети «Интернет», включен в Реестр доменных имен, указателей страниц сайтов в сети «Интернет» и сетевых адресов, позволяющих идентифицировать сайты в сети «Интернет», содержащие информацию, распространяемую с нарушением исключительных прав.

Canon i-SENSYS LBP6020B ошибка E100 0000 и E000 0000

|    Сообщение #1

Отправлено 17 января 2018 — 09:59


Доброго времени всем.

Имеется лазерный принтер Canon i-SENSYS LBP6020B с ошибкой:
Код ошибки: E100 0000
E000 0000
E000 0000
E000 0000

Данная ошибка была 1,5 месяца назад.
С помощью подмены с работающего принтера блок лазера/сканера было выявлено проблему именно в блоке лазера/сканера принтера.
Куплен новый блок лазер/сканера и установлен на принтер. Принтер работал без проблем в течении 1,5 месяца.

Проблема повторилась.
Посоветуйте что делать? Подозреваю что эта проблема повторится еще раз, если поменяю блок лазера/сканера.

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Модератор: vetal

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    johnnybravo в форуме Принтеры, МФУ, копиры формата A3


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  1. 3 Answers
  2. Durgesh
  3. John Smith
  4. vamsikrishna
  5. 2 Suggested Answers
  6. 6ya staff
  7. Gunter
  8. Add Your Answer
  9. Draw a box over the problem!!
  10. Attachments: Added items
  11. Related Questions:
  12. Laser scanner unit error. Turn off the printer,then contact the store you purchased the printer inform them of the error code displayed and symptoms. Error Code: E100 0000
  13. My cannon LBP2900B laser printer shows error E1000000 and not printing at all please help.
  14. Show error 52.00
  15. Description
  16. Action
  17. Error Code: E100 0000
  18. Cannon printer error 100000
  19. Laser scanner unit error. Turn off the printer, and then turn it on again. If the same error occurs, turn off the printer, then contact the store you purchased the printer, or a service representative.
  20. Error Code: E100 0000
  21. Возможные причины ограничения доступа:

Принтер не оснащен дисплеем для индикации состояния, поэтому все сообщения будут отображаться на мониторе компьютера в окне состояния.

Коды ошибок:
E000 – короткое замыкание на термисторе,либо проблема с тепловым предохранителем
E100 – проблема блока лазерного сканера
E197 – ошибка связи с двигателем (engine controller PCB)
E747 – ошибка памяти видео контроллера (video controller PCB)

Posted by Anonymous on Mar 26, 2012

3 Answers


An expert who has achieved level 1.

An expert that has 1 follower.

An expert whose answer got voted for 2 times.

Aser scanner unit error.
Turn off the printer, and then turn it on again. If the same error occurs, turn off the printer, then contact the store you purchased the printer, or a service representative. When contacting the service representative, inform them of the error code displayed and symptoms.
Error Code: E100 0000

Posted on Sep 13, 2013

John Smith

An expert who has achieved level 2 by getting 100 points

An expert that got 5 achievements.

Visited the website for 3 consecutive days.

An expert that has 1 follower.

Hi, you need to contact printer Experts. you can call toll free phone number – 877-690-9305

Posted on Mar 28, 2018


An expert who has achieved level 1.

An expert that has 1 follower.

Aser scanner unit error.
Turn off the printer, and then turn it on again. If the same error occurs, turn off the printer, then contact the store you purchased the printer, or a service representative. When contacting the service representative, inform them of the error code displayed and symptoms.
Error Code: E100 0000

Posted on May 15, 2014

2 Suggested Answers

6ya staff

  • 2 Answers

Hi there,
Save hours of searching online or wasting money on unnecessary repairs by talking to a 6YA Expert who can help you resolve this issue over the phone in a minute or two.

Best thing about this new service is that you are never placed on hold and get to talk to real repairmen in the US.

Instant Repair Help over the Phone

Save Time & Money by instantly connecting to.

Posted on Jan 02, 2017


  • 112 Answers

Hi, Your laser unit is faulty. Its more cost-effective to buy new printer. Having it repaired will cost about same as a new one. If still under warranty then just return and have it replaced.

Posted on Jul 29, 2011

Add Your Answer

Tips for a great answer:

  • – Answer the question.
  • – If you need clarification, ask it in the comment box above.
  • – Better answers use proper spelling and grammar.
  • – Provide details, support with references or personal experience.

Draw a box over the problem!!

Attachments: Added items

Complete. Click «Add» to insert your video. Add

Laser scanner unit error. Turn off the printer,then contact the store you purchased the printer inform them of the error code displayed and symptoms. Error Code: E100 0000

My cannon LBP2900B laser printer shows error E1000000 and not printing at all please help.

Show error 52.00

Note this a not something users can repair themselves. It is a fault with scanning motor. may need motor or whole scanning assembly to be replaced. Only service centre can perform this.

52.XY PRINTER ERROR For help press? alternates with 52.XY PRINTER ERROR To continue turn off then on



  1. Press the (Select) button to continue.
  2. Turn the printer off and then turn the printer power on.
  3. If the message persists, contact HP Customer Support.

The laser scanner speed is incorrect. X description: 1 = Scanner startup error 2 = Scanner rotation error.

1. Press GO. The page containing the error will automatically be reprinted. 2. Turn the printer off and then on. 3. Reseat cables to the laser/ scanner and engine controller. 4. Replace the laser/scanner. HP LaserJet 4200 and 4300 Series Printers Numerical Error Messages

Error Code: E100 0000

Cannon printer error 100000

Error code E#100, ERR 100 or E100-0000 is a laser scanner unit error.

Solution 1:

  • Turn off the printer, wait 10 minutes, and then turn it on again.

Solution 2:

  • Flip open the top of the printer.
  • Look for a small shutter that holds the laser: carefully force this open with your hands and force the laser out into the center of the tracking cradle.
  • After you move the laser, unplug the printer for a few minutes.
  • Plug the printer back in.

Solution 3:

  • If the same error occurs, it’s necessary to contact a service representative.

Fix your printer

Laser scanner unit error. Turn off the printer, and then turn it on again. If the same error occurs, turn off the printer, then contact the store you purchased the printer, or a service representative.

Solution 1:

  • Turn off the printer, wait 10 minutes, and then turn it on again.

Solution 2:

  • Flip open the top of the printer.
  • Look for a small shutter that holds the laser: carefully force this open with your hands and force the laser out into the center of the tracking cradle.
  • After you move the laser, unplug the printer for a few minutes.
  • Plug the printer back in.

Solution 3:
If the same error occurs, it’s necessary to contact a service representative

Error Code: E100 0000

Error code E#100, ERR 100 or E100-0000 is a laser scanner unit error.
Solution 1:
Turn off the printer, wait 10 minutes, and then turn it on again.
Solution 2:
Flip open the top of the printer.
Look for a small shutter that holds the laser: carefully force this open with your hands and force the laser out into the center of the tracking cradle.
After you move the laser, unplug the printer for a few minutes.
Plug the printer back in.
Solution 3:
If the same error occurs, it’s necessary to contact a service representative.

Возможные причины ограничения доступа:

Доступ ограничен по решению суда или по иным основаниям, установленным законодательством Российской Федерации.

Сетевой адрес, позволяющий идентифицировать сайт в сети «Интернет», включен в Единый Реестр доменных имен, указателей страниц сайтов сети «Интернет» и сетевых адресов, позволяющих идентифицировать сайты в сети «Интернет», содержащие информацию, распространение которой в Российской Федерации запрещено.

Сетевой адрес, позволяющий идентифицировать сайт в сети «Интернет», включен в Реестр доменных имен, указателей страниц сайтов в сети «Интернет» и сетевых адресов, позволяющих идентифицировать сайты в сети «Интернет», содержащие информацию, распространяемую с нарушением исключительных прав.

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