Answer on my questions ошибки

«To» is right; «on» would be intelligible, but not the usual way to say it: it would mean «an answer on the subject of my question», which is needlessly long and less clear, except perhaps in unusual contexts. You would use «on» in sentences where you could use «about» with the same meaning: «I read his answer on food processing, and it was rather interesting». «Food processing» is the general subject of the answer, and so probably of the question as well – it is not the question itself.

answered Dec 23, 2010 at 1:43

Cerberus - Reinstate Monica's user avatar

Прежде всего важно произношение этого слова. В нем нет звука w или v. Оно произносится: answer [ˈɑːnsə]

Грубо говоря, «а́нса», а не «а́нсва».

Когда answer является глаголом со значением «отвечать», то предлога после себя НЕ требует.

В русском языке после глагола «отвечать» мы используем предлог НА и нам хочется использовать его в переводе на английский, но это является ошибкой.

Он ответил на мой вопрос. — He answered my question. (Без предлога).

Если answer является существительным, то используется предлог TO.

Это был ответ на мой вопрос. — That was the answer TO my question.

Также существует глагол answer to, он имеет другое значение: «соответствовать, быть ответственным».

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What’s the right usage: an answer to my question or on my question?

“To” is right; “on” would be intelligible, but not the usual way to say it: it would mean “an answer on the subject of my question”, which is needlessly long and less clear, except perhaps in unusual contexts. You would use “on” in sentences where you could use “about” with the same meaning: “I read his answer on food processing, and it was rather interesting”. “Food processing” is the general subject of the answer, and so probably of the question as well – it is not the question itself.

Source : Link , Question Author : Oleksandr Bondarenko , Answer Author : Cerberus_Reinstate_Monica

  • #1


I was wondering if there is a difference in meaning between

an answer to a question
an answer on a question

Is one preferable or maybe even wrong?

Many thanks!

    • #2


    I was wondering if there is a difference in meaning between

    an answer to a question:tick:
    an answer on a question:cross:

    Is one preferable or maybe even wrong?

    Many thanks!

    • #4

    Interesting. My first thought was that «answer on» could indicate an essay response to a question. It sounds wrong (as Richard points out) in ordinary English but in the NYTimes headline it is obviously perfectly correct.

    • #5

    Answer on a question is perfectly alright on both sides of the Atlantic when question = topic/subject, but otherwise answer to/reply to a (specific) question.
    Silly mistake — sorry about that.

    Last edited: Apr 3, 2009



    Senior Member

    English-Ireland (top end)

    • #6

    The text that Derselbe is asking about is a headline in the New York Times:
    Eavesdropping and the Election: An Answer on the Question of Timing
    (Mod note — please quote the key section of text from a link as well as posting the link — see forum rules. End of mod note :))

    I didn’t read the article in full, but I suspect that in this example the «Question of Timing» is not a single question but a more general area of dispute/discussion.

    • #7

    Answer on a question is perfectly alright on both sides of the Atlantic when answer = topic/subject, but otherwise answer to/reply to a (specific) question.

    I don’t really understand the «anser = topic» part. Can you give some examples.
    In the meantime I had some thoughts on that issue too.
    Could it be that «answer on» works whenever you can replace answer with «explanation».

    answer on the question of timing = explanation on the question of timing

    Or maybe «on» can be replaced by «regarding»

    answer on the question of timing = answer regarding the question of timing

    So if this was the case, it wouldn’t really be a reply but more something said on the occasion of an issue.

    I still have no clue, to be honest :)

    • #8

    See my correction in post #5.

    • #9

    What Derselbe and Panj are saying is that «on» can be used when the topic is general ie. «Can you give me any answers on the topic of homelessness in North America?» In this example, we are looking for answers on a broad topic/issue/subject.

    You would use «to» in a specific way ie. «What is the answer to homelessness in North America?» In this example, we are looking for a specific answer to a specific question.

    • #10

    Great. I think I got it. Thank you everyone!

    • #11

    Answer on a question is perfectly alright on both sides of the Atlantic when question = topic/subject, but otherwise answer to/reply to a (specific) question.
    Silly mistake — sorry about that.

    If it’s not a specific question, can I use ON?: -I want answers on how we can minimize the impact on local people.



    Senior Member

    • #12

    Your idea about replacing «on» with «regarding» is a good one, Derselbe.

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

    ответ на мой вопрос

    ответ на свой вопрос

    ответа на мой вопрос

    ответа на свой вопрос

    ответом на мой вопрос

    ответ на поставленный вопрос

    ответить на мой вопрос

    ответ на ваш вопрос

    ответ на этот вопрос

    ответ на вопрос

    It was very normal that we found a lot, but not the answer to my question.

    Many knowledgeable people trying to convince me that the answer to my question exists, but I refuse to believe it.

    Многие знающие люди пытаются убедить меня, что ответ на мой вопрос существует, но я отказываюсь верить в это.

    Thanks to your site I was able to get an answer to my question.

    I am sorry, I just want an answer to my question.

    I read many articles from this site, but I haven’t found the answer to my question yet.

    The answer to my question isn’t here.

    And indeed, a possible answer to my question opens up new universes, literally.

    Then your answer to my question makes no sense.

    That is a perfectly unacceptable answer to my question.

    I myself am giving the answer to my question.

    That is a perfectly unacceptable answer to my question.

    Not an answer to my question.

    Thanks for the post and answer to my question.

    I would love to hear an answer to my question

    And I’m looking at the next website, can I give an answer to my question here.

    И я смотрю на следующем веб-сайте, смогут ли мне здесь дать ответ на мой вопрос.

    But in my heart I felt I had found the answer to my question.

    The answer to my question of what was important to them in life was mainly money.

    Поэтому ответ на мой вопрос, что главное для него в жизни, был вполне предсказуем.

    I received the answer to my question four years later.

    Probably, the answer to my question is ‘no’…

    Is that supposed to be an answer to my question?

    Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

    Результатов: 148. Точных совпадений: 148. Затраченное время: 217 мс


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