Hi I’m getting two error messages in Flash when using actionscropt 3.0
"Topbar,Layer 'Action Layer',Frame 1,line 12 1084: syntax error: expection semicolon before add.
"Topbar,Layer 'Action Layer',Frame 1,line 12 1084: syntax error: expection rightbrace before semicolon
Here is my code could anyone give some insight to what is actually happening thanks and help on rectifying the issue thanks.
clip = Number(random(7)) + 1;
while (Number(clip) <= 7)
clip = Number(clip) + 1;
Scale = Number(random(80)) + 1;
setProperty("/star", _x, Number(random(800)) + 10);
setProperty("/star", _rotation, Number(random(330)) + 50);
setProperty("/star", _xscale, Scale);
setProperty("/star", _yscale, Scale);
setProperty("/star", _y, Number(random(800)) + 50);
n = Number(n) + 1;
bn = "star" add n;
duplicateMovieClip("star", bn, n);
set(bn add ":n", n);
} // end while
clip = "0";
ActionScript Error #1084: Syntax error: expecting rightbrace before end of program.
Error 1084 is the general error number for syntax errors. ActionScript Error #1084 can be any number of errors. I will keep this one up to date with all the variations I find and how to fix them.
AS3 Error 1084: Syntax error: expecting rightbrace before end of program
This is a very easy one. This error just means that you are most likely missing a right brace. Or you have nested code improperly.
Bad Code:
package com.cjm
class CoolClass {
function CoolClass () {
trace(“Something cool”)
Good Code:
package com.cjm
class CoolClass {
function CoolClass () {
trace(“Something cool”)
Please make note of the third bracket at the end of the good code.
ActionScript Error #1084: Syntax error: expecting colon before semicolon.
You will most likely get this error if you are using a ternary statement and you forget to use a colon, forgot the last part of your ternary, or you replace the colon with a semicolon. This is illustrated in the following example:
Bad Code:
me.myType == “keys” ? trace(keys);
me.myType == “keys” ? trace(keys) ; trace(defs);
Good Code:
me.myType == “keys” ? trace(keys) : trace(defs);
Flash/Flex Error #1084: Syntax error: expecting identifier before leftbrace.
This Flash/Flex Error is reported when you left out the name of your class. The ‘identifier’ that it is looking for is the name of your class.
You will see in the code below that you just need to add in the name of your class and the error will go away.
Bad Code:
package com.cjm.somepackage {
public class {
Good Code:
package com.cjm.somepackage {
public class MyClass {
Flex/Flash Error #1084: Syntax error: expecting leftparen before colon.
Flex/Flash Error #1084: Syntax error: expecting rightparen before colon.
These AS3 Errors are reported when you the order of the parenthesis and colon are not in the proper place or the parenthesis is missing.
The AS3 code below demonstrates the placement error. Properly order the items and the error will disappear. Also, make sure that a parenthesis is not missing. The ‘Bad Code’ gives an example of leftParen and then right paren in the order.
Bad Code:
public function ScrambleSpelling:void (s:String)
public function ScrambleSpelling(s:String:void
Good Code:
public function ScrambleSpelling (s:String):void
Flex/Flash Error #1084: Syntax error: expecting rightparen before semicolon.
This AS3 Error is reported most often when the parenthesis is missing.
Make sure that a parenthesis is not missing. The ‘Bad Code’ gives an example of leftParen and then right paren in the order.
Bad Code:
tempArray.push((middle.splice(middle.length-1) * Math.random());
tempArray.push(middle.splice(middle.length-1) * Math.random();
Good Code:
tempArray.push(middle.splice(middle.length-1) * Math.random());
Flex/Flash Error #1084: Syntax error: expecting identifier before 1084.
This AS3 Error is reported when you have begun a package, class, function/method or variable with a numeric character rather than an Alpha character, _(underscore), or $(dollar sign). In the Flash Authoring environment it won’t allow you to add numerics as the first character in an instance name or in the linkage but with code it just gives this crazy error.
Make sure to name your package, class, function/method or variable with a Alpha character, _(underscore), or $(dollar sign).
Bad Code:
package 1084_error
class 1084_error {
function 1084_error () {
var 1084_error:int = 123;
Good Code:
package error_1084
class error_1084 {
function error_1084 () {
var error_1084:int = 123;
P.S. It is probably not a good idea to give everything the same name as in the examples above.
1084: Syntax error: expecting rightparen before tripledot
This AS3 Error is reported when you add the ellipsis after the arguments parameter
Make sure to add the ellipsis before the arguments parameter.
public static function checkInheritance(propertyName:String, objects…) { }
public static function checkInheritance(propertyName:String, …objects) { }
AS3 Error #1084 will rear it’s many heads according to the particular syntax error at the moment. I will post every variation of this error that I can find.
ActionScript Error #1084: Syntax error: expecting rightbrace before end of program.
Error 1084 is the general error number for syntax errors. ActionScript Error #1084 can be any number of errors. I will keep this one up to date with all the variations I find and how to fix them.
AS3 Error 1084: Syntax error: expecting rightbrace before end of program
This is a very easy one. This error just means that you are most likely missing a right brace. Or you have nested code improperly.
Bad Code:
package com.cjm
class CoolClass {
function CoolClass () {
trace(“Something cool”)
Good Code:
package com.cjm
class CoolClass {
function CoolClass () {
trace(“Something cool”)
Please make note of the third bracket at the end of the good code.
ActionScript Error #1084: Syntax error: expecting colon before semicolon.
You will most likely get this error if you are using a ternary statement and you forget to use a colon, forgot the last part of your ternary, or you replace the colon with a semicolon. This is illustrated in the following example:
Bad Code:
me.myType == “keys” ? trace(keys);
me.myType == “keys” ? trace(keys) ; trace(defs);
Good Code:
me.myType == “keys” ? trace(keys) : trace(defs);
Flash/Flex Error #1084: Syntax error: expecting identifier before leftbrace.
This Flash/Flex Error is reported when you left out the name of your class. The ‘identifier’ that it is looking for is the name of your class.
You will see in the code below that you just need to add in the name of your class and the error will go away.
Bad Code:
package com.cjm.somepackage {
public class {
Good Code:
package com.cjm.somepackage {
public class MyClass {
Flex/Flash Error #1084: Syntax error: expecting leftparen before colon.
Flex/Flash Error #1084: Syntax error: expecting rightparen before colon.
These AS3 Errors are reported when you the order of the parenthesis and colon are not in the proper place or the parenthesis is missing.
The AS3 code below demonstrates the placement error. Properly order the items and the error will disappear. Also, make sure that a parenthesis is not missing. The ‘Bad Code’ gives an example of leftParen and then right paren in the order.
Bad Code:
public function ScrambleSpelling:void (s:String)
public function ScrambleSpelling(s:String:void
Good Code:
public function ScrambleSpelling (s:String):void
Flex/Flash Error #1084: Syntax error: expecting rightparen before semicolon.
This AS3 Error is reported most often when the parenthesis is missing.
Make sure that a parenthesis is not missing. The ‘Bad Code’ gives an example of leftParen and then right paren in the order.
Bad Code:
tempArray.push((middle.splice(middle.length-1) * Math.random());
tempArray.push(middle.splice(middle.length-1) * Math.random();
Good Code:
tempArray.push(middle.splice(middle.length-1) * Math.random());
Flex/Flash Error #1084: Syntax error: expecting identifier before 1084.
This AS3 Error is reported when you have begun a package, class, function/method or variable with a numeric character rather than an Alpha character, _(underscore), or $(dollar sign). In the Flash Authoring environment it won’t allow you to add numerics as the first character in an instance name or in the linkage but with code it just gives this crazy error.
Make sure to name your package, class, function/method or variable with a Alpha character, _(underscore), or $(dollar sign).
Bad Code:
package 1084_error
class 1084_error {
function 1084_error () {
var 1084_error:int = 123;
Good Code:
package error_1084
class error_1084 {
function error_1084 () {
var error_1084:int = 123;
P.S. It is probably not a good idea to give everything the same name as in the examples above.
1084: Syntax error: expecting rightparen before tripledot
This AS3 Error is reported when you add the ellipsis after the arguments parameter
Make sure to add the ellipsis before the arguments parameter.
public static function checkInheritance(propertyName:String, objects…) { }
public static function checkInheritance(propertyName:String, …objects) { }
AS3 Error #1084 will rear it’s many heads according to the particular syntax error at the moment. I will post every variation of this error that I can find.
Hi I’m getting two error messages in Flash when using actionscropt 3.0
"Topbar,Layer 'Action Layer',Frame 1,line 12 1084: syntax error: expection semicolon before add.
"Topbar,Layer 'Action Layer',Frame 1,line 12 1084: syntax error: expection rightbrace before semicolon
Here is my code could anyone give some insight to what is actually happening thanks and help on rectifying the issue thanks.
clip = Number(random(7)) + 1;
while (Number(clip) <= 7)
clip = Number(clip) + 1;
Scale = Number(random(80)) + 1;
setProperty("/star", _x, Number(random(800)) + 10);
setProperty("/star", _rotation, Number(random(330)) + 50);
setProperty("/star", _xscale, Scale);
setProperty("/star", _yscale, Scale);
setProperty("/star", _y, Number(random(800)) + 50);
n = Number(n) + 1;
bn = "star" add n;
duplicateMovieClip("star", bn, n);
set(bn add ":n", n);
} // end while
clip = "0";
ActionScript Error #1084: Syntax error: expecting rightbrace before end of program.
Error 1084 is the general error number for syntax errors. ActionScript Error #1084 can be any number of errors. I will keep this one up to date with all the variations I find and how to fix them.
AS3 Error 1084: Syntax error: expecting rightbrace before end of program
This is a very easy one. This error just means that you are most likely missing a right brace. Or you have nested code improperly.
Bad Code:
package com.cjm
class CoolClass {
function CoolClass () {
trace(“Something cool”)
Good Code:
package com.cjm
class CoolClass {
function CoolClass () {
trace(“Something cool”)
Please make note of the third bracket at the end of the good code.
ActionScript Error #1084: Syntax error: expecting colon before semicolon.
You will most likely get this error if you are using a ternary statement and you forget to use a colon, forgot the last part of your ternary, or you replace the colon with a semicolon. This is illustrated in the following example:
Bad Code:
me.myType == “keys” ? trace(keys);
me.myType == “keys” ? trace(keys) ; trace(defs);
Good Code:
me.myType == “keys” ? trace(keys) : trace(defs);
Flash/Flex Error #1084: Syntax error: expecting identifier before leftbrace.
This Flash/Flex Error is reported when you left out the name of your class. The ‘identifier’ that it is looking for is the name of your class.
You will see in the code below that you just need to add in the name of your class and the error will go away.
Bad Code:
package com.cjm.somepackage {
public class {
Good Code:
package com.cjm.somepackage {
public class MyClass {
Flex/Flash Error #1084: Syntax error: expecting leftparen before colon.
Flex/Flash Error #1084: Syntax error: expecting rightparen before colon.
These AS3 Errors are reported when you the order of the parenthesis and colon are not in the proper place or the parenthesis is missing.
The AS3 code below demonstrates the placement error. Properly order the items and the error will disappear. Also, make sure that a parenthesis is not missing. The ‘Bad Code’ gives an example of leftParen and then right paren in the order.
Bad Code:
public function ScrambleSpelling:void (s:String)
public function ScrambleSpelling(s:String:void
Good Code:
public function ScrambleSpelling (s:String):void
Flex/Flash Error #1084: Syntax error: expecting rightparen before semicolon.
This AS3 Error is reported most often when the parenthesis is missing.
Make sure that a parenthesis is not missing. The ‘Bad Code’ gives an example of leftParen and then right paren in the order.
Bad Code:
tempArray.push((middle.splice(middle.length-1) * Math.random());
tempArray.push(middle.splice(middle.length-1) * Math.random();
Good Code:
tempArray.push(middle.splice(middle.length-1) * Math.random());
Flex/Flash Error #1084: Syntax error: expecting identifier before 1084.
This AS3 Error is reported when you have begun a package, class, function/method or variable with a numeric character rather than an Alpha character, _(underscore), or $(dollar sign). In the Flash Authoring environment it won’t allow you to add numerics as the first character in an instance name or in the linkage but with code it just gives this crazy error.
Make sure to name your package, class, function/method or variable with a Alpha character, _(underscore), or $(dollar sign).
Bad Code:
package 1084_error
class 1084_error {
function 1084_error () {
var 1084_error:int = 123;
Good Code:
package error_1084
class error_1084 {
function error_1084 () {
var error_1084:int = 123;
P.S. It is probably not a good idea to give everything the same name as in the examples above.
1084: Syntax error: expecting rightparen before tripledot
This AS3 Error is reported when you add the ellipsis after the arguments parameter
Make sure to add the ellipsis before the arguments parameter.
public static function checkInheritance(propertyName:String, objects…) { }
public static function checkInheritance(propertyName:String, …objects) { }
AS3 Error #1084 will rear it’s many heads according to the particular syntax error at the moment. I will post every variation of this error that I can find.
ActionScript Error #1084: Syntax error: expecting rightbrace before end of program.
Error 1084 is the general error number for syntax errors. ActionScript Error #1084 can be any number of errors. I will keep this one up to date with all the variations I find and how to fix them.
AS3 Error 1084: Syntax error: expecting rightbrace before end of program
This is a very easy one. This error just means that you are most likely missing a right brace. Or you have nested code improperly.
Bad Code:
package com.cjm
class CoolClass {
function CoolClass () {
trace(“Something cool”)
Good Code:
package com.cjm
class CoolClass {
function CoolClass () {
trace(“Something cool”)
Please make note of the third bracket at the end of the good code.
ActionScript Error #1084: Syntax error: expecting colon before semicolon.
You will most likely get this error if you are using a ternary statement and you forget to use a colon, forgot the last part of your ternary, or you replace the colon with a semicolon. This is illustrated in the following example:
Bad Code:
me.myType == “keys” ? trace(keys);
me.myType == “keys” ? trace(keys) ; trace(defs);
Good Code:
me.myType == “keys” ? trace(keys) : trace(defs);
Flash/Flex Error #1084: Syntax error: expecting identifier before leftbrace.
This Flash/Flex Error is reported when you left out the name of your class. The ‘identifier’ that it is looking for is the name of your class.
You will see in the code below that you just need to add in the name of your class and the error will go away.
Bad Code:
package com.cjm.somepackage {
public class {
Good Code:
package com.cjm.somepackage {
public class MyClass {
Flex/Flash Error #1084: Syntax error: expecting leftparen before colon.
Flex/Flash Error #1084: Syntax error: expecting rightparen before colon.
These AS3 Errors are reported when you the order of the parenthesis and colon are not in the proper place or the parenthesis is missing.
The AS3 code below demonstrates the placement error. Properly order the items and the error will disappear. Also, make sure that a parenthesis is not missing. The ‘Bad Code’ gives an example of leftParen and then right paren in the order.
Bad Code:
public function ScrambleSpelling:void (s:String)
public function ScrambleSpelling(s:String:void
Good Code:
public function ScrambleSpelling (s:String):void
Flex/Flash Error #1084: Syntax error: expecting rightparen before semicolon.
This AS3 Error is reported most often when the parenthesis is missing.
Make sure that a parenthesis is not missing. The ‘Bad Code’ gives an example of leftParen and then right paren in the order.
Bad Code:
tempArray.push((middle.splice(middle.length-1) * Math.random());
tempArray.push(middle.splice(middle.length-1) * Math.random();
Good Code:
tempArray.push(middle.splice(middle.length-1) * Math.random());
Flex/Flash Error #1084: Syntax error: expecting identifier before 1084.
This AS3 Error is reported when you have begun a package, class, function/method or variable with a numeric character rather than an Alpha character, _(underscore), or $(dollar sign). In the Flash Authoring environment it won’t allow you to add numerics as the first character in an instance name or in the linkage but with code it just gives this crazy error.
Make sure to name your package, class, function/method or variable with a Alpha character, _(underscore), or $(dollar sign).
Bad Code:
package 1084_error
class 1084_error {
function 1084_error () {
var 1084_error:int = 123;
Good Code:
package error_1084
class error_1084 {
function error_1084 () {
var error_1084:int = 123;
P.S. It is probably not a good idea to give everything the same name as in the examples above.
1084: Syntax error: expecting rightparen before tripledot
This AS3 Error is reported when you add the ellipsis after the arguments parameter
Make sure to add the ellipsis before the arguments parameter.
public static function checkInheritance(propertyName:String, objects…) { }
public static function checkInheritance(propertyName:String, …objects) { }
AS3 Error #1084 will rear it’s many heads according to the particular syntax error at the moment. I will post every variation of this error that I can find.
Ваш код находится в AS2, перейдите к настройкам публикации и измените сценарий на AS2, ниже приведено редактирование сценария.
clip = Number(random(7)) + 1;
while (Number(clip) <= 7)
clip = Number(clip) + 1;
Scale = Number(random(80)) + 1;
setProperty("/star", _x, Number(random(800)) + 10);
setProperty("/star", _rotation, Number(random(330)) + 50);
setProperty("/star", _xscale, Scale);
setProperty("/star", _yscale, Scale);
setProperty("/star", _y, Number(random(800)) + 50);
n = Number(n) + 1;
bn = "star" + n;
duplicateMovieClip("star", bn, n);
set(bn + ":n", n);
} // end while
clip = "0";
Как уже упоминалось, я думаю, что вы должны пойти в Adobe Docs, чтобы проверить их изменения по сравнению с AS2/AS3, их много изменений, в том числе не допускается размещение кода или sdcripts в директории на символах и кнопках, имена свойств также были изменены: пример:
_root // can no longer be targeted in this syntax
_xscale = scaleX // the underscores have been removed
// and the property names have been changed
Надеюсь, это поможет вам.
1084: Syntax error: expecting colon before leftbrace.
1084: Syntax error: expecting identifier before rightbrace.
1084: Syntax error: expecting rightbrace before semicolon.
1084: Syntax error: expecting rightparen before rightbrace.
1084: Syntax error: expecting semicolon before rightparen.
Possible Reasons:
- Some typo mistake could lead to this error.
e.g. - for(var z:int = 0; z<items, z++)
instead of semicolon, you put comma - if(a==0{
missed right parentheses before left brace
Do you know any other possible reason for this ?
Debugging mode will tell you which line is throwing errors.
2: As The_asMan already mentioned, 1084 is indicating that you have a shortage of close braces. When i catch the error it gives sql error.
Table of contents
- Syntax error: expecting rightparen before not
- Sqlite insert gives syntax error
- ActionScript #include «Demo.as» Syntax Error
- 1084: Syntax error: expecting rightbrace before end of program
Syntax error: expecting rightparen before not
I’m required to use
3.0 in
Adobe Animate
for my latest project. It is really difficult for me to understand because I’m still. If any of you guys can help me solve this problem I am truly grateful to you.
here’s where Adobe Animate said my coding is wrong
if (left && up !right && !down) {
mc_car.rotation = 315;
if (right && up !left && !down) {
mc_car.rotation = 45;
if (left && up !right && !up) {
mc_car.rotation = 225;
if (right && up !left && !up) {
mc_car.rotation = 135;
syntax error
: expecting rightparen before not
You’re missing the && between your two conditions in each if statement. And brackets grouping each condition’s components.
Here’s how your code should look.
if ((left && up) && (!right && !down)) {
mc_car.rotation = 315;
if ((right && up) && (!left && !down)) {
mc_car.rotation = 45;
if ((left && up) && (!right && !up)) {
mc_car.rotation = 225;
if ((right && up) && (!left && !up)) {
mc_car.rotation = 135;
What is up with my actionscript 3?, 1 Answer 1 · Ok that helped quite a bit. · you can’t reference string in actionscript with [].. the error message says which line has the problem,
Sqlite insert gives syntax error
I am working on
flex actionscript
project. In which i am going to save/
insert records
database, which i got in response.
But, form that records some records are not inserted into table. When i catch the error it gives
sql error
near ‘/’:
Syntax error
In response i have got whole html markup.
I have written/execute query inside
for loop
var insert:SQLStatement = new SQLStatement();
insert.sqlConnection = sqlConnectionSync;
insert.text = 'INSERT OR IGNORE INTO TableName (MessageID, AccountID, Body) VALUES ("' + listArray[i].MessageID + '","' + listArray[i].AccountID + '","' + listArray[i].Body + '")';
I have also tried changing
in place of
and vice versa.
But it gives other error of
Error #3115:
SQL Error
near ‘ll’: syntax error
near ‘_blank’: syntax error
Any help would greatly appreciated.
Solution 1:
To avoid such problem, you can use
property like this, for example :
var insert:SQLStatement = new SQLStatement();
insert.text = 'INSERT OR IGNORE INTO TableName (MessageID, AccountID, Body) VALUES (:param1, :param2, :param3)';
insert.parameters[':param1'] = listArray[i].MessageID;
insert.parameters[':param2'] = listArray[i].AccountID;
insert.parameters[':param3'] = listArray[i].Body;
Hope that can help.
Solution 2:
Posting the full query as text would help but most likely you have » or ‘ characters in your data (like …=»_blank» or «You’ll»). You’d need to escape your
variable values
before inserting them into the database. I have switched » and ‘ from your example:
insert.text = "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO TableName (MessageID, AccountID, Body) VALUES ('" + escapeChars(listArray[i].MessageID) + "','" + escapeChars(listArray[i].AccountID) + "','" + escapeChars(listArray[i].Body) + "')";
private function escapeChars(myString:String):String
// Since we are using "'" we'd need to escape all other "'" characters
return myString.replace(/'/gi, "'");
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘{‘, expecting ‘(‘ on line 32, 1 Answer 1 This is because if you use an else if then you will have to specify a condition. @ken you welcome man! Don’t forget to accept and
ActionScript #include «Demo.as» Syntax Error
I am working on a few demos getting
Flash applications
running Android. I was able to download the AIR SDK and can run a simple Flash application that displayed «Hello, world!» on my Android device.
Then, to complicate the application, I created an empty text field and converted it to a movie clip and named it «text_mc». Then in the frame I set the AS to
Then I went to the Scene where execution begins and did:
#include "Demo.as"
Then I created Demo.as in the same folder as demo.fla.
var title = "Hello, world!";
function displayTitle()
text_mc.header_txt.text = title;
I try and build and receive the following error:
Scene 1, Layer 'Layer 1', Frame 1, Line 1 1093: Syntax error.
That line is
#include "Demo.as"
. I pulled up some old flash applications I had worked on a while back and that’s exactly how it was imported before. I tried adding a semicolon to the end, but it didn’t change anything. What am I missing? How do I include an
actionscript file
to execute it’s functions?
Solution 1:
AS2: #include «Demo.as»
AS3: include «Demo.as»
behaves the same as if you copy and paste the file contents into your code.
makes a class available for use within your code.
Solution 2:
I guess I’m behind on the times… to include external ActionScript now it appears you need to use import rather than include.
Changing the line to
import Demo
resolved the error.
1084: Syntax error: expecting rightbrace before function, In your case, the issue is this line (second to last line of code): trace()monMessage.text=nouvMessage;. There should be a terminator after
1084: Syntax error: expecting rightbrace before end of program
Whats the error in this thing -:
var decodeChars:Vector.<int> = new <int>[-1, -1, -1, -1, -1];
I get four complier errors three saying that «1084:
Syntax error: expecting
rightbrace before end of program.» and the fourth saying that «1100: Syntax error: XML does not have matching begin and end tags.».
Whats the actual problem? thanks for help
Your code appears to be properly formed as demonstrated at http://help.adobe.com/en_US/FlashPlatform/reference/actionscript/3/Vector.html#Vector()
1: Turn on debugging mode before compiling (Publish Settings > Flash > Permit debugging). From the errors given, It doesn’t sound like this line is the cause of the issue. Debugging mode will tell you which line is throwing errors.
2: As The_asMan already mentioned, 1084 is indicating that you have a shortage of close braces. Make sure you properly indent your code, and this issue should be apparant.
3: 1100 is indicating that an XML file you loaded is malformed. Run your XML through a syntax validator such as http://validator.w3.org/
Syntax error 1084: Expecting semicolon before leftbrace, You should change your script version if you are on ActionScript 3.0. To do this press Ctrl + Shift + F12 , Flash Tab → Script: