Is the usage of CASE
wrong in the code below?
I am getting an error:
«PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol «;» when expecting one of the
following:case The symbol «case» was substituted for «;» to continue. «
Code is :
i_error_code varchar2(5);
i_desc varchar2(200);
CURSOR c_3pl_error IS
SELECT mie.client_item_id, mie.message_id,
mie.error_desc, mis.process_flag
FROM mik_3pl_item_error_etl mie,
dummy_staging mis
WHERE mie.client_item_id = mis.client_item_id
AND mie.message_id = mis.message_id;
dbms_output.put_line ('hello');
for i in c_3pl_error
dbms_output.put_line ('in loop');
-- L_relations_exist VARCHAR2(1);
L_error_message VARCHAR2(255) := NULL;
L_return BOOLEAN := FALSE;
select error_code
into i_error_code
from mik_3pl_error_desc
where description = i.error_desc;
-- dbms_output.put_line(i_error_code);
CASE i_error_code
WHEN 'E2' THEN dbms_output.put_line ('in case');
END; -- end of CASE */
END; /*End of begin */
end loop;
asked Jan 3, 2014 at 17:27
It needs to be:
CASE i_error_code
WHEN 'E2' THEN dbms_output.put_line ('in case');
END CASE; -- end of CASE */
It’s trying to treat the END;
as the end of the block — matching that END
with the BEGIN
— and it knows the case
is still open.
The documentation for the CASE
statement shows that. (Not to be confused with a CASE
expression, which does just have END
. Ahem. Thank you Nicholas!)
answered Jan 3, 2014 at 17:38
Alex PooleAlex Poole
183k11 gold badges178 silver badges313 bronze badges
I’m trying to use the cases
environment inside an equation
The sample code is quite simple:
X(omega) = begin{cases}
1 text{se $omega in A$} \
0 text{se $omega in A^c$}
Compiling it with Kile results in this error:
Missing $ inserted
and some other messages about ending delimiters not present.
I have usepackage{amsmath}
at the beginning of my document.
Also I must tell you that I have an other piece of code, which is identical, and which works fine:
B_i = begin{cases}
A_i^c text{se $i in I$,}
A_i text{se $i in I smallsetminus I'$}.
Also this piece gave me some errors the other day, then I changed the begin{equation*} ... end{equation*}
to $$
and $$
and it worked.
Replace $$
with the equation environment and the error was magically gone.
I’ve already tried doing this with that piece of code, but nothing changes.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 |
WHILE @mN < @mK -- пока не все месяцы пройдены BEGIN SELECT @mN CASE -- текущий номер месяца WHEN 1 THEN BEGIN SELECT @kol = (SUM(kolf) + SUM(kolt)), @summa = (SUM(sumf) + SUM(sumt)) FROM od_fed WHERE (pr_o = 0) AND (dat = '01.31.' + @curr_year) AND (fedp = 1) OR (pr_o = 1) AND (dat < '01.31.' + @curr_year) AND (fedp = 1) AND (dat > '01.01' + @curr_year) INSERT INTO #temp_tb (param_name, tm_kol, tm_sum) VALUES ('ONLS_OTP_' + @mN + @curr_year, @kol, @summa) SET @mN = @mN + 1 -- увеличиваем месяц END WHEN 2 THEN BEGIN If isdate(@curr_year +'0229') = 0 -- високосный год? BEGIN -- не високосный SELECT @kol = (SUM(kolf) + SUM(kolt)), @summa = (SUM(sumf) + SUM(sumt)) FROM od_fed WHERE (pr_o = 0) AND (dat = '02.28.' + @curr_year) AND (fedp = 1) OR (pr_o = 1) AND (dat < '02.28.' + @curr_year) AND (fedp = 1) AND (dat > '02.01' + @curr_year) INSERT INTO #temp_tb (param_name, tm_kol, tm_sum) VALUES ('ONLS_OTP_' + @mN + @curr_year, @kol, @summa) SET @mN = @mN + 1 -- увеличиваем месяц END Else BEGIN -- високосный SELECT @kol = (SUM(kolf) + SUM(kolt)), @summa = (SUM(sumf) + SUM(sumt)) FROM od_fed WHERE (pr_o = 0) AND (dat = '02.29.' + @curr_year) AND (fedp = 1) OR (pr_o = 1) AND (dat < '02.29.' + @curr_year) AND (fedp = 1) AND (dat > '02.01' + @curr_year) INSERT INTO #temp_tb (param_name, tm_kol, tm_sum) VALUES ('ONLS_OTP_' + @mN + @curr_year, @kol, @summa) SET @mN = @mN + 1 -- увеличиваем месяц END End If END WHEN 3 THEN BEGIN SELECT @kol = (SUM(kolf) + SUM(kolt)), @summa = (SUM(sumf) + SUM(sumt)) FROM od_fed WHERE (pr_o = 0) AND (dat = '03.31.' + @curr_year) AND (fedp = 1) OR (pr_o = 1) AND (dat < '03.31.' + @curr_year) AND (fedp = 1) AND (dat > '03.01' + @curr_year) INSERT INTO #temp_tb (param_name, tm_kol, tm_sum) VALUES ('ONLS_OTP_' + @mN + @curr_year, @kol, @summa) SET @mN = @mN + 1 -- увеличиваем месяц END WHEN 4 THEN BEGIN SELECT @kol = (SUM(kolf) + SUM(kolt)), @summa = (SUM(sumf) + SUM(sumt)) FROM od_fed WHERE (pr_o = 0) AND (dat = '04.30.' + @curr_year) AND (fedp = 1) OR (pr_o = 1) AND (dat < '04.30.' + @curr_year) AND (fedp = 1) AND (dat > '04.01' + @curr_year) INSERT INTO #temp_tb (param_name, tm_kol, tm_sum) VALUES ('ONLS_OTP_' + @mN + @curr_year, @kol, @summa) SET @mN = @mN + 1 -- увеличиваем месяц END WHEN 5 THEN BEGIN SELECT @kol = (SUM(kolf) + SUM(kolt)), @summa = (SUM(sumf) + SUM(sumt)) FROM od_fed WHERE (pr_o = 0) AND (dat = '05.31.' + @curr_year) AND (fedp = 1) OR (pr_o = 1) AND (dat < '05.31.' + @curr_year) AND (fedp = 1) AND (dat > '05.01' + @curr_year) INSERT INTO #temp_tb (param_name, tm_kol, tm_sum) VALUES ('ONLS_OTP_' + @mN + @curr_year, @kol, @summa) SET @mN = @mN + 1 -- увеличиваем месяц END WHEN 6 THEN BEGIN SELECT @kol = (SUM(kolf) + SUM(kolt)), @summa = (SUM(sumf) + SUM(sumt)) FROM od_fed WHERE (pr_o = 0) AND (dat = '06.30.' + @curr_year) AND (fedp = 1) OR (pr_o = 1) AND (dat < '06.30.' + @curr_year) AND (fedp = 1) AND (dat > '06.01' + @curr_year) INSERT INTO #temp_tb (param_name, tm_kol, tm_sum) VALUES ('ONLS_OTP_' + @mN + @curr_year, @kol, @summa) SET @mN = @mN + 1 -- увеличиваем месяц END WHEN 7 THEN BEGIN SELECT @kol = (SUM(kolf) + SUM(kolt)), @summa = (SUM(sumf) + SUM(sumt)) FROM od_fed WHERE (pr_o = 0) AND (dat = '07.31.' + @curr_year) AND (fedp = 1) OR (pr_o = 1) AND (dat < '07.31.' + @curr_year) AND (fedp = 1) AND (dat > '07.01' + @curr_year) INSERT INTO #temp_tb (param_name, tm_kol, tm_sum) VALUES ('ONLS_OTP_' + @mN + @curr_year, @kol, @summa) SET @mN = @mN + 1 -- увеличиваем месяц END WHEN 8 THEN BEGIN SELECT @kol = (SUM(kolf) + SUM(kolt)), @summa = (SUM(sumf) + SUM(sumt)) FROM od_fed WHERE (pr_o = 0) AND (dat = '08.31.' + @curr_year) AND (fedp = 1) OR (pr_o = 1) AND (dat < '08.31.' + @curr_year) AND (fedp = 1) AND (dat > '08.01' + @curr_year) INSERT INTO #temp_tb (param_name, tm_kol, tm_sum) VALUES ('ONLS_OTP_' + @mN + @curr_year, @kol, @summa) SET @mN = @mN + 1 -- увеличиваем месяц END WHEN 9 THEN BEGIN SELECT @kol = (SUM(kolf) + SUM(kolt)), @summa = (SUM(sumf) + SUM(sumt)) FROM od_fed WHERE (pr_o = 0) AND (dat = '09.30.' + @curr_year) AND (fedp = 1) OR (pr_o = 1) AND (dat < '09.30.' + @curr_year) AND (fedp = 1) AND (dat > '09.01' + @curr_year) INSERT INTO #temp_tb (param_name, tm_kol, tm_sum) VALUES ('ONLS_OTP_' + @mN + @curr_year, @kol, @summa) SET @mN = @mN + 1 -- увеличиваем месяц END WHEN 10 THEN BEGIN SELECT @kol = (SUM(kolf) + SUM(kolt)), @summa = (SUM(sumf) + SUM(sumt)) FROM od_fed WHERE (pr_o = 0) AND (dat = '10.31.' + @curr_year) AND (fedp = 1) OR (pr_o = 1) AND (dat < '10.31.' + @curr_year) AND (fedp = 1) AND (dat > '10.01' + @curr_year) INSERT INTO #temp_tb (param_name, tm_kol, tm_sum) VALUES ('ONLS_OTP_' + @mN + @curr_year, @kol, @summa) SET @mN = @mN + 1 -- увеличиваем месяц END WHEN 11 THEN BEGIN SELECT @kol = (SUM(kolf) + SUM(kolt)), @summa = (SUM(sumf) + SUM(sumt)) FROM od_fed WHERE (pr_o = 0) AND (dat = '11.30.' + @curr_year) AND (fedp = 1) OR (pr_o = 1) AND (dat < '11.30.' + @curr_year) AND (fedp = 1) AND (dat > '11.01' + @curr_year) INSERT INTO #temp_tb (param_name, tm_kol, tm_sum) VALUES ('ONLS_OTP_' + @mN + @curr_year, @kol, @summa) SET @mN = @mN + 1 -- увеличиваем месяц END END END |
Вот примерный текст функции. Создаю её при помощи pgAdmin.
CREATE FUNCTION public.get(IN topic integer) RETURNS character varying AS
$BODY$CASE WHEN (SELECT count(a) FROM table WHERE b=’FALSE’ AND d=topic)>0 THEN
WHEN (SELECT count(a) FROM table WHERE d=topic)>0 THEN
(SELECT get_on_topic(topic) FROM set_a_on_topic(topic))
WHEN (SELECT DISTINCT count(a) FROM table,table2 WHERE table.c=table2.c AND b=’FALSE’ AND d=topic)>0 THEN
WHEN (SELECT DISTINCT count(a) FROM table,table2 WHERE table.c=table2.c AND d=topic)>0 THEN
(SELECT get_b_on_topic(topic) FROM set_a_b_on_topic(topic))
WHEN (SELECT count(a) FROM table,table3 WHERE table.b=’FALSE’ AND table.c=table3.c AND d=topic)>0 THEN
(SELECT get_q_on_topic(topic) FROM set_a_q_on_topic(topic))
А выдает следующую ошибку — Ошибка синтаксиса(примерное положение «CASE»).
I cannot cover all error patterns of PL-00103 in this post, here are some cases that encounter PLS-00103.
- Missing IS
- Missing END
- Missing Slash
1. Missing IS
You may miss some keywords from the programming unit and got PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol «BEGIN».
SQL> set serveroutput on;
SQL> create or replace procedure p1
2 begin
3 dbms_output.put_line('Procedure 1');
4 end;
5 /
Warning: Procedure created with compilation errors.
Let’s see the error.
SQL> show errors;
Errors for PROCEDURE P1:
-------- -----------------------------------------------------------------
2/1 PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "BEGIN" when expecting one of
the following:
( ; is with default authid as cluster compress order using
compiled wrapped external deterministic parallel_enable
pipelined result_cache accessible rewrite
The symbol "is" was substituted for "BEGIN" to continue.
The keyword IS is expected before BEGIN as explained above.
SQL> create or replace procedure p1
2 is
3 begin
4 dbms_output.put_line('Procedure 1');
5 end;
6 /
Procedure created.
SQL> show errors
No errors.
2. Missing END
You may miss some keywords from the programming unit and got PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol «end-of-file».
SQL> create or replace procedure p1
2 is
3 begin
4 dbms_output.put_line('Procedure 1');
5 /
Warning: Procedure created with compilation errors.<
Let’s see the error.
SQL> show errors
Errors for PROCEDURE P1:
-------- -----------------------------------------------------------------
4/38 PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "end-of-file" when expecting
one of the following:
( begin case declare end exception exit for goto if loop mod
null pragma raise return select update while with
<an identifier> <a double-quoted delimited-identifier>
<a bind variable> << continue close current delete fetch lock
insert open rollback savepoint set sql execute commit forall
merge pipe purge json_exists json_value json_query
json_object json_array
In this case, the keyword END is expected before the symbol / (slash).
SQL> create or replace procedure p1
2 is
3 begin
4 dbms_output.put_line('Procedure 1');
5 end;
6 /
Procedure created.
SQL> show errors
No errors.
3. Missing Slash
When we tried to compile two procedures in a session, we got PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol «CREATE».
SQL> create or replace procedure p1
2 is
3 begin
4 dbms_output.put_line('Procedure 1');
5 end;
7 create or replace procedure p2
8 is
9 begin
10 dbms_output.put_line('Procedure 2');
11 end;
12 /
Warning: Procedure created with compilation errors.
Let’s see the error.
SQL> show errors;
Errors for PROCEDURE P1:
-------- -----------------------------------------------------------------
7/1 PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "CREATE"
This is because every programming unit is an independent one, we should use symbol / (slash) in SQL*Plus to compile them separately.
SQL> create or replace procedure p1
2 is
3 begin
4 dbms_output.put_line('Procedure 1');
5 end;
6 /
Procedure created.
SQL> create or replace procedure p2
2 is
3 begin
4 dbms_output.put_line('Procedure 2');
5 end;
6 /
Procedure created.
In an anonymous PL/SQL block, we use EXECUTE IMMEDIATE.
SQL> begin
2 execute immediate 'select nvl(first_name, 'NO_VALUE') from employees';
3 end;
4 /
execute immediate 'select nvl(first_name, 'NO_VALUE') from employees';
ERROR at line 2:
ORA-06550: line 2, column 46:
PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "NO_VALUE" when expecting one of the following:
* & = - + ; < / > at in is mod remainder not rem return
returning <an exponent (**)> <> or != or ~= >= <= <> and or
like like2 like4 likec between into using || multiset bulk
member submultiset
The symbol "* was inserted before "NO_VALUE" to continue.
For EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement, you should use extra single quotes to escape original single quotes in the statement like this.
SQL> begin
2 execute immediate 'select nvl(first_name, ''NO_VALUE'') from employees';
3 end;
4 /
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
Further reading: How to Use Bind Variable in Oracle