[Материнская плата] Возможные Q-CODE(коды ошибок) и их устранение
Пожалуйста, проверьте, поддерживает ваша плата Q-CODE или нет:
С помощью распространенных Q-CODE можно определить распрестраненные проблемы при установке компонентов в материнскую плату.
Пожалуйста, следуйте таблице Q-CODE ниже для устранения неисправности:
Распространенные Q-CODE для плат на базе Intel |
Распространенные Q-CODE для плат на базе AMD |
ошибка CPU |
ошибка памяти |
ошибка графической карты |
Другое |
00,D0 |
V |
53,55 |
F9 |
V |
D6 |
V |
B0,99,15,53, |
V |
V |
D6 |
V |
V |
00,19,30,40,55 |
V |
V |
V |
A0,A2 |
A0,A2 |
Ненормальная загрузка устройства |
B2 |
B2 |
Внешнее устройство работает неверно |
A9 |
A9 |
Загрузка в BIOS |
AA |
AA |
Загрузка в систему |
Устранение неполадок с CPU
1. Войдите в ASUS Центр-загрузки для проверки совместимости вашей платы и процессора:
a. Введите наименование модели платы в поисковой строке (Например: ROG CROSSHAIR VII HERO), затем выберите ее из выпадающего меню и нажмите.
b. Пожалуйста, нажмите на [Поддержка Процессора/ Память], как показано ниже:
c. Кликните на [Поддержка процессоров] и проверьте, есть ваш CPU в списке совместимости QVL или нет, также проверьте версию BIOS рекомендуемую к установке (версия должна быть такой, как указана или новее).
2. Попробуйте переустановить CPU и проверьте контакты CPU на наличие грязи. Если они имеются, очистите контакты.
3. Проверьте CPU контакты на наличие повреждений. Если они имеются, пожалуйста, замените на новый процессор.
Устранение неисправности с памятью
1. Переустановите планку памяти, и убедитесь, что она подключена верно и до конца.
Неверная установка:
Верная установка:
2. Проверьте, не загрязнены ли контакты памяти или слот на материнской плате как показано ниже. Если да, очистите и попробуйте снова.
3. Если вы используете 2 и более планок, попробуйте подключить хотя бы одну планку и загрузитесь с ней. Если система запускается хотя бы с одной планкой памяти, попробуйте каждую из них по отдельности, чтобы выявить неисправную планку.
4. Предлагаемые конфигурации памяти смотрите в руководстве пользователя вашей модели, как показано на рисунке ниже, затем повторите попытку:
Можете воспользоваться ссылкой: Какс качать руководство
5. Если проблема не может быть решена после выполнения шагов 1–4, замените на заведомо исправную память и повторите попытку.
Устранение неполадок с графической картой
1. Интегрированная графика (встроенная) выходит из строя. Пожалуйста, попробуйте переустановить процессор
2. Неправильный вывод на экран дополнительной видеокарты:
a. Попробуйте переустановить видеокарту
b. Проверьте, нет ли грязи на контакте PCI-E материнской платы или контакте видеокарты, как показано на рисунке ниже. Если да, очистите их и попробуйте еще раз
c. Если внешняя графическая карта имеет интерфейс питания, убедитесь, что интерфейс питания правильно подключен, как показано ниже:
d. Если ваша проблема не может быть решена после выполнения шагов a ~ c, замените на исправную видеокарту и повторите попытку.
Устранение неполадок загрузки
1. Пожалуйста, повторно подключите кабель SATA к материнской плате и жесткому диску соответственно.
2. Если установлен M.2 SSD, снова подключите M.2 SSD и убедитесь, что винт M.2 заблокирован.
3. Проверьте, нет ли грязи на позолоченных контактах M.2 SSD или M.2 слота материнской платы, как показано на изображении ниже. Если обнаружена грязь, очистите контакты и попробуйте еще раз.
4. Если шаги 1–3 не могут решить вашу проблему, замените на исправный кабель SATA, порт SATA или жесткий диск SATA (M.2 SSD) и повторите попытку.
Устранение неполадок с внешними устройствами
1. Выключите питание и удалите все внешние устройства (например, карту PCI-E, карту Raid и т. д.) от материнской платы.
2. Затем попробуйте перезагрузить компьютер. Если он включается, проблема может быть в удаленных внешних устройствах. Повторно подключайте внешние устройства одно за другим, пока не обнаружите, какое внешнее устройство или кабель вызывает проблему.
Проблема загрузки в BIOS
Если CODE — A9, значит компьютер вошел в BIOS
1. Если монитор неисправен, выполните следующие действия для устранения неполадок:
a. Убедитесь, что монитор подключен правильно, и убедитесь, что световой индикатор монитора горит, что означает, что кабель питания монитора подключен правильно. Убедитесь, что внешний кабель питания подключен нормально. Пожалуйста, попробуйте включить, выключить, проверьте, может ли монитор отображать. Если вы выключаете и включаете монитор, на мониторе отображается «нет сигнала», это означает, что монитор подключен верно.
b. Убедитесь, что сигнальный кабель (VGA / DVI / HDMI / DisplayPort) правильно подключен к монитору, а также убедитесь, что другой конец сигнального кабеля подключен к выходу дисплея (видеокарта) компьютера. Попробуйте снова подключить кабель дисплея с двух сторон и убедитесь, что все контакты не погнуты.
c. Убедитесь, что изображение на мониторе правильное. Например, если он в настоящее время подключен к компьютеру через интерфейс HDMI, вы должны выбрать выход дисплея монитора как выход дисплея HDMI.
d. Замените кабель того же типа (VGA / DVI / HDMI / DisplayPort) для повторной проверки.
e. Подключите монитор к другому компьютеру и убедитесь, что монитор работает нормально, чтобы устранить проблему с монитором.
2. Если на мониторе отображается BIOS, следуйте инструкциям Устранение неполадок загрузки, проверьте жесткий диск или SSD на исправность.
Вопросы и ответы:
Q1.Как узнать, поддерживает плата Q-CODE или нет?
A1: Вы можете проверить следующие три варианта:
Вариант 1: проверьте наличие Q-кода на материнской плате, который обычно находится на левом верхнем или нижнем крае материнской платы, как показано на рисунке ниже:
Вариант 2. Войдите в ASUS Центр-загрузок, скачайте руководство пользователя и проверьте там ASUS Q-CODE
1) Нажмите на , затем введите название модели материнской платы (например, ROG MAXIMUS IX FORMULA), выберите название модели в выпадающем меню, как показано ниже:
2) Нажмите [Характеристики], найдите [Special Features]- [ASUS Q-Design], и проверьте, есть ли параметр [ASUS Q-CODE]
Вариант 3. Войдите в ASUS Центр-загрузок, скачайте руководство пользователя и проверьте там ASUS Q-CODE
Скачайте мануал
1) Введите название модели материнской платы (например, ROG CROSSHAIR VII HERO), затем выберите название модели в раскрывающемся списке, как показано ниже:
2) Нажмите [Руководства и документы]
3) Нажмите [Руководство пользователя], найдите User’s Manual(English, затем нажмите [СКАЧАТЬ]):
4) Найдите [Special Features] — [ASUS Q-Design], и проверьте [Q-CODE]
Q2: Что делать, если Qпроблема так и не решилась?
A2: Пожалуйста, попробуйте очистить CMOS, как это сделать описано тут: Как очистить CMOS
Если проблема по-прежнему не может быть устранена, свяжитесь с нами Служба поддержки
Q-Code LEDs
The Q-Code LED design provides you the 2-digit display, allowing you to
know the system status. Refer to the Q-Code table below for details.
Not used
Power on. Reset type detection (soft/hard).
AP initialization before microcode loading
System Agent initialization before microcode loading
PCH initialization before microcode loading
Microcode loading
AP initialization after microcode loading
System Agent initialization after microcode loading
PCH initialization after microcode loading
Cache initialization
0C – 0D
Reserved for future AMI SEC error codes
Microcode not found
Microcode not loaded
PEI Core is started
11 – 14
Pre-memory CPU initialization is started
15 – 18
Pre-memory System Agent initialization is started
19 – 1C
Pre-memory PCH initialization is started
2B – 2F
Memory initialization
Reserved for ASL (see ASL Status Codes section below)
Memory Installed
32 – 36
CPU post-memory initialization
37 – 3A
Post-Memory System Agent initialization is started
Chapter 2: Hardware information
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[ТС] |
Заголовок сообщения: Asus Maximus V Formula посткод 55h со вставленной памятью , затем введите название модели материнской платы (например, ROG MAXIMUS IX FORMULA), выберите название модели в выпадающем меню, как показано ниже: 2) Нажмите [Характеристики], найдите [Special Features]- [ASUS Q-Design], и проверьте, есть ли параметр [ASUS Q-CODE] Вариант 3. Войдите в ASUS Центр-загрузок, скачайте руководство пользователя и проверьте там ASUS Q-CODE Скачайте мануал 1) Введите название модели материнской платы (например, ROG CROSSHAIR VII HERO), затем выберите название модели в раскрывающемся списке, как показано ниже: 2) Нажмите [Руководства и документы] 3) Нажмите [Руководство пользователя], найдите User’s Manual(English, затем нажмите [СКАЧАТЬ]):
4) Найдите [Special Features] — [ASUS Q-Design], и проверьте [Q-CODE] Q2: Что делать, если Qпроблема так и не решилась? A2: Пожалуйста, попробуйте очистить CMOS, как это сделать описано тут: Как очистить CMOS Если проблема по-прежнему не может быть устранена, свяжитесь с нами Служба поддержки 5. Q-Code LEDs The Q-Code LED design provides you the 2-digit display, allowing you to know the system status. Refer to the Q-Code table below for details. Code Description 00 Not used 01 Power on. Reset type detection (soft/hard). 02 AP initialization before microcode loading 03 System Agent initialization before microcode loading 04 PCH initialization before microcode loading 06 Microcode loading 07 AP initialization after microcode loading 08 System Agent initialization after microcode loading 09 PCH initialization after microcode loading 0B Cache initialization 0C – 0D Reserved for future AMI SEC error codes 0E Microcode not found 0F Microcode not loaded 10 PEI Core is started 11 – 14 Pre-memory CPU initialization is started 15 – 18 Pre-memory System Agent initialization is started 19 – 1C Pre-memory PCH initialization is started 2B – 2F Memory initialization 30 Reserved for ASL (see ASL Status Codes section below) 31 Memory Installed 32 – 36 CPU post-memory initialization 37 – 3A Post-Memory System Agent initialization is started 2-22 Chapter 2: Hardware information
22 August 2014·560 words·3 mins It’s been quite a while since I built a computer but I decided to give it a try for a new hypervisor/NAS box at home. I picked up an Asus Maximus VI Gene motherboard since it had some good parts installed and it seems to work well with Linux. This was my first time doing water cooling for the CPU and I picked up a Seidon 240M after getting some recommendations. Rubber hits the road #Once everything was in the box and the power was applied, I was stuck with an error code. There’s a two-digit LCD display on the motherboard that rapidly flips between different codes during boot-up. If it stays on a code for a while and you don’t get any display output, you have a problem. For me, this Asus Q code was 55. The manual says it means that RAM isn’t installed. I pulled out my four sticks of RAM and reseated all of them. I still got the same error. After reading a bunch of forum posts, I ran through a lot of troubleshooting steps:
I still had error 55 and wasn’t going anywhere fast. After some further testing, I found that if I left the two RAM slots next to the CPU empty, the system would boot. If I put any RAM in the two left RAM slots (A1 and A2), the system wouldn’t boot. Here’s an excerpt from the manual:
CPU is on the left. RAM slots are A1, A2, B1, B2, left to right. Fine-tuning the Google search #I adjusted my Google terms to include “A1 A2 slots” and found more posts talking about CPU coolers being installed incorrectly. Mine had to be correct — I installed it four times! I decided to try re-installing it one last time. When I removed the CPU cooler from the CPU, I noticed something strange. There are four standoffs around the CPU that the cooler would attach to with screws. Those standoffs screwed into posts that connected to a bracket on the back of the motherboard. The lower two standoffs are highlighted. I removed the two standoffs that were closest to the A1/A2 RAM slots and noticed something peculiar. One side of the standoff had a black coating that seemed a bit tacky while the other side of the standoff was bare metal. Three of the standoffs had the black side down (against the board) while one had the black side up. I unscrewed that standoff and found that the bare metal side was wedged firmly onto some connections that run from the CPU to the A1/A2 RAM slots. Could this be the issue? Eureka #After double-checking all of the CPU cooler standoffs and attaching the cooler to the board, I crossed my fingers and hit the power button. The machine shot through POST and I was staring down a Fedora logo that quickly led to a GDM login. The culprit I don’t talk about hardware too often on the blog, but I certainly hopes this helps someone else who is desperately trying to find a solution. Thread: Error Code 55 (Maximus VI Hero)Thread ToolsSearch ThreadDisplayError Code 55 (Maximus VI Hero)
EDIT: There should be a song dedicated to error 55.
Moderator Array Nate152 PC Specs
Join Date Feb 2013 Reputation 386 Posts 17,480 The ripjaws x ram is on the QVL list for your motherboard so it should work. The bios update seemed to work as you went from code 00 to code 55. All the parts you’ve chosen are compatible so that means there is a problem somewhere. Try with just 1 stick in slot A1. You say you’ve loosened your fan, I hope that means you’ve loosened your cpu cooler a touch, sometimes an over tightened cpu cooler can cause code 55. If this does not help, remove your cpu cooler and cpu and check the socket pins very close in good light with a magnifying glass for any bent or misaligned socket pins. Make sure they are ALL evenly spaced. Look carefully.
ROG Member Array AliceInBroadband PC Specs
Join Date Jan 2015 Reputation 10 Posts 11 You have several options, with Risk running inversely proportional to Cost on the scale. 1. Contact Asus Support and see if they can do anything for you. 2. You could send it to a local PC-Repair shop and have them fix it for you, most shops in my experience have dealt with this sort of problem before (I bent the pins on an old AMD CPU back 2005 or so and I took it in and they fixed my blunder for me). 3. And here is the most risky one. You can repair it yourself. I myself however do not recommend this and urge you to rather contact Asus about the problem, however, for the sake of education: Take a standard mechanical pencil — the kind that holds sticks of lead — and remove all the lead from it. Proceed — preferably with a magnifying glass to aid your vision — to straighten out the pins using the front of the mechanical pencil. You run the risk of breaking the pins off completely or bending them into an even worse condition and thus I wouldn’t recommend you do this unless you have a lot of money or have no other options. I hope you can get this fixed. Its not a nice situation to be dealing with. Next time you install your CPU, be absolutely sure you have orientated it 100% correctly. Never force the CPU in. As a rule of thumb, I always let the CPU put itself in place — in other words, I simply ‘drop’ it in and let gravity do the work as apposed to pushing it in. Moderator Array Nate152 PC Specs
Join Date Feb 2013 Reputation 386 Posts 17,480
If you don’t feel comfortable doing it, you can take it to a pc shop or maybe a jeweler could do it for you.
Источник Thread: Maximus Hero X — Error 55 — Troubleshooting HelpThread ToolsSearch ThreadDisplayMaximus Hero X — Error 55 — Troubleshooting Help
So I can’t get my computer to even load the BIOS if I have stock speed RAM in A1 or A2 (the two closest to the CPU, pretty sure they’re A). Boots no problem with any of the 4 sticks in B1 and B2 in solo or duo configurations. The motherboard read-out will hang with the code CC and finally error out to 55. I have basically tried all the non-voltage tweak settings listed in this thread from the IX Hero forum: https://rog.asus.com/forum/showthrea. 1-A2-populated (seemed pertinent since it was the same problem). I didn’t try the voltage tweaks since my understanding is that should have only been a potential issue if I could boot from the slots with just a single stick of RAM in them but not with all 4 slots populated. So just to recap: Everything is @ stock settings outside of disabling MCE when I was able to get into the BIOS by having RAM in the «good» slots. This was done after it already wasn’t booting properly with a single stick of RAM. I tried flashing the BIOS to the newest version on the website as of 10/24/17 to no avail. The RAM does receive power being plugged in as the RGB turns on and syncs up with the other RAM. Not sure if this is important but figure I’ll be as complete as possible. These are the specs: What I’m looking for is a *most likely* culprit as I do understand there are entirely too many potential issues associated with Error 55. It’s basically impossible to get another 8700K at the moment so naturally I can’t *test* that all too easily but whatever suggestions you can give me I’m willing to try. Thank you all so much for reading this and I hope we can sort this out. The machine runs beautifully when I can get it to work. Источник Asus MAXIMUS VII Hero Q-code 55.IrisoReputable
Hello everyone, CPU:i7-4790k DarkbreezeRetired Mod
I’d look at this, as possible solutions. There’s a good chance of a bad module. You might want to talk with Corsair or ASUS on the issue as well and setup an RMA if none of those solutions addresses the issue. DarkbreezeRetired Mod
I’d look at this, as possible solutions. There’s a good chance of a bad module. You might want to talk with Corsair or ASUS on the issue as well and setup an RMA if none of those solutions addresses the issue. Dark Lord of TechRetired Moderator
I’d look at this, as possible solutions. There’s a good chance of a bad module. You might want to talk with Corsair or ASUS on the issue as well and setup an RMA if none of those solutions addresses the issue. Tried all of that, it might be a bad module. I’ll make a double check on everything. IrisoReputable
It sits just enough to get screws into the backplate, so in my opinion it’s fine. DarkbreezeRetired Mod
Would you mind explaining me how to boot memtest86 if I can’t get into Bios? DarkbreezeRetired Mod
Would you mind explaining me how to boot memtest86 if I can’t get into Bios? My bad. I was thinking you said it worked with a single stick. If you can’t boot with any of the modules you bought, have you tried other modules? Do you maybe have a stick of DDR3 from another rig? Have you tried booting with NO cpu cooler installed, just to see if it posts? Surprisingly, I’ve seen a few threads where this has worked and after several mountings of the aftermarket cooler not working but the stock cooler working it was determined that either they HAD been overtightened, that they didn’t use the plastic shield under the backplate or that the board was faulty. IrisoReputable
Would you mind explaining me how to boot memtest86 if I can’t get into Bios? My bad. I was thinking you said it worked with a single stick. If you can’t boot with any of the modules you bought, have you tried other modules? Do you maybe have a stick of DDR3 from another rig? Have you tried booting with NO cpu cooler installed, just to see if it posts? Surprisingly, I’ve seen a few threads where this has worked and after several mountings of the aftermarket cooler not working but the stock cooler working it was determined that either they HAD been overtightened, that they didn’t use the plastic shield under the backplate or that the board was faulty. I alredy tried booting with no CPU cooler, it didn’t work and unfortunatly I don’t have another DDR3 stick nor another MOBO. I decided on sending parts back to reseller so that he can check them and see if there’s anything wrong with them. I will post an update when he will answer. DarkbreezeRetired Mod
TOPIC: A1 and B1 Failure on Maximus VII Hero I posted this on the Asus VIP forum and have not received a response; so I thought I would paste it in here. I haven’t finished reading this thread and may be pleasantly surprised. The reason for my reply is to illuminate the ever-present dark places on the path that would be solved by someone in the building just turning on a few light switches. Very few large corporations are going to do this because that action is falsely perceived to be a sign of weakness. Hi there! This is hard to believe for I, as far as it appears here, have the exact same issue; but I am typing this reply to what appears to be an unanswered question. Did you ever get a response? I am running Corsair Platinum 1866 C9 1.5v 2X8GB kits. I know with 100% certainty that the memory is not the issue. I also own another identical Hero, 3 Z97-WS boards, 1 VII Gene, and 3 Z97-A boards and all I am running is Platinum. I have the resources to run trial and error on the Memory! I built the first Hero 12-12-2014 and it is running two of the above mention kits and is running flawlessly. I have finished the 2nd Hero build just within the past few days, although they were purchased together off the same shelf at MicroC. Asus has seen this problem; this I know for 100% certainty. Asus distributed BIOS updates which now are no where to be found except if one should wander over to, say for example, the Asus VII Gene Downloads; and low and behold there it is. I have backed down in BIOS releases. I have run so many different scenarios that I am dizzy! If I were to go with my gut, I would venture to say that this is not a hardware issue. I even went so far as to run 2 X 8 GB in A2 and B2 and right before I entered the BIOS, I pushed in 2 X8 What I found reported in the BIOS was identical information from A1,A2 and B1,B2 ! All accounted for and specs were identical for all 4! What bothers me more than anything is that I can find answers to issues that Asus has to already have the answers for, but withholds the information, preventing it from filtering down to the «Customer-Technician» connection. This is a terrible waste of a customer’s time and energy. What foolish person came up with the slogan for a «drink»; «Image is Everything, Thirst is Nothing!»? And why as customers do we just as foolishly entrust our resources to any Corporation which builds on this kind of foundation? I would expect a quick and clear response from Asus; without first trying to «Assess my problem», for the problem is within the walls and halls of Asus. Источник Chapter 2 Q-Code table (continued) Code Description 6B – 6F System Agent DXE initialization (System Agent module specific) 70 PCH DXE initialization is started 71 PCH DXE SMM initialization is started 72 PCH devices initialization 73 – 77 PCH DXE Initialization (PCH module specific) 78 ACPI module initialization 79 CSM initialization 7A – 7F Reserved for future AMI DXE codes 90 Boot Device Selection (BDS) phase is started 91 Driver connecting is started 92 PCI Bus initialization is started 93 PCI Bus Hot Plug Controller Initialization 94 PCI Bus Enumeration 95 PCI Bus Request Resources 96 PCI Bus Assign Resources 97 Console Output devices connect 98 Console input devices connect 99 Super IO Initialization 9A USB initialization is started 9B USB Reset 9C USB Detect 9D USB Enable 9E – 9F Reserved for future AMI codes A0 IDE initialization is started A1 IDE Reset A2 IDE Detect A3 IDE Enable A4 SCSI initialization is started A5 SCSI Reset A6 SCSI Detect A7 SCSI Enable A8 Setup Verifying Password A9 Start of Setup AA Reserved for ASL (see ASL Status Codes section below) AB Setup Input Wait AC Reserved for ASL (see ASL Status Codes section below) AD Ready To Boot event AE Legacy Boot event AF Exit Boot Services event B0 Runtime Set Virtual Address MAP Begin 2-24 Chapter 2: Hardware information В данном материале будут собраны таблицы с описанием POST кодов для разных материнских плат.
Материал будет пополняться со временем. Материнские платы ASUS Rampage IV Extreme Maximus VI Impact Maximus VII Gene Crosshair V Formula-Z Серия Z87 (на базе чипсета Z87) Серия Z97 (на базе чипсета Z97) На базе чипсетов AMD Материнские платы MSI На базе чипсета Z97 Материал скоро будет дополнен. |