Ak90 pin no touch ошибка


I picked up an AK90+ and began the usual task of scraping the board coating off the 2L86D chip.  It can read the key but cannot read the EWS.

Have any of you guys ever had any trouble reading EWS 3 with the AK90? I cleaned the pins properly and also pry out the pins on the connect but still get “pin no touch” error. Will the K-Line adaptor make a difference?


I’ve tried a few different packages, removed the software and the silicone drivers, rebooted my computers in between, plugged the unit in, then installed the software, tried turning the chip cable connection each direction and tried a minimum of 20 reads each direction with varying levels of pressure on the main chip, pulled the pins on the reader out a bit thinking they were pressed in too far (on the cable), just about everything.  All I get is still “pin no touch”. Any idea?

Ak90 Pin No Touch 1

Ak90 Pin No Touch 2

Ak90 Pin No Touch 4

Ak90 Pin No Touch 3

Ak90 Pin No Touch 5

Ak90 Pin No Touch 6


If you have the ‘Pin no touch’ error, that means that the program is communicating with the AK90 properly. You can verify that by seeing if the AK90 can read a key.

The problem is likely that pins haven’t been cleaned where the socket contacts them (or you have selected the wrong module version, or have the orientation wrong, or the cable isn’t plugged in).

Seems like some people get it to work easily and others have to fight it to the death.

Here obdii365.com engineer provides some possible solutions. If one doesn’t work, try another instead.


Best to uninstall everything if the unit wasn’t plugged in before install the first time. There’s no down side and it only takes a minute.

Go to add remove programs in the control panel and browse there by installation date. That way you won’t miss anything.
Uninstall anything called Silicone. Then reinstall the software, but be sure to have the AK90 plugged in before you start installing the software. That is important. You must get the drivers all Uninstalled before you reinstall them properly with the unit plugged in. Also, you have to rotate the plug 90° counter clockwise. The arrow and the dot did not match up.



I had to remove all the software including the drivers with add/remove programs. Anything to do with it, anything named silicon I think it was. Then I plugged the AK 90 in to the one port that worked and then reloaded the software from the disk with the AK90 key programmer plugged in. Then followed the instructions to right click on the new desktop icon and load the drivers. Then I had to try the cable in all 4 directions and the dot and arrow did not line up, but on the 4th direction try it worked to read the ews.



When I had that issue, all I had to do was rotate the ak90 connector. 


I went through two AK90+, a K-Line adapter, and multiple laptops while continuously getting a pin no touch error. The only thing that worked for me was scrapping the chip on my spare EWS module like it owed me money (I literally had metal shavings on my desk afterword) and applying moderate pressure to the connector while it read and wrote the chip. Obviously I’m not brave enough to do this again to my stock module, but that was what it took for me.

From what I observed while messing with my EWS modules is that if the connector is incorrectly oriented or not fully seated it will fault with the Pin No Touch almost instantly, however if it’s on correctly but isn’t getting enough pressure it will take a few seconds to fault out. Once I got it not immediately faulting I just kept putting more and more pressure pushing down the connector until it worked. Again, not something I’m comfortable with repeating on my stock module, but that’s what it took to get the spare to work and reprogrammed.


Make sure you have the plug clipped onto the chip the correct way.. this is indicated by lining up the dot on the plug and the dot on the chip.

Worked like a champ. I did have to use version 3.02. I also had to push the connector down on the chip while it read and write. Had to hold the transponder with my fingers. If it says pin no touch make sure the connections are clean (i used a sharp knife) and push down on the connector.


Pull the white shrinking tube from the connector. Look for two PCB tracks that go to the outer pins. They are close to each other. This should be your right “top” and should match the dot of the Chip. Also push the connector all the time onto the chip.

Ak90 Pin No Touch Solution 1

Ak90 Pin No Touch Solution 2

Ak90 Pin No Touch Solution 3

Ak90 Pin No Touch Solution 4


Press the adapter onto the chip and keep it pressed. Then read.  Did that for about an hour eventually it worked and keep trying.


I always have this problem. You have to push down chip really really hard, even with both hands.


Put pressure on the clip when reading.

In Sum, 

Press and hold connector (put pressure on the chip) seems to be the method with the highest success rate.

Here’re pictorial guides to help you understand the process better:

Program BMW E46 EWS Key with AK90+ Step by Step

07/2022 Updated: Fix AK90+ PIN No Touch Method 2:

How to Modify AK90+ Key Programmer to Make it Reliable?

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  2. это вам на октю… буду СИЛЬНО удивлен, если тут кто-нибудь ответит :D

  3. Stop hovering to collapse…
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  4. Не так давно сам пришил новые ключи с помощью программатора АК90, и по началу столкнулся с той же проблемой ( не видит чип). Дело было в отсутствии контакта между разьемом программатора и самим чипом, возможно контакты чем то покрыты. Я просто поджал рукой разьем программатора к чипу и держал пока идет программирование. Сейчас использую выкидной ключ.
    Никакие провода не подпаивал. На разьеме должно быть указано расположение первой ножки чипа.

  5. Вот к Вам и просьба прозвонить контакты на проводе — к каким ножкам на адаптере какой провод идет. :help:
    У меня либо провода перепутаны, либо один не подсоединен вообще. Т.к. всяко уже пробовал и поджимал и чистил.

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  6. Буду ждать! :thumbup:

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  7. 1- ок
    2- ок
    4- ок
    7- ок
    8- не звонится
    9- ок
    10- ок


    • 20151023_111554.jpg

  8. oktja сайт такой. погуглите.

  9. + вот тут может быть http://autoprogs.ru/

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  10. Сразу не отписался, виноват. Проблему решил, немецкая недвижимость снова превратилась в движимость и продолжает меня радовать! ))
    Вобщем, это китайское суперчудо (ак90) сожгло полностью мой ews, так, что ничем больше не возможно было извлечь данные из чипа. Купил аналогичный ews3 на разборе (с авто 2003гв), зашили в него мой vin, пробег, isn, отключили в нем эмуляцию ews2. Запрограммировали новые чипы для ключей, нарезали китайские болванки, привязали платы д.у. ц.з. Все собрали, синхронизировали евс-дме. Вот и все приключения )))

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  11. s-Alex

    14 ноя 2005
    Самарская обл.

    а говорил что никто не занимается вокруге БМВ)

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Фото в бортжурнале BMW X5 (E53)

И так было преобретено 2 ключа и кодировщик Ak90. Кто сталкивался с проблемой pin no touch? Помогите. Контакты очистил очень хорошо. Усики на фишке подогнул и нифига он не читает ews. Только ключи новые читает и всё.

Фото в бортжурнале BMW X5 (E53)

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Фото в бортжурнале BMW X5 (E53)

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Фото в бортжурнале BMW X5 (E53)

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Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы писать комментарии, задавать вопросы и участвовать в обсуждении.

У меня как-то не наблюдалось проблем с записью ключей, но проблема может быть в самом АК90.

Хотел предположить правильно ли выбран тип блока в программе в списке справа…
Надпись но пин точно про контакты у меня было на ews 4.3. так

Какой версии вас ews блок?


Какой версии вас ews блок?

А что?

У меня с такой надписью на ак90 с али — евс лег) Проверь свой работает ли еще.

Ок а если лег что делать потом

Новый (аналогичный рабочий бу евс) и програматор, в него ложатся ключи, вин, исн, пробег.
Знаю что мне просто не повезло с косячным ак90 с али, но все-же…

прижал сильно, держишь, пробуешь считать, не получается, поворачиваешь разъем на 45 градусов и все поновой, пока не считает.

У меня не сгорело, хотя тоже опасался))
Тоже помучался немного. Как считалось, сразу файл сохранил, чтобы если что в новый блок залить.

Ну ты даёшь))). Ладно буду пробовать)

Если не читает евс попробуй разъем чучуть подточить у меня тоже были проблемы подточить только после этого все получилось контакты не достают и в разъеме есть упоры их тоже убирал

Я где-то час мучался убирал пластик с контактов там где точил говорят еще лак с платы надо счищать но я не чистил

1. Положение разъема правильное опытным путем нужно определить.
2. Прижимать разъём сильно и держать при считывании и записи

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View Full Version : ak90 help please


10th November, 2014, 10:58 AM

i trying to read ews2 mask 2d47j
i getting all the time pin not touch error
i clean the pins many times
i got dot on the mcu and i got red dot on the adaptor cover
what i doing wrong?


10th November, 2014, 12:58 PM

it is driving me crazy — please advice


10th November, 2014, 01:49 PM

try changing the dot position, sometimes chinese made mistakes :D


10th November, 2014, 01:50 PM

try changing the dot position, sometimes chinese made mistakes :D
try all directions


10th November, 2014, 02:01 PM

what is the cross inside the adaptor?


10th November, 2014, 02:28 PM

look at the pic you may need to cut foil on the pcb .



10th November, 2014, 02:28 PM

look at the pic you may need to cut foil on the pcb .

what picture?


10th November, 2014, 02:39 PM

hello this pic should come up when u choose the mask .


ps you can check the dot on the connector thats pin 1 should be ground , pin 2 should be 5 volts .


10th November, 2014, 02:45 PM

i got different pcb — anyhow the error is pin no touch


10th November, 2014, 02:50 PM

does it working on windows 8?


10th November, 2014, 03:51 PM

anyone got the pinout for ak90 and the mcu?


10th November, 2014, 04:27 PM

I don’t think it will work well on windows 8 .
AK 90 doft and driver are litle older for win 8.

bali motor

10th November, 2014, 09:37 PM

try install power on ews.. no need cut any pin


10th November, 2014, 09:39 PM

try install power on ews.. no need cut any pin

In manual say power will erase this mask !

iPhone Tapatalk

bali motor

10th November, 2014, 09:41 PM

nooo…. im many times do it… never loss data… if can not read ews… im just install power… all can read..
if your still can not read.. you try another ews…. maybe your cable is problme..
or one solution.. put out mcu and read by ETL


10th November, 2014, 09:44 PM

nooo…. im many times do it… never loss data… if can not read ews… im just install power… all can read..

Does the «pin no touch» errors happen also not just for contact problems?
And can you show how to power up the unit?

iPhone Tapatalk

bali motor

10th November, 2014, 09:47 PM

you have manual or auto tranmision?


10th November, 2014, 09:49 PM

[Q UOTE=bali motor;2415385]you have manual or auto tranmision?[/QUOTE]
I am not sure, why?

iPhone Tapatalk

bali motor

10th November, 2014, 09:52 PM

wait.. im will looking my diagram… because manual have 1 positif and 1 ground… auto tranmision have 2 positif and 1 ground.

bali motor

10th November, 2014, 10:14 PM

for manual tranmision
PIN 5 = 12 volt

for auto tranmision
PIN 5 = 12 VOLT
PIN 9 = 12 VOLT


10th November, 2014, 10:17 PM

for manual tranmision
PIN 5 = 12 volt

for auto tranmision
PIN 5 = 12 VOLT
PIN 9 = 12 VOLT

Thanks will try and report

iPhone Tapatalk


17th November, 2014, 11:31 AM

for manual tranmision
PIN 5 = 12 volt

for auto tranmision
PIN 5 = 12 VOLT
PIN 9 = 12 VOLT

do you have pinout?


17th November, 2014, 01:50 PM

Anybody know why it show pin no touch?

iPhone Tapatalk


17th November, 2014, 03:26 PM

for manual tranmision
PIN 5 = 12 volt

for auto tranmision
PIN 5 = 12 VOLT
PIN 9 = 12 VOLT

Thanks m8 I success with your advice !

iPhone Tapatalk


17th November, 2014, 06:53 PM

what did you do to read this, just add power?



17th November, 2014, 06:54 PM

what did you do to read this, just add power?


Yes, funny no?

iPhone Tapatalk


17th November, 2014, 09:36 PM

I did this and erased the bugger :(


ps — with xprog m


17th November, 2014, 11:57 PM

I did this and erased the bugger :(


ps — with xprog m

Never add power using xprog K-line, only with AK90 and chip adapter and only when you can not read without power.


18th November, 2014, 12:10 AM

I’d remove this one from PCB to adaptor. the ak90 software warns me every time — do not read this chip 47j.

Rather be safe than sorry


18th November, 2014, 12:12 AM

I did this and erased the bugger :(


ps — with xprog m

I remember that you talk about it last month, how did you fix it?

iPhone Tapatalk


18th November, 2014, 08:18 AM

scrap yard parts :)

also, how to read this ews2 via k line?

I read it out of circuit with xprog and it still erased :(



18th November, 2014, 08:19 AM

scrap yard parts :)

also, how to read this ews2 via k line?

I read it out of circuit with xprog and it still erased :(


No read inboard with adaptor

iPhone Tapatalk

bali motor

18th November, 2014, 08:28 AM

scrap yard parts :)

also, how to read this ews2 via k line?

I read it out of circuit with xprog and it still erased :(


If u have ak90.. I use ak90 for all ews.. Never loss data.. Just clean leg mcu.. If can not read just add external power.. All done.


18th November, 2014, 12:27 PM

scrap yard parts :)

also, how to read this ews2 via k line?

I read it out of circuit with xprog and it still erased :(


u cannot read via k line . only ews3 with od46j can do that .



18th November, 2014, 07:50 PM

If u have ak90.. I use ak90 for all ews.. Never loss data.. Just clean leg mcu.. If can not read just add external power.. All done.

I’m lost here? :(

How should we read the chip? WIth XProg?

warning always displayed on my AK90 to never do this chip. Whether that means by CPU plug or someother K-line method

Yet to see this 47j but one day…

bali motor

18th November, 2014, 07:56 PM

If u can not read it.. Just one solution.. Remuve mcu and read by etl..


18th November, 2014, 08:33 PM

Or XProg via adaptor?

bali motor

18th November, 2014, 08:42 PM

If u use xprog.. And scurity not unlock.. Data will loss.. Use etl will safe..

bali motor

18th November, 2014, 08:47 PM

Check connection adapter ak90 maybe have one pin loss.. http://tapatalk.imageshack.com/v2/14/11/18/66ffff94bc724415b35cadf962d94ce6.jpghttp://tapatalk.imageshack.com/v2/14/11/18/d517fbc52402f51fbf27e1079d24a05f.jpg
use sandpaper to make the surface flat adapter. see picture ..

bali motor

18th November, 2014, 08:51 PM

This ews is old.. 1d47j i can read safe.. http://tapatalk.imageshack.com/v2/14/11/18/32b83c20db3eca72306975e107e9fdbc.jpg


18th November, 2014, 09:00 PM

For 2D47J I use BMW Key Programmer from QCET. It reads secured but needs to remove from PCB and use PLCC52 adapter. Fail just once to read but didn’t erase the data inside (lucky me). :)


18th November, 2014, 09:33 PM

so can ak90 read ews2 2d47j in circuit or need toi remove mcu?


bali motor

18th November, 2014, 09:47 PM

Im never loss data read ews2 2dj4y by ak90.. Why you have many problem…. Clear leg mcu and use contact cleaner if needed.. And plug adapter ak90.. Read and done..


19th November, 2014, 08:28 PM

what solvent do you use to remove this hard red varnish?

I find this very hard to remove :(


bali motor

19th November, 2014, 08:36 PM

use a cutter . and wear clean disposable brush .. Spray contact cleaner if necessary.


19th November, 2014, 08:37 PM

what solvent do you use to remove this hard red varnish?

I find this very hard to remove :(


Not much this won’t remove mate …:)

bali motor

19th November, 2014, 08:38 PM

Use this for clean leghttp://tapatalk.imageshack.com/v2/14/11/19/f054e7e3e5cd2ba94ae0e21cec7c8dae.jpg

bali motor

19th November, 2014, 08:42 PM

And clean by this this is ok.. Or contact clennerhttp://tapatalk.imageshack.com/v2/14/11/19/012385839a5ebb76a71cb4f977215078.jpghttp://tapatalk.imageshack.com/v2/14/11/19/4e6955c1e730c8ed1ebadc6bb0955b7e.jpghttp://tapatalk.imageshack.com/v2/14/11/19/065bc6b328ad3cd16e72380edeb7d867.jpg


19th November, 2014, 09:58 PM

Clear message on my AK90 — do not read «47j». every time!!

doesn’t fill me with confidence. rather walk away from job

Yeah will try paint stripper next time cheers lads


20th November, 2014, 01:07 AM

funny thing — after i read it and make transponder car start normally but the next day car stop start, read ews again and and write back to mcu and got all fff now
plug out the 12v and now reading and writing is ok and car start ok — no need 12 v for reading


4th July, 2015, 02:55 AM


my AK90 arrived today and I was able to program some transponder (7935) based on a file I read with my xprog.
The problem is, I cant read any EWS (Pin no Touch error) with the ak90 and the clip. The contacts are perfect clean and I even tried to put external 12v to the EWS.
I tried it on different modules and even rotate the clip.
With my xprog reading works perfect!

Would somebody be so kind to share the pinout of the adapter, so I can check it? Either the adapter is broken, or the ak90 itself.


4th July, 2015, 08:11 AM

Open & rework the soldier joints.


4th July, 2015, 10:09 AM

I opened the plug and checked all connections. All seems to be fine :thumpdown:

Here is the pinout. Can somebody check this please on his working AK90?




4th July, 2015, 07:57 PM

What mask are you reading and which ews, I do alot of these but stand clear of ews 3 mask 2d47j with AK90, sometimes I clean them up 3 times try and clean closer to the chip where the legs meet.


4th July, 2015, 08:52 PM

I tried different modules (EWS2, EWS3) with different masks (0d46j). I cleand pins ten times, they look perfect. Still «Pin no touch»…

To check that the cable is ok, can someone with a working ak90 please check the pinout, if it is identical to the one I posted.


4th July, 2015, 08:53 PM

Did you give 12v in 2 pins ?

Sent from my ASUS_T00J using Tapatalk


5th July, 2015, 08:58 AM


pin 9 — ground
pin 10+11 — 12V


5th July, 2015, 10:46 AM


pin 9 — ground
pin 10+11 — 12V
So try only 1 pin for 12v

Sent from my ASUS_T00J using Tapatalk


5th July, 2015, 04:04 PM

I also tried that. You had similar problems, could you please check my pinout with yours?!


6th July, 2015, 09:12 PM

for manual tranmision
PIN 5 = 12 volt

for auto tranmision
PIN 5 = 12 VOLT
PIN 9 = 12 VOLT


Is this pinout for the EWS connector pin numbers or the Chip Pin numbers?
I got EWS2 fro E36. Client tried to read using AK90 but all blank. Now I have another EWS2 from junkyard, when read then reads data on ak90 but when press write key then say » DATA ERROR». ANy suggestions? Should we apply power as mentioned in posts? Also should it be 12V or 5V?



6th July, 2015, 10:04 PM

There’s a lot of effort being put in to trying to fix a ?25 tool…….. Accept yours in broken and just a buy a new one and move on, don’t waste time on it. I bought an AK90 and within 10 minutes of taking out of the packaging had a fully working ews3 e46 key. Well worth getting a new one instead of wasting your energy on this one :)

bali motor

7th July, 2015, 02:52 AM


Is this pinout for the EWS connector pin numbers or the Chip Pin numbers?
I got EWS2 fro E36. Client tried to read using AK90 but all blank. Now I have another EWS2 from junkyard, when read then reads data on ak90 but when press write key then say » DATA ERROR». ANy suggestions? Should we apply power as mentioned in posts? Also should it be 12V or 5V?


Volt for ews not have 5 volt..
Just question. In your car have out put 5 volt? Why you ask volt for input to ews 5 volt. ?? What you think?


9th July, 2015, 02:05 PM

I ordered a new AK90 and it works like a charm. The old unit is broken…


9th July, 2015, 04:33 PM

Excellent when working right! Get KD200 for easy remotes now :)

wd bau

21st September, 2015, 09:14 AM

where i can buy a good quality mcu adapter to use it with AK90 .old one can not read ews mcus.



22nd September, 2015, 04:34 PM

There are 2 ak90 on the market $50.00 clone not working. Then there a $90.00 unit all is working, so buy the better one.


22nd September, 2015, 06:26 PM

got mine and from the start could not read any ews with adaptor , cable was wrong way round first was last and last was first on the plug side , turned around and happy till today


21st October, 2015, 10:12 PM

I have the same problem. «Pin no touch»
Can anybody make picture with correct pinout 10pin cable? Thank you.


22nd October, 2015, 01:00 PM

I have the same problem. «Pin no touch»
Can anybody make picture with correct pinout 10pin cable? Thank you.

pics/description is on this thread — just go back a couple.

as said, if u have trouble, it may be better just to buy another ak90


2nd November, 2015, 11:12 PM

I have also bought a ak90 but shows «no pin touch» i have tried all positions still shows it.

Any idia?


7th December, 2015, 02:44 PM

34545934545834545534545634545734545934545834545534 5456345457
I have the same problem. «Pin no touch»
Can anybody make picture with correct pinout 10pin cable? Thank you.
The problem is in the socket see attached photos, ofcourse that to reach this conclusion disassemble everything. I hope you learn.
In the socket cut the 4 plastic as the picture. 345448

You need insert the socket until the end. no space between the socket and the circuit as this picture


I attached photos to get the pinout


7th December, 2015, 06:48 PM

I am also having problems with «Pin No Touch». I am on the second test cable already. Hopefully some of the pictures here will help., Already cut the little plastic tabs on the inside of the socket for the both of them.


7th December, 2015, 09:54 PM

Iv had my ak90 for over 3 years and have done hundreds of cars with it and never had a single issue.

Just make sure the legs on the chip are nice and clean.


7th December, 2015, 09:55 PM

Delete. Double post


8th December, 2015, 05:10 PM

Who has pin out the 9 wire to the socket? After that who has pin processor legs to pcb solder point (from the back). Post it for us so we can check if the cable is the issue or is it the hardware.


30th April, 2016, 08:02 PM

some help please. Can somewone analyze this dump ?
I read 0d46j with AK90, but cant analyze the dump .


30th April, 2016, 08:13 PM

first 3 keys used , dump looks good



2nd May, 2016, 09:16 AM

this is what my editor displays



2nd May, 2016, 11:43 AM

this is what my editor displays


that editor is wrong , u lucky that the dump is still good , so make key like i tell u .



4th November, 2018, 11:24 AM

What is the green wire connected to? I can trace all but the green wire, measured with the multi-meter and no pin is connected to the green wire which is pin 5 on a previews posted diagram. Should that have 12V and if it does, how come isn’t connected to any pin? Would my adapter be faulty? Any of you can see where the green wire is connected? Maybe upload a picture please!



10th November, 2018, 04:47 PM

Hello all,

I couldn’t read with the AK90+ so I ordered another one. I did try 4 laptops and two computers, two EWS modules with Win XP 32 bits and Win 7 32 bits. I cleaned it properly and try everything, even trace all the wires. I noticed the green wire (number 5 i think) has no connection to any of the little pins on the chip reader.
Did any of you trace the wires? Is it need for all 10 to be connected to a pin?

I found a strange problem with the EWS 3 on my diesel 320d from 2000
After it was playing trick on me with the starting and getting error EWS module and errors with keys not sending the code, I replaced EWS antenna with a new OEM one, Replace contact on ignition, no joy. Re-synchronized few times with INPA but the problem will come back.
One day I took out the EWS3 module to see does it overheat, it didn’t so I put it back without bolting it back in place, just connected and left it hanging there. I am driving the car for a week now with it like that without any problems, starts any time, even with he key that was not working anymore.
I must get some contact cleaner and clean the contacts , also have a proper look at the wires.

I would still like to try program another key as I have it cut now, spend 40 euro on it and the cut but I am awaiting on another AK90+ for a week or so.

Any tips?


27th February, 2019, 08:58 PM

Did it helped to replace the whole unit? Have same problem. As far I can tell pin 5 is not connected.


3rd March, 2019, 03:39 AM

In need of help like everyone else here. To Mnbcv, there is one pin that not connected. Did a pinout after having «no touch» issues, bought a second AK90+, turned out issue was inside the box.

My Question is: I wrote to an aftermarket key for slot 10. Everything went smoothly, but the key won’t start the car. When I scan the key, it has the cars info. I’ve tried two aftermarket PCF7935AA keys on different slot, but no luck. I have a factory key that works, but I’m trying to create spare keys. It’s for a 2000 BMW M Roadster, utilizes EWS 3.D. On some instructions, it say it will write the key, and afterwards write back to the EWS. In my case it did not write back to the EWS. I’ve heard both ways, which way is correct? The EWS uses chip OD46J, but on the older style EWS with large pins. I peeled the chip out of the aftermarket key to verify it was correct. Just wondering if I got bad chips. Any help is appreciated. Will upload pics.


3rd March, 2019, 06:30 AM

i like to lightly sand off the coating just a light scruff, then i hold down the connector on the pin, just leaving the connector without holding it down tight almost never reads, i always hold it down while it reads


4th March, 2019, 07:00 PM

In need of help like everyone else here. To Mnbcv, there is one pin that not connected. Did a pinout after having «no touch» issues, bought a second AK90+, turned out issue was inside the box.

My Question is: I wrote to an aftermarket key for slot 10. Everything went smoothly, but the key won’t start the car. When I scan the key, it has the cars info. I’ve tried two aftermarket PCF7935AA keys on different slot, but no luck. I have a factory key that works, but I’m trying to create spare keys. It’s for a 2000 BMW M Roadster, utilizes EWS 3.D. On some instructions, it say it will write the key, and afterwards write back to the EWS. In my case it did not write back to the EWS. I’ve heard both ways, which way is correct? The EWS uses chip OD46J, but on the older style EWS with large pins. I peeled the chip out of the aftermarket key to verify it was correct. Just wondering if I got bad chips. Any help is appreciated. Will upload pics.

I’d try another key and/or chip.

Generally no need to write back new key, but it won’t do any harm.

I take it it doesn’t crank?

Have you checked for EWS errors?


4th March, 2019, 08:07 PM


my AK90 arrived today and I was able to program some transponder (7935) based on a file I read with my xprog.
The problem is, I cant read any EWS (Pin no Touch error) with the ak90 and the clip. The contacts are perfect clean and I even tried to put external 12v to the EWS.
I tried it on different modules and even rotate the clip.
With my xprog reading works perfect!

Would somebody be so kind to share the pinout of the adapter, so I can check it? Either the adapter is broken, or the ak90 itself.

I used to have this problem too. «pin no contact» and shit. What i did and it works for me every time is clean the legs of the mcu with sandpaper and then put the ews on top of a thick sponge so i wont break it and push the reader down hard.


4th March, 2019, 10:32 PM

Thank You PixelsFixed. I haven’t checked for errors yet, I’ll report back. Ordered EWS editor to read bin files and see if I can try a different angle. I’ll upload a pinout of the cable soon for others to troubleshoot.

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  1. AK90 Pin No Touch Error

    Hey guys. Able to read keys but can’t read the EWS. I have the OD46J chip. I have been at this for several days. I cleaned off all the pins with box cutter, ordered another ribbon cable and even tried reversing the cable on the chip but nothing goes. I even cut the small tabs inside the connector so that the chip fits snug. Used 3.02 and 3.19.

    All I get is «pin no touch».

    Any ideas? I got three blank keys ready to be programmed and only have one key that I got with the car (valet).


  2. What that means is that one or more pins are not in contact.


  3. 46dj is easy to read with k-line tool. One point and done

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